#Travis Aaron wade
whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
Dude, there’s a reason mark hasn’t replied to Min/occamshipper on Twitter. She has the receipts. I remember when this sh*t happened in 2017 with TAW. Mark got on the wrong side of the fandom and got involved with TAW and had to cut ties with him QUICK. I’m sitting here with popcorn waiting for it all to drop on Twitter.
I just read some of the drama regarding TAW that had my jaw dropped
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The thing is that all of this happened years ago, and Misha, Jared, Jensen and everybody else from the cast already forgot these horrible issues and cut ties with these pieces of shit TAW and Mark P. And now occam is stirring shit again, so I'm afraid the actors will be exposed once again to all this shit against their will.
(but, in all honesty, I'm also curious about the receipts 👀)
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pooopopop · 2 years
Full Write up of the TAW Scandal This person mentions the mysterious vanishing record of Mark’s involvement too, which I’m sure aren’t just the tweets he made since those are still obtainable. At this point, if anybody has so-called “black mail” on Mark in relation to this situation that they are keeping close to their chest? They are protecting him. If I was a fan of theatrics I might even say something like “wtf is wrong with you YOU ARE PROTECTING A STRAIGHT CIS WHITE MAN FROM THE PUBLIC KNOWING HE DEFENDED A LITERAL RAPIST”
Like I could say that but what’s really going on here is that whatever this hypothetical person is keeping a lid on, it’s for Misha’s sake, because these hypothetical people have somehow managed to center him again and treat him as the most vulnerable victim of the entire scandal he had nothing to do with, and yet is still prioritized over the actual victims.
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bullet-prooflove · 29 days
4000 Follower Celebration Bingo Card
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I am coming up to 4000 followers on the old blog and I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time to follow me, it means everything to me that you enjoy my work!
Secondly let's celebrate with a little bingo! I've included a mix of whump/smut/angsty prompts.
The Rules:
One Bingo Square per Character
One Bingo Square/Char per ask
When a character is assigned I will add them to the bingo card so you can see it.
If a Char/Square isn't working for me, the Square will be reset.
As usual check the pinned post on my blog to see who I'm writing for. I've added a few newbies recently.
Any questions just ask!
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s10e2 reichenbach (w. andrew dabb)
truly didn't notice dean's jacket or the amulet just *squint* why is his face all smooth like the unfortunate cg choices in twilight breaking dawn
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forgot to look it up but yes padalecki injury from... wrestling with kevin at a con??
Sam's arm is seen in a sling because Jared injured his shoulder and had to have surgery. It was still healing when filming for the season commenced. The injury occurred while wrestling with Osric Chau at Jus In Bello Italy 2014. Watch video of Osric relating how it happened. The explanation given in the show is that Sam was injured by a demon while he and Cas were searching for clues to Dean's disappearance. Sam wears the sling in the first four episodes of the season. Jared had previously wore a plaster cast on screen in season two for episodes 2.05 Simon Said through to 2.11 Playthings, following an on-set injury to his wrist.
how old is this cole dude supposed to be? his actor (travis aaron wade) is older than jackles.... (born 1975 and 1978, respectively).
when he was 13, it says. okay but LOL. at the choices in the past to have young dean be a different actor so he was supposed to be some mid20s lookin dude at 18/19 😂 i get so hung up on these silly pointless details
COLE Now…I know Dean's family and all, but he gave you up. And you have no reason to protect him -- none.
aforementioned family surely isn't enough
kind of clever i guess technically cutting between sam getting tortured and dean beating the shit out of the dude at the strip club (to the same song dean had in his pg-13 stripper dream from whenever ago when anna showed up in it [s5e13]) but then kind of sucks any fun out of dean beating the shit out of the dude. which maybe they're making a point or maybe they're just being tonally confusing again :p or maybe i just have extra strong feelings about torture in media!
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SAM The Mark --I-I guess it --it just messed him up. I don't know. CASTIEL That is a vast understatement.
made me laugh
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also, like that j2 interview, i need someone to tell me to make my observations snappier
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i was wondering if dean knew he was a demon. brain scrambling desperately to figure out where he's looking. but it's all the same!
CROWLEY And I know that you want to keep the party going. You want to have fun, fun, fun till daddy takes the black eyes away.
is sam going to be daddy in this scenario?
HANNAH I understand the three beans, but...What's the surprise?
apparently we needed a lady angel to be clueless like cas too
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show sure is trying to act like it wants them to smooch. the very special episode where hannah learns why humans and their feelings aren't so bad after all and maybe she wants to smash cas? if smashable
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how i feel about the angel subplots generally 😔
DEAN Does it matter? He was a douche. Now he's a dead douche. CROWLEY Of course it matters! The deal was one dead wife for one soul. The wife's not dead, I don't get the soul. It's math.
also made me laugh. demon math ✅
DEAN Oh, whatever I want. CROWLEY Really? Because I think you don't know what you want. Tell me, Dean -- what are you? A demon? If so, why isn't Lester's wife dead? Did you feel sorry for her? So maybe you're human. Except you have those pretty black peepers and you're working alongside me. Why don't you do us all a great big favor and PICK A BLOODY SIDE?!
doesn't want sam but also rudderless
DEAN Or what? Hmm? Go ahead. Make a move. See how it ends. I ain't your friggin' bestie, and I ain't taking orders from you. When I need to kill, I'll call. Until then, stay out of my way. CROWLEY Fine. It's over. What can I say? Crazy ones -- well, they're good for a fling, but they're not relationship material.
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that does not seem like the most practical place to stow your special knife on your person
CROWLEY You're here for Dean. I'm here to give him to you. SAM What? CROWLEY The little prat's bad for business. He's...uncontrollable. Must be the Mark. Anyway, Dean's your problem now -- again, forever.
yes, the mark. that's it!
HANNAH Metatron. METATRON I knew you'd come back. That white-hot spark between us -- I felt it.
ew david
METATRON Well...Everybody wants something. Question is, are you willing to pay for it? Are you willing to...I don't know -- let me out? Oh, come on. don't look so shocked. You knew what I'd ask for. And you wouldn't have come here if you weren't willing to pony up. HANNAH It doesn't make it any easier.
.... what
METATRON Fair enough. So... Let me sweeten the pot. I have had time to... think. And I've decided -- screw earth. You pop that lock, I'll give you Castiel's Grace and then scamper off to another planet -- another galaxy, even --and you will never see me again. And in return... you get Cas back at full power -- large and in charge. And that's what you really want, isn't it? Somebody big and strong telling you what to do. Poor little Hannah. You're so desperate to be dominated.
double ew jfc
METATRON Ugh. You know perfectly well what she's doing, ass-tiel.
so childish but i still laughed
that piano does not sound like it's doing so hot lol
from wiki
The few notes Dean plays on the piano appear to be from the Beatles song "Hey Jude," which was the song Mary would sing to Dean as a lullaby.
and it's so few notes i figured lemme play the song to hear the piano at the beginning but then i'm just listening to it and crying because dead parent and hey jude
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SAM It doesn't matter, all right? 'Cause whatever went down, whatever happened, we will fix it. DEAN Will we? 'Cause right now, I'm doing all I can not to come over there and rip your throat out... with my teeth. I'm giving you a chance, Sam. You should take it. SAM I'm gonna have to pass. DEAN Well, I'm not walking out that door with you. I'm just not. So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me? SAM No. DEAN Why? You don't know what I've done. I might have it coming. SAM Well, I don't care. Because you are my brother. And I'm here to take you home.
was thinking earlier how sam had the whole soul being shoved back in thing and the gadreel being shoved in thing, about time dean had something forcibly shoved in him thing
DEAN Hmm. Ah! “You're my brother, and I'm here to take you home.” Yeah, what is this, a Lifetime movie? Huh? With your puppy-dog eyes? Oh, thanks, Sammy. I needed that.
i do like how he's made demon!dean pretty distinct from human!dean. so much smiling!
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COLE Nyack, New York, June 21, 2003.
okay so. he's supposed to be.... 24. and his actor is 39. he does have a young face! but. this reminds me of how i could not wrap my head around chiyoh's actor supposedly knowing hannibal when he was young lol other than ~magic~
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looking very well hinged there, dean-o
rolling my eyes at the extended staring at the picture of dean and crowley and hey there lonely girl.
DEAN You call that mercy? Imagine you spend your whole life hunting down the guy that knifed your father. When you finally find him... He whips you like a dog. How do you think that feels?
putting aside we saw cole bleeding all over the library for demon research for a second, unless they're the only special ones that double down and go back after the guy... :p safe to assume he's just gonna come after you again
DEAN And what I'm gonna do to you, Sammy... Well, that ain't gonna be mercy, either.
now see that is actually distressing! stakes i care about
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incarnateirony · 1 year
[Watches the closet incident roar, gish burn in entitled frenzies, travis aaron wade come back and start attacking fans]
oh well, not my problem anymore
would suck if someone got tired of being used as unpaid full time infosec and PR that shrugged and walked out. Would suck if the secretaries involved had been taking credit for someone else's endeavors all those years and couldn't get reigns on this horse anymore if they tried.
i got my compensation and it's airing this February and that's all I'm ever gonna get but damn. Kinda funny to watch what happens in a few mere months, resulting.
yall want my services after this, you better think dollar bills. I don't need that shit anymore, I got done what i came here for.
But sure, bitch about your 2500 prize that's in the fine print. Threaten frivolous lawsuits. You guys clearly have great perspective here and this isn't just the result of unchecked fandom entitlement without pre-emptive infosec. You know, the issue I've talked about in this fandom for the last forever, almost like I was having to personally constantly deal with it.
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nancylou444 · 1 year
Yep. I think so too and that he still gets the moolah. Unsure why they didn't kick him out for good. They did with travis aaron wade (for a good reason) but with Jerkisha, nope. And he goes and sucks up to Jensen and Jared like he's buddies with them.
Because Singer was his buddy. That's the ONLY reason why he was in the show until the final season.
With friends like MC, one doesn't need enemies.
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shutup-misha · 9 months
Yeppers. Poor Jensen. I mean sure travis aaron wade deserved to be kicked out permanately, but I hate that they didnt with Jerkisha after what he did.
Yeah, Misha only got second/third chances because of his friendship with Singer.
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101now-sports · 1 month
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
Holy shit. Thanks for posting that link to the TAW drama. I have only been in the fandom since late 2018 and I didn’t know any of that. What a delusional creep. He seemed to imply Jared used charity money to buy a bar. How vindictive of him. Texas bar/ alcohol laws are ridiculously strict, any money input would have been throughly checked. And Jensen made the other actors ignore him lol, I mean it couldn’t possibly be his behaviour that people distanced themselves from him, no it was mean Jensen. His obsession with Misha is very disturbing. I loved Marks performance on the show and always liked how much he was an actual fan of the show, his political views rubbed me the wrong way but to side with TAW and know of the harassment Misha got on social media from TAW is very disappointing.
I remember reading TAW say he almost got the role of Dean and thinking yeah sure buddy, he thinks highly of himself. Didn’t know he was that bad.
I only heard some shit he did in the past but didn't know about the specifics, but that reddit thread really opened my eyes about how incredible awful is that guy. I don't understand how a person can achieve that level of malice, and not just malice but also stupidity because he literally burnt all the bridges with his former co-stars from SPN. I'm glad the cast got rid of him years ago.
He said he almost got the role of Dean? Lol that gave me a few good laughs
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daddynews247 · 7 months
David Warner has withdrawn from the T20 series against India
Aaron Hardie will take Warner’s position in the five-match T20 series against India, which begins on Thursday.
David Warner, Australia’s opening batsman, has withdrawn from the five-match T20 series against India, which begins on Thursday.
Warner, Australia’s leading run-scorer during their World Cup triumph, has been replaced by all-rounder Aaron Hardie.
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“After a successful but demanding World Cup campaign, selectors decided Warner would return home,” Cricket Australia said in a statement.
With Warner’s departure, just seven members of Australia’s World Cup-winning ODI squad – Sean Abbott, Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Smith, Marcus Stoinis, and Adam Zampa – will be in India for the series.
Australia: Matthew Wade (c), Aaron Hardie, Jason Behrendorff, Sean Abbott, Tim David, Nathan Ellis, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Tanveer Sangha, Matt Short, Steve Smith, Marcus Stoinis, Kane Richardson, Adam Zampa
India: Suryakumar Yadav (c), Ruturaj Gaikwad (vc), Ishan Kishan, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Tilak Varma, Rinku Singh, Jitesh Sharma (wk), Washington Sundar, Axar Patel, Shivam Dubey, Ravi Bishnoi, Arshdeep Singh, Prasidh Krishna, Avesh Khan, Mukesh Kumar, Shreyas Iyer (last two matches only)
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bullet-prooflove · 26 days
4000 Follower Celebration Bingo Card
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I am coming up to 4000 followers on the old blog and I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time to follow me, it means everything to me that you enjoy my work!
Secondly let's celebrate with a little bingo!
The Rules:
One Bingo Square per Character
One Bingo Square/Char per ask
When a character is assigned I will add them to the bingo card so you can see it.
If a Char/Square isn't working for me, the Square will be reset.
As usual check the pinned post on my blog to see who I'm writing for. I've added a few newbies recently.
Any questions just ask!
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ao3feed-stony · 1 year
The Fate of Love and War
by Snaptrashbleu
Eons ago, before humans were created with magic in their veins and nature bestowed at their feet, a stark beam of light pierced the earth with its rays. And in its wake left warriors within armies of old. Shivers wracked the crowd as a wave of frost passed between the air.
And as the wind calmed another army was revealed, with skin as blue as the thickest of ice and wh eyes of deepest ruby. They stood. And as the silence remained, it seemed as if time stopped. And just as suddenly as the silence settled single shout rung through the atmosphere, and after a whisper of grief, they charged.
Metal clashing met the ears of many as the war finally begun. And with the gruesome battle above began a story. A story destined to be unknown to the inhabitants of this land, forever left to wonder. Soldiers fought hard, sweat and blood bleeding to the surface of their skin. warlocks and sedir users focused their energy into spells of olde, striking their opponents with lethal force. But. With each new spell that was made with intentions of war, every single dust of magic left behind began its journey…
Words: 249, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: MyStreet - Aphmau (Web Series), Super Minecraft Daily, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Aphmau (Minecraft Diaries), Aaron Lycan, Sylvanna (MyStreet), Eric (MyStreet), Katelyn (Mystreet), Vylad Ro'Meave, Garroth Ro'Meave, Zane Ro'Meave, Kawaii~Chan (Minecraft Diaries), Lucinda (Mystreet), Laurence Zvhal, Betty (MyStreet), Diana (Falconclaw University), Kacey (MyStreet), Terra (Falconclaw University), Odin (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Lady Irene (Minecraft Diaries), Shad the Destroyer, the divine warriors, Tony Masters (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Original Characters, Wolverine, Nick Fury, Avengers Team, T’challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), i don’t know if I got them all
Relationships: Vylad Ro’Meave/Kacey, Aphmau/Aaron Lycan, Garroth Ro'Meave/Laurance Zvahl, Garte Ro'Meave/Zianna Ro'Meave, Betty/Diana (Falconclaw University), Aphmau & Garroth Ro'Meave, Aphmau & Laurance Zvahl, Kawaii~Chan/Zane Ro'Meave, Katelyn/Travis Valkrum, Thor (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Avengers Team & Avengers Team, Everyone & Everyone
Additional Tags: I'm Bad At Tagging, tagging is hard, everyone is confused, Everyone Is Gay, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst, Hurt Aphmau, ahhhhhhh, ill add more later
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47910511
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stony-ao3-feed · 1 year
The Fate of Love and War
Read it on AO3
by Snaptrashbleu
Eons ago, before humans were created with magic in their veins and nature bestowed at their feet, a stark beam of light pierced the earth with its rays. And in its wake left warriors within armies of old. Shivers wracked the crowd as a wave of frost passed between the air.
And as the wind calmed another army was revealed, with skin as blue as the thickest of ice and wh eyes of deepest ruby. They stood. And as the silence remained, it seemed as if time stopped. And just as suddenly as the silence settled single shout rung through the atmosphere, and after a whisper of grief, they charged.
Metal clashing met the ears of many as the war finally begun. And with the gruesome battle above began a story. A story destined to be unknown to the inhabitants of this land, forever left to wonder. Soldiers fought hard, sweat and blood bleeding to the surface of their skin. warlocks and sedir users focused their energy into spells of olde, striking their opponents with lethal force. But. With each new spell that was made with intentions of war, every single dust of magic left behind began its journey…
Words: 249, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: MyStreet - Aphmau (Web Series), Super Minecraft Daily, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Aphmau (Minecraft Diaries), Aaron Lycan, Sylvanna (MyStreet), Eric (MyStreet), Katelyn (Mystreet), Vylad Ro'Meave, Garroth Ro'Meave, Zane Ro'Meave, Kawaii~Chan (Minecraft Diaries), Lucinda (Mystreet), Laurence Zvhal, Betty (MyStreet), Diana (Falconclaw University), Kacey (MyStreet), Terra (Falconclaw University), Odin (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Lady Irene (Minecraft Diaries), Shad the Destroyer, the divine warriors, Tony Masters (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Original Characters, Wolverine, Nick Fury, Avengers Team, T’challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), i don’t know if I got them all
Relationships: Vylad Ro’Meave/Kacey, Aphmau/Aaron Lycan, Garroth Ro'Meave/Laurance Zvahl, Garte Ro'Meave/Zianna Ro'Meave, Betty/Diana (Falconclaw University), Aphmau & Garroth Ro'Meave, Aphmau & Laurance Zvahl, Kawaii~Chan/Zane Ro'Meave, Katelyn/Travis Valkrum, Thor (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Avengers Team & Avengers Team, Everyone & Everyone
Additional Tags: I'm Bad At Tagging, tagging is hard, everyone is confused, Everyone Is Gay, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst, Hurt Aphmau, ahhhhhhh, ill add more later
Read it on AO3
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incarnateirony · 2 years
So I just caught up om Twitter...
Holy shit!
Ok so I noticed u gave a time limit, r u being nice to wait for Mark to give permission or r u sticking to the time limit?
Actually I started posting but my shit got like autolocked from 203942039 trekkies setting off the bots.
Now they're coming on socks trying to bait me here so they can try to crash out my blog
idk I may wait a few days. Because Mark's silence on the tagging from multiple people and the very direct questions is itself incredibly damning with a man so quick to engage in twitter fights.
The trekkies will get bored and stop hate crawling and I can probably drop something then. IDK. Either way I'm just at a point of tired.
Right now, pat and co for example are so up their asses, they're actually sending Jared fans to defend [checks notes] Mark Pellegrino, who while the attack was primarily against Misha, also protected Travis Aaron Wade knowing he was attacking Jared as well, on his main actor page to his followers.
Very... very big brain fandom motions happening today.
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freejohn · 2 years
Supernatural season 10 for free
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At a gas station, they are attacked by a vengeful Adina, and a weakened Castiel is left near-death. Elsewhere, Hannah goes to visit Metatron ( Curtis Armstrong) in his prison, in the hopes of making a deal to save Castiel's life, but Castiel manages to stop her, insisting that she respect his choice not to save himself through evil means.Ĭastiel and Hannah continue their journey towards the bunker with Castiel growing weaker all the time. Cole, having learned about Dean's demonic nature, starts researching the supernatural, still determined to take revenge on Dean. In return for Crowley's help, Sam gives him the First Blade. Sam seizes the opportunity to capture the distracted Dean. Dean leaves him alive so that he will have to live with the shame of having been unable to avenge his father. Cole then ambushes the brothers and takes Dean on in a fight, but is easily defeated. Sam offers to help Dean become human again, but Dean is uninterested, having found a kind of liberty in being a demon and in not caring anymore. Realizing that the situation has gotten out of his control, Crowley contacts Sam with Dean's whereabouts to have Sam handle his brother. Meanwhile, Crowley and Dean have a falling out after Dean refuses to follow Crowley's orders and embarrasses him in front of his demon subjects. It is later revealed that Cole has let him escape, and follows him to Dean. He tries to torture Sam for Dean's location, but Sam escapes after warning Cole that Dean is a monster. Sam's kidnapper reveals that his name is Cole and the reason he's hunting Dean down is because Dean killed his father twelve years ago. Castiel, however, thinks it's a good idea. Afterward, Hannah reveals that she doesn't like the idea of angels taking on human values, as she fears it would lead to chaos. While Castiel is understanding towards the couple, Hannah is not, and a fight ensues that results in Castiel having to kill Daniel to save Hannah. Elsewhere, a dying Castiel ( Misha Collins) is approached by Hannah ( Erica Carroll), one of his followers in the previous season, for help tracking down Daniel and Adina ( Jud Tylor), two rogue angels who refuse to return to the restored Heaven, instead wanting the freedom that life on Earth gives them. However, Dean doesn't care about his brother anymore, refuses the deal, and hangs up, leaving Sam in the kidnapper's hands. Dean gets a call from the man, who demands that Dean trade himself for Sam's life. Sam tracks Dean and Crowley to Beulah, North Dakota, but gets ambushed by an unknown man (Travis Aaron Wade) who is also looking for Dean. Crowley confesses that he has been sending Abaddon loyalists after Dean to sate Dean's bloodlust. He eventually finds out the truth from Crowley after investigating the death of an Abaddon loyalist whom Crowley had purposefully sent to his death by attacking Dean. Meanwhile, Sam ( Jared Padalecki), oblivious to Dean's state, has been searching desperately for his missing brother. Sheppard)-partying at bars, singing bad karaoke, and sleeping with a waitress. In the six weeks that have passed since the ending of the ninth season, the now-demonic Dean ( Jensen Ackles) has been living it up with his new friend Crowley ( Mark A. A special titled "A Very Special Supernatural Special" aired on October 6, 2014, narrated by Rob Benedict and received 1.07 million viewers.
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newcountryradio · 2 years
New country 25e jaargang  #1140 (699) van 29 augustus     2022  (wk 35) tussen 19.00 -22.00 op Smelne fm
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Album van de week: Ronnie Dunn – 100  Proof Neon
                                              Artiest                        Title                                                    
1.    Marty Robbins –   You Gave Me A Mountain      
2.    Justin Moore – Somebody Else Will
3.    Aaron Lewis Someone
4.    Parmalee – Girl In Mine
5.    Gary LeVox – Get Down Like That
6.    Bailey Zimmerman  - Where It ends
7.    Locash – Beach Boys
8.    Blake Shelton – No Body
9.    Ronnie Dunn – Broken Neon Hearts .
10. Ronnie Dunn -. Honky Tonk Town       - Overzicht 5-2 country airplay
11. Chris Young  w/ Mitchel Tenpenny – At The End Of A Bar- #1
12. Tim Knol – Blind Lemon
13.  Jonathan Terrell – Texas
14. Martina McBride - Wrong Again         1999
15. Luke Combs w/ Miranda Lambert– Outrunnin’Your Memory --favoriet    
16. Toby Keith - "I Wanna Talk About Me
17. Toby Keith - "I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight
18. Hunter Hayes - -Dear God (prayer)
19. Aaron Watson – The Old Man Said   .    
20. 49 Winchester - .Russel County Line
21. Steve Earl – Mr Bojangles
22. .Jesper Lindell – Leave A Light On
23. .Bill Monroe – I Saw Yhe Light .  ..
24. Charley Crockett – The Man From Waco    .
25. Ronnie Dunn – Two Steppers Waltzes and Shuffles .*album of the week
26. Wade Bowen –If You Don’t Miss Me    vorig album  vd week
27. Morgan Wallen –  Cover Me Up              #1 album
28. Mark Chesnutt – I Don’t Want To Miss A thing
29. Jo Dee Messina – Stand Beside Me
30. Travis Tritt – Start The Car     *Trucksong
31. Marty Robbins –Billy The Kid    
32. Mose Wilson – This Time It’s You           juweeltje
33. Kolby Cooper –  Storms’ Coming
34. Bluegrass Boogie Man – The Happiest Day *delivering the grass 2013
35. Tim Knol / Bluegrass Boogie Man – The Deep Dark Woods
36. Tim Knol  - Lightyears Better .
37. Wade Bowen /Vince Gill – A Guitar A Singer And A Song                 3 in 1
38. Sara Evans /Vince Gill  - No Place That Far      (3in 1)  
39. Sunny Sweeny Vince Gill – Married Alone  3 in 1
40. Ronnie Dunn - .She’s Why I Drink Whiskey
41. Travis Tritt – The Whiskey Ain’t Working  (marty stuart).
42. Willie Nelson  - Me And You            
43. Kenny Chesney -  How Forever Feels
44 .Willie & Merle – Pancho & Lefty  
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