t333th · 19 days
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Triceratons 🔛🔝❗❗ Mikey gets it
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kobbers · 4 months
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Finally, it's time for my full @turtlestogetherzine piece reveal! Unfortunately, the leftovers sale seems to have completely sold out before I could get online, so I'm too late for the marketing angle. Here's a link anyway! - https://turtleszine.bigcartel.com/
So many people contributed pieces covering almost all versions of TMNT we've had to date, and my assigned role was to carry the torch for the original Mirage comics, which I was thrilled to be able to do.
I decided to lean into the Turtles in Space arc, which is one of my favorites (Triceratons are just cool okay), and also made sure that it had some good groanworthy puns. Mirage TMNT has this mythical reputation for being Too Hardcore For This Soft World, but it's actually a very goofy comic that's allowed to have a little blood and intensity sometimes. I love that and wanted to make sure the goof came through.
Here's a couple WIPs, including some of my training to emulate that oldschool indie comic style! It was fun trying to get all the shapes and shading right!
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redstringraven · 1 year
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...listen. i think about this a lot and finally decided to draw a meme i made last year.
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bobauthorman · 5 months
No weapons?
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No problem!
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zemi-noelle-art · 6 months
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My friend made me aware that there is a single Triceraton woman in the entirety of the tmnt animated compendium, She's in a straight-to-tv movie for like maybe 15 minutes, and it seems like there isn't a whole lot of fanart of her so,,, I had to remedy that.
In other news I've been plagued by the "becomes a fan of an incredibly niche character" disease so please wish me a speedy recovery lmao.
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Triceraton height guesstimate
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I went back to the Rottmnt movie for the umpteenth time to get some screenshots of Krang one's mech suit for drawing references when I got a glimpse of the Triceraton skull Krang One uses as a throne. And that got me thinking, How tall would the Triceratons have had to be in order to match their absolutely huge skulls?
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After doing some guesstimating with Leo and Krang one as a reference to compare heights, and using the 2k3 TMNT Triceratons. I have gotten some numbers. Probably not accurate at all, but it's all in the name of fun xD
So. Leo is 1.65m or 5'5" in canon height. Krang one's guesstimated height is about 7.15m or 23'5". (Does he have a canon height??) Triceraton's height I'm guessing is around 55.2 meters or 181'1". That's my take on it at any rate. Do with this information as you'd like 😂
On another note. How the shell were the boys supposed to fight those monsters??? Like holy shell. Donnie would have had to get uranium and make them mech suits or something, yikes, terrifying just thinking about it.... And does the skull throne mean that the Krang have already killed off the Triceratons? Or is that just a hunting price?? Who knows, it's an interesting thought none the less.
Also if the Krang actually has managed to kill off this gigantic alien race, that makes them all the more terrifying an enemy... food for thought.
Anyway, until next time! // Wick♡
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risestarkiss · 8 months
regarding your thoughts on every TMNT iteration going through punishment, your not far off. However, I think it’s safe to say that if Rise was gonna continue in some way, those versions would’ve also experienced more and more trials as they go on. The Shredder was their first true opponent that challenged them. They almost lost their lives, they did lose Karai, their old home was destroyed, and Splinter’s life was at stake. They even lost their first weapons, before making new ones with their ninpo. Then the Kraang invades and I’m almost completely convinced they’d have Leo go through an angst arc of self blame and treating himself harshly before finding forgiveness he can accept, and everyone else facing their own struggles. Plus, threats like Rat King, Bishop(if they wanted him to be a villain), the Triceratons(if they’re not extinct), and possible Kraang return would’ve added things. Just got me thinking lol
Good point! The boys have been through so much, and their future will open up many terrifying doors as well! No doubt about it.
But one thing I appreciate about Rise is that those terrifying episodes are spaced out and are few and far between. The majority of the show is spent with the boys just, living. So let's say that Rise is statistically 80% turtles just living their lives and 20% life changing/devastating events. Now compare it to something like 2003. That series was like 98% life changing events and 2% turtles just living their lives,....with a 2% margin of error. 😒 (I'm sorry. They just always seemed to be going through it!) That was a real frustration I had with that iteration, although I still love it. 💜 2012 has a much better ratio, but for me it never really hit that sweet spot of just allowing the boys to exist for an extended period time without their lives getting uprooted and demolished. It ends with Donnie as a complete cyborg and Leo being double mutated. After all of that hard work, I think they deserved so much more. Anyways... Who's to say if/when the show continues that the ratio of living life to devastation will change. It could get more serious for sure. But as it is now, I absolutely appreciate that these boys, for the majority of their time on screen, were able to smell the roses. Thanks for the ask. 😉💜 Ps.
I'm leaning towards the Triceratons being extinct as the Kraang leader was sitting on one of their skulls.
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renae-the-turtle · 4 months
Idea for a tmnt separated au that's - surprisingly - not a rise au. It's a 2012 au
Mikey grows up in dimension X. He's either raised by the utroms and thus has a breathing implement, or he grows up feral and since he was so young, he adapted to be able to breathe the air. Idk what exactly I'd go with but something like that.
Leo is definitely still living on earth with Splinter because his obsession with Space Heroes is adorable and I want him to be able to keep that. Also just. Something something multiversal constant that Leo idolizes/looks up to Splinter in some way in every universe (doesn't apply to all AUs obviously, but it's a very Leo trait, y'know?)
Now I'm not sure if I wanna send any of the turtles to live in space (maybe with Professor Honeycutt or the triceratons or salamandrians) or have one of them live with humans (O'Neil or Jones or a shockingly-not-dead Tang Shen) because there is options, you know? And who knows, maybe Splinter keeps two of the turtles.
If I pick Salamandrians then it'll be Donnie living with them, he'd be best friends with Y'gthba and I guess he'd be in the army too? But as like a tech guy idk. Need some way for him to get off-planet and meet his long-lost brothers, duh.
Or I could have Donnie raised by Professor Honeycutt? Not sure how that would work with the timeline. I'd need to go rewatch the episode where Fugitoid info-dumps his backstory, and depending on the timeline maybe I'd prefer it to have Raph raised by him.
If I decided I wanted a turtle to be raised by Mr O'Neil then I'd probably pick Donnie, neatly erasing the possibility of that awkward crush by having him grow up as April's brother.
If I picked the Jones' then it'd be Raph with them, because Raph & Casey brotp but make them actually brothers haha
If I pick Triceratons.... probably Raph? And then he might get to meet Y'gthba/Mona Lisa early. Or they'd get an enemies-to-lovers arc lol.
On the other hand I could do both Triceratons and Salamandrians, in which Donnie somehow ends up with the Triceratons, is raised by them for a few years, but then gets abandoned on some planet and picked up by Commander Sal.
I could also have Tang Shen survive but without Yoshi or Saki knowing, and without her knowing Yoshi is alive, and she moves to New York and finds one of the turtles and raises him. I'm following a fic in which she raises Miwa and Mikey and I love the idea. (It's called A Mother's Love on ao3 btw) But obviously she'd raise either Raph or Donnie, and Miwa still gets taken by Shredder and raised as Karai. I also don't know if I'd mutate Tang Shen or leave her human.
If I were to pick only one of the above options for Donnie and Raph, and have the other one stay with Leo and Splinter... hmmmm idk who I'd pick actually. It'd be interesting if it were Raph, because of how much Leo and Raph tend to argue, and explore how that dynamic would change with only two of them. Leo and Donnie.... mmm well I asked my sister for a second opinion and she pointed out that those two would likely be too efficient. Not enough drama lol. Leo and Raph would be way more interesting.
Anyway. Gonna think about this more but I like the idea of Mikey growing up in Dimension X and thus being even more of a genius there. Leo still gets raised by Splinter but he's got that Big Brother Sense tm that tells him something is missing and it drives him nuts. Raph and Donnie... it's up in the air (or space) where they're at lol.
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ninjagecko72 · 5 months
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Day 8: Favorite Turtle Ally + Dynamic
Challenge by @tmaynt
Took forever to draw a single Triceraton despite me loving them very much but I finally got them! Traximus and Raph! I don’t see enough of them. We need more of these two!
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tmnt-raph-fan-art · 4 months
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TMayNT 27: Fave Alien Villain I love the idea of an alien race that look like a specific type of dinosaur. And the turtles pissed off most of them.
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spacevixenmusic · 8 months
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Source: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2003]
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the-gershomite · 15 days
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Grunts -November 1987- Mirage Studios
"The Lesson: A Tale of the Triceraton Marines"
story/script/pencils by Peter Laird
inked by Ryan Brown
letters by Steve Lavigne
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kobbers · 2 months
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yet another Artfight sketch for @redstringraven, of their character Nyxram! Always love an excuse to draw Triceratons, heheh.
We'll see if I can fit in a couple sketchy revenges before the event's over, but I'm satisfied with the amount of pieces I've managed for my first go c:
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redstringraven · 27 days
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i could have spent more time on this. but i just needed to get it out there in the wild, so i can focus on other things. traximus, i love you so much, but there're reasons i don't put you on the Functioning Adult™ list.
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starfruitbats · 1 year
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I’ve been watching 03 and wanted to do a rise take on triceratons
This guys big, not as big as they actually are implied to be in the show. (As the krang throne is made of a massive triceraton skull) but I imagine he is larger than the krang. So, several Raph’s tall.
His name is Kratos, he is one of the extremely few survivors. Who only survived because they went into hiding and salvaged krang tech to use to protect themselves. The krang have long since left his galaxy but he is still on a mission to eradicate any trace of krang, including their empyrean. He has a distaste for mutants and yōkai since they are the byproduct of krang.
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mrdancemoves · 7 months
Seri concept!!
This is not official but it’s a wip, I really want her to be in my au and I have a great storyline to go with her and the other triceratons!!
(Art below the cut)
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I want her to be royalty still, and maybe have her as a love interest for someone.. but that’s just a MAYBE (even though there is a 95% chance of it happening..)
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