#This chapter absolutely murdered me and then trampled on my corpse
kaluawoo · 2 years
Okay I know we're all still upset about the Happenings this chapter, but one thing I don't think I've seen anyone mention yet (spoilers, I'll try to add a read more once I'm not on mobile anymore bc idk how to do it in the app):
Mikuni's thoughts after the flashback. "I wonder if it's really true that [no one] could put him back together again if [he] fell from the wall" (the kanji for he was the one for Egg, and the ones for no one were the ones for iirc "even the king", because Mikuni was thinking about the Humpty Dumpty thing).
Mikuni is imo planning something with Tsurugi's "broken"/dead body, something that probably involves trying to "put him back together", because that'd make the little flashback scene make the most sense. (Or it was just general foreshadowing that he may come back, but I'm willing to bet that Tanaka Strike put "Is it really true that no one could a broken Tsurugi together again?" right before Tsurugi losing a very vital body part with at least some intention to follow up on that.
I'm still gonna cry about it until we finally do see Tsurugi get put back together, though.
... also, that implies Mikuni was thinking about chopping off Tsurugi's head and sewing it back on, or some equivalent, since he was a teenager. Classic Mikuni tbh.
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jessmalia · 5 years
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pairing: stiles stilinski x oc a/n: I’m sorry this took so long to be posted, I’ve been struggling with writer’s block for a while, but now I’m back to normal. unfortunately, Valerie is barely featured in this chapter, but it is still very important! warnings: blood, corpse, mentions of death and murder, angst. wordcount: 1306
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“Mr. Lahey, happy to have you back,” Coach said as Isaac entered the locker-room. “Not happy that you’re late.”
“Sorry, Coach,” said Isaac, while walking over to one of the lockers and beginning to change.
“I’ll remind you all.” Coach addressed everyone. “Cross-country is not optional for lacrosse players. I don’t need you turning into a bunch of fat-asses in the off-season. So- work on that.”
Once everyone had walked out of the locker-room we met up with the girls by the starting point. There weren’t as many girls who had signed up for cross-country, but the ones who did were already there. Among them was Valerie. 
Her blonde and purple hair was up in a ponytail. She was wearing black leggings and the red Nike tank we were required for all P.E classes, and her usual black boots were switched out in favor of black running shoes – but her clothing wasn’t the only thing that was different about her appearance. Ever since Erica died her head hung lower, her eyes were sadder, her lips never smiling. 
I tried to catch her eye, maybe shoot her a reassuring smile, but she avoided any eye contact. 
The whistle blew and Valerie set off. 
“Pace yourselves! Come on!” yelled Coach to the people still standing. I turned my head to see Scott put a hand on Isaac’s shoulder. 
“Issac,” he said warningly. 
“It’s them.” Issac shrugged Scott’s hand off of his shoulder and ran away, headed right towards the alpha twins 
Scott followed him. “Isaac, wait!” 
I sighed and ran after them. I knew I couldn’t keep up with their werewolf speed – which was probably for the best since a fight was most definitely about to go down – so I didn’t even try. 
It was in times like these I hated being human. I felt so powerless. Scott and Isaac were running off to fight alpha-twin-werewolves, and I was running cross-country. 
But there was nothing I could do so I just continued running. 
I would love to tell you that I was great at running – that I was best in class, currently in the very front of the group – but I wasn’t. Even though I was trying my absolute best I was still at the very end of the group. But I did manage to find the strength to pull ahead of everyone. When it happened. When I heard it. The scream.
It was a shrill cry of pure terror, and I immediately knew who had uttered it. 
She was the first thing I saw when I caught up. She was standing frozen on the ground, her hands covering her mouth and tears in her eyes. I followed her gaze as the others arrived, and gulped, doing my best to hold back my own tears. 
A body of a boy around our age was tied up against a tree by his neck, blood covering his head and body. The guy’s head had been bashed in, and his throat was slashed and strangled. Just like the other ones. 
I heard leaves ruffle on the ground, and from the corner of my eye I saw Scott stumble up beside me, his eyes fixed on the body.  
I turned towards him. “It’s him, isn’t it?”
“Hey, get out of the way! Get back!” Dad was running up the hill towards the three. It hadn’t taken long for him to arrive since Coach had called 911 as soon as he saw the body. 
Dad turned back to the deputy accompaning him for a second. “Get this area cornered off before they trample every piece of evidence.”
The deputy nodded and addressed the crowd of teenagers. “Back off! Everyone back!”
“Get these kids out of here!” He ordered again. 
“Dad, just, come here,” I said, grabbing a hold of his shoulder. “Look, look. Look at it.” I pointed at the guy’s injuries. “It’s the same as the others. You see?”
“Yeah, I see it.” He nodded. “Do me a favor. Go back to school, yeah?” I wanted to protest but knew it was meaningless, so I stayed quiet. I walked back to Scott as dad addressed Coach. “Coach, can you give us a hand here?”
Coach nodded. “You heard the man! Nothing to see here!”
Dad turned to me again. “Go on,” he said, gesturing for me to walk away. “Go. Go.” I walked down the hill with my friends. Scott was looking at Isaac whose gaze was fixed on the twins. 
“D’you see the way the twins looked at him?” he asked. 
“Yeah, you mean like they had no idea what had happened?” I said. 
Isaac shook his head. “Nah, they knew.”
“The kid was strangled with a garrote, alright? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolfitude in these murders?” I asked. 
“Oh, you think it’s a coincidence that they turn up and then people start dying?” Isaac rebutted. 
“Well, no, but I still don’t think it’s them.” 
Both of us fell silent and looked at Scott, waiting for him to state his opinion on the matter. 
“Scott?” Isaac asked. “How about you?”
He was slinet for a while before answering. “I don’t know yet.”
I raised my eyebrows. “You don’t know yet?”
Scott looked at me. “Well, he- he’s got a point,” he said, gesturing towards Issac. “Seriously, dude? Human sacrifices?”
“Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glowsticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you’re telling me that you’re having trouble grasping human sacrifices?!”
Scott sighed. “That’s a good point too.”
“I don’t care. Alright, they killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. And I’m gonna kill them, too.“ I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Isaac (who was still standing there, by the way) certainly had a flair for the dramatic. 
“Aren’t you gonna walk off?” I asked. “That seems like something you would say and then walk away after. Now we’re just sitting in it.”
Isaac glanced at the ground for a split second before he looked at Scoot. Seemingly avoiding looking at me for some reason. ”It’s just one more thing,” he said.
”What?” asked Scott.
”It’s about Valerie.” At this my interest peaked. “Before we ran off course - she ran past us.”
Scott and I exchanged looks, silently asking if the other was thinking the same thing. Seemed so.
”Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Scott whispered.
Isaac nodded.
”No, it- Valerie’s always been really fast,” I said. “She’s the best cross-country runner in the school. Maybe the twins just weren’t running their fastest.”
”I was,” said Isaac. Well crap.
I had to admit – when thinking about it – it did make sense. My mind couldn’t help but go back to that day when Valerie accused me of being behind Erica’s transformation. She had pushed me up that wall so hard. I’d felt werewolf strength before, and that was dangerously close.
Still, I wanted to find excuses. I didn’t want it to be true, but I had no idea why.
Okay, that’s a lie. I knew exactly why. If Valerie had been a supernatural creature this whole time… I could’ve told her the truth a long time ago.
I didn’t want Valerie to be supernatural because if she was, all that lying I did just to protect her, was for nothing. I could’ve just told her the truth about Erica, Jackson, and Derek a long time ago, and she would’ve been spared all that confusion and heartbreak.
“Well, what do you think, Scott?” I asked. “You are the expert after all.”
Scott sighed. “All I know is that whatever she is, she’s not like us.”
taglist: @idontgiveahufflefuck64​ @woyee​
bittersweet: @stiles-o-dylan24 @theholydestiny @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe @cherry-sweet-cherry @kingidols-blog @xceafh @purple286 @bilesxbilinskixlahey @chipster-21​ @profoundscissorshandsdiplomat 
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Heroes After All Chapter 5
And here's Chapter 5! Do note this chapter is... kind of dark, and deals with subjects like vomiting, eye mutilation, and general blood and death. Chapter 5: Don't Fear The Reaper
Aaron waited for the ball. And waited, and waited. The other kids and their Pokemon seemed intent to keep it away from him, the "freak" kids, and their Pokemon, but he certainly tried to get it. Finally, it sailed his way, and he reached, stretched, grabbed - And it sailed down the mountain, bouncing down a gentle slope until it was out of sight amid the trees. Aaron started. Then looked at the other kids, who were staring at him. One piped up. "You go get it!" Aaron looked to the other "freak" kids and their Pokemon, who shrugged or did the Pokemon equivalent. Aaron groaned and started making his way down. The bushes and shrubs seemed to claw at his face. He heard wild bird Pokemon squawk and fly away at his approach. Finally he found the ball and reached down for it. It was then he noticed the ball had landed next to the disfigured corpses of an Aura Guardian and his Sawsbuck. The corpses had suffered various forms of abuse - fire, crushing, acid - and seemed relatively fresh. A Murkrow was in the process of plucking an eye from the Aura Guardian's skull and promptly swallowed it before eyeing Aaron warily. Aaron stared in horror before vomiting the contents of his lunch earlier that day, forming a puddle next to the bodies, and after regaining his bearings slightly grabbing the ball and racing back to the monastery. As soon as he got back he haphazardly tossed the ball back to the other children - much to their confusion- before going to find Polly. Polly was reading on a bench in the monastery when Aaron found her. "Kid, what's up?" she said. "Why are you out of breath?" "Dead Aura Guardian... In the woods... His Pokemon too..." Polly's look grew grave. "Show me." Aaron took Polly out to the woods, down the slope and through the trees, until they reached the dead bodies. Polly looked at them in shock. "Dale... No..." She looked around. "No sign of Melissa but we'd have to search... Kid? You're going back to the monastery." Aaron nodded and headed back once again, but the image of Dale and his Sawsbuck's dead bodies were thoroughly burnt into his mind. --------------- Polly now had two other Aura Guardians gathered with her around the corpses with their Pokemon: Vince, a Dark Obscuric, with his Honchkrow Henry, and Ryan, leader of the Genesis Mountain Aura Guardians, with his Swampert. Polly's Metagross was there too, analytically scanning the bodies. Henry tried to peck at Dale's Sawsbuck's remains when Vince gave him a stern look and he backed off with a disappointed coo. "Did Aaron see any sign of who did this?" said Ryan. "Not at all," said Polly. "Kid just stumbled upon them playing ball." "Can you track them, Ryan, Metagross?" said Vince. "I would," said Ryan, "But someone's been good about covering their tracks." ~It's likely they teleported out somehow,~ said Metagross. "And Melissa and her Luxray are missing too..." said Polly. ~No sign of them either,~ said Metagross. Ryan's Swampert shifted uneasily. "Shit," said Vince. "This isn't good. At all. Someone's after us and we don't know who." "We need to fortify our defenses in case whoever did this strikes again," said Ryan. And we're going to have to investigate this event as much as we can." He turned to Polly and Vince. "We three will head the investigation team. I will ask Nightjar for help as well." "I'll ask Carol and Hannah then," said Polly. Vince groaned. "Hannah? Really?" Polly frowned. "She's perfectly qualified for this," said Polly. "Plus she's our friend." "You and Carol's friend, maybe," said Vince. "She's too bubbly and picks on me and gets on my nerves." "Be mature, Vince," said Ryan. "I trust Polly's judgement and so should you." "Alright, fine," said Vince. Henry snickered. So did Ryan's Swampert. Even Metagross joined in. Vince gave them all harsh looks. It was then, however, that Metagross turned to the others. ~There is one thing I sensed I should note.~ "What is it?" said Polly. ~One of the murderers had powers like your own.~ --------- Aaron had spent all day thinking about the bodies and being pestered by the other about the interruption of the ball game and subsequent involvement of Polly and further subsequent security lockdown of the monastery for several hours. He wanted to sleep. He ignored the noises made by his bunkmates as he climbed into bed. Was he gonna be okay? His mother said Dialga would always protect him, and he believed that with all his heart. But his father had believed the same thing and... and... He tried to push the memories out of his mind and as always they came back stronger and stronger until exhaustion claimed him. --------- Aaron woke up in a place that was definitely not his room. He looked around to find himself in a red cavern of sorts, with black veins crisscrossing it. He immediately froze when he saw what was perched at the end of the cavern. There before him, with massive wings, crooked talons, and sharp beak, was her. The dread Yveltal, death and destruction goddess of Kalos. ~Well,~ she said. ~Isn't this a wonderful first meeting?~ She can talk like Metagross does? thought Aaron. Probably because she's a goddess... ~You are correct,~ said Yveltal. Aaron gulped. "I-I guess you can hear me no matter what..." ~Also correct!~ "What are you here for?" ~To warn you my dear...~ She leaned in close - uncomfortably close - and gave a beaky grin. ~You know full well your first encounter with death wasn't with the corpses in the woods. And those will be far from your last encounters either.~ "I... I..." ~You have a long road ahead of you, Aaron. Just remember - Death is inescapable. Even if it doesn't find you... You'll just find it.~ She suddenly lunged, talons bared. Aaron screamed and tried to shield himself with his arms. ----- He woke up in a cold sweat, not bolting upright but panting, feeling paralyzed. Eventually the numbness wore off and he sat up, staring off into space, before collapsing again and waiting for dawn to come. ----------- The next morning, Aaron was sitting by himself, exhausted, despite the insistence rom the other members of his group to join them. "Are you sure you don't wanna have breakfast?" said Callie. "We know you like grits," said Eve. "I'm... Fine," said Aaron. "Whatever then," said Louis. "Let's just go," said Atta. The four left, their Pokemon looking back and chittering amongst themselves with concern. Aaron just kind of stared after until he heard a telepathic voice in his head. ~You okay kid?~ Aaron jumped before realizing that the voice was not Yveltal's but that of Polly's Metagross next to him. ~Polly wanted me to check up on you after yesterday and, well, I always feel sorry for you humans easily.~ "Er yes, I'm totally, absolutely... Not okay. I had a nightmare last night." ~After seeing what you did I don't blame you. That said you probably should eat. Not eating's hell on the anxiety, I should know after knowing Polly all her life.~ He paused. ~Don't tell her I said that.~ Despite himself Aaron managed a snicker. "I won't!" ~Good. Now come on, let's go eat with your friends. I can definitely convince them to give you food if they say you're late.~ Aaron smiled. "Thanks." He followed Metagross out. --------- The small purple creature watched the small biped and large quadruped head off from their hiding place. It couldn't understand the words of the creatures of this dimension, though was starting to pick up a few. What they did know was that the place the two were going had food. Stealthily, the purple creature floated after them. It floated through a gap in a window and looked around a small room. Suddenly, a noise. The purple creature hid as a biped entered the room, looked around, picked something up, and left. In its wake the creature noticed it had dislodged a small, green and red sphere from a nearby box. They inspected it, then tasted it. It was edible, success. The purple creature nibbled happily on their newfound prize. --------------- A number of Lucario were gathered around Ginji. "What's the plan, birdbrain?" said one. "We're going to corner the thing in its den," said Ginji, "and I'll be at the center holding it off while we all take it down." "What if it goes after us?" said another Lucario. "With those fire attacks we're toast! Literally!" "My job is to make sure that doesn't happen," said Ginji. "Now come on." The group stalked off into the forest, Ginji keeping his sharp eyes peeled while the Lucario had their Aura feelers flared. Eventually, the group reached what appeared to be a den. They stood stock still and silent while Ginji scanned it. "Okay," he said, whispering. "We're going to quietly go in there and-" "Look out!" shouted a Lucario. Ginji looked over just in time to see the Charizard ram into him from the side rather than from the entrance to the den. The Charizard attempted to bite down on Ginji with a Crunch and managed to injure his shoulder, but not before Ginji could sock him in the jaw with an Aura-infused punch. The Charizard was further annoyed by being pelted with Aura Spheres from the assorted Lucario, before flying upward and launching a Heat Wave, which caused the Lucario to quickly fall back. Ginji wasn't so phased and hurled a rock at the Charizard, hitting him badly and causing him to swoop out of view. "Yeah, that's right, run away, you overgrown reptil- urk!" A wicked sharp blade of air left a massive, bleeding gash across Ginji's chest. As he fell over, bleeding out, the Charizard lunged at the Lucario group, as they attempted to dart out of the way. One took advantage of the chaos to hurl another rock at the Charizard's wing with a sickening crack, causing him to roar in pain and trample off for real this time. The Lucario then turned to the badly bleeding Ginji. "Oh no... What the hell do we do?" "Do we just... Leave him?" "Father Alpha would be furious... We bring him back. See if he can be saved..." They picked up the still-bleeding Ginji and hauled him, dripping with blood the whole way, back to the pack. Riolu and his mother noticed their return and gasped in horror. "G-Ginji!" "Dad!" They rushed over to his side, Ginji looking at them weakly. "Honey... Son... it'll be alright..." Tears fell down Lucario's mother's face. "Ginji, no..." "D-Dad?" said Riolu. "Are you..." Ginji placed a talon on Riolu's paw. "Son... You're gonna do big things beyond this pack... I just know it.... Do... Me... Proud..." "D-dad..." Ginji said no more. He fell limp. ---------------- It had been a few days since Ginji's death. Riolu's mother was sitting away from the pack, staring off into space. Eventually she felt an Aura behind her, felt a forepaw touch hers. She looked to see it was her son. "Mom?" he said. "Yes, sweetie?" "Now... Now that dad's gone I worry I don't belong in the pack anymore. That I'm not safe..." "What? No, of course you're-" The words got caught in her throat. "I... I want to find someplace else. Anyplace else. And I want you to come with me." "I... I can't." "Why not?" "Grandfather Alpha... I can't leave him..." "The pack doesn't love me. You do." "I do. And... I think if you want to do this you are strong enough to go on your own." "But... I can't leave you..." Riolu's mother nodded. "I'll be OK. The pack will re-accept me before long. Your father was right. You can do better." "I..." There was a pause. Then Riolu embraced his mother, careful to avoid her chest spike. She embraced him back. "Take care... It's a dangerous world out there, but you're smart, and brave, and I know you'll find safe haven eventually." "I know you're right Mom." Riolu stared at her a while longer. Then turned and broke off into a run. ***
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Ep5, Chapter 14 (Part 2) & 15
It’s been four months, let’s get back to this. I think I can get through the rest of this okay.
“A plea bargain. If you acknowledge that Krauss is the culprit, Erika will suspend her pursuit with regards to Natsuhi.” bernkastel really is true neutral right
Beato hesitates, and Natsuhi rejects the offer entirely. Bern points out that if Beato loses here - if Natsuhi’s found guilty - then she’s as good as dead.
Ronove and Gaap argue that, since Bern and Lambda are really just bored and want to be entertained, it’d be in Beato’s best interests to concede and put the blame on Krauss, while Beato refuses to abandon this kakera’s Natsuhi. 
“I won’t abandon her! Even if everyone believes that Natsuhi is the culprit, I will still claim that I, the witch, am the culprit...!! If I can’t even make that claim, my existence isn’t worth anything...!!” Maybe I’m reading into this too much, seeing as this is coming from Natsuhi’s piece-Beato instead of Yasu-Beato, but... This is really sad and painful to read.
Beato boldly proclaims that Krauss isn’t the culprit, and Bern responds in red: “Ushiromiya Krauss is not the culprit. And he was killed long ago, shortly after you heard his voice over the phone, get it?” jeez lion is absolutely ruthless in ep5. I’m really curious as to what Land of the Golden Witch’s version of Lion/Yasu as the man from 19 years ago would’ve been like...
“[Natsuhi] had now lost her daughter and husband... and everything she had gained since marrying into the Ushiromiya family.”
While the circumstances are obviously different - Yasu didn’t marry into the family, and she didn’t have children - it occurs to me that in a lot of ways, Natsuhi is a “parallel” of Yasu herself. 
I mean, just off the top of my head... They both get “shabby form” or some such used against them at some point or another, they both have some sort of physical problem preventing them from having children (though it’s temporary and of a far lesser magnitude for Natsuhi), they’ve both “lost everything,” they’re both reliant on magic and mental gymnastics to keep themselves going day by day, they’ve both got issues (again, of differing severities) regarding Kinzo...
“Even wrapped up in so much sadness... Natsuhi would do all she could to protect [the family’s] honour... With this final bit of strength...” ...and while their goals are very different, I feel like there’s a parallel to draw between Natsuhi here and Yasu putting such a dedicated effort into her murder setups, despite how overwhelmed with grief they are.
And with that, everyone except Natsuhi has an alibi for the first twilight, leaving her as the only possible suspect...
Lambda proclaims that Natsuhi is responsible for the murders of the first twilight, and Bern says, “Let me add something. Due to circumstantial evidence, include the murder of Krauss.” TRUE NEUokay i’ll stop now
“From this point onward, the defendant will be treated as the true culprit.”
Lambda also denies Beato’s existence... oh noooo
“Even if her alibi is not proven... I will believe in Natsuhi’s innocence!! No matter how much you try to pin your fake truth on her!!” Thinking about it, this is indicative of how Beato and Battler are playing into each other’s character development, isn’t it? We just had Battler declare that he’d believe in Natsuhi no matter what, and now Beato’s saying the same thing. The two of them have more in common than either of them realize.
“The truth is known only by the master of the night on this island, Beatrice the Golden. I am Ushiromiya Natsuhi! Now that my husband has passed away, I am the head of the Ushiromiya family!!” natsuhi...
Natsuhi repeats her claim that Kinzo said she has the One-Winged Eagle engraved into her heart, and Bern says she’ll leave one last red truth as a parting gift. Beato immediately catches on and begs her not to...
“Natsuhi. When did Kinzo ever say it was okay for you to engrave the One-Winged Eagle into your heart? [...] You know, the real Kinzo... Not once in his entire life did he ever trust you from the bottom of his heart, and not once did he ever consider letting you bear the family crest!” Kinzo stands up and shouts at Natsuhi not to listen...
“The real Kinzo wouldn’t say that. Disappear. You, the illusion of Kinzo inside Natsuhi’s mind, beautified by her to suit her own purposes.” MAGIC 101
In hindsight, though, this is really painfully obvious. The scenes with Natsuhi & co. on the board in Ep5 are framed similarly (imo at least) to Ange & the Stakes in Ep4, which is also paralleled in piece!Beato ruthlessly erasing Gaap after returning to the study (when Battler fails his test). Bernkastel’s flat-out explained what magic is. She’s done it in a completely loveless manner, of course, but it’s still right there.
“Some last, faint element that had cheered her up until today, that had allowed her to endure as an Ushiromiya, as the wife to the head’s representative... and as the final family head... had been torn to bits.” Again, I’m reminded of what happens to Ange and Yasu when they’re cornered and their magic isn’t enough to get them by anymore. They break under the weight of everything, and it’s... really tragic and painful to watch.
The audience applauds, “and so... the ‘truth’ of this tale... was decided.”
And we see the introduction as it takes place, only chronologically this time. Eva starts attacking Natsuhi, and everyone just... stands back and lets it happen.
Everyone except Battler, who tries to intervene only to get brushed aside. I might have ragged on the guy a lot in the past, but Battler is really a good guy. 
Erika intervenes, asking Natsuhi to provide her motive. She screams that she’s innocent, but “because Lambdadelta had acknowledged that the culprit of the tale was Natsuhi and woven it that way, none of the pieces would pay and heed to Natsuhi’s... to ‘the culprit’s’ words...”
Beato faintly appears and screams that she’s the culprit, and Erika denies her existence, because of course she does.
“Goodbye, Beatrice. I made you a witch expecting that you would either become my friend or help distract me from my boredom. And you’ve answered to my expectations... The second one, that is.”
Oooh, I’d completely forgotten this exchange. Beato proclaims that she’s still a witch, “even if Lady Lambdadelta doesn’t acknowledge it,” and Lambda replies that Beato “wouldn’t even be capable of believing that” if it weren’t for her assistance in the first place. That’s right, Lambda acknowledged Yasu’s catbox and allowed her to ascend to the Meta-World as Beatrice, didn’t she?
Beato’s thrown to the crowd of goats so they can devour her, but Dlanor intervenes. 
“My apologies, but I have something to SAY. There is someone who has an objection to this RULING. His name is... Ushiromiya Battler.”
Battler’s at a loss, and Dlanor says, “There is nothing that is not healed with TIME. And there is no truth that cannot be reached if you spend enough time SEARCHING.” GO BATTLER
...Oh yeah, she immediately points out that the time limit for the trial is almost out. NO BATTLER
“...I have no plan. I don’t know the truth. However... If I don’t jump in now, I won’t get another chance to fight...”
“Begin, Battler!! Ready to let those goats turn you into a pile of meat along with your beloved Beatrice?!” something someth-
“Oh, and I’ll mix the leftovers from your precious sister into that pile.” BERN BEAT ME TO IT
Battler tries frantically to penetrate Erika’s seals somehow (lol duct tape), but since he doesn’t have an actual explanation, it doesn’t amount to anything.
“...Do you have any chance of winning...?” “...I left it at home. Mind if I go back and get it?” even in circumstances like this
“I promised that I’d kill you. So I won’t let anyone else do it. I’ll definitely keep that promise...!!” battler
Beato, of course, immediately calls BS, and Battler’s confused as to what she could be talking about. It’s easy to lose in the atmosphere and tension of the proceedings, but that’s definitely a big clue as to the nature of Battler’s sin, huh?
“Heh... After hearing you say that, hell might not be so bad. [...] Kill us! Bernkastel, Lambdadelta...!!” And Beato sobs and laughs hysterically. I really wonder - How much does this piece Beato actually know? Is the “truth” she doesn’t know just who the culprit of Ep5′s gameboard is? Is it the truth - the heart - of Umineko’s gameboard as a whole (i.e. Yasu)? I certainly thought it was the latter, but with lines like this... I’m not sure.
Battler frantically starts throwing out completely invalid blue truths, which Dlanor & co. effortlessly cut down since they violate either previous red truths or Knox’s Decalogue. Battler... 
“Erika didn’t personally examine the corpses, right?! It should be possible for people who aren’t the detective to make a mistake when examining the corpses!!” Cornelia replies, “Know that no examination of the corpses could have been mistaken!” 
This wordplay is one of the meanest parts of Ep5, in my opinion. While the red is carefully worded to avoid saying that the victims of the first twilight are already “corpses” when they’re found, it’s certainly implicit, especially this line here, from Beato earlier in the Ep: “At a glance, anyone could confirm that these corpses are dead, so it is absolutely impossible that they are just people playing dead.” It’s hard to see a way around that, unless you already know what the trick is!
Beato asks Battler to stop, and let the two of them die together. “I don’t... want to see Beato like this...”
“Her majesty as the ruler of the Golden Land... her enthusiasm as my rival... are completely gone. She’s just a pitiful woman who’s been trampled over and who has last all hope, with tears streaming down her face and a tragic smile that I can’t bear to look at...” Beato...
Battler resigns himself to oblivion by using his trump card, hoping that someone will eventually show up who’s able to break through Erika’s truth. “Well... it looks like I’ll have to break my promise to kill you after all.”
Beato begs Battler not to do it, and to let the two of them die together. I’d forgotten this...
The music kicks back into high gear, and... “Ushiromiya Natsuhi is not the culprit!!!”
Only to stop immediately. “Knox’s 2nd. It is forbidden for supernatural agencies to be employed as a detective technique.”
“See...? Real truth... is a very fragile thing. ...Does real truth exist...? And is it necessary...?”
Dlanor asks Battler to either prove his statement, or it’s over. “Then... goodbye. ...Sorry, Beato.”
“...Don’t say that. Thanks for sticking around with me. ...It was such a blood-stained tale... but it was fun...”
And so Battler gets skewered by the giant longsword, and Beato vanishes.
Back on the board, Erika’s about to lay out Natsuhi’s motive. i... am not ready for this.........
She explains that Natsuhi was basically forced to marry into the Ushiromiya family, and uses Natsuhi’s old diaries to support it. Natsuhi concedes that while she did resent the family as a result before, Krauss’s support eventually changed her mind. Erika argues that she didn’t accept Krauss’s feelings, since there’s a passage to that effect in one of the diaries.
“D... Does anyone need evidence to say they’re in love...?!”
Erika says. “Statements that aren’t red don’t count as evidence at all, and they can’t be trusted at all! All non-red letters are falsehoods that exist to deceive me!!” That’s pretty telling, isn’t it?
Similar to Eva’s diary in Ep8, it’s mentioned that Natsuhi’s diaries don’t exist for the purpose of describing her true feelings, but for catharsis - she wrote down what happened and how she felt at the time so she could let go of those emotions and move on. I dunno if that’s an intentional parallel, but it’s an interesting one.
Everyone accepts Erika’s reasoning, though Battler still hesitantly asks if Natsuhi’s really the culprit. Erika says there’s one other person it could be - Kinzo.
Erika says she’s got more than enough evidence to provide a motive for Kinzo. I’m curious as to what that motive would be, tbh... Assuming it’s not “ceremony to revive Beatrice.”
Natsuhi, of course, rejects Erika’s proposition entirely. “If they were going to call her the culprit... she would let them.”
“I think... Truth is a fleeting thing. Even if I am a good person until my death... If some heartless person after my death overwrites the records and says that I wasn’t a good person, and if that is shared with everyone else... Then even all the goodness in which I lived my life will be overwritten easily.”
Back in the cathedral, the witches and Natsuhi are the only ones left. Even though everyone there knows Kinzo’s dead already via red truth, Bern still wants to force Natsuhi to admit it herself. oh no...........
“Lambda. I’m going to make Kinzo’s location from 24:00 until the morning absolutely clear. From 24:00 until morning, Kinzo stayed in the same room.”
She also adds that Kinzo doesn’t exist outside the mansion, because lol detective’s authority (aka Erika couldn’t find any trace of him outside).
On the board, Erika lays out that they’ve searched everywhere in-depth except the second floor. Bern elevates that to red, saying “The only place Kinzo could possibly exist is the second floor.” 
Erika takes everyone to search the second floor in-depth, starting from one end and checking every single room, until only Natsuhi’s is left. oh no.........
”Kinzo does not exist anywhere outside Natsuhi’s room!” “In other words, from 24:00 until morning, Kinzo was always holed up in the same room. And that was Natsuhi’s room!”
Bern offers her one last chance to pin the blame on someone else. “Call the Ushiromiya family head a criminal and crush the head’s honour to protect yourself. If you show that you have the guts to do that, I’ll change the plot into one of a tragic heroine taking the blame to protect the family head.”
“During the night, between 24:00 and morning, there exists no place for a living Kinzo to exist except inside your bed. [...] And last night, Natsuhi also slept in that same bed.”
“Blue truth. Therefore, it is suspected that Ushiromiya Natsuhi and Ushiromiya Kinzo had sexual relations with each other. Why else would a man and a woman share the same bed all night long?”
Natsuhi, of course, vehemently denies it. This is really hard to read... Natsuhi...
“By my name as the Game Master, Lambdadelta! I acknowledge that Lady Bernkastel is the victor of this game. ...If anyone has any objections, state your name now!!”
Of course, there are none. Battler’s dead, and Beato & co. have been erased. Bern proceeds to weave a kakera containing the “truth” of the story.
I don’t have a lot to say about the crime outline here. The important additions are 1) that Natsuhi disguised herself as Beatrice to get close to Kinzo, and 2) that Kinzo hid the corpses of the first twilight.
In this kakera, of course, Bernkastel has Natsuhi confess to the crime. Natsuhi...
In the parlour, Natsuhi screams and cries. At this point, even Battler seems to be accepting Erika’s “truth.”
“This is... your revenge, isn’t it...? You, the man from 19 years ago...!!”
“Are you happy now? Has a bit of that pain and suffering you’ve endured for 19 years gone away...?! I finally understand... The reason you’ve cornered me so far... is because you wanted to make me acknowledge that, right...?”
"...I will confess to a murder that occurred 19 years ago.”
And so Natsuhi begins explaining what happened in 1967. Unlike her earlier recollection with Beato & co., the servant carrying baby Lion followed her around.
The two of them arrive at the cliff, and Natsuhi reflects, “If by taking that baby... and throwing it down onto the rocky beach far below me... I could undo it all...”
The servant stumbles, falling against the fence, and Natsuhi commits her sin - when the servant fell against the fence, she reached forward and pushed her away, off the edge of the cliff.
“I didn’t even hear the sound of them crashing to the rocky beach. No, I’m sure I heard it. But because I wanted to think that they’d disappeared... I must have erased that sound from my memory...”
“I must have been wishing that the child would fall from here so much that I just had a daydream...”
Even though Natsuhi reflects on having stolen two lives, she realizes that the baby must still be alive. Well, she’s not wrong - the moment the servant went over the cliff, “Lion” as a possibility was killed.
“Right here, right now, I’ll confess to my crime! I, Ushiromiya Natsuhi... did 19 years ago... push you off a cliff... and try to kill you... But... you didn’t die, did you...”
“For these 19 years... You knew that the one you should have called your mother pushed you off a cliff... and you must have lived a very hate-filled life...”
“How’s that...? Is this enough... for your revenge...? My husband and daughter have been killed!! I’ve been made to look like a murderer... like an adulteress, even... After seeing me living in disgrace like this... Are you satisfied...?!”
Natsuhi breaks down in tears, and Erika callously brushes it off, because of course she does.
“Can you hear me?! You, the cursed child from 19 years ago...!! Are you satisfied now?! You’ve stolen everything from me!! What else could you want?! ...Please, just... forgive me...”
The screen fades to black, and then...
“...It’s useless, isn’t it... It’s all useless. ...Yeah. ...It’s useless, isn’t it... It’s all useless...”
Natsuhi lets out a short scream, and the credits roll.
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The Teacher pt.4
HEADS UP: This story is far from over. I tried to make the chapters a little longer so as not to release about ten chapters on the same story, but it’s so frigging long ahh what do I do. Ahaha anyway I hope you enjoy part 4! Shits about to go down!!!!
Susan’s focus suddenly turned to the person towering over her. Black shoes with curly toes… suit pants that were loose on long, skinny legs… a long black coat which looked almost as if it was a cape… a huge black duffel bag… and the voice was unmistakable. Susan’s eyes met with Mr Blackburn’s.
The stutter that was always there when Susan encountered Mr Blackburn was now more apparent than ever before, and she felt her fear increase alongside it. “Oh… uh, I…. t-t-tripped….??” The teacher crossed his arms, and scrutinised her face as if it was a piece of evidence. “You’re out here alone because you tripped?” His voice was stern and she could feel the anger burning from inside him.
“N-no, I just-”
“Tell me the real reason why you are here, and you failed to return to my lecture, just less than an hour ago, Miss Higginson.”
Her heart stopped moving for a split second and she clutched her chest in pain. She had been caught; there was no escaping him now.
“I - I was concerned about someone, s-so I rushed into the b-bathroom… to… to phone h-her, b-b-but when she didn’t p-pick up, I….”
“Hmm… I see. Whom was the subject of your concern? And why does that justify leaving?”
Susan felt suddenly overwhelmed with words that she just poured them out of her mouth, her voice charging its way through the incessant stuttering problem.
“…Amy. She didn’t pick up, and apparently she was seen running into here yesterday by Mike, but she hasn’t been seen or heard from since. I got a phone call from her mom and I need to look for her.”
This whole time, Mr Blackburn’s facial expression never changed, nor did he flinch at Susan’s change of tone. The same abhorrent malevolence remained in his eyes, he stared at her with the exact same thunder that he used to stare at Amy whenever she raised the question about the serial killer. What he said next, however, sent shock waves through Susan’s spine, so much it seemed almost like he was firing back at her, perhaps a hidden message underneath his malicious next words, whcih were said in an equally malicious tone.
“There’s a serial killer on the loose, Miss Higginson. And it’s not safe for you to be playing detective.”
Susan snapped. He had fuled the flame inside her for far too long. She clambered to her feet, stood up straight and looked him directly in the eyes, (despite the fact she was at least a whole head shorter than him). This confrontation was truly her chance to show the Teacher that he had been fucking around with the wrong girl. A small thought rushed through her mind for a second, that maybe she could accuse him of being the killer, and having killed Nicole Partingon, just to ward him off, however, his intimidating demeanour more than matched up to Susan’s standoffishness. Instead, she just blurted out,
“You don’t know what’s safe for me.”
Pushing past the Teacher, she marched along the pathway, not daring to look behind her. However, no further words were spoken, nor did the teacher attempt to follow her at all. That being said, it took her five minutes to muster up the courage to even look over her shoulder. When she did so, she saw nothing. No sign of Mr Blackburn, but more importantly, no sign of Amy.
She meandered so far into the woods that after about two hours she was sure she was lost. However, there was something in the distance. She couldn’t see it yet, but she could sure hear it, as she wheedled her way through the trees, twigs, branches and leaves. It sounded like a bunch of people were talking. A large group, to be exact. Some were shouting, most were talking, and she swore she heard the sound of cameras snapping photographs in the distance. She moved slightly faster, yet still treading on carefully, now intrigued. As she got closer, she found out exactly what was going on.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t get close enough to see exactly what was going on, as bordered from tree to tree was yellow tape with the words CRIME SCENE: DO NOT CROSS written in bold black. There were a bunch of people in white coats, gathered around something in a circle. Officers were there too, speaking and taking notes. She could also see the flashes of the cameras, yet she couldn’t hear what they were talking about. She identified a journalist amongst everyone else. And she quickly pieced the puzzle together. Journalists, officers, and she also knew who the people in the white coats and gas masks were. They were forensics. It hit her like a ton of bricks as she witnessed the scene unfold from a distance.
A body had been found.
She felt sick to her stomach as she witnessed two men lift a stretcher with the corpse into an ambulance van. The body had been covered by a white sheet, so she couldn’t see any more, plus she was relatively far away so as to keep herself hidden. She decided it was best if she went home. She’d seen enough, and she certainly didn’t want to be arrested for interfering, or worse, a suspect in this murder. She fled as quickly as she could, praying that she would not once again encounter Mr Blackburn. Also, a part of her didn’t want to see Amy either.
When Susan arrived home, she almost instinctively switched on the TV. She was hit straight away with a close up scene of what she had just witnessed in the forest. “This is channel seven news. Sadly we are here to confirm the tragic loss of another young law student. A sixth murder in less than a week has taken place. The victim has been identified as Amy Parker, a young law student at Harvard University. The principal of the university, Mr Steven Andrews very kindly joins us tonight, as he was the one who found the body of one of his own, and reported it to the police. Mr Andrews.”
The principal of Harvard, whom Susan had hardly set eyes on since her arrival, appeared on the screen outside the front entrance of the now infamous Harvard University. “Hello, yes, it was an extremely disturbing sight. The young victim had been stabbed, and her hands were tied behind her back, much like the rest of the victims of this horrific monster. After the murder of Nicole Partington I was badly shook, along with many other staff and students at Harvard, but now this, I think I’m going to contemplate closing, for safety purposes, until this mess has died down. Of course all students will get free returns for next year and they won’t have to pay more than they already have, for their degrees, however, I think their safety is their best interest, thank you.”
Susan switched off the TV and sat there in realisation. Her best friend was dead. She already knew, all the spooky signs that had been nagging at her since Amy’s disappearance the day before, that she was gone, but it was at this exact moment that Susan Higginson realised she had seen it all. She had seen and witnessed tension between Mr Blackburn and Nicole Partington before her disappearance. She had seen the empty seat being removed where Nicole used to sit. And she would see the now unoccupied chair next to her desk disappear soon too. She had seen her best friend on the day she was murdered, angst between her and Mr Blackburn. And now, she had seen from a distance, her best friend’s corpse being loaded onto a stretcher and wheeled into an ambulance. She just sat there in silence, trying to comprehend this entire situation, whilst tears streamed down her face. First it was law students outside of Harvard, then it came to students inside Harvard, to students in Susan’s law class whom she actually knew personally, to finally, her own best friend. It seemed as though the pattern was narrowing down towards her. And it made her think; Would she be next?
Terrified, she quickly tried to shake that thought out of her head because she knew that thinking like that would result in her refusing to go to University, despite the possibility of it closing anyway, refusing to enter the woods just in case another body would be found there, and eventually she could see herself refusing to leave the house completely, in fear of her own life. And she had always vowed to be brave in life. And she knew she needed to do so now, despite the fact everything seemed shattered at the moment. She was infuriated. Her core was rumbling, and the volcano inside her that Mr Blackburn had been stirring up for so long, was about to erupt, despite the fact that her anger was no longer directed at Mr Blackburn, but at whoever did this to her best friend.
Suddenly, her thoughts came to a halt again as an idea ran through her mind, as quickly as a comet. Mr Blackburn was in the woods at the time Amy was found, he was the one who caused her to run off, and had been upsetting student after student. He even had a run-in with Nicole Partington a few days before she had been found dead. It seemed whomever dared to upset Mr Blackburn, would fall victim to a terrible fate. And that wasn’t even mentioning the fact that he wore thick, forensic-looking gloves to school every morning, and was extremely defensive and closed off about the whole topic of the serial killer on the loose, yet had the nerve to bring it up during the encounter with Susan in the woods. Was Mr Blackburn trying to hide something?
Could Mr Blackburn possibly be… no, no… there was no way. He couldn’t be. Some of the first victims hadn’t even been from Harvard… there was no way Mr Blackburn could be responsible for this…
Susan screamed out loud, and violently bashed her own head against the wall of her bedroom. There was absolutely NO WAY Mr Blackburn was getting away with this.
The next morning, Susan woke in the small hours of the morning as she was not able to sleep properly for obvious reasons. She tossed the bedsheets off of her body and trampled over everything on her bedroom floor as she staggered to the bathroom. She decided she didn’t have time for breakfast this morning. The force almost made her gums bleed as she ravaged with her toothbrush into her mouth. She dragged and scraped her hairbrush through her knotty, greasy hair that hadn’t been washed in days. Once she got the brush through the thick, tangled mess, she threw it into a messy bun. She chose a long sleeved white blouse and tight fitting black jeans with black high heeled boots to match. This was what she referred to as her ‘business’ outfit. Susan meant business this morning.
As soon as the front door slammed that morning once she was headed outside of the house, Detective Higginson was born. And she was NOT going to listen to a word from Mr Blackburn.
She burst through the door of the principal’s office. “Professor Andrews!” She exclaimed. The principal swivelled around in his desk chair so that he was facing her, removing his dusty, stained, rimless glasses. “Miss Higginson, I cannot put into words how sorry I am… I am very well aware of the close friendship you shared with Miss Parker. It truly is a tragic loss. I phoned up her family this morning to offer my condolences. It seems her mother is very anxious to know you are okay. She said she would appreciate if you popped around, since she views you as a second daughter to her.”
“Sir, I’m not here to talk about Amy,” She pulled out a desk chair and sat facing the principal. “I’m here to talk about Mr Blackburn. I saw him yesterday, after class. He seemed mad at me.”
Professor Andrews rolled his eyes; many students had complained about the same thing regarding Mr Blackburn. “Susan, you see, he’s like that with everyone. He’s not mad, it’s just his demeanour. Yes, he’s a little bit different, but that doesn’t mean he has any sort of malicious feelings towards any of you.”
Susan so badly wanted to shake her head at this point, as he didn’t seem to be listening to what she was saying. Sure, there were some serious ass strict looking teachers out there, but nothing like Mr Blackburn. And the more that she thought of him, the more he seemed to fit with Susan’s generic stereotype for a serial killer, based on her instincts and advanced knowledge on the law.
“Anyway, young lady, where did you see him?”
“At the woods, last night. Near where Amy was killed…”
The principal raised one eyebrow. “The Woods is an extremely vast place, densely populated with trees. I am not sure you know your way around, Miss Higginson, as you have not attended Harvard for long enough to fully explore the true extent of the woods. Therefore, how would you know which designated area the crime scene was?”
Susan dreaded he would say something like this. Forcing her to admit what she had seen. Forcing her to admit that she had seen the body of her best friend being loaded onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. She was traumatised, but she was doing her best to hide it, but now, she had been rumbled. She knew she needed to open up about it. And as expected, her stutter returned, “I s-saw it….”
“What did you see, Miss Higginson?”
She took a deep breath and ploughed through her words again. “About two minutes after I was running away from Mr Blackburn, I came to the crime scene. There were forensics, reporters, police officers and there was tape blocking off the crime scene. But then I saw her… sh-she was covered b-by a white sh-sh-sheet…. I-i saw her body being loaded into the a-ambulance, and I didn’t know it was her until I came home, switched on the TV and was f-faced with exactly what I had just seen in the woods.”
Susan glanced up to the principal, who was now wide eyed with his hand over his mouth. “Oh Miss Higginson, I had no idea. I must offer my deepest sympathy-“
“No! I don’t want your “deepest sympathy”! It’s not going to help me get justice for my best friend, along with all the others who have fallen victim to this monster! Harry Johnson, Nick Burnley, Nicole Partington and a bunch of others not from Harvard! Please, sir, I just want you to listen to me!”
He sat back in his chair, eager to listen to the traumatised teenager, and what ideas she had in mind. “There was no one else in the wood at that time, no one in the first vicinity, where Amy was killed. Only me and Mr Blackburn… unless the criminal ran off, but like you say, the woods is a huge place and it’s not gonna take like two minutes for a criminal to run off, they could probably get lost. And that’s all I have to say.”
The principal stared in a wide eyed silence at Susan for at least thirty seconds before he finally spoke, “Oh, Miss Higginson, please tell me you’re not implying that Mr Blackburn could be involved, are you?”
“I’m sorry sir, but it’s the only plausible explanation I can think of.”
“Susan, Susan, listen to me. This is important. I completely understand how you’re feeling right now, you’ve just lost your best friend, not even mentioning the horrific sight you encountered yesterday at the crime scene. I get it, I really do. You’re shaken up and you’re not thinking straight.”
“That’s what I’ve been telling myself, sir. But I know, I just know it’s got to be him, why else does he always come to work wearing gloves, become really cagey when anyone brings up the recent murders. He goes through the woods every single night on his way back from Harvard, plus all the bodies that were found were law students, law students in the woods. They’re innocent people, yet he thinks they must die. There’s a pattern with his victims that just can’t be missed. He argues with them before he kills them. I’ve seen him doing it with Nicole Partington, the day before she disappeared, and also Amy, just two days ago. That was the last time she was seen.”
“I know.” He suddenly interrupted.
“You know what, sir?” Susan inquired.
“I know about the disputes between Mr Blackburn and the decedents. He told me, of course. However that’s no cause for concern, it’s merely a coincidence, Miss Higginson, you’re thinking unrealistically. I would, if I was in the same situation as you, but to accuse a teacher whom you simply dislike as a person of committing these vile acts, just after your friend died, is quite extreme to say the least, Miss Higginson. I am, in fact, very concerned about you.”
“You’re concerned about me, are you? Well I am, too. I could be the next victim. I’m concerned about every single student at Harvard university, or anyone who dares come into mere contact with that man! But you people, you just don’t get it!!! Four students at your university have already lost their lives, and there’s surely going to be more of this! Well if you won’t listen, I’ll go home. But don’t expect me to ever set foot in his classroom again!”
“Miss Higginson, before you leave, if it helps your mental stability, I could move you to a different teacher in a different law class?” The principal suggested.
Susan scoffed. “Help my mental stability? Are you senseless? My best friend is dead, and if I bump into him at the woods again, I might be too, in a matter of hours that’s why I’m bloody well avoiding that place. And moving me away from him? Why are you so intent on defending Mr Blackburn? Moving me away from him isn’t going to help. I need to prove further that it’s him. And I’ll bloody well get proof if it’s the last thing I do. I need justice for Amy.” And with that, she slammed the door and went out of Harvard to Amy’s house.
She was greeted by Anne, Amy’s middle aged mother. But of course, she wasn’t the Anne that Susan was used to seeing all the time with Amy; always enthusiastic to help, kind and compassionate, a little strict but a very good person.
No. This Anne looked as if she had been years all night and all morning so far (which of course, she had) she had dark circles, was almost as pale as a ghost, and her face was expressionless as Susan looked into her dull blue eyes. This action moved her, as Amy’s irises were the same color, and she beared a resemblance to her in many ways. Their eyes were the same; always bright and sparkly. But this morning, Anne’s eyes, and the rest of her face also, looked just as dead as Amy. Completely numb from a smile.
“I can’t believe it, Susie!” She wept, closing the door behind Susan. “My own daughter! My only child! She was so smart and clever, and then someone did this to her!”
“It would be particularly tragic if it was her own law teacher who did this to her.” Susan replied, tears also stinging her eyes.
Anne stopped for a moment, sniffed, and examined Susan’s face quizzically.
“What are you saying?” She whispered.
Susan burst into tears. “I s-saw the cr-cr-cr-Crime scene!!! Where Amy was k-killed! I saw them l-loading a dead b-b-body into an ambulance. Mr B-Blackburn was in the f-forest at the same time!! When I came home I switched on the TV and… I found out it was her….”
“I promised myself she would return home safely!!!” Anne screamed. “Susie, I told you not to go looking for her! What if the killer had you too?! I couldn’t live, oh, I just couldn’t live!! I want him to take ME NOW!!!”
“Anne, you can’t think like that. I’m here, Amy isn’t, but I am. But can’t you hear what I’m trying to say about Mr Blackburn? I’m convinced that he did it.”
Anne sniffled again. “You think that teacher killed my Amy?”
Susan took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, but not just Amy. I also believe he’s responsible for the murder of Nicky Partington, and all the other law students who have died, even the ones who don’t go to Harvard. It seems ridiculous, the principal thought it was ridiculous, at first I thought it was ridiculous, but then it really sank in and now the more I think about it, the more I believe it was him. I didn’t go into law today. I couldn’t face him… and I don’t think I ever can again. I hope the principal does end up closing Harvard, god knows what will happen if there are any more victims. Universities all over America are closing for the same reason, as Mr Blackburn only works part time. And I know he travels around a lot; I’ve seen him with baggage and suitcases various times. So it’s definitely possible that he’s responsible for those murders.”
“Susie, no. You’re a student, not a detective. You’re not a criminologist yet. You may be accusing an innocent person of the murder of my daughter.”
“But at the same time, I’m not letting a man whom I know is guilty to walk free after he murdered my best friend. If you knew him the way I do, you’d be thinking the same thing. You’d be demanding that the principal fires him immediately.”
That night, a conversation between Mr Andrews and Mr Blackburn took place at Harvard…
“What happened between you and Ms Parker the last time you were faced with her?” Mr Andrews inquired.
“She seemed extremely bitter,” Mr Blackburn responded, in a puzzled tone.
“Hmm… that’s rich,” the principal muttered.
“Excuse me, sir?” Mr Blackburn raised his eyebrows.
The principal cleared his throat, knitting together his eyebrows as he stared intensely at the man sitting opposite from him. “Susan. She’s onto something. She thinks it’s you. She came to me this morning. She couldn’t face you.”
“The attendance officer reported she was grieving over Amy…?” Mr Blackburn stammered, clearly uncomfortable. “Which is perfectly well understood.” He added quickly.
The principal scoffed. “You’ve changed your tune.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean!?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know! You were always going on about how much you hated Amy Parker! That’s where Susan Higginson got the idea from!”
“That was taken out of context. Don’t you dare try to frame me, after everything I’ve helped you out with over the past few weeks!”
“Whoa, calm down man. Susan Higginson is just a child, even if she does go to the cops, who’s gonna believe her anyway? She’s eighteen years old with a lot of mental health difficulties. They’re gonna write her off like they do with all the kids. No one’s gonna believe a word of it. You’ll be safe, trust me.”
“Someone could easily believe her. She’s one of the smartest students, and it only takes one person to blow the whistle and then I’m done.”
“I won’t let you go down for this. I got your back.” The principal reassured the teacher.
“If Susan Higginson goes anywhere near the cops… she’ll be next.” Mr Blackburn replied.
Will she be next? Find out in Part 5!!
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