#Sunset shifting
sunsetshifting · 1 year
111 Things to Script For Your Desired Reality!
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love looking through those ‘things to script’ lists!
Sooo I compiled 111 of my favorites, both from my own scripts and from a few misc. posts I’ve seen! Enjoy! <3
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(They’re also split by category, with 20 ideas in each of them! Categories include: Appearance/Body, Abilities, Social, Tech-Related, Safety, and Misc..)
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You always look good, no matter what you do (or don’t) wear.
Your clothes always fit you perfectly.
Your teeth are straight and white.
Your hair never looks/feels greasy or oily.
You don’t have to shave.
You don’t have a period.
You have a high metabolism.
You are extremely photogenic.
Your own Signature ScentTM (Mine is vanilla!)
Your side profile looks good.
Your lips don’t get chapped.
Your posture is consistently excellent, with or without effort.
You are unbothered by humidity or lack thereof.
You are unbothered by extreme temperatures in either direction.
You are generally perceived as attractive.
You cannot get pregnant.
You have clear skin.
Your makeup/nail polish always looks perfect.
Your glasses (if you have them) don’t fog up.
Your voice claim (or specifications!)
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You are more flexible than the average person.
You are very physically strong.
You are never out of shape.
Your lungs don’t get sore.
You have good physical balance.
Your stamina and endurance are very high.
Your lung capacity is very high.
You rarely ever get sore.
Your vision/hearing is perfect.
You are extremely agile.
You are immune to all poisons.
You have a greatly reduced gag reflex.
You have a good sense of rhythm and timing.
You have very fast reflexes.
Learning/studying is easy for you.
Your memory is fantastic.
Whenever someone tries to read your mind, all they hear is circus music.
Your voice never cracks when you sing.
You never get lost/know your way around the place you’re in.
You can sleep comfortably anywhere.
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Everyone is open to speaking with you.
You are very convincing.
You will never accidentally seriously offend someone.
You will not cry when people yell at you. (No? Just me? Alrighty.)
People find you naturally endearing.
People find your awkward moments cute or endearing.
You will never be misgendered.
People understand your sense of humor.
People don’t find your laugh annoying.
You never accidentally commit a social faux pas.
You will never be canceled on social media.
People don’t talk over you.
People feel safe and comfortable around you.
You look intimidating when you’re angry.
No one tries to break you and your S/O up.
Your S/O will never cheat on you.
People don’t spread false/damaging rumors about you.
You never get caught sneaking out of dorms/classrooms/etc..
You never get left on ‘read’.
Transphobia/Sexism/Racism don’t exist.
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Your phone will never die at an inconvenient time.
You always have service/wifi.
There are no ads on youtube/other streaming platforms.
You will never crack your device’s screen.
Your digital script (if you have one) is hidden/otherwise unable to be seen by anybody except you.
Other people cannot see your LIFA app (if you have one.)
Videos/music/movies/shows/etc. don’t buffer, and instead load quickly.
All your uploads/downloads are very fast.
Your files/documents/photos are always neatly organized.
You have infinite storage space on your devices.
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Animals naturally like you, and will never attack you, growl at you, or run away from you.
Flashing lights don’t hurt your eyes.
You cannot get frostbite or heatstroke.
You cannot get food poisoning, stomach aches, toothaches, or headaches.
You cannot get sick or nauseous.
You will never have digestive issues.
You do not reveal secrets or anything embarrassing when intoxicated.
You cannot become addicted to anything.
You will never be hungry at an inconvenient time.
You will never have to use the bathroom at an inconvenient time.
You will never forget your ability to shift, nor become incapable of shifting.
You will never be rendered mute or otherwise incapable of saying your safe word.
You are safe from human trafficking.
If you lose consciousness, someone will carry you to safety.
Your bones will never be broken and your muscles will never be torn.
Your organs will never be ruptured.
Your wisdom teeth are already out.
There will never be a fire inside wherever you live (unless it is within a fireplace.) Said fire will also never spread and burn down the location, nor any part of it.
You will never be sunburnt.
Your ears will never be hurt by loud noises.
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You have all your DR self’s memories.
You will never be homesick for your OR or any of your DRs.
Sentimentally valued personal possessions will never be stolen from you.
You are always calm and focused when shifting realities.
You cannot shift out of your DR randomly, and can only shift back to your OR when you have the intention to shift back (and have used your safe word/action), without any exceptions.
Bugs will never nest in places you don’t want them to. (Also, you’ll never be stung by them!)
You enunciate perfectly, whether singing or talking.
You are never late for anything.
You win every fight you’re in (unless you’ve scripted otherwise.)
You will always be able to discern between OR and DR memories.
You will know everything someone your age should know in the given setting.
You never stain your clothes with food or drink.
You are not easily set off (anger or frustration) by loud noises. (Personally, I really struggle with this, so it’s nice to script it out.)
Your socks/shoes never get soggy or wet.
You can always fit comfortably inside a bathtub. (SEVERELY underrated addition.)
You never have to break in shoes.
You never have to deal with lice/fleas.
You have no problems with walking/running/fighting in heels.
You never have unflattering photos taken of you.
You don’t remember any of the ‘scenarios’ you’ve scripted.
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Secret Final Category:
You are a master shifter! Motivation is key, and it’s important to remember just how incredibly powerful you are!
Thank you for reading to the end, and happy shifting!
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rip luke patterson you would have loved boygenius 😔🙏🕊
alex | reggie | julie | the whole gang | stickers! | prints! | keychains!
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euph0niious · 3 months
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walking back after a mission, but i stopped to take a photo of the sky and lights. he does not know. it adds to the element anyways.
i made this a while ago so dazai is slightly scuffed but i wanted to post something.
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Why did Sunset x Vibes promo itself as a sexy adult bl only to deliver blushing maiden and angle kisses? What is going on here
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guess who got so brainrotted over jaiden animations that they finished their first animatic
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Another omori pixel doodle while I procrastinate
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baura-bear · 3 months
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I’m such a park ranger
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aideshou · 2 months
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questwithambition · 1 year
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New York has been treating me pretty well ✨
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cerise-breadfruit · 8 days
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Helloo, I am Cerise, one of many shifters. My content will be focused on SHIFTING and answering questions. My main reality is Percy Jackson, and I am very excited to return to SHIFTING again. I’ve been doing it since 2019—though the years don't really matter, it’s just a fact! I consider myself someone who knows a lot about the mind and can explain in detail what the shift feels like and the changes that happen. I enjoy studying these topics and researching investigative science. I took a break recently, but now that I'm back, I just want to shift to a peaceful place. With nothing more to add, welcome everyone!
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
Important Things to Script For Your DR!
Now above all else, safety is the most important thing to script. ‘Safety’ is, of course, also quite relative to one’s DR, so when examining this list, please keep in mind what is and is not relevant to you.
That said, here’s my list of 20 important things to script for your reality shifting journey!
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You cannot die - Arguably the most important one to script, unless you’re experiencing some sort of Minecraft hardcore-esque DR. Dying in a DR is no less traumatic and terrifying than it is in your Original Reality, so please exercise caution and remember to script that you cannot die.
You have a high pain tolerance - This one is a bit of a matter of preference, but is generally a good idea to script in. Some people script out pain entirely, but this generally makes the DR feel less ‘real’, and so the safest bet is to simply make sure your pain tolerance is high.
You will never be tortured or kidnapped/You will never be SA’d - This is a given. Even if it seems unlikely in your DR, this is still good to have just in case.
You cannot lose any teeth or have them knocked out - I don’t really see this aspect talked about much, but I would personally prefer to err on the side of caution, especially considering just how likely I am to be punched in some of my DRs (MHA, for example.)
Time pauses when you are not in your DR - This one is easily within the top 3 of most important things to script. You certainly wouldn’t want to return to your DR after a shifting break only to discover that several months had passed without your knowledge!
You cannot be dragged out of your DR against your will - This is a good one for making sure you don’t accidentally shift back to your OR. Of course, it may still happen if you haven’t properly grounded yourself (don’t worry, it’s easy, you just have to touch and look at things around you) but this is still a good measure to take.
Nobody will know that you’re a reality shifter unless you tell them - This is a good one to have just in case. You never know how someone might react to this information. On that note…
The people in your DR are accepting of shifting - Another good bit to include if you plan on telling anyone (not necessary, but some people like to.) This ensures that nobody cuts ties with you or freaks out on you!
Everyone around you has good hygiene - This one is deceptively important. Whether you’re attending UA or slumming it in TWD, you definitely want to avoid as much rank smell as you can.
You cannot be maimed or permanently injured in your desired reality beyond scars that do not impede your ability to perform any sort of task - This is entirely personal preference. This just sees to it that you don’t suffer a non-fatal injury that debilitates or disables you in some fashion (such as losing fingers or an eye.)
You cannot be brainwashed or otherwise forced to forget how to shift out of the DR - Another safety precaution, just in case you come into contact with someone or something that can change your memories or take over your mind.
You will be safe from all potential diseases and illnesses/You will never be arrested or sent to prison/You will always have enough money to purchase whatever you want - These are moreso to fluff up and boost the experience of your DR, but some people choose to avoid these for the sake of a challenge or realism. I, personally, enjoy them. :3c
There will never be natural disasters or a risk of tragedy such as shootings or fires - As someone with a severe fear of both thunderstorms and shootings, this is essential.
You will remember everything your clone experienced while you were in your DR - This is a good measure to make sure that things are perfectly in order when you get back^^
You will never be involved in a car crash or plane crash - Good to make sure your DR experience doesn’t end prematurely/randomly, as well as to avoid unneeded trauma.
You will not remember the plot of your DR - This one is only relevant if your DR is based off a fictional piece of media. This helps to prevent you from 1. messing up the plot, 2. revealing things before you should know them.
People respect your name/pronouns - As someone who’s trans, this one is completely necessary regardless of where I shift.
You automatically know everything your DRself knows - Just a bit of insurance to make sure that there’s no problems with you slotting into your DRself’s position!
Your eyes open automatically once you arrive in your DR - This helps take away the guessing of when to open your eyes for awake methods, as well as comfort for other methods.
A SIGN! - This one is more abstract, but this generally just means something to make yourself aware that you’ve shifted! Generally, people will script that they either hear birds chirping, smell coffee, or taste something bitter. The key here is to use one or more of your five senses! Anything goes, beyond that point!
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sawenxo · 2 years
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streetlightgoblin · 10 months
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Pretty gorl time
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lifemod17 · 2 months
Good timezone!✨
I just got off a long double shift at the restaurant and kept sneaking out of the kitchen to try and get a sunset photo over the river. Missed the sun unfortunately but got the colorful clouds and the horizon gradient <3
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I'm sorry you missed the sun, but if it's any consolation, I actually find these kind of sunsets to be so very beautiful and I am much grateful that you shared these with me 🥹🥹 soft clouds being bathed in all sorts of colors? Gradient horizon? SIGN ME UP.
Happiest of timezones to you lovely 💛
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donaviolet · 5 months
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going kinda insane with some new lighting techniques >:33
do u guys think it looks better with or without blur? I'm still experimenting a bit around
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stonesandswords · 5 months
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🌼spring sunsets🌼
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