#Toshi x reader
thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Ken Robbins, Toshi Mashibasa, Serena Tsukino, Nene Yashiro, Kou Minamoto, Hanako how do they react when the reader says he loves them?
S/O says that they love them
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Ken, Toshi, Usagi, Nene, Kou, Hanako ]
[ Kaleido Star ] [ A silent voice ] [ Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon ] [ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
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Dear anon I love you because you are the first person who request for jshk ❤️ THANK YOU !! ❤️
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Ken Robbins
Ken is a really caring and gentle person, he is always doing his best in whatever he has to do and even when he isn't exactly the shy type he does get shy when it comes to romance, easily flustered by you since the moment he got a crush on you, he isn't the most open person with his crush but he doesn't hide it, and the people who know him well can easily tell when he is in love
Ken is already easily flustered with you, so whenever you get affectionate with him is the same, it will take him a long time to get used to it and even then he won't really stop getting red cheeks, even if is just words it still flustered him a lot
He may be sure that what he feels for you is love, but he isn't able to say it out loud, let alone to you, saying that you love someone has a lot of weight for him, so hearing from you that you love him is really surprising, even shocking because he didn't really thought on actually happening (or at least not without feeling a little embarrassed)
It take him a moment to fully process what you had said because is too much for him, the blush on his cheeks grows really quickly and when he finally is able to react he is super nervous and trying to stutter an answer, but not even in his mind is able to proper think on one. If you had did it shyly he tries really hard to respond you since he doesn't want for you to think that he doesn't love you too or something, however if you had did it with more confidence that just make him more flustered and a little more difficult to look at you on the eyes
After that he will be pretty blushy for a while whenever he is with you or when he remember what you had say, but after a while he wil be able to calm down about the whole thing (but still keep the memory close to his heart), and he will even tell you properly that he loves you too (even if had been days since you said it, he still want to do it)
Although, if you do it as a way to confess your feelings for him it will be even more shocking for him, is more dificult for him to accept that this is really happening, but will do more effords to be able to answer you, he will hate to don't properly answering you when he is sure that he loves you too
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Toshi Mashibasa
Toshi is pretty carefree and chill, when you two aren't dating yet he isn't too obvious with his crush but still pretty open with his love for you, and once you two are in a relationship he is still pretty open with it, as long as you aren't uncomfortable with it he will be pretty affectionate by words and actions, as well the pda
If you are affectionate yourself he really apreciate it, he always welcome any kind of affection you do to him, even if you aren't too affectionate or even shy he doesn't really mind much, he just loves you for who you are (still he loves at least holding your hand)
Even when Toshi isn't really shy that doesn't mean that saying that you love him is less significant for him, if he didn't had said it already is because he doesn't want to rush or anything, still the moment you tell him that you love him he stares at you for a moment before smiling sweetly
The first time you say it you really surprised him, and flustered him too, still say it back without much troubles, but the next times he respond by putting an arm around your shoulders, holding you close and giving you a little kiss
If you do it shyly he finds it really cute, the first time you say it he doesn't say something about it but the next times is more probably that he will tease you a little about it before saying that he loves you back. In the other hand if you say it with more confidence he is a little more surprised by it the first time, but after a while he gets used to it and, he doesn't say it out loud but he finds it pretty attractive
It doesn't take him long to get used to hearing and saying it, so after a while it would be a pretty common thing saying it, still everytime he hears it or say it he does it from the bottom of his heart, always brings a smile to his face
Although, if you say it as a way to confess your feelings for him Toshi will be more surprised, he is observant and probably already had noticed that you love him back, still doesn't take it for granted, the confesion isn't what surprise, is your choose of words, it suprise and flustere him, like even if he knew it is still unexpected. It doesn't take him long to give you a positive answer with a smile, though
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Usagi Tsukino
Usagi is pretty open with his love for you, even when you two aren't dating yet is pretty obvious for how much she seem to be daydreaming or her insistence and excitment to see you
Whenever you are affectionate to her it make her flustered and sometimes even shy, but she craves for it, she loves you with all her heart and every little detail of love make her melt (and probably keep her flustered for a long time)
Saying that she love you is really special for her, it take her a while to earn the courage to say it to you, but when she heards it from you is even more special, specially the first time you say it, that time it was like time stoped and just the two of you existed on the world. It doesn't matter if you say it shyly or confidently, for her it holds the same feeling of overwhelming and warming love, that feeling that make her keep going in her fight, that feeling that make her dream with a bright future
As special as it is for her, once you two finally say it for the first time she will never be shy again while saying it, the memory of you saying it make her heart melt and she wants to continue feeling so loved, as well as give you that beautiful feeling, so from that day she is saying you that she loves you as a daily basis, if she can she will say it to you at every moment
She can be pretty childish at times so sometimes she does it in a more playful manner or even ask you to please say it to her because she loves hearing it from you, othertimes she do it in a more serious manner or even worringly, she is constantly fighting as the Sailor Scout she is, so she wants to hear and say it as a reasurance and to give her motivation to continue
If you do it as a confesion it would be really surprising for her, she just stare at you for a moment before slowly lowering her gaze, she isn't able to say something just because her cheeks are burning and her heartbeat is so loud that doesn't let her think properly, but she will try really hard to move to be able to show you that she loves you too (maybe with a kiss)
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Nene Yashiro
Yashiro is a complety hopless romantic, she craves for anything romantic with you and daydream a lot about it too, however she as much as she love it she actually gets pretty shy when it comes to romance
Whenever you are affectionate to her Yashiro explode in excited and become a blushing mess, every little detail make her heart melt even before start dating (although, before you two start dating Yashiro was more shy), it would take her a long time to get used to be in a relationship with you
Even when Yashiro swears to herself that she loves you or even going as far as saying that you are the love of her life and there is no one like you, she doesn't have the bravery to say it to you, she will die of embarrasment if you ever get to know all those cheesy things she think of you
The moment you say that you love her is really shocking for her, Yashiro stares at you unable to do anything else while her mind become a completly mess, mixed between all her emotions and thoughts running across her head, wondering if she had heard you right, if you actually mean what you said and even celebrating for what you had said to her
It doesn't matter much if you had say it shyly or confidently because it makes her have pretty much the same reaction (although if you had say it with confidence she finds it incredibly attractive), and it would take her a while to be able to respond to you (but if you feel insecure for her lack of response she will rush herself and end up triping on her words)
Yashiro will be pretty flustered for a while after this, anytime she remember it her cheeks get painted red once again and her heartbeat go faster, as well she gets a little more shy with you for a while, she is just so excited and flustered for the whole situation that can't help herself
If you do it as a way to confess your feelings for her her reaction won't be too different, or at least from the outside because on the inside she is busting and her heartbeat is going so fast that she feels like her heart will go out of her chest, she is sure that she loves you but you saying it to her so suddenly is too much for her
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Kou Minamoto
Kou isn't exactly the most affectionate person in the world, and even when he is really caring towards the people he cares when it comes to being in love and in a relationship he doesn't know much about what to do and he could be a little shy from time to time
He himself isn't much of physical affection, but whenever you are affectionate with him Kou quickly become really flustered, it doesn't matter if is physicaly, by actions or even by words he still gets flustered, and the more you do it the more he blush (he may even start stuttering at some point if you insist with your affection)
It takes a while for Kou to notice and accept his feelings and love is a word with a great meaning so he doesn't want to say it so lightly, so even when he is sure that he loves and care for you it take him a while to even think on saying it. The moment you say it to him it take him a moment to fully process your words, Kou looks at you surprised just before become a blushing mess when he realice what you said
His face is completely red, his heartbeat is racing like crazy and in his mind are running a lot of different thoughts that goes from wondering if you had say it for real to wonder if all of this is just a dream, you can easily read his nervousness all over his face, specially when he tries to answer you but all he can do is stutter half sentences
If you had did it shyly he find it pretty cute but at the same time it make him feel more anxious about having to give you an answer (specially because he doesn't want for you to think that he doesn't love you, because he does), but if you had did it with more confidence he find it kinda intimidating, but in a good way, he would think that is admirable that you talk about your feelings with such confidence if his mind wasn't a mess
Somehow he will manage to give you a proper answer (even if you insist that he doesn't have to) one where he express how much he loves and care for you, how happy he is to be with you and how he will love to be by your side for a long time (still blushing like crazy and probably a little loud for his nervousness)
Although, if you had done it as a love confesion Kou really feels flustered and flattered, he is the same completely mess but this time he will try to stay more calm and serious because, since this is a confesion, he want to give you a proper answer, but it probably will take him a moment to find the right words to do so (not wanting to make it seem like he is making fun of you or being misunderstood)
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Hanako is always so flirty and clingy towards his lover, even before start dating he doesn't really hide his love for you and he isn't discreet with it neither, making it pretty obvious
However, when it comes to be serious he finds problems to do so, he doesn't like it too much and he even gets pretty shy while doing it, so as much as he is open with his love he doesn't say it right away (he even has troubles to accept it to himself)
When you are affectionate and show your love for him he could react or really flustered and shy or really excited, depending on what you do/say and the situation too, like if you two were just hanging out he will try to flip it against you and tease you, but if is in a more serious situation (like after fighting a supernatural) he will find troubles to respond
Hanako is already really shy when it come to get serious, so in the moment you say that you love him Hanako look at you really taken aback, he has to take a moment to process what you had said because it really shocked him (and he has to check that he isn't dreaming or that is some kind of joke)
If you had say it shyly and even blushy he gets flustered too, but is easier for him to don't feel so shy, he wants to put his cool facade again but he just can't, not when you look so cute after telling him so sweet words, he will answer really shyly too. However if you had said it with more confidence he is even more shocked, his blush is even more prominent, he feels like busting from inside and out, he is so flustered that he wants to hide (even more if you are looking at him directly), is one of those rare moment where he has no idea what to do or say, just looking everywhere like searching for the answer (if you insist he will be able to correspond but with an indirect answer)
If you do it as a way to confess your feelings for him, it doesn't matter if you do it shyly or confidence, blushing like crazy or just a cute little blush, he is shocked and extremely flustered, is even probably that he ask to repeat yourself or that his mind goes blank because he didn't expected this, but will try to answer even he does it shyly
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jellyfishandry · 8 months
W/ a drop-dead gorgeous s/o
(^ From this post)
Characters: Shota Aizawa, Toshinori Yagi
CW: gn or fem reader, reader is described as sweet + other things, you're married to Shota cause I said so, insecurities, slight Toshi angst, giving them flowers, uhh lmk if I missed anything
A/N: This kind of thing is like my favorite thing to write. Also I couldn't resist adding a ship dynamic picture for Toshi's. (Tags: @nnnyxie, @bingewatchintilldawn)
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Shota Aizawa
No one knows how he managed to catch your attention. He had a messy appearance, and he could be harsh at times. But you were absolutely stunning. Not to mention you were incredibly polite and sweet. The first time you met his class, almost everyone was shocked. You had probably brought him flowers after the USJ attack to hopefully cheer him up. Just about everyone knew he was married, as he wore a ring, but they did not expect someone so utterly gorgeous and kind to be his partner Hizashi and Nemuri were the only ones you had met, as they had gone to your guys' wedding. But his students are a bit flabbergasted, and are mainly the ones who don’t understand why you married him. But it doesn’t mean they don’t like you, in fact, they love it when you drop by. Mainly because you’re just nice, but also because Shota relaxes more around you, and they have a lower chance of being scolded…  Or higher, depending on how you look at it But Shota is very thankful that you don’t mind the way he looks.  He was initially surprised when he found out you liked him, but he quickly accepted it. Though he will admit he was slightly skeptical at first, wondering if you had an ulterior motive. But you truly just loved him for who he was. And he did eventually understand that you just had pure, innocent intentions.
Toshinori Yagi
He himself has no idea how he pulled you. He doesn’t have a great self image, so he doesn’t understand why you of all people would be interested in him. At the start of your relationship (also when he was crushing) he could barely breathe around you. And early in your relationship people warned him that you might be using him, or something like that, and using your attractiveness to your advantage. He tells them that he knows you would never do that, and he’s correct. It just might take some time for other people to see that. But as your relationship progressed, he became less flustered around you. He’ll occasionally have doubts, and say stuff like “You should be dating someone who still has their life ahead of them.” He was at the point where he was having a hard time comprehending how he could keep living without saving people But you reassure him that he’s the one you want, and that nothing is going to change that After he fought AFO, you brought him some flowers to put on his desk. But you wanted to surprise him, so you didn’t tell him you were coming So when you’re directed to the teachers lounge, there’s some awkward silence before he stands up and goes towards you. “You brought me flowers.?”  He seriously didn’t expect you to get him anything, much less a bouquet of flowers  He’s very grateful for the flowers, and he’ll keep them and then press them when they dry out (they’re sunflowers.) He wants to kiss you, but he feels that doing it in front of the other staff members (specifically Present Mic) wouldn’t be the best idea. And out of the students, Izuku is the first to find out, as he’s known Toshinori the longest.  You probably end up calling him when he’s training him, and Izuku is able to tell reasonably quickly that whoever he’s talking to is very special to him. But he ends up meeting you when the other students do.  And when you are introduced to them, you both receive a lot of questions. But in the end everyone likes having you around, and Toshinori is thankful for you and loves you very much.
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This is the vibe you and Toshi give off
(The tweet is not mine)
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nanivinsmoke · 3 months
✩ Eat Me, Number One.
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✩ allmight x pro!heroFem reader
wanting to get a little taste of the number one hero, during the hero’s banquet.
✩ warnings and tags: public sex, secret sex, ass eating, rough sex, multiple orgasms, nipple play, breeding, size difference, age gap, (late 20s reader), etc.
shout out to my editor, tysm <333!
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“fuck, this latex is sticking to my skin. shota, can we go? im not in the mood for this uppity shit, maybe we can get some ramen or something?”
“no, unfortunately the both of us are stuck here. i lost yamada an hour ago, which is really odd since he’s the loudest one out of all of us.” aizawa, your best friend and colleague, replied as he took a bite of the salty chip in his mouth. you sighed and downed the shot in front of you, while tugging on the latex of your hero suit with your free hand.
the three of you were currently attending the annual hero’s banquet, which was made for all heroes to meet and mingle with each other. yamada had spotted the karaoke room and tip-toed away from the group when the three of you arrived, leaving you and aizawa alone. you both hated coming to these things, but yamada forced both of you to come every time.
“gonna find the bathroom and possibly yamada, so we can leave.” your dry-eyed friend gave you a nod before you took your leave; grabbing a shot from a tray a waiter was carrying—downing it like it was nothing. getting hammered was your goal. maybe you could get *him* off of your mind. you maneuvered through the crowd of heros, mind bubbling with thoughts before your eyes landed on the huge figure of the number one hero; allmight.
it might’ve been the liquor finally taking its toll on your body, making your legs feel like jelly or just seeing him period, that had butterflies filling your stomach. you were beyond nervous, it had been months since the last time you’ve seen him. the last time you did wasn’t the best experience. "duty calls" he had said before he ran off. but, you weren’t gonna let that one time stop you from saying ‘hello’ and running off to find the bathroom.
you managed to walk over and tap the bottom of his muscular back, his seven foot frame towering over you as he turned toward you. his usual ‘smiling’ eyes softened when he saw you and he kept that same bright smile like always. “y/n, it’s good to see you.”
“likewise,” you quickly turned on your heels as your memories from that terrible night plagued your mind. “wait—y/n,” he grabbed hold of your wrist and pulled you back towards him, his eyes scanning your face before dropping to your lips, then back up to your eyes. “can we talk?” you gave a quick nod and he pulled you away. you wanted to get answers, closure for the last time you two saw each other, so you could finally stop cringing at the memory.
the older pro hero led you through the crowd and into an empty room, which happened to be the bathroom. the seven foot tall man closed the door behind you both, and locked it—before turning to look at your smaller, yet curvy frame.
“y/n, I just wanted to apologize for last time. it wasn’t your fault that the date ended like that. i never meant to leave you like that. i know duty calls, but I should have never left like that without telling you, i'm sorry.” his voice was soft, sincere, and you could tell by his body language that he truly meant it.
a few months ago, you had went on a date with the number one hero. it was all going good, you had gotten to know each other really well during drinks and when you two had finally made it your table for food, he just disappeared in a blink of an eye. he didn’t call nor try to reach out to you, which made you become very insecure—leading you to believe that he didn’t actually like you.
“you don’t have to apologize—“
“but, i do. you were wonderful and im a little disappointed I couldn’t make this into something more serious; didn’t have the opportunity to kiss you—.”
“you wanted to kiss me?” it was silent for a moment, both of your eyes locked onto each other’s. the more the two of you stared at each other, the more your body temperature rose. everything about him was so captivating. maybe that was a perk of being one of the best hero’s japan has ever seen, but you were definitely falling for him.
it was sudden but his lips were on yours and all you could do was happily accept. your lips melted onto each other’s, dancing a smoother dance than a tango—with your tongue sliding into his mouth, tongues swirling around each other's. you couldn’t fight your growing arousal anymore, the crush that you had on the older man was bigger than ever.
he swiftly picked you up, not breaking the kiss not once. it was like a scene in a movie with the way he handled you. he propped you up against the white bathroom door, while he made love to your mouth. you clutched onto his yellow locks, pulling away from this kiss that had left you breathless. “think you teased me enough, number one. i need more of you.”
he had never been more turned on, until now. with one hand holding you up, he used the other hand to unzip your hero costume—freeing your plump and swollen breasts. allmight quickly wrapped his lips around your tender love buds, began to suck on them like it was the best candy he had ever tasted. you couldn’t suppress your moans; letting them flow freely out of your kiss-bitten lips.
he removed his mouth from your nipples, kissing between your breats and down your stomach. “allmight—please~”
“toshinori,” he corrected with a squeeze to your ass; making you squeal out. you had long forgotten about the party, or the possibility of other people being there.
“toshinori, please. just fuck me already.” he was taken aback by your vulgar words, but it riled him up even more. your hero suit fell down in an instant and he was lifting you off to the other side of the bathroom. using his quirk, he slid the toiletries off the sink’s counter and placed you on your knees—your ass sitting up in the air just for him; allowing him to dive his head right in between.
gasping, you held onto the marble countertop, while he licked your from your ass all the way down to your swollen clit. his fluid mixing with yours created a slippery mess, which caused you to go crazy. no wonder he was considered a pro.
“shit toshi—just like that, fuck…” you bounced your ass back onto his face, his big hands gripped your waist tighter; lips still attached to your wet clit. you could feel your orgasm creeping up on you and you were ready to accept it. however, much to your dismay, he pulled away from your dripping wet backside.
“wait toshi, i was gonna cum.” he ignored you, flipping you over onto your back; looking at you in all your glory before he gripped himself through his suit. “look, im going to warn you. you might not be able to take all of me, and that’s okay—,” you cut off his rambling by replacing his hand with yours on his bulge, fondling it. it left him groaning, eyes shutting from the pleasure.
“i'm a big girl, i can handle it. besides, a hero never backs down from a fight.” he chuckled at your response and gave you one last look, before he let his blue hero suit and briefs fall to the ground; showing all of him.
you could’ve sworn your eyes had fell out of your head due to how widen you opened them. standing about nine inches tall, his cock greeted you; dripping nothing but translucent fluid. it stood against his abs, twitching with need. not only was he lengthy, he was girthy too. you couldn’t help but to gulp as you thought about him entering you.
as much as you were nervous, you swallowed that doubt and angled him towards your aching entrance; after all you were a hero, you couldn’t let this scare you.
pushing him inside of you, you winced at the pressure—you had never been spread open like that. profanities flew out your mouth as he helped push himself inside, your soft walls clenching around his shaft; making him curse lowly.
he was only half way inside, since that’s all that could fit, and he began to move his hips slowly. the more toshinori moved—the wetter you became. soon, the sound of your cunt squelching and your lewd mewls filled the bathroom—driving the older man crazy. he was losing control over himself, each time you made those sexy noises; he wanted to slam himself deeper inside of you. to hear you yelp out and to feel you squeeze around him. to see all the cream build around him. to see how far he could drive you to insanity just by fucking you.
despite being a hero, the way he was thinking about punishing you with his dick; contradicted his heroic beliefs.
you on the other hand felt like you were going to die, in the most pleasurable way possible. each time he plunged inside of you, his thick tip hit your spot everytime—causing your toes to curl so tight; they felt like they were going to fall off. you babbled and moaned as he fucked the living shit out of you, calling his name while an orgasm ripped through you.
this was the most intense orgasm you had ever had. you were disconnected from reality a bit because of it, so you didn’t realize that you were no longer on the sink’s counter and now on the bath’s plush blue rug—until toshinori slammed down into you once again.
“fuck, you just keep getting tighter and wetter!” you had never heard him curse this much before, it was turning you on more and more.
he had you in the mating press position, hitting your most sensitive spot each time, while your hips and his balls met each time. you cunt was beyond wet, your juices dripped out and slid down onto the ground—creating a huge puddle underneath you.
you could feel him twitch inside of you and his strokes became faster and harder. he was cumming, hard.
a knock on the bathroom door startled you, causing you to look at it.
“hey! can you hurry up, i really gotta use it,” a voice could be heard from the other side, following another knock. you looked at allmight, waiting for his next move.
“in a minute….having some—shit—s-s-stomach problems”
“c’mon dude! you’ve been in there for like an hour”
“in a minute!” he yelled back, not stopping his movements. he was going to cum and nothing was going to stop him from finishing. with a few more slams, he released inside of you; while you came once more with him—this time you squirted all over him.
he grabbed your smaller body and rolled over on his back, with you lying on top of his sweaty, naked body.
“we’re going to need a plan to come out of here without them suspecting a thing,” you chuckled, peppering his chiseled face with kisses.
“this is why we have quirks, to get out of situations like this. now let’s get dressed, so i could show you more of why I’m number one~”
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sim-patelle · 11 months
Overnight story
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Dilf! Ushijima x Reader (afab)
Smut! MDNI!
Word count: 4.6k
+ : age gap (reader in their 20s, him in his 40s), rough play, breast play, obvious flirting, overstimulation, passing out, very little degradation, very little to little praising, mentioning of creampie, hot body, Ushijima Wakatoshi (god this man..)
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"Wow I'm so glad for you! Honestly I couldn't endure it seeing you guys almost fucking right on the spot" you said to your friend, congratulating her that she got engaged, finally. "And it's really Alright if I'm there too?" you ask.
She was having a meet over with her family and her partners, and you got asked to give her company while they announce their love once again and celebrating it.
"Yes you gotta come, otherwise I can't stand my parents silent-treating each other all the time" she jokes around, while you try to remember her dad, wondering if you have ever met him...
You arrived at her house, lightly dressed up with a black dress and a see-through white blouse over your shoulder, keeping you a bit warm, having some exchange clothes with you in your Bag. She saw you through the windows and opened the door, hugging you tight. "You're good in time!" she adds a sentence whispering in your ear "my parents are already annoying" and smiles innocently. As you stepped into the quite big house, you already got greeted by 3 faces. Her family.
Her mother hugs you light as a greeting "Oh y/n I haven't seen you for a long time! You look good!" she says, admiring your looks and clothes. You thanked her for the compliment and looked at your friends brother, already knowing him. He gives you a slight smile and holds out his hand. With a comfort in your chest, you took his head and greeted him with exchanging some words. He's not much of a talker.
You feel a light gaze upon you while talking with him, a gaze that let you feel lightly uncomfortable. As you were done chattering, a tall man with olive eyes looks at you.
"Ushijima Wakatoshi, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says calm, with a deep voice that let you feel something deep down. You weren't expecting such an attractive man as her father, and he quite fits your type too. He holds out his right hand to greet you. You took his hand, noticing the size of it, but looked into his eyes with a slight smile, noticing his almost perfect eyelashes.
"Y/n l/n it's a pleasure to meet you too mister". He looks you deep in the eyes, letting a mysterious gaze through you, like he would enjoy giving you all the attention there is. Would that affect you? Probably..
The family of your friends fiance arrived shortly after that and you had quite some good time. Eating, drinking champagne, chatting with the others but mostly listening to the others. But all the time, you felt the familiar gaze from before all the time, Wakatoshi following your movements with his eyes, not taking them off of you.
He enjoys looking at you, studying like a picture, wondering what's making it so unbreable to not gaze at it, imagining what could be under that dress of yours. He is desperate for something new. His divorce was quite a time ago, and there hasn't been anything quite after it, just some hook-ups that were not that much fun as he thought.
Quite charmed of that misterious man, you got caught, trying to examine him with his grey-greenish hair. Just now your sight wanders over his clothes. A black blouse which seems a little tight on his build shoulders, dark-grey trousers and a brown slim belt, holding his trousers up to his waist. He notices your gaze, locking your eyes at his. Your doe eyes looking into his from a distance. He raises his glass with such a little smile, only you could see, you holding yours up too, sympathizing with him and smiling back.
You would love to hear his voice once again, him speaking with his deep voice that has made a little impact on you, wanting to hear him right next to your ear.
The evening went on, and eventually the party went to an end. The family of the fiance went home, your friends brother drove home to his girlfriend as you found out, and your friend and his fiance went into their bedroom. Because of your long way there, you got the guestroom and (unfortunately) Wakatoshi took the couch to sleep on, his driveway also long enough just to see his daughter.
You're laying in bed, already changed clothes, but still fully awake, your mind not getting him out of your mind. Wakatoshi was admiring you and he let you know that, visibly admiring you, smiling at you when you met him, it drives you crazy. Crazy not knowing what his intentions are, what he wants to do with you.
It gave you some tickling down your lower stomach, and just imagining that his rough, big hand would stroke over this area, gives you goosebumps. Already awake and not doing anything except of scrolling through your phone, you decided to go down into the kitchen to get something to drink.
Very slowly and trying to not wake the others, you open your door and get down the stairs, not making a noise. Only a bit light down there. Through the kitchen there's a wide opening, right to the living room where he sits. Wakatoshi, watching TV. He didn't notice you, not yet.
You quietly get a glass and fill it up with water, just now noticing that he sits there, without his upper cloth, having his right arm on the sofa back, his big shoulders and his upper back being visible. Your eyes wander over his muscles moving near his neck, hearing a little sigh from him. Even that makes you feel light, just some sounds from him.
He grabs something next to his body, his shirt. The moves that he makes while getting his shirt on, turned you kinda on. Those muscles that moves around, his arms getting through that shirt, his biceps visible is getting you some tickles and not just down your abdomen.
You shook your head, getting back your mind and were about to drink out of the glass, until the head of the tall man turns to the kitchen, catching you a little embarrassed on the stop.
Unable to get out of the situation, you decided to get another glass of water, asking a little shy if he wants something to drink. He nods to your answer and you walk to him, slowly, with the glasses in your hands, and getting a bit exited, to finally talk to him a bit. You walk through the opening with the glasses and he watches you, wondering if he gets to see more tonight, than just your short pants and your white shirt. He wants to rip it off, wanting to open that bra you can see a bit through.
As you sat down slowly next to him, it's more visible that he got a big chest that now is covered. His visible jawline got a shave two days ago. He leans back, his arm resting on the back of the sofa again, looking but not watching TV.
"You also couldn't fall asleep?" he asks, looking down at you from the side. "No not really.." you answer him, a bit intimidated, wondering what he will say again with this voice of his, that makes you feel dizzy. You now see where the silence from your friends brother come from. "Why can't you sleep?" you finally ask, not bearing that silence between you. "I couldn't handle it, not being able to talk to you propably" he shoot his shot. What does he have to lose? Nothing but your company he enjoys, and he was aware of what he has done to you.
You weren't prepared to hear that out of his mouth, making you feel exited, asking yourself if you should say something. "I think so too" you say, quietly regretting those words now. "I'm sorry mister, please forget what I said" spits out of your mouth, wanting to stand up and leave of embarrassment and the fact that you feel your cheek light up a bit.
As you stand up, he grabs your arm soft to hold you back, his whole hand fitting around your forearm. The soft touch with this raw hand, got your core throb a bit, getting too excited than you should. "Don't worry, I won't make a fuzz. You can stay to my pleasure"these words coming out of his mouth, you do see a light excitement from his eyes that look through you.
Deciding to stay, you sit back down and came a bit near him. It's hard to make a move when he is full of courage that he sends out, making it almost impossible to even flirt with that older man. Wakatoshi puts his arm on the back of the sofa, kind of getting you in his space more. As you noticed you dare to take a look at him while watching TV. He awaited that and raises his eyebrows at catching you stare, having a light smirk on his face which makes him unbearable to not fuck the shit out of him.
He slowly wanders his gaze down to your chest, and back at your eyes with a smile. God you just wished for a move that he would make, which he does, surprisingly right after enjoying the view of your body.
The excitement almost overflowing in you, as he lays down his hand on your thigh, not affecting him in any way. God, he is so close to your core, that you clench your thighs a bit to supress the throb that went a bit needier.
"Is that alright with you?" such a polite man, only if you knew what he wants to do with you. Fuck you raw and good, making you cum all over his dick are the only desires he has right now, and he is close to fulfilling that dream.
You nod, making him feel more comfortable around you than he was, making him stroke your squeezable thigh with his thumb, really slowly making his way to your lose short-pants. A compliment comes from his lips.
"You looked very good in that dress. I couldn't stop looking at you" finally you made a move, still kind of afraid but it was so obvious to you that he likes you. "I noticed that, I loved your attention on me" you said. God finally he kept moving on, you thought as he leans to you, watching those eyes and lips, wanting to kiss them so bad.
"I want to give you all the attention you want" he breathes, almost touching your lips with his. Only just some inches between it... You couldn't hold back, your self-control finally went away, he waited for that moment. "please do mister.." you answer without hesitation, finally getting his lips to touch yours.
Your whole body feeling hot, bursting out the lust you tried to keep in, moving along with his. His hand longing to finally touch your waist and grabbing your skin of it. Wakatoshi pulls you onto his lap, not interrupting your greedy wet kiss, turning into deep tongue kisses.
His deep voice humming while he sucked on your tongue, makes you crazy, slowly moving your hip, noticing his aroused cock inside his pants. As you weren't already wet of his touches, he slips his hand into your pants from your left leg, pleasuring your folds with slow movements.
He doesn't want to pleasure himself with you, he wants you to have an unforgettable rough sex with him, not wanting anything else but his dick after that. You break the tongue kiss, watching his hands in your panties, knowing exactly what he does and you can't hold back a slight moan.
"I can't let you be louder than that, otherwise they're gonna wake up" toshi says under his excited breath, longing for your pussy, but keeping it patient. He focuses on your throat now, slowly giving you some of the roughness by biting your collarbone and moving his lips up, placing wet kisses all over the side. Fuck, you thought, already so close to cumming on his fingers and he was just caressing your folds, his wet fingers full of your juice enter into your pussy, and it feels incredible, such a little rush but pleasuring like nothing ever was. You hiss, pulling you onto him more, and grabbing the back of his shirt.
Ruin, wanting to ruin that pretty back was your thought.
You pulled of his shirt, which was kind of hard while getting the full menue of getting fucked with fingers, and hold yourself onto his back, slowly scratching it with your nails. Some little whimpers come out of your mouth and as he started scissoring you, your moan got concealed by wakatoshis hand, while you finally cum on his other one, as you couldn't endure all that pleasure down there.
Your pussy wrenching it all out, sucking his fingers into it more, got him turned all up, ready to make you feel so good. Slowly taking out his fingers, holding them infront of your scrunched up face. "Was that you?" he asked in such a deep voice, it vibrates in your brain. "yes mister..."
What a lovely name to call him, bringing his control to the edge, especially hearing that out of your mouth. It drives him crazy, wanting to fill your hole up more with his cock. He helps you out of your shirt, him finally seeing that bra of yours for a short time, just to open it again, wanting to see every inch of your body.
"Stand up and take off your pants" he says with his eyes on your breasts, that would fit perfectly in his hands. As you do with a little struggle to keep yourself up, his eyes glances down, looking at his art of you with a slight smile. Seeing you being wet all of his doings with just one hand, is such a view to him.
He wanted you to come back on his lap, feeling the throb of your pussy for him, but you decide otherwise. You want to pleasure him too, giving him something he wouldn't expect.
Getting on your knees, you open his legs and pull down his pants. He looks at you seductively, waiting for you to go on, you hold up for a second and admire his length, overall a bit over average but it's gonna fill you up so good.
Taking your breasts around it, to give him some stimulation is a good idea. You start to move them around his cock, seeing how he lays back his head, enjoying your doings. God your sight of him wants you to cum again, and his little hums that turn into some grunts give you a little kick, finally wanting to hear more of him, his deep voice.
His cock starts to twitch, close to cover your tits with his cum, he stops you as his hand grabs your chin lightly. "Don't. Come sit on it." he says under his little breaths, that would enter your mouth soon again. You stand up and move your cunt right over his dick, hesitating at first, unsure of how fast he would go.
Wakatoshi holds you at your hips, getting some help. His large hands almost could hold you alone like that.
"Go on" he commands as he watches you dead in the eyes, giving you a shiver down your spine, almost doing it immediately.
You get down, only just taking his tip and you are already feeling full, feeling his cock. Going to the half, it already hurts a bit, stretching you lightly, but it turns to a pleasuring pain you want to get more of.
As you arrived at his crotch, you hissed in deep, full of him and feeling his veins so intense already brings you to an orgasm already, whining through that pain. You wouldn't know that you were so sensitive for him, already having your first orgasm.
"mister I- fuck I'm sorry..." you apologize under this pain turning into a pleasure. He feels your clenching insides, getting him more aroused. "you're taking my dick good. Don't worry, I will handle the rest" and he immediately starts moving you up and down, getting out full of you and letting you down full on his length.
Tooking you by surprise, you almost scream out his name, but he could stop you with his tongue getting into your mouth once more. Only this one move is enough for him, to get more interested in you.
The only thing you can do to express your pain is by scratching his back. Your hands under his arms, reaching out to it and holding you with your fingernails, leaving some marks and getting 'toshi to grunt into your mouth. The artwork of yours looks so good in his back, and surely as he moved your body up and down, the longer those scratches will stay.
His sweat already is wandering down his back, getting his body even warmer. Him moving you up and down all the time took him to the edge and he is about to give you a creampie. How he would love so see his cum slowly wandering out of you.
Under his heavier rough breaths he got out some words. "You'll feel so good when I come into you..." And so close to getting out all what he got, a supressed moan wanders through the hand of him on your mouth. you came again, not sure if his words got an influence on that, but it was already so much pleasure to endure, as you also couldn't believe how good he let's you feel, already having your second orgasm that lasted whole 2 minutes. Surely you got his lower back red of your nails digging into his wet skin.
His twitching cock pulses into you and at the last move of putting you down, his sperm flew right out of it, warming your insides more. Your clenching walls getting out everything of his cock. Arching your back as you feel hot inside gave you the rest and you almost screamed, again held back from 'toshis hand, muffling your pleasured sound, already seeing stars and so close of passing out.
Him grunting heavily by his doings, feeling your tight pussy. Slowly his cum is dripping out of you, still having his dick in you, is making him smile light, being proud of what he has done to you.
He was the first one, to give you two or three orgasms in only one position. And he will be the only one that managed that. You feel so exhausted, your body only leaning onto his big one, but you can feel his cock getting wrapped up again.
"Haven't you done your job right?" he whispers into your ear, shortly nibbling your earlobe, already having a plan how to manage a mess like you. "No mister... I'm sorry mister..." you say exhausted, not even able to move your body right now.
Unable to predict his actions, your body is in his control now, but he waits. He waits that you earn a bit strength back, slowly stroking your head, going through your hair, holding you tight to his body. He could be considered gentle, but his impression and roughness tell otherwise.
With slow movements, you wrap your arms over his shoulder, this being his sign to go on. "hold on tight" he whispers, slowly moving up, holding you. You automatically wrap your legs around his waist but your head wasn't quite able to catch up. And in a second, he bounced you on his dick once again, moving in even further.
Your mouths already together, you moan into his mouth again, even having the feeling to melt into his sloppy kisses. Not even you didn't know that you would be so loud in one lifetime, yet your beautiful sounds that he enjoys are getting muffled by his warm lips or his hand on your swollen mouth, due to all that kissing.
Your slim walls pushing once again, gives him extra pleasure to his thickened cock. Bouncing your body while he stood up, was only the second of his list on how to fuck you, but for tonight it was the last thing.
Feeling you so tight around his dick, feeling your bouncy boobs and moving you on your arse is everything he could do to feel you everywhere, which made his cock twitchened and he came once again, letting it all out inside you, already feeling is sperm getting out around it, grunting one last time in your mouth. You would remember that grunt forever. His chest heavily moves from the exhaustion that haunts him lightly, looking at his product that he made. The view he has, still holding your body and seeing you still intertwined with him, has such an impact of him. Never thinking of looking at a more beautiful thing.
What a shame it's already over, he thinks but your whole body was tired, you exhausted and barely could keep your eyes open.
The only thing you could remember was getting brought to bed like a kid, carried like one. Only feeling some wet tissues and towels on your body. Then black... You fell asleep, while Wakatoshi took care of you. Cleaning up the living room and bringing you your clothes in the guest room.
As he was done, he came back into your room one last time to look at you, seeing you sleep so peacefully after he made you such a mess. He placed a kiss on your forehead, leaving the room with one thing in his hand. If he would've slept in the same bed as yours, there would've been speculations and you couldn't see each other ever again. He wouldn't let that happen,he is a vulnerable middle aged man.
As he got on the couch, he took the cloth out of his pockets he took of you, your underwear being in his hands, wanting to do this all day long. One little sniff and he was satisfied for the rest of the night, falling asleep on the couch, remembering the view he had from you in his dreams.
The next morning, you hear some movements in the house, not quite able to assign them. You just lay in your bed, tired body and still tired mind, still trying to remember the last things from the night. As you decide to look down, you slowly stand up from the bed and stretching a bit to get a bit of the pain away that haunts you.
Climbing out of it and slowly opening the door, you see him on the stairs going up. The man that made you mess, Ushijima Wakatoshi. He noticed you on the doorframe and stopped going up, looking at you.
"the others eat breakfast, better get dressed" he says, quickly looking up and down at you, you still being naked. You speak up "I couldn't find my underwear" and as he predicted that, he gets to you, taking your hand and opening it.
This man was slightly obsessed with you and that was an understatement.
Placing his other hand on yours, giving you the underwear you searched for. Your eyes went from your hands to his face, looking up and meeting his. There's a small comfort in them now, a softer gaze than the day before, kind of hard to not lose yourself in his olive eyes. "come, get dressed and eat someting" he says with a charm in his voice, so soft yet so hot with his deep voice.
He shortly gives you a kiss on the forehead and went on going to the bathroom. You stopped him right before with your teasing words. "Missed me that much the night?" smirking to your satisfaction. Did you get him with that?
He looks back, chuckling shortly with a slight smirk. "Go dress up" he says, smiling light and disappears into the bathroom.
Wow, the short chuckle gave you little butterflies into your stomach... So attractive, you think and went into the room to get dressed.
All dressed up - with your underwear - you get down the stairs and sit down on the table where the others sit, one seat next to Wakatoshi. "Wow you slept in" says your friend, smiling to you. Quickly lying on the spot you say: "Yeah I drank a bit much champagne yesterday" and grab the juice to pour it into the glass infront of you.
As you do, a knee hits you light, not moving away from you, already knowing it's Wakatoshis. Only the little touch, not even from his hand, is making you feel comfortable, warm, maybe even a bit needy. It makes you happy, that he searches attention from you, a light smile appearing on your face.
You both shared some touches with your knees under the table as you all ate breakfast, and soon it was time to leave. Leaving your friends house, going home, not able to see him again..
With a little unsure feeling in your tummy, you pack your things in your bag, hopefully not forgetting anything. If yes, you have no shame of turning back if he would live here.
A knock on the doorframe, he stands there, leaning on it with his arm. God the marvelous sight, seeing him in that shirt, such a simple plain one, but he can style anything if it's on his body.
"Ready to leave with me?" you nod turning around and grabbing your bag, but holding in, did he say 'with me'? You look confused to him.
"I'll drive you, no talking back" he says, going away from the doorframe, longing for a short kiss and walks infront of you, ready to wait for your signal.
"okay, I can't talk back" you say, smiling at him, but is it a good time to kiss here? Well, your friend is downstairs, maybe one will satisfy your needs..
You got close to him also, your calm face awaiting his lips tells him that you also want it.
Looking at his lips was the sign to finally kiss you, he brought his hand onto your cheek, you feeling the sensation too much already and he closes your lips with his. It feels like you are on cloud 9 while getting electric shocks through your body. You lean into the kiss, he's feeling every inch of your cheek with-
"Come you guys, my mother is already away, you go now too!" you stop in shock, hearing your friends voice from downstairs. With widening eyes, you look at him moving away from your desperate lips. "We continue this another time" he whispers into your ears, making you fuzzy.
He goes down the stairs, you slowly follow, not trying to show your excitement on your cheeks.
"I'm gonna miss you!" Your friend says hugging you tight as a goodbye. You, laying your hands around her back. "I'm gonna miss you too, have nice holidays with him" you say and let go of her. Wakatoshi leans down to his daughter, hugging her and wishing her beautiful moments with her fiance.
You watching them, realizing that you like her dad, but he's single and you too. It felt like a match, and does she have to find out? You let that question open.
Both of you walk out of the door and wandering to his car, getting into the passenger seat, and as you watch him get into his car, you look at his thighs, now seeing that not only his back is well trained. He doesn't skip leg days.
"What city?" he asks you, answering a little late because you were.. Distracted. "xxxxxx" he looks at you, lighty having a disbelief in his eyes. "What?" you ask confused. "So we got the same destination" he answers, and also you were quite surprised but slowly replacing it with a tickling happiness in your stomach.
He starts to drive and you turned on the radio, not liking the silence when someone just doesn't turn up music while driving. It's giving you the ick.
You look out the windows but your gaze went to another thing, your thigh having a hand placed on it. It feels incredible, you had that feeling before, sure but it's always a relieving excitement wandering through your body with chills just by having his touch on your body. He notices you smiling and couldn't suppress his one, his corner of his mouth moving up.
You seem to find a pen next to you, deciding to write something on his hand. You took it, and hold down the hand with yours, writing with the other one. It sure is a spectacle, feeling his rough hands with little veins over it in yours.
He was relieved seeing your number on his hand, having some thoughts on what you guys were writing about and how he could pleasure you through the phone when he will write you...
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kuroppiii · 1 month
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  looking out for you ᵕ̈       husband!timeskip!ushijima wakatoshi       x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : " tired " means nothing ⋮⋮  when ushijima virtually worships the ⋮⋮ very ground you walk on
📋 content     ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮     ♡ # 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦 🥛     ♡ # ~830 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
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💬 kuroppiii─ “ not on shuffle bc it ’ s not relevant at all but i still love the song — i guess i should stoppp lookin out for youuu like i always doooo :) ”
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the padding of your shoes reverberate throughout the hallway leading to your apartment door. your jacket ruffles as each trudge of your legs feels like an eternity. work today was hell.
by the time you’re stood in front of the apartment door, you let out a heavy sigh and drag a hand across your face before you go to dig for your keys in your jacket pocket.
the jingling sound they emit as you go to unlock the door rings in your ears unpleasantly. you physically cringe a little at the invasive sensation as it crashes through your brain that’s already surging with an annoying headache.
you need to lay the fuck down. now.
after you crack open the door and slip your way into the apartment—too lazy to even open the door all the way—you notice the light at the entrance that also doubles as your apartment’s small kitchen’s light was already on. the rest of the lights are off, though.
in the dim lighting, first you see a familiar pair of sneakers already neatly placed in their spot on the shoe rack.
second, however, you also notice a duffel uncharacteristically left haphazardly on the hardwood floor.
third, you glance up and see ushijima’s back. his arm reaches up as he rubs the back of his neck tiredly. the lighting highlights how his back muscles flex as he tries to rub away the soreness. you can see in the way his tall frame sinks down a bit and how his head hangs low that today’s practice must’ve taken something out of him.
he turns around at the sound of your arrival. when he looks up at you, for a moment you both look at each other, and in your eyes you exchange the same expression in an unspoken language: exhaustion.
“welcome home, darling,” his worn-out voice mumbles out just barely enough to reach your ears.
“hey toshi… you just got back, too?”
and he starts making his way over to you. once he’s in front of you, he casts a shadow over you from his sheer height blocking out the kitchen light. most would find the image threatening—scary, even. it was probably the sight many volleyball players saw as your husband went to block their points up at the net during countless games.
but even in the dark, you can find his eyes. and whenever they’re gazing at you, they’re nothing but soft.
the light quickly reappears as he kneels down. at your feet, he starts to help you out of your shoes. you briefly feel the cold metal of his wedding band nudge against the skin of your ankle as he does so and your hand finds its way to gently card through the hair on the top of his head, a mix between a sigh of relief and a scoff in disbelief escaping your lips.
he stands back up and your hand is forced to retreat to sliding down to cup the side of his face as he returns to his full height. he reaches around you to help take your work bag, and you brush your thumb over his cheekbone,
“aren’t you tired too?”
his actions pause for a moment—just as he’s about to help you shrug off your heavy coat—as he replies back with a curt,
that wasn’t going to stop him, though—your toshi. you knew this. he never failed to remind you of his love for you: a love that even trounced his love for volleyball.
he reminded you through his constant doting over you.
or late night confessions admitted in a hush by your ear.
“you’re the best thing that’s happened to my life, i love you.”
or like right now. always the gentleman, he resumes gathering your jacket in his arm. but before he can step away from you to hang up your stuff, both your hands bring his face closer to ensnare his lips with yours.
as you kiss—one mixed with a sickening sweetness and a very late-night laziness—you feel the pressure of his big hand on the small of your back. he’s still holding your bag, and it slightly sways and bumps the back of your legs, making you smile into your kiss.
when you pull away, your husband looks adorably dazed as he was caught off by your sudden gesture. he looked the same way on your wedding day after you sealed your vows with a kiss, as well. some things never change.
you’ll never get tired of this. you’ll never get tired of how ushijima always looks out for you. you’ll never get tired of rewarding him with all the love you can muster to throw right back at him.
you feel compelled to give him another quick peck, and for a short second after you do, you admire how his eyes flutter and a tiny smile tugs at his lips.
“takeout tonight?” you suggest with a fond smile.
“takeout tonight,” he dumbly nods, subtly hugging you closer to him.
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kisskawa · 1 year
— apollo
ushijima feels heavy.
it’s the first day off from the season and whilst you’d been content just to lay in bed for too long and amble slowly around the house, ushijima had been adamant in going out for “a proper date.” it’d been too long since one, time filled by countless early morning practices where he tore himself from your side and lonely evenings where you longed for his presence.
you wonder as you lay under the sunshine, empty bag strewn beside your shoes and stray blades of grass poking at your ankles, how ushijima had known this would feel so different. as if by being outside, the activity had become entirely dissimilar from your original plans.
now, ushijima’s head rests in your lap, hands tucked under his frame as he faces inwards, cheek pressed against the meat of your thigh. it makes you smile, knowing that for all his reliance on his hands, ushijima had found it fit to hide them away when with you. they’d taken a battering over the last few months and you didn’t seem to mind letting ushijima borrow yours as he took the time to heal.
with little to currently do, your fingers have found purchase in his hair, raking through over and over until his mind is soothed and there are soft rows breaking up olive locks.
when you pause contact for a split second, fingertips leaving a lasting impression on ushijima’s scalp, a tiny noise escapes the back of his throat. it’s somewhere between a mix of a whine and a sigh, and yet ushijima can’t find it in himself to feel embarrassed, all too unhappy at the loss of your touch.
you return with a flower. plucked gently from the grass beside your blanket, you tuck the stem behind wakatoshi’s ear with a satisfied hum.
the new sensation has ushijima opening his eyes, gaze bleary and dazed. his mind feels syrupy, thick with joy and affection. any coherent thought has since left and every action, every blink feels sluggish and slow. enveloped by both the sun’s heat and yours, ushijima doesn’t think he can move a single limb. he knows he doesn’t want to.
your lips move without ushijima hearing, his eyelids fluttering and lashes kissing at his skin.
ushijima’s lack of reaction has you tilting your head to one side, bottom lip jutting out into the softest of pouts. looking up at you, wakatoshi can’t help but stare. the sun sits behind you, framing you with a pretty halo and illuminating your whole being. it makes you look romantic in a way ushijima never really did have the words for, like an old painting or idyllic melody. and though able to reach out a dependable hand and brush skin against skin, wakatoshi can’t quite believe you’re truly real.
“did you hear me?” you break his spell, voice enchanting and honeyed.
wordlessly, wakatoshi shakes his head, mouth feeling as if sugar had cloyed behind his teeth and on his tongue. the skin on his cheek pulls as he takes the chance to angle himself upwards, now able to drink in more of you. he tries his best not to get distracted this time round.
“didn’t think so,” you murmur, cheeky grin stretching your lips, “said you look pretty with that flower there, ‘toshi.”
it’s a losing battle. wakatoshi’s head sinks back down at the compliment, entirely pleased. and as his eyes droop comfortably shut once more, warmth radiates noticably from his cheeks. it feels like sunlight.
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natriae · 11 months
ive been thinking 🤔🤔 how did you and Dilf!Toshi meet?
cw// 14 year age gap (26 & 40), y/n had a silly little celebrity crush, fluff, no smut
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"come on," your friend whined while the bouncer gave you two weird looks. Recently your friend's asshole ex boyfriend finally decided to cut things off leaving you to deal with the mess left behind. She wanted absolutely nothing more than to get completely wasted and go home with a stranger.
Being the supportive friend you are you went along to keep her safe. However, now you're wishing you hadn't. Between the flashing lights, loud music, and drunk adults it was getting on your nerves. Sitting at the bar you kept your eye on your friend as she danced with several men. Not noticing the large body that sat next to you.
"are you okay?" a deep voice rang out. What caught you off guard was how it barley had any tone too it. No one is that serious at a bar. Turning to you right you watch as the olive haired man takes a sip of his drink. His hair geled back and top three buttons of his shirt undone. His biceps pulling at the fabric of his sleeves as his arm flexes. You've seen this man before just not quite sure where.
"sorry," he interrupts and bows his body in his chair, "Ushijima Wakatoshi."
You eyes widened as you realized who's in front of you. How couldn't you have noticed. In response you respectfully bow back at the older man. The alcohol that was in your body immediately fading away.
"are you alright?" he asks again, face unmoving.
"i'm okay," you respond, face flushed. Feeling embarrassed remembering how in middle school you and your friends would gawk over the Olympic players. Instantly remembering countless nights looking up photos and videos of the then 27 year old man and giggling over his handsomeness. He's gotta at least be in his forties now you thought.
You watch as he waves his hand at the bartender, "two Manhattans," he casually asks handing over a black card to pay for the drinks. Still in shock your brain can barely process what's happening let alone speak.
Before you can thank him for the drink an arm lands on your shoulder pulling you out of your daze. "hey, sexy wanna come with me?" the man asks winking at you.
"hands off," the wing spiker commands, "she uncomfortable" he adds standing up. The strangers facade clearly switches up noticing the size difference between them. Ushijima's aura alone is enough to scare someone away, but with the way his eyes squint and his thick eyebrows drawing down in disgust you're not surprised the man scoffs and walks away.
"Are you alone?" the frowning man asks crossing his arms. Seemingly squaring himself to guard you.
You try to look around his body to find your friend, but his body covers more ground than you'd think. "yeah but..." your phone lights up at a new notification. Your friend seemingly found her prey for the night and sends a photo, "nevermind she left with someone," you solemnly tell him.
"come with me," he states, dropping cash on the bar as a tip. Before you could respond he's dragging you out of the bar into the dark streets of Tokyo.
"ow," you hiss when his grip gets to strong. His body quickly stops and attentively checks your body before realizing he's the one that hurt you. You watch as his eyes glaze over before looking to the side and taking a deep breath.
"my apologies," he he breathes out bowing before you. His body doesn't more till he hears the words leave your mouth.
"it's alright, you didn't mean it," you tell him reassuringly while rubbing your red wrist.
He stands back up and stares at your face before speaking. For a forty year old man he looks an awful lot like a teenager right now. His body stiff as a board as his mouth fights to get the words out. "you are alright with...me taking you back to my place?" He asks although coming out more as a statement. You giggle at his change in demeanor amd grab his hand and begin walking.
"So where's your car number 27?"
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heartofjasmina · 3 months
All Might in his prime was a firm top. Dominating his lovers like he dominated his opponents, finding purpose in the way his submissives turn to him for structure.
Toshinori Yagi after the war is a different man. He was a switch who wasn't afraid to admit that sometimes, he needed you to take the reigns. Guide him, help him find his light again.
And no matter what mood he was in, you were just glad he was yours.
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vanoilette · 13 days
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summary ⟢ ݂ : what happens when hitoshi shinsou falls in love (slowly but gradually) with one of, if not the most annoying person he’s ever met? how cliche, however, even if he keeps telling himself that — it seems he only falls harder and faster as the days pass, oh no, his dignity.
notes ⟢ ݂ : reader doesn’t have any pronouns mentioned (i think), not proofread.. slightly suggestive, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated (and so are you, i appreciate your support very much : 3) 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 making this was so fun!! i love toshi hes so shejjdkddkkeie . . its not really a fic, more so a blurb!! Im definitely gonna be making a part two to this though.
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Shinsou was not one who was easily persuaded.
He was stubborn — he’d admit that much. And he didn’t exactly enjoy when any one had any sort of leverage over him, a power someone could wield over his head for the foreseeable future. And when entering the hero course, he most certainly didn’t think he was going to have any problems there. Well — of course, he was wrong, because of course he was, because when did anything go his way without some kind of failure happening along the way?
The kids in the hero course were a little odd in his own, personal, and very brutal opinion. He had made it quite clear during the joint training that 1-B and 1-A had that he was not here to make friends. He was here to get to his goal, and not get distracted along the way. — or, thats until he met you. Whom, by the way, seemed so very insistent on befriending him. You were worse than Kaminari was, you seemed a little more dense when it came to him throwing hints — or even being straight forward enough to just grumble a ‘leave me alone’, it flew right over your head. Ever so conveniently.
Or so it seemed that way anyways.
Constantly following him around like some lost puppy, as if you didn’t have anything better to do, you had friends, he just wasn’t sure why you seemed so deadset on pestering and getting to know him that you willingly missed that opportunity. You were either dedicated, or just a creep. However, he didn’t mind the advantages too much of you always being around too much, he wasn’t a douchebag — asking you to do everything, just whenever he didn’t feel like doing it. He was pretty sure he had you wrapped around his finger.
It took him a while to figure out it was the other way around.
“Wait, what?” Shinsou said, having to a double take, you had actually declined the offer to go train with him tonight, and then it was apparently because you were going to train with Midoriya instead — when? — Shinsou had most certainly never seen that green headed geek talk to you. Now you were pal enough to train together at night? This must have been some weird joke, because no way you’d refuse him.
However. He kind of mentally stepped back, he reminded himself that you have other things in your life — other people — more important things to do, since when did he become such a — no, since when did he actually want you to hang out with him?
Its not like..he needed to train with you, he could always train alone, like he had before you very annoyingly forced your way into his life like the frustratingly pretty nuisance you were.
“Sorry; i know we usually train together, but Midoriya said he wanted to try and test out a new move he had.” You replied, Midoriya was nice and all, but you had a feeling you’d probably get your ass kicked, for such a nice guy. One would think he was a little on the more weaker side, but then again — this was U.A.
That was possibly the most boring training session Shinsou had in a long while.
No one to talk to, or occasionally stare at their sweat covered body as they attempted to catch their breath — and no one to, you know, actually give him a challenge, though it gave him a chance to practice more specifically on using his scarf..
Heading back to his own dorm, there was a sense of unease, a sense of dread, all that with a mix of disappointment, you were probably still out training since Shinsou had wrapped up training early due to the fact he hated the loud silence. Collapsing onto his bed with half lidded eyes, he glanced around the room.
Then thoughts of you appeared, as usual.
He didn’t like thinking about you, yet he also loved how it immediately erupted a sense of giddiness that he was usually good at shoving right back down, and he most certainly did not like the way his lips slowly yet surely upturned into a small smile as he was reminded of you, and just thinking about you overall existence had made his cheeks turn a light shade of pink, dusting over his fair skin.
Oh, he was pining hard, and bad.
Shinsou was beginning to admit it to even himself, he could only ignore it for so long, besides — you were a nice distraction, a lovely distraction, you already distracted him without trying, or so he had thought.
You were just so pretty, and sweet, and even after he had so rudely dismissed you and pushed you away, you still seemed so determined, that was a nice quality.
Shinsou would gladly let you distract him.
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© 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 (՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞) ⋮ please do not copy, translate, or repost my works.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Toshi Mashibasa, Kaguya Shinomiya, Hero, Kyoya Ootori, Natsuki, Monika with a bullied reader.
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Toshi, Kaguya, Hero, Kyoka, Natsuki, Monika ]
[ A silent voice ] [ Kaguya-sama Love is war ] [ Omori ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ]
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I really REALLY hope that you aren't suffering of bullying and you just like the prompt!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it ❤️ stay safe my dear
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Toshi Mashibasa
Toshi is the kind of person to be best friends with his partner, and he doesn't show it much but he is really caring, also he is perceptual and smart so even when he doesn't pry on your personal life if you don't talk about it he can tell when you aren't feeling well
Still he doesn't pry until he sees you really bothered for something or it had passed a long time, his first approach is to ask you if you are alright or if you have a problem, as well as remembering you that you can count in him for everything
For him to discover that you are being bullied could be because you open up to him or because he see it himself, in both cases he will be furious (he tries to seem calm and collected if you tell him but if he sees it he imediatly step in to defend you), it doesn't matter the intensity of their abuse it still make him angry, but he will never dare to let it out on you or blame you for it, and in this case he will pry for more information but still trying to be gentle
Depending on how deep the bullying you are suffering is it would be how furious and eager to do something he will be, and even if they just make bad comments he won't tolerate it, and not matter how mad he is he will try to calm down enough to comfort you (even if you insist that it doesn't affect you he insist on take some time to spoil you)
Toshi used to be bullied but he get over it some time ago, still that doesn't mean he isn't worried about you, he decide to just stay by your side to protect in case you need it, he will even be a little more clingy to let clear to everyone that you aren't alone. As well he will try to talk to the teacher about this problem (and you won't be able to stop him, although if you are nervous of doing it he will help you feel safe before doing it, comforting you and promising to not leave your side), but even if they actually do something to help you that won't stop him to help you on his own
Toshi will confront your bullies only if he has the opportunity (like they show up and try to mess with both), he is really smart and will know how to handle it without having a physical confront, still if it end like that he will do it only as the last resort and making sure they were the ones starting the fight
However he doesn't really want to confront your bullies since he just want to focus on you, he wants to shield you and comfort you, making sure to help you recover from whatever those bastards did to you, either emotional or physical
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Kaguya Shinomiya
Kaguya's prideful side stop her from show how much she really loves and cares for you, as well for how much attention she puts on you (something that she is actually proud of) so even is if you try to hide something from her is probably that she will find out at some point
Kaguya herself won't really ask you directly about your problems (or at least not imediatly), but that doesn't mean she doesn't care, whenever you seem troubled or struguling with something she is eager to find out what is troubleling that pretty mind of yours, so she does it discreetly, slowly leading the conversation to whatever that could give her hints of what is happening to you
It won't take her long for her to find out that you are being bullied, specially with Sayaka's help, still she probably find out by her own and once she does she is furious, she is surrounded by a dark aura while asking for more details, even if people are just saying bad comments about you to her is like a sin, Kaguya take it as a personal offence and she will treat it as such
Kaguya is making her plan to take revenge and make them pay for whatever they had done, and how cruel she will act towards them depend on how deep the bullying was. As well, Kaguya will try to find out a way to tell you that she knows about this situation (she is surprisingly nervous about bring out the topic), but once she finally does it she focus on making sure you know that you had done nothing wrong and it isn't your fault, as well as comforting you, if physical affection is your comfort she will do it (while trying to not conbust from the inside), but she prefers to spoil you to try to comfort you
Kaguya will totally take care of the bullies on her own, so don't be surprise if they stop messing with you overnight, or even if they seem afraid and/or apologetic with you (again, it depend in how bad they treated you)
Also, from then Kaguya grows a little more clingy for a while, wanting to be able to shield you in case some other idiot try to mess with you, and if you actually grow clingy yourself and even hide behind her it make her really proud of herself (and really flustered too)
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Hero has been always really caring, is like a second nature for him (specially because he is constantly taking care of his friends), and even when he isn't the most perceptual or observant person he always tries to look after your well-being
Hero doesn't like to pry because he feels like he is invading your privacy but he always remind you that you can rely on him when you have troubles, although if he sees you really down or affected by whatever is bothering you he insist on wanting to know, making clear that he is just really worried about you
For how caring he is is easy to bring you a sense of security that could lead you to open up about you being bullied, although it could be that he see it himself too, in that case he immediatly step in to defend you. No matter how he find out at the end he is really worried about you, he is mad at whoever are abusing using you like this but his worry is bigger
Hero immediatly comforts you, holding you close while he ask you what they exactly have done to you, although if you don't want to talk about it, either because you don't feel comfortable or you are nervous is alright, he will wait until you feel ready, in the meantime he will be focus on comforting you
Hero knows that this kind of problem doesn't get solved overnight so he will hold an immense patience with you, helping you get out of it little by little, if you let him he will become more clingy, not really wanting to leave your side to be able to protect you from the bullies and don't let you forget that you aren't alone. Also, he wants to ask for help to the teacher, and he even ask Mari some advice (that could make the rest of the group find out too and they aren't going to stay quiet)
The intensity of the bullying you suffered is just important to him for how much it affected you, he is bothered by it even if they were just saying bad comments about you (but the more aggresive they were to you the more angry Hero gets, even reaching the point where he will think on confronting them)
This just make Hero more caring towards you, specially in the emotionally part, he wants to make sure you don't get yourself carry away for what they had told you and done to you
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Kyoka Ootori
Is really difficult to get into Kyoka's life since he isn't really interested in relate in a personal way with anyone, however once he decided to start a relasionship with you is because he is really sure that is what he wants
Kyoka is observant and perceptual, even if you try to hide it he knows when something is bothering you, although if you decide to don't talk about it he will just make it clear that he knows that you aren't al right, but also makes clear that even when he isn't going to force you to talk if he is able to help you he will
Even when it doesn't seem like it he is pretty caring over you, you are special to him and even when he has problems to say it out loud he show it in other ways, like paying attention on you making sure you are taking care of yourself, that is why, soon or later, if you don't tell him he will find out about the bullying (the worst it is the bullying or the more it affects you the faster he will find out)
Since the start he suspect that something is bothering you but he didn't wanted to jump into the conclution of the bullying right away, but at the end his fear become true because you were actually being bullied, and once he finally found out exactly how deep the bullying is he is furious, even if others are just talking bad about you it still makes him mad
Kyoka normally doesn't pry in your personal life but for this he has the intention to pry every single detail, and he will use his intimidating stare if he has to, but he isn't mad at you is just that he is frustrated that something so serious is happening to you and he didn't notice it earlier (but he will scold you later for dont telling him)
He isn't the best to comfort but he will try (specially if you start crying), but he is more focused on making a plan to take revenge of those bastards who made you suffer like this, Kyoka is smart enough to come up with a plan to make them pay without getting involved into, and he will be just as harch as they had went to you, he won't directly confront them but they will be too busy trying to solve whatever Kyoka cause them to keep bothering you
Again, he isn't the best when it comes to comfort you but he will be more direct with his care for you, making more clear how much he worries for you, even making sure you are taking care of yourself, as well he makes sure to remember you how amazing you are (his attempt to give you compliments)
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Natsuki has problems to read other people, specially because her anxiety and past bad experiences she could easily misunderstand a little the situation, and even when loves you that doesn't make easier things for her
She want to be able to help you when you need it but she still has a lot of problems to express herself so she does it in other ways, trying to get more close and a little affectionate when she sees you down or baking you some cupcakes to cheer you up
It would be really difficult to reach the point where you open up to her and tell her about the bullying because she gets nervous whenever you two talk in a more serious manner and abuse is a sensitive topic for her, so is more probably that she end up seeing it herself and the moment she does it she react immediatly and aggresibly, going against the bullies and calling them idiots for what they are doing (still she doesn't want to get into a physical fight)
Is probably that she will seem mad at you when she ask you about it, but she isn't, is just that it frustrated her that you are suffering from this kind of abuse, and even more that she didn't noticed it earlier (even more because she is a victim from abuse too), she will apologize later and make it clear that she isn't mad at you but at herself
She will overcome her nervous and frustration and ask you about what those idiots had been doing to you, it doesn't matter if they had been just saying bad things about you or they actually physically attack you she is mad at them, Natsuki won't really ask for help to anyone else (maybe to the rest of the club only if is something too deep)
Natsuki isn't the best to comfort you but she still tries to, but she is more focused on shield you from the bullies, she already has a bad reputation since she tend to be pretty aggresive with words so it isn't nothing new for her, she react really aggresive to whoever even speak bad about you but still tries to avoid getting physical
Natsuki still has problems dealing with her own traumas with the abuse she suffer from her house so after this she probably end up insolating with you a little more as well as getting more clingy, and since now you somehow can understand her better she will open up more about her own experience, being a healing process for both
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Monika is really caring and she is pretty observant too so for her isn't too difficult to tell when you aren't feeling too well, and she wants to be of help whenever you have troubles but she still has problems to bring up the topic, fearing that she may be invasive or rude
Whenever you seem troubled with something Monika tries to motivate you to talk to her, remembering you that you can count with her and that she will always help you at the best of her habilities
For Monika to discover that you are bullied is because she sees it herself (in this case she will imediatly stand up for you, she doesn't want to confront them directly but she at least will help you get away from them) or because you open up to her (since she is pretty caring and willing to heard you vent it could give you a sense of security about saying her directly)
Monika feel horrible that you had to suffer from all that, she has to hold herself back before she start crying out of sadness and frustration, even is they are just saying bad comments about you it doesn't matter because you shouldn't be suffering for that, and she doesn't want to cry right now because she needs to focus on you, in how to help you and to comfort you
Her plan is to notify the teachers or someone who could help as well as not leaving your side in hopes of not giving the bullies the opportunity to attack you again, although if the bullying is really bad or it affected you a lot, or even if no one is willing to help Monika herself will step in, she won't fight them physicaly but she can be really intimidating when she wants to, also she know how to identify and take advantage of others weakness if she has to
Aside from that Monika is really worried about you so she will be taking care of you for a while, both physicaly and emotionaly, she just want to make sure you don't let yourself down just because others can't see how amazing you are, and she is eager to be of help
Also Monika feels really bad that she didn't notice it before, and the more time you suffered this the more frustrated she feels so, somehow, she is trying to make it up for you too
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jellyfishandry · 1 month
W/ a s/o who paints/draws
Characters: Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo
CW: gn reader, established relationships, inseurity, non-sexual nudity in Toshi's part, supportive bfs!!
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There’s a lot of art of him out there, and he’s always amazed by the talent of his fans. But when he first saw the portrait you gad drawn of him, he was blown away. Your skill was incredible, and he felt like you hadn’t just painted his face, but his soul. Any time he finds drawings of himself in your notebooks, he feels cherished.  If you ever ask if he could model for a painting or drawing, he’ll agree instantly.  Although if you ask him to pose he’ll be a little hesitant, but he’ll still agree because he trusts you.  He never felt great about his body, but seeing your art made him appreciate his body a little more.  You told him once that he’s your favorite muse. That sentence alone made his heart melt. He loves to watch you paint, the process is so interesting to him. He’ll hang as much of your art up in the house as you’re comfortable with.  Anyone who will listen will be told how amazing of an artist you are.  He’s honored to be the focus of many of your pieces, and does get a bit flustered by the attention. He’ll find out what kinds of paints and pencils you use, and will get you more when your run low.  When he’s in public as All Might, he’ll promote your art if he gets a chance. (If you sell or post your art.)
He’s an artist himself, but he really only draws heroes and designs for his hero suit.  Though he starts drawing you as well when the two of you start dating. He’s way too embarrassed to show them to you, but were a few times you got a glimpse of them.  He knew you were an artist, but he hadn’t seen your work.  During a casual date at your house, the two of you went into your room, and he was shocked. There was an unfinished painting of Mirko on your desk.  He was amazed to say the least. The open sketchbook on your nightstand caught his eye as well.  There were a few portraits of random people sketched out on the page.  He tried to tell you how good your art was, but his amazement made him trip over his words. If you ever drew or painted him, he’d be over the moon.  His partner spending time, effort, and materials to paint him, made him red.  Any art you give him, he’ll cherish. If he feels confident, he’ll draw you, and give you the drawing.  Occasionally he’ll ask you for tips on how to improve the anatomy or hands of his drawings.  He’ll take notes of any advice you give him.  He’s honestly a little surprised when you say you love his art. He thinks you’re a much better artist than he is, but he’s incredibly grateful for the compliments.  And he does feel better when he sees that you’ve hung up his art on the walls of your room.  Maybe the two of you have a date where you draw each other. If you ask him to model for you, he’ll get a little nervous, but agee.  He’ll try his best to stay as still as possible. Every time he moves, he apologies. You tell him it’s fine, but he still feels bad.  After a few times, he starts to really enjoy it. He’ll talk about anything and everything as your paint, as it fills the silence. When you’re done, he’ll immediately move to look at the painting. He’ll start to ramble about how well you did, and the certain areas you did super well on. 
He’s not much of an artist when it comes to visual arts. “I’ve got better things to do.” He claims. But he is impressed by your talent.  He likes watching you work. It calms him down, even though he doesn’t know why. He believes you’re the best artist, and no one can top you. If you paint him, he’ll be both embarrassed and cocky. “Of course you’d paint me.”  Despite how confident he is, he really love the painting.  He’ll show it off to anyone. He’s very proud of your skill. “Only my face is worth their talent. You extras go find someone else to paint you.”  He’ll buy nice brushes  on occasion, and leave them in your mailbox. But he gets embarrassed when you thank him for them. He’s willing to model for you at almost any time.  He’ll complain about having to stay still for so long, but he’ll barely move until you’re done.  He tries to get you to submit to an art contest, telling you: “You’ll kick their asses!”  But if you don’t want to, he won’t push it. If you post your art online, he’ll like every single one of your posts.  He has notifications on for only your account, cause he wants to be the first one to like your posts. “I’m just showing my support..” He’ll tell you when you ask him about it.  He respects your talent, and loves how much work you put into each piece.  
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strawberriebunn · 2 years
I just think that Ushijima should coo “I know, I know pretty girl” at you when you whine his name unable to finish your sentence cause he’s making you feel so good that you can’t even tell him you’re cumming. He already knows you’re about to come undone beneath him, it was his goal after all.
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sim-patelle · 9 months
Dad Ushijima - Headcanons
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fluff, two daughters (10 y/o gap between them), mentions of sex, much love, no warnings
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The man loves you and his daughters endlessly, no one could rip him away from his family
It felt like a dozen of white doves would greet him when your little daughter would jump into the bed to wake you both up, feeling at peace as he looks at her
"wake uuup~!" chimes from her, messy hair and her little chameleon plushie in her arm
Your husband looks at you with a tired smile, greeting you into a new day with a press from his hand in your intertwined hands
Tired footsteps from your elder daughter appear from the doorframe, a yawning haunting your teenage daughter
"she woke me up first.. So I said to her we'd make breakfast for you two"
You looked so proud to your both kids, slowly sitting up and leaning onto the board of the bed, your husband following the same steps
Your daughter brought two tablets onto your boths laps
Each of you having a tea, two toasts with marmalade and a fruit bowl in front of you
"and you both did that?" Ushijima asks, looking to his daughters with a loving gaze in his eyes
"yes yes! I made the fruity bowl for you!" said his little daughter proudly, falling into a crossed-legged position with her plush
You snickered lightly, looking at the 'fruits' in his bowl
Some big apple pieces, mandarins, a chopped carrot, chopped pieces of a peach and some little tomatos are visible in his bowl
Even your elder daughter had a little mischievous smile on her tired face, sitting on the side of your bed
But Ushijima loved the appreciation from his little daughter, rushing his big hand through her hair, covering her scalp
"that is so kind from you" he said in a calm tone, smiling lightly and starting to eat his 'fruit' bowl
Your elder daughter looked a bit perplexed to her father
But you just enjoy his smile
His smile went much more brighter as you started a family with him. In former days, he didn't even have a soft gaze on his face, only being a little less stiff from his usual behavior when he was with you alone
Your daughters were the whole peace for you two, sharing even more love in this family
Even at the lower times, when you and your teenage daughter had some various disagreements, Ushijima would try to always keep the peace between you, helping you to understand his daughter
Sometimes these both would even revel against you, but it was mostly loving to see the deep connection in the family
Your elder daughter is more of a daddy's girl, while your younger kid loves the affection and time you spend with her
Ushijima always gazes at you with a caring face when you lift up your daughter and snuggle
Your little nose kisses you give your kid and the charming laughter from his daughter, brings his heart to melt
He loves you even more everytime you do this
Ushijima then always plays with the thought to have a third baby, but you always could overrule him with the fact that your youngest daughter is still needing attention to grow up
The age difference between your kids is a bit large, being 10 years
But your daughters love each other and your elder kid even sometimes helps you out with her sister when you have stressful days
Sometimes when Ushijima helps out your teenager in math's and science, you see yourself sitting there, struggling with the instructions from your father
But because your daughter has the stubborness from you, it's a calming tutoring lesson, you wished you had too
You are so proud of Ushijima, always treating him with short kisses throughout the day
Sometimes when the time is on your side, you both make out in the bathroom or your bedroom, you having your struggles to silence yourself when he's whispering dirty things into your ear while he kisses your collarbone, his hands caressing your whole body with rough movements
It's hard to really have sex with him while you have a toddler in your house
but it's extra thrilling for Ushijima to treat you roughly in the night while you have to keep quiet, trying not to wake your kid next door
Eventually when you would be too stressed out and fall asleep on the couch, Ushijima plays with his little daughter in her room
When you wake up and wonder where your husband went, you'd always find him in the kids room, sitting next to your daughter and playing cars or puppets with encouragement
He is the definition of a perfect father in your eyes
When he gets home, your teenage daughter fist bumps his father causally, walking up the stairs to go to her room
Your younger daughter would geek and run up to him, cuddling his leg
His hand always always strokes through her hair
But when he turns around to you, his hands wrap around your waist, giving you a passionate kiss on your lips and a last little one on your forehead
It always brings your heart to melt, even though you get this every day
His daughters have a tricot of him and never giving them back
For you, he's the definition of a percent father
Sometimes even you want a father like him, getting all the love you deserve
But you already get it, the love he shares in this family, it's also for you, it comes from you
You both love your daughters endlessly
More than to the moon and back
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natriae · 11 months
i need a continuation of dilf toshi BECAUSE I CANTT
i love dilf toshi¡!!!¡!!
I do have a part 2 coming out soon with satori's daughter and toshi but n e way to feel you now
Dilf! Toshi who became quite the expert when it comes to fucking. He started having one nights stands just to learn and found out his body gives him quite the advantage
Dilf! Toshi that loves to take care of you and spoil you in any way
Dilf! Toshi who takes his role as your protector seriously...scary dog privilege fr
Dilf! Toshi who books random trips to take you on just because
Dilf! Toshi who gets scared he's not doing enough
Dilf! Toshi that will block followers that talk bad about you
Dilf! Toshi who will do literally anything to make you happy if you wanted to break up with him as sad as he would be he would let you because he cares so much
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seasickjellyfish · 2 years
Being all mights caretaker
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It was Nezu that had asked you, being a former student of the blonde you didn’t mind taking care of him. He was always someone you looked up to, it was the least you could do.
“Good morning Mr.Yagi!” You chirped as you walked into the former hero’s very expensive apartment. “Good morning y/n” he always have the warmest of smiles, even if his body raged with pain.
“How are you feeling today?” You walked to his bedside and smiled down at him. “I’m alright, if it’s alright with you I’d like to get some walking in today.” He chided as he gestured to your standing form. “Well of course! Would you like some slippers? Or do you want to do outside.” You made your way to his walk in closet. “Slipper are fine.” He spoke as he watched you go into the room, he busied himself with getting up.
You walked out of his closet with a pair of grey slippers, “here ya go.” You laid the shoes near his feet, you walked over and set your bag down onto a chair that sat near the bed.
Toshinori gripped onto the bedside table, you rushed over to help the blonde stand.
After he stood, leaning slightly on you, you spoke. “Is there anywhere particular you wanna go?” You looked up at him, his height always kind of amazed you. You often found yourself jealous of him, you remember back in high school you jokingly asked the hero to donate some inches.
“Just the kitchen is fine.” You nodded and your journey started. The blonde shuffled, his legs like a baby deers. It’d been a long while since he’d stood, even longer since he’s walked.
Once you both made it he sat down. “Anything you’d like me to cook?” He shook his head, “just tea is fine.” You nodded and made your way to the kennel that sat near the oven. After filling it with water you pressed the on button. “Never imagined you’d be taking care of the former number one hero huh?” He chuckled as he looked out of the window.
He often said things like this, sometimes his words were so sad you’d find yourself crying into your pillow. The man was lonely, so very lonely. He never got a wife or got to settle down, you were sure he regret it too. “No Mr.Yagi but don’t worry, I like taking care of you. It’s what gets me out of bed in the morning.” You smiled at the blonde, trying to somewhat lift his now saddening mood.
He nodded at your statement and went back to his city watching. You wished he’d eat, the man was already very skinny. You could make things that we could eat he just chose not to. It was saddening when he almost fell and you picked him right up as if he were a child. A man almost twice your age being able to be carried around like a baby.
He was beyond embarrassed when you had picked him up, his face all red as you carried him like a bride.
The man had gained feelings for you, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. It was true. You could tell in the way he looked at you or when he’d randomly give you his credit card to go shop with and many other things. He never said anything about it though, most likely thinking he’d just be a burden on your shoulders. As if he would be like an anchor pulling you away from your free and young lifestyle.
You may have loved the man, no you did love him. You didn’t want to overstep so you never said anything. Until today.
“Would you like me to move in?” You spoke randomly as the blonde sipped away at his tea, he almost spit it all over your face. “Excuse me? Move in?” He grabbed at a napkin to cough in. “Don’t you get lonely? I don’t want you to be lonely. But it’s okay if you don’t want me to I completely understand!” You spoke, soon regretting even asking.
“Ahem, well uh.. it’s up to you. I don’t mind..” that was him saying yes, I don’t mind meant yes in his book. “It’s your choice though, it is your home.” You leaned against the counter. “Well i-” he was cut off, the sound of glass shattering behind him.
Jumping over the counter you stood in front of the blonde. Out of the rumble walked a villain. Toshinori hesitated, he’d never been in a situation where he was the one being protected.
You rushed forward, activating your quirk. You punched the villain fell back out of the glass hole it made. “Oh.” You spoke as you expected more of a fight.
“Are you okay?” You walked over to the blonde as he stood up, “yeah.” You nodded and looked at the ruined glass. “Should I call someone?”
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
Toshinori x f!reader
just some brief raw smutty thoughts from chats with my beloved Ashi @birds-have-teeth about inexperienced!Toshinori back in the day
-gentle femdom, praise kink, overstim, Toshi just bein an adorable delight, Bunny as an endearment
Thanks to One for All he has a low refractory period (cause plot magic lmao), but cause he gets to rely on that he also just cums so fuckin easy and doesn't even try to hold it back--I mean he does cause he gets incredibly embarrassed, and the sensitivity can be a bit much but yeah
Just imagining eventually putting him through some stimulation "training", teasing and stimulating him in all the different ways and having him try to hold himself back, try to please you but also beat his own records. He's so so soooo overjoyed everytime you praise him for making it to a new standard
He's got his eyes closed, face scrunched up, fingers clenching onto something and your eyes are on a timer you set as you lazily stroke his cock. He makes it past the time and you coo up at him about how well he did and he sucks in a deep breath and erupts all over your hand, trembling all over and then blinking down at you (why's he so fuckin tall even sitting down??) flushed and already murmuring sweet lil apologies
And he’ll whine that you have to stop praising him because it’s making him cum faster and and and-
which just has you laughing softly and complimenting how damn cute he is when he's all flustered!!!
he leans forward to try and hide his face in your hair. But you don't let him, casually capturing his chin with your non messed hand, giving him a chaste lil peck on his lips.
"Nuh uh, good bunnies clean their mess up first." You say before lifting your other fingers to his lips. Somehow his cheeks flush even deeper and he casts his eyes to the side--since he can't turn away-- and opens up his mouth obediently, pink tongue licking his cum from your fingers.
and then murmer a gracious thank you after swallowing, looking up at you like you're a goddess, cause to him you are
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