#Tory deserved better
jkgnggj · 1 year
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The wittle baby boyyy 🥺 (he's so big and fluffy) Another torisaikitty (torikittysai?) Com by @lu-kario I love my boys sm and the colors ahhh
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thebroken--soul · 2 months
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charliethinks · 11 months
my best friend didn’t know charlie and tori have another brother…
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grayluforever · 7 months
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is it just me or does Dan Schneider like to normalize abusive and toxic relationships over the healthier ones?
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normalpeoplethiings · 8 months
lister deserved so much better 🥲
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Has... has this been done yet?
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starpros-sunshine · 9 months
I don't know if I ever talked about this on here before but it's been on my mind from time to time and that is the idea that Wataru one time catches a really bad cold so he just avoids Eichi for the time being (Because Hey. Maybe. If you're sick with a bacterial disease that spreads really easily. Maybe try not to pass it on to the guy with the autoimmune disorder. Just a thought.) But he doesn't tell anyone about it because he's The Hibiki Wataru he doesn't get sick.
So the only ones who know about this are his roommates because it's kind of hard to hide this from people you share a room with especially if you stay cooped up in your room a lot to try not to infect others with your cold and also a runny red nose and a sore throat aren't really a good look on someone that's not the biggest fan of open vulnerability. (If you ask yourself why he would stay in his dorm I have no idea either my guess is the guy just doesn't have anywhere else to go on short notice it's not like he has a flat outside of ES or something so as long as I don't have that figured out he'll have to stay in the dorms)
And yeah no back to point do the gist of the thing is Eichi notices that Wataru tries to stay away from him and he does not know why and it makes him sad and kind of angry and because he's Eichi of course he wonders if it was something he did or if it was just Wataru finally realising that Eichi just isn't what he deserves or whatever else self depreciating things could cross your mind in a situation like this.
So basically then he goes to the first person he would think of to know if he did anything wrong in regards to Wataru: Rei. Rei is mildly confused but reassures him Wataru didn't say anything in that regard.
And this entire scenario just boils down to Eichi wondering why Wataru is avoiding him and thinking it's his fault so he goes around asking everyone he could expect a proper answer from without thinking to ask Wataru himself because a) he's avoiding him. Why would he risk making things worse? And b) it's stupider and funnier this way and this entire scenario is just me laughing at their communication or lack thereof completely ignoring the underlying issues that would've caused it. And I know this is dumb and stupid because everyone else in ensquare would need to be an idiot for this to work so I'm ignoring that bit as well and just regarding it as something that would be funny in theory but would never happen. Or actually youcan set this entire scenario at Yumenosaki and then it could make perfect sense this seems exactly like the kind of stuff to happen to dramatic highschoolers
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cats-jade · 10 months
the way quinton reviews talks about the victorious fandom being convinced some of the ships are wholesome and ship it and like… i don’t think he understands that most of us, as far as i’ve seen, don’t ship the characters bc we think their relationship works, but actually because it doesn’t. we’re all a bunch of sickos who like to see the characters suffer. i’m dead serious about this, like, yeah ofc we make slightly ooc versions of the characters in our heads so we can imagine them in a somewhat healthy relationship with each other and write fanfiction about that, but we also like to see the toxicity of some of those ships (canon or not). he said it himself, victorious is like someone watched it’s always sunny but didn’t get the joke; they’re all awful people (except cat, maybe, although she’s a triple murderer) who don’t deserve to win but they win anyway, so it just feels good to have them suffer in a unhealthy relationship, it’s cathartic, and i know that i personally get soo into it that i end up coming across as someone who finds the ship wholesome sometimes but i certainly do not, i just love it anyway. and i do project into the characters, and that’s because, well, i’m not gonna be toxic to people in real life, i’m not gonna have an abusive relationship, so writing about it (whether it’s fanfiction, meta, elaborate headcanons or just brief tumblr posts) allows me to get the edge off, simply put. i don’t know if this never occurred to him, if he doesn’t get it cause it’s not something he does, or if he’s aware of it and just doesn’t mention it in the videos, but i’m pretty sure a lot of the fandom is with me on this one ?
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tophsazulas · 3 months
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#cheaters (affectionate-ish)
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theeblackmedusa · 2 years
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keene-defender · 2 years
Buckle up, this is going to be a long one.
The first aspect of Robby’s arc that I was dissatisfied with was the fact that he was the one running around doing all the grovelling. I saw another post refer to it as an “apology tour” on here and that’s exactly what it was.
The show seems to be trying to establish a theme of taking personal responsibility and has been doing so for a while, yet it undermined its own attempt at this by keeping things very one-sided since Robby has been the only one doing the apologising. At least among the teens. It paints the other characters in a positive light and makes Robby out to be the bad guy. We get an insight into their point of view on things, but not Robby’s and this actually contradicts the show’s own premise of exploring the grey areas. It’s a very black and white approach. This theme and message of taking accountability would have been FAR more effective if they had every character acknowledging and taking accountability for their wrongdoings. It’s why I wanted to see Miguel and Robby resolving things by actually sitting down and having a fkn conversation for the first time and discussing both points of view, rather than a “rematch”. (My reservations about that fight will be discussed in another post). That could have been actually very interesting and cathartic for not only both characters, but both fan bases.
Let’s now look at who Robby apologised to :
Of course, Robby owed Miguel a huge apology. Him kicking Miguel over the balcony nearly cost Miguel his life. And I liked his apology and enjoyed the fact that he took accountability for it. It was very heartfelt.
Did Miguel deserve what happened to him ? NO. Absolutely not. I want to make that very clear. However, there’s a difference between deserving what happened to you and playing a part in what happened to you, and Miguel DID play a part in his own downfall. He essentially started the rivalry between him and Robby at the beach in S1 and doubled down on that with his actions at the tournament. He explicitly escalated the school fight into a full on brawl by attacking Robby who was just trying to break it up and proceeded to taunt Robby about the major insecurities in his life. He decided to stop fighting and “show mercy” but how was Robby to know he was being shown mercy from the guy with a history of aggression against him, who attacked him on site moments earlier? And I’m not condoning what Robby did, but he’s not solely to blame for what happened which is something the writers seem to be ok with blatantly overlooking.
What frustrates me is that Miguel’s part in things is never acknowledged and the one instance that it was (when Robby explained Miguel attacking him to Johnny in S4), it’s quickly cast aside by Johnny saying “look, I wasn’t there”. Nobody has ever asked Robby (or Miguel for that matter) how the fight between the two of them at the school actually started. How is it that Kreese is the only one who was aware that Miguel attacked Robby ? I would have liked Miguel to have at least acknowledged his part in things if not apologise, because his actions were very significant in contributing to what happened. Instead the narrative and characters paint him as completely innocent and I can understand why Robby fans are feeling frustrated with that.
Robby owed hawk an apology for shaving his Mohawk and he gave said apology. And that’s about it. Hawk on the other hand has never really taken accountability or faced any real repercussions for his actions. The one thing he has done is expressed some remorse to Demetri in S4 about becoming an asshole thanks to cobra Kai, so I found it very contradictory when Hawk got offended for being called out by Robby. Did Hawk really think he had a leg to stand on there ? No matter how much he didn’t like Robby, Robby was 100% right, Hawk has undeniably been the worst asshole of the teens while being part of cobra Kai. I’m glad Robby called him out for attacking him, Sam and Demetri at the mall, trashing the dojo and stealing the medal of honour and snapping Demetri’s arm. The one other thing I wish Robby had mentioned was the fact that Hawk dislocated Robby’s shoulder in S1. That seems like a big one and I was surprised Robby left that out. Part of me wonders if the writers neglected to have Robby mention that because there’s nothing Hawk could have done other than apologise for it if it was mentioned and given that they seem to want to make Robby out as the bad guy and skew the narrative towards anybody but him, Hawk apologising would go against their agenda. But Hawk should also have apologised and that would have actually made more sense for his arc of progressing in and bettering himself as part of Miyagi-do. The only aspect of Miyagi-do that hawk seems to be taking on is the fighting side of it, but in terms of its philosophies and life applications I’m not seeing it yet.
I’ll give Daniel credit, he apologised to Robby in S3 for failing him and reiterated in S5 that he was only ever trying to help Robby. Despite messing up, Daniel’s the closest thing that Robby has had to a functional father figure and I will die on that hill. What I didn’t like about Robby’s apology to Daniel was it starting with him saying “you didn’t fail me”. That is categorically untrue, Daniel DID fail Robby by discarding him twice the moment he made a mistakes, thus breaking Robby’s trust in him. The way Robby then goes on to emphasise, “no, I’m sorry” when Daniel looks like he’s going to apologise again is frustrating, as if Daniel had nothing to apologise for. It leaves out a whole lot of context as to why Robby was pushed towards Cobra Kai in the first place. Again, Daniel discarded Robby at the first sign of mistakes, and in Robby’s mind, Daniel getting him sent to juvie was just another instance of Robby being discarded for making the biggest mistake of his life. Daniel had a hand in pushing Robby to join Cobra Kai and did fail him many times. The writers could have had Daniel and Robby make mutual apologies to each other without Robby standing there and absolving Daniel of any blame. This would have been far more meaningful given their relationship and history. It would have been far more healing for both of them.
Some side notes :
This was a very adult-centred season. I enjoyed the adult arcs a lot (especially Chozen, he’s my favourite apart from Robby) but the downside of this was that the teen arcs suffered. Robby and Sam had a whole lot of history to unravel and talk through, yet they had very limited dialogue and interaction with each other. One of the most enjoyable aspects for me this season was Sam’s individual arc, yet the ONE thing that frustrated me was that she STILL hasn’t actually apologised for cheating on Robby. And actually, Miguel hasn’t actually apologised to Tory for cheating on her either.
Sam and Tory’s alliance, though it’s something I’ve wanted to see for a long time, was rushed. They came together to defeat a common enemy and seemed to have more of an understanding of each other. However these two had a lot of apologies to make to each other and discussions to have as well and accountability to take - but that didn’t happen.
It seems that all of the other characters have their wrongdoings overlooked and an emphasis placed on the things they do right / how much they have suffered. It’s the complete opposite for Robby and this is why I’m angry.
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kcyars52 · 5 months
If Drake “fires back” he’s simply confirming the BBL allegations
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gay-caveman · 10 months
one thing I dread is that season 6 of cobra kai will include everyone pairing off into neat little heterosexual couples. and johnny being in this Happy Nuclear Family™ because yeah that's definitely what he needs for growth, not to actually confront his issues. no character can be single because obviously that means they are sad and miserable. and no character can be anything other than cishet because that means they are sad and miserable and we cannot have THAT can we???
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rockstav · 4 months
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they're literally the same person, how could you hate sam??!?
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blues-valentine · 2 years
I’m new to Cobra Kai but instantly I can see the problem with the framing to the Sam and Tory rivalry. They constantly rely on sympathy bait for Tory instead of actual accountability. The things she has done are beyond crazy and Sam had every right to hate her. Sam never owed Tory any understanding when she left her with several PTSD and physical scars. I enjoy both girls, but the way the writers narrative is made to favor Tory in every argument against Sam is the problem to me. Sam is always framed as the privileged girl with a supportive family while Tory is the one living a hard life. None of those things excuse her terrorizing Sam or made up for the irreparable damage she has done. Sure, they are "civil" now but it was done badly, and there wasn’t any accountability made by Tory, finally confessing about the tournament being rigged isn’t a good redemption arc for her.
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
Y’all are really atrocious with the Victoria Justice hate. Do y’all even remember why y’all hate her anymore because I promise it was never that serious.
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