#Toxin Garnet
scryingworkshop · 2 years
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tiredwitchplant · 11 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Moonstone (White)
Moonstone (The Sacred Stone of the Moon)
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Color: White, cream, yellow, blue, green
Rarity: Easy to obtain
Hardiness: 6.5
Type: Oligoclase/ Feldspar
Chakra Association: Brow, Heart, Root, Third Eye, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Deities: All Lunar Deities, Diana, Selene, Artemis, Isis, Chandra
Birthstone: June
Astrological Signs: Cancer
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Origin: Australia, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Femininity, Calmness, Balance, Luck, Intuition, Healing, Sensual, Patience, Reproductive Health
Crystals It Works Well With: Aquamarine, garnet, pearl
How It is Created: Moonstone is a type of feldspar composed of potassium aluminum silicate. It can be found in a number of colors, but all examples demonstrate a particular sheen known as labradorescence; an effect also found in labradorite and blue moonstone. Labradorescence is a light effect caused by parallel hairlike structures laid down within the crystal matrix, which reflect light back and forth, creating different-colored effects, including blue, yellow, silvery gray, and white.
History: Moonstone is the sacred stone of India. During the earliest traditions, the gem was said to have been embedded in the forehead of Ganesh, the four-handed god of the moon, since the beginning of time. It was written in Hindu mythology that moonstone is made from moonbeams, thus its luster.
The magnificent gem is never displayed outside for sale unless placed on a yellow cloth, as yellow is a sacred color. According to other legends, Moonstone can give gifts of prophecy and clairvoyance to the wearer. It could also clear the mind for the wearer to welcome wisdom. But to unlock this ability, Moonstone must be placed in their mouths during the full moon. Since ancient Egypt it is considered as a spiritual stone as it is seen as the gem of protection for night travelers.
Since Moonstone looks a lot like the moonshine, ancient Romans believed that it was formed from moonlight. If you look at the gem closely, you’ll see a dance of light that lurks on the insides of the gem. Ancient Greeks merged the names of the goddess of love (Aphrodite) and the goddess of the moon (Selene) and christened Moonstone as “Aphroselene”. While the Romans believed that the gem exhibits the image of their moon goddess, Diana.
It is also known as an aphrodisiac and when worn by two people, they will fall passionately in love when the moon is high. Moonstone was once called the “Travelers Stone” as it is said to protect those who travel at night, especially at sea.
What It Can Do:
When worn, can attract true love and arouse passion
If you give your lover a moonstone during the full moon, there will be passion between you always
Can settle disagreements and return things to peaceful status
Sewn into garments can enhance fertility
Wearing moonstone protects sensitive emotions
Enhances divination, prophetic dreams and prevents nightmares
Great for meditation and scrying
Represents yin and attracts peaceful energy
Protects travelers at night and by sea
Considered good luck
Balances male-female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side
Affects the female reproductive cycle and alleviates menstrual-related diseases and tensions
Helps with digestive and reproductive systems, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas.
How to Get the Best Out Of: Wear as a ring or place on the appropriate body part, would recommend the forehead, for spiritual experiences, and solar plexus or heart for emotions. Women may need to remove Moonstone at full moon.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Moonstone is relatively soft stone, 6 on the Mohs scale, so it should be handled with care as it can be easily scratched or crushed. Moonstone should be stored separate from other jewelry in its own soft bag or lined box and should not be worn while performing strenuous tasks that could result in it getting bumped or scratched. It can be cleaned with plain water and a soft cloth. If it gets scratched, take it to a jeweler to have it polished out.
Charge your moonstone in the light of the waxing moon and keep it out of direct sunlight.
Crystal Grid: N/A Couldn't find one that wasn't too complex @_@
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beanlot · 2 years
sevika x maid!reader
at first, you were her maid. but master liked you just enough to make you her mistress.
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word count: 4.0k
genre: smut
warnings: amab!sevika, age gap, sevika cheats on her wife, slight spanking, spit, vibrator use, master/servant relationship, breeding kink
“what a gorgeous colour.” her fingers ironing the corners of her lips, mahogany lipstick cleansing from the cedar skin in superlative fashion. she was objectively sumptuous, a classy woman surrounded by old money and platinum basin sinks; an easy life enough that she didn’t even have to raise a finger to apply honeydew exfoliation masks to her glistening skin. “don’t you think?” she stares at you through the mirror, umber eyes fanned by silky lashes - lids glossed with everlasting lustre of golden butterscotch, tempted to believe you could see your reflection if stood close enough.
“yes, madam.” you nod, fingers clasped onto a hanger, vintage dress glittered with merlot gemstones fluorescent against the sapphire tiles of the floor. you weren’t lying, it was a gorgeous colour. and madam wasn’t particularly sinister against you, or even sinister at all..
“you filthy pig.”
“don’t you dare touch my antiques.”
“look at you, fix this messy hair. i will not have guests over whilst you look like a disgusting hooker.”
“vika loves this colour.” she sighs, french-tipped nails tapping against the argyle jewellery around her neck. her scent of prevailing pumpkin spice suffocating you momentarily when she turns around, taking the hanger from your grip; you’ll watch as she lays the dress against her body, feminine curves of her hips accentuated through the garnet jewels as she subtly twirls around. she hum, lashes batting through the scrutiny before she shoves the hanger into your chest hurriedly. “be a dear for me and tighten the waist.”
and sure, you don’t expect the best of treatment regardless. you were on the back burner, disposable in every aspect with your dull shirt collar; onyx skirt tucking in your buttons and the driest of hands from the constant polishing. “yes ma-“ a shrill bark interrupts you, and it’s when you turn around that you see a woolly poodle, pastel frilly dress, wiggling through the door.
“ugh, pinkiebear! what are you doing, my baby snuffles?” and just like that, as madam scoops the pup into her arms, you’re left alone in the bathroom. moroccan rose handwash beside her gold-plaited cosmetics, pomegranate face serums and emerald earrings; you’d wondered what the oils would feel like on your fingertips, the creaminess against your skin soaking with pulchritude. it feels like bait when you see that one tub is already open, pale watermelon serum calling your fucking name - she won’t notice, there’s no way.
so you tenderly swab at the surface, the velvety touch on your skin.. it already makes you feel pretty, glammed up, like her. and the dysphoria only amplifies ironically when you massage the pearly ointment into your cheek, the winsome highlight when you turn your head not going unnoticed.
wine glass and plate in hand as you approach sevika’s master’s study, nudging the door with your shoulder. it was smoked salmon and caviar, and if you weren’t so fond of her, it would be rational to believe she was intentionally inflicting the purgatory of starvation onto you. but she was not resentful, her muffled tone of come in prompting you to amble inside; the air murky from her cigar smoke, illuminated by dim apricot from the scattered lamps. and she’s there, with every inhale, you can decipher the ocherous flame between her lips - her fingers clearing her desk when she sees the wine bottle tucked under your arm.
“thank you, darling.” she murmurs within the fever dream, fumes seeping through her lips to which she fans out when you’re beside her desk. it’s elixir to taste, and although it’s toxin on your tongue, it’s contradicting - plate and wine glass settled against the oak, careful to avoid her disarray of books and orderly inklings when you pour the currant. she examines this, raising an eyebrow before tapping the tobacco against an ashtray. “are you hungry?”
fuck, you have no idea.
“no, master.” you shake your head, because even though you could feel your organs internally booing inside from the withering, you were under an obligation of being polite. and hell, it was reasonable for her to concern herself with your wellbeing per se: she was older, much older; yet you merely took it as manners, sympathy that you weren’t born into such opulence. so when you finish pouring, tenderly placing the bottle beside master’s glass - it’s paralysis when her coercive words refrain you from leaving the room as you intended. “come here.” she instructs, virescent globes eclipsed with hues of oxblood when you maintain eye contact from your awkward distance. she’s manspreading, white button-up loose against her chest, and the uncertainty only amplifies when master’s tone becomes demanding. “come.. here.”
so you shuffle towards her, and you’re not sure if it’s the nicotine or the peril brunt of her influential stare, but your blood pressure raises when you stop - that maybe you’d said something wrong, gotten a wine she didn’t like, or you were vicariously responsible for the chef’s error. but the neurotic thoughts plummet when you see her slice an intricate cube of the salmon, fork held out to you with sincerity.
“try it, it’s good for you.” she advises, and you’re under automatism to obey - her fingers scraping against yours when you take the fork, examining the glassy block. you’re not sure what it’s seasoned with, only able to distinguish the honey glaze and sprinkle of pepper; you couldn’t even fucking describe what salmon tasted like, a luxury that your flimsy uniform never got to see up close. and you feel emotional when it finds itself between your teeth, erupting with foreign rich oils and glacé syrup.
you want to appreciate it, had you not interpreted the investigative glances she’s giving you. skeptical eyebrows dipping in, defining the droopiness of her lids and the eclipse of gunmetal in her narrowed pupils - they search your face, because there’s something about you that master just can’t pinpoint. “you’re glowing.” she mumbles, fingers branching out toward you and framing your jaw ever so tenderly; thumb stroking along the curves of your cheekbone, the familiar and velvety texture of your skin no stranger to master. “you’ve been using my wife’s stuff, haven’t you?”
of course, how could you have been so recklessly fucking dense? you’d just swabbed a few thousands onto your face and expected that nobody would’ve been able to put two and two together, and now you’re stood here like a fucking embarrassment whilst her conquering globes assess you. master was going to obliterate you for even contemplating putting your filthy wilted fingers on her wife’s belongings, and you’re just waiting for her to call the chef over to slice you into little pepperonis and use your torso as a fucking piñata for her fancydancy din-
“looks good on you.” she mumbles, and the harmonising words nosedive into your stomach with more adamantine force than waiting for her to beat you to a pulp. her fingers streamlining down your jaw before she picks up her plate, ludic smirk concealing the mulberry on her lips as she offers her plate towards you. “don’t tell.”
you look back and forth, and it’s only when she nudges the porcelain into your stomach that you realise what she meant. she was only really interested in the wine, and within her hospitality, gave you something to eat for the night.
“your muscles are all contracting, just relax.”
“i’m trying..”
“you should really look into tai-chi, saves me hours of making these for you.
i’ll be back tomorrow,
ice or magnesium for any muscle pain,
is that a chip in the wall?
anyway, i’ll see you tomorrow, my lovely~.”
you’d been waiting outside her room for about forty minutes, folded blouse and dress shirts in hand; although you liked to consider yourself respectful of master’s private conversations, not even the bricky walls and thick interior of the hallways could muffle the massage therapist’s jarringly piercing voice - one that only amplifies when master’s door opens, a tiny woman pootling herself down the hall with a bowl of water, peppermint leaves floating within the misty pool.
it’s rosemary and eucalyptus when you inhale, frissons of sweltering air blossoming your way as the door closes over only slightly. but you’re prudent, you’re conditioned to be, waiting outside her door for her to have her few minutes of privacy - but she calls you in when she identifies your shadow against her marble tiles, eyes absentmindedly tracing the silhouette of your hips.
and when you walk in, nudging the door ever so slightly, she’s face-down on the master bed; surrounded by canary silk pillows and lime basil candles, her wine cellar visible from where you stand. you approach the palladium drawers, and whilst your job was plainsailing, the difficulty of having to avert your eyes from her bare back did it’s due diligence to make it just a little harder for you. but you stay silent nonetheless, the palatable glimmering against her burly shoulders, one that made you envy a massage therapist’s expertise as you organise her shirts.
“you have pain, master?” you mumble, clearing your throat when it starts to disintegrate at the mercy of her tensing shoulders, glorious muscle twitching. “my shoulders, darling. it’s not so bad.” she doesn’t move, and although you seem satisfied with the composed silence, the thought of leaving in it made your stomach sour.
“is there anything i can do?” you offer, graphite eyes piercing into your body when she turns her head against the pillow - you can tell she’s engrossed in those retrospective thoughts of hers by the way she’s zoning out, clouding globes that flutter over you before she pats the mattress.
“lay with me..” she mutters, black pepper fragrant when she inches away, leaving you a temptingly delectable space beside her. it feels wrong, and your ears can already feel the wrath of madam’s scream when she finds out you dared even the slightest courage to lay in her bed, beside her wife.
but master was at the top of the food chain.
so you reluctantly obey, not oblivious to the raw sensation of eagerness when her bare abdomen raises slightly from the mattress - she’s toned, noir curves that only excite the vim when you’re slithering into the space she’d left you. but it’s not enough to dilute your inhibitions, your body rigid when her fingers flutter against your waist; she notices this, intoxication when her whisper caresses against your ear. “relax, relax.” she whispers, the suggestive timbre diminishing you - she waits until you slump into the satin, plumose textures under your fingertips, before her arm cases over your waist and trails you against her bare chest. it’s morally profane, warmth from her breasts contagious on your spine, skin sweltering idyllically - kittenish and lewd and wow you’re getting horny.
it’s silent for a few minutes. but you feel dirty, her vanilla comfort something you ruined.
“you remind me of my wife when we first met.” the vanilla wisps against your jaw curdling into vulgarity when her fingers tenderly clutch at the hem of your skirt, and although one part of you feels like nothing more than a doll for her to use the one night her wife is out attending a dinner, another is relieved when the wintry air strikes your thighs.
“young,” her fingers lifting the skirt enough that her perverted eyes can search your hips, the way they embrace the black straps of your underwear.
“pretty,” her nails glissading against your inner thighs, forefinger sinking between them enough that they’re under automatism to separate. you try to convince yourself that it’s because you don’t want to get into trouble, disappoint that streak of high expectations you managed to leap over the past few weeks - but by the vim in your clit, it was disgustingly undeniable it was because fantasy was becoming reality.
“fertile.” she delicately taps your clothed clit, subtle sensitivity that already gets your hips rolling into her crude touch. her engagement ring flaring in your peripheral when her left hand slinks around your body, black opal glinting as her palm rests against your breasts. “look at me.” her lips tickling against your cheek as you turn to her, hues of predatory oxblood glossing over her lead pupils. she likes that she owns you, conditioned you to be her little pet, dominated your identity to nothing more than her servant.
so the overly obscene taste on her lips when she’d pressed her forehead against yours, skin searing with wealthy indecency was no shock. she was impulsive, lips against yours, unseemly sounds of anticipated smooches as you drink up the taste of peppermint. she wants to be delicate for you, but the instinct outlasting the grace when she hears you hum. you’re heedless of your sloppy grinding, shaky exhales which only worsen when she pulls away; her thumb draping your bottom lip down only slightly. jewels of her spit streamlining into your mouth, your tongue absorbing the droplets filthily. “pretty girl.” she swallows, eyes darting along your jaw, her spit slowly drizzling down your neck.
you want to tell her that this is wrong, that she’s a married woman, but the night already feels drilled into stone when her fingers manipulate the buttons on your chest, cleavage satisfying her sadistic eyes with every one coming undone. your shirt loosens, sinking down your back and accentuating the feminine enticement master was under whilst her fingers revel in the linen cotton of your bra, the straps cunningly draping off your shoulders. “aren’t you gorgeous, look at you.” she whispers, your breasts tingling when there’s nothing there to cover them anymore, her fingers folding your bra down to your stomach.
admiring the way your nipples harden under her fingertips, delicately pinching the responsive buds. you nod, because you expect her to want you to, flinching when you roll your hips against her sturdy thigh; thick imprint of her veiny cock paralysing you momentarily.
“lean over in that drawer.” she gestures to the bedside cabinet, and you’re sceptical when you lean over, your skirt hitching up ever so slightly. and if the humiliation of having your ass presented to her like a fucking showpiece wasn’t degrading enough, the barbaric strike of her palm against it was. you squeak, flinching necessarily - her palm easing the inflamed area intricately, before walloping back down onto your skin. you want to fucking weep, blinking through the blur of your tormented tears, opening the drawer to which a plaited vibrator lays.
“that’s the one.” she confirms, taking it from your fingers as you lay back into the mattress, ass ignited with scorching goosebumps from the brutish force behind her arms. you go to defend yourself, because honestly, you feel lower than the bottom of the food chain - you were no blossoming mighty oak, but rather a withering sunflower under her assertion.. but she knows what you’re about to say. “master, i haven’t do-“
“you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine. i’ll make you feel good.” she sits up, and although she intends to comfort you, it only intimidates you further when her tongue wets her lips; fingers slewing the fabric of your underwear to the side and leaving your slit prey to her predacious stare, only amplifying when she unveils how truly drenched your folds are. but she doesn’t say anything, only leaning over whilst a bullet of her spit seeps between her lips and missiles itself against your clit.
you already feel numb, the heavenly pressure of seventh heaven when you hear the whirring of her vibrator, your thighs quivering with the company of your stimulated whines when the tip purrs against your clitoral hood. “that’s it, atta girl.” she praises, her breasts pressing themselves against your bare spine when she situated herself beside you again. it’s nirvana, humping against the vibrator so primitively, erogenous arcady to hear your incessant whimpers echo throughout the room. you’re sweating by now, at peace with the fire and brimstone breeding on your skin - but you want more, your fingers grazing over the stiff imprint of her desperate cock.
her breath is jagged, submerging the vibrator harder onto your clit, your ankles starting to twitch at the susceptibility. you’re not sure if it’s enough to make you come just yet, but that thought deteriorates when her finger glissades down your slit and streams itself inside of your hole. “fuck.. you’ve made my cock all hard.” she sighs against your cheek, your walls greeting her indiscriminately; spasming with every hum against your clit. she’s testing the waters, fingertips taking a liking to the spongy textures when she tenderly twines it upwards, the pornographic desire in your clit to orgasm more reckless than ever. but you’re not the only one suffering, because sevika is finding that her cock is actually starting to fucking hurt from the distress of not being able to just have her way with you again and again and again.
but she’s patient, finger gliding itself in and out of you; assaulting that carnal pit in your walls as your thighs tremble as she fucks you with them. instinctive sobs leaving your throat unmonitored, and honestly, you wouldn’t be able to describe it even if given a fucking thesaurus - sneezelike corkscrew ballooning itself inside your hips when she hooks another finger inside, arousing squelching with every hammer against your folds. “please..” you whisper, unbeknownst to the soreness in your fingers as they lock, clenching tightly on her belt.
and when she’s satisfied with how vulnerable you are under her, the sensitivity just right, she’ll admire the quavering of your hips and the tightening of your thighs before dragging the vibrator away from your clit. “huh?” you squeak, cunt clenching around her fingers at the sudden loss of her manipulation. you’re about to complain, wail about how much of a fucking tease she is, but she relieves the anguish by leaning over your thighs; her tongue replacing the device and doing its dirty work when it swipes over your hood, delving between your folds and schemingly flicking over your erect bud.
just like that, you’re shaking again, thigh hoisting itself up and planting itself on her bare, burly shoulder. your mewls of master twirling repeatedly in a rabbit hole of ecstasy when her damp lips envelop your clit and suck with cruelty, fingers maintaining their agonising operation; battering into you with precision and artsy discipline, like she’s done this too many times before.
but it’s dispiriting for her, because she wants to be a lovemaker for you, wants to appreciate you for the fine young woman you are - yet the throbbing in her cock conquers that yearning, and it’s then that she pulls away with such self-hatred. “are you gonna let me put my cock inside your cunt, darling?” she exhales, fingers slewing out of your brimming hole, selfishly drizzling your discharge over the mattress and coating over the sable leather of her belt when she goes to unbuckle it.
“yes. yes, master.” you comply, ultramarine daze when you blink; pixels of orchid blooming in your vision when you even did as much as look down to her belt. fingers tackling the every latch, submerging as they frame her veiny shaft - cock springing out and admittedly, inciting nothing more than disruptive thoughts of am i going to fucking live to see tomorrow after this.
she’s thick, and monumental.. fucking handcrafted by gods with such clarity. enough that all of that internal envy becomes more.. not envy, because you know this is gonna really fucking hurt, and you’re not liking how much she exceeds your expectations at the expense of what’s gonna happen to your poor fucking vagina. “do you still want this?” she murmurs when she notices the hues of uncertainty in your eyes, superficial doubt that she interprets easily - it’s an ego boost, artificial concern to conceal her everlasting inclination to ruin you. but you blink at her, flickering between her eyes and the slightly palatable mulberry tip of her cock, before you nod.
it would be cruel for her to nosedive straight into you, and even she knows this, her tip glissading through your folds and lubricated with your slick. she’s slightly sensitive, the warmth of your cunt only amplifying the immense throbbing, but she’s consistent this time - your clit rubbing against her head only instantaneously as she accustoms herself with your textures.
“this might hurt, my love, just a little.” she whispers against your jaw, fingers grappling at your hips as her own angles forward, tip insidious as it skims into your walls; your body merely a betrayal of your conscience when your walls welcome her. but it’s smooth, as she pushes herself in with such fucking entitlement, your insipid moisture coating her cock.
because she owned you, every little fragment.
her mindless breaths against your bare shoulder, the subtle rocks in her hips purely intuition. she hasn’t felt this in years, the vehemence of her girth wrapped around such a fine woman, and it motivates the urge for her to start thrusting your hips back into her. your whimpering sobs with every cudgel of her skin against yours, the indignity of her abdomen pounding against your spine and the raunchy heat of her cock assaulting your cunt.
influx of adrenaline when she hears you mewl, her sloppy kisses on your nape sultry and blistering. “i know, i know it feels good..” she sighs, both hands clenching at your thighs, your hips, your waist- anything to feel herself become adaptable inside of you, anything to get a taste of the rapture inside of herself.
“pretty.. pretty girl..” her muffled groan echoing in your ears as she gets herself off into you. she was dictating your self-worth, dictating your fucking life.. and although some of it felt as if it was just pulling the pieces together, another felt it all shatter into irreversible ruins as her left hand compressed itself onto your clit; engagement ring ever so slightly abrading itself against your wet folds.
and that’s when you feel it.
the sheer pinnacles of rhapsody so distinct as her fingers roll your clit in circular motions superlatively, cock swollen and erect. “please.. please..” you sigh, the jagged timbre exposing how receptive your bundles of nerves were; fingertips touching the very eminent icicles of orgasm when she speaks her foul language in your ears.
“i’m gonna come inside you, do you want that?”
“uh huh.”
“gonna make you the mother of my kids..”
“mhm-hm, master please..”
and then it erupts inside, whirlwind of frenzy that you could only compare to what felt like being edged for hours. your clit numb and jaded, the overstimulation aggravating as your walls pulse around her cock so tightly that she doesn’t even need to continue pummelling into you. conclusively, you were a mess - her palm sealing itself over your lips to repress the uncontrollable cry, tone it down ever so slightly, arms that confine your body as you tremble and do your upmost fucking best to recover.
and after a few minutes of her rocking a few inches back and forth into you, the dishevelled grunt and adhesion of her bangs against your cheek; quivering fingers against your lips and hips that airbrush themselves to divinity let you know that she’s just came.
and something feels off, seriously off. so full and saturated, and it’s when her cock slews itself out of you that you know there’s no way you’re the only one behind all the mess; looking between your legs and flinching at the pearly cream drizzling out of your hole, thick and balmy. your juices meshing together in such harmony that you feel disgust, and yet hypnosis. because she never wanted a maid,
she wanted a mistress.
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uppermoonkoku · 9 months
What color is your aura?
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book spines, suits, coffee, deep soil, violins, bear fur, staircases. your essence is umber: you are strong and silent, rarely ruffled. yet, you are unmoored; tender and drifting, you are unsure of your motivation save for to do good. many find you generous and stalwart -- but melancholy. you are the keeper. you are the ungrudging. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of brown, beige, hickory, and garnet, who share your profound determination. you are also drawn to the flamboyant magenta and gold, who will help you grow and show you how to follow your heart without guilt. however, you may struggle to get along with the self-focused personalities of royal and crimson who rarely compromise.
Tagged: @historias-multorum (TY!!)
Tagging: @yukikorogashi @micsmasmuses (Nezuko) @notsoimportantaoi @timelostobserver/@deathly-toxins @incinxrate @umbralrosa @cryopathiic @uppertwo @tsukkiakarii @whirling-fangs and anyone else!!!!
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dyxtd21 · 3 months
Pyrope's Trivia:
He is the real definition of "hot-shot lawyer."
His eyes are actually fire but he keeps them hidden behind his blindfold.
Girls and some guys easily swarm up to him due to his handsome appearance and exotic knowledge.
His Mohs hardenss scale number is 7.5
His name comes from two Greek words: "Pyr" which is fire and "Ope" which is eyes. Put the two words together, Pyrope, and you'll get "Fire eyes."
He is a type of Garnet.
He was a warrior.
His place of creation is where Czech Republic now resides.
He is able to remove anxieties from the mind from others when in person.
His Zodiac sign is Aries.
Pyrope is immune to toxins and poisons but not to acids.
He does suddenly combusts out of nowhere.
He has a nice singing voice which is a shame since he barely sings.
He got a Masters in Law school and he got a perfect SAT score of 1600 in Harvard Law University.
His price is $14.38 up to $6,455.48, being one of the most expensive gemstones out there.
He and Black Obsidian get along really well.
He is the only known gemstone to drink.
He has watched Suits, Ally McBeal, Judge Judy, Better call Saul, Law and Order before and played Ace Attorney as well.
Like Two-Face, he is severally protective of his own coin.
He can resist any types of fires.
He secretly has a romantic side.
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queersrus · 1 year
Hi, Fukase anon here! Sorry, It never occurred to me that people may have a hard time coming up with things for characters they don't know a lot about. Sorry :( /gen
Anyways, I really love the clown and red theme ideas! Also, since Vocaloid is technically a music software, I was thinking some music-themed names as well! Also, as long as this isn't too specific, could you maybe do some X-themed things since there's a lot of Xs in his design?
I also like the idea of the darker, edgier themes, but I'd rather not have anything explicitly horror/slasher/demon related... as someone who kins Fukase, being associated with that stuff brings back some rough memories :( /nm
I'm sorry if I'm being too specific or picky or anything like that, and I hope everything I've said makes sense! Once again, thank you in advance :)
no worries!!
heres some names and pronouns based of red, clown, dark/edgy themes and the letter x!
Music names:
muse, musa, musica, musette harmony melody, mic, major, minor clef, capelle, capella, cord, chorus note key tone, tempo, timbre bar, beat, bridge, bass, blue, blues sheet, strum, song, singer, sang, string, sonata, soul acoust, adagio, allegro, andante, arpeggio, amp, alto, aria instro, instra, instrumenta rythm/rhythm, ryme/rhyme, rock, rocker orchest, orchestra pitch, pop funk
list here, here
red names:
Altemur, altan, autumn, apple, amaranth, alhambra, alroy danla, desire, desiree parichat, phoenix, pepper, poppy/poppie cher, cherry/cherrie/cherri, crimson, clifford, copper, candy/candie, currant, carmine, carmin, chili, coral, corsen, clancy maroon, merlot, mahogany, mohagan blood, brick, berry/berrie, blush, burgundy, barn, burn, blaze ruby, rust, rusty, rose, raspberry, redd, rede, redde, reder, redi/redie/redy, reddet/redet/reddett/reddette/redett/redette, redeta/reddeta/reddetta/reddeta, redin/redine, redina, redino, roso/rosso, rufus/rufous, rowan, rosa, rosie, roisin, rory, radley, rudyard, radcliff, redmond, redman, rumo, russel/russell, rohan, redford, rufina, reeding/reading, reed, rogan, roone, roth garnet, ginger, gough scarlet, sangria, strawberry, sienna, sorrel/sorrell jam wine, watermelon fire, flame, ferrari, flan/flann, flannel, flanner, flannery, flyn/flynn, flanna vermilion, venetia imperia tart, torch hazel, harkin
clown names:
Joseph, john, joey grock oleg emmett/emet/emmet/emett bozo, barry ronald krusty penny, pogo, pinto charles sunshine weary, willie albert, antonio, arthur daniel, david, demitri/dimitri, Demetrius/demitrius tinsel
actually found a whole wiki here
Dark/Edgy names:
dusk, dagger, draven, drake, draco, damon/daemon, damion/damien/damian grey/gray, gunner/gunnar, greer keir, khaos, knox, kestrel umbra, umbro poison, pain/payne asteroth/astaroth, asher, ammo, astrid chaos, crow, coen, chase, casper, caspian, cassian, carter, cage, colton hades, hemlock, hex, hunter, hawk, harper somber, sombre, sombra, serpent, snake, saber, stone, storm, slade/slayde, sparrow, salem, snow, smoke, slayer necro, natrix, nox, nix, nyx, nero, nash branwen, briar, blackwell, blade/blaid, blair, blase/blaze/blaise raven, reven, requiem, rhapsody/rapsody, rogue, ryder, ryker, raze, razer eris, elysium, ebony jinx, jett/jet, jack, jason lucien, lucius, lock/locke viper, venom, vlad, vane/vain/vein, veil, vee/v wolf/wolfe trix/tryx, trixie, thorn, tyren/tyrin, tirent, torrent, tyranny, toxin, tank, tempest, tanner zeke, zena fox, flask, falkner, falkon/falcon onyx/onix, obsidian xena
X names:
xen/xene, xavier, xena, xeno, xenon, xeon, xero, xerox, xyx, xyr/xyre, xyra, xray, xeny/xenny/xenie, xenia, xander/xzander, xyla, xyler/xylar, xia, xavi, xylia, xylitol, xioa, xu, xan, xanth/xanthe, xanthus, xavia, Xinjiang, xinia, xenophon/xenophone, xayvion/xavion, xochitl, xio, xion, xiona, xiomara, ximena, xanthia
many here
red 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
clown 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
edgy/dark 3rd p pronouns:
list here, here
x 3rd p pronouns:
xe/xem, xy/xem, xy/xyr, xe/xyr, xy/lo, xylo/phone xyi/lotl, x/x's, ex/ex's, ex/exes, xay/xem, xay/xyr, xie/xem, xie/xyr xe/no, xeno/xenos, xeno/morph, cross/crossed, cross/crosses, x'ed/out, exed/out, ex/amble
hope these help!
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e-does-stuff · 2 years
Part 4!
Parts: 1 2 3 4
Part 4 of Miraculous Hero Names!
Vittoria Rosa - another name Lila might pick if she had the LB miraculous. It means Red Victory in Italian. Manna Cielo - literally translated it’s ‘Manna from Heaven’, but it also means godsend. Because Lila really thinks she’s God’s gift to humanity huh. It could kinda work for any miraculous tho
La Fortuna - this is good fortune in Italian.
Prospérité - another name that means good fortune, I think it could fit Aurore?
Felis - Felis is the genus for house cat. I think it’s kinda cool, but I feel like something’s missing.
Meowgical Girl - listen this one’s mostly a joke but I know someone in this show would pick a name like this-
Lyncus - Lyncus was a king in Greek Mythology that got turned into a Lynx lol
Lyncus Noir - I dunno it kinda sounds cooler and more hero-y than just Lyncus. I feel like Alix or someone would pick it.
Abeille Dorée - it means gilded bee! I thought maybe Chloé or Aurore would pick it.
Mellifera - Mellifera means honey in Latin, and it comes from the genus of the Asian Honey Bee
Oleander - Super poisonous flowers, honey made from oleander flowers was thought to be poisonous. It’d be a cool name for a villain bee holder.
Toxine Juane - yellow toxin 
Essaim Ensoleillé - this means Sunny Swarm, I think it’s cute both ways tho. Rose would probably pick it.
Haoto - buzz/wing sound, Kagami
Terrapin - a terrapin is a freshwater turtle, but it sounds cool lol. Idk maybe Juleka would pick it??
Ẩn Núp - this is Shelter in Vietnamese. It sounds cool, I think Kim would pick it.
Mai Rùa - this is Turtle Shell in Vietnamese.
Rùa Xhan - this is just Green Turtle in viatnamese. It could be good for Kim?
Astuce Amber - it means Amber Trick. I think Nathanael, Luka or Mirelle might pick it? I’m not sure lol
Regina Viola - Regina Viola just Purple Queen in Italian. It’s another of those names I think Lila would pick for her ego. (And it’s better than just having her be Hawkmoth in the future)
Chute de Plumes/Plumes Chute - Feather Fall is kinda cute tho. I think Chute de Plumes sounds more refined though. It’s cool either way, I think.
Ailes De La Morte - it means Wings of Death. It’s a little bit longer but like- it just sounds so cool as a villain name. Like tell me you wouldn’t be intimidated by someone called Wings of Death-
Chien Bronzé - lol ok- so the translation is just ‘Tan Dog’ but it sounds cooler in French ok shhhh leave me alone lol shhh
Pack Rat - I don’t know who this would fit, but it’s cool lol. I feel like it could be a hero or a villain name too. Like it’s not overly villainous, but it’s not super heroic or cutesy either
Topo Rosa - Topo is just mouse in Italian, and Rosa is pink. It’s not super villainous, but. Yeah lol.
Malizia Rosa - This one’s sounds a little more villainous, it means Pink Mischief.  I dunno lol
Wyvern - I don’t really know who this would fit, I feel like it could be anyone lol
Spitfire - I feel like this would fit Alix really well or maybe Sabrina?? Idk why on Sabrina- it just-?? Lol. I feel like it could also fit Chloé maybe.
Garnet Wyvern - this just Wyvern but with a little extra. I feel like naming scheme wise, it fits Alya.
Lǎohǔ/老虎 - this is Tiger in Chinese. I think this could be a good name for Sabine? If she got a miraculous
Tiáowén/ 条纹 -this is just stripes in Chinese, I think it’s fit Marinette
Force Violette - Violet Strength, it’s cool and kinda cute, I feel like Alya or Mylene might pick it?
Lán tù/蓝 - Lán tù is blue bunny in Chinese.
Poulette - Poulette is chick
Petit Poulette - a very teeny tiny chick lol. It’s cutsey, maybe Rose or Mylene would pick it.
Mare Brun - brown mare, I think Sabrina would pick a name like that. It’s kinda simple, but I think it fits her
Mareon - Mare + Marron (brown), lol I think it’s a funny pun
Azure Serpent - I'm not sure who’d pick a name like this. Maybe Juleka, Alya or Marinette.
Terrore Cielo - it’s ‘Sky Terror’ in Italian. I figured Lila should have a couple names that were intimidating.
Shānyáng/山羊 - goat, Sabine or Marinette?
Alpiniste - Alpiniste is mountain climber in French. I’m not sure who it would fit. Maybe Alya or Alix? It could also fit Felix.
Gold Simian
Mandrill Brun - Mandrill’s are the strongest monkey species, so the name could fit Ivan. Maybe Kim. Brun is just brown
Macaque - You could add gold or brown to any of these lol, this one and the next three are just species of monkeys.
Howler - It sounds kinda cool. I don’t know who it would fit, though.
Callithrix - Probably Alix, because her Bunnix naming scheme is just animal+ix lol
Geleda - They’re sometimes called ‘bleeding heart’ monkeys, so it could be Rose, maybe? Like heart symbols and stuff lol?
Calydonian - the Calydonian Boar was a monster in Greek Mythology. I’m not really sure who’d pick it.
Démolir - Bulldoze, I’m not sure who this would be for. Maybe Kim or Nathanael?
Terramisu - Terra + Tiramisu, I think this could fit Marinette. I’m not sure lol I’m bad at mixing names. It’s kinda cute tho
Taurucotta - This is Taurus + Terracotta lol- I dunno I thought it was funny
Dragon/Turtle - Tarasque
Snake/Rooster - Cockatrice
Dragon/Ox/Tiger/Horse - any combination of these could be called Qillin
Lion/Snake/Goat - Chimera, honestly any group of three or more miraculous could be called Chimera
Dragon/Horse - Longma
Bull/Snake - Ophiotarus 
Cat/Dragon/Snake - Tatzlewurm 
Monkey/Tiger/Snake - Nue
Rat/Rabbit/Ox/Rooster/Dragon/Horse/Pig/Dog /Snake - Kotobuki
I wrote a couple of these before all the powers were revealed so- go easy on me lol.
I have a document with a whole bunch of names, and I think I only picked the ones that I came up with, but let me know if I accidentally put one someone else came up with/is using already!
Feel free to use them, just credit me! :) Don't feel obligated to use the character I suggested though!
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depravae · 2 years
𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍.          any     one     of     the     batshit     locations     they     meet     at          ?? 𝚏𝚘𝚛.          @mincrfeelings​          &          dominic     langdon.
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&          of     all     the     godforsaken     depositions     made     to     superior,          this     one     is     arguably     the     worst          /          𝖿𝗎𝖼𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀     𝖿𝖺𝗇𝗀     𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗌,     startling     garnet     against     sinew     of     her     neck,     dead     giveaway     of     exactly     what          undercover     work          has     come     to     mean.          (          way     to     open     up     clandestine     meeting          :          no     contrition,     but     she’s     not     meeting     azure     optics.          )          ❝          it’s     not     as     bad     as     it     looks,     nic.     i’m     not     fuckin’     off     to     the     dark     side          &          leavin’     you     with     the     boss     parked     six     feet     up     your     ass,     now,     am     i          ?          ❞          curt,     trenchant.          𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜     𝚒𝚜     𝚗𝚘𝚝     𝚊     𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗     𝚠𝚎’𝚛𝚎     𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐     𝚝𝚘     𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎     𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝     𝚗𝚘𝚠.          prolix     exhale,     laced     in     toxin          /          who     knew     that     courage     would     taste     like     nicotine          &          watermelon     chapstick          ?               ❝          anyways.     point     is,     i’m     getting     somewhere          &          i     need     you     to     𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓     me.     i     wouldn’t     be     in     this     deep     with     ‘em     if     i     didn’t     think     it     was     going     to     be     useful.     i’ve     assessed     the     risks,          &          i     can     LIVE     with     the     consequences.          ❞          no     mention     made     just     how          ...          hedonic     that     corollary     can     be.          saves     them     both     the     discomfort,          &          god     only     knows     they’ve     had     enough     of     that     for     two     lifetimes.
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lanleenn · 2 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Garnet 925 Sterling Silver Necklace.
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
GARNET - If they had to kill someone, what method would they choose?
For the red ask game?
From the wording of this question, I'm gonna assume this is premeditated. A lot of my characters would kill people in crimes of passion, to be fair, but here's how it'd go if they planned it
Izjik is a straightforward person at heart. She's not trying to go to jail again, but I don't think she has it in her to arrange some elaborate poisoning scheme. In book 1, she did actually carry out an assassination by rocking up, saying "I'm gonna beat you to death," then beating them to death, so I'll go with that as her method.
Sepo is very much a crime of passion fellow, but if he ever planned a murder, he'd try to make it look like a botched mugging by luring his target into an alley, knifing them, then taking some valuables to make the cops think money was the motivation.
Twenari has a little bit of an easier time, given her magic. She'd sneak into her target's house, break their neck with telekinesis, then incinerate the body and get rid of the ash. That way, there'd be a missing person case instead of a murder investigation.
Djek isn't a killer at heart. He'd have to be absolutely devastated in order to plan to kill someone. As sneaky as he is, if he's that mad, he'd want to do the deed by hand. A garrote would probably be his choice of weapon, and he'd leave some gang calling card to confuse the cops.
Astra, like Djek, would have to be in a terrible headspace in order to actually go through with killing someone. I think she'd go with a bomb tossed through the window. I can't imagine she'd cover her tracks very well.
Mashal is probably the only one of my characters who wouldn't try to hide the fact that he'd murdered someone. He'd challenge his target to single combat, and if they refused, he'd toss them a sword and then kill them. He'd go to jail, sure, but he'd be content.
Ivander is very much a poison in the glass type of guy. He'd invite his target over for dinner, slip the toxin in, then fudge some records so it looked like they'd died from an allergic reaction. I don't think he'd get caught, which is good, because that man wouldn't last a day in prison.
Elsind's murder method is easy, since they are literally introduced as an assassin. He'd infiltrate his target's home, wait for the right opportunity, then put a dagger in their eye. Being caught after the fact wouldn't be a problem, since they can always change their face.
Avymere's method of murder, assuming they have all the usual power of their political position, would be disappearing someone. One day, their target is never seen again, the cops are duly bribed, and no body is ever fished from the lake. If they didn't have an entire government at their beck and call, I'd say they'd go with poison as well.
Well damn, I'm real glad none of them are real or mad at me. Thanks for the ask!
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anyataylortaylor · 3 months
Styling Garnet Jewelry for Every Occasion
Red is the color of love; in this generation, presenting your loved ones with something red is considered auspicious. But gifting red roses, dresses, and other red-colored items to your loved ones is becoming too outdated in the era of gemstone jewelry. Garnet jewelry is beneficial for those with diabetes, chronic liver illness, and reduced libido. It cleanses the body from toxins and negativity. Wearing Garnet jewelry balances us emotionally, providing us with stamina and strength. Meditating while wearing Garnet jewelry will help you stay grounded and release every antagonistic exuberance surrounding you. It will also help promote confidence and expand your trust in yourself.
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Garnets 11
[ffnet] [Ao3] full chapter in the links
There was something about being full that was always confronting, not over stuffed just full.
Not that Lily had a lot, she had been slowly eating smaller meals after being exposed to the toxins on the mainland. That mix of not being nearly as active and also needing to stretch food, she had a smaller plate then the big guy beside her. Really it was more like the equivalent of a salad plate, but even then there was going to be left overs for her later that night or the next morning.
It was nice though, seeing the Slayer happy to eat her dinner. Their dinner, as he helped cook the last part.
The Slayer did have a much larger portion, and took big bites, but he also did not inhale the food. So that was nice too.
The two had not really made it back out into the massively long dining hall. Lily had sat on the step to rest after cleaning up around the Slayer. Then he offered the smaller plate and just sat down on the floor across from the young woman.
It was another thing that was oddly nice, not exactly like a memory Lily had of her dive team sitting in a sub and eating, but just close enough to let her guard stay down. Legs stretched out, Lily balanced her plate for a minute as she realized she was full. After that she moved carefully to sit on the floor as well, looking up as the bigger man gave a snort. Not for the first time in the last while.
"Did you get some of the seasoning powder in your sinuses?" Lilly finally spoke up, looking up with a bit of worry.
The Slayer frowned a moment at his mostly empty plate, lifting an arm to use the back of his wrist to rub under his nose. Making the human think he had accidentally inhaled a small enough amount of something to annoy but not really bother him. Looking up, the not quiet man paused, leaning forward to reach out. The back of his fingers pressed against Lily's head as he noticed how she was starting to not look flushed.
Not the awkward blush that happened to some other humans and Argenta did when he walked in a room. This was different, and the instinct to see if a fever was there was also thwarted by the Slayer's own naturally high temperature.
"Miss Lily, how are you feeling?" Vega asked as he watched the interaction. Having been monitoring the smaller human as it was since her admission that her arm might be infected.
"Confused," Lily pulled away from the big hand, plate set aside as she reached up with her left hand to feel her cheek. She could not tell if she was hot, but felt cold. The content feeling started to pass as the Argenta painkillers were tilting to wear off, a little abruptly as they seemed to. "Uncomfortable, I think the drug is wearing off, I am starting to feel my right shoulder again."
The Slayer frowned, reaching up and behind to put his plate on the counter. Rolling up to his knees and then kneeling to reach out. His hand carefully wrapping around Lily's whole left elbow to tilt the arm and look at the bandage. Seeing how the one small spot was getting bigger.
That smell was stronger, not just the scent of infection but…
The Demigod was pulling Lily up into his arms, her left against him again as he was still mindful of the recovering right shoulder.
"Ow!" Lily yipped as they made it into the main hall and the Slayer's stride lengthened once away from the tables, chairs and benches in the mess hall. She was jarred and with the worn off painkiller felt a sharp needle like pain in her left arm.
The Slayer stopped short, looking down as he watched Lily's expression change from flushed and annoyed into draining of all color. The large arms around her tensed in reaction, as his awareness sharped from the lul of earlier. It seemed like he could feel the girl's pulse jump. Using the right hand to reach over despite the stiffness and strain to feel around under the bandage and round it. She flinched as there was both that sharp feeling and… something hard under her fingers.
"...I want to get this checked," Lily said, looking up at the eerie blue eyes that were watching her intently. Her voice dropped to a soft whisper, trying not to be scared but clearly remembering how her father had ignored the cut on his right arm from her mother just too long. "Dad got an infection, after mom ripped that boat apart. He started changing a few weeks later."
Eyes narrowed, but the bigger man shifted his hold, holding the normal human close as if in an attempt to reassure. He was moving again, not running but still ground eating pace that even his old Sentinels would struggle to keep up for long.
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lewjojewelry · 9 months
Lewis Baber, Originals Delivery 2 to 3 days Accents: Inspired Accent beads, Finish caps & spacers Accents of spacers Garnet - Aids in remembering dreams, for going backwards in time, attracts profound love, gives persistence, cures depression, works on liver to relieve toxins in the body. Enhances imagination. Health, removing negativity, awareness, commitment, regeneration, order,
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enjoytheenergy · 11 months
“Garnet ~ Purification and Detoxification
It’s time to release physical and energetic toxins from your life.”
Photo Id: A golden angel in the center. Purple gold crystal like coloring around edges of the card. Above quote in black letter across the bottom and “Garnet” in black lettering across the top.
We tend to be familiar with detoxing physically.
But what about energetically?!?!
This could be a person, place, or thing that is draining your energy.
It might be the local coffee shop or that app on your phone that drags you in and leaves you feeling exhausted, anger, and/or sad.
It’s time to let it go. Release the energy it holds on you.
Find a new app, a new coffee shop. It’s okay to change.
Did you know garnet long ago was carried as a protective talisman?
In healing it can stimulate the metabolism.
The mystery bag of earring is the perfect one to order to potential score a pair of garnet earring.
That is if your energy is calling for it. 😊
Enjoy the Energy! 🧚🏻‍♀️💜
I’m an Energy worker and love crystals. I think you do too. 💎
Etsy shop for earrings:
Oracle Readings and more at The Healing Store: https://thehealingstore.square.site
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ursulakoenig · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SOLD Estate Sale. Polished Garnet chip strand..
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Pitambari Neelam (Blue Sapphire):-Benefits, Healing Property & Uses
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Introduction Malachite is a copper carbonate mineral, with the chemical formula Cu2CO3(OH)2. It is often found in large crystals, but can also be found as granular or massive aggregates. The name comes from the Greek words for "mallow" (malache) and "green" (chiton). Malachite has been used since ancient times to make jewellery and ornamental objects such as vases, cups and statues. It was also used as a pigment in paintings by artists such as Titian until about 1800 CE when it was replaced by synthetic green pigments like cobalt blue and emerald green. Healing Properties Malachite is a stone of physical healing. It can help to heal broken bones, sprains and injuries. Malachite also helps to detoxify the body by removing toxins from the blood stream. Malachite has strong emotional healing properties as well. It can be used to help with depression and anxiety, as well as any other mental health issues that you may be experiencing such as PTSD or OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Malachite is also a great stone for spiritual growth because it helps us connect with our higher self or soul purpose in life! Meaning of Malachite Gemstone Malachite is a stone of transformation. It helps us to release what no longer serves us and move forward into the next phase of our lives with grace and ease. Malachite also provides protection against negative energies, especially those directed at you by others. It helps you stay balanced in the midst of chaos, so that you can see things clearly and make wise decisions about your life path. Malachite has been used throughout history as an amulet for protection against evil spirits or bad luck; it was also thought to bring good fortune if worn around the neck or carried in a purse. Uses of Malachite Gemstone Malachite is a beautiful stone that can be used to create jewelry, home decor, and meditation tools. Malachite has been used as a healing stone for thousands of years. It's believed to have the ability to boost your energy levels, improve your mood and help you overcome depression or anxiety. How to Choose the Right Malachite Gemstone When you're looking for a malachite gemstone, there are several things to consider. The first is color; green is the most common but it can also be found in shades of blue and brown. If you want to make sure that your stone has not been dyed or treated with heat, then look for one with a vibrant green hue. You should also consider size and cut when purchasing your stone; larger pieces will cost more but they can also be used as an investment piece because they hold their value well over time. Smaller pieces are easier to wear every day so if this is something you'd like to do regularly then go ahead and purchase one that's small enough not to get lost in amongst other jewelry items (but still large enough so people know what it means). Finally, when selecting between cut options keep in mind whether or not any imperfections will show up on either side of where light hits them since these may affect how much light reflects off each side differently depending on where those imperfections are located within each faceted surface area. Instagram Gallery 4500 416 5908 809 5653 420 5193 84 9525 736 9816 296 4228 307 5338 814 6778 344 7784 781 9658 228 4464 477 6151 916 2422 321 1822 295 1686 809 6599 6 1415 395 Recent Posts - What to know before wearing a Garnet stone? - What is Blue Sapphire? Why Blue sapphire is the most Powerful Gemstone? - Can I wear Emerald stone (Panna) without consultation? - Unheated Ruby vs. Heated Ruby Malachite For you - Natural Malachite Gemstone 10.15 Carat Lab Certified ₹4,000.00 ₹2,030.00 - Natural Malachite Gemstone 8.90 Carat Lab Certified ₹3,400.00 ₹1,780.00 - Natural Malachite Gemstone 8.25 carat Lab Certified ₹3,200.00 ₹1,650.00 Contact Us FIND YOUR BEST STONE FROM BELOW COLLECTION Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Emerald Ruby Opal Amethyst Catseye Blue Topaz Yellow Topaz Feroza Garnet Malachite Pearl Red Coral Akik White Coral Peridot Citrine Aquamarine Round CVD Cushion CVD Oval CVD Princess CVD Heart CVD Emerald CVD Radiant CVD Asscher CVD Baguette CVD Pear CVD Marquise CVD Round HPHT Cushion HPHT Oval HPHT Princess HPHT Heart HPHT Emerald HPHT Radiant HPHT Asscher HPHT Baguette HPHT Pear HPHT Marquise HPHT 1 Mukhi 2 Mukhi 3 Mukhi 4 Mukhi 5 Mukhi 6 Mukhi 7 Mukhi 8 Mukhi 9 Mukhi 10 Mukhi 11 Mukhi 12 Mukhi 13 Mukhi 14 Mukhi 15 Mukhi 16 Mukhi 17 Mukhi 18 Mukhi 19 Mukhi 20 Mukhi 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Garbh Gauri Shankar Savaar Sidhha Mala Jaap Mala Indra Mala Ganesha Ganesha Read the full article
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