#Tom talks
holy-ground-tv · 2 months
stardew valley character’s schedules are so funny like yes elliott i also stare at the sea for four hours straight
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hechiima · 1 year
It's tax season and I don't wanna do mine so instead here's my hcs about AA characters and taxes that literally nobody asked for.
Phoenix: does his own taxes until Apollo shows up then foists the WAA taxes onto Apollo. Does he always do his own taxes correctly or give Apollo the right numbers? Perhaps not. But hey, if they're wrong the IRS will let him know, right? He hasn't been audited yet. 🤷🏻
Edgeworth: has never filled out a tax form in his life. Only knows how taxes work on a theoretical level. Because he's stupid rich and has foreign income, his taxes are wildly complicated. That is what Stephanie, his accountant is for.
Franziska: same as Edgeworth. She also thinks it's stupid that she has to pay American taxes when she's not here.
Apollo: actually capable of doing taxes. Does not use turbotax, thank you very much, because he does not trust them and they are evil. He will check and double check his taxes himself. He has also somehow been conscripted into doing the WAA taxes. Unfortunately, he's not sure if his calculations are correct there because he frankly doesn't trust the numbers that Phoenix has given him. It makes him Wildly Anxious. Terrified of the IRS.
Athena: TurboTax dot com babeyyyyy.
Klavier: also rich and has complicated taxes so he has an accountant to do his. He offered his accountant's services to Apollo but Apollo just ended up double checking the accountant's numbers so he's not sure if the accountant actually saved Apollo any time or grief.
Simon: with Athena on TurboTax dot com. He didn't do taxes for years on account of the being in jail thing so he's not sure what's going on. He also doesn't care that much and his taxes aren't that complicated so he just sorta throws his w2 at Athena and assumes she knows what's going on.
Godot: jail :) No income :)
Gumshoe: free file. He cannot afford turbotax. 😔
Pearl: doing fraud (accidentally)
Maya: doing fraud (negligently)
Trucy: doing fraud (for fun and profit)
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tftomfoolery · 3 months
If, for purely hypothetical reasons, one were to make a PowerPoint on transformers reproduction to torture teach their friends about it. What would you include?
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prince-arthur · 1 year
can we do pornstars? Malik Delgaty/Reno Gold
You absolutely can! Malik all the way
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twinpainstar · 1 year
the cleonic dynasty is actually so fucking funny cause whenever they have a problem they’re like. well guess i’m out of ideas. got any ideas, guy who is also me? 
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tompercyinnit · 7 months
Daredevil stunt where the prey is chained/tied up and swallowed and has to escape before digesting similar to being buried alive with concrete poured over
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terrorofthenight · 1 year
I don't know how long i'll be gone
My dog passed away, just in time for me to get covid. So now I'm sitting home alone with no distractions, and like... the first time i got covid he didn't leave my side, so its just... really hard this time.
I'm sorry for just up and disappearing, but this really is the last straw for a bit....
Between this and work, i just need to breathe
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boguscheesecake · 7 months
It’s funny that when it comes to hobbies and creative endeavors there’s an ocean of talk about Burnout and how to recognize Burnout and avoid and treat Burnout to the point it’s seen as an obvious aspect of Doing Things and treating it slowly and with compassion is common sense, and then also you’re expected to wake up for your job every day every year with minimal breaks and a constant standard of performance and if you can’t manage it that’s a serious problem for which you will suffer financially and professionally. By funny I mean deeply sad.
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holy-ground-tv · 30 days
The Tortured Poets Department, Amazon Music Track By Track Audios
here's clara bow. tumblr wouldn't let me upload it bc of the limit
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hechiima · 1 year
It's already so tragic that Holmes and Watson get separated for three years in the original stories and then dgs was like alright well we're gonna make it ten and make them both single dads. So. I'm sure they're fine.
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tftomfoolery · 1 month
Watched the 2007 bayverse transformers and once again had thoughts on my ideal transformer movie: one that follows a military group (yeah yeah military glorification I get it but also explosions) that then introduces the aerialbots, which then could have a sick combiner sequence with Superion in the sky just absolutely smacking the hell out of some seekers
One that follows a firehouse which has been responding to strange fires and incidents happening which then leads into the introduction of the PROTECTOBOTS and what's causing all the chaos is of course the STUNTICONS and it's even better if autobots are already established in this universe because why is Optimus is dark colors and almost ran you down?? Because it's not OP it's MOTORMASTER and then that way you get autobots that yes do fight but also more importantly focus on helping humanity and saving people but then for good scenes that also means GIANT COMBINER FIGHT and who doesn't want to see that and then also you could get a cute scene with a giant Defensor holding the protectobots humans or even just a giant palm pressing against human hands
Idk basically I just want autobot combiners that aren't the worst looking things ever that don't have bell balls.
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prince-arthur · 11 months
Froy Gutierrez openly kissing Zane Phillips has made me happier and boosted my day so much more than it should have because yay them
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twinpainstar · 10 months
thinking about t4t fish and chips. transmasc chip agender gill SEND TWEET!!!!!!!
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tompettyofficial · 6 months
typical white boy. busting it down sexual style. even goated, with the goddamn sauce
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terrorofthenight · 4 months
To everyone I told i would be back like... weeks ago, sorry. I lied.
I've been sick with some nasty bronchitis for around 39 days, with the coughing so bad I cracked a rib. My life was literally Wake up, Go to work (Because there was no one who wanted to cover my shifts), come home from work, go to bed, wake up for dinner and meds, and then going right back to bed.
And then work got stressful, we fired a guy and now he and his mom wants to get me fired.
And on top of that, work is now switching companies and we've been working on that.
So I have no idea when I'll be back if i'm honest.
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tompercyinnit · 7 months
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