#Toshie huntsman
ok-i-draw · 1 month
Lax day outfits for the main stars
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Metal au by:@evillillad
A bit of lore:
I’d like to imagine that hopper had a job before going all in and did music as a hobby before presuming it full time. And Toshie was able to do her dream by doing outfits for the band. Her own style and creative freedom!
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wampabampa · 8 months
Look at this stupid IDIOT
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Last cookie run things because I wanted to finish it finally
Nina belongs to @evillillad
Toshie belongs to @ok-i-draw
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
Hello! I’m sorry this took very long :[[[[. It took long because I actually write it only when an inspo comes in so I stop writing the fic from time to time! But I hope you like it and I’m sorry if I won’t pass your expectation 💓💓
The Huntsman and the Green Maiden (ToshInko Snow White AU)
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When Toshinori told his self that he needed to work to save enough money, he didn’t expect it to be an assasination mission.
“It’s not an assasination mission,” the Evil Queen clarifies as soon as she sees Toshi’s skeptical face, “I just want you to get rid of her, that’s all.”
“It is…” Toshi spoke at the back of his head but chose to kept his mouth shut anyway.
“Why do you want to get rid of this…maiden badly?” Toshi asks as his fingertips play with the rim of his glass the Evil Queen has offered earlier.
The queen stares at the nosy huntsman, her eyebrows flinching slightly as she shrugged, “Just because.”
Upon hearing the townsfolk talk about how the palace is in need of skilled huntsmen, Toshi did not hesitate on heading to the queen’s palace. She always had a bad reputation on her people but Toshi, giving her the benefit of the doubt, went anyway and the result? He has proven that she indeed is evil as her name suggests.
Toshi is not clean to begin with. He has killed before with his bare hands. Any form of living as long as it is crucial for his survival. He has long retired from hunting but now that he needs the gold, he’s back from the start and somehow, he despises it.
“Will you take it, huntsman?” The Evil Queen says in a modulated voice that implies intimidation and dominance.
Toshi’s sunken eyes blinked once before exhaling heavily, “Yes.”
An impressed grin creeps in to the Queen’s lips, satisfied by the huntsman’s response, “Excellent. I want the job done in three weeks. The Magic Mirror says she hides in the magical forest, struggling to survive as of. I want you to find her and finish her,” she instructs with her voice laced with amusement.
“But I don’t know her face…” Toshi mutters.
“Oh, you will know once you see her,” now the Evil Queen sounds sarcastic as she clicked her tongue, “She’s the fairest maiden of them all, after all. Also, it’s hard for her not to stand out with her green hair.”
Ar first, you didn’t want to believe the Evil Queen. A person with green hair? Ridiculous. A maiden who hides in the middle of a magic forest? More ridiculous.
Huntsmen and adventurers try to avoid the magic forest as much as possible. As its name suggests, unknown forces of magic lurk around its trees. Stories of people who never returned from the forest increase from time to time and this sends shivers all throughout Toshi’s spine.
He’s never tried on going inside the forest himself. He’s never been in a situation wherein he needs to go.
“It’s not as eerie as the rumors make it sound…” Toshi thoughts to his self as he passes through thick roots of an old tree.
“Not bad…” Toshi rests after walking for hours, deciding to settle for a while under the shade of an enormous tree, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.
The rumors about the magic must be a bluff. He’s been walking on its domain for a while and so far? So good. No weird creatures suddenly appearing before him or whatsoever.
That’s what he thought.
Before he knew it, a striking pain hits his nape. He failed on reaching for his neck as his vision suddenly spins, confusing him. He tries to stand up, attempting to escape the unknown force that has attacked him but he fails once again as he falls to the ground, with his head hitting first.
He groans, slowly fluttering his eyes as he hallucinates of hearing laughter of children. Toshi tries to crawl but goes in to a halt when the illusion of laughter he heard goes louder and louder.
“Hell yeah! Die, you scum!”
“Wait, Kacchan!”
He couldn’t even distinguish if it’s his mind playing tricks with him or he actually hear children’s voices near him. Toshi then figures out it was the latter when he groans as a fistful of his hair gets pulled up.
“I WIN!” A blonde child literally speaks in front of Toshi’s face, making him close his eyes as droplets of his…Toshi would rather not know what it is splattered in to his face.
“NO ONE SURVIVES MY BOMB KILLING DART!” The blond child screams in a very chaotic manner Toshi couldn’t understand what the grinning child was trying to say.
“K-Kacchan! You’re not supposed to hurt people!” Another child with a frightened boy goes near this ‘Kacchan’. His green hair exploding all over as his round eyes glistened with tears.
“Huh? Don’t boss me around, dumb Deku!” Kacchan spats angrily as he lets go of Toshi’s hair.
Groaning, Toshi-who has recovered from the dizziness and the pain from his nape at this point-sits as he looks at the children in front of him.
“Bu-But, Kacchan-”
“What?! You want to die, huh?!” The aggressive Kacchan retorted as he flicks this Deku’s forehead, making the latter wince and the tears stream on his face.
“Kacchan!” He attempts on growling only to sound like a whine. Ignoring his friend, Deku glances at bewildered Toshi.
“Hello, Sir, are you lost?” He asks Toshi amidst his tears and his blushing forehead.
“No, I’m actually looking for someone,” Toshi groaned after inhaling, “Are you two from this forest?”
“We live here,” Deku cheerfully replies as he offers his hand adorned with wornout gloves, “My name is Deku, Sir. And that guy is Kacchan-”
“It’s your name!” Deku points out before ignoring his comrade once again, looking at Toshi who unexplainably grinning glancing at the children in front of him, “Who are you looking for, Sir?”
Toshi looks away, finding it hard to reveal that he’s looking for the fairest lady, “I’m looking for someone…with green hair…”
Toshi and Deku both fell silent, staring at each other. Toshi then realizes that this Deku literally has green hair.
Swaying his hands furiously in the air and head shooking, “No…No… it’s not what you think.”
“Are you…” Deku says as he takes a step back, going beside Kacchan once again, his brows furrowed and his eyes wide clearly because of fear, “Are you here to kidnap me?”
“That’s not it!”
“Kacchan! He’s here to kidnap me!”
“I told you, it’s not it-”
That pretty much explains how Toshinori is following the lead of these two forest children as they take him to their home.
He couldn’t help but question if it was a right thing to follow them deeper in to the woods whenever he sees Deku and Kacchan have contradicting directions.
“We turn right!”
“N-No, Kacchan. Turn left before right-”
Toshinori, silent at the back, only stares at the children bickering as they guide him along the misleading trees, telling him stories of their everyday adventures and few of their 'friends’ left behind the cottage.
In all honesty…Toshi couldn’t care less. He’s not very interested with Deku and Kacchan’s adventures, or the rest of their friends. The only reason he’s following these kids is…
“Feeling tired, Sir Toshi?” Deku looks back at him with his eyes beaming, beads of sweat adorning the side of his forehead as he jumps from a huge root, “Don’t worry, we’re almost there! We’ll let Inko heal your wound.”
“Hmph! If he couldn’t handle walks like these, then he doesn’t deserve to see Inko!”
Right. The only reason he is here is for this lady who goes by the name Inko. When Deku invited him to his cottage, he wanted to refuse, finding it an unnecessary detour for his quest. But what caught his interest was that Inko is, according to Kacchan, a badass woman with green hair but is way more beautiful than dumb Deku’s.
Toshi’s speculation could be wrong but he is willing to take the risk. The way Kacchan has described this Inko totally fits the maiden the Evil Queen wants him to find.
“We’re here!” Deku exclaims the moment they see a poorly-made fence out of sticks surrounding a small cottage.
“Oy, stupid idiots!” Kacchan exclaims as he nonchalantly follows the path towards the cottage, “Were here!”
Toshi looks at Kacchan and Deku brisk walking towards the cottage in glee. He looks at the surroundings after. Tall trees surrounded the cottage adorned with different plants that he knew where edible. On the right side is where a well errects surrounded by small wooden chairs and different gardening tools. They basically have everything they need here to survive…
“Deku, Kacchan, welcome back! How was it?”
“Heh! It was boring!”
“It was fun! And Inko, I’m sorry. We weren’t able to get the flowers you requested!”
“Oh, Deku, it’s alright. Don’t cry, please!”
Enchanted by the sweet voice, Toshi took his gaze off the mesmerizing well, looking back at the cottage and with one glance, he immediately knew this was the fair maiden the queen was looking for.
“Bu-But we brought a friend! Toshinori, Sir!”
Not minding Deku’s call, Toshi’s eyes lingers at the woman named Inko. Indeed, she had beautiful green hair now that he sees it exploding with the gentle wind. Her green eyes are wide as she stares at him as if he were a puzzle meant to be answered. Her head slightly wobbling to the side which made Toshi look at her chubby cheeks.
“Deku…” Ah, he hears it again. Her voice sounded quite dreamy as he unconsciously took a step forward.
She knelt to match the children’s height, which was not really necessary given that her height is close with theirs. Her hands dragging Kacchan and Deku slowly towards her back as her curious eyes become wary of his presence.
“Who…who are you?” She asks. It was clear how terrified she was and yet, she remained firm looking at him.
He didn’t really care of how she sees him, honestly. She could be doing anything and he’d stare at her all day, completely mesmerized by her adorable frame.
But Toshi knew it was rude to remain silent especially if a lady has asked you. He clears his throat, hoping his voice is in its best condition even after that long walk, “Uh…I am-”
“That dumb scum is Toshinori and he’s a loser,” Kacchan cuts him off with an annoyed face.
“Kacchan!” Deku exclaims, clearly unimpressed of Kacchan’s indifference, “Inko, don’t listen to Kacchan. That’s Sir Toshinori, a friend! Also, Kacchan hit him in the nape with his slingshot.”
“It’s not a slingshot. It’s Bomb Killing Dart.”
“Oh my!” Now gone was the wary face of Inko. She looks at Kacchan with a horrified look in her face. Her brows pulled together as her hands gently went to his shoulders, “Kacchan, didn’t I tell you we don’t hit friends?”
Kacchan pouts beneath his scowling face, “He’s not a friend. He’s dumb!”
Inko’s brows furrowed deeper with an obvious frown in her lips, “Kacchan…” She speaks in a modulated voice, showing how she’s unimpressed.
Kacchan’s cheeks turns in to red as he becomes flustered, somehow feeling humiliated he is being lectured, “Fine!”
Kacchan looks at Toshinori, back with the disgusted face, “I’m sorry for hitting you with my Bomb Killing Dart.”
Toshinori, not really paying attention to his half-assed apology, gave the child a nod, “It’s alright. I wasn’t hurt.” What a load of bull as he remembers at the back of his mind how distorted he felt for a couple of seconds.
Snapping back in to reality, he stares at Inko in awe as she walks her way towards him. The ends of her skirt rustling against the trimmed grass. Her hair flying all around as she now holds his calloused hands.
“Soft…” Toshi comments at the back of his mind.
“I’m really sorry for what Kacchan did to you, Sir Toshinori!” Inko bows and you noticed how her hair is made stylishly with a small bun.
Toshi, breaking free from getting petrified for a good three seconds, becomes flustered as he registers Inko is holding his hands, “I-its alright! I don’t mind!”
“Thank goodness!” Now Inko stands straight, her face looking relieved with his answer. Her brows are up and a sweet smile creeps in to her lips, her eyes turning in to crescent moons.
A little repetitive but Toshi is in awe again now that Inko is literally only a couple of centimeters away from him. Being this close, he sees how her skin is very fair and how pretty the sunlight reflected in to her beautiful green eyes. Not to mention, her thin lashes casted soft shadows underneath, which made her look so beautiful.
“But we still must treat your wound!” Inko says as she snaps, frowning at you but in a funny manner, “Kacchan’s slingshots can sometimes be too-”
Surprised after hearing another voice, Toshi’s gaze passes through Inko, going to the cottage’s doorway. He turns pale as he sees four? No, five children with different hand-made weapons with them, all aimed towards him.
“B-Boys!” Inko screams as Kacchan pulls her away from him, giving clear path for the children, “No!”
“Here, Sir Toshi….”
Toshinori looks up at the red haired child who is offering him a plate filled with food they’ve prepared. Toshi couldn’t help but glare at the red head, especially with that annoying smirk. This red head was the one leading the other children earlier.
“Thank you…” He says but his furrowed brows, glaring sunken eyes, and frowned lips says otherwise.
The red head sheepishly chuckles as he blushes while scratching his spiky hair, “We’re sorry for earlier…Kacchan was silently telling us that you were a threat; so we did that…”
Kacchan. He shouldn’t have underestimated that boy. He knew that child was a problem but he didn’t expect him to be this much of a problem.
“And you believed him?”
Toshi now looks at the purple head child with a blank stare in his face, bringing with him a cup filled with water.
“Shinsou…” Red head pouts, cheeks getting redder than it was, “Well, you guys believed in me as well!”
“Because you were persistent and we didn’t really have a choice,” the purple boy in which the red head called as 'Shinsou’ nonchalantly replies as he offers Toshi his cup.
“On behalf of my friends, I apologize for their stupidity,” he respectfully bows.
“Oy, Shinsou, who are you calling dumb?!”
“You and Kacchan.”
“M-Mean! I am not dumb. I am manly! Kacchan will hear of this!” Red head looks at Toshi again. He swears the red child looks like getting drowned with the red tint in his skin.
“M-My name is Kirishima, Sir!” The red head exclaims while bowing once more, “Please excuse me!”
Not waiting for Toshi’s reply, Kirishima vanishes from his sight.
“Please eat until your hearts content, Sir Toshinori…” He looks back at Shinsou who is still standing in front of him.
“I’m…not that hungry,” Toshinori says while looking at his bruises.
With Kirishima on the lead, they mercilessly attacked him with all their might using their hand-made guns, swords, and catapults. Being a huntsmen, fighting would’ve been a piece of cake. BUT it’s a different thing when you fight in front of a beautiful maiden.
Beat from walking and from Kacchan’s…Bomb Killing Dart, plus the children’s ambush, covered with bruises all over his body, of course he’d lose his appetite to eat.
“I don’t really care if you’re full or not,” Shinsou says with an indifferent tone, his eyes wandering around, “But Inko keeps on asking us to check on you. I can’t sleep well if she does that.”
Completely surprised, Toshinori immediately looks for Inko, only to catch her watching him. Both Inko and Toshinori taken aback of how the other caught them staring, they both looked away in synch.
“Thank you…” Toshinori says to Shinsou in a low voice, looking down, trying to conceal the blush in his cheeks.
At that moment, the quest could’ve ended if he killed Inko at that cottage. But there were things he had to consider, like the children. He was certain despite of their small physique, they would not hesitate on protecting Inko as she had become their mother.
“We own the cottage,” Shoto, one of the seven children, says in with his eyes looking down, fingers running through the grass as his feet is submerged in to the river, “Then we found Inko.”
“Wounded! And exhausted!” Testutetsu, who is oddly very similar with Kirishima’s physique and appearance-wise, screams in order to catch his attention.
Keeping his hands steady while holding the rod, Toshi looks at Tetsutetsu, “You found her?”
Shoto nods, the reflection of the crystal blue river reflecting on his eyes, “We treated her wounds and she didn’t leave us ever since. We like it, though,” he says with a small smile, “She takes care of us.”
“But there’s one thing that we don’t know about Inko,” Kirishima butts in with Denki, the seventh child, leaning on his back.
“We don’t know where Inko is from or what her life was before being with us,” Denki says, playing with the tips of Kirishima red hair.
“Deku thinks she was a princess…” Denki whispers as if they shouldn’t be heard, “Kacchan doesn’t buy it. He says Inko is a badass lady who rules the drunkards.”
“I don’t think Inko is in to that lifestyle…” Kirishima says with a doubting smile, “I think she is a princess, too!”
“But if she is a princess, why would she wander in to the magic forest?” Shoto asks hypothetically which made Kirishima and Denki shut up.
“What do you think, Toshinori, Sir?” Tetsutetsu asks, looking to Toshinori.
Toshi keeps his eyes glued at his bait, floating in the river, as if trying to avoid their looks. The guilt he has been disregarding for days creeps up into his heart, making him grip his rod tighter, his teeth digging to his flesh.
“I don’t know…” He says with gritted teeth.
He knew he was lying. He could easily get rid of the children if he wishes to. He has killed men and animals that are hundred times stronger than he is. Killing children would’ve been a piece of cake for him.
He knew that he purposely made excuses just for him to disregard the main purpose of his presence at this magical forest: to kill the fairest maiden of them all.
Undeniably, Inko is enchanting. But Toshi knew it was not all with the looks or with her mysterious green hair. It was with how kind she was to anything she touches, how gentle her words could be and how she resembled home to anyone.
It is true. Because he himself felt it, especially now as he stares at Inko, patiently waiting for him and the children, Kacchan and Deku’s heads on her lap. Her smile, gleaming brightly as ever as her shoulders raise in joy, waving at them. Nostalgic memories of Toshinori’s younger years flashes before his eyes with the mere exposure under Inko’s warmth.
“It feels like…” Toshi whispers under his breath, slowly taking off the net filled with fishes from his shoulders.
“HOME!” Kirishima, Denki, and Tetsutetsu screams as they run towards their cottage, leaving behind them the bashful Shoto.
“Children!” Inko giggles as Kirishima, Denki, and Tetsutetsu shower her with pepper kisses.
Kacchan and Deku groans as they get disrupted on their sleep, “YOU DUMB IDIOTS!” Kacchan growls, standing with his death glare on.
“Ah! We woke Kacchan up!” Kirishima screams.
Your eyes trail towards the children who are now running away from Kacchan. Their loud laughter echoing across the terrain as they dance around the grass, bathing under the sun.
He looks at Inko who is now caressing Shoto’s arms. Again with that familiar smile in her face. Of all the looks she gave, that was Toshi’s favorite expression.
“Go play with the rest…” She coos using her soft voice, tucking her green hair behind her ear.
Shoto gives a curt nod before running towards the direction of his brothers, leaving Inko and Toshinori alone at the cottage’s doorstep.
Suddenly realizing this fact, Toshi stiffened, heart beat slightly raising as he stops his lips from grinning.
“Toshinori, thank you…”
Baffled, he looks at Inko. Her lips in a smile in between her flushed cheeks.
“For…?” Toshi asks, his brows slightly furrowed.
“For catching fish for us…” She chuckles, slightly scratching her cheek with her small finger, “We don’t really eat fish that much. No one is that excellent in catching fishes, not even Kacchan…” She says in a joking manner.
Toshi couldn’t help it. He smiles as he looks at Inko’s face. Slowly, he sits beside Inko, disregarding the fact that he’s slightly bothered by how close he is to him and how ridiculously small he is next to her. She would definitely fit in to his frame even though he is skinny himself-
Toshinori shook his head, trying to shake away his thoughts. Focus…focus…
“It’s nothing…” Toshi says nonchalantly, his eyes on the children who seem to be playing tag, “I…liked it,” he admitted.
“That’s good…” She comments, her face resting at her palms as she pulls up her knees, “The kids like you…”
Toshi made a face as he remembered how Denki and Kirishami pulled a prank on him on their way home. Not to mention, the way they treated him when they first met.
“I doubt that…” He spatted bitterly.
Inko chuckles, her shoulders slightly shaking along, “That’s not true. They like you. The moment you were able to catch a wild boar, you immediately captivated their hearts. They love meat,” she pointed out with as-a-matter-of-fact-voice.
Giving Inko a side glance, Toshi says, “You really love them, do you?”
Inko nods, “Very. I owe them my life. If it weren’t for them, I might not be here…” She says, the smile in her eyes slowly disappearing.
Toshi couldn’t help but to look away. Somehow, he feels guilty, especially that he knows the reason why she is at this state.
“I…grew up from a…bad place. I was banished from where I lived, you know…” Inko talks despite of Toshi’s silence, “I spent all my life inside the walls of my home and when they asked me to leave, I didn’t know what to do and before I knew it, I found myself wandering the magic forest.”
Toshi glances at Inko again, catching her fingers interlacing playfully from one another. Her eyes clearly in pain as she talks about her past.
“Then I woke up with Kacchan snuggled under my arms,” she laughs, “These seven children brought me to their cottage and before I knew it, I became attached.”
“Understandable,” Toshi nods, “They leave an impression,” he agrees, slowly looking at Inko who looked at him as well.
His blond hair slightly being swayed by the wind, he stares in to her eyes. Hoping he’d find answers to his confusion, of how troubled he is of what he is supposed to do next.
“You leave an impression…” He muttered so softly, not breaking his stare at her. Which made him see how her cheeks flushed with red tint.
“You leave an impression, too…” She says, completely flustered with how her voice went high, “… Toshinori, Sir.”
Living with the seven children and the fairest maiden in the middle of the magic forest felt like a bliss. A daydream he always had in his mind whenever he was out to hunt. A place he always envisioned whenever he was sick or was feeling nostalgic in a hot afternoon.
“Inko is good at making pumpkin pie!” Deku exclaims as he dreamily thinks of it, “She makes them so good I always ask for more!”
“You just love eating, Dumb Deku,” Kacchan says in an upset tone as he walks along Shoto, “It’s not that great!”
“Not that great? Quit being a liar, Kacchan. Real men don’t lie!” Kirishima snickers as he brings the smaller net filled with fish, “Plus, you also ask for more with Inko’s food!”
“No, I don’t!”
“Yes, you do!”
The wild bickering of Kacchan and Kirishima went in to a halt upon hearing Shinsou’s surprised voice. Before they all knew it, they have arrived in front of the cottage.
Trailing after Shinsou’s stare, Toshinori looks to the cottage, only to be taken aback to see Inko spilled on the doorstep, barely conscious.
“Inko!” The Kirishima, Kacchan, Deku, Tetsutetsu, and Denki screamed as they dropped the fish and meat they’ve hunted from the forest, running towards the woman who has become their mother figure.
“No…” Toshinori muttered under his breath. Knees wobbling, palms suddenly sweating, and a large amount of hair suddenly caught in his throat. Somehow, an idea flashes in to his head…
“Toshinori, Sir…”
Snapping out from his thoughts, he looked down when a small warmth touches his hands. He sees Shinsou and Shoto, looking up to him, fear evident in their eyes.
Without saying anything, he drags them along, running as fast as he can towards Inko.
He hears the children’s cries as they surrounded the beautiful woman. They loudly screamed her name in the hopes that it would wake her up but to no avail.
Shaking, Toshi lets go of Shoto and Shinsou’s hands as he pulls Inko’s frail body, making her lean towards his lap.
“No…” He muttered, lips shaking as his fingers trail on her unconscious face, “She found her…” He said as realization dawned on him.
The queen…she might have grow impatient and…looked for Inko herself.
“We lost her…” He said, slumped in despair as the world was drowned with the screams of the seven scared boys around him.
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ok-i-draw · 8 months
Here’s punk n pop Official Toshie!!!
Metal au by: @evillillad
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A bit about her in this au:
Toshie a wild card, loving and living life to the fullest everyday! Before her life as an independent punk/pop artist, she was previously in a band with her brother, hopper. She played the drums and lived the rock n’ roll lifestyle that everyone dreams of.
After splitting from the band, she still kept some aspects of her rocking days, like her hair and style but also her drumming style. She wanted to experiment and expand her music so she did a mash between punk and pop!
Also her voice claim:
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ok-i-draw · 7 months
Death metal Mom, Harriet Huntsman!
Metal au by: @evillillad
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A bit about her:
When hopper and Toshie were growing up, Harriet was the main motivator and inspiration to their musical career. She is very supportive of their dreams, even buying instruments and driving them to band practice!
She’s definitely the one Metal mom that makes sure everyone has snacks and earplugs before going into a concert.
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Meme template:
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Extra doodles~
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ok-i-draw · 4 months
More outfits?? From me??
Metal au by: @evillillad
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Wanted to go more punk and I guess a vampire ish-theme.
Maybe when they’re touring, they have different looks for each album and for this album it’s very punk emo.
( also have a look for hopper, we shall see soon~ )
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ok-i-draw · 3 months
Hi okie hiii 😇👋👋👋 Srry if you’ve answered this before but how tall are the Huntsmans? Thank u 😼🫶
Howdy @technicolourcowboy!!!!
Hopper’s height: 10 feet tall
Toshie’s height: 7 feet and 5 inches
Harriet’s height: 6 feet and 5 inches
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Another height comparison and reference:
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ok-i-draw · 6 months
Would Toshie like Duran Duran? I see her and think “Girls On Film” (Metal Au and regular) :]
Her main inspiration for sure!
Metal au by: @evillillad
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ok-i-draw · 7 months
Part 2: Electric Boogaloo!!!!
More Valentine’s Day cards!
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ok-i-draw · 8 months
Here’s punk n pop Toshie!!!
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I did two designs for her as I was unsure what to do, so I’m going to do a poll to see which of these outfits you like better!
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ok-i-draw · 9 months
“Well, the new chapter is out for mob!hopper! I’ve worked hard on this for such a long time, I should take a break-!”
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Time I gave my goobers a proper introduction….
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Silver Cartel: The third most powerful family in the city, small in numbers but strong in strength.
The cartel is mainly focused on producing drugs and substances. Forcing radical ideals and changes with its people, that they right the wrongs, no matter the costs.
Within the west border, it’s generally a better area to live in. As they strive to be better and to uphold order for life to thrive in. Which they monitor the border very strictly as to limit the amount of spy’s and enemies within.
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ok-i-draw · 11 months
Cringe-tober: Day 28
Prompt: Artist choice
A sneak peak at the Halloween fits!
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ok-i-draw · 11 months
Happy early Halloween!!!
Trick or treat? I bring you 8 treats today!
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Unfiltered and close up shots down below! 👇
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Spooky introduction!
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Hopper: Jack Skellington
Come by the library and hear the tale from the great pumpkin king! Tales of old and new, granted to give you a scare!
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Toshie: Cruella De Vil
Come and experience her haunted mansion, full of fright. Terror around every corner!
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Bobby: Jack Sparrow
An adventure who is willing to give you a tour around the “spooky” forest and the “terrifying” lake to hunt for treasure! ( chocolate gold coins! )
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Benny: Will Turner
While “Jack” takes the a group out to go and explore the treasure, his first mate will help chaperone around the neighborhood!
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Martínez: Day of the dead Mariachi
Come on down to the plaza and not only get some good grub, but also live entertainment for one night only from the amazing Martinez Mariposa!
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Maria & Marcos: Flotsam & Jetsam
Be wary, for if you come across these two, you’ll be given a riddle. If answer correctly, you will get a treat, but answer incorrectly….TRICK!
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Ellie: Charlotte La Bouff
Another spot at the plaza to come and visit! Test your own strength, aim your best shot, grab the most apples!
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ok-i-draw · 1 year
Some extra art of mob!Toshie that no one asked for.
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ok-i-draw · 1 year
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Lilith by: @Ashchoo
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Toshie Huntsman!
She’s a mirror spider and the spots on her skin can reflect whatever’s near her. She shines when the sun is out so it’s pretty easy to spot her. She’s an famous eccentric color blind designer and does surprise visits from time to time. So whenever she’s in town, be prepared for some chaos!
She’s the half-sister of Hopper Huntsman, different dads, but Hopper doesn’t see her as half sister. He accepts her as if she was full blood and cares a lot for her, but that doesn’t mean he has his hands full with her when she visits!
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ok-i-draw · 8 months
Harriet Huntsman! Hoppers mom!!!
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Doodles of the fambly.
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Ref photo:
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Ok back to drawing mob!comic…
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