#This is my first onnneee!
maudiemoods · 8 days
Kara mask round two!!!
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I don't have a cool place to take pictures
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sunset-bridge · 11 months
Can I ask what those monster designs are for? I like them a lot :0
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THANK YOU for enabling me guys,,, SNIFFS ur so real all of you real cuervoheads
ANYWAYS. ok honestly i need to iron details A LOT of them but basically, it stemmed from this drawing i did for day one of ake shoe week, i got a beauty and the beast idea so i drew that on the fly. BUT LATER i kept rotating it in my head the concept and like. yea
so. basic idea is that goro was a normal guy but his dad is a little bastard and cursed him with the mask, transforming him into a beast, presumably so he wouldnt interfere with anything since hes like a . king or an important general or smth so it would be a scandal etc etc. then he sent him to a funny forest and goro is cursed to never be able to take the mask off and also never get out of the forest as long as hes wearing it. anyone else can enter and get out just fine its just goro whos kinda trapped there like a cute lion circling a cage so he goes a bit. bit delulu and also hes of course so mad at everyone
AND sergio ok. i havent quite decided but for now i think hes like. the son of the queen of some sort of flower kingdom but the queen didnt really. want him (T_T). but ok whatever hes here now because people kinda found out she was gonna have a kid so it would be abit sus if . he disappeared. anyways hes like half demon or something yes. so hes obvs not his dad's son (the king) but the queen pretends he is and also everyone believes this BUT sergio knows the truth obvs like. hey why am i half demon huh.,,. ANYWAYS his demon transformation is triggered by strong honest emotions of any kind , so he developed a cute Psychological Mask (pp...pers..on...a) where hes so unauthentic and pretends to be a cute little bumbling but charming idiot macho man etc etc just a bro guy yes thats sergio thats him yup totally cute prince flower guy and absolutely NOthing else.
OK so . i have no idea why but i guess sergio has to go into the forest for some reasonnn and he meets the Beast who is only known to people as The Crow and like. hes like. huh theres something funny about this animal!!! so ofc he comes back to try to catch another glimpse and , he feels, hey, this is no Animal theres something under there. this is a guy i think. this is just his gut but yknow
so now hes determined to know the truth about this beast , honestly just because it sounds interesting and fun to find out and hes so chronically bored this might be like. cool. ofc goro at first is very hostile and rude and Violent but sergio is like. cmooon man cmooon ahahahah. and well later he finds himself Actually Having Fun sometimes when hanging out with sergio NO this is not happening not even true <-- goro thoughts. like he already gave up being a Person because everyone just sees him as a stupid violent animal monster so like. he leaned into it and drove everyone away AND HE LIKES IT THIS WAY nope he doesnt want to be truly loved and needed no way not even happening what the HELL!!
anyways enter a bunch of Stuff here sure i can. try to elaborate more later but ..important bits now
OK SO goros mask curse thing. supposedly it can only be taken off by another person, who loves the wearer honestly and truly yadda yadda fairy tale things whatever. but like. goro has kinda given up on that cuz like. who tf is gonna like him like this. so might as well sink in etc. also he doesnt like himself that much either so that doesnt help
ALSO IMPORTANT he doesnt want anyone to love him out of pity either!!!! GRRA he. he doesnt want this for real. so if anyone tried to like. love him but just out of pity like ooo poor monster guy i will love you and take ur cute mask off. NOPE not that NOPE!!!
BUT he doesnt even tell sergio the conditions anyways . they just proceed to hang out and whatever. onnneee day i guess they have a littttle scuffle and sergio kinda transforms a bit because Feelings and goro is like. WTF.,,.. hey hello ??? and sergio is lik UHM.,,. proceeds to wall up and pretend that didnt happen but this makes goro so mad like. hey wtf u want me to open up but u keep shit like this to yourself? hypocrite loser etc etc
so later they end up fighting like. goro is like. shut the fuck up im tired of you and your stupid idiot faake friendliness just leave me be like damn and sergio is like NO dumbass i do like hanging out with you WILL you listen a bit. anyways sergio transforms again a bit against his will but he cant help it. they fiiiight and then they stop because they are going to Die but sergio finally explains that he was afraid of what people may think of him if they knew he was half demon freakazoid thing and . and. he did think of telling goro maybe but his ego and pride and Fear got the best of him NO WAY no he cant be weak and vulnerable nope. but ..,,, maybe..,
so ofc goro is like. fucking idiot dumbass as if i also wasnt a monster too. eye-to-eye moment of rare vulnerability for both... something about being on the same level and opening up and feeling free with someone etc
anyways they hang out more after this like cute rivals now and they play scuffle sometimes wahoo !! sergio can relax around goro and transform and he feels so Free when hes with him etc.
insert more bits here. ok so goro. hes also afraid of sergio not thinking he was Cool and Awesome and stuff if he did manage to take the mask off.,,, what was he without the mask? he was just a Guy with anger issues and nothing in his heart…! at least like this he could be THE cool beast rival friend yknow. this is all he had going for him ! who is he going to be if he takes it off....
well finally he one day FINALLY tells sergio about the mask and the curse and the conditions and sergio is like. pffft. ok. and asks him to let him take a try . but goro is like. huh. wtf no its not gonna work. but he convinces him, and wow it works ! goro didnt even consider that "love" didnt necesarilly had to refer to romantic love. stupid. but also i dont think he really thought sergio considered him such a close friend/rival/weirdo etc .. THIS IS SO AWESOME thinks goro but only on his head of course.,,, cuz he knows sergio doesnt ever pity him he honestly respects him and sees him as his cool rival this is so cool..,,, waugh
so ! the cute guy behind the crow mask is revealed ! huzzah! sergio is like. what the hell you said you were ugly !!! liar!!! eheheh. gets punched in the ribs immeadiatly
:3 WOW!!! i love the relationship between joker and goro can u tell...! me when the. me when i cant tell you how to see me etc etc me when someone has the same type of brainwave as you etc
i will probably draw a few more things for this au WAHOO
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
I love the idea of Sephiroth living in Gongaga post-Shinra abandonment <3 <3 (tyyy chewed up sleep schedule for giving me energy at 1:00am ily!!!!)
Jade eyes scanned the room around him. His room.
A milky carpet was spread over the floor, creamy walls turned vanilla under the embrace of smogless, golden sunlight; little stars danced on the charcoal blanket tucked neatly in the bed, like a stretch of galaxy cut out just for him… And that wasn’t even all. There was a desk as well, just adjacent to a bookshelf lined with novels, so many colors and titles creating an aurora for him to explore.
“So…” Zack was standing beside him, wringing his hands as the unbridled joy tugged at his lips. “You like it, bud?”
Sephiroth took a step forward, mesmerized, levitating, the feline eyes blowing into obsidian orbs in their emerald ponds. “…I do not have the words,” he said honestly, perhaps the most raw his voice had ever sounded.
“Luckily I speak fluent Seph.” Zack belly-flopped onto the mattress, the sapphires luminous as he stared up at his friend. “That means I did a fine job decorating!”
…He did.
Sephiroth sat down beside him, still a million miles away. The bed was much smaller than the one at Shinra… though he didn’t think he would mind; he had been lavished because they wanted him to stay. They filled his quarters with opulences because they thought that was enough or a motivation to do their bidding. Enough of a reason to feel secure. Enough of a reason to call it home.
“The room just needs onnneee more thing:”
Sephiroth blinked, genuinely surprised, genuinely unsure if he could even process what more he could need. He was at the brim, his voice still delicate.
“…What would that be?”
Zack’s smile somehow broadened, and then, in a flash of orange, he revealed a small plush dragon from behind his back. He clearly knew how much of a surprise it was, savoring the dramatic flair, but then carrying on himself upon seeing Sephiroth’s bewildered expression.
“I now bestow to you… Muffin. He is yours to love and play with.” Zack plopped the toy into his friend’s hands, who accepted it almost robotically. “I know he’ll be happy.”
Sephiroth blinked again, and then again, studying the gift… He held it like a glass statue, quiet rumbles purring from the depths of his chest as Sephiroth ran his finger across the felt, tracing the stitched wisps of fabric that made up its nose and sunshine smile.
Muffin was Zack’s treasure. Something he cherished with his life. To give this to him… it was like…
“How could you… give this to me?“ Sephiroth had to clear his throat. It was too much. Too much at once. He was going to be broken.
“You made me a handmade Muffin for my birthday, remember?” Zack looked very pleased, sounding even more so. “I wanted us to both have one!” His smile melted a little then, something innocent and kind and irreplaceable molding into the dough. “He likes to stay on the far side of the bed, likes his wings nice and clean, and really likes country music.”
Sephiroth set the plush between them, a round of heartfelt chuckles slipping free. “I will try my best to remember.” He didn’t necessarily have any intention to sleep with it… but out of some strange fear of Zack walking in and seeing Muffin neglected, he would try to. Just for one night.
Sephiroth returned his friend’s gaze, dipping his chin, trying to conjure up an appropriate thing to say—the right thing to say… but then, he remembered two simple words he had learned. Words that could fill a dictionary.
“Thank you.”
For maybe the first time, it was neither of them that catalyzed the hug. Zack broke into a messy grin, springing forward, and Sephiroth was there to catch him. Charcoal arms enveloped a blue hoodie, the other doing the same, both clutching tight and both cocooned in warmth, brighter than flames, bright as the white magic that was able to extinguish them, a different fire crackling underneath that could never burn out.
“You’re gonna be safe here,” Zack mumbled into his coat, “I promise. We can spar everyday in the backyard, and we can fish, and swim, and write to Spike and Aerith and we don’t have to worry about stupid Shinra or evil alien monsters who want to take my pal away ever again.” He squeezed tighter, burying deeper.
And Sephiroth knew it was true. He sank further into his best friend’s embrace, their heartbeats aligning like stars, their breaths falling into sync, and finally gave life to the question he had been harboring for eons. Ever since gauze was brought around his first stab wound.
“What did I do to deserve you…”
It took twenty-three years, but he was finally home.
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wrightaboutthat · 3 years
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This sunflower had impeccable timing.
Happy Narumitsu week, everyone <3
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Hi there! This is not an Ask, just sharing. I hope you don't mind.
*clears throat* I am a Zhongli main. I was blessed with a C1 Zhongli on his original banner. So I am super excited for his re-run. I pulled, saw a gold star, and Diluc had the audacity to appear?! I mean, Diluc was attraction at first sight when I was an innocent new player but he didn't come home until the recent Childe rerun banner. Now Diluc's trying to C1 sneak his way in and replace Zhongli in the rightful place in my heart?
Wait, is Diluc jealous of my adoration for Zhongli? Are the boys going to fight over me now? *squeals in fangirl*
wow beels! that is incredible luck 😭 
not only did you get you a C1 Zhongli on the last banner, but you got our spicy red headed lover on this onnneee! (I’m holding in the jealousy) 
If they do fight for your affection, I’d like to be there and bask in the glory of that interaction lol 
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honestly the most frustrating thing ever is just that the 'fans' won't stop going on & on about all too well being irl inspired this gake haaljyllen stole scarf that
but these same people who won't shut up about these irl inspiration can just buy that taylor wrote a whole two albums of all too wells from thin air
am i... am i making my point??
and yalls believe....
i just...
i don't understand how they can know so fucking much about stupid fucking will archery...
and yet be so COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY... blind to the obvious inspiration & connection & thread & string starting from 1989 even to the rereleases now...
i just....
they credited illicit affairs to sex and the city, guys...
that was the first most popular result google spat out from supposed fucking "critics"...
i just...
this is beyond exhausting....
taylor taught us a secret language i can't speak with anyone else....
it's just that everybody won't fucking shut up about the men. when, when they're the ones credited, the discography doesn't make any fuckign sense.
and it's just onnneee SIMPLE.
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rubye402 · 4 years
Getting some serious (cookie) dough
(Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays everyone! I am a part of @portal-secret-santa ! Who's my present for? @mean-and-gay is the blog's name! They said some warm homey stuff would be something they would like. I assumed platonic sibling is OK? Anywho, but as someone who thrives off of found familial AUs, I decided on something like this between little Spacey and Wheats was a good idea! Also spinkled in Virgil and Rainbow core from Portal Stories:Mel for good measure, don't know if you know it but might as well include them, hope you like it either way buddy! ^^)
Craig sighed as he felt two pairs of eyes burn holes into the bag of chocolate chips he was currently trying to add to the bowl in front of him. "I've put eggs in here you two," he huffed turning around to the honey and blue eyed boys, "Eating raw cookie dough with eggs in it is how you get sick."
"Oh c'mon, mate," Wheatley huffed coming out from the 'hiding spot' of his and Kevin's, "Just a little nibble? I'm sure Santa wouldn't mind, yeah?"
"No!" Craig growled, "A nibble with you two will turn into a bite, then a handful, then next thing you know, there's no dough for anyone-!" Rick had walked into the kitchen as Craig was rambling and what ended it was his attention latching onto Rick holding the bowl up into the air, out of Kevin’s reach.
"Oh cra-"
"WHEATLEY! KEVIN!" Craig roared, Wheatley turning onto his heels.
"KEV! RETREAT! RETREAT!" Wheatley called out, panicked.
"RETREAT!" Kevin echoed, squealing and narrowly missing Craig's attempt to catch the much younger male. Craig growled, face growing heated.
"Easy there, Pinky," Rick chuckled, setting the bowl down again, "We might end up usin' your face to bake them cookies." Craig snapped his head towards Rick, making him jump a little.
"Shut up before I kill you too," Craig huffed, "Why do those two do what they do?! I swear, if I end up finding grey hairs come Christmas morning, I can and will-"
"Let me guess, tried to steal the cookie dough?" Virgil’s voice rung out. Criag sighed, turning to the Norwegian machanic and a familiar multi colored sweater right behind him.
"Yes..." Craig sighed in defeat.
"Kevin is a kid, and Wheatley has a sweet tooth, Craig," Rainbow added, "Of course they'd pull something to get a bite. Besides, those cookies you make are pretty good to top it off."
"Well, thank you, Jade," Craig softly smiled from the compliment, "I just wish that they would actually let the cookies be baked."
"Well no matter how you slice it, they're havin' quite the ball bonding," Rick smirked, "'member how, what, two, three years ago round this time that Wheats and Kev first were showin' signs of getting along?"
Snow crunched and kicked up under little boots. Kevin had been playing in the snow with Rick and Virgil, Virgil had helped the little guy build a snowman, complete with a screwdriver handle nose. Rick had then proceeded to throw a snowball, hitting a bullseye on poor Virgil’s face, making Spacey laugh giddly.
Laughter kept echoing in the small yard and a snowball fight broke out, mainly between Rick and Virgil, but Kevin joined the fun and was occasionally thrown little, not very packed snowballs, as to not be hit with anything to much that would result in tears. Craig would kill both of them for that.
Speaking of, Craig was watching from the window with Jade. While Virgil was used to colder areas of Aperture and he spent most of his time in the garage tickering, and Rick just loved getting his blood pumping outside, Craig and Jade happily stayed inside, content to watching. While Craig also liked the cooler weather along with Virgil, and if Rick didn't like outside so much, he was sure he would have helped with the snowman. But alas, his books were not water, or in this case, snow proof. Jade was the one other than Rick that didn't like the cold much.
Wheatley was also watching, he didn't care much for the scene unfolding, but he did at least like the snowman... Until he saw Spacey, in the mist of trying to hit Rick, aciddently hit the snowmans head, making it crumple to the ground. The yard was deadly silent in shock, and even the little chatter Fact and Rainbow were having halted.
Then came the sound chocked sobs, making Craig rush to the door and outside, only putting on some shoes. Wheatley and Jade also followed the panic. Rick and Virgil already were on their knees trying to comfort him, but the sight of a panicked Craig quickly made them back off so he could try his luck. Kevin, knowing that Craig only softens this much when he wanted to comfort him, immediately buried his face into his chest. Wheatley and Jade caught up and since Craig was already holding Kev, proceed to the damaged snowman.
"Oooh," Rainbow hissed, seeing the assortment of rocks, sticks and the screwdriver all over the ground. Wheatley had stared at it, and almost subconsciously tried to mend the pieces together, only for them to not stick. Wheatley looked at the little guy behind him and nodded to himself, taking out the decor and slowly building up the head again, grabbing snow from the sides of it and trying to use it like glue.
Kevin sniffled and turned around to him getting the main two halfs to stick to each other. It was crooked, but they stuck, and nothing more snow couldn’t round out. As he slowly build up the head, Craig noticed that Wheatley was not wearing gloves, and his hands were red, but he seemed to not be affected by that or the water seeping up his pants.
Wheatley’s knees shaked in his trousers, but he was so close to being done. He just had to force the rocks and sticks in until they were burried into the face. Wheatley picked up the screwdriver and finally snabbed it in place before settling it on top of the body, slowly removing his hands, to make sure it didn’t wobble as he finally, finally stoon up, his legs shaking like a newborn baby deer. Rick, made sure to keep his arms wrapped around his waist to support his body from falling over. Kevin smiled and hugged his leg.
"Thank you, Wheatley." Kevin giggled. Wheatley looked down, surprised. None of the other guys really complimented him, at least, out loud. Actually hearing the praise instead of guessing if what he did was good was comforting.
"Y-Yeah, no problem, Kev." Wheatley smiled. He got a cold the next day, but it was worth it in the moment.
"It was definitely something to see, and it gave us a hint that verbal reassurence would really make him thrive," Rainbow nodded, "He's kinda warmed up to everyone, but I think being the first to compliment him has it's perks."
"If I'm honest, the only thing besides that that I remember is feeling really bad for Kevin," Virgil recalled, "Oh, and the snowball Rick threw at me, that's pretty vivid."
"I suppose you do have a point then Rick-" Craig was going to turn around to him, but everyone in the room noticed that him and the bowl were nowhere to be seen. Craig's eyes twiched with rage and Virgil and Jade both backed away from a very angry Fact.
Rick hummed happily taking his own little portions of his deal and biting into it, "Gotta hand it to ya' I'd didn't think that you two would think out a plan like this."
"We had a whole year to learn from our mistakes and plan it out," Wheatley sighed putting his spoon in the now empty bowl, ruffling Spacey’s hair while said boy was enjoying the cookie dough left on his own spoon. "Give us some credit."
"OK, OK, true," Rick stretched, "Three. Two. Onnneee-"
Wheatley and Rick high fived, knowing that they had pulled off the plan without a hitch. After all, Wheatley had a sweet tooth, and Kevin was just a kid... 
And most of all, Rick loved to mess with Craig, of course.
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onebizarrekai · 7 years
1: sexuality headcanon: geeeeey2: otp: Poth3: brotp: Him and Cray I guess4: notp: Don’t have one5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Well we all know that Cross freakin scares him, that’s all I can think of6: favorite line from this character: I can’t think of onnneee D:7: one way in which I relate to this character: uhhhhhhhhh I got nothin8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: .____.9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll
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