#Time ratio
sunsetshifting · 1 year
What IS Reality Shifting? (+ Intro!)
Hello! I am Sunny (He/they)! I’ll do my best not to format this like an essay I phoned in at 2 am, but I might slip up, so bear with me. 
[If I don’t cover something you’re curious about, feel free to shoot me an ask! I’ll answer anything that I can. Now, without further ado...!]
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Reality Shifting (Less commonly referred to as ‘Quantum Jumping’) is the practice of becoming aware of your consciousness in another reality, and ‘moving’ from your Original Reality into your Desired Reality.
The reality that you ‘shift’ to (aka your Desired Reality/DR) can be absolutely anything, from being the exact same your Original Reality but with your bedroom being a different color to a reality where you’re roasting marshmallows with Izuku Midoriya! Regardless, wherever you choose to go, it is equally as real as this reality that you’re currently reading this in.
All that aside, how do you actually attempt shifting? There’s a variety of methods, such as the Julia Method, Raven Method, or a simple guided meditation. For today, however, I will be explaining one of the simplest methods.
Whilst you can shift with intent alone, if you’d like to have something physical to assist you, then the Pillow Method may be what you’re looking for. To perform it, one must write down their shifting script (or even just some shifting affirmations) on a piece of paper and place it under their pillow. And… that’s it! Just go to sleep, and tell yourself that you’re going to wake up in your desired reality.
Woah, but, wait a second, what even goes in a script???
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Glad you asked! A script is pretty much just a set of filters or directions for wherever you’re trying to go, but (usually!) formatted in a more wiki-like or narrative fashion (depending.) Here is a breakdown of what a script MIGHT look like:  https://www.tumblr.com/sunsetshifting/716606328592809984/how-i-format-my-scripts-with-pictures?source=share
Additionally, whilst the amount of time it takes to shift successfully is varied (taking anywhere from one single attempt to multiple years of on-and-off work), it is still something that ANYONE can do. NOBODY is unable to shift, even if they believe otherwise. Of course, a positive mindset will help you shift faster, though!
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For further context, I’ve defined a few terms below~^^
CR = Current Reality     and     OR = Original Reality
CR/OR are the most popular ways to refer to the reality that you reside(d) in prior to shifting to your Desired Reality (another term I’ll define momentarily.) Though there is arguments to be had about which phrasing is more accurate, both are still generally accepted. To simplify it, the reality that you are currently in as you are reading this is considered your CR/OR.
DR = Desired Reality     and     IR = Intended Reality
DR/IR are the most popular ways to refer to the reality that you desire to shift to. Again, it’s a matter of opinion whether DR or IR should be used, but both are generally accepted.
WR = Waiting Room
A WR, or a Waiting Room, is a place that some shifters use as a midway point between their OR and their DR. As with any other reality, this place can look any number of ways, but most people tend to script a few aspects consistently, such as: 1) A bedroom and/or place to edit your scripts 2) A butler or friend of some sort (ex. Sebastian Michaelis) 3) A number of doors or other ways to enter their various DRs.
A paper or document laying out what you expect to be present within the DR! Think of it like a roadmap to wherever you’re trying to go, or filters on a search engine (or on AO3.) As a reminder, here’s the example from earlier.
Safe Word
A word that the shifter selects ahead of time that will instantly transfer them back to their Original Reality! (Alternatively, you could script that it brings you to your Waiting Room, as I have. :3c)
Similarly, one could script a ‘safe action’, such as clicking their heels three times.
Symptoms refer to physical or mental side-effects related to shifting. They are NOT necessary to shift! You can shift without having symptoms. That being said, many people do experience them in the form of dizziness, headaches, a feeling of floating, and so on.
Shifting Method
A ‘Shifting Method’ refers to a specific set of steps that someone might follow in order to shift. These can include guided meditations, performing a specific set of steps, and other things like that. There are dozens of methods, with some of the most popular being the Julia Method, the Raven Method, and the No Method.
‘Clone’ is a non-literal term for the version of your consciousness left behind once you’ve shifted to your desired reality. It is a version of you that continues to exist whilst you’re away, doing all the same things you would regularly do, typically completely unaware that you’ve shifted until you return and merge with the consciousness.
‘Permashifting’ refers to the practice of not returning to your OR after shifting to your DR. It does not mean that you cease to exist in your OR, as your clone will still be present.
Similar to ‘Permashifting’, though different in one crucial way! ‘Respawning’ refers to the practice of shifting out of your OR and severing all ties with it, thus disallowing yourself from shifting back. This CANNOT happen by accident, so don’t worry about that!
A ‘blockage’ refers to something preventing you from shifting realities. These typically include low confidence, lack of faith, and the like. However, you CAN still shift with blockages! Most people simply find it more difficult.
Positive statements that one repeats to themself to assist with belief in whatever they’re proclaiming. (Examples being ‘I have shifted’, ‘shifting is easy’, and ‘I am in my desired reality.’)
‘Subliminals’ are extremely quiet, nearly inaudible, affirmations, typically played alongside music (with or without lyrics.) They are not necessary, but do assist some people in gaining confidence or comfort in their shifting journey. Be sure to check the comments and make sure that nobody reports negative side-effects, as some subliminals are laced with negative affirmations (though they are a minority.)
Time Ratio
A ‘time ratio’ refers to a ratio set by the shifter that dictates how time in their DR passes in relation to their OR. While you could script that time simply does not pass in your OR whilst you’re ‘away’, most people script a specific (but generous) ratio of relative time passage. Commonly, these will be something along the lines of one week in their DR being equivalent to one hour in their OR.
Shifting Portal
A ‘shifting portal’ is something that one can conjure up within a lucid dream. Typically, this is how people utilize the ‘lucid dream method’ to shift realities. A portal can effectively be anything, from a door to a literal magical portal. The purpose of said portal is to act as a trigger for waking up in one’s Desired Reality. (As well, they are typically more successful if 1. the dream is stable, 2. you have said multiple specific affirmations before walking into it.)
CC = Comfort Character
I feel like most of us understand what a comfort character is, this is just how you shorten it when typing.
A specific event or set of events that you have scripted to happen at some point after you’ve arrived in your Desired Reality. (Example, one could script that they and Draco have a date at a carnival and he wins them a prize.)
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Important FAQs:
Isn’t reality shifting just lucid dreaming?
No, actually! Reality shifting is an entirely separate action/series of actions when compared to lucid dreaming. When one shifts, they are becoming aware of their consciousness in another reality, and are thusly in control of that body, and generally do not return until they want to return (unless otherwise scripted.) A lucid dream, meanwhile, takes place entirely within one’s own mind, and is not someplace you can stay indefinitely, unlike your DR. (However, you CAN use lucid dreams to trigger a shift via the aforementioned shifting portal/s.)
Isn’t Respawning/Permashifting dangerous? Don’t you have to die to do them?
Not at all! You absolutely DO NOT have to die in this reality to permashift/respawn. As well, it is not selfish to want to respawn or permashift, and is in fact fully understandable. For a more in-depth explanation, I recommend checking out this post, as they go into more detail about it than I am capable: : Respawning: A Full Rundown (tumblr.com)
What if I die in my Desired Reality!?
You’ll be okay. If one were to die in their DR, they would wake up in their OR. I am personally uncertain if you could return to that DR, though I assume that you could script that you somehow came back to life or were reincarnated. Unfortunately, the trauma of dying will still linger, so it is best that you script that you simply cannot die.
Can you move when doing a method?
Yes! Despite what early Shiftok would have you believe, you don’t have to be stiff as a board or in the starfish position or what have you to shift. Some people have even shifted whilst taking a shower!
Am I allowed to make up my own shifting method?
Of course. In fact, it’s usually encouraged! Personalizing a method to yourself really helps you grasp what does and doesn’t work for you!
How long should I try a method before switching it?
Around two to four days is recommended, from what I’ve seen. I also recommend breaks in-between method-based attempts, but they’re not strictly necessary! They just help keep you fresh and not tired. <3
If I shift to an anime, will everything be animated?
This is entirely up to you! Some people script that things appear as they do in this reality, whilst other people choose to script that things appear animated. It is entirely up to your own preference and makes no functional difference.
What if my clone is evil?
Are you evil? If no, then this is not a concern. If yes, then this is still not a concern. Your clone will not do anything that you yourself would not do. Ergo, if you wouldn’t tell your best friend to jump off a bridge, your clone won’t either.
What if I want to commit crimes in my DR, like murder?
My first advice for this is to seek help. The people within your DRs have emotions and feelings the same as you and I, ergo killing someone there is no different from killing someone in your OR.
Is it cheating to date someone in one reality, and then someone else in another?
Nope! The realities are completely separated, and would have existed regardless whether or not you were present to witness them. For all intents and purposes, they are functionally completely divorced from one another. (If this is something you’re still concerned about, however, I recommend scripting that romantic feelings do not carry between desired realities, or that you simply don’t fall in love with anyone except your one [or more] chosen person[s].)
Is it safe?
Shifting is completely safe! You cannot become stuck or unable to shift back. If you are still concerned about such things (perfectly valid feelings for something so new and strange), you can (and SHOULD) script a safe word or safe action to bring you back to your OR or WR immediately. Scripting additional safety measures (such as not being able to die, be kidnapped, etc., etc.) is also highly recommended.
What’s a good resource for more information?
My two primary sources are Reddit and Youtube. I find Youtube to be more helpful (Particularly Shimmey Shay, Cass Relf, and Kristeau!) for motivation, meditations, methods, and the like. Reddit, on the other hand, is typically more helpful for figuring out specific things that you may want to script (typically compiled in huge threads) or finding other people shifting to the same place as you that you may want to speak to (though still be sure to exercise caution when doing so.)
Is TikTok a good source of info for shifting?
Most of the time, no. It’s good for memes and motivation, maybe even the occasional storytime, but not for information. Misinformation is most often spread about shifting through tiktok, and the nasty comments don’t help much either (nor does the frequent drama.) Take everything you hear about shifting on Tiktok with a grain of salt.
Thank you for reading, and happy shifting!
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fairyul · 1 year
can someone explain time ratios to me.. if i use 1 hour in my cr = 1 week in my dr, will i wake up after that one hour? will it all go so fast or will it feel how time feels here? it gets me so confused..
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hansolz-moved · 2 months
hey let's have this conversation again since the like/reblog ratio is getting SOOOO much worse. if you like content, reblog it. the people who follow you cannot see when you've liked a post, unless your likes are visible and they are routinely going through them, which i assure you they are not. by reblogging content, you are making it visible to other accounts. fanart, gifs, edits, etc. may be fun to make but they are very time consuming and it is much appreciated that if you enjoy them, you take the brief moment to reblog them to show that appreciation - and it helps. as fun as they may be, it is often kind of discouraging for posts to not do well because for every one person that reblogged it, five left a like and kept it pushing
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effemira · 19 days
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post bath
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havanillas · 2 months
Aventurine that isn't putting on a show is actually killing me I'm dead on the floor I know it's supposed to be a personality swap but maybe in a world where he wasn't seen as a commodity he would act this way,,, explodes
i do think even without taking the AU into account kakavasha is a pretty mellow person when he's not wearing his confident fancy guy persona
that side of him paired with a slightly different backstory that no longer requires him to wear that persona probably means he knows how to endorse in his "weak sides", like showing genuine care in someone else or accepting when he's tired
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Link to rest of the series
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opikiquu · 4 months
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daeyumi · 7 months
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“Remember when…”
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b1adie · 7 months
see the updated theory HERE
the answer 😏 may surprise you
ok listen to me. a long time ago aha made a worm really smart and tried to get it into the genius society. but even though that worm was smart as hell, nous did not give a fuck about it.
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you know who else is smart as hell but nous doesnt give a fuck about?
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heh. yeah. thats right. despite many people (including himself) feeling like nous should have recognized him a loooong time ago, that computer just doesn’t care.
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now, we are left to wonder… why does nous refuse to acknowledge this man..?
i think it’s quite obvious.
my theory is that aha made a SECOND worm really smart. and Then they made the worm into a sexy guy.
and now they’re outside nous’s window, giggling, as everyone in the universe ponders why veritas ratio is not permitted into the genius society.
“what’s wrong, nous? he’s a genius, isn’t he? let him in,” aha goads.
nous is glitching in frustration. “it’s the worm again. i know it’s the worm again.”
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moshaeu · 10 days
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long time no see 👭
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ironunderstands · 6 months
The way some of yall mischaracterize Ratio as being stoic in chill when in reality he is 24/7 resisting the urge to rip everyone around him a new one is crazy to me like. He cares so much, so much. It’s unhealthy, he loses the idgaf war every time because Ratio is the least nonchalant person ever like
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He was this close to breaking character and throttling Sunday like you cannot tell me he wasn’t planning a murder in this scene. Ratio straight up calls Sunday a crazy bitch but everyone brushed it aside 😭
Honestly his entire conversation with Screwllum is just him tweaking, watch it on YouTube the VAs performance is amazing, you can here just how much He Cares
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Genuinely, Aventurine is way better at concealing his true feelings that Ratio. Ratio may be acting for the sake of the plan but the way he truly feels about anything he’s doing always seeps through, it’s why he apologizes to Aventurine in 2.0 in their staged argument scene. It’s why he is as mean to Sunday as he can be. It’s why him pretending that he “hates” Aventurine makes him act so silly. Ratio can’t fully commit to the bit, he can’t force himself to not care or to be someone he isn’t, because fundamentally Ratio CARES and that is something he is incapable of hiding, alabaster bust or not.
The problem is that him expressing his care is often done in a rude and/or blunt manner which people tend to interpret as stoicism or apathy when it’s anything but. Ratio’s vial that he gives to Aventurine is short, sweet and gets straight to the point, because that’s the easiest way for Ratio to express his emotions, even if it’s often detrimental for him and anyone else around him. However Aventurine understands him quite well, and knows that although brief, Ratio telling him to “stay alive, survive this and keep on living” is how he truly feels towards Aventurine, and that’s enough to keep him going.
Underneath Ratios carefully crafted marble facade is a man who cares so much and is so bad at expressing it and I wish the community in general, especially Aventio shippers would acknowledge that more. Ratios true moments of sincerity are brief, but they are anything but stoic. Let the man be soft, it’s in character.
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avoidghost · 21 days
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Present for a friend of their favorite gambler 🎲♠️💚
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pixiesnooze · 2 months
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reichurine · 3 months
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more body swap au ideas, pt2
pt1 of said au
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seventh-district · 5 months
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 1 - Ratiorine Messages Edition
[Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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gaybuckybarnesss · 6 months
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"A sociopath, of high intelligence. Driven, cruel, but strongly motivated by honor. He yearns to be hurt, he loves pain. Can he be redeemed? He can be controlled, he's sexually vulnerable."
DUNE: PART TWO (2024) Dir. Denis Villeneuve
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wriothesleybear · 6 months
Imagine giving your boyfriend, Dr. Ratio a rubber duck that looks like him as a joke. He does make a comment saying it's idiotic, but he actually keeps it in his bathtub. Every time he looks at it while he's bathing, it makes him feel a warmth in his chest because it's a personalized gift you got just for him. You notice it hanging on the side of the tub the next time you bathe with him and tease him for it. "Hm. I guess it wasn't that idiotic of a present since you kept it in one of your most sacred places." He just ignores your teasing and continues reading his book.
The next time you two decided to take a bath together to relax, you notice another rubber duckie next to the one you gifted him and it looks just like you. You make a comment on it and he's nonchalant about it. His reasoning being "It seemed fitting that you should have one as well since we usually bathe together". All you can do is blush, taken by surprise from his words. He notices this and smirks. "What's wrong dear? Too shy to give one of your teasing remark?" All you can do is look away, moving back to lay on his chest. You quietly say, "It's cute." He slightly chuckles, a fond look graces his features. He wraps his arm around you, bringing you closer into him and rests his face into your hair, leaving a faint kiss to the crown of your head.
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