#Tony khan is in my head idk how but he is
ur-fav-alien · 2 years
Y’know I could be absolutely insane, but has anyone thought about Trent/Yuta before like…
Idk I feel like it would somehow work? Like this scenario was just brought to my head where like after Yuta left, Trent and him could’ve gotten into some argument, like Yuta’s moving out and everything is super tense so the two of them obviously could’ve gotten into an argument.
And like Yuta finally leaves and Trent just kinda stands there and it looks like his crying like…. He definitely crying right? His shoulders are shaking a little and his hand is covering his eyes.
Chuck goes over to check up on him and he just sees him crying and kinda comes to this realization. Trent liked him. Like had a stupid elementary school crush where you pulled hair and made fun of the one you liked.
Yuta was probably Trent’s first guy crush (possibly idk) so him leaving was even more difficult.
This quote tweet by him furthers this idea (I am delusional)
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hikarus-shida · 3 years
Jungle Boy: "Meant to Be"
Jungle Boy x gender neutral!reader
genre: friends to lovers
warning: cursing, the word vomit is written but like no one vomited (idk just a warning in case), also overthinking
summary: jungle boy and the reader have been friends since they both began at aew. reader begins to catch feelings for him
requested by: anonymous (I hope you enjoy!)
Tag List: @cutierocker202
I based this imagine off of my headcanon version! For some reason, I feel very off my game for imagines. I hope you all enjoy this though!
*I do not own this gif!*
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You and Jungle Boy had been best friends ever since the two of you have been at AEW. Your friendship was one that everyone wished they had; the two of you always hung out with each other, always happy and smiley, it was never a dull moment. Jack knew how to put a smile on your face and was always there for you.
At first, it started off with a harmless crush. You thought it would go away as your friendship grew and you even forgot about it at one point, but then it reignited. You saw Jack hanging out with Marko and Luchasaurus, goofing around. The smile that stretched across his face and his sweet laugh that always made you weak in the knees, how shy he would act - it did a lot to you.
Much to your dismay, you had a hard time hiding that you liked Jack since all of your friends didn’t think the two of you were “just” friends anyways. Of course, those things always happened when two people are close. Your friends never bought it though when you said you didn’t like him like that; it almost scared you knowing that your cover was blown.
Surely, you understood why they thought that though. Jack was a caring friend and person in general, that’s why you liked him so much. He would give you hugs (just because he knew you needed one), rub you after matches, get you a drink without asking, and so much more. It was as if he paid attention to you and your needs, always fulfilling them even when you didn’t ask or request him to. He was too good to you, and you couldn’t imagine what more he’d do for you if he was your boyfriend.
Your friends, on the other hand, grew sick of watching you two pine over each other and not even realize it. One night in the locker room, you had vented to Sonny Kiss about what to do.
“Sonny, I just don’t know,” You cried, “What if I make a complete fool of myself? Then Jack will never talk to me again and I’d ruin our friendship. The best friendship I’ve ever had, literally. I’d never find another Jack, Sonny. I can’t do this.” You were stressed, freaking out over this actually, and Sonny couldn’t help but feel sad for you. You may have been a bit over dramatic, but in that moment it felt warranted.
Sonny had to give you some tough love though and that’s what you got. “Love, I hate to break it to you, but I think you just might be overthinking all of this. Jack wouldn’t stop talking to you over it. And actually, I’m kind of sick of you two acting like you don’t like each other. You need to get your head out of your behind and realize it! You and Jack were made for each other. I don’t know how either of you can’t see that.” The words were stressed as they came out of Sonny’s mouth. You had rethought everything and god, were you scared to face Jack. It was hard enough trying to give yourself the confidence needed to tell him you liked him, but thinking about the fact that he may like you? It was almost like going back to square one all over again. You knew Jack like the back of his head and he was absolutely not the type to tell you whether or not he liked someone.
You knew it was now or never though. After saying a quick goodbye to Sonny, you were on the hunt for Jack. He had just came back from a match, a sweaty mess as he ran a hand through his hair. What had taken you aback and actually infuriated you was one of Tony Khan’s newest assistants coming up to Jack, acting extremely flirtatious. You could practically feel the steam coming out of your ears and it didn’t matter whether or not Jack reciprocated it, you hated to see someone that wasn’t you being that way with him.
Your feet moved with purpose as you walked to the pair, staring down the assistant as you dragged Jack away to an empty spot. “Y/N, thank god you saved me from her-,” He began to say, you felt his gratitude but you didn’t want to talk about that right now.
Your word vomit took over and you spilled out how you felt to Jack, every single word. “Jack, this is going to be so awkward and I’m sorry. I know we said this would probably never happen but it did. I like you. I really fucking like you. Watching you over there with that lady, it just drove me nuts, I can’t even tell you. I like you so much it hurts. And if you don’t feel the same, that’ll hurt even worse but I’d understand. I don’t want to ruin our friendship, but you needed to know.” You could feel the tears in your eyes as you waited for his response, stress infiltrating your body and your nerves shot.
Jack stood there in silence, processing everything. He knew that he liked you - he had actually liked you for a while now, he just never said it. He began to laugh to himself, thinking about how the two of you had been running in circles like headless chickens and stressing yourselves out over liking each other... just for you both to feel the same.
“Jack, this isn’t fucking funny. If you don’t wanna be friends anymore, you could’ve just said that instead of laughing at me.”Now you began to feel extremely humiliated. You wanted to walk away, but Jack had pulled you back and kissed you. It was something you hadn’t expected and it felt like you were stuck in the ground unable to comprehend what was going on until you finally kissed him back.
Jack pulled away and had a sheepish smile on his face, “I like you too, Y/N. You know, you talk and curse a lot when you’re stressed. It’s cute, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. You know, Marko actually told me to tell you this a couple hours ago.” He had said the last part as if it was nothing, but really you wanted to hit him.
“Are you serious, Jack? You should’ve told me. You know how much courage I had to build up to tell you?” You whined, throwing your head back for emphasis. Jack muttered a “sorry”, but you didn’t take him or what he said personally. You knew that Jack wasn’t a relationship kind of guy, so of course he was going to be a shy and clueless idiot. At least, you two were finally in this stage.
Jack had ended up asking you out in that same moment. It shouldn’t have been shocking, but to you it was. For some reason, you had expected nothing to come out of this, even though he reciprocated the feelings. You left Dynamite with a boyfriend, totally not shocking any of your friends. It seemed like everyone was waiting for this to happen; for you and Jack to come to your senses.
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(i had some Thoughts on the future of the mcu i didn’t mean for it to get this long lmao. this is more for my own entertainment than anything, i want to compare my thoughts now to what happens in canon. but anyway here’s some disorganised thoughts on infinity war and the future of the mcu
if they’re gonna kill anyone in infinity war, i think it’ll be tony. vision will probably die too but it won’t really have as much effect tbh. if they kill clint i’m gonna be pissed, id’ be equally pissed if they killed nat but i don’t think they will ‘cause they got so few female characters as is lmao.
i think steve will leave the avengers but idk how they’re gonna keep bucky and sam there if they want to keep them in the movies (i hope they do keep them bucky needs redemption and i love sam)
if they don’t use infinity war (and whatever the fuck part 2 is called) to set up the young avengers/next gen of avengers or something i’m gonna be pissed. they need to start retiring the characters that have completed character arks and take the opportunity to introduce some of the more diverse (and frankly more interesting in a lot of cases) characters, and flesh out the current background characters (give mucky some fucking redemption ark dammit)
best case senario in my head (it’ll never happen but whatever) - leave the avengers in the hands of nat, clint, bruce, and bucky. keep sam and rhodey there, have peter (parker) become an official avenger, idk anything about captain marvel but i guess she’ll be there too. have this group unsure of where to go but forced to find a way to work together to continue what the avengers have been doing for the last 16 movies (that’s so fucking many holy shit) cause they know about aliens n shit now so we all know the avengers are still needed in some capacity.
start introducing new characters. kate bishop, america chavez, miles morales, kamala khan, some of those avengers academy kids idk, all the people who i really want to know more about from the snippets of comic i’ve seen.
leave doctor strange the fuck out of everything, i can’t stand bennedict cumberbatch and i want to see as little as possible (also i will always associate the doctor strange character with the version of him in the superhero squad cartoon where he was annoying as fuck and my least favourite character, which is really saying something ‘cause do you remember that show? literally every character was annoying as fuck lmao)
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fanficwriter013 · 7 years
Little Genius
Pairing: Male Reader! X Peter Parker, Reader is Tony’s adopted son
Summary/Request: Can you do a Peter Parker x male!reader where reader is Tony's (adopted?) son and has been dating Peter in secret for a while, but the reader is still in the closet (maybe Peter is out? Idk?) and then the avengers find out somehow? @graysonmalfoy
Word Count: 4820
Warnings: Adopted, slight angst (slight slight, it’s the first paragraph, you can skip that one), spans TWS through AoU. Clintasha, awkward/clumsy Peter, almost fatherly Tony
If you want a fairy tale that isn't this story. He had never had it easy. His earliest memory was of burning his hand on the stove trying to make his own dinner. The next one of screaming and blood, but the heavy footsteps walked away as soon as his dirty rotten, no good parents were dead. The next of a man in a suit and wearing sleek shades taking him in. He thought it would get better, and it started to for the next eight years. That would be when (Y/N) lost the only good parent figure he ever had. When Loki killed Phil Coulson.
Coulson had had a contingency in place, and that passed him over to the care of Agents Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. That was cool but could also be painful when the spies were sent on missions together. He'd particularly been a miniature agent when Coulson was his guardian, and living with the spies only further sharpened his skills. They liked to sneak up on him, and he needed to be trained to take them down before they got to him.
He was also passed around a lot, sometimes the spies would be gone on long missions and (Y/N) would go to another agent. He knew of Tony Stark but had had minimal contact with the genius. That is until two years later. Natasha had disappeared with a fugitive Steve Rogers, Clint was going on a long mission. Thor couldn't be contacted, nor could Bruce. Clint didn't want to leave a then fifteen-year-old (Y/N) alone for however long his mission would take, or until the whole SHIELD, Steve conflict blew over that left Tony Stark.
“Don't get in my way, don't blow anything up. You can have parties but I need to be invited. Ask JARVIS for things you need.” Those were the instructions when (Y/N) was dumped at Tony’s Tower. It was another week before he saw the genius again.
“You look like shit. When's the last time you slept, or showered? Should I just ask JARVIS?” He snarked, from his seat at the table in the only kitchen in the tower that had food. (Y/N) had been working on his homework, the perks of Coulson was that he was heavily schooled and had graduated high school at age 13. He had been encouraged to apply to any college he wanted, but when (Y/N) had lost Coulson, he had picked one of the online schools. He was now in his second and would be final year working towards his bachelor’s degree. Which he was starting to think would be the first of many.
“Mister Stark has not slept for forty-two hours, and the last shower was fifty hours ago.” The British AI’s voice rang through the kitchen giving (Y/N) his answer. He shook his head before placing a bookmark in his textbook. “Put down the coffee, go take a shower and then sleep for at least eight hours or I’ll have JARVIS shut down so that you can’t access the lab for a week.” He knew the only way to get the genius to do anything was under threats, a tip he had heard when he was younger and Natasha was busy playing Natalie during the day.
“Whoa there tough guy, think you could actually take out JARVIS?” That was the cocky confidence that he had heard being complained about for a solid month. (Y/N) nodded his head. “All I would have to do is corrupt a couple sections of code, and then you’d have to proofread it for a month to make him operational again.” He had accidentally stumbled into the access window for the AI’s code and had been learning it for the past couple of days.
The sideways grin quickly melted off the billionaire’s face, and (Y/N) fought to keep the smirk off of his own face. He had always been underestimated, and he kind of loved to see people eat their words. It happened a lot when he had had to go to the base with Clint and Natasha, and the agents had seen him practicing on a punching bag. He had taken down his fair share of agents and had gotten some big grins from Clint.
“Don’t worry about it, lots of people underestimate me.” He said with a shrug. Tony gave him an odd side eye but swept from the room to get some rest. It seemed that that encounter changed the way Tony acted around (Y/N). He was making an effort to get to know the young boy he was currently in charge of taking care of.
Tony was not great at small talk, and he would mostly babble on about the projects he was working on down in his lab. (Y/N) was finding it easy to sit and listen, and put forward some alternative viewpoints. Tony had a tendency to only see the mechanical view, and (Y/N) could separate himself and see other angles for the genius to evaluate. He could see when he hit at a particular angle that the genius hadn’t seen and that Tony would kick himself in the ass for. Sometimes it was a simple solution, other times it was just a matter of another point of view. (Y/N) was starting to believe that Tony trusted him, and his input.
It was about two months into his stay with Tony when Steve showed up to the Tower. He’d explained after Tony insisted that if Steve wanted any kind of Stark help that (Y/N) could be trusted to be fully briefed on the situation. Steve had explained that SHIELD had fallen because SHIELD had been HYDRA all along. Steve had grand ideas to continue on the SHIELD mission with Stark’s help since it had been a Stark that had founded SHIELD, to begin with.
That had started the beginning of the Avenger’s Tower. (Y/N) was in the logistics part of the SHIELD that Tony funded but Steve was running. Tony had set him up with his own lab and had him running some research on potentially enabled candidates for recruitment purposes. It was how a one Mister Peter Parker, or as the teenager called himself Spiderman, came to be on the radar.
“Tony, did you see the file I sent you?” He asked at the weekly Wednesday night dinner. Tony always spent Wednesday night with (Y/N), and Friday nights were movie night with all the Avengers. The genius nodded.
“Mmhmm.” He started to talk with his mouth full and had received a sharp eyebrow raise from (Y/N). “Yeah, he shows some promise. I want you to conduct some field research, maybe evaluate the kid’s fighting style. You know, like that file you put together on Kamala Khan.” He said, and (Y/N) nodded.
This dictated his schedule for the next few weeks. The Spiderkid hung out at libraries and pizza shops, and (Y/N) needed to get to know the alter ego along with the hero side. It seemed that Parker was either really dedicated to being as invisible as possible, or he was just super clumsy. In the first three hours that he had been watching this tiny brunet boy, he had spilled three glasses of soda, dropped five textbooks and had tripped over his own feet a whopping total of fourteen times.
It was the fifteenth time that the kid tripped over his own feet that changed things. The boy had been on his way back to his table from the bathroom and was on a one-way trip to a concussion when (Y/N) stepped in. The spiderboy was going to collide into his table, so really it was more shifting his body weight. The boy weighed absolutely nothing, and catching him before he caught himself, by the head on (Y/N)’s table was easy.
“I’m so sorry, my brain works too fast for the feet to listen.” The poor child’s face, and yes he was only a year younger than (Y/N) but that made him a child, was beet red. He let out a nervous laugh. “It looks like I’ve fallen for you.” He ended his statement with another nervous laugh. (Y/N) smiled at him before realizing the boy back onto his own feet.
“It’s not hard to do, especially when one’s as clumsy as you are.” He said, and Peter gave him a small look of confusion. “What can I say, I’ve had my eye on you.” The thing about growing up with spies, and then living with a notorious playboy meant that he oozed charm. “I’m (Y/N),” he paused, trying to decide what last name to give. “(Y/N) Stark.” He might as well just jump off the deep end here.
The boy cocked his head to the side, obviously confused about (Y/N)’s surname. “Is that supposed to impress me?” He deadpanned, and (Y/N) had to give him some props for the nonchalant response.
“I've gotta couple of other names, you could pick your favorite. Barton, Coulson, and Romanoff are all my possible surnames.” He couldn't remember his biological last name or that one would have been in the mix too. There was a brief moment where (Y/N) could watch the wheels turning in Peter's head before the realization flashed in the boy's brown eyes. Coulson’s name wouldn't probably mean much but the other two would, and especially now that everything was public record.
“Peter, I mean my name is Peter Parker.” The attempt to not make the conversation an awkward fanboying session was admirable. (Y/N) gestured to his table, which had a slice of pizza and his engineering notes on it.
“Care to join me?” He asked a part of it was for the sake of the file. But there was a softer, quieter part of him that couldn't help but notice the soft gleam in the Spiderlings eyes, and a word, cute, floated through his mind.
For the second time in the past five minutes, Peter's face turned a tomato red. “I don't wanna bother you. And I'm doing a science project, wouldn't be good company anyway?” He phrased it like a question like he was trying to use his school work as an excuse. (Y/N) shook his head and walked over to Parker’s table and gathered the boy's books.
“I insist, and you might find that I could surprise you. In regard to my intelligence that is.” He said, spreading the boy's school stuff across half of the table.
As it turned out the project was not for school. It was for better tech for Spiderman. (Y/N) played along with the school project front, and suggested some ideas that would make the web slingers work better. Sure (Y/N) didn't get a lot of his own work done, but he had made some progress on the file and also in maybe making a friend his own age.
That day he had Peter had exchanged phone numbers. It was the first secret he was going to keep from his family, or should he say try to keep. Since he knew Clint and Natasha were sneaky, but he didn't think they, any of them, word approve of him being friendly with a target and possible agent recruit.
It had been another week before there was a text exchange, that Peter had initiated. It was another lie, of course, but the actual excitement about the success of the project and the “grade” it had gotten was somewhat real. The actuality meant that the web shooter was working and the novice crimefighter was stepping up in that world.
(Y/N) had noticed a small flutter in his stomach when he read the name on the screen. The conversation quickly turned into other areas, mostly that awkward small talk getting to know you stuff. Which had veered into talking about this obscure little coffee shop that Peter had just discovered and was obsessed with. He had slyly and in the most endearing way, had asked to see (Y/N) again. He had wanted to text back right away but didn't want to be too eager. And there was the other side, the non-spy side, that wasn't so sure meeting was the right decision. He’d argued with himself for a good thirty minutes before deciding that Coulson would have wanted him to make friends and to push his comfort zones. That Coulson had wanted him to have a normal life, and he agreed to see Peter again.
(Y/N) was dying. He didn’t know what to wear, his stomach felt like it was literally turning inside out. He had lived at SHIELD for years of his life, his father had been Phillip Coulson. His next set of guardians the deadly twin assassins, Barton and Romanoff. Why was he this nervous over something that wasn’t even a date? If any of his guardians saw him in this very moment, they would laugh at him and then make bets about the chances of (Y/N) puking or making a god awful fool of himself.
He was finally able to find some clothes that would make him look good, but without seeming like he was trying too hard. But then actually getting out of the Tower was the hard part. Today of all days, everyone was on base. Which meant everyone wanted to talk, and making a quick escape was just not going to happen. Here he had put all this effort into this not a date thing and he wouldn't even be able to get to the coffee shop on time.
“I'm just saying that that mission could have gone a lot smoother had we had a hacker on deck over the comms.” Nat and Clint had just gotten back from a mission to gather data, and it had not ended well. They both had some bumps and bruises.
“Listen, guys. I'm glad you're both back. I'll look into running some coding trainings and the next mission will be better. But right now I gotta study for my last final, so I'll talk to you later.” He said, grabbing his backpack and heading out.
“Tony, what did you do?” Natasha asked once the elevator doors had closed. “You've corrupted our son, lying to his guardians like that.” She hissed, crossing her arms over her chest. Clint gave her shoulder a rub, and Tony just shrugged.
As it turned out, even being ten minutes late, he still made it to the coffee shop before Peter did. Which was fine, he could grab a table and start his studying. Since Coulson had taught him the best way to lie was to base the lie in truth, he did have a final he needed to review his notes for.
The time got away from (Y/N), and when he finally resurfaced from his notes it was two hours later. Peter must have gotten caught up with his other personality. A check to his phone revealed nothing, and so he logged into the Stark interface to check out new reports. When he didn't find anything, he decided it was time to go back to the Tower.
(Y/N) had gone to the library the next day. He needed to take his online exam in a public place, where he couldn't be accused of cheating. It was his last final and then he'd go into working full time at the Stark version of SHIELD. He had been halfway finished his exam when he became aware of a lurking presence. He pushed that to the back of his head to finish the multiple choice exam. After another ten minutes, he had finished the exam and received his grade. He had answered one wrong and was kicking himself for it. It was when he was leaving that the presence made itself known.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Peter called too loudly and was immediately assaulted with a chorus of shushing. The boy had his arms full of his books and notebooks like he had hastily gathered his things. (Y/N) waited for the boy to catch up with him before the pair exited the library.
“Did you wanna put your stuff away?” he asked, he knew what had happened yesterday and knew the boy was going to try and offer an excuse. But (Y/N) wasn't so sure he wanted to hear it. Coulson had made sure to instill some values, and the situation from yesterday could have been considered a sign that whatever inkling of a nothing that had started wasn't a good thing.
“I do but I owe you an apology, and I don't want you to leave,” Peter said, shifting his body weight and books around. (Y/N) took his school bag and put it down on the bench the pair were standing in front of. Peter took that as his green light and dumped his stuff on the bench quickly organizing it and shoving it inside his own backpack.
“Listen, about yesterday. I got hung up on some stuff. And while I should have sent you a text or a carrier pigeon or something. I didn't, and well the text couldn't happen because my phone is trashed and I don't know any pigeons. What was I saying?” Peter asked, to which he got nothing in response. “Oh right, I'm a jerk. Is there any way I could make it up to you? Like coffee, my treat?” He asked, pulling a smashed pile of phone from his pocket. Like he knew he needed to prove that the phone was ruined for his words to mean anything.
(Y/N) pulled the phone from Peter's hand, the engineering part of him was looking to see if it was fixable. “This is really dead. Like I have a bachelor's degree and even I can't fix this.” He said it made him appreciate the indestructible Stark phone that had been tossed his way after he had threatened JARVIS’S code. The casual mention of his schooling had caused Peter's eyes to grow to a comically large size. “I'm fifteen, and I just earned my Bachelor's degree. If you wanted to know I graduated high school at thirteen. So I guess a congratulatory coffee would be good.” He explained, there really hadn't been much for him to do at SHIELD but his schoolwork. Besides the fact that Coulson was a very strict parent.
Peter nodded. “Cool, cool. Wait a second. Did you just agree to go out with me?” He asked before his mind could catch up with his mouth and he tried to shove his entire fist there to stop it. (Y/N) nodded, grabbing his bag off the bench.
“Come on, you owe me like three coffees, you dork.” He said it lightly, he was teasing. Especially since the dorkiness was so incredibly endearing.
The coffee date went surprisingly well. (Y/N) felt like Peter had started to tell him about his alter ego at least five times before the boy backed out. Lying wasn't for everyone, and genuine hero types would have a hard time with the secret and their other personality. At the end of the night, (Y/N) had offered to see if he could get a Stark phone for the spiderling. And while the boy protested, (Y/N) knew that he secretly wanted one. He had also made a joke about sending him a carrier pigeon, and Peter had responded with an invitation for dinner.
“Like a date, Parker?” he asked, just because he wanted to give the boy shit. Peter's face had flushed a deep red color, and he had started to stutter. “Relax, I'll meet you outside the library at 7, the day after tomorrow. Dress somewhat nice.” He told him with a smile before he left the boy, awestruck behind him.
“Hey, Tony?” (Y/N) called as he walked into the lab. He had learned the hard way to announce himself when he went down to the labs, otherwise, Dum-E would try to attack and there was a fire extinguisher involved, it was not pretty. A grunt from a far corner of the room told him the genius was pretty busy.
“I'll make it quick.” He promised, and the genius poked his head out. “This phone is demolished, but I was wondering if we could try and salvage some of its data to incorporate into a Stark phone. It's for a really clumsy friend.” He had stolen Peter's phone, it wasn't hard when it wasn't functional. The hard part would be either rebuilding this phone or getting the lower tech to corporate with the Stark tech.
“When did you make friends?” Tony asked it wasn't as rude as it seemed. (Y/N) had rarely left the tower and had only ever socialized within SHIELD and the Avengers. “But yeah, it shouldn't take longer than ten minutes. The biggest issue is gonna be the reading the data. Just leave it on the counter there, I'll have JARVIS remind me to do it. And I'll let you know when it's done.” he explained, going back to his work in the corner.
JARVIS had informed (Y/N) that reading the data and making the phone a Stark phone had taken four minutes and thirty-three seconds. He had taken the phone and made sure there were contacts and stuff before he headed out to the library for his actual date with Peter.
(Y/N) had gotten to the library at 6:30, as it had been an empty tower and he needed to get out without questions when he could. When he had arrived, from a different direction and hidden from view, he had noticed that Peter was already there and was pacing nervously, while muttering to himself.
He made a big show of walking up to him, and Peter had smiled warmly at him. “So, I kinda stole your wrecked phone. But for a good reason.” He said, handing over the new Stark phone to Peter. His eyes lit up, like a child seeing a tree full of presents on Christmas. He gingerly took the phone and looked it over. “It's practically indestructible, and most of your data from the old one was salvageable. So you've still got pictures and contacts and stuff.” (Y/N) finished explaining, and Peter flipped the phone over in his hands a couple of times before putting it in his pocket.
Peter lunged forward, grabbing (Y/N) by the collar of his jacket, and smashed their lips together. It was a small kiss before the spiderkid realized what he had done and quickly stepped away. “I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. I forget sometimes that just because I'm gay doesn't mean everyone else is. I didn't mean anything.” He was rambling like something bad had happened in a starter relationship. (Y/N) waved a hand in front of him.
“Stop, Peter. You're breaking my heart here. You gotta stop and talk. But also listen. Did you ask me if I wanted this to mean something?” he asked, and the boy shook his head. “And wasn't I the one asking if this was a date?” he waited for Peter to realize and nod. “We may not all be gay. But I certainly am, even if I'm not necessarily out about it.” he finished, it had been something that he had known since he was seven. And since Coulson had been so great, he hadn't had to fight with himself to feel comfortable. When he had lost Coulson he just hadn't told anyone else, but he wasn't trying to hide it either.
“So do you wanna hold my hand and go to dinner, or do you not want this to be something?” he asked, and Peter turned a soft shade of pink but he wove his fingers together with (Y/N)’s.
As first dates go, the one with Peter went pretty well. Peter only spilled one glass of water and it was on the table and not on the floor. The conversation was easy, and (Y/N) even walked Peter home at the end of the night. Where the pair shared their second kiss.
From that point on, the two were constantly texting. (Y/N) had met Aunt May, and she was great. Peter had been to the Tower, but only when the Tower was empty. At this point, (Y/N) just wasn't sure how to approach the subject. Especially with the Avengers of all people. Steve was nice and all but he was from a whole other world, in regards to culture, and (Y/N) couldn't possibly imagine what he would think of gay people. Tony, he was sure would be cool with it, along with Bruce and probably Thor. But he wasn't sure how Nat and Clint would react.
(Y/N) had been battling with this for a year, and Peter was just the sweetest about it. He didn't try to pressure him, and he was understanding and didn't think that (Y/N) was ashamed of him or trying to hide him. He'd offered on several occasions to be there for the coming out of the closet party, just for support.
But it wasn't until Bruce and Tony had made the mistake of creating a sadistic AI that made its own body, did (Y/N) seriously start to consider it. It was partially due to Wanda, who had started to say something about what (Y/N) had been thinking which would have outed him. It had been a spur of the moment decision to text Peter to ask him over, and he'd asked FRIDAY to give him clearance when he got there.
It was a Friday night, so everyone was gathered for movie night. Tonight's pick had gone to Clint and Natasha and they had chosen some horror films and some spy films. It seemed like the perfect kind of environment to invite someone to. It was also a low-pressure meeting of the family since they couldn't talk through movies they wouldn't be able to drill Peter with questions.
Unfortunately, (Y/N) was in the kitchen getting popcorn and other junk food when Peter arrived at the common floor. “Hey, Spiderkid, right? What are you doing in my tower?” He heard Tony ask, and knew that Peter was trying to come up with some excuse or explanation.
“Stark, not just your Tower remember? Pepper’s got at least 12 percent, and I think I deserve at least 3 percent. So with that in mind, I think I have the right to invite my boyfriend over for movie night. Especially since the brand new Avenger is here, one that previously tried to kill all of you. No offense, Wanda.” he had wound up rambling and had needed to shut himself up. His stomach was doing that thing where it had moved and was trying to turn itself inside out. While he watched Natasha’s blank face and Clint’s that had slowly slipped into a frown.
“Seriously, kid. You picked now to do this? I just lost a hundred bucks. You couldn't have waited six more months.” Clint shifted and pulled out his wallet, handing over some bills to Natasha. She gave him a knowing smirk before walking over to (Y/N).
“Honey, we're spies. You don't think we couldn't tell. This is who you are and we love you.” she said, giving him a quick hug before moving over to where Peter had frozen just outside the elevator. “Now, you. We don't know you, we know of you and there's a file on you. So don't think you can get away with anything. And if you so much as split a hair on Coulson’s kids head. I can kill you 6 different ways that would make it look like an accident.” She hissed, going full momma bear mode on Peter. She turned quickly on her heel and settled into the overly large recliner with Clint.
“Are you gonna watch the movie with us or what?” This came from Tony, who raised his eyebrows in a knowing way. He moved to one end of the couch, patting the spots open next to him. (Y/N) put down all the junk he was still holding and took the spot next to Tony, and Peter took the one next to him.
Movie night went as well as expected. Peter was able to get into the swing of the snarky comments that the team would make throughout the movie and contributed a couple good one liners. It went so well that it made (Y/N) question why he had ever been afraid to come out to the Avengers in the first place. They were his family and they loved and accepted him just the way he was.
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