#Triathlon Trainer
tripeakathlete · 12 days
Get Ready to Conquer Your Triathlon: The Ultimate Warm-Up Routine
As you prepare for your triathlon, a solid warm-up routine is crucial. Warming up boosts performance and reduces injury risk, setting you up for a confident race. Here’s a warm-up routine to get your body and mind ready! Photo by Marta Wave on Pexels.com 1. Dynamic Stretches (5-10 Minutes) Start with dynamic stretches to increase blood flow and loosen muscles. Arm Circles: Extend your arms and…
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Modern AU occupations for house of Finwe
Other suggestions included individually on linked polls. Thank you.
Finwë: Senator
Míriel: fashion designer and creator
Indis: queen consort/first lady
Fëanáro: Elon Musk/prince and corporation CEO
Nolofinwë: politician/government worker
Anairë: journalist/media worker
Arafinwë: father
Eärwen: children’s book writer
Maitimo: lawyer
Tyelkormo: dog trainer/works with animals
Carnistir: tax lawyer
Curufin: mechanical engineer
Amrod: student
Amras: student
Fingon: firefighter
Turgon: architect
Aredhel: equestrian professional
Argon: student
Finrod: international humanitarian aid worker
Angrod: Ironman triathlon runner
Aegnor: sportswear/hair model, tied with disaster in love
Galadriel: Translator/foreign affairs worker/diplomat
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aacetrainer · 2 years
I want to see what everyone would want to be if you could actually live in the Pokemon world and be anything!! Including, but not limited to, the classic trainer. Please feel encouraged to tag and go into specifics about what you would do.
If you can, please also reblog to share I want to see everyone's answers ❤️🖤❤️
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dkakapizzaboy · 2 years
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Category: Fluff (au!office setting!)
Pairing: Seungcheol x fem!reader
Trope: College Rivals Reunited!
Words: 590
Warnings: None I think (please lmk if otherwise!)
A/N: Inspired by the ever so competitive coups we saw in e- triathlon GoSe
As usual, there is no power dynamic, both characters are at the same office level :)
Feedback always helps!
You were really happy when your manager told you that they had hired another person to take off some of your ever increasing workload. He informed you, however, that you'll have to train him for the coming couple of months as his previous company followed different accounting rules than yours so he'll need some help at the start. Your company had just acquired another business. Auditing one company 's books was difficult enough but as your company started expanding through acquisitions, the workload had increased tremendously. So you were really happy with the new hire, because this meant you'll probably start to get off at more reasonable hours soon.
"Funnily enough, he went to the same university as you," your manager mentioned offhandedly.
You thought it would probably someone from a different class but alas, when were gods ever in your favour.
Choi Seungcheol walked in confidently, in a navy blue suit and a deep maroon tie, hair parted sideways.
"Hi, the HR told me you wanted to see me before I start tomorrow." He shook your manager's hand firmly and then turned to you with the intention of shaking your hand as well, didn't really expecting to see a familiar face.
You and Seungcheol were both in the same class. Number 1 and Number 1. Rivals to death. Both of you had topped consistently throughout the semesters, and every time you tied, you'd both feel a tinge of disappointment since you couldn't best the other one. After college, Seungcheol had taken a job abroad, wanting to explore the world whereas you ended up in the top firm of your country.
And now here he stood, in all his suave, time working in his favour as even years later, he only looked more handsome(god really was in his favor).
You plastered the nicest smile you could muster as you greeted him.
"Hi Seungcheol, long time. Didn't know you were back in the country."
Seungcheol couldn't believe his eyes. You were here, in the flesh, his arch rival. He had to admit, over the years abroad, he had gotten bored, with not much competition in the workplace. He used to reminisce the times where he had to pull all nighters and strategically plan his schedule so that you don't leave him behind. He also sometimes remembered some of your bickering fondly , like the time after the last semester ended and you were both in a party, playing beer pong and you were sure he was cheating (it was his teammate Jeonghan actually, so technically he didn't cheat). He had found you so hot that day, clad in a black dress and getting closer and closer to him as you argued. In the end, you had received a call and the argument had ended there, and that was the last time you both saw each other until today.
You explained to your manager how you knew Seungcheol from back in the day as you proceeded to shake his hand, his eyes never leaving your face.
"Great! Then maybe you should join us too, I'm taking him to lunch to welcome him in our team" you manager invited.
"Absolutely sir, never one to refuse free lunch", you joked.
Your manager went to his office to gather his things while you and Seungcheol waited for him as you put your coat back on and took out your purse from the drawer.
"I'll be your trainer for the next couple of months, try not slowing me down too much", you warned, with a fake sweet smile.
Oh how much Seungcheol had missed this fire!
He smirked. The game was on.
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
some more brief(ish) thoughts about small fem nico (and the men who adore her) because I am fully obsessed with her:
- nico is a total daddy’s girl, but not in a spoiled brat way. keke loves her so much, she is his tiny little angel baby and he will do anything to make her happy. he was incredibly proud of her when she demanded her independence, because he knew that she was taking her life into her own hands, but that doesn’t stop him from worrying constantly. after all, he knows better than anyone what f1 is like and how tough it can be for women, and doesn’t want nico to struggle.
- nico has tiny little feet that jenson absolutely adores. he has never been into feet before, but whenever nico complains about her feet hurting, whether it’s after a night out or after a race in which the brakes on her car pressed uncomfortably, jenson always ends up giving her a foot massage. he loves how her toenails are always painted in the same minty green/blue as her racing boots and gloves, and how she just melts when he digs his thumb into the arch of her foot. nico loves playing footsie, and when they’re out at dinner, even if it’s a grid dinner with all of the other drivers, nico will slip off her shoes and stroke her feet up jenson’s leg. jenson doesn’t mind when they’re alone, but when everyone else is there he has to work so hard not to show how much it’s affecting him.
- nico has stolen clothing from absolutely everyone that she cares about. she has shirts and racing suits that she stole from her dad when she was younger and would play dress up as a formula one world champion, shirts from lewis when they were holidaying as teenagers and she spent too long in the sun so he gave her his t-shirt to put over her swimsuit and prevent more sunburn (nico said she would give it back but never did), jumpers from mark in her first year when he would throw them at her for shivering so violently in the garage (again she said she would give them back but never did and mark never had the heart to ask for them back, especially as it always annoyed jenson when he saw nico in mark’s clothing), even a spare shirt of toto’s, monogram and all, that nico grabbed from the motorhome after getting oil on her own shirt.
- jenson is her favorite victim, however. he always has warm, soft sweaters and coats that envelope her so perfectly, and jenson even leaves little handwarmers in the pockets for when nico gets cold (sometimes she pouts up at him that they're not warm enough so that jenson will hold her hands in his to warm them up). she loves his ratty old t-shirts, and likes wearing them to sleep, although she always teases him that he’s old because the shirts have band names and logos for things that were popular when nico was still a kid. the sexiest nico has ever felt was whilst wearing one of jenson’s crisp white shirts with absolutely nothing else on. she also steals his fireproofs, and their relationship is almost revealed to everyone when she accidentally puts on his fireproof instead of her own before a race.
- you would think that jenson would never get confused between his clothes and nico’s, because hers are so much smaller and there is genuinely no way for it to fit him, but it has happened. jenson is very into triathlons, and has even got nico into them, so they both have wetsuits for the swim. nico is away or sleeping in when jenson leaves for a charity triathlon, grabbing what he thinks is his wetsuit in the process. it’s only when he gets to the startline and tries to fit into what is barely bigger than a child’s wetsuit that he realises he’s grabbed nico’s instead. the photo that jenson’s trainer takes of him, tripping over after having squeezed one leg into the wetsuit, is his profile picture on nico’s phone for six months afterwards.
- toto absolutely adores nico. the first time he meets her at a dtm party he genuinely thinks she’s someone’s teenage daughter, only to realise that she drives for the team that he wants to buy. he laughs her off when she demands that he let her take her Williams race engineer over to Mercedes, and is both shocked and kind of impressed when she stands by it, saying that she wants her engineer back. he’s so proud of her when she wins Monaco for the first time at his first ever race with mercedes, and so impressed when she drinks more than twice her own weight in champagne as a celebration for it.
- toto is more than a foot taller than nico, and they look hilarious stood next to each other. when she’s excited, nico will literally jump on toto to hug him, and he always catches her, swinging her round. when she’s annoyed, nico hates having to crane her neck to look up at him, and instead goes to get a chair to stand on so she’s at eye level, because if she’s going to have an argument, she’s going to do it looking him in the eye.
Nico SO would be a daddy's girl! A little spoiled but still very independant too cos thats important to her. Keke would adore his sweet daughter (he knows she can be a handful tho) and he is ofc a little hesitant when she demands independence but he understands it too! For sure when she is home she gets fussed over a ton tho lol. He alwsys asks her to text after races to make sure she is okay!
Nico's tiny lil feet would be so cute to jenson (really any part of her is)! Nico always complains her feet hurt and Jenson massages them for her cos they are so pretty and she hums so contentedly. And pls Nico with her pretty mint green painted toes and her habit of playing footsie just to annoy jenson kskeks she is a legend and an icon! Jenson gets a little flustered then which Nico loves!
Sksks Mark calling Nico a little gremlin cos she keeps stealing clothes from everyone! She has sweaters and racesuits from her dad (pls nico being homesick and wearing her dad's racesuit while curled up on the sofa 🥺 and she has tshirts from Lewis thst she kept all those years although she doesn't wear them anymore... She for sure wears Mark's sweaters a lot but jenson's are her favorite! They are all soft and old and just smell like jenson which soothes her🥺 (and nngg her in one of his dress shirts would be so sexy!!) And toto's shirt! He would be so soft seeing her with it on
Sjdjss jenson by accident taking Nico's tiny wetsuits and Nico has a muscle ache from laughing after seeing a picture of Jenson trying to get it on lmaooo!
Toto would be so fond of this stubborn little girl! She is demanding and knows what she wants and needs and doesn't back down for him! Pls her standing on a chair to be at eye level telling him he will ot win just looming over her, she wants a fair fight! Hut he loves her too, that's his girl okay! She will hug him so tight when she is happy and wins and he twirls her around! Also smthn happening and he just holds her, lets her hide away in his chest snd she feels so tiny and frail then, and Toto never wants to see her like that again!
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trainingmitsystem2 · 10 months
Triathlon Trainer
Triathlon Trainer , Willkommen bei trainingmitsystem.de, Ihrem Tor zur professionellen Welt des Triathlon-Trainings. Unsere erfahrenen Triathlon-Trainer stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, um maßgeschneiderte Trainingspläne und persönliche Betreuung anzubieten, damit Sie Ihre Triathlonziele erreichen können. Bei uns können Sie sogar Ihren persönlichen Triathlon-Trainer auswählen, der Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse und Ziele versteht. Starten Sie noch heute Ihre Reise zu herausragenden Leistungen im Triathlon auf trainingmitsystem.de.
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This is the quiet space of time in the year where I just don't have a lot to put here. I should probably merge this with my other one, but I'm always so mindful about how activating some of this can be for folks. Legitimately so. We live in a crappy society that has crappy messages about self worth based on body size. Partly why the calorie burn on my workouts is always blurred out. It's just not a part of my fitness goals right now and is a slippery slope. Of course, in 2020, when I was focused on overall health / functioning /weight loss after fertility tx, pregnancy, and postpartum, there was a space of time when I did bring into focus my caloric deficit.
And if I'm being honest? I wouldn't recommend doing what I did. In compassion for myself, I honestly didn't know it wasn't optimal to be in a calorie deficit for as long as I was, and I was using programs / proprietary materials that were very much geared towards "big change," but have very little available for maintenance / sustainable health goals.
My body is 44 years old and went through some fairly invasive stuff trying to have a baby. The c section in which I hemorrhaged and the difficulty recovering made it hard to care for my body.
My body is not going to look like a fitness model. That is not the goal. There will be areas of muscle definition. And there will be areas that stretched to grow and deliver my daughter. The goals are: another half marathon, a triathlon, working on cycling endurance.
But right now .... right now it's 10 degrees outside, snowy, and icy. So right now we're focusing on strength training, brief treadmill workouts, and brief bike on the trainer. As always I need to get back in the pool, but swimming remains my archnemesis.
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littlecondo · 2 years
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The kitchen renovation is killing my cycling mojo and this week has been a challenge.
On Tuesday night I dragged myself to my usual IST session but I wasn’t in the right headspace to push (and my tummy was hurting) so I really questioned what I was even doing there.
Yesterday I planned to do a threshold session on the trainer but during the warm up I could tell my legs didn’t have it in them so pivoted to a very easy ride while listening to the That Triathlon Life podcast.
Cabinets get installed next week so I’m hoping that things will feel less disrupted soon. In the meantime, I’m just taking it one day and one workout at a time.
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ratlami · 3 days
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Unlock your full potential with top-tier triathlon coaching in Irvine. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, our personalized training programs are designed to enhance your endurance, speed, and overall performance.
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tripeakathlete · 2 months
Indoor Cycling Sessions
🚴‍♀️ Hello Team! 🚴‍♂️ Ready to boost your training and get those legs pumping? Join us for our Indoor Cycling Sessions this week and experience the exhilarating feeling of pushing yourself to new limits in a supportive and motivating environment. Our expert instructors will guide you through a series of challenging yet rewarding workouts designed to improve both your strength and endurance.…
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eatcompetenc · 19 days
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Triathlon is more than just a race; it's a test of endurance, mental strength, and physical prowess that pushes athletes to their limits. At Eat Compete NC L.L.C., we understand the unique demands of this challenging sport and are committed to providing the best triathlon training services in Holly Springs, NC.
Our expert coaches bring years of experience and a deep passion for triathlon, offering personalized training plans tailored to your individual goals and abilities. Whether you're a seasoned triathlete or a beginner looking to complete your first race, we have the tools, knowledge, and support to help you succeed.
Our Eat Compete NC L.L.C. training programs go beyond just physical conditioning; we focus on holistic development, including nutrition guidance, mental strategies, and recovery techniques. We create a supportive community where athletes can thrive, learn from each other, and stay motivated throughout their training journey.
Our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge training methods ensure that every athlete is fully prepared to tackle the swim, bike, and run confidently. When you train with Eat Compete NC L.L.C., you're not just preparing for a race but embracing a lifestyle of health, discipline, and achievement.
Preferred Trainer & Nutritionist for NC Towns & Cities, incl. Holly Springs Rec Center.
Depending on location, In Home Adult Sessions starting at $45, In Home Youth Sessions starting at $35 a session.
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turnipshepard · 2 months
I told my trainer that I wanted to maybe start heading in the direction of triathlon training and he was like ok got it. You want to fucking die. Here you go
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fitnessratsuniverse · 3 months
It’s incredible how triathlons have gained immense popularity over the past decade. Just last year, there was a remarkable increase in participation, with over 2 million people taking part in various triathlons worldwide. As a personal trainer with a passion for endurance sports, I’ve seen firsthand how this surge in interest is more than just a trend—it’s a testament to the growing desire for comprehensive fitness challenges. I remember my first triathlon vividly; the excitement, the nerves, and ultimately, the profound sense of accomplishment. Today, I want to share with you how to train for a triathlon, breaking it down in a way that’s both accessible and effective.
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primal-movement · 3 months
My Coaching journey to personal dreams
Hey there, fellow runners, triathletes and fitness enthusiast’s! Welcome to my blog, where I’ll be sharing my journey from a beginner runner to a certified personal trainer and run coach. I’m excited to share my experiences, tips, and training ideas with you, as you embark on your own fitness journey.
My Story:
It all started with the birth of my son. I wanted to be a good example for him, and I knew I needed to get fitter. So, I laced up my running shoes and started running. It wasn’t easy, but I pushed through the pain and self-doubt, and I completed my first marathon. Encouraged by my success, I decided to take on an even bigger challenge: my first ultra-marathon.
But, let’s be real, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had no training plan, no idea how to fuel my body, and no support system. I learned the hard way that running 78 miles is not for the faint of heart. But, I didn’t give up. I wanted to learn how to train and race properly, so I became a personal trainer and then a run coach for my local triathlon club.
Why Coaching:
Coaching has been a game-changer for me. I love seeing my clients achieve their goals, whether it’s completing their first 5K or qualifying for a triathlon. There’s nothing more rewarding than helping someone push through their limits and reach their full potential. I’ve learned so much about training, nutrition, and mental toughness, and I can’t wait to share that knowledge with you.
In upcoming blogs, I’ll be sharing tips, training ideas, and information on a variety of subjects, including:
* How to set and achieve your running and triathlon goals
* Training plans for beginners and advanced athletes
* Nutrition and fueling strategies for endurance athletes
* Mental toughness and mindset training
* Race day strategies and tactics
I’m excited to embark on this journey with you, and I hope you’ll join me every step of the way. Remember, the journey to fitness and success is not always easy, but it’s worth it. So, decide, commit, and succeed! Safe training, and see you on the trails and in the gym!
Coach Dan
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Still here.
Took a 3 week movement break due to an avalanche of family germs: strep, pink eye, and every parent's major annoyance: lice. (Seriously. Lice. Cue every protocol I ever adopted from managing a domestic violence shelter. And it worked in a timely manner. I'm nothing if not thorough.)
The last couple of weeks have been a re organizing of this year's goals. I've resumed lifting and committed to at least 3 days a week on the bike (on the trainer, it's still snowing like early January where we are). I purchased a used Peloton tread and will gradually start adding back in the runs (I'm not worried about running). And, as always, need to recommit to the dreaded swim. DREADED.
My half marathon over Memorial Day is most likely not a half anymore. If I do it at all, I'll drop the distance down to a 10k. Training has not been consistent enough for that and we're out of state the first 10 days of May (so again, inconsistent training). I'm keeping the Hagg Lake Triathlon in July, but may consider doing the duathlon if my swimming does not improve. I need a coach. There are no coaches to be found in this small town.
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whitehatlink · 4 months
The Value of a Triathlon Coach
Triathlons are the ultimate test of endurance, combining swimming, cycling, and running into one grueling event. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or a beginner looking to dip your toes into the world of multisport races, triathlon coaching can make a significant difference in your performance and overall enjoyment of the sport.
The Role of a Triathlon Coach
A triathlon coach is more than just a trainer; they're a mentor, strategist, and motivator rolled into one. With their expertise and experience, they can tailor a training plan specifically to your goals, abilities, and schedule. Whether you're aiming to complete your first sprint triathlon or qualify for a world championship, a coach can provide the guidance and support you need to succeed.
Personalized Training Plans
One of the most significant advantages of working with a triathlon coach is the creation of personalized training plans. Unlike generic online programs, a coach takes into account your strengths, weaknesses, and lifestyle factors to design a plan that maximizes your potential while minimizing the risk of injury or burnout. Whether you excel in swimming but struggle with cycling, or vice versa, a coach can adjust your workouts accordingly to address areas for improvement.
Technique Refinement
In addition to structuring your training, a triathlon coach can also help refine your technique in each discipline. From perfecting your swim stroke to optimizing your running form, they'll provide feedback and drills to enhance efficiency and prevent wasted energy. Even small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in your overall performance, making technique refinement a crucial aspect of triathlon coaching.
Accountability and Motivation
Training for a triathlon can be challenging, especially when balancing work, family, and other commitments. A triathlon coach serves as both a source of accountability and motivation throughout your journey. Knowing that someone is monitoring your progress and cheering you on can help keep you on track during those early morning swims or long weekend bike rides. Additionally, a coach can offer encouragement and support during times of doubt or fatigue, helping you push through mental barriers and stay focused on your goals.
Race Day Preparation
When race day finally arrives, having a triathlon coach in your corner can provide an extra layer of confidence and preparation. From developing a race strategy to navigating transitions, they'll ensure that you're ready for whatever challenges the course throws your way. Additionally, a coach can offer valuable insights and advice based on their own racing experiences, helping you anticipate and overcome obstacles to achieve your best possible performance.
In the world of triathlon, success is often measured not just by finishing times, but by personal growth and achievement. Whether you're aiming for the podium or simply striving to cross the finish line, the guidance and expertise of a triathlon coach can make all the difference in your journey. By providing personalized training plans, technique refinement, accountability, and race day preparation, a coach empowers you to unlock your full potential and become the best triathlete you can be. So, lace up your shoes, pump up your tires, and dive into the world of triathlon coaching—your next personal best awaits.
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