#Toy story 4
diamondzart · 1 month
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I know Toy Story 4 is not really loved by the masses, but I can’t help admitting that I’m that person who loves it just as much as the trilogy. I was really excited about it back in 2019 and even had a little bit of hyperfixation on it. I really adore the concept of lost toys who live on their own. As much as Woody’s choice in the end was unexpected, I think it opened big possibilities for post-canon ideas. Like this one! I decided to design his possible appearance after a couple of years of living outside with Bo. Description under the cut!
I noticed what was missing from those few fanarts on events after the end of Toy Story 4 that I found on the internet. Bo Peep is all so cool and fancy with her hook, raincoat and all sorts of useful thingies that she carries with her, and Woody is just clean and unscathed, as if he just yesterday got out of a dry and warm room. Naaah he wouldn’t stay like this for long 😆
Because what is lost toy’s life? Dirt, unforeseen damage and the need to periodically fight off stray animals. Moreover, we already know that Woody has a tendency to get into troubles. Moreover, he is a rag doll — that is, more than Bo is vulnerable to problems like unstable humidity, getting stuck somewhere with his limbs and getting attacked by cats / dogs / raccoons / whatever else they can encounter. He should become as hardcore as Bo after a couple of years, because otherwise there is no way to survive in this world.
The “raincoat” is of nylon, most likely cut out parts of an umbrella that someone conveniently lost in the park during stormy weather. The trick is that it’s waterproof, since when you are made out of natural fabric, it's important not to get wet as much as possible. Moreover, Woody is quite old, and he should be concerned about the condition of his fabric if he does not want to literally fall apart after a couple of years of such adventures.
The holster is used as a pocket for small things, here it’s used for matches and paper clips, which can be useful in different situations. For matches, a striking surface from a matchbox is attached to the outer side of the right boot. This will allow to quickly light a match by yanking a foot down while holding match to it and thus minimize extra full-body movements, which can be useful in an emergency situation. I think that this can be effective not only for lighting up spaces, but also for scaring away animals, especially small ones like rats.
The hook is a pencil and a fishhook with a broken tip, strapped with duct tape. Basically an analogue of Bo’s hook but made from improvised materials. As we have already seen in her example, it is an excellent utility for crossing various obstacles and, if necessary, for self-defense.
Stitches and scuffs. Both Bo Peep's arms were broken off and are taped back. That means, free living involves the regular risk of losing limbs. Even in an antique store, Woody got his foot stuck somewhere several times, which suggests that either himself or with the help of some stray animal he lost one or another limb and had to sew it back on his own or with Bo’s assistance. He will have to overcome his fear of being broken and accept this as a new part of his existence.
These were general notes on this sketch! Perhaps I will continue to develop this idea in order to find some new interesting solutions.
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aholotte · 1 year
Istg, every Pixar movie since 2019 has gone through some controversy
Toy Story 4 - conservatives boycotting the movie because of an extremely brief scene with lesbian parents of a kid in Bonnie’s daycare (I honestly forgot about this one)
Onward - the lesbian cyclops cop is “Disney’s first gay character”
Soul - controversy over turning people of color into nonhumans (this one was understandable though), some hate towards the character designs
Luca - More hate towards the “CalArts” character designs, accusations of queerbaiting
Turning Red - “wahhh the movie is cringe, how dare teenage girls have fun,” “oh no how dare they talk about periods,” even more hate towards the character designs
Lightyear - conservatives throwing tantrums over a split-second gay kiss
Elemental - the movie is homophobic because it’s about a m/f couple being persecuted! It’s not like interracial couples, straight or not, have been persecuted! Oh wait now the movie is a bad allegory for racism, even though the director and lead cast members are POC, lalalala I’m not listening! The movie is ugly and looks like a PS2 cutscene!1!1!1!
Y’all are just looking for excuses to hate on Disney’s works at this point (their business practices are another story though). I swear, some people can’t praise Puss in Boots, Spider-Verse, and Mario on their own merits without resorting to dunking on Disney and Pixar. It’s even spread to Ruby Gillman, as people said that the antagonist of the movie being a red haired mermaid is Dreamworks revenge against the Little Mermaid remake or whatever.
Most of the hate towards the previous movies was just conservatives being conservatives, but Elemental seems to get a ton of hate just for existing. Grow the fuck up.
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pizzapie30 · 3 months
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Woody & Bo 💖
It's been a while so I had to draw these darlings.
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lennythereviewer · 2 years
Shoutout to Disney Dreamlight Valley for their explanation as to why the toys in Toy Story can’t let humans know they’re alive
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matateee · 4 months
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just-joeja · 2 years
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Nobody can stop me
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artist-issues · 5 months
I saw you answer an ask on Toy Story, which was super interesting, and also say:
"It’s an incredibly good movie series. Not Toy Story 4. But the rest of the series."
I didn't actually see Toy Story 4 because I felt the first three tied the story up very well, and we got a really good arc through those first three. It just felt unnecessary, and what I did see from it didn't make me eager to go out and watch it.
Could you expand on where you think Toy Story 4 goes wrong? If the other three convey selflessness, living and finding purpose, then what does that Toy Story 4 try to convey? Does it contradict the others?
I think Toy Story 4 goes wrong by trying to make Woody selfish. I mean, you could say that he isn't selfish to leave Bonnie and his friends and embrace the "Lost Toy" lifestyle. You could say "he just went from taking care of one kid who didn't really need him anymore to taking care of every lost kid who could need him, and finding lost toys homes. That's what was happening with the lost little girl at the end!"
Okay, you could say all that, but you'd be wrong, because 1) that is not what was happening at the end. And 2) even if it were, that is not a selfless ending for Woody. Furthermore 3) it undoes all his character development and progression from the first three.
You didn't see the fourth movie, right? So let me break it down a little.
Woody's character progression goes like this:
1: Obsessed with being The Most Important Toy to Andy --> Remembering that what's great about being a toy is being there for Andy when he needs them, regardless of how often or special that is.
2: Fine with no longer being The Most Important Toy to Andy, but considering leaving because Andy will eventually not need him, ever --> Realizing that being there means being there, even if it's just to watch and love from a distance, instead of protecting yourself to no end.
3. Committed to Being There even if he's not needed --> But this includes being there for his friends, even after they choose to abandon him and the mission. (It's important to note that Woody only offers ((by getting in the box to Bonnie's)) to leave Andy if Andy chooses to give him to a kid who needs him more.)
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The whole idea is that Woody belongs to someone. He's not his own. He's a toy. Toys belong to their kid; they don't have the right to just leave. If they did, they'd be bad toys. Because you never know how much a kid will be heartbroken, or whether or not they might need you down the road. Every movie before Toy Story 4 is Woody doubting that, but then coming back to it. That's why in Toy Story 3, when everyone is in Andy's Room sad because he won't play with them and he's about to leave, Woody is totally onboard with staying in the Attic for years—because maybe they'll get to be played with by Andy's kids. He's loyal, and selfless, because he knows he's not his own. He's willing to go to Bonnie only because it'll mean staying with his friends where they're needed; but ONLY if ANDY willingly gives them up.
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Enter Toy Story 4.
Woody's having a hard time adjusting to Bonnie's Room because 1) he doesn't get played with, his role in the games is taken by Jessie. So he's right back where he was in the first movie, stuck in a closet watching another toy get played with. And 2) Dolly is the leader of the room, so he's not even really allowed to be helpful to his friends during their off hours, because she's got that covered. So he feels directionless.
UNTIL Bonnie goes to school for the first time. She's not allowed to bring toys. Dolly is fine with this but Woody goes anyway because he's sure Bonnie will need something.
And in this beautiful first portion of character development for Woody, he does not sneak out of the backpack and get Bonnie to gain comfort from him, her one and only toy, at daycare. Even though he totally could've. He could've seized his moment in her heart. But he didn't. Because he already learned that lesson in Toy Story 1-3: he doesn't need to be everything to the kid. He just needs to do what's best for the kid, and to do that, he has to be there.
So instead he throws her a bunch of craft supplies to play with when nobody sits with her. She gets distracted by making Forky, a toy made from a spork and some pipe cleaner.
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Bonnie is, from that moment on and throughout the rest of the movie, without exception, OBSESSED with Forky. There is no other toy in her mind. But Forky is a lot like Buzz was in the first movie after learning he's a toy: he doesn't understand what's so great about that, and would rather go back to being trash. He keeps trying to jump in garbage cans while Bonnie's family takes a road trip. And for some inexplicable reason, none of the other toys really care about this. But Woody, knowing what Bonnie needs, basically posts a 24-hour suicide watch on Forky and keeps pulling him back over to Bonnie, out of the trash.
The problem is, Woody isn't that excited about this. He is just doggedly resigned to it as his duty. He keeps rescuing Forky and getting no love in return; Buzz sort of tries to be supportive and offer to help, but nobody else seems to care about Bonnie and Forky, and Woody thinks this is his only way to be useful so he really doesn't want their help.
Which is stupid. Because if he were really committed to being selfless and loving Bonnie, he'd let everyone help. Because the point isn't "how will I feel if I fail to do this on my own? What's my purpose?" That's selfish. It's "you-focused." The point should be "How can we get this job done best for Bonnie?" with no consideration of "self." That would be selfless, which is the point of Toy Story movies.
Anyway. I'll speed up.
Basically by Act 2 Forky comes to understand (thanks to Woody) how great it is to be a toy. But no sooner does he want to go back to Bonnie (on the road trip) than Woody suddenly gets distracted. His whole life's mission of doing what's good for his kid is derailed because he finds Bo Peep again. Meanwhile, Forky is captured by a villainous antique doll with no voice box, who is fixated on being bought by a little girl and thinks that if she had Woody's voice box her dreams would come true.
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Bo Peep has been living as a Lost Toy. Basically the movie sets this up as if Lost Toys take care of each other, patching up injuries and having fun together even when no kids are around: they're just doing the same sort of thing that the reformed toys at Sunnyside Daycare do. But in a playground/fairground setting.
Bo Peep doesn't want to be with one kid. She wants to keep doing this more selfish lifestyle, where she can be played with whenever she wants, help toys whenever she wants, and avoid the heartbreak of a kid abandoning her.
But thats the opposite of everything Woody's learned in the last three (and a half) movies. He could've made the decision Bo Peep is making at any point in Andy's childhood. But he's already learned that being there means Being There, regardless of what the kid can do for you.
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I mean, I hate to point it out, because I know people will try to make it an allegory for "staying in an abusive situation," even though that's NOT what I'm saying, but seriously—think back to Sid's House in the very first movie. They don't lead all the broken toys to a life of freedom. They force Sid to be a better kid, but the broken toys stay there. Because they're Sid's Toys.
Contrast that with the "hardship" Bo Peep has been through...Bo Peep just...got pawned off. She didn't have body parts removed and sewn onto other toys. She didn't get strapped to a firework or melted down. But she's treated like this revolutionary, independent, strong-woman toy who's introducing this great concept of freedom to Woody.
That's all wrong for Woody. And for most of the movie, he resists it, so that's good.
But what it comes down to, at the end, is Woody deciding to choose what he wants over his ideals of selflessness and loyalty. He wants to stay with Bo Peep (because romance) and he wants to be needed. Lost Kids and Toys "need" him more than Bonnie.
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To be fair, they try to build up to this in a way that makes sense for his character. They try really hard, they do. They show that Woody is still selfless when it comes to the happiness of kids and toys; he willingly gives up his voice box so that Forky can go back to Bonnie, and the doll villainess can have a shot at her dream. They show that he's ready to support that villainess and help her find a kid she could be true to even after the kid she wanted rejects her. They show that he really was going to leave Bo, even at the very end, even though he didn't want to—and it takes Buzz insisting that Bonnie will "be all right" without him for Woody to give it all up.
They do try.
But that's the thing. The only way they could set up Woody's decision to abandon his friends and his kid for life as a Lost Toy was by centering it around this idea of "where I'm needed."
But 1) "where I'm needed" is too self-focused for Woody, because of all the reasons in Toy Story 2 and 1, and 2) you can't have it both ways. You can't say Woody's all about "where he can be of service best" and all about "what he wants." Those two focuses contradict one another, in Woody's case.
That's what it boils down to. They took the characters that are literally made to say, "live your life for others, love regardless of whether or not you're loved back," and they try to say, "nooo, actually, that's toxic, you have to do what you want, what feels most fulfilling to you, self-care, etc." And they do their best to shoehorn Woody into that by saying "what he's most fulfilled by is being needed."
That's all wrong for Toy Story. Woody developed away from making all his decisions based on where he's "needed" in Toy Story 2. Woody expressed loyalty to both Andy and his friends perfectly in Toy Story 3 by putting himself in Bonnie's box and letting Andy decide, his owner decide, where he should be.
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And then Toy Story 4 comes along and says, "No, Woody gets to decide, and he decides where he's needed, and he's fine with separating from not only his kid, but his friends."
This post is already too long but also, if you try to spin it so Woody's still in-character and selfless by helping Lost Toys find kids, it starts to make no sense. If the Lost Toy lifestyle is so great, because you can pick up playtime with kids and put it back down whenever you feel like it—and you should, because kids will always get older and throw you out—why should Woody ever help Lost Toys find a kid to go home with? Why wouldn't he say, like Bo, "hey that's nice but eventually they'll grow up, it's a dead-end, just stay out in this playground with us. That's what's best for you. Be a Lost Toy like us."
The only possible answer to that question, which IS supposedly Woody's fulfilling ending, is, "Because maybe some toys just 'want' to go home with one kid. And if they do, they should be allowed to do what they want. And Woody can help them, because helping them is what he wants."
Allll back to "what YOU want" which is the opposite of being a toy. Anyway. The horse is dead, I'll quit beating it.
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tvcartoonme · 21 days
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lovewillthaw-j · 7 months
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Elsa freezes Pixar 😂
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artisteflo · 7 months
Toy Story : Pidy & Cie
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There are also other characters that I liked in the films, it's Toy Story, it's my favorite film with toys! I loved the 4 Toy Story films, and I heard that there will be a Toy Story 5 in the works at Disney/Pixar, which will be released in 2026!
I've already imagined a short story, or maybe a medium story for my comic! Here (Toy Story: Pidy & Co), this story takes place in Toy Story 4, where Woody joins Bo, Ducky and Bunny after being separated from Buzz, Jessie and other friends!
This time, a story a bit about Woody, but that of Pidy, a young soft toy made in the 1930s, inspired by a children's television show!
With his friends Tiris, Alichu and the other toys you know well! Kirby, the furbys, the toys in Poppy Playtime, Huggy Wuggy, Kissy Missy and the smiling critters, Wally Darling in Welcome Home, and also Pikachu in Pokemon!
An extraordinary adventure with a fan comic in Toy Story!
Pages are coming soon!
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musicalhog · 27 days
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👀 wow.
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redleaderblockhead · 2 months
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Here’s my Pixar movie tier list even though nobody asked lol
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princessmystreet · 15 days
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┄ ૮ • ﻌ - ა  𓂃 hey it happened!!! ✸⁺ ⋒♩
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┄ ૮ • ﻌ - ა ⁰² 𓂃 ☎️ ✸⁺ ⋒♩
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scarareg · 8 months
I apologize if one of your fave(s) movies are here, there are a few of mine lmao . These are just movies most people agree are mid/bad but with great concepts
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belleroseloungecorner · 8 months
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Here Buzz and Jessie drawn in my dog au. Buzz is a corgi and Jessie is a Irish setter. Drawn by the amazing @rain1940 thank you again for bringing my au to life.
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angst3njoyer · 3 months
enas buzz and woody headcanons !!
#1: PRIDEYEAR i love prideyear. but you dont know what i see enough? one-sided prideyear, HEAR ME OUT. woody wanted to stay with bo in the end. (still salty about that.) despite buzz knowing damn well how much it'd hurt, he let woody go. he loved him so much, even if it meant letting him go, he'd do anything to see that toy happy. even if it meant he wouldn't be in his life. woody doesnt feel the same, he loves bo. but if buzz was a girl, or he was a girl, then he'd probably be the love of his life- and it is the 90s, and at the time woody wouldn't know how welcomed he'd be if he were to say anything at all about sexuality. (the rest of the gang wouldn't give a shit, they'd see him the same way he ever was.) BUT. i do see woody probably being a questioning bisexual, because hey, is it normal for you to wanna kiss your best friend if he was a girl?? and absolutely scared shitless of losing them?????
#2: woody's abandonment issues !! oh woody DEFINITELY has the strong fear of abandonment. hes afraid of losing people he cares about, and he'd rather have his stuffing taken out bit by bit than going through that same AGONIZING feeling of losing anybody else. it's not only that he doesn't want to, he literally just CAN'T bear that same feeling. he's afraid of being replaced by somebody else, first it was the fear of being replaced by a space toy, but now, it's the fear of that same space toy replacing him for somebody else.
#3: the diary buzz has a diary that sings when you unlock it. this is just a headcanon for shits n giggles
imagine you just split up with your best friend so he could be with his gf and when you open your diary the first thing you hear is "I JUST WANNA BE PART OF YOUR SYMPHONYYYY" (ts4 ending)
#4: nightmares woody definitely has these HORRIBLY vivid nightmares. either they're just plain weird, like, the weirdness level of that one mordetwi video, or terrifying and about something bad that happened to him. you can only imagine how bad they'd probably gotten after SID. no because can we please talk about the trauma and scarring woody and buzz could've gone through? LITERAL DUMMIES attempted to rip him open for his voice box, not to mention buzz had gotten kidnapped and brainwashed,,,
#5: woody has a horrible habit of swearing it may not seem common for a toy to swear, but honestly, woody have HAD to say "SHIT" at one point. i cant see him not swearing, if toy story weren't a kids movie, believe me he'd probably be somewhat of a sailor mouth.
ok thats all
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