#This game is honestly terrible
luna-lovegreat · 4 months
If you ask the chain for their worst/ most annoying enemy
Time: redheads- I mean Redeads
Twilight: *stifling a laugh* Shadow beasts
Four: *deadpan* Gibdos
Legend: *can't think of anything challenging* I'm gonna say, umm... *shoots a teasing glance at Sky* Sleep
Wild: definitely Guardians
Sky: Demon lords with long tongues
Hyrule: *looks at Sky* not even gonna ask about that one, but Octorocks. They're everywhere in my world
Wind: I was gonna say Octorock too! But specifically Big Octo, those are the worst
Warriors: ...
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vellichorom · 6 months
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now, people are free to think whatever they like, i won't tell them that they're wrong, but i'm not sure i entirely agree with the idea that 432 is responsible for the skip button ending happening the way that it did,
rather... i think, quite literally, that they had no hand in it.
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otterlyart · 10 months
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What if I drew him happy? Free? In love even?
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waterdeeping · 2 months
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straightforward inclination pawns my beloved 💜
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emahriel · 7 months
as my good friend and i like to remind each other:
don't yuck people's yum. if you do so, at least keep it in the dms. no point in making people feel absolutely miserable for liking a certain thing, for having an oc you don't like - whatever it is. people constantly hating just for the sake of hating truly sour the fandom experience on social medias. there's a problem if the only way you feel better is by making others feel like crap.
and you, who shares the things you love online, who creates original characters and talks about their ships - know that you will never be able to please everyone and that's okay. don't let it stop you from sharing what you love, if it brings you happiness then keep doing it. you don't owe anyone anything, if what you like somehow upsets people, they can very easily just block you and move on. it's really that simple!
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the-binding-blade · 7 days
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so you fought with my brother…
then it’s over.
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parab0mb · 1 month
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Average conversation between these three dweebs.
I don't actually know their canon heights (I think Lea is supposed to be the shortest) but Emilie being small fits the meme format better and is funnier so french gremlin she is. Also my heart tells me that Apollo is built like an actual blade of grass.
The og meme btw:
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greywoe · 1 year
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nooo theon don't listen to the stinky man
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soaked-ghost · 4 months
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hahaha what if I made an alphys au oc and made her ink's friend lol. actually that's a lie there is no what if I just did that
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paper-starz · 10 months
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klysanderelias · 7 months
It's always funny to me when a big-name youtuber argues vociferously that souls-like games DO have a difficulty setting, it's Playing The Game Right (leveling, build, using summons, etc), and then later on in the same video will have a fifteen minute long section complaining about how certain boss fights completely invalidate certain builds or require you to drastically alter your style of play, and i'm like... I thought you were in FAVOR of this.
And of course they're not, they just don't understand what a difficulty setting IS anymore, and that's completely fair because I think that most DEVELOPERS don't either, but it means that the criticism they make is always couched in a fundamental misunderstanding of the thing they're trying to criticise (and also usually a complete misunderstanding of where the criticism comes from).
And I want to be clear, I've beaten basically every single Dark Souls game, I beat bloodborne, I played shitloads of elden ring and the reason I didn't beat it was because I got bored, and I've done speedruns and soul level 1 runs of dark souls 3. I'm pretty much the dark souls power player that everyone expects would argue AGAINST having difficulty options.
I've been playing thousands of hours of battletech, and the battletech difficulty screen has been the singlehandedly biggest argument I've had change my mind.
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In the game, Battletech modifies difficulty per mission by changing the total health of enemies, changing their skills and experience levels, the usual fare of difficulty curves (although damage is never affected, thank god). But having all these granular options can dramatically change the way the game is played without simply affecting health values or hit percentages.
Toggling mech destruction and lethality means that losing a mech in a mission or having a pilot be knocked unconscious removes them permanently. They're killed, destroyed, you need to go get a new one. That's a HUGE change from the base difficulty where having a mech be completely destroyed in combat just removes the weapon components and costs a ton to repair. Likewise, changing the number of parts required to buy or salvage in order to complete a mech DRAMATICALLY changes the game - the maximum amount of parts you can get from a single mech is 3, and usually you only get 1. Needing 3 parts means that if you're lucky, you could see a brand new mech in a mission, blow its head off, and get one for free. Moving that scale up both means that rare or expensive mechs take much much longer to earn, but also that replacing mechs takes much longer (meaning that losses are even more painful).
Like, every single one of these options can dramatically affect how you play the game or change the feel of it to something much more interesting to you as a player - do you want to play a rogue-like game where you have to save and scrounge to get new mechs, and each mech and pilot is a precious resource you have to protect? or do you want to powerscale fast and constantly get new mechs and rare weapons?
And like, having extremely granular options for gameplay isn't for everyone, but then again, there are the owlcat pathfinder CRPGs that do this same thing, but have a base 'easy-normal-hard' sort of slider that automatically selects certain options, and you can adjust them if you want. If you're not interested in going through each slider you can just say 'I'd like normal please' and the game automatically makes all the selections, but you can also stop and say 'hey actually let me turn on permadeath too' and you can do that.
And I think that when people think about difficulty, they think about the most basic 'health and damage adjustments' sliders, and not ANYTHING else that actually have much more of an impact. I will hit this point to my grave that dark souls would massively benefit from difficulty options like turning off instakill effects (like curse or petrification) or removing the harsh penalty of dying when you can't get back to your bloodstain because a) that's often what drive new players off the most, and b) it doesn't fuckin' matter anyway, all you're losing is souls, the only thing it does is make you have to go grind more to make up for it.
And of course, there are always EXTRA challenge runs people come up with - nuzlocke runs of pokemon, soul level 1 runs of dark souls, hell, when I do Battletech I often add additional challenges like 'no intentional destruction of civilian buildings' or 'each mech must be assigned to a pilot and if one of them is sidelined, so is the other'
But challenge runs aren't difficulty settings, and more importantly there's no way to unchallenge run a game. You can decide to make the game harder for yourself, but you can't make the game EASIER. And when people say that you can, they're lying to you. Like yeah, there builds that are very strong in dark souls, and leveling optimally will make the game easier, but if you don't know what optimal leveling looks like, it's pointless. If you have a deep and thorough understanding of the game, and you check the messageboards, and delve through the wiki, and use a couple of exploits, the game will be easy! And if it's still too hard for you after that? Well, go fuck yourself, you just spent hours of your life doing research only to give up on the game anyway.
And the truth is, most people who argue that dark souls shouldn't have a difficulty slider are doing it out of bad faith, because they have a certain amount of ego riding on 'being good at hard game' as a character trait, and making these games more accessible frightens them because what if being good at dark souls isn't actually getting them into heaven
but also because they're somehow afraid that having extra difficulty options in the game will tempt them into choosing them? And then they won't get the 'true experience'?
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Gamers are some of the most fragile people in existence that the mere option of reducing difficulty sends them into hysterics.
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viric-dreams · 4 months
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Title: The Geriatric Geodian
Name: Graham
Age: ???
Occupation: New Sequencer (Probably... no one's ever seen him do any actual work)
Main Skills: Dreaded, Persuasive
Main Quirks: Ruthless, Heartless
-Nobody knows how long Graham has been on Grand Geode. He's simply always been there.
-Most Dreaded Man in Zelo's Town. Not because he's scary, but because he's absolutely exhausting and unpleasant to deal with.
-Has been around for seemingly every historical event, and always has the most rank take on it.
-Not even dawnpilled, just believes in the Dawn Machine's goals.
-Spends his days sitting on his porch in Zelo's Town and judging you personally.
-Once had a companion, who's since moved on to the Tomb Colonies. If you try to express sympathy at his loss he'll call you a sentimental ninny and hobble off. His companion is probably wreaking equal havoc in the Tomb Colonies.
-Has personally victimised each and every sequencer on Grand Geode at least once. (stories welcome)
Graham has been Roberts' nemesis on the Geode since the 70s. Roberts enters every encounter swearing he'll put the old man in his place. He usually ends up apologising and assuring him that of course he'll ensure that the zailors stay off of his lawn in the future. He then spends the next several hours after the encounter kicking himself for it. He's personally repaired Graham's roof at least twice. He tried to suggest delegating this task to another officer, but was immediately insulted and told "not to faff about and get up on that ladder." Roberts was utterly furious after the fact that he actually did it.
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ineed-to-sleep · 7 months
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Hate that I found this scene kinda hot
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Maybe they don’t need the “get along shirt”…? Maybe a get along separated play pen? You know :3 when you feed the animals on separate sides of a baby gate so they’re safe but get to know each other :3
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“Separated play pen” //// “DPD holding cells”. Close enough, right?
Hank leaves them there for the weekend sometimes when he just wants to relax.
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heavenlyascent · 2 months
people don't get that Lucrecia is absolutely fucked up person and that's good, that's the point
I hate Dirge of Cerberus as much as anyone and I'd throw the entire thing into the ocean too especially for how it goes about Lucrecia's story but her being a fundamentally broken person whose prone to guilt ridden mental break downs? No absolutely not, it was the one thing they got right about her. Lucrecia is ultimately not a good person as much as she wants her intentions to be good because there's no world where a good person would do what she's done to any child, much less her own child she carried for 9 months
like talk about dead on arrival, Sephiroth didn't have a chance because whether or not Jenova is his mother or Lucrecia is his mother, he was still created with the exact purpose of being used by Shrina. When he couldn't be Cetra, he became a weapon and the fact is that Lucrecia knew this going in
like Lucrecia wasn't stupid, she wasn't naive, she wasn't blinding running into the experiment with Hojo leading her by the hand, she knew what she was doing
but the last shred of conscience kicked in at the last second and realized the enormity of her actions
and who KNOWS, right? maybe in another universe had she gotten out before it was too late, had she been able to raise Sephiroth somewhere out in the big wide world or given him to some one who could have protected him from Shrina, Sephiroth could have had a good life
but I doubt it because for all of Lucrecia's (of which I believe) love for her son it doesn't change that deep down Lucrecia was broken enough or determine enough to do what she did in the first place and things like that don't get fixed because the shame suddenly smacked her up the face
Lucrecia and Sephiroth are ultimately a tragedy--the woman who should never have been a mother and the child who should have never been born
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katvazamo · 2 months
i think the consensus of the watcher situation is that people would pay a subscription service but seeing the content as it is now they cant justify
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