bone-candy · 2 months
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rqemu · 6 months
wanted 2 just say as a cisjapanese person, transjapanese ppl r really cool!!
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transid--tips · 6 months
tips for transjapanese asian indv? we’re using subs but we’d love to do more than that!
got our many transjapanese headmates to help with this one ehehe.
this is our transjapanese advice
consume media from japan or ones popular in japan. anime and manga is the most widely known so you will have plenty of others to converse about it with. jdrama, jpop, japanese radio are also worth giving a try to. googling medias that are popular or have dedicated fanbases is also great.
watch things either in the japanese dub with english subs or even english dub with japanese subs.
eating/cooking japanese foods is probably one of the best ways to get into the culture. restaurants can be great if you can find any good ones locally, or traveling to find authentic japanese food places. but what we recommend is finding a local asian market. even if it isnt ran by a japanese person, most are very knowledgeable about japanese foods and can give recommendations and tips with making meals. plus its an amazing way to get involved with your local asian community.
speaking about community, connect with other japanese folks and asians. online is a good starting point for building your confidence around being perceived as cisjapanese. going out locally where you live is a big step to take but is worth is. local asian communities are generally kind and accepting of all asian people. side note that you could end up meeting other transjapanese people irl, since its one of more common transIDs.
participate in japanese holidays. you can do this in the privacy of your own home or go to any local events if you can find them.
take time to learn about japanese fashions and decide on some subcultures you might want to try out. also getting a kimono/yukata can be very helpful.
watch youtube videos about japan and its culture. like for example, the manors that they prioritize or things they like to do for fun.
learning to speak japanese can be hard but might be worth it if you have plans of moving to japan or just want a deeper connection to the culture. but dont feel bad if you cant! not all japanese people outside of japan know the language, and thats valid.
being out and proud about being japanese is great. some people may question it but just know that race is a spectrum and not all asians will look the same.
if you feel racial dysphoria relating to your body then you may consider cosmetic surgery. we dont have much to say about this one since its something we are still researching, but do look into it if its a goal that you have.
thank you for reading this and we hope yalls transition journey goes well! we did sprinkle some infodumping in here since we are also transjapanese and in the middle of our transition. but thats alright because this is an autism safe space so that means we get to info dump yay.
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trnsjpn-tips · 15 days
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If you’re still looking for ways to spruce up your Japanese using casual phrases, heres a few I learned pretty quickly.
ー “ita” ; short for “itai” (ow)
ー “www” ; “lol”, the longer it is is basically the equivalent of “lmao” or “lmfao” in English slang (「これをバカwwwww」 : this is stupid lmao)
ー “iya iya” ; once is a casual way of saying no, repeated is “no problem”.
ー “kimoi” ; “gross”/“ew”/“cringe”.
ー “JK” ; a high-school girl.
ー “4649” ; “best regards”, another way of saying “yoroshiku”.
ー “Kutabare” ; “fuck you”
ー “Kuso” ; “shit”
ー “Maji de ?” ; “Really ?”
ー “E ?” ; “Huh ?“
ー 184 ; anon(ymous) (primarily used in niconico broadcasts)
ー 888 ; clapping, used similarly to “www”
art credit: here !
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maned-wolfe · 1 year
The trace joy of eating your cultural foods <3
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rqstamps · 6 months
stamp batch #6
requested by anonymous
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mistymeow69 · 7 months
the thing wrong with the radqueer community, as a semi-active member.
The thing that I believe is harming the rq community and its reputation, as well as driving away a lot of newer members, and tearing apart the community of the veteran members, is the controversy over what is and isn't a transid, a transid vs a fantasy/desire.
More specifically, I find it kind of strange how people take everything they want and put the trans- prefix on it, make it a flag, and suddenly it's valid. Not to say all identities aren't valid and subjective, but I just feel like a lot of people don't understand what it means to be transid.
Like, for example, transst4lked. Do you feel dysphoria over not being st4lked? Do you feel genuine euphoria and like you're truly yourself when you're st4lked? Or is it just something you want to happen? Are you ACTUALLY transitioning to it in any way? Is it really a transid if there is no trans- in the first place? Have you felt this way for a long time, even throughout childhood, or did you just read one Colleen Hoover book and immediately run to Tumblr to tarnish the rq community?
This is also a part of the controversy surrounding transharmed identities. There's no real way to tell if someone ACTUALLY has that illness or trauma or whatever intertwined with their identity, and they truly understand the struggles of the people who naturally have it, and if they can actually see themselves with it and happier with it in the future, or if they're just romanticizing, faking it, and/or just a kid who doesn't know what it's like to feel the need to transition in any way and forgets about it in a month.
This is not to say all transid or transharmed people are like this, I'm transid myself, I'm just saying it's a big problem nobody talks about because the rq community is supposed to be supportive of everyone, so it's filled with silence when it comes to things like this, nobody wants to be the one to judge.
I just feel like a lot of people don't understand the concept of a transid, to transition to something else, to feel as though you are something else inside and should've been born as that and you'd feel so much more fulfilled the more you could live your life like that, whether it be gender, race, age, etc. I really don't want people going around misusing our labels to feel special then going and abandoning it in a month or two.
Now, as I say myself, there's always room to learn about things you don't understand. You shouldn't go and directly tell people they're invalid without at least trying to have a look on the inside. So, if anyone finds this sort of thing applies to you, feel free to help me understand in the comments. But if you just feel attacked, then you're proving my point.
So, there's my 4 am rant on why I believe trendhoppers are tearing apart the radqueer community.
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honeydew-wecantwo · 10 months
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[ JiraiKeiTransJapanese! ]
jiraikeitransjapanese, a term for when someone's transjapanese identity is relating or connected with jirai kei aesthetic, stereotype, or anything to that tune!
the colors are just the usual pallet of the jirai kei aesthetic, minus the black :3
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transjapanese · 22 days
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はじめましてみんなさん !⛩️🥢🌸
My name is Chiyo ( or Aiko ) と my pronouns are she/nya/kyu/xe/neko + more !
I am perma13 + AgeFluid (๑• ᗜ •๑) 🎐👘
I am transJapanese 🇯🇵🎒🎋
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私は transShinto + transAsian + Japoreanese
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yourfaveisrq · 6 months
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Hatsune Miku is Transjapanese , Transcharacter , and TransShapeshifter !!
Requested by :: Anon
[Alt under cut because it looked off for some reason but. Anyways.]
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everafter-life · 6 months
hello, could you please make a transjapanese pony? i really like your pony designs ^w^
Thank you so much! Here you go!
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This design is for fun, the only facts that are 100% canon is the flag they are based on! You can draw them, ship them, name them, headcanon them, whatever! I just like to make character designs
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kiyokooochannn · 1 year
Some Transjapanese tips for my fellow Transjapanese!!! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
1. Before you say something in real life say "ahh!" Example: "ahh! Hello!!"
2. Instead of saying "huh?" say "eh?" or "ehhh?" Example: "What are you doing today? "ehh??"
3. If you want you can also tell people you're Japanese, Mixed with Japanese, or just of Japanese heritage! Example: "What race/ethnicity are you"? "Oh, I am Japanese!"
4. You can also bow when saying hello, goodbye, when the compliment you, or when you're saying sorry! There's also 3 ways to bow, they even have names Eshaku (15°), Keirei (30°), and Saikeirei (45°) and sometimes people and there's also a bow for apologizing it's called Shazai (70°) and rarely if you're wishing mercy upon yourself you can get on your knees and bow
5. Never use tape to pull back your eyes, never pull your eyes back in general!!
6. Try Japanese makeup or Japanese fashion, there's a lot of feminine, masculine, or neutral fashion on Japanese culture!
7. Try learning a Japanese accent, there's a lot of helpful ways on YouTube or TikTok!
8. If you want you can also follow a Japanese religion most Japanese people are Atheist but there are 2 popular religions in Japan being Shintoism and Buddhism
9: Learn Japanese if you have the time to!
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trnsjpn-tips · 15 days
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There are a variety of sentence endings in Japanese that can be used, and are used on a case-by-case basis depending on what you’re talking about or trying to convey. Some people don’t use them if and when possible, others do, it truly depends on the person and how they speak. Rq’d by @transjapanese
ー “です” (desu) or “ます” (masu) ; “to be”, a fundamental sentence ending in Japanese language.
ー “よね” (yone) or “ね” (ne) ; “don’t you ?” or requesting hypothetical agreement.
ー “ですけど” (desu kedo) or “ますけど” (masu kedo) ; leaving something something to be implied but unspoken, usually not the end of a sentence.
ー “よ” (yo) ; true feeling, emphasis.
ー “だよ” ; also used “to be” something, but I’vent to hear it much outside of anime—
ー “ぞ” (zo) ; emphasis.
ー “か” (ka) ; used to indicate questions.
ー “な” (na) ; used in admiration.
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heres a fun fact:
when we get attached to a character, we often end up adopting some of their mannerisms and identities, especially the way they speak (also sometimes end up splitting them as alters)
Welp, our current character hyperfixation is Gabby from Disventure Camp, so er this could get interesting 😭
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mistymeow69 · 7 months
OKKK UPDATE!!! Not only did she support but I got the confidence to ask her out and now we're dating too!! soo yea it went well 😈
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thevoidoceansystem · 21 days
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🧡 Callie moodboard (Splatoon) requested by anon
🤍 With transjapanese and aqua areo themes/aesthetics
♥️ Requests: Open!
💗 Hope you enjoy!
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