supd00dle · 6 months
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she got that egg-centric personality
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marionedde · 3 months
Spotlight: Team Egglets (against every team's wishes, they're very much participating!)
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Omelette Robotnik: "Just because I'm the child of the most hated man in Mobius doesn't mean squat. Me and my TOTALLY NON-EVIL SIBLINGS just wanna have some family bonding!"
Skill: Specialty (Intelligence)
Talent: Robotics
Age: 16
Pronouns: She/her
Race: ????
Weapon: Robots
Sage Robotnik: "I would do anything for my family."
Skill: Swim (surf the web)
Talent: Hack
Age: 14
Pronouns: She/they
Race: AI
Weapon: Cyberspace Network
Metal Robotnik 3.3: "huehuehuehueheuheuhuehue"
Skill: Speed
Talent: Jetpack
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/her
Race: Robot
Weapon: Doily (Tails doll) + herself
The Quintuplets: Orbot, Cubot, Tribot, Conebot, Betabot
Skill: Power
Talent: There's five of them
Age: 19
Pronouns (in order): He/him, they/he, she/he. she/it, they/them
Race: Robot
Weapon: Themselves. Run.
Bokkun Robotnik: "Hey I think someone sent you a message...wink wink!"
Skill: Fly
Talent: Messages
Age: 14
Pronouns: they/he/xe
Race: Robot
Weapon: Explosions
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 1 month
1) My art
2) Original
3-10) Characters separately without background
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adokle · 2 years
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A humanoid design for Tribot, in the vein of These. Also Orbot, Cubot and M are here too. --- Aside. Am I wrong or is Tribot kinda in the nebulous concept art canon space that the magenta lady is in as well? Not important, just a thought.
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orbot5 · 6 months
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happy LATE BIRTHDAY TRIBOT!!!(was gonna try to draw her but idk if I’ll finish it。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。)
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sonicbible · 1 year
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Fools of April
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Orbot and Cubot but they're actually mean (and transgender as fuck)
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sangett5 · 2 years
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rozex21 · 10 months
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Here's a wip for another art that I'm making... It's not based on BBU but on STH
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vieillesboutiques · 8 months
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Blanchisserie de Mme Tribote. Lieu inconnu.
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the-duck-dealer · 8 months
Sonic the Hedgehog - Toy Kingdom Calamity
[Christmas Eve. Sonic dashes through Twinkling Village, gazing at all the Christmas lights, then up at the aurora in the sky.] Sonic: Man, I love this time of year. [Suddenly, Sonic hears angry shouting nearby.] Sonic: Huh? [He sees a large crowd of people surrounding a Toy Kingdom delivery station.] Sonic: These folks don’t look so holly-jolly. [Sonic taps one of them on the shoulder.] Sonic: Hey, what’s goin’ on? Civilian: Toy Kingdom hasn’t delivered any Christmas packages! They were supposed to arrive this morning! …Say, aren’t you…? [Sonic steps through the crowd, reaching the front window. He knocks on the metal shutter] Sonic: Yo! [It opens. A worker drone answers.] Drone: We are sorry. There has been a delay in shipping. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please go home. Goodbye. [It slams shut.] Sonic: …Uh…? [He knocks on it again. It opens once more.] Drone: We are sorry. There has been a delay in shipping. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please go home. Goodbye. Sonic: …Okay. That’s not suspicious at all. Maybe it might be a good idea to check things out. [Sonic turns to face the crowd.] Sonic: Hold on, folks. I’ll get to the bottom of this. [Sonic dashes into the night.]
Sonic: Toy Kingdom’s comin’ up. Let’s see what all the fuss is about. [Sonic skids to a stop outside the outer walls. The drawbridge is up…?] Sonic: Huh? That’s weird. This place is usually open 24/7. In fact, I’ve never seen it closed! Sonic: HEY! Konstruct-A-King! You in there? Hello??? [Some Toy Guards pop their heads over the kingdom walls.] Sonic: Oh, hey! What’s the deal, guys? Why’re all the drawbridges up? It’s Christmas Eve! [They aim their guns at him and open fire.] Sonic: Woah--Hey! [Sonic leaps and avoids their gunfire, kicking up some snow and launching snowballs at them, knocking them back.] Sonic: So much for a warm welcome! [Sonic dashes up the wall, leaping over the top and tying the guards up in christmas lights.] Sonic: You guys don’t seem like yourselves. What’s the… deal…? [Sonic sees armies of Badniks patrolling the kingdom. Equipment and toys are being moved around like crazy.] Sonic: …You’ve gotta be kidding me, doc. [One of the Guards manages to break their arm free and call on the radio.] Sonic: Hey! [Sonic kicks the radio out of their hand.] Sonic: Nobody likes a snitch, little guy. [Alarms go off in the area. Sonic glares at the toy soldier.] [A miniature Eggmobile with 2 sidecars flies in. A spotlight centers on Sonic.] Sonic: Oh, look. The three stooges. [Orbot, Cubot, and Tribot hover overhead.] Orbot: Sonic?! Cubot: Uh-oh! Eggman’s not gonna like this! Tribot: I am! I can’t wait to stomp that little blue thornbush! Woo-hoo! [Orbot presses a button on the Eggmobile, and a giant, robotic nutcracker deploys from a nearby warehouse and drops down in front of Sonic. The Eggmobile’s sidecars detach, and take their places in the shoulders of the mech. Orbot’s Eggmobile sits atop the hat, and the mech’s eyes light up, raising an axe.] Sonic: Heh. Alright, let’s do this! [The Egg Cracker's axe slams down in the snow. Sonic dives out of the way, running up the base of the axe and spin attacking Tribot's Eggmobile.] Tribot: Hey! Get off! Orbot: I got him! Hang on! [A large, comically sized nut is loaded into the Egg Cracker’s mouth. The Egg Cracker bites down, and spikes are sent outwards in all directions.] Sonic: Woah! [Sonic ducks, avoiding one of the spikes, then leaps off as another spike hits Tribot’s Eggmobile.] Tribot: Dang it, Orbot! Watch where you’re aiming! Sonic: Man, I can’t believe Eggman trusted you guys to handle this job. Tribot: WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! [Tribot swings the axe again, and Sonic backflips out of the way.] Sonic: I gotta do something about that axe… Or better yet… Use it against them! [Sonic dashes away as the giant mech begins to chase him. He slides under each axe swing, before stopping beside an electrical transformer.] Sonic: Betcha can’t hit me! Tribot: Are you CHALLENGING ME?! [Tribot raises the axe.] Orbot: Tribot, wait! Don’t! He’s trying to trick you! [The axe hits the transformer, and sparks fly, electrocuting the mech and the three shapebots.] Cubot: Ugh… Even I wouldn’t have fallen for that. Orbot: Yes, you would’ve. [Sonic launches off of a spring and onto Tribot’s pod, shattering the glass.] Sonic: Pardon me. Tribot: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! [Sonic toys with the controls, forcing the mech to toss the axe up into the air.] Orbot: Uh-oh. [Sonic salutes, before leaping off of the mech just before the axe impales it.] [The Egg Cracker crumbles to pieces, and the 3 Egg Mobiles detach from the robot.] Cubot: Let’s get out of here! Sonic: Hey, where’re you three goin’? No time for a snowball fight? [Sonic spindashes in the snow, launching hundreds of snowballs into the Egg Mobiles, knocking them out of the sky. The three shapebots fall out of their vehicles.] Orbot: Wait, wait! Don’t-! [Sonic lifts them all up, juggling them around.] Cubot: I’m gonna be sick!
[Meanwhile, inside the Toy Kingdom castle…] Eggman: Ohohoh! Construction is going swimmingly! Soon, all the world’s toys will be yours, my dear! Sage: Father? Eggman: Yes, my little omelet? Sage: There is a disturbance outside. Eggman: Hmmm? [Sage points at a monitor. Security footage shows Sonic messing with Orbot, Cubot, and Tribot.] Eggman: You have GOT to be kidding me! Metal! Make that rodent carol in pain! [Metal’s eyes glow in acknowledgement. His thrusters fire up, and he takes off through the open window.] Orbot: Uncle! Uncle! Sonic: All right, all right. I’ve had my fun. See ya! [Sonic tosses all three of them into the air, before kicking them into a nearby dumpster.] Cubot: My head… Tribot: That was a pretty good throw, though… Orbot: Shut up, you two. Sonic: Well, better get back to it. Now, which way--Oof! [Metal Sonic lunges into Sonic, knocking him off of his feet, before kicking him across the path.] Sonic: Metal! Just who I wanted to unwrap this Christmas! [Sonic uses Sonic Boom to push Metal back. Metal’s thrusters flare up. Sonic leaps over Metal’s head as he flies past. Metal’s torso spins around, and he punches Sonic in the face.] Sonic: Oof-! Lucky hit. So, what are you and Eggman up to, huh? [The two clash, accelerating into each other.] Tribot: YEAH! KILL HIM, METAL! RIP HIS QUILLS OUT! [Tribot’s sudden outburst startles Metal. Sonic takes the advantage to kick Metal upwards, before following up with a Loop Kick. Metal skids across the pavement, glaring at Tribot.] Tribot: … Tribot: NO REGRETS! [Metal turns back towards Sonic. Sonic charges a peel-out, before blasting off in Metal Sonic’s direction. Metal prepares to counter, but as Sonic closes in, he starts to slip on the icy road.] Sonic: Woah, woah, WOAH! [Sonic slides straight towards Metal, who simply holds a fist out for Sonic to smack into.] Sonic: Ngh… Too slippery out here for me to get traction… Gotta find somewhere I can run! [Sonic leaps onto a rooftop, leaping from building to building. Metal pursues quickly behind.] Sonic: Still keeping up, eh? Alright. Catch me if you can! [Sonic sees the Toy Kingdom Castle atop the mountain.] Sonic: (I bet that’s where Eggman is hiding… Just gotta lose Metal, first.)
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sonictitanium · 1 year
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Here are the main antagonists for Sonic Titanium!! Each one (besides Agent Stone, Snively, and Tribot) is named after a different type of metal, thought it was neat
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ask-cueball · 11 months
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Happy (belated) birthday to Orbot and Cubot!! Plus an Ergo and Tribot because I can. (This was meant to be posted yesterday but things got FAR too busy.)
I'll use this as a chance to announce that on Saturday, November 18th, aka Ergo's birthday, the next Ask Cueball post will be released!! I want to thank everyone for their patience and support, and I hope you all enjoy what's coming next!
If you're wondering why the Orbot and Cubot arts are so much newer than the Tribot and Ergo ones...it's because the original Orbot and Cubots from this doodle page were much less happy:
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And I figured these probably weren't ideal for a post celebrating their birthday. (These aren't spoilers for the next arc to be clear, they're depictions of the first arc's struggles.)
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 3 months
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Human versions of Heartbot, Orbot, Ergo, Cubot, Plumbot and Tribot
I drew almost all day starting at night
You can see their human versions with helmets in one album, since on Tumblr I can’t add more than 10 photos in a post, and this is very sad
Link to the album with their human versions - https://vk.com/album-224838836_304798706
If any of you want to redraw them, then I won't mind
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 2 years
Okay, shenanigans over... Do your shape bots for the character thing. 😂
Or whichever one you want to do if you don't want to do all three at once.
Oh boy my shapes! I'll do the main three (I'd do Tribot too but I really don't have much for her yet sadly)
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First impression - Oh no. My dark secret.
ORBOT: "Huh...Ergo looked better, they should've just kept him..."
CUBOT: "Wow, you are VERY loud."
ERGO: "I still like Bocoe and Decoe better, but...I do like you a lot. Close second."
Impression now - "MY BELOVED. I am going to steal you and you are now mine. These characters are mine in every way but legally."
Favorite moment
ORBOT: I disintegrate every time this bot opens his mouth and you expect me to pick just one??
CUBOT: There's lots, but the first thing that popped into my head was his voice screaming "hE'S BALD!!" so I guess that deserves a mention LMAO
ERGO: Any time he talks shit to Eggman really.
Idea for a story - Ah-ah-ah, can't say! That's spoilers...Ergo especially~
Unpopular opinion - The shapes deserve a canon spinoff, be it a comic, a show, a series of shorts, a game, etc. Also Tribot should be made canon.
Favorite relationship -
ORBOT AND CUBOT: Come on we all know the answer here, it's each other obviously. Orbot and Cubot's gayness cannot be surpassed.
ERGO: Kinda obsessed with his creationship with Eggman. There's a lot that can be unpacked there especially if you take Ask Cueball as canon.
Favorite headcanon
ORBOT: Orbot has some musical talent but he's usually too embarrassed to show it around most.
CUBOT: Cubot will kill with no hesitation (this is half-canon at this point though) and is surprisingly capable at creating weapons.
ERGO: Ergo deeply cared for Eggman at one point and was deeply betrayed when his deactivation came around.
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orbot5 · 8 months
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new yoke designs for ggoobers (plus normal colors)
I wanted to do liek a mix of there prototypes colors and tjere orignal colors (ergo and tribot ik sje ISNt really a prototype but like) any way
honestly when sonic learns about newyokes backstory I’m guessing eggman takes control over the world like right at the time thag soic was fighting eggman over the shard right???or since tails’s backstory is different since im guessing he grew up in new yoke??? anyway idk it’s just kinda confusing
so since we don’t see them at all!!!during sonic prime expect for there normal selfs I think thag eggman has this like perfect world PLUS clones idk if he would want still them??? i hc thag they were very early in developtment and the series got canceled or whatever the SA 55 series is called and put them somewhere underneath the chaos council building
so maybe before all of season 3 nine went to go find supplies litarlly anything from the chaos councils base (because there not in new yoke right??)for his crazy like ice castle (ik he can just make anything on 😭) he could’ve found them and brought them back!!!!^_^
like if I’m wrong about anything abt the sonic prime lore lmk😭:3
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