#Tory screams
myheartstopperblog · 11 months
My two asexual comfort characters🫶
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thediamondarcher · 8 months
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i love them so much, they're literally the best relationship and they don't even need labels to be together because it's enough with having one and other, they're both each others safe place and they kind of saved each other. they're not only special for each other but for a lot of sprolden fans who are aroace (like me) and have them as an example, many allo people might see their relationship as something "weird" or might not fully understand it, but for us it feels like we finally get something to ourselves because sprolden does feel like a ship made for us aroaces. they allow each other to feel things and not be a part of the norm like most people want, they like each other more as they get to know each other, they're just one of the best couples I've ever seen, they don't need to label anything to know how they feel about each other, they love each other and no label is ever going to fill that. I love them so much sjhdqjzkq
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lazyblazedonut · 2 months
"And who are you, Victoria Spring?"
I can't think of anything to say because that is what my answer would be really. Nothing. I am a vacuum. I am a void. I am nothing.
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mixelation · 22 days
tori DOES have a series called "sasori does my make-up while i ask him you questions" and it absolutely infuriates everyone on the planet because she WILL ask him to confirm or deny certain crimes, or she'll ask for details on things he's confirmed to have done, but then he'll just.... not answer. he yells at her for talking while he's trying to do stuff to her face. he insults her. he tells her to be still.
on the "final look reveal" beauty shot, tori always has the SMUGGEST look on her face
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michaelnotholden · 1 year
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truhambuzzkill · 1 month
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skateisawesome · 9 months
i dont think words can explain the physical reaction i had when seven started playing in the final episode of heartstopper season two
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s0lit4ir3 · 9 months
"tori spring, i have been looking for you forever" AH MY HEART MY SOUL IT GETS ME EVERYTIME I ADORE SPROLDEN
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imstuckin1999 · 8 months
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moonlit-knightz · 5 months
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what’s your favorite scary movie?
new chapter is up for my scream x ck fic (about fucking time)
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lustfulcat · 1 year
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We have reached The Golden Age of Saezuru Part 2. Welcome. There are mops and towels to the left. Enjoy your stay.
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mariemariemaria · 3 months
you have to go to uni otherwise your life will go nowhere why would you go to uni these days the trades are dying we need more people in the trades no no we don't want more women in the trades we need more doctors nurses teachers so you have to get a degree or multiple degrees why are you complaining about debt you chose to do this you have to get at LEAST a masters degree because bachelors are basically useless they're handing degrees out like sweets these days you shouldn't go to uni if you can't afford it you have to get good grades at a level to get anywhere wait you don't want to go to uni? then what the fuck do you expect from life? student loans are fine they're not like other debt the highest student loan debt is £230,000 you'll be repaying it for your whole life there are so many useless degrees they need to get rid of them STEM is the way to go why is art and literature and music so bad these days the top earners at unis are on six figure salaries your student loan interest will go up year on year and btw we are really looking for someone with a higher level of education for this entry level position
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klutzyghost13 · 1 month
OMG!!! I'm so excited I feel like I'm going throw up!!! 🤭😊😍
October 3, 2024 💙💛🍂
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CK characters in a horror movie
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The lead/hero target: Daniel
The killer: Terry
The one who gets killed first: Anthony
Persistent one who lives: Sam
Twist killer: Robby
Suspected killer who’s actually innocent: Tory
Person who accidentally gets a few of them killed by making noise: Demetri (or he’s got full plot armor, no in between)
Arrogant one who thinks they can fight off the killer: Hawk
The one who says “get out of the house” when a someone runs upstairs instead of out the door: Miguel & Amanda
The dumb one running upstairs while being chased: Moon and Yasmin
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Do you agree? comment!
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Demon that won’t die: Kreese
Person who accidentally summoned said demon: Johnny
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daylightisviolent · 10 months
Friendly reminder that Michael FUCKING Holden. The best character ever
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