#This isn't in anyway vores Canon
rotten-carcass · 2 years
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My new bby Skadi (a tundric yautja living on a icy Planet). Gurl is thicc and fluffy and she kinda has a crush on @cyvorg Judah
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mantisgodsdomain · 3 months
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Back at it again in the Discord Corner. You know the drill - transcripts under cut, et cetera.
Speculative Vore Cookbook — Today at 3:36 AM Hello. Spec. bio corner again. This time we are talking about Social Things. Somewhat springboarding off of the concept of half-foots having an active spin towards accommodating for disability. We know already in canon that dwarves have very tight-knit communities. Family knows family, friends know friends, and so on and so forth - from what we can gather, it's more or less a… "your family defines who you're connected to and what you do" type thing, where those who don't really conform are pushed to the outskirts. The fact that they have a relatively small community might also add to this - longer-lived races, more effort into less children, so on and so forth.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Though this is already Very Fun to tinker with, we'd like to blend the other smaller races into this, as you do. We think it might be fun if the whole cluster is partially characterized by close-knit communities, albeit in very different ways. Dwarves value family, blood, and steel. Gnomes value the land that one connects to over blood family, linking communities by who connects best to that land, but making it difficult for those who don't have the knack for that specific flavor of magic to join in on any community events, and halflings… take whatever they can get, because a lone halfling is a dead halfling, and it's stick together or get trampled underfoot. Dwarves know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy, forming tangles and warrens that lead deep, deep underground and impenetrable strongholds. They rarely take to those outside their race well, because a lot of dwarf socialization is through that web of connections - you're born, and everyone in your family knows you, and you nurture that web of bonds throughout your life. If you let it fall apart, then you're left behind, and no matter your strength, you're only one person against a world of in-groups.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Gnomes value magic, in a fluid, "willpower"-ish way. They form smaller groups, with more tendancy to cross-pollinate - their connection with the land and the spirits that dwell within it is a vital part of any gnome's home, and being able to commune with it is next to a necessity. You live here, in this place, you speak with the nature that makes it up, you connect to your fellow gnomes through the same venues that you connect to your magic - and if your brand of magic doesn't match your family, or you don't "click" with your neighbors, or, gods forbid, you don't quite have the knack for magic at all - you'll find yourself on the outside looking in, with very little way to fix that.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: And then, for half-foots… well, they're short-lived. They don't have to plan to accommodate any new child for centuries, they don't have to rub elbows with the same small group of neighbors for decades upon decades, they're never going to be dealing with the long, long timeframes that a long-lived race has to, and that means they have something like a different playing field - because hey, they really don't have the time to construct the same overly-elaborate multi-generational constructs that other races can. They can clearly see how poorly that goes, even. They are small, fearful, and powerless. They need to gather in numbers to get anything done. There isn't time to negotiate to get everything perfect, because that timeframe simply isn't practical for them, and the next generation is likely to have different needs, anyways. You stick together, or you die, because nearly everything in the world wants you dead. So you look out for other halflings, regardless of origins, and you keep a healthy suspicion for the tallmen who tower above you, and you put your cards into keeping each other alive a little longer, because if you don't, no one else will.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: With Chilchuck being the modern human equivalent of 50 and the canonical life expectancy, we'd say that they might actually be likely to have a higher life expectancy, relatively speaking? Magic healing being a thing would very much make up for a lot of medical tech advancement, and the more willing and capable your community is to support and accommodate for you, the longer you'll live, generally speaking. Good chance of being something like a "either you'll die badly of unnatural means or you'll live through that and probably hit your species's equivalent of your triple digits" situation.
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starsarefire824 · 10 months
Normally I keep to basic tags or empty reblogs for this fandom, but I'm gonna open my mouth for this one. Sorry if you don't want this in an ask but I felt it was more appropriate to send it here than as a comment on your post.
I didn't even know what vore was until today (how tf did I dodge that coming from the spn fandom lmao). One more thing to filter out I guess. Anyways. I assume it's implied that the anon was asking about vore as a sexual kink, otherwise they'd have used other terminology. In this fandom, yes it apparently incriminates people that age up characters. That is a no-no here since the characters are canonically under 18. There's also an assumption in this fandom that minors are not the one creating and/or consuming this content.
"I'm confused, do teenage boys not get hardons?" Apparently in this fandom, no. They don't. Or they do but you can't acknowledge it. (Also, just want you to know that when I read this I legit lol'd. The problem at that age is usu preventing boners. Getting one is easy.)
For some reason, this fandom has deemed violence is more morally/ethically appropriate than even a hint of sexuality. They view that sexualizing characters under 18 in any way, including even kissing (idk if you were here for that), is unacceptable. That being said, that difference in moral/ethical correctness might be marginal. There's still some backlash against violence and dark themes.
It doesn't make sense to me since the show literally has scenes with sex and sex jokes with teenage characters as well as physical and sexual violence against children. Yet. If someone points out or analyzes these things, they will be bullied sometimes to the point of leaving (idk if you were here for hosegate or when people were being called out for analyzing the rape metaphors in s1 and s2). The environment here is such that it is impossible to have a good faith discussion about these topics... And if you can't discuss it bc it's so taboo then exploring these things in writing or art, even if it's just implied, is also taboo. And these are just for the topics already in the show.
Yes like you said it's purity culture. It is funny to me that in this case, cannibalism is OK but vore isn't. And it's also funny to me that a love scene would be less acceptable than cannibalism since sex is not OK (graphic or implied) but violence is OK (graphic or implied). And if fiction tastes reflect people irl (not my belief, but has been a repeated topic of fandom discourse) then the fandom is more OK with cannibalism irl than making love. It's wild.
Sorry for writing so much and getting a bit off topic there 😅
Uhm, THANK YOU SO MUCH for dropping this in my inbox. I completely agree with all of your points.
And pretty much sums up the entire point I've been trying to make since I've been in this fandom. I will never, ever, understand, the very American pov I might add, that approves of violence, lets their children watch violent films and play M rated violent video games, but then won't let those same kids go see the PG 13 or R rated movie because tHe ChAraCteRs HaVe sEx for fifteen seconds. And if it's a movie about a person experiencing sexual violence? Forget about it. That's the only kind of violence they won't let their kids see.
I've seen it time and time again with people in my life, my parents themselves to an extent, and definitely extended family were like that when I was younger.
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skrunklowumbo64 · 2 months
DISCLAIMER: Don't engage with a toxic user that's being called out, just block, report, ignore, & move one.
Remember when I made a public apology for making a callout tweet about a certain Tumblr group of IDW Sonic critics (a certain fox was one of them) on Twitter like roughly 2 years ago?
Yeah, I was in good terms afterwards, but a year later, when I randomly saw the edgy sadist fox man wishing death on a comic book writer showing up in my personal Twitter timeline, I took my apology back (Well, just him in particular anyway. Can't decide if I should take it back for the rest or not, even tho some of them blocked me & probably hate me forever on here.) & gave my two cents about it.
The reason why he wished death on a comic book writer was because the satanically evil boogiestans were harassing & doxing his friend who had cancer. You know the old saying, 2 wrongs don't make it right. This isn't the only toxicity thing he has done & I got several evidence to show below.
CW/TW: Excessive Slurs, Bigotry, SH, & SA
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There are way more than what are shown in the images & I can't expect to find them all. Several or so of them are from a few years or nearly a decade ago, but it does prove that he's always been an heartless irredeemable sadist, even before IDW Sonic existed & before you pull that "years ago" defense card, his behavior hasn't changed for the better, like these for example (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
What do I think about him?
He's overly smugged, to a point of being arrogant.
He gets overly insecure whenever, for example, any Sonic game gets any criticism &/or negative opinions from people who're either fans of Sonic or not.
Most of his "critiques" are in bad faith.
He has extreme accusatory behavior (I.E. He accuses people of hating Sonic & not playing the games for daring to like anything non-game Sonic related, getting things about Sonic wrong, & making AU fan fics that differs from the games).
He has a habit of blocking anyone over the most pettiest things (I.E. Anyone using the term, Mobius, being told to calm down, people liking transgender Bridget, people liking SnapCube & Team 4 Star (he also wants them banned over it), etc.).
He constantly relies on ad-hominem attacks & vulgar insults whenever he talks to anyone he doesn't agree with, either directly or behind their backs by screenshotting their posts then posting them in his clique chamber to complain about it or both.
He's got this obnoxious Anti-WokeTuber vibes going on despite claiming to be against bigotry.
He gets easily butthurt over people enjoying any non-gaming media or anything in general of not just Sonic, but also Kirby, Castlevania, Dragon Ball, TMNT, & more as well.
He's a massive hypocrite, like for example, he hates anyone making & enjoying non-canon Sonic material while he's faving/making rule 34 fan art & fan fics involving sonic characters voring each other or any other fetishy things (which are also non-canon material).
If you're wondering if I'm aware about his certain questionable fan fics & favs, I knew already cuz I was the one that caused a chain-reaction on Twitter in the first place by randomly DMing some one rando about it & I honestly wish they shouldn't bring it up whenever they argue with said fox. If you want me to talk about what I think of this Dwai guy nowadays, maybe, but not right now.
How do you think I found out? I just googled the username, checkout their account on some furry site, & went to their profile from some controversial bunny site that's publicly shown on their profile bio out of morbid curiosity. Before you ask, I don't have an account on that controversial bunny site & never will.
My reaction to said content on there was disgust & uncomfortable. I hardly engage with those UCP addict types cuz they're not the most pleasant people to talk to & they're always predictable.
Did you know that he was banned on Twitter seven times, plus all tweets made before 2023 aren't searchable & apparently his first 6 bans had something to do with involvement with you know what? If you're morbidly curious about it, examples here. Remember, don't waste your time trying to argue about it.
The more I see toxicity from him, the more I having trust issues increased & regret making an apology to him, to a point where I think he's too FUBAR to deal with.
If he sees this, he's gonna be like, "TWEEGARD ZNOHVWEHK!", "MUH VWEE ZPEECH/VWEE KONTWEE!", "DOT TEEL MEE WAT 2 DOO!", "PEEOHWEETON!", "VWEEN/EYEDEEDUBBAHEW STAEN!", "CHUHZT SEH YOO HEHT SAWNIK GEHMZ & GOH!", "YOO HEHT MEE CUZ I KWEETESEYEZD VWEEN!", "CHUHZT PLEH DA GEHMZ!", the no you card, strawmanning, "At least I don't (Insert whatever bad thing the stans did)!", ad-hominem attacks, the "Stans are being mean to me!" sob stories, the whataboutisms, screenshotting then whine &/or being smugged about me in his clique-ish echo chamber, & more, guaranteed.
If you're saying I made this because of that one argument or whatever, I always had issues with him before it, not because of different opinions, but because he's the most insufferable individual to talk to due to his arrogant, nihilistic, cuss-happy, & creepy nature regardless if it's about Sonic or not.
For those who're about to ask me to make more callout posts about the people associated with him, I'm not interested & please don't beg me into making them.
If you also have issues with him, share your thoughts here, it also doesn't just have to be about IDW Sonic or Sonic general.
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hey guys
I just wanna say im sorry for no posts or even reblogs
It's because of a few reasons including a lack of love to vore anymore, art block, the genocides in real life going on, and the very recent shipping war that happened with project-anomaly
Btw, i don't care what you ship as long as it isn't pro or something like that.
I have au's where jerk wad evil characters get nice endings and relationships - platonic and romantic - so i dont care if in canon they wouldn't be great.
You like something for the au potenial or even shitpost ability? Go nuts! Just dont harass people about it (project didnt do that but her... things caused harassment to happen to herself and others it seems) or im blocking you.
Anyways, i will try my best to finish the requests i have and i encourage you send more. But dont send more than one before i finish your previous ask. I need a reasonable workload in the mental state i'm in
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Since you mentioned Raven, Dad, what's your general thoughts/headcanons on her?
Alright so, it's been a while since I watched Teen Titans or any of the movies (I do wanna watch them again. At least the show. That was my shit as a kid) BUT, if it isn't obvious, I fucking love Raven. She's just so cool, and I loved her aesthetic, and her powers are fucking AWESOME. (Plus Tara Strong? Absolute queen of Voice Acting she's the only Raven as far as I care [Taissa Farmiga is really good in Judas Contract and the other movies tho. Credit where Credit's due lol])
This is just as side note, too, but the TTG/2006 TT crossover movie? A goddamn mess. I never needed to Raven vore herself.
Okay, so, general headcanons:
This is just a small thing, but she's defiantly got pointy ears and fangs. I mean, girl is half demon. She deserves more visible demon-esqu features besides grey skin and purple eyes.
She likes men and women, but refuses to label herself as Bi or Pan because she just... doesn't want to.
On the Ace spectrum, but, again, refuses to label herself as such.
Doesn't care about pronouns. Like she isn't genderfluid or anything like that but she can vibe with any pronouns.
The biggest Parental Issues known to man (pretty sure that's just canon anyway)
She was raised by monks so I have a feeling she never had a strong relationship with her mom.
Like, they loved each other but it never felt like a real paternal relationship.
She knows and understand the circumstances in which she was conceived. And there's always been this sense of self loathing that comes with it.
She also refuses to acknowledge Trigon as her father anymore.
Touch aversion. She hates being touched by 90% of people.
She's still incredibly guilty about, y'know, ending the whole world.
The order of her friends, from most to least favourite; Cyborg, Starfire, Robin, Beast Boy.
As far as she's concerned, her friends are her family. They are her brothers and sister. She loves them dearly.
She still likes to help Cyborg work on the T-Car and any of his other mechanical projects.
Social Anxiety
This girl does not drink water. Like... ever. Only tea. Her friends have to force her to drink water.
She's also just... inherently carnivorous. She eats way more meats than veg.
She actually misses Terra quite a bit. But there's always that lingering feeling of betrayal when Raven thinks about her. So she tries not to.
Fat crush on Rose Wilson, I do not take criticism. She refuses to acknowledge it, though, because that's Slade's daughter (Yes I am merging TTG lore into this. Rose should have been in the 2006 show idc.)
Speaking of Slade, she has many nightmares about that man.
Her and Starfire having "Girl's nights" and just hanging out together.
And... I think that's all I have. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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cymothoid · 1 year
some thoughts on swap AU neuro:
in making him the human this time, ive had to do some thinking as to what that means for how he acts, so hes definitely Not The Same As Canon (who i know for a fact that i write well). readmore'd for some spoilers, which i'll take forever to get to anyway.
i. definitely let him get pretty fucked up from his Character Development Murders (which are going to resemble the anime, insofar as solving them is going to be a lategame affair and a Whole Fucking Thing), because, lets be frank. hes not the type to talk to anyone about anything. he is not forthcoming. hes going to just tolerate his own shit and never ever let anyone else in on it (annoyances too inconvenient to fix right now for a busy guy like him). he thinks he's fine, and if anyone else notices that he definitely Isn't, he really does not take it well, which is already apparent, but will definitely be fun later.
he still can't stand unnecessary deaths and will absolutely go out of his way to try and prevent them, but it does become a bit more common when you AREN'T the murder demon this time. he really does some important, kind things for others while acting like he's an aloof, cynical, catty bitch. he acts scary and off-putting as a kind of self defense (see above), but he really is a lot nicer than he lets on, even if he still can't resist a rude joke or prank.
i also made him a huge foodie because that's just what he is. he demands the filet mignon of murders, so naturally, that translates quite well for the swap. for some extra jokes and jests, he DOES have a fursona, and he's making vore jokes because it's funny. thanks
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fastfur07 · 2 years
Top five characters you would want to eat?
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer this one anon… anyway, I don't know if I ever explicitly stated this, but I don't like talking about canon characters in vore anymore (although OCs based on characters and some AUs are fine). So I'm just going to subtly rephrase your question, and talk about the top 5 species I would want to eat.
5: Humans. Not ranking them too high since they're kinda bland in terms of taste, but they're fren and I feel I must protect them from the bigger preds out there who would digest them at any opportunity. Plus they give good rubs.
4: Felines and canines. I feel I need to rank them equally since there's not much difference, but they're cute and easy to nom. Would rank higher if not for the fur; sometimes it gets stuck to my tongue.
3: Nagas. One of the best parts of the prey for me is the tail; I just love slurping them up, and a naga is pretty much all tail. They can feel pretty weird inside, too; I put them at 3 since sometimes I'm just not in a noodley mood.
2: Mice and other rodents. The stereotypical prey animals, these guys are literally snacks. Perfect for when you only want a little scampering in your belly, and like I said before, someone else isn't going to be so kind if they get there first.
1: Dragons and kobolds. Okay… I'm biased. Dragons just tick all the boxes for me, probably because of all the variety: design, size, taste… I'm an adventurous pred, and my scaly brethren fulfill that so well. Although, honestly, I'll eat most things. :3c
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dibbiedabbiedoobie · 2 years
Give us the vore crushes🍴
jfdk I got 2 of these asks, thank yall
Anyways to continue my white boy obsession: Der/ek Ha/le.
First off: werewolf. Just... good vibes already. Te/en Wo/lf werewolves are a bit.... well, in canon, they lose their eyebrows when they shift, but I pretend not to see that part.
Secondly: Emotionally Constipated Traumatized White Boy. I huff these men like crack. Derek in particular is like.... a lot of his issues/trauma aren't his fault or connected to his personal actions, either. He's just Trying His Best, honestly.
He's a born werewolf, which means he has so many things he does that are normal to him but like... not normal to humans, and I love the idea of safe vore as extreme cuddles being part of that. He, especially, would be terrible about explaining anything or comforting anyone. Just sitting there, wildly confused as to why the poor beta in his stomach is squirming so much.
He mellows out but is largely very gruff and stoic with a soft center and that shit is just fucking A+ as a character type. He cares so much about people, I think, more than he likes to show, and I think would be really sweet by the end of the show when he isn't trying so hard to pretend he doesn't feel joy.
Also a mention of Peter, too, but like... Peter if he were good. Peter as a villain in the show is good but also I really just love him being like... not that? I feel like the show forgot how badly he was traumatized honestly. I feel like good!Peter would be the absolute best bastard (affectionate) pred. A lot of teasing, a lot of unwilling but less "I'm going to die" and more "Peter i swear to god i have shit to do today." Still capable of genuine connection, though, because of the whole like.... uncle werewolf pack brain thing, but mostly just a bastard.
Evil!Peter does have some potential as a cruel pred, possibly fatal, but like... eh? I like it in theory but I'm too mad abt how they did him in the show to run with it right now lmao
I wrote some things with these two (which I don't love those, they aren't terrible but they aren't my best work and I think it shows) and I might write more in general, depending. But, broadly, I rlly just love my two traumatized werewolf men and I enjoy them being their own version of deeply affectionate safe preds.
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7ban-sama · 11 months
ryokan au do you think hanako takes bites of tsu occasionally or does he actually resist otouto ....
i think about this au so much aidairo really catered to me specificallt with it. absolutely rotting my brain, if only there were any pornfics out there OTL
This AU feels like it was made to torment me personally yeah. So you have my sympathy. Idk why AidaIro gave me a place to think about, scent marking, pee, cat mating behaviors, feral anatomy, interspecies sex... Vore. etc. But they did. *furrows brow*... RIP about fic though, I myself can't really find much palatable fic, so whenever I want 'content' for something like a recent AU, I just have to write it myself / RP with my wife lol. JP fandom at least makes nice comics and art pieces to gaze upon... Ryokan has been prosperous in this way.
As for the status of the twins at the Ryokan: I think Amane indulges in consumption of Tsukasa, yes. Though with perhaps... more moderation(?) than the first incident(s), which is what I would believe lead to their mutual undead & sealed circumstance... status as, spooky orb havers. Or perhaps you could think of it as, Amane n ow has more elegance, thoughtfulness, in how he goes about eating... Artful indulgence, instead of succumbing to instinct miserably.
I do think the first time it happened, was not so easy for Amane. I feel like his journey always has to start out fraught, in some manner... Because the desire to consume (harm, destroy) Tsukasa will always be clashing against the feelings of preciousness. Amane often sees himself as Tsukasa's caretaker, protector — it's his 'role', as the older brother. He often puts himself in these sort of positions, in control and taking charge, as you can see with his dynamic with Nene as well. Though they are not biologically related, this world feels no different, what with Amane leading Tsukasa away from the circus tent fire...
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This drawing is so sweet... Amane seems so genuinely concerned. Scruffed up and dirty, trying to get them out... (Of course, we don't get to see Tsukasa's expression... 💔 It's like how we can't see him on Tanabata either... prolly spoilery territory, and necessary to preserve mystique... It'd be too much to see Tsukasa's dazzled expression *sigh* ) Anyways... I get the impression from this picture, that Amane was very ardently trying to save Tsukasa in this moment.
And one has to wonder, how many years had Tsukasa been living in this circus? Isn't it odd for a kid this young to be an animal handler-? Whatever era they are from, it's likely more 'old world', considering the newspaper clipping was from 50 years ago — and the Minamoto Detective Agency itself isn't very modern feeling. (Our first image representing the event features a rotary phone, and I'd say the general fashion trends do not feel modern.) Soo... There's basically no way this set-up of a young boy animal handler was ethical. Tsukasa was likely an abandoned child, unloved, with only his pet black cat as company. I think Amane observed the poor treatment Tsukasa faced and it culminated in him rescuing him from the fire. Acting as his savior.
The story is so tantalizing to envision, from that jumping off point... Where do they run off to? Amane has magical capabilities as a nekomata, but I wonder how young he was, how much he still had to learn... Is he capable of sustaining them both? Were they functionally homeless for a while, meandering about? Finding some abandoned shed to hole up in? So much must have happened, between then and the current events of canon...
No matter what, I feel like being alone with Tsukasa starts to chip away at Amane's instincts. The AU proposes that humans are sooo irresistibly tasty... I think the sense of, love and desire to protect Tsukasa buys Amane some time, letting him funnel into the task of providing for his "little brother"... And ah, as I mentioned before, I like the HC that Amane only just got his human form and mirrored it after Tsukasa, so I think there's euphoria to be felt over finally being able to interact with Tsukasa with hands, a voice, etc.. They can talk! They can share so much! That's exciting... Ah, but it's like, amidst the haze of these emotions, there's this encroaching rumble... I think it's a natural pipeline for Amane to go from feeling like a caretaker, to gaining some. Divine sense of entitlement. You owe your life to me... with my actions, you are MINE... I own you. This snowballs with the biological urges to consume... the temptation...
I like to think there was a small incident, something fluid in the middle of affection... Getting his chin scritched, something like that — and mindlessly, Amane snaps, cleaves through a couple fingers. Mabye down half the knuckle of Tsukasa's thumb. And he swallows without thinking, also. But the sound of Tsukasa's shock and pain causes him to recoil, and it's like he's woken up to the reality of what he did — misery, horror, sadness... Helpless feeling about it. I think about him sobbing while licking Tsukasa's injured hand... ;; Not liking how it feels, that there's still a desire for more. Scared of self, frazzled fur, ears pinned... A somber period follows, where Amane bandages Tsukasa up and also endeavors to learn healing magicks... Not strong enough to magically recreate the missing body parts, but I think he could eventually close up the wounds. Sad kitty... Of course, Tsukasa is ever-reassuring, saying it's all fine! Daijoubu! Smiley smiley. Petting with his other hand. Hard to believe Tsukasa is so... forgiving... he doesn't even flinch when touched. They still sleep intertwined...
Inevitably, between Amane's own desire and Tsukasa's unconditional love, it all has to culminate in a big explosive event. The twins... you can see how, across all worlds, they have to conclude in something as extreme as consuming the other! I think AUs where their very species dictates this further conveys how much it cannot be helped. How can Amane resist Tsukasa forever-??? He cannot. Since nekomata are also known to have a capacity in necromancy, I believe that's how Tsukasa can return, and that's what leads to their present-day selves. Also, since Amane is a decidedly powerful mystery, I think of him as distinctly capable for a nekomata. Over those 50 years, he honed his powers, and it leads to his casual demeanor now. He doesn't feel threatened or, as if anything can meaningfully compete.
Honestly I think the whole... keeping Tsukasa a secret, having him dressed up as a kitty and locked in a closet, is all, fetishistic. Ohhh my dear sweet "brother", stay safe okayyy, mm yes pretend to be a kitty and run about... i will protect you... even though you're a delectable little human... mwah. The choice to give Tsukasa a kinked tail and matching collar is wholly eccentric. All these details feel... playful? Indulgent? Compared to their past as a dirty circus orphan and his scraggly black kitty cat... For them to be trouncing about this secluded mountain inn, feels luxurious. They feel very comfortable, to me...
So I like to think that this isn't an Amane that is forbidding himself from interfacing with Tsukasa, and indulges at times in his urges. The difference is having more of a handle on himself, so it's less of a chaotic impulse? If impulsive, than the indulgent kind, succumbing to wanting to nip and bite and draw blood... I really ah, think about him raking claws across Tsukasa and lapping at the wounds. Things like this. Ohh, just a taste... I don't want to tear him apart juuust yet, must control... It should be special, when we go that far ❤... You could imagine him snapping off a finger or two though, ugh, and then Tsukasa's perpetual mitten status just passes it off... He's commonly seen as clumsy, so it wouldn't be suspicious if he was especially poor at handling things. Fumbling more....
UGh it all makes me sick though because-!! I have to imagine they are affectionate, playing with each other, napping together, etc... I can perfectly see a doting Amane cleaning up Tsukasa after he's done with him, grooming him affectionately, and then relaxing in the hotsprings together... Such visions I am accosted with. I cannot see anything else
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
So sorry for not responding earlier! I was on a trip lol. And don't worry about telling me anything related to your medical stuff and such, I'm always ready to listen :) The event wasn't THAT satisfying, although it was way better, and there was something that Levi said that caught my attention. I think he said, "yeah, demons succumbing to their inner demons isn't exactly a barrel of laughs." 👀👀 interesting ngl. At least we've been getting good fanart!! - 🍹
I hope you had fun, on Halloween too if you celebrate it! I've just been sleeping for pretty much all of my free time tbh, really living up to my username.
I actually have good news though! My echo/heart ultrasound came out fine, so I just have to get the heart monitor hooked up for a week and hopefully I'll be done with this and finally have more free time.
So far it looks like it's mostly related to other conditions that are causing my heart to work harder and most likely POTS as well which is relatively harmless compared to other heart conditions!
It's been happening for a long time tbh, but I couldn't justify all the expenses and additional doctor visits before it got worse. So I never really expected it to be something all that bad tbh.
Anyway yeah, I was a little disappointed ngl but I haven't enjoyed an event in a while so it was a hell of a lot better than getting another kid event imo. I did enjoy how it was mostly "canon" though unlike the vampire event and their reactions were all a bit unique instead of generically murderous.
I'm def not into vore at all, but Beel was hot af in that event tbh. It feels like it's been forever since we say that side of him. I love Beel because he's so sweet, but with an interesting contrast. I thought it was interesting how Belphie was the least obviously murderous too.
Between that, Levi's line, and everything else it made me feel like maybe this was vaguely similar to how they usually lure humans. Especially Mammon, since it's been hinted pretty often that he only stumbles with MC and is usually pretty confident. Although I can't imagine Beelzebub doing much luring, which again kinda fits with it since he did a horrible job.
The fact that MC could just casually run away took all the tension away though imo. You know MC can't get hurt, but the way they did it just made them seem like a joke even when I pretended they weren't able to leave a certain area. At least escape by using magic or something.
I hope the devs pays attention to how much fan art it got and put out more serious events like it. Even alternate reality events like the Spy one would be a huge step up imo.
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beelspillowpet · 3 years
Jumping in on the Asmo posts; the way that I personally interpret Asmodeus is that he's just a touchy person. That doesn't mean he wants you in his bed. I make flirty jokes too, that does not mean I would want to even get closer than two feet apart with anyone but my fiance. Stating that Asmo sleeps around as a fact is just stupid. It's a headcanon, not a fact. Everyone is allowed to have HC's of their own, but when people like the first Anon treat it as a fact and use it to bash on other stuff, it really ticks me off. Nowhere does it ever say he sleeps around. So please for the love of Diavolo, don't treat it as if it's a canon fact. They're acting as if Asmo doesn't have a heart which is just so wrong man. He is such a loving sweetheart, just because he is the avatar of lust doesn't mean he only cares about that stuff. The way I see him is that he actually connects lust with love a lot. That's why he values self love and care so much. Flirty jokes and getting handsy doesn't mean he will jump anyone crossing his path. I actually HC him to be quite scared of loving someone else more than himself so he tries to play it off a little, which again isn't canon but at least I can see that and don't treat it as fact. Anon, next time please don't be ignorant. That is just straight up rude and unnecessary. If you have a problem with him as a character, instead of bashing on him just ignore him and content related to him. Some people in this fandom really are immature as hell (pun intended).
Anyways, I love Asmodeus, I wanna smooch his face and cuddle him, same with all the others because they're babies, thank you for coming to my Ted talk
Honestly I think more about it, I feel like that anon was trying to bait me lmfao
Like who goes out of their way to be like that? Childish ass people is who. Honestly having a headcanon isn’t the end of the world, even if it’s a negative one. like I headcanon that beel actually doesnt like the thought of eating humans because it seems cruel, but has the deep dark desire to at least try it once. (its technically canon that he has, and obviously enjoys, eating humans- not just their souls) and while i dont particularly like cannibalism or vore, i cant write beel to be a perfect person now can I?
i love all my boys and i just want them to be written with their flaws and their greatness too. dont just talk about the good of them, talk about the bad too. it reassures that theyre balanced characters and not the “can do no wrong” types.
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