#Triathlon Coach Near Me
weird-is-life · 1 year
hiiii!! can i request aaron hotchner x bau!reader where reader gets sooo jealous of the women flirting (or trying to flirt) with him (at jacks soccer games, when they’re away on a case or when he did that fbi triathlon)? i’m curious to see how you think she’ll react and what aaron will say when he realises she’s jealous 🤭🤭
Hii, thank u for this request, lovely!🥰Warnings: pet names, mentions of food (kind of), like one kiss, (1k)
It's not your first time at one of Jack's soccer games. But it is your first time witnessing what is happening in front of you.
The other kid's moms are ogling Aaron like he is some kind of famous painting hanging in Louvre (which you can't really blame them for). They also keep smiling and waving flirtiously anytime he looks over their way.
And it is even worse, when you realise, they are all dressed up, make up done with pretty clothes on. It looks like they dressed up just for him. It causes a pang in your heart.
You didn't think about wearing anything special, as you dressed up this Saturday morning for Jack's match. Compared to them you look like a bag of potatoes, you with the loose jeans and a comfy hoodie on.
It makes you feel kind of anxious, but you also feel one even more intense feeling, which can be only described as jealousy.
But you didn't come here to be angry at ridiculous moms, you came to watch Jack score some goals and see him have fun. Which is exactly what you force yourself to do now. Occasionally, your gaze slips from Jack to Aaron, but most of the match you just cheer Jack on loudly.
During the half-time, you fight the want to go to Aaron. You don't want to distract him from his coaching duties, even if it's a friendly match between the kids.
So you stay seated, still having to see and listen to those moms. They even started to talk about how hot and handsome Aaron is, which has you squirming in your seat uncomfortably. You can't decide if you want to run away from them or if you want to go tell them off from talking about your Aaron.
But you don't, you power through the second half of the match, but the urge to go say some very rude things to them doesn't dissappear.
Finally you hear the whistle, signaling the end of the match. And while the kids shake their hands with happy faces, you sheepishly walk towards the bench. Aaron is standing next to it and when he notices you walking his way, his whole face lights up.
"Hi," you greet him, you smile at him, but it's not your usual big smile.
Aaron immediately picks up on it, but he doesn't say anything. He just opens his arms, inviting you to hug him, which you gladly do.
"Hi, honey," he quickly kisses your temple, "Did you have fun?" You've come separately here, having slept at your on place for a change.
"Not as much as Jack," you grin at him, "oh, before i forget, I've brought a little snack for the kids." You gesture at the big bag in your hand, it's full of juice boxes.
"Ah, you shouldn't have, the kids will want it every time you come here now," he teases you.
"Yeah, well I wouldn't mind getting them something every time," you respond. Aaron knows that you wouldn't mind, because you are the biggest sweetheart on the earth, which is one of the many reasons why he loves you.
You are grinning at him, when suddenly your smile dissappears and you start to frown. Aaron has never before seen that kind of frown on you.
"What's wrong?" he questions, eyebrows drawn up.
"Nothing, i just thought of something, " you murmur, but your frown deepens. And it doesn't take Aaron long to find out the reason behind your scowl.
He notices you frown more and more every time, one of the other moms speak near by. So he puts 2 and 2 together.
"Did those moms say something to you?" He asks you with stern voice, because if they did, he won't hesitate to go talk to them.
"No, it's just...," you feel rather embarrassed to say it now, "they talked about...-about you."
"About me? What did they say?" he puzzles, he hopes, that it isn't something to do with his coaching.
"Oh come on Aaron, you must know what I mean," you whine with slight frustration, it is clearly not directed at him but at them. Still you are a bit annoyed by his cluelessness.
"I really don't know, tell me?"
You sigh, "t-they talked about how hot and handsome you are, how they would love to go out with you. They waved and smiled at you basically the entire game," you grumble it silently. Face scrunched up in vexation.
"Really?" he asks, surprised.
"You must have noticed it by now."
"Well, I haven't," he tells you honestly, "I am too busy giving instructions to the kids and," he pulls you towards him by the sleeve of your hoodie," I am too distracted by you, to notice those silly women."
His words, as always, have you blushing, "Yeah?"
"Oh most definitely, have you looked in a mirror lately, sweetheart? Nothing compares to you and for sure not those moms," he playfully jabs his finger into your side, but his words are as sincere as they can be.
And after he says that, he quickly looks over to those moms to make sure they are looking and kisses you hard. It catches you off guard, but when you kiss him back, your kiss is just as eager as his.
When you pull away, he whispers against your lips, devilish smile on his face," I don't think you need to be jealous anymore, honey. I think, they understand now, that I only have my eyes for one person, that is you." The only thing you can do as a response to that, is to hide your red face in his neck.
You shyly smile at his words and inside you are beaming, happy that Aaron showed off your relationship even if he isn't the biggest fan of the pda. And you are a little, and i mean a lot, proud that he showed you off like that, because the irritation on those women's faces was priceless.
"I love you," you whisper bashful into his skin.
"I know, sweetheart. I love you, too," he responds warmly, "now let's go quickly hand out the snacks to the kids and get that breakfast, before those moms burn a whole into our faces."
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beckyandrick · 1 year
Semana Santa and Spring Break adventures
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Semana Santa (Holy Week) is a big deal here. Similar to the Philippines, also a predominantly Christian/Catholic country, almost the entire week of Easter is a holiday. It’s the peak of high season for the beaches and we were warned that it would be crazy on the coasts, but quiet in San Jose, so we opted to stay close to home and wait for the Easter Bunny ❤️ and then venture out to the beach the following week for spring break.
We started off Easter weekend with a road trip. We had heard that the crater of the Poas Volcano was gorgeous, although due to fog, difficult to see. And sure enough…when we arrived we were in the middle of a giant cloud. So we went for a hike and came back to the crater just as luckily the clouds cleared and we saw the gorgeous milky blue of the crater lake.
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That afternoon we booked our first coffee farm tour. Costa Rica is known for amazing coffee and farm tours are a popular tourist activity so we checked out the Starbucks farm near Poas and weren’t disappointed. The farm was gorgeous, lunch was great and we had fun learning about harvesting coffee on the tour. Kai even liked it! (Although she said the coffee tasting was ‘gross’). 😉
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The next day we went to Parque Diversiones (an amusement park) with another family. We had been a couple months back with my work for family day and Kai had been dying to go back. A holiday weekend when most are out at the beach was a great time to be there and walk on most rides. Kai got brave and did the roller coasters…and loved them. Watch out for Cedar Point this summer when we visit Ohio! 😳
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Saturday morning the streets of San Jose were a ghost town as the entire city seemed to have emptied toward the beaches. So I asked my triathlon coach to help me plan a reasonable route (one without crazy elevation…I’ve learned there is nothing flat here…there is elevation and then there is insane grade/straight up…). I’m loving getting out to explore on my bike. Feels like I really get to see more of the country up close from my bike. Many little towns have the cutest signs in the town square. I’m starting to collect photos of my bike with the cute town signs. ;)
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After the Easter bunny arrived Sunday morning and Kai tracked down all the eggs in the yard we took off for Guanacaste (the main/popular beach area). We booked a few days in a planned town/development called Las Catalinas and loved it! Beautiful beach on a cove, all walkable streets, and mountain biking with incredible views!
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I was toward the end of training for my first triathlon in Costa Rica and this was the perfect spot to mix workouts with family beach/pool time. It even had one of the most unique gyms I have ever seen on the beach. Flintstones? :)
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Kai even got in on the workouts and did an open water swim with me out to a platform in the middle of the cove. Go little person! The beach club pool had a great view as well. I did get a few laps in one morning while Kai sat at the end saying ‘mommy, are you done yet, can we play now?’ ;)
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It was a great mix of family time, workouts, beach and pool. We’ll be back for sure!
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So, first Semana Santa in Costa Rica in the books and checked off a few more spots on our ‘must see Costa Rica’ list!
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systemjake · 3 years
Understand the importance of coaching is important when you are thinking to join Swimming Coaching In Huntington Beach. Through taking the coaching classes you can get so many benefits. Enroll in the "System Jake Multi Sport Coaching" today!
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humansofnewyork · 4 years
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“My dad took his own life when I was fifteen years old.  I’m sure it was traumatic for my mom, but she sort of just sucked it up.  She’d already experienced a lot of heartbreak in life.  She grew up in a dysfunctional household and became a caregiver at a very young age.  So she was able to conceal her emotions and focus on supporting me and my brother.  I was the good kid.  I worked hard in school.  I played three sports.  And Mom supported me in everything I wanted to try.  Not in a pushy way.  More of a helpful way.  So much of her life was just driving me places: practice, games, extra lessons.  Unfortunately her relationship with my older brother was different.  Jacob was defiant.  He wouldn’t listen.  He had a good heart but he was doing a lot of reckless, scary things.  One time he stole my mom’s car and she had to call the police.  Jacob had been the one who discovered my dad’s body, and I don’t think he ever fully recovered.  Five years later he took his own life.  When my mom got that phone call, she came into the living room, laid on top of me, and starting crying.  ‘Jacob just shot himself,’ she said.  Both of us barely recovered.  I began training for triathlons to deal with my grief.  It had been my mom’s suggestion, but I think it inspired her.  Because one morning she made herself go outside, lace up her shoes, and take a run.  Later she told me that running gave her something to live for.  It allowed her to see color in the world and hear birds chirping.  She began to compete in triathlons herself, and eventually became a certified coach.  Mom’s ultimate goal was always to finish an Ironman competition, but it didn’t seem possible.  She failed on four different attempts.  Nobody wanted her to try again.  She was 68 years old.  She was the oldest female competing in Ironman Texas, and they literally thought she could die.  But Mom was determined to try one more time.  I cheered her on the entire way.  I walked alongside her while she swam the canal.  I biked alongside her while she ran.  I remember we were nearing the end of the race, and she had to get to mile eighteen by 9 pm, or she’d be disqualified.  I was telling her to pick up the pace.  But by then she knew.  She looked at her watch, then she looked at me, and said: ‘I’m an hour ahead.  I’m going to be an Ironman!” #quarantinestories
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behardonyourself · 5 years
I joined a Facebook group today and had an overwhelming response to my intro post. I was asked to make my posts shareable, but since it is a private group, I can’t, so thought I would just share it here.
Well, I totally didn’t expect the response I got from that first post, so I would like to share a bit more.
Please note - this isn’t to beat my chest or to brag. I am nothing special. Just a normal guy that got tired of being tired. I am slow and will never win a triathlon, but I am stubborn.
June 30, 2018. Rushed to the hospital because I think I am having a heart attack. I wasn’t, but the doctor told me it was just a matter of time. Insanely high bp. Cholesterol. Fatty liver. Elevated A1c.
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I decided to have a drink when I got home.
My daughter was born July 19, 2018. I was still being a lazy asshole.
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I made my commitment to change Dec 12. I took off running and damn near died half way up my street. So ashamed. The next day, I sat my fat ass on my Peloton for 2 hours. It was hell, but it gave me hope.
One year ago today (Dec 22), my life turned upside down. Had finally committed to fixing me, and my wife fell and shattered her leg messing with Christmas lights. That is a different story but she crawled 75 feet through the yard with the bone out of her leg. We just had her 10th surgery.
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My baby is 5 months. My then 14 year old had just come to live with us as well.
I became mom, dad, chef, nurse, chauffeur, etc. I don’t want credit for that because single mothers do all those things every day.
I couldn’t let my flame die. I stole 3 minute runs through the day. With a baby and a 15 year old and a physically broken wife that I had to bathe, change her bandages, and tend to like a child.
At first, I thought “Why me, why us?”
But I flipped that shit - it became “why not me???”
If I could do something amazing, then what the f have I been holding back for??? Who could that story touch and inspire? Who NEEDS this? Who is where I was at and feels hopeless like I did???
I had a goal of running a 5 fucking K to live. But, tragedy hit. So I decided to do an Ironman. Arizona was the last one in North America, so I signed up for it. Talk about burning the boats... Oh - I had never done a tri. I couldn’t run for shit. Hadn’t swam a lap in 25 years. Had never been on a road bike.
The plants...
I am the last person that anyone has ever expected to give up animal products. It was the best decision I ever made.
How’d I get there? It started as an elimination diet. Then, I instantly loved how I felt.
And instantly, I could tell a difference. I felt great. I slept great. I recovered amazingly. My digestion was perfect. My bloodwork did a 180 almost overnight.
Understand that I probably hoped it wouldn’t work at first. I had never even liked veggies. But as I ate more, I fell in love with tastes that I had never had.
And I looked better. Here is a pic of 5 months as a plant based eater:
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Now, I cannot imagine eating any other way. Oh, and I have my full blood/nutritional panel. My shit is perfect.
The workouts became more and more intense. My limits disappeared quick. I had never ridden a road bike. Bought my first in April (then bought an ultra high end tri bike in June).
I did a sprint tri on Father’s Day. It was so hard. Lol 250 yard swim, 16 mile ride, 5k run. I was thinking “How in the fuck can I do an Ironman?” But when I crossed the finish line, my family was there as if I had won Kona. My son hugged me like never before. I was now a triathlete. A very slow triathlete.
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Did my 5k with my son a week later. It was a Spartan Stadium race at Jerry’s World. Piece of cake.
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I kept training and training. I didn’t hire a coach - I wanted to do it all. One foot in the grave to Plant Based Ironman in under 12 months. All the workouts are on my Strava. I would like to say that I was scientific, but my science was get out there and get the hell after it every single day.
As I am writing this, it seems unbelievable. Reading it may as well. I would see these things and I would think that is cool, but not me.
Here is the deal - I AM YOU. I have a family. I have a demanding career. I don’t have time. I have bad days. Well, very few these days.
I know it is overused but if I can do this shit, you can - and you can do it better.
I am now completely limitless. I am not a runner. I don’t love it. I suck at swimming. But I cannot imagine stopping.
It’s hard to organize this and express my feelings with words. I just hope that one person reads this and knows that it is inside if them to do something crazy.
On November 24, I completed my race. It’s a story in itself. I panicked like a child in the practice swim. I lost my goggles in the first 100 yards of the race. Lol I swam 2.4 miles oin 62 degree water with no fucking goggles. Oh - my first Marathon? After that swim and a 112 mile ride.
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Now I am actually being a bit more organized with my training as I prep for a 100k run on April 19th. But make no mistake - I still take myself into that dark, dark place as often as possible - that is where the fortune is found.
I am just getting started.
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theeternalblue · 6 years
06 please!!
06. we always end up eating alone in the school cafeteria at the same time,so when you ask me if you can join me, I’m surprised
It’s Thursday, a little past ten in the morning, and he’s starving. This isn’t something rare. Archie usually feels the need to eat after a grueling training session in the morning. So, there isn’t something strange in finding him in the cafeteria, picking a roast beef sandwich, a bottle of water and a chocolate chip cookie, because he’s craving something sweet.
He grabs his tray, shoulders his backpack, and moves to a spot where he can be alone. He usually uses that free hour to skim over his Music History and Ethnography notes, which is proving to be a particularly hard class for him. But then he sees Mysterious Raven-haired Princess. Again. He sees her every Thursday, at the same time, the biggest cup of coffee in front of her and two croissants as she delicately turns the pages of whatever she’s reading.
In his defense, she always seems too busy to try and talk to her, but this particular day he feels braver.
“Hey,” he mutters softly not to startle her. “Um, do you mind if I sit with you?”
She looks up, and her cat-eye glasses and dark lipstick make her look like she stepped out of a noir film. She’s stunning from up close.
“Hi,” she replies, smiling and holding her book open. There’s a pause, which scares Archie a bit, because she could very well say no – the cafeteria is almost empty – and send him away. But instead, her smile widens and she chuckles a bit, nodding as she does. “Please, join me.”
He grins as he takes the seat opposite to her. “I’m Archie.” There’s a mild attempt not to sound eager, but he knows it’s a poor job.
“Veronica.” She takes her glasses off, and puts them aside before taking her cup of coffee. “I’ve seen you around before. Same time, every Thursday.”
“Yes, I train every day, but Mondays and Thursdays I’m at the pool at seven, and the water makes me particularly hungry,” Archie babbles as he unwraps his sandwich.
“Oh, train for what?” Veronica asks with honest curiosity.
“Triathlon? Not my first choice, but I’m pretty good and it helps me with anxiety. Swimming is my weakest part of the race.” He takes a bite of his sandwich and munches on it, while Veronica keeps studying him.
“That explains a lot,” Veronica says, laughing a bit when he furrows his brow. “I see you here, eating carbs as if they were air – and I’m a bit envious about it. You also run past my dorm every evening. And two months ago, you almost ran me over with your bike. I always thought you were cute, but I was a little pissed at you.”
Archie feels his face heating up. “I… I’m sorry. So sorry,” he stutters. Isn’t it great? He messed up his chances before he even knew he had one. He swallows a barely eaten piece of sandwich, and almost chokes on it.
“Don’t worry,” Veronica says, putting a bookmark between the pages of what she was reading. “You can make it up to me.”
“Sure. You name it.”
She smiles before taking a small bite of her croissant.—–
It’s Thursday again, but this time Archie doesn’t pick food or anything, and just makes a beeline towards a table near the window. Veronica is there, her glasses in place, book opened in front of her, and soon she is kissed on the cheek by him. She giggles, and leans against him once he takes the spot next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“I bought you a turkey sandwich on rye bread, and a cinnamon roll, only because I know you have a sweet tooth, Archiekins. But don’t tell your coach.”
He laughs and kisses her cheek a couple times before her lips met his.
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economistontherun · 5 years
Volunteering is Good Soul Food
Today is the day I have tenex on my left hamstring followed with PRP tomorrow. Last week was full of ups and downs fueled by the fact that the left leg was going to send me back to the couch for ten more days. I felt like I had to squeeze in as much as possible before the second surgery. 
Last week included swims at the Kelly Pool (50 meter outside) with a pool buoy. I swam from 1500 to 1900 meters and was so thrilled to be moving and still have cardio and arm strength to swim over 2000 yards. It was equally fun to be with friends that I haven’t seen in a while because of my rest and recovery. I had my first physical therapy evaluation and it was a very positive experience. There are many good things on the horizon, I have to dig deep and find my patience. 
This week didn’t go without some dark times. The weekend tends to be tough because of all the runners and cyclists out and about. The weather is horrible with “feels like” 100 degrees but damn I really need a good sweat. 
I cheered for G and friends at a 5K on 4th of July and had a really great holiday. The 5K doesn’t torture me because I don’t like that distance. It always hurts and my fast twitch muscles don’t fast twitch very well. I’m like a diesel engine that needs a while to warm up. What I really miss is the community of runners and triathletes at races. I love the energy and the excitement in the air. It’s like bees buzzing around until it’s game on and there is a hush that settles over the athletes. That feeling of waiting to begin is like being shot out of a cannon and I love it. 
In the realm of practicing mindfulness, I realized that I needed to be part of that buzz and I had a very short window due to my surgery with which to work. My tri club was volunteering for the Women’s Philadelphia Hand and Stone Triathlon not far from my house. This would be perfect. Delmo puts it on and it is a high energy, pulling out all the stops for women sprint distance. It is the perfect race for first timers and seasoned triathletes. Pool swim, nine mile bike, 5K and a metal as large as a dinner plate. I had friends doing the race and volunteering was a great way to be on the inside of the action. There is no FOMO for me in this race because I don’t enjoy sprints or pool swim races either. 
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Bike Sticker Check at 4:30! I gave the bullhorn back because I didn’t need it. The guy behind me was on bullhorn point! 
I signed up for the 4:30-8:30 shift at bike check in. It was super fun to great the athletes, help them with stickers and calm a few nerves. I channeled my coach Maria Simone when I spoke to two first timers about slowing everything down and walking through transition to get accustomed to the layout of transition for each change in event. I even gave them the tip of counting bike racks because you may be a bit disoriented when you get in T1 or T2. I could see them exhale and become more relaxed and that made me so happy! 
In prior events I loved when body marking volunteers drew hearts or flowers on the back of my leg near my age. I came equipped with my Sharpies and was ready to roll. It wasn’t my job description but when I got into transition to help a friend I was surrounded with people who needed to be marked and I enjoyed chatting and helping them out. One observation is that as women we need to be loud and proud of that age on our calves! Doing a triathlon is a big scary thing. It was so great to be able to be a calming force and give a you can do this and you are awesome to all of these women. 
As a triathlete I feel most scrambled when I’m getting on the bike. Getting dressed for the bike when you are wet is interesting. Your feet can be sandy or dirty, trying to put socks on wet feet and depending on the weather you may have to change up top. Running with the bike in bike shoes is awkward and could be slippery (I am in awe of those who can get on the bike and put shoes on while riding). The other thing I notice is that I hear volunteers giving me instructions, but at that point in time I don’t always listen. I’m not the only one. My second gig as a volunteer was at Bike Out. This is where athletes run or walk with their bikes and cross a line (pink line in this case) and mount the bike after the line. This is for safety and to spread out riders in order to reduce collisions. I found that is helped if I just said, “Get on your bike once you pass me.” Then I was able to tell each and every one of them to have a great ride! 
The guts of these women of all shapes and sizes was evident all day long. There were three expressions on their faces, fear, excitement and eye of the tiger focus. I made sure that I told athletes with tension in their face to take a deep breath and enjoy the ride. This is a reminder I appreciate from volunteers when I race because I literally forget to breath. I also appreciated all the different types of bikes in the race. This spoke to the access to emerging triathletes. This race is welcoming, challenging and extremely supportive. It was a wonderful day for so many and I wish I could thank each and every one of them for sharing it with me. 
2019 is a Challenge for Many
I left my shift at 8:30 right after my friend went out on the bike course. This year has been challenging for her as well. I’m so proud of her and the day she had! She needed a day to focus on her. A little mobile self-care. 
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My right leg was tired and my hamstring was tight. I was worried as I limped a bit going back to my car and then I thought.....I haven’t had hamstring tightness since before I tore it. In my heart, I’m hoping this is a good sign, I will find out on Tuesday if this is true. 
I needed to be part of the community I love so much and this was just what my heart and soul needed. I encourage women everywhere to get outside of your comfort zone and try something that scares you a bit. You will feel so alive! 
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systemjake · 3 years
How Will You Get Benefited From Getting Triathlon Coaching?
Usually trying for something is not at all a simple thing, if you are trying something that means your hard work and self-confidence. Because without both of these things you cannot reach the goal you want especially when it is about winning a competition like a triathlon. You cannot win the triathlon on your first attempt because it is not that usual competition it checks your stamina and confidence level in each stage of the competition. So when you are thinking about participating in the triathlon you have to get to know about it and should understand the importance of triathlon coaching. Through taking the Triathlon Coaching in Huntington Beach you can get so many benefits and to bring them in front of your eyes few are listed below;
•           Triathlon is a kind of sport which includes running, swimming and cycling in this case you cannot get trained in overnight. You have to initiate your training from the day you are enrolling your name into the triathlon sport. You should be get trained in three of these sports but remember to go one by one to improve your stamina level. For example, if you are thinking about swimming coaching in Huntington beach get them at first then move to the next.
•           When the days on training increase the training load, frequency, and intensity of the training should also get increased but for this, you require an experienced coach not that local coach. But still, the local coach can guide you in your cycling and running. You should also get trained in riding the bike there get them from the Certified FIST bike fitter to prepare them according to your training.
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•           The coach can guide you in every technical thing and they also suggest to you some of the certified bike fitter near me that is you to prepare your bike accordingly.
Final verdicts
When you are thinking about participating in the big sports competition there you cannot train yourself you require any of the experts with you. So know the importance of coaching while participating in triathlon and find the best coach to train you.
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coreseo · 3 years
cycling coach training
New Age Athlete is an elite training service where you come as you are and become your best. We offer decades of experience designed
to help you achieve your fitness goals while maintaining balance in life.
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bestmechanicaustin · 3 years
Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service and Cost in Austin TX |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin
more information is at : https://mobileautotruckrepairaustintx.com/bike-trainer-assembly-and-setup-near-me/
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Austin TX: Are you looking for the Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Austin TX ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, most trainers come with a skewer that is designed to work best with the trainer; just swap out your original skewer for the one that came with the trainer. This insures the best fit, and it also keeps your nice original skewer from getting scratched up by the clamping mechanism. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service around Austin TX. We serve Austin TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Bike Trainer assembly And Setup At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Austin TX: Don’t let winter put a damper on your training routine. The following tips will make you a fitter and stronger rider, and get you ready for your first event come springtime winter is here and, as we found out with the finale of Game of Thrones, it’s often a pretty grim outlook. Not least when it comes to keeping on top of your fitness and training regime. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, luckily, indoor training has helped provide a platform to get you through the cold, dark winter months ensuring you come out the other side well prepared for the next event. With the advancement in technology and the introduction of smart indoor trainers, Watt Bikes and online training platforms such as Zwift, training indoors has become one of the most effective ways of preparing for an event. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin,one of the biggest misconceptions associated with indoor training is that each session has to be hard or fast. In fact, indoor training should follow the same structure and recipe as an outdoor session.
Choose the Right Trainer A bike trainer is a device that clamps onto your rear axle and presses a resistance roller against the rear tire so that you can ride in place. They come in three basic categories: ● Wind trainer: Less popular today and thank goodness, as the resistance generated from its small fan isn’t as loud as a 747 at takeoff, but it’s far from silent. ● Mag trainer: A bit more expensive and quieter. ● Fluid trainer: More expensive and quieter than its Mag brethren. Most trainers are durable. It’s a worthwhile investment and a device that will serve you well for years to come. Buy a steel skewer for your rear wheel so that the bike sits more securely in the trainer’s clamp, but most new trainers come with this. Also buy a wheel block that raises the front wheel, leveling off the bicycle, but this can be faked with something like a phone book. The great thing about indoor trainers is that… There are no interruptions on a trainer like there are on the road no stop lights, no delays. Just get on and go! This adds value to the ride, so a 50-minute ride on the trainer is equal to an hour outside. The same basics apply here as in any workout. Start with a warm-up of 10-12 minutes. Put in some technical focus for three to five minutes. Perform the main body of your workout, and then follow with seven to 10 minutes of cool-down. Three rides a week in the winter will keep you in shape and improve your bike ability. Drill ride. The main body consists of four sets of 30-second one-footers, with two minutes of recovery. To perform a one-footer, remove one cleat from the pedal and rest that foot safely on the frame of the trainer. Concentrate on 30 seconds of smooth, fluid circles using just one foot. Switch feet and take two minutes of easy spin with both feet as recovery. The next drill is four 30-second spin-ups with two minutes’ recovery. To perform a spin-up, start at 90 rpm in a moderate gear. Gradually increase your cadence to 95, 100, 105 rpm and so on while still in that same gear. After 15 seconds of increasing cadence, get to your fastest spin which is still very smooth (no hopping around in the saddle) and hold that for 15 seconds. Take a full two minutes of easy circles between each for recovery. Interval ride. After a solid warm-up, shift into a higher gear and commit to going very strong for two minutes. You can determine how intense that effort should be with a heart rate monitor, by rate of perceived effort or by breath rate. Then, spin easy for three minutes. Start with three rounds, and as fitness develops, go to four or five rounds. After that, increase the duration of the effort. Eventually, reduce the recovery time. Steady state. After a solid warm-up, settle into a pace that will last 15-30 minutes. Make this a challenge, but not nearly as intense as the effort in the interval ride. Again, use either heart rate, perceived effort or breath rate to decide on the intensity. Hold this effort steady and strong for the full duration, and concentrate on good pedaling mechanics. Be sure to leave plenty of time for a quality cool-down.
Why Train with a Bike Trainer: 4 Golden Rules of Indoor Riding Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Austin TX: Let’s investigate its role in performance preparation, including some positive aspects of indoor trainer riding, and aspects of riding you simply cannot effectively work on by being inside. What You Cannot Achieve on a Trainer Rather than simply mounting a case for all the benefits of indoor riding, let's first acknowledge some aspects you won't get to effectively work on while bolted to the floor: ● Handling Skills: All basic, yet important, interactions with the bicycle are not replicated when on a trainer. You cannot develop a sense of balance, braking, cornering, descending etc. These are interactions that are so often lacking among triathletes, so we must realize that plenty of outside riding, with focus on these fundamental skills, will be beneficial for you. ● Terrain Management: Using gears and pedal stroke to effectively manage rolling terrain, descents and climbs cannot truly be developed on a trainer. With some of the software improvements, it is getting closer, but the true intuition and developing of feeling is only achieved outside. ● Standing Out of the Saddle: An important skill to develop to effectively manage terrain, short postural load, but also nail the counter-steering effect that is utilized in cornering, riding in the wind and other interactions, yet impossible to develop when riding on a trainer that holds the bike in place laterally. These three main categories require outside riding to truly develop, and should not be ignored. With this said, getting inside and onto the trainer does offer some valuable opportunity. The Benefits of the Bicycle Trainer Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Austin TX:So you cannot work on standing or cornering, your terrain management won't improve, and you won't effectively stand out of the saddle. It doesn't mean the trainer is a limited tool. In fact, far from it. Your trainer is a wonderful tool in your training arsenal. Here are some of the opportunities with riding the trainer: ● Effective Training in a Controlled Environment: Specific interval training becomes highly effective without the natural variability of the terrain of outside. There is no coasting on a trainer, hence why many like to make the claim that 60 minutes of trainer time is worth more than 60 minutes outside. You have a controlled environment, to nail specific intervals, without any coasting effect. I promise you will never run out of a hill when doing low rpm hill reps' on a trainer. ● Pedal Stroke and Posture: Without the requirement to manage your bike around traffic, terrain and other riders, the trainer provides the optimal environment to work on your pedal stroke and retaining proper posture. Including a mirror in your set up, for self-guided feedback, can begin the habit that, from minute one until the end of the session, you do things well. This means form over force, and every interval can be achieved while retaining proper posture. This is so critical, as performance in triathlon cycling is as much about retaining form under fatigue, and establishing a great habit of riding well, despite fatigue, will carry across to race day. ● Specificity of Intervals: We tend to prescribe training as a combination of effort (power, RPE or heart rate) with a wide range of specific RPM play. A backbone of our training is what we label as end of range'. Many intervals are either very low cadence, or strength-endurance as we call it, as well as some very high RPM work at the top end. It can be a challenge to ride to suitable terrain outside, but the trainer offers immediate and controllable intervals in which you can mimic sustained efforts to train physiology, without the limiter of your terrain. The Golden Rules When adopting the use of a cycling trainer, we have a few golden rules for all riders to follow. ● Always ride with great posture. There is no excuse for riding with locked elbows, tense shoulders, and hips rotated back on your seat. Ride like the rider you want to be. If you ingrain positive postural habits, they will be there on the race course. ● Make your pedal stroke fluid. We always coach the cue tension on the chain. When riding inside, you have the chance to understand, appreciate and apply fluid and smooth pedaling. If you are a quad-focused rider, you can feel and "see" the chain bouncing. An opportunity for refinement and becoming a more fluid rider. ● Execute the intent. You have a controlled environment, execute your training as intended. For me, this is the intended output, but also at the cadence (RPM) that is the goal of an interval. ● Take it outside. Whenever you are riding inside, always keep a lens on how this applies to my outside riding. Your races and events are outside, so join the dots on how your effort applies to becoming a better outside rider. In short, embrace the trainer. It is a wonderful tool in your performance arsenal, but remember that your ultimate mission is to become a better bike rider outside. Utilizing the benefits of the trainer, then applying those habits, lessons and intervals to the outside world is your optimal performance lens to frame its role in your overall development and race readiness. Do you have a smart bike trainer? What kind? If not, which one is on your wish list? Call us Today Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin.
TIPS Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Austin TX: Winter is the time of the year when many cyclists turn to indoor training to get in their riding fix and stay in shape. Here are 5 Tips to help you get the most out of your indoor cycling experience: Properly set up your bike on the trainer. Indoor Training Read and follow the instructions that came with your indoor trainer carefully to be sure that your bicycle is attached safely and securely. If you still have questions about the correct way to set up the system, check with the local bike shop where you bought it. Most trainers have a clamp that holds both sides of the quick release skewer on your rear wheel. In fact, most trainers come with a skewer that is designed to work best with the trainer; just swap out your original skewer for the one that came with the trainer. This ensures the best fit, and it also keeps your nice original skewer from getting scratched up by the clamping mechanism. Adjust the position of the roller on the resistance unit so that you find the "sweet spot" where it contacts your rear tire. You want the roller/tire contact point to be tight enough so that the tire does not slip as you pedal, but not so tight that it significantly increases the resistance provided by the trainer mechanism itself. Use a front wheel stabilizing block. The trainer unit will lift your rear wheel off of the floor by a couple of inches. The stabilizer block (or riser block) lifts your front wheel up so that your bike stays at the normal, level riding position. A side benefit is that it keeps your front wheel from swaying side-to-side, so you don't have to worry about actively keeping your handlebars straight while you pedal. Do something to keep it interesting. You're more likely to stick with your training plan if you can keep it from getting boring. Set up your bike and trainer in front of the TV to catch up on your favorite sitcoms, movies, the news, or sports events. Or, crank up your favorite motivational music. Some people even catch up on reading by putting a book or magazine on a stand in front of their bike. Dress like you're riding outside on a hot day. Wear the same cycling-specific clothes that you normally wear for your outdoor riding, i.e. cycling shorts, jersey, and shoes (your helmet is optional, unless you don't follow Tip #1!). These clothes provide the same benefits of comfort and moisture management indoors as they do outdoors. Listen to the rhythm of your wheel. Whether you're riding indoors or out, you should always think about pedaling in a circular motion. This may sound obvious; since your pedals move in a circle no matter what, how can you do otherwise? The term "pedaling in circles" means that you should concentrate and visualize applying a smooth, even pressure throughout the entire stroke of your pedaling, as opposed to a pumping up-and-down force.
COST Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Austin TX: If this year taught us anything, it is that we should all have ways to get quality workouts inside our own homes. While the smart bike trainer phenomenon had been gradually building for years, a worldwide pandemic really shifted it into high gear. Waits for new smart trainer units hit three months at one point, and the popular streaming service, Peloton, saw its stock price shoot from $19 to $91 dollars per share. Why the popularity? Pairing a turbo trainer that can connect to apps like Zwift or Peloton makes for an entirely different indoor cycling experience.  For those who do at least some of their riding and training indoors, it is probably safe to say this new technology is a game changer. We could probably do a piece on smart bike trainers, and then another piece on all of the apps available to someone who wanted to do smart cycling workouts.  We decided, however, that it would be most useful to our readers if we put them together, in the same article, because one feeds off the other. When we started doing a roundup on the market of smart bike turbo trainers, smart stationary bikes, and the apps that go with them, our head began to spin.  The choices, and the number of if-then statements, can be a bit overwhelming.  We will do our best to simplify everything into plain terms. What Will This Setup cost? This is where it gets complicated. To do this right, the upfront investment can cost anywhere from about $600 (for a smart trainer, assuming you have your own bike to put on it) to $2,200 (for a Peloton stationary bike).  There is also a way you can rig up a non-smart trainer to have some level of feedback to the program, but you will miss out on some of the two-way benefits.  To enjoy the latest technology, we recommend not buying anything more than a year or so old, since the engineering is advancing so quickly right now. The streaming programs (or apps), in order to truly be compatible with the trainers, will have a cost as well.  We have seen a monthly cost ranging from $10 to $40.  Compared to the price of spin classes at a health club, that is highly competitive, especially when you consider that the app will be on-demand and have hundreds of routes and workouts to choose from.  Popular examples are Zwift or Suffer fest. We did not want to stream everything on a phone or iPad, so our setup involved an investment in the AppleTV device as well, allowing you to stream an app directly to any TV. That ran about $170. There are a few more things we will outline below but those two things are your big costs.  Pick a trainer, pick a streaming program, and make sure they are compatible with each other. Why Would I Even Use a Smart Trainer? That one is easy.  Smart trainers allow you to train on your own bike (versus a gym bike or a stationary bike) in the comfort and safety of your own home.  Probably the most common situation is a cyclist who wants to train on their road or tri bike during the winter, and in colder climates.  But we encounter riders who are tired of battling traffic, or hesitant to do their rides during rush hour or in low-light conditions in the early morning or evening.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What's included with Bike Trainer Assembly and Setup? ● Assembling one customer-supplied bike trainer ● Installing customer's bike to trainer ● Unit test and clean up
Do I have to assemble my bike trainer? No, your trainer comes fully assembled.
Can I see your Bike Trainers or rollers in stores? No, we sell our bike trainers and rollers directly which is how we are able to provide our amazing prices.
Is my warranty transferable? Like most manufacturers, our warranty is not transferable. It is valid only for the original purchaser.
Do I have to be home to accept delivery? No, you do not need to be home for delivery.
What happens next? You'll get an email from your pro to confirm the date, time, and other details regarding your bike trainer assembly. Please be prepared to provide your pro the exact product name of the bike trainer you need assembled, or even better the Amazon product URL. Assembly times for bike trainers can vary by model.
Why should I hire a pro to assemble my bike trainer? Allowing a professional to assemble your bike trainer for you saves you time, and frees you from the hassle of interpreting unclear assembly instructions or keeping track of stray parts and hardware. A pro will have the right tools and experience to do the assembly quickly, correctly, and safely the first time.
Is a trainer bad for your bike? While the riding on a trainer will damage your carbon frame myth has been officially busted, indoor riding can still pose a threat to your bike in two ways: wheel strain and sweat corrosion. We've put together an exhaustive list of common trouble spots reported by riders who train regularly on Zwift.
CALL FOR US: ● Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service Near Austin TX ● How To Assemble Indoor Bike Trainer ● How To Set Up Bell Motivator Mag Indoor Bicycle Trainer ● How To Attach Bike To Trainer ● How To Install Bike Trainer Skewer ● How To Set Up A Bike Trainer ● Bell Motivator Indoor Bicycle Trainer Manual ● How To Use An Indoor Bike Trainer ● Video Bike Trainer Near Austin TX ● Indoor Bike Trainer Stand ● Turn Bike Into Stationary Bike DIY ● How To Turn A Bike Into A Stationary Bike Without Trainer ● Best Indoor Bike Trainer Stand ● Fdw Bike Trainer Manual ● Songmics Indoor Bike Trainer Stand ● Indoor Cycling Conversion Stand ● Stationary Bike Stand For Indoor Riding Near Austin TX
BEST BIKE TRAINER ASSEMBLY AND SETUP SERVICE IN AUSTIN TX MOBILE AUTO TRUCK REPAIR AUSTIN REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT US NOW! Contact Details Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Austin Texas Call US: (512) 649-5322 Location: Texas, Austin
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mechanicswichita · 3 years
Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service and Cost in Wichita KS |A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita
More Information is at: http://mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org/bike-trainer-assembly-and-setup-near-me/
 Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the BestBike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Wichita KS ? A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, most trainers come with a skewer that is designed to work best with the trainer; just swap out your original skewer for the one that came with the trainer. This insures the best fit, and it also keeps your nice original skewer from getting scratched up by the clamping mechanism. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KSand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Bike Trainer assembly And Setup At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Wichita KS: Don’t let winter put a damper on your training routine. The following tips will make you a fitter and stronger rider, and get you ready for your first event come springtime winter is here and, as we found out with the finale of Game of Thrones, it’s often a pretty grim outlook. Not least when it comes to keeping on top of your fitness and training regime.A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, luckily, indoor training has helped provide a platform to get you through the cold, dark winter months ensuring you come out the other side well prepared for the next event.
With the advancement in technology and the introduction of smart indoor trainers, Watt Bikes and online training platforms such as Zwift, training indoors has become one of the most effective ways of preparing for an event.
A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita,one of the biggest misconceptions associated with indoor training is that each session has to be hard or fast. In fact, indoor training should follow the same structure and recipe as an outdoor session.
 Choose the Right Trainer
A bike trainer is a device that clamps onto your rear axle and presses a resistance roller against the rear tire so that you can ride in place. They come in three basic categories:
●      Wind trainer: Less popular today and thank goodness, as the resistance generated from its small fan isn’t as loud as a 747 at takeoff, but it’s far from silent.
●      Mag trainer: A bit more expensive and quieter.
●      Fluid trainer: More expensive and quieter than its Mag brethren.
Most trainers are durable. It’s a worthwhile investment and a device that will serve you well for years to come. Buy a steel skewer for your rear wheel so that the bike sits more securely in the trainer’s clamp, but most new trainers come with this. Also buy a wheel block that raises the front wheel, leveling off the bicycle, but this can be faked with something like a phone book.
The great thing about indoor trainers is that…
There are no interruptions on a trainer like there are on the road no stop lights, no delays. Just get on and go! This adds value to the ride, so a 50-minute ride on the trainer is equal to an hour outside.
The same basics apply here as in any workout. Start with a warm-up of 10-12 minutes. Put in some technical focus for three to five minutes. Perform the main body of your workout, and then follow with seven to 10 minutes of cool-down. Three rides a week in the winter will keep you in shape and improve your bike ability.
Drill ride. The main body consists of four sets of 30-second one-footers, with two minutes of recovery. To perform a one-footer, remove one cleat from the pedal and rest that foot safely on the frame of the trainer. Concentrate on 30 seconds of smooth, fluid circles using just one foot. Switch feet and take two minutes of easy spin with both feet as recovery. The next drill is four 30-second spin-ups with two minutes’ recovery. To perform a spin-up, start at 90 rpm in a moderate gear. Gradually increase your cadence to 95, 100, 105 rpm and so on while still in that same gear. After 15 seconds of increasing cadence, get to your fastest spin which is still very smooth (no hopping around in the saddle) and hold that for 15 seconds. Take a full two minutes of easy circles between each for recovery.
Interval ride. After a solid warm-up, shift into a higher gear and commit to going very strong for two minutes. You can determine how intense that effort should be with a heart rate monitor, by rate of perceived effort or by breath rate. Then, spin easy for three minutes. Start with three rounds, and as fitness develops, go to four or five rounds. After that, increase the duration of the effort. Eventually, reduce the recovery time.
Steady state. After a solid warm-up, settle into a pace that will last 15-30 minutes. Make this a challenge, but not nearly as intense as the effort in the interval ride. Again, use either heart rate, perceived effort or breath rate to decide on the intensity. Hold this effort steady and strong for the full duration, and concentrate on good pedaling mechanics. Be sure to leave plenty of time for a quality cool-down.
 Why Train with a Bike Trainer: 4 Golden Rules of Indoor Riding
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Wichita KS: Let’s investigate its role in performance preparation, including some positive aspects of indoor trainer riding, and aspects of riding you simply cannot effectively work on by being inside.
What You Cannot Achieve on a Trainer
Rather than simply mounting a case for all the benefits of indoor riding, let's first acknowledge some aspects you won't get to effectively work on while bolted to the floor:
●      Handling Skills: All basic, yet important, interactions with the bicycle are not replicated when on a trainer. You cannot develop a sense of balance, braking, cornering, descending etc. These are interactions that are so often lacking among triathletes, so we must realize that plenty of outside riding, with focus on these fundamental skills, will be beneficial for you.
●      Terrain Management: Using gears and pedal stroke to effectively manage rolling terrain, descents and climbs cannot truly be developed on a trainer. With some of the software improvements, it is getting closer, but the true intuition and developing of feeling is only achieved outside.
●      Standing Out of the Saddle: An important skill to develop to effectively manage terrain, short postural load, but also nail the counter-steering effect that is utilized in cornering, riding in the wind and other interactions, yet impossible to develop when riding on a trainer that holds the bike in place laterally.
These three main categories require outside riding to truly develop, and should not be ignored. With this said, getting inside and onto the trainer does offer some valuable opportunity.
The Benefits of the Bicycle Trainer
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Wichita KS:So you cannot work on standing or cornering, your terrain management won't improve, and you won't effectively stand out of the saddle. It doesn't mean the trainer is a limited tool. In fact, far from it. Your trainer is a wonderful tool in your training arsenal. Here are some of the opportunities with riding the trainer:
●      Effective Training in a Controlled Environment: Specific interval training becomes highly effective without the natural variability of the terrain of outside. There is no coasting on a trainer, hence why many like to make the claim that 60 minutes of trainer time is worth more than 60 minutes outside. You have a controlled environment, to nail specific intervals, without any coasting effect. I promise you will never run out of a hill when doing low rpm hill reps' on a trainer.
●      Pedal Stroke and Posture: Without the requirement to manage your bike around traffic, terrain and other riders, the trainer provides the optimal environment to work on your pedal stroke and retaining proper posture. Including a mirror in your set up, for self-guided feedback, can begin the habit that, from minute one until the end of the session, you do things well.
This means form over force, and every interval can be achieved while retaining proper posture. This is so critical, as performance in triathlon cycling is as much about retaining form under fatigue, and establishing a great habit of riding well, despite fatigue, will carry across to race day.
●      Specificity of Intervals: We tend to prescribe training as a combination of effort (power, RPE or heart rate) with a wide range of specific RPM play. A backbone of our training is what we label as end of range'. Many intervals are either very low cadence, or strength-endurance as we call it, as well as some very high RPM work at the top end.
It can be a challenge to ride to suitable terrain outside, but the trainer offers immediate and controllable intervals in which you can mimic sustained efforts to train physiology, without the limiter of your terrain.
The Golden Rules
When adopting the use of a cycling trainer, we have a few golden rules for all riders to follow.
●      Always ride with great posture. There is no excuse for riding with locked elbows, tense shoulders, and hips rotated back on your seat. Ride like the rider you want to be. If you ingrain positive postural habits, they will be there on the race course.
●      Make your pedal stroke fluid. We always coach the cue tension on the chain. When riding inside, you have the chance to understand, appreciate and apply fluid and smooth pedaling. If you are a quad-focused rider, you can feel and "see" the chain bouncing. An opportunity for refinement and becoming a more fluid rider.
●      Execute the intent. You have a controlled environment, execute your training as intended. For me, this is the intended output, but also at the cadence (RPM) that is the goal of an interval.
●      Take it outside. Whenever you are riding inside, always keep a lens on how this applies to my outside riding. Your races and events are outside, so join the dots on how your effort applies to becoming a better outside rider.
In short, embrace the trainer. It is a wonderful tool in your performance arsenal, but remember that your ultimate mission is to become a better bike rider outside. Utilizing the benefits of the trainer, then applying those habits, lessons and intervals to the outside world is your optimal performance lens to frame its role in your overall development and race readiness.
Do you have a smart bike trainer? What kind? If not, which one is on your wish list? Call us Today A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita.
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Wichita KS: Winter is the time of the year when many cyclists turn to indoor training to get in their riding fix and stay in shape. Here are 5 Tips to help you get the most out of your indoor cycling experience:
Properly set up your bike on the trainer.
Indoor Training Read and follow the instructions that came with your indoor trainer carefully to be sure that your bicycle is attached safely and securely. If you still have questions about the correct way to set up the system, check with the local bike shop where you bought it.
Most trainers have a clamp that holds both sides of the quick release skewer on your rear wheel. In fact, most trainers come with a skewer that is designed to work best with the trainer; just swap out your original skewer for the one that came with the trainer. This ensures the best fit, and it also keeps your nice original skewer from getting scratched up by the clamping mechanism.
Adjust the position of the roller on the resistance unit so that you find the "sweet spot" where it contacts your rear tire. You want the roller/tire contact point to be tight enough so that the tire does not slip as you pedal, but not so tight that it significantly increases the resistance provided by the trainer mechanism itself.
Use a front wheel stabilizing block.
The trainer unit will lift your rear wheel off of the floor by a couple of inches. The stabilizer block (or riser block) lifts your front wheel up so that your bike stays at the normal, level riding position. A side benefit is that it keeps your front wheel from swaying side-to-side, so you don't have to worry about actively keeping your handlebars straight while you pedal.
Do something to keep it interesting.
You're more likely to stick with your training plan if you can keep it from getting boring. Set up your bike and trainer in front of the TV to catch up on your favorite sitcoms, movies, the news, or sports events. Or, crank up your favorite motivational music. Some people even catch up on reading by putting a book or magazine on a stand in front of their bike.
Dress like you're riding outside on a hot day.
Wear the same cycling-specific clothes that you normally wear for your outdoor riding, i.e. cycling shorts, jersey, and shoes (your helmet is optional, unless you don't follow Tip #1!). These clothes provide the same benefits of comfort and moisture management indoors as they do outdoors.
Listen to the rhythm of your wheel.
Whether you're riding indoors or out, you should always think about pedaling in a circular motion. This may sound obvious; since your pedals move in a circle no matter what, how can you do otherwise? The term "pedaling in circles" means that you should concentrate and visualize applying a smooth, even pressure throughout the entire stroke of your pedaling, as opposed to a pumping up-and-down force.
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Wichita KS: If this year taught us anything, it is that we should all have ways to get quality workouts inside our own homes.
While the smart bike trainer phenomenon had been gradually building for years, a worldwide pandemic really shifted it into high gear. Waits for new smart trainer units hit three months at one point, and the popular streaming service, Peloton, saw its stock price shoot from $19 to $91 dollars per share.
Why the popularity? Pairing a turbo trainer that can connect to apps like Zwift or Peloton makes for an entirely different indoor cycling experience.  For those who do at least some of their riding and training indoors, it is probably safe to say this new technology is a game changer.
We could probably do a piece on smart bike trainers, and then another piece on all of the apps available to someone who wanted to do smart cycling workouts. We decided, however, that it would be most useful to our readers if we put them together, in the same article, because one feeds off the other.
When we started doing a roundup on the market of smart bike turbo trainers, smart stationary bikes, and the apps that go with them, our head began to spin. The choices, and the number of if-then statements, can be a bit overwhelming.  We will do our best to simplify everything into plain terms.
What Will This Setup cost?
This is where it gets complicated.
To do this right, the upfront investment can cost anywhere from about $600 (for a smart trainer, assuming you have your own bike to put on it) to $2,200 (for a Peloton stationary bike).  There is also a way you can rig up a non-smart trainer to have some level of feedback to the program, but you will miss out on some of the two-way benefits. To enjoy the latest technology, we recommend not buying anything more than a year or so old, since the engineering is advancing so quickly right now.
The streaming programs (or apps), in order to truly be compatible with the trainers, will have a cost as well.  We have seen a monthly cost ranging from $10 to $40.  Compared to the price of spin classes at a health club, that is highly competitive, especially when you consider that the app will be on-demand and have hundreds of routes and workouts to choose from.  Popular examples are Zwift or Suffer fest.
We did not want to stream everything on a phone or iPad, so our setup involved an investment in the AppleTV device as well, allowing you to stream an app directly to any TV. That ran about $170.
There are a few more things we will outline below but those two things are your big costs.  Pick a trainer, pick a streaming program, and make sure they are compatible with each other. Why Would I Even Use a Smart Trainer?
That one is easy.  Smart trainers allow you to train on your own bike (versus a gym bike or a stationary bike) in the comfort and safety of your own home.  Probably the most common situation is a cyclist who wants to train on their road or tri bike during the winter, and in colder climates.  But we encounter riders who are tired of battling traffic, or hesitant to do their rides during rush hour or in low-light conditions in the early morning or evening.
What's included with Bike Trainer Assembly and Setup?
●      Assembling one customer-supplied bike trainer
●      Installing customer's bike to trainer
●      Unit test and clean up
 Do I have to assemble my bike trainer?
No, your trainer comes fully assembled.
 Can I see your Bike Trainers or rollers in stores?
No, we sell our bike trainers and rollers directly which is how we are able to provide our amazing prices.
 Is my warranty transferable?
Like most manufacturers, our warranty is not transferable. It is valid only for the original purchaser.
 Do I have to be home to accept delivery?
No, you do not need to be home for delivery.
 What happens next?
You'll get an email from your pro to confirm the date, time, and other details regarding your bike trainer assembly. Please be prepared to provide your pro the exact product name of the bike trainer you need assembled, or even better the Amazon product URL. Assembly times for bike trainers can vary by model.
 Why should I hire a pro to assemble my bike trainer?
Allowing a professional to assemble your bike trainer for you saves you time, and frees you from the hassle of interpreting unclear assembly instructions or keeping track of stray parts and hardware. A pro will have the right tools and experience to do the assembly quickly, correctly, and safely the first time.
 Is a trainer bad for your bike?
While the riding on a trainer will damage your carbon frame myth has been officially busted, indoor riding can still pose a threat to your bike in two ways: wheel strain and sweat corrosion. We've put together an exhaustive list of common trouble spots reported by riders who train regularly on Zwift.
●      Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service Near Wichita KS
●      How To Assemble Indoor Bike Trainer
●      How To Set Up Bell Motivator Mag Indoor Bicycle Trainer
●      How To Attach Bike To Trainer
●      How To Install Bike Trainer Skewer
●      How To Set Up A Bike Trainer
●      Bell Motivator Indoor Bicycle Trainer Manual
●      How To Use An Indoor Bike Trainer
●      Video Bike Trainer Near Wichita KS
●      Indoor Bike Trainer Stand
●      Turn Bike Into Stationary Bike DIY
●      How To Turn A Bike Into A Stationary Bike Without Trainer
●      Best Indoor Bike Trainer Stand
●      Fdw Bike Trainer Manual
●      Songmics Indoor Bike Trainer Stand
●      Indoor Cycling Conversion Stand
●      Stationary Bike Stand For Indoor Riding Near Wichita KS
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Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service and Cost in Omaha NE |Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/bike-trainer-assembly-and-setup-near-me/
 Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Omaha NE ? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, most trainers come with a skewer that is designed to work best with the trainer; just swap out your original skewer for the one that came with the trainer. This insures the best fit, and it also keeps your nice original skewer from getting scratched up by the clamping mechanism. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Bike Trainer assembly And Setup At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Omaha NE: Don’t let winter put a damper on your training routine. The following tips will make you a fitter and stronger rider, and get you ready for your first event come springtime winter is here and, as we found out with the finale of Game of Thrones, it’s often a pretty grim outlook. Not least when it comes to keeping on top of your fitness and training regime. Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, luckily, indoor training has helped provide a platform to get you through the cold, dark winter months ensuring you come out the other side well prepared for the next event.
With the advancement in technology and the introduction of smart indoor trainers, Watt Bikes and online training platforms such as Zwift, training indoors has become one of the most effective ways of preparing for an event.
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha,one of the biggest misconceptions associated with indoor training is that each session has to be hard or fast. In fact, indoor training should follow the same structure and recipe as an outdoor session.
 Choose the Right Trainer
A bike trainer is a device that clamps onto your rear axle and presses a resistance roller against the rear tire so that you can ride in place. They come in three basic categories:
●      Wind trainer: Less popular today and thank goodness, as the resistance generated from its small fan isn’t as loud as a 747 at takeoff, but it’s far from silent.
●      Mag trainer: A bit more expensive and quieter.
●      Fluid trainer: More expensive and quieter than its Mag brethren.
Most trainers are durable. It’s a worthwhile investment and a device that will serve you well for years to come. Buy a steel skewer for your rear wheel so that the bike sits more securely in the trainer’s clamp, but most new trainers come with this. Also buy a wheel block that raises the front wheel, leveling off the bicycle, but this can be faked with something like a phone book.
The great thing about indoor trainers is that…
There are no interruptions on a trainer like there are on the road no stop lights, no delays. Just get on and go! This adds value to the ride, so a 50-minute ride on the trainer is equal to an hour outside.
The same basics apply here as in any workout. Start with a warm-up of 10-12 minutes. Put in some technical focus for three to five minutes. Perform the main body of your workout, and then follow with seven to 10 minutes of cool-down. Three rides a week in the winter will keep you in shape and improve your bike ability.
Drill ride. The main body consists of four sets of 30-second one-footers, with two minutes of recovery. To perform a one-footer, remove one cleat from the pedal and rest that foot safely on the frame of the trainer. Concentrate on 30 seconds of smooth, fluid circles using just one foot. Switch feet and take two minutes of easy spin with both feet as recovery. The next drill is four 30-second spin-ups with two minutes’ recovery. To perform a spin-up, start at 90 rpm in a moderate gear. Gradually increase your cadence to 95, 100, 105 rpm and so on while still in that same gear. After 15 seconds of increasing cadence, get to your fastest spin which is still very smooth (no hopping around in the saddle) and hold that for 15 seconds. Take a full two minutes of easy circles between each for recovery.
Interval ride. After a solid warm-up, shift into a higher gear and commit to going very strong for two minutes. You can determine how intense that effort should be with a heart rate monitor, by rate of perceived effort or by breath rate. Then, spin easy for three minutes. Start with three rounds, and as fitness develops, go to four or five rounds. After that, increase the duration of the effort. Eventually, reduce the recovery time.
Steady state. After a solid warm-up, settle into a pace that will last 15-30 minutes. Make this a challenge, but not nearly as intense as the effort in the interval ride. Again, use either heart rate, perceived effort or breath rate to decide on the intensity. Hold this effort steady and strong for the full duration, and concentrate on good pedaling mechanics. Be sure to leave plenty of time for a quality cool-down.
 Why Train with a Bike Trainer: 4 Golden Rules of Indoor Riding
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Omaha NE: Let’s investigate its role in performance preparation, including some positive aspects of indoor trainer riding, and aspects of riding you simply cannot effectively work on by being inside.
What You Cannot Achieve on a Trainer
Rather than simply mounting a case for all the benefits of indoor riding, let's first acknowledge some aspects you won't get to effectively work on while bolted to the floor:
●      Handling Skills: All basic, yet important, interactions with the bicycle are not replicated when on a trainer. You cannot develop a sense of balance, braking, cornering, descending etc. These are interactions that are so often lacking among triathletes, so we must realize that plenty of outside riding, with focus on these fundamental skills, will be beneficial for you.
●      Terrain Management: Using gears and pedal stroke to effectively manage rolling terrain, descents and climbs cannot truly be developed on a trainer. With some of the software improvements, it is getting closer, but the true intuition and developing of feeling is only achieved outside.
●      Standing Out of the Saddle: An important skill to develop to effectively manage terrain, short postural load, but also nail the counter-steering effect that is utilized in cornering, riding in the wind and other interactions, yet impossible to develop when riding on a trainer that holds the bike in place laterally.
These three main categories require outside riding to truly develop, and should not be ignored. With this said, getting inside and onto the trainer does offer some valuable opportunity.
The Benefits of the Bicycle Trainer
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Omaha NE:So you cannot work on standing or cornering, your terrain management won't improve, and you won't effectively stand out of the saddle. It doesn't mean the trainer is a limited tool. In fact, far from it. Your trainer is a wonderful tool in your training arsenal. Here are some of the opportunities with riding the trainer:
●      Effective Training in a Controlled Environment: Specific interval training becomes highly effective without the natural variability of the terrain of outside. There is no coasting on a trainer, hence why many like to make the claim that 60 minutes of trainer time is worth more than 60 minutes outside. You have a controlled environment, to nail specific intervals, without any coasting effect. I promise you will never run out of a hill when doing low rpm hill reps' on a trainer.
●      Pedal Stroke and Posture: Without the requirement to manage your bike around traffic, terrain and other riders, the trainer provides the optimal environment to work on your pedal stroke and retaining proper posture. Including a mirror in your set up, for self-guided feedback, can begin the habit that, from minute one until the end of the session, you do things well.
This means form over force, and every interval can be achieved while retaining proper posture. This is so critical, as performance in triathlon cycling is as much about retaining form under fatigue, and establishing a great habit of riding well, despite fatigue, will carry across to race day.
●      Specificity of Intervals: We tend to prescribe training as a combination of effort (power, RPE or heart rate) with a wide range of specific RPM play. A backbone of our training is what we label as end of range'. Many intervals are either very low cadence, or strength-endurance as we call it, as well as some very high RPM work at the top end.
It can be a challenge to ride to suitable terrain outside, but the trainer offers immediate and controllable intervals in which you can mimic sustained efforts to train physiology, without the limiter of your terrain.
The Golden Rules
When adopting the use of a cycling trainer, we have a few golden rules for all riders to follow.
●      Always ride with great posture. There is no excuse for riding with locked elbows, tense shoulders, and hips rotated back on your seat. Ride like the rider you want to be. If you ingrain positive postural habits, they will be there on the race course.
●      Make your pedal stroke fluid. We always coach the cue tension on the chain. When riding inside, you have the chance to understand, appreciate and apply fluid and smooth pedaling. If you are a quad-focused rider, you can feel and "see" the chain bouncing. An opportunity for refinement and becoming a more fluid rider.
●      Execute the intent. You have a controlled environment, execute your training as intended. For me, this is the intended output, but also at the cadence (RPM) that is the goal of an interval.
●      Take it outside. Whenever you are riding inside, always keep a lens on how this applies to my outside riding. Your races and events are outside, so join the dots on how your effort applies to becoming a better outside rider.
In short, embrace the trainer. It is a wonderful tool in your performance arsenal, but remember that your ultimate mission is to become a better bike rider outside. Utilizing the benefits of the trainer, then applying those habits, lessons and intervals to the outside world is your optimal performance lens to frame its role in your overall development and race readiness.
Do you have a smart bike trainer? What kind? If not, which one is on your wish list? Call us Today Mobile Mechanics of Omaha.
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Omaha NE: Winter is the time of the year when many cyclists turn to indoor training to get in their riding fix and stay in shape. Here are 5 Tips to help you get the most out of your indoor cycling experience:
Properly set up your bike on the trainer.
Indoor Training Read and follow the instructions that came with your indoor trainer carefully to be sure that your bicycle is attached safely and securely. If you still have questions about the correct way to set up the system, check with the local bike shop where you bought it.
Most trainers have a clamp that holds both sides of the quick release skewer on your rear wheel. In fact, most trainers come with a skewer that is designed to work best with the trainer; just swap out your original skewer for the one that came with the trainer. This ensures the best fit, and it also keeps your nice original skewer from getting scratched up by the clamping mechanism.
Adjust the position of the roller on the resistance unit so that you find the "sweet spot" where it contacts your rear tire. You want the roller/tire contact point to be tight enough so that the tire does not slip as you pedal, but not so tight that it significantly increases the resistance provided by the trainer mechanism itself.
Use a front wheel stabilizing block.
The trainer unit will lift your rear wheel off of the floor by a couple of inches. The stabilizer block (or riser block) lifts your front wheel up so that your bike stays at the normal, level riding position. A side benefit is that it keeps your front wheel from swaying side-to-side, so you don't have to worry about actively keeping your handlebars straight while you pedal.
Do something to keep it interesting.
You're more likely to stick with your training plan if you can keep it from getting boring. Set up your bike and trainer in front of the TV to catch up on your favorite sitcoms, movies, the news, or sports events. Or, crank up your favorite motivational music. Some people even catch up on reading by putting a book or magazine on a stand in front of their bike.
Dress like you're riding outside on a hot day.
Wear the same cycling-specific clothes that you normally wear for your outdoor riding, i.e. cycling shorts, jersey, and shoes (your helmet is optional, unless you don't follow Tip #1!). These clothes provide the same benefits of comfort and moisture management indoors as they do outdoors.
Listen to the rhythm of your wheel.
Whether you're riding indoors or out, you should always think about pedaling in a circular motion. This may sound obvious; since your pedals move in a circle no matter what, how can you do otherwise? The term "pedaling in circles" means that you should concentrate and visualize applying a smooth, even pressure throughout the entire stroke of your pedaling, as opposed to a pumping up-and-down force.
Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service near Omaha NE: If this year taught us anything, it is that we should all have ways to get quality workouts inside our own homes.
While the smart bike trainer phenomenon had been gradually building for years, a worldwide pandemic really shifted it into high gear. Waits for new smart trainer units hit three months at one point, and the popular streaming service, Peloton, saw its stock price shoot from $19 to $91 dollars per share.
Why the popularity? Pairing a turbo trainer that can connect to apps like Zwift or Peloton makes for an entirely different indoor cycling experience.  For those who do at least some of their riding and training indoors, it is probably safe to say this new technology is a game changer.
We could probably do a piece on smart bike trainers, and then another piece on all of the apps available to someone who wanted to do smart cycling workouts.  We decided, however, that it would be most useful to our readers if we put them together, in the same article, because one feeds off the other.
When we started doing a roundup on the market of smart bike turbo trainers, smart stationary bikes, and the apps that go with them, our head began to spin.  The choices, and the number of if-then statements, can be a bit overwhelming. We will do our best to simplify everything into plain terms.
What Will This Setup cost?
This is where it gets complicated.
To do this right, the upfront investment can cost anywhere from about $600 (for a smart trainer, assuming you have your own bike to put on it) to $2,200 (for a Peloton stationary bike).  There is also a way you can rig up a non-smart trainer to have some level of feedback to the program, but you will miss out on some of the two-way benefits.  To enjoy the latest technology, we recommend not buying anything more than a year or so old, since the engineering is advancing so quickly right now.
The streaming programs (or apps), in order to truly be compatible with the trainers, will have a cost as well.  We have seen a monthly cost ranging from $10 to $40.  Compared to the price of spin classes at a health club, that is highly competitive, especially when you consider that the app will be on-demand and have hundreds of routes and workouts to choose from.  Popular examples are Zwift or Suffer fest.
We did not want to stream everything on a phone or iPad, so our setup involved an investment in the AppleTV device as well, allowing you to stream an app directly to any TV. That ran about $170.
There are a few more things we will outline below but those two things are your big costs.  Pick a trainer, pick a streaming program, and make sure they are compatible with each other. Why Would I Even Use a Smart Trainer?
That one is easy.  Smart trainers allow you to train on your own bike (versus a gym bike or a stationary bike) in the comfort and safety of your own home.  Probably the most common situation is a cyclist who wants to train on their road or tri bike during the winter, and in colder climates.  But we encounter riders who are tired of battling traffic, or hesitant to do their rides during rush hour or in low-light conditions in the early morning or evening.
What's included with Bike Trainer Assembly and Setup?
●      Assembling one customer-supplied bike trainer
●      Installing customer's bike to trainer
●      Unit test and clean up
 Do I have to assemble my bike trainer?
No, your trainer comes fully assembled.
 Can I see your Bike Trainers or rollers in stores?
No, we sell our bike trainers and rollers directly which is how we are able to provide our amazing prices.
 Is my warranty transferable?
Like most manufacturers, our warranty is not transferable. It is valid only for the original purchaser.
 Do I have to be home to accept delivery?
No, you do not need to be home for delivery.
 What happens next?
You'll get an email from your pro to confirm the date, time, and other details regarding your bike trainer assembly. Please be prepared to provide your pro the exact product name of the bike trainer you need assembled, or even better the Amazon product URL. Assembly times for bike trainers can vary by model.
 Why should I hire a pro to assemble my bike trainer?
Allowing a professional to assemble your bike trainer for you saves you time, and frees you from the hassle of interpreting unclear assembly instructions or keeping track of stray parts and hardware. A pro will have the right tools and experience to do the assembly quickly, correctly, and safely the first time.
 Is a trainer bad for your bike?
While the riding on a trainer will damage your carbon frame myth has been officially busted, indoor riding can still pose a threat to your bike in two ways: wheel strain and sweat corrosion. We've put together an exhaustive list of common trouble spots reported by riders who train regularly on Zwift.
●      Bike Trainer Assembly And Setup Service Near Omaha NE
●      How To Assemble Indoor Bike Trainer
●      How To Set Up Bell Motivator Mag Indoor Bicycle Trainer
●      How To Attach Bike To Trainer
●      How To Install Bike Trainer Skewer
●      How To Set Up A Bike Trainer
●      Bell Motivator Indoor Bicycle Trainer Manual
●      How To Use An Indoor Bike Trainer
●      Video Bike Trainer Near Omaha NE
●      Indoor Bike Trainer Stand
●      Turn Bike Into Stationary Bike DIY
●      How To Turn A Bike Into A Stationary Bike Without Trainer
●      Best Indoor Bike Trainer Stand
●      Fdw Bike Trainer Manual
●      Songmics Indoor Bike Trainer Stand
●      Indoor Cycling Conversion Stand
●      Stationary Bike Stand For Indoor Riding Near Omaha NE
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
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An IRONMAN (IM) long distance triathlon is a 2.4 mile swim (lake or sea), 112 mile cycle as well as 26.6-mile marathon operate on the surface, all back to back. Top triathletes can take only eight time, whilst others are able to get a maximum of seventeen (at events which are specific) to end. So why do men and women put themselves throughout an inordinate amount of pain training the bodies of theirs for six weeks plus, wrestle through injuries, pay in the remit of 1,500 plus a event and then occur back for another go? And never only which! A major proportion of the entrants after that decide to provide body art of the Ironman logo on incredibly obvious parts of their body.
Training for an IRONMAN demands you to guide a much more regimented lifestyle (check more and more half ironman training plan beginner). Night coaching time almost guarantee a first bedtime since a great sleep plan will help lower fatigue and also injury . In addition, an enhanced diet will help you perform better, so you'll normally stay away from extremely processed or perhaps greasy foods. Instruction for an IRONMAN is a great opportunity to quit consuming or smoking, also. Triathlon in common is a healthy sports activity, in which personal general performance and options benefits go hand-in-hand.
After over one hour within the blue sea on the Cte d'Azur, the racket coming from the group expanded as I swam closer for the destination. An effective French forearm grabbed me, pulled me ashore & gave me a push further up the seaside. I climbed on to my bike and obtained my lower limbs spinning to encourage a bit of life into them after an hour or so at ocean. In 2 hours, we had been in the mountain villages of Provence. I enabled myself to smell the sweetly flavored lavender in the air as well as look out with the sea much below, in case just as a distraction away from the burning up lactic acid seeping into the lower legs of mine. Near the surface texture line, my household had been waving the Northern Irish flag frantically. I got the flag, and gave them everything a hug. The surface texture chute was chock-full of spectators on either side, banging the advertising and marketing hoarding as I ran within. When it comes to brilliant blinking red electrical letters higher than than exterior line it read: Jonathan Drennan IRL 13.47. The commentator shouted Jonathan Drennan, tu est un Ironman.
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mercadosadaf · 4 years
The Value of Swimming In Uncertain Times
Hi Swimmers
Firstly, apologies for the radio silence over the last few weeks on the blog - we've had the whole Swim Smooth team busily engaged in a complete revamp of the entire www.swimsmooth.com website and coaching interface, and whilst we are not quite done, we are getting very close and hope to resume the blog and our usual community engagement very soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Today, Head Coach Paul Newsome, has prepared a reflective piece for you on the value of swimming and what it means to us all, especially in these uncertain times. We hope it allows you to pause over a cup of tea or coffee and think a little bit about your own swimming and how your relationship with the water might have changed somewhat in the last 12 months.
Paul features three brief stories of some inspiring swimmers he has had the pleasure to work with and how their swimming journeys have been significantly altered by the coronavirus, mostly for the better. Paul summarises with some of his own take-home points on how this period has changed his own thinking on swimming somewhat and how his ordinarily extrinsic competitive goalposts have shifted to a place of intrinsic challenge and finding a new calm with that. So please, relax, put your feet up and let’s get a little zen for a moment.
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The Value of Swimming in Uncertain Times
I was recently invited as a guest on the new An Open Water Swimmer's Podcast with host Will Ellis (release date: 28th February here) to discuss my love and passion for swimming - an easy topic for me! Will is a great host and someone I'd taken for a Swim Smooth analysis session as part of a group over a decade ago in the UK. Given my area of technical interest in swimming, many podcasts that we've done with other hosts have always centered on these elements, but Will took a very different slant, one which focused very much on the "why" of swimming.
Why do I swim? Why do I enjoy the water? Why swimming and not another sport? I came away with a headful of thoughts that I'd either never given due consideration to before, or maybe some that crystallized a growing appreciation I've started to foster of late?
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Given the current state of play with COVID-19 restrictions on our sport over the last 12 months, I feel my own relationship with water has not necessarily changed per se but it's definitely evolved. Perhaps though, it's me who's changed and it's this period of intrinsic reflection that has heightened the "why" behind what we all love to do? For many of you, could the absence of being able to do the thing you love or the thing that perhaps challenges you the most (as a triathlete maybe?) be the necessary catalyst to kick your swimming to new heights of appreciation (however you measure that) when we do all come through this? I'm certainly seeing that in myself and my squad of very lucky swimmers over here in Perth, Australia.
Lady Luck
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Over the last 12 months, Perth has been heralded as one of the best places on the planet with respect to the relatively few restrictions and impact of the coronavirus - many of us scarcely realizing how lucky we are. Next week will see 3,500 people start one of the largest open water swims on the planet, the Rottnest Channel Swim, in which I will be competing with a good friend over the 20km distance. We have, however, just come out of a heavily publicized (albeit very short) 5-day lockdown here in Perth which restricted access to the pools and saw us only being able to swim solo in the open water or with one other family member. This incident garnered international press on account of the very rapid and focused response to a single case in the community transferred between a quarantined hotel guest and a security guard. The whole state came to a grinding halt for just one case - everything ceased and panic was high. Despite extensive testing (myself included) of those who may have been in the vicinity of this one person, fortunately, no other community transmission has occurred. Consequently, life is returning to some form of normality again. 
One of the hardest things I've personally struggled with over the last 12 months though is being able to fully appreciate and empathize with just how brutal this period must have been - and continues to be - for many of you from the perspective of being able to simply enjoy the pleasures of a nice swim. Lady Luck has shone down on me, and for why, I do not know? I feel a toiling mixed sense of guilt, of pure luck, and of umbrage at myself for the seemingly petty feeling of missing the ability to travel overseas and share my love of swimming with you all, wherever you might be. I miss it so much and yet feel I have no right to do so given where I have the good fortune to be right now. 
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I had a frank conversation before Christmas with my Mum about this. Many of you know Linda as "Mother Smooth" and if you've ever ordered anything from us, she'd have sent it to you. True to the adage that "Mum always knows best", I finally managed to pluck up the courage and expand on how excited I was to be taking my wife and two kids camping over the Christmas holidays to a beautiful town called Albany in the South West which we'd all visited together as a family a few years earlier. Mother Smooth couldn't understand why I'd not told her sooner, to which I responded that I didn't want to make her feel bad. "Feel bad?" she quizzed, "I am at my happiest when I know you are happy". Profound stuff - good old Mum!
The Changing Tide
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So, what has this all really got to do with swimming? If you are in the northern hemisphere, chances are you are sick to the back teeth of hearing about the coronavirus and maybe even more so the thought that other pockets of the world are experiencing far fewer restrictions than yourself currently. Last week's swift lockdown gave me a rapid reminder though just how uncertain these times can be - the tide can change on a dime so easily. What has been remarkable for me has been watching how those of you who still continue in enforced lockdowns have survived this last 12 months and I'd like to recognize some of the cool - and crazy - things you've been doing, obviously simply for the joy of needing to get your swim in! Perhaps you can tell us more about how you've weathered this storm so far?
Helen Webster, UK
I met Helen in March 2014 at the 220 Triathlon Show in London. As the editor of the 220 Triathlon Magazine, Helen had taken it upon herself to learn to swim freestyle properly for an upcoming triathlon and I was tasked with assisting her with that goal in an Endless Pool and in front of hundreds of people. For someone with very little swimming experience at that point, Helen did amazingly well in front of such a crowd and it’s a testament to her bubbly “can do” spirit that she took on this challenge!
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We spent a good hour or so filming her stroke, analyzing it (in front of everyone!), and then getting back into the pool to correct her issues which mainly centred around developing confidence in the water and improving the timing of her stroke, specifically her breathing. Back then, Helen was what we’d have described as a classic Bambino - someone very new to swimming with a relatively high level of anxiety in the water - so to see the following images circulating on Helen’s Facebook page in the last couple of weeks simply blew my mind! Helen’s gone all Bear Grylls on us and now is not happy unless she has to break the ice in her backyard pool just to ensure she gets her swim in! I’m so proud of her as a mate!
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Here's Helen on what the last 12 months have meant for her swimming:
"Open-water swimming has been a key part of my training week ever since taking those first steps with Paul all those years ago! Lockdown had made me realise just how important swimming is to me though and in so many ways. Not living near the coast and with managed venues nearby forced to close I've realised how much I rely on swimming for lifting my mood, giving me a pause from a busy world and fully immersing myself in nature. I'm a pool swimmer too and with centres all closed I'm even missing the tang of chlorine and having to do kick drills!!
It sounds melodramatic but a tearful moment on the phone with a friend prompted her to gift me a garden pool and swimming tethered has given me a route back to the water (thanks to Swim Smooth Coach Jason Tait for the tethered swim sets!). It's also led me to a new swim community who are making the most of what they have and finding humour in sitting in ice baths and under hosepipes, or sharing tips for how to stop your garden pool freezing!
I can't wait to have my 'proper' swimming back and believe me, will never take it for granted again. I'm planning a swim challenge for September and keeping fingers crossed it goes ahead!"
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Sue Allingham, Denmark
Sue attended one of our 3-day Swim Smooth Coach Education Courses in Mallorca, Spain back in May 2019 and was clearly a super-passionate swimmer and coach. We’ve remained in close contact via Messenger since and she frequently sends me crazy pictures of where she’s been swimming, however, nothing could quite prepare me for this one - her frozen Margarita experience (as she calls it)!
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When I asked Sue about what the last 12 months have meant for her swimming, she said this:
"A year ago I entered the World Ice Swimming Championships in Bled Slovenia for a laugh. 2 weeks later I broke both my wrists and then Lockdown! By April I was going stir crazy and the day I had my casts removed, I got back into the sea, as the pools were shut. Little did I know that I would continue going in every day since! As my wrists got stronger, I could swim longer but the thought of trying to pull on a wetsuit was hanging over my head. By the time I probably could get one on I no longer felt the need. I continued to swim throughout the year and ended up becoming the Danish age-group champion in 25m & 100m Freestyle - Ice swimming and 5k Openwater. 
A year on from Covid and we are still in the sea and simply just grabbing any opportunity to jump in the water, to try new beaches or temperatures. As you can see from the picture, we’ve started making our own frozen Margaritas! 
What will I do when the pools open again? Dive in and just keep swimming! Never thought I’d miss the black line so much. Swimming as always is such a social thing & drinking coffee with friends after each swim has really made Lockdown actually enjoyable. Already looking at SwimRuns in Sweden, hopefully as it’s close by we may be allowed to travel. Otherwise lots of pre-paid events carried over from last year. I live in hope. 
One thing is for sure, the sea is always open!"
Mark Turner, Switzerland
Mark also attended one of our other 3-day Swim Smooth Coach Education Courses in Mallorca, Spain (the week after Sue) and had just a few months prior completed the Rottnest Channel Swim here in Perth. Mark set up the world’s most prestigious multi-day cycling event for amateurs, the Haute Route, which is a brutally tough challenge in a breathtakingly beautiful landscape. Mark was also the man behind Ellen MacArthur’s sailing career (who set the world record in 2005 for the fastest solo circumnavigation of the globe), the Offshore Challenges/OC Sport business, and the Extreme Sailing Series, and is widely seen as a visionary in the sport of sailing. And, if all that wasn't enough, Mark led the Volvo Ocean Race series as CEO in 2016/17. Needless to say, Mark is not someone to do things by half and is always up for a (big) challenge! 
Mark now lives in Switzerland on the banks of Lake Geneva and is fastidious about his swimming, especially a weekly completion of the infamous 10 x 400m Red Mist Endurance session! Like with many parts of the world, Mark has had unreliable access to his local pool over the last 12 months and so has turned to the great outdoors instead…even during the middle of winter! Hooking up regularly with like-minded souls in these freezing temperatures has been what has kept Mark going and will stand him in good stead when the world finally comes back to some sense of normality.
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It Is What It Is
I think one of the most obvious things with each of these three swimmers - and yourself hopefully too - is that they’ve simply rolled with the punches that 2020 and beyond has brought their way. They’ve got on with it, adapted, pivoted, and thrived in a new environment and in doing so sought out other goals to keep them motivated and in the game. Resilience personified. We always talk so virtuously in training and racing about “control the controllable”, and clearly, none of this is in any of our control right now. Way back in April 2020 when we were still in lockdown and I was personally unable to coach, a very close friend and one of my athletes, Nolan McDonnell told me to “stop trying to save us all - we can look after ourselves!” in response to me frantically trying to work out how to keep everyone fit and engaged when I couldn’t be with them face-to-face. It really struck a chord with me, and whilst it didn’t happen overnight, I did begin to accept the situation. 
Knowing I wouldn’t be able to travel and spread the Swim Smooth word - as has been my life over the last 16 or so years - was a real blow, but ever so gradually I started to move beyond this and to focus on what I could do, not what I couldn’t. For me personally, that’s meant plenty more time at home with the family, and as we are seeing on the pool deck at the moment, plenty of opportunities to be super consistent with our respective training schedules too. The squad here in Perth has never swum so quickly before, ever! Why? Everyone has their groundhog day schedule dialled in and they’re sticking to it because there’s nowhere else to go, and there’s something very centring about that, zen even. 
Fancying a challenge myself - and recognizing the collective benefit of encouraging others to follow suit - I have even got myself back into doing a few triathlons, marathon swims, and even the odd SwimRun event too! Taking on a range of varied challenges was in an effort to not put all our eggs into one basket in case events got canceled or postponed. 
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Again, I’m super privileged to be able to do these things right now, and part of that appreciation brings a whole new angle on why we do what we do. For me, it’s all been about my shared experience of training up with one of my best mates Chris to do the Rottnest Channel Swim together as a Duo next week. With last week’s unprecedented lockdown it looked certain to be canceled but you know what, I wasn’t bothered in the slightest! The religiously attended Sunday morning swim with Chris in the river is what it’s all about - not the event itself. Swimming + Best Mate = Win. 
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Sure, the race will be a nice finale, but the old adage of “the journey is better than the destination” is what this whole crazy period has really taught me. We egg each other on even in the middle of winter and for me, this has seen a major step away from the profound sense of training for competition’s sake, to training for training’s sake, and for the social camaraderie that this has brought. I wouldn’t change that for the world.
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Even if you haven’t had the opportunity (yet) to be quite so free in your activities, that time will come again, hopefully very soon, and in the meantime, just set yourself some little consistency of routine benchmarks to tick off. Get creative like our friends above (just maybe not quite so crazy!). How many swims in the river can you consistently do every Sunday? Can you always ensure you meet up with Bob for your Friday lunchtime jog in the park? Make sure you commit to that group ride on Zwift you booked in for on the Companion app etc. It’s the little things, done often that will keep you going and when the world opens up again, you’ll be ready! 
Thanks for reading. Swim on!
from Sports http://www.feelforthewater.com/2021/02/the-value-of-swimming-in-uncertain-times.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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