#Top corporate picnic
loudruinsnightmare · 4 months
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innofarms · 1 year
Ignite team spirit and create lasting memories at Innofarms, the top outdoor team-building activities venue in Chandigarh. Dive into fun with our pool and sports facilities, fostering friendly competitions and bonding. Embark on thrilling camping and adventure activities, igniting teamwork and adventure. Unleash your team's potential in a perfect blend of excitement and relaxation for an unforgettable outdoor team-building experience.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
The past few days I've been thinking a lot about the General Slocum disaster.
It's a mostly forgotten story now, but the General Slocum was a passenger steamboat that was used for excursion trips around New York during the turn of the 20th century. In 1904 it caught on fire and sank in the East River, and over a thousand people died (there were less than 1400 aboard to begin with). Most of them were women and children. They were on a church-sponsored picnic outing.
From top to bottom, the story of the General Slocum is about corporate greed, and corruption, and incompetence:
The fire was probably started by a match or cigarette (!) in the Lamp Room, which was full of straw, oily rags, and lamp oil (!).
A child told the captain that the ship was on fire, but the captain ignored him. The crew didn't properly inform the captain of the fire until ten minutes later.
The captain inexplicably made for North Brother Island, even though other islands were closer. Steering directly into headwinds spread the fire faster.
The crew hadn't practiced a fire drill in the past year.
None of the safety equipment on the ship worked, because the steamboat company found it cheaper to pay off safety inspectors than to keep their ships up to code.
There was a hose on board, but it was so old and rotten that it burst when the crew tried to hook it up. The crew then gave up trying to put out the fire or help anyone and abandoned ship.
The lifeboats were wired to the deck, and the wires had then been painted over, rather than removing the lifeboats each time the ship got a fresh coat of paint, so it they were impossible to lower.
The life preservers were filled with cork. They were supposed to weigh a certain amount, so the manufacturer had put lead bars in some of them to make weight.
Others were so old that the cork inside had disintegrated into powder. Solid cork floats. Powdered cork sinks.
That meant that some of the mothers who survived described putting life preservers on their babies and throwing them into the river to escape the flames, and watching them sink.
Very few people could swim at the time, and everyone was wearing the heavy wool clothing of the period. Hundreds of people drowned.
The disaster decimated the immigrant community of Little Germany on the Lower East Side, where most of the deceased were from. Fathers who hadn't been able to attend the picnic because they were working got home to find their wives and children were all dead. Dozens of bodies were either never found, or found but never identified.
Though multiple safety inspectors and employees of the steamboat company were indicted, only the captain - who very much became the scapegoat for the whole thing - was convicted. The steamboat company paid a nominal fine. The one silver lining was that state and federal safety regulations were strengthened in the aftermath.
Like I said at the beginning, this story is mostly forgotten. A lot of historians credit that to the Titanic upstaging it just a few years later. Adella Wotherspoon, who survived the General Slocum as a baby and lived until 2004 (!), said she knew why: "The Slocum people were very poor or middle class. They were often German immigrants. The Titanic and other ships had celebrities."
I don't really have a moral to this story, except that safety regulations matter, ships full of immigrants are just as important as ships full of rich people, and humans have pretty much always been the same, as far as I can tell.
(If you want to know more, I highly recommend Ship Ablaze: The Tragedy of the Steamboat General Slocum by Edward T. O'Donnell, the excellent Wikipedia page, and the Bowery Boys podcast episode on the disaster.)
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magicratfingers · 5 months
been thinking about zines to make here's my working list - gilears top ten sexiest stains - werewolf poetry - orc picnics - corporate face tattoo flash - djungelskog weekly
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sehtoast · 11 months
Happy Birthday (Homelander x Reader)
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Fluffy drabble in honor of Antony Starr's birthday today. Gender Neutral Reader. Reader has spider powers. | Fic Directory
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On the morning of his ‘birthday,’ he’s a grumbling, grouchy mess.
Homelander pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s not even my fucking birthday,” he tells you as if he hadn’t said it every single year since you’d both grown close. “Just what marketing thought would sell me better.”
Not only that, but he has to work on his ‘birthday.’ Run around for TV appearances, do his big, live-streamed save of the day to show the world that heroes don’t take a day off. They’ll always be there to save everyone, even if doing so is nothing more than a sore reminder of just how fabricated their lives really are.
Sure! He’ll zip around the state to appease his corporate overlords. Wave to the masses no matter how torn he is between loving and hating them, lift a car off some poor soul or catch another jumper. It’s what he does, right?
Because he’s a hero.
He’s not allowed to be like everyone else. Can’t kick his feet up and relax. There would be no day spent with you, no sleeping in, no lazy moments spent listening to your heartbeat before you wake.
He gets pepperings of you throughout his day, though.
You appear, in costume, at his birthday save. It’s the only reason he smiled when he touched down with that bozo who nearly leapt off the roof of an apartment complex. The emotive lenses of your mask let him know your smile reaches your eyes without even having to peer through the fabric.
It was your cheering that made it feel real.
He catches the sight of you blowing a kiss from behind the set camera during an interview. He worried his mask may have cracked on screen from how he smiled wider. He kisses you hungrily afterwards, away from prying eyes, before you’re both due to return to your respective duties.
You swing by during one of his meetings in the conference room, having taken the tray of coffee and stacks of paper from whichever employee was originally heading that way. You set a mug down for him and left the others to retrieve their own. The most you can give him is a friendly pat on the back– secret relationship things, y’know? But it means the world to him. You shoot him a wink before leaving.
It’s the only time he’s ever actually drank a meeting room refreshment.
When all is said and done for his big day, the sun has set. He finds you on top of the Chrysler Building, waiting for him atop one of the eagle perches. You’d set up some sort of picnic. He hears a song playing faintly from your phone– one he remembers you saying reminds you of him.
He lands with a sappy little grin.
You baked him a cake. How you managed to swing it to the top without any damage is a mystery to him, but he supposes most things you do are that way. How you love him, soothe him, free him… How your smile lifts the weight from his shoulders every single time.
“Make a wish!” You giggle before he blows out the candles. He takes a moment to admire the smudgy, wrinkly icing and awkward cursive ‘happy birthday, pumpkin!’ you’d written on top of it. More beautiful than that, there’s also you, bathed in the warm glow of the candles. It never gets old.
Yours are the only birthday cakes he actually likes.
His lips quirk into a lopsided grin when you lean in to kiss his forehead as he blows out the flames. He wasn’t sure what he wished for, but he thinks it must have been that. You tell him that his present has to wait for later since you didn’t trust yourself to carry it and the cake up the tower. He doesn’t care about that.
Not now.
Not when there’s a speck of icing to be dabbed on your nose and serenity to be had.
He takes you up above the clouds. The moon glows bright and full, but he has only eyes for you as you sway together. The music had long since ended, but you two dance nonetheless. Your hand rests in his, his arm wraps around your waist, and he floats you in a slow spin.
He thanks you for wiggling into his day as much as you could.
“S’what I do best,” you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I love you, Johnny. Happy birthday.”
He wraps his other arm around you, pulling you infinitely closer, no longer spinning. He’d rather focus on holding you. Taking in the moment, being here, now, with you.
He’s happy.
Completely and utterly tranquil in the gravity of you.
“I love you, too.”
A very happy birthday and many, many more to our shining Starr himself <3
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50calmadeuce · 6 months
Ch. 12: The Ride
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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Despite having been married for four years, the dynamic between you and Jake still carried the fresh, explorative energy of newlyweds. The nature of your lives had meant you'd scarcely had the opportunity to deeply acquaint yourselves with each other's everyday realities. Riding together across these fields brought back a flood of pleasant memories, a reminder of the shared experiences that had initially drawn you closer while you were dating.
You closed your eyes and leaned further into Jake, embracing the comfort of his presence. You felt him skillfully switch the reins to one hand, and with his now-free arm, he wrapped it around you, pulling you closer into his embrace as the horse continued its gentle pace:
"I so needed this after today's test," you remarked, feeling the tension of the day start to ebb away as Jake guided the horse through the tranquil field.
"I bet. I wish I could bring a horse with me to my training," Jake mused, his voice carrying a hint of longing.
You couldn't help but grin at the thought, the image of Jake and a horse at his military training painting a humorous and endearing picture in your mind. "That would definitely be an interesting sight on a military installation," you replied, the amusement clear in your voice.
You felt Jake chuckle. "Yeah. It would be."
The memory faded away as the soft, soothing sounds of flowing water reached your ears, prompting you to open your eyes. Jake had guided the horse to the creek, a serene spot that held memories and promised a moment of peaceful reflection.
"Do you remember this place?" Jake inquired, his voice tinged with nostalgia as the horse came to a gentle stop near the water's edge.
"How could I forget?" You responded, a warm grin spreading across your face at the memory. This was where he had taken you for a picnic, a moment that had become one of your cherished memories together.
You felt Jake gently nudge the horse, prompting it to resume its walk along the edge of the creek, the tranquil sound of water accompanying your peaceful ride.
Around one bend, there was a small sandy area. As you came around that bend, you saw a blanket spread out and a small basket set up, awaiting your arrival with an air of planned surprise nestled against the backdrop of the creek's gentle flow.
You sat up straighter when you caught sight of the setup. "Jake," you said, your voice filled with happy surprise, and you could feel his smile against your back, radiating warmth and affection.
When you arrived at the spot, Jake smoothly dismounted the horse and secured it to a nearby tree. He then turned back to you, extending his hand to help you down with a gentle smile.
After assisting you in dismounting the horse, Jake wrapped you in a close hug and peered into your eyes. "What's your most vivid memory of this spot?"
You blushed. "Do I have to give you just one?"
He chuckled softly, the sound mingling with the rustling leaves around you, and his eyes sparkled with an invitation to share more than just a single memory.
"Alright," he conceded, his voice a gentle nudge to your comfort zone, "give me as many as you like. But start with the one that means the most to you."
"First off, this is where you gave me our first kiss."
His smile widened. "You mean like this?" He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours, prompting you to close your eyes. The kiss was tender, affectionate, and filled with love.
The world around you seemed to pause, the only reality that mattered was the warmth of Jake's lips against yours, the gentle pressure that spoke volumes of the years spent in silent longing, now given voice in this single, perfect moment.
As Jake pulled back, the world came rushing back in a dizzying array of colors and sounds, but none of it could compare to the clarity you found in his gaze. It was as if you were seeing each other for the first time, the veil of familiarity lifted to reveal the truth of your feelings laid bare.
"That's exactly what I meant," you whispered, the words barely escaping your lips.
"You brought me here for a romantic picnic once," you reminisced, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as the memory enveloped you in its warm embrace.
Jake's eyes lit up with the recollection, a mix of nostalgia and affection dancing within their depths. He grasped your hand, his touch gentle yet filled with purpose, guiding you toward the blanket laid out on the ground.
As you both settled onto the blanket, the softness of the sand beneath seemed to welcome you, a familiar comfort that whispered of lazy afternoons spent in each other's company.
Jake opened the picnic basket, revealing an assortment of your favorite foods, each selection a reminder of past conversations and shared moments. There was the cheese you'd discovered on a whim during a weekend getaway, the wine you'd both enjoyed on a quiet evening under the stars, and an assortment of fruits and sweets that spoke to the many tastes and textures of your relationship. A smile spread across your face as you surveyed the selection of cheese. An interesting tidbit about Jake: he despised cheese, never touching it himself, yet he always made sure to include it for you, knowing well how much you enjoyed it.
He uncorked the wine bottle, carefully filled a glass, and then offered it to you. As his fingers brushed against yours while passing the glass, a familiar shiver of excitement coursed through you.
"Anything else?" he inquired, a playful glint in his green eyes.
You took a sip of your wine, holding his gaze firmly. "This is where we made love for the first time."
He reached out with his unoccupied hand, and you handed over your wine glass to him. Afterwards, he carefully took off his cowboy hat and placed it softly on the blanket next to him, letting out a soft sigh.
"You're right. Since we lost the baby, I haven't really cared about anyone but myself. I chose paths that I believed were right to protect you, but they weren't enough, and I almost lost you in the process," he confessed, eyes downcast to the blanket, idly twirling a blade of grass between his fingers. Then, lifting his gaze to meet yours, he added, "For that, I am deeply sorry. I can't express it any more sincerely than that."
The weight of Jake's confession hung in the air, a palpable presence that momentarily stilled the gentle rhythm of the creek around you. His words, raw and unguarded, cut through the tranquility, reaching deep into the core of your shared pain—a pain that had, until now, been a silent specter in your relationship.
The loss of the baby was a wound that had never fully healed, a shadow that followed both of you, often unspoken but always felt. You saw the burden of his guilt in the slump of his shoulders, the way his hands trembled slightly as he played with the blade of grass, a simple action betraying his inner turmoil.
His admission, sincere and heartfelt, bridged the distance that grief had imposed between you. In his eyes, you saw not just the apology but the love and the fear of losing what was most precious to him—you.
Tears welled up in your eyes, not just for the loss you both shared, but for the love that remained, resilient and enduring despite the trials it had faced. You reached across the blanket, your hand covering his, stilling the nervous movement. "Jake," you whispered his name and squeezed his hand, a silent reassurance, a promise of solidarity.
Jake's eyes, glistening with unshed tears, held yours, a mirror to the depth of emotion you both shared. In that moment, at the creek, with its beauty and tranquility, became a sanctuary, a place where wounds could be acknowledged, where healing could begin.
"I love you," he whispered, the words carried on a breeze, wrapping around you like a warm embrace. "And I promise, from this moment on, to be not just your partner, but your ally, your confidant, and your greatest supporter. We'll face whatever comes our way, together."
His promise, straightforward yet significant, served as a soothing comfort to your spirit. Leaning in, your foreheads met, allowing you to share a breath, a moment of connection and comprehension. You then cradled his face in your hands, pressing your lips to his, as tears began to trace down your cheeks.
The kiss began with a tone of forgiveness and apology but soon escalated into a hungered and fevered passion. You separated briefly, breathing heavy.
You reached out, starting to unbutton his shirt, gently tugging it free from his jeans. With the shirt removed, he was left in just a white tank top, his dog tags resting beneath.
Jake's gaze was intense as you ran your hands across his muscular build. It was the first time you found yourself truly taking in the details of your husband's physique. You lifted the tank top over his head, revealing his slightly hairy chest with the dog tags dangling in the middle.
You kissed him once more, this time with renewed passion. Your hands explored his chest and abs, sensing the strength in his body. Your right hand then cradled the side of his face.
"I'm so sorry," he murmured between kisses, tears streaking down his cheeks.
"I know, Jake. I know," you replied, offering comfort and understanding in your words.
You both pulled away, locking eyes, sharing a moment of deep connection and mutual understanding.
Jake reached out, his fingers carefully working to unbutton your plaid shirt, freeing it from where it was tucked into your jeans. You then removed it and casually tossed it aside.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with awe and admiration. His hands traced your arms as if it was the most precious treasure in the world.
You reached down, pulling the tank top over your head, and added it to the pile with your shirt, leaving your naked breasts exposed.
He gazed at you, his eyes brimming with desire and admiration. "I need you, Y/N. Just as much as you need me."
You stood up, kicked off your cowboy boots and then slowly started to unbutton you jeans.
His eyes followed your every move, his breath catching in his throat as you hooked your thumbs into the waistband of your jeans and pushed them down, revealing a pair of lacy tan panties.
His eyes widened as he took in the sight of your smooth skin. You stepped out of you jeans and walked over to him, your hips swaying seductively. He couldn't help but reach out and touch you, running his fingers over your soft skin and feeling the heat radiating from you.
Jake got onto his knees, hooking a finger onto your underwear and pulling you to him.
He looked up at you, his eyes filled with desire. You could feel the heat of his breath on your skin as he slowly kissed up your thighs, stopping just short of your mound. He teased you, kissing and licking all around but never quite touching the spot that was begging for attention.
Every time he came close to that spot, your breath quivered, sending your heart into a race filled with anticipation.
He could feel your need, and he loved it. He loved the way you writhed beneath him, the way your hips bucked against his mouth as he continued to tease you. He could hear your moans of frustration, and it only made him want to drive you crazy even more.
He then kissed your stomach, a moan escaping your mouth.
"You drive me crazy, Y/N," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion, as he looked up at you, grabbing your panties and pulling them down for you to step out of them.
You knelt down and held his face gently in your hands, your lips met his in a kiss. While kissing him, your hands trailed down his chest, reaching his jeans, where you began to slowly unbuckle his belt.
You broke the kiss and looked at him with sultry eyes. You slowly unzipped his jeans, and pulled them down along with his boxers. His cock sprang free, hard and ready.
Sitting back on your heels, you then reclined onto the blanket, eyes on Jake as he quickly removed his jeans and boxers. Before you knew it, he was hovering above you, gazing into your eyes.
You smiled at him, and he lowered his head to yours. He kissed you passionately as you ran your hands down his back. He moaned into your mouth as you gently scratched his back.
He broke the kiss and moved down your body, stopping at your breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth, sucking on it gently. You moaned as he continued to suck on it, then he continued to the other one. He sucked on that one too, running his tongue over it before moving back up to your neck.
"Jake," you moaned. "I want you inside me."
Jake smiled at you and then positioned himself between your legs. He ran his cock up and down your slit, teasing you. You whimpered in frustration, wanting him to just shove it in already. Finally he gave in and you moaned as he slid into you, filling you up. He slowly began to move in and out of you, savoring the feeling of your pussy around his cock. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him deeper into you. He moaned as he felt your pussy clench around him, and he began to move faster. You cried out in pleasure, your body arching up to meet his thrusts.
He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue plunging into your mouth as his cock plunged into you. You moaned into his mouth, your body shaking with pleasure as your orgasm hit. He felt you tighten around him and he came.
He collapsed on top of you, his cock still inside you, but he looked at you, sincerity in his gaze. "I'm sorry."
You brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead. "I know." Then, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close to hold him tightly. "I forgive you." You kissed the top of his head that rested on your chest.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891
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mothgodofchaos · 2 months
Jackieboy Man x GN!Reader, TW: heights? Words: 655
He promised that today would just be a day of relaxation for the two of you today. No hero bullshit, no corporate job. You booked the day off a few months ago, seeing as this was the soonest you could get at the time. He told you to dress yourself up nicer, but not formal, which did make you question what plans he has. Nicer jeans, clean sneakers, favorite shirt and a matching jacket.
You hear a knock at the door once your hair is done, and you’re greeted with a large bouquet of flowers and a coffee. His head peeks out from behind the gifts, grinning at you as he steps into your place. A kiss is planted to your cheek as he makes his way to the kitchen to find a vase. Your face flushes as he gives you a once over, whistling at what he sees.
“I told ye not t’ get all fancy on me! T’ what do I owe t’e pleasure t’ be in t’e presence of such royalty?”
Jackie gives you a cheeky grin, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. All you can manage out is a sputter, his effort thankfully having its intended effect. He stands up straight again, tipping up your chin to kiss you properly, his other arm around your waist.
“I missed ye.”
“I missed you too.”
You stand there together for a moment longer, before he sweeps you off your feet and brings you out of the house with your coffee in hand. His laugh is bright as you let out an indignant noise of surprise, flashing that hero smile that you could see from miles away. He sets you down in his truck, setting a hand on your thigh as he backs out of the parking spot.
“Yer not afraid of heights, right?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Perfect. Didn’t occur t’ me t’at ye might be until I was drivin’ over here.”
A little concerning, but usually any blunders he makes are pure-hearted intentions that turn into genuine mistakes. Honestly, you’re not sure he would ever have the heart to be malicious. He just beams at you, making your heart melt a little bit as his fingers tap against the steering wheel out of excitement.
“You gonna tell me what you have planned, hero? Or am I gonna have to figure out your evil scheme the hard way?”
“Uh- I- umm… picnic? Roof?”
It’s his turn to blush as he stumbles over his words, stuttering them out. It’s cute, prompting you to rest your hand on his as it rests on the clutch to soothe him.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m excited either way.”
Jackie brightens again, feeling more confident in his plans again. The drive is short, and he takes you into a tall building with a basket of what you presume to be your lunch. His arm is wrapped around your waist on the elevator ride up, occasionally pressing a kiss to your temple. When you reach the top, he takes your hand and leads you out, taking the time to put out a blanket before letting you sit down. The view of the cityline is gorgeous, and you catch him looking at you in your peripheral to see if you’re enjoying it.
“You did good, hero. This is perfect…”
He interlocks your fingers together as he pulls you closer to him, unpacking the food from the basket with his other hand. It’s simple, maybe a little fancier than anything you’d normally get. But it’s still modest, and feels like home. We’re talking Trader Joe’s fancy, not Erehwon fancy.
“I’m glad ye like it, mo chroí, I really am…”
You talk for hours up there, kissing at sunset and him carrying you back to the truck when you fall asleep against him. Every other day he’s the city’s hero, but it felt good to be only yours for the day.
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senditcolton · 7 months
Like We Were Somewhere Else
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Visiting them at work, either with lunch or just to spend the afternoon with them as they try to get things done. Whether they actually get things done, or things devolve into flirting/romantic gestures is up to you.
part of my Valentine's Day prompts requested by anon | word count: 0.9k | warnings: none!
Some days, you absolutely loved your job. You loved the people you worked with, you enjoyed the work that you got paid to do, you relished the hours spent in your office overlooking the ocean.
But there were other days – days like today – where you absolutely hated it.
Work kept piling on top of itself, your to-do list now pages long instead of the usual one to two. Your calendar was filled with deadlines that you needed to reach – deadlines that used to be of no concern that were now looming because your management decided to fire half of your coworkers two weeks ago under the guise of ‘restructuring.’ It was to save money; everyone knew it but the company wouldn’t dare admit it. Just the same old corporate bullshit.
You are hunched over your computer, one hand tangled in your hair as your eyes glance over the spreadsheets in front of you. A heavy sigh escapes your chest as you try to concentrate. But, if you were being honest, your focus had waned significantly since the start of the day.
A chime sounds from your phone, the noise echoing around the office. A quick glance at the notification on the screen tells of a text waiting for you to read. You unlock your cell, navigating to the message and for the first time that day, a smile appears on your face at the sight of your boyfriend Matt’s name in the banner at the top of your screen.
Hey darling. Would like to get lunch with me?
Your work is abandoned as your fingers moving swiftly to send a reply.
I would love to. But I can’t really leave the office right now. Lots of work to do.
I understand. What if I bring lunch to you, how does that sound?
You place your phone face down on the desk, your attention returning to the computer in front of you, hoping to get some work done in the minutes between now and Matt’s arrival. Your concentration is abysmal at best, but the instant you hear a soft knock on your door, you find that you don’t care. Matt pokes his head in, that dimpled smile appearing on his face the instant his eyes land on you.
“Hi darling,” he says, walking into your office and shutting the door behind him.
“Hi,” you reply, instantly getting up from your desk to walk to him and wrap your arms around his frame. One of his hands presses against the small of your back, pulling your close until you pull back. He leans his head down, giving you a small kiss on the lips before the two of you fully separate.
You look down to his hands, expecting to see a plastic bag of takeout from one of the restaurants close by. Instead, Matt is holding your old picnic basket, a bouquet of flower sticking out from one end.
“What’s all this?” you ask, looking back to him.
“It sounded like you were having a rough day so I thought an impromptu indoor picnic might cheer you up,” he explains, his heat turning a slightly darker shade of pink. You don’t let him wallow in that embarrassment for too long, your smile widening.
“That sounds amazing.” He mirrors your grin, setting the basket down on your desk.
“Do you still have a blanket in here?”                                                                                          
“You know I do,” you reply, moving around your desk to one of the deeper drawers. “I swear they turn up the air conditioner full blast in here during the summer. Makes this place an icebox.”
Matt lets out a small chuckle at your muttered complaint. You spread the blanket out on the floor by the window, settling onto the plush fabric as you watch Matt’s hands reach into the picnic basket and retrieve multiple items from the inside.
He went all out for you, bringing an assortment of classic picnic delicacies – sandwiches, fruit, cheese, sweets, even a small bottle of wine.
“Not sure if I should drink alcohol today,” you tease once Matt finally lowers himself onto the floor with you, somehow tucking his large frame underneath him.
“Why not live a little dangerously,” he jokes, holding out the glass of rosé to you. You hesitate for a split second before taking the cup from his grasp. You lean your head against his shoulder, looking down over the array of food Matt brought with him.
“Hey,” you whisper, looking up towards him, his eyes connecting with yours. “Thank you. No one has ever done something like this for me.”
Matt smiles down at you before pressing a soft kiss onto your forehead.
“Of course,” he murmurs. “You’re worth it.”
His gentle assurance relaxes you even further, your first unburdened breath rushing through you. The two of you sit on the floor, eating and talking, taking in the time spent together like you were in a secluded meadow instead of behind the four walls of your office.
What should have been a brief lunch break quickly devolves. The hours pass, and the two of you are still sitting on the floor. You head has found its way into Matt’s lap, his hand gently stroking your hair. You are at least managing to appear productive, your phone by your side as you occasionally reply to emails. But that is few and far in between because you are too busy soaking in the moment.
Today was a stark reminder that if you had Matt by your side, it didn’t matter where you were. You could be anywhere in the world and you would be happy. Just as long as he was there with you.
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[SFW] 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 [Bloomic Spoilers]
Finally, the day you were waiting for. The ever-elusive half-day at your corporate office. You waited anxiously, eyes studying the clock as the hands slowly ticked along. The energy in your usually monotonous, simple office was different, charged with a strange air of excitement. The coffee machine was empty, the paper neatly organized, and everyone synchronized in excitement to escape at 11 o'clock and have the rest of the day to themselves. Even the usual office grumps seemed to be a little more agreeable. The clock clicked to that fated time, the office suddenly buzzing to life as everyone gathered their things to leave while the managers bid everyone a good day politely. You bolted out of the building, taking in the crispy autumn air with gleeful delight. You've always been a fall person, enjoying the orange and red leaves, the chilly air, and the caramel apples… speaking of which, your favorite pop-up stand should have swapped over to their fall treats by now. You found yourself going straight there after work, happily texting your lover about what he wanted before you bumped into someone. You immediately began a string of apologies as you stepped back, eyes on the ground before looking up to your boyfriend chuckling at you.
"Whoa there, angel, you have to start looking when you're going."
"Quest?!" You said his old discord name in surprise, as you find yourself doing out of habit when caught off guard by him. He found it adorably amusing. Michelango repeatedly attempts to dive into your arms excitedly, though the pup couldn't do much against your toned lover.
"Seems you and I had the same idea. I was trying to surprise you after work with your favorite but this one got held up at the groomers because he refused to leave." He gestured to Michelangelo, kneeling beside your pet to play roughhouse with him. He looked up when his number was called. "Ah, wait here, I have a surprise for you."
He returned from the booth with two cups: hot chocolate for himself a warm apple cider for you, and two straws so you could sneak some of his hot chocolate. The special treat was a fresh pumpkin cheesecake scone, your guilty pleasure for such a day. "Surprise!"
He laughed softly, as he allowed you to take the cups from his gloved hands. It gave him a special kind of joy to see you smiling so much, even as the cool wind nipped at your nose. "Today is a special day so I have everything planned already, Angel. I have your favorite shoes in the car waiting for you already. You'll need them but enjoy this first."
You bit into the still-warm scone, reveling as the white chocolate and pumpkin flavors danced on your tongue. The scone was soft and perfectly crumbly. Quest watched you with adoration in his cyan eyes before wrapping his scarf around your neck, it smelt like apples and cinnamon. It seemed he'd changed his cologne recently to reflect the festive mood. "Don't give me that look."
"What look?" Quest asked as he pressed a series of loving kisses on your temple and forehead before walking beside you, pulling your hand in his pocket. The three of you walked together to the familiar navy blue SUV parked nearby. Quest held the door open for you while the sliding door allowed your spoiled fur baby to hop in the back seat. You were briefly covered in sloppy dog kisses before he sat back and behaved himself when Quest got in.
"You always get this sideways smirk when you have something special planned."
"Pft. I do not!" His voice slightly raised a pitch before the two of you laughed together. That's when you noticed the picnic basket in the back of the car alongside a cooler, Quest winked playfully and started the car before the three of you set off toward your destination. Car rides always made you sleepy, and given you'd topped off on apple cider, a scone, and half of Quest's hot chocolate with the addition of the perfectly set heater you were out within minutes. Quest drove carefully to avoid waiting for you, oftentimes stealing glances at you or stroking your cheek gently.
Quest stopped the car at the destination, getting out first and setting up first while you slept peacefully. Your dreams were hazy mixes of you swimming in cider while Onion screamed at you to get out of his pot before you slowly were stirred away by the cold air brushing on your face. When you came to the sun was peeking through the trees, red, orange, and yellow leaves falling down like rain. The scent of his apple cologne flooded your nose, though it was pleasantly mixed with the smell of the park. Quest was carrying you bridal style but had a hand on Michealgo's leash as he trotted beside him. "Good morning, Angel."
He spoke lovingly, pressing a kiss on your forehead while you blinked in awe. It was like a scene from a movie: a perfectly set-up picnic with a pile of leaves just beside the blanket. Given how rosy Quest's cheeks were he'd been working on the set-up for a bit. You couldn't help but shower him in kisses while he carried you, the two of you giggling along. You wiggle out of his embrace, enjoying the walk through the city's forest park hand in hand. "Oh, you didn't have to do this, Quest."
"I know, but I wanted today to be special for you and us. A half-day of work is to be celebrated." He stroked your knuckles with his thumb, trying to warm up your hands with his own. He guided you to the picnic blanket, letting you get settled in while he played with Michelangelo to try and offset that endless energy he seemed to have. You giggle as Michelangelo dove at Quest, knocking the gentle giant over before covering him in kisses.
"Angel! Ha, our son is attacking me!" He teased out while waving his arms before Michelangelo spotted you and bolted over. With a swift dive, you tumbled back with the black American bully into the large pile of leaves with a laugh. Quest came jogging up and he picked up a squirming Michelangelo before getting pulled back down into the leaves with you. You laughed at his disheveled appearance: ruffled black hair, misaligned glasses, and a half-tugged-off jacket. Leaves decorated his hair and body like jewelry and it took you a while to pick them all off. "Well then, was this a good date, Angel?"
"10/10, wouldn't trade it for the world, my love."
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Welcome to Toontown
As soon as you emerge from your portable hole into Toontown Central Playground, you are greeted by Flippy via pop-up. He’s not actually present, he’s just speaking to you remotely through dialogue boxes. He never does this again in the game, so I’m not sure if this is diagetic or not.
But anyway, the camera pans to a few important structures in the Playground, starting with the Toon HQ. There’s one in every Playground, and they’re home to the HQ Officers. Toontown Central’s HQ is staffed by Resistance Rangers, such as Lord Lowden Clear, but that’s something I’ll get into later.
Next up is the Gag Shop. Located in every Playground, this is where you can spend Jellybeans to restock your Gags (Gags are expended when used). Jellybeans are earned from battles, turning in tasks, fishing, picnic games, and trolley games.
Speaking of, the trolley is usually located pretty close to the gag shop. Up to four Toons can board the trolley to enter a minigame instance. After completing the Minigame, they’ll be rewarded Jellybeans, and be taken to a Gag Shop interface to buy gags and either board the trolley again or exit to the Playground.
However, Flippy’s currently waiting for you inside Toon Hall, so you should meet him there.
Especially as you can’t LEAVE the Playground, pick up any Sidetasks, or enter any buildings other than Toon Hall until you talk to him.
Toon Hall’s interior is bigger than most other buildings. There’s a lobby, followed by a winding hallway that leads to Flippy��s office. Flippy is a light blue dog, and the former mascot of Disney’s Toontown Online. He’s also the Mayor of Toontown.
He welcomes you to Toontown, and explains the situation: The Cogs have been stirring up trouble for a while now. Invading streets, taking over buildings, setting up headquarters, and just being an all-around nuisance.
And it’s only been getting worse lately, with their newest hires.
It’s not all bleak, however, Toons have been coming in from around the world to help fight back against the Cogs.
Your Toon in particular showed promise, thanks to picking up on things so quickly.
With all that said, he tells you to try and have fun in Toontown in spite of the robot invasion, and wishes you well.
And with that, the world is your oyster.
Let’s start by elaborating more on the Shtickerbook, as I promised.
Starting off is the options page at the very top. This is where you can adjust your settings, rebind hotkeys, change your controls, that kinda thing!
Next is the Districts page. There are 12 districts and 3 of them have Safe symbols on them, and some might have a badge of a specific Cog Department on them. Specific Cog “Species” can sometimes Invade a District, taking over the Neighborhoods that are within their level range, and stopping other Cogs from spawning in those Neighborhoods while ALSO giving an EXP boost to Toons on the Streets of affected Neighborhoods. Invaded Districts and Neighborhoods are marked with the badge of that Cog’s department Invasions do not affect Instances, but can allow for buildings of the “wrong” department to appear on certain streets. Cogs cannot invade the marked “Safe” districts, and invasions NEVER affect Toontown Central.
Next is the Map. If you have teleport access to a neighborhood, clicking on that neighborhood will cause your Toon to teleport there via portable hole.
Gags and Training is next. First tab shows your current Gag Loadout, your current Cog Disguise stats, and your Jellybean count. Each Gag Track has 8 slots (one for every Gag level), and whenever you unlock a new Gag Track, you start at level 1 and work your way up to level 8. Each Gag’s Price in the Gag Shop is equal to its level, level 1 gags cost 1 Jellybean each, level 8 gags cost 8 Jellybeans each.
The Training Tab shows your Gag Tracks and training points. It costs 2 Training Points to learn a Gag Track, and an extra Training Point to Prestige it. You can Unprestige and Refund those Tracks free of charge, but Refunding a Track will DELETE any Gags you currently own in that Track, so be careful. There are 11 Training Points you can earn through Leveling up, allowing you to learn every Gag Track and Prestige 1, although you can customize your loadout as you see fit.
Following that is your Toontasks page. The first tab shows your 4 Toontask slots, but not your Daily or Club Tasks (long story). You will always have a Mainline Task in one of those slots until you complete the Taskline, giving you the chance to work on 3 Optional Tasks at a time.
The Next Tab on this page is the Sidetask Searchbar, which shows all of your available Sidetasks. You need to reach a neighborhood in the Taskline to unlock its Sidetasks. You can sort by Neighborhood, Events, or All Available. You can click on a Sidetask’s name to see who you need to talk to to get it, what its reward will be, and how many there are. A Sidetask’s name is black if it’s unlocked, Green if you’ve selected it, Orange if you’re working on it, and Red if you’ve completed it.
The next tab shows your Daily Tasks and currently active Boosters. Daily Tasks will require you to earn EXP, defeat a certain number of Cogs, play minigames, etc. They’re always single-step, never require you to speak with any NPC’s, and are automatically turned in when you complete them. You are automatically assigned one Daily Task every 24 hours (if you have an empty slot), and can hold up to 3. You get 2 rerolls every day, allowing you to replace 1 or 2 of your Daily Tasks if it’s not feasible, and completing a Daily Task rewards you with 150 Gumballs. You can also view your current Gumball count here. Gumballs can be spent at the Toon HQ’s Gumball Machine, which I’ll explain more in a later post because this game is surprisingly complex.
The Cog Gallery Page shows the 5 departments, each represented by the department’s badge and the department head. The department head will be shown in silhouette until you’ve defeated them once, and clicking on them allows you to see the corporate ladder of their department. Any cogs of their department you haven’t seen yet will be blacked out. Additionally, there are some secret cogs who won’t show up here until you encounter them in-game.
Items and Codes is the next page. The profile tab lets you customize your Toon Profile and Speedchat color. You can change your background, nameplate, and pose here. (Think of your Toon Profile as your ID badge.) The clothing tab lets you dress your Toon. You’re required to wear a shirt and a bottom, but you can also equip glasses, backpacks, hats, and shoes here. The Items tab lets you change your Cheesy Effect (wacky transformation), Nametag font (2 are available by default, the rest have to be unlocked), and Fishing Rod. The last tab, codes, lets you enter codes.
Achievements and Statistics has two tabs. The first shows your Achievements, sorted into the following Categories: Friends, Cattlelog, Trolley, Cogs, Gags, Fishing, Visit, and Special. The Statistics page show show many Cogs you’ve defeated, treasures you’ve collected, stuff like that.
Activities is the next page, and has a few sub-pages that can be navigated via the orange arrows at the top of each page.
The first page shows your Trolley, Fishing, Racing, and Minigolf Levels.
The next sub-page, fishing, is split into 3 tabs: the current bucket of fish and it’s Jellybean value, the album of all the species of fish you’ve ever caught, and the trophies you’ve collected.
The Golfing sub-page is split in 2 tabs: Records (showing how many times a player has completed each course and hole) and Trophies (golfing trophies earned).
The Racing sub-page is split into 3 tabs: Customize (allows the player to customize their kart), Records (your toon’s best time in each track), and trophies (racing trophies you’ve earned).
The final page (for now) is the Calendar. This just shows the in-game Calendar, including weekly holidays, upcoming annual holidays, and currently ongoing special events. It also shows the current in-game time.
With all that said, with how SURPRISINGLY involved this all turned out to be, which of the following options would you like to hear more about in the next post?
Trolley Games
Minigame Area
Cogs and Buildings
Social Activity
G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine
Toon Levels
I want to get all of that out of the way at the start BEFORE I go into the Neighborhood-specific stuff. That way I can focus on the new mechanics that pop-up as they become relevant!
“Try to have fun in spite of the robot invasion!”
Hm. Let’s roll with social activity!
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beck404 · 2 years
After All These Years
Chapter Three — The Excuse
Word Count: 2.3k+
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Monday (right after his friends left)
Charlie went to bed feeling happy, despite what happened with him and Tao before dinner. He knew what Tao meant but he just wanted him to be on the same page when it came to Nick. Elle and Aled were supportive, so that definitely made him feel better. 
He wanted to talk about his upcoming date with him, and he knew exactly who would be happy for him AND wouldn’t say anything to anyone. 
(8:55 PM) Charlie - HE ASKED ME OUT 
(8:56 PM) Aled - OMG
(8:56 PM) Aled - i mean i knew he would but still CHARLIE
Charlie told Aled pretty much everything that happened in his life, he felt like he was the person he could trust the most (other than his sister) so he had a safe feeling whenever he shared something with him. Especially when it comes to stuff like this.
(8:46 PM) Charlie - ok but is it just me or does he seem kinda interested in me
(8:58 PM) Aled - kinda? Charlie you have almost been on TWO dates with him
(8:58 PM) Charlie - i don’t want to get my hopes up
(9:00 PM) Aled - i know
(9:00 PM) Aled - don’t worry about it, just enjoy it and don’t say anything stupid
(9:02 PM) Charlie - LOL i’ll try <3
Charlie was feeling overwhelmed with work, and it wasn’t even lunch time yet. Every time he felt like this he would call someone to get his mind to focus on something or someone else, but to be honest, he only had one person in his mind right now.
He pulled out his phone and went straight to his contact list, scrolling down until he finally saw Nick’s name “Should I call him?” He asked himself, feeling how his heart was beating faster just thinking about calling Nick on a random Tuesday. He tapped on his name, getting more nervous by the second “Please don’t pick up, please don’t pi-”
“Hello?” Nick answered his phone, and Charlie couldn’t tell if he was confused or annoyed by his call. Either way he regretted it.
“Hey Nick, it’s Charlie” 
“I know it’s you, hi” Nick said, letting out a small laugh. Charlie has never blushed so hard in his life.
“Hi” He replied smiling “How are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m okay, um- I was just really swamped with work stuff” Charlie stared at his desk, going through all the paperwork he needed to deliver to corporate by the end of the day.
“Me too, actually” Nick sighed.
“Oh- Sorry for interrupting you-  I didn’t mean to bother you, maybe we should talk some other time” Charlie stood up and started walking in circles, cursing himself for not asking if he was busy before calling him.
“No, it’s okay, really” Nick’s words were a relief “I think i could use a distraction right now”
“Oh- well me too, that’s kinda why I’m calling you, I hope that’s okay” He asked in a hopeful tone, pulling his chair closer to him before sitting back down.
“Yeah, it is” Nick replied, and this time he was the one blushing “I wanted to talk to you anyway”
“You did?” Charlie started feeling nervous again.
“I did, uh- about our date” Nick stopped for a moment before speaking again, which made Charlie's heart sink completely “Are you okay with not knowing what the date is? Or would you feel more comfortable if you knew what we’ll be doing?”
“Oh-” Charlie was not expecting that “I’m okay with not knowing. Is this a surprise kind of date?”
“Yeah, it is, but only if you’re fine with that” Nick said, just wanting to be 100% sure Charlie was okay with the whole surprise idea.
“I am. I promise” Charlie reassured him “That makes it more exciting, if i’m being completely honest”
Nick laughed nervously, knowing Charlie was excited made him feel a lot of things “Well, I really hope I meet your expectations then” They both laughed “I made a couple of promises after the picnic, I think”
“Oh, how are you gonna top that?” Charlie asked, jokingly. 
“I've got my ways” Nick replied “I think you’ll like it”
They talked for another hour, but didn’t even realise it had been that long until Nick heard a knock on his door and someone asked him if he would order something for lunch. They had to hang up but Charlie almost didn’t mind, they had so much fun and he had to go back to work anyway.
Charlie decided to eat his lunch at his desk, making up for all the work he didn’t do because he was talking to Nick. 
That phone call left Charlie’s mind running for the rest of the day. They had talked before the Valentine’s date happened, they were already friends but it was different now, and they were both aware of that. And it wasn’t a bad different, and even though that was scary for Charlie, he still wanted to have this.
Nick and Charlie’s date was on Friday, Charlie had no idea what they were doing and the week was going so slow he felt like it had been years since Nick asked him out, even though that happened just a couple of days ago.
He decided not to call Nick today, he didn’t wanna seem desperate or annoying. And although Nick would never think that of Charlie, he didn’t wanna take any chances.
Instead he focused on finishing as many reports as he possibly could, he didn’t wanna have to stay late on Friday if he fell behind on his work. He was glad he did, cause for some reason this week the workload was worse than ever before. 
As the workday was coming to an end, Charlie felt like his head was about to explode. He didn’t stop for one second and he was mentally and physically exhausted. He was incapable of thinking about anything work related and just wanted to go home. 
With 30 minutes left of his shift, he decided to just drop everything and relax for a bit, scrolling through instagram, checking out some of the pictures Elle and Tao posted from their Valentine’s Day trip. He then started thinking about how he didn’t have a single picture of his Valentine’s Day, and if it would be inappropriate to take one on Friday. But his thoughts were interrupted by a notification. 
(4:34 PM) Nick - This character from the ad I just got looks just like you 
(4:34 PM) Nick - Attachment: 1 Image
Charlie involuntarily smiled before opening the message. Nick sending him random stuff was a different level of communication. Once he opened the picture and scanned the character, he didn’t think it looked like him. Actually, he didn’t look like him at all.
(4:36 PM) Charlie - WHAT it literally doesn’t 
(4:36 PM) Charlie - you’re only saying that cause he has curly hair and blue eyes
(4:37 PM) Nick - And dimples, that definitely looks like you
“He has seen my dimples?” Charlie wondered, feeling like a teenager almost kicking his feet. 
Charlie was starting to stress over what he was going to wear on their date. He had nice clothes and all but not knowing what they were doing made it really hard to put an outfit together. And he didn’t wanna show up underdressed or overdressed. 
When he came back home from work he went over his closet what felt like a million times, pulling out a few things and putting them back in when he didn’t find a way to properly style them “I’m sure it’s not a big deal” He thought, trying to take some pressure off himself “But what if it is?”
He didn’t wanna ask Nick about it, he didn’t wanna ruin the surprise he had planned for the night. So he decided to wear something close to what he wore on Valentine’s Day, not lazy but also not too over the top.
Feeling a little silly and overprepared, he left his outfit perfectly laying on the chair next to his bed, ready to be worn the next day. 
He actually felt better doing this, knowing he won’t have to worry about that five minutes before leaving gave him some sense of calmness and control over the situation. Looking forward to something (especially a date) made Charlie more anxious than he would like to admit.
Finally. After a million years, the date was finally happening. 
The day went by quicker than any other day. Doing everything he could to stop his mind from feeling nervous and anxious about later that night. But also checking his phone every ten minutes to see if Nick had tried to contact him at all. He hadn’t.
As the time of the date was getting closer, Charlie was feeling even more nervous, and in a desperate attempt to distract himself he decided to call Aled. In Charlie’s eyes, Aled always knew what to say. 
“Hey” Aled picked up with a happy tone “Everything okay?”
“Hey” He replied “Yeah I’m fine, how are you?”
“I was just about to leave, I have new sound equipment I need to pick up before the store closes” Aled said as he walked out to the parking lot “Are you nervous about today?” He asked Charlie.
“Oh don’t even mention it, I’ve never checked the time so much in my life” He said laughing in embarrassment.
“So how did this happen anyway?” Aled asked curious, since Charlie never got to tell everyone the story of how things actually went.
“What? With Nick?” 
“Yeah, obviously”
“Well, it wasn’t like… planned, at all” Charlie told him “I had different plans, do you remember the guy from the bar?”
“He stood me up, so I was driving back home and Nick just called me to borrow a game”
“Borrow a game?” Aled asked, confused.
“Yeah, i don’t know” Charlie said “He asked me about a game I bought one time i ran into him at the store, it was really expensive too cause I guess the Spider-Man game on release day is like exclusive or something”
“Spider-Man game? Charlie, you don’t even like superheroes”
“Ugh” Charlie grunted “I just didn’t want him to think I was following him so I grabbed a game and he got really excited when he realised what game it was” Charlie admitted “He even stayed there to talk to me for a little bit”
“So you bought it, of course you did” Aled said, almost in a sarcastic way “So he called you on Valentine’s Day to borrow a game?” He asked, putting a few pieces together “Sounds like he just needed an excuse to talk to you”
“What? No, he just wanted to borrow a game” Charlie said, brushing Aled’s theory off.
“Maybe. Did he tell you when he was giving it back?”
“Well… He went to my house the next day to give it back but I told him he could keep it for longer” Charlie said “I’ll probably tell him to keep it forever, I know I will never play it anyway” 
“So he used the same excuse twice? You can’t possibly be this oblivious”
Charlie didn’t say anything for a moment, he didn’t think Nick was using the game as an excuse, he knows Nick likes video games and Marvel, so it made sense that he just wanted to play it. But on the other hand, it did seem a little weird he was ready to give it back the very next day, and casually asked him if he was doing something. But Nick did say he would be too busy to play so… who knows.
“Is that why he was there on Monday, before we arrived at your house?” Aled had the suspicion that Nick was the one behind Charlie.
“Yeah, he also asked if I was doing anything but I had to say yes cause you guys were coming to dinner” Now Aled knew for sure.
“Charlie, you can’t keep denying this” Aled said, happy for his friend “He definitely likes you!”
“STOP, I can’t think that right now, not when I’m literal hours away from seeing him” He replied, 
“Okay, I’ll stop, but he definitely does” Aled heard Charlie giggle on the other line “Hey, and don’t worry about Tao. You don’t have to feel pressured to tell him about it, if this is your thing then that’s ok, and if you wanna keep it for yourself and Nick I think you should. Just know that doesn’t make you a bad friend”
Charlie smiled at Aled’s words, he loved the insight he always gave him, no matter what was happening with him, he always seemed to be able to read deeper into the situation and make him feel better about stuff. 
“Thanks” He genuinely was thankful “I love you”
A couple of hours later Charlie was entering his home, walking through the main entrance and up to his room, going straight for a shower. He hadn't talked to Nick but they agreed to meet at his place at 7, so he had a little time to get ready before he got there.
After doing everything he needed to, he stared at himself in the mirror, checking out his outfit and for the millionth time, wondering if he should change into something else. Even if he wanted to, it was too late now. He heard the doorbell, which made him scream inside. Charlie ran to the door, trying to fix his hair one last time before opening it.
“Hi” There he was, standing in front of him with a little blue box on his hands. 
“Hi” Charlie smiled.
“You look great” Nick was smiling at him so widely Charlie though he could throw up.
“Thank you, you do too” He laughed nervously looking at Nick blush at his words.
“Are you ready?” Nick asked, putting one of his hands behind him.
“I’m ready”
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A/N: thank you sm for reading <3 hope you liked it!
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creativeeventideas · 1 year
Boosting Team Cohesion with Fun Corporate Picnic Games & Ideas!
For the last three decades, I have been producing the most socially-dynamic, interactive corporate picnics on the planet, and the one thing that always comes standard in my book is field day games for team-building fun!
There's not a single corporate picnic quote that goes out without this ONE entertainment line item because it's the staple that puts the whole event together; creating strong team bonds and connections effortlessly.
So what makes field day games THE best game ideas for corporate picnics?
Field day games compel a group of employees to cohesively work together for a common goal and of course, friendly bragging rights among peers.
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Fun-Filled Corporate Picnic Games: Our Top Picks!
When we do a corporate picnic we bring enough field games for us to run the games for about 2.5 - 3 hours, this is a good amount of time for these activities without it getting repetitive or boring at your event.
This series of entertaining corporate picnic competitions improve teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and other skills by developing an atmosphere where employees can interact freely with each other.
3-Legged Race
This is one I think we all know and remember for those school field days. Participants run together with the left leg of one person strapped or tied to the right leg of another person.
Balloon Toss
Split the participants into two teams and form two straight lines with the teammates facing each other. Teams will need to be an even amount of players for this activity to work. A player on one side must toss their balloon to their teammate on the other side without breaking it. If the balloon breaks the two players must step out of the game and leave the remaining people. This is repeated until there is only a pair of participants left.
Frisbee Golf
Frisbee golf, also known as disc golf, is a recreational sport that combines elements of traditional golf with the concept of throwing a flying disc (frisbee) into a series of targets, typically metal baskets with hanging chains, in as few throws as possible. For your corporate picnic field games, you really only need two of these targets depending on the number of teams you have. The players on each team take turns throwing their discs toward the target. If they miss, they're out. The team with the most players to hit the target at the end of the set wins the competition.
Hula Hoop Contest
A hula hoop contest is a fun and entertaining game where employees compete to see who can hula hoop the longest without dropping their hoop. You can either decide on a time frame, 1 or 2 minutes or play to the death, to see who can go the longest without a time frame. The participants that lose control and drop their hoops must step out of the game leaving only the ones who are still going. The last remaining hooper wins. If it's a timed game, you can keep repeating until the last hooper is standing.
Horseshoe Toss
Horseshoe toss, also known as horseshoe pitching, is a field game that involves players taking turns trying to throw horseshoes around a stake in the ground. Points are scored based on the closeness of the horseshoe to the stake. The team player with the horseshoe closest to the stake (or with ringers) scores points for that round. The first team to reach the predetermined point goal (e.g., 21) is declared the winner.
Football Toss
Football toss is a field day game where participants throw a football at a target to score points. Participants will aim to throw the football through a target, like a hole in a board, to score points. The team that scores the most points wins the challenge.
Potato Sack Races
In this game, participants hop inside large, durable sacks (often resembling potato sacks) and compete by racing against each other to reach a designated finish line. Participants must remain inside their sacks at all times during the race. For team building, the race will be done in multiple rounds, with winners from each round advancing to a final round or championship race.
Ring Toss
Ring toss is a classic picnic game where players attempt to toss rings onto a target in an effort to encircle an object with the rings. Ring toss is a game of skill and accuracy and will require your employees and their staff to work together on their technique, spacial distance, and aim.
Relay Races
Picnic relay races are a fun and engaging way to add some excitement and physical activity to your picnic or outdoor gathering. They involve teams or individuals competing against each other in a series of relay-style challenges. These races can be adapted with different elements to make it more fun and exciting.
Sharp Shooter
Split the participants into two teams and form two straight lines with the teammates facing each other. One side will be given water guns and the other side a target of some sort to stop the water. The side with the target will also be given a bucket beneath them in order to redirect the water being shot at them into the bucket to fill it first. The players to fill their bucket to the line wins the challenge.
Magic Carpet Ride
A magic carpet ride refers to the fantastical experience of gliding on a potato sack or tarp across the field on a magical carpet. Participants line up at the starting line with their partners on the magic carpet. When the whistle blows, the race begins and the participants must do their best to give their teammates a magic carpet ride to the other side of the field without them falling off. If your teammate falls off, you're out. The game is repeated til there is only one set of team players remaining.
Tug of war is a test of physical strength and requires teamwork, strategy, and coordination among team members. Divide the players into two teams if you haven't already. Each team holds a specific end of the rope. The players usually stand side by side, with their feet braced and their bodies leaning back, using their combined strength to pull the rope. The team that successfully pulls the other team across the center line wins. Tug of War can be played in multiple rounds or as part of a larger team-building competition.
Get Your Game On: Leading the Fun at the Corporate Picnic
The most important thing you can do for your corporate picnic games is get the right game leader! A game leader that can engage and entertain a crowd is pure gold to your event entertainment because they increase participation and create a positive, memorable experience out of what would have just normally been outdoor field day games.
Anyone can grab a list of games and supplies off the internet and bring them to a corporate picnic and hope to have a fun-filled day of team bonding. It's really not that simple. You need an icebreaker. You need a comedic, spontaneous person to bring the games to life in order to develop the right atmosphere for the employees and their guests to feel comfortable joining in and letting go of their reservations.
The games at a corporate picnic should be exciting and fun for the participants and the spectators.
Rock Your Corporate Picnic with Audio & Stage Support!
Audio Support
The game leader is going to need to be loud in order to grab the attention of not just the participants but also the spectators (because you want to engage the entire crowd at the picnic, not just those playing the games).
There's the option to use a wireless mic and speaker set up OR for super small picnics, you could use a megaphone like a coach on the sidelines.
Presentation Stage
A small, mini-stage rental can add so much value to your corporate games because it allows you to have a place where the game leader can be above the crowd to give game instructions and do other announcements, and be seen in clear view.
Corporate Picnic Game Prizes: Rewarding Fun and Teamwork
One MEGA HUGE incentive to get a crowd to participate in the corporate picnic games is when you see there are prizes to be had.
Whenever I do a corporate picnic game package, I always include small prizes and a prize redemption table in clear view of the crowd. These small prizes (or big if you choose) will be of major value to the people at the picnic.
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innofarms · 1 year
Thrilling Team Building on a Budget: Affordable Adventure in Chandigarh
Are you looking for an adrenaline-packed team building experience that won't break the bank? Look no further than Innofarms! Our affordable adventure team building activities in Chandigarh offer the perfect balance of excitement and affordability. Engage in thrilling challenges, conquer obstacles, and strengthen team bonds without compromising your budget.
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whisperingwoodss · 11 hours
Resorts in Thane for One Day Picnic - Discover Luxury and Tranquility at Whispering Woods
If you're searching for the perfect getaway that’s close to nature, yet luxurious, look no further than Whispering Woods. One of the top resorts in Thane for one day picnic, Whispering Woods is a haven for those who want to relax, unwind, and escape the city hustle. With our stunning landscape and a variety of mesmerizing settings, we offer the ideal destination for a memorable one-day outing.
Why Whispering Woods is Perfect for Your One Day Picnic
At Whispering Woods, we understand that a short break can do wonders for your mind and soul. Located in the serene outskirts of Thane, our resort offers a quick escape from the chaos of everyday life. Whether you're planning a family day out or a corporate retreat, Whispering Woods is one of the top resorts in Thane for one day picnic. With lush greenery, calming views, and a luxurious ambiance, we ensure your day is filled with relaxation and joy.
Activities to Enjoy During Your One Day Picnic
We pride ourselves on offering an array of activities that suit every age and preference. From nature walks through our beautiful gardens to fun poolside lounging, Whispering Woods has something for everyone. If you’re visiting us with kids, our spacious play areas are perfect for them to run around and have fun. Adults can take time to relax, meditate, or indulge in the peaceful ambiance that surrounds us. That’s why we are considered one of the best resorts in Thane for one day picnic experiences.
Luxurious Settings That Take Your Breath Away
Whispering Woods is more than just a picnic spot. Our Bali-inspired villas and wooden cottages provide a luxurious setting that transports you to a world of comfort and beauty. If you’re in the mood for some relaxation, our poolside seating and beautiful tropical landscape will soothe your senses. These luxurious settings make us the perfect choice among resorts in Thane for one day picnic, offering a blend of leisure and elegance.
Plan Your One Day Picnic at Whispering Woods Today!
Whether you're with family, friends, or colleagues, Whispering Woods is ready to make your picnic day unforgettable. Our convenient location and stunning facilities offer the ideal mix of relaxation, entertainment, and luxury. Book your visit today and discover why Whispering Woods is one of the most sought-after resorts in Thane for one day picnic.
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sehtoast · 1 year
Sunset in July (Depowered!Homelander x OC) All of You is Left to Love Chapter 5
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Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5
Warnings: Vaginal sex, brief mentions of torture, brief mentions of genital injuries, soft smut, angst if you squint
Ben and Homelander share a date night two months after depowerment.
OC: Benjamin Colyer (The Boys-verse Spider-Man)
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So much had happened in the past two months.
Benny got caught up in a deal with Vought– one that would cease their pursuit to ‘reclaim’ their lost ‘property.’ In return for filling his seat in The Seven, the former Homelander would be left to live his life.
What little was left of it, anyway.
Benjamin spent hours upon hours, every night, going over that massive contract with highlighters and red pens. He made sure there wasn’t a speck of bullshit to be found– no tiny loopholes that would come back to haunt them, no fine print that dictated John’s mere existence was theirs to own and take back whenever they pleased.
All he could do was watch as his partner dueled the world’s most powerful corporate entity while his safety hung in the balance.
In the end, Ben won.
Not only that, but Benny secured a bargain for Vought to begin processing the necessary paperwork to get John proper documentation to prove that he existed. Forty fucking three years old, and he never had a birth certificate– no social security number, no ID… Nothing. Vought always covered for him, so why would he need any of those? Anything he needed to own was handled by them. His money, his properties– all of it was processed by Vought.
Which, of course, meant everything was theirs.
During this time, Ben balanced being Spider-Man, taking care of him, and warring with Vought. The web-head seemed like a dead man walking with how exhausted he was, but he never quit. He never threw his hands up and decided it’d be easier to have John be self-sufficient with his volatile emotions, never decided to just keep him locked away in their apartment for his safety, never abandoned those in need around the city to focus on the other issues at hand…
John’s injuries healed– bruises faded away, cuts vanished, scars formed…
If not for the shaved head and pink ridges traveling his right cheekbone and chest, John would be able to convince even himself that nothing had happened.
So, two months after his rescue, Ben took him for their first real date.
A celebration, he’d called it. The end of one thing, the start of another.
The former supe was petrified at the idea of going out in public, and Ben could tell. So, like any good wall-climbing boyfriend would, he set up a rooftop picnic and carried his Johnny to the top. Nothing extravagant, just drinks and food– a setting sun to bask in as they shared their moment, pillows and blankets to rest upon.
But, it was perfect.
It was nice to snuggle into his little spider without fear of pressure on his bruises, or the cut on his chest wrinkling and stinging. Curling a leg to entwine with Ben’s, losing himself in the rise and fall of his love’s chest, the gentle thrum of his heart…
The view of the early July sunset was beautiful, washing over the pair with a sense of serenity in waves of orange and pink.
“This is… nice.” Homelander murmured softly, his voice carrying a tinge of vulnerability. It had been a long time since he’d been content enough to bask in a moment so beautiful. The gravity of this… change always loomed over him, weighing down on his mind and body like a million pounds, but here, now… everything felt okay.
Like they were both able to simply take a breath.
“I’m glad,” Ben hummed, giving John’s hand a light squeeze. “We deserve something nice.”
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you…” John confessed in a whisper. “You’ve saved me in more ways than one, at this rate…”
Benny smiled and nuzzled into John’s neck, pressing a kiss to his flushed skin. “You’ve saved me too, y’know?”
As the last rays of sunshine drowned under the horizon, John tightened his grip around Ben’s hand, as though the light slinking away would cause the moment to fade into nothing more than a simple dream.
“I just… I dunno how to ever repay you for– well, for everything.” Homelander took a deep breath. With Benny by his side, perhaps he could learn to navigate this new world where he no longer knew himself. Maybe– just, maybe– he could figure this out.
Maybe it’d all turn out alright, just as his lover always promises.
He leaned in closer to Ben and brushed their lips together in a slow, tender kiss, savoring the taste of love and tranquility on his little spider's mouth.
"You'll never have to," Benny murmured against his lips, his hand coming up to stroke through John's brown locks. His hair had grown out to the length it once was, though it was shaggy and unkempt now. There was a certain charm to it, though.
He knew the reason his love refused haircuts was the fear of having his head buzzed against his will again. Ben vowed never to pressure him, especially knowing all that his Johnny had gone through.
His mind flashed back briefly to the scene he found in the cell…
"They'll never take you…" Ben affirmed as he looked into Homelander's worried blue eyes that always seemed to seek reassurance now. "You’ll always be safe."
He'd fight like hell to make sure John had a shot at this new life. He'd do anything to give his lover this chance- to help him work through the strife and trauma and come out of the rubble of change far stronger than he’d ever been before.
A lump formed in John’s throat, thick with emotions he dare not breathe to life.
Ben’s thumb brushed against the pink scar running along his cheekbone, and suddenly he felt the haunting memories of captivity pervading into the forefront of his mind. Yet, with Benny at his side, he felt safe, grounded, collected.
He would not unravel at the seams.
Not now.
”We’ll be safe…” He whispered hoarsely, his voice wavering just slightly. He nuzzled into Ben’s touch, warmed to the core from the comfort of his lover.
In this new, raw vulnerability that they shared, there was strength- an unbreakable bond forged through an unspeakably dark time. At least, that’s what Ben had told him. John leaned in once more, pressing another kiss against Benny’s lips, pouring every ounce of love and appreciation he could muster into the gesture.
A thank you for his rescue, for his mended wounds, for handling his breakdowns, for the borrowed clothes, for the sleepless nights where he needed so desperately to be held…
For fighting Vought, tooth and nail, to secure his freedom.
For simply being beside him…
By the time they decided to return to their apartment, Ben found himself riled up from all of John’s little touches and warm kisses.
It felt like a lifetime since he and John were intimate on account of the fact Homelander suffered injuries to his genitals while imprisoned. By now, however, they were most certainly healed.
The thought bounced around his head until he couldn’t contain the urge.
“Close your eyes, babe…” Benjamin whispered from behind John, his arms wrapped around his lover’s waist, lips at his neck. “I wanna…” He trailed off as his hand dipped down to run over the curve of John’s cock in his shorts. “Only if you’re okay…”
John’s breath hitched as shocks of excitement tingled through his body. Anticipation and longing spanning months, finally within reach. He closed his eyes obediently, shivering at the thought of what was to come as he leaned his head to the side to give his little spider better access.
“I’m ready…” he replied, his voice gravelly. “God, I’m so fucking ready!”
His heart pounded in his chest– such a uniquely human feeling– as he felt the warmth and strength of Ben pressed against him from behind. The raging hunger for intimacy coursed through him like a fire– burning away everything else.
“Fuck…” Homelander rasped, surrendering himself completely to the touch of the man he loved.
Ben inhaled deeply, nuzzling his nose behind the shell of John's ear. “God…” he groaned. “I fucking missed touching you like this…”
Benny turned John around, leaning in immediately to engulf him in a needy kiss, one eye open to navigate his grip until he’d lifted the former supe from the ground, his love’s legs wrapping around his waist.
“I love you.” Ben gazed up at him, grinning against the hands that cupped his face. “My Johnny…” Homelander's legs tightened around Benny's waist as their lips locked in a passionate embrace.
Their kisses began to deepen, growing more urgent with every passing moment. Hungry moans escaped from Homelander's lips as Benny's hands roamed over his body, caressing every inch of him, leaving goosebumps in the wake of every tender touch.
Benny lowered John onto the bed– never breaking away as he straddled him. Their bodies slotted together as clothes were discarded piece by piece, hands exploring with a familiarity only two bound souls could possess.
Homelander shuddered as he felt the warmth and wetness of Benny’s core grind against him, pleasure surging through him like pure electricity as they moved together in a rhythm all their own.
Tender, yet fervent, each touch carried an unspoken adoration for each other. John surrendered himself, suddenly less inclined to lead in this dance of theirs, content instead to be cradled and loved by his little spider. A bout of insecurity rose in him at the fact he couldn’t perform the same way he could once.
When he had his powers.
But any attempts to apologize for fatigue and resting breaths were shushed away, and lips pressed to him instead to silence him.
“I don’t care about that,” Ben gasped into his mouth as he slid his slick core over the length of John’s shaft. “None of that matters… Just you. Just you…”
He engulfed John in another passionate kiss, grinding down on him as their tongues mingled and moans reverberated against each other.
“I want you to take me however you want me…” Ben cooed. “Soft, hard… anything you want. Just take…”
John's breath caught as he listened to Benny's words, his cock twitching with need. He nodded fervently, a soft hunger burning in his eyes.
“Like this… I want you like this."
Benny pressed a kiss to his forehead and a hand to his chest, easing him back slowly. Their eyes locked.
John reached down to guide himself into position, keening weakly as his lover sank down on him with no hesitation.
“Hnngh,” he whimpered, the familiar heat gripping his senses. His hands grasped Ben’s thighs, holding tight as he tried to stave off his release.
So much time untouched left them both so sensitive.
“F-Fuck!” Ben hissed as his core worked to adjust to his lover’s girth. “So t-thick…”
Benny rose up, sighing softly before sinking back down, working into a pleasurable rhythm until he was rutting and riding his lover just the way they both liked.
Homelander’s hips started to work into a pace of their own, thrusting up to meet his little spider, their combined efforts working to build their respective peaks higher and higher.
“T-That’s it–” Ben groaned, moving John’s hands to position them at his hips. “Take me…” He threw his head back in a weak moan when Homelander’s biting grip finally registered.
Claps of skin, desperate breaths– praise and love all filled the room as they moved together in a desperate symphony of desire and passion.
“C-Close!” John called out, feeling the coil of heat building tighter and tighter in his core, his balls tensing up in preparation to mark his love from the inside out. “I’m– I’m not–”
Ben came down hard, grinding in circular motions against Homelander’s cock. “I want you to f-feel so– fuck– so good!” He leaned forward, taking John into a searing kiss, swallowing his whines. “C-Cum when you’re ready, baby. Don’t fight it…”
With that, he resumed bouncing on John’s cock, the rolls of his hips growing more languid as he coaxed his lover closer to edge of completion.
“Fuck! I–I’m sorry! I’m– Hah!” John groaned loudly, his hips rising to fuck hard into Ben through the waves of his orgasm, painting his lover’s walls with his cum. He felt it all the way into his limbs as the tingles of release coursed through him. Words spilled from his lips– incoherent at best as he moaned and babbled through his orgasm, his nails biting into Ben’s hips as though letting go would leave him castaway in a sea of bliss.
He trembled through the aftershocks, jolts like electricity dashing through him as Ben rode him to completion, his little spider's voice caught somewhere between a sigh and a groan as his cunt spasmed and pulsed with release.
“Ah– oh, fuck! Fuuuuck….” Ben panted, content to follow the arms that pulled him down. Lips met his, guiding him into a kiss he was too far from his own mind to reciprocate quite yet.
A sense of contentment washed over John– a rarity, these days. He’d dearly missed how quiet the world became after moments like this. His protector simmered down, the bad thoughts were kept at bay, and the worries he held for the future silenced.
After all, his future rested in his arms.
Moments like these… Ones where he could revel in the vulnerability of their afterglow, hold his lover, be held in return…
It meant the world.
“Love you…” Ben murmured weakly against his flesh, a kiss pressed to him to seal the promise.
The pair laid there for a while, basking in the afterglow, content to just exist side by side. Ben's hand crept up to John's hair, scratching lightly against his scalp to further comfort and relax his Johnny.
Just as they were both on the cusp of sleep, several loud booms echoed outside. From their position on the bed, they could make out the sight of reds, whites, and blues shimmering outside of the window.
"Huh,” Benny hummed cheerfully. “Would you look at that?”
John watched quietly as another blast of fireworks painted the sky, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"Happy birthday, Johnny!"
edit: desktop view seems to be missing a whole chunk of this story, whereas mobile displays it fine. editor shows it's still there, so i'm sort of hands-tied as far as fixing it goes.
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50calmadeuce · 6 months
Ch. 13: The Conference
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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As the sun began to set, you and Jake emerged from the stable, hand in hand. With the picnic basket in his right hand and yours clasped in his left, he suddenly gave your butt a quick pinch, causing you to jump and erupt into laughter.
"Jake!" you exclaimed, and he laughed, then pulled you in for a kiss.
"Well, it's about time!" came a female voice, loud and clear.
Turning your heads, you spotted Cindy standing on the back porch, prompting you to walk towards her. As you reached the bottom of the steps, it was clear from her expression that she had something specific she wanted to say to Jake.
You leaned in and kissed him. "I'm going to take a quick shower and then start working on my second presentation." You ascended the stairs, passing Cindy, and playfully shook your butt at Jake before walking through the door of the house.
Cindy crossed her arms, fixing Jake with a look, while Jake turned his attention to her, acknowledging the silent exchange.
"Yes, Momma," he acknowledged her presence and her unspoken authority.
"Jake. I love you. You're my only boy, but if you put that girl through what you did again… I don't know what I'll do."
"I won't. I swear," Jake assured her earnestly.
"It's about time you woke up. She worships the ground you walk on," Cindy responded, her tone softening slightly.
Jake nodded, his expression serious. "Oh, I know. I couldn't ask for a better person or wife."
Cindy grinned, satisfied with his response. "Good. Now, you stink. Go and take a shower."
Jake smiled, acknowledging the directive. "Yes, Ma'am," he said, as he quickly made his way past his mom and into the house.
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As you focused on your laptop, seated on Jake's bed and wrapping up your notes for the conference, Jake entered the room and observed you for a moment.
"Darlin', it's late," he gently pointed out.
Lifting your gaze to meet his, you replied, "I know. I'm just finishing up."
He made his way onto the bed and settled down beside you, peering over at your laptop screen. "You can tell where a cow or bull has come from?"
"Pretty darn close," you responded with a hint of pride.
He glanced at the screen once more, a look of confusion crossing his face. "And I don't get homozygous/heterozygous gene mutations."
Your grin widened as you explained, "Homozygous means you inherit the same version of the gene from each parent, so you have two matching genes. Heterozygous means you inherit a different version of a gene from each parent, so they do not match."
Jake rolled onto his back. "That's why you're the Doctor."
You chuckled, a lightness in your mood, as you closed the laptop and carefully placed it on top of the dresser.
You made your way back onto the bed and snuggled up to Jake, who wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close, and gently kissed the top of your head.
"You do know this is the book I wrote with Doctor Stryker?"
"He was there today," you added, a hint of significance in your voice. "He followed me out of the building. Told me he still thought about me."
Jake's reaction, the sudden tension that coursed through his body, was a clear indication of the complex emotions your revelation stirred within him. The quiet, intimate moment you both shared was momentarily shadowed by the unexpected intrusion of the past into the present.
Despite the initial shock, Jake's embrace remained firm around you, a testament to the strength of your connection. After a brief pause, he let out a slow, measured breath, as if to steady himself before speaking. "He followed you?" His voice carried a mix of concern and a protective edge, yet he made an effort to keep it level, to not jump to conclusions.
"Yes, just to talk," you clarified, wanting to ease the tension. "It was unexpected, but it was just a conversation. Nothing more."
Jake was silent for a moment, processing your words. Then, with a careful effort to keep his voice calm, he asked, "And how did that make you feel? Him saying he still thought about you?"
It was a question that required a moment of introspection, a balancing act between acknowledging past connections and affirming the present reality of your relationship with Jake. "Surprised, I guess," you admitted.
"Thank you for telling me," he said, his voice softening. "I won't pretend it doesn't bother me, but I trust you. And I know we're solid, we've built something too important to let shadows from the past threaten it."
You nodded, feeling a renewed sense of connection. "I love you, Jake. Nothing is going to change that."
Jake gently kissed the top of your head again, a silent acknowledgment of your words and the depth of the bond you shared. "I love you too. More than anything," he murmured, holding you a little tighter.
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When you woke up the Saturday morning, the space beside you was empty; Jake had already risen. You stretched, feeling the day's possibilities stretch out before you, and glanced at your watch. It was 6 a.m. With a sigh, you threw the comforter off and turned, standing up to start your day.
As you opened the bedroom door, the inviting aroma of breakfast cooking and fresh coffee wafted towards you, instantly brightening your mood. You allowed yourself a moment to savor the homely scents before slowly making your way to the kitchen.
"Morning, Y/N," Cindy greeted you warmly as you took a seat at the kitchen island. "Coffee?"
"Oh, yes please," you responded, grateful for the offer and the comforting routine of starting the day with a warm cup.
Cindy turned back to the coffee maker, her movements practiced and smooth, indicative of the many mornings she had performed this ritual. The kitchen was filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, a scent that seemed to wrap around you, easing the transition from the tranquility of sleep to the alertness of a new day.
As Cindy poured the dark, steaming liquid into a mug, she glanced over her shoulder, offering you a smile that seemed to brighten the room. "Cream and sugar?" she inquired, knowing your preferences but always polite to ask.
"Yes, please, thank you," you replied, watching as she expertly added the cream and sugar, swirling it into the coffee until it reached the perfect shade of light brown. She placed the mug in front of you, along with a small spoon on a napkin.
Taking the mug into your hands, you savored the warmth seeping into your palms, the comforting weight of the ceramic, and the promise of caffeine to kickstart your day. "Thanks, Cindy. This is exactly what I needed."
"How'd your notes come along?" Cindy inquired.
"Pretty good, actually. I believe my findings align quite closely with what Dr. Stryker is discussing," you replied, taking a sip of the coffee, appreciating the warmth and the caffeine starting to work its magic and noticed Cindy's body tense at the name.
"Jake knows about him now?" Cindy asked, a hint of concern in her voice.
"Yeah. We had a chat last night," you confirmed, trying to keep your tone light despite the complexity of the conversation you'd had with Jake.
Just then, the backdoor opened, and Jake walked in, dressed in a pair of shorts and tennis shoes, with his headphones hanging around his neck. His dog tags dangled between his sweaty pecs, evidence of what must have been an intense morning run or workout.
He walked over to you and planted a quick kiss on your lips. "Darlin'," he said with a warm smile, then moved over to the cabinet to grab the blender, presumably to whip up one of his post-workout smoothies.
As he moved around the kitchen, you caught a flash of metal on his left hand and realized he was wearing his wedding ring. It struck you suddenly; you hadn't seen him wear that ring since the day you both got married. The sight of it now, especially after everything you'd been through together, warmed your heart and filled you with a mixture of surprise and deep affection.
You glanced at your watch, noting the time. "Jake, we need to leave in an hour. I'm going to shower and get dressed," you announced, already planning the timing in your head.
He turned his head, meeting your gaze with a smile. "I'll be right behind you," he assured, his tone light and affectionate.
Cindy sighed from her spot at the kitchen island, an amused yet resigned expression on her face. You couldn't help but smirk behind the coffee cup.
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Two hours later, Jake steered the truck into a parking spot at the school. He was the picture of casual elegance in khaki pants, a black polo shirt, dress shoes, and a matching cowboy hat, a combination that accentuated his fit physique.
You had opted for a professional ensemble, choosing black business slacks paired with a tan dress shirt, complemented by a sleek black dress coat. Preferring comfort over convention, you chose black flats instead of high heels, and your hair was neatly pulled back into a stylish ponytail. The outfit was a perfect blend of formal and practical, suited for the day's events.
Glancing down at your left hand, you puzzled over what could have snagged your tote, then remembered the wedding ring you'd slipped on earlier. The sight of it brought a smile to your face. You and Jake had chosen matching rings, inspired by a love for the Western aesthetic. Yours was a stunning cathedral-style engagement ring, featuring a brilliant half-carat diamond at its heart. The band, a delicate work of art in rose gold, was intricately hand-engraved, complemented by a sterling silver rope motif that encircled half the band, leaving space for a companion piece. The companion, a sleek sterling silver bead wedding band, was designed to fit snugly alongside the engagement ring, creating a harmonious set. Jake's ring mirrored this design ethos, boasting a handsome rose gold band adorned with similar engraving and sterling silver bead detailing along the edges.
While you were captivated by your ring, Jake made his way to the passenger side of the car.
"Everything alright?" he inquired, a note of concern in his voice.
"Yeah, I'm just not accustomed to having it on yet," you responded.
His smile was warm. "It's good to see you wearing it once more."
"The feeling's mutual," you answered, returning his smile.
"Do you have everything you need?" he asked, casting a glance at your tote.
"Yup," you confirmed, and with that, he gently shut the passenger door for you.
He gently grasped your left hand with his right and the two of you headed towards the Conference center from the parking garage.
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As you entered the Conference Center, you made your way to the check-in table, where a young college student was stationed.
"Name?" she inquired.
"Dr. Y/N Seresin," you provided.
The young girl's eyes widened in recognition. "Dr. Seresin? I read the book you co-authored with Dr. Stryker. I'm really looking forward to your presentation today," she said, enthusiasm evident in her voice as she handed you two lanyards.
"Thank you," you replied, appreciating her excitement as you handed Jake his lanyard.
The girl's gaze shifted towards Jake, and you could tell she was quite taken with him. "And your guest?" she asked, trying to maintain her composure.
You couldn't help but grin. "This is my husband, Lieutenant Jake Seresin."
Jake offered her a friendly smile and a nod, acknowledging the introduction.
"Is there a booklet with this weekend's events?" you asked, gently redirecting the girl's attention away from your husband.
"Oh, I'm sorry, yes," she quickly apologized, handing you the pamphlet. "I'm really looking forward to your presentation."
"Thank you, we're both excited to be here," you responded warmly, accepting the booklet from her. You were keen to see who else was presenting and what other panels might be of interest. The conference was an important event in your field.
As you walked away from the check-in table, Jake leaned in and whispered, "Seems like you're quite the celebrity here."
You chuckled softly. "Well, let's not get carried away. But it's nice to know the book is reaching people."
Looking through the booklet as you both made your way down the hall, you found your presentation time and location, as well as a few other sessions that piqued your interest. The weekend was packed with opportunities for learning, networking, and sharing your own research.
"Let's make sure we attend the keynote this afternoon," you suggested, pointing to the schedule. "And there's a panel on the latest technology in my field tomorrow that looks fascinating."
Jake nodded, showing his interest as he surveyed the surroundings. "Sounds good," he remarked, his attention then shifting back to you.
Glancing through the pamphlet, you noted, "Both of my presentations are today, and then there's the dance tonight." You checked your watch and then looked up at Jake. "I need to go meet Dr. Colson in his office now."
He met your gaze, understanding. "That's fine. I'll find you later."
The two of you shared a quick kiss. "Love you," he said softly.
"Love you too," you echoed, before hastening off towards Dr. Colson's office.
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The presentation with Dr. Colson unfolded flawlessly. Out in the audience, you caught glimpses of Jake, watching and smiling. You were aware that he might not grasp all the details of the discussion, but that was irrelevant to you.
Once the presentation concluded, Jake waited casually. As you and Dr. Colson descended the stage, your gaze found Jake.
"Dr. Colson, I'd like you to meet my husband, Lieutenant Jake Seresin," you introduced them, bridging your professional world with your personal one.
Jake extended his hand, offering a warm greeting. "Nice to meet you. Y/N has spoken very highly of you."
Dr. Colson's handshake was firm and welcoming. "Likewise. You're a fighter pilot in the Navy, correct?" he inquired, releasing Jake's hand.
Jake responded with a smile, "Yes, sir."
Dr. Colson returned the smile. "No need for formalities," he insisted gently. Glancing at his watch, he added, "Please, call me Jason. It's lunchtime, and Y/N's next presentation isn't until 3. I'd be interested in hearing more about your career. Would you both care to join me for lunch?"
You and Jake exchanged a quick look, a silent agreement passing between you. "We'd love to!" you replied enthusiastically.
"Great!" Jason exclaimed. "I know a wonderful little spot just a couple of blocks from here."
The two of you followed Dr. Colson—Jason—out of the conference center.
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