#This had me laughing my ass off ive only listened to two of the prank calls in the cd so far but they are all gold
ckygetsjobs · 2 years
actually surprised this is Dico’s voice 
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hypnosisbuttd · 3 years
Hypnosis is Bullshit
(A gay Hypnosis Story)
“Alright Campers!” Chris shouts to the contestants in the cafeteria “It’s time for your next challenge!”
“What now?” Duncan asks annoyed.
“Aw what? Do you not enjoy my challenge?” Chris says sadly
“No” All of the contestants say simultaneously
“Rude...” Chris says, faking being offended. “Well it doesn’t matter cause you’re doing it anyways! Meet me out by the cabins! No not your housing arrangements, the OTHER cabins.”
Chris then proceeds to disappear.
The Campers leave their cafeteria, but then Duncan and Trent get into a little scuffle outside the doors.
“Don’t fucking push me dude” Trent snapped
“Well if your slow ass wasn’t taking up the entire doorway I wouldn’t have needed to” Duncan responds
“Bastard, you wanna fight me?” Trent threatens
“Try me bitch” Duncan challenges“
Oh my god, break it up you two.” Heather sighs
“You stay out of this you black haired dog eater” Duncan sneers
“AIGHT BITCH YOU WANNA GO?!” Heather says threatening Duncan as Lindsay holds her back.
“Ha, you’re so easy to get a reaction out of” He laughs
“Ugh! I really wish someone would knock you down a peg you brat!” Heather shouts
“Duncan I really think you should back off” Gwen suggests
“Aw come on you know you love it baby”“Ew...” Gwen says backing off.
“Y’all gonna head over to the Cabins, or Am I gonna have to drag your clown asses over there?” Leshawna asks
“Tch, fine” Duncan reluctantly lets up
(Nobody messes with Leshawna)
The campers settles their conflict and head out to the old cabins in the wood. 6 of them have spirals painted on them.
“This challenge is a 1 on 1 hypnosis challenge, each of one of the former screaming gophers will compete with one of the former Killer Bass to hypnotize each other in one hour. Whoever succeeds will be allowed to do whatever they want with the other, whoever does the most embarrassing thing to the other when the timer is up wins, the judge will as always be me.” Chris explains
“As stupid as this challenge is, there is a slight problem Chris” Duncan calls out
“And that is?” Chris asks
“Hypnosis ain’t real you fucking moron.” He shouts
“Yes it is!” Izzy shouts “Ive seen plenty of government facilities use Hypnosis on Politicians to get them favorably on one side of the Spectrum or on enemy soldier to reveal critical information! But I’m completely resistant to it cause I was born colorblind!” Izzy rants
“And we’re supposed to believe the crazy lady why?” Duncan asks
Izzy growls
“Anyways here are your teams”
“Leshawna and Eva, you’ll go to the first cabin”
“Ha good luck, I have an Iron Will” Eva notes
“Team 2 will be Heather and Bridgette”
“Yeah no, I’m not letting this bitch control me. You’re going down Heather” Bridgette threatens
“Team 3 is Lindsay and Izzy”
“This will go down well...” Duncan mutters sarcastically
“Team 4 is Geoff and Gwen”
“Aight little lady! We got this!” Geoff cheers
“I don’t think you understand this challenge” Gwen says
“Team 5 is Owen and DJ”
“Oh fuck no” Trent and Duncan say simultaneously
“And Team 6 will be Duncan and Trent! Ha ha ha” Chris laughs
“Fuck you and your idiot ass McLain” Duncan says flipping the bird at McLain before waking inside the cabin.
“I could have had it worse...” Trent suggests trying to keep it positive.
The two of them wander inside the cabin and did the room lined with various Hypnosis tools.
Duncan just sighs“God this shit it stupid... I mean look at this” He picks up a ray gun “Hypno Gun? My gif what do they think we are? 5? I’m so done with this. Let’s just wait the hour out I don’t even care if we lose”
“Whatever...” Trent sighs.
Duncan sits down on one of the coaches while Trent wanders around the room.
After a bit of searching however, Trent notices a small tape sitting in the corner of the room, he picks it up and the Tape Reads ‘Easy White Noise Hypnosis’. Trent, wanting a bit of laugh but also not caring, removes the label and replaces it with a label he had on one of his other tapes titled ‘Heavy Punk Rock Favorites’.
He then proceeds to sit next to Duncan
“Da fuck do you want?” Duncan snaps
“Well I decided since we’re going to be here a while, I thought you would like to listen to some music. I know you’re a punk rock fan, so I got some of my favorites.” He hands the tape to Duncan
“I mean you’re choice in Music probably sucks but whatever...” Duncan plugs in a pair of headphones into the tape and begins listening.
“Dude this is just white noise, what the fuck is this?” Duncan asks clearly confused
“It’s a start up noise, it’ll probably take a couple minutes to start up” Trent lied
Duncan relents and continues to sit there. After a few minutes, his expression begins to go slack and he sits there looking confused.
“Dude... This shit is making my head feel... funny...” Duncan slurs. He goes to take off the headphones.
“Up bup bup bup” Trent places his hands on his and keeps the headphones “Just keep going”
“But... I...”
“Ssshhh” Trent shush him. Duncan giggles a little before continuing on.
After a couple more minutes, Duncan is gone full slack. His eyes are crossed and drool is slowly dripping down the side of his mouth. Trent waves his hand in front of Duncan, he doesn’t even react. He just sits there.
Holy shit did it actually work? Trent thinks. He decides to test his theory.
“Duncan can you hear me?” Trent asks
“Yeah...” Duncan mumbles
“Are you willing to obey my commands?” He asks
“Sure” Duncan slurs
“Stand in front of me...” He orders
Duncan stands up and walks in front of Trent.
No way... Trent thinks This can’t be real. I guess the only way to know is if I make him do something so embarrassing that if he’s pranking me he’ll have to let up...
“Alright Duncan listen to me. When I snap my fingers, you will become a Sexy Gay stripper who’s here to strip for me. You love showing your bare ass for people and you’re super horny. Ok?”
Duncan just drools
Theres no way... Trent thinks
Trent snaps his fingers and Duncan wakes up and stares directly at Trent. He then placed Hands on either side of Trent
Yup he’s definitely going to kill me
“Why Hello there Sexy” Duncan purrs
OH MY GOD Trents Mind Screams
Duncan stands up and admired Trent “Damn when they sent me for this job, I didn’t expect my client to be so sexy.” He says seductively
“Thank you...” Trent says trying to hold in his laughter
“Anyways let’s get on with the show shall we?” Duncan says pulling off his shirt slowly.
Trent just stares in awe as Duncan slowly pulls off his clothes. First he tosses off his shirt and lets Trent feel his pecs. Then he pulls off his pants and gives Trent a lap dance. Finally when Trent thought it was going to end, Duncan leaned in by his ear“
Since you’re such a special client case, I’ll give you a bonus show.” He whispers seductively.
Duncan stands up and pulls off his underwear, bearing his ass for Trent to see. He throws the underwear off to the side and exposes himself directly in front of Trent.
“Like what you see?” Duncan says winking
Trent could feel himself getting hard.
Wait what?
Trent looked down to see himself indeed having a hard on at the site of Duncan
What the? I’m straight! What the heck is going on?
Duncan leans in quietly and sets himself on Trents lap“What do you say me and you find the bedroom, and take care of that little problem of yours” Duncan says pulling at the edge of Trents pants
“Alright that’s enough! Sleep!” Trent calls out
Duncan immediately falls limp, his body crashing into Trents chest. Trent realized how Tiny Duncan was especially without the clothes and laughed to himself a little.
Hmm what should I do with you now? Trent thinks.
He looks down at Duncan’s muscular form. And immediately comes up with a devilish plan.
“Alright Duncan… You can still hear me correct?” He asks
“Ye…” Duncan slurs.
“Alright, when I wake you up, you will think you are a professional wrestler. And I am your opponent. You will try and punch and dent but will not have enough strength to do so. Meanwhile when I even slightly tap you, you will feel excruciating pain. And the only way You can make it stop is by me surrendering. Understood?” Trent explains.
Duncan moans.
“Ok… Then go…” Trent snaps his fingers.
Duncan sits up instantly and stares directly at Trent. He smiles and growls.
“Look at you. Little Princess. You think you can beat me?” Duncan sneers.
Trent stands up. “Psh, you’re all talk…” He laughs.
“Oh yeah. Then let’s see how you like this?” Duncan aims a punch directly for Trents face, but when he touches his face, it’s no more than a slight touch. Duncan backs up.
“You’re sturdy…” He mutters.
“Wanna try that again?” He asks
“Grr TAKE THIS!!!” Duncan runs up to him and grabs him around the arms. He attempts to lift Trent up, but fails miserably.
Trent just laughs and flicks Duncan’s nose. Duncan backs up and covers his nose in pain.
“Dude what the fuck?! How did you do that?” He says rubbing his nose.
“Just luck I guess.” Trent slaps Duncan’s back and he collapses to the ground writing in pain.
Trent pulls Duncan’s legs over his shoulders and Duncan writhes in pain.
“Say it!” Trent snaps
“Say what?” Duncan whimpers.
“Say you’re a princess…” He tugs on his leg.
Duncan winces hard. “GAAAH! Fine! I’m a Princess! I’m a pretty little bitch princess.”
“Why couldn’t Mario find you?”
“I was in another castle! Obviously!”
“And what we’re you doing there?”
“Probably getting fucked by You.” He laughs.
Trent stands there silent for a moment as he drops Duncan lies on the ground writhing.
“I surrender.” He mumbles.
Duncan’s pain vanishes and he quietly gets up and turns to Trent.
“You ok dude?” He asks
“Why did you say I was getting fucked by you? Why the fuck would you say that?” He growls.
“Dude, I just think your hot. I’m not tryna make you mad. If anything, I think you’d make a great top!” Duncan laughs.
Trent just sighs. “Sleep…”
Duncan falls forward and collapses into Trents arms. Trent quietly sits him on the floor and sits next to him thinking.
Did he really mean that? Trent thinks
He looks over at Duncan, who’s drooling on the floor and looking spaces out. Trent quietly contemplates for a moment before realizing his final trick. The thing he would do for Chris’s competition.
“Alright Duncan, can you hear me?” Trent asks.
“Mm…” Duncan quietly mumbles.
“Great then here’s what we’re gonna do.”
(Time skip to the end of the competition ton)
“Aaaaaand Times Up!” Chris blows his air horn. “Let’s see what we got now!”
“Duncan was right! You’re bullshitting McLain!” Gwen snaps.
“None of that stuff worked! All of the tools were fake!” Leshawna explains.
“Yeah! And I should know! I know what Hypnosis stuff looks like!” Izzy shouts.
“Really? It was supposedly real when I bought it online.” Chris says nervously.
“Yeah well I can guarantee that not a single one of us completed the challenge.” Bridgette snaps
“Actually I did!” Trent raised his hand.
Everyone turns to look at him in surprise.
“You can’t be serious…” Heather says tiredly.
“I am! And I have proof!” Trent quietly walks down the steps, a small figure crouches down behind him.
“Is that…” Gwen attempts to peak around.
Trent calls the small figure. “Come on, don’t be shy…”
The figure crawls quietly to Trents feet and reveals itself to be Duncan, but he’s different. His usual green Mohawk, now he had his air in a sort of wild style, kind of slicked back, but with a bit of a tip. But that was the least of the Changes. He was completely naked except for a pair of black ears and a large black tail stuck into his ass. And he had a collar with a bone collared name tag on it saying “Damian” attached to a leash that Trent was holding.
“No way…” Izzy says shocked.
“His name is Damian now. He’s a cutie aint he?” He says scratching Damian behind the ears. Damian pants in happiness.
“This isn’t real…” Heather says laughing.
“It is. I Hypnoed him to be a good boy. I taught him a couple tricks while I had the time.” Trent explains.
He points to in front of him and Damian walks up and “stands” on all fours in front of Trent.
Damian sits like a dog looking at Trent expectantly.
“Roll over.”
Damian lies down then rolls onto his back, then rolls back onto his stomach and sits up.
Damian barks.
“Wag your tail!”
Damian sticks his butt up in the air, and begins wagging his fake tail. Damian looks at Trent happily.
“Good boy!”
Trent pulls a cookie out of his pocket and dangles it in front of Damian. Damian grabs it and begins munching on the cookie. Once he’s finished, Trent pulls out a large beef bone and hands it to Damian. Damian takes it in his mouth and quietly circles around Trent before lying at his feet and viciously chewing on the bone.
“This is insane!” Owen looks in shock.
“HES SO CUTE!!!” Lindsay squeals.
“Oh how the tables have turned…” Heather smirks.
Chris looks at Trent in shock. He regains his composure and smiles at Trent. “Well then! Congratulations, Trent! You have won immunity!” Chris announces.
“And Damian, he’s my dog, after all.” Trent reaches down and scratches Damian behind the ears again. Damian whines in happiness.
“Ugh… Fine! Damian gets Immunity too… You have to change him back by the end of the week though!” Chris adds.
“Yeah yeah…” Trent waves it off.
(One week later, after Eva is eliminated)
Trent walks up to Damian, who had been quietly sleeping under Trents bunk. He ques for Damian to come out and Damian shuffles out and quietly waits for Trents command.
“Alright welp its time for you to go back to normal…”
Damian frowns and cries at Trent.
“I know I know… But Chris said it’s the requirement…” Trent says petting Damian.
Reluctantly, Damian sits back in normal position.
“Goodbye for now Damian…”
Damian barks one more time and nuzzles into Trents hand.
“And sleep…”
Duncan’s eyes roll over and he returns to sleep mode.
“Alright Duncan, I want you to take all the memories of you as Damian and tuck them safely away. It’ll be there, but you can’t open it unless I ask you to. Ok?” Trent explains.
Duncan mumbles what sounded like a yes.
“And other than that, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up as your Normal self, with all the memories of what you did. Ok?” Trent asks
Duncan nods.
“Ok, and go.” Trent snaps his fingers.
Duncan’s eyes snap back to reality and he looks at Trent in disgust.
“The fuck is up with-“ He stops as his memories come in “OH FUCK YOU!!!” Duncan gets up and lightly shoved Trent. Trent laughs.
“Yup! I got you!” Trent says.
“Oh god! How the fuck did That work?” Duncan asks
“Honestly? I just kinda got lucky! But I wasn’t wasting a golden opportune moment like this!” Trent laughs.
“Tch, whatever.” Duncan crosses his arms. But shockingly his expression softens.
“Hey… about that Damian thing…” He mumbles.
“What about it?” I ask strangely.
“Do you think you could do it again sometime…” He asks quietly.
Trent looks at him surprised “You’re not serious?!” Trent says shocked.
“Yes I am. I kinda like being Damian. I know I act like a bad boy all the time but, to be Damian would be like having just… a lay off of that I guess…” Duncan mumbles.
Trent seems to think for a moment, before nodding and reaching his hand out towards Duncan. “Deal!”
Duncan grasps his hand and shakes it. “Thanks.”
Duncan begins quietly walking out when Trent stops him.
“Aren’t you gonna put on clothes?” Trent laughs.
Duncan looks back at him and smirks.
“Dogs don’t wear clothes”
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heavymetalover · 5 years
Call Me Daddy (Michael Langdon x fem reader)
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{i imagined scruffy sojourn michael w this one but i left the description kind of open so yall can imagine whichever teehee}
Summary: Michael is about to become your step dad and the two of you have an unusual relationship…
Warnings: DADDY KINK DUH, smut, dirty talk, fingering, vaginal sex, dom!michael, hickies, rough sex.
WC: 5.5k
A/N: ive done the unforgiven… omg.
this is a different format from my other stuff. i didnt see anyone doing this and yall know me and my daddy issues I HAD TO. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE anon me, message me, whatever, if you want more parts cuz im down.
 You had an average run-of-the-mill life with your mom. The two of you lived in a sizable suburban Los Angeles estate; your mom worked for most of her waking hours to keep you comfortable and you worked your ass off to stay in your top college. You had a few friends that would pop into your life when your mom left town, a few boyfriends here and there, even your mom dated around. Everything felt normal until Michael came into the picture.
Your mom has been dating Michael for a few months now, but every time he’s around he brings an eerie feeling along with him. Despite being nearly half her age, he has the soul of somebody from the eighteen hundreds. The way he composes himself, how he speaks with the utmost confidence and how his stares linger too long; his glacial blue eyes always watch you like he can see right through your clothes. 
You’ve been skeptical of him since the day you met him. When you shook his hand and accidentally removed one of his large rings, he nonchalantly told you to keep it. You decided to sell the huge diamond-encrusted Cartier ring and use the twenty thousand dollars to help pay for college.
Since then you’ve avoided the two of them in protest of their relationship. You knew it was juvenile to evade them, but the man turned you on more than you’d like to admit. His soft-waved blonde hair, fluffy lips, jawline for days, prominent cheekbones, and how can you forget the eyes… Everything about him looked planned, like he was designed to be flawless.
On a mundane weekend morning, your mom calls you from downstairs. “Y/n!” her voice echoes through the halls.
You stop reading your favourite book and take out an earbud. “Yeah?!” you yell back, looking up from the pages for a moment and waiting for her to say something else, but the house is silent. You pretend to ignore her call and go back to the story.
“Y/n!” your mom yells again.
You sigh and drop your book, rolling off of your bed and skipping down the stairs to see what fresh hell awaits. As you approach your mom, who’s opening her mouth to call you again, you smell something unusual. Something you haven’t smelt since your dad left. Cologne.
“Honey, he’s here,” your mom whispers to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. You try turning away to run back to your room, but your mom stops you. “Can you be nice for once, please?” she begs, squeezing your shoulder.
“Whatever, let’s get this over with,” you groan and shimmy her hand off of your shoulder.  
Michael works at the dining table, setting up three plates and utensils. You’re planted to the ground in awe, you’ve never had to eat dinner with the two of them before. It crosses your mind that they must be confronting you about bypassing them these past few months, your fight or flight response is already kicking in.
Michael looks up at you, finally acknowledging you and capturing you in his ocean blue eyes with a nanosecond of contact. Your mom moves in between the two of you and takes some food out of a paper bag. “Michael and I wanted all of us to eat dinner together,” she skips to stand beside him. You widen your eyes at her and cross your arms in objection. She widens her eyes back, you can practically hear her nagging you to be polite.
Michael puts his arm around your mom. “Your mother and I thought it best for us to… start acting like a family,” he says.
Your eyebrows shoot up and you can’t hold back your smile. “A family?” you laugh. You purse your lips and start walking backwards, aching to escape Michael’s spell. “Mmm, I think I’ll pass,” you turn around to start walking away.
“Y/n,” your mom snaps. You stop in the middle of a step and twist back towards them, taking small, reluctant steps to approach their little function. “We have something to tell you,” she says and immediately after, vaults her hand out to you.
You take it hesitantly and look at her, still trying to figure them out and failing. “What?” you ask.
“No, honey, look at it,” she rolls her eyes, “look at my hand.”
You gawk at her hand, her third finger is dressed in a huge diamond ring. It looks big enough to pay off your whole house. You unintentionally let out a dramatic gasp and drop her hand, she continues to hold it up for you. “It’s the bloodiest diamond he could find in the LA area,” she explains, “We’re in love.” She smiles and places her hand on Michael’s chest, looking up at him with hearts in her eyes. He gifts a small kiss on her lips.
You scoff and shake your head. Any tension that you felt from Michael has dissolved. He’s been dating your mom for five months, five fucking months. Who does he think he is? Are they both nuts? “You’re joking, right?” you ask, completely stunned by how brash the whole situation is. “Are you guys pranking me?”
Michael grins at you, it makes you melt and you hate yourself for it. “Call me daddy,” he sneers.
It’s a quaint Wednesday evening when you decide to take a break from studying and grab a snack. You’re scrolling through Tumblr when you walk out of your room and smash your face against a sturdy chest. “Jesus!” you gasp, looking up at Michael standing in front of your door; one of his hands is in a fist, ready to knock on your door, while the other is behind his back. “You scared the shit out of me!” You playfully push his chest away from you, trying to shake off the sudden rush of adrenaline.
He drops his fist as he stumbles back slightly. It’s the first time you’ve talked to him since they announced their engagement. Michael moved in about a month ago and it’s been hard to ignore him since he sits, day in day out, typing away on his laptop in your living room.
“Sorry,” he apologizes. “But I have to admit it’s nice to hear your voice again.”
You lean against your doorframe, trying to act casual as if he hadn’t just knocked the wind out of you completely. “Did my mom come home from work or something? She send you here?” you ask, declining his attempts to meet your eyes, instead you stare at his lapel.
“No, I got you something,” he explains, wiggling the surprise behind his back.
“Another Cartier ring?” you joke. “Oh, or is it a new girlfriend? Because that would be even better.” His eyes find the ceiling in annoyance and it feels rewarding, you were starting to think he couldn’t be cracked. “Did you get me an apartment, so I don’t have to live with another failed marriage?”
“No,” he snaps back, starting to sound impatient with your infantile attitude. You straighten up at his belligerent tone. He slides into your room, keeping the gift hidden behind his back. “It’s thoughtful, something I know you’d like, but… if you’re hellbent on loathing my existence, why should I be so kind?” he asks. He somehow manages to speak reserved, yet impossibly intimidating. Every word that leaves his lips demands to be heard, it sends chills down your spine. “Right?” he prompts.
You take in a breath. “Right,” you force yourself to agree, mostly because you’re curious to see what the present is. Another part of you is getting bored of acting like a hermit and going days without social interaction. “Obviously it feels weird; I barely know you and you’re becoming my dad and you moved in, everything just seems so fast,” you explain yourself. You saunter back into your room to meet him. “I’ve been a bitch. I’m sorry, Michael. Seriously.”
He takes a step closer to you, you’re only inches apart. You can feel the heat radiating from his body and fight the urge to wrap your arms around him. “We’ll work on ‘Michael’ later,” he replies. You’re about to question what he means by that when he takes the present out from behind his back. He holds a black bag in between the two of you and you immediately recognize the store. “I heard you on the phone with your friend about something red, lacey, with a bow. I think I found it…”
You take the Victoria’s Secret bag from him without saying a word. You have no words to say. You don’t know if you should thank him or refuse the gift or slap him for listening to your personal conversations. Your mind races wondering if you’d gossiped about his good looks on the phone with your friend.
You silently pry open the bag and paw through the lingerie, mountains of cute panties and bras, digging through things you were never able to afford but always wanted. And, of course, Michael bought the red, lacey one piece you were talking about with your friend. There’s a stillness in the room as you look through the bag. “You bought all of this for me?”
“Yeah, I can’t see how your mom would fit into any of those.”
All of the pieces are just your size, it’s the perfect gift… just not from your stepdad. “How did you even know my size?” you stop looking at the bag and make the mistake of falling into his eyes.
“I went through your clothes,” he carelessly shrugs.
You drop the present by your side. “You went through my clothes, like, my lingerie?”
He slowly nods his head, acting as if it isn’t strange for him to invade your privacy how he did. You huff and he begins looking agitated with you again. “Would you like if I returned all this stuff? I thought you’d like it.”
“I do,” you mutter and kick the bag away from him, you’re not jeopardizing this gift with your uncontrollable sass.
“Good,” he spits back.
“Just… don’t think you can just buy yourself into the family,” you mock. You catch yourself subconsciously crossing your arms over your chest to give yourself a breast lift, but you don’t stop.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he smirks. He looks down at your cleavage and it feels like all the air is sucked out of the room. “You have quite the collection of lingerie you keep hidden at the bottom of your drawers,” he observes, “like a dirty guilty pleasure.” You peer up at him, again trying to read him, and again failing. He uses one of his fingers to hook onto the thin fabric of your shirt, your tits are practically pouring out and begging to be the center of attention. He tugs at the fabric, looking under your shirt and inspecting your boobs suffocated in one of your intimate Victoria’s Secret pickups. “Kitten’s all dressed up?” he whispers, his fingertips graze the embroidered details.
You bite your lip, anticipating the second he’ll rip the bra off your chest. “It’s all for you,” you tease, pushing your tits together even more, “I’m always dressed up for you, Michael.”
He breathes in, groaning under his breath. “I thought I told you,” his voice is low and intimidating, “call me daddy.”
You’re drinking in a breath of his cologne, shifting onto the tips of your toes to give his soft lips a rugged kiss, when the sound of keys rattling downstairs takes you out of it. Michael still stares at you, his fingers continue to linger over your clothed tits. “Michael!” your mom calls from downstairs.
You look up at him with fear in your puppy dog eyes and Michael grins. He shoots you one last, knowing, glance before leaving your room. He leaves you without saying two words. “Yeah, babe,” he answers your mom, closing your bedroom door behind him.
What the fuck just happened?
Holding back your gags, you grasp your friend’s hair as she projectile vomits peach schnapps into an expensive toilet bowl. Her phone rings in her pocket and you huff, digging through the pockets of the leather jacket you lent her and pulling out a vibrating iPhone. You pick up the phone with an ill “hello”, answering too late and looking down at the screen. She must’ve ordered an Uber a while ago, there’s a ton of notifications that the driver’s outside. “Oh shit,” you mutter under your breath. “Your ride is here!” you yell at her, trying to pull her onto her feet.
“What?!” she yells into the toilet bowl.
You roll your eyes and lean down beside her ear, “I said, your ride is here!” you yell over the thumping music.
Your friend stumbles around, trying to stand up in her six-inch heels. You pull her onto you and her head rests on your shoulder, she goes limp against you. “Stop, come on!” you shout over the music. “You have to g-”
You’re cut off by your friend puking onto an expensive mini dress you bought for tonight’s party. This shindig was supposed to be a fun little escape from your school life, your home life, Michael, all your stress. You expected to make new friends, meet hot guys, but instead you came an hour late and have been nursing your friend the whole night. You’re seriously going to kick her ass tomorrow.
“Sorry,” she mumbles, her breath reeking of throw up.
You toss her arm over your shoulder and start walking her out of the bathroom. “I’m going to kill you tomorrow, you know that?” you say in her ear and she lets out a small, apologetic whimper.
A cute guy who was talking you up earlier approaches the two of you. He holds two red cups in his hands and shrugs when he sees you. “What the fuck, y/n? You disappeared on me!” he talks to you over the bass-y music. “I got our drinks!” he shakes the cups in his hands and hands one over to you, as if completely ignoring your drunken friend hanging off of your side.
Your friend staggers, nearly bringing you down with her. The cute guy helps you pick her back up and you sigh, annoyed at how much of a disaster your night has turned into. He knits his eyebrows at your sour attitude, then finding the vomit on your dress, he looks back up at you. You see his doe eyes grow apologetic when he mouths a weak “sorry” to you, stepping out of your way. You shake your head as if telling him it’s fine; you just wish you had more time to get to know him.
You continue dragging your friend along your side and hear someone call out your name from behind you. You whip your head around; your hair irritatingly sticks to your lip-gloss. “Hope to see you again!” he calls after you. You nod in his direction and resume walking your friend, who is nearly passed out on your shoulder, to the front door. When you walk out of the house, you’re assaulted with the smell of salt water. Despite this night turning into one of the most frustrating nights of your life, at least you got to visit a Malibu beach house.
A big, black SUV is parked outside of the house and you rush her to the door. Opening the backseat and stuffing her inside the seats in the back. “The app says where you’re taking her, right?” you ask the Uber driver, your voice sounds muted from being struck by loud music all night.
He nods and reads out her address. “Y/n,” your friend slurs, gripping onto your arm with all her strength, “you’re a really nice… you’re a… you’re a really good friend, you know that? Like, seriously,” she pauses to hiccup, “thank you for taking care of me tonight.” Her words are so slurred that it’s nearly impossible to make out her compliment, but you just nod in hopes it’ll get her to let go. She drops your arm and hands you your pricey leather jacket, bunched up in a ball, before shutting the van door.
You throw on your jacket, protecting yourself from the ocean’s breeze, and watch the van drive away when you notice a familiar car parked across the street. The SUV blocked a four-seater Maserati parked on the other side of the road. Michael’s sedentary in the driver’s seat with a cigarette hanging from his lips. You balance yourself on your ridiculously tall heels and stomp over to his car. He doesn’t even see you coming, he’s leaned back in the driver’s seat reading a book.
You crouch down and knock on the glass of his window. His eyes meet yours for a second and he slowly rolls down the window. A mob of cigarette smoke escapes the car and he chucks the stick onto the pavement. You’re both quiet for a few moments, the crashing ocean waves fills up the silence.  “How did you know I was here?” you ask.
He finally puts down his book and looks at you. “Just trying to be a good dad,” he responds.
“Ugh, ew,” you groan. “You’re my step dad.”
He adjusts his seat to start driving, his eyes looking you up and down as he does. “Looks like your night went a little… rough,” he jokes and nods towards the puke on your dress. “You need a ride?”
You look back at the party. As much as you wanted to live up the night, you’re already in too much of a bad mood to go back in there. It doesn’t help that your new dress is covered in puke, too. You turn back around to Michael, he awaits your answer with a cocked brow. “You can’t tell mom,” you sigh, walking around the car to get into the passenger’s seat. The luxury car’s butterfly doors obnoxiously open up for your entry. “Not a word,” you assure him as you slide into the leather seat.
He starts up the car and one of his Led Zeppelin albums begins to play. “I picked you up at the library,” he quips.
He starts driving along the empty coast and you decide to skip the seatbelt, you don’t want to dirty his car with your friend’s retch. His eyes glance over to your seat for a moment, he notices you second guessing the seatbelt and puts a hand on your thigh. You look up at him and intuitively try to tempt him, biting your bottom lip and batting your lashes. “I’ll protect you if we crash,” he whispers, his fingers lightly caress your thighs.
You put your hand on his and slide him further up your leg. He keeps one hand on the wheel, eyes on the road, but when his eyes do meet yours, it makes all the nerves in your core feel like a wave pool. Your dress is short enough for him to reach your panties without any hassle. Your hand is on his when his fingers begin to rub your pussy, still dressed in a pair of panties he bought you. “Baby’s already wet for daddy,” he says under his breath, kneading your clit in small circles.
You feel your stomach erupt with butterflies, you’ve never felt a nervousness so intense before. A rush of thoughts suddenly violates your mind, you try to shut them up but they keep coming. This is wrong. You shouldn’t be doing this. You’re disgusting for enjoying this. His fingers have been in your mom before.
You dig your nails into his skin and pull his hand away from you; bending over in your seat and clutching onto your stomach. You only had one drink tonight, you shouldn’t be feeling this sick.
“I-I’m sorry,” he stutters, “are you okay?”
“I think I need air,” you grumble through the sudden sickness. “Can you pull over?”
Michael only takes a minute to find an empty parking lot on the beach and pull into it. You get out of the car without saying a word to him and take off your heels, throwing them into the backseat of his car. You’re already starting to feel your anxiety subside as you shuffle through the cool sand and pace towards the erratic waves crashing on shore. This is one of the reasons you loved LA, the tons of tiny, empty beaches. The ocean at night, and how it constantly smelt like salt water, how it relaxed you.
The breeze blew through your hair, a part of you felt like running into the crashing waves, but a voice took you out of it. “Y/n!” Michael called behind you, over the sound of the whistling wind. He trudges in the sand to get to you; you faintly snicker at his dedication. “Are you okay?” he asks once he’s closer to you.
When you see him, face glowing in the moon light, golden locks blowing in the ocean breeze, face twisted with concern, it all settles. Everything feels like it’s in the right place. Your stomach, although still turning with butterflies, no longer feels sick.
There’s a pause between the two of you; both of you deciding to admire each other instead of the beautiful ocean view beside you. Then, it feels like everything clicks. Like the two of you mentally communicate your longing for each other, your desire. Both shutting your eyes and diving in for a kiss at the same time.
His lips smash against yours, sucking your face, and his tongue quickly invades your mouth. He kisses you like he’s craved your lips for years, passionately cleaning up your mouth with his eager tongue.
Michael works your jacket off of your shoulders and you shimmy it to the ground. He unzips your dress, the zip running along your naked back sends a shiver crawling down your spine. He abandons your lips for a moment to pull down your dress, exposing your bare chest and expensive panties. You’re too lost in lust to even realize you’re half naked on a public beach.
You’re both panting and releasing all of the built-up sexual tension. He stands back up and kisses you again, his hands cup your ass and he gives an echoed smack; his fingers creep down your legs. He grabs onto the back of your thighs and hoists you up, you lightly yelp into his mouth and wrap your legs around him. His large hands hold you up and he leans down, resting you onto the jacket you’ve thrown onto the sand.
Once you’re laid down, he begins rubbing your pussy again. His cold rings adding a different sense of pleasure as he rubs you into entropy. He slides your feeble panties to the side and spits down on your cunt, shoving his finger inside you. You moan at the sudden intrusion, taking in a breath of the salt-scented air. “That’s it, baby girl,” he whispers, adding in another finger, “I want to hear you moan for daddy.”
You take in a breath and whimper as he curves his fingers inside of you, slowly pulsing against your g-spot. He touches you as if he already knows which parts make you crumble. “Ooh yeah, daddy,” you cry and grind on his fingers, pushing him deeper inside you, “right there.”
“You’re my dirty little slut, huh?” he asks, gliding in another finger. Your eyes roll back in pleasure. “Little girl likes to get fucked by her daddy?” He adds another finger, completely stretching you out. Your breath gets caught in your throat and you can’t reply. “I asked you a question.”
You meet his cold eyes for a second, before you throw your head back in pleasure. “Yes!” you breathe out, feeling the heat rise in your body. Your sensitive cunt throbs under his gluttonous fingers, persistently fucking you and begging for more. “Yes, oh, keep fucking me just like that, daddy!”
His fingers find a rhythm inside of you, constantly bringing you to the brink of climax and slowing down. “Such a dirty little girl,” he teases and spits on your soaking cunt. He pulls out his fingers and holds them to your lips. You grab his hand and suck on his long fingers, tasting the cool metal rings mixed with the sweet taste of your pussy.
You sit up and lock your lips with his again. Both, you and Michael, unbutton his shirt; you want to feel his flesh against yours as soon as possible. When you get to the bottom, you slide your hands up his body and square the shirt off of his shoulders. His perfect, porcelain skin shines in the moonlight. You want to appreciate it for a moment, but he’s already unbuckling his belt.
He’s propped on his knees, unzipping his black pants and bringing them down to pull his erection out of his briefs. It springs out when you start grabbing for it, he moves back and clicks his tongue. “My greedy little girl,” he mocks, “you don’t get a taste until daddy says you do.”
He pushes you down with one of his hands. His touch is so delicate, yet so commanding. Everything he does is done with conviction and a power that only you could dream of, he is inherently dominant over you. He strokes his long, girthy length over you, you’re practically drooling at the sight. He spits on himself and rubs it into the head. “Spit on it,” he orders.
You sit up and weakly spit on the tip of his cock; it’s too late when you notice your mouth is dry from nervousness. He shakes his head. “You’re so pathetic, you can’t even spit on me right,” he sneers, divorced from the nasty words leaving his lips. He presses his dick against your folds and your fingers curl into your jacket, awaiting the moment he plunges into you. “Say the word, baby girl, say you want me,” he’s lingering at your entrance.
“Please,” you whine, your pussy is beating against his hard cock, “please dad.”
He pushes his head inside you and you grab his arms for support, digging your nails into his skin. He’s so thick, you’ve never felt something so large obtruding your tight cunt. He moves in slowly, reading your stunned facial expressions to see if he should continue stuffing himself inside of you. You let out tiny weeps as he digs deeper into your hole, but you can’t manage much more.
Michael thrusts himself into you until he’s balls deep, even he can’t help but groan. “My little girl is so fucking tight,” he grunts under his breath. He starts to hammer himself into you, going so deep that you feel like pushing him back, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. His cock is so thick that it hits every nerve you could imagine; it’s hard to gather a single word.
He lets out a small chuckle at your reticence. “My innocent baby’s never felt a real cock before, huh?” he taunts, still pounding his length into you. You open your mouth to speak, but settle on shaking your head. One distinct tear runs down the side of your face while stifled cries pass your trembling lips with each time his balls smack into your ass. “You’re taking me like a good fucking girl,” he admires, “my good little slut.”
He lifts up your leg and rests your foot on his shoulder. You’re twisted onto your side, trying to look over your shoulder to see how vigorously he pounds into your cunt. Michael’s new positioning hits exactly in your g-spot, you feel your leg shaking under his grip. “H-holy shit,” your voice trembles, you let out a built-up breath. “Keep going, daddy! Right there, right there, I’m so close,” you’re begging, voice is flooded with desperation. You don’t care how childish you sound, you want nothing more than to come all over Michael’s big dick. “Don’t move, please, please,” you grab onto his arm again.
Tears overflow your eyes when you look into his. Just seeing his determined light blue eyes peering back at you makes you unravel even more. He has no remorse for how weak he’s making you, how vulnerable you’ve become, his unmistakable dominion turns you on.
He listens to your wails, finally granting you the satisfaction you’ve been begging for and plows into your g-spot. Your grip on him gets tighter as he thrusts harder, you’re almost certain he’s going to leave some swelling deep inside your cunt. “Your dick is so, fucking, good,” you breathe in between thrusts.
Michael doesn’t give up, keeping up the same pace and fucking you exactly how you want him to. You’re about to praise his long cock some more when you’re thrown into climax. You try looking back up at him, but you can’t say a word; your mouth hangs wide open with nothing but small chokes croaking out. He can see how dazed he’s made you and shoves your face into the ground, pushing your nose against the leather of your jacket. “You’re going to take daddy’s cock like a good little girl,” he seethes, suffocating your head into your jacket. “Don’t come,” he demands.
He continues punching your g-spot with his huge cock, you feel your pussy spasming under his rough thrusts. He holds both of your arms back, shifting you into doggy-style. His balls slap against your sore clit and you feel yourself starting to ejaculate. “Fuck!” you scream into the breeze of the empty beach. Your cunt twitches and gushes its balmy juices all over Michael’s hard cock.
He slows down his pace and pulls your arms up towards him, you feel his heaving chest against your back. “What did I just fucking say?” he fumes, tugging your arms even closer to him. “Answer me.”
“You told me not to come,” you answer in a syrupy, naïve voice.
He grabs both of your tits to push you flush against him, maintaining his rough thrusts into your cunt. “That’s right,” he whispers in your ear, “baby didn’t fucking listen.” He smacks your tits with both of his hands, striking you hard. You jump at how ruthless he hits you, it makes your stomach flutter again. His full lips lug along your neck. “Remember who you belong to,” he speaks into your neck, sending an iciness throughout your entire body.
Michael digs his teeth into your skin, sucking up your flesh while he continues massaging your breasts, pinching at the hard peaks your nipples have formed. He sucks so hard it stings, you wonder how that would feel on your pussy. His love bite begins to hurt and you shift your head away from him, he snickers. “Who do you belong to?” he whispers, lips chafing the shell of your ear.
He pinches your nipples even harder and you sob in pleasure. “Mmm, you,” you respond, looking over your shoulder to give his lips a frail kiss. “I belong to you, daddy.”
He takes in a deep breath as if shaking off your spell and regaining his confidence. He pushes you onto the ground again and goes back to fucking you like a ragdoll. “You better remember that,” he breathes, mercilessly pummeling himself into you again.
He holds both of your arms back once more, driving himself into you so hard that you’re concerned about cervix bruising. His pace slows down a bit and you look back at him, his mouth drapes open and he stares down at the back of your head. He pushes you away as he orgasms, savagely shoving your face back into the ground, as you feel his warm seed spilling inside your wet cunt. Michael groans from deep within his chest, letting out a long sigh when he’s done. “Oh, fuck,” he moans, “fuck, you sexy bitch.”
You let out a little giggle at this and he joins. He hauls himself out of you and you feel all of your muscles relax. You shift onto your back, looking up at Michael in disbelief. You’re too caught up in euphoria to comprehend what just happened. All you can think of in this moment is how fucking good he was. Even Michael has a dumbfounded look on his face.
He shakes his head and liberates a nervous laugh, “We’re so fucked up.”
You can say that again.
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empathisex · 4 years
Cheating Prank! (Bakugou x GN!Reader)
Notice: You and Bakugou are in your twenties, he’s the pro hero: Ground Zero. You decide to be a bit rebellious since you both have a famous YouTube channel! lol that’s about it. Enjoy this! <3
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• Today, you decide to pull a prank on your husband, Bakugou! Great idea right? Right..? Not. You want to have some fun meaning you want to come up with some tricks. Even though you’re risking your twos place getting blasted into oblivion. Why not take the chances?
• You already know, Katsuki isn’t the one for pranks/tricks. He has an extremely bad temper, he can’t contain his anger when you do such foolishness. You have only did minor pranks on him such as, putting different foods on his face while he’s sleeping, ignoring him, etc.
• But this prank you were about to pull off was about to be extreme, you can already imagine his reaction in your head, him screaming your name out loud, noisy explosions coming from both of his hands. It was almost like you could see the smoke coming out his ears, his teeth grinding together too. It did terrify you, but you made you giggle intensely.
• Plus, you and Bakugou have a YouTube channel, his old classmates recommended to you, they notice you weren’t intimate with Bakugou at the time. Now with almost to 1 million subs since you both have some sort of fame and popularity, why not spice things up a notch. Give your viewers a show!
• Katsuki hasn’t come home from hero work yet, so you take your chances heading over to your guys master bedroom grabbing a small camera from a drawer filled with items Katsuki’s has given you in the past. Rings, Jewels, even a necklace with your intintal and his. He spoils you of course, he’s your everything.
• With a soft smile you come to remembrance to set up the room with red and purples lights, some candles on the counters, and a nice rope around you to set up the mood. Now, how can you make it seem that a person was here? You knew Deku closely, he gave you advice on how to deal with Bakugou. But you rather not see that outcome...
• Boxes and a wig! Rummaging through the closet, you find about three shoe boxes, a green wig that looks similar to Midoriya’s hair that you wore for a costume party, you pull the wide sheets off the mattress, placing the boxes vertical the wig resting half on the box and the pillow.
• You couldn’t help but laugh while pulling the covers up, grabbing some cologne Katsuki used to put on spraying the bottle profusely around the side with the boxes. You totally forgot how strong the scent was, it made you let a few coughs as you shook your head.
• Later on, you sprayed it on the couch, leaving your undergarments on the couch and a pair of limited edition All Might boxers Deku probably would wear, you placed a alcohol bottle on the coffee table, leaving a second camera around the kitchen area, rushing over to the bed again.
• You started the camera, letting it face your way. You fixed yourself puffing but letting out a cheerful expression, “Hey everyone! And welcome back to our channel, um..I know it’s been a while that me and Katsuki have updated but I felt we should do a special just for y’all!” You winked at the camera giving a small finger gun.
• “Katsuki is on his way back home, and I’m doing a small prank on him, I set everything up so let’s see how he- Oh! I placed another camera in the kitchen so you could see his full reaction! Let’s see what he does!” You cheered as you set the camera where he possibly wouldn’t see. Looking at the window, you saw Bakugou coming towards the enterance of your home, he honestly looked exhausted, truly you realized he wanted to see you. Welp.. that won’t be the case. You slowly mouthed, he’s coming while running to the door locking it.
• Plopping yourself on the bed you could start to feel your nerves overwhelm you, but you leave that to the side grabbing your phone turning on some slow jams. Then overhearing the door open, that was your cue to start..to make Bakugou lose his mind.
• First, you began rocking your hips imagining Bakugou grinding his heat against your body. You jumped up and down in excitement even in thought of it making the bed creak, it made you let out a few soft moans, you giggled therefore you let out more thinking of Bakugou kissing your neck, his big hands all over your body exploring you, his fresh breath breezing in your ear.
• “Oi..cute face..where are you? God..I know you like pulling your stupid tricks on me but come on.” He sighed in exhaustion, not even realizing what was in front on him. However his quick instinct caught onto him, your precious underwear? The scent of cologne? All Might Boxers? Something fishy was up.
• You continued each time you got louder hoping that Bakugou would catch on and make this prank be a success. You kept moaning, letting out whimpers and whines like you were begging for him to fuck you. You purred like a kitten as you bit your lip. At some point, your moans became louder than the music.
• And you were exactly right, he caught out quite fast than you expected, he clenched onto the front doorknob trying his best to justify what was going on. His lover cheating on him while he was doing hero work..no way. He slammed the door shut, walking over to the bedroom door you were in. That definitely caught on you by surprise which made you gulp.
• Bakugou instantly started banging on the door, he didn’t want to blast the door down knowing you’ll get mad at him so he decided to be patient. Calling your names a bunch of him you let out, “Ohh, fuck! You’re so much better than my husband! Mm!” Which completely set him off.
• “[NAME] WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN THERE? OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!” He kept banging trying his best not leaving a dent in the door. This made you stop the music making you gasp. “Oh my gosh..” You whispered looking over at the camera covering your mouth.
• “Damn it..go hide, Izuku..go hide..” You say a little louder, making Bakugou lose his marbles again. “DEKU IS IN MY HOUSE?! YOU CAN’T BE-“ He stepped away from the door raising his hand, releasing small explosions (crackle, pop!). He started kicking the door with full force.
• “[NAME] OPEN THIS GODDAM DOOR BEFORE YOU END UP DYING WITH HIM! YOU LET THIS PIECE OF SHIT IN OUR HOUSE?!” He yelled still kicking more, you rushed over to the closet acting like you were getting some new clothes to change to.
• “Baby, I’m changing! Stop, before you break down the door!” You huffed still holding in your laughs and chuckles. “YOU GOT A WHOLE FUCKER IN THE HOUSE AND YOU EXPECT ME TO- SOMEBODY IS DYING TODAY! IVE BEEN WAITING TO KILL THIS LITTLE BITCH TOO!” He punched the door hard enough to make it bend as he shouted loudly. Shit shit shit! You grabbed a random chair from the corner of the room to hold the door up.
• “Babe..Deku came to chat on some things..it’s not what it seems I swear..” You tried to explain but Katsuki didn’t seem to listen to a word you had to say. He wanted Deku to die. “So Deku came to chat to you and all of sudden you’re..FUCKING MOANING YOUR ASS OFF! MUSIC BLASTING, WE DONT PLAY MUSIC WHEN WE DO IT! OPEN THIS DOOR!” His explosions were louder, he was raging at this point.
• “Katsuki..what the fuck, what’s your problem?” You rolled your eyes, disgusted by his choice of wording. “You probably were sucking that fucker off too..you little slut. You couldn’t wait until I came home couldn’t you. OPEN. THIS. DOOR.” His response completely caught you off guard, you glanced at the camera your eyes widening in shock.
• Maybe it was time for you to tell him it was a prank before he’ll fuck up everything in the house. You clench onto the robe letting out a sigh, unlocking the door searching for Bakugou, “For Gods sake Katsuki it was a pran-“
• He didn’t waste no time running into the bedroom punching the boxes and the pillow with the wig on to. Bakugou burnt the side of bed, you yelling at him to stop. He grinded his teeth staring at you, as you let out a burst of laughs.
• “Goddamit, [Name].” He grabbed the wig looking at it then at you. “You got me..I’ll get you back, watch idiot.” He stomped out as you continued onward with your laughs.
• You rushed to the camera, still laughing as you made your outro, “Welp, that prank was a successful on Bakugou, make sure you like share and subscribe if you want to see more pranks and content! [Name], signing off!” You turned off the camera with a smile.
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5 times you infuriated me and 1 time you made it okay
A/N: okay so the 5 times concept is something i enjoy writing very much, however i am aware that in this piece in particular, a lot of the ideas are underdeveloped and probably especially dont make sense with the ending when you look at the relationship, but please keep in mind that this ‘5 times�� theme i chose focuses on those kinds of incidents so there are a lot of other times in between (and i dont have the time or energy to turn this into a super long fic but perhaps one day.. ) so this is what happened!
Warnings: mentions of torture (like in the 7th when Bellatrix takes to Hermione)
Tags: @expellimarvelous and for some reason my hp taglist got lost so let me know if you’d like to be added!
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I. Bad Start to the Sixth Year
Your sixth year at Hogwarts seems to be off to a good start as you laugh and snack on sweets with two of your three your best friends on Hogwarts Express. Or at least it seemed like it was off to a good start until the train arrives at the station, and Harry is nowhere to be found.
Waving off Ron and Hermione with a promise to catch up, you insist on going to look for him by yourself. Your search leads you all the way to the other side of the strain where the blinds are conveniently drawn. You can hear a voice muffled through the closed door, and you become filled with dread when you identify who it belongs to.
Sliding the door open a crack, you see a familiar head of slicked-back platinum hair. You aren’t able to make out what he says, but you do see him bring down a foot to meet Harry’s nose.
“Malfoy, what the fuck?!” you burst out, causing the Slytherin boy to jump in surprise.
“Y-Y/N- I-I—”
“I don’t know what the bloody hell you think you’re getting away with, but you better get the fuck off this train before I curse you,” you snarl, shoving him aside to get to Harry. Seeing that he’s been petrified, you take your wand out of your jacket pocket and mutter, “finite,” to which your friend thankfully wakes up, blinking a few times. He doesn’t move much, as he tries to regain control of his muscles, and you insist he takes a moment to do so.
Throughout this, Draco has gone so quiet you think he might have actually left, but when you turn your head to meet his stormy eyes, you’re filled with rage, once again.
“What the fuck are you still doing here?! Get out!”
“But Y/N, I-I'm—”
“I don’t want to hear it,” you say in a lower tone as you tend to your friend, not even sparing him another glance.
Why is it that just when you think there might be a redeemable quality buried deep in Draco Malfoy, he always does something that proves otherwise?
II. Welcome to the Slugclub
“Okay, okay! I was gate-crashing! Happy?” He admits, trying to shake off Filch’s grasp on his jacket.
His eyes that used to be sharp and bright, have recently become sullen. They lock with yours for a solid moment before he’s ushered out by Snape.
Your eyes linger on his figure as he’s led away from the party— probably longer than they should have, but you can’t help noticing how thin he’s become. You’ve barely seen him all year, despite having a few classes together. He was never that hefty to begin with, but it looks like he hasn’t eaten or slept in ages. Other than his usual perfectly tailored wardrobe, he now wears dark circles under his eyes, and it’s impossible not to notice how the contours of his face have become that much sharper and his already pale skin has adopted a sickly pigmentation.
You and Harry follow the pair out, but for different reasons. You know that Harry wouldn’t be happy about yours because of his suspicions, but Draco looks like he’s crumbling under stress.
Eavesdropping only proves Harry’s doubts about Malfoy, and he then decides to rejoin the party as to not get caught by Snape, but you hang back, telling him you need to go to the loo.
You wait in the shadows until you hear Snape’s steps scurry away before approaching Malfoy who stays behind, sitting on a ledge. A half-smirk appears on his face upon noticing you like he’s been gathering an arsenal of insults to shoot at you, but really, under the snide mask, he marvels at how lovely you look tonight.
“Straying from your date with Potter?” he spits out Harry’s name like it’s revolting to have on his tongue. “Wouldn’t want anyone to think Potter’s lady is ditching him in favour of a more refined pureblood—”
“He’s one of my best friends!” You roll your eyes and flail your hands up in exasperation. “And how is the nature of our relationship any of your business?!”
He snorts, leaning his back on the walk behind him and crosses his arms over his chest nonchalantly.
“You know, I came out here to check and make sure you were okay!” You shout at him hands coming up to furiously push your hair back. “I can’t believe that for a second I thought that— no- but you—”
“You thought what?” His voice has become softer, hard exterior starting to peel away in your presence. He stands from his seat, mild concern washing over his features.
You shake your head, looking anywhere but at him. “N-Nothing—”
“Tell me,” his hands place themselves on your biceps, long fingers curling around your arms gently.
You fall victim to his intense gaze, getting lost in the grey seas of his irises. His features aren’t as hard as they usually are and the grasp he has on you is delicate; like he’s afraid to hurt you and you almost feel like you can let your guard down. Almost.
“Is it true?” you ask him, diverging from the subject and he raises an eyebrow in response. “Did you hex Katie Bell?”
He opens his mouth, and then closes it without a word when he realizes he has nothing to answer to that and you’re the only person he can’t lie to. That’s enough of a confirmation for you. You let out a breath of disbelief and he starts to panic, because contrary to the backwards dynamic the two of you share, part of him does care what you think. “Y/N- p-please listen—”
All emotion leaves your voice as you tell him, “Just leave me alone, Malfoy.”
You shrug him off, and spin on your heel, breaking the eye contact. Walking down the hall, you leave him there to bask in the silence and his dark thoughts.
III. Hair Like You
You’re already teeming with rage as you scour the castle for Ron, who slipped you one of Fred and George’s prank snacks that ended up changing your hair color. Running into Draco Malfoy, of all people, really puts the cherry on top of the shit sundae.
To make things worse, it looks as though he’s going out of his way to get to you when he spots you from across the courtyard. At first he squints, not fully sure if it’s you with the new physical change, and then tails you down two hallways, not giving a single damn how creepy he may look.
“What do you want, Malfoy—”
“It seems like you’re more obsessed with me than I had originally thought,” he snickers, catching up with your quickened pace.
That’s when it hits you, and you instantly halt, causing him to smack into your back. Spinning around to face him, your eyes widen in horror as you take in the familiar platinum blonde hair— the same shade you saw in the mirror earlier.
“That’s just great!” You throw your hands up dramatically. “Now I look like you!”
“Please, don’t flatter yourself—”
“Oh, sod off, Malfoy!”
“You know, it really doesn’t look that bad. Maybe you’re starting to have better taste.”
Despite knowing full well that that was Malfoy speak for a compliment, you’re in no mood for it. “Oh, well I’m so glad that the Slytherin prince thinks me, a lowly commoner, 'doesn’t look that bad’ just fu—”
“No! No! No! Y/N! I didn’t mean—”
“—ck off! Because on top of looking like the most insufferable git in the entire school what I really wanted was to receive a backhanded compliment—” And just then, you spot the familiar redhead with bad influences for older brothers from across the hall who you’re even more pissed off at than Malfoy.
“I don’t have time for this,” is all you say as you bolt down the hall towards Ron, screaming, “YOU’RE DEAD, WEASLEY!”
IV. Held Hostage
Hermione’s screams are enough to make you feel like you’re being gutted, and when Bellatrix takes her knife to your arm, you’re absolutely terrified. At least this means your best friend has a break from her torture. In the meantime, you nearly bite through your cheek to hold in your own screams whilst the saddistic woman spells out the hateful term that’s been thrown at you your whole life, carving it into your flesh.
After what feels like hours, the death eater sits back up, admiring the her work with a sickening grin on her face, and you want nothing more than to smack it off. Or at least you would if you didn’t feel like you’ve been drained. What you do feel is defiled; like your own skin is no longer yours, and the blood that runs through your veins doesn’t belong to you.
And Draco Malfoy has been standing on the other end of the room this whole time whilst his barbaric aunt tries to get information out of you.
The rest of what happens is experienced through the blur of hopeless tears your eyes are clouded with, until Harry picks you up off the floor after Bellatrix had pushed you and Hermione to save herself from the falling chandelier. A certain fire surges through you as you regain full consciousness.
You see Harry and Draco fight over his wand, and instinct kicks in as you lunge forward, efficiently tackling the latter to the ground. Snatching the wand out of his hand, you throw it to Harry. The blonde boy’s struggles are weak under your weight, almost half-assed as you feel the tension start to leave his muscles.
“Why?!” you shout in his face, grabbing him by the collar to keep him down. Tears well your eyes, but your gaze pierces through him nonetheless. The feelings of helplessness and emptiness are long gone as angry tracks burn down your cheeks. “Why—”
“Y/N!” Harry scoops you off him in one swift motion, pulling you to where your allies have regrouped. “This isn’t the time- w-we have to get out of here!”
You don’t say another word, and your infuriated eyes target the conflict and fear that resides in Draco’s. He’s left with the image of your anguish and fury engrained in his mind long after you disapparate.
V. Crossing Over
The Dark Lord himself beckoned him, and for a second you thought he might resist, but then his mother called him, extending her hand for him to come to her, and you saw him break.
“No!” You cry out as he starts to take hesitant steps towards the death eaters. “Draco, don’t do this!” His already shaky demeanor falters for a moment at the sound of his first name falling from your lips. “You have a choice.”
Steeling his nerves, he doesn’t allow himself to look back, because he would surely crumble under the weight of your gaze and the pain etched into your features. He continues forward, into the arms of a proud tyrant, and you swear your heart drops out of your chest.
Then, the whole scene with Neville’s heroic spirit ensues and you feel the fire within you flare up again when Harry tumbles out of Hagrid’s arms. Death Eaters that have been backing Voldemort start to disappear, leaving an unevenly distributed cloud of darkness.
Everyone else starts to retreat to the castle to regroup and fight as one, but you chase after the fleeing Malfoy family. It’s as though you have no control as your legs move under you on autopilot and as fast as they can go.
You’ve almost caught up to the trio on the bridge and can no longer help yourself.
“Coward!” You yell, trying your best not to let your voice crack, with no avail. It’s all you can do to keep the tears from spilling freely. Draco meets your eyes with his own that portray a boy who is terrified out of his mind, but you’re relentless. The truth isn’t always easy. “You’re a bloody coward, Malfoy!”
Avoiding your fiery gaze, he turns into his mother’s comfort. Not once do his eyes meet yours again before he disappears in a whisp of black smoke.
What you feel is rage, but with that rage comes with an added indescribable pain and disappointment.
+ Midsummer Night’s Dream
The next time you see the infamous Draco Malfoy is just over a year since he disapparated in a whisp of black smoke. Little do you know, immediately after apparating, the boy fell to his knees in the arms of his mother. He broke that day, and hasn’t been able to put himself back together since, contrary to the proud Malfoy mask he wears out in public. He hides behind crisp suits and perfectly-coiffed platinum locks. It’s enough to have anyone who reads the Daily Prophet fooled about how the heir carries onto a successful path despite everything that has happened.
But not you. He never could fool you of anything, really. So when you and your friends spot him taking a seat alone at the Three Broomsticks you know something’s up, because a refined Malfoy doesn’t just hang out amongst mere commoners like that.
“What is he doing here?” Ron spits out, red fury already starting at the tips of his ears and seething from his narrowed eyes.
As if on cue, Draco’s eyes lift from his glass to meet yours.
Hermione sends you a sympathetic smile before mumbling calming words to her boyfriend. The Malfoys and Weasleys always did get each other riled up.
Harry, who sits beside you, gives you a gentle nudge with his shoulder to get your attention and you can immediately read his expression. He can read yours just as easily and can see that you’re starting to get anxious. “Y/N…”
“Harry, it’s okay,” you simper, standing slowly from your seat. “I’ve got this.”
He casts a glance towards the blond across the room before his eyes come back meet yours, sending you a look as though to ask if you’re sure. You give him a nod and he sends you off with a comforting squeeze of your hand.
As you make your way to the table for one, you’re so focused on slowing your heart rate that you’ve arrived at your destination before you know it, seeing the shiny black dress shoes in contrast to the uneven wood panels of the pub’s floor. When you lift your gaze, it’s then that you realize he’s been staring at you the whole time.
The sound of your first name rolling off his tongue lights something inside you— and it’s not pretty.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, your voice is steady, but with a strong undertone of something darker. Like the calm before a storm.
“Can’t a man enjoy a butterbeer on his own?” Despite him being absolutely terrified of you, he somehow manages to exude a certain lightness. You look at his untouched pint and raise an eyebrow and he knows you aren’t in the mood for small talk.
“Cut the shit, Malfoy.”
Recognizing the beginnings of anger in your tone, he stands as smoothly as he can manage and gestures towards the door. The last thing he wants is for you to snap because he knows very well what it’s like to be on the receiving end of your fury.
He follows closely behind as you lead him out into the dim lighting of Hogsmead. The summer air doesn’t feel as heavy as it has for the last week, and the sky proudly shows off the twinkling stars. It would be a perfect night if not for your circumstances.
You stop in your tracks and spin to face him so briskly, your forehead almost hits his chin. “You have one minute to talk before I hex you where you stand.”
“You always did excel in hexes and jinxes—”
“Fifty-five seconds, Malfoy.”
“Uh- erm- o-okay—”
You have about zero patience left. The anger thats been quietly bubbling for the last year has been on the brim of overflowing the second he walked in tonight, but so has all the pain and sadness you’ve kept locked up all this time. “You’re wasting my time.” You prepare to stalk off, but a firm hand pulls you back by your elbow, and for the the first time since the war, your face with Draco Malfoy. It’s the first time tonight that you can really see him. He looks worse than ever.
The silver pools that once resided in his irises look like shells of what they once were. And he sure felt that way, until he saw you. That’s when he realizes how empty he always is until he’s around you. My, how he took that for granted all these years.
Trying your very best, you fight against the urge to give into the part of you who still cares for him and wants to know the last time he had a good night’s sleep. You also try to fight against the water accumulation behind your eyelids, but it only makes it worse.
“What?! What do you want, Draco?!”
The use of his first name is the only sign he needs to be brave for once. Without further hesitation, he leans down to capture your lips in a kiss. Once over the initial shock, you give in for only a half second before you come to your senses and push him back, both hands planted firmly on his chest.
“What the bloody hell are you playing at?!”
“I-I- Y/N, I-I’m so—” Right then, is one of the few times you see what he’s really feeling on the inside be expressed on the outside. “I-I just-I thought—”
“You- you thought what?! We’d ride off into the sunset on the back of a unicorn and live happily ever after?!” You don’t care how frantic you look right now. You don’t care that the midsummer night wind is whipping your hair into complete and utter chaos. And you definitely don’t give a single fuck about how the drunk people stumbling by you giggle uncontrollably. You pause for a moment as you wait for them to be out of earshot, and once they are, you let out a frustrated breath and resume. “Did you honestly believe that you could kiss me, and then everything— all of the absolute shite of a mess would just go away?!”
His gaze drops to the ground that his shiny dress shoes stand on, with a few platinum strands that fall from their place. Those are the only visible signs of something amiss with the well-dressed man. But you see something else cloud his features: shame. The last time you saw that, which was also the last time you saw him, he left. He always left you while you were angry, enraged, and never stuck around to face the truth.
Draco Malfoy decides that this time is going to be different.
He has felt as empty as his eyes appeared for months, but when his gaze rolls back up to meet yours, you see the grey storms you saw when you first met him. Sure, they were masked by an outer shell that was brimming with entitlement, but they have now what they had then. Purpose.
“Y/N,” His hands twitch as he fights the urge to reach out for yours, deciding against it in favour of using two words you’ve been waiting to hear. “I’m sorry.” You soften, releasing the tension you didn’t realize you carried in your shoulders. The angry tears that stung the backs of your eyes melt to something peaceful as they escape their ducts. “I’m sorry for everything I put you through. I know I don’t deserve another chance, or any of the chances you’ve given me, but if you’ll give me one more I promise I’ll be better. Everything you’ve ever said about me is true; I am a coward, but I’m not leaving this time.”
“And what if I want you to leave?” You ask, testing the waters, more than anything else.
“If you tell me to leave— if that is what you truly want, then I will. Tell me to leave, and you’ll never have to see me again.”
“Okay, then leave.”
“Is that what you really want?”
“Y-Yes—” You stammer out a complete lie. Every cell on your body knows it’s a lie, and apparently so does he.
“I don’t believe you.”
More than anything, you want to fling yourself into his arms but you feel like your feet have been colashoo-ed to the ground. A corner of his mouth quirks up into a soft lopsided smile as his hands raise to thread fingers through the top of your hairline, smoothing wild strands away from your face. His touch is so careful and delicate than you could have ever imagined. He leans down slowly and stops just as his lips have brushed over yours, asking for permission, “I won’t if you don’t want me to.”
Syllables get caught in your throat, and channel themselves through you body as you move to slate your mouth over his. The sensation is so delicately mind-blowing, and it leaves you absolutely breathless when you pull away to lean your forehead against his.
All you can manage to breathe out is, “stay”.
The way your breath fans over his lips is intoxicating, and he’s certain he’s never seen anything more beautiful, no work of art finer, than the way you’re looking at him.
“I’m not leaving this time. Never again.”
His grasp tightens as he pulls you back to his lips and your fingers curl around the light fabric of his shirt. Every emotion and feeling accumulated over lost time is poured into this kiss.
This time, what you feel for him is something stronger and far different than anger.
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Birthday Surprise
Requested: Nope! This is a birthday present to the wonderful Henrik von Schneeplestien!
Pairing: Henrik x Reader
Genre: Comedy
Word Count: 907
Warnings: Language...
A/N: I got the idea fro this story from a post @beerecordings made! It’s not the greatest, and I apologize, but I hope you enjoy it!
Henrik didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. He specifically told everyone that there were to be no birthday celebrations.
“No celebrations?” They thought. “What about pranks?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to drive him too far up a wall. After a 16 hour shift at work, you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the after-prank annoyance. 
But, they didn’t listen to the voice of reason. Then again, do they ever? You stuck to buying him a simple gift. A coffee mug that said “Best Doctor” and some of his favorite coffee to go with it.
They settled on calling the hospital on setting up a plan. A plan that the hospital and all his coworkers couldn’t pass up. After all, they needed to have some fun too. At what better way than helping make Henrik’s birthday one to remember?
They all went to bed early the night before. Henrik was suspicious, but he didn’t think they’d plan something away fro home. So,he woke up early, kissed your forehead, and snuck around the house to get ready for work. He made sure to walk to work, taking back-alleys and the most unpredictable route he could.
He makes it to the front door and looks around. He was in the clear. He grinned to himself, and walked to his office to look over his patients for the day. Billy Harris. Potential fractured wrist. 
He smiled to himself as he walked to the hospital room. This one should be easy for a doctor such as himself. He walked into the hospital room expecting to see someone in pain.
“Heya doc!” Chase said grin slowly turning to an evil smile. He was decked out in a hospital gown, tubes in his nose, and a fake IV in his arm. In his hands was a birthday cake.
Henrik shakes his head eyes rolling as he calls for security, only jokingly. Jackie comes waltzing in, wearing his finest dark sunglasses. Upon his appearance, Henrik groans, which only causes Jackie and Chase to laugh harder.
Henrik walks out of the room, leaving the two laughing their asses off. He walks off to his next patient and sighs happily, seeing that this is a normal patient, not a brother in disguise.
“I see the nurse hasn’t hooked up the IV. Let me go get that started.” Henrik calls for a nurse, only to be confronted by Jameson, dressed up as a nurse, mustache hidden under a surgical mask. And not just any mask, one decorated for his own birthday. 
Upon closer inspection, the “patient” sitting on the hospital bed was the new nurse he hadn’t gotten the chance to meet. He ran his hands down his face. “I swear on my grave, if this doesn’t fucking stop...” He let his sentence trailed off. 
He walked back to his office, only to see a passed out Marvin sitting on his chair, asleep. Marvin even had the audacity to drink his coffee! He got Marvin out of his chair and sat down to just work on some paperwork. 
While they were all nagging Henrik, you were at home trying to be normal and not get on your boyfriend’s bad side. You needed to rearrange the bedroom, so naturally you were doing anything but that.
You decided to go for a walk around town. You went to walk into the store when you got hit by a car. Not hard. Not really even enough to do any damage. Just enough to knock you down and make you hit your head. 
You sat up and looked up at the person, frantically apologizing and calling an ambulance. You weren’t exactly there enough to tell him you were alright, so you sat there and waited for an ambulance to pick you up and take you to the hospital. Guess you were going to bug him after all.
“Dr. Schneeplestein, we need you down in the E.R. We have a patient coming in via ambulance.” 
He looked over at the snickering Marvin. “If this is another part of your elaborate plan, I will fucking kill you.” 
He headed down to the ER, the others following him. You were already sat in a room, IV getting put into your arm.
You smiled slightly upon seeing Henrik. “Hey Henrik. How’s your birthday going?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Really? You too? Of all the people I thought would do this, you had to join the madness too?”
The others gasped quietly upon seeing you. “No... Not unless they did this without letting us know.”
The EMT walked in and looked at Henrik. “Patient got hit by a car. Nothing too serious as far as we could tell. Moderate concussion and a bit scraped up, but that’s it.”
“This wasn’t part of their plan?”
“Nope! However, I do know the entirety of the plan, so unless you do a good job, doc, I’ll help them evolve this idea.”
He shook his head. “I thought I said no birthday surprises!” 
You shrugged. “Oops? And, you said no birthday celebrations. Unless we’re celebrating my ability to attract danger, this is completely within the limits of what you said.” 
He laughed. “I guess this is true.”
You grinned. “Plus, I couldn’t just not see how this insanity was going. You must’ve wanted to kill them after the breakroom.”
“The breakroom?”
“Y/N! No! He hasn’t been there yet!”
“What did you do to the breakroom?!”
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  A/N: Hey guys, so I will be writing a part two to the other one eventually but I have had muse for this idea for months now and decided to just go with the flow and finally make it bloody happen. Heads up in this story, there will be violence, gore, well- you know what to expect when it comes to our Eric. I might even try a bit of smut eventually, but we’ll see. For now, please enjoy my attempt at a different take to an Eric Coulter imagine, and please feel free to ask or say anything about it. This might be a long story guys.. I’m talking chapter 60′s and stuff. But that’s only if you guys enjoy it to the point you want me to write more! It’s pretty pointless to write a story nobody will read. Let me know, please!
Y/F/N = Your first name
Y/L/N = Your last name
Y/N = Your name
Y/DoB = Your date of birth       
                                                  Forbidden in Every Way.                                                   Pt 1.
The moment you opened your eyes, everything seemed peculiar to you. Including the people. But somehow, instead of freaking out and demanding answers for the weird situation you had found yourself in, you found yourself feeling far too calm and relaxed pushing you way out of your comfort zone.. if it decided to make an appearance, that is.
The paranoia that seeped through the cracks of your mind and into your thoughts was soon replaced with a euphoria of numbing sensations, where your mind just blanked completely and refused to cooperate with you, in terms of letting you gain access. It appeared your mind had somehow found a mind of its own.
You felt like you were supposed to be freaked out as the IV’s clung to your skin, blotching the areas around it until a perfectly circular vessel of blood pooled around the intrusion into your skin. Monitors were everywhere, but they weren’t heart rate monitors or anything of the sort. Which is what should have had you completely freaking out by now. There were no heart rate monitors anywhere. No beeping could be heard. Instead, as you lay in the bed you had woke up in, all you could see was a railing and all you could hear were hushed whispers and footsteps circling around your bed. 
No, the thing that should have freaked you out but definitely didn’t, was that the hushed whispers belonged to people in long white lab coats, no name tags connected just an ID badge hung from the one pocket on the front of their left side torso, and all that they were doing were analyzing your entire flesh and bones on a computer.. that wasn’t a computer. It reminded you of that one time you went to see the film Lucy in the cinema with your friend Jez, where a woman had been a drug mule and the drugs eventually burst inside her and got into her system, and she ended up unlocking 100% capacity of her brain. She was able to pull up a sort of Artificial Portable Computer where ever she went, controlling everything no matter where she was or what she was doing. A similar sight in front of you now.
You bit your lip out of frustration as your eyebrows burrowed in a complexed manner. You were trying to locate the source of your emotions so you could pull them to surface and make sense of them, but just as soon as you had experienced just a pinch of an emotion, they were shackled and pulled hard from your grasp, leaving you with the numbing sensation you continuously encountered. 
You shifted your head to the right and saw a bedside table beside you with a pitcher of water and an empty glass beside it. A snore followed by a grunt sounded to your left. You groaned as you sat up and reached towards the handle of the pitcher, wanting to get some hydration in your system as soon as possible, but just as you were about to lift it with great difficulty, a hand came down and flattened over the top of the pitcher, pushing it so that it wouldn’t budge no matter how often you attempted to pry it from under the grip of the incredible sulk.
Who the hell doesn’t let a girl get hydrated?
Another attempt to remove the pitcher from under the hand failed, and you found yourself flustered with frustration as you let go of the handle and instead replaced it with the hand that prevented you from getting your fluids. You tried to manually remove the hand before huffing and putting your thumb and index finger over the middle of the webbing between the thumb and index finger of the hand on the pitcher. You squeezed indefinitely and without hesitation as you tried to find the nerve, but groaned loudly after your weak attempt and instead found yourself angrily throwing your arms back down to your sides on the bed. You looked forward and nearly knocked yourself out on the brick of a bicep that blocked your view, just about catching a glimpse of the maze like block tattoo on the lower arm before it disappeared out of view completely and instead was replaced with a rather dangerous and smug but handsomely devilish looking male, whose icy blue eyes connected with yours and pierced them with the steel they were made of. 
“Well then. Who the hell are you and how the fuck did you fall out of lightning?” You shrunk back in the bed. And the face only got closer, analyzing your reaction.
“Eric, step back you’re scaring her.” Came another voice as it got closer.
Eric’s amused features only got brighter as the smug features were replaced with a sadistic grin while he turned his attention to the other voice. “Very well..” He paused, straightening his posture but remaining where he stood.. still too close for comfort. “But she caught my attention the moment she landed at my feet.”
That earned a snort from you. As if I’d fall for this creep without laying eyes on him. Eric’s eyes fell to yours just as you hurriedly turned yours to stare at the cuticles on your nails. “Care to share?” Came the rough and deep voice you had grown somewhat addicted to already. If sleep would come soon, you’d enjoy just listening to the sound of his voice. It was very distinctive. 
“Nope.” Came your reply, a grin stretching your features as you tried your best to suppress any intentions of a laugh. 
“Perhaps we should start with your name. Can you tell us who you are?” The other voice, smooth like velvet, sounded closer and soon you were met with two pairs of legs on either side of your bed. 
You raised your head slowly, before bringing them to meet with the darker toned man’s own windows into his soul. Your eyes immediately widened in recognition as your best friend Jez made an appearance and you couldn’t help but laugh as you looked at him. Why does he sound so formal and why is he dressed like a futuristic asshole like this other one?
“I don’t get it.. is this a joke?” You started, looking between the two with an accusing finger pointing towards each of them before crisscrossing them to point the other direction and repeating the motion over and over. “Did you hire this Godlike piece of ass to play a prank on me?” You continued your query, landing both fingers on the one named Eric.
Both males looked confused as they looked down to you then back to each other. Well.. Eric might has just had his ego inflated. “Max?” The one called Eric, with the rough but distinctive voice sounded. “What is she talking about? Do you know her?”
Then you laughed again, cutting Jez off before he had time to even open his mouth and reply. “Now I know this is a set up. Where are the cameras? Is this MTV but poor people style?”
Jez, sorry.. ‘Max’ only frowned at you, causing you to become confused and irritated that he was still trying to pull this off when you had already caught him out and recognized him. What the fuck?
“Jeremiah.. you can stop now.” You voiced weakly, a worried look etching itself onto your features, and you felt at this point it could be a permanent look for you. The makeover, as Jez had kindly put it before this random event starts to happen. “Please?”
“Miss.. I’m sorry, but I’m not this Jeremiah person that you speak of. My name is Max and I’m a leader here at Dauntless.” He explained.
You wanted to believe him, he was your best friend right? You should never question your best friend when their features look that sure.. but how could you believe something so ludicrous when not more than 24 hours ago, you were just put into a police cell with your best friend for robbing a convenience store and had to call his deadbeat dad to come bail you both out and then proceed to give you both a lecture on how he could ‘lose his job if he has to bail out his miscreant son from jail one more time and miss out on another successful sale’. Boohoo.
“Right.. and I’m the Queen of England, and my main automobile is a Jammy fucking Dodger that runs solely on cigarette ash and water.” You reply sarcastically, rolling your eyes to add emphasis on the fact that you didn’t believe a fucking thing that came out of his mouth.
“Miss, can you-” You put your hand up to stop this ‘Max’ impersonation your friend Jez was playing. 
“You know my name. It’s Y/N.” You paused when you noted the uncertainty on his features, and a sudden feeling of dread washed over you and you were sure it was evident on your features when he didn’t act like he knew you at all. “Y/F/N Y/L/N? I’ve been your best friend for the past 18 years?”
When he still didn’t recognise you, you sat up firm and glared at the man who was, surprisingly, a very good actor. A sadistic grin, similar to the one Eric wore just moments ago, planted itself on the edges of your lips as you stared daringly into his eyes. “I helped you bury a fucking body? Practically lost my entire family’s heir looms in the process with the arson, you know, to rid of the fucking evidence?” 
Max stared wide eyed, mouth agape and closing every so often making him resemble a fish. 
“Jesus, I think you fucking broke him.” Eric muttered from the corner of the bed he had now perched himself on. “Y/N, right?” He questioned, making you nod your head cautiously in return. “Okay, Y/N. Can you tell me your date of birth and today’s date and year?”
You stared at him skeptically, unsure of why he would ask you these things. 
He saw your stare and almost immediately he figured out what you were thinking and immediately tried to reassure you as best as he could.. you think. He seemed like such a complicated man with a very sickening and morbid sense of humour already. “It’s just proceedure that we ask these questions so we can detemine whether or not your brain is functioning as it should be.”
You nod, understanding. So you don’t miss a beat when you tell him. “My date of birth is Y/DoB. And today’s date is January 19th 2019.”
When you say this, a bewildered look crosses both the mens features before they stare at each other then towards the scientists or doctors, whatever they are, that were just an arms length away from the bed studying the air computers. When they nodded back to the men, both men appeared startled and as they turned their attention back to you, you gulped and shrunk back against your pillow. Sliding down the bed very easily and nearly nudging Eric with your foot. 
You saw their faces, and you knew something was wrong. “What is it?” You quietly asked, fretting the answer. 
“Y/N, today is June 2nd 3079.”
Now it was your turn to look bewildered. And you were sure you did just that as you sat wide eyed and mouth open, before eventually letting the darkness that started to seep into your vision eventually take over and consume you. 
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theatricalwriter · 7 years
I Am Good: Jason Scott X Reader [PART V]
Prompt: When you finally think you’re able to morph into your ranger armor after a comforting night with the others, you find that that’ll be harder than expected.
Requested: Yes and no.
Word Count: 2,052
Warnings: Strong language, sad backstory you’ve probably been waiting to hear, family death
Author’s Note: There’s only two parts left to this installment and I’m excited but also a little sad. I’m still trying to think of which ranger series to do next, so if you want to see a certain one, let me know. Or, if you want to know what the ideas are then you can ask me.
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Days passed by and you got more and more sore as each one ended. Since the whole Putty fighting was a bust, you got stuck with sparing against the other rangers. With their experience beforehand, they kicked your ass without hesitation. Billy didn’t even seem to go easy on. To be completely honest, the only to show even an ounce of restraint was Jason, but even he took you down on more than one occasion. It was getting somewhat easier, though. They were teaching you throughout the sessions. It still hurt, but you were at least learning.
One day, a little after the training session ended, Kimberly and Trini came up to you.
“Hey, Y/N,” Trini greeted. “Listen, we were all just wondering if you wanted to head out tonight.”
“Yeah, we usually head to this old train car above the mines and light a fire. We thought it’d be nice to show you it, seeing as how you’re a new member and all.” Kimberly told you.
“Um, sure.” You shrugged. “Sounds fun.”
“Cool! Let’s go.” Kimberly grabbed you by the arm and dragged you towards the boys who were already waiting for you three.
After getting out of the cave, the five led you up to a high point on the side of the mountain. An old, broken down and beat up train car was stationed there. You imagined that it was used for coal carrying in the past, but kind of wondered how it got there in the first place with no tracks around. There was a fire pit a couple feet away along with some rocks or pieces of wood used for seating. You looked out at the edge of the cliff and saw Angel Grove.
“Wow.” You sighed. “It looks so much bigger than it feels.”
“Doesn’t it?” Jason questioned, standing beside you. “That was my first thought when I first came up here. Also reminds me of how much I hated it before I became a Power Ranger.”
“You?” You raised an eyebrow in suspicion. “Weren’t you, like, the star quarterback?”
“Well, I was… Before I pulled a prank on the neighboring school and couldn’t get away with it. Cut me off from the season, got put on probation. My dad and almost everyone else in school hated me after that point since I ruined our season and my chance at a potential football scholarship.” Jason responded.
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. “What?”
Jason looked at you with a solemn glance and nodded over towards the fire which was just recently lit before he started walking towards it. You followed his actions and took a seat next to Billy and across from Jason. You gazed at the five others who seemed to be a little on edge but still bore warm grins.
“What’s all this about?” You asked.
“Well,” Kimberly started. “We all thought it’d be a good idea to get to know you more and for you to get to know us.”
“When we bonded like this before, it helped us start to morph,” Billy explained. “Uh, well, it didn’t really help us morph yet- You see, I died for a really long time and I got brought back to life and it was really-”
“Billy, Billy!” Jason shouted a bit, catching Billy’s attention.
Jason pointed towards you, your eyes wide with confusion and an ounce of terror flowing through your system.
“Oh…” Billy breathed.
“What he’s trying to say is that we became closer as a team after we were all honest with each other.” Trini told you. “It helped us become closer, helped us to finally morph into out armor.”
You were catching onto what they were trying to say. You rubbed your arms, looking down at your feet, getting worried. You hesitantly mumbled, “I-uh… I don’t think I can really… talk about that…”
“No, no! You don’t have to yet!” Kimberly waved her hands to show you didn’t need to do anything then. “We’ll tell your ours first.”
“No,” You refused, shaking your head a bit. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Y/N, come on-”
“I’m serious.” You spoke lowly.
“Listen, Y/N. We just wanted to help you-”
“Do you want to hear about how I broke my family?! Do you honestly want to hear about how I killed my mother?!” You shouted without thinking properly, your hands flying up to your mouth right after the words left it.
No one knew what to do after that point. You merely stood there, your hands clasped over your mouth as you gazed down at the flickering fire just a few inches away while the others stared at you with shock and confusion written all over their faces. You waited for someone to break the silence, but the only thing to be heard was the crackling of the fire and the quiet chirps of the crickets that felt like irritating melodies whispering all around you.
“My father hates me,” You gulped quietly, lowering yourself back onto the rock. “And… and he has a good reason.”
You gazed up for a moment to look at the others; they all looked at you with rapt attention as you spoke. It made you feel uneasy for a second before you continued on.
“When my mother was carrying my little sister, Nessarose… well, he began to worry that the baby might come out…” You struggled to pull out the word. “Green.”
“Green.” The others said at the same time as you.
“Yes… He-He became so worried that he made our mother chew milk flower day and night. Only it made Nessa come too soon… with her little legs all in tangles… And our mother… Never woke up. After that, my father moved us to someplace I don’t even remember the name of. He made me cover my skin wherever I went and anytime some came even close to figuring out m secret, he’d ship my family off somewhere else. One time, while we were staying in a seemingly nice place… well, a few girls stumbled upon me in the locker room… They were so afraid of me, and-and my sister was so young and vulnerable that she- God…- she became victim to their bullying. They shamed her for even being related to me, made her feel like gum on the bottom of their shoe. And because of that… she died. None of which would’ve happened had it not been for me.”
You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt a single tear hit the back of your hand. You sniffled a bit and used the same hand to wipe away the streaks of saltwater streaming down your emerald-colored cheeks.
“B-But… that was the milk flower’s fault,” Trini remarked. “Not yours. And your sister, it wasn’t you either. It was those bitches who hurt her.”
“Right.” Kimberly agreed. “That may be your secret, Y/N, but that doesn’t make it true.”
Through your teary vision, you could see the remorseful and comforting smiles of those you considered your teammates. It was a strange thing to see, but you felt… reassured?- and almost, happy. You smiled gently, looking down at your hands before closing your eyes contentedly.
“Y/N,” You heard Zack call your name. “Look.”
You opened your eyes and saw your hands, but just your hands, covered in a layer of green and black armor; just like the ones you saw on the other rangers. You gasped in shock and thrill, even when you noticed it went away just as quickly as it came.
“W-Was that…?” You managed to squeak out.
Everyone was either too shocked to move or where breathing out a happy sigh with a stupid grin on their faces.
Finally, Jason broke the moment with, “We have to get back to the ship.”
After you returned back to the ship and told Zordon of what had happened, he somewhat congratulated you before commanding you and the other rangers to step onto one of the six circular pads that were arranged around a gleaming ball of light.
“What is all this?” You asked.
“This is how you will morph,” Zordon responded. “By the six of you connecting to not only to each other, but to the morphing grid, you will be able to get into your armor. Now, clear your thoughts and focus.”
“There he goes again with the same old spiel.” You heard the taunting voice next to your ear. You gasped at the suddenness, catching Jason’s attention.
“Y/N, you alright?”
You nodded, swallowing your fear as Rita kept talking while you tried to block her voice out. You closed your eyes and tried to focus. Her words echoed in your head, no matter how many times you and the other rangers tried to get you to morph. She made you angry, and you and she both knew that. She was trying to get to you, and you tried not to let it show, but the others knew something was wrong.
On your final attempt to morph into your armor, you were getting close, and you all felt it. Apparently so did she.
“You know, Y/N, I can’t help but wonder what drove your sister to do what she did. Probably too ashamed to be even remotely related to someone like you. Your green skin is but an outward manifestation of your twisted nature! This distortion… this… repulsion, this… wickedness!”
“Your nothing but wicked!” You dad’s voice shouted from a never-ending memory. “And that’s all you’ll ever be!”
You snapped.
“Shut up!” You screamed. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!”
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” You heard the voices of your friends around you, but all your ears focused on were the cackling and laughs of Rita Repulsa.
You slid to the floor, your fingers pulling the root of your hair as you tried to think of someway to block out Rita’s voice that was haunting your mind. You thrashed about; so much that your coin fell out of your pocket and at Alpha’s wheels before him. You weren’t in the right state to hear the important news he had to tell.
“Oh no…” Alpha whispered.
“What is is Alpha? What’s wrong with her?” Billy asked as he and Jason tried to get close enough to you to calm you down without hitting them.
“Rita’s consciousness is still trapped within her coin! She’s been projecting herself into her mind! That must be why she’s getting so violent!”
“How do we stop this?” Jason questioned.
“Y/N has to morph as soon as possible. Only that way can she get rid of Rita!” Zordon explained, but you were still too hysterical to hear.
“I’m not wicked!” You cried over Rita’s voice. “I am good! I’m good!”
“No,” Rita shook her head. “You are wicked, just like everyone thinks you to be.”
“No, I’m not!”
Your words, forceful and laced with anger seemed to send the five rangers and even Alpha 5 were sent flying backward, making you stare in complete and utter horror at what you had done. Rita simply laughed once more, loving the fact that you so easily harmed your teammates. You gripped onto your scalp once more.
Your fear was controlling you after that point. You ran. That’s all you could do as Rita’s horrendous voice followed you. Needless to say, you didn’t hear the footsteps trailing after you as you or their cries for you to stop which fell on deaf ears.
You reached the outside of the ship, only stopping once to look back at the entity that was taking pleasure in driving you mad. You caught one glimpse of her before you jumped through the water barrier and kicked up to the surface. But when you expected to land, you just kept going upward. You glanced down and saw the world become smaller and smaller as you were up in the sky, literally defying gravity.
“Why?” You whimpered. “This shouldn’t be happening to me…”
“So what do we do now?” Billy wondered as he and the others stared up at you as your figure disappeared.
“We go after her,” Jason answered. “We go after her and get Y/N back.”
@holywinchesterness @emotionalinconvenience
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