#This is like my second ever time drawing dem and Flug?
scooterpengie · 1 year
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Redrew this moment from Gravity Falls but with them because I really love Flug and Dem's sibling dynamic 😭
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This started as a joke but now I'm like Flug and Dem give me such Mabel and Dipper vibes, I wanna see how many more Gravity Falls jokes I can make
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gabe-tsi · 5 years
Stitched Heart  (LizardHat)
Hmmm... So... I made a little fanfic based on a drawing by @ringocapuccino
It WAS supposed to be little. I guess I got a bit excited writing it. I’m not as good as many of the people here, but I’ve tried. Hope you all enjoy it. Is the first time I post a fic that isn’t on a “anon profile” or something so please be gentle aksdnfks I’m nervous
Word Count: 1.572
His firm hands held the cloth that slowly slid under the needle with a thread; the noise of the sewing machine was the only sound that could be heard echoing through the dark room. Concentrated, the man finished embroidering a dress for his agent of chaos. It should be perfect, just like his little hitman. It should be sophisticated for the occasion, but still show the chaotic personality of his lizard. The color of the luxe blending through threads with the color of chaos, weaving step by step the appropriate robe until he could finally found the balance between chaotic and elegant. And so he did.
Finally, after so much time and effort, it was ready. In front of him, the finished dress resting on the table, next to the sewing machine that now lay still without a sound.
Clutching by the vest’s shoulders, he lifted his newest piece and looked at it seriously, searching for imperfections and analyzing, making sure that it fit his refined tastes. When he was sure that suit was perfect, he allowed a relieved grin to sprout on his face.
He let his back rest against the soft foam of the seat where he was. His head hung back and tired, his half-opened eyes trailing the dark room. Over there, several mannequins scattered, the vast majority with elegant dresses and suits on their inanimate bodies of cold wood. How long had he been holed up in that room, working unceasingly to embroider the perfect dress? Probably for over a week. Dozens of unfinished dresses infested the room, along with hundreds of crumpled sheets of paper, already overflowing the table on which lay the drafts of the discarded ideas of the eldritch. And analyzing all the paper, thread and fabric wasted in the process, you could say that he had worked hard on it.
Why tho? He thought. Why do I care so much? I could just buy some gala dress or have Flug to order one on the Internet, and my minios would still have something decent to wear at the next event. But why? Why do I bother, all this trouble and hard work, just for her? He wondered, but no matter how much he thought, he could not find an answer. He did not know why he was so excited to please his employee. He did not know why he considered her... So... Special... Why? And why her? She was nothing but an nuisance to him!
He was thinking too much about it. A slight headache began to bother him, making him massage his temples in a failed attempt to get rid of it. He sighed, tired, and decided to ignore anything that came in mind for now.
At that moment, a knock echoed through the silence of the sewing room. Black Hat did not have to answer to find out who was on the other side.
Carefully, he grabbed the finished dress that rested on the table and hold it on his left arm, bringing it with him as he walked away from the room.
He opened the heavy - and expensive - ivory door, only to face his evil scientist with a worried look on the face.
"Sir... Is everything alright with you, Lord Black Hat?" He did not answer
"Where's Demencia?"
"Is... everything OK...?"
"I said..." He raised his voice, already losing his patience. "Where the FUCK is Demencia?!" He hated when people answered his questions with another question.
The nerd stepped back, afraid of being hit or something.
"I-In her room, sir!" The skinny man swallowed dry.
The older man just glanced at his subordinate and turned his back on him, moving away and heading down the corridors of the mansion to the girl's room. The young one just stood there, a confused countenance. Curiosity was giving him an itch, but he would not question his boss. He knew what was best for him.
The heavy steps stopped in front of the huge white door decorated with threatening warnings and graffiti with the writing "Dem X BH" in neon. Oh, hell. Anyone would know who that room belongs to. Black Hat did not know why he let her vandalize something in his domains. That neon palette was a strong contrast that ruined the gothic colors and victorian aesthetics of his home. He rolled his eyes, trying to ignore that little detail that made him slightly irritated and finally knocked on the door. Something seemed wrong. It was too quiet to be Demencia. A few moments later, the female voice answered from within:
 "Come in!"
He opened the door without hesitation, and as he did so he came upon the lizard girl leaning on her bed, surrounded by dozens of scrawled papers. The man peeked, slightly curious, only to come across the drawings made by her; it were Demencia and Black Hat, in a romantic interaction, probably one of the girl’s fantasies with him. He decided to ignore her "beautiful artworks" like he always did. If she was drawing, at least she was not disturbing him.
"Try it." He lend the dress to her.
"I'm busy." She did not even bother looking, too focused on her drawing.
"I didn’t made it for nothing. TRY IT." He repeated with a firmer timbre.
That phrase made her turn away from the paper for a moment. She stared at the dress the man gave her, opening a huge smile soon after.
"Did you made this for me?!"
"Yes, I-" Barely had time to explain himself, in an instant the girl jumped out of bed and grabbed the tissues of his hand, admiring the dress.
"IT'S BEAUTIFUL I LOVED IT !!" She looked at the man for a moment. "What's that for?"
"The Gala this weekend."
"ÉS PERFECTO, GRACIAS BONBON! I'M GONNA TRY IT RIGHT NOW!" She began undressing in front of her boss.
"WAIT UNTIL I'M OUT, DAMMIT!" He screamed, turning away from her, annoyed at the girl's inconvenience.
He hurried to leave the room, closing the door right after. God, that girl was a hurricane, and at the very least a nuisance. Yet her presence was... tolerable, in a certain way. And the hat man could not tell why. Why did he tolerate her and her crazy vows of love? Why did he tolerate all her chaos and destruction? For fuck's sake, he could just rip her apart in a heartbeat and she'd be dead before she knew it. Yet... he did not feel like killing, not when it came to Dementia. He might even be crazy, but maybe he was beginning to find the girl's presence... Nice? He could not say for sure. Maybe that was it, right? No, bullshit, it could not be. Or maybe...?
"Hey, Blackie~" She called him, opening the door to her room. The sweet sound of her voice woke the eldritch of his own thoughts, making him to turn around and enter the room again, curious to see his most beautiful and recent creation in the body of his muse- He meant employee.
It was when he came across the lizard wearing the dress woven by his evil hands. He froze right where he was, completely static and stunned. It was... perfect, just as he had imagined. Mesmerizing. He could not look away, not even for a single second. He had lived hundreds of thousands of years, and yet he could have sworn he'd never seen anything so... Dazzling ... Demencia was... So... No, it was not that. Nonsense. Hypnotizing and stunning, bullshit! He was just proud of his work, that's all! He was sure! Only his well done work, it was the only thing that delighted eyes about that sight before him.
But... those beautiful curves that fit perfectly into the seam of his freshly finished work, that sensual body that looked more like a Greek work of art, the long and beautiful exotic hair... Her pretty evil face and... Her pink lips, silently calling him... Her eyes... staring at him... begging for any compliment... Compliment that almost slid out of his mouth.
"It fits. Now take it off, I don’t want you to ruin it before this weekend."
"As you wish ~" And began to remove the dress in front of him again. But in a blink of an eye, Black Hat had already disappeared hastily amid the shadows of his evil mansion.
"Damn you, woman. Why are you so bloody mesmerizing?" He murmured to himself. He knew that no one would answer him; he was alone by now. But maybe he knew the answer. Maybe he knew why Demencia seemed so... attractive, somehow. Maybe he knew why he'd bothered to have all that work just for her. He took that answer, thinking seriously about it. He shook his head in denial. It was almost as if he could not believe it. What a fool of me to think about it. I am an heartless entity of darkness. And he rebuked himself, remembering never to think about it again. An heartless entity of darkness. No feelings. He repeated mentally. And it's not a punk lizard, after hundreds of years of existence, that’s going to change that.
He decided to forget this subject. And suppress anything that he may ever came to "feel." Ah, Black Hat, you fool, only if you knew....
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
How To Torture Your Heroes
Summary: Demencia and Clem teach the gross cockroaches of the world how to properly obtain and torture your enemy better than some nerdboy could!
Words: 2,454
Characters: Demencia, Flug, Clemencia, and Black Hat (briefly)
Warnings: A bit of torture, but nothing too bad.
I had too much fun with this
Demencia sat at the metallic table with her arms crossed and glaring at the shaking Cam-Bot and Flug, who was clearly smirking underneath his bag. She just narrowed her eyes at him, while, at the same time, erratic noises and lights that were going on beside her. She then slowly glanced over to her side at seeing Clemencia strapped up in a chair, wrapped in a straitjacket, and her mouth covered by a mask. The unicorn witch was currently vibrating in the chair, hearts in her eyes changing various of colors, and her powers were sparking from her horn. She was also making many high-pitched squeaking sounds and they only became louder the moment Dem’s eyes were on her.
Demencia’s stare went back to Flug, who was setting up Cam-Bot and ordering, “Alright, remember that Black Hat wants you to do this. Honestly, I wouldn’t care and the only commercials I would have you do is one for rabies vaccinations or one where we send you off to space.”
Flug was expecting Demencia to make a “witty” comeback like her becoming queen of the moon-people or something that idiotically implausible, but she just kept glaring at him. He just rolled his eyes and then looked as Cam-Bot’s recording light come on, saying, while holding up cards for her to speak off of, “Okay, Cam-Bot is recording. Go, Demencia.”
Demencia narrowed her eyes further at him before speaking in an even, annoyed tone, “Welcome, you bottom feeders, are you sick and tired of using the same old methods to capture and torture heroes? Do they always get away from your clutches? Always stealing your shit-” “Demencia, stick to the cards.” “Ugh! Always stealing your equipment,” she mocked in an obnoxiously nerdy voice by plugging her nose and then continued, “and leaving a mess everywhere? Then, fear not, for- this is so fucking stupid! Couldn’t you at least have tried to make the script sound like me, instead of your disgusting, lameass nerd language!?”
Flug pinched at where the bridge of his nose would be and then spoke in a professional manner, “You know, I really did try to, Demencia. However, you must understand that it is quite difficult to translate caveman speak to our natural, everyday colloquialism.”
Dem slammed her hands down on the table and shouted at him, “Say that to my face, punching bag!”
“You’re literally a few feet in front of me! How is this not saying it to your fa-” “Because it isn’t, chicken shit! If you were brave enough, you would say it right here, instead of-” The two began bickering over one another. Flug giving out the most intellectual disses the world has ever known, while Demencia resorted to “colorful” language, gory descriptions of Flug’s demise, and the occasional, never defeated “bleh bleh bleh” method. 
Meanwhile, Clem watched the two fight amongst one another like a child watching their parents argue. She casually shimmied out of her straitjacket, unbuckled the straps, and took off the mask. Skipping over to Flug, she looked down at the cards in his hands and asked, “Can I see those?”
“Yeah, sure,” Flug said absentmindedly, as he just went back to quarreling with Demencia like the goof that he is. Clemencia just went back to her seat and sat down, reading over the cue cards. Cam-Bot turned off its recording for a few seconds to look in-between the two villains and shook its ‘head’, wondering how it hasn’t short-circuited from all this madness. The only thing that was able to break them out of their squabble was Clemencia shouting, “Whaaaaaat!? Dangle them over hydrochloric acid? Painful injections? Lead them to you with what they love? What is this absolute crap? I thought you were supposed to be the best in the business, Flug!”
Flug immediately put a hand to his chest, feeling absolutely offended, while Demencia snatched at the cards and started reading them over. The scientist shouted, “Okay, listen here you randomly generated Tumblr OC, I don’t need someone like you telling me that-”
“I'm gonna stop you right there because you clearly do! None of this would truly work! It's, dare I say, old hat! I mean, who dangles people over acid anymore?” Clemencia asked, while Demencia finished reading and winced, “As much as I hate to agree with sparkles over here, I think she's got a point.”
Flug crossed his arms, scoffing and sputtering, before taking a deep breath and giving in, “You know what? Fine! I'll let you both take over, see how well you do, but I'm not gonna be responsible for how Black Hat reacts!”
The two multicolored women weren't even listening to him, as the two were writing down suggestions and even making some pictures on their garbage writ- er…“script”. Clemencia then pulled down a large, long projection screen out of nowhere and the two hid behind the screen. Clem whispered, “Aaaaaaaannnndddd...action!”
Cam-Bot just shook its head and then rewound the footage before starting it back up again. Suddenly, an image of a half lizard and half unicorn skull crying out rainbows in front of heart that had nails all over it appeared on the screen. The two magically poofed in front of the screen. Demencia was holding a bloodied baseball bat that had nails all over it and Clemencia held a pink and gold axe that had hearts within the blade and pink bows along the handle. Flug groaned, as he sat down with a mug in his hand that...possibly held coffee, “Oh boy.”
Demencia greeted, “Welcome, you gross boils of the underworld, it's your ruthless, badass Demencia to teach you scrubs about how to truly capture and torture your victims, whether they be a hero or a disgusting, useless, sidekick, nerdboy!”
Flug gave loud sigh, but didn't say anything. The lizard woman pointed to Clemencia and introduced, “And who better to check over such methods than with- Gah!”
Clemencia suddenly brought her into a spine-crushing hug and lifted her off of the ground, exclaiming, “Than with her no-as-equally-but-pretty-dang-close-at-least-hope-so-or-I’ll-cry-in-the-tub-again-tonight gorgeous girlfriend, Clemencia!”
Dem growled, as she hit her over head with the bat, “I'm not your girlfriend, dumb broad!”
Each hit that she made just made a squeaky toy noise. Flug blinked at the both of them and then cleared his throat. The two stared at him before going back to their normal poses and Dem went on like nothing happened, “Than with this horrible excuse of a hero over here!”
The unicorn witch smiled and giggled, while her horn made random sparks of pink magic. The screen then changed while Dem continued, “Now, some idiots would give you stupid little ideas that you can lead your victim by using things that they love,” a drawing of Clemencia had her being led to a trap by a Demencia doll on a string, “or being hung over acid,” another image of Clem being hung over acid that she just changed into jello with a confused, smelly Flug, “or, even lamer, with injections,” and then the final was another Flug with the words “gross nerd” over his head poking a confused hero in the eye with a syringe.
Clemencia then quickly added in, “Well, I never thought they were lame or anything, just that I know you can do it a bit better with that big boy brain of yours, Fluggy~!”
Flug corrected, “That’s Dr. Flug Slys to you.”
“Ya got it, Flug-bug!” Clemencia smiled with a cute little wink afterwards, making Flug just take bigger gulps of his “coffee”. Demencia put a finger to her mouth, fake gagging, and asked in an annoyed tone, “Are you two done being weird?”
Clem mumbled, looking slightly concerned, “...I-I was being…” and then a fully forced smile came across her face and she said cheerfully, “Yes, I am, my wonderful savior! ...Um,” she then levitated Flug’s mug to herself, grabbed it, and then tossed it right into his face with a blank expression. The mug spilt all over Flug upon impact and he fell back with a loud thud, shouting, “WHYYYYY!?”
Demencia blinked at the whole and then went back to the commercial, “Anyway, a little help from Dem and Clem will get your ass back in line with these three easy options! Number one: Don’t go for all that complicated garbage! Your own body should be plenty to attract those dumb heroes.”
The image on the screen changed to a drawing of a hero cornering Demencia in an alleyway, while she was wearing chainmail armor lingerie that had a the Black Hat logo on her panties. Clemencia’s eyes turned into hearts, despite one of them twitching at the “dumb heroes” comment, and added in, “Which should be plenty easy, if you’re as sexy as Demencia! However, if you’re not- which a good majority of you aren’t -then this second option is for you! Number two: As much as we heroes love kicking your butts from here to Atreno City,” a Clem drawing had her kicking villains, while they’re curled up on the ground, like Flamme, Mother Poltergeist, Mawrasite, and, of course, Flug, “there’s nothing we love more than peaceful agreements.”
Next was a copy-and-pasted picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but they had a bunch of villains’ and heroes’ faces drawn poorly over all the political figures’ faces with Clem and Dem sharing Thomas Jefferson’s face. The actual document was scribbled with Demencia’s crayon and Clemencia’s sparkly marker writing that read: “Blah blah blah,” “Dem for president,” “Clem was here <3,” and a signature “Flug the virgin.” Clemencia went on, “However, we also have a high sense of smell to know when there's bullshit afoot, so try to at least seem a bit more genuine than what you’re actually doing,” a picture of an annoyed Vanity appeared at a dinner table with Dark Phantom in a suit, who was looking extremely nervous and holding a ray gun behind his back.
Demencia then said, “And, finally, the torture! The fun part! Now that you’ve clearly used the first method to capture your foe because the second one is for complete morons-”
Clemencia shifted on her and chuckled nervously, “Heehee...right…”
The lizard hybrid then went on, “The best way that you can torture your hero is by causing them the slowest amount of pain possible and that their screams are filling your entire lair!”
The image on the screen showed a hero tied up to a chair, looking absolutely terrified, while Demencia was doing various tactics on them like using thumb-screws to drill through their fingers, using a red hot iron rod to brand their skin, or reading bad fanfiction. All the while the hero seemed to be in extreme anguish. Demencia then added, “However, if the hero is somehow resilient, you can also do the same to the sidekick or family,” the drawings changed to her doing the same to those people, instead of the hero.
“Whichever one you do, the hero should be able to do whatever you wish after a whole 24 hours of torture, but if you’re as good as me, you’ll have it done in less than 30 minutes. Heroes are absolutely traumatized afterwards though, so make sure to throw them out afterwards,” drawing Dem was throwing the hero into the incinerator, “Although, that may be hard because most heroes are stupid and useless already to begin with. Right, Clemencia? ….Right!?”
Dem growled as she sharply turned to her, only to stop at seeing Clem holding onto herself and also shivering. Clemencia started tearing up and she stuttered, “I-I’m...I’m n-not useless….o-or….stupid...r-right?”
The lizard hybrid just bit her lip and looked away, causing Clem to whimper and then teleport out of there. Right as soon as she did, Flug came back into the lab, holding a cloth covered ice pack on his bagged face, and asked, looking around, “Hey, where did the poster child for insulin shots go to?”
He then noticed Demencia looking somewhat saddened and guilty, as if she made a mistake. Flug was about to reach out to her and ask if she was alright, but then suddenly the projector caught alight by red flames, as Black Hat rose from the flames. His eye completely black with a red, slitted pupil and his form shifting and changing as eyes, mouths, and tentacles appeared. The tentacles squeezed around the two, strangling them, and Cam-Bot quickly ran out out of there before it got taken. Black snarled at the two, “What is going on here!?”
Demencia made a stupid comment about Black Hat always taking her breath away, while Flug made his famous dying seal squeaks.
At White Hat’s manor, as the moon was rising, Clemencia hung half her torso off of the balcony connected to her room, sighing at all that Demencia said and wondering where exactly she went wrong. She messed with the bow on her ponytail, while her unicorn hoodie’s eyes started tearing up. She mumbled to herself, “Maybe I’m just too bubbly at times...and I doubt myself too much...and...I eat too much cake! Ugh! I need to change my ways! I need to get tough and more wild like Demmie!”
She then lifted up her body back up to the top and the moment that she did, she felt lips press against her cheek, as well as catching the scent of roses, spray paint, and raw meat. Clem summoned a large mallet and shouted, “How dare you steal Demencia’s scent!?”
She then looked around and saw nobody there, but did see a note placed onto the railing of the balcony. She tilted her head as she placed the mallet back into her hair and grabbed onto the note to see what it said: “I wasn’t talking about you being useless or anything like that, dum-dum! You’re pretty...alright. I just gotta keep up an image, ya know? Now stop being so emotional or else I’ll have to cuddle you! >:3c”
Clemencia blinked at the letter before her eyes turned into hearts and a dopey smile grew across her face, while hugging the paper close to her chest. Yeah, it wasn’t anything all that poetic, but it was absolutely beautiful in her eyes. She then looked down at at her balcony and noticed some red and green paint that was on the railing of where the note was. She turned the note around and saw red and green painted words that read: “By the way, got ya a surprise! Turn around!”
The unicorn witch spun around with a bright smile and saw a bomb with “Dem waz here” spray-painted onto it, making Clem coo, “Awwww, Demmie!!!”
I’ll probably make some fanfic about the other two...uh...*looks at hand* Shite Bat and Plug
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