#Think the episode lil crime stoppers
southpark-madness · 2 years
I want a "The Office" south park au but instead of them being aged up its them playing pretend in a office
I have only watched The Office once
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dear-wormwoods · 2 years
21 and 24 please!
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Sometimes they’re fun and sometimes I don’t get it at all. Craig and Tweek were a crack ship once upon a time and now they’re one of the best parts of the show, and I loved being in the fandom when they graduated from crack to canon! My current favorite crack ship is Kenny/Henrietta. Their interactions in TFBW were great. Idk I just like it, and I feel like she’d ‘get’ him more than the other girls. Which reminds me I need to reblog that one fanart of them I saw recently!
24. Would you recommend (I’m assuming South Park) to a friend? Why or why not?
Yes but I’m not sure if I’d let them go in blind. There’s too much risk involved in that. What if they pick a random episode and it ends up being A Million Little Fibers?? And starting from the beginning is iffy too because I think the show takes a bit to find its legs, as much as I love some of the early eps.
I recently made a list of “Starter Episodes” for someone that I think capture the essence of the show, have mostly stood the test of time, and give good intros to the main characters without being too reliant on previous character development.
For anyone curious here it is:
My Future Self n’ Me
Toilet Paper
Lil’ Crime Stoppers
Casa Bonita
Good Times With Weapons
The Losing Edge
Free Willzyx
Guitar Queero
The List
Breast Cancer Show Ever
You Have 0 Friends
I’d be interested in hearing what other people think are good intro episodes too!
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not-siri · 2 years
Has Eric always been abusive towards his mom or is this something that they decided to make canon in Tsst and then decided to go along with for the rest of the show? Upon rewatching some of the pre-season 10 episodes, Cartman was actually quite nice towards his mom for the most part in those seasons. They gave each other eskimo kisses in the 'Cat Orgy'. In 'Freak Strike' even though he really wanted to win the competition, he never resorted to outright yelling or hitting his mom unlike the other girl and Liane even says that he isn't a difficult child at all. The meanest I remember him being towards her was in Lil Crime Stoppers and he yells at her to lay off him when she starts nagging him after he gets back home, but even then he apologized immediately after yelling at her.
I really, really don’t like to describe Cartman’s behavior towards his mom in any case as abusive. This is because I’ve gone on and on this blog (and way moreso in my head) about how abusive Liane is towards Eric then and arguably even now (combined with the fact that that’s yknow her 10 year old kid and the general weird, almost in denial way the bulk of the fandom is about Liane) so it feels wrong and villainizing a victim to me to say the least.
But because I kind of like talking about this kind of thing, I’ll reinterpret this ask. Like most people I think Cartman has gotten worse both morally and mentally as time has gone on, and the way he treats every person obviously is part of that, including his mom.
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mountainscouts · 3 years
do you have a favorite season/seasons?
3 is up there because i absolutely love rainforest schmainforest, tweek vs craig, the meteor shower trilogy (possibly the best format they've ever done,) and OF COURSE hooked on monkey phonics
6 is great because i LOOOOOVE tweek and his best moments are in this season for obvious reasons. i love asspen, simpsons did it, free hat (my 3rd fav ep ever,) child abduction is not funny, and return of the fellowship (4th fav ep ever and better than the entirety of the black friday trilogy ngl) and future self n me (hits different now)
NOW... YOUD THINK 7 IS MY FAVORITE FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. Which.. you would be partially right. *looks at episode 12* BUT THERE ARE SOME BANGERS ON THERE LIKE, toilet paper, fat butt & pancake head (im sorry JLo/mitch connor is so fucking funny to me. taco taco burrito.. absolutely iconic, I say that shit constantly to my brother and the fact jlo isnt even mexican makes it funnier,) south park is gay, Christian rock hard, casa bonita AND raisins?!??!?!?!? WOW. BANGER AFTER BANGER.
and then theres lil crime stoppers and all about mormons. LORD. those two are my second and first favorite episodes!!! I could watch them all the time and never get tired of them
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homefryboy · 4 years
2 and 18 for the ask meme <3
2. Favorite episode(s)
spent way too long on this but here’s a good chunk of them:
“mr. Hankey’s Christmas classics”, “lil crime stoppers”, “free willzyx”, “tsst”, “night of the living homeless”, “butters’ bottom bitch”, “you have 0 friends”, “crème fraîche”, “1%”, “I should have never gone ziplining”, “Cartman finds love”, “the magic bush”, “grounded vindaloop”, “tweek x craig”, “put it down”, “the scoots”
no rlly I looked up the entire ep list on Wikipedia
18. Favorite “I learned something today”
took this from someone else’s reply but it’s a rlly good one:
“Think about it. Haven’t Luke Skywalker and Santa Claus affected your lives more than most real people in this room? I mean, whether Jesus is real or not, he… he’s had a bigger impact on the world than any of us have. And the same could be said of Bugs Bunny and, and Superman and Harry Potter. They’ve changed my life, changed the way I act on the Earth. Doesn’t that make them kind of “real.” They might be imaginary, but, but they’re more important than most of us here. And they’re all gonna be around long after we’re dead. So in a way, those things are more realer than any of us.”
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weedle-testaburger · 6 years
im not defending cartman but i don’t think he knew that it had anything to do with sex/rape? i mean, looking back on episodes like red hot catholic love or lil crime stoppers, none of the boys really understand sex. ofc that’s p inconsistent over the series and it’s still bad whether he knew it was rapey or not, but idk i just don’t fw the idea of a 10 y/o intentionally raping someone. i don’t think it’s a thing
Yeah, I see where you’re coming from anon. Like I said, his behaviour wasn’t intentionally sexual despite the fact it was harmful and fucked up. I think it’s still rape but that he doesn’t understand the concept properly and didn’t intend it that way, if that makes any sense.
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ericcartmanaskblog · 6 years
(For the Jennifer Lopez/ Butters thread I don’t see it as a buttman moment. Eric also revealed at the end of the episode that his hand was Mitch Conner. And it’s something Butters would know about. But there is this moment
At the end of "Lil' Crime Stoppers", Butters extracts his first semen sample by thinking about Stan's mother's breasts. In "Pre-School", the boys were unwilling to get an actual picture of her breasts, so they took a picture of Cartman's ass with nipples drawn on it instead. So if Butters had never seen her actual breasts, then that means Butters decided to improvise for the sample.
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traitor-boyfriend · 7 years
is it me or matt and trey dont give a single shit about making simple funny episodes about the kids and its ruining the show since the wacky pompous adventures envolving the adults are kinda meh?
i don’t know if i would say that they ‘don’t give a single shit’ b/c that seems a little more harsh and finite than i would ascribe to them, but i definitely think you have a point. i think a ton of their best episodes do tend to revolve around kids simply being kids and participating in childish activities: raisins, lil crime stoppers, good times with weapons, make love not warcraft, marjorine, return of the fellowship of the ring to the two towers, guitar queer-o (which is personally my favorite episode of all time) are a handful i could name off the top of my head that are focused mainly on the kids playing make-believe or where the episode is catapulted by juvenile misunderstandings that are typical of 10 yr olds. but there are a bunch of episodes that follow that formula in the early seasons and i would say that that’s how most of the earliest episodes were written. every now and then in recent seasons we get an episode like this but they’re few and far between; i’m not sure whether they’ve abandoned this kind of story b/c they prefer political commentary, they think they’ve exhausted every plot-line of this nature, or what i think is more likely, both of them are so far removed from the age of their characters that they just can’t connect with that mentality in the way they used to. matt and trey were in their mid-twenties when the show first aired so it’s not like memories of what it was like to be a kid were all that far gone to them. but the world has changed a lot since then; kids now grow up in a much different time than the one the two of them grew up in, and though they’re obviously observing the culture of children now and implementing it into the show (a good example of this would be all the boys now having cell phones, having computers in their rooms, references to video games popular w children now like minecraft) i don’t know if they can effectively capture the same experience of what it’s like to be a kid now given their age. not that there aren’t some universal constants! all kids play pretend, all kids build fantasy worlds – the stick of truth is a great example of this. but this is one that i’m unsure about! i think it’s a multitude of reasons
a lot of the political humor of early seasons came from the situational irony surrounding the boys becoming unwittingly involved in some complex issue and their obvious naivety towards the topic. there’s a lot of examples of this but one that came to mind right away was in ‘the wacky molestation adventure’ when sheila tells kyle that he can go to the concert with his friends if he brings democracy to cuba. and i’m pretty kyle even asks her “what’s cuba?” after. obviously this is given as an impossibility but kyle, an idealistic child, sings a sad song about how he can’t be happy while the cubans are unhappy and sends a heartfelt letter to fidel castro – and it changes his mind! and kyle actually brings democracy to cuba. that’s just one example but they often treat political issues like that in earlier seasons. now they’ve made the boys so hyper-aware of all that happens around them that there’s no longer any ignorance on their part, so it makes sense that they don’t necessarily “feel” like children anymore. they’ve turned into mini-mouthpieces for matt and trey to express their view on whatever topic they’re skewering.
i whole-heartedly agree with your take on the adults; i have been so, so exhausted by how prominent randy is, and gerald last season was a nightmare. i don’t mind them playing a role but the adults (well, specifically randy and garrison now) have come so far in the forefront that the boys are essentially fading into the background of their own show. and i think this is a part of the aging issue; i think now that they’re in their mid-forties, matt and trey identify more with the adults of the series and thus using them more often. but the adults don’t have the charm and humor stan, kyle, kenny, and cartman do, and the show is absolutely suffering for it. 
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mountainscouts · 3 years
18 for the ask thingie?
18. what would be an episode you’d like to see?
hmmm... i think a fun concept would be another ep inspired of lil crime stoppers (like the kids make pretending an ongoing noir story amongst eachother) or a battle of the bands and we get to see different POVs of different groups until they all collide at the end or something. i like story driven spoofs a lot !!!
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