cancerian-woman · 2 months
Besides Klaus who else do you ship bonnie with ?
I did say Bonnie deserved hoes. That went for everyone. It is the least the plot could do is uplift Bonnie’s desirability given everyone needs her magic.
No one ever gives a good argument why a noncanon Bonnie ship shouldn’t have happened. “She’s too good for them” “That pairing is so toxic”. “Platonic for a reason…” For example: Kol killed Davina and she married him. No one says anything about Kolvina. But if Bonnie is too good what does that say about your fave for being paired with said toxic man…
They usually mean anyone but the black girl.
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melmedardasworld · 11 months
Bonnie deserved to have gotten everything and more.
I'm glad for the pro Bonnie Bennett fans that put so much effort into their work. I love reading ya'lls, metas, theories, stories, and what ifs. Your edits, celebrations, planned events, and watching your edits!
I love our interactions and discussions. A lot of talented people with great ideas. Your passion is noted and welcomed.
Try not to be discouraged by the negativity or antis. To navigate through fandom is already hard by itself.
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bennett-mikealson · 11 months
It’s funny how a lot of TVD Stans all of a sudden lose the ability to envision anything outside of canon when it comes to Bonnie and her only. All these fantasies, hypotheticals and what if’s can be thrown around for other characters but God for bid it’s Bonnie. Now it’s either Bonnie Stan’s are doing too much, we’re trying to make her the main character and give her too much attention/spotlight or we’re being delusional giving her storylines that make her ooc even tho the entire show was hella inconsistent in how characters were written.
It’s not our fault y’all choose to only see her for what was given in the show and nothing more. Take that close minded energy elsewhere.
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hollowed-hallowed · 21 days
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Bonnie Bennett's Rarepair Bash 2024
Sunday, July 7th to Tuesday, July 16th
10 Days of Bonnie Bennett getting the love she deserves!
Each day has a word, a rarepair, and an ao3 tag. These are just for inspiration - all optional, not a requirement. Use whatever you wish to create for our favorite Bennett witch!
DAY 01: Sunday, July 7th
Word: Drive
Ships: Baroline (Caroline Forbes); Tonnie (Tyler Lockwood)
Tag: "BAMF Bonnie Bennett"
DAY 02: Monday, July 8th
Word: Luminous
Ships: Klonnie (Klaus Mikaelson); Bonbekah (Rebekah Mikaelson)
Tag: "Soulmate"
DAY 03: Tuesday, July 9th
Word: Mend
Ships: Bonliv (Liv Parker); Bonkai (Kai Parker)
Tag: "Bonnie Bennett Leaves Mystic Falls"
DAY 04: Wednesday, July 10th
Word: Expectation
Ships: Bonlena (Elena Gilbert); Stefonnie (Stefan Salvatore)
Tag: "Alternate Universe"
DAY 05: Thursday, July 11th
Word: Gratitude
Ships: Bonlijah (Elijah Mikaelson); Bonley (Hayley Marshall)
Tag: "Vampire Bonnie Bennett"
DAY 06: Friday, July 12th
Word: Vendetta
Ships: Breya (Freya Mikaelson); Finnett (Finn Mikaelson)
Tag: "Canon Divergence"
DAY 07: Saturday, July 13th
Word: Eternal
Ships: Boncent (Vincent Griffith); Batherine (Katherine Pierce)
Tag: "Dark Bonnie Bennett"
DAY 08: Sunday, July 14th
Word: Shadow
Ships: Davonnie (Davina Claire); Kennett (Kol Mikaelson)
Tag: "Friends to Enemies"
DAY 09: Monday, July 15th
Word: Innocence
Ships: Boncel (Marcel Gerard); Original Character(s)
Tag: "Bonnie Bennett Goes To New Orleans"
DAY 10: Tuesday, July 16th
Word: Nocturnal
Ships: Bonora (Nora Hildegard); Crossover Character(s)
Tag: "Time Travel Fix-It"
Rarepair for this event is a ship with less than 150 completed works, with main focus on the Bonnie ship. (Honestly, this is a casual event, so if you’re doing the bigger Bonnie ships, I'm not gonna stop you, but the focus is on the rarepairs - the rarer, the better.)
Crossovers, polyamory, OCs, LGBTQ+ are all welcome.
I’ll be reblogging folks work until the end of August, so if you’re late, no worries, still bring what you have when you can.
Please tag appropriately, even if that means you’re simply stating you’re not going to tag anything. (This is mainly for fic writers.)
Use #bbrarepairbash2024 so others can find your work. Tag me @/hollowed-hallowed and/or @/bbtvducollection, so I can make sure I reblog your creations. If there’s enough interest, I’ll start a collection on AO3.
Drop me a message or ask if you have any questions. I’ll see you all in July!
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mayhemlovesenvy · 3 months
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Happy birthday to the boy ever!!
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bloodypetee · 5 months
Some Fnafhs x Scott Pilgrim things
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
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Me: it’s not a big deal. Everyone had their own opinions on ships.
Also me when I see hate about my otp: angrily rants about wrong that point it and mine is flawless
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jazzywazzy89 · 1 day
A Goodbye...of Sorts
Hello All,
I am sure this won't surprise a lot of you and I am sure it will disappoint quite a few but it is time for me to say goodbye to fanfic. While I appreciate the years of ongoing support and am sad that so many of my stories didn't get to have closure I feel as if I have outgrown them and it has been a feeling I have had for some time now. I have spent a lot of time the last few months talking to a lot of amazing and talented black female/nonbinary authors and I have been inspired but also felt a need to move forward with my own work. It makes no sense to me anymore to not focus wholly and fully on my original writing and my career aspirations. I have let fear hold me back for some time and a lot of ways I have used these stories and in some ways this fandom as a crutch due to fear of rejection and fear that my writing wasn't good enough to create something great on my own and of my own. While I will still be around on tumblr and will keep you all up to date on my personal journey I will no longer be writing fanfiction and will be removing my stories from Fanfic.net and Wattpad by the end of this upcoming week. I hope that these stories have brought you all some escapism and joy these past years. I appreciate and love you all so much! I hope to continue to recieve your support as I move on and move forward!
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thebennettdiaries · 1 year
Pairing: Tyler/Bonnie
Prompt: Childhood sweethearts
Drabble Requests Open
Her two best friends think they know everything about her.
But there is a part of her that Bonnie has always kept secret, kept hers. It is not that she goes out of her way to lie to her friends. She doesn't think they care or will see it like she does. It is a moment in her life that she wants to hold onto, especially now that the darkness seems to be surrounding them more quickly than they can fight it off.
She thinks back to those days, barely even understanding why it is that she likes to be around him. She remembers what it feels like to have his fingers slide through hers before they take off for the woods. She can feel the wind slipping through her hair and the brambles brushing into the skin of her legs. She doesn't know why she loved how that felt. Or why the sound of his laughter tickled something inside of her. She only knows that he has always had the urge to run and she just needs to be surrounded by nature,
Wolf and witch --- there is something intensely poetic about that.
They had been far too young to know any kind of romantic love. What they had was something that she still does not know how to put words to. A connection that cannot be broken. Not even now when she is fumbling to light candles and he is being far too hot headed to take seriously. They don't talk like they used to; they barely acknowledge one another's existence.
Except in those quiet moments when their eyes meet and they are both transported back to the beginning.
She thinks she would like to go back there, build on it. Make it something more.
By the look in his eyes, she thinks he would like to too.
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cancerian-woman · 3 months
Unpopular opinion: Tyler should’ve killed Hayley and he wasn’t wrong for trying to.
Another unpopular opinion: I think Michael Trevino (along with Kat Graham) was done wrong by Plec due to him being a non white hispanic man. Tyler Lockwood could’ve been SO MUCH BETTER and could’ve had such an interesting storyline and character development along with Bonnie if Plec wasn’t a racist bum.
Facts. Not trying to make this super long. Hayley would’ve deserved whatever Tyler decided to do. She betrayed him first.
People seem to only see “innocent Hayley who’s pregnant by Klaus” but forgets that Tyler’s intentions were rooted in protecting the werewolves as a species. The irritating part in this is that it was all done on TO. Which means they weren’t going to actually let Tyler do anything to Hayley. Depending on how a fan watches the franchise Tyler looks like the villain here. Hayley even calls him a “backstabbing half breed”. I do find it funny she became a “half breed” and never shut up about being one after that lol.
I talked about how Hayley’s death is a karma moment here.
You aren’t wrong. Tyler is white, but it’s clear he doesn’t look white. He looks NOTHING like his family members. Klaus/Caroline exist as a ship to constantly sideline him. When Tyler was the introduction to the werewolves.
Michael Trevino and Kat Graham deserved better more than words can say. Their characters were used as plot devices and never given the same push as their white counterparts.
Isn’t ironic that two characters Tyler and Bonnie were introduced with these unique bloodlines yet we’re done the worst. I’m so pissed that we learn in TO, Tyler’s would’ve been protecting the hallow bones. It would’ve been pleasing as fuck to see Hayley BEG Tyler for help after she betrayed him.
Julie and the other writers were so racist they couldn’t even at least let Tonnie happen as a ship. Instead, Tyler ends up dating one of the many white Bonnie’s of TVDU lol. (i meant Liv Parker).
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amariaamaris · 10 months
Bonnie Bennett’s Rarepair Bash: Day Four
Tyler Lockwood/Bonnie Bennett
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Bonnie’s lungs are burning with fire and it feels like lava is settling in her legs. Yet, she can’t stop running. How can she? She’s being actively hunted in the blackness of shrouded woods. Branches have ripped surprisingly deep cuts into her face and arms. Her bare feet have long since gone numb to the pain and she so badly wants to cry. But she won’t allow it because if she does, she’ll curl up in a ball and wait for death.
Bonnie had thought that she was safe, she thought that she had made it back. She realizes now how badly mistaken she was. This alternate world is a living nightmare and she’s being hunted by a wolf in a man's skin. She feels his cloying warm breath right before she’s tackled to the ground.
“Hello Bonnie.” There’s darkness in his eyes as a slow wolven smile makes its way to his face.
Bonnie’s heart is beating out of her chest, adrenaline rushes through her veins as she feels her body shake.
“Tyler.” His name escapes her on a half sob, sounding like an omen. Tyler's teeth flash as his eyes go gold. The next moment, he’s burying his fangs into her neck.
A low growl follows her into unconsciousness. “Mine.” Echoes through the woods and in her being.
( @hollowed-hallowed​ and @bbtvducollection​)
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fhs-event-week · 2 months
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Propaganda for Tonnie:
Now THIS is the opposites attract ship. In fact, just listen to Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul. That is their song- that's how much the opposites attract.
Propaganda for Oweddy:
OUGH. Freddy is literally Owynn's reason for being evil !!! And we don't know what happened!!!! But that leaves so much to imagination!!! So you can do your own doomed yaoi out of them !!!! Also they DO have frames together !! (In a book but yk) and they have very pretty color palettes and I will die for them. Im already dying for them. They're my parents. Just the perfect boys for anyone to slap their hcs into (Submitted by anonymous).
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hollowed-hallowed · 1 month
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Please vote and reblog to help spread the word. Thanks!
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wearesociety · 2 years
The ending of tvd left such a terrible taste in my mouth, especially Bonnie’s ending. Funny how Elena and Caroline had family they could turn to and go home to meanwhile the only person Bonnie had was the mother who didn’t want her. It was cruel for the writers to kill Enzo, it was just another way for them to reinforce that Bonnie was completely alone. But to send her to Africa??! When she should no interest of traveling their in the entirety of the show?? I don’t even think they mentioned Africa in the show once. It was very racial coded and I mean what do we expect from a bunch of white women. Anyways if I could rewrite Bonnie’s ending I would say she would definitely start a healing journey. It would start by her selling her father’s house. (Not Grams’ that’s definitely a safe place for her) And she would relocate to another state. Maybe get in touch with lucy or find a group of witches because she’s never really had any witches around her.
What would be the ending you would give to Bonnie if you could?
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freddieslater · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Bonnie Bennett x Liv Parker x Tyler Lockwood (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @childofsquidward
Movement catches the corner of Bonnie’s eye. When she looks over at Liv, she holds a finger to her lips, then throws another scrunched up ball of paper at Tyler, asleep at the bottom of the bed. It hits him on the shoulder but he doesn’t stir.
Bonnie notices there are two other balled up bits of paper beside him. She rolls her eyes and nudges Liv to tell her to quit it. Of course, she doesn’t listen.
This one hits him on the chin, nearly going in his open mouth. Liv quickly covers her mouth as she snickers, and Bonnie shakes her head, smiling against her better judgment.
She tries to focus on her paper but when she catches Liv going to do it again, she reaches over to stop her, taking the paper away from her.
“We’re doing all of the work here,” Liv says in protest, motioning to Tyler’s still soundly asleep form. “It’s not fair that he just gets to take a nap while we’re stuck writing these stupid papers. He’s probably going to try and copy off us and claim our hard work as his own.”
“No, he won’t,” Bonnie says, hesitating for a moment before putting the little ball of paper in the waste basket beside her. “Because we won’t let him. Besides, Alaric would know, and then he would be in trouble.”
Liv rolls her eyes now, but she looks over at Tyler with a slightly softer expression.
“Full moon’s in two days.” She turns to Bonnie, a twitch of concern between her brows. “Do you think it’s bothering him?”
Bonnie shrugs, then properly takes in Tyler’s appearance; while peaceful for the most part in his sleeping state, there are circles under his eyes, and there’s a strange sunkenness to his features that isn’t usually there, making his skin sort of sallow.
“Yeah. I think so,” she finally says. “It’s probably why he’s so tired as well.”
Liv hums quietly in thought. With a smooth wave of her hand, a quilt is dragged out from beneath the bed. It rests over Tyler, wrapping him up. To both their surprise, he curls into it and pulls it closer in his sleep.
“We should probably let him sleep then,” Liv says.
Smiling, Bonnie nods. “I agree. Do you wanna go get some coffee? We’ve been writing for at least two hours, I think we’ve earned a break.”
“God, I thought you’d never ask.”
Liv hops up off the bed — Tyler once again doesn’t even stir — and grabs her campus hoodie, already slipping on her shoes as Bonnie follows. Before they leave, she gently smooths her hand over Tyler’s forehead and presses a light kiss to his temple, and Liv does the same.
“Be back soon,” she murmurs to him, then takes Bonnie’s hand as they quietly leave him to rest.
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