vhscorp · 11 months
Tu as la langueur de l’automne, la vigueur de l’hiver, la chaleur de l’été, la douceur du printemps, tu es toute ma raison, tu es toutes mes saisons…
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weyland-rutter-1995 · 4 months
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DIY mariage : panneaux d'indications et vélo fleuri pour un mariage champêtre, de style boho chic ! D'autres idées pour votre mariage sur #aufeminin /// #mariage #déco #décomariage #boho #champêtre #vélo
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erabu-san · 4 months
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Sethos, since the first day I saw you on my screen
You became the star guiding me through night desert
You became this constellation shining the most among this starry sky
And my eyes keeps drowning in yours that I could become blind by how bright they are.
Sethos, be my C6.
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lezkissgifs · 8 months
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Ici tout commence, episode 858
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
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Soir de mai 🌸
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tswiftupdatess · 4 months
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(June 3, 2024)
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ozu-teapot · 6 months
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Toutes peines confondues (AKA Sweetheart) | Michel Deville | 1992
Patrick Bruel, Mathilda May
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banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
Dirigeants, entraîneur, joueurs, la crise de l'OL touche toutes les strates du club
Dirigeants, entraîneur, joueurs, la crise de l’OL touche toutes les strates du club
🪁Dirigeants, entraîneur, joueurs, la crise de l’OL touche toutes les strates du club ✈️ #banque #france | #Dirigeants #entraîneur #joueurs #crise #lOL #touche #toutes #les #strates #club | Dirigeants, entraîneur, joueurs, la crise de l’OL touche toutes les strates du club La dernière fois que l’OL a perdu quatre fois de suite en Championnat, Bruno Genesio jouait au milieu de terrain. Un tel…
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vhscorp · 2 years
Je veux ton corps à vie, je veux toutes tes nuits, je veux tous tes désirs, et puis tous tes plaisirs, je veux que ton cœur batte uniquement pour le mien, qu’il n’y ait que sur moi que tu poses tes mains…
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bluestjayy · 5 months
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"If Ryan climbed on me, we could take on Goatman." - The Famous Last Words of Shane Madej
Ghost Files Live - Glasgow (25.04)
📸 by Me
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burst-of-iridescent · 6 months
it will never not be bizarre to me that kat.aangers use the fortuneteller episode as foreshadowing for ka when literally every possible interpretation of this episode is anti kat.aang.
if aunt wu's prophecies are unquestionably true, then kat.aang is DOA right off the bat because she explicitly says she doesn't see romance in aang's future. yet kat.aangers love to uphold the “powerful bender” prophecy as foreshadowing for kat.aang so… which is it? are aunt wu’s prophecies only eternally binding for katara but conveniently untrue when it comes to aang? because if katara marrying a powerful bender is unchangeable, then so is aang not being able to find love, so that’s strike no. 1 for ka foreshadowing.
now on the other hand, if we take aunt wu's prophecies as false, then our boy aang is free to do all the lovin’ he wants… but following the same logic, so is katara. and since her prophecy is the catalyst for her seeing him as a potential romantic partner at all, that’s strike no. 2 for foreshadowing.
finally, we come to the last interpretation and the episode's actual message: that destiny is real, but not immutable. throughout the episode, it’s clear that aunt wu's prophecies do come true, though not in the way that their subject(s) might expect. the future isn’t created through passive acceptance, but active agency. everyone has the power to shape their own destiny, and make their own choices.
this is the complete opposite of katara beginning to view aang in a romantic light solely because sokka makes an entirely on-the-nose comment about him being a powerful bender. because had katara not heard her prophecy, that would have meant nothing to her! how is this meant to be the spark that fuels the kat.aang relationship when it's entirely based on katara holding herself to a prophesized future instead of writing her own story, and hence antithetical to the fundamental theme of the episode?
which is also why so many people interpret this episode to be lampshading zutara, because the only way that all of these contradictory interpretations — aang isn’t meant to find love, katara is meant to marry a powerful bender, but both of them still have the power to shape their own paths — make sense is if the final scene was an intentional red herring… but that’s a discussion for another time.
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damnamour · 7 months
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hedgehog-moss · 2 months
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Neuf heures et demie du soir en été
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eurydice-pens · 7 months
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Loop chews on that, slowly feeling their star’s pulse slow, slowly letting their raised shoulders fall.
Like it or not, huh.
TEXT FROM CH 10 OF @anuninterestingperson ‘S PHENOMENAL FIC raconte-moi qu’on puisse crier tout bas which i beg u to read right now immediately , SO much good loop content sobs gently on ground
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ashlingmizuoka · 17 days
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SPNWEEK2024 by @aborddelimpala
Day 1 : Iconic Supernatural line(s)/quote(s)
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laurapetrie · 8 months
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Of all the great women of Hollywood's golden age, Carole Lombard is the most unjustly neglected. While her contemporaries Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck and Jean Harlow continue to be eulogised and commemorated, Lombard's star seems to be fading. These women were all, in their ways, worthy of admiration and even of emulation. But Lombard was incomparable. When she died in 1942 at the age of only 33 in a plane crash while selling war bonds, director Wesley Ruggles, who'd worked with her for years, said that however tragic Jean Harlow's death had been, "somehow you knew you'd adjust. But we couldn't comprehend losing Carole, and we never adjusted to it, either. She was irreplaceable, and we just kept on missing her." - SARAH CHURCHWELL, "Oh, Carole!"
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