#This will forever be one of my favorite videos!
blueishspace · 1 day
Looped Sun 12
Loop #380
Mumbo: Ok, it is done!
Scar: What is- WHAT IS THAT!?!
Grian: Is that why you needed the power stone?
Mumbo: It sure is mate. I present to you the new and improved powers stone powered Buttercups mech.
Grian: It's great!
Mumbo: Doc stands no chance against it!
Scar: Wooho! big and large! My favorite combo!
Mumbo: ... U-uh. R-right moving on.
Scar: What!?
Loop #383
Scott: Thomas sanders, right?
Thomas: Yeah? A looper right? Whose place did you take?
Scott: Oh right right, I'll be your Creativity for this loop.
Thomas: Oh... can you tell me why my friends had animal features this time around?
Scott: Oh that is a thing from our loop that seems to have carried over.
Thomas: ... Wait...Ours?
Scott: Right! Morality!
Jimmy: Hello! First fused loop for me so I'm a bit nervous... Why didn't you just call me by name though.
Scott: Easiest way to introduce your role. Next, Logic!
Mumbo: H-here! I uh... I really should have been anxiety though.
Jimmy: Eh, I see it. You are like, really smart Mumbo.
Mumbo: Oh... thanks.
Scott: Well, since you mentioned her, Anxiety!
Pearl: Hello mate.
Thomas: My anxiety being australian I didn't expect.
Pearl: Yeah... did you know about this australian spider that can kill you and is basically impossible to see?
Thomas: This is going terribly.
Jimmy: Listen It's not that bad, right?
Thomas: ...
Scott: It is pretty bad... Thomas' sides are all fragments of his personality but we aren't...we are complex people It's difficult to do their job.
Thomas: ...
Scott: Take me, sure I'm colorful and creative and prideful and all about that jazz but I'm also rational. I can't give Thomas the same delusional and completely fantastical type of pure creativity and imagination that he needs.
Jimmy: Well I think I'm doing a good job as morality!
Thomas: You are It's just...
Scott: You are also prideful and get weird when you feel insulted so your flavour. morality is too emotional, you also aren't used to killing being a bad thing as the life series has multiple respawns and Empires has infinite which means that the most basic morals of don't kill and don't steal don't really come to you naturally.
Jimmy: O-oh... well, I'm trying.
Scott: And Mumbo?
Mumbo: Y-yeah?
Scott: I mean it in the nicest way...Logic is supposed to reign Anxiety in, not akwardly stutter whenever Pearl makes a point.
Pearl: What can I say, I'm right.
Scott: And Pearl, I know you are having fun with this but you are treapassing into intrusive thoughts territories way too often.
Pearl: Do I? I'm sorry mate, I didn't mean to.
Thomas: It's...it's fine, I understand It's hard I just-
Mumbo: U-uh can I say something?
Thomas: Y-yeah?
Mumbo: Uh...you do know Scott scottish accent is not really that strong right?
Scott?: ... Frick... Well, I knew it wouldn't last forever.
Thomas: Huh!?
Grian: Hello Thomas, I just couldn't stay back while...this happened.
Pearl: G! You cunt! You didn't tell us you were here!
Grian: Sorry, sorry, just wanted to keep the surprise a surprise.
Mumbo: Grian!? You are here!
Grian: Sure thing Mumbo.
Thomas: How did I not-
Grian: What can I say? I'm a looper, I'm really good at lying. Now, I have a few ideas to fix these issues.
Thomas: Ok, ok this is fine Scott I need some ideas for the video-
Scott: Already on it! Are you-
Scar: Have you ever tought about tasting human flesh? I heard and totally have no experience with it that it tastes like pig.
Thomas: What!? No!
Pearl: Scar!?! Grian, did you know about him being here too!?
Grian: Yep, sure thing.
Pearl: And you didn't say anything.
Grian: Funnier this way.
Scar: Ok, ok, what if you stole a bone from a grave and sold it to one of their family members!
Thomas: Nooo!
Scar: Hm...
Scott: Got anything else?
Scar: ... Uh...murder?
Thomas: Not happening.
Loop #387
Jimmy had known about this type of loop from Grian, still waking up with healing powers and stuck in a tower was a lot. Still Grian said he just needed to reach the castle, reunite with this loop's version of his parents and get mother gothel apprehended. Which he did, in record time he might add which meant he was surprised when the loop didn't finish immediately when Grian said it would. It lasted a while more actually, he even got a special guard-
Jimmy: Pearl!?
Pearl: Jimmy!?! Of course you are taking Rapunzel's place.
Jimmy: You are my guard now?
Pearl: Yeah, It's my sworn duty to protect you.
Jimmy: So... why did the loop not end?
Pearl: This is the extended version of the loop mate.
Jimmy: Oh. Oh! Ohhhh.
Pearl: ...
Jimmy: I don't know anything about it.
Pearl: Oh right, well... follow my lead, mate and you'll be good.
Jimmy: Ok!
Jimmy: That's...different from the healing incantation.
Pearl: Yeah, don't read it.
Jimmy: What why not?
Pearl: It's not going to be good.
Jimmy: Well now I want to read it!
Pearl: Jimmy no-
Jimmy: Wither and decay... see nothing bad.
Pearl: Don't the words not make you think about it!?!
Jimmy: Hmm... End this destiny... no! Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: Ok then, I'm just going to wait here to tell you I told you so.
Jimmy: Nothing is happening. Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: Guess It's happening.
Jimmy: Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free. Wither and decay, end this destiny. Break these earthly chains and set the spirit free.
Pearl: ...fuck.
Jimmy: The moonstone? It's pretty.
Pearl: Yeah.
Jimmy: So do I just grab it?
Pearl: About that, plans have changed.
Jimmy: Uh?
Pearl: Listen, I'm the PearleascentMOON, I have a bit of a thing going on.
Jimmy: Don't -
And then light enveloped the room.
Jimmy: I can't believe you tricked me for the bit!
Pearl: Oh C'mon, it was funny.
Jimmy: ... Power of the sun, gift me with your light-
Pearl: And that's my cue to go.
Loop #393
Jimmy: Wait, why did I get Mabel's place and you Dipper!?
Pearl: You tell me mate.
Jimmy: You know what? I don't care. This is going to be great anyway.
Pearl: You do know what happens in gravity fall, right?
Jimmy: Not really! Just the basics!
Pearl: ... Right. Don't get your hopes up too high.
Jimmy: Wait, what happens!?
Pearl: ...
Jimmy: I hate gnomes.
Pearl: Big L.
Jimmy: Not even king! Queen! They tried to make me wear a dress!
Pearl: Nothing wrong with a dress.
Jimmy: There is when I'm forced into it by small creepy men.
Jimmy: How do people deal with so much...this!?!
Pearl: Probably used to it, they live here. It would be weirder if they didn't.
Jimmy: I- I guess!? You know what, I'm going to make more sweaters.
Jimmy: Oh, we can't just leave Pacifica there all alone.
Pearl: But she's a-
Jimmy: You said she gets better though.
Pearl: ... Yeah but-
Jimmy: Pacifica! Do you want a ride?
Grian: Oh It's nice to be here! You must be Gideon then?
Gideon: What are- How do you know my name?
Grian: Oh, I know lots of things. Lots of things.
Jimmy: Grian!?!
Grian: Hey there Timmy, I told Pearl this would happen eventually.
Jimmy: Why are you talking to me?
Grian: Well, it is near the time when the puppet show happens, you just didn't make them.
Jimmy: ...What?
Grian: Doesn't matter, at this point Bill would posses Dipper but I don't really want to posses Pearl, a bit unconfortable for me.
Jimmy: I'm not letting you posses me G.
Grian: Oh C'mon, it would be funny!
Jimmy: Why do even want to?
Grian: The nightmare realm is just so boooring. I promise I won't embarass you.
Jimmy: ...I want control at least 75% of the time.
Grian: no way, 50%.
Jimmy: 70%.
Grian: ... 60%.
Jimmy: ... Fine.
Grian: It's a deal then?
Jimmy: Yes.
Pearl: Grian you-
Grian: What? I didn't do anything!
Pearl: You caused Weirdmageddon!?!
Grian: Oh come on, It's so much tamer then canon, i'd call it Tamemageddon even.
Pearl: Grian.
Grian: I even turned infinte respawns AND keep inventory on.
Pearl: Grian.
Grian: Look at Timmy, he's having a blast! Aaaand I know for sure someone wants to pratice using the moonstone and chaos magic together.
Pearl: ...
Grian: I'm not going to hurt anyone Pearl, this is all innocent fun.
Pearl: ... Fine.
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#spheal#i wish i could post circular images on tumblr. because this one is deserving of a fully circular PNG. i could technically just take a#regular square image and then make the edges transparent to make it *effectively* a circle‚ but like… would that appeal?#if that would appeal then i'll do it. i don't think it would be *too* prohibitively hard. i would be willing to make an addendum#with a circular transparent image of spheal staring at the screen if enough of you want it. either way#this guy rolls everywhere and i think tumblr is gonna like that. i feel like this is gonna end up being a well-liked pokémon amongst tumblr#as in. i feel like. it already is. because. of how it is. i just don't know bc spheal isn't like. one of my favorites#it's cute don't get me wrong but it's just not one i think about all the time. it's one that i'll like if prompted but not unprompted#i'm gonna stop before i dig myself into a hole. i beat totk finally. it was very good and i honestly had way way more fun with it than i did#with botw. i have my criticisms obviously. it's not perfect it's not pmd. but it was very good. and now i've moved onto the next game in my#backlog. which is very long but i'm steadily working through it. hopefully i can get it done before i graduate this december and stop having#any time for the rest of my life ever forever to play video games. dreading that day. but uh#until then i will game. and hang out with my friends. and go on tumblr. and do all these things i like to do. until i no longer can#wow this got depressing i'm gonna Stop here. enjoy spheal
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seungs · 9 days
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proodence · 1 month
I'm rewatching Alex Rider for like the 7th time but with my boyfriend and guys season 2 is so fucking good SEASON 2 IS SOOO GOOD
Alex being such a cheeky brat with the department and Alan Blunt losing his mind because Alex is being so clever and annoying
The slowly building mystery with all the pieces that gradually come together
Alex and Kyra being so cute with the washer and "survivors club" and "keeping score" of who has saved each other's life the most (and the end scene where he's looking up at her from the stage🥹😭)
Jack having her own storyline that actually serves the story and gives her character a purpose
Tom and Kyra both helping to progress the plot in ways that are genuinely required from them and makes sense for their characters
The subtle hints that Yassen is going to wind up helping Alex in the end, the way his character gradually becomes more complex with each episode
Alex just generally being so smart, so resourceful, so capable and just really encompassing his character, not to mention the genuine depth that comes from his trauma + him accidentally getting people killed over the course of the season (Blunt telling him he has blood on his hands)
The tension that builds within The Department as Smithers and Mrs. Jones start keeping secrets from Blunt about Alex
Damian Cray just getting absolutely dogpiled by Alex and the gang who just keep screwing over his plan again and again
Alex and Yassen FINALLY having a full conversation and it holds so much weight and hits so good
The part where Sabina cracks Anders over the head with her own laptop (honorable mention)
All the cheeky light hearted bits where the kids are just being shitheads with too much power, like cutting off the electricity to the whole postal code just to use the computer lab
And then on the flip the angst that comes from literally no one believing Alex about anything for like 60% of the season
It's just scene after scene of "oH THIS PARTS SO GOOD" and it doesn't stop until the very end
has it been long enough that I can say that season 3 just doesn't hit the same😭
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bunn-iiii · 1 year
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Show Pony is a Barbie <3
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automatonknight · 1 year
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id: a digital drawing of a blue engineer and walenty-an original character. walenty is pale, has long, black hair with horns, a tail and claws. he's wearing square glasses, fingerless gloves, a green, floral shirt over a black tank top and black shorts and shoes. kit is holding a fishing rod in kits right hand. engineer is wearing his hardhat and goggles, a blue shirt, dark blue overalls and brown boots. he also has a fishing rod swung over his shoulder. he and walenty are walking next to eachother, with walenty on the left and engie on the right. the background shows a pine forest. end id
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radio-4-is-static · 21 days
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「LOST CORNER」 クロスフェード | Kenshi Yonezu listen to the new album here!!
#lost corner#クロスフェード#cross fade#米津玄師#kenshi yonezu#音楽#gif#my gifs#alright i admit it's been more than a few days but in my defense i didn't initially anticipate giffing this video#thus *20 gifs* for a single set#but !!!#just look at those colors !! the animation !!#(reminds me sliiiightly of spiderverse)#also what better way to celebrate kenshi yonezu's album release#in no way am i complaining about 20 gifs bc that means a 20 song album !! 🤩#i've been feeling very emotional & almost wistful listening to it#just having so many songs from the past 4 years in one place#at the same time though they've taken on a new meaning#being assembled as they are with the 8 new songs there's a very strong yet gentle message of acceptance#he reiterates it across his interviews too but how important it is to identify & hold on to the key parts of yourself#so that even as you lose things throughout your lifetime or people misinterpret who you are#there are certain parts that can't be taken away#all that is to say i really really love this album#my favorites out of the new songs rn are probably post human & がらくた & lost corner & マルゲリータ#i also have a new appreciation for 月を見ていた#idk if other people experience this but sometimes a song doesn't really Hit until put into context of the other songs#and then it becomes your Fav Point in the process of listening to the whole album#other examples i can think of are sunstruck on idkwntht & うたかた歌 on forever daze#but yeah#this album is definitely one of my favs released this year & one that i think will resonate for a long long time
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felixcosm · 4 months
"I Knew You Were Trouble" will forever and always be a Tim Wright song to me
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pliablehead · 6 months
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gothic-mothic-topic · 6 months
Was watching a video, a playthrough of BaTIM Ch.1 but without any walls for some reason, and at the very end I saw this.
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I never knew there was an Alice Angel cutout in the middle of the pentagram. Was that always there? Why is it there? (Sorry, I haven't watched a full, thorough playthrough of BaTIM at least not of the first chapter in years.)
Is it symbolism for what happened to Susie Campbell? Is it part of how she was turned into "Alice Angel", besides being run through the Ink Machine? Is this how people are run through the Ink Machine? The ritual needed to make it work? I just don't see Joey stuffing someone up the Ink Machine's nozzle, or something.
Anyways, it's just weird that there's an Alice cutout in the upper levels of the studio when all of her stuff is mostly restricted to Heavenly Toys and Level 9.
[Edit] Video is from YouTuber TheStudioArchitect. Here's the video↓
If you are the youtuber, I'll gladly remove the video and anything else if asked. I don't wish to upset you, steal content, or claim to be you. This is very much not me, as I only have shit-ass mobile. Check out TheStudioArchitect, they make Bendy content and it's refreshing to see people still playing/messing with the game.
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tiktaaliker · 2 days
suddenly remembered that theres a video of the play i wrote and was preformed live thats just online forever. thats so scary
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smtown-tourist · 10 months
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Rewatching the Everybody music video, I realized how weird it is to see young Taemin shirtless and without his hip tattoo. It’s given me a whole new appreciation for that tattoo and I wish he would’ve gotten it sooner
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magentagalaxies · 1 month
on the note of the last post i reblogged it's so wild how typically i'm not a "watches a long ass video essay in one sitting person" (if it's over 30 minutes then chances are i watch it in pieces especially if it's in multiple chapters) but between f.d. signifier's kendrick vs drake video and biz barclay's v.c. andrews video essay i have watched two different 3+ hour video essays in one sitting so far this month so if you're the type of person who enjoys long video essays on topics you only vaguely know i would high key recommend both they were such a good time
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theotherackerman · 6 months
BG3 Spoilers I guess?
But the hug scene with Astarion is my absolute favorite because it's such a soft moment and it's a hug with nothing else attached expect that you care and it kills me that's that is the first contact Astarion has had that is that and I just have a lot of emotions about that.
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pyrriax · 10 months
I don't know if you've gotten this one yet but 28 I think? the favorite line/passage one!!!
Ask game!
28. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oo this is so hard to choose.... I'm giving myself two, one from something published and one from something unpublished.
Published: Excerpt from Chapter 25 "Broken Hourglass" of Where the Dust Settles
[...] Somewhere along the way, he'd yanked his hand away from Accius, taking quick steps back, away from them, away from the thing he wants so desperately to run from. Back toward the only thing he even knows anymore. Back toward the constant of insecurity. At least, until his back hits one of the stone walls, and the air leaves his lungs. Panic makes his head swim and constricts his thoughts to the uncertainty and bad and blood. Blood on his tongue, flesh in his mouth, red clouding his vision and stinging his eyes. So much for not crying until he was safe again. [...]
Unpublished: Excerpt from "I'm Sure Silence Should Hurt Less Than This" from the Anhedonia AU
[...] The dog bites him that night, draws blood and threatens to tear out a chunk of his flesh, teeth puncturing deep enough he worries this won't heal without taking a heart with it. The dog has many hearts, more than Ro has ever had. Its earned those hearts, one way or another. Perhaps this is how it does it. Tonight he was supposed to meet with Zam and Spoke, to discuss something he can't remember with blunted teeth buried in his forearm. He won't be leaving tonight, and they'll ask where he was. He'll ignore their messages for another few weeks, until they stop trying. The dog growls and bites down harder, enough to bring tears to Ro's eyes. But instead of flinching away and trying to yank his arm from its mouth, he reaches out with his other hand and pets its head, promises he isn't going to hurt it. Its fur is softer than he expected, smooth and shedding more than it should. It thrashes for a moment, and he regrets treating it with such kindness. There will always be a dog in Ro's apartment, one that bites and snarls and wants him dead on the days he says too much. On the days he craves to leave this shell of a home behind and see if anyone would dare to take him in, it looks at him with the placid eyes of a dead dog, and he doesn't leave. If he leaves like Zam did, abandons the dog in favor of a new place, then the dog will escape the prison he's made of his home. [...]
I swear I'm normal about dogs as a metaphor/allegory. Also these are both pretty recent but also these are stuck in my head. The one from WTDS especially. Pandora will always have a special place in my heart because he's so fucking horrible and I love him to death.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
You absolutely have no need to answer this but i just LOVE how you talk about Leon and Ashley, reading all your meta analysis and just reading your replies to other people in general.
I've been in your blog reading everything for 2 days (still not done btw) and i've been having so much fun thanks to you, learning new things about RE since I am kind of new to the fandom. (I've watched RE Village through markiplier but back then I had NO IDEA who Leon was and only saw him after the RE4make dropped, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT-) ((anyways))
I just wanted to thank you for all the entertainment, please keep doing what you do. 🥺 I'll be around.
😭 you guys are so freakin nice to me, man. idk what I did to deserve this.
But I 100% believe that you had no idea who Leon was before RE4make dropped. Resident Evil went through a real depression in the 2010s and, despite continuing to sell in big numbers, did not retain the visibility it'd had in the 90s and 00s and fell away from the conversation very quickly in the video game space.
If you hadn't already been playing RE before the 2010s, or if you didn't have any friends who had been playing RE before/during the 2010s, you had no idea what the fuck Resident Evil was. Maybe you were vaguely aware of the shitty live action movies, but that was it.
And if you're too young to have been playing video games during the time of RE4's release, you had no idea who the fuck Leon Kennedy was.
Like. There was no avoiding him in the aughts. It'd be like not knowing who Sephiroth was. Because RE4 OG was that much of a big deal.
But once that depression hit? It hit, man. And a whole new generation of video game players grew into maturity without even having Resident Evil on their radars at all -- much less who any of the characters were, even Leon.
It was RE7 that started to pull RE out of that depression, but it wasn't until RE8 that RE finally started to feel mainstream again.
Like. RE2make was kind of a big deal, sure -- but only among the Old Guard. It didn't do much to bring new players into the series. RE's big shot in the arm really, really was RE8.
And now here comes RE4make to shove Leon in the faces of this new generation so that Capcom can be like "YOU WILL KNOW WHO THIS MAN IS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT" all over again LMAO
And, look. Here you are, as living proof of it.
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