#Timber Modu
hs-transfusion · 5 months
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CHUMHANDLE: telepathsTalent [TT] STRIFE: umbrellakind MODUS: Stack LUNAR SWAY: Prospit MYTH. ROLE: Sylph of Mind LAND: Land of Woods and Invention
TT: As they say in my metaphorical neck of the woods: échec et mat.
Rose has perfected the art of being the PERFECT DAUGHTER, with SHARP WIT and almost AGGRESSIVE POLITENESS. She holds her STUDIES in high regard, even if her PERFECTIONISTIC STREAK threatens to burn her out. She has a reputation to uphold, after all. Her love of PUZZLES often has her challenging GAMZEE in duels of wits, though this rivalry is fairly ONE-SIDED.
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As is befitting of an intellectual, Rose enjoys BOARD GAMES, holding a particular fondness for CHESS. She regularly takes PIANO LESSONS, striving to play as many songs above her technical level as possible. She primarily aspires to become a RENOWNED AUTHOR, though hesitates to show her work to any of her friends for fear of ANY KIND OF CRITICISM.
Rose's STACK Fetch Modus works exactly as it does in Homestuck proper. She doesn't wish to hassle her dad about buying her a new one, as clunky as her current Modus can be.
Rose's relationship with her DAD seems pleasant on the surface -- she speaks highly of her father figure, and he speaks highly of her. But there does seem to be a BLURRED LINE between how Rose believes she should behave around him, and how she truly feels about his sometimes OVERBEARING PATERNAL LOVE. There is still GENUINE CARE for him in Rose's heart, don't get it twisted, but it can get tiring OVERACHEIVING FOR HIS PRAISE as much as she does (not that she realises that she doesn't even need to).
The Land of WOODS AND INVENTION is a land covered in LUSH FOREST, which is conveniently an ample resource for the consorts of the planet to use for COUNTLESS INVENTIONS. In such a competitive market, it seems that this land's society cares more about UNIQUENESS than FUNCTION. All this TIMBER FELLING threatens to make the denizen EPIMETHEUS upset for some reason...
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jeannereames · 2 months
Hello Dr. Reames! Why do you think Alexander never set his sights on the conquest of Sicily - a rich island with longstanding Greek presence? Is it because when he came to the throne the plan to invade Persia was already on its way? I understand that Rome was a backwater town at this point and that Persia was the bigger prize, but Sicily always remained rich and hotly disputed
Inertia had a lot to do with Alexander’s choice, plus SIZE of the conquest, plus a plausible reason for the attack. I’m going to address these backwards.
Sicily, at least in the east, was—as you note—Greek, it’s largest city, Syracuse, Corinth’s most famous (and successful) colony. If conquest was still a valid reason for war in his world, increasingly parameters were put on it. We may understand these as window dressing concealing motives often economic (“follow the money,” ancient version). Yet by the 4th century, attacks on “fellow Greek” city-states needed some sort of rationale beyond naked ambition—often a current or historical beef.
Hence, Philip’s reason for attacking Persia (all about the money) was vengeance for the Greco-Persian Wars of over a century prior.
Another example, with Sicily in particular: Athens attacked Syracuse during the Peloponnesian War because she wanted Sicilian timber (for naval construction), after Brasidas of Sparta had convinced Perdikkas II of Macedon to cut off Macedonian timber—which had been Athens’ supply since the Greco-Persian Wars. Yet Athens justified the attack because Syracuse was a daughter-city of Corinth and Corinth was a member of the Peloponnesian league. Not to mention the war began due to Athenian-Corinthian aggression. So, by extension, Syracuse was tagged as an enemy of the Delian League (e.g., Athens’ not-so-covert empire), and ripe for hostilities.
Alexander didn’t have a ready-made excuse to attack Sicily. He probably could have found one, if he’d really wanted to, but this brings me to my second point.
Sicily is just not that big. And if some of her cities were wealthy enough, they didn’t begin to compare to Persia. When it comes to Alexander, “Think small” was never his modus operandi. LOL. Sicily would have been regarded like the Greek city-states of Anatolia (Asia Minor): a worthy acquisition…on the way to Bigger and Better. Yet Sicily lay west…not on the way to Bigger and Better. Just then. (more below)
Last, and the real reason: simple inertia.
Persia was the campaign his father had planned for probably a decade, and had fought south Greece to line up support for, culminating in the Battle of Chaironeia and the League of Corinth. Alexander did have to spend his first two years re-pacifying the Thracian and Illyrian north, not to mention re-fight Thebes to keep the south quiet … but PERSIA was what he’d been hearing about for years—what all Philip’s alliances were formed to pounce on.
To suddenly change and set his sights west on Sicily wouldn’t have made much sense, not to mention it would have alienated some of the city-states he needed (particularly his naval allies). He couldn’t have sold it as a “Panhellenic” crusade in revenge for the Greco-Persian War.
So, basically, I doubt it would ever have occurred to Alexander to sail west to attack Sicily when Persia was the bigger—and long planned upon—prize.
Now, let me add that—if academic speculation is correct and Alexander was setting up a campaign against Carthage near the end of his life—it’s quite likely that Sicily, and especially Syracuse, would have figured into that…but as allies, just as later with Rome. Carthage had long held the western part of Sicily, and struggled with the Greeks in the east for control of the whole. Conflicts with Carthage are why Syracuse invited in Rome for what became the First Punic War.
By the end of his life, and after Agis’s Revolt was crushed, Alexander was such a power, the Greek city-states had mostly given up opposing him. They contented themselves with snarky remarks and symbolic gestures—until after ATG’s death, when they rose up to try and oppose Antipatros in the Lamian War…which failed.
Yet if we could suppose Alexander had recovered from his last illness and did attack Carthage, Syracuse (et al.) would have been all over that. They’d have stood to benefit handsomely in territorial acquisitions. And at that point in time, Alexander probably was the only power that could have beaten Carthage on the water.
Hope this helps to explain why Alexander’s focus was always Persia.
A last thing: the nature of the Greek landscape, with the formidable Pindus Mountains down the center, had divided the peninsula east and west for centuries. The city-states on the east fronted the Aegean Sea, while those on the west fronted the Corinthian and Adriatic Seas. This affected both colonization and conquest ambitions. So eastern city-states tended to look east and western (including the Peloponnesos) tended to look west.
Macedon looked east. By contrast, Epiros looked west. That’s why Alexander of Epiros went to Italy while his nephew went to Persia. Never underestimate the impact of simple geography on history in the ancient world.
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Take the southwest corner of the West African nation of Guinea. One of the world's most biodiverse forests once covered the region. Large tracts of underdeveloped forests, being difficult for people to penetrate, had limited contact between forest animals and humans. Wild animals could live in the forest without encountering humans or human settlements.
That changed during the 1990s, as the Guinean forest was steadily destroyed. A wave of refugees descended upon the forest to escape a long, blood, complex conflict between armies and rebel groups from neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia. (At first they'd tried to settle in refugee camps in the forest area's central town of Guéckédou, but rebel groups and government soldiers repeatedly attacked their camps.)
The refugees cut down trees to plant crops, build huts, and turn into charcoal. Rebel groups started logging the forest, too, selling timber to finance their battles. By the end of the 1990s, the transformation of the forest could be seen from space. In satellite images from the mid-1970s, the jungles in Guinea bordering Libera and Sierra Leone looked like a sea of green splattered with tiny islands of brown, where small clearings had been made for villages. Satellite images from 1999 showed a complete reversal: a sea of treeless brown, with tiny islands of green forest speckled in between. Of the entire region's original forests, only 15 percent remained.
Just how this wide-scale deforestation affected the forest ecosystem has yet to be fully described. Many species that lived in the forest probably just disappeared when humans moved into their habitats. What is known is that some species stayed. They squeezed in, resorting to smaller patches of remaining stands of trees, in increasing proximity to human habitations.
Bats were among them. It stands to reason: bats are widely distributed and resilient creatures. Of 4,600 species of mammals on earth, 20 percent are bats. And, as a study in Paraguay found, certain bat species thrive in disturbed forests in even higher abundances than in intact ones. Unfortunately, bats are also good incubators for microbes that can infect humans. They live in giant colonies of millions of individuals. Some species, like the little brown bat, can survive for as long as thirty-five years. And they have unusual immune systems. For example, because their bones are hollow, like those of birds, they don't produce immune cells in their bone marrow like the rest of us mammals do. As a result, bats host a wide range of unique microbes that are exotic to other mammals. And they travel around with these microbes over significant distances, because bats can fly. Some even migrate, traveling thousands of miles at a time.
As the Guinean forest was chopped down, new kinds of collisions between bats and people likely occurred. Bats were hunted for meat, exposing hunters to microbe-laden bat tissue when the animals were slaughtered. Bats fed on fruit trees near human settlements, exposing local people to their saliva and excreta. (Fruit bats are notoriously messy eaters; their modus operandi is to pick off ripe fruit and suck out the juice, littering the ground below with saliva-covered, half-eaten fruits.)
At some point – nobody knows just when – a microbe of bats, the filovirus Ebola, started to spill over and infect people. In humans, Ebola causes hemorrhagic fever and can kill 90 percent of those it infects. A study of blood samples collected from people in eastern Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea between 2006 and 2008 revealed that nearly 9 percent had been exposed to Ebola: their immune systems had created specific proteins called antibodies in response to the virus. A 2010 study of over four thousand people in rural Gabon, where there'd been no outbreaks of Ebola, similarly found that nearly 20 percent had been exposed to the virus.
But nobody noticed. The ongoing conflict had severed supply routes and communication networks, leaving the refugees hiding in the jungle bereft of outside help. Even the most stalwart aid organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières had been forced to withdraw. The isolation coupled with the violence compelled the United Nations to call the West African refugees' plight “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.”
It wasn't until the political violence eased, in 2003, and the people hiding in the Guinean forest slowly reconnected with the rest of the world that the virus's presence became apparent. On December 6, 2013, Ebola virus sickened and killed a two-year-old child in a small forest village outside Guéckédou. Perhaps the toddler had played with a piece of fruit covered with bat saliva, fallen from a nearby tree. Perhaps the parents had been handling a recently slaughtered bat before picking up the child. It was probably not the first time someone in the Guéckédou area had encountered Ebola virus from a local bat. But this time, the people of Guéckédou were no longer as isolated as they'd been in the past. The virus was able to spread.
  —  Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond (Sonia Shah)
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Unveiling the Legacy: The History of Christian & Timbers
Introduction: A Journey Through Excellence
Christian & Timbers, a name synonymous with executive search excellence, has carved an indelible mark in the annals of corporate history. Embarking on a journey that spans decades, this distinguished firm has redefined the contours of executive recruitment, setting unparalleled standards of proficiency, integrity, and client satisfaction.
Inception and Early Years
Founded in [year], Christian & Timbers emerged as a beacon of innovation in the realm of executive search. With a steadfast commitment to precision and diligence, the founders laid the cornerstone of a legacy that would withstand the test of time. Through meticulous attention to client needs and a relentless pursuit of top-tier talent, the firm swiftly garnered recognition as a vanguard in the executive recruitment domain.
Evolution and Expansion
As the business landscape evolved, so did Christian & Timbers. Fuelled by a passion for excellence and a vision for the future, the firm embarked on a trajectory of expansion, establishing a global presence and diversifying its service offerings. With offices spanning across continents, Christian & Timbers cemented its status as a formidable force in the executive search arena, catering to the needs of discerning clients across diverse industries and geographies.
Core Values: Pillars of Success
At the heart of Christian & Timbers' success story lie its unwavering commitment to core values that serve as the bedrock of its operations. Integrity, professionalism, and transparency permeate every facet of the firm's dealings, fostering trust and credibility among clients and candidates alike. With a staunch adherence to ethical principles and a dedication to fostering long-term partnerships, Christian & Timbers stands as a paragon of integrity in the realm of executive search.
The Client-Centric Approach
Central to Christian & Timbers' modus operandi is its unwavering focus on client satisfaction. With a deep understanding of client needs and market dynamics, the firm delivers tailored solutions that exceed expectations and drive tangible results. From multinational corporations to burgeoning startups, Christian & Timbers caters to a diverse clientele with precision and finesse, earning accolades for its unparalleled service delivery and client-centric approach.
Innovation and Technology
In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, Christian & Timbers remains at the forefront of innovation, harnessing cutting-edge technologies to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. From advanced analytics to AI-driven algorithms, the firm leverages the power of technology to identify top talent, mitigate risk, and deliver actionable insights to clients. By embracing innovation, Christian & Timbers stays ahead of the curve, ensuring continued success in an ever-evolving landscape.
The Human Element: Empowering People, Driving Success
Beyond algorithms and analytics, Christian & Timbers recognizes the indispensable role of human expertise in the executive search process. With a team of seasoned professionals renowned for their industry acumen and strategic insights, the firm offers a personalized and consultative approach that transcends conventional recruitment practices. By fostering meaningful connections and nurturing talent, Christian & Timbers empowers individuals to reach their full potential, driving success for both clients and candidates alike.
Legacy of Excellence: A Testament to Success
As Christian & Timbers continues to write its story of success, its legacy serves as a testament to the enduring values of integrity, excellence, and commitment to excellence. With a rich heritage steeped in tradition yet poised for the future, the firm remains steadfast in its mission to redefine the landscape of executive search and set new benchmarks of excellence for generations to come.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future, Honoring the Past
In conclusion, the history of Christian & Timbers is a saga of unparalleled success and unwavering dedication to excellence. From its humble beginnings to its current standing as a global leader in executive search, the firm's journey is a testament to the transformative power of vision, integrity, and relentless pursuit of excellence. As we look towards the future, Christian & Timbers remains committed to upholding its legacy of excellence, empowering organizations and individuals to thrive in an ever-changing world.
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Unveiling the Legacy: The History of Christian & Timbers
Introduction: A Journey Through Excellence
Christian & Timbers, a name synonymous with executive search excellence, has carved an indelible mark in the annals of corporate history. Embarking on a journey that spans decades, this distinguished firm has redefined the contours of executive recruitment, setting unparalleled standards of proficiency, integrity, and client satisfaction.
Inception and Early Years
Founded in [year], Christian & Timbers emerged as a beacon of innovation in the realm of executive search. With a steadfast commitment to precision and diligence, the founders laid the cornerstone of a legacy that would withstand the test of time. Through meticulous attention to client needs and a relentless pursuit of top-tier talent, the firm swiftly garnered recognition as a vanguard in the executive recruitment domain.
Evolution and Expansion
As the business landscape evolved, so did Christian & Timbers. Fuelled by a passion for excellence and a vision for the future, the firm embarked on a trajectory of expansion, establishing a global presence and diversifying its service offerings. With offices spanning across continents, Christian & Timbers cemented its status as a formidable force in the executive search arena, catering to the needs of discerning clients across diverse industries and geographies.
Core Values: Pillars of Success
At the heart of Christian & Timbers' success story lie its unwavering commitment to core values that serve as the bedrock of its operations. Integrity, professionalism, and transparency permeate every facet of the firm's dealings, fostering trust and credibility among clients and candidates alike. With a staunch adherence to ethical principles and a dedication to fostering long-term partnerships, Christian & Timbers stands as a paragon of integrity in the realm of executive search.
The Client-Centric Approach
Central to Christian & Timbers' modus operandi is its unwavering focus on client satisfaction. With a deep understanding of client needs and market dynamics, the firm delivers tailored solutions that exceed expectations and drive tangible results. From multinational corporations to burgeoning startups, Christian & Timbers caters to a diverse clientele with precision and finesse, earning accolades for its unparalleled service delivery and client-centric approach.
Innovation and Technology
In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, Christian & Timbers remains at the forefront of innovation, harnessing cutting-edge technologies to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. From advanced analytics to AI-driven algorithms, the firm leverages the power of technology to identify top talent, mitigate risk, and deliver actionable insights to clients. By embracing innovation, Christian & Timbers stays ahead of the curve, ensuring continued success in an ever-evolving landscape.
The Human Element: Empowering People, Driving Success
Beyond algorithms and analytics, Christian & Timbers recognizes the indispensable role of human expertise in the executive search process. With a team of seasoned professionals renowned for their industry acumen and strategic insights, the firm offers a personalized and consultative approach that transcends conventional recruitment practices. By fostering meaningful connections and nurturing talent, Christian & Timbers empowers individuals to reach their full potential, driving success for both clients and candidates alike.
Legacy of Excellence: A Testament to Success
As Christian & Timbers continues to write its story of success, its legacy serves as a testament to the enduring values of integrity, excellence, and commitment to excellence. With a rich heritage steeped in tradition yet poised for the future, the firm remains steadfast in its mission to redefine the landscape of executive search and set new benchmarks of excellence for generations to come.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future, Honoring the Past
In conclusion, the history of Christian & Timbers is a saga of unparalleled success and unwavering dedication to excellence. From its humble beginnings to its current standing as a global leader in executive search, the firm's journey is a testament to the transformative power of vision, integrity, and relentless pursuit of excellence. As we look towards the future, Christian & Timbers remains committed to upholding its legacy of excellence, empowering organizations and individuals to thrive in an ever-changing world.
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whatilistenedtoatwork · 7 months
From February 12th to February 16th, 2024
SQUAREPUSHER “Solo Electric Bass 1”; PHOTEK “Modus Operandi”; EUROS CHILDS “Kitty Dear”; SPARKS “In Outer Space”; EUROS CHILDS “House Arrest”; ABBA “Super Trouper”; FOO FIGHTERS “In Your Honor”;TIM HARDIN “Tim Hardin 2”; TAKE THAT “Progress”; SONIC YOUTH “Murry Street”; WEEZER “Weezer (2016)”; THE DIVINE COMEDY “Live At The Cite De La Musique, September 2008”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Do The Collapse”
REPUBLICA “Republica”; X “Los Angeles”; LESBIAN HORSE “Whatever Happened To Proper Music?”; THE CLASH “The Clash”; THE BALFA BROTHERS “The Balfa Brothers Play Cajun Music, Volume 1”; THE SUNDAYS “Static & Silence”; TRANS-GLOBAL UNDERGROUND “Dream Of 100 Nations”; TAMPA RED “The Guitar Wizard”; HAIR “The Original Broadway Cast Recording”
CORNERSHOP “Urban Turban: The Singhles Club”; THE SUNDAYS “Reading, Writiing & Arithmetic”; TALVIN SINGH “OK”; GUIDED BY VOICES “Motivational Jumpsuit”; VARIOUS ARTISTS “Dr. Demento's Hits From Outer Space”; SQUAREPUSHER “Just A Souvenir”; JONNY “Free EP”; DEPECHE MODE “Some Great Reward”; LIONEL BART “Oliver! Original Soundtrack”
ROBBIE WILLIAMS “Reality Killed The Video Star”; SONIC YOUTH “The Eternal”; STEELY DAN “Pretzel Logic”; ABBA “Arrival”; THE DELGADOS “Peloton”; KATE & ANNA McGARRIGLE “Matapedia”; ARTHUR 'BIG BOY' CRUDUP “Rock Me Mama”; ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION “Community Music”; JIMMY SMITH “Home Cookin'”; CAN “Landed”; LESTER FLATT & EARL SCRUGGS “1961, Los Angeles, CA”; EELS “Daisies Of The Galaxy”
TIMBER TIMBRE “Creep On Creepin' On”; KYLIE MINOGUE “Light Years”; KANTE “Zweilichte”; OPETH “Damnation”; CLINTON “Disco And The Halfway To Discontent”; KRISTIN HERSH “Wyatt At The Coyote Palace”
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whataweekmixtape · 1 year
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Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5G1ijx1fSJpOhilm6sGA5B?si=5cd5b614b2604476
cLOUDEAD - Pop Song
Corinne Bailey Rae - New York Transit Queen
King Tuff - Love Letters To Plants
Alice Phoebe Lou - Lose My Head
Mac Krol - For Some Other Reason
Dehd - No Difference
Steady Holiday - Newfound Oxygen
The Antlers - Tide
Shorty Long - Call On Me
Cut Worms - Ballad Of A Texas King
Juan Wauters feat. Frankie Cosmos - Modus Operandi
Greg Mendez - Maria
Dana and Alden feat. Cinya Khan - Let's Go to Trader Joe's
The Living Tombstone - This Comes From Inside
Aretha Franklin - Skylark
Timber Timbre - Ask The Community
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sparkinglyhope · 3 years
What is the most durable material for outdoor furniture?
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You'll probably look for many of the same qualities in outdoor tables, chairs, and sofas that you value in interior tables, chairs, and sofas - durability, comfort, and style (and of course price). The main distinction is that patio furniture must withstand exposure to the elements outside. While there is no such thing as 100% weatherproof patio furniture, there are significant distinctions in the materials utilized. For millennia, wood has been a favored raw material for furniture. It has a natural beauty, is relatively easy to work with, and provides a strong framework for tables, chairs, benches, and other furniture. When it comes to outdoor use, though, not all woods are made equal. Many softwoods, such as pressure-treated pine, cedar, and fir, are inexpensive and extensively used for indoor furnishings, but they do not stand up to the weather and must be protected at all times while not in use. Hardwoods, on the other hand, are significantly more resilient to weather and can live for decades if properly cared for. On the flipside, they are often more difficult to form and more expensive than softwoods. Hardwoods, on the other hand, have significant variances. Teak is without a doubt the most popular wood for outdoor furniture. Because of its great demand and limited supply, the price of this fine-grained hardwood has skyrocketed. Teak, on the other hand, has a number of qualities that make it perfect for outdoor use. It is extremely sturdy, and unlike many types of wood, it does not warp, split, or become brittle. This is due to the fact that teak is water resistant and does not expand or contract during the drying process. It contains a large amount of natural oil, making it very resistant to rot, decomposition, and insects. Teak is the most durable wood against the elements, lasting up to fifty years! If left untreated, it can patina into an appealing silver-gray over time, or it can maintain its lovely honey brown color with minimum oiling. This attractive wood is used in at least a few pieces by most patio furniture manufacturers. Skagerak and Skargaarden, for example, appreciate teak's natural beauty and use its inherent strength to create beautiful and exquisite outdoor lounge and dining furniture lines. It requires little maintenance and can be cleaned with light soap and water. One of the few hardwoods tougher and heavier than teak is this reddish-gold Southeast Asian timber. Heat increases the strength (modus of rupture) and flexibility (modus of elasticity) of the material [Noh & Ahmad 2017]. Shorea (also known as meranti) is harvested under strict guidelines to ensure that it, like many other hardwoods used for outdoor furniture, is sustainable. It also has a high oil content, which protects it from insects, prevents rotting, and protects it from the elements. If not oiled periodically, shorea develops a silver-gray patina that can last up to fifty years. It does, however, come at a significantly lesser cost. The single significant disadvantage of shorea is that few merchants sell it, owing to public apprehension. This tough Australian hardwood grows quickly, lasts a long time, and costs far less than teak. It has a rustic charm due to its natural washed appearance, which will develop into a silver patina if not oiled regularly. It's resistant to the elements and rot, and its oil functions as a natural pesticide. However, a sealer is recommended to improve eucalyptus insect resistance and reduce the negative impact of uneven moisture retention. Unlike many of its hardwood cousins, Central and South American ipe (a.k.a. ironwood) has a deep rich colored grain that fades slower when exposed to weathering [Jankowska, Reder, Goofit 2017]. It has a high natural oil content, which aids in its resistance to insects, decomposition, and fungi. Its dense, rigid structure protects it from physical damage like denting, warping, and cracking. Ipe requires a lot of preparation when cut and bonded together, even though it can survive up to forty years. It's critical to understand the advantages and disadvantages of various material possibilities before making a decision. Assess how well each fits your personal preferences and interests, as well as the needs of your residential or commercial environment. Because each circumstance is different, choosing the "best" material for outdoor patio furniture requires matching your personal needs with the intrinsic attributes of each commodity.
#furniture #outdoor #backyard
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Choosing The Very Best Termite Treatment Solutions
Having termites and also other insects living with you at home is not a really positive circumstance. In unfortunate situations like these, there is a wide selection of Orlando termite treatment solutions readily available for property owners. There are some termite treatment Orlando choices that are dealt with as natural methods, while some entail using chemical substances that are deadly to insects and also insects. Know extra concerning then with the following points.
First is using bait. Although it is not as natural as other Orlando termite treatment techniques, bait systems are really efficient and can provide you with quick outcomes. It involves polluting the timber around a house with an option known as borate. While lure systems do not freeze, stun, or drive away termites, they permit the pests to feed on the wood which would eventually kill them. Lure systems are usually done before a framework is constructed and do not damage the wood.
Second of all, making use of liquid termiticides is also a wise option. One of the important things termites need to make it through and multiply is water or wetness. Such requirements are typically acquired by the little pests from the ground; this indicates that if they can not reach the ground, they can not proceed living. Fluid termiticides serve as termite barriers and also repellents on the ground.
They are to be injected into the dirt or base of the framework in order to create a safety finishing between the earth and also concrete of your house. Undoubtedly, it is a pre-construction insect-repelling method, although it is still feasible as long as one drills holes right into the ground.
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There is no much better as well as even more natural approach of eliminating bugs than avoidance. All it takes is self-control and substantial research on exactly how to stop termites from reproducing in your home or office. There are several methods of doing so, and also one is regular cleaning. Mess at home or in any kind of structure is among the largest sources of termite problem, which is why it is ideal not to leave piles of publications, playthings, and also various other house things unmoved for too long to stay clear of permitting sanctuary to termites. This is one standard guideline to stay clear of having termite problem.
All of us are aware of termites and also the damages they can create to wood. Though much of us still really feel that the trouble of termites is not mosting likely to impact them, yet it becomes essential to understand how the house termite treatment Orlando can help in conserving your precious timber.
Termites commonly are called wood consuming ants. They can position the biggest of all the detrimental points relative to your wood furnishings. Lumber is the most essential component of your residence, and as soon as you have the household hardwood under fire by these dangerous animals, then not only the hardwood but additionally the entire structure and set up of your home can be under fire and also make it rather unbalanced and also risky as well. That is why it becomes highly critical to figure out one of the most superb residence Orlando termite treatment to take care of such a grave issue.
In order to take care of these pests much better and in a better way, it is essential to know even more regarding them. Termites commonly do not come in songs. They are typically located to develop colonies and that implies that if you locate one solitary termite, then you can be quite certain that there are more to it than fulfills the eye. These pests have a definite modus operandi to take care of the wood. They not only birthed holes in to the timber, but additionally form passages running deep in to the body of the hardwood.
As well as lastly, for effective avoidance of termites, do not allow puddles of water sit for so long, especially in the dark and empty spaces of one's house. As stated above, hydration is a substantial consider termite survival. That claimed, not providing the opportunity to replenish their water aids lower the chances of a termite invasion happening in your location. These are the most effective termite treatment Orlando remedies you must make note of.
All American Pest Control
2014 Edgewater Dr #250, Orlando, FL 32804
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Termite Treatment
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architectnews · 3 years
Folio publication by Glen-Gery is dedicated to the "beauty of brick"
Dezeen promotion: Glen-Gery has launched its first US edition of Folio, a book that celebrates the use of bricks in architecture.
The latest edition of Folio is dedicated to case studies of brick buildings by studios from across North America, curated as a source of inspiration for architects and designers.
Brick manufacturer Glen-Gery hopes it will demonstrate how the material "can serve as the foundation to the most creative design story".
Above: Glen-Gery has launched a US edition of Folio. Top image: the book is dedicated to brick architecture in North America
"Folio is a collection of works that dare to explore, demystify and celebrate the use of bricks in architectural design," explained Tim Leese, director of marketing at Glen-Gery.
"Through this rigorously curated collection of projects, architects and designers can find inspiration, resources and references."
A building with curved brick shutters features in the magazine. Photo courtesy of de Leon & Primmer Architecture Workshop
The case studies in Folio are illustrated through drawings, photos and interviews with the architects to help take readers through the entire design process.
Each one sheds light on why bricks were chosen for the project and how they have been utilised in the design – ranging from traditional applications to more innovative approaches.
The low-lying Brick City House is among the highlights. Photo copyright Enrico De Checchi
Highlights include the Brick City House in Denver by Studio B – which marries long, dark-hued bricks with large glass windows and wooden detailing – and an addition to the Filson Historical Society Campus in Kentucky that features curved brick shutters.
Dogwoodtrot House by Modus Studio is another featured project. The home in the Ozarks features two monolithic buildings that are clad in black brick and bridged by a contrasting timber unit.
A brick warehouse by nArchitects shows how to use brick unconventionally. Photo by Frank Oudeman
Glen-Gery also selected the mixed-use creative hub A/D/O as a case study. The project was designed by New York studio nArchitects in an old brick warehouse in Brooklyn.
The project involved introducing new windows and doors in the building's exterior, which the studio has framed with alternating brightly painted bricks and traditional red brick.
Glen-Gery was founded in 1890 in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, as part of Brickworks Limited of Australia. Alongside bricks, it also manufactures stone and has a portfolio of more than 700 products.
To find out more about Folio and to receive a complimentary copy, visit www.glengery.com/folio.
Partnership content
This article was written by Dezeen for Glen-Gery as part of a partnership. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
The post Folio publication by Glen-Gery is dedicated to the "beauty of brick" appeared first on Dezeen.
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1-6:  MoDus ARCHITECTS - Damiani-Holz & Ko…….exterior skin with 2 layers of LVL timber from METSA WOOD…..http://www.modusarchitects.com  it is worth researching the building on the architect’s website!!!!! beautiful wood structure inside and out.
7:  FENDER KATSALIDIS + ARUP - NewActon Nishi, Canberra….Australian blackbutt timber louvers    https://www.arup.com/projects/newacton-nishi
8-10:  BVN - Monash University Student Housing…..modular timber facade components and vertical timber slats
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marvelandponder · 7 years
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It’s Tin-Foil Hat Time
Happy Applejack day, y’all. Uh, well, happy belated Applejack day. I guess you could say I’m a day late and two parents short.
... I should really be more sorry than this.
But speaking of, in honour of her, I actually wanted to take a step back from AJ and talk about the ponies who matter to her most: her family.
I can understand if some of you are a little miffed on why I wouldn’t just talk about apple horse herself, but Applejack’s family is integral to who she is. Her family is everything to her, and that love only grew stronger when she lost two of the most important members when she was a teenager, some time after the events of Where the Apple Lies.
So, really, I am talking about AJ. In fact, I’m talking about the most defining moment of her life—one a number of us were disappointed not to see direct references to in either Where the Apple Lies or The Perfect Pear.
For me, The Perfect Pear is a perfect episode. Supremely satisfying and honestly almost exactly what I said I wanted to see in my last Applejack editorial (1. Give the audience time to get to know the parents so we can miss them, too, and 2. show the Apple siblings in present day learning a lesson and growing stronger as a family).
But, even I have to admit I’m still curious.
It was confirmed via Twitter that the shooting stars that appear twice in Apple Family Reunion are meant to represent Bright Mac and Buttercup. For I think most of us (that choose to accept that as word of god), that rules out the possibility that they went missing in the jungle Hey Arnold!-style and just couldn’t return. Dead as doorknobs.
The how is still fascinating, though, but after The Perfect Pear, looks like we won’t ever have a canon answer…
… unless we already do.
Okay, okay, okay, okay. Canon is a strong word, and if you ask the show staff they’d laugh at the idea that there’s been secret hints to what actually happened. They can get insanely detailed with the foreshadowing and even subtlety at times, but I don’t see why they would go out of their way to sow the morbid details into a show this light-hearted. Doesn’t sound like their modus operandi.
But, based on the in-universe content we have, there is an answer that I think is more likely than the rest.
Just wanted to make that clear: we’re theorizing based on canon, not authorial intent (Quick! Somebody get Silver Quill! Death of the Author was mentioned, he’s gotta get in on this). 
We cool?
Cool. Let’s kill some sweet little ponies.
The Murder Tragic Accident Weapon
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Okay, first things first, we need to rule out a few things. Because when anything is possible, we have to set some ground rules for what could and could logically happen based on what we know.
And remember, anything is theoretically possible, but we’re looking for the most likely. What makes sense given the information we already have.
Disease is out because both Buttercup and Bright Mac died. Of course hereditary diseases wouldn’t make sense for both of them, in the same way number of fatal illnesses like cancer aren’t contagious, anyway. And venereal diseases like AIDS/HIV that could kill two partners would need to be transferred via bodily fluids---and since one of them would have to get it in the first place, our very own Romeo and Juliet are probably safe from most kinds of infection (unless there was a slip-up at Ponyville General, but we don’t know of any reason why one of them would need a blood transfusion anyway).
And here’s the thing: contagious illnesses would’ve likely infected more than just Bright Mac and Buttercup. If this was a deadly plague, more residents of Ponyville would likely be gone, if not more Apples. Especially because it’s a small town, and if some deadly disease managed to reach it, it’d be looking more like 28 Pranks Later than I’m comfortable with.
Child-birth could work for Buttercup, given the timing, but that would mean Bright Mac followed purely out of grief. Given the spirit of MLP, I’m already leaning towards this option being a little too dark—even for this topic. The universe itself is an incredibly hopeful one. Whenever darkness and hard feelings pop up, they tend to either be overcome or be vanquished if it leads them down a dark path.
And speaking of, I would honestly say Bright Mac becoming a Darth Vader type villain is more fitting in the world of MLP because that’s usually what happens with intense negative emotions like depression (Nightmare Moon). Dark magic. It’s stronger in unicorns maybe because they can channel magic directly, but we’ve seen that other ponies have magic of their own. So if Bright Mac was feeling depressed to that level, it’s ironically more realistic for this universe if he became a villain. But that wouldn’t have killed him, and in fact, I imagine the love of his children and his mother would probably bring him back to the light side.
Murder is likely out as well even if it didn’t follow the same rule as the last one because Ponyville is such a small town that—especially for a double-homicide—there would have to be a motive. I just can’t see that happening.
So, *sigh* Applejack isn’t Batman. Although knowing how psychologically tormented that orphan-adopting bat billionaire is, that’s probably a good thing.
So, if natural causes, suicide, and homicide don’t entirely fit, that leads us to accidental death. That always seemed the most fitting to me. Bright Mac and Buttercup loved their family, so it’s the most in-character way for them to pass on. Against their will.
And if this was a tragic accident, we’ve got any number of options, but let’s examine a few off the top of our heads.
Option 1: Ink Rose’s old headcanon/Timber Wolves
Here’s a pretty beloved old theory! While out of date now based on the characters, Ink Rose still made a lovely story with an idea that can be salvaged even after The Perfect Pear defined who the Apple parents were, and that idea is this: Timber wolves from the Everfree forest.
I don’t like arguing against someone else’s headcanons, but for the sake of our theory, I have to say that Applejack is pretty daring with Timber Wolves for someone who lost so much to them---especially if it was a traumatic event she witnessed as a teenager. Her behaviour around them doesn’t seem that out of the ordinary when compared to the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike.
Which is why I also ruled out dangerous places like the Fire Swamp. If Applejack is as experienced with that place as she is, Granny is pretty terrible caretaker.
Again, totally possible, but I know something even simpler than Timber Wolf attack or accidental bridge collapse. Somewhere more familiar, and somehow that’s been staring us in the face this entire time.
Option 2: Barn Fire
Not impressed yet? I understand, but hear me out.
Over the course of the first few seasons, the Sweet Apple Acres barn was cartoonishly destroyed over and over again. Eaten by parasprites, demolished by Rainbow Dash, re-raised in Too Many Pinkie Pies, and of course, Raised (This Barn) again in Apple Family Reunion. A lot of razed barn imagery, basically.
It was a running joke that I don’t think most of us noticed until it started piling up. Sweet Apple Acres gets destroyed a lot. Sometimes by ridiculous means, but always somehow destroyed.
With that in mind, I’d like to take into consideration this scene from On Your Marks.
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A nonsensical dream, yes, but as we know from the episode itself, these dreams are based on Applebloom’s subconscious fears. So… answer me this. Why is losing the barn so terrifying if she’s lost it and helped raise it multiple times? Applebloom’s seen it be destroyed in real life with less of a reaction.
Honestly, I would think this would be more terrifying (and could be accomplished by the kinds of pests a pest-pony would have to fight):
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They can always raise a new barn, but if something happens to the crops, that can be devastating for a farmer.
I think it has something to do with the way it was destroyed. Electrocuted to a crisp. Burnt.
It’s also fun to note Mayor Mare specifically tells Applebloom she needs to get her family out of town—of course, everyone’s running out of town in this dream, but still. Evacuation is far preferred over staying to try to help, even by Applejack, who Applebloom sees as a hero according to Brotherhooves Social.
Now that’s not a whole lot to go off of on its own—a barn that has a habit of being destroyed, a subconscious fear of it burning down. That can be explained away.
What’s a little more telling is the missing Pear barn that we know for a fact used to be right beside Sweet Apple Acres.
Goldie Delicious says there “used to be” another farm in Ponyville, but the trees are still there, for sure. The barn, however, which we haven’t seen—the thing that would make it a farm (even an abandoned one)—isn’t. Otherwise, the Apple siblings would’ve been able to see it and ask more questions about this mysterious abandoned barn. Applebloom in particular probably would’ve known about the feud with the Pears years ago, if nothing else.
So, if the Pear farm is gone (or was; Grand Pear lives in Ponyville… somewhere. You’d think he’d go back to where his farm used to be, so maybe they’ve since raised him a new one), that means something happened to it.
In fact, it’s possible something happened to both of them, given the bad luck Sweet Apple Acres has. Sweet Apple Acres would be rebuilt, but the Pear barn wouldn’t.
But the reason this answer is so compelling is that it makes sense. It would've been a total accident---no intent to kill or be killed---and explains how both of them could've died without dooming their children or Granny Smith.
Fires take a while to truly get going, but once they do it's instantaneous how fast they spread. Within a matter of seconds. Either of these barns might've been the culprit, here, or both. Both could be deadly for both parents without necessarily killing the rest of the Apple family.
Especially if one of them was trapped inside, and the other went back in after the kids and Granny were out.
Both Buttercup and Bright Mac are the noble type. Buttercup helped Chiffon Swirl pretty tirelessly build up her baking business and would choose Bright Mac over her own father, and Bright Mac's willing to take responsibility for even small accidents like an overturned water silo. He also seems willing to defend Pear Butter pretty instantly when they hear someone (Mrs. Cake/Chiffon Swirl) in the bushes, which tells me he's the kind to act first and ask questions later, especially if it's for someone he cares about. 
I think this death is in-character.
And frankly, makes Applejack's heroics a lot more scary for the family. "Applejack is the hero of the family now," according to Big Mac in Brotherhooves Social, but she wasn't always. It explains where AJ might've inherited that sense of duty when a call to action arises. It's in her nature to try to help---whether that's saving the world from evil, or herding a stampede away from town.
Hell, as early as episode 3, Applejack's being awarded for her daily hero work---and that shirt-off-your-back set of values is certainly something she would've learned from someone, but the hero mode, how she responds in emergency situations, that likely came from her parents based on what we know about them.
So, I think that’s my answer. Barn fire, either the Sweet Apple Acres barn itself, which already has a habit of being destroyed, or the suspiciously missing Pear farm. Both being on fire is... honestly a stretch, since the trees between the Apple farm and Pear farm are still intact (and while forests do grow back within 7-10 years of forest fires, what grows back won’t necessarily resemble what was lost---especially the intertwining trees planted by Buttercup and Bright Mac).
But I think you could make an in-character story from there with that information. You could guess that if there was a fire at the old Pear barn, Buttercup might be the one getting trapped (or, perhaps even going back in to save something near to her heart; which is an extra layer of tragic knowing that she would still risk a lot for her father even when they were apart).
If it’s the Sweet Apple Acres barn, Bright Mac could just as easily have been the one being trapped after saving the kids and/or Granny.
But in both scenarios, as dark as it is, I think this is how MLP would do the Romeo and Juliet story’s ending. The point of the original play was that the two young lovers, who quite frankly didn’t even know what love really was, were so overly passionate about these new feelings that it lead to their demise.
But, Bright Mac and Buttercup aren’t like that. Their love, while passionate and in the beginning inexperienced, doesn’t blind them to reality---and it’s in fact the older generation doing the feuding that has to learn a lesson in the end.
And as time goes on, and their bond strengthens, their love can only deepen. They run a farm together. They end up having three kids. They build a family stronger than any that came before.
What kills them isn’t being in love with the idea of being in love. It’s a real, self-sacrificing love that stood the test of time. In a show about the power of friendship and by some extension different kinds of love, I would think that’s the most fitting way to go.
But, hey, maybe that’s just me. The cool thing about not knowing is that we all still get to make our own theories, and still have a hand in creating the story that we’ve been dying to see for seven seasons. The mystery of who Buttercup and Bright Mac were may be over, and their time with their family done, but their love certainly lives on.
In all of their kids, really, but I think especially in Applejack, who embodies that love of family to heroic degrees. Here’s to you, AJ. They live on through you.
More MLP stuff coming at ya! I do editorials like this and occasionally episode reviews. Check out the last three things I’ve done down here:
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Hascon Coverage, Sunset Shimmer, and Pinkie Pie editorials
Year of the Pony
Header Image Wouldn’t be Possible Without:
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Bright Mac and Buttercup by Jhayarr23
Jhayarr23 has tons of vectors for all your vector needs! Go give some love and browse Jhayarr23′s gallery!
Well it goes like this: the fourth, the fifth The minor fall and the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah
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jeremystrele · 5 years
A ‘Classic But Quirky’ Interior Revamp For This Ballarat Family Home
A ‘Classic But Quirky’ Interior Revamp For This Ballarat Family Home
Sasha Gattermayr
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
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Photo – Laura Hannan. Styling – Katy Bottomley and Melissa May.
The biggest challenge when completely redoing the interior of any family home is trying to ensure that even after the renovation, the home still feels lived in. A place where joy and memories have been made. A happy house.
This is the kind of project interior designer, Lena Bruno, jumps on with glee.
‘After discussing the project renovation with the clients at length, I immediately had a vision of injecting a sense of happiness and fun into the design, with lots of considered details in unexpected places,’ said Lena, the Director of interior design studio, By Bruno.
The original Edwardian weatherboard was transformed on the inside, flipping the central living room into a master suite, and restoring the bones of the hallway and children’s bedrooms to their original period charm. Lena’s mission was to create a ‘quirky but fun home with distinctive patterns, contrasting pastels and muted tones and textures throughout’.
Her modus operandi is selecting uncommon finishes and materials – and using them in nontraditional places. Dusty pink grout clouds the white bathroom tiles, demonstrating the economical ways you can experiment with creative tiling, and custom glass shelves were used to bring light into the kitchen without compromising on privacy. A carefully curated paint palette, marble slabs for wow factor, ‘a kaleidoscope of different coloured grouts’ and sot timber textures were Lena’s weapons of choice.
But it’s still the bold materials that leave the brightest impressions. ‘The pink reconstituted terrazzo-like stone from Italy that was used as end panels in the kitchen (which we made into a gorgeous coffee table with the leftovers)’ is the statement piece that Lena can’t quite get over. ‘Anyone who sees it just drools over it!’
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aterryben · 5 years
These Are the Relationship Dealbreakers You Need to Get Over
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If you are staring down an inventory of nonstarters once contemplative a mate—whether finding one or staying with one—you may assume you are setting the bar at the proper level for a proud person with standards. however, is that what it very is? Or is your long list of relationship dealbreakers really a kind of self-sabotage keeping you with the exception of a high-quality partner?
Whether your personal dealbreakers area unit associated with physical traits, modus vivendi decisions, or finances, it'd be time to actively rethink. Here, relationship consultants and matchmakers break down the obstacles that would be holding you back from a healthy relationship—and why it'll serve you well to merely recover from them already.
1:They're too short (or too tall).
If you are fully inflexible on your minimum height demand, you may be missing the magic standing right before you.
"There is also a perfect however there mustn't be associate absolute," suggests relationship skilled and LGBTQ intercessor Tammy Shaklee, UN agency advises widening (er, lowering) your search, even whereas acknowledging the human instinct behind a height preference. "Better to contemplate what vary of heights causes you to feel most snug once it involves intimacy and attachment. target the person, not the peak, particularly if they're living their best life at that size." And actually, what is hotter than somebody living their best life?
2:They're too recent for you.
Age is not just variety, however, it's slighter currently than ever before. Turning 50, 60, or seventy not suggests that what it did some decades agone.
"If you are discomposed by the amount, your focus is misguided. you ought to measure the timber, health, and eudaemonia of a partner—not the age," Shaklee notes. "And area unit you living up to your own most modus vivendi potential? maybe if you each create slight changes, you'll live the fullest life along for several additional years to come back."
3:Their concupiscence differs from yours.
Sure, sex could be a massive deal for several individuals once seeking a mate. however, it is important to stay in mind that one's concupiscence is continually in flux—and you ought to bear in mind its fugitive nature once creating your determination a couple of potential mates.
"Libidos area unit high within the starting of the link," says relationship skilled and TuffLove podcast host Robert Kandell. "It's fun, hot, exciting, and each individual tends to feed off the NRE—new relationship energy. However, because the months pass, what was once new will morph into habitual play and a decrease in want in one partner. Increasing communication around each's needs and the way to mitigate disappointment is very important for keeping the love growing."
4:They have pets.
For one issue, humans tend to survive their pets—and you are taking part in the long game here. on the far side that, you may really get one thing you were not expecting out of a brand new relationship with a pet.
"Not a dog person? Then arrange some dates to go to a dog park, breed meetups, or Facebook teams," Shakless advises. "Or higher, however, obtain tickets to the City of Westminster show like my now-husband did. One visit and that I was reborn and prepared to debate the proper breed for our modus vivendi."
5:They have a distinct tolerance for muddle.
Everyone includes a completely different acceptableness customary once it involves cleanliness and muddles within the home—and affirmative, it may be a nerve-wracking proposition. however open communication and expectation setting will facilitate bridge that gap and keep it from being a dealbreaker.
"If a handful cannot cite however they need to stay the house, it will quickly destroy a relationship," Kandell says. "Finding the common expectation of what level of muddle will exist, dishes within the sink, and wherever the personal business goes, is incredibly vital for every person's saneness."
6:They have debt.
Sure, you would like a financially accountable partner. however, if one cent of debt causes you to run from a mate, you may be gone before you get the full—and entirely defensible—picture.
"Whether it's student loans or MasterCard debit, it is important to contemplate the context round the debt before deciding whether or not or not it is a dealbreaker," says personal finance author Stefanie O'Connell Rodriguez. "For example, associate sudden malady, accident, or closedown will contribute to debt that may appear unhealthy on paper, however, it might not be as dire or lasting because it seems."
To determine whether or not the debt could be a dealbreaker, it is important to listen to the total story, she advises. "How was it nonheritable associated what's your partner doing to deal with it now? the $64000 dealbreaker would be a temperament to speak concerning or address the debt and therefore the behaviors that contributed to that, not essentially the debt itself."
7:You like differing amounts of solo time.
You might assume you are mechanically incompatible with a possible partner whose comfort level with alone time varies from yours—but it does not get to be a non-starter if you are each receptive effective communication concerning the matter.
"Each person includes a completely different relationship with alone time," Kendall notes. "For one, it'd mean some hours per week. To another, it maybe 2 or 3 days. the power to form solid agreements concerning solo time will ease the Angst that arises."
8:You have completely different hobbies.
It's abundant wiser to consider a partner with completely different interests not as a downside however as a possible chance for you to undertake new things.
"He's a swimmer, sailor, and climbs mountains, and you'll barely swim with a small concern of heights? What a chance for every one of you to broaden the scope of your own life experiences, interests, or adventures," Shaklee says. "And currently you have got the chance to introduce your partner to the tango or maybe condiment lessons, observance people who jazz best. you are doing not got to relish or do everything a similar."
9:Your tastes or experiences area unit is mismatched.
You already love yourself—so do not get therefore adorned abreast of making an attempt to seek out a partner to like UN agency is strictly such as you.
"Love will work even once you have completely different interests, tastes, and experiences, as long as you align wherever it is the most key: values, vision, and standards," suggests author and life coach Malena Crawford. "Having a partner UN agency is completely different from you'll open up opportunities to be told from each other whereas you celebrate what causes you to every special person." Indeed, you're amazing—but you do not want a carbon of yourself as a mate to be happy during a relationship.
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/where-top-vcs-are-investing-in-real-estate-and-proptech-part-1-of-2/
Where top VCs are investing in real estate and proptech (Part 1 of 2)
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The multi-trillion dollar global real estate market is getting flipped on its head.
Business model innovation, data accessibility and the proliferation of mobile, SaaS and other cloud-native software have already given rise to a cohort of tech unicorns that sit amongst the world’s most influential real estate companies. Emerging technologies and growing capabilities across machine learning, 5G, IoT and more — coupled with fast-moving regulations and dramatic cost structure changes — have opened up opportunities for the next wave of innovation across a wide set of multi-billion dollar real estate verticals and sub-verticals.
And despite WeWork’s implosion garnering countless headlines in the real estate and technology worlds, venture dollars are continuing to spill into real estate tech (or proptech) companies at a rapidly increasing rate. Just upwards of $16 billion in venture capital has flowed into real estate-related startups in 2019 alone, according to data from Crunchbase and Pitchbook, with major fundraises happening across industrial, commercial, residential, and financial categories.
If we follow the money, it’s clear that more and more leading VCs are turning to real estate tech or proptech for ripe opportunities for juicy returns and disruption on a global scale. Given the countless subsectors where exciting new startups are popping up, we asked more than 20 leading real estate VCs who work at firms that span early to growth stages to share where they see opportunity within the colossal real estate category. For purposes of length and clarity, responses have been edited and split up into part one and part two of this survey (in no particular order). In part one of our survey, we hear from:
Zach Aarons, MetaProp
Pete Flint, NFX
Ryan Freedman, Corigin Ventures
Constance Freedman, Moderne Ventures
Tyler Sosin, Menlo Ventures
Jeff Crowe, Norwest Venture Partners
Micah Kotch, URBAN-X
Merritt Hummer, Bain Capital Ventures
Kia Nejatian, Plug and Play Tech Center
MJ Cootsona, Plug and Play Tech Center
Robin Godenrath, Picus Capital
Answers have been edited for length and clarity.
Zach Aarons, MetaProp
What trends are you most excited in real estate tech from an investing perspective?
We like to track trends that play out in the broader real estate markets. Due to low interest rates and cap rate compression, real estate investors are now looking for yield through investments in non-traditional asset types. Industrial real estate has performed very well over the last few years, and we see a push toward workforce housing, medical real estate, and senior housing. We are looking at investing in technologies that benefit processes within these non-traditional asset classes.
How much time are you spending on real estate tech right now? Is the market under-heated, over-heated, or just right?
We spend 100% of our time on real estate tech (proptech). The market is definitely hot, but the addressable markets are enormous and adoption is still relatively low and accelerating. We believe that now is a good time to invest in early-stage proptech, provided it’s done prudently.
Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t?
We would love to see more startups in the material sciences sector. Innovations like steel, bricks, timber, glass and reinforced concrete are hardly new, and they are still the predominant building materials of today. There have been minor advances like cross-laminated timber; however, we are looking for fundamentally new materials to bring into the building trades.
Plus any other thoughts you want to share with TechCrunch readers.
Proptech is the most fun sector in the world. No other sector shares the complexities and idiosyncrasies of technology that has to be applied to the built world. We are very lucky we get to do what we do.
Pete Flint, NFX
Real estate is the biggest asset class in the world by far, but the products available and service proposition surrounding it are still in the early stages of tech adoption. I see at least three major areas of opportunity for startups in real estate tech.
First is the real estate transaction process. Starting around 2005, companies like Trulia and Zillow, transformed the consumer research experience and home buyers increasingly began their search online. But the transaction itself spanning brokerage, financing and closing remains largely analog, complicated and inefficient. There’s an opportunity for startups to provide innovative solutions to help simplify and digitize the transaction process. Example companies in this area are Ribbon and Modus.
Second is the rise of alternative (or professionalized) living arrangements. I see a big opportunity for startups with a strong technology component to provide solutions for the mismatch between the way consumers want to live today and the aging housing supply that was built for a previous era with different needs and demographics. Companies like Lyric and Zeus are building alternative living solutions with a vertically-integrated short term rental strategy, while co-living startups are providing long-term rentals with value-added services.
Third is spend around the home. The large costs in time, effort, and money of designing, building, and maintaining a home provide an opportunity for tech-enabled solutions in construction, home management, and home maintenance. For example, Setter is providing a better consumer experience for requesting home maintenance services while Constru is bringing AI and machine vision to lower prices and reduce schedule overrun on construction sites. I see many more opportunities for startups like these in this space.
While these are big opportunities, the challenge with investing in real estate tech is to find startups with teams that not only have world-class product and software capabilities, but also world-class knowledge of finance, real estate, and operations. And with the recent WeWork debacle, we have seen a renewed emphasis on the failings of low-margin businesses. So for PropTech startups that are looking for funding today, there’s an increased need to demonstrate good unit economics and long-term margin potential.
Ryan Freedman, Corigin Ventures
At a high level, I believe we are still in the early innings of proptech – maybe 3rd or 4th inning. I always like to make the comparison to fintech. Technically speaking, real estate is a larger asset class than financial services. Between 2013-2017, fintech had cumulative funding of $62.4B vs. proptech’s $10.1B. Even though proptech has ramped up the last few years, we still have a long way to go prior to catching up. In addition, you may recall that PropTech used to be a “sub-sector” of fintech prior to being its own behemoth category. There are several subsectors within PropTech today, that I think a few years from now will be their own categories – construction tech is one of those.
From an investment perspective, we’re spending a lot of time in construction tech right now. From a macro standpoint, we feel there is a supply-demand mismatch with respect to the size of the market and the amount of funding in the space. Construction accounts for ~$10T annual spend globally and employs ~7% of the global workforce. In addition, it’s one of the most antiquated industries in the world. This summer we spent a ton of time digging into the space and have now made a handful of investments. We’re big believers of founder-market-fit, and this category in particular requires category expertise to navigate a very old-school industry.
Another area we’re spending time in is broker-tech. We’ve seen the “tech-enabled brokerage” model be effective in a ton of different industries including PropTech. A lot of investors believe this space is “crowded” – which is true in some sub-sectors (i.e. residential) – but when you look closely within the commercial real estate industry, we believe there is a massive opportunity to disrupt traditional real estate capital markets firms.
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dist-the-rose · 4 years
Part 3: The Production of Absolute Surplus Value Chapter 7: The Labour-Process and the Process of Producing Surplus Value Section 1: The Labour-Process or the Production of Use-Values The capitalist buys labour-power in order to use it; and labour-power in use is labour itself. The purchaser of labour-power consumes it by setting the seller of it to work. By working, the latter becomes actually, what before he only was potentially, labour-power in action, a labourer. In order that his labour may re-appear in a commodity, he must, before all things, expend it on something useful, on something capable of satisfying a want of some sort. Hence, what the capitalist sets the labourer to produce, is a particular use-value, a specified article. The fact that the production of use-values, or goods, is carried on under the control of a capitalist and on his behalf, does not alter the general character of that production. We shall, therefore, in the first place, have to consider the labour-process independently of the particular form it assumes under given social conditions. Labour is, in the first place, a process in which both man and Nature participate, and in which man of his own accord starts, regulates, and controls the material re-actions between himself and Nature. He opposes himself to Nature as one of her own forces, setting in motion arms and legs, head and hands, the natural forces of his body, in order to appropriate Nature’s productions in a form adapted to his own wants. By thus acting on the external world and changing it, he at the same time changes his own nature. He develops his slumbering powers and compels them to act in obedience to his sway. We are not now dealing with those primitive instinctive forms of labour that remind us of the mere animal. An immeasurable interval of time separates the state of things in which a man brings his labour-power to market for sale as a commodity, from that state in which human labour was still in its first instinctive stage. We pre-suppose labour in a form that stamps it as exclusively human. A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality. At the end of every labour-process, we get a result that already existed in the imagination of the labourer at its commencement. He not only effects a change of form in the material on which he works, but he also realises a purpose of his own that gives the law to his modus operandi, and to which he must subordinate his will. And this subordination is no mere momentary act. Besides the exertion of the bodily organs, the process demands that, during the whole operation, the workman’s will be steadily in consonance with his purpose. This means close attention. The less he is attracted by the nature of the work, and the mode in which it is carried on, and the less, therefore, he enjoys it as something which gives play to his bodily and mental powers, the more close his attention is forced to be. The elementary factors of the labour-process are 1, the personal activity of man, i.e., work itself, 2, the subject of that work, and 3, its instruments. 94 Chapter VII The soil (and this, economically speaking, includes water) in the virgin state in which it supplies 1 man with necessaries or the means of subsistence ready to hand, exists independently of him, and is the universal subject of human labour. All those things which labour merely separates from immediate connexion with their environment, are subjects of labour spontaneously provided by Nature. Such are fish which we catch and take from their element, water, timber which we fell in the virgin forest, and ores which we extract from their veins. If, on the other hand, the subject of labour has, so to say, been filtered through previous labour, we call it raw material; such is ore already extracted and ready for washing. All raw material is the subject of labour, but not every subject of labour is raw material: it can only become so, after it has undergone some alteration by means of labour. An instrument of labour is a thing, or a complex of things, which the labourer interposes between himself and the subject of his labour, and which serves as the conductor of his activity. He makes use of the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of some substances in order to make other substances subservient to his aims.2 Leaving out of consideration such ready-made means of subsistence as fruits, in gathering which a man’s own limbs serve as the instruments of his labour, the first thing of which the labourer possesses himself is not the subject of labour but its instrument. Thus Nature becomes one of the organs of his activity, one that he annexes to his own bodily organs, adding stature to himself in spite of the Bible. As the earth is his original larder, so too it is his original tool house. It supplies him, for instance, with stones for throwing, grinding, pressing, cutting, &c. The earth itself is an instrument of labour, but when used as such in agriculture implies a whole series of other instruments and a comparatively high development of labour.3 No sooner does labour undergo the least development, than it requires specially prepared instruments. Thus in the oldest caves we find stone implements and weapons. In the earliest period of human history domesticated animals, i.e., animals which have been bred for the purpose, and have undergone modifications by means of labour, play the chief part as instruments of labour along with specially prepared stones, wood, bones, and shells.4 The use and fabrication of instruments of labour, although existing in the germ among certain species of animals, is specifically characteristic of the human labour-process, and Franklin therefore defines man as a tool-making animal. Relics of bygone instruments of labour possess the same importance for the investigation of extinct economic forms of society, as do fossil bones for the determination of extinct species of animals. It is not the articles made, but how they are made, and by what instruments, that enables us to distinguish different economic epochs. 5 Instruments of labour not only supply a standard of the degree of development to which human labour has attained, but they are also indicators of the social conditions under which that labour is carried on. Among the instruments of labour, those of a mechanical nature, which, taken as a whole, we may call the bone and muscles of production, offer much more decided characteristics of a given epoch of production, than those which, like pipes, tubs, baskets, jars, &c., serve only to hold the materials for labour, which latter class, we may in a general way, call the vascular system of production. The latter first begins to play an important part in the chemical industries. In a wider sense we may include among the instruments of labour, in addition to those things that are used for directly transferring labour to its subject, and which therefore, in one way or another, serve as conductors of activity, all such objects as are necessary for carrying on the labourprocess. These do not enter directly into the process, but without them it is either impossible for it to take place at all, or possible only to a partial extent. Once more we find the earth to be a universal instrument of this sort, for it furnishes a locus standi to the labourer and a field of employment for his activity. Among instruments that are the result of previous labour and also belong to this class, we find workshops, canals, roads, and so forth. In the labour-process, therefore, man’s activity, with the help of the instruments of labour, effects an alteration, designed from the commencement, in the material worked upon. The process disappears in the product, the latter is a use-value, Nature’s material adapted by a change of form 95 Chapter VII to the wants of man. Labour has incorporated itself with its subject: the former is materialised, the latter transformed. That which in the labourer appeared as movement, now appears in the product as a fixed quality without motion. The blacksmith forges and the product is a forging. If we examine the whole process from the point of view of its result, the product, it is plain that both the instruments and the subject of labour, are means of production,6 and that the labour itself is productive labour.7 Though a use-value, in the form of a product, issues from the labour-process, yet other usevalues, products of previous labour, enter into it as means of production. The same-use-value is both the product of a previous process, and a means of production in a later process. Products are therefore not only results, but also essential conditions of labour. With the exception of the extractive industries, in which the material for labour is provided immediately by Nature, such as mining, hunting, fishing, and agriculture (so far as the latter is confined to breaking up virgin soil), all branches of industry manipulate raw material, objects already filtered through labour, already products of labour. Such is seed in agriculture. Animals and plants, which we are accustomed to consider as products of Nature, are in their present form, not only products of, say last year’s labour, but the result of a gradual transformation, continued through many generations, under man’s superintendence, and by means of his labour. But in the great majority of cases, instruments of labour show even to the most superficial observer, traces of the labour of past ages. Raw material may either form the principal substance of a product, or it may enter into its formation only as an accessory. An accessory may be consumed by the instruments of labour, as coal under a boiler, oil by a wheel, hay by draft-horses, or it may be mixed with the raw material in order to produce some modification thereof, as chlorine into unbleached linen, coal with iron, dye-stuff with wool, or again, it may help to carry on the work itself, as in the case of the materials used for heating and lighting workshops. The distinction between principal substance and accessory vanishes in the true chemical industries, because there none of the raw material reappears, in its original composition, in the substance of the product.8 Every object possesses various properties, and is thus capable of being applied to different uses. One and the same product may therefore serve as raw material in very different processes. Corn, for example, is a raw material for millers, starch-manufacturers, distillers, and cattlebreeders. It also enters as raw material into its own production in the shape of seed; coal, too, is at the same time the product of, and a means of production in, coal-mining. Again, a particular product may be used in one and the same process, both as an instrument of labour and as raw material. Take, for instance, the fattening of cattle, where the animal is the raw material, and at the same time an instrument for the production of manure. A product, though ready for immediate consumption, may yet serve as raw material for a further product, as grapes when they become the raw material for wine. On the other hand, labour may give us its product in such a form, that we can use it only as raw material, as is the case with cotton, thread, and yarn. Such a raw material, though itself a product, may have to go through a whole series of different processes: in each of these in turn, it serves, with constantly varying form, as raw material, until the last process of the series leaves it a perfect product, ready for individual consumption, or for use as an instrument of labour. Hence we see, that whether a use-value is to be regarded as raw material, as instrument of labour, or as product, this is determined entirely by its function in the labour-process, by the position it there occupies: as this varies, so does its character. Whenever therefore a product enters as a means of production into a new labour-process, it thereby loses its character of product, and becomes a mere factor in the process. A spinner treats spindles only as implements for spinning, and flax only as the material that he spins. Of course it is impossible to spin without material and spindles; and therefore the existence of these things as 96 Chapter VII products, at the commencement of the spinning operation, must be presumed: but in the process itself, the fact that they are products of previous labour, is a matter of utter indifference; just as in the digestive process, it is of no importance whatever, that bread is the produce of the previous labour of the farmer, the miller, and the baker. On the contrary, it is generally by their imperfections as products, that the means of production in any process assert themselves in their character of products. A blunt knife or weak thread forcibly remind us of Mr. A., the cutler, or Mr. B., the spinner. In the finished product the labour by means of which it has acquired its useful qualities is not palpable, has apparently vanished. A machine which does not serve the purposes of labour, is useless. In addition, it falls a prey to the destructive influence of natural forces. Iron rusts and wood rots. Yarn with which we neither weave nor knit, is cotton wasted. Living labour must seize upon these things and rouse them from their death-sleep, change them from mere possible use-values into real and effective ones. Bathed in the fire of labour, appropriated as part and parcel of labour’s organism, and, as it were, made alive for the performance of their functions in the process, they are in truth consumed, but consumed with a purpose, as elementary constituents of new use-values, of new products, ever ready as means of subsistence for individual consumption, or as means of production for some new labour-process. If then, on the one hand, finished products are not only results, but also necessary conditions, of the labour-process, on the other hand, their assumption into that process, their contact with living labour, is the sole means by which they can be made to retain their character of use-values, and be utilised. Labour uses up its material factors, its subject and its instruments, consumes them, and is therefore a process of consumption. Such productive consumption is distinguished from individual consumption by this, that the latter uses up products, as means of subsistence for the living individual; the former, as means whereby alone, labour, the labour-power of the living individual, is enabled to act. The product, therefore, of individual consumption, is the consumer himself; the result of productive consumption, is a product distinct from the consumer. In so far then, as its instruments and subjects are themselves products, labour consumes products in order to create products, or in other words, consumes one set of products by turning them into means of production for another set. But, just as in the beginning, the only participators in the labour-process were man and the earth, which latter exists independently of man, so even now we still employ in the process many means of production, provided directly by Nature, that do not represent any combination of natural substances with human labour. The labour-process, resolved as above into its simple elementary factors, is human action with a view to the production of use-values, appropriation of natural substances to human requirements; it is the necessary condition for effecting exchange of matter between man and Nature; it is the everlasting Nature-imposed condition of human existence, and therefore is independent of every social phase of that existence, or rather, is common to every such phase. It was, therefore, not necessary to represent our labourer in connexion with other labourers; man and his labour on one side, Nature and its materials on the other, sufficed. As the taste of the porridge does not tell you who grew the oats, no more does this simple process tell you of itself what are the social conditions under which it is taking place, whether under the slave-owner’s brutal lash, or the anxious eye of the capitalist, whether Cincinnatus carries it on in tilling his modest farm or a savage in killing wild animals with stones.9 Let us now return to our would-be capitalist. We left him just after he had purchased, in the open market, all the necessary factors of the labour process; its objective factors, the means of production, as well as its subjective factor, labour-power. With the keen eye of an expert, he has selected the means of production and the kind of labour-power best adapted to his particular trade, be it spinning, bootmaking, or any other kind. He then proceeds to consume the 97 Chapter VII commodity, the labour-power that he has just bought, by causing the labourer, the impersonation of that labour-power, to consume the means of production by his labour. The general character of the labour-process is evidently not changed by the fact, that the labourer works for the capitalist instead of for himself; moreover, the particular methods and operations employed in bootmaking or spinning are not immediately changed by the intervention of the capitalist. He must begin by taking the labour-power as he finds it in the market, and consequently be satisfied with labour of such a kind as would be found in the period immediately preceding the rise of capitalists. Changes in the methods of production by the subordination of labour to capital, can take place only at a later period, and therefore will have to be treated of in a later chapter. The labour-process, turned into the process by which the capitalist consumes labour-power, exhibits two characteristic phenomena. First, the labourer works under the control of the capitalist to whom his labour belongs; the capitalist taking good care that the work is done in a proper manner, and that the means of production are used with intelligence, so that there is no unnecessary waste of raw material, and no wear and tear of the implements beyond what is necessarily caused by the work. Secondly, the product is the property of the capitalist and not that of the labourer, its immediate producer. Suppose that a capitalist pays for a day’s labour-power at its value; then the right to use that power for a day belongs to him, just as much as the right to use any other commodity, such as a horse that he has hired for the day. To the purchaser of a commodity belongs its use, and the seller of labour-power, by giving his labour, does no more, in reality, than part with the use-value that he has sold. From the instant he steps into the workshop, the use-value of his labour-power, and therefore also its use, which is labour, belongs to the capitalist. By the purchase of labourpower, the capitalist incorporates labour, as a living ferment, with the lifeless constituents of the product. From his point of view, the labour-process is nothing more than the consumption of the commodity purchased, i. e., of labour-power; but this consumption cannot be effected except by supplying the labour-power with the means of production. The labour-process is a process between things that the capitalist has purchased, things that have become his property. The product of this process belongs, therefore, to him, just as much as does the wine which is the product of a process of fermentation completed in his cellar.10
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