#Treasure uvu
mejomonster · 11 months
I'm only in ep 14 I'm so soft about fang xiaobao though. ;-; li lianhua simply. Switches to that as soon as he realizes. I want to see fang duobing make a mention of it
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
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You're all magic anime girls in my eyes dw mikey uvu <3
(Yo-Ho-Ho) A Ninjas Life For Me
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caemthe · 17 days
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When the mercenary leader told him that there would be interesting additions to the group, he thought they were talking about the battle prowess of the new recruits. Well, the 'black sun's' skills were undeniable and worthy of praise and amazement, but he just understood what Calcharo had been talking about.
The general stopped running, the rangers following behind him stopping as well, some of them murmuring between them. "This level of destruction would make anyone think that you stumbled upon a tacet field," the general said. A swing of his blade created a wind current that took out the remaining flames. "Taiyou, I was informed of your arrival. Thank you for taking care of the outbreak."
@holyrisen • starter for taiyou!
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pirateborn-a · 1 year
✧.   some headcanons on Roger after learning about his illness.
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     Roger had always believed he would be traveling on the seas with Rayleigh and his crew until he grew old. He was an unstoppable force of energy and life with a lust for adventure, so it’d never really even occurred to him to entertain the thought of retirement. After he found out he was dying, he abandoned those dreams and dedicated his entire attention and energy towards fulfilling his first promise-- to turn the world upside down.
       The first few months after confirmation he was dying, Roger acted incredibly reckless, far more than he had prior. He was insistent on throwing himself into danger as if to say “Look! I’m fine! I’m still fine!”. He wanted to prove that he was still alive, that his crew didn’t need to worry so much about him. He needed for things to be normal, for people to not treat him differently. Eventually, this calmed down though, likely after being scolded a good few times or after accidentally leading his crew into danger and not just himself.
     Although he was incredibly nonchalant about the affair, he was in constant pain. He did his best to hide the worse of his illness from the crew, no matter the pain. Only Crocus and Rayleigh were ever really allowed to see him in any state besides his best. In most cases, he would just lock himself in his cabin -- or whichever room was nearest -- and stay there until the worse had passed.
     Roger did his damn best to be a constant beacon of positivity, he would encourage song and laughter and throw celebrations over any victory-- minor or major. He had to be sure his crew would be okay with his departure before the time actually arrived. He wanted them to celebrate his life, their life as a crew, not mourn it.
     He left the crew at the end because he didn’t want them to have to watch his sickness reach its peak, he thought he was protecting them this way, and keeping it so that they remembered their captain as his best before he died.
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selenemoonlite · 5 months
hiiii! I can ask for some hdcns for hajun, allen, kanata with an orphan mc fem who also has a younger sister whom she loves very affectionately and teaches (things like sums, reading, etc.) since they can't attend school je, well In summary, how would they react to a tender relationship between sisters~ (since we have seen several brother relationships in the anime, so I was wondering how things would be with a fluffy and sweet relationship between sisters with a lot of hug uvu) I hope I have explained myself well ;u; tell me if something was not understood and I will rephrase it again, tkm <33
┈➤ that's such a cute request! Hopefully, this will suffice for your scenarios, please enjoy!
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Allen Sugasano
he notices you with a scratch paper you hold with. Allen was quick to take an interest in
Aware of the circumstances your life has been through he is sure to ask why you have that paper along with you. It didn't shrug the fact you said you want to teach your sister back at home today.
Allen wanted to help and the care and concern he shows he visiting you two at your house
It wasn't pretty much shabby nor abandoned as you mainly took care of everything around. Managing only you and your little sister, which Allen admires that of you
He sees your little sister at the front door directly she greets him before rushing you with a big hug
How cute isn't it? Allen was a bit cautious about wherever places he went, shy enough to bow as he walked inside
You prepared a small table with the scratch paper on your hands and placed it along with a notebook and a pen
"New lesson to teach her?" Allen asked as he watched you
You answered yes to the hip-hop genius with a soft smile showed your face. When your little sister arrives back to see you handling a new topic she has quipped her attention to you as you speak
Something Allen felt was genuinely unconditional that you wanted to help her know the bigger things and the outside world which he had a heartfelt weight on his chest. Chuckling as he also joined the discussion.
Wholesome moment when you put a lot of effort into telling your little sister what's good and bad, and there's nothing to be afraid of risking challenges in it too
You were a standing mother to her, she is more important to you than anyone else which Allen understands as he listens to you.
There are random conversations that relate to your new topic and yet rambles that your sister will find entertaining even in the slightest thought. Allen stares at you without any notice as you are focused on telling more about your sibling.
There are moments Allen grew fonder of your sibling relationship that he caters his time to talk with your little sister too.
He knows how hard it is to live up to the reality you've been facing. As Allen was supposed to leave, he chuckled and smiled at you saying "You know what? I think you'll be a great teacher someday. If I were to help you. I thank you for such a good role model for her."
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Hajun Yeon
Such an observer, he would help you out about things with you and your little sister
But you were a persistent older sibling to her no matter what which Hajun respects
Something Hajun finds in someone that he wished to feel for throughout his past life with a rich family. Love wasn't something he saw nor felt within his presence before, until the picture of you and your littlbutister's bond
Hajun can only think and imagine how life was been for you to pursue just for this little lady. He sometimes assists you around when you need him. Education is a treasure that he believes in, despite the difference in his experience between the two of you. He wouldn't miss a chance to help out as well
Funny that sometimes Hajun would slide sarcastic comments about your teachings to your little sister which ends up with him and your sibling picking a tease on you. But who doesn't it? Hajun as his ways to do so
He feels like he is also part of this bond you two had. Even your little sister starts to call him "oppa" when he comes around visiting your place.
He makes sure to bring some books, papers, notebooks, and pens to find. He showers your little sister with gifts he knows she can appreciate.
Of course, you're not missing out. Hajun isn't the type to be verbal, but showing his side of effort and gifts are his ways.
Aside from that, it's a relief you're not the only one helping out to teach your little sibling. Hajun gives the best learnings for her to share as he was given the best education. So he wouldn't be shy about it.
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Kanata Yatonokami
As Kanata relates to this kind of situation. He always reminds him and Nayuta in this case. He sees you with your little sister laughing as you discuss lots of things going on. The world outside is mysterious and something to explore.
He simply agrees with a few things you teach her, there are times when Kanata's words are full of direct bluntness which he says they should know as early as possible before they can step up the reality.
In hindsight of this relationship that you and your little sister had he couldn't deny thinking of Nayuta the way you take care of her. Every patience, every moment you worded for her about the things she should be grateful for and that she doesn't need to do for their living survival? Thus, other things you would do to sacrifice in order not to lose someone special, and a family? Kanata felt that.
You're like a mother to her the way Kanata stands up doing odd jobs for a living, a standing parent for their siblings. Finally, another one who can relate to his struggles
When you're out going to buy some new notebooks for your little sister which are mostly used for her random scribbles. Kanata simply talks to the kid randomly while you're away
Your little sister is just being a child of her own, scribbling on her notebook as she presents it to Kanata.
He blinked and laughed noticing this little kid drew him, "You're something huh?"
He never felt like this being close to someone and yet welcomed. Like how he and Nayuta only had each other, he could only hope that Nayuta was here with him. Pretty sure you'll be the only person Kanata understands more by how this situation is meant for you two to talk about.
As you go home by the time, Kanata is just talking to your sister as she still scribbles in her notebook. You noticed Kanata's doodle of him and your sister together playing. There's a note from your little sister that says "big brother" on her paper.
Chuckling aside, you excused Kanata to let your sister behave and they shall start their learning fun. Kanata is willing to stay for long as he sees what bond you two have.
He didn't find it boring when you talked about other things aside from how to write and read. You taught your little sister some basic math you know. Even kidding aside if Kanata knows something which he slyly ignores that you find adorable his reactions are.
Daily he goes to see you and your little sister having quality time together there are no instances that your bond with her reflects where he and Nayuta spend.
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r95irth · 1 year
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It's my birthday today so i decided to be super self-indulgent and to design and name all Xiyao babies for the Jiaoren AU UvU
You might recognize name from other chinese novel bc i suck at naming.
Anyways i blame the insomnia earlier this week for the absurd number of babies and all that follow :
-1st baby is Jingyi of course, very proud, like chicken the most, his tail is white and blue but his skin has a yellowish glow. You know Jingyi he is pretty much like in canon.
-2nd Baby will be Rusong, who is very long (longer than Jingyi) and has A-Yao's hair floof. He is a lot like his uncle Wangji, (come on king give us nothing!!) probably a bit on the autistic spectrum. He likes to bite and chew on people and float on the pond.
-3rd baby is Haojun (name is Meng Shi 's chinese voice actor) She is very much like her grandmother and her tail color has pink/purple hue like Meng Shi's (but you see more the yellow and the blue). She likes her fathers the most and when A-Yao tried to make her float like a baby otter she cried when he disappeared and LXC had to swim and get her back
-4th baby is Haikuan (name of LXC's actor in CQL), he is a lot like LXC but with A-Yao's colors (yellow for the tails and brown hair) He seems always happy enthusiastic / kind and encouraging. He can be a bit exhausting sometimes because he gives everything his 100% Picture Drunk LXC. He also has the longest tail of all the guppies.
-5th baby is Zanjin (Name of JGY's actor in CQL) he is a lot like his father (A-Yao) but with black Lan hair, he likes shiny things and tiny animals, peace and quiet. He keeps gifting the people he loves with pearls and shells.
-6th baby is Lingwen (name from TGCF, Ling Wen, i hope the contraction is okay) - She is a quiet child, looks a lot like her Lan grandma. Her tail is blue and greenish. She looks super composed but she is the one that can hisses and bites you without a warning.
-7th and 8th are twins Yueyan and Qiyan (Qiyan is from a girl's love chinese novel) their tail are yellow and blue. Yueyan is very much like Lan Xichen and Qiyan a lot like JGY, very close they speak a language only they understand sometimes.
And last ones are 9th and 10th, twins Fengxi and Fuyao. The first human pregnancy JGY got and he was like "finally a human baby !! and he got somehow a dragon baby first. It wasn't a fun time in the labor room. Then he got Fuyao and Fuyao looked very much human and while JGY tried to get his dragon baby undercontrol LXC tended to Fuyao and Fuyao opened his mouth and showed VERY NIT HUMAN FANG (like picture the dragon in how i met your dragon, toothless and then suddenly POOF SHARP TEETH AND CHOMP)
LXC : ...Hm...I'm afraid this one is not completely human like you wanted A-Yao.
JGY : *looks at Fuyao as Fengxi decided he was going to live inside his father's collar robe* they're human enough. No more children.
(they will have more children maybe in 20 years or so but for now it's enough)
Fengxi does not like human, he only tolerates family and hides in his fathers' robe and sleeve all the time. He attacks people who harm his siblings. He likes to steal things that belongs to his family and hoard them all like it's treasure. He probably shifted into his human form the lastest among the guppies, probably near adulthood.
PS : they all have dimples and LXC is the happiest about it.
I also decided for the epilogues children of all the others ship and let me tell you...insomnia was strong.
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Wangxian is definitely competing to have as many babies as Xiyao but for now they just say they're competing against ChengQingSang so they can say they're winning (JC's competitive strike is calmed down by his spouses)
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tvrningout · 1 month
on a random note, i crave a pirate au of some sort bc i watched poc yesterday… i want swashbuckling adventures and cursed treasure and scary sea creatures so bad uvu
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affinitystoryblog · 1 year
do you know what the cast's favourite Disney movies are?
do you have Halloween costumes for any of your chars?
Cast's favorite Disney Movies?
Sinie - Treasure Planet!! it was between this one or Atlantis: The Lost Empire because those are two of my personal favorite high fantasy disney movies. but sinie would definitely be drawn to treasure planet, it hits all her favs: adventure, steampunk, SPACE WHALES, and amazing character development and interactions with every single character.
Csilla - this one is hard because i feel csilla being sinie's other half would also love a good high fantasy movie but she's also more reserved and likes a good dark movie so like real shit...Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Agitha - Aristocats!
Daren - he's a big Tangled fan he likes Rapunzel a lot
Elise - Cinderella! she loves cinderella as a fairy tale and she relates to her on a level somewhat. she has a loving home and is not at all a slave to her guardian, however she does take care of most of the houseowork and watches her brothers a lot because her dad works like 2 jobs just to keep food on the table. (elise has a job too, she works at a coffee shop!)
Heather - bambi uvu
Everett - big hero 6!!
i do have a couple different halloween sketches!
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catigrls, rly old from like 2018 lolol
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halloween doodle 2021!
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csilla in her Jennifer's Body halloween costume 2022 :D
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
this isn't a huge deal, but I'm kinda sad I can't see doll puppet art cause I can't find their tumblr. what happened? I miss their art.
They're a-lurkin somewhere, if you wanna find their new blog they say you gotta find it on ur own |D
Like a treasure hunt ovo
Cause they are an absolute treasure~ uvu
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badheart · 10 months
ooc / sometimes when i see how much ur blog had change over the years im just 🥹 , time flies! its so nice to see all of ur phases jfkejdjdj ( i felt sentimental !! its just been sooo long!! ) 🥰 anyway have a good day fksksk
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oh yeah *digs ol icon out* ... tho actually it goes even further back, but those blogs do not exist anymore, except my very first side blog, which i sometimes check for funnies & pure cringe but I had my fun, so uvu.
Now my bleach phase is pretty much over, especially after accepting that I could not really develop my boi anymore, or too repetitive & inactive partners but also really just growing disinterest. My OC's really turned out to be more fun + the ongoing story with Val, but also single-verse helped me to value even the tiniest bonds more. I really find it more fun than always starting from zero with my character's development (plus many others are more busy too nowadays), ... but also with lack of time, it helps my uncreative ass too, gotta accept my limits. Not sure what the next phase will be, but like this I feel very content now.
I still treasure the shu drawing you did uvu & your personal keeps me alive asdfgh.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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i feel the need to remind y'all that even though yu's fc has short hair, my boy has long hair that he typically keeps in a neat ponytail! and though his bangs look messy, it's 100% on purpose :' ) he takes a lot of care with his appearance bc it just! makes him feel good! to take care of himself! he may not take his well-being into consideration most days, but he does treasure his me-time when he's just taking care of his hair and skin. it's very soothing uvu
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etherbonded · 1 year
@tenebriism said: ❝  when i’m with you i feel like myself.  i feel like every side of me is present and accepted.  and i feel good about it—  i feel good about who i am when i’m with you.  ❞ // from Yusuke, to Sumire~ uvu
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There was nothing more she ever wanted to hear than that, for there is no greater joy than making someone feel like themself and able to be like their truest version of themselves. Because it's something she's always wanted, a feeling she herself has always yearned to feel. And to make her dearest treasure feel such a way? There is nothing that could bring her higher over the moon than this.
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She pulls him into a tight warm hug just as she plants a kiss on his cheek, for she just wants to shower and show him so much affection right now it's almost overwhelming. He's stolen her heart but it's okay, she doesn't mind him keeping it, because she loves him to where she trusts him so deeply.
" Oh Yusuke... I'm so glad I can make you feel good about who you are when you're with me. I'm so happy that I can make you feel good about who you are. Because... it's the same for me. You make me feel like I can show you every side to me and I'd be accepted. You too make me feel good about who I am. And... and you remind me that I'm loved for myself. Not who I thought people would love. "
She's tearing up as she clings to her boyfriend, for she's so emotional in this moment... she can't help but cry happy tears. For he makes her feel loved for her... he makes her not worry everyone will get bored of her and want Kasumi back. ...He's the best person in the world to her. " ...I love you so very much. "
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soft-citrus-central · 2 years
2, 7 and 12 for Nolan uvu
Back To Nolan~!
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
As we all know there's no real timeline when it comes to lupin iii, However! Nolan is the last to join the gang usually, and it's tends to be after some sort of back and forth, trying to kill each other "game" between them and Lupin. Given her forgery skills they tend to get in the way of lupin's plans which in turn makes him go after her, which then causes the feud, usually highlighted by both parties determination and a lot of fake/forged/poisoned wine. After this goes on for a bit, Nolan's auction house goes bankrupt and Lupin lends them a hand, especially given their useful forging skills.
we love a good death match turn fun game between friends!
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
I bet ya'll would expect me to say no again, or someone in the gang or what have you.
But no.
Nolan gets their own Lupin girl and it's that Lady in Return the Treasure. That's right, It's Nolan turn! And I say this mostly because Nolan loves anything and everything to do with art, so given that Anita (i believe is her name) is very interested in architecture but just lost her spark for it, I just think it's very cute if Nolan helps re-ignite that spark.
They don't get together or anything but still. Not to mention, since Nolan is very heavily based on me, and if you would have heard my rambles when I realized I knew Exactly the architect they were talking about, you would understand it that much more lol
I need to re-watch the movie since it's been a hot minute but point still stands.
And 12 has been answered here!
Bottom line is I think others would enjoy their character, she's fun, there is a side of me that thinks people would down play their intelligence given how her attitude and general vibe are like, but I think that's more so me worrying about nothing asdfgbh
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despair-edits · 2 years
Hey! I hope you all have a wonderful day uvu I was wondering if mod Peko could do a kin assignment/matchup for me from Revue Starlight, Bandori, Genshin Impact and Project Sekai.
I'm an INFP 6w5 if that helps.
I'm a bit shy.
I literally have no energy but I'm still a clown somehow.
Maybe I'm too melancholic and tend to be a little pessimistic.
I have a HUGE fear of change.
I have trouble making and maintaining friends.
Inferiority complex.
I don't like showing my weaknesses and emotions out loud, but I'm making efforts to be more sincere.
Did I say about the huge fear of change? Because. Yeah.
It's really huge.
I love my friends so much I would give everything to them💞
I like languages! Even though that's not really relevant XD
When I'm in fear I tend to hide and run away.
I've been misunderstood for a lot of years.
I don't know what else to say, is this enough?
hello! I’ll do that gladly! after all, you just grabbed all of my favourite stuff and shoved it into a request!! and don't worry, your info was enough! This is my first time doing a kin matchup, so I apologize for any mistakes.
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so… I’ll match you with:
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Mahiru Tsuyuzaki
Your description reminded me a bit of Mahiru. Although yes, she displays her emotions a bit more outwardly, there are a lot of similarities between you two, such as a fear of change (not as big as Nana’s, but oh well), an inferiority complex and how you treasure your friends a lot.
Honorable mention: Nana, because of her tremendously huge fear of change, how she loves her friends a lot and how she doesn't really like to display her true emotions and weaknesses.
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Ran Mitake
I was having some trouble with this one until it just hit me that your description really sounds like Ran. Melancholic and maybe a bit pessimistic? Check! Doesn’t like to show emotions and weaknesses out loud but is working on that? Check! No energy? Check! Fear of change? The whole motto of Afterglow is “the same as always”, so I’d say so! You both also care very much about your friends.
Honorable mention: Mashiro, because of her shyness, inferiority complex, pessimism, trouble making friends and the way she deals with fear. Plus, she probably likes languages (I mean, she wouldn’t write all the lyrics for Morfonica if she didn’t)
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I think I’ll go with Xiao. He’s not very fond of change, melancholic, not the most energetic guy out there, doesn’t like to show emotions and vulnerability around others but is working on being more relaxed, is not the best at communicating with others and really cares for those who he’s close with.
Honorable mention: Ganyu, because of her fear of change, her shyness, her evident lack of energy and how misunderstood she feels (and many other things).
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Shiho Hinomori
Alas, the source I found the hardest. After some thought, I ended up choosing Shiho. She doesn’t like to openly display her emotions and weaknesses, doesn’t like change, is misunderstood by others due to her reputation, really loves her friends, has trouble making and maintaining friends and doesn’t have much energy.
Honorable mention: Kohane. You both share a lot of problems, like shyness, pessimism, issues with making friends, openness to show emotions out loud and running away from fears. The thing is, she overcame them with some character development.
[and that wraps it up! consider the "honorable mention" notes as a little bonus, because your characteristics also matched other characters quite well! anyway, I hope you're satisfied with your results!! you know yourself and who you're kin with best, though. have a nice day!]
- Mod Peko
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darthsuki · 2 years
Hey, I love your work so please accept these 💐💝
Thank u anon, I am grateful and will treasure the kind words and symbolic gifts very much UvU
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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  — gift giving / receiving, even though it isn’t a super major one, is still one of her love languages. Any type of gift Mukuro is given is treasured forever.
  — Surprise dates! Platonic or not, Mukuro will feel so appreciated / loved if what she thought was going to be a just a simple outing turns out to be a little picnic date or something ;w ;
  — good morning / good night texts! Mukuro absolutely loves those and even though she doesn’t really sleep lol she still really appreciates the gesture and makes her feel warm and fuzzy uvu
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【 tips on how to win mukuro's heart 】              ♡              【 accepting 】
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