#Townie Round 1
rurpleplayssims · 2 years
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As was usual with the descendants of the children of the moon, dogs often made themselves comfortable in their presence.
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Many stray dogs had decided to visit Luke’s garden and he was only too pleased to give them a treat and a belly rub...if they behaved themselves.
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“Hey! Stop that, right now!”
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“C’mon, you’re not allowed to dig up this side of the garden. Dig up the other side of the house if you must dig!”
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Becky gets invited out for her labours.
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Helen is reminded to pay more attention at work and to stop complaining that it’s dull work.
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dorytoss · 17 days
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While preparing for the trip to Mount Komo, Blaze took this occasion to teach Liberty and Travis knitting.
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uberhood · 7 days
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The Widespot High kids are so isolated from the outside world that this sounds like a real live rapper to them.
Ajay: I am a real live rapper!
Woody: We're not that isolated! We've got, like, internet--
Townie, who is from WS for comedy reasons: You guys are getting internet?
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the way i wish there could be more good faith analysis and fic about billy having adopted racial prejudice from his dad and then learning to properly recognize it and grow past it in order become a better person. i wish there was more posts and fics that tackle the bullshit lucas has had to deal with as a black kid in small town indiana because the duffers never even considered it. but the sheer puritan black and white thinking and performative activism or moral virtue signaling or whatever the fuck that is so pervasive in this fandom means that even the few posts and fics that dare to try and actually tackle racism tend turn it into either a punishment narrative, are depressingly shallow about it, make it about hating and liking the 'right characters', or miss the mark entirely
like i get it, homophobia/transphobia is easier to explore and talk about for most fans. it's complex and multi-layered just like other types of oppression, but so much of fandom is queer and dedicated to shipping and labels that yeah, i can see how talking about it is just. easier for a lot of ppl. also a lot of fandom is white. and lots of white gays get weird about discussing racism in their spaces. y'know the deal, but i digress. from what i can see, very few ppl want to explore how racism affects our favorite characters and the stories they live in. i know some ppl are probably afraid of getting it wrong, or they don't know anything about it and don't feel like they should. it's like, my blorbo is queer and so am i, so why wouldn't i talk all day about that? i get it. but it honestly just means a lot when someone tries earnestly. i have read beautiful fics about trans love through hardship by cis authors and such genuine fics about connection in the face of racism's poison by white authors.
there is just SO much untapped potential in exploring lucas and max and billy and patrick and argyle and all the other characters directly and indirectly affected by bigotry and racism within the narrative that never got the acknowledgement it deserved. plus it's super weird being used as a 'gotcha!' by white fans that hate billy (as if poc fans of billy aren't capable of seeing it for the bullshit it is) or seeing lucas' treatment in the show get brushed aside like it's nothing or how argyle gets sidelined an awful lot in the fandom (and don't even get me started on how messy the classism in this fandom can be, the borderline erasure of eddie's poverty and its effects on who he is as a person in fic is insane sometimes)
anyway. idk if any of this makes sense, but i can count like maybe 3 good fics and maybe a dozen good posts about billy that actually address this in good faith and only maybe a dozen more for every other character i mentioned. and i desperately want more. i am brown and queer and i want healing and love for all of these characters and i am going to have to start churning out more of it myself at this rate.
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kingdomofwildwood · 9 months
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"I am become death. Destroyer of random encounters."
or: In Which Mordimer Becomes Over-Leveled Through Too Much Grinding
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riverblossom-valley · 8 months
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happenings of the Landgraab household: ~ showing off his makeover - Malcolm seems pleased with his new look and so am I ~ pre-makeover Malcolm getting down to business at both the electronics superstore and Club Dante ~ making neighborhood friends in his hot tub and Chester seems to have picked the easiest topic for Malcolm to discuss
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madebycoffee · 2 years
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Ok, already I feel like I'm on the fast track to make some besties for life. Everyone here is wildly friendly! I grabbed a water taxi to town and just hung around the beach and met like half the neighborhood! Makoa, Lilliana, Nalani, and Lia to name a few. And damn. Everyone here is so fine. This winter is gonna be a good one.
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phoebe-twiddle · 2 years
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OH, hey, look, it’s Cute Townie that I’m always pleased to see walk by. Why don’t you go make friends with her, Mack? Please? Graham is having a baby with Wilma, and they just went steady, and you’re a hopeless romantic! This isn’t going to end well for anyone
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moonfromearth · 2 years
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So... this needs a pretty intense explanation...
Alternate Universe/'Bizzaro' Pancakes
Liza Pancakes Reporter Was created for the small role of a reporter in the beginning of my (still unposted) zombie apocalypse challenge. Instead of creating a new sim, Eliza Pancakes was used as the base (facial features and traits and stuff unchanged). Meant to be a joke, now the center of a whole sim time continuum that I've got going. ;)
Rob Pancakes Detective Was created for the small role of a police officer in my (still unposted) Black Widow challenge to go along with reporter Liza Pancakes. Instead of creating a new sim, Bob Pancakes was used as the base (facial features and traits and stuff unchanged).
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demilypyro · 3 months
MLP lore lesson: this cross-eyed pegasus.
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Originally another unnamed background/townie character, this pony became an early fan favorite after appearing in the background of the very first episode sporting a silly face; her nose scrunched up and her eyes crossed. In reference to the "derp" meme, which was popular at the time, fans named her "Derpy Hooves." Some opted to call her "Muffins" because this was her one spoken line in a later episode. Officially, she has been referred to as "Ditzy Doo," "Derpy", "Muffins" and "Bubbles" on different occasions.
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While originally her crossed eyes were an animation error, the crew thought she looked funny, and left it in. When they found out the fans agreed, they went back and made her cross-eyed in all the coming episodes that hadn't been sent to Hasbro yet. Derpy became somewhat of an easter egg: keen-eyed viewers would find her cross-eyed face somewhere in most episodes in the first two seasons, encouraging fans to comb the background of each episode.
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In the season 1 episode Feeling Pinkie Keen, Derpy is shown dropping a crate while unloading a truck. This led to the common fan interpretation that Derpy worked for the mail service, and was rather clumsy. Both of these traits would later be canonized, and she would become the standard character that's used when the plot calls for a delivery.
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Appearing regularly in season 2, Derpy finally got her first major speaking role in the season 2 episode The Last Round-Up. The script called for a clumsy character (referred to in the script as "Ditzy Doo") and Derpy's design was chosen to fill the role, with her being referred to as "Derpy" in dialogue by Rainbow Dash.
After the episode aired, Hasbro supposedly received letters from parents who felt the character was offensive to people with disabilities. In later releases of the episode, Derpy is not named, her eyes are less crossed, and her voice is different.
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From season 3 onwards, Derpy appeared less regularly, only appearing in about 1 in 3 episodes, still mostly in the background. While she continued to appear in episodes and even receive her own merchandise, she would never again be referred to as "Derpy" in official materials. She did get further speaking roles in episodes like Slice of Life, but she was never again referred to by name in the show. She remained beloved by the fanbase whenever she did appear.
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kwimii999 · 26 days
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Previous updates : #1 - #2 - #3
Previous polls : #1 - #2
Note : this project is going to take me some time because of the reasons under here. Most of it is based on how I want townies to generate and making CAS an easier and less time consuming experience for everyone !
I'm a college student 😭
I have to make sure they look fine for the townies more so that if you use random sim fixes or simler's core mod to get rid of pudding faces, they won't look out of place
I have to make sure each and every preset can be used with one another, so I actually have rules and numbers that I need to respect for the sliders I modify ex. : most of the noses height are set to -50, because it looks good on both genders and all ages and fits the new headshapes and their new height
I have to make sure that even though they're generic, they're also different from eachother and don't have same face syndrome
I have to make sure that they're diverse and find the right balance
Certain sliders I have to add manually (that takes time) because they do not get exported with the Face Preset Editor
As I said in previous update, I will only release this when I'm fully done with every single presets of each category : eyes, mouths, heads and noses, since it's easier that way for me and better for you guys as well :)
What's different this time ?
Well I've opted for a different approach, remember when I said I wasn't going to change the look of the original head presets ? well I changed my mind, since I've been asked to include defined headshapes a few times which I said I would do in a different set of non default face presets but I decided that doing this way instead would be better since it could include defined headshapes but also the other headshapes (Oval, Square, Round, Slightly Longer) - (Excluding the World Adventure's asian presets, they will recieve their own modification)
For the heads everything has been changed to : 2 Ovals, 2 Heart/Defined, 2 Rounds, 2 Squares, 2 Slightly Longer. (10 in total) The same shapes won't be identical of course.
For the eyes, they need small modifications
For the mouths, It needs more of a balance and diversity
For the noses, they need a complete overhaul
All the new flavors
There is now 6 flavors for version 2 of the headshapes with all the polls I've made. Thank you for all the answers by the way it really helps direct this project to better understand what you guys may want :)
Without SmoothFaceNormals
Flavor 1 - Base game compatible
Flavor 2 - Male neck fix
Flavor 3 - Male neck fix + Neck width smaller + Longer necks
With SmoothFaceNormals (Slider set to a specific number for all headshapes, won't be too high)
Flavor 4 - smoothfacenormals
Flavor 5 - smoothfacenormals + Male neck fix
Flavor 6 - smoothfacenormals + Male neck fix + Neck width smaller + Longer necks
What do you mean by longer necks though ? This is what I mean :
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How do the headshapes look so far ?
Well, since I'm close to completing flavor 1, since it's the base of every other flavor and needed so I can work on the others. I've choosen my sims Owen and Shana to showcase them on both genders and the young adult life stage.
V.2 - Flavor 1 - Base game compatible
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I'm so close to finishing the headshapes I just need to make some faces rounders and some more different from eachother and I should be done with the flavor 1 (For reference this is like my 10th WIP.... )
Question - 1 " Why are the presets not in order (ex. Oval 1 then Oval 2) " - Answer : That's because I'm unable to figure it out :(
EA Default headshapes
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In addition
So, they won't immediatly come with the thumbnails once they're out because apparently there's 2 thounsand image files ??? 😀........... I ... BYE. I'm not even sure I wanna do them anymore lol.
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rurpleplayssims · 2 years
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“I’m intrigued how the voting system will work here” Becky said. “I mean, will we elect Althea continuously as a Mayor, or will the position be hereditary?” 
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Luke was interested “I’d guess that Althea might want the role to be passed to her eldest but if none of her children want the role, I doubt she’d force them.”
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They decided to finish up then and as she picked away her tiny pile of chips, Becky was resolved. 
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Think I’d better speak to Althea about a role in the Political career. I mean, the Gamer gig is paying me very well, but I think my talents are wasted. 
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To celebrate her victory, Helen headed downstairs and got herself something to eat.
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dorytoss · 9 days
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Blaze *self-recording *: we've reached the end of the Mount Komo chapter... this was actually my goodbye party with everyone. we decided to celebrate Halloween. man, I'm going to miss all these people, especially Travis and Ivy. so many good times. Thank you Ivy Meadows, Travis Scott, Liberty Lee, and Summer Holiday for this night that I'll surely remember!
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uberhood · 2 days
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Oh my god, it actually happened. The TV actually fell off the wall. Never did I ever think I'd see this.
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I'd ask you what you did, but we both know it's your Loser trait.
"Society calls me a loser, but I'm the one getting promotions, dude."
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Rosemary Clooney (White Christmas)—Rosemary!!! Her singing voice is incredible, she looks stunning in everything she wears, she has this quiet gravitas on screen that I haven’t seen anywhere else!! She deserves to be known as a lot more than George Clooney’s Aunt (if anything, I think of him as Rosemary Clooney’s nephew who also went into the business). Also when she got older she had this amazing sexy raspy voice (which sadly was due to smoking a lot but doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s very very sexy)
Kalina Jędrusik (Upał, The Doll, The Cure for Love)—She was a singer too and one of her songs is literally about how "there is sex in me"
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
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Rosemary Clooney made very few movies, and built her career mostly as a singer--however, anyone who has ever seen her in White Christmas understands that this was Hollywood's loss, because she exudes glamour and charm and does a wonderful job acting it as well. She's gorgeous, she has a beautiful voice, she has one of those faces that the screen just loves, and she is, frankly, hot as hell.
Okay so obviously she's more a singer than an actress, but she was still one of the best musical actresses of the era! They just didn't know what to do with her. She really wasn't a dancer at all, so you'll see most of the numbers in White Christmas she's got a convenient prop to sweep around. However, this ~weakness brought about a love story for the ages! Dante Di Paulo (you may know him as the mustachioed townie rival to the Pontipees in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers) was hired to teach her to dance and they fell in love over rehearsals. Separated by filming schedules, Rosemary ended up marrying José Ferrer and breaking Dante's heart, but 20 years and two divorces from José later they met in traffic. Not about to miss her second chance, she honked her horn and yelled her phone number at him (talk about carpe diem). He moved in a couple of months later but they finally made it official in 1997 because "our grandchildren want us to get married". They were utterly devoted to each other and he was very much a Wife Guy.
An absolutely amazing singer and so stunning. Her performance in that black dress in White Christmas just takes my breath away every time. She's also George Clooney's aunt.
when she. when she. 'love you didnt do right by me' from white christmas-
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She was a very cool woman, who had a very hard life. She had severe mental health struggles throughout her life and left the stage for quite a while, but fought hard to make her career comeback later in life with a little timely help from good friend and frequent collaborator Bing Crosby. She also duetted with Marlene Dietrich early in her career
She was very funny and very civic-minded, she campaigned with RFK during his presidential run. She had a very close bond with her nephew (that George Clooney yes), he even had her songs on the playlist when he proposed to his wife! She didn't enjoy singing this song from White Christmas, as it wasn't quite in her range, but she's incredibly powerful and undoubtedly very hot in this scene (fun fact, oscar winner George Chakiris is one of her dancers here, before his big break!) -
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woolpines · 10 months
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six potential founders / spouses / townies?
i had SO much fun making them! i simply just went on chatgpt and told the program to generate some random sims for me to create. its so funny though cause most of them were either creative/musical or athletic and i had to tell it to generate a sim that WASN'T creative or athletic😭
1: an artistic female sim with wavy, chestnut brown hair, striking emerald green eyes and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks / prefers casual, artsy clothes with a touch of elegance
2: a muscular male sim with short, tossled hair, hazel eyes, and wears comforable athletic wear
3: a musical female sim with long wavy auburn hair, and striking green eyes / prefers a mix of vintage and modern, often wearing unique patterns and accessorizing with chunky jewelry
4: a tech-savvy male sim with messy dark brown hair that slightly covers his glasses / wears comfortable mismatched clothing
5: a soft, artistic female sim with long, wavy hair and a colorful, bohemian style
6: a book loving male sim with messy, dark brown hair, round glasses and deep blue eyes / dresses in a stylish, yet unconventional way, favoring vintage clothing and accessories
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