#Tracy barberato
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death descriptions under the cut
Kaworu Nagisa: so theres 2 versions of evangelion the original series and the rebuild. in the original kaworu gets crushed to death by a gigantic mecha, in the rebuild his head gets exploded off of his body
Tracey Barberato: Tracey is obliterated by a strange creature that appears in a monitored glass box at the top of a skyscraper while she is having sex. She is sliced rapidly and viciously by this entity which totally obliterates her head and torso.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Time ambiguities in Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 5
Warning: Contains Spoilers
In the opening sequence of part 5, in the establishing shot of Las Vegas, it goes from full night to early dawn. Then it cuts back to night again. This says to me that it has been two nights since we last checked in with the first characters that we see. These characters are the hit-men who are trying to kill Dougie. The last time we saw them was the day that one of them aimed the shotgun at Jade’s jeep and the other one put the bomb on Dougie’s car. The first night was the night that Cooper as Dougie came home from the casino. The second night would be the night after that, which is actually after the events we later see of “Dougie’s” first day back to work at the insurance agency.
Here’s why we know this:
1) In the morning scene in part 4, we know that it is the morning after Cooper as Dougie came home from the casino. We know this because as Janey is dressing him, she notes that he has lost weight and that the suit he was wearing “last night” fit him.
2) Except for the addition of a light sweater on Janey, all three of them (Cooper, Janey and Sonny Jim) are all wearing the same clothes when they come out of the house as they were wearing in the morning-after breakfast scene that we saw in Part 4. So it is obviously the same morning as the morning in Part 4.
One of the hit-men in this opening scene is talking to a woman named Loraine on the phone. After Loraine hangs up, she then uses a Blackberry to dial the number of the electric black box that we later find out is in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At this point, although it is shown before we see the black box implode into a little nugget after Evil Coop calls it, it would at first glance seem that the box is whole again after it has imploded.
The first thing we need to do, therefore, is to determine from events when it is that Evil Coop calls the box. Now we know that Evil Coop has not yet gotten his phone call when he has been visited by Cole, Albert and Tamara the morning after they got the call that he was arrested. We also know that they tell Cole they can only hold Evil Coop for two more days without charging him. Presuming that he has not been charged, we can determine that the phone call takes place within these two days. Presuming that Evil Coop was arrested sometime after 2:53pm on the same day that Cooper replaced Dougie, it is therefore possible that the call Evil Coop made was still after the call that Loraine made.
Here are some other things to consider:
1) We already know that we are not getting all of the scenes in this series in chronological order. Consider how we saw Cooper appear in the glass box in Part 2 before Sam Colby and Tracy Barberato are killed, but after we have already seen them killed back in Part 1. So it is possible that when we cut to the black box, in association with either Loraine or Evil Coop, we are not seeing the black box in the same time as these scenes. The way the scenes are cut, however, strongly suggests that they are in fact related to the scenes that come before them in each case. We can assume that the black box does not actually implode after Loraine’s call, and we are just seeing a delay of this same scene, as the camera lingers on the box after the lights flash for a longer period of time after the Loraine scene than it takes for the box to implode after the lights flash after the Evil Coop scene.
2) When the hit-man talks to Loraine on the phone, she says that it was supposed to have been taken care of yesterday. If it is indeed the night of the day after they set the charge on his car, then this is consistent. It would indeed have been yesterday. The problem is that when it cuts from the establishing shot of night in Las  Vegas to the Rancho Rosa sign, it looks like the sky might be lightening again towards a second morning. It also looks like the building behind the hit-men in the car might be catching some golden rays from a rising sun. If this is the case, then it would be the second morning after they put the charge on Dougie’s car. They would then have not set the charge yesterday, but two days ago. Now it is certainly possible that they were supposed to have had it done yesterday even though it was two days ago that they set the charge. It is also possible that she is speaking in vernacular, such as when someone says “I want it done yesterday.”
It is also possible that cutting back to night after the sky had lightened towards dawn was a continuity error and it was in fact supposed to be the morning after they set the charge. In this case, the scene would still be out of sequence in time as it was just starting to lighten towards morning and yet in the breakfast scene we already had in Part 4 it was already full light out.
These little inconsistencies lead to an ambiguity, at least for now, as to when exactly these scenes are meant to be taking place.
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