#This was a lot longer than i thought it was gonna be. but fuck it
bloominstorm · 3 years
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#FUCKING WOW#I’ve..literally never loved a female character more#I really was missing nobara and was like it’s over for me female character wise with jjk#not like there weren’t good females I just loved nobara a lot but this...#goddamn maki is fucking unmatched#AN ABSOLUTE BEAST#SHE IS NOW TOJI#FUCK IMAGINE WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YUUJIS SQUAD NOW#she’s probably stronger than yuuji rn 🤔#so I love tht it’s been confirmed tht she no longer has a heavenly restriction on her body ...she’s literally OP#the massacre was...lovely#fuck all them zenins#i am surprised they’d kill off the brothers so quickly tho? yeah I know naoya ass is still alive rn#but I thought they’d keep them around to keep another pushback against the gang#those panels tht werently fully drawn in the massacre was..odd like was it supposed to show how wild she was going or..?#anyway after she kills naoya which I hope is next chapter I wonder if she’s gonna assume the head position or if she’s still gonna try to#pressure megumi.. I hope not I’d much rather she’d do it she has more to gain from it#but she probably won’t? I feel like she’ll probably completely leave the clan like toji but then again idk Bc megumi would be in charge#actually no I’m pretty sure this is marking the destruction and ultimately the rebuilding of the zenin clan#tht reminds me.. I still wonder if we’ll get background on gojos clan..? what happened to them? where are his parents? did he kill them too?#Bc he had ppl around him growing up it’s not like he was an orphan so wtf happened there and I don’t think he would’ve killed his parents Bc#he seemed appalled when he learned tht getou killed his own parents so idk#anyway I’m waiting to see the lasting effects of what happened on maki I wanna see how her mind is gonna be when the dust settles#also I wanna know how the others will react to what she’s done I wonder if she’ll be ordered to be executed 🤔#I’m just hype off this chapter but have so many questions 😭😫#but the end of the chapter ..maki saying she got her heart taken away :( I didn’t care for mai but tht was sad#anyway another solid chapter as per usual like gege doesn’t miss#jjk 150#jujutsu kaisen manga#jjk manga spoilers
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ziracona · 4 years
So after the last reread of ILM, I realized that Kate outright referenced Stranger Things at one point. Which got me wondering how the Demogorgon showing up would go. I don't know which is better - the show being based on a 'true story' and the gang learning about it from Steve and Nancy, or the Entity just MAKING a demogorgon like it did the crows and everyone freaks the fuck out because O MY GOD ITS REAL???
Hadjskdksnek yeah I know I know, I should probably go back and change that. 🤣
When I wrote that chapter, it was before the Stranger Things chapter was announced, and it did not occur to me in a million years they’d make one. I don’t even think of Stranger Things as horror—it’s more like Mystery-Adventure than horror by far, and even if it had been, the other horror they adapted were all much older. ST is /still/ ongoing. So uh, I thought I was being careful with my name drops (like the only Horror I directly have a character reference is Friday the 13th, becuae since it already has its own DbD-esque game, it seemed pretty safe from property rights being sold), but uh, they still got me.
Didn’t occur to me that it’d be possible to not retcon that if I’d gone through to Nancy & Steve. I guess it’s always possible in the ILM world, Stranger Things could just be based on a true story/named after the IRL humans involved—though probably more like “urban legend,” since no way most people think the supernatural exists. That’s a fun thought though! I’ll think about that. It would be funny to have Nancy meet like, Dwight & Adam & be like “Oh. Sorry—I’m Nancy Wheeler.”
Dwight: “Nancy Wheeler...that...that’s weirdly familiar...”
Adam: “I think it’s the same name as the lead girl from Stranger Things.”
Nancy: “What?”
Adam: “Uh, sorry—it’s a tv show, based on those urban legends from the 80s about Hawkins Indi...” *sees the look of confusion & shock on her face*
Dwight: “Oh! Right. I didn’t see the show, but Kate’s mentioned—“ *sees too. Swallows hard* “Uh.” *vocie squeaks* “You wouldn’t...happen to be from the 1980s?”
Nancy, who didn’t know this was a mutiple choice answer question, about to cry: “Yes?”
Adam: “You didn’t... —there wasn’t really a lab of abominations from some—“
*Demogorgan shriek from the distance. Dwight & Adam freeze.*
Adam: “Oh no.”
Inner Dwight: please say ‘sike’
Dwight: :’-]
#dead by daylight#ask#tathracyn#in living memory (fic)#in living memory#this is actually a /hilarious/ alternative & I am going to heavily consider it. kinda love it#gives the chance for lots of ‘BUT in season 3 it worked to—!’#‘—REALITY WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN THE FUCKING NETFLIX SHOW OKAY??’#moments 🤣#Meg: ‘So Uh. did you & Steve break up before or after u and Jonathan...?’#Steve: O_O#Nancy: Uh. W-what?#Steve: You /LIKE/ me? I. uh. I need to adjust to—I’ve just never even really thought of—#Nancy: NO I DONT LIKE YOU. You were a dick back in highschool! You only got cool when you almost got ran over and had to barricade yourself#in a house with Jonathan & Barb & me for two days!#Meg: Whoa. Barb lived way longer in real life.#Nancy-in horror: The ShOw kills off Barb???!?#Steve simultaneously: Barb’s gonna DIE?!?#Nancy: og fuck! I didn’t even think of that! Please—how does it happen? if we know we can stop it!#Meg: Uhm a Demo gets her when you totally ditch her at a party to go have set with Steve#*sex#Steve: *choking*#Nancy: OnO WE DO WHAT?!#Meg: this was like episode 1#Nancy: *gives Steve an ‘ewww’ look.#Steve: TuT I mean I get it but ow.#Nancy: What the fuck. they made that up! I would never cheat on Jonathan & I’d NEVER betray my best friend by hooking up with her boyfriend!#Meg: YOURE DATING BARB?!?#the chaos potential of this plot line knows no bounds. & the paragraph in DbD for ST has so few details it is 100% plausible they aren’t the#exact same Nancy & Steve I am /living/
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x-cherrymoon-x · 3 years
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starlightkun · 4 years
snowflake has hit 50k yall 😗✌❄
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sk0ps · 4 years
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everyone say thank you Leorio for being a better dad to Gon than Ging ever could of
#lerio is like gon's dad/big bro and I stand that#i dont hate ging but hes a rat#literally#also im glad he got punch and im happy leorio was the one to do it#and its not like ging was dead or anything he had a choice to go see his son sooner or help him out and he choose not to....#...like why have a kid if ur just gonna wait til there 14 to start being in their life..sorry bud hate to be the one to tell u but#you sir should not have kids#and no im not totally just projecting my repressed daddy issues on Ging why would that thought even cross ur mind#i mean gon had been through a lot in the caa and the only person who decided that: hey maybe someone should go check on the gon n kilua beca#-use they're childern who just been through an actual war#was leorio and he wasnt even there#ok so he didnt check on killua but thats mainly bc he was doing his own thing with his sis#but u bet ur ass if he was there killua would have gotten a bear hug too#its just- no one else thought to make sure they were ok and i now the rest of the gang were most likely dealing with there own shit but#*know#but nobody did anything to help with their trauma afterwords#thats just makes me so MAD UGHH#leorio is the only one sane adult in hxh and hes barley adult himself the oldest he gets in the series is 21#anyways to sum all this up fuck ging and we stand leorio#sorry this is a lot longer than i planned but i have alot of feelings#hunter x hunter#hunter x hunter 2011#hunter x hunter fanart#hunter x hunter art#gon freecs#leorio paladiknight#hxh leorio#hxh gon#hxh fanart#digital art
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harringtown · 4 years
every night my dad gets home from work we have like a 30 minute update on just how fucked everything is and like. im grateful to be informed of course but also...ignorance is fucking bliss sometimes.
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cuz-reasons · 4 years
Room sad now
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sensesdialed-a · 5 years
This post contains spoilers for Endgame!! 
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I thought I’d compile a little list of some things that I just want to point out because I LOVE THEM, while also adding a bit of my own headcanons to the mix. Why? I’m extra and I love Peter Parker, that’s why. 
The way he swings in when the portal opens. You can clearly SEE him coming from the background, and when he lands he’s up front and center, mask falling down and his face revealed-- I just love the way his hair looks and tiny curl upwards of his lips and the expression of ASTONISHMENT he constantly has
AS ALL THE AVENGERS WERE LINING UP, RIGHT BEFORE CAP SAID “Avengers assemble,” Peter’s little pose on the ground!!! The Spider-Man pose!!! I LOVE ONE (1) BOY!!!
He’s swinging as everyone charges for Thanos’s army ( visible in the background when looking upwards ), but there aren’t exactly skyscrapers, which means he’s propelling himself off anyone/anything that’s flying 
Peter is the one to web away an alien from Tony, and helps him stand up again just like he did towards the end of Infinity War!
The way Peter starts rambling, the way he explains what happened in space and dying and everything. I’ve already touched on this so I’ll keep it brief but everything has been passing by so FAST he hasn’t even fully registered it yet, it hasn’t hit him, which is why this is the way he explains. Which is so GOOD too, because it’s a glimpse of who Peter is, it’s that childlike personality, and Tony got to see that again before the end
His little hand motion while describing the portals? Adorable
THE HUG! Peter is absolutely unsuspecting of it at first, he sort of hesitates for a moment because is this really happening? Tony did say they weren’t there yet, but that was a while ago, and they’d already hugged but to Peter it wasn’t long ago at all, and he’d been DYING. It’s noticeable the way Peter’s hands don’t immediately settle against the suit, instead shaking a bit, because he’s unsure. And then he realizes it is a hug, and they fall.
“Oh, this is nice” It’s just....really cute okay, and the EXACT kind of thing Peter would say djbksd ( super tactile kid, touch starved, melts into hugs )
WHEN HE CAUGHT THE GAUNTLET FROM T’CHALLA! Just the way he flipped through the air and how T’challa trusted him to catch it I love it
He turns on instant kill, and then he’s basically hugging the gauntlet to his chest while the legs of his suit does the work ( my hc about why he does it )
He’s definitely overwhelmed by the mass of aliens attacking him, they SURROUND him and there’s only so much he can do, it’s too crowded which sets off his senses
Being pulled up by Mjolnir?? Good shit 
Peter introducing himself to Valkyrie when he lands on the Pegasus, “Nice to meet you- oHHH MY GOD”
That fall to the ground. He hits the ground and his focus is on the gauntlet, but there’s that sort of explosion, his mask falls. By now he’s injured, he’s got a visible bloody nose, and as all of that happens so quick his senses DEFINITELY overload, and he ends up curled up on the ground. I noticed this time that the gauntlet actually ISN’T in his hands immediately when he curls up, it lands a few feet away, which means he had to reach forward to grab it. 
The interaction between Carol and Peter as he clutches the gauntlet on the ground? Golden
When Peter gets up he looks dazed, exhausted, his head is pounding and everything hurts, and he gives the gauntlet to her, and despite everything, he managed to do some GOOD
The death scene. Peter’s talking so much yet again, he tells Tony they won because he needs him to know that, says they won over and over again because if they WON, Tony has to be alive. He says “it’s me, it’s Peter” hoping that might get him to stay alive too. His voice is shaky and his bottom lip is trembling, and the voice cracks when he says Tony, and once he’s pulled back,,,the way his hands raise, as if he’s trying to cover his mouth but can’t quite get there
He said he’s sorry AGAIN. Those were his last words to Tony when he dusted and when Tony died, because Peter 100% blames himself, he thinks he could have done something to fix it
When he walks back into the school, there’s a solemn look on his face, his expression is sad, you can see it in his eyes, but there’s a smile the moment he sees Ned, relief, some familiarity, his best friend
At the funeral, Peter looks as if he’s choking back tears. May earns the aunt of the year award yet again ( we were robbed of a Peter and May reunion ), her hand just,,,gently touching Peter’s shoulder,,,,aaH
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vashwoodtears · 6 years
Taking a pause in viewing to get some much needed rest but I just wanna say fuck vld lol
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honeydazai · 2 years
when you want them to cum inside of you
feat.: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Itto, Scaramouche, Ayato, Xiao
warnings: nsfw content, breeding kink, Itto's dick has barbs and ridges, knotting, implications of pregnancy, begging, dirty talk, degradation, overstimulation
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While DILUC is usually rather tender with you, some part of his mind simply short-circuits when you ask him to cum inside of you. He pauses for a moment, his eyebrows raised in surprise, but you don't need to say more to convince him. He's thrusting into you again a few moments later, his pace damn near violent compared to before, and all you can do is whine and arch your back and take it.
Diluc himself is all low groans and grunts; he wants a family so badly, so when you offer him to fill you up, he suddenly can't think about anything but you, dripping with his cum, anymore. He's moaning out promises of breeding you so so well while pounding into you, and it doesn't take much longer before he reaches his orgasm, his cum spilling into you, and he presses a loving kiss to your lips afterwards.
“Ah, fuck, you have no idea what you do to me—, I'll fill you up so good, darling, I promise you that. I'm gonna make you a mommy, sweetheart, don't you worry.”
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The second KAEYA moves to pull out, you dig your nails into his shoulders, surely leaving red crescent moons there, and he raises an eyebrow at you. When you whimper that you so desperately want him to cum inside of you, he huffs out a laugh, though it sounds strained. His following words are mocking, but they lack the usual sharpness.
He's a lot more affected by your plea than he lets on; it shows in the way his dick twitches inside of your cunt and how his pace speeds up as he thrusts into you a few final times, his hips slapping against your ass with lewd squelching noises. You mewl as he fills you up with liquid warmth, his cum following his cock out of your loose cunt as he pulls away, and he chuckles when you whimper at the feeling.
“Oh? Do you need me to fill you up that badly? That's pretty—, ah, that's pretty pathetic, you know. But I guess I don't mind indulging you one time, love, even if you're acting like a slut right now.”
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The moment you clench around CHILDE's dick just as he's about to pull out, he frowns. Then, however, when you choke out that you want him to cum inside, he's damn near ecstatic. He groans out filthy promises of breeding you until you've got an entire family of your own, of him making sure you'll never be empty anymore and of you constantly dripping with his cum.
Half-heartedly, he pushes a pillow underneath your hips to aid with fertility before he reaches his orgasm with a moan, his eyes fluttering closed and his fingers digging bruises into your hips. The second his gaze falls onto your cunt, leaking your shared cum, he hums, his head tilted to the side as if in deep thought, and he decides right then and there that he's going to buy you a few proper plugs tomorrow.
“Fuck, girlie, you're gonna look so damn pretty once I've got you all filled up. I'll breed you so good, fuck—, I'll make sure you'll never have to be empty again. Gonna buy you a plug, even make you wear it in damn public to make sure everyone knows you're mine.”
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You're currently bouncing up and down on ZHONGLI's lap as he groans into your ear, his voice low and rough; a tell-tale sign that he's about to cum that you've learned to recognise by now. This time, however, you don't let him lift you off his lap; instead, you close your legs around his waist as you all but beg him to breed you.
Zhongli doesn't hesitate to comply with your wishes — a moan tumbles from his lips as he cums inside of you, filling you up, and you gasp as, quite suddenly, his dick stretches your dripping cunt wider as his knot builds up. This isn't something you had expected, though you probably should have; he is part dragon after all. That, of course, also means that he's incredibly potent, so those promises of breeding you he's whispering into your ear while he holds you close are most likely going to become reality.
“Ah, my love, you feel so good when you're clenching around my knot like that. There we go, you're taking me so well. I cannot wait to see you swollen with my children.”
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ITTO's stamina is rather impressive, really — you're pretty sure it has something to do with his Oni heritage —, though at this point, you're close to losing your mind with how badly you need everything he has to offer you. That is exactly why, when he suddenly pulls out, the barbs of his dick catching on your sensitive walls in the process, you whine in disappointment and uselessly clench around him.
His initial confusion when you beg him to fill you up only last for a moment — shortly after, he thrusts back into you with new-found vigour, his hands on your thighs as he manhandles you into a mating press. Honestly, you bit of more than you're able to chew with Itto; he's dead-set on breeding you until you're dripping with his cum now, and he's got the stamina to match his goal. You, however, do not, and it's no surprise that you're sobbing and crying by your third orgasm, your whole body aching.
“Fuck, ah, you're so damn tight around my cock—, what, you crying already? Does the Great Arataki Itto's dick feel that good? Don't ya worry, there's a lot more where that came from!”
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The moment you whimper and ask for him to cum inside of you in an almost shy tone, SCARAMOUCHE's lips curl into a cruel smirk. He scoffs as he continues to thrust into you, his nails leaving red crescent moons on your skin as he digs his fingers into your hips to pull you closer. His rhythm speeds up just a little, though he orders you to beg for him to breed you before he even thinks about cumming — and making you cum. When he eventually does, he chuckles at how you're whimpering when liquid warmth fills you up.
When he notices the way his cum drips out of your loose hole, no matter how much you try and clench around nothing, he huffs out a laugh. Then, Scaramouche scoops the semen you've lost up on two of his lithe fingers and pushes it back into your cunt, earning himself a high-pitched moan as your back arches. He can't resist playing with you a little, especially when you cry about being too sensitive, and he wants nothing more than to hear you plead with him to stop overstimulating you.
“What, did you really think I needed your permission to cum inside of you? That's embarrassingly naive. Really, did I already fuck you stupid? Anyway, if you want my cum so badly, then beg for it.”
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AYATO can't fully suppress a low chuckle when you beg him to fill you up, to breed you until you're dripping with his cum. He's terribly smug as he once more snaps his hips forward, relishing in your needy moan and in the way you spread your legs wider in an obvious invitation.
He mocks you for how desperate you're behaving, his voice a teasing melodic lilt as he calls you crude words like 'slut' and comments on how shameless you're being. Still, he can't deny that he enjoys the thought of breeding you, which is why he eventually does end up spilling inside of you. Still, he makes you thank him for allowing you the honour of getting his semen — really, it's a little ridiculous even for him, but the way you obey the order and thank him with tears shining in your eyes makes his dick twitch again.
“Speak up, dear, I can barely understand what you're saying with how much you're blabbering. Oh? You want me to cum inside of you? Ah, I see. Tell me, do you think you deserve it then?”
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For just a moment, XIAO isn't quite sure if he has heard you correctly when you, all whimpers and high-pitched mewls, beg him to cum inside of you. Then, however, he sinks his teeth into the soft skin of your throat, his fangs drawing just the slightest bit of blood as he pounds into you, his grip on your hips only ever tightening. There's something so possessive about the thought of breeding you, of cumming inside of your cunt — he just has to follow through with it.
You choke out a needy moan as Xiao fills you up, your thighs trembling, and you arch your back at the feeling. When he moves to pull out and some of his cum drips out of your loose hole, he grunts, obviously not satisfied, and pushes back into you, his dick serving as a makeshift plug.
“Fuck—, ah, you're fucking dripping. Keep it inside, come on—, fuck. That's not working. Fine. Guess I'll just have to stay inside of you for a little longer then.”
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notes: thank you nick for telling me this is hot you are my favourite
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osakiharu · 2 years
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part one | part two 
content : gender neutral reader, fluff, giving them their bonten hair <3, not proof read
characters : rindou, ran
notes : babe wake up grace finally posted part 2 !!
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- rindou is actually very good at doing stuff with his hair - he doesn’t actually try too hard to make it look good, he just kinda cuts it however he thinks is best and then dyes it and it somehow always looks perfect 
- if you ask him how he cuts his hair he can’t tell you a single thing he does - he just says “use scissors, obviously 🤨”
- he dyes and cuts it when he’s bored too - that’s why it always looks like it never grows out because he’s constantly maintaining it 🫶
- so it surprised you when his hair started getting a lot longer than it usually is and he said he wanted a mullet 
- “come over i’m doing my hair” - he used to prefer doing his hair alone (it’s like a therapy session for him) but once you came over whilst he was in the middle of it and now he says he can’t focus properly unless he has you sat looking pretty on the counter next to him <3
- rindou always cuts his hair with no shirt on because he hates getting hair in the back of his clothes - he does it every time, even if you’re not with him but he loves seeing you sit there like 👁
- he let you help him cut it <3 usually he doesn’t because he doesn’t need any help but this style was kinda different to his last and he didn’t want to take any chances and fuck it up
- he cut the top of it whilst you trimmed the long bits at the back - you were trying to be so careful because he told you to just “even it out and make sure it’s all the same length” but it was so hard because he kept moving his head forwards and pulling his hair away from your hands >:(
- “rin, stop moving forwards, i’m gonna make a mistake!” 
- he just laughs and goes “no you won’t, angel.” you could tell that was meant to be reassuring but also a “don’t you dare fuck my hair up.” kinda thing <3
- it’s okay though !! it turned out fine <3 he let you go over it and do that thing where you cut upwards to make it less straight - you were kinda impressed at how he managed to do it pretty well tbh 
- like he had layers going on and everything 🧍‍♀️ 
- it was a bit messy in a few places but eventually he would even that out and it would look fine <3 it looked great as it was though
- he got hair all over his face so he got you to brush it off n you gave him kisses all over his face :( made him blush n lean into your touch <3 - he’s a big softie i don’t care how scary he wants to act
- he has no reasons for dyeing his hair purple. he just wanted to. like he walked into the shop, picked it up, and left without a thought. 
- did not want to get hair dye on his hands so he used gloves and a brush. he made you use a brush too - he hates having coloured fingers for a week straight  and he just prefers brushes 
- he just slapped the light purple dye on top of the blue and blonde 💀 
- he likes the smell of the dye too <3 like he inhales it straight from the bowl he loves it 
- lets you do the front and top of his hair - rindou kinda just wanted to have you sat in front of him so he could look at you <3 every now and then he leans forwards to kiss your nose <3
- he does the back and afterwards he gets you to check it to make sure he didn’t completely miss a spot 
- while you wait to wash it out he plays music on his massive stereo and dances around like an idiot <3 sometimes he has moments where he’s not scared to embarrass himself in front of you and it’s so fun :(
- he gets you to hold the shower over his head while he leans over the tub and washes his own hair - it’s so funny because every now and again he’s like “move it to the right- no not that far- Y/N!!” 
- you’re just stood there giggling over how annoyed he gets over tiny things which makes you move it around more and he just looks at you upside down like >:(( - he’s trying so hard to act like he doesn’t find it funny too 
- once he dries his hair he lets you do the darker purple bits <3 
- it’s really relaxing too because the music’s been turned down so it’s softer coming from the other room and rindou’s just quietly telling you where to run the dye through his hair and telling you how you’re doing a good job :(
- you’re kinda just working together to try and make his hair look cool 😭
- “oh wait, we have a lot left… should we put some on the ends, too?” “wait, yeah, that would be cool!” “go on then, pretty, that’s your job <3″
- and after another session of rindou telling you where to hold the shower and you moving it the other way to annoy him it was finished <3
- “you look so pretty, rin.” ooo he’s so happy to have long hair to hide his blush now <3
˗ˏˋ RAN
- lazy ran >:( you gotta do everything for him. (mainly because he knows more about taking care of his hair rather than dyeing it and shit)
- i feel like he started to get recognised by people who aren’t in gangs too much - he would see random girls in the street like omg it’s ran haitani!! 🥰 and he’d be like what the fuck… and as much as he would’ve loved to have his little fan club of girls, he did not want to become a celebrity any time soon
- not when he’s just become part of bonten 🧍‍♀️new gang new him ig 🫶
- plus he was TIRED of brushing out his long hair and finding massive hairs all over the house since he always wears it down at home - rindou will never forget the time he found one in his food. 
- you see… he was going to leave it at short black hair (he was acting like cutting it all off was gonna change much). you loved it and thought it looked great on him, he was literally in love with himself and taking pictures left and right… and then he saw rindou’s hair and he was like now hold on. 
- ran makes sure that everything you do is done properly - he likes to take very good care of his hair and it’s very healthy so he doesn’t want to completely fry it with bleach if he can..
- “fucking hell, that stinks!” ran is not a fan of the bleach 🤷‍♀️ 
- “can’t smell as bad as your room.” you were prepared to run.
- he was very much invested in watching the black lift out of his hair and turn blond - he just sat there with his chin in his palm like :0 whilst you finished putting it on <3
- it was burning a little though and he kept itching it which was a pain in the ass for you - you’d be there putting the final bits of bleach on and he would just shove his entire hand in the way like 🖐 
- he also just wipes his hands on his shirt and sweatpants after. so by the time you’re done there’s like the same amount of bleach on those as there is on his head…
- “can i wash this shit out now?” its been 10 minutes. 
- he hates the fact that he has to take breaks in between each stage. like he really does contemplate going and taking a nap whilst he’s waiting to wash the bleach out. 
- he gets you to wash his hair too <3 but you know how much he likes it when you touch and play with his hair so he saw the opportunity and took it
- he’s just leaning over the bathtub like 🥰🥰 while you rinse the shampoo out his hair - “gonna have to get you to do this all the time, angel… feels s’ nice.” that man is ready to fall asleep right there. 
- dye time no way !!
- he mixes it up for you <3 not because he wanted to make himself useful he just thought it looked fun idk
- “wait, i wanna try!” he ends up getting it all over his forehead and he sits there giggling like an idiot when you go and grab a wipe to get it off before it stains his eyebrows or something 😭
- has you sit in his lap when you do the sides and front of his hair - it makes your job harder but having ran’s hands settled on your hips and thighs as he gives you little kisses makes it worth it <3
- likes to mess around with you too - “you missed a spot… no there- to the left- no, my left!” “i’ve been over that bit three times, ran!” “no, that was the other bit you missed, silly!
- you did not miss anything actually 🫶 he’s just an asshole
- once you’ve finished putting it on he wraps his arms around your waist and puts his chin on your shoulder <3
- “get that dye in my hair and i’ll shave your head, ran.”
- “you can match with me ‘n’ rindou!” 
- once his hair is washed and dried it takes him ages to figure out where he wants to put the darker bits
- in the end he was like y’know what lets just put it wherever and see what happens 💀
- he was BORED. once ran gets bored of something his attention span goes out the window and he just wants to go and do something else or nap
- you stood in front of him to put the purple through the front of his hair and he was sat looking up at you like 🥰
- ran loves you <3
- once you’ve washed everything out for the third time that day you’d think everything was finished and you could go and chill and watch a movie or something
- ran wants to do a hair mask with you so you have no choice but to do one 🤷‍♀️
- if you think ran is gonna bleach and dye his hair like that all in one day without doing some form of hair care you’re insane…
- he puts it on for you and tells you how you did such a good job on his hair mwah <3 
- when rindou comes home he’s stood there with a shit eating grin like “we’re matching!” as if the tattoos aren’t enough 😭
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yunjardi · 2 years
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just a friend (jake x fem reader)
warnings::: smut (!! mdni !!), angst???, swearing, dom/cocky jake, female-bodied reader, hints of a toxic relationship w/ current bf (sunghoon), mentions of weed, alcohol, oral, unprotected sex, usage of the pet name slut, reader calls jake daddy like once, choking, mirror sex, bulge kink, fingering, dirty talk, cheating (idk if i missed anything :,) pls lmk if i did)  
w.c. ~3k
•intentional lowercase  
sorry for any errors, i didn’t really take time to read this over to make sure that it made sense LOL 
read part 2 here
"seriously, sunghoon?!" you exclaimed, your voice breaking up due to the yelling that's been taking place in your shared home with your boyfriend, "it's getting harder and harder for me to deal with your shit! how did you think i was supposed to react to you grinding on another girls ass at a club? did you expect me to be fine with it or something?! i'm sick of this shit!" it was getting more and more difficult to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes as you stood in front of sunghoon who reeked of weed and hard liquor.  
nam-ji, a friend of yours, had spotted him at a nightclub at around 7:40-ish (it was now a quarter til 9) after he told you that he was gonna be late because of working overtime, and she managed to take a few shots and videos of him fooling around to send to you.  
"babe, i was drunk and smoking! i didn't know what the fuck i was doing! i didn't even know who that bitch was anyway, so why does it matter?" sunghoon said in frustration (as if he had the right to be), banging his fist against the counter. "see? here you go with your excuses again; excuse after excuse after excuse. when will you ever own up to the shit you do?!" you refuted as you began to walk away, not wanting him to see the fact that you were beginning to cry. "where are you going? stop being so dramatic," he complained (again) as if he had the right to do so.  
he tried to grab onto your wrist, but you quickly swatted at his hand as soon as you felt his touch. "get away from me, i don't even wanna look at you right now," you said with an even weaker voice than before. "fine," sunghoon sighed out before walking away and plopping down on the couch without a care in the world. you slammed the bedroom door, locking it so that he wouldn't try to come in.  
  a quiet sigh left your lips as you sat defeatedly on the edge of the soft bed that you and sunghoon had been sharing for over a year now. aggressively wiping the tears off of your face, you pick up your phone and shoot nam-ji a text message.  
 are you still at the club?  
   you waited for no longer than 5 minutes before she texted you back.  
    of course i am lol, what's up?  
   a mischievous smile crept onto on your face with this new found information as you swiftly replied to her message.  
   i'm on my way  
   you hopped off the bed and made your way into the bathroom, looking at your tear-stained face in the mirror. it's my turn.  
with one final look in the full-length mirror, you opened the bedroom door for the first time since the verbal altercation with sunghoon to see him fast asleep on the couch, a movie playing in the background. you couldn't help but sigh at the sight of it. yeah, sunghoon may be a shitty guy at times, but you can't seem to forget the good times that you two had when you first got together. you quickly shook off those soft thoughts as you began to remember why you guys argued in the first place, continuing to storm out of the house, making sure to slam the door on your way out to make it known that you were leaving.  
your uber driver pulled into the parking lot of the nightclub, unlocking the door for you to step out. nam-ji and a few of her other friends came to meet you by the door of the club, ready with cocktails to give you immediately to get the party started as soon as possible. "what's up, y/n!" nam-ji said as she threw her arm over my shoulder, "came to escape sunghoon?" you rolled your eyes as you took the cocktail that she offered me, "don't even say his fucking name right now." you gulped down the cocktail as nam-ji dragged you over to the dance floor, spinning you around all crazy to try and cheer you up. "get us another round of drinks, y/n!" nam-ji said loudly so that you could hear her over the thumping bass of the music. you nodded and disappeared into the crowd, making your way to the bar.  
to your surprise, the bar was fairly empty considering how full the club was. sitting at the bar were a small group of friends and a handsome guy with beautiful dyed blond hair, wearing a long-sleeve black satin button-up polo shirt with the sleeves rolled up perfectly to where you could see his muscular forearms. your black satin mini-dress perfectly matched his shirt as if it was destiny that you two were supposed to meet tonight. ‘his arm would look perfect hooked around my waist,' you smirked to yourself as you approached the part of the table he was sitting at. you sat yourself down on the chair next to his, as you made eye-contact with the bartender. "a round of vodka shots, please," you said in a sweet, yet seductive tone (hoping to get the handsome guys's attention) as you began to pull cash out of your wallet to pay for the drinks. just then, you were confronted by a veiny hand that gently pushed yours away, handing the bartender a shiny credit card.  
“it’s on me, sir,” he said to the bartender, his thick accent making you melt. you quickly looked to the side to see a smirk plastered face, blushing at how sexy he was. “you really don’t have to,” you sputtered out in shock, still taken back by the gesture. “i wanted to,” he chuckled, “pretty girls like you should be spoiled by a handsome guy like me.” oh, he’s hot and he is well aware of it; his confidence somehow began to consume your being, a hot pit growing in your stomach of lust and desire. “is that so?” you responded, inching slightly closer to him, making him visibly flustered which boosted your confidence, “who are you to be so bold, hm?”  
“jake sim,” he replied with an amount of confidence that you didn’t even know someone could exude, “and you?” “y/n,” you said, hoping that the club was dark enough for him to not see how red your face had turned. for a second, your mind drifted back to sunghoon, but your thoughts were immediately swayed back to jake’s alluring energy. “what’s on your mind, beautiful?” jake asked, noticing that you seemed lost in thought. “do you really wanna know?” you asked and he nodded as you looked into his deep brown eyes.
everything went so quickly that you don’t even remember how you ended up pressed against his bedroom door, lips locked onto his in attempt to mute the lewd sounds that left your lips, sunghoon nowhere in your mind; your mind was filled with jake and only jake.
not breaking the kiss, you and jake stumbled over to his bed, craving more of each other. jake began to slowly unbutton his silky shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs, you followed his lead and began to undress yourself alongside him. you sat on your knees on the bed, him standing in front of you as you unbuckled his leather belt, the clinking of the metal riling you up. “such a slut,” he chuckled sexily as he ran his slender fingers through your hair, “so eager to get in my pants, hm?” you bit down on your lip as you slowly slid his trousers down his legs. “can you blame me?” you teased as he threw his pants to the side, moving onto the bed next to you, rolling you over to face the huge mirror he had hung on his wall as he landed a spank on your ass that was still clad in pretty, lacy panties.  
jake pulled you up by your thighs, wrapped his hand around the nape of your neck, and pushed your upper body down onto the bed in a dominant manner, making sure your back was arched just the way he liked it. “yeah, that’s right. you look so pretty with your ass up for me and only me, but you’re gonna look even prettier with my cock stuffed inside your pussy. gonna make you forget all about that son of a bitch boyfriend of yours, right, princess?” his words and actions caused your panties to cling to your soaked entrance as you let out a hum in approval. suddenly, jake ripped your panties down your thighs, roughly lifting up your calves to discard them onto the floor.  
“i’ve barely even laid a finger on you and you’re already soaking wet. how cute,” Jake cooed teasingly against your trembling thighs, desperate for him to touch you in all the right places. just then, you felt his lips kissing up and down your thighs, only prolonging your desperation for him. “please touch me, jake,” you begged as you gripped the blanket that was spread across the bed. “i have no choice since you asked so nicely,” jake smirked against your skin, his lips getting closer and closer to your warmth with every kiss. he proceeded to lick a stripe down your aching entrance, causing you to whine at the sudden contact. he moaned against your pussy as he continued to work his tongue against your now desperately aching warmth, inserting one of his long fingers inside you. he used his free hand to massage your soft ass, spanking you occasionally when you’d start to moan louder. “i want you so b-bad,” you whined out, your legs already shaking in anticipation. “use your manners, slut,” he growled as his hand landed harshly on your ass. “please, daddy,” you whined again as your legs began to close, craving friction. “that’s my girl,” he said softly against your back as he lined himself up with your entrance, pushing his length in.  
his size caused you to let out a gasp as he bottomed out. as soon as he started to move, you bit down on the blanket in attempt to silence your moans only for jake to softly tug on your hair to pull your head up. "eyes on me or i'll stop, got it?" he demanded, pointing at the mirror that was across the room on the opposite wall.  
"y-yes," you moaned out, desperate for him to begin moving again. "good girl," he breathed out seductively as he began to thrust in and out of you again.  
you made sure to keep looking at him in the mirror, not wanting him to stop even for a split second. you watched the way he'd bite his lip whenever you'd clench around him. "jake, please don't stop," you begged as he looked up, making eye contact with you in the mirror, making you blush. "oh princess," he chuckled cockily, "i don't plan on stopping any time soon."  
just then, he pulled his soaked cock out of you to switch positions, slamming you back down onto the bed and spreading your legs. he brushed his tip teasingly against your entrance, causing you to squirm and helplessly beg with your eyes for him to slam back into you. "please, please, please," you whined quietly as he lowered his head to trail kisses from your neck down to your lacy, see-through bra, still barely putting his tip inside. "what a needy slut, begging for me to shove my big cock inside her," he scoffed, immediately shoving the entirety of his length inside you, your walls clenching around him almost violently as you hooked your legs around his waist in hopes to feel him even deeper than he already was.
jake wrapped his veiny hand around your throat as he pounded you until you were getting sore. the moans you let out were almost pornographic, which drove him insane. "fuckkkk," he groaned out against your neck, "get up and ride me." you immediately follow his command as you two switched positions.
you hovered over him enough so that you could sink down onto his still stiff cock, moaning as you sank further and further down until he was entirely inside you. "it's so big," you whined quietly as you shifted your hips around to adjust to the new angle that you were taking him in. "poor little slut, trying so hard to take me," he cooed almost mockingly, "oh, look at that." he put his hand just below your bellybutton where his cockhead made a small part of your stomach bulge out. he took hold of your hips to start rocking them back and forth on his length, watching the bump move with the movements of your hips. "f-feels so good," you moaned out as you began to take the lead, putting your hands down on his toned abs to speed up the pace. "fuck, just like that," he threw his head back and groaned out as his hands firmly gripped your thighs, "who knew such a cute girl would be such a whore?" his sweet, sexy smile completely contradicted his words and actions.
you felt yourself getting weaker and more and more overstimulated as jake brought his hand down to your clit, rubbing it in gentle circles as you continued to grind your hips against his. before you knew it, you creamed all over his veiny member while moaning out his name and leaving nail marks on his abdomen and upper thighs. you could feel his cock twitching inside you as you still gently rolled your hips against his. not wanting to risk the effects of him cumming inside you, you got off of him and began to stroke his aching cock with your hands before placing kisses up and down his shaft, making him roll his eyes back. "shit," he breathed out as he finally released the orgasm that he'd been holding back since the beginning. you licked his shaft clean as he ran his fingers through your hair.  "such a good girl."
after getting cleaned up, jake came back into his bedroom with a cold glass of water and a snack for you. you blushed at his gesture as you gladly took the snack from him, starting to eat as he scooted into bed next to you. after finishing your snack and water, jake held you close to him as you both drifted off to sleep, completely forgetting that sunghoon was home alone doing god knows what. in fact, you didn't care.
you and jake don't even fully remember waking up. all you personally remember is panicking when you realized you were still in bed with him, the remnants of last night's makeup being on your hands after rubbing your eyelids and slipping on last night's dress because you had no other clothes.
"hey, jake?" you asked, him looking at you quickly with his cute puppy face that was completely different from the sexy dominant expressions of last night, "d-do you mind taking me home?" you were kinda nervous about his answer but immediately stopped worrying when he smiled and grabbed his keys from the counter. "on one condition," he started, you nodded then cocked your head to the side slightly, wondering what his 'one condition' was, "you have to give me your number." you blushed hard as you handed jake your almost dead phone, and he smirked as he entered his number into it. "okay, now we can go," he chuckled as he opened the front door, letting you out first.  
"is this the one?" jake asked, pulling up into the driveway and pointing at the little house that you shared with sunghoon. "yup, this is it," you sighed as you looked back at him, "text me, okay?" he smiled and looked down shyly, "you don't have to tell me twice." you both shared a few more smiles before waving goodbye to each other. jake made sure to stay in the driveway until you safely got inside the house, leaving once you closed the front door.
you were greeted by a seemingly fuming sunghoon right as you opened the door, but for whatever reason, you weren't as phased as you thought you'd be. "where the hell were you? and who the fuck was that?" he interrogated in an aggressive manner, one of his hands beginning to clench into a fist. you shrugged as you walked past him.
"just a friend."
a/n: sorry if this is super fucking cliché, i just wanted to start posting some fics since it’s been years since i've done this. but anyway, i hope that you enjoyed reading it, and feel free to let me know if you want a part 2 of this fic :”””)
-jake whore jardi
©yunjardi on tumblr
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bajablastwrites · 2 years
Wisdom teef moment
Saiki x fem! Reader
Summary: You just got your wisdom teeth removed and saiki is by your side through it all.
A fun fact about being under nitrous oxide (laughing gas), other than it knocking you out, relaxing you and making you higher than a kite, you probably won’t even remember jack shit while under its effects. You’ll be under that and anesthesia so you’re extra gone too.
Saiki was there for the entire procedure and watched in amusement as you tried to fight to stay conscious while breathing in the nitrous oxide, him being a little shit trying to egg you on by saying shit like ‘come on you can fight it, you can stay awake a little longer for me, can’t you?’ as your speech started to slur and slowly started to lose consciousness. With the last thing you hearing was the dentist laughing >:(
After your procedure was over and the mask was taken off he noticed that he couldn’t hear your thoughts even though you were… sorta awake. Then the dentist tells him that you’re gonna be a little loopy for a bit and gave him and your parents instructions on how to care for you and such. He realized that because you were drugged out of your mind he couldn’t read your thoughts, because there was nothing to read cuz you’re not coherent or actually conscious at the moment. You were very talkative with the dentist and him though! When you looked at him (you practically stared at him for a full minute in silence tbh) you gave him a very excited and muffled “hello! How are you! :D” and then waved at him. He couldn’t help but smile, then waved back at you and asked how you were feeling. Which you told him you felt good and then told him how he reminds you of your boyfriend named Saiki Kusuo and how he’s super cute and how you love him so so much!
Saiki was amused but also confused then told you that he IS your boyfriend Saiki Kusuo. Which caused you to let out a loud gasp, with Kusuo telling you that you have to keep your mouth closed. When the dentist came back into the room you excitedly pointed at Kusuo exclaiming how he’s your boyfriend.
“Look! That’s my boyfriend!” You said, your voice being muffled by the cotton stuffed in your mouth as you excitedly pointed at Kusuo. The nurse being more than happy to indulge you “Really!That’s your boyfriend!” She said, pretending to be surprised by the information. You nodded excitedly “Yeah! He’s super cute and I love him a lot!” Your voice being muffled made your voice sound kinda cute to Kusuo, especially with your childlike enthusiasm. The nurse continued to play along as she helped you into a wheelchair “You do? That’s so cute!” She cooed out. You may drugged out of your mind but even in that state you still loved Kusuo. “I hope I get to be with him for a really long time! He’s so cute and nice….I wanna marry him!” Your voice slurring towards the end as you started to lose your train of thought, but that didn’t stop you from trying to voice your love and affection about Kusuo to the nurse though! Honestly Kusuo was touched but also a but amused that you’re putting everything you’ve got to try and find the words to say that you loved him to a complete stranger, but he loves you too.
Kusuo got a lil flustered with you babbling to the dentist about how much you love him and the dentist finding your childish babbling about how you want to be with your boyfriend super cute. But eventually the dentist tells you that you need to keep your mouth closed to keep the gauze in place to stop the bleeding. Kusuo expected you to freak the fuck out but instead you just gave the dentist a simple “ok! :)” and just sat there with your mouth clamped shut.
You’ll occasional forget that Kusuo is there and it’s amusing to him how you’ll look around or space out for a bit and then look back at him and just go “Hi, Ku! :D” as if he wasn’t there the whole time. He’ll give you a ‘Hello, to you too.’ back as he listens to you babble incoherent nonsense to him. Sometimes you tell him things that you normally wouldn’t say, he loves it.
So now you’re being wheeled out to your parent’s car, with Kusuo there to make sure you don’t hurt yourself while he gently holds your mouth closed. Throughout the car ride you would try to talk to him or even ask him for affection like kisses and such, he would give you a kiss on the side of your head and gently tell you that you need keep your mouth closed to have the gauze stay in place. You would listen to him for a bit before you would babble about random things to him. Then you started getting emotional about your relationship with Kusuo and prattled on about how much you loved him and how lucky you are to have him.
Kusuo didn’t know how to respond because your mood shifted so fast, not to mention that you’re in tears just talking about your love for him— which made him feel overwhelmed, he knows you feel that way about him but verbally saying it just hits differently, even if you’re drugged out of your mind. He loves you too.
Man’s totally took advantage of your fucked up mind and became very affectionate with you, what you don’t know won’t hurt you right? From pet names to actual affectionate touches like hugs, you got it from him. You’re not gonna remember it and he was pretty content knowing that you won’t know. He’s weird like that.
When you got to your house he took you up to your room and helped change the gauze in your mouth. It was….an experience for him because first off he had to get you to open your mouth, then stick his fingers into said mouth to get the bloody gauze out and then stick his fingers back into your mouth to replace the gauze with new ones. So now he has bloody and saliva covered gauze and fingers.
Could he have used his powers to get the job done? Yes. Did he think about that? No. Kusuo lacks common sense, he works harder not smarter😤. But he did it, he threw the gauze out and washed his hands then had to lay on your back so you can go to sleep. Except you randomly kept trying to sit up asking Kusuo how you got here. With his response always being “you don’t need to worry about that, just rest for now.” Until you finally went to sleep. He watched you sleep btw.
When you finally woke up the first thing you asked Kusuo was how you got here. He sighed give you the rundown and filled you in on how you managed to end up in your room— obviously leaving out him being affectionate to you during that time. Again not that you would know.
For the next couple of days Kusuo did his best to monitor you, whether he was physically with you or through clairvoyance. If you were with him he would spoon feed you food and bring an extra cup of coffee jelly and spoon feed it to you as well— occasionally taking a bite or two of his own.
He really wanted to pinch and squish your swollen cheeks, but for obvious reasons he couldn’t. He doesn’t want to be the reason you’re in pain after all….most of he time. He’ll lightly poke or caress your cheeks from time to time but that’s about it. You had to tell him to stop because it was still causing you some mild pain— at least in the areas where the main swelling was happening, you would’ve love the affection in any other circumstance. So he went after your cheekbones since it was the next best thing. Still being mindful not to pull or poke too hard since he doesn’t want to irritate the swollen area and cause you pain.
He does everything he can to make sure you recover as fast as possible, because as much as he hates to admit it, he misses your kisses. Yeah you look cute all swollen like a chipmunk but what’s the point if he can’t receive kissies from you >:(
The moment he sees you’ve fully recovered he’s expecting compensation for his service in the form of kisses and coffee jelly— you know what just give him both. Both is good.
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i4lixie · 2 years
☠ hotter than ur ex, better than ur next
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hyunjin was only supposed to be a fleeting moment in your life between lovers, but his fierce attitude and your greed for more of him makes him stay much longer.
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contents: fluff & some smut, this is just me dwelling into my emo!brat!hyunjin fantasies, hyunjin has piercings, i’m 100% making this a series bc ♡hyunjin♡, fem!reader, fem!terms
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you had just finished removing the last remains of your makeup when your window suddenly opened suddenly opened from behind you. you flinch but sigh in relief when a head of bright red hair comes into your vision through your vanity mirror, the tall male shutting the door behind you and closing your blinds as he turns to give you a smirk.
hwang hyunjin. somewhat of a walking stereotype, to say the least. your typical bad boy—mostly black, cunning words and sly eyes, black boots, piercings, and the motorcycle. but there was something else about him—probably his troublesome personality and mischievous antics—that kept you coming back for more even though you knew you should stop.
you didn’t want to, though. and neither did he.
“y/n, my princess!” he shouted, his pierced lips pushed out in a pout as you rose from your seat, a smile inevitably plastering itself on your face. “i missed you all day.”
“you saw me in class.” you rolled your eyes at him, watching as made himself comfortable on your bed, then reached those long, lithe arms out towards your waist, pulling you close to him.
“it’s possible to miss someone even though they’re right next to you,” he grinned up at you. you were always breathless at the sight of him, but this new hair color was really doing something to you. “i wanted to come and see you.”
“i probably look like shit with all my makeup off.”
“you’re beautiful, babe,” he huffed, not even hiding the way his hands slid around you to grope at your ass through your pajama shorts. you flicked him. “mmm~ cmere. in my lap, puppy.”
“what’d i tell you about calling me that?” you snickered, making your way into his lap. he was in a tank top and sweats, not too different from his usual attire of skinny jeans and a shirt to match. he was beautiful, as always, in whatever he wore.
“to keep calling you that because it makes you cum hard as hell,” he laughed at your glare, smoothing his hands up your sides. “kidding. you looked really good today.”
being this close, you can smell the smoke on his breath and see how his pupils are a bit blown out. you rose a brow. “are you high?”
he shook his head. “nuh uh.”
you stared.
“okay, maybe a little.”
“if you just wanna fuck, hyunjin, can we save it for the morning? i’m tired.” you sighed at him and he squeezed you, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
“that’s fine, pup. i just wanted to come and see you.”
that’s how a lot of your nights went. hyunjin was confusing—an enigma. you had initially grown attracted to him because of his eccentricity and he had a habit of liking things that were hidden amongst the crowd, like you. months ago, you had broken up with your boyfriend of almost a year, and you were still picking up the pieces from it. your friendship with hyunjin formed shortly after but grew into something more just recently.
you didn’t understand him. he comforted you and fucked you as any FWB would, but he also treated you with kindness. took you to different places on his bike, and invited you to stay over when your days weren’t busy. if you weren’t observant, you would’ve thought he had a crush on you.
but hyunjin wasn’t like that. he was the bad boy, someone who was only here to distract your broken heart while you prepared to mend it for the new person in line.
“hyunjin, what are we doing?”
“right now?” he asked you, gently picking you up to lie you down. “we’re about to cuddle and i’m gonna sleep off this shitty fucking weed.”
you chuckled, pursing your lips afterward. “no, i mean… us.”
“us,” he repeated, his dark brows furrowing together. you knew the weed was messing with his head, but after a while, he just shrugged. “just enjoying each other, i guess? i mean, i know you just broke up with what’s-his-face and all, and honestly, i don’t even care if you’re just using me for my dick or something like that till you find someone new. i’ll be better than him anyway.”
“you’re unbelievable.” you scoffed at his unwavering confidence, happily accepting his long body that was shaking with laughter at your words.
“who’s to say i can’t be your next anyway?”
“what?” you sharply turned your head towards him, his eyes already staring deep into yours.
his tongue stuck up between his lips, licking a stripe up your chest, and you shivered at the feeling—mainly due to the tongue piercing he possessed.. “it doesn’t have to be now. i’ll wait for you. but i do really fucking like you, y/n. you’re cool as hell. and when i see you in my band merch… ugh. you’ve put some spell on me or some shit.”
“i have not,” you defended, the red-haired male smirking at you, leaning down to lick at your lips. “you’re just obsessed.”
“so true,” he agreed, nuzzling into your chest. after a few moments, his long fingers inevitably found their way into your shorts. “i’m too high for my dick to work properly, but i really wanna get you off.”
“jinnie..” you started, stifling a moan as his hand cupped your mound, middle finger dragging up your slit. “you don’t have to.”
“i wanna make you cum,” he told you in such a hushed whisper that you instantly felt a pool of wetness between your thighs. “then cuddle you to sleep. sound good?”
you couldn’t answer. when hyunjin wanted something, he got it, no matter what—and you weren’t ever one to deny him.
he scooted further up the bed, kissing your cheeks and then your lips as he touched you. flicking at your clit, you were quick to spread your legs for him as he ran his pierced tongue against yours, as messy with the kiss as he was with everything else.
“love it when you spread your legs for me like that,” he thought out loud, kissing the crown of your head. “i own you, yeah?”
“yeah,” you whimpered quietly, grinding your hips up against the two long, thin fingers now inside of you, stroking you with fervor. “and i… i own you, don’t i?”
“yeah you fucking do,” he chuckled, piercing lip brushing against your mouth as he crooked his fingers the way he knew you liked. the sight of him smirking like that made you clench around him desperately. “fuck, i’m all yours babe. use my hand. fuck my fingers.”
he didn’t let you do too much work, though. he kissed you and licked you, knowing how much you loved his piercings, while the sight of his painted thumb on your clit had your back arching. he knew just what you liked, how to play your body like an instrument. how to make you moan so sweetly he wanted to lock away the sounds forever for his perverse keeping.
“you gonna cum?” he asked you once he saw your thighs quivering, his eyelids droopy in arousal. you nodded. “mm, you’re so cute. cum so i can cuddle you, baby.”
the difference between his harsh exterior and sweet words brought you to your high, just like that. he fucked you through it, not stopping until you were pushing his hand away, overstimulated. he wasted no time in licking your juices from his fingers, giving you a firm kiss afterward.
“you’re hot. i’ll fuck you when i wake up.” he stated, nonchalant as ever.
“i’ll be waiting.” you teased, drifting to sleep at the sound of his giggling as he found his way behind you, cuddling you close.
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david-watts · 3 years
I highkey want to overdose on painkillers so I’m glad I’m back to normal
#mostly because I hurt but#oh well!!!#half brought on by having to reorganise my... not floordrobe because I don't have floor space. the same concept but on the end of my bed#that thing.#I thought I had a lot more clothes than I do actually so that's great#unfortunately having anything more than two pairs of anything is considered too much and frivolous so like I CAN get the things I need to#kmart tshirts do last longer than expected though. the rattiness of them is part of the look#speaking of on the same line of thinking#which I swear is connected trust me#I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and wash the sheep bag. he got left OUTSIDE while damp because someone decided that was a good plan#that's the reason he ended up like that for fuck's sake#also that whole thing was not our fault#'we're putting it HERE because I want to sit over THERE this tarp is PERFECTLY FINE and will protect it'#*cut to a year later because none of us have actually had the opportunity to do anything about it*#'why did you leave it in the weather for so long that tarp wasn't enough'#I know she means well but the amount of revising things to make her seem perfect... ugh#I tried to call her out on it and she then lied to my cousin about me while I went to deal with the aftermath#which is not cool in the first place but what it was probably about is. worse. and gross.#anyway not much I can do about it other than constantly tell her she needs therapy which she ignores#at least thankfully most of the stuff that we wanted was salvageable from that box. but man.#the lining/bag bit probably needs repairing but honestly I'm not surprised about that it's gotta be fifteen years old at this point#partly why I refuse to bin it#mr sheep...
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maximotts · 2 years
This isn’t Taylor or Leigh but simply ✨her✨
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oh bestie... beefy Nat... get ready for needy beefy Nat content. This turned into uhh... not a drabble, but I don't think anyone is gonna be mad about it? I wrote this to that "training with Nat" playlist that's literally like... sex playlist?? Shay knows the one
words: 1.2k
warnings: 18+ only, minors DNI; smut; physical restraint (but reader is like, used to it); fingering; clothed sex; daddy kink; mocking; Nat pound me into the training mat challenge
summary: honestly just.. Nat gets needy after sparring
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It wasn't fair how much Natasha had to suffer over the past hour. You'd invited her to come workout with you, nothing too intense, just a sparring partner to work on hand to hand combat with; there was no one better to ask than her.
The entire time the two of you went back and forth on the mat, she got the upper hand and while you were tired of losing, you were even more tired of how distracting she was. Natasha typically wore shirtless tops around the compound, that wasn't new, but facing her in a fight you could see the muscles in her arms and you didn't know if you were out of breath because she was putting you through the wringer or if the fantasies in your head were getting the best of you.
Sparring was effective, but you wished Nat would toss you on the mat for a completely different reason.
"Okay okay, I give up!" It was the fifth time she'd pinned you and fuck, you would be surprised if you could stay coherent enough to make your way back to your room. Yes, you shared one with the redhead, but she liked to train longer than you so you figured that maybe if you were quick enough you could spend time recovering with a hot bath and your fingers between your legs.
Natasha let you up, rolling onto her back as you left the mat. The angle gave her the perfect view of your ass, outlined by the tight fabric of your stretchy shorts. For as much as you'd been watching Natasha, she'd been watching you right back; each time she took you down was a struggle in restraint. It'd be too easy to take you right there, but she'd resisted only because any one of your teammates could walk in. "Quitting already? But we were having so much fun."
Could be having a lot more fun upstairs. The thought came to your head before you could stop it and the resulting whine was too loud in the quiet room to go unnoticed. "Letting you run me into the ground repeatedly is a very one-sided type of fun, Natasha."
The older woman jumped up with ease, years of endurance training letting her recover with a quickness you could only ever envy. You didn't see her walking over to you, too preoccupied with gathering your bag together to get out of there. When she spoke again, she was right behind you and Natasha smirked as she caught your thighs instinctively pressing together. "You couldn't convince me you don't like losing to me if you tried."
"Why would I like losing?" You kept your back to her on purpose; if you looked at her you were sure you'd end up begging her to take you right there.
Natasha stepped closer, just enough to grab you. She was too fast for you, too strong, and she had you pressed flush against your front before you could process your shock. "Because I know you too well; you’re not subtle and you love it when I trap you."
Squirming away was fruitless; Natasha barely gave you room to breathe. You couldn't complain though, not when her hand was making its way to your breasts, squeezing roughly even when you cried out. The fights and her show of strength left you powerless to do anything but let your girlfriend touch you as she pleased, nipples pebbling both under her teasing and with your top half now exposed to the cold gym air. "Natty, we can't.. not here..."
She shushed you way too gently for how brutishly her other hand was sliding down the front of your shorts, hot breath tickling your ear. "I can do whatever I want and right now, I need my sweet girl to stay still while I fuck her."
You nodded quickly, your knees going weak almost as soon as her fingers spread you open. Risky as it was here out in the open, this was so much better than your fingers would ever be. She kissed your bare shoulder as she examined and groped you hungrily at her will. When her fingers were easily coated with your slick, the both of you groaned so loud there was no way anyone passing by the door wouldn’t have heard.
It was messy and crude, Natasha circling your clit until you’d soaked through your panties and possibly even your shorts— you loved it. “Daddy, please…”
“Oh fuck,” Maybe Natasha hadn’t meant to say it aloud, but she did and if the hard bite where your neck met your shoulder was any indication, she was quick to hide any other impulsive reactions. It was no secret how much the redhead adored the title, especially from you. Anything from you, really; she needed every part, every word, every whine you blessed her with. “Say it again, tell me how much you want it.”
“I-“ Stringing a sentence together proved difficult, Natasha’s fingertips just barely grazing your entrance throwing your brain into one thought alone. “Fuck me, please, daddy! I need you inside…”
A singular finger slid in, slow and steady and not at all what you needed to get off. You whined pitifully, trying to force yourself down on her hand to no avail. “I thought you wanted to wait? What happened, changed your mind?”
You wanted to yell and scream that it was all Natasha’s doing, that you’d be upstairs in your room if you had any say in the matter, happily bent over the mattress while you thrust onto your favorite vibrator. But that didn’t matter; you’d still be thinking of her, wishing it was her taking charge instead of a toy you controlled.
In her strong arms you felt captured and kept; no matter how you struggled, her hold on your body kept you still as a doll in a child’s grasp. “Stop squirming, baby. Daddy just needs to make you feel good.”
She was certainly doing just that, having slid a second finger alongside the first, stretching you perfectly. Your hips bucked back into her own and as her thumb played deviously with your swollen clit, you were even more grateful for Natasha’s support because without her, your knees would’ve given in a while ago. It didn’t take long before you were fighting off your orgasm, begging breathily to be allowed much needed release. “...’m so close.. Please…!”
Trying to escape her touch was pointless; Natasha was relentless in how she played with you, “Shh, it’s okay. Go on… cum for me.” It only took two curls of her digits to make you fall apart completely, your whimpers echoing off the solid walls of the empty training room. Your vision left for a moment, ears ringing as your body fell slack. Not for a second were you in danger of falling to the ground because Natasha was still holding you against her, one hand toying with your breast as her other was firmly buried between your shaking thighs.
The heel of her palm brushed over your over sensitive bud and you flinched away, but her grip never eased. The tip of her nose grazed the shell of your ear slowly, gently, unbothered by how you struggled against her firm body as she started fucking into you all over again. Natasha had stood and fought with you that afternoon on her best behavior, suppressing the urge to call off your training for her own favorite form of exercise. But now she’d won all rounds and she was going to be as selfish as she pleased. “Oh no, princess, I won five times and you owe me my rewards.”
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