salemlunaa · 3 days
stop trying to manifest things, they are never coming.
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You guys need to stop manifesting things in order to get stuff, and you guys say that you don’t but ultimately, you do. you burn through methods like no tomorrow and then go to asks and dms to say that nothing works for you
But in order to manifest you need to understand that your desires aren’t coming, they’re already here, stop trying to do mental gymnastics to affirm the right way or visualise the right way with a 100 step manifestation routine trying to get your desires because they aren’t coming, they’re already here. And that’s what manifestation is:
reminding yourself of what is true
what manifestation isn’t:
using methods to get anything you dream of
instead it’s:
creating a reality where you have said desire, in imagination
it’s done
remind yourself of it whether it be with affirmations, visualisation etc
So stop trying to get results because they aren’t coming and never will, something that is already true isn’t waiting to happen, it just has already. So if your desire, which isn’t a desire anymore isn’t waiting around to become true, why are YOU waiting🤨?
If a loved one brings you a plate of cookies, you’re not going to beg: “please can i have some cookies” (affirmation that you lack cookies) you aren’t begging because the cookies are already infront of you. Instead you would thank them “thank you so much for the cookies” (affirmation that you do, in fact, have some cookies infront of you)
Those two phrases are affirmations, whether the cookies are materialised in the 3d or not, confirming whether you have them or not are affirmations. Treat your desires as those cookies, they’re here already therefore you can’t beg, why would you beg for something that’s here, why would you be desperate for something that has come.
Now, imagine if a friend comes over to your house to hang out, you aren’t gonna ignore them and say you’re waiting for them to come, while completely disregarding the fact that they’re already here because that’s rude and you also look insane anticipating the arrival of a friend that is literally sitting infront of you. Think of your desires as that friend, why are you ignoring them, while also looking and waiting for them at the same time, when they are RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU??
You can rack your brain to the point of insanity to get your results, you can be in this community for years and they just won’t come, sorry babe. You have to wake up and realise it’s already done or nothing will get done. Wether you do this by subliminals, robotic affirming, visualising, you need to remember that when it comes to your prize, these methods aren’t helping you cash out your prize, they’re simply reminding you that you have that prize.
Again, if you can’t understand it’s already done, nothing will ever get done. ever. You can apply for two hours before you go back to complaining (which is affirming that you lack that desire), you can affirm for a day before looking for your desire, but it’s never gonna happen, because it has already.
This is your life, you can spend years on and off applying this mindset while other actually get what they want, but this is your life and another day has gone by where you’re still looking for results you’ll never get. Don’t waste your life away doing the same thing you did yesterday, today’s the day to finally have enough with your mindset and fix up!!
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vegageshsworld · 3 months
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the concept of "i am" in the realm of esoterics is deeply rooted in the belief that our thoughts, words, and intentions have the power to shape our reality. it stems from the idea that whatever follows the phrase "i am" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, influencing our perception of ourselves and, consequently, the world around us.
to develop the concept of "i am" in a spiritual practice, one can start by becoming more mindful of their inner dialogue and self-talk. by paying attention to the words we use to describe ourselves and our experiences, we can begin to understand the power they hold in creating our reality. affirmations and visualizations are also powerful tools to reinforce the concept of "i am," as they help to align our thoughts and beliefs with our deepest desires and intentions.
when it comes to manifesting desires through the concept of "i am," the key lies in fully embodying the feeling and essence of already having what you desire. by affirming statements like "i am abundant," "i am loved," or "i am successful," you are not only declaring your intentions to the universe but also aligning yourself energetically with the frequency of your desires. this alignment can help attract opportunities, resources, and experiences that resonate with your affirmations.
moreover, practicing gratitude for what you already have can further amplify the power of the "i am" concept in manifestation. by acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life, you raise your vibration and open yourself up to receiving more of what you desire.
in essence, the concept of "i am" in esoterics is a potent tool for self-empowerment and manifestation. by cultivating a positive self-image, using affirmations and visualizations, and embodying the feeling of your desires, you can harness the creative power of your thoughts and beliefs to co-create your reality. remember, you are the architect of your own destiny, and by embracing the power of "i am," you can pave the way to a life filled with abundance, love, and fulfillment!!
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nightchild000 · 2 months
🖤 I don’t know who needs to hear this; but just a reminder that you are DESTINED to shift/respawn, since the first moment you setted your intention! 🖤
Haven’t listened to subliminals? Haven’t meditated? Haven’t affirmed?
✨You already manifested it a long ago, you have been manifesting it consciously or subconsciously, and you keep attracting it! you are literally a blink of an eye from there.
⭐️You are connected to your desired reality since you started; time doesn’t mean anything. All manifestations materialize, some may take more, some less …
💫 You and your desired reality are connected since you started; don’t overcomplicate it … go to sleep knowing you’ll wake up there, knowing you are sleeping there, be consistent and positive about it;
i promise, despite the bad days, despite your doubts … all the work has been done 🖤 you are constantly attracting your desired reality; and if it alligns with you, your desired reality is constantly attracting you, too! ⭐️✨
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leialuvlee · 3 months
the stigma around permashifting has never made sense to me bc why do you care so much? “Your family will miss you 🥺🥺” they won’t even know you’re gone huh 😭?? People act like you disappear from your cr if you shift 💀
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olivianyx · 9 months
In November 2023, there was a post that was viral on Tumblr about a user entering the void and time travelled a month into the future and manifested her freshman year final exams score to be a 99% and she's currently living in the future from this reality (which is basically in her perspective and assumption)... Which in turn got a really bad reputation cus people thought she was lying. Actually when I saw that post I immediately messaged her congratulations, and how did she do that. She told me that she actually shifted there and came back cus she wanted to make some changes in her script which even included her dream life so she can shift to a reality where she had her dream life. So when people were coming at her suing her for spreading fake success stories, she was planning to deactivate cus she had a really bad chest pain that day and was feeling like she was high (basically she was planning on respawning, so when I spoke to her on the same day she was about deactivate her account, she said she was having strong delusions, dissociation, and hallucinations about her desired reality and had really bad chest pain and body ache, that's basically the symptoms she expected while respawning. And ig respawned by clinical death which apparently means heart attack/sudden cardiac arrest and got replaced by another consciousness in her place after she respawned, the next day as I messaged her again, she said that her original soul has respawned and this new soul is now here and is now deactivating her Tumblr account.)
This story here actually have me motivation that i myself started working towards my shifting journey. And this month as I posted about manifested many things by not beating myself up with routines, I have high hopes that I'mma respawn to my waiting room too.
She, her name was jade (@juliefiedxd) was really sweet and helped me to heal my depression and anxiety with the help of loa back in November. Yet people were spreading unnecessary drama about her success. People want success stories like these but if they see one, they go 'tHiS iS fAkE' like wtf??
I'm actually really proud of her rn cus she herself was from a toxic ass background. And finally went into the void after 5 years of struggles with her mindset and circumstances. She was a really good coach that did not charge me anything for her coaching. Maybe I might start coaching people for free too 🤭
People, now atleast believe in the law, it's freaking easy! If you need someone to help you, here I am! Hit on my ask button! Stop humiliating people's success stories as fake! They are real Or either they're scripting it to be like that. So chill and focus on yourselves babes ❣️
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amalthearespawned · 4 months
kind of a hot take ? idk
it’s just a small observation of mine, but the amount of “proving shifting is real”/“the science of shifting” videos i see on a daily basis is .. a lot. of course it’s fine if you want to research theories on shifting and try to explain it (hell, i’ve done it in my free time), but it almost seems like the focus on shifting is being lost.
it seems like some people (shifttokers in particular, but nobody in specific) want to “prove” shifting to others, as if they can’t believe in it unless they can put it into a tangible way. it’s truly unnecessary since we, in this reality (at least), don’t know everything about the world. the solar system. consciousness. our mind in general. and that’s okay, we still believe in what we do know (or what we think we know). and even in other realities, what works there may not work here.
what i do know about shifting is that i don’t need anything except for myself. i don’t need shifting put into a slideshow about how this thing and this thing equals shifting, because i’m confident in my beliefs. it overcomplicates shifting and just makes things unnecessarily difficult.
and i feel that more people should believe in themselves rather than someone trying to prove something that probably won’t be proven, simply because of how shifting works.
i might have worded things weird (because i’m a dumbass) but i hope this comes out how i want it to. not poking anything at anyone, just an observation of mine that i wanted to put into words.
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rubyrealities · 1 month
His Face, His voice, his Smile, his jokes, his hugs, his warmth, his beautiful amethyst eyes, gng I miss him sm.
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yourdearestsilas · 3 months
@lunar1eclipse made this post about their dr first! credit to them for the idea.
things i'm excited for in my wr.
✮ having unlimited money
✮ eating delicious food
✮ my flat chest (bye bye dysphoria)
✮ no period !!
✮ my favorite books having film adaptations
✮ owning clothes i could never afford here
✮ my super soft and cozy bed
✮ my headphones never breaking or making the weird scratchy sound when i play music loud
✮ the weather never getting too hot
✮ having lifa + the other cool apps and websites i scripted for myself
✮ never being misgendered
✮ no homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc
✮ having zero responsibilities and just doing whatever i want all day
✮ being free from my back pain
✮ not living with my sisters (i love them, but i also can't stand them 😭)
✮ living with my best friend
✮ knowing how to drive and owning my own car
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moonieyunie · 9 months
note for myself and for my fellow shifters/respawners:
if you ever attempt to shift/respawn and you still woke up in this reality, it doesn't mean that you've failed, AT ALL. you need to keep on living in the 4D, aka in the imagination that you INDEED have shifted. (or that you're still capable of shifting/respawning, I personally like to assume that I CAN shift rather than already having shifted.)
what the 3D shows you doesn't matter!! Keep on persisting and then you will finally wake up in your DR.
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bibismovingcastle · 3 days
Im so stressed I have just 1 week to shift…
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salemlunaa · 2 months
get your ass up and get your dream life
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*mild tough love because some of you need this*
so alot of people go on about how they procrastinate the void and shifting to their new reality because of fear. but alot of you do not want or care to admit that , you’re just too fucking lazy. And to that i say seriously?? You know that you can have ANYTHING, absolutely ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you dream of, with just a trip to the void state and yet you hold it off. “I’ll do it tonight” you say, even though the most groundbreaking thing you have done today was scrolling through your phone on this app and others (which is time that could have been spent tapping in). You torture yourself scrolling through tiktok and instagram, looking at others from afar with jealousy wishing you had their lives. You add posts into your favourites telling yourself “i’ll have that life someday”, “i’ll have that body soon”, “when i shift i’ll be as pretty as her” (when you could literally have all that and better RIGHT NOW) You insert yourself in different narratives, shows and groups you wish you were apart of, when you could literally shift to a reality where you are there.
you don’t have to look at them with jealousy
you dont have to get upset about your shitty life
you don’t have to imagine
you don’t have to want for anything
you don’t have to yearn, long, desire
it can be yours, if i’m honest you should be more excited about this, scripting anything you could ever possibly dream of, even the little details, and they could be YOURS. you should start being so much more excited about this, about your dream life, like seriously. And that excitement about having everything should motivate you to tap in. Instead your lazy ass has adopted a loser mentality, doing absolutely nothing all day telling yourself you’ll “try at night” and when you don’t get in you repeat the cycle. You abandon responsibilities telling yourself it doesn’t matter because “youre gonna shift anyways”, and you don’t even put in the actual effort. It’s a very dangerous cycle to go down and you can go from moving round that cycle once to doing it 30 times and before you know it you’ve spent a month in this rut.
you don’t have to wait until the night and you know that so don’t give me bullshit. Take those limiting beliefs away and do it at any time of day when you get the chance.
Do you know how lucky you are to even have the access to learn about this shit. There are probably so many people much more disciplined than you, that would do so much with this information, who don’t even have access to the internet or any outside resources to even reach this sort of information and you’re fucking wasting your days lurking on this app. doing what? And it’s sad because, this community is so small meaning you are here for a reason my love, all that shit you went through and didn’t deserve, you looked at it all and knew there was more out there for you, knew that you were deserving of more. And i’ll be dammed if your lazy ass ruins it for yourself.
You have overcomplicated the void so much to the point where you’re scared to “fail” and “let yourself down” so you put it off and say you’ll “do it later”. Now remember, you cannot fail the void, you cannot fail something that is inside you, something that IS you. What you fail to do is stand firm in the fact that you’re a god and can do anything, everything is easy for you so get off your ass and go shift.
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i just HAD to 🤭 @smellofemale
you deserve everything, and you CAN, in fact, have it all. JUST DO IT 🥥💋
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vegageshsworld · 1 month
good afternoon, my lovely fairies! ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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┊last week I thought you might be interested in learning about the "inner workings" of subs. I think now is the time to talk about formulas for writing subliminals (this post will be especially useful for beginner submakers)
┊so, I'll start with my personal favorite formula:
❝layering one list of affs on another + the "echo" effect❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ this is when one list of affirmations is layered on another, where one list of affs is repeated at a faster volume, and the second - at a slower volume + adding the "echo" effect so that the affs are repeated not once, but 2-3 times, so it turns out that you hear 2-3 times more affs and get the desired results much faster!
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ this formula, as it were, "exaggerates" the expected results
for example: "I have a waist of 10 cm", "my weight reaches the 10 kg mark", etc.
❝acceleration of affs by x100 times❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ here there can be acceleration by x5, x10, x100 times - as you decide for yourself. if you decide that you need to accelerate by x5 times - accelerate by x5 times. decide to speed up x100 times - speed up x100 times
❝best friend❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ the essence of the formula is that you write affs not on your own behalf, as usual, but on behalf of your best friend.
usually affirmations are written as follows: "I have an angelic aura", "I really look like an angel"
and here: "wow! you really have an angelic aura", "you really look like an angel"
write affs in a different form, as if all these words are said to you by your closest friend
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ I talked about this effect a little higher! "echo" doubles-triples subliminals, which also doubles-triples them in your subconscious and ensures the manifestation of permanent results
❝many affs in one sub❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ each submaker writes their subs differently: someone may have about 50, someone - almost a thousand, or even a million affs. It all depends on your individual preferences. If you want to write a lot of affs and you think that this will be the most effective - write it this way. If you don't think it is necessary to write a lot of affs - it's okay, your subs will still work!
❝native voice in AF voiceovers❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ it is believed that when you voice subs with your voice, their vibrations increase, which is why the results are achieved faster. but, again, everything depends only on your individual preferences! it is not at all necessary to voice subs exclusively with your voice!
❝linking affs to a specific action❞
ೃ⁀➷ ⋆·˚ I'll start with an example here: "when I drink water, I lose 1 kg", "when I sit at the computer, my vision improves noticeably"
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┊if you found this post interesting, please don't forget to leave reactions!! ‹𝟹
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nightchild000 · 1 month
when i respawn i wanna shift to a realm where i can see all my past lifes cuz i’ve had so many thoughts about what they could have been but BITCH I WANNA KNOW SEE THEM
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b0n3-s4w · 3 months
A sub for finding your "home" (the perfect place to respawn)
It's for all types of respawners and the benefits are perfect <3
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olivianyx · 4 months
I didn't knew u were a respawner! That's so cool, I've been on my respawn journey for like 1-2 months, I hope this is okay to ask but how is your respawning routine? Currently I am taking a break but I would love to hear abt your respawning journey so far :>
Heyy! I'm glad I find many people who are into respawning! Actually mine's a long ass story and you might wonder how am I even doing fine to this day 😭
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Okay so long story short, let's begin.
Back in 2022, I discovered shifting. After finding out about loa in 2021, I was anticipated to shift realities just to escape this one. I hated being here. I was suffering with depression, bi polar, avpd, anxiety and maladaptive daydreaming, and I was from a toxic household with narcissistic, toxic and strict parents and fake af friends. It was really hard for me to even open up to somebody. It was hard for me to handle (actually I'm tearing up rn while I type this... Especially those traumas are the worst thing I ever experienced)
When I started my research about shifting, I got into amino. I saw the word 'respawn' and I was like tf is this?? I thought it was some gaming shit and then when I researched it on amino, I really wanted to go away from here and be happier than ever. I wanted to be in peace and do whatever I want in my reality. And no one should judge or stop me from getting what I want. I quickly scripted the place I wanna respawn, and other stuffs. I decided that I will get tf outta here.
Well because I had a reason that I'll respawn, I completely ignored my 3D circumstances. Like I stopped taking care of myself, stopped talking to people around me, stopped studying, stopped doing everything. I just was desperately trying to respawn every night telling myself that I will.
When in fact I was wasting my time and energy into lack. I almost didn't study for my finals and wrote the exams and hope that I'd respawn before my results will be declared. I used to keep time crunches to respawn, and when I didn't, I used to get so depressed, that I attempted to take my own life for the first time ever back in may 2022.
My brother accidentally entered my room and saved me from doing that. When I say I've almost attempted to take my own life for like 10+ times that same year, I still didn't give up. My exam results came and I luckily passed my exams.
So after all these I decided to give a break for 3 months completely for my own mental health. Ik my journey for 2 years wasn't smooth, it was full of ups and downs, and it messed my mental health up. I wasn't even using loassumption in a proper manner at that time. Ngl, I was so damn desperate for manifesting even the smallest stuff (I just wanna time travel back in time and slap the shit outta that version of me that I was back then 💀)
So when I got into a medical university in 2023 January, I completely forgot about respawning for a while. And again in October 2023, I logged into Tumblr, and became friends with one of the respawner Julie. She was so sweet, that she even answered every stupid doubts of mine (God give me Julie's patience 🗣️🗣️) she had respawned back in October 2023.
She was the one who told me 'SELF CONCEPT IS THE KEY!' so I started working on my self concept for like 1 and a half-ish months.... Well, I wasn't even perfect with it, but I tried. I did many challenges but the meraskii one had a good effect on my mindset. So last Christmas, I even learnt about the void (I hate implying it as void, I'd rather say it as I AM state) I wanted to enter it so bad.
I just did my affs, persisted in it, and listened to subs, and on Christmas Eve, I got into it successfully.
This year, I find respawning a very relaxing topic. Like I don't even get bothered by it. I know I'm already where I wanna be. And don't worry, my mental health has been good for a few days now. I was thinking of changing my script, so for the past 2 months, I've been scripting my new reality, well still it's only half way done hehe.
By the end of this month, I'm planning on respawning through the void. So till then I just wanna be thankful for everything here and enjoy every moment here without regrets.
Everybody's journey is different. All you have to do is embody your desired state. You just have to be the version of you having your desires. Be the one who already has it. For me, that took 3 years to click. I just had to relax and give myself in. Let go and enjoy the fact that I already have my desires in the 4d.
Ig this helped... any further doubts, you can ask me! Lots of luv 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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- olivia 🤍
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amalthearespawned · 5 months
i honestly find it beautiful how love/attraction can transcend the 3D. like, imagine being in love with someone from another reality and knowing that they love you too? isn’t that lovely??
for example, i wasn’t planning on ever having a s/o for my dr. i was planning on just shifting to my dr and living life normally, possibly without interfering with the plot of my dr.
then, a month or so after i started writing my script, i started getting signs from her through my social media feed and through content related to my dr, so i decided to learn more about her and such. i didn’t officially add her as a s/o to my script, but i had written down that it was a possibility. i didn’t know what i was walking into, and didn’t know if it would work out.
eventually i took a break from shifting, id say almost a year. didn’t look at that dr script often or interact with content about my dr. in 2023 i decided to start shifting again, and almost immediately i started getting an influx of content related to my dr, primarily of my now s/o. i didn’t really look at the script for my dr and instead focused on another one, with another s/o.
id never get signs from this s/o. it was always her :> i knew that my old s/o was a quiet and reserved person so i figured it was related to that, but since i had come out i didn’t want a male s/o anymore and no longer shift to that dr. so i started focusing on her/my dr again. (this is just my personal opinion but since i identify as a lesbian i didn’t want to change my sexuality for someone else, this reality or not. just what i’m comfortable with.)
and then.. the signs just got more clear. constantly i would see things related to my s/o- her name, her nickname, things related to my dr, tarot readings that resonated with us both, and more. atp i started associating the angel numbers 111/1111 with her simply because they would always show up with signs from her.
started channeling her shortly after, but i’m still trying to get the hang of it so i prefer sending her letters instead :> usually i’ll ask for her to show me something as a sign or use it as a yes/no sign, but i just like updating her on how i’m feeling. and yes, she tends to deliver with signs. as of now she’s impatient since i haven’t channeled or reached out in a while, so she’s needing attention :> i think she’s also been impatient since i haven’t shifted yet but have gotten very close to, since this week every reading i’ve done/had done by others has said she needs attention and that she misses me a lot.
but, i think it’s genuinely crazy that i wasn’t planning on having a s/o or anything similar. the only reason why i do now is because she reached out first 😭 otherwise i’d be bitchless right now. shifting truly is a lovely thing.
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