#This post is about Double Trouble from She Ra
RadioTrouble wedding but it's on Halloween because why tf not
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bladetoblade · 1 year
when a character helps the protagonists on their mission not bc they believe in the cause but simply because they take every opportunity to be a messy bitch™️ 😉😘
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Look. Im not here to kink shame. but yall gotta stop with "Choke me daddy" "step on me mommy" *insert thirst post for 'dommy' enby* that I am too scarred from to repeat*
like. do whatever but God. i cannot scroll thru my dash rn bc with every "mommy" and "daddy" i see in a thrist trap, yall are reminding me Sigmand "yall wanna do ur parents" Freud to be at least a little right.
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buildingmycottage · 4 months
I saw a post here on Tumblr once that went something like "in a world where god, Jesus, and the apostles are all men, that has to do something psychologically to women" and it made me think: The Netflix version of the show "She-Ra Princess of Power" is a show that is HEAVILY women centric. We know maybe three guys in power, King Micah (who, after his return from Beast Island, wasn't *really* in power), the head sorcerer in Mystacor, Hordak/Horde Prime. (please do correct me if I am wrong) The show, albeit about princesses, has the princesses have actual roles. Even the ones that are "weak" or perceived to be weaker than the others (read: Perfuma), are extremely powerful.
The two men whom we consistently meet in the show other than Hordak, Bow and Seahawk, are not the "macho man" in most shows. Seahawk sings an entire shanty as to how lonely he is and how he just wants to be friends with Mermista, and Bow cries and even hugs frequently all the other characters in the show. Both talk about their emotions and work through them in /relatively/ healthy ways (the Dragon's Daughters 1-3 will be sorely missed). My point being, is that the women in the show are shown as strong, beautiful, muscular, fierce, sad, frustrated, loving, traumatized, hurt, laughing, and more. They all have different body shapes/ types of bodies. There are three openly gay couples: Bow's dads, Spinerella and Netossa, and Catra and Adora. Incredible! In a kids show (and adults too lets be real) there are three openly gay couples. No one treats them any different. Bow is one of 13 kids of George and Lance. No one bats an eye. In fact, according to She-Ra Wiki page (https://she-raandtheprincessesofpower.fandom.com/wiki/LGBTQIAP%2B), so many characters are queer. Besides the ones listed above: - Scorpia and Perfuma are romantically involved - Bow is Bisexual - Glimmer is Bisexual - Mermista is Bisexual - Seahawk is Bisexual (dated Falcon) - Falcon is Gay - Lonnie is Poly and Bisexual (dating Rogelio and Kyle) - by extension Rogelio and Kyle are queer - Entrapta is bi - Jewelstar is trans - Peekablue is gender non-conforming - Double Trouble is nonbinary and there is MORE In the show, as there are a ton of non humans, almost any time we meet someone, she/her pronouns are used (see episodes when Best Friend Squad are in the crimson waste). Can't you see how amazing this is? A show where there are no one-dimensional characters, women are constantly having intelligent conversation with one another, women are leaders, women working together, openly queer characters, and a beautiful plot line where there's magic???? When the princesses work together, they turn into the colors of the rainbow and their powers are enhanced. Little girls are getting to see themselves as normal. Women aren't treated as secondary citizens. Hell, almost every Bright Moon guard we see is female. How would the world be different if shows like this were the norm? Where women are able to be magical, and they aren't dressed to show off their bodies? Where women's armor actually protects them? Where they grunt and are sweating after they fight? Where womens' love wins? Why can't this be normal? (Happy Pride!)
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baggebythesea · 11 days
My favourite She-Ra post canon headcanons
Mystacor spa vacation for a month after the war
Best auntie Casta makes sweaters for everyone
The other princesses gleefully refuse to let Glimmer off the hook as over-queen (or as Bow like to call it - queen-queen) of all of Etheria. Lots of meetings and paperwork for our favourite queen
Catra is made second-in-command. Glimmer takes petty delight in throwing more and more stupid titles at First-Vizir Expert Logistic Coordinator Catra whenever she annoys her (which is often)
Every parental figure in Etheria get together and decide that a) Frosta is their child now and b) Despite her protests, Frosta should go back to school
She-Ra spends most of her time subduing remaining robots and monsters, and working to repair war-damaged villages. She has a much less stressful time now when her friends are not constantly in mortal danger.
Most etherians, being a bit fuzzy on what exactly the deal was between Hordak and Prime, decide that Horde Prime was some kind of upstart that tried to usurp Hordak's rightful throne, and that Hordak cast him down in the end. This annoys Hordak immensely, especially since the other clones do nothing to correct them.
To his great discomfort, a group of clones who have a hard time with the 'free will' concept try to follow Hordak as the new Prime. Entrapta sets up a school for them.
Entrapta nearly dies from sleep deprivation as she tries to reverse engineer Horde Prime's tech. It takes Hordak, Imp, Emily, Wrong Hordak, a whole squadron of clones, the super pal trio, Bow and the entire princess alliance to convince her that she can keep working on it the next day
Entrapta totally runs Doom on Light Hope's old hardware. Fortunatelly Hordak manages to install some safety measures. Adora tears up when she realizes that it still spawns spiders.
Hordak takes up philosophy and has a surprising talent for it. This leads to a slow but steady thaw and eventual bonding between him and Bow's dads.
So Much PDA
(and so much PTSD)
Swift Wind, Bow and Sea Hawk invite Micah, Wrong Hordak and - to his great chagrin - Hordak to their boys night. No one invited Double Trouble but they come along anyway. Much shenanigans are had.
Mermista and Perfuma keeps hitting illegal clubs where they can let lose and forget all about queenship and cosmic harmony for a night. When Glimmer finds out she demands they bring her along
Catra and Hordak keep up a vitriolic but deep friendship. They sometimes go on secret missions together to 'sort out things the princesses don't need to know about'
Bow and Scorpia becomes tea-party buddies.
Double Trouble, Swift Wind and Wrong Hordak set up a 'legitimate business enterprise' which totally isn't a series of more and more convoluted scams
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the-8-of-spades · 6 months
She-Ra fics I consider canon
Hey gang! here's a list of (mostly post-canon) fics I've read over the years that are I feel are well written and in character enough that they could be canon to the show, and to an extent, each other! I put the list in order for anyone who wants to read it like a season 6 :D
Don't Go - extended version of scenes in S5E5 and S5E6. Written by ND Stevenson so is basically already canon. Angst and fluff
Daylight - picks up a day after the s5 finale. Catra & Adora begin to really understand that they're free to live a peaceful life. Tooth rotting fluff.
Pros & Cons (NSFW) - Bow and Glimmer seem joined to Adora at the hip 24/7, and Catra just wants to make out with her girlfriend. Has a couple lines that could be seen as contradictory or foreshadowing to Carry our Bodies. Mostly 3/4ths fluff, 1/4th smut.
Carry our Bodies Safe to Shore - Adora finds an old Horde incident report, and Catra has to tell Adora about the kiss that Shadow Weaver erased from her memory. Angst and fluff.
Keep on Walking, Come What Will - Adora & Catra accidentally get engaged. Pure fluff
Alternatively, Princess Prom 2.0 (One Year Later) - Adora & Catra get engaged on purpose. Pure fluff
^ honestly, I reconcile these two by head canon-ing that the "accidental engagement," happens at the impromptu princess prom and then they get too busy for a wedding and then the on purpose engagement happens at the real princess prom, because both are so well written and so in character.
Anachronism (and sequel) - Adora & Catra get traumatized again while rescuing Angella.
^ (Fic is pretty good, mostly on here because I haven't found any fit that does "rescuing Angella" better, lmk if you have any recs!). Angst and Fluff. I don't think there's any NSFW but it's a long fic and it's been a while since I read it.
If anyone has any other recommendations for this list please leave them in the replies! I would love to expand this list until I have a sixth season worth of content!! (also only one NSFW fic rn cause I mostly read fluff lol but if anyone has NSFW recs that feel canon send those as well!)
Addition 1: honorable mention for Breathing Room by ResFlower because it is almost IDENTICAL to a scene from one of the others where Catra has to break it to Adora that their fight in the Red Waste was actually Double Trouble.
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With enemies to lovers (especially for Hero x Villain who actively want to hurt and thwart each other), how much can they hurt each other before it crosses the line from enemies to abusive? Beast imprisoned Belle's father, and Belle volunteered to take her father's place, and the internet won't stop screaming toxic love. Meanwhile Catra tried killing Adoras friends, nearly destroyed the universe, and used Double Trouble to try and destroy the rebellions friendship from the inside out, and nobody seems to call Catradora toxic the way they do for Beauty and the Beast. Where's the line, and how do I make sure I don't cross it?
Worried About Toxicity/Abuse in Enemies to Lovers, etc.
I'm not a psychologist or otherwise an expert in toxicity and abuse, and I'm also not familiar with the storyline of the 2018 She-Ra, which was bit different from the version on TV when I was a kid-ish. That said, I'm not really qualified to do a deep dive on this, but I strongly suspect one major difference is in how Beast's actions were portrayed versus how Catra's were portrayed. Beast was seen as a villain by the villagers, but he was never really the villain of the story. His actions were therefore not due to his goal being in opposition with the protagonist (Belle), but rather due to his bitterness and anger. In other words, he was just being a jerk. He does have a redemptive moment when he saves Belle from the pack of wolves. He's harmed in the process, and could have been killed, but it's not a sacrifice that really represents a change of heart or major character growth, because even in his bitterness and anger, he wasn't the sort of guy who would stand by and let this innocent woman be mauled by a pack of wolves.
Catra, on the other hand, was an actual villain in the story. Her goal was in direct opposition with the protagonist's goals, so we expect her to do things that will be harmful to Adora and her friends. Unlike Beast, who makes a split-second decision to rescue Belle in an emergency situation, Catra goes through a growth arc where she begins to question her motivations and see the ways that her choices and actions harmed people. She made an active choice to do better and did the hard work of redeeming herself, changing sides and fighting for the good side. The romance, as I understand it, doesn't really get underway until Catra is already redeeming herself. So, it's quite a different situation. Something else I think, too, is initially Beast's motivation for being nice to Belle was a selfish one--he needed Belle to love him in order to break his curse. So, even once he makes the shift from bitterness and anger toward kindness and compassion, it's not motivated out of a selfless desire to do no harm and be a better person. The opposite is true for Catra.
As stated in my ask policies, I'm not going to talk about how to portray toxicity and abuse (there's plenty of info out there). However, I will say if you want to do something like Catra and Adora--or even something like Belle and Beast, but done right--it's all about why they did the bad things, why they decide to do better, how the bad things are framed/portrayed (never romanticized or swept under the rug), and about making sure the character's growth and change is an intentional choice and something they work hard at.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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wordsandgears · 7 months
Midnight burger posting at midnight
In an Au where the EX “rescued” Ted (A.K.A hostage/ forced vacation as Casper puts it) along with Casper:
Casper’s whole thing with Ted is to get him out of his shell (he sees himself in Ted and hates that he can relate to the helplessness of determinism and its shackles, for he too once felt the burden of mundanity)
Ted’s adamant that someone is coming to get him and almost ejects them out into space in whatever vessel the EX was driving
(the EX is very good at holding people in place)
Every time they stop somewhere they have to wrangle him in, I picture Casper making a joke about needing to get one of those child leashes for him
That usually makes him so offended that he forgets about escaping and they can carry on with their journey
Wherever they are Ted has something to say about the state and the use of whatever planet/space object they’re on (Ted propaganda, always some sort of false)
Very unwelcome in red’s rectangle (should’ve stayed behind but is very untrustworthy)
Ted’s wild west persona would be a priest with a past more sullied than an oil spill in the ocean.
Escalating tensions with his tries of descalations of repeating laws and penal codes, not really playing along but also not not playing along.
Not as smooth as Casper and not as gung ho as Ex,
Like Casper in the before Throwing-Ava-into-deep-space times Ted would be adamantly against any “meaningless” detours that extend their time together.
Helping with the jailbreak cements the fact that Ted is a traitor, and a bittersweet (at lest in Ted standards) reunion makes him finally look back in his actions, though outwardly he acts the same to most
(except to Casper and Ex due to the fact that being that powerful and that old you could probably read anyone)
At the battle of time’s melody Ted is solemn yet abrasively uncooperative
There’s three ending for Ted in this Au. (1.like Canon he wonders the universe, by his own valuation) ((2.he gose with BurtBurt to simply see what’ll happen, maybe to gain some semblance of routine he once had)) (((3.and most outlandishly, he stays and raised plant babies with a sentient bush and inter dimensional robot)))
Character design
BurtBurt - I imagine she always wears a fur coat, like most people of her race she has three sets of arms, one set is always crossed and another always has a pen and paper in hand. Her hair has cartoony swirls at the ends and her skin is a very pale pink
Verge - basically double trouble from she-Ra but blue, wears the space equivalent of any weather survivalist gear. Color blind
Minski - a more human humanoid spider, looks human except for the six arms protruding out the back and eight pitch black eyes. Waits finely tailored suits.
Shell - looks like a bush, has holly berries growing on them sorta like a birthmark or defining characteristic
Ava - how I imagine manuela dominguez form the magnus archives, white lab coat, long straight thick black hair, brown skinned.
Gloria - a Mexican Justina Machado, long dark brown curly hair that reaches her back that’s always tied in a bun or ponytail, her outfits are always pristine and bright as if she just got them that day.
Casper - Jake Johnson, grey hairs
Leif - just Leif
Random thoughts
PolyBurger should be a thing - let the employees and the boss and the regular kiss while HR looks on in jovial disapproval.
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Other than catra/catradora, what problems do you have with the show?
oh boy, where do i even start? i'm just gonna try and keep it short because if i try to explain every single aspect in detail, this post could be turned into a book. so i'm just gonna list out all the problems i have with this show, both in terms of problematic elements and poor writing.
blatant ableism towards the autistic character
bullying and mistreatment of a young boy being played for laughs
war and desolation being used as an Aesthetic™ rather than a theme/message
rushed and poorly written character arcs (and no, it's not just catra)
amatonormativity and forced ships (the show is supposed to be representative of the LGBT community, yet almost all of the characters need to end up in a relationship, in order to have a happy ending)
boring and poorly written Final Boss™
too much fanservice (little snippets of fanservice is fine but when you ignore and disrespect canon just so you can make the viewers happy, that's a problem)
an entire kingdom is conquered and its people probably killed/seriously harmed, and its ruler is shown moping around in a bathtub and eating ice cream as if they got stood up by their date instead (this connects to my earlier point about war being trivialized)
the only non-binary representation being a shapeshifting lizard creature (look, i like double trouble as a character but you have to admit that they're not exactly good representation)
one of the most powerful female characters in OG she-ra being reduced to the "doting aunt" (for a show that claims to be about empowering women, they sure ignore the powerful women in canon)
weird pacing and inconsistencies (apparently two or three years passed within the five seasons, yet the characters haven't aged at all, especially frosta who supposedly went from 12 to 14, yet looks exactly the same)
the princesses are useless (they should have named the show 'Catra and the others' lmao)
overuse of character archetypes instead of making original characters (the peaceful vegan flower princess who sometimes loses her temper, the depressed emo girl™, the hyperactive child™)
stereotyping of certain communities (the high-functioning autistic genius, the angry latina, the predatory lesbian, etc)
bad comedy (this is probably subjective and i don't expect everyone to agree, but most of the comedic elements is SPOP was just.. corny. only scorpia worked well as a comic relief character imo)
the only polyamory representation being two bullies and their victim
death of the author™ (basically, confirming things outside of the series, instead of portraying them well in canon)
plot holes and unsatisfying conclusions (adora's origin was a huge plot point in s4 but they completely abandon it in the last season)
there may be a lot that i've missed because i have a goldfish brain and tend to forget stuff. but i'd say these are the main problems i have with the show. it did a few things right, but fucked up on a thousand others.
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shyrgyrryn · 11 months
Spop Rewrite
I mentioned in my first post that I was planning a Spop rewrite, and I want to go into more detail about what I'm planning and some major notes.
The Story
The story will include many elements from the 80s show, especially the world building, while following the reboot story structure.
Major plot points from the reboot will still be included, for example, the portal. However, it will be written differently and happen for different reasons.
I want to put emphasis on how war can affect people differently and the changes people undergo during it, as well as show multiple different demographics be affected rather than just the main cast.
Additionally, I want to focus Adora’s platonic relationships. Platonic relationships are going to take a forefront in this story rather than romantic ones.
Major Notes
Catra’s redemption arc will be longer and separate from Adora.
Catradora will be canon. However, their entire backstory and relationship will be rewritten. To clarify, I am not a C//A stan. However, I do like their characters in the 1985 comic and can entertain the idea of those versions of them dating. Also, the ship's writing makes me mad, so I want to prove that I, some rando with a lot of free time on her hands, can write a better friends, enemies to lovers relationship than the people who got paid to do it. So, I'm essentially making it canon just to prove a point.
The major changes in their relationship are that there will be no "siblings or dating?" mess involved in their relationship(yuck), Catra will actually be shown deeply caring for Adora, and their relationship will not be abusive in the slightest (still toxic because Catra is a villain but definitely not abusive, and becomes healthy later on.) Additionally, it will be a subplot to the story, not the main focus. It also will not only be made canon at the very last minute.
Seamista will also be canon. However, it is completely rewritten as Sea Hawk is 80s Sea Hawk, not reboot Sea Hawk.
I'm on the fence about Glimbow and Scorfuma, so there's a good chance they won't be canon.
(Clarification: My Double Trouble is closely resembling 80s Double Trouble and the She-ra Bible version, so if I use she/her pronouns for Double Trouble, I am not talking about the reboot version. )
Is there anything you would want to see in my rewrite? What should I consider when writing it? What should I avoid? Tell me what ya think.
(And before anyone complains, I'm tagging this in the main tag because this post is related to the show. I find the idea that you can't tag posts related to a show in the main tag because it's not " positive" and is criticizing it to be a bit ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with critism as long as it is respectful to the real people that post under the tag.)
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that-ari-blogger · 1 month
Weaponizing Empathy (Mer-Mysteries)
She-Ra and the Princesses Of Power is, pretty fundamentally, a war story. It has psychological affectations and a cyclical narrative structure, but it’s a war story.
As such, there aren’t that many plots that it has access to, although the series is surprisingly good at weaving odd ideas into the central scheme. You want a prom episode? It’s a diplomatic meeting. You want a lone wanderer western? Exile. You want a romance?
One of the best examples of this approach to storytelling is Mermysteries, which draws on detective fiction and film noirs to subvert almost every convention that this season has going on.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD (She-Ra and the Princesses Of Power)
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Ok, first up, let me explain my biases: Mermista can do no wrong and so any episode with her in it is a masterpiece. Best character. Fight me.
In seriousness, I like Mermista for reasons I have spoken about before, but I also have a deep love for detective fiction and slow burn stories. I am the type of writer who avoids writing dialogue at all costs, and that reflects in the stories I like reading.
I was guaranteed to like this episode.
But I don’t actually want to talk about the one true queen in this post. I actually want to talk about how this episode and the series as a whole handles Double Trouble.
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This is a character who is defined as being the opposite of every other villain in the series, someone who is a threat the protagonists aren’t prepared for at all.
Shadow weaver is completely unempathetic, to the point where she is repeatedly blindsided by Glimmer, who is willing to bend her morals entirely around her care for others.
Horde Prime is also utterly uncaring. His motif is control through the absence of free will. What use does he have for empathy.
Catra, still a villain at this point in the story, is in that place because she seems unaware that there are actual people around her. She cares when she realises, but her trauma has made her self centred and selfish. She can’t comprehend anything in terms other than victory and loss.
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Which leads me to Double Trouble, a character whose greatest strength is that they can read anyone like a book and then play that back to them.
They are an actor, a shapeshifter. They exist on replication and take great pride in the art of that. They are terrifyingly empathetic.
Which leads into the plot of the episode and reframes it slightly. Usually, a detective story focuses around finding out what happened, the audience learns about the relevant details along with the detectives.
Here, we all know Double Trouble is the spy. We know how they are doing everything, from the impersonation to the communication. There are no stones left unturned here.
So, instead the story hinges around that dramatic irony, and showing off how easily everyone can get twisted around. You know that Flutterina isn’t Flutterina, so you notice her discrepancies, and you notice how she works as a manipulator.
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Hey look, our protagonists are divided by a wall, separated by Flutterina. Meanwhile, Angella hangs over both of them like a ghost.
“It's just that, everyone's so on edge after what happened in Dryl. Have you tried interviewing Shadow Weaver about it? She seems kinda untrustworthy.”
Double Trouble has identified a weak spot that they can use to drive Adora and Glimmer apart, so they use it defensively. The second they are asked questions that might reveal their deceit, they poke at the hole in these two’s armours, then exit the scene.
This carries over to when they are caught. They love the drama, so they strike at that wound a little more, with the question about drawing from experience. Double Trouble knows people better than they know themselves.
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In any case, the central question has already been answered. We know who the spy is. So, is there actually a mystery in this story?
You could argue that the question of whom Double Trouble was impersonating functions like this, but you see two Frostas on the screen at once, and Flutterina turns directly to the camera at one point and does the weird blink thing just to let you know.
You could also argue that the true mystery centres around the attack on Saleneas, but I will contest that. This isn’t set up as a mystery, nobody is investigating it. It’s a Chekhov’s gun that gets brought up at the start then forgotten about before coming back. It’s not a mystery, it’s just a plot point.
This flips the season’s theme on its head. We have been focusing on tragedies subverting themselves at the last minute, but now we have everything going right until it abruptly isn’t.
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This episode, more than any other, feels like it is being written. It’s not organic, it’s contrived. But this is the point, and it works because the person doing all that legwork to make the plot happen is a character within the story. It’s contrived because Double Trouble is contriving it in real time.
Control over the narrative is a signifier of power in storytelling. When everyone reacts to something someone has done, that means they are significant or influential. Double Trouble takes this a step further by looking the audience directly in the eye and saying “remember what story we are telling here”. They let you have your fun, and then remind you that there is a war going on.
Which brings me to a criticism I have about this character. Well, I have two, but one is more significant to me.
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First up, Double Trouble is a flat character. They are a charismatic plot device who exists to cause trouble because they enjoy causing trouble. They don’t have a backstory or a motivation beyond selfishness, and this is disproportionate to their significance in relation to the plot.
This is actually not my criticism, but one I’ve seen online and want to examine a bit. This is based on the assumption that complex characters are more effective, and to that I ask the following question: “more effective at what?”
Is it engagement with the audience? Every early Disney villain would beg to differ.
Nuanced storytelling? I would argue that Rasputin from Anastasia is an incredibly simple character who doubles as an allegory for grief. Even if the film isn't the world's greatest, it's a nuanced story and part of that is its villain.
The key thing to understand is that, on a basic level, all characters are plot devices. They exist to serve the story. They are not real. They only need to do what the plot decrees and all you have to do as a writer is to create a motivation or quirks for the character that cause them to fill those needs.
In that case, complexity is a matter of preference, some people like one end of the spectrum, some people like the other. I would recommend a balanced diet, but what do I know?
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The other piece of criticism is my own, and needs to be taken very carefully.
The fact is, Double Trouble is the only named nonbinary character in She-Ra, which steps into some tricky ground. Coding is a complex topic, and the idea that the only character who is nonbinary is a shapeshifter alien who plays both sides isn’t the healthiest. It implies that this is either a gimmick chosen for the character, or it has other, nasty connotations about nonbinary people being inhuman. Stereotypes have baggage attached to them that isn’t always obvious.
This is, I need to clarify, so obviously not the writer’s intention. I have no doubt in my mind that the coding was not intended. But it is still there, and it causes turbulence. It’s just something to be aware of.
But I’ve complained too much. This is a detective story, it’s all about the fine details. So, here are some that I really liked.
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Every time a character looks away from the camera and out of a window or into a fire pit. They are silhouetted against it, their back to you, hiding their face and their motivations. Bonus points for Glimmer and the window especially because it alludes to her desire for freedom.
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The lighting in this episode is brilliant. It’s soft enough to not be jarring, but its warm, framing the truth as welcoming and benevolent.
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The camera pulls back here, stretching the scale even further and making it seem almost infinite. But that pales in this scene in comparison to the fact that Mermista doesn't speak. She's too stunned, too broken. She's had more lines in this episode than the rest of the series combined, and now she is suddenly and noticeably quiet.
That final scene, with the shot of everyone looking over a destroyed Saleneas. I’ve talked before about the show’s use of scale, but it comes back here to highlight just how massive of a loss this was, and how devastating it is.
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I also like that the purple lightning. I think that’s pretty.
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In this one shot, Perfuma manages to be the smuggest here, despite not being that at all. She is nice, eternally so, and that's annoying in the best way possible. It's the "oh, did I foil your cunning plan? I am so sorry." It's such a fun character beat.
Final Thoughts
Why does Horde Prime smile at the end? Why is he in this episode? Like, I get that he got the message about the port, but why would that make him smile?
And what does it do for the episode and season? Are we just associating him with bad stuff?
You don’t need to remind the audience he’s there. They last saw him destroying a moon. He will show up when he shows up and the audience has already been given enough about him to care. This feels redundant.
However, because this episode is perfect and I will hear no word against it, I am choosing to ignore this criticism, because I said so.
Next week is Boys’ Night Out. Stick around if that interests you.
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So thinking about doing an Owl house, Hazbin hotel AU. So basically the Owl house characters instead of the Hazbin characters.
I already have done a lot of concept art. I have character designs and more.
Tell me if I should write this and/or post some of the concept sketches I’ve already made.
here’s the character list.
Luz as Charlie, both energetic, see the good in people, and would do anything for their friends, I can even imagine Luz singing a bunch of Charlie’s songs
Amity as Vaggie, loyal, headstrong, want to prove themselves to be good girlfriends to their respective partners
Vee would be just there as the receptionist for the Hotel
Hunter as Angle Dust, both bad but sad boys, towards the end give me sibling vibes with the respective protagonists, and they do care but act like they don’t
Belos as Valentino, I hate them both so much, and both are extremely manipulative and sadistic
Eda as Husk*, honestly I can just see these two chatting about the others over apple blood. (*I want Eda as like a mentor/almost mother figure to Hunter)
Hooty will be Nifty, they can both be really unhinged
the Collector as Sir Pensouis, (I cannot spell that right) but both really aren’t too evil
Alastor as Alastor because I couldn’t find anyone who matched him
I might have Adrien be Vox
Darius will be Vellvet, so this will be more evil Darius
Alador will be Carmilla
Emira and Edric will be the role Carmilla’s daughters
Katya will be Cherri Bomb
I also want Double Trouble from She-ra somewhere
Adam will also be Adam, he’s just such a fun character already
Boscha will be Lute
Lilith will be Sera
Skara will be Emily
Manny and Camilia will be fallen angels
Manny is Lucifer
Camilla’s personality will have changed a lot especially depending how season 2 goes
I want to incorporate Willow, Evelyn and Caleb somewhere but that will depend on season 2 of HH
My Ask box is open if people want to know the Lore I have for some of the characters
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assortedseaglass · 1 year
The Seamstress & The Sailor- Chapter Four
Tom Bennett x OFC
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 4.3K
Note: I know I said this chapter would link up with the series, but that will be the next chapter now – I didn’t want Tom getting in trouble with the police to be so sudden. I hope you don’t mind! More detailed notes at the end!
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August 1939
Monday morning, two days since the dancehall, and the street was alive with activity. Two women were pushing prams along the pavement, a chatter of children following in their wake. Satchels of schoolbooks swung at their sides, and a few of the little boys already looked ready for playtime. Some of the older women were beating rugs over chairs, making the most of the early morning sun, and Dennis Warley had just been by with the morning post.
Outside the Vaughn’s house, Cora was seated on an upturned bucket from the yard, polishing a pair of her father’s shoes. Bess sat on the bottom step, reading her newly delivered fashion magazine. Dot peered over her shoulder.
“That one,” Dot pointed to a buttercup yellow tea dress. “Could you make it for me?”
“I could,” Bess puffed out a stream of cigarette smoke. “If you buy the fabric.” She flipped the page and Dot huffed.
“Do you know how much most girls pay to have dresses made by Bess, Dot?” Cora said, not looking up from her work.
“Not enough,” said Dot.
“Amen.” Bess shut the magazine and handed it to her younger sister. At that moment, Fergal appeared in the doorway, plate of bacon and eggs in hand. He stepped, with socked feet, between his daughters and sat on the step.  
“What are you up to today, Bess?” He said through a mouthful of breakfast.
“Going over to Robina Chase’s, that suit of hers is finished.”
“You watch yourself on the roads, my girl.”
“Yes, dadda.”
Footsteps thundered down the stairs and a second later, the long legs of Albie Vaughn were stepping over his sisters too. “Double, double, toil and trouble,” he teased. Dot pretended to put a curse on him as he crossed the street and knocked on the Bennett’s door. Bess watched him curiously. He didn’t usually fetch Lois in the mornings.
“There you go, dadda.” Cora passed Fergal his shoes, which he slipped on as he handed his plate to Bess. The Bennett’s door opened, and Albie exited with Tom trailing behind him. Fergal went to join them.
“Dadda said he’d got Tom a shift at the dockyard,” sniffed Dot. “Good to see he’s got him some honest work.” Bess and Cora raised their eyebrows at Dot’s air of superiority and smirked at each other. Just as she looked to the three men, Bess caught Tom’s eye. Her cheeks prickled with anxiety but she didn’t let her nerves show. Besides, he wouldn’t be able to see from his side of the street. Instead, she stared him down. Tom watched her a moment, then smirked. Bastard. Fergal clapped him on the shoulder and the three men began their way to the dockyard.
“See you later, girls!” Fergal and Albie waved behind them. Tom Bennett swaggered forward, staring resolutely ahead.
 “Ah, here she is!” Lois appeared at the doorway, tucking a stray curl under her scarf.
“Ready?” She called. Cora and Dot stood.
“We’ll be back around 6, ta-ra!” Cora kissed Bess on the cheek, and she, Lois and Dot made their way to the factory. Up ahead, the men were just rounding the corner, and Bess could have sworn she saw Tom cast a sideways glance in her direction. They hadn’t spoken since Saturday night. Not that the chance had been given; the curtains of his bedroom remained shut and Lois said he was nursing a hangover and an almighty bollocking from Douglas.
“Can’t imagine your dad raising his voice,”
“It’s Tom we’re talking about Bess,”
There hadn’t been a moment to forget about the night either, for the next morning it was all Dot could talk about.
“And then Tom told me to go inside so I went to find Cora and Bess but heard this sound like a gunshot and that black-haired man that Bess had been dancing with was on the floor and then then Tom hit the other two before punching the man-”
“Breathe, Dot,”
“-and I went and got Albie and him and Lois’ fella pulled Tom off them. You’ll never guess what Tom did next, dadda. He spat on him! Tom spat on that poor man!”
When the police arrived at the Bennett’s, searching for Tom, Dot had nearly screamed. Fergal shook his head.
“Can’t the police leave us alone on a Sunday?”
“Don’t think crime has Sundays off, dadda.” Albie said.
That night, when Bess was finishing her final checks of Mrs Chase’s suit and the rest of her family were in bed, she saw Tom climbing the drainpipe outside his and Lois’ room. She had half a mind to go and tell Douglas until she saw Tom shimmy back down the drainpipe and bolt away. Bess wasn’t going to break first. She wasn’t some girl he could charm with a flash of his smile and a quick fumble at the back of the picture house, and if he didn’t know it yet then God help Tom Bennett.
Gravel popped under Bess’ bicycle wheels as she pushed it up the Chase’ drive. Robina Chase was a client of the Manchester atelier. When she discovered that one of the girls who trained there lived nearby, she had ceased her journeys into the city and had Bess attend her personally. She never came to the Vaughns, like most of Bess’ clients. No, each time she insisted that Bess come to her.
Bess looked up at the enormous house. On her street, some families were crammed seven or eight into a two-bedroom house. In their own home, the Vaughn’s had five. Here, it was just Robina and Harry. Still, nothing could make Bess swap their cramped home for the halls of the Chase’s. Each time she stepped through the door a chill descended on her, no matter if it was midwinter or midsummer. The door opened before Bess could reach it.
“I saw you coming.” Robina said curtly. Bess opened her mouth to speak, but Mrs Chase was already walking towards her lounge. The spacious room was the lightest in the house and best, therefore, for Bess to do her work. Someone had brought down a silk screen from Mrs Chase to change behind and when Bess entered the room, this was where she was, clothes laid on a chaise lounge and, stood in her cotton chemise. Everything that Bess used to visit Mrs Chase had to be portable and light enough to strap onto her bicycle, and so, she took out the foldable tailor’s platform that her father had made her and placed it on the ground. Mrs Chase stepped onto it and watched Bess continue unloading her things. She said nothing. When Bess held up the red suit for her to examine, she simply said “Lovely,” and pursed her lips. For half an hour, Bess added the final touches to the suit; taking the hem up a centimetre, adding a little embellished stitching along the collar.
“I’m off to see the boys before I go,” a knock sounded and Harry Chase, with his weary eyes and boyish charm, appeared at the lounge door. “You look lovely, mother. Oh, hello again.”
Robina was waving off his compliment when she stopped. “You know each other?”
“We met at a dance,”
“Mm, well, don’t be home late or drunk. I shan’t wait up.” She turned back to Bess, whom Harry nodded to before leaving. When the front door slammed and the car engine kicked into life, so did Robina Chase. “Harry told me he stopped a fight at the dance on Saturday.”
“That he did,” Bess said, still looking over the garment to make sure everything was in order.
“No doubt over some woman.”
“I don’t know what is was about,” Bess grew quiet, and Robina continued.
“Who was the man? Do you know?”
At this, Bess stilled her work and hesitated. “Tom Bennett, ma’am.” She said quietly.
“Bennett? He’s not related to that Lois girl, is he?” There was a definite air of disdain in Mrs Chase’s voice and Bess fought hard to control herself. We need the money, we need the money, we need her money.
“Her brother, ma’am.”
“Well, with her spending the night in a cell it only makes sense that her brother is the very same. I met that father of theirs, Dougal?”
“Quiet as a dormouse and mad as a March-hare. No wonder his children are so wayward. And I can’t imagine living in Longsight helps, amongst all those ruffians. You’d think modern Britain would be rid of slums but here we are.”
Bess wanted to stick her pin in the papery flesh of Mrs Chase’s thigh. She resolved, however, to walk back to her sewing box and place it neatly with its fellows. “All done.”
“It’s lovely, thank you. It was £5 for the remainder, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Bess took the cheque from Mrs Chase and began strapping her tools to the bicycle.
“I’ll be in touch soon with some ideas for the spring. A new decade surely brings new fashions.” Her ignorance was astounding. Her son was back from war torn Poland, about to go back, and news of Hitler’s plans for the rest of Europe was spreading like wildfire. Not to mention what she thought of the poor.
“If I may say something, ma’am,” Bess took a shaky breath. She could count the people that scared her on one hand. One was stood in front of her, perfectly manicured fingers waiting to close the door, eyebrow raised in challenge. “I can’t make excuses for Tom’s behaviour, but no-one could ask for a kinder confident or supporter than Lois. And I mean no-one. Rich or poor, kind or cruel, she’ll look after you. And as for Douglas, he is one of the gentlest men I’ve ever known and we’re lucky to have him as our neighbour. Yes, our neighbour. He’s been a great friend to our father.” She swung her leg over her bike as Robina stood a little higher and haughtier. “Make sure to tell your friends the new suit was by a “ruffian” of Longsight. See you in the spring.” She pedalled away before Mrs Chase could raise her snobbish voice in argument.
By the time Bess had cycled the hour from Mrs Chase’s to Longsight, the summer dress she wore was soaked in sweat. Leaving the bike outside, she dumped her tools on the kitchen table and ran upstairs. Stripping down to her underwear, she filled a bowl with cold water, opened the window of her room and let the curtain down. Cora and Dot would thank her when they got back from the sweltering heat of the factory. Grabbing a flannel, she dipped it in the cold water and ran it over her body. Goosebumps rose across Bess’ skin and she sighed. Hair tied in a loose knot, held in place with one of her mother’s silk scarves, Bess held the flannel against her neck. She squeezed it in her palm and let the droplets fall down her back. In the breeze, the net curtain shuddered and brushed against her skin. She looked through the window. Their bedroom faced Lois and Tom’s. As children, Lois, Cora and Dot would wave to each other and commune in their own secret language. When they had gone to sleep, or first thing when they hadn’t woken, Bess and Tom would hold their palms to the windows. They never did anything else, and they certainly didn’t talk about it in the day.
Dressing in a light blouse and yellow skirt of linen, Bess padded barefoot downstairs and opened the front door, before retreating to the kitchen and doing the same to the yard door. Cool air filled the little house. Back in the kitchen, at the foot of the stairs, was the piano. Bess lifted the lid protecting the keys and sat at the stool. A photograph of her great-aunt Iris sat proudly atop the upright. Her face was gentle, white hair pulled back, a shawl draped round her shoulders. The eldest of five, Iris held dreams of becoming a great concert pianist, but her family couldn’t afford to continue her lessons once more children came along. She worked as a parlour maid from fourteen to save her own money and, at seventeen, bought a ticket to London. Feigning sickness, she caught the early train from Manchester and within hours found herself at the steps of the Royal Academy of Music. Iris had written her own application with the help of a kind woman from central library and was invited to audition. She played a programme of Liszt, Chopin and Rachmaninov for the admissions board and had impressed them with her sight-reading skills. She was back in Manchester in time for supper. When a letter bearing the academy’s emblem arrived two weeks later, Iris pocketed it in her apron and ran to the yard to open it. She’d never know such a fleeting whisper of joy as this again, for below her congratulation of acceptance, were the academy’s fees. Iris Vaughn lived the rest of her days teaching, playing piano on Saturdays for the cinema’s afternoon showing.
Bess had no dreams of becoming a concert pianist, but she intended to forge her own path. For herself, and for great-aunt Iris. Kissing her fingers then touching Iris’ photograph, Bess began to play. A few Bach preludes to warm up. Iris loved them. Rigid and mathematical, they were beautiful in their ornamentation and meandering grandeur. As her fingers danced over the keys, she thought about how Bach managed this feat of emotional engineering within such a confined structure. Rigidity, confined structures. Suddenly, Mrs Chase’s pursed lips and flared nostrils entered her mind. The music stopped. Bloody bitch. Bess moved to the jazz standards; My Funny Valentine, One O’Clock Jump, Frenesi, On the Sunny Side of the Street. Surely Mrs Chase hates jazz, it’s something Harry likes.
Bess played for an hour or so, lulling herself into a waking dream. The breeze cooled her calves, the sounds of the piano drifting with it into the street and, occasionally, the peal of a child’s laughter reminded Bess that she was in her family kitchen, not the Ritz. The scent of cigarette smoke from the street beyond gave Bess pause and she grabbed the packet hidden in the cutlery drawer, the packet Cora thought no-one knew about. Cigarette lit, she played a little Joplin in honour of Iris before the sun fell behind a cloud and the breeze turned from calming to crisp. Bess near skipped out of the kitchen and to the front door, such was the affect of an hour’s playing to alleviate her mood, but her steps came to an abrupt halt as she rounded the door into the hallway. A man was sat on the front step, collar up against the chill, a plume of cigarette smoke rising into the early evening sky, the effect making his blond head look alight. He turned slowly round, cigarette held loftily between his thin lips.
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“Don’t stop playing on my account,” he grinned.
“You’re back early.” Bess folded her arms and stood firm in the hallway.
“Your dad and Albie have taken an extra shift.” He stretched is arms in an exaggeration of tiredness. “Besides, I don’t think labouring is for me.”
Bess gripped the door. “Right, well, if you could move, you’re letting in a draft.” He did as he was told and stood from the step but as Bess moved to swing shut the door, he placed a boot between it and the frame.
“Bess.” An edge of desperation lined his voice.
“Tom.” Hers was weary.
“Bess. That man was a prick, and if I hadn’t sorted him out some other bloke would have. But,” he placed his palm on the door and pushed it open a little, revealing Bess to him fully. “But I am sorry for what I said to you. You didn’t deserve that.” She scanned his face. The smirk had gone and his usually bright eyes were solemn, but all Bess could to do was nod and rapidly blink back tears. Tom stepped away from the door and allowed her to close it.
I’m not jealous of a bloke who dances with the only girl who doesn’t say no because she doesn’t say anything at all.
Her eyes stung, and she flicked away a tear before it had the chance to fall. Cora and Dot would be back from work soon, and they couldn’t know she’d been crying over Tom Bennett. Even if he had broken her heart a little. All those years she thought Tom hadn’t seen her as a freak or recluse. An oddity worthy of stares and ridicule. With one fell strike, he had proved she was wrong.
The evening passed quickly. In a heavy-hearted haze, Bess made soup and sandwiches for the Vaughn’s supper. Cora and Dot were exhausted when they returned from the factory. A long day in the oppressive heat of the factory had worked up an almighty appetite in both of them, though they could barely lift their spoons. They retreated to the cool of their bedroom at 8.30. Bess sat in the dim of the kitchen, the comfort of her father’s armchair easing her unrest a little. She stood when he and Albie arrived home, but he waved her down, kissed her cheek and took a plate of sandwiches to his room.
“What’s happened, Bess?”
“Hm?” She looked up from her perch by the hearth. Albie stood in the door to the hallway, dishevelled and ready for rest. The middle Vaughn children were closest in age and closest in mind. She didn’t begrudge it of Cora and Dot; Cora had to bear too much responsibility for the family, and Bess would not steal Dot’s youth from her. But she sometimes imagined that she and Albie were connected by an invisible string the others didn’t have. When one felt sad, elated and anything in between, the other felt the tugging of the string that had hooked itself neatly beneath their ribs.
“What’s happened?” Albie repeated.
“Oh nothing,” Bess reached for her book and glass of whisky. “Was over at the Chase’s this afternoon.”
“Ah, say no more,” Albie smiled but his gaze lingered on his sister, and she knew that he didn’t believe her. “Night, Bess.”
“Night, Albie.” She listened as he trudged up the stairs and shut the door to the room he shared with their father. Bess opened her book but instead of reading, stared into the empty room around her. The light outside turned from fuchsia pink to ashen blue and, just as she finished the last sip of her drink, she heard the patter of running footsteps on the street outside. Any moment now, the door would click open, Tom would smile boyishly at her and settle himself on the end of the kitchen table. He always did hang around a little more after they had argued. Bess waited for his shadow at the window. Breath hitched in anticipation, she edged to the hallway and watched the door. Now. The door handle would turn and he’d appear.
The night was quiet. The faintest snuffled snoring from upstairs punctuated Bess’ breathing. The door didn’t open. Bess hurried to the kitchen window and pulled back the netting to see a leg disappear through Tom’s window. He didn’t close it.
Next day, Bess had no clients. After making breakfast for the working members of her family, she cycled to the dockyard. There was something about the hum of industry sidled up to the crashing water, and the canal leading to the sea beyond it, that thrilled Dot. She spied Albie and her father ascending cranes to deliver goods. Sure enough, Tom was not with them. As the sun continued to rise in the sky, the heat along with it, Bess retreated home. Turning into the street, Douglas Bennett passed her on his on cycle and touched a finger to his cap.
“Morning!” She called to him. Leaving her bike where Douglas’ would have been minutes before, Bess rapped on the Bennett’s door. No answer. Lois would, of course, be at work with Cora and Dot. She tested the handle. It opened.
“It’s rude to just walk into someone’s house without being invited.” Tom was slouching down the stairs, pulling a shirt over his head. The pale skin of his abdomen drew Bess’ eye and she blushed a little, looking down so that her hair fell forward to cover her shame.
“You do it often enough at ours.”
By way of an answer, Tom lit two cigarettes and handed one to her. As he did so, she saw the smattering of red cuts across his fingers. They were small, like little paper cuts, and certainly hadn’t been there yesterday. She looked to his other hand. He was covered in them.
“Better get them sorted or they’ll get infected.” Bess nodded to his hand. He merely shrugged, picked some bacon out of the pan Lois had left on the stove and wandered into the sunlit back yard. Bess took the pan from the stove and filled the sink with hot water. Lois, like Cora, needed any help she could get when it came mothering her family. Once the pan was washed, Bess filled a pitcher with warm water. Rooting around in the cupboards, she found a bottle of Douglas’ whisky.
“Sorry, Douglas.” With a clean cloth, bandage, the whisky and pitcher of water, Bess pushed open the yard door with her foot and sat by Tom. His head was leant against the brick of the house, exposing the lean muscle of his neck. The cigarette in his mouth was barely lit, and he pursed his lips to puff it into life. Bess watched the smoke unfurl in the air and caught site of his shadow against the wall. Sharp, harsh and angular. He looked like a Roman statue. Not one of a great emperor, mind. One of those spoilt man-childs that fucked their way around Rome before dying of syphilis. Bess snorted as she sat on the bench beside him. Tom eyed her sideways.
“Nothing.” Bess took his hand in hers, soaked the cloth in the water and brought it to his knuckles. “So, where were you last night?”
“Met a girl down Belle Vue,” Bess hummed to at least sound interested, but she had no inclination to hear about his conquests. Now his hand was clean, she dabbed a little whisky on the cloth. “Showed her a real ride, if you know what I mean.” His wink turned into a grimace when Bess pressed the alcohol into his cuts. “Steady on.”
“Where did these come from?”
“Got them working down the dockyard,” he sniffed. His nose always wrinkled when he was lying, or annoyed. Bess caught his eye as it darted to the end of the yard. Looking down the little garden, she saw a pile of scrap metal hidden under an old dust sheet. She didn’t let on that she’d seen.
“At least you’ll get no more cuts, now you’ve retired from hard labour.” She took out the bandage and began rolling it around his hand. “What are you gonna do now?”
Tom watched Bess at work. “Ah, you know me. I’ll find my way around.” She hummed and, as she tied the bandage, instinctively brought it to her mouth where she kissed his open palm. Fuck. Bess could feel heat rising up her neck, every muscle tensing. The opposite happened to Tom, who huffed a laugh. They spoke in unison.
“Sorry, I always did it to Dot when she hurt herself.”
“If you wanted to kiss me, you could just ask.”
They froze.
Tom’s bandaged hand closed around Bess’.
Her eyes flickered to the smirk slowly disappearing from Tom’s face. He licked his lips.
Just like at the dancehall, Tom dropped Bess’ hand faster than Queenie Warren’s knickers, and knocked on the window that adjoined the yard to the sitting room.
“Out here, Lois!” Tom turned back to the yard. The door leading to the narrow alley behind the house was swinging shut, a flash of copper hair disappearing behind it.
Note: Hello pals! Just a note to say that I (finally) caught Covid, and there has been a huge ecological disaster where I am from. Not being able to go back and help due to having Covid is really hurting and I’m feeling pretty weary. That being said, I am hoping that writing this will keep me going, though if updates take longer that’ll be why.
£5 in 1939 is about £250 in today’s money, and Belle Vue (Tom references it when he’s in the Paris hospital) is an area not far from Longsight that had an amusement park and zoo. The jazz standards that Bess plays on the piano were all released in 1939 or before, have a listen if you’ve never heard them! My great-great aunt Ida (!) was a pianist for silent films and I think that’s just the coolest job ever, she’s the inspiration behind Iris. Shout out to @myfandomprompts for the amazing gif!
I’m not particularly happy with this chapter, I know I said I wanted a slow build but crikey. It’ll pick up in the next few chapters. We all know what’s coming…
Tags: @aemonds-wifey @multiple-fandoms-girl @jessssica1234 @babyblue711 @anditsmywholeheart @allthefandomtherapy @valerie977 @bookwyrmsblog @phantomontheinternet @chainsawsangel @greenowlfactif @thelittleswanao3 @yentroucnagol @sophielangdonx
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ellie-talks-toh · 2 years
So Thanks to Them came out and gave us the canon name and pronouns of the kid that did Vee's card reading, and a friend of mine got really excited about that. Why?
Because it was a non-binary character that presented themselves femininely.
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I cannot stress how important it is that we get more characters like this. We've slowly been getting more non-binary rep over time, with Double Trouble from She-Ra being a good example of it done right, however I think that Masha is another step forward that people really need to embrace.
Give me non-binary characters that are free to present themselves as masculine or feminine, instead of forcing them to be androgynous just because they are non-binary. Give me non-binary characters that have typically masculine or feminine names. And most importantly:
Seriously, I've seen posts say stuff like "If anyone should be non-binary / gender-fluid it should be Vee!" and like... no. You guys are missing the point. People aren't non-binary or genderfluid because they are freaking shapeshifters or robots or whatever. It's just who they are. It's their identity, not their body. I get it, Double Trouble is an absolute icon, and they are fantastic non-binary rep, but don't use them as a blueprint and make everyone that doesn't have a static body non-binary.
Just... give me more characters like Raine and Masha. Give me people that aren't cis, and don't give them a reason for it. Just let them be people, and let them dress and present themselves in any way. Don't pigeon-hole your characters into presenting a certain way because of their gender identity, and don't try to justify your character's gender identity by making them a shapeshifter or a robot or... anything.
Okay? Okay, good. Have a nice day everyone.
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
The next episode itself is a two-parter, and I think that rather than split them up I will just watch through, which might mean I have to reblog this post multiple times.
Finishing out season four!
s4, eps 12&13 Destiny
Usual reminder: this is a REwatch and there’s spoilers ahoy, I make a lot of bad jokes (some of which are Adult In Nature), I reference other cartoons, I make random asides.
(also, this time specifically, I had some alcohol)
Tbh? it's a lot like watching things like this with me in person aaahahaha I always want to pause and infodump shit -_-
lol Emily is destroying Shadow Weaver's garden
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Emily acts like Mal the cat does sometimes. WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH you are not supposed to have that! Get out of there!
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it's easy to forget how BIG Scorpia is??
LOLOL oh my god I went downstairs for like an hour and a half talking to my partners about the most random shit and then playing with the cat and also: I've had most of a can of wine.
One of these:
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YEAH (that's a huge image)
so if these get weird: blame the wine I guess
oh also @corpseauthority and I picked out fake fur and minky fabric for the ears and tail of my Catra cosplay :D :D :D I'M SO EXCITED
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the only thing better than Scorpia's "huh?" is Shadow Weaver's flat "what"
Shadow Weaver: no we need the other princesses Glimmer: well they're gone but-- Scorpia, Shadow Weaver, and Emily: WAIT, WHAT???
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okay but is the guard telling you this Double Trouble
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that thing was not meant to hold four humans and a horse with wings
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why are you SNIFFING HIM
Entrapta: "I don't know you" Micah: "Yes, you do. You stole my food." Entrapta: "OH YEAH! It was delicious :D"
oh god Adora's like "....but are you okay? we came here to find you 🥺"
and she's like YEAH I'M GREAT
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"each more deadly than the next??? it's PARADISE"
I love her so much oh my godddd
Bow: "We're here to rescue you" Entrapta: "didn't I just rescue YOU?"
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Bow mentions Hordak and Entrapta pulls her little new bug-eye mask down :(
Adora: so hey we uhhhhhhhh really need your help due to a terrible secret of the First Ones that nobody but us knows
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"WHy didn't you say so???"
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well that's a callback to s1 ep1
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anyway Kyle, Rogelio, and Lonnie come in and Catra's like OH UHHH so...what's happening
Lonnie: "we just got back from conquering another Rebel town" Kyle: ":D You should've seen us!! It was all:"
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and then he kicks Scorpia's old locker, with the drawings on it, and Catra gets mad
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Ironically the degree to which Catra is UPSET is making me ship them harder lol
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bb you need a break you are getting feral
Man Lonnie has her number lol. "What is wrong with you? We're winning! Even you should be happy."
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god I love when she's this deranged
she slams poor Lonnie against a locker
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john cena dot gif
but also OH DO THEY REMIND YOU OF WHO YOU USED TO BE? HMM? what you really wanted??? what actually gave you something like joy or contentment????? are you trying to just erase any part of you capable of feeling good?????????
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Kyle is RIGHT
The cinematic parallels between Catra and Glimmer in this episode ("forget my friends I'M IN CHARGE HERE and YOU NEED TO FOLLOW ORDERS") are *chef's kiss*
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Catra realizing this isn't what she actually wants: part ....a lot
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The other three leave, she yanks the drawings off Scorpia's old locker, then THUMPs her head on it. And then Double Trouble shows up!
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okay wait tho the way she pauses and then thumps her head on it is so funny I wish I could gif it, it's so cat-like and also Very Emo
I don't think this is supposed to be funny but it IS and I cannot stop rewinding and laughing. I blame the wine.
help i've rewatched it like five times now
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lol right??
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Me, when I was info-dumping my own fic at myself: is it weird to imagine these two banging??? Me now: nope
Double Trouble: "Apologies for the delay, kitten. I got ...held up...in Bright Moon"
Anyway they give a little speech about how the Princesses keep fighting and She-Ra is away
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(now THERE's an old fandom reference ahahaha)
"We can't let them return to the Fright Zone!" TOO FUCKING LATE
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Anyway they argue about the possibility of Glimmer taking Scorpia back to the Fright Zone
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lolol I am. like. less than ten minutes into the FIRST OF TWO EPISODES and i've hit the image limit.
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Some things about the spanish translation for the live action movie
Cleo's original VA does her voice again, making her the only VA to return for all gens
Like most straight to TV musical movies before it, none of the songs were translated
There is a mistake in "Out of the Dark" where Frankie outright says they're 15 years old instead of 15 days
The teasers posted before it was revealed that Frankie would be nonbinary use she/her pronouns for them.
The actual release uses elle/elles (pronounced like eject, not ballet, if that makes sense)
This is pretty big, since those pronouns aren't officially recognized by the dictionary a lot of people have a hard time incorporating them and use the -e suffix to make fun of others for being inclusive
This differentiates them from other media with nb characters, who were misgendered or no pronouns were actively used for them to an extent (we have a lot of gendered words), can't think of an example for the former but Double Trouble from She-ra applies to the latter
Also the puns SUCK
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