#Trade shows UK
tilluvirtualevent · 1 year
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Virtual events refer to gatherings, conferences, or meetings that take place entirely online, rather than in a physical location. These events leverage various digital tools and platforms to facilitate interactions, networking, and engagement among participants from different geographical locations or if you want to organize these events by yourself then How easy will it be for you. With Tillu's powerful dashboard you can create and host Virtual Events in less than 2 hours! Tillu is the best Virtual Events Platform for you. Virtual events have gained popularity due to their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility, especially in situations where physical gatherings may not be possible or practical. Visit our World's most dynamic Do-It-Yourself platform https://tillu.co.uk/.
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mikeandike · 2 years
anyone got a jordan henry audio and not gnna be a spoilt brat abt it lmao
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uk-exhibition-stands · 6 months
Expo Stand Design: 5 Winning Strategies to Leave a Lasting Impression
Exhibiting at expos and trade shows offers businesses a prime opportunity to showcase their products, services, and brand to a captive audience. However, with numerous exhibitors vying for attention, it's crucial to have an expo stand design that stands out and leaves a lasting impression on attendees. In this blog post, we'll explore five winning strategies for designing an expo stand that captivates, engages, and makes a memorable impact, helping you maximize your presence at your next event.
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Know Your Audience: Before diving into the design process, take the time to understand your target audience and what resonates with them. Consider demographics, interests, pain points, and preferences to tailor your expo stand design to appeal to your ideal customers. Are they tech-savvy millennials, industry professionals seeking innovation, or families looking for entertainment? By knowing your audience, you can create a stand design that speaks directly to their needs and interests, making a more significant impact.
Focus on Brand Identity: Your expo stand should serve as a physical representation of your brand identity and values. Ensure consistency across all elements of your stand, including colors, fonts, logos, and messaging. Use branded graphics, signage, and displays to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience for attendees. By reinforcing your brand identity throughout your expo stand design, you'll increase brand recognition, build trust, and leave a lasting impression on visitors long after the event ends.
Create an Engaging Experience: In today's experiential marketing landscape, attendees crave immersive and interactive experiences that go beyond traditional sales pitches. Design your expo stand to engage all five senses, offering visitors a memorable and enjoyable experience that encourages interaction and participation. Incorporate elements such as product demonstrations, hands-on activities, interactive displays, multimedia content, and giveaways to captivate attendees and keep them engaged with your brand.
Maximize Visual Impact: Visual appeal plays a crucial role in attracting attention and drawing visitors to your expo stand. Invest in high-quality graphics, lighting, and signage to create a visually stunning display that stands out on the exhibition floor. Use bold colors, eye-catching imagery, and dynamic layouts to grab attention from a distance and entice attendees to approach your stand. Consider incorporating large-format graphics, LED screens, and 3D elements to create depth and dimension and make your stand visually memorable.
Design for Functionality and Flow: A well-designed expo stand not only looks impressive but also functions seamlessly to accommodate the needs of attendees and staff. Pay attention to the layout, flow, and functionality of your stand to ensure a positive experience for visitors. Create clear pathways and designated areas for different activities, such as product demonstrations, meetings, and networking. Incorporate comfortable seating, interactive touchpoints, and storage solutions to enhance usability and convenience for both attendees and staff.
Case Study: UK Exhibition Stand Let's take a closer look at how UK Exhibition Stand helped one client implement these winning strategies to create an expo stand design that left a lasting impression.
Challenge: XYZ Corp, a leading technology company, was preparing to exhibit at a prestigious industry expo and wanted to make a significant impact on attendees. They needed an expo stand design that would showcase their cutting-edge products, attract attention from industry professionals, and generate leads for their sales team.
Solution: UK Exhibition Stand collaborated closely with XYZ Corp to develop a bespoke expo stand design that aligned with their goals and objectives for the event. They conducted thorough research into XYZ Corp's target audience, brand identity, and key messaging to inform the design process. The resulting expo stand featured sleek, modern aesthetics, branded graphics, interactive displays, and designated areas for product demonstrations and meetings, creating an immersive and engaging brand experience for attendees.
Results: The expo stand design exceeded XYZ Corp's expectations and made a significant impact at the event. Attendees were drawn to the stand's visually striking appearance and engaging interactive elements, leading to a steady stream of foot traffic and meaningful interactions with the XYZ Corp team. The expo stand design effectively communicated XYZ Corp's brand identity, showcased their products, and generated valuable leads, helping them achieve their objectives for the event and leave a lasting impression on attendees.
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Designing an expo stand that leaves a lasting impression requires careful planning, creativity, and attention to detail. By knowing your audience, focusing on brand identity, creating engaging experiences, maximizing visual impact, and designing for functionality and flow, you can create a stand that captivates attendees and sets your brand apart from the competition. Partnering with a trusted provider like UK Exhibition Stand can help you bring your vision to life and create a winning expo stand design that drives results for your business.
Ready to create an expo stand design that leaves a lasting impression? Contact UK Exhibition Stand today to discuss your requirements and explore custom design solutions tailored to your brand and objectives. Let's make your next expo a success!
At UK Exhibition Stand, we specialize in creating unique exhibition stands that reflect your brand and goals. With our range of products and services, Roller Banners stands, Display stand exhibition, Trade show stand, Pop up exhibition stands online, pop up stand UK, Exhibition Standincluding custom-designed stands and accessories, we help you make a memorable impact at trade shows. Our experienced team works closely with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring your stand stands out and achieves your objectives, whether it's boosting brand awareness or generating leads.
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cathkaesque · 6 months
Relentless direct action has secured another victory in the fight against Israel’s arms trade, as Elbit Systems are forced to sell their ‘Elite KL’ factory in Tamworth.
The company had previously manufactured cooling and power management systems for military vehicles, but was sold on after stating that it faced falling profits and increased security costs resulting from Palestine Action’s efforts. 
After the sale was completed last month, Elite KL’s new owners, listed as Griffin Newco Ltd, confirmed in an email to Palestine Action that they will have nothing to do with the previous owners, Elbit, and have discontinued any arms manufacturing:
“Following the recent acquisition of Elite KL Limited by a UK investment syndicate, the newly appointed board has unanimously agreed to withdraw from all future defence contracts and terminate its association with its former parent company”.
This victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought, throughout Palestine Action’s existence, to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain. Before they sold the enterprise to a private equity syndicate, Elbit had reported that Elite KL operating profits had been slashed by over three-quarters, with Palestine Action responsible: Elbit directly cited the increased expenditure on security they’d been forced to make, and higher supply chain costs they faced.
And these actions did, indeed, cost them. The first action at the site, in November 2020, saw Elite KL’s premises smashed into, the building covered in blood-red paint. Between March and July 2021, the site was put out of action three times by roof-top occupations – drenched red in March 2021, with the factory’s camera systems dismantled, before again being occupied in in May. Another roof-top occupation in July, despite increased security, saw the site forced closed – once again painted blood-red, and with its windows and fixings smashed through.
In February 2022, activists decommissioned the site for weeks – closed off after an occupation that saw over £250,000 of damages caused, the roof tiles removed one-by-one. After this, Elbit erected a security perimeter around the site – but to no avail. One month later, six were arrested after Palestine Action returned to Tamworth – again taking the roof and smashing through, preventing the production of parts for Israel’s military machine.
Elite KL is a ‘specialist thermal management business’. Since the sale, the company focuses on cooling systems for buses and trains, but it had, under Elbit, manufactured these systems for military vehicles. Until December of last year, Elite KL’s website was advertising its military and defence products, and it was known to provide parts for Israel’s deadly Merkava tanks, with export license records demonstrating its provision of ‘ML6a’ components for military ground vehicles to Israel. The company was also known to manufacture crew cooling systems, for the military vests of tank operators.
Elbit Systems itself provides 85% of the drones and land-based military equipment for the Israeli military, along with a wide range of the munitions and armaments currently being used against Gaza’s beseiged population. Its CEO, Bazhalel Machlis, has claimed that the Israeli military has offered the company its thanks for their “crucial” services during the ongoing genocide in Gaza
A Palestine Action spokesperson has stated:
“Each activist who occupied and dismantled Tamworth’s Israeli weapons factory did so in order to bring an end to Israel’s weapons trade, and to end the profiteering from Palestinian repression. Every defeat Elbit faces is a victory for the Palestinian people.
Kicking Elbit out of Tamworth shows once again that direct action is a necessary tactic. It is one which must be utilised and amplified in the face of the Gaza genocide.”
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theabigailthorn · 8 months
because I showed your youtube videos to my parents, your channel has apparently now been recommended to several uk trade officials. congratulations???
they should trade the UK for somewhere better IMO
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vivwritesfics · 11 months
No Need To Ask - CS 55
Chapter Two - Late Night Rendezvous
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
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Y/N could barely remember her brothers friend, Carlos. She had been young when there wasn't tension with the Sainz family. Y/N remembered playing on the lawn when the Sainz family showed up. Carlos and Lando hit it off right away, becoming best friends.
But then things became tense. Y/N wasn't sure why, but things became tense between her family and the Sainz's. Lando knew, Y/N was sure of it.
Y/N still remembered the last time the Sainz were over for something business related. There had been a lot of shouting from inside of the house before they came out to their car, followed by Y/N's father.
"You fucking dare, Sainz!" He shouted.
Lando and Carlos were stood behind Norris, watching the scene unfolded.
Sainz muttered something in Spanish. "You have done this to yourself, Norris!" Sainz shouted. "Meet my demands and I will reopen our trading routes!"
Suddenly, Norris had pulled out his gun. "You're jeopardising things for several families. Do you really want to risk that?"
Fury was written on Sainz's face as he stared at Norris. "Put that gun away while you have my son behind you."
Norris didn't move.
Suddenly Sainz had his own gun out, pointing it at Y/N. Letting out a cry, Lando rushed over and picked up his sister, shielding her body with his own.
That was the last time Y/N had seen anything close to criminal work. She remembered the fear she felt, remembered crying into Lando's shoulder.
The day before Lando had set up the meeting with Carlos, Y/N felt that same level of fear. The only difference was now she was too old to cry into her brothers shoulder and he was too terrifying.
She didn't sleep well that night, laying awake and staring at her ceiling. She wanted to text her brother, to see if he was still up and wanted to keep her company. But Y/N knew exactly where Lando was. He was at the club, checking on the business before getting shitfaced.
That was how Lando dealt with his feelings. He'd call up Max, his best friend, and get too drunk to stand.
Tomorrow Y/N would begin the journey of fulfilling her mothers last wishes.
When she was a girl, she always dreamed that her mother and her father would be there. With her mother gone, she had to hope that she'd still have to dad to walk her down the Isle.
But now Y/N didn't even have that. She still had Lando, though. She still had her brother there on her wedding day.
Unable to sleep, Y/N got up from her bed, She walked through the halls of her home, walking down to the kitchen. The house had so many winding hallways and stairs; it was easy for anyone unfamiliar to get lost. But Y/N knew these hallways like the back of her hand. She could still remember a teenaged Lando holding her hand as he took her down to the kitchen for glass of milk when she couldn't sleep.
Y/N felt like that vulnerable, scared girl she once was. But she couldn't be scared little girl anymore. This was her duty.
When Y/N got down to the kitchen, the lights were on and somebody was sitting at the kitchen table. "Oh," Y/N said, startled slightly. "Can I help you?" She asked, staring at the man.
He was gorgeous, lovely, big hair, gorgeous tanned skin and the deepest brown eyes. "May I help you?" Asked Y/N as she stared at the man.
"I'm just waiting here for Lando," he answered in a thick, Spanish accent.
Y/N walked past him to get to the Fridge. "Do you work for Mr Sainz and his family?" She asked.
Carlos had a choice here, he realised. As soon as she walked into the room, Carlos knew exactly who she was. As soon as Lando had arranged the meeting, he took his time to study her. It was strange, the few memories he had of her flooding back.
Now Carlos looked at her, he couldn't take his eyes away. He knew this moment was coming, ever since the Norris family had first suggested it to his mother and father. He couldn't believe this moment had finally come.
"Yes," he answered. "Yes, I work for Mr Sainz," he said as she grabbed the milk jug from the fridge. "Are you with the Norris family?"
Y/N took a moment to nod her head. If she said she wasn't with the Norris family, how could she ever explain behind here? But she didn't elaborate beyond that. For her entire life she had been well, protected. People had asked before if she was a part of the Norris family, and her usual response was to shake her head no and quickly leave the premises.
The man nodded.
Carlos was having an internal fight with himself. Did he reveal what he knew, or did he continue to sit and wait for Lando? If she did tell her who he was, how would she respond?
As Y/N poured the milk into the glass, the front door open. She looked towards the hall as her brother came in and locked the door behind him. "Lan?" She called, only to receive a grunt in response.
Lando stumbled his way towards the kitchen. His hair was a mess, his tie loose and he stank of booze. "Hey," he said as he leaned against the kitchen door frame. "Carlos. You're not meant to be here."
It wasn't just the stink of booze. It was the stink of booze and sex. Lando reeked of it, making Y/N recoil away from him. He'd been at the club, something their father had let him buy on his eighteenth birthday.
With dim lighting, red velvet sofas and mirrors everywhere, Lando's strip club was every bit as sleazy as anybody expected. Most of the girls there Lando had gotten from the streets, giving them a better life than the one they were living.
Of course, with a boss as handsome as he, it was hard to resist sleeping with him. Lando had turned his back office into a romp room. He had condoms in every drawer and a booze cabinet. He had paperwork spread all over the floor, from where he'd pushed it off of his desk for a quick fuck.
Lando hiccupped and swayed as he made his way to the kitchen counter. He grabbed a hold of Y/N's shoulder and tried his best to push her behind him. "Stay away from my-" he hiccupped "-sister."
"Lando," said Y/N as she walked her brother over to the table. She sat him down and rushed to fetch him a glass of water.
"Get the fuck out of my kitchen," slurred Ladno as he stared across the table to Carlos.
Y/N let out a sigh as she put the water in front of her brother. "Lando, be nice," she mumbled and took a seat beside her brother.
"No, he's right," said the man in front of her. "I should not have come early. I apologise."
He went to stand, but Lando shook his head. "You stay. We're having words," he said and cracked his knuckles. "Y/N, go to bed," he commanded.
Leaving her glass of milk where it was, Y/N was quick to leave the room. She stopped down the hallway, took a moment to listen, but then the kitchen door slammed shut.
Who was he to make Lando so mad, she wondered as she made her way back up the stairs and to her bedroom.
Carlos stared at Lando across the table. "Why the fuck are you here?" Lando spat at him. He made a gesture with his arms as he spoke, one big enough to knock over his glass of water. "Why the fuck are you here with my sister?"
"You're drunk, Lando."
Lando knew he was drunk, but he didn't give a single shit. "You're not supposed to be here until tomorrow."
"My father had another business to attend to," Carlos answered quickly.
"Well, why did you come here?"
Carlos stared at him for a moment. This wasn't the Lando he once knew. "We were friends once upon a time," he answered. "Do you remember that, Lando? Do you remember when we were children?"
"Yes Carlos. I remember being a kid. I remember our fathers pointing guns at each other."
Carlos shook his head. "No, I'm talking about when we were boys and we'd spend all day playing together. We'd chase each other around the garden while our fathers did business."
"What's your point?"
"What happened to you, Lando?"
"I grew up."
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11
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bruhstation · 7 months
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steam team's seniors during their baby years
A friend group so weird and toxic to people they dislike it could rival It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’s. They're not immune to the "I came to Sodor to avoid my problems and wanted a fresh start" trope many Sudrians also follow
Edward Pettigrew
Age: 31 as of 1984
A kind, friendly NWR railwayman who didn’t mind a lot of things and was popular amongst younger folks for his looks and demeanor. He likes showing newbies the ropes of the NWR and Sodor as a whole because he just loves infodumping. Despite being made fun of by some railwaymen for his “weirdness”, Edward worked hard and was known as the jack-of-all-trades by his peers, usually treating younger and newer railwaymen to drinks after work to get them accustomed to Sodor (he did this to Henry, then Gordon, then James). Originally from the village of Pezë in Tirana, Albania, 1940s. Due to his beginnings in a small rural village and the Albanian government’s censorship of outside influences and heavy restriction of traveling outside the country, Edward’s hunger for knowledge about the world grew more and more. His family had connections to the Lëvizja Nacional-Çlirimtare and Edward’s particularly bright and good at talking, so he became a diplomat to travel outside Albania – a step into his plans of learning more about the world. After landing himself in the United Kingdom and studying everything he wanted, he believes it’s still not enough. He found out about an island infamous for its supernatural occurrences and cases of people missing just off the coast of the UK – Sodor. Being the curious man he is, he discarded everything that’s needed for the LNÇ to locate him and landed on Sodor, gorging himself with every mystery the island has to offer. Impulsive? Yes. But for the first time, Edward felt true freedom. However, Edward got too curious and nosy and became a casualty in an accident fueled by supernatural hysteria related to Lady of the Legend and was transported around 40 years into the future, landing in 1983 with his memories all over the place. Despite losing his sense of self and having no idea what he is, his thirst for knowledge still lives on inside his head. His cheerfulness, amicability, and kindness are extensions he formed to make up for the hole inside his heart. Edward does love his friends, but he believes that if he can withhold information from them and make them all live in blissful ignorance, they can be truly happy – this all stems from his fear of exceeding his limits and being discarded (which he later copes by being a typical wise friendly old man in 1999). He often sees visages of Lady in his dreams.
Gordon J. Gresley
Age: 26 as of 1984
Joined after Henry. Looked like he was fresh out of a funeral. A young hotshot who was more polite, quiet, and reserved compared to his 1999 counterpart. Gordon started out as an apprentice fireman for the Wild Nor’Wester’s previous driver. He treated his arrival on Sodor as a desperate last resort to escape his issues and grief and pitifully believed he was “lumped with the social pariahs in the boonies”, but he’s gotten better and believed that this is where he can truly outshine everyone, much to the annoyance and chagrin of his seniors. Gordon acts like he knows what he’s doing in order to build up his image as someone who’s dependable and strong and revels in small basks of limelight. However, he was constantly uncomfortable with how Edward treated accidents as normal due to their survivors being in tip-top shape the next day and how Henry is so distrustful of and odd about everything and everyone and sweats 24/7, but he’s been masking and convincing himself that he’s not like the rest of them. He’s normal. He’s normal! Let’s all hold hands. Don’t be fooled by his sad face. Young Gordon can be arrogant and think he knows everything for being a youngin.
Henry Stanier
Age: 27 as of 1984
Joined after Edward, so he’s quite close to him. Gordon’s “senior” by 6 months. He’s always, ALWAYS scared endlessly about anything “out of the ordinary” and beats himself up over it, much to his own disgust. Henry had a deep rooted hatred and jealousy towards his peers for pitying him after a coworker revealed to other railwaymen that he’s narcoleptic without his permission. He’s been masking his disabilities despite it being detrimental for his well-being, but as long as people treated him “normally”, Henry would endure (dreadfully). He did this especially with Gordon, the newest addition to the Northwestern Railway at the time, because he didn’t want anyone else to treat him differently when they find out about his health issues. As an extention, Henry developed a vitriol towards Gordon too – he’s particularly jealous about how he’s so “ungrateful” of everything’s given to him like his fair looks, clothes, and position as the to-be face of the Wild Nor’Wester. They did become friends though despite the process not being easy. It’s okay. They became besties that were mean to old nosy folks. Initially wanted to pursue arts, but due to circumstances from his past related to his health and paranoia fueled by his past failures and “jinxes”, he came to Sodor as a half-hearted last resort to get a job. He wasn’t hopeful of having anyone respect him for who he is, but things do get better, much to his surprise.
James A. Hughes
Age: 25 as of 1989
Joined the NWR 5 years after Edward did. At that point, Gordon already discarded his GNR Green look and went for the blue attire (minus the big coat). Flaunts his beauty almost at any given time, especially when someone mildly complimented him. He’s more of a nerd (word used loosely because he acts like a know-it-all when he actually has no idea what he’s doing) compared to his canon, 1999 counterpart. James came to Sodor for a fresh start and believed he deserves more than what he’s given. He thinks he’s so tough and hard as nails – in fact it became his source of hubris because he gets into accidents and was scolded by his seniors for being so vain and stubborn. He doesn’t want to get dirty, he doesn’t want to shovel coal, he doesn’t want to get wet from the washdown suds – he only wants the good out of the work and doesn’t want to accept the “bad” sides as well, so James was branded as the “problem kid” of the NWR by older folks. James, who can’t handle harsh criticism and labels well, grow even more distant with them. He primarily hangs out with the RWS trio because they seem to understand his situation and the feeling of being “outcasted” (despite Gordon’s annoyance at his boastfulness). 
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thebibliosphere · 11 months
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ID: A cropped screenshot from Ingram Spark showing various distribution regions. The highlighted ones are the US and the UK. The price shows 17.99 with a red exclamation mark next to it.
The next drop-down box prompts the author to set the wholesale discount to 55% trade, noting that this is the "retailer preference."
The author compensation, aka the amount the author will get paid for their work after wholesale discount and printing costs have been taken out of the $17.99 price tag, is shown as 0.61 cents in the US and 0.04 pence in the UK.
So this is a thing that I saw today when I logged into Ingram to confirm some metadata.
They used to list "retailer preference" at 40%, which is what they have made into their new wholesale distribution standard. You will not be able to distribute your books for global wholesale anymore after October 30th if you don't have your rates sent to 40%.
I don't doubt retailers would prefer if we sold to them at 55%. But considering myself and several others already have doubts over whether or not Ingram is actually showing our discounts to retailers (they've been caught showing mine as 5% even though they've been listed at 35% for three years), I'm just sort of sitting here, well, I can't accuse them of fraud, but let's just say I am not not thinking it.
Also, just a fun little tidbit, I tried to use my old ISBNs with d2d which legally I am allowed to do. They are mine. I own them. Anyway, d2d sent me a warning about how it would require me to work with them and Ingram Spark over several weeks to transfer the ISBN, and ahaha. Hahahahaha.
I'd say, "How do we think this is going to turn out?" But I think we all know.
We know.
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intuitive-revelations · 4 months
The near future in the Doctor Who universe sure gets dire doesn't it? Especially if Mad Jack / Roger ap Gwilliam is still part of history.
I thought I'd have a bit of fun listing things out, combining as many sources as possible. Turns out he fits in shockingly well with what we know. There's a lot missing here or cut out, and for obvious reasons it's very UK / Europe focused, but nonetheless:
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[ID: Scene from The Christmas Invasion showing Harriet Jones on BBC News. The news ticker reads "PM HEALTH SCARE", "Unfit for duty?", and references a "SECRET GOVERNMENT MOLE" and a quote: "BLOOD ON [HER HANDS]".]
2006-2021 (obviously the past now, but still noting for the resulting temporal and political butterfly effect) - In the original timeline, Harriet Jones remains Prime Minister for 3 consecutive terms, presumably 15 years assuming no snap election was called, referred to as a 'golden age' [World War Three]. The Tenth Doctor deliberately changes history to cause her deposal [The Christmas Invasion], leading to numerous disastrous terms in the meantime, including those of Harold Saxon [The Sound of Drums et al.], Brian Green (who tried to appease the 456) [Children of Earth], Boris Johnson (an auton host of the Nestene Consciousness) [Rose (novelisation)], and Jo Patterson (responsible for deploying cloned Dalek defence drones in the UK's streets) [Revolution of the Daleks].
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[ID: Scene from Revolution of the Daleks. A 'defence drone' Dalek is used to support anti-riot police in a test, dispersing protestors with mock tear gas.]
2010s-2030s - The European Union gradually integrates further, eventually becoming the European Zone / Eurozone, a global superpower which competes with the USA through the 21st century. The UK eventually forms part of the bloc [Trading Futures].
It's likely that Harriet Jones's deposal led to this and related events being delayed or erased, with Brexit (driven by, among others, one of Jones's successors in the new timeline) reducing european unity. Most notably, Ramón Salamander's rise to power occurs now not in the 2010s [The Enemy of the World], but in the 2030s [Doctor Who and the Enemy of the World]. There are other events that are seemingly delayed by ~20 years by changes to the timeline, including future events like the dictatorship of Mariah Learman [The Time of the Daleks, Trading Futures], and yet also possibly past events like the death of Queen Elizabeth II [Battlefield, The Longest Night et al.], which may suggest something else (eg. the Time War) may be responsible.
~2030 - During a time of rising global tensions [73 Yards], Ramón Salamander convinces a group of scientists in an underground shelter endurance experiment that nuclear war has broken out on the surface. They are convinced to generate artificial "natural" disasters to fight back against the enemy. Between this and ongoing climate change, several global food sources collapse as a result, including Canada and Ukraine's corn and flour production [The Enemy of the World].
2031 - Tensions culminate in the "Great Russian War". Despite posturing, not a single nuclear weapon is fired, at least by NATO [73 Yards]. This may be later considered World War III [Trading Futures].
~2032-2035 - Following the war, tensions rise again, now between the Eurozone and the USA [Trading Futures], possibly in reaction to actions (or lack thereof?) taken by NATO during the war [73 Yards]. Both send separate peacekeeping forces to conflict in North Africa. Meanwhile, Italy is engaged in civil war [Trading Futures].
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[ID: Scene from The Enemy of the World, showing Ramón Salamander.]
Over the decade, Ramón Salamander rises in power in the World Zone Authority, using his patented "Sun Store" satellite technology to aid the growth of crops by controlling sunlight over agricultural regions. In the background, he murders and blackmails officials to place loyalists into powerful positions, with the goal of ruling over the World Zone Authority as a dictator. Salamander's treachery is later discovered and he disappears [The Enemy of the World].
2037 - 2042 - Several militia declare wars of Independence from the USA. Notably, Phoenix, Arizona is destroyed in a terrorist attack. While the country largely persists after the conflicts, some territories seem to successfully secede - with, for example, a Montana Republic seemingly being in existence in 2054 [Alien Bodies].
2038 - The World Zones Accord is signed. This is later considered to have reduced the United Nations to a 'joke' compared with the World Zone Authority [Alien Bodies]. Given the extensive power it gives to the WZA, this was likely originally part of Salamander's plan, but due to his disappearance he is not around to reap the rewards [The Enemy of the World].
2039 - A group of Mexican astronauts studying minerals on the Moon go missing [Kill the Moon].
~2030s - 2040s - The Earth begins to experience major climate change effects, including "appalling storm conditions" which harm agriculture [The Waters of Mars]. The ice caps melt and flood much of the Earth [K9] with nations like the Netherlands ending up entirely flooded [St Anthony's Fire]. Some regions experience corrosive acid rain [Cat's Cradle: War Head, Strange Loops]. One summer sees Britain experience a 22 week drought. At this time, the Eurozone closes its borders to millions of North African and Baltic Sea refugees [Hothouse]. This time period may be known as the "Oil Apocalypse" [The Waters of Mars].
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[ID: Scene from K9 Episode 13: Aeolian. Big Ben stands in the middle of a colossal storm of wind and rain.]
With Earth's ecosystems collapsing [Davros], humanity begin to realise it's facing extinction [The Waters of Mars]. An artificial cooling agent is spread in the atmosphere to semi-successfully combat the effects, but leads to dramatic side-effects, including freezing some areas of the globe. This is known as the "Great Cataclysm" [K9].
2041 - A three-human team, including Adelaide Brooke, lands on Mars for the first time [The Waters of Mars]. However, with this accomplishment, and increasing turbulence on Earth, Humanity gradually loses interest in space exploration [Kill the Moon].
Before 2045 - Around this time, the UK falls into a dictatorship ruled by the "Director", head of a military council that has allegedly (secretly?) controlled the government since 2028 [Britain Protests]. It is possible that this Director was previously the "Minister of War" for previous governments [Before the Flood].
2045 - The World Zones Authority evolves into a World Government, with Nikita Bandranaik being elected President. The UK is not part of the organisation [This is 2065].
2046-2050s - The Director is overthrown [Down with the Director] and the rest of the government "collapses in shame" [73 Yards]. Some of the revolutionaries celebrate now being "masters of [their] own country" [Down with the Director]. Despite the hopes of the World Government for international integration, this nationalistic streak continues.
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[ID: Scene from 73 Yards. Roger ap Gwilliam, with an Albion Party ribbon on his chest declares victory on BBC News, live from Kennington High in London. Headline reads "LANDSLIDE VICTORY FOR ALBION PARTY: Majority of 92 predicted. Roger ap Gwilliam declared Prime Minister."]
Roger ap Gwilliam is elected Prime Minister, with the far-right nationalistic Albion Party gaining a majority of 92 MPs [73 Yards]. While his government does take the step to officially join the World Government senate [Down with the Director], he seeks greater independence from other nations. One of his first actions is to expand the UK's nuclear arsenal, purchasing missiles from Pakistan and withdrawing from NATO. In his term, the world is brought to the brink of nuclear war [73 Yards], likely in the pre-2050s "Euro Wars" [The Time of the Daleks].
In this time, the "Department", a (private?) multinational security organisation is born, based primarily in the UK. They gain broad powers, which they use to control populations with propaganda and use of "CCPC"s: robotic law enforcement notorious for their surveillance and brutality. Despite its recent revolution, the country is rendered practically a police state [K9].
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[ID: Scene from K9 Episode 1: Regeneration. CCPCs, hulking police robots, march down a dark alley.]
2049 - The Moon starts to dramatically gain mass, causing massive tides on the Earth, flooding entire cities. In a last ditch at survival, humanity plans to try and destroy the Moon using an array of nuclear bombs. Despite the people of Earth being offered the vote on what to do by turning off their lights, it appears the decision is made on a national level, with lights going off grid-by-grid. Nonetheless, the Moon is allowed to hatch, leaving behind a new less massive egg "moon" with minimal further destruction [Kill the Moon].
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[ID: Scene from Kill the Moon. The Moon hatches in the background, as the TARDIS stands by the sea.]
Humanity's interest in space exploration returns [Kill the Moon], starting a new space race. Among these projects, Australia begins constucting a space elevator, Spain a project called "SpaceLink", while Germany and Russia each begin a series of new Moon missions. The Philippines are rumoured to be planning their own landing on Mars [The Waters of Mars].
~2050 - The UK Government (ap Gwilliam's?) is couped once more, by General Mariah Learman. With the King's permission, elections are suspended for at least a couple years, with her ruling over a "benevolent dictatorship". She is later abducted and forcibly mutated by the Daleks [The Time of the Daleks]. Despite the previous description, her promotion of Shakespeare in schools is remembered as the only good thing about her rule [Trading Futures]. (Note: As mentioned prior, it's likely that Learman's rule may have been delayed as Salamander's was. This is suggested by the mention of her in Trading Futures, set seemingly ~2030s or earlier, despite The Time of the Daleks taking place around the 2050s.)
~2050s - The Gravitron is built on the new Moon. This is used to artificially control the tides and weather [The Moonbase]. It likely also is intended to study and monitor the new Moon for future changes [Kill the Moon].
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[ID: Scene from The Moonbase, giving an external shot of the base.]
2058 - 2059 - Bowie Base One is established: humanity's first colony on another planet and an international collaboration between the UK, USA, Russia, Germany, Turkey, South Korea, Lithuania, Australia, and Pakistan. One year later, it is mysteriously destroyed in a deliberately triggered nuclear explosion. In the original timeline, there were no survivors. However, after the interference of the Time Lord Victorious, the true story is eventually told on Earth. Regardless "a veil of darkness" sweeps over the planet over the next few years. [The Waters of Mars], as international tensions heat up once more... [Total Eclipse of the Heart].
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[ID: Scene from The Waters of Mars, showing an internet news website. Various articles appear focused on the Bowie Base One incident, including "SURVIVORS STORY - BROOKE SAVED EARTH", "THE MYTHICAL DOCTOR", "BROOKE'S HEROIC ACTIONS SAVE EARTH", and "HOW THE COUPLE ESCAPED MARS". The feature image shows the two survivors: Yuri Kerenski and Mia Bennett.]
2060s - The "Great War" breaks out on Earth, involving every country on Earth. This is likely World War IV. Details are vague, but it ultimately ends in a ceasefire, when it's realised the conflict is risking Earth's habitability [Total Eclipse of the Heart].
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fishstickmonkey · 1 year
Data collected by Threads can include users' sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, biometric data, trade union membership, pregnancy status, politics, and religious beliefs. Threads can also collect data on users' employment, as well as health and fitness. Beyond that, the app also can collect data monitoring users' location and other web activity.
"Threads is one of the most privacy-invasive options we’ve seen," (Calli Schroeder, senior counsel and global privacy counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)) told Ars.
The Register has helpfully posted a screenshot showing what they can access on your phone. (hint: It's pretty much everything).
Quelle Suprise!
Not currently available in the EU. (But available in the UK. Another Brexit benefit!)
You have to have an Instragram account to sign up. If you do and decide you don't like it, too bad! You can't delete your threads account w/o deleting you account on the 'gram.
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arkhammaid · 7 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. y/n before her time in formula one
content warnings. written in 3rd person + headcanonish, not edited & proofread!
word count. 0.8k
notes. second 'lore' chapter and the last one before we start with the main arc!! very excited hehe <3
born in a private hospital, y/n l/n is the daughter of two times motogp worldchampion l/n. she's not hidden from the world, yet her mother almost takes a whole year to show her in public. two years after her birth, her mother picks up her career again, wishing to add a third world championship to her name.
y/n grew up travelling the world with her mother. attending races while getting homeschooled, she experienced a very exciting life early on. it was stressful, for both mother and child, and yet they wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
because of this, y/n doesn't have many close friends. instead her phone is filled with hundreds of numbers and active 24/7, especially when she grows older. she knows future world champions of different sports, aspiring supermodels and actors, all because her mother has written history in motorsports.
when y/n celebrated her 6th birthday, her mother, the famous lady l/n finally retired and they settled down in the UK. but that didn't stop them from travelling, now they were jumping from place to place for her own career.
not many are aware, but y/n is a genius. when they meet her, they just think she's an incredibly bright child, and showing her vast knowledge off is not something she has ever done. this is why her mother doesn't worry about her education, she's always greedy to know more.
but she's also greedy to win and win she does. she starts her racing kareer in karting, while still wanting to follow her mother's footsteps into the motorsport world, she wishes to become a formula one driver. it's her biggest dream and she will do anything to achieve it.
y/n becomes a prominent figure within the next generation celebrities of UK and anyone who's really invested in the racing sport. they call her a generational talent, not knowing that her thoughts never stop racing and always calculate the optimal line around the track for the best result.
her mother ensures she has the best trainers, the best team, anything for her pride and joy. with her connections and wealth, y/n takes the motorsport world by storm and claims one victory after another. it doesn't matter that she's a girl, she is the daughter of a world champion, she is a genius, off and on track, and she will win.
her teenage years are filled with glamor and sweat, she's invited to red carpet events and receives paddock passes on regular basis. she's not so naive to believe that this is about her and her talent, the people who invite her just wish for a chance to be connected with her mother.
y/n is 17, when she joins formula 4 with arden motorsport and wins in her rookie year. but there isn't much time for celebration, because in this year her mother got diagnosed with cancer and died at the end of the year. it leaves her struggling but she's also determined to not let this event end her life. her mother wouldn't have wanted that for her.
because she's still not an adult, she can't inherit her mother's possessions and instead seeks her father out, tony stark. she's taken in his care, and while she still struggles with her loss, a new chapter in her life has been opened.
after her win in formula 4, due to her mother's death and no team in formula 3 accepting her as driver, she takes a year off. she spends time with her new family, picks up her education and starts to plan the stark f1 team with her father. it's her dream and wish to become a world champion in formula one, but it's also tony's dream to shake the motorsport world up. so they combine their dreams, while exchanging smirks with each other.
y/n is a bit older, when she joins the grid again and races for prema racing. having now raced for two very strong teams, both of which raise promising stars and drivers for formula one, such as oscar piastri, many people start to keep an eye on her.
this completely changes, when tony reveals his only biological child to the world. y/n l/n becomes y/n l/n-stark, now often referred as simply y/n stark. the attention on her exploded, people fought and still fight for her attention on a daily basis.
but y/n doesn't let that disturb her, even after the rumors pick up. the rumors of stark joining formula one, the rumor of a new team. not even when it's finally revealed that stark racing will be joining the pinacle of motorsport in 2025.
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tilluvirtualevent · 1 year
Tillu - Making virtual events more accessible and affordable
Easy to use: Tillu is very easy to use, even for people with no prior experience with virtual event platforms. The platform is user-friendly and intuitive, with a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create and manage events.
Flexible features: Tillu offers a wide range of features that make it possible to create engaging and interactive virtual events. These features include live streaming, Q&A, polls, and breakout rooms.
Affordable pricing: Tillu offers a variety of pricing plans to fit any budget. Even their most basic plan is very affordable, making it possible for even small organizations to host virtual events.
Global reach: Tillu allows you to reach a global audience with your virtual events. There are no geographical restrictions, so attendees can join from anywhere in the world.
In addition to these features, Tillu is constantly innovating and adding new features to make virtual events even more accessible and affordable. For example, they recently launched a new feature called Tillu Live that allows you to stream your virtual event to social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube. This makes it even easier for people to attend your events, regardless of where they are in the world.
Overall, Tillu is a great platform for organizations of all sizes who want to host accessible and affordable virtual events. With its affordable pricing, easy-to-use interface, and flexible features, Tillu makes it possible to create engaging and interactive virtual events that reach a global audience.
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antifaintl · 1 year
I had a random gut feeling that if writer and actor strikes in USA continues, capitalists may start using their pundits to incite fascists to go after the protesters. Your opinion on this perspective?
We don't know about that Anon, that seems a bit far-fetched. It's not like fascists have a 100+ year history of attacking strikers and trade unions. Unless of course you count Benito Mussolini hiring out his blackshirts as strikebreakers in 1919. Or the fascist attacks & disruptions of the 1926 general strike in the UK. Or Hitler making trade unions illegal in 1933 and then sending trade unionists to be murdered in concentration camps. Anyways, that's all ancient history and there are no examples of recent fascist activity targeting trade unions. Aside from the fascist attack on striking railway workers in Manchester in 2019. Or the murder of Bolivian miner union leader Orlando Gutiérrez in 2020 by a mob of fascists protesting the outcome of the country's election by beating him to death. Or the 2021 attack on the headquarters of an Australian construction workers' union in Australia in 2021 by far-right extremists and anti-public health conspiracy theorists, who broke into the building and attacked union officials and union staff. Or the attack by members of the fascist Forza Nuova party on a union office in Rome, Italy that same year. Or the (failed) attempt by fascists in Albi, France to assault trade union members (only to be badly beaten themselves by the union members!) in October 2021. Or the November 2021 attack on two union members in Paris by a fascist gang. Well anyways it's not like fascist leaders like the UK's Alek Yerbury are currently calling for his followers to target union offices, picket lines, and strikers.
You see? Nothing at all to worry about and anti-fascists shouldn't bother showing their support and solidarity with working people striking in an attempt to raise the working conditions and lives of all of us! OR MAYBE WE SHOULD???
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
As I understand it, Good Omens Season 2 has wrapped production and won’t be affected by the WGA strike in the States. But I was wondering— and this is by far my most reasonable avenue to ask someone with knowledge and authority on the subject— would an American union strike affect a British production significantly? How many American writers and crew members are usually working on-set? Would you have considered stalling GOS2 production in solidarity with an overseas strike? I don’t mean to push you towards being overly speculative— I suppose I’m just interested in how far the WGA picket line extends internationally.
Good Omens 2 wrapped production in March of 2022. While we were shooting we had an American producer, and in the cast we had American Jon Hamm, but most of the other people in the cast and crew were British.
Under British law it would have been illegal to have struck in solidarity with an overseas strike.
From the WGGB site:
Trade union legislation is very different in the UK.
Secondary strike action (action in support of another union or group of workers) is not permitted under UK law, nor is the practice of restricting employment to those who are members of a particular trade union.
UK writers can take other action in support of the WGA, for example, taking part in protests or demonstrations that do not fall under the definition of ‘picketing’.
On the other hand, I'm WGA so I would have gone on strike, if the strike had occurred while we were shooting or editing, which would have meant that no writing or rewriting could have occurred (and every week I would get what we were shooting that week, and every week would do any rewriting that needed doing, sometimes every day, and sometimes while we were shooting I'd be rewriting or fixing something) and I wouldn't have been in the edit or in ADR sessions, because they can involve writing.
My understanding of US shows filming in the UK, like Rings of Power or House of the Dragon, is that they are able to shoot scripts already written, but that no rewriting can occur.
(GO2 was finished and handed in in March of this year. It's all done and Amazon will be releasing it in the Summer, so it's all a bit hypothetical trying to what if the strike was happening now. I think it would have been made, it just wouldn't have been as good.)
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
I Was Enchanted To Meet You | J. Miller Drabble
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Summary | Literally just a Drabble about Joel being an era's tour dad, meeting a pretty girl in cowboy boots and flirting. That's it. It's dumb. This goes out to my girl Doni @morning-star-joy who is going to see Tay-Tay tonight and can now be delulu about meeting Joel Miller there. And also therapy for me because I'm in the UK and got waitlisted for tickets, so CRIES. I wrote this in like an hour so excuse any spelling/grammar errors.
Joel Miller didn't exactly understand when he'd signed up to take Sarah to her first concert. When she'd asked to use his credit card to buy the tickets, he'd just nodded and handed it over. When his bill came through the next month, he almost passed out from the cost. But stood here now, in seats that might very well give him a nosebleed, watching Sarah almost lose her mind over the fact that Taylor Swift was about to appear on stage, it was all forgotten. All Joel ever wanted was for his little girl to be happy.
He'd spent weeks listening to the songs, learning the lyrics so he might be able to sing along with Sarah. He watched her sit in front of the television each night making bracelets to trade, and he squirrelled away as much money as possible so he could buy her a t-shirt or something on the night too.
Joel was watching as Sarah swapped friendship bracelets with two girls to her right when something else caught his eye. Two people shuffling into the two seats that had been vacant in front of Joel and Sarah for most of the night. One of them, around Sarah's age, was almost as excited as his girl, bouncing up and down, looking around the stadium with eyes as wide as saucers, taking it all in, but you? You were something else entirely. You had a white cowboy hat sat on top of your head, not dissimilar to his own apart from the colour and the fact yours was covered in sparkly rhinestones. You had a white dress on, falling to your mid-thigh, made of lace and scalloped edges, and a pair of beat-up old brown leather cowboy boots. The literal picture of heaven on earth as far as he was concerned.
He watched as you pointed to the two seats in front of him and Sarah, motioning for the other girl to sit down so you could hand her the soda you were carrying. He noticed your wrists were covered in the same type of bracelets his daughter had been going wild for all evening. Almost on cue, Sarah leans over, tapping your shoulder.
"You wanna trade?" She asks, holding up her own plastic-laden wrist to show you.
"Hell yeah," You smile, nudging the girl with you, "Why don't you give this little superstar one of yours too?"
Joel watches intently as you let Sarah scan your wrists for the specific bracelet she wants, picking one made of pink beads, swapping it with one of hers that was made of black and gold. Joel had no idea what any of them meant, all he knew was that the bill for friendship bracelet materials on his credit card nearly rivalled the bill for the tickets.
"You want one as well, mister?" Your voice cuts through his thoughts, "Can't come and see Taylor and leave with empty wrists I'm afraid."
"Well, I ain't got anything to trade ya with." Joel shrugs.
"That's okay," you smile, "I'll forgive you, this time."
Joel keeps an eye trained on you as you search your wrists, obviously having something incredibly specific in mind for him. You find it, eyes lighting up as you pull it from your wrist and hand it over to him. He takes the delicate thing in his big palm - red, white and blue beads with letters in hearts that spell out 'Cowboy Like Me'. Very fitting.
"Thanks, Darlin'," He smiles, slipping it over his hand, "You been waiting to find the perfect man to give that to all night?"
You let your head fall back in a laugh and Joel thinks you might just be the prettiest goddamned girl he's ever seen in his life. Sarah is pulling at his wrist so she can see exactly what bracelet you've given her dad, laughing and then leaning forward.
"I made him wear the hat!" She exclaims, "Told him he had to fit in."
"Well, you made a good choice," You grin, "He looks mighty fine in his cowboy hat."
You finally turn your attention back to your companion - judging by your likeness he assumes it must be your little sister. You're pointing out things around the stadium for her to look at, and he can't help but find it endearing how she's bouncing in her seat at every little thing, much like Sarah had done when they'd taken their seats.
Joel feels a nudge to his side, Sarah is looking up at him with that glint he knows and loves so much - she's got an idea.
"She's really pretty, dad."
"Sarah!" He chastises, eye flickering to you to make sure you didn't hear what she'd said, but you look completely oblivious.
"She is though!" She retorts in a hushed whisper, "I think she likes you."
Joel brings a finger to his lips to try and get this devil of a girl to be quiet, but he can't help but indulge her - Sarah was right, you are really pretty, "She don't know the first thing about me," He finishes the conversation, "Now you sit tight, I'm going to find you a soda."
When Joel returns, to drinks in hand, he can see Sarah leant over the seats speaking to you. He dreads to think what she's been trying to cook up, seemingly obsessed with making sure he's not so lonely in life anymore.
"Move over," He asks, Sarah shifting to the seat he was in before he left, "Don't drink it all at once, you'll need it for all the screaming you're gonna do." He says, handing the soda to her.
Once he sits back down, you turn in your chair to speak to him.
"Sarah says you're a builder?" She asks, clearly just trying to make polite conversation with him whilst your sister speaks to Sarah.
"Contractor actually," He shrugs, as if it matters, "But yeah, I build stuff, what do you do?"
"I'm a teacher," You smile, "Teach 4th grade." He's about to ask you another question when every single person in the stadium starts screaming, he thinks by the end of tonight he might actually be deaf, "Well, you enjoy the show, mister, hope you learnt some lyrics."
Contrary to what he'd thought, Joel actually does enjoy the show. He sings along to some of the songs he remembers, dances with Sarah for most of the night and keeps a close eye on you during it all. You know every single word to every single song, just like your little sister and he has to admit that when you're throwing your hands in the air and screaming to the lyrics, he finds you prettier than he had done all night.
When all is said and done at the end of the night, you say a polite goodbye to him and Sarah. When he finally sits in his truck, waiting for the scores of traffic to clear so he can get them home, he kicks himself for not asking for your number, but resigns himself to the fact that it was fate. Meant to meet once and that was it. It's not until he's finally carried Sarah up to bed, fast asleep in his arms and settled down to unwind in front of the TV that he pulls his phone from his pocket and sees a message from an unknown number.
I was enchanted to meet you, Joel. Drinks? Saturday @ 6pm?
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isagrimorie · 10 months
The series, which is currently celebrating its 60th anniversary with a trio of specials from returning showrunner Russell T. Davies, has moved towards a buyout model for writers, Deadline has been told.
Sources said that episodic writers are now being paid a large fee upfront rather than a smaller fee plus residuals that has seen previous scribes earn additional compensation when Doctor Who is repeated.
Doctor Who remains a British show and thereby doesn’t have to abide by WGA contracts but the optics are interesting given that the move comes after Disney+ boarded the series last year as a partner outside of the UK and Ireland.
Deadline understands the Doctor Who writer contract deals were struck prior to the WGA resolution, which came two months ago. Residuals were a key sticking point in those negotiations
Ellie Peers, General Secretary of the Writers Guild of Great Britain, told Deadline: “As a trade union we take our responsibilities in negotiations very seriously and this involves being in full possession of the facts before taking up issues with broadcasters and others, both privately and publicly. The terms outlined to us by Deadline, if true, would represent a serious retrograde step for UK writers working on Doctor Who.”
This news is new to me. And.
Ooof. It feels like Disney pulled a fast one on the Doctor Who production and outmaneuvered them.
Sure the payout is huge upfront but the way residuals can set a writer for life— and Disney basically cut that off.
I hope they fixed this because you KNOW the Mouse will take advantage of this.
This is the deal they will present to foreign writers and productions. Give the Mouse an inch, and they’ll take your whole damned property.
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