#They’re youngins in this or smth
rain-and-a-nice-nap · 2 years
This is pretty unedited and not proofread (also haven’t done any creative writing since my early teens/Wattpad days). I wrote it in like an hour and it’s pretty late. Because of this, I am very much open to constructive criticism. I hope to feel inspired enough to write more for this universe lmao.
Nevertheless, here is a childhood au of Claude and the reader. If I do write more, they would be taking place at the time of the game.
Pretty sure I made it gender neutral without mentioning much about physical features, but if I slipped up, please let me know.
You huffed as you lugged the pail of water up the stairs. Your limbs were young and toned, so you would undoubtedly be fine after today, even if you were sore. Anything you could do to help your parents and the older staff was worth it in your mind. Almyra was hot, and they work hard out of pride for the country.
Frustrated with the heat of the day blending with the heat of your body from doing chores around the palace, you were ready to finally be done for the day. It was still pretty early, maybe just before noon, so each climb up a step brought a new idea for what to do with your free time.
Maybe your parents would let you walk on the trails through the nearby woods this time! You’d been there plenty of times through the years, and knew the paths pretty well. Also, being part of the staff at the palace grants you combat classes and educational lessons nearly free of all costs. Surely you were ready enough now.
You could finally see the window at the top of the stairway and knew that you were finally almost there.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you made the final step, set down the pail and bent into a half crouch for a moment. You deserved it, after all! The faucet on this side of the palace is being fixed after an incident one of the royal kids had on a wyvern, so you had to come from the opposite side! You could see them working on the faucet through the window and barked a laugh.
How could you be frustrated on such a beautiful day?
“Plus,” you thought to yourself as you reached for the doorknob, “I’m finally d-!” You didn’t even get to finish your thought when a bucket of wet chicken feed covered your hair, skin, and clothes. Your mouth opened in shock and you gasped in surprise.
Your eyes were shut tight to prevent anything from getting in, but you could hear shuffling in the room. Then there came bouts of laughter. There goes your good mood.
You rub your eyes and mouth free of seed and glare at the perpetrator. He was about your age and seemed to have just started to grow out hair for his braid. The dude was roaring with laughter now, bent in half and supporting himself on a nearby wall.
Your furrowed brow only deepened at his hearty laughter. A light catches your eye, and you think it may be coming from a bead in his hair. You were sure there was some detail or other on it, but right now you did not care.
“I’m sorry, really! I didn’t mean to!” He says between giggles, “I meant for that to hit Shadid, he’s been a real jerk ever since the riding instructor complimented his form over the rest of ours.”
“And so what?!” You exploded, and the boy’s eyes widened and his laughter gone, “Do I look like-” this time, you had cut yourself off. He had mentioned that he is in the riding class with one of the princes, and so you were sure that the ‘others’ referred to were royal as well.
You quickly cooled yourself and put neutrality into your expression and tone. “Never mind, just move outta my way, please.” Man, you wished you had caught the symbol on the bead.
You turned around to pick up the bucket, spinning on your heel to push past him so you could pour it into the wyvern’s trough. You hoped he couldn’t see your face from this angle, because you could feel the heat of embarrassment on it. You had just yelled at an Almyran prince! Ugh! What if your parents found out?!
So caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t even notice the prince trying to catch your attention as you turned back around to leave the tower. Gone swiftly, you had. Completely unaware of the crestfallen, and lonely boy that was left behind you.
It was a few days later now, several hours past noon. It seemed as though the prince kept the event to himself, as no one came to question you about that day, nor did your parents say no to letting you walk in the woods.
Which was where you are now. Reflecting on it, you did feel a little bad about that day. He didn’t mean for that dreadful prank to impact anyone but his brother. It made you wonder how he gets treated if someone of his stature is just allowed to slip away with no one noticing.
The deeper the thoughts went, the sadder you felt for him. You had seen that prince in specific out and around before. It kind of seemed like no one wanted to be around him. In your honest opinion though, it looked like it bothered him less these days. He smiled with ease it seemed, not that you had seen him up close before that day.
“Yeah,” you thought, feeling the bite of anger in your chest, “maybe they just don’t want to be around him because he pulls such awful pranks on people when they’ve lost his good opinion!”
I’m your thoughts, you had wandered away from the path a bit, and into a clearing, you had seen once before. You weren’t lost. Probably. Though, while your idle mind had enough sense to send your small legs over the roots of trees in the ground, it had not anticipated anything larger.
You heard an “Oof!” As you tumbled to the floor, completely knocked out of your own little world. You pushed up from the ground to begin to catch your bearings when you looked over and saw the bewildered prince that plagued your very thoughts. He held his stomach with a wince and regarded you with shock on his face.
He also looked like he had been sleeping. Eyes were a bit puffed up, and his hair was not neat, you noted.
“Hey! It’s you!” He said, a bit winded from your kick. “Ha. Why did you do that? Bit of vengeance?”He was lightly teasing. But only lightly, because his eyes shined the want to know and hidden insecurities.
You thought that it was fair for him to ask, you would probably want to know why someone kicked you too. Especially if you had seemingly been napping out in a secluded area in the woods.
“‘M sorry, I wasn’t expecting anybody to be there when I put my foot down.” He huffed a laugh at that and his shoulders relaxed.
“Stranger, that still doesn't answer my question. You wouldn’t still be mad about the other day, would you?” The prince quirked an eyebrow at you, the teasing lilt still present in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, because I would wander out into the woods, in hopes that I would find the strange prince who dumped feed all over me. I do so very much enjoy such petty revenge.” you replied in a flat tone.
“I really didn’t mean for it to hit you,” he said, propping himself up on an elbow to face you. “In fact, I was kinda hoping that we could just laugh it off and maybe start a beautiful friendship!” He joked, with a hint of sincerity.
You layered back fully on the grass and turned your head towards him with a glare. “And what? Face your wrath every time I’ve even slightly wronged you? I don’t think I want that.” You scoffed. Turning your head back to the sky. You could feel his gaze on you, only spurring on your anger, that you knew was a bit misplaced.
“In fact, I think I understand now why people don’t want to be around you as much.” You knew it was too far. You didn’t mean to, honestly. The forest seemed to agree that you were stupid by becoming awkwardly still and silent.
You could feel his eyes drilling a hole into the side of your head. You didn’t dare take your eyes off of the sky. You weren’t brave enough for that. The guilt was seeping into you in heaps. Divines, this was so awkward. Maybe you should shove away your pride apologize. Maybe the moment has passed 30 seconds ago.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked in a soft voice. You couldn't see it, but paired with his eyes trying to dill into your soul, was a face of concern. In truth, he really did feel bad that you had been the unintended target to his prank. But he has had to learn to let things go in his short life. He knows not to expect the best outcome from people. Claude did have hope that not all people were so bad though.
You swallowed. Goodness, you felt guilty.
“I didn’t really mean it. I guess in a poorly voiced way, I was wondering if being friends with you would mean getting pranked like that if I upset you.” Honestly, you would take suffering pranks from the prince over being on the receiving end of whatever damage you just caused any day. You opened your mouth to apologize.
“Oh.” He gave a light huff. Turning his head to the sky, you could feel the pain from his voice, but you didn’t dare check to see if his face matched.
“I think I would prefer if people didn’t want to be around me for that reason. At least then it’s something that I had control over.” He stared at the sky as if his gaze would break it if he tried hard enough.
You turned your head back towards him. Trying to read his facial expression. You didn’t fully understand what he meant by that, but you could guess that the meaning was way deeper than his words let on.
He met your gaze while you were lost in thought. If it’s any consolation, at this time he couldn’t read your facial expressions very well either, though he would get better. Claude was a bit worried honestly. You had gone silent again and your eyes were dazed.
“Y’know what. I think I do want to be your friend.” Came your voice.
He blinked. “What?!”
“Yeah. On one condition.”
“Name it.”
“That you let me apologize this time.” He smiled. One that looked much prettier than the ones you had seen from afar.
“Ok.” He breathed.
This was indeed the start of a beautiful friendship.
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If you're an adult and I(a minor), have interacted with you in any way, shape, or form, feel free to block me or lmk or anything if your space isn't meant for somebody my age.
I don't want to make any majors uncomfortable, and I don't want to cause discourse regarding my status as a youngin. If your blog is meant for adult eyes, I want to respect that, and if you have posts meant for adult eyes however are also otherwise okay with younger eyes, I'll block the necessary tags and respect that, too.
On another note, adults, please please do talk about your boundaries when it comes to minors, whether in your bio or carrd or masterlist/rules/whatever. I already do try to keep interaction to a minimum(following, likes, maybe the occasional rb), but I'd prefer to know if it's safe for me to interact without having to contact you directly.
As for my own boundaries: If an adult wants to follow me, go ahead. They can like/reblog my content, maybe even leave a comment(please only if it's for a discussion or advice or they're correcting me on smth), even leave asks if they're on anon and if their words are safe.
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havocccd · 4 years
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✎⌠china anne mcclain. cis female. she/her⌡❝ — well, look who’s just arrived ! if it isn’t the one and only sasha lane. though, around here they’re known as the explosive. don’t tell ‘em i said this but the twenty two year old wallys gas bar and convenience store worker kinda has a reputation of being short tempered and turbulent. but y’know, they can be determined and unfailing too. typical aries. anyways, welcome home and stay safe sasha ! ❞ ↷ g. 23. she/her. aest.
H-HEWWO PART TWO. it is i . . g . . back with a wildly different character from sid. this is SATANIC SASHA !!!
tws for violence, neglect, abuse, parental issues (they’re all just Vaguely mentioned!!)
inspiration for sasha: clementine from the walking dead game, jessica jones from Jessica jones, faith from buffy the vampire slayer, camille preaker from sharp objects. Basically any unhinged female character u have watched Murder a Man and kinda gone ‘huh . . good for her’
how do I describe sasha ?? she is .. a Feral Beast
she has so many anger issues and hate towards the world that she is so unforgiving and blunt and borderline Cruel to people
believes that the whole world is against her
has a very short temper and is not Afraid to show it
will fuck ur boyfriend/girlfriend if u piss her off, or even fuck ur dad/mum to break up ur parents marriage just bc she can !
has no morals
gets into punch-ons basically 3000x a week and is well known by the police by now
she grew up in a trailer park just outside of misty hollow, and basically . . it was a lot of neglect and parental abuse and mistreatment. growing up, she was literal ‘trailer trash’ and looked down on by a lot of ppl in misty hollow. it turned her very cruel and indifferent towards people except .. her twin brother ( eugene. u will see him soon hehe)
her twin and her basically show how Differently two ppl can grow from the exact same environment – sasha turned vengeful and angry, and her brother did the exact opposite – he became really nice and Good
they were raised by their mother, primarily, and her mother was . Not Good. she definitely hated sasha, and often told her. she saw something ugly and dangerous in sasha at a very young age , and was convinced the Devil lived inside of her (she wasn’t entirely wrong)
besides all of her faults, sasha is actually really really fiercely loyal to people she does like. she will kill people for the people she loves.
she doesn’t have any real ambition or drive, she knows shes going to be stuck in misty hollow forever . her parents are long long gone now, so now its just sasha and her twin in their crappy apartment they can barely afford
she works over at wallys gas bar, and tbh she likes working there bc wally has always been nice to her and understanding of her crappy little life
with the murders starting up again now , sasha is a little on -edge. She has a really really bad feeling about things, and can’t help but feel like it’s only inevitable before smth happens to her, her twin, or someone she loves.
she’s also slightly suspicious about her dropkick father, who left their mother apparently, just when the first round of murders happened. she saw him in town (she '’’believes’’’ but also .. she’s a bit unhinged so do we believe h er ?? probably not) just recently, and is kinda paranoid thinking that the murderer could be him (she doesn’t really have any proof, but sasha just kinda always feels like Everything That Goes Wrong is Inherently Her Fault bc that’s what her mother taught her)
messy girl friends: two chaotic bitches causing ruination and despair . they have been best friends since they were younger. Two pea’s of the same pod, some might call them. They’ve always ALWAYS had each others backs, and u rarely see one without the other!
A taboo “Relationship” : taboo-ish. These two have been Seeing Each other for a little while (its strictly sex, NO FEELINGS INVOLVED , or at least . . not on sasha’s side). they’ve kept it very lowkey and hidden. why? Maybe ur character is a lot older then sasha. Maybe they’re Married or smth messy, idk, sasha is a Messy bitch I hate her sometimes
Love / hate: these two annoy the hell out of each other, but they also hang out all the time ? they act like they hate each other but like. they’re very low key friends. They like pissing one another off, bc it’s fun and Entertaining
A softie : somebody who actually sasha is a lil soft for. somebody who brings up her non-feral side, and reminds her that she is just a Girl, not something rigged to explode and ruin everything
A squad : sasha hates a lot of ppl so I’d like her to have some people she parties with and can be a Youngin’ with u know ? a lil crew of neighbourhood kids around the same age as sasha. they all grew up together . all party together. all Understand Each Other to some Degree.
A sister / mother figure : sasha is deeply lacking in these in her life. maybe somebody who’s a GOOD INFLUENCE on her and loves her and teaches her love in return ??? we love positive female relationships !!
f-buddies: a lot of them. Sasha is a hoe and we don’t slut shame in 2020 !!! let her sleep around if she wants to ! she’ll sleep with anyone and everyone , yee haw !
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thosedamnsmoshkids · 5 years
i can't get over the ages for the characters in cdp. they're so young!!!! damien being 22 especially fucked me up because that is a Child and really nails home his whole tragic backstory. ive said it before and i'll say it again, cdp is incredible and you're an amazing writer!!
oh thank you! and yEAH they’re supposed to be pretty young. joven and mari are like 26?? i think, but damien is a youngin’, canonically, the black blade dissolved when he was 17, (smth smth plot point so he could be tried as a minor). so he was really on his own! 
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pncohuile · 5 years
wanted connections ( 15+ under the cut ! )
some background: jooae’s 23 (’96 liner), has debuted in 2011 (trainee since 2009), and is heterosexual. ( either dm me, or like this and i’ll come to you )
open to all
mutual #1 fans ( 1/2 ) for idols ( from any group but c2/impulse ). they dance to each other’s performances in award shows, know the dances to each other’s title tracks, and are generally GOOD PALS. the fans love this shit. maybe it even started off as a dare to see who can do it better and it evolved into this mess? ( jaesun ) 
best friend(s) ( 1/2 ) ya. give jooae some friends. ( jaesun ) 
enemies ( 0/? ) i’m sure there are plenty of reasons to dislike jooae. as her mom mun, i can’t think of any for you JLDKSFBD but i’ll help u brainstorm !
meet-awkward ( 1/1 ) for whatever reason, the first time our muses met, your muse thought mine was a staff person and treated jooae as such. imagine the Embarrassment. ( shuchen )
co-stars ( 0/3 ) they hosted a music show/participated in a variety show together !!
open to those who’ve been in the industry for under 8 years ( all genders )
youngin’s ( 0/? ) jooae’s been in so!ar for 10 years now and has debuted 8 years ago phew ! as such, she’s considered a veteran in the industry, and i would imagine that she would have adopted a plethora of baby ducklings to imprint on. let jooae by your muse meals and give them hard-learned advice.
fans ( 0/? ) maybe impulse is the reason why they joined so!ar, they biased jooae, or they just like jooae’s style, and their co-members/friends rib them about it whenever your muse is on a variety show. give me cute and flustered interactions with lots of blushing !
bonus points: your muse is disgusted by all things sweet and “girly,” and as such isn’t the biggest fan of impulse, but then they slowly got to know the real jooae and actually think she’s pretty neat!
open to males 
hiatus fling ( 0/1 ) impulse was on a year long hiatus ( from early 2018 to early 2019 ), during which the focus was off jooae for the first time in a long time. jooae bonded with your muse during this time, but their dalliance ended once impulse got pulled back into the studio.
watch out for the cameras ( 0/1 ) ok but like,, picture jimin & jeongyeon. that’s essentially it. the fans are crazy b/c they have no idea why these two are always making faces at each other or rolling their eyes. the generally accepted theory is that they must be exes. but maybe the true theory is far more complicated ( or it’s just a Big Misunderstanding and they’re actually really good friends that just roast each other ). i’m leaning towards the true reason to be platonic, but if you have ideas for smth more i’m open to hear it.
bad boy ( 0/1 ) your muse and mine dating in secret for some time (how long is up for discussion), and then it was revealed to the public á la jenkai ft. dispatch. only the public was not a fan of their relationship at all. jooae was seen like the nation’s younger sister or smth along those lines, as she had a pristine image as the maknae of impulse, a girl group with a sweet & innocent concept, and your muse had a much edgier image. they were strongly encouraged to break up, and they did. 
open to those who’ve been in the industry for 8+ years
ex-rivals ( 0/1 ) i’m thinking this would be a female muse, but it also doesn’t have to be ! your muse and mine were trainees at the same time, and both were vying to debut with impulse ( or debut in general ) and had a friendly ( or not so friendly ) competition going on. only,,, jooae debuted and your muse didn’t. maybe this through both of them for a loop b/c your muse technically was better in a lot of ways, but just didn’t fit the vision of what the company had in mind like jooae did. after eight years, they wouldn’t exactly be enemies, but i feel it can open up an interesting dynamic !
or alternatively, same as above, but one where they were super close friends hoping to debut together, and one of them just didn’t make the cut !
friends who drifted apart ( 1/2 ) they were thick as thieves as trainees, but once they were in their respective groups, they’ve since drifted apart. ( jaehyun )
role models ( 1/1 ) people who debuted 9+ years ago, and jooae looked up to them. ( pansy )
others ( closed connections from other peoples’ lists / brainstorming )
lily lily had only debuted right when jooae became a trainee, but that didn’t stop lily from taking her under her wing.
vyper unlikely friends. essentially marceline and princess bubblegum from adventure time ( you know who is who ). vyper was surprised when jooae actually took her critique of her rapping seriously and respected her opinion. though it was begrudgingly at first, vyper slowly warmed up to jooae and they became close friends. it still bewilders (and delights) their fans, however.
jinah co-members with a little tension. jooae had noticed the signs of jinah’s emotional distress before most of her co-members
hanuel could have been. jooae,, had really liked hanuel as a trainee. and one day, she decided to tell him off let him know about it! but nothing ever came of it. jooae debuted with impulse shortly after, hanuel’s group disbanded and he enlisted in the army, during which time jooae became beloved as a sweet, mature, but innocent girl to the public, and then when he returned it seemed like that eons had passed. but they’re friends now JLSGKF good luck charlie!
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sixthousandbees · 8 years
So on that post about older people complaining about new stuff forever, and how on that post some older guy was complaining about how using excel was a skillset he had and millennials were liars or smth for being computer literate.
We are definitely going to do something similar, especially considering how fast technology is progressing. 
I, personally, am thrilled thinking that theres going to be some technology so alien to us we’ll have youngins going “now hit enter, god”. I’ve seen plenty of old folks at the library computer courses, they’re trying to learn how to do these things but its nothing like what they grew up with. (side note I wonder what the future version of the Nigerian prince giving us money will be like)
A field I think that requires training now but will be common knowledge in the future is 3D stuff. There was an excellent article about how living in space turns a 2D perspective into a 3D one, and VR stuff will be bonkers giving you much more freedom over 3D creations. 
Also I reckon all the tools one uses to interact with computers will change, and we’ll look back on keyboards and mice like we do on tickertape machines. Sure they work but at what cost? It’s like making a sculpture using rocks instead of actual tools, or comparing the horse and cart to cars. (I’m probably being harsh, trains & cars for the shorter term)
thinking about the future gets me excited. Long-term anyway, the short-term terrifies me.
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