#Khalid von riegan x reader
rain-and-a-nice-nap · 2 years
This is pretty unedited and not proofread (also haven’t done any creative writing since my early teens/Wattpad days). I wrote it in like an hour and it’s pretty late. Because of this, I am very much open to constructive criticism. I hope to feel inspired enough to write more for this universe lmao.
Nevertheless, here is a childhood au of Claude and the reader. If I do write more, they would be taking place at the time of the game.
Pretty sure I made it gender neutral without mentioning much about physical features, but if I slipped up, please let me know.
You huffed as you lugged the pail of water up the stairs. Your limbs were young and toned, so you would undoubtedly be fine after today, even if you were sore. Anything you could do to help your parents and the older staff was worth it in your mind. Almyra was hot, and they work hard out of pride for the country.
Frustrated with the heat of the day blending with the heat of your body from doing chores around the palace, you were ready to finally be done for the day. It was still pretty early, maybe just before noon, so each climb up a step brought a new idea for what to do with your free time.
Maybe your parents would let you walk on the trails through the nearby woods this time! You’d been there plenty of times through the years, and knew the paths pretty well. Also, being part of the staff at the palace grants you combat classes and educational lessons nearly free of all costs. Surely you were ready enough now.
You could finally see the window at the top of the stairway and knew that you were finally almost there.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you made the final step, set down the pail and bent into a half crouch for a moment. You deserved it, after all! The faucet on this side of the palace is being fixed after an incident one of the royal kids had on a wyvern, so you had to come from the opposite side! You could see them working on the faucet through the window and barked a laugh.
How could you be frustrated on such a beautiful day?
“Plus,” you thought to yourself as you reached for the doorknob, “I’m finally d-!” You didn’t even get to finish your thought when a bucket of wet chicken feed covered your hair, skin, and clothes. Your mouth opened in shock and you gasped in surprise.
Your eyes were shut tight to prevent anything from getting in, but you could hear shuffling in the room. Then there came bouts of laughter. There goes your good mood.
You rub your eyes and mouth free of seed and glare at the perpetrator. He was about your age and seemed to have just started to grow out hair for his braid. The dude was roaring with laughter now, bent in half and supporting himself on a nearby wall.
Your furrowed brow only deepened at his hearty laughter. A light catches your eye, and you think it may be coming from a bead in his hair. You were sure there was some detail or other on it, but right now you did not care.
“I’m sorry, really! I didn’t mean to!” He says between giggles, “I meant for that to hit Shadid, he’s been a real jerk ever since the riding instructor complimented his form over the rest of ours.”
“And so what?!” You exploded, and the boy’s eyes widened and his laughter gone, “Do I look like-” this time, you had cut yourself off. He had mentioned that he is in the riding class with one of the princes, and so you were sure that the ‘others’ referred to were royal as well.
You quickly cooled yourself and put neutrality into your expression and tone. “Never mind, just move outta my way, please.” Man, you wished you had caught the symbol on the bead.
You turned around to pick up the bucket, spinning on your heel to push past him so you could pour it into the wyvern’s trough. You hoped he couldn’t see your face from this angle, because you could feel the heat of embarrassment on it. You had just yelled at an Almyran prince! Ugh! What if your parents found out?!
So caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t even notice the prince trying to catch your attention as you turned back around to leave the tower. Gone swiftly, you had. Completely unaware of the crestfallen, and lonely boy that was left behind you.
It was a few days later now, several hours past noon. It seemed as though the prince kept the event to himself, as no one came to question you about that day, nor did your parents say no to letting you walk in the woods.
Which was where you are now. Reflecting on it, you did feel a little bad about that day. He didn’t mean for that dreadful prank to impact anyone but his brother. It made you wonder how he gets treated if someone of his stature is just allowed to slip away with no one noticing.
The deeper the thoughts went, the sadder you felt for him. You had seen that prince in specific out and around before. It kind of seemed like no one wanted to be around him. In your honest opinion though, it looked like it bothered him less these days. He smiled with ease it seemed, not that you had seen him up close before that day.
“Yeah,” you thought, feeling the bite of anger in your chest, “maybe they just don’t want to be around him because he pulls such awful pranks on people when they’ve lost his good opinion!”
I’m your thoughts, you had wandered away from the path a bit, and into a clearing, you had seen once before. You weren’t lost. Probably. Though, while your idle mind had enough sense to send your small legs over the roots of trees in the ground, it had not anticipated anything larger.
You heard an “Oof!” As you tumbled to the floor, completely knocked out of your own little world. You pushed up from the ground to begin to catch your bearings when you looked over and saw the bewildered prince that plagued your very thoughts. He held his stomach with a wince and regarded you with shock on his face.
He also looked like he had been sleeping. Eyes were a bit puffed up, and his hair was not neat, you noted.
“Hey! It’s you!” He said, a bit winded from your kick. “Ha. Why did you do that? Bit of vengeance?”He was lightly teasing. But only lightly, because his eyes shined the want to know and hidden insecurities.
You thought that it was fair for him to ask, you would probably want to know why someone kicked you too. Especially if you had seemingly been napping out in a secluded area in the woods.
“‘M sorry, I wasn’t expecting anybody to be there when I put my foot down.” He huffed a laugh at that and his shoulders relaxed.
“Stranger, that still doesn't answer my question. You wouldn’t still be mad about the other day, would you?” The prince quirked an eyebrow at you, the teasing lilt still present in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, because I would wander out into the woods, in hopes that I would find the strange prince who dumped feed all over me. I do so very much enjoy such petty revenge.” you replied in a flat tone.
“I really didn’t mean for it to hit you,” he said, propping himself up on an elbow to face you. “In fact, I was kinda hoping that we could just laugh it off and maybe start a beautiful friendship!” He joked, with a hint of sincerity.
You layered back fully on the grass and turned your head towards him with a glare. “And what? Face your wrath every time I’ve even slightly wronged you? I don’t think I want that.” You scoffed. Turning your head back to the sky. You could feel his gaze on you, only spurring on your anger, that you knew was a bit misplaced.
“In fact, I think I understand now why people don’t want to be around you as much.” You knew it was too far. You didn’t mean to, honestly. The forest seemed to agree that you were stupid by becoming awkwardly still and silent.
You could feel his eyes drilling a hole into the side of your head. You didn’t dare take your eyes off of the sky. You weren’t brave enough for that. The guilt was seeping into you in heaps. Divines, this was so awkward. Maybe you should shove away your pride apologize. Maybe the moment has passed 30 seconds ago.
“What do you mean by that?” He asked in a soft voice. You couldn't see it, but paired with his eyes trying to dill into your soul, was a face of concern. In truth, he really did feel bad that you had been the unintended target to his prank. But he has had to learn to let things go in his short life. He knows not to expect the best outcome from people. Claude did have hope that not all people were so bad though.
You swallowed. Goodness, you felt guilty.
“I didn’t really mean it. I guess in a poorly voiced way, I was wondering if being friends with you would mean getting pranked like that if I upset you.” Honestly, you would take suffering pranks from the prince over being on the receiving end of whatever damage you just caused any day. You opened your mouth to apologize.
“Oh.” He gave a light huff. Turning his head to the sky, you could feel the pain from his voice, but you didn’t dare check to see if his face matched.
“I think I would prefer if people didn’t want to be around me for that reason. At least then it’s something that I had control over.” He stared at the sky as if his gaze would break it if he tried hard enough.
You turned your head back towards him. Trying to read his facial expression. You didn’t fully understand what he meant by that, but you could guess that the meaning was way deeper than his words let on.
He met your gaze while you were lost in thought. If it’s any consolation, at this time he couldn’t read your facial expressions very well either, though he would get better. Claude was a bit worried honestly. You had gone silent again and your eyes were dazed.
“Y’know what. I think I do want to be your friend.” Came your voice.
He blinked. “What?!”
“Yeah. On one condition.”
“Name it.”
“That you let me apologize this time.” He smiled. One that looked much prettier than the ones you had seen from afar.
“Ok.” He breathed.
This was indeed the start of a beautiful friendship.
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How would Odin Claude and Sylvain express deal with/express neediness with a female reader? SFW please.
I don't write NSFW, so I'm guessing you mean that you don't want any suggestive comments?
Odin, Claude and Sylvain express their neediness
Reader here is female
He's extremely dramatic about it. Your love may as well be a curse because he's aching each time you're not close to him.
He usually says something under his breath. Almost like he's practicing his lines before he asks you in his Odin way to be affectionate- which he is doing actually.
His tone, face and gestures are so dorky you can't believe how lucky you are to be on the receiving end of his lines.
You are his chosen one. And your mission is to love him and let him love you. Whenever you hug him, whenever you kiss him- he feels like he's in paradise.
Sometimes he's straightforward, sometimes he tricks you into giving him affection- it really depends on his mood.
His tricks are corny, and a lot of times you saw it coming before he could finish his hyper specific questions and requests. But it's not like you can complain about getting hugs and kisses from him.
When he manages to get you off guard though he's so proud of himself. He can't help but smile at your reactions.
And when he's straightforward about it he asks in the sweetest way imaginable. After all, he can't help but want to kiss such an adorable lady before him!
He's always been casual with affection. It's natural to him to be immediately close to a girl that caught his eye.
You- of course- are different from his past girlfriends but in this regard only one thing is a bit different. As odd as it sounds, he's much more respectful to your boundaries than any other girl. So he holds himself back a little even if most of it is reflex at this point.
When he needs your affection he'd hug you from behind and whisper to you to pay attention to him in a way so silly, it's adorable.
He's not the jealous type, but he definitely is very needy. He has to feel you close, you could say that he needs it like his next breath but that would be taking it a little far... Although he did say that once or twice.
~Mod Bernadeta
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yuna17kang · 1 year
Claude/Khalid x Reader
Heyy Heyy,
It´s me Kang Yuna. I hope you have a Lovely Day.
Have a good read and fun ^^
Lets Gooo ~
You are told that the war has been over for two weeks and that they have found you. They all say you were unconscious on the floor. But you can't remember anymore. You don't know what your name is, how old you are, where you come from and what you did before. What asks you most is why were you on the battlefield?
Everyone hugged you and kept saying that they were glad that you were still alive and telling you that they really admired you because you were very strong.
With all the questions in your head, you walked down the aisles of the church and looked at everything. But you can't do it, you just can't remember anything. Which really depresses you. You went into the inner garden and stood in front of a fountain.
The water sparkled at midday. Everything looked like something out of a dream. There was a lot of greenery around you, which you love very much and makes you feel safe.
You stood there with your eyes on the fountain when you felt a strange feeling on the back of your neck. You looked up and there was a well-built young man standing there. His hair was chocolate brown and his green eyes sparkled down to yours. You couldn't look away, something was captivating you. You couldn't manage to look away so you stood there. As you look deeply into each other's eyes, your heart starts to beat faster and faster. It roared quietly inside you to go to him, hug him and hold him tight. Don't let him go anymore. The screaming from your heart grew louder and louder.
A blonde-haired man walked past the other and then looked at you, but then immediately back at the other. He slapped him lightly on the shoulder and smiled at him. The blonde said something to the chocolate-haired guy, whereupon he just looked at the blonde-haired guy in surprise.
The moment he turned away, a sharp pain shot up your head and you pressed your hands to your head. The pain became more and more intense and you collapsed to your knees. Your head hung down a little and your hands pressed harder against your head. Your vision became increasingly black and you lost consciousness. You quietly heard someone calling a name very loudly. So everything stops again. You woke up to warm rays of sunshine shining on your skin. When you looked around you saw someone holding your hand. It was the young man with chocolate brown hair. He was sitting on a chair next to the bed. His head was on the edge of the bed and in his hand was yours.
You placed your other hand on his head and stroked it a little. He woke up and looked at you and smiled. Your eyes met and your face turned slightly red. At first he smiled but his expression quickly changed. He suddenly stood up and apologized. He left the room with quick steps. A lot of questions went through your head.
What about him? Why did he storm out like that now? What has he? You rushed out of bed and quickly opened the door. You went outside and frantically looked left and right. You saw him a little further away walking down a flight of stairs and ran after him. When you reached the stairs you stopped and looked down at him. "What's wrong with you Khalid?" When he heard the name he turned to you and then smiled. “My love,” he then said quietly, maintaining eye contact with you.
~ End
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
You’re Safe
Claude/Khalid von Riegan x Reader
Reader is gender neutral
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Sexual content, PTSD cw, Verdant Wind spoilers
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Claude-or Khalid for that matter-keeps many things to himself.
Despite the years you two have lived together; seeing another war happen, slaying your friends, your professor housing a god inside of their body, and marrying your house leader.
Oh gods, marrying your house leader.
You could never imagine living a married life with the Duke of Riegan. You still remember the time you and Claude pranked Seteth rearranging his entire office or the time you spiked Lorenz's special tea blends with stomach poisons. That's what it just is-you thought-prank partners that just wanted to have fun in the stuffy halls of Garreg Mach. A close ally when the burdens of war were too much. A friend when he had slain an old classmate.
A spouse to the King of Unification.
You were sure that the times you two spent together had solidified your bond with the mysterious man. Even when you two are happily married, there were some secrets that he'd still kept from you. Such as his true name. It honestly surprised you that Nader was the one who, albeit drunkenly, stated that Khalid von Riegan was his real name. Not even the newly-appointed Archbishop would tell you, or rather that they don't have much to tell you.
Heartbreaking talk aside, you accepted that Khalid would let his secrets out when he wanted it.
Right now, you have your husband with you as he finally announced to you that he was going to bed.
Him being the new Duke would lead him to travel across different places where inequality of different races are still apparent. His hard work had taken too much of a toll on his sleep schedule. With bags under his eyes and a stiffness on his shoulders, you tried to coerce your husband to rest.
You tried to ask Judith and she had prepared a basket full of exotic bath salts, flower petals, and oils that seemed to be worth more than your life. With your husband now with you, your night can finally go how you wanted it to go.
If only he didn’t take up half the space of the tub.
You nudged the knees jutting out of the water with your foot. “Give some space, hun, I want to get in the tub with you.”
He pouted his lips at you, looking at you using those puppy eyes that he would always use when he was in trouble. “But aziz-am, I thought this was my night?”
You remembered the pet name he said as you huffed. Taking a bottle full of scented oil, you poured a few drops in the water. It mixed with the bath salts and the flower petals that you added. The yellow petals were highlighted against the shimmering water as the heat from the candles were giving a warm feeling across your body. Along with the pecs that were floating above the water, the water sure looks inviting right now.
Kneeling down next to the tub, you leaned towards Khalid as you kissed his cheek. “You don’t want your spouse next to you in the tub?”
You continued to repeatedly kiss his cheek before leaning down to plant kisses to his neck. “You don’t want to see your lovely spouse naked in the bath with you?”
Khalid groaned slightly from above you as his fists tightened at the sides of the tub. Before you knew it, he dragged you inside the tub, not even minding the water splashing over the tub as you gasped at your clothes becoming wet.
“Why, you shouldn’t have darling!” He said above your panicked splashing. “You know me so well!”
You stuck your tongue at him, flicking a flower petal towards his face before stripping yourself of your wet clothes. It was a hassle due to it clinging to your skin but Khalid's appreciative hum made it all worth it.
With you completely naked, you leaned against the opposite end of the tub and glanced at Khalid's expectant stare. You raise one brow before gesturing to the empty space in front of you.
Like a child, he immediately went over to your side, water splashing about as he nestled himself on your chest. "Now this is the night that I deserve."
You flicked some water at him before massaging his temples. The oils made your hands smoother so it was easier to glide over his skin. He gave a relaxed groan, inching further to your body. Once his eyes closed, you drifted down from his head to his neck and shoulders where you knew most of his knots were at.
Feeling the tension, you worked them away as Khalid moaned at the sensation. "Gods, have I mentioned how much I love you?"
Your heart fluttered at his words before planting a kiss on his temple. "Every time you try to weasel yourself out of my wrath."
What came out of his mouth was either a laugh or a groan as his hand pinched the inside of your thigh. "Ease up on the insults or else I might just start tearing up on my special night."
You scoffed, wrapping your arms around Khalid's waist. "Oh hush, you big baby."
"Correction," he said before his hands covered your own, "I'm your fawn."
You giggled at his deer-related joke of the week before leaning against the tub once more. He gently exited from your hold before leaning above you, trapping you against the side as you stared up at viridian eyes that were full of hunger.
"I thought I was treating you?" You asked, already feeling the arousal welling up within you.
"You are treating me." He replied before planting a soft kiss on your lips. Almost uncharacteristic of him before leaving a nibble on your bottom lip. "You're my feast for this evening."
A shot of arousal spiked through your abdomen. Before you could say another word, he kissed you fully, making sure you feel his tongue move against yours as he moved around so that you were sitting on his lap. You felt the hard press of his cock against your inner thigh as you moaned.
Thus the night continued on.
With your body still oh-so pleasantly thrummed with euphoria, you laid back against the soft sheets of the bed as you looked at Khalid. Well, the back of Khalid, but the fact that he was soundly asleep next to you brought your mind peace.
Your eyes honed in on the healed scars that littered across his back. Some were already healed and were left as pale lines in contrast to his skin. Others still ran deep (you tried to ignore the most recent ones courtesy of your nails), almost deadly when you realize that he could've died hadn't Marianne or the Professor got to him in time.
Some scars, you realized, that you weren't there to see.
You recounted the times that Khalid had scarcely stated his past. Most of the time, it was said in jest. Others, it was either in mysterious phrases that only Khalid seemed to know. You knew that he had a tough time as a child due to him being a half-Almyran, even more so as an adult. His dream of unifying the rest of the countries was a steep one but one that Khalid was determined to conquer. Even though he had left you after his proposal at the Goddess Tower, you had continued to support his dream where you are. Any help that you do to support his dream is enough for you.
Remembering those moments, you sighed happily into your pillow, happy that you were able to help his dream. You inched closer to his back, wanting to feel his warmth as you’ll sleep with your husband. You lifted an arm to wrap around his waist for you to feel his body.
The jolt that followed had you fully awake. Khalid was fully sitting up, body trembling as his hand searched for something underneath his pillow. Your arm shot out to try and calm him down but he didn’t seem to register that you were touching him.
You looked at his face, trying to ask him what was wrong until you saw his eyes. His verdant eyes that you’ve loved so much were shrunken and shaky. Looking at his arm, which was still busy trying to find whatever was under his pillow, you held his shoulders as you sat up. “Khalid?”
He didn’t hear you. He continued to shakily reach out for whatever he was searching under his pillow. You felt sweat running down his face and neck as your heart palpitated. With no other option, you struggled to sit on his lap as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
With your forehead pressed against his, you yelled his name. When he flinched, you yelled his name once more, shaking him off of his episode as tears welled in your eyes.
Is this what Khalid had to go through for so long?
How long had he had to protect himself even from sleeping?
The tears flowed freely now, crying his name when his shaking stopped. His eyes slowly became focused now as they stared back at your own. His hand was still under his pillow but his other hand was suspended in the air.
Your hand moved to smooth his cheek. “Khalid… You’re safe.”
His breathing was still uneven but he seemed to respond to you now as both of his arms wrapped around your body. He didn’t say anything.
You pushed back his matted hair and kissed his forehead. “You’re safe, Khalid.”
One last breath out of Khalid before he relaxed into your hold. He held that small moment of peace before he leaned back with you, his back hitting the bed. He held his arms tighter around you, finally relaxed from his trauma but not wanting to let go of you quite yet.
Your husband is safe with you.
“You’re safe with me, Khalid. Now rest.”
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Fic of Y/n sneaking around Claude (harder pre-time skip bc he has more free time) to bond with his wyvern that's still very young and during the post-time skip reunion she (dunno why I headcanon his wyvern as female) tackles reader to the ground? 🥺 Tooth-rotting fluff all around
Warnings: nothing Word Count: 779 Genre: Fluffff
WOAH TWO POSTS IN A DAY??? AMAZING. But anyways, OH MY GOD THIS REQUEST MAKES ME SO SOFT DSNHJFBASBFHJFJSKHFSBDJ. Also I totally headcanon Claude’s wyvern as female too so you’re not alone! A little rushed towards the end but oh well lol, I hope you like this Anon! ~Admin Hurricane
You peered around the corner, checking your surroundings before tip toeing your way into the stables. It was never easy sneaking around Claude, especially with how sharp he was. But as you drew close, you slowly pushed the door open. It creaked slightly, which caused you to freeze up for a moment before you slipped in. Scanning your surroundings, you sat down on the straw covered floor pulling out a fish you had just caught. 
A little white snout poked out from underneath a pile of straw and you laughed softly, brushing some of it off. “There you are!” you said pulling her out. She squeaked in delight, jumping down from your arms to go after the fish. “Woah there, slow down! You might choke,” you giggled, pulling out a knife to cut the fish into smaller pieces. The little wyvern quickly wolfed down the fish, before nuzzling her snout against your hand. You sighed softly, looking outside to ensure no one had heard you, “You’re going to get me into a lot of trouble y’know? I don’t think I’m even supposed to be seeing you,” you said stroking her horns. The wyvern snorted, her yellow eyes glimmering in the darkness. 
You hadn’t intended to discover the little white wyvern on purpose. You just so happened to stumble upon her one night while you were tending to your pegasus, and you had instantly fallen in love with her. Every night, before curfew, you snuck out of your room to go visit her. Initially it was rather hard to gain her trust, seeing as Claude was pretty much the only human she’d ever come in contact with. But after a little while, you’d finally managed to get her to trust you. 
You sighed, carefully cutting up another fish and setting it down. You patted her head gently, before gathering up your things, “I’ll be back soon alright?” you said smiling gently. But that never happened.
Edelgard’s proclamation, the start of a war, it all seemed to happen so quickly. Too quickly. Friends turned to enemies, betrayal running rampant.
Before you knew it, five years had already passed. You pulled your scarf closer around your neck as you flew towards the monastery for the reunion. You knew everyone was probably far too busy to attend, but in your heart, you still had a glimmer of hope that they would show up. The war hadn’t been too kind to you, oftentimes finding yourself wandering from place to place trying to avoid conflict as much as you could. 
As you neared the monastery, your eyes widened as you heard the sound of fighting coming from below. You directed your pegasus towards the fighting, worried it might be your friends. And true to your instincts, there they were. Without time to think, you quickly pulled out your steel bow, shooting down one enemy after another. There weren’t many left so all you had to do was clean up the few remaining stragglers. With a few shots, they were down and out for the count. 
Scanning your surroundings once more to ensure that you had taken out all of the thieves, you swooped down guiding your pegasus to the ground. You hopped off before it’s hooves touched the ground, rushing forward to greet your former classmates. “You guys! He-” you were immediately cut off as a mass of white crashed into you. [I KNOW CLAUDE DOESN’T BRING HIS WHITE WYVERN TO THE REUNION AT DAWN FIGHT BUT LETS PRETEND FOR THE SAKE OF THE FIC 👀] You let out a yell of surprise before crashing to the ground. Your pegasus let out a shriek of alarm before cantering over. 
You were alright, just completely caught off guard. “Hey! Don’t do that, you know it doesn’t wash out!” you laughed, trying to push away a white snout aggressively licking your face. Claude rushed over, his eyes wide with surprise as he reigned in his wyvern. “Y/N?”
“Hey Claude,” you said, standing up and wiping off the wyvern slobber. His wyvern broke free from his grasp to trot over to you rumbling softly. She nuzzled your face, her yellow eyes gleaming brightly. “Hey there, you’re so big now!” you cooed, rubbing her snout. She snorted, licking your face once more before walking back to Claude, a smug look on her face. “So uh...sorry about never telling you, but uh, I may or may not have bonded with your wyvern during our school days whenever you weren’t around.” you said chuckling sheepishly, patting your pegasus’ snout as it trotted over. 
He was quiet for a moment before bursting into laughter, “You were always good with animals, I suppose I should have expected this.” He extended a hand out to you a warm smile on his face, “Welcome back my friend.”
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bogor-o · 4 years
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listen........... smoosh
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Could you write an imagine/head cannons for claude, felix, linhardt, and ashe where their s/o disappears leaving only a note? Then at some point they return out of nowhere. Thank you so much!
{I want to keep these stagnant and close to cannon(also easy for me to write). So i’m making it as if reader disappears with just a note for the 5yr gap and then they come back for the reunion. Is that okay? I hope it is. If not feel free to submit something more specific for a one-shot}
Claude. For the past week I have tried to put my feelings onto paper, but I can’t. All I can say is that I am sorry. To stay here and sit around waiting for politicians to decide my next action...it isn’t wise. It seems our plans for the future have taken a detour haha. Always know that I am with you; that I will be rooting for you no matter where we end up after all of this. I know you can make those dreams of yours a reality. I believe in you. -(Y/N)
  The parchment had lain flat on his desk on top of many other documents. He had almost missed it if not for the familiar handwriting 
 For a moment Claude just sits there. In the chaos of recent events he hadn’t much time to check in with his friends or peers. After the Empire took the monastery, he was forced back to Alliance territory. His people needed him more than ever before. 
He knew that his classmates wouldn’t stick around much longer either. The nobility? Sure, they had to. But people like Raphael or Ignatz were most likely to pursue their own route 
 You weren’t excluded from those thoughts. While not at the top of the list, Claude had suspected that you might leave as well. It was the timing that caught him off guard 
Why not wait and talk it out together? He admits that not every problem is for you both to share, but this? This was personal just as much political.
He never could out-wit you. Even at simple tasks it was like you were always one step ahead. Hard to read, but still honest. He already misses the challenge. 
He will hide the note somewhere in his personal quarters. Where? Who knows. Most likely somewhere no one would ever think to look. 
What’s done is done. Claude won’t try to track you down or let his emotions over cumber him. He understands that while you two were ‘together,’ life has taken a turn for the worst. He believes that you can make your own decisions and turns his attention to fight against invasion
It’s five years later. More of his friends had faded out of the picture and he’s become a symbol of the Alliance. Occasionally word of your whereabouts had popped up in his ranks alongside the regular reports. The same was with all his other friends who had gone to down their own path. For Claude, knowing that you were safe was enough 
Until you appeared at the thieves’ den. Despite how all his deer were ecstatic about seeing each other, all he could think of was the note back in his room 
“I see time has brought us together again my friend. I hope this meeting isn’t purely from luck, we could really use you right about now” 
 Everyone knows that you both were together. Maybe it wasn’t public knowledge, but your quips and flirty jests never went unnoticed. It was obvious he wanted to speak with you alone 
And you do. Claude is understanding and doesn’t question what you’ve been doing while away. All he wants to know is why you didn’t say goodbye in person, and if you were there to stay. That’s it.
He needs his right hand. If you’re there, and with the professor at his side, Claude might just hope to see a happier world. He’s so tired of looking back on the past, and wants to work towards bettering the future.
Felix. I can’t stick around twiddling my fingers while Fodlan falls to ruin.You may hate me for this, but I’m prepared for that.We both know your wrath isn’t the worst I’ve seen. Seriously Felix. Be good and don’t kill our friends while I’m away. Stay safe and please refrain from doing anything reckless. You better not roll your eyes at this either, I’ll know...I love you. Take care. -(Y/N)
Ingrid delivered the letter after he was released from guard duty. For a time after the battle Felix joined up with what was left of the Fargeus forces and planned on knocking some sense into their beast of a leader. There was still time to fight back and he’d be damned if they wouldn’t take it. You had joined him eagerly. If anything he expected you to cling annoyingly to his side, just as you always had. He wanted it, really. 
 He won’t say it but the state of the country had shaken him some. He knew that there was a fight awaiting, and knowing that you’d be there gave him extra motivation to press on. 
So the sight of your special seal on the envelope made him smirk. He assumed that sending a letter was your way of butting into his feelings, just like you always did. Ingrid even handed it off with a smile. 
He wasn’t expecting a goodbye 
 How...how dare you spring this on him? Leaving in the middle of a war?With that boar on the loose. When you’re needed the most?! All because you were impatient?! 
 “That idiot! What do they think they’re do- When did you get this? Do not test me right now Ingrid, I need to hurry” 
He crumples up the letter in his fist and marches off to find you. He searches the entire compound/camp until he’s forced to give up. There was enough trouble already and he was wasting time.
 Needless to say that he’s furious. So much that he rips the note to pieces and tosses it into the fire. It was in the moment...and he regrets it. Those could have been your last words.
Felix blames you for many things beyond that day. Deep down he knows that Fargeus’ loss isn’t your fault, that Dimitri wouldn’t have died if you stayed, that his old man would be just as burdened...
yet he can’t help but use you as a scapegoat. It’s easy for him to hate you when you’re not there to correct him. It’s easy to despise someone who can’t fight back, or is dead. 
Over time the hurt fades to a light burn in his chest, haunting him at night or in his darkest moments. It will appear like a punch in the gut, and linger like the sting of a paper cut. All that pain tied to your name. 
 When he sees Dimitri alive with the professor, Felix is stunned. There might be a chance at regaining his home. Then he scans the group over.
 When he sees you, the pain flares up worse than any blade from the prior battle. Instantly he barrels through the other lions seething with anger and ready to give you hell.
Only to stop when you look his way. With harsh breaths, brows drawn in,and fingernails digging themselves into his palms; he just stands there trembling with raw hatred. No. Not hatred...there’s so much more going on. 
 He watches your lips move yet doesn’t hear any of it. He wants to blame you for everything, but can’t. 
and so he doesn’t. He turns away and stomps off to greet his old professor, and leaves the others to fill you in on the situation It works, and for some time you two don’t speak. He lets the feelings of betrayal fester until one night he forces his way into your room.
“You. Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through. What kind of stupid thoughts were you thinking?! A note? Did you seriously think a note would be enough?” 
Ashe. Before I say anything more, please don’t freak out! I know it looks like i’m going awol but I have to do this. I’m not abandoning you, or our friends, or our home; I can’t explain much but know that this is what’s best at least what I hope is best. I love you so, so much. Just trust me on this. It wasn’t an easy choice and you have every right to be upset with me. Heck, even i’m upset with myself for leaving like this. I wish I could take you with me, but you have a role to follow here. Go be the best dang knight I know you’re capable of being. May the goddess keep you safe and sound my love. -(Y/N)
Love letters weren’t your thing. He was always the hopeless romantic and you’d never do something so “sappy”. The letter lain on his cot scared him, but he still opened it. 
He doesn’t know how to feel. Ashe thought that the situation couldn’t become worse, that Fodlan had already been drained of all peace. His home was gone,his father dead, his family’s situation unknown, country in ruins, and the loss of the professor was the topper on the cake. Somehow through it all he still continued to look forward, because he had to. If he gave up, then what? What would he do? 
He had dreams. To become a knight, live out his days serving the people, care for his siblings...and recently a new one tallied onto that list. On nights that his books didn’t put him to sleep he would dream of a family. One of his own, with you. It gave him a goal to look towards when he felt displaced among his peers. 
 He cries after finishing the letter. Ashe doesn’t bother holding anything back as he clutches the note to his forehead to cover his face. Through blurred vision he watches tears smear the ink and panics. He sets it aside on his pillow to protect what’s still in tact. 
“Why? I would have understood. We could have gone together...”
 Which is exactly why you left a note. Ashe knows that you hate to see him upset. After Lanato you would seldom go a day without checking on him...you wouldn’t be able to say no to bringing him. 
Ashe could never convince himself to hate you, and would tell off anyone who even thought of calling you a traitor. To be a knight now had a new meaning to him, it was more than the armor and title . When Fargeus fell he took the future into his own hands and left to join whatever resistance remained. He worked to help those in need, and not once did a day go by where he didn’t think of you. 
Even through all the chaos Ashe worries about the people he cares about. As a student he would think of his siblings, and now he thought of you. 
The hardest part was adapting to being alone...and keeping faith. It’s difficult to convince yourself that everything is okay when it isn’t
There’s a reason Ashe doesn’t frequently talk of his actions amidst those five years. He has done things he is not proud of, and experienced sensations he wouldn’t wish on anyone 
He approached the monestary with little hope of anyone else showing. Only when Gilbert appeared did Ashe become lively. When he saw his highness’ with the professor he was ecstatic...then you appeared 
  and he felt his heart shatter. The arrows knocked themselves as he pushed through to your position on the field. He becomes a bit too overtaken from adrenaline 
“(Y/N)! Y-you’re...you’re alive! Where have you been?!” *que almost being beheaded by an axe*   “ O-oh! Right. Not the time, let’s finish this!”
 Once settled in the monestary again you can find him in his room, looking over the old letter. He’ll wave it in your face with tears pricking his eyes. Ashe isn’t angry in the slightest but all those feelings of abandonment from the day you left resurfaced like new. 
“When you left... I realized that nothing could be worse than the thought of living without you.” 
Lin. I’m certain you already know what I have to say. I won’t ask you to wait for me or give an empty apology. What i’m doing is selfish and I don’t hold any expectations for forgiveness. Albeit I do trust that you will live through this. You’re a tough guy whether you’ll admit to it or not; don’t let your inner sloth dominate over your responsibilities. I know you’ll do the right thing. -(Y/N)
 Linhardt isn’t surprised in the slightest. He admits to not being the most involved boyfriend, but he knew you well. Perhaps more than you know yourself. 
Contrary to everyone else seeing you two as a love-hate partnership, it was far more complex. You’re much more than a personal alarm clock to Linhardt and even in his more infuriating moments(*cough* drifting off during your dates *cough*)you always have his attention 
“*sigh*...and there they go again. Leaving me to clean up their mess”
 He predicted everything down to the last letter. From the moment you both relocated he could see that you were uncomfortable. Signing up for schooling did not equal agreeing to a draft. Linhardt observed the struggle but remained patient for you to approach him. While normally invasive he also respected your boundaries. There were other pressing matters to attend to in addition to both your personal issues. 
He had been delegated to return home until further notice. It didn’t take much to piece together why you had left. With him gone there was no reason to remain, not with the army in its current state. Not when you could possibly be used as leverage or forced to fight on Edelgard’s side. 
 He was smart enough to realize it was only a temporary farewell. 
Linhardt speaks of your departure to no one, and comes up with a stable alibi for when asked.To help indirectly, he tries to stall your missing status report for as long as possible. Your rashness didn’t give much leeway to get the story straight but he managed. It was a bit too troublesome for his liking though. 
 Troublesome, but worth it. You left unscathed and with the only evidence being his letter. Linhardt considered burning it; it was the logical solution after all. You probably expected him to do so after piecing together your coded message. 
 It stays with him, folded up and used as a bookmark for his personal tomes. It is always by his side for safe keeping.
When the reunion day draws near he departs from the estate, only taking his research and some valuables. He may not have foreseen to find the professor or the church duo, but you were anticipated. 
“Well, look who it is. A runaway returned I trust?” 
There is no animosity or sense of tension. He’s just as sassy and you bargained for no less. Like stated before, you both know each other well. He might comment on how you’ve changed or test your knowledge. You know, see if “you’ve slacked off” even though everyone knows he’s far more lax. 
Don’t be fooled though. He may have helped because it was the easiest course of action, but do not expect to pull a stunt like that again. He refuses to wait another five years for a life of peaceful retirement. This is going to end soon so be prepared to act as his stressed out lab assistant again 
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leavaloo · 4 years
Patience, Almyran Rose
Uuuh so I got a little carried away with this one. It’s really long!
Claude Von Riegan x f!Reader
Tw blood, tw death, tw slight gore, angst to fluff!
Listen man fantasy worlds are rough on the whole not-being-dead thing.
Claude could feel himself slipping away. Maybe it was his arrogance. Maybe it was his drive. Or maybe it was the massive gash in his stomach. Whatever drove him to this point, it had been worth it. He could feel his body growing cold, the intense pain turning his body numb. The sky... was it always this bright? When was the last time he actually took the time to look up? Look up from his paper work, his bow, his allies, his port, his life? When was the last time he saw you smile?
In those moments, against the caked, dried blood, his lips turned up. Sure it had been a long journey. Was it filled with turmoil and strife? Yeah. Were there a lot of tears? Oh hell yeah. Would he change it for the world? Never. He could hear voices around him. Was there someone nearby? He couldn’t tell, because his vision was so blurry that he could only see the blue of the sky. Then it was covered by a figure. Who were they? Another joined. A bright light filled his vision. A spell?
He could feel his body being picked up, but just barely. Just enough for him to recognize that he was being moved, but numb enough to feel like he was still floating. Someone was grabbing his hand, and he did all he could to grab back. He prayed to whatever goddess might be out there that it was you. He moved a finger. That’s all he had in him.
The main thing he wished he was able to do was to confess. To tell you how he felt, how he loved you, and how you only knew a false version of him. This mask he had on was to keep him alive, sure, but it was painful. Plus, he had a duty. There was a war, and he was intending on staying alive. Well, that plan seemed to have certainly fall through, huh?
Claude remembered the blackness as he drifted away. He remembered thinking that, if he were dead, that this was a really boring afterlife. Just endless space of black, nothing like the glorified heaven that he was supposed to go to. Or maybe he wasn’t? He certainly hadn’t been any sort of saint in his life, just an imposter of questionable intent.
As he stared on, he thought he saw something. A light. Was this really the light at the end of the tunnel that everyone blabbered on about? He started to walk. But that walking lasted for so, so very long. So he had time to think. What had he accomplished by getting killed? He left a lot of people hanging, that’s for sure. A lot of debts to be owed, he really didn’t want to think about those. People who he dared called friends, they would miss him, right? And then there’s you.
You, who had been his only sanity since you joined the Golden Deer class. You, who was the only one to actually make him smile. Or laugh. Or cry. Not in front of you, of course, but... from a distance. Your antics would make him chuckle, and when you were being flirted with, he would silently cry to himself late at night. Not loud enough for anyone to hear. Just.. enough to get the frustrations out.
Suddenly, the light was a lot closer than he thought, and he looked up to see himself walking into it. And then, his entire body was in pain. Vision was blurry, but he could make out a brown ceiling. He blinked, having it come into focus. He knew that ceiling. All the times he had been sent to the infirmary for doing something stupid, like hanging upside down on a rafter.
A pained groan left his body. He heard some shuffling as a result of it, and in a couple of seconds, Professor Manuella was over him. She gave a big sigh, holding her hand to her chest.
“Claude... You worried us, you know!”
“Yes, it’s me, sweetie. How are you feeling?”
“I’m... in pain.”
She chuckled. “I’m sure you are. We almost lost you back there.”
“Where... is she?”
A look of recognition passed over her face. Strangely enough, out of all the people that he knew, Manuella seemed to be the only one privy to his attraction for you. “She’s resting. She was also injured, but she’ll be okay.”
Claude sighed, the action of relief bringing enough pain to make him cough. That caused Manuella to stand up and start concocting some sort of medicine. It was certainly not going to taste good, he knew that much, but he hoped that the pain relief coming with it would help with both the throbbing aching in his side and the intense anxiety he just got.
You were injured? How badly? Apprently bad enough for you to be bed ridden. This anxiety never stopped, not once, throughout the next couple of weeks that he himself was bedridden. His condition slowly improved, between the healing spells of Marianne and Manuella. But they had to be metered out between the two of you. He had eventually been told that you had been speared through the back, and barely made it yourself. It was difficult to get the two of you back into the land of the living.
Claude found himself praying. Praying that you would be okay. Your condition was unstable, while he was the one improving steadily. He had been informed that they had, indeed, won their side of the war, but he didn’t want to be in this world if you weren’t in it, too. It was when he was able to walk that he was escorted to your room by Manuella.
“Now, Claude,” she said softly just before they had made it to your room. “She’s fragile right now. Be careful where you touch her, she can’t move very much right now.”
“I’ll be careful, don’t worry. Sheesh, it’s like you don’t trust me with her or something.”
She gave him a pointed look. “You know, she asked about you a lot, too.”
Claude’s smartass demeanor faded for a second. “...Really?”
“Mhm, she wasn’t concerned with her health. She was concerned with yours. She’s not just fragile physically. She’s emotionally fragile. Be gentle.”
Claude swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes ma’am.”
Manuella smiled. “Go on then. She’s been patiently waiting to see you.”
Claude took a deep breath, approaching your door. It felt almost like he was breaking in, but he pushed past the rising fear in his chest and slowly pushed open the door. The room was most of what he expected of you. There was a little teddy bear in the corner, a bunch of books on the windowsill, clothes strewn about everywhere, a sword in the other corner, and a rose beside the books. Though, it was a different rose than he was expecting. Thorns along its rough, yellow stem, and orange petals instead of the typical red.
A weak voice reached his ears, and his eyes trained themselves to your broken form upon the bed. You looked just about as bad as you sounded; a white robe, disheveled hair, tired eyes with bags underneath them, and several rags with blood on them next to a bucket on the floor. But there you were, a smile on your face and a look of joy to greet him. He couldn’t lie, his heart beat out of his chest a little at that sight.
“Hello darling. Heard you nearly died?”
He closed the door and walked over to your bed, careful not to step on the clothes and the rags. The bed creaked in protest as he sat down next to you. He wondered how many people had been in this exact position since you’ve been here. Almost immediately, you hand reached for something of his, anything. He bit his tongue, fighting the urge to hold it in his. Instead, it clasped onto his arm. It was weak and shaky, but you were here. You were alive.
“Yeah, though I think I’m starting to get better.” Your voice was raspy, like it hurt to talk, but that never impeded your smile. “How are you fairing?”
“A lot better now, but I wanna hear about you! How’s the wound holding up?”
“I... was pierced through, so it’s been a hard recovery. If it weren’t for those healing spells...”
Your voice trailed off and your eyes darted to the side. You would have died. They put just as much effort into you as they did him. He couldn’t help it anymore. He placed his hand on yours. Your eyes darted back up to him, only to see his sad smile.
“I’ll be okay, Claude, I swear.” There was that grin again, always in the face of any danger or pain.
“My real name. Khalid.”
Manuella probably knew just as well as he did how fragile the both of them were feeling. Seeing you like this, on your last strand of life, smiling at him like nothing had happened? He couldn’t handle it anymore. The mask was coming off now.
“Khalid...?” you got out. Oh it was so nice to hear it in your voice. A foreign word at this point, but in your voice, it came to life again. “That’s an Almyran name, right?”
“As Alymran as it gets!” His voice started to waver as the tears fell. “And you know what? I’ve almost died because of that heritage! Half Fodlan, half Almyran. This lie I’ve been living? I’m tired of it. I’m so tired of it. And I’m tired of lying to you.”
“To... me?”
“Yes. To you. You, who have risked yourself so many times for me, in exchange for nothing. You who have brought me the brightest days and the saddest moments. You who taught me emotion again, taught me longing and drive.” He held your hand to his chest, where his heart beat, and held it in both hands. “You’re smiling at me like it’s the good old days, like you just fell in the yard. But you’re on death’s door! And you smile! I don’t care if you--you hate me, or what I’ve done. I love you with all the fury of the sun and the moon, so please, stay alive. Please...”
There was a silence, and then your smile widened. You pulled him closer to you, and he didn’t resist. Your hand moved from his chest to his neck, and then to his cheek as you pulled him into a kiss. He hoped he wasn’t bothering you with the tears plopping on your cheeks, but when he pulled away, he saw that you had your own tears to worry about.
“I love you too, Khalid. But I think the only way I’ll get better is if you visit me everyday.” You smirked at him, winking. He chuckled, sniffling and planting another kiss to your cheek.
“You’re twisting my arm here, but I suppose I can manage that.”
You giggled. “Good, because I don’t want you to go.”
“Then I’ll stay here tonight, until Manuella kicks me out.” Though climbing was difficult, he managed to make it to the other side of the bed against the wall. It was there that you two fell asleep, holding onto each other for dear life. And he thought to himself that, maybe, just maybe, he would be able to make a life out of this. One that wasn’t filled with so much strife. But that would have to wait until the morning. And until you were better.
He didn’t care how long he had to wait. He would wait until the sun died if it meant that he could stay like this forever. Just like the Almyran rose on the window sill, who waited patiently for someone to love it just like you did.
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pokemagines · 5 years
real name. (claude von riegan x reader)
anon asked: “in honor of knowing claude's real name, almyran king claude with a fodlan-born s/o pre-marriage wrapping her head around how everyone calls him king khalid instead of claude and they look at her weird for calling him claude even though that's the only name she's known him by. i'll bet you someone even tries to correct her on it, but claude's like "nah, it feels weird to hear you call me that" (secret kink tho? lmao)”
a/n: i really like this BC I LOVE MR KHALID !!! i took some uhhh liberties w the prompt so i hope u like anyways !!!
   “how come you never told me?” his room is still as he rests his head in your lap, your fingers running through his hair. claude lets out a sigh, melting into your touch. it’s not that he didn’t want to tell you, he did, you were one of the few people he trusted, he just never could find the right time. 
   “never thought about it much,” claude muses, twirling the end of his braid around his fingers like it was an arrow -- a horrible nervous tick he hadn’t been able to break even after the war was finished in fodlan. “besides... there were much more important things to focus on during war.”
   “i know,” the hearth in the center of the room crackles, the last of the embers flickering in the moonlight; the only other noise in the room. “and i know why you did it. i know how they would’ve treated you if they knew you were from almyra. you’d have been kicked out of the alliance. a name might seem like such a small thing but... it’s not. not really.”
   “well, you sure did kick the shit out of those people that talked bad about dedue, i could’ve always counted on you doing the same for me.” he flashes you one of his fake smiles to try and dispel how somber you sounded. “’sides. all that’s over now, teach. you’re free to call me whatever you want.” he winks, but you can see right through it. claude, no, khalid, loved to pretend like he floated above it all, much like he did in the academy. a human being made of fake smiles and cunning that liked to pretend the words whispered about him didn’t matter, that the fact he was always thought of as the least capable of the house leader didn’t bother him. but it did hurt, more than the most fierce of his poisons, he was a teenager then, how could it not? 
   “khalid.” you whisper, “i want to call you by your real name. no matter what i call you, you’re still the same person, i know, but,” you rub his cheek fondly, “i do think it matters to you. even if you won’t admit it.” his cheeks flush, eyes looking away. the way you say his name makes him want to pull it out of your lips over and over until it was the only thought in your mind. 
   the way you always seemed to see right through him was both what made him fall for you and made him feel the most uncomfortable. he used to wish he could pick your brain apart, no person was as selfless and loyal as you without expecting something in return. except you. it was never an act, he came to learn, you just genuinely loved people. genuinely loved him. it was a feeling he knew he’d never get used to.
   “it does sound a bit strange to hear you call me that,” he brings his lips to the palm of your hand, kissing gently. “but not a bad strange.”
   he sits himself up, wrapping his arms around you as he pulls your back into his chest, lips grazing against the shell of your ear. you giggle as he continues to tease your ticklish skin. his voice is like honey, “maybe after hearing it from you a few more times i’ll get used to it, hm?”
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Hi there! I just wanted to ask if To all the boys I’ve loved before will be updated? I re-read it every now and again because it’s really cute!
honestly i lost motivation but if people want me to finish it i will
i mean i do have unfinished drafts of it
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oooo so many different options for the valentines event hope you have fun with it!
here to request a drowsy morning kiss + claude x reader, v much a warm and soft domestic scenario where the two are already married, doesn’t matter how long though
also if you could sneak in a mention of his true name that would be sooo cute & if need be you can base the reader off my s/i but not mandatory
hope you have fun with this one! don’t burn yourself out & take breaks often :)
🍰 @resident-cake-anon
It's hard not to have fun with this
Morning kiss with Claude and his S/O
This is a part of 3x Valentines event (All slots are taken)
Ever since getting married each morning felt like you were in a painting. Captivated by your husband's beauty sort of became a routine for you at this point.
And you'd do anything but complain about it. To think he could make you so happy without even having to be awake.
Then again you weren't ever wide awake for such moments, so who's to say you aren't dreaming yourself?
There is a lot of ways to confirm it. But this time what brought you back into reality was him waking up.
As he faced you, it was clear that he was still a little drowsy. But it didn't make him want to kiss you any less as he pulled you closer just for that.
It was a short kiss, but one that'd make your heart skip miles if you weren't "used to it" by now.
"Good morning Khalid" you greet him, he swears your sweet voice is always just what he needed to hear to have the best start of the day.
Honestly he was so happy he didn't know what to say. And it's not like he was awake enough to think of more than "Good morning to you too, my love".
~Mod Bernadetta
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Could I get claude headcanons for his s/o expressing interest in his wyvern riding skills, but when he offers to teach them the basics it becomes clear they're afraid of heights? But maybe they don't want to admit they're afraid?
At first I thought I already did it. But it turns out that I did it with Leo
Claude with S/O who wants to ride a wyvern but is afraid of heights
Reader here is gender neutral
He was quick to connect the dots when it came to your interest in flying. So he tried to hint at it so you actually give it a try.
And after some convincing he managed to get you on the wyvern. At first he just wanted you to fly with him and see how it's like.
Before you got on the wyvern he thought your fear was of the creature. The moment you took off though... It was clear that height was the problem.
So after you landed you talked about it. You were still interested so he wasn't going to let you give up.
You started flying together often and frequently. It wasn't at a greater height but it was for you to get used to it just so gradually you'd fear it less and less.
And of course for your bravery you got rewarded with a sweet date once you were done with your flying session.
He gave you the time you needed but also made sure to sometimes give you a little push in the right direction so you wouldn't stay in one stage of learning for too long when he knew you could advance further.
~Mod Bernadetta
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Happy birthday I hope you have a great day. Can I request cuddle headcanons for Sylvain Claude Odin Henry and Frederick with a female reader separately of course. (Also today happens to be my birthday.)
I know I'm posting it (much) later buuut happy birthday!
Sylvain, Claude, Odin, Henry and Frederick cuddle headcanons
Reader here is female
Cw: small suggestive comment in Henry headcanons!
Sylvain Jose Gautier
Although he is from a cold place his hugs are warm. He isn't too touch starved but he often initiates cuddles.
It's mostly out of nowhere, but when he has a really rough day he needs affection from you like medicine.
He prefers being a big spoon, but by no means he'd be bothered if he were the little one.
Whenever he has you in his arms he tends to sometimes say a purposely bad cheesy line in a joking manner to break any existing silence- hoping to make you giggle a little.
Claude von Riegan
He likes to use hugs for comfort reasons. Of course that's not the only time he cuddles with you, it's just his favorite type of cuddles since they just feel so right.
His hugs are gentle, the type that makes you feel like the whole world around you doesn't exist and this moment you're having is the only thing that matters.
Most of the time he is the big spoon but that's just because how it goes really. If you ever want to change that he's more than happy to oblige.
He likes to have a little heart-to-heart conversations whenever you cuddle for a longer time. The topics come and go but he's sure to remember a lot of things you've said... Unless you two get too comfortable and he gets a little sleepy.
Odin Dark
This dork is the type of touch starved that doesn't want to admit that in a normal manner. He needs you close to him just as much as he needs his next breath.
He can't really commit to long cuddle time though... But that's just of how he often feels like he needs to get something done.
So while his hugs aren't the longest, he doesn't really leave you wanting since he'll go back for more eventually.
And while he usually initiates cuddles and starts as a big spoon, he somehow always ends up being a small spoon which honestly? He enjoys a little more.
Can be very needy from time to time. Especially when you are the one who initiate cuddles... Then there is a small chance he'll let you go.
He sure loves being the small spoon. The main reason is that he likes to lay his head on your chest and hear your heartbeat. Of course laying on your chest without his previous reasons is nice on its own~
Sometimes he'd just fidget with your clothes and some other times he'd just place his hands in most random spots. But of course he values your comfort above all else so if you want him to move just say the word.
He swears that sometimes your loving embrace is so addicting he only now realized how touch starved he truly is.
He usually is very blunt with what he needs, quite frankly he expects the same of you. So usually he doesn't hug you without asking you first if you'd like to cuddle.
His hugs make you feel safe. He on the other hand feels like he has his entire world in his arms... Which is true.
Although his hugs are a bit tight, he's always sure to moderate his strength. He wouldn't let himself hurt you after all.
He is much more used to being the big spoon, so being the small spoon from time to time can feel a little weird to him if you ever go for it. But he can't say he hates it.
~Mod Bernadetta
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Could I get Claude headcanons with an s/o who is quiet around strangers but it's only cause they had a habit of info dumping everything they know about a subject that piques their interest (such as mythology or biology) and they don't want to bore people?
Okay but mythology is super cool and whoever is telling you that it's boring is straight up lying to you. Biology is also super interesting but not as much in my opinion.
Claude with S/O who is quiet around strangers due to their past habit of info dumping
Reader here is gender neutral
He always knew you took your time to warm up before you started talking. It's fine and normal thing to do- especially with strangers.
In reality you could only remember the times you were told to shut up, or when people tried to cut you off once you started to talk more about your interests.
It hurt, so to not go through that again you managed to stop such "temptations" when talking with someone you don't talk to often.
Honestly he always thought you were just a bit shy. But with time he began to notice how you look when someone mentions something related to your interests and how quickly you try to die down your excitement.
Usually when he sees that look on your face he knows he's gonna hear something interesting, so it was very weird to him that this moment never came.
So like a normal curious person he asked you why do you hold back.
After you told him the truth he didn't think it was unusual or anything. He understood you.
It was normal to be done with people saying what you loved was boring. And, hey you could always come and talk to him about what you wanted to say later. He-for one will appreciate it.
~Mod Bernadetta
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hey mod bernie!
sorry for the hyperspecific event req but do you think you could write a fic where the reader and claude find an unsent confession letter written to the reader by claude back in their academy days only for the two to find it during their time at garreg mach during the war
i think it would be cute if claude and the reader were in a relationship for a while at the time of the letter’s discovery but honestly it could work even if they weren’t so feel free to have liberties with it <33
the reader insert can be based on my self-insert if need be but not mandatory!!
- hope you have fun with this event mod bernie! 🍰
Hey the point of this event is to be specific! And I am kinda a sucker for pre-relationship writing so I decided to write it like that!
Also it might seem a little unfinished but that's because I like to sometimes make the ending where you get to decide/just imagine for yourself how the rest of it goes!
You were supposed to fetch a research paper from his room, he never told you what was it for but all you knew is that you needed to bring him a paper that described a certain plant.
He told you it was inside a book on his desk... But there were a few books with papers sticking out of them. You were in rush but as you checked each paper you saw a letter. You of course didn't wanted to pry on his personal affairs but when you saw that it was meant for you curiosity got the better of you.
Dear Y/N
I'm writing this letter to say something rather important. Ever since I met you I thought you were interesting to say the least. I always looked forward to meeting up with you and I admit it turned out to be much more than just my curiosity. To put it simply: I fell in love with you. With you around I feel like everything is possible. I don't really know what future will bring or who we'll become after graduating but all I know is that I want you to be a part of my life, hopefully forever.
You weren't sure what to think... Without further consideration you took that letter with you, but you made sure to hide it before you continued on with your task.
Once you brought him what he needed he thanked you, but he realized that you were nervous for some reason "Did you see something you weren't supposed to see? And here I thought I got rid of that corpse" he joked as he looked through the paper glancing at you after his line to see your reaction.
He didn't remember having anything embarrassing on him so he asked in more concerned tone "Hey, did something happen? You know you can talk to me" you weren't sure how to respond to that... But it'd be better for both of you if you just admit to 'snooping'. Taking out the letter you say "I found this while I was looking for what you needed... I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that" he looked confused but as he unfolded the letter he blushed and had a shocked smile on his face "Yeah... I-... I forgot I had that still..." he laughed off his embarrassment "Look, I wanted to give it to you after the ball... Then one thing happened after another and I suppose in the end it slipped my mind" he sighed "But... I do feel the same way about you as I did back then" he paused "How about you? What do you feel towards me?".
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pokemagines · 4 years
claude von riegan + his s/o getting injured in battle
anon asked: “ayyy can i request claude, felix, and shamir getting protective over a s/o who gets injured in battle?”
a/n: ive had this in the drafts foreverrrrr w only the claude part finished so i thought i’d finally post it LMAO !! i’ll add on felix and shamir later.. maybe -- mod touko
he hears you yell for help across the battlefield, as he nocks another arrow and takes down an enemy, turning his attention to the direction of your voice. you’re on the opposite side of the battlefield, he realizes, and he curses to himself. noticing that some of his allies are much closer to you than he is, he calms himself almost instantly, mind set on commanding the others to keep you safe. and so he does, shouting for leonie and raphael to cover you while you got out of reach of the enemy.
claude continues to battle through the fray, shooting down enemy after enemy atop his wyvern, closing in on the enemy captain with ignatz and hilda, hoping to end the battle as soon as possible so he could check on you. he knew you were okay, he reassured himself it over and over until finally there was an arrow in the enemy captain’s chest -- whether from him or ignatz he didn’t remember. it didn’t matter.
as soon as he hear’s the enemies cries to retreat, he’s flying to your side in an instant. he finds you quickly, marianne still tending to your wounds, and swoops down beside the two of you, hopping off to check on you. 
   “you okay, teach?” he asks, kneeling down so he could be eye level with you, who’s sitting. “judging by that cry for help i reckon you took a nasty blow.”
   “marianne was being overwhelmed, so i took a hit for her.” you wince as marianne pulls away the ripped piece of clothing that was covering her from seeing your whole wound. “she’s okay, i’m okay, that’s all that matters.” marianne appears flustered, but claude makes no comment on it, letting her silently work.
   a few years ago he would’ve scolded you, called you crazy for risking her life so nonchalantly for other students. you was important to the future of fodlan, you needed to protect herself above all. but now he understood, because he had someone he needed to protect.
   “you need to take care of your own skin sometimes, too. sometimes i worry that i’m gonna find you on the end of someone’s lance.”
   “claude... listen. it’s sweet tooth week in the cafeteria. i’m not dying until i have one last sweet bun.” you shoot him an easy-going smile to try and alleviate some of his worry. he laughs at the irony, usually this went the opposite way, he would flash you a smile to ease your nerves. the two of you were rubbing off of the other far too much. 
   “oh? well how about this. you stop jumping in front of every blow meant for your friends, and i’ll give you my dessert, sound fair?” claude sticks out his hand to pull you up, seeing marianne step away as your wounds were finally mended, at least well enough to march back to garreg mach.
   “sounds like a deal to me.” you take his hand.
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