#Troll Motta
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Dopo le grandi abbuffate a cui abbiamo partecipato nel periodo pasquale (con o senza quarantena cambia poco) non poteva mancare di certo la bastonata glicemica per concludere questo week end di fuoco.
Per preparare la torta post pasquetta ci occorrono:
- Colomba classica 450g
-Colomba al cioccolato 450g
-Crema alcolica alle fragole 100ml
-Acqua 400ml
-Panna montata 500ml
-Scagliette delle uova di cioccolato Q. B.
Step 1
Tagliamo la colomba a fette sistemandola in una terrina rettangolare dai bordi alti e bagnamo il tutto con metà della bagna preparata.
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Step 2
Iniziamo a stratificare aggiungendo metà della panna montata preparata e la stendiamo accuratamente.
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Step 3
Aggiungiamo il secondo strato di colomba, stavolta al cioccolato, e procediamo sempre prima con la bagna e poi con l'altra metà della panna.
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Step 4
Distribuiamo le scaglie di cioccolato sulla superfice e mettiamo in frigo per qualche ora.
Il gioco è fatto... Ora si che possiamo continuare ad ingrassare 😂
Con dolcezza
Qualcosa che non sapevi su questa ricetta...
La colomba ha varie legende che ne tessono le lodi, ma tutte ci conducono a Pavia.
Una di queste storie narra che nel 1176, durante la battaglia di Legnano, per dare coraggio ai soldati, venne sfornata una pagnotta di pane dalla forma insolita.
Di certo non sarà stata la colomba che adesso arriva sulle nostre tavole con mandorle, zuccherini e canditi perché questa innovazione la si deve all'azienda Milanese 'Motta', che negli anni '30 del secolo scorso mise in funzione le apparecchiature anche nel periodo primaverile per dare alla luce una 'variante' pasquale del loro panettone.
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seblaine-rph · 3 years
While you're looking into rps can we talk about Devereux Academy for a minute? A basic look at their main and rules reveals Kristin Stewart as an FC but she's asked repeatedly not to be used in rp, people getting originally tested for being Dom Switch or sub at 17, the rp wording is almost an exact replica of another rp that ran for a while, and they are allowing the Motta family to be whitewashed with a white Robert Pattinson FC. I'm sure theres more i was just too disgusted to keep looking.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been told to take a look at @devereuxacademy or heard about it being problematic. I can’t tell you about the dash and I’m not going to troll through everyone’s blogs, so if there is something on the dash that anyone would like to share with me (problematic plots, not tagging triggers, admin behavior,etc) then feel free to send another ask. 
More than one person came to me when this rp first hit the tags, asking if I thought they had stolen parts of their rp. I reported this by answering multiple different asks about it and they never responded, which is very telling. Honestly, I think they did. Intentionally or not, they do have a lot of parts of other, existing roleplays in their plot and there are so many copy and pasted things that it looks to be done on purpose. You can say, “but it’s a D/s academy rp and there’s only so many ways to rp in a school, so of course it looks similar to other rps of the same genre” except for the part where even academy rps have their own unique plot points, including the history of the world, social economics, and the school as well as the history of the administration. And that wasn’t the last time it was brought to my attention, or the only reason. I do see it, if we’re looking for my opinion on the matter of stolen plot content. I can see at least three different roleplays that were already in the tags for a long time, weaved together to make this group. I don’t really see anything that is original in the plot or worldview info, aside from maybe the intense details on IVF as the reason for there being so many triplets. Don’t quote me on that, though, it may have been used before. I just haven’t seen it. 
It weirds me out that they have all of their characters being thrust into nsfw situations before 18, with what should be an 18+ concept like BDSM, and at the same time they’re a discord rp as well as a tumblr rp. It says on their application that the characters are tested to find out which mark they are at 17. That’s a minor, being tested in a nsfw way because however you slice it BDSM and D/s are nsfw and nobody under the age of 18 can legally or morally be allowed to even dip a single toe in and that includes taking a test to find out what kinks they like and whether they’re going to want to be catching or receiving when it comes to sex. It just makes me wonder what’s being hidden in the discord. I’d also like to mention that they do have the option to play teachers as well as students, which is just weird and gross to me in this instance. The content is nsfw, clearly some students are going to get with teachers. It’s weird enough when it’s a sfw college rp and students do not smut with teachers, but being a teacher is a respectable character choice so I can see why you’d want to do it. If you were going to focus on talking to other teachers and developing plots with other teachers. In this instance though... the power dynamic between teachers and students are way different and there is a sexual overtone automatically because this is a kinky smut rp. You can also play a character as young as 21, which just makes me hope there are no relationships being written out by naive 21 year olds with their 30-40-50+, way more mature, could be their parent teacher. That might sound like I’m making up something that would never happen, but I have seen someone try to play a 62 year old lesbian that was predatory towards 19 year olds and even claimed one in a D/s rp like this. We all know how Glee rps work, we all know this line has already been crossed. We all also know why that’s gross- it’s an abuse of power and there is no way that a teacher/student dynamic could be cute because there will always be a sense of one person being way more mature than the other and being in a seat of power. Another reason to wonder what’s being hidden on this discord.
There are incorrectly casted families. In particular, I’m seeing POC families with fcs that should not belong because they do not match. I’d really like to know how it is that two Filipino girls and a black girl are twins. As a general note to the admins, you can’t erase half of someone’s ethnicity either. There are other families where one or more character is half right but also half wrong in an offensive way. And some families that are just wrong. I do give them props on some of this being right, but that doesn’t erase the other problems. You can’t whitewash people. Not all Asians are the same. Not all Latinx people are the same. Brown people aren’t interchangeable. Let me just list these so they’re easier to fix:
In the Adams family, Alex Newell is African-American but the fc has a sister that’s  British, Polish and Caribbean. That might be picking at straws but I always find it offensive when people pick and choose how to group ethnicities- like deciding all Asians are the same so they can be related. Either way, she’s over half white which doesn’t match up. 
Laura Harrier is Rachel Berry, she is half black and half white with Jewish background so that’s a really nice choice but then she’s twins with two Haliee Steinfeld fcs? Hailee who is Filipino... She’s also been accused of using the N word and being racist so she’s on a lot of people’s banned lists for the same reasons as Lea Michele. 
Brianna Tju is in a Chinese family but she’s half Indonesian. She’s also a Disney Channel star, so some people find that problematic from the start, because most of her resources are from kid’s shows at an age that is too young to be roleplaying. She’s only 22 now, which is old enough to rp, however the only real resources she has are from something that aired in 2015 and was likely filmed in 2014 or earlier. When she was definitely a minor. 
Kaya Scoldelario is Brazilian. She’s whitewashed by being placed in the Clarington family.
Zoe Deutch is Jewish. Her siblings are Matthew Daddario (Slovak, Italian, Irish, Hungarian, and English) and Haley Lu Richardson, who has a white background that doesn’t include Jewish. This is the Corcoran family as well, which should be Jewish, since they’re all related to Idina Menzel.
Victoria Pedretti is Jewish and she’s in the very white Evans family.
None of the older Fabrays are Jewish, and Ashley Johnson is Native American but also somehow a twin of the white Frannie Fabray.
Principal Figgins is played by someone that is Pakistani but the Figgins on the masterlist is played by Dev Patel, who is Gujarati Indian. 
Tyler Hoechlin is also partially Native American, but he is placed in the Flangan (Irish, like straight out of Ireland) family that has Rory recast as Thomas Dogherty (Scottish) with an Ariana Grande (Italian) twin as well. 
Kristen Stewart is on the masterlist but she has asked numerous times not to be used in roleplay because it makes her uncomfortable. I just covered this for another roleplay, and I’ve seen other people mention it, so it’s common knowledge at this point. She has been saying this for a long time. She’s also placed as the twin of Danielle Campbell, who is Mexican and Cajun French while Kristen is just white and the canon family member (Gilbert, so Adam Lambert) is Jewish.
Zendaya is also placed as a twin to Samantha Ware. Zendaya is mixed race, half black and half white, while Samantha is black. 
Yvette Monreal is the twin to Demi Lovato. Yvette is Chilean. Demi is Mexican and Portuguese. 
Avan Jogia is a Hart, but he is Gujarati Indian and white. He would be a better family relation to Dev Patel than anyone else on the masterlist and vice versa. As a refresher, Samuel Larsen (the canon fc for the Hart family) is Mexican, Danish, Spanish and Persian.
Maddison Jaizani is Iranian, but she’s listed as a Holliday which makes her related to Gwyneth Paltrow... a blonde, white woman.
Jacob Elordia is Basque and his sibling on the masterlist is Marie Avgeropoulos, a Greek actress. 
Rafael Silva is Brazilian, but he is a Lopez triplet, related to a Mexican-Irish sister (Lindsay Morgan) and a Mexican-Jewish sister (Alexa Demie).
Sugar Motta is played by Vanessa Lengies on Glee, an Egyptian actress. Her family is whitewashed with two white fcs, Kelli Berglung and Robert Pattinson. 
Kaylee Byrant is Japanese but she is twin to Madison Beer (Jewish) and Daisy Ridley (white).
The Puckerman family has lost its Jewish heritage. The only two on Noah’s side are Adelaide Kane (white) and Luke Pasqualino (Italian). Jake Puckerman has been recast as Justice Smith, who is half black and half white but is not Jewish. His sister is Samantha Logan who is half Trinidadian and half white and Pauline Singer, who is full Fijian.
Antonia Gentry is cast as a Weston. She is Jamaican, her listed twin is half white and half African-American. The newest acceptance for a Weston is for an African American fc. 
Lili Reinhart is on the masterlist, but she’s problematic. She’s defended the abusive behavior of her cast mate, Cole Sprouse, who was very publicly accused of sexual assault and abuse. She’s also been accused of blackface annnnnnnd she’s used queer baiting to get people to watch the show. (She teased a girl on girl relationship publicly, telling people to watch the show because they might finally get to see something between Betty and Veronica, knowing that the fans wanted it, but then when she was asked about it in a later interview she scoffed and acted like it was absolutely impossible and would never happen, some would say she even sounded offended by the thought-- which is what everyone got mad at Melissa Benoist for doing with Supergirl.)
David Corenswet is Jewish, cast with Emily Browning as a sister, who is not.
I applaud the Brazilian change for Lauren Zizes, but Ashley Fink was a welcome representation of plus size actresses and the new fc is less than half her size. She’s still plus size technically, but she’s “model plus size,” which is not at all the same as Lauren’s body type. I ran this by someone that this change would affect and they were not pleased. They were the one that pointed this out to me, because it bothered them as a plus size person to see one of the few plus size characters recasted with a skinnier fc. 
Dove Cameron is also on the masterlist, but she’s on a bunch of people’s banned lists. She replied to a fan that said they wanted her to notice them that they were stupid and had no life if that was one of their goals. She’s been rude to cast and crew on set. Dove has also been accused of throwing a fit and making the writers change the Descendants script to take the relationship that was written out for a black actress. She’s being accused of yellow fishing, which I believe is the term for trying to look Asian. She wore a Native American headdress in a cultural appropriation type of way. She’s been accused of being fatphobic and hiding behind photoshop on her social media while saying she doesn’t photoshop, so she’s giving off a false sense of reality to her fans. She’s been talking badly about someone that is trying to get their sexual assault story out there. The latest thing that’s come out about her is a rant about how mental health isn’t real and that people just need to logic their way out of depression? Which would be coming from a seat of high privilege. She wrote a series of tweets on the topic, calling negative mental health and the feelings they cause “a choice.” There’s a whole hashtag on Tumblr for her. 
I’m not at all surprised to see that all of the diverse characters are open. No Artie, no Unique- who could definitely be recast as an actual trans woman, now that we’re living in the age of recasting for reasons of problematic natures- if we can have a new Puck, new Finn, new Rachel, and new Santana why not an appropriate Unique? She is literally the only canon trans woman, why not treat her with respect? They recasted Cooper to better fit the proper ethnicity, so... 
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g0dblessthefandom · 5 years
Live! From New York -- A Brittana Fanfic (Part 3)
Look. Just look, okay? I can’t have a Glee fanfiction without a musical number. I’m pretty sure it’s required by law. Also, things are not always what they seem. remember that. Catch up here on Tumblr, on FF.net and AO3. 
‘You’re such a dork, Lopez’ Santana thought to herself, pushing herself to maintain her pace on the elliptical machine.
She had been working out for nearly an hour, but had yet to really get going. Cardio was pretty important for stage performances, and so Emma made sure that they had at least two hours for that a day. Santana liked working out anyway, so it wasn’t a problem, her colleagues however, tended to chafe at the directive a bit more.
For example, Mercedes was on a treadmill next to her, going at nearly the minimum speed, reading a script that someone had sent her. She tended to think that she did most of her exercising on stage, and didn’t really need to work beyond that. Mike Chang, one of the lead male characters, and head of the ensemble dancers, felt he’d done enough, and was lounging on a weight bench nearby, flipping through the channels on the TV. Rachel had declined to join them, she usually chose to work out in her own personal gym because of her “particular sensitivities to unpleasant odors’. Normally Santana would have argued, but it meant not having Rachel around for a few hours, so she was all for it.
Today, she was going at full tilt, desperate to do something with her mind and body that didn’t include worrying about hosting Saturday Night Live, and that day was fast approaching. Her agent had spent the better part of the last weekend (on Emma’s direction) making sure that this engagement would in no way affect her Broadway performance, and then convincing Emma (on Santana’s direction) to give her an entire week off from the show. This had been less successful, and Santana was looking at five full days off (her longest vacation in a while) that would take her from the end of the Wednesday matinee until Sunday, and then Monday she’d always had off.
And she would need it. The day of the host dinner had finally arrived, and she only had one more show, and then it was on to Saturday Night Live glory. In only a few short hours, she would be wining and dining with the cast that made her laugh every Saturday. She felt like she might vibrate right out of her skin, she was so excited, but she obviously couldn’t tell anybody that. She was Santana Lopez after all.
“All you’ve gotta do is play it cool. Don’t think about how this is all you’ve wanted since you were 16. They  should be happy to meet you! You’re Santana Lopez, Star of stage and the small screen. They’re going to be be eating out of your hand.”
Santana had been talking under her breath, but she heard a chuckle beside her.
“Giving yourself one of your patented Santana Lopez pep talks, huh? I remember that from opening night of West Side. I thought you were going to pass out.”
Santana laughed in spite of herself. Her very first show (one that Mercedes had worked on as well), was a roller coaster ride from funding to production. It was then that she found out how invaluable her working relationship with Quinn was, and how amazing a person like Emma could be when it came to keeping the trains running on time. As much as she bristled against the constant pull from the two of them, she had nothing but respect for their insights.
“Yeah, well, there’s nothing nearly that serious going on. That night was the start of my entire Broadway career. This is just another day.”
“Oh, you can fool everybody else, San, but you can’t fool me. I’ve known you too long for that.”
“Yeah, well, I mean, I guess I’m a little excited. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to lose it or anything, but yeah, I mean, it’ll be pretty cool.”
Mercedes laughed again. “Fine, I think that might be all I’m going to get from you.” She turned off the treadmill, folding up her magazine, and tucking it into her gym bag. “Well, I’m going to go get freshened up for the show, I’ll see you later?”
Santana nodded quickly, jumping down from her own machine. “I think I’ll head out too. There’s something about being the last in the gym that just makes it super creepy. I’d rather be in the theater all alone than here.”
“Well, that’s no surprise, you love that drafty old building, even though I’m always telling you that it’s awful.”
“Hey, the Edgar has personality! You don’t get that in a lot of the new places. Too slick.”
“Less ghosts, you mean.”
Mercedes dodged Santana’s swat, laughing.
“Don’t even joke about that, Mercedes! We do not need some vengeful spirit getting us into trouble. Especially when I’m about to start getting ready for SNL this week.”
Santana had just dropped her water bottle into her bag when the door to the gym slammed shut, startling her. She looked up and saw Rachel sprinting towards them.
“And just like that, the bad luck has started.”
Rachel gave Santana a look, but couldn’t wipe the worry from her brow. She held up her phone insistently.
“You don’t know how right you are, Santana. Look at this! As soon as I saw it, I had to get down here right away. I know how terrible the reception is, and I couldn’t risk a text.”
Santana peered closely, taking the phone from Rachel’s hands. “Berry, you’re freaking me out, okay? What the hell- Holy shit.”
Mercedes walked closer to them, while Santana stared at the phone screen intently.
Rachel could barely contain herself. “It’s Hapa. Blaine Anderson’s place? Apparently, last night it got shut down for a health code violation, and it’s expected to be closed until the end of the month!”
“Oh no, no, no, no.” Santana moaned, running her fingers through her hair in frustration. “This can’t be happening, this can’t be!”
“Well, maybe there’s something else to be done. Just go with your back up place.” Mercedes said, patting Santana gently on the shoulder.
Santana’s eyes went wide. “Back up place? I don’t have back up place.”
“Are you seriously telling me that as important as this whole thing is to you, you didn’t bother coming up with a Plan B?” Rachel asked.
“No, troll, I didn’t, and now isn’t really the time to rub it in my face.” Santana snapped.
“I get it Santana, but that was kind of a bad idea on your part.” Mercedes added. She rolled her eyes at Santana’s glare, and continued. “But, at this point, what can you do? So, what’s the plan?”
“I don’t know, ‘Cedes. There’s no way I’ll be able to get a reservation for like twenty five people at this point in the city at any kind of restaurant that actually is not terrible.”
Santana sank to the floor. “I think I’m going to throw up.”
“Okay, San, just breathe, just breathe. Put your head between your legs.” Rachel cooed, rubbing Santana’s back gently.
“What the hell am I going to do? This whole thing is ruined.” Santana could feel her voice hitch, but the feeling of helplessness was so deep in her chest, she couldn’t help it. She could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes, and a few dropped from her lashes before she could stop them.
There was a moment of hopeless desperation in the air, but after a moment, Mercedes spoke up excitedly.
“We don’t need a restaurant! We have a place that we can use.”
“What do you mean?” Santana sniffled.
“Remember I was telling you about the producer that I’m working with on my new album? Sugar Motta, you’ve heard of her, right?”
“Yeah, a little, Mercedes, but I hardly think this is the time to be name dropping-”
“No, no, Santana, she’s got this gorgeous place on the Upper West Side, and she says she never uses it, and it’s HUGE, and she said if I ever wanted to hang out there, or have friends over, just give her a call! And you should see it Santana, it’s like something out of MTV Cribs. It’s got this incredible foyer, and like a huge fish tank, and an amazing kitchen, and dining room, and even a room for karaoke!”
“Wait, I don’t get it-”
“What Mercedes is saying is that you can hold the dinner there, Santana.”
Santana brightened for a moment, but then faded again. “That’s a great idea, but I don’t have any food. What am I supposed to feed them? Take out?”
Rachel thought for a moment. “Well, unfortunately, I don’t think I can miss this afternoon’s show, otherwise I would treat you to one of my famous vegan masterpieces-”
“Buuut, I happen to know a couple of people in the crew that can help you.”
“The Shining Twins?”
“Be nice, Santana.”
Madison and Mason were twins, and though they were always cheery and upbeat, there was definitely something a little unsettling about them, especially when they were finishing each other’s sentences. Mason was an understudy for one of the ensemble parts, and could sing and dance well enough. Meanwhile, when he wasn’t waiting in the wings, he was helping out Madison who was asn assistant to the lead tech on the production. It was a role with a little more respectability, and Madison seemed to thrive on the tiny bit of seniority that it gave her over her twin.
Luckily for Santana, she was just out of their earshot when she voiced her insult, and tried to put on her best smile as she approached.
“Just hear me out, Santana.” Rachel said, pulling her closer. Santana nodded and Rachel continued, gesturing towards both of the twins in turn.
“I was just talking to Madison and Mason the other day, and they explained that when they first finished high school, they had been exploring their love of fine dining. And that took them to South America for two years learning all about Chilean cuisine.”
Santana perked up. “Really?”
Madison nodded. “Yep, our mom is from Chile, and she taught us everything she knew. We don’t cook that much anymore, but we like to throw dinner parties from time to time, and we get rave reviews.”
“See? You could have them do the cooking, and it’ll be just like a restaurant. I already messaged them, and they said they’d be happy to do it, but they just have a few requests.”
Santana raised an eyebrow. “Such as?”
“Well,” Mason began. “I want to have at least ten shows in the next two months where I get to perform. Our parents are coming from back home, and I want them to see me actually singing and stuff.”
“And what else?”
“Speaking of parents, we’re going to need some tickets, four total, but for whatever shows we want.” Madison added.
“Is that it?” Santana said suspiciously.
“And one more thing.” Madison said sheepishly. “There’s this creepy tech who keeps cornering me, and asking to sniff my hair. I want him on a different schedule or something.”
Santana cocked her head. “That one doesn’t even need to be a request, consider it done.”
“What do you say?” Rachel asked. “I mean, it’s not like you have much of a choice.”
“I guess not.” Santana said with a sigh. “You two are in. Do you need anybody else, or anything else?”
Madison stuck out her hand to shake Santana’s, and shook her head with a smile. “Nope, Mason and I work best when it’s just the two of us. We will also need your credit card, for supplies, and the key of the place where we’re doing the cooking. What’s the budget?”
Santana didn’t hesitate. “It’s got a limit of twenty grand, but I doubt you’ll need that much. Go crazy. Within reason, of course. I’ll get the info about the place from Mercedes.”
“Sounds good to us.”
“And if you really manage to pull it off, I’ll give you twenty shows in four months, and ten tickets to use whenever you want.”
The twins nearly jumped up in excitement, and each shook Santana’s hand again. She took out her wallet, pulling out a heavy, black credit card, and pointed it at each of them seriously.
“I’m counting on you two. Don’t screw this up.”
They seemed to salute in unison, and Santana nearly did a double take.
“You can count on us boss!”
They took the card, and scuttled off, leaving Rachel and Santana in the hallway.
Santana sighed again. “Okay, now I’ve just got to explain why they’re not here to the rest of the tech staff.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be alright. We’ve learned a valuable lesson here, Santana: never be without a Plan B!”
Santana smiled in spite of herself, putting an arm around Rachel’s shoulder.
“Yeah, dwarf, tell me about it.”
Brittany had to admit that the abrupt change in venue for Santana Lopez’s inaugural Host Dinner left her wondering about how good of an event this was going to be. But once she had gotten out of her Uber and in front of the building that housed the place, she was quickly gaining confidence.
The place was swanky.
She had ridden with Tina, since they had come from 30 Rock, and could hear a gasp from the other woman as they stepped onto the curb. She pulled down her skirt, and rearranged her jacket, smoothing out the sides.
“You really should stop fussing with that, you look awesome. I mean, literal smoke stack. If I were Santana Lopez, I would start humping you the moment you came through the door.” Tina offered.
Brittany ducked her head to hide the flash of color that flooded her cheeks, closing the car door behind Tina, and offering her arm. While Tina had chosen the tallest heels in her closet, Brittany had opted for the most contour hugging dress she had, paired with a cute half jacket and bright pink Vans. Her hair was curled, and piled in a messy bun on her head. She didn’t want to sound too full of herself, but she agreed with Tina. And, honestly, she’d dressed that way on purpose. She wasn’t necessarily trying to seduce Santana Lopez, but if she saw her and just happened to fall in love, all the better. It would just end up being a happy coincidence.
She approached the door with Tina on her arm, and smiled at the doorman who opened it wide.
“Wow, how’d you know we weren’t just some randos from the street.” Brittany said jokingly.
“Ms. Lopez gave us a detailed list of who to look out for, Ms. Pierce. Straight ahead to the elevator, and up to the penthouse. You’ll know where to go from there.”
Brittany smiled and waved goodbye, leading Tina through the halls.
“The penthouse, holy cow, Brit, this chick is loaded.” Tina said.
“I definitely don’t remember this from any of her interviews. I thought she still lived in the Bronx.”
“I guess she’s moving on up like the Jeffersons.”
They both laughed at that, but once they’d stepped out of the elevator to the penthouse, there really wasn’t else they found very funny. Whatever they were expecting, this wasn’t it. The place was less like an apartment, and more like a castle. Brittany didn’t think she’d ever seen so big a condo in all of New York City. Relaxing music wafted down from the built in sound system, and before they could even blink, there was a class of champagne in their hands. A rather pale young man with strikingly black hair smiled at them, and led them to another room.
“Welcome, Ms. Pierce, and Ms. Cohen-Chang. Ms. Lopez will be with you in just a minute, if you’ll have a seat in the drawing room.”
“Drawing room??” Tina mouthed to Brittany, behind the young man’s back.
Brittany just shrugged, and took a seat on one of the luxurious chairs, sitting primly on the edge.
The man left, and it was just the two of them, so Tina crossed the room, looking closely at the fish tank that seemed to take up most of the space.
“This is incredible. This tank has got to be like two stories high.”
Brittany only mumbled in reply. Her mind was already a few miles away, honestly. The invitation had said arrive at eight o’clock, but she had been worried about arriving on time, so she’d made Tina leave early, and now it was only seven forty-five, and they were the only ones there, and she hated it. If there was one thing Brittany couldn’t stand is when you’re trying to put the finishing touches on an event, and someone shows up early. It was like she was trying to come off as a gigantic dork to Santana.
She looked around the room, and while she had to admit there was definitely an air of impressiveness to it all, it really didn’t strike her as Santana Lopez. They’d never met, and Brittany never claimed to have any special insight into the woman, but she’d read more than enough interviews to have a distinct feeling of her personality, and the garish displays of wealth that were now surrounding her didn’t feel very authentic.
A few moments later, voices from the hallway came towards her, and she stood quickly to greet them.
“If you’ll just wait here, Ms. Lopez will be with you in a moment.”
The man from before led her castmates Alex and Mickey into the room, and Brittany gave them a quick hug before following him out into the hallway.
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
He turned and smiled. “Ah, that was my fault. I’m Mason, I work on Santana- I mean, Ms. Lopez’s show. I’m just helping out tonight.”
“That’s sweet of you. I was just wondering if you could point me in the direction of the little girl’s room.”
“Sure. It’s right around the corner, first door on the left. I’ll show you.” He went to walk down the hall, but the ding of the elevator indicated more visitors. “Sorry, do you think you can find it? I’m supposed to be showing people in.”
“No problem. I’m sure I can get there. Thanks!”
Mason scurried off and Brittany made her way down the hall. To be honest, she wasn’t at all sure that she could find the bathroom. She had a terrible sense of direction, and the place was huge after all. She turned around the corner that she was pretty sure Mason had indicated, and looked around carefully. There were several doors, and Brittany started opening them all. One seemed like a weird dining room, and she couldn’t resist going around to take a peek. There were several golden records hanging from the walls, and she just had to take a closer look.
She walked towards the records and frowned when she got up close. Instead of mentioning Santana Lopez and all the fantastic work she’d done on Billie the records seemed to be for someone named Sugar Motta. Brittany’s frowned deeper. She knew that name, but she couldn’t remember where. She went to reach for her phone, but cursed to herself remembering that she’d left it on the table beside the couch. She began walking, noting the titles on all of the records. Some of them she’d actually heard of before, they were dance and party songs that got a lot of radio play. But who was Sugar Motta to Santana Lopez? Maybe they lived together? Santana didn’t seem like the kind of person who needed a roommate.
Brittany shook herself. The thought had made her a little sad, and she’d had no right to be. She never even met Santana before to start being jealous of her hypothetical girlfriend. Suddenly, a commotion from a nearby door caught her attention. She walked slowly to the door, pushing it gently open a crack. Inside, a woman who looked almost exactly like Mason was putting the finishing touches on a plate. Beside her was a figure that Brittany would have known anywhere.
It was Santana Lopez.
She was standing near the plates, practically wringing the towel she held in her hands to shreds. Brittany smiled softly. At least she felt a little bit better knowing that Santana was as nervous as she was. She tuned in to what they were saying.
“Do you think this is enough, Madison? I can run to the shop down the street and see if they have any finger food or something.”
Madison laughed as she ladled some sauce onto one of the plates. “Nah, I think we’re good. I think you should go out there and meet with your guests, have a glass of wine or something. Relax. We’ve got it.”
“Relax? Yeah, I don’t think so. I’m practically freaking out. Mercedes said she was going to be here after the show was over, and I’m getting the feeling that she’s going to be late. Plus, Sugar’s fish tank is giving me the creeps. I couldn’t relax if I wanted to.”
“You’ve gotta do something, because you pacing back in the kitchen is not helping me finish any of this any faster.”
“Fine.” There was a bit of a whine in Santana’s voice, and Brittany smiled at the sound of it. “I’m going to go splash some cold water on my face, re-apply my foundation, and go kick some ass.”
“There you go! You’ve got it now. Break a leg.”
Brittany was happy Santana had found her confidence, but before she could make any significant decisions about her next move, she realized that Santana was marching towards her with confidence. She only had time to take one step back before her shoes snagged on the ornate Persian rug, and she tumbled ass over tea kettle to the floor.
“Oh my god, Brittany!” Santana yelled, rushing forward.
Brittany was fine, of course, one of the first things she’d learned when she’d studied dance was how to fall, but the familiarity with which Santana had said her name unsteadied her for a moment.
She stood up quickly sticking out her hand. “Santana Lopez, I presume?”
Santana’s smile was wide and tight, and Brittany was worried that she’d screwed up more than she thought, but Santana finally took her head, and shook it delicately.
“Hi, yes, hello. I’m Santana Lopez, and you’re Brittany Pierce, right? I, uh, I recognized you from the show. From Saturday Night Live, I mean, of course. Though, I’m sure you’ve been on other shows too.”
Santana felt the alarm rising in her chest more and more as she pumped Brittany’s  hand. At first she’d been startled. A little weirdness was fine when one was startled. But she felt herself babbling on and on, and she could feel her good first impression slipping away. Thankfully, Brittany disengaged her hand, and gestured towards the wall.
“I was just looking for the bathroom, and I noticed all these gold records. These are amazing!”
Grateful for the change in subject, Santana nodded happily in agreement.
“Yeah, they’re Sugar’s. Sugar Motta. She’s my friend Mercedes’ friend. Well, they’re not really friends, they just know each other. Sugar produced Mercedes last album.”
“Obviously!” Brittany said, smacking her hand to her forehead. “That’s where I know the name Sugar Motta! I just got Mercedes’ last album, and I was going over the production team. Not that I normally do that. I mean, I do normally do that because I’m into, like, knowing who all came together to make an album. Cause it’s really a team effort, you know?”
Brittany wished it were possible to take words that had already been spoken and stuff them back into her mouth. Her normal ability to speak casually with everyone (something that had come in really handy when Hillary Clinton had appeared on the show), seemed to be failing her at the moment, and she wasn’t sure why. It probably had something to do with the slinky  strapless dress that Santana was wearing. One that accentuated all of her best qualities and had a slit nearly up to her hip. Her hand had been straightened, and was curled off to one side, looping into the nape of her neck. Brittany felt her throat become dry all of a sudden, and she cleared it, desperate for something else to talk about.
She noted a flashing light out in the hallway, and pointed with purpose. “Hey, what’s that?” She grabbed Santana arm, and hurried out into the hall, towards the pulsating lights that were glinting off of a nearby wall.
For her part, Santana was just happy to be involved, and getting dragged around by one of her favorite (and let’s be honest, most attractive) SNL castmates was a dream come true. Santana was just figuring out Sugar’s place, herself, so their destination was as much a surprise to her as it was Brittany.
They stepped through the partially open door, and seemed to go to another world.
“It’s a karaoke room!” Brittany said in awe, doing a quick, graceful turn to take it all in. She spotted a console and ran over, pushing a few buttons before Santana had even fully taken it what was happening. “Oh my god, they have so many songs, we have got to do some!”
Santana hesitated. On one hand, she was already having more fun than she’d been having all night. The stress of throwing this party reminded her why she didn’t do it, and her idea of of a nice night out was taking a six pack of wine coolers to Mercedes’ place and watching Drag Race until they passed out on the couch. On the other hand, Mason had ducked in a little while ago and told her the guests were arriving in droves. She had a responsibility to meet them, didn’t she?
As if reading her mind, Brittany reached out a microphone to her, and smiled invitingly. “Don’t worry, we’ll do one song, and then head out. Just one, I promise.”
There was a strange touch of familiarity in her voice, though Brittany tried to hide it. It warmed Santana, and she found herself nodding and smiling before even giving it a second thought. She took the microphone, gripping it in her hand tightly. She felt as nervous as she’d been on opening night of her first high school performance. Like there was so much riding on this, and so much to lose, but also so much to gain. She was on the precipice of a great moment here, she could feel it, if only she could figure out the exact best way to land.
“I’ve found the perfect song, too!” Brittany said, snapping Santana back to reality.
The music started, and Santana could tear her eyes away from the way that Brittany moved.
Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
Her voice started strong, and Santana smiled. She loved this song. She was finally able to pull herself out of the trance that she’d been in, and she did a little twirl herself, joining Brittany on the next lines.
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me
Brittany reached out her hand, and Santana took it, dancing and swaying along with the music.
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s 116th week in review!
New Characters
Hannah Clarington, played by Jeanne
Kate Hummel, played by Angie
DJ Jeffries, played by Em
Sabrina Smythe, played by Sarah
This brings us to twenty-seven active main characters and one minor character!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Sienna Banks - personal reasons
Harper Clarington - personal reasons 
Hunter Clarington - personal reasons
Reggie Cliffton - personal reasons 
Kate Hummel - personal reasons
Reagan Lane - personal reasons 
Buffy McIntosh - personal reasons
Sugar Motta - personal reasons
Matt Solís - personal reasons 
Wanted Characters
Stacey Evans, Sam’s younger sister
Hannah, Darcy Allen’s ex-girlfriend
Willow, Lola Alvarez’s former foster sister
Characters on Hiatus
Friday Five - Located here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Exes - Bea & DJ
Exes - DJ & Kate
Hookup - Brodie & Rachel
Hookup - DJ & Jemma
Coming up
SUNDAY, October 13
April’s Showers
Score: Win; 3-1
Goals: Quinn 9′ (assist Jemma), Haley 19′ (assist Sam), Evie 42′ (assist Hannah)
@midfieldfabray @itsjemmabitch @haleyface @samerystargaryen @evielutionary @claringhannah
Current Record: 3-1
Fall Season Schedule
Week 1 - Sept 22 14 - vs. Game of Throw-Ins
Week 2 - Sept 29 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 3 - Oct 6 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 4 - Oct 13 - vs. Athletico Pathetico
Week 5 - Oct 20 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 6 - Oct 27 - vs. ABCDE FC
Week 7 - Nov 3 - vs. #SquadGoals
Week 8 - Nov 10 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 9 - Nov 17 - vs. Victorious Secret
Week 10 - Nov 24 - vs. Farcelona
MONDAY, October 14
Columbus Day - NYC Public Schools closed
First Day of Sukkot (starts sundown on 10/13)
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, October 15
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
WEDNESDAY, October 16
Boss’s Day
April’s Showers Practice
THURSDAY, October 17
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
FRIDAY, October 18
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, October 19
Sweetest Day
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
October 22 - Evie Miller
October 30 - Lacey Mikhailov
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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francesca-fra-70 · 5 years
Sanremo....Scartata la canzone dei New Trolls che parla degli italiani che non arrivano a fine mese…spunta (guarda caso) il pezzo del cantante Motta pro migranti e contro Salvini…E du cojioni ,ma bastaaaaaaa! 😤
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tarditardi · 7 years
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Geo from Hell ci ha trollato TUTTI. Bravo! Chi scherza vince sempre
Ho la sensazione, anzi è più che una sensazione, ma un’idea precisa che in questo periodo siti, blog, social e media stiano tirando fuori il peggio di noi.
Ciò accade nelle cose importanti, tipo i recenti fatti di cronaca violenta (Carabinieri presunti stupratori, famiglie in faida con omicidi, stupri in spiaggia di cui stati diffusi dettagli pornografici) e accade nel mondo che dovrebbe essere il ‘divertimento’, la musica da ballo e la nightlife ovvero quello di AllaDiscoteca e di mille altri siti, social e blog molto più importanti di noi.
Qualche esempio concreto, che tra l’altro ho già elencato in video e post.
Sui media, generalisti e di settore, riguardo al mitico Praja di Gallipoli, si è parlato troppo di una stupida polemica tra soci e troppo poco del successo STRAORDINARIO del locale (aperto 7 giorni su 7 e teatro di Popfest - People on Pleasure, uno dei festival di maggior successo in Italia)
Quest’estate è arrivato Martin Garrix in Italia a Selinunte e non solo i maggiori siti e media generalisti (quotidiani, tg, etc) NON hanno dato la notizia. Non l’hanno scritto bene manco siti e blog di settore. Perché? BOH.
Gallipoli? Se è parlato troppo poco per il successo incredibile e irripetibile del Samsara e di mille altri luoghi di divertimento. Se ne è parlato per i finti selfie (!) e per qualche disagio legato al turismo. Ovviamente i disagi sono diventati problemi inenarrabili. 
Arriviamo al fatto di oggi.
Il 13 settembre Geo from Hell ha pubblicato su YouTube una ‘traccia’, Right Now. C’è scritto “troll mix”, per cui si poteva pensare che era una trollata e infatti ad ascoltarla si sente un sample vocale già molto sentito (Per la precisione, il sample vocale notissim (Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two già usato da mille artisti tra cui i Black Eyed Peas). Poi c’è un giro di basso ovviamente MOLTO simile a quello creato dai Crookers per Day N Night.
trovate il pezzo - trollata qui:
Soundwall, sito molto attento alla scena elettronica dura e pura che invece di tutto il resto della scena ‘dance’ scrive poco e quasi solo per criticare (negli ultimi mesi di non elettronico ‘duro’ io ho letto una bella intervista a Franco 126, un bell’articolo su Calvin Harris e basta) ci è cascato. Ovvero ha preso sul serio lo sproloquio di Geo.
Non c’è cascato solo Soundwall ovviamente, ci sono cascati un sacco di “dj” e hater vari.
Geo invece stava facendo una cosa che quasi nessuno fa più nella scena dance ‘commerciale’ e in quella dura e pura ‘elettronica.
Stava scherzando.
Geo stava provocando.
Stava campionando e copiando, si, ma solo per un’azione comunicativa / provocazione… non per produrre l’ennesimo inutile mash - up / bootleg, attività ormai normale di cui nessuno, manco Soundwall, parla male. Lo faccio praticamente solo io, quando il mash up / bootleg diventa un’attività solo promozionale di chi piglia la musica degli altri per auto - promuoversi regalando ciò che non è suo.
e infatti che cosa ha fatto dopo Geo?
Ha fatto sapere che il suo nuovo singolo, Right Now, NON è quello pubblicato su YouTube per scherzo. No.
E’ questa traccia qui:
E’ un treno da pista, con la voce di James Brown che fa Uh Yeah (un classico della house anni ’80) col sample di prima usato dai Black Eyed Peas e mille altri e può non piacere. Anzi, secondo me non farà certo la storia della musica da ballo.
Ma chi se ne frega?
Geo, a me, mi ha fatto divertire.
Non ho capito perché Soundwall, quando tutto si è chiarito, non ha scritto una cosa del tipo: “bravo Geo, ci hai fregati, ma secondo noi con la musica non si scherza”. Dopo un pomeriggio di chiacchiere e pareri diversi sulla pagina Facebook di chi ha scritto l’articolo, la brava e giovane Francesca Bortoluzzi pensavo fosse la cosa da fare. Ma sono dettagli (leggi qui Soundwall: https://www.soundwall.it/geo-from-hell-scusaci-stavolta-non-caso/)
Mi sono divertito e ho aperto la mia mente.
Ho pensato: non è che per caso sarebbe l’ora di liberalizzare l’uso dei sample, sempre e comunque?
Qualche ora fa Geo mi ha chiamato e abbiamo amabilmente chiacchierato del più e del meno e della troppa seriosità dell’ambiente (abbiamo un amico in comune, Gianluca Motta).
Dovremmo, secondo me: parlare più di musica bella e meno di trollate e musica brutta, divertirci di più e farci divertire da robe di questo tipo, non poi così lontane dallo spirito con cui David Bowie lanciò la biografia di un artista che non esisteva (https://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/jan/12/art-david-bowie-william-boyd-nat-tate-editor-critic-modern-painters-publisher)
Ecco ciò che ha scritto Geo per raccontare il suo troll
Ho fatto un esperimento. Ho prodotto una canzone, una delle tante, ma questa volta ho voluto giocare con i miei haters, per vedere i risultati. Ho fatto la normale promozione che faccio quando realizzo una nuova canzone, ma questa volta la canzone in questione era un fake. Nel senso.. invece di condividere la canzone vera, ho cambiato il giro di basso (Chiaramente preso da una canzone notissima) e postata come se niente fosse. Le reazioni sono state devastanti. Una schiera di haters, che non aspettavano altro, si sono scagliati contro di me. Ne ho lette di tutti i colori, e dopo che ho smesso di ridere ho ricominciato. Spiazzato dal clamore mi sono reso conto che le persone a cui non sto simpatico sono quelle che mi seguono di più! Non scendo nei dettagli e non faccio i nomi, ma voglio comunque ringraziarvi tutti, ho passato giorni stupendi e ho ricevuto 2570000 interazioni. L' importante è sapere chi sono gli amici e chi i nemici! Non potrei mai produrre una canzone rubando qualche cosa da un altra, ho troppo rispetto per il lavoro altrui e quindi è questo che vi consiglio.. sia che vi piaccia una cosa o che non vi piaccia il rispetto viene sempre prima! La musica non è una gara e chi la vive come tale non è degno di farla. Quindi ecco qui RIGHT NOW, spero vi piaccia!
0 notes
acuppellarp · 6 years
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Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s fifty-third week in review!
New Characters
Nora Bardot (minor character), played by Lucy
Valentina Espinoza (minor character), played by Ally
This brings us to thirty-four active main characters and eight minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Wanted Characters
Grace Fitzgerald, Quinn’s childhood best friend/first love
Ava Sinclair, Chloe’s ex-girlfriend
Brandy Weston, Rachel’s sort of ex/FWB
Zora, Serena’s coworker
Characters on Hiatus
Ellie Gilbert, Spencer Porter, Lara James, and Rory Davies played by Kai - on hiatus until August 1
Stacey Evans, played by Sharp - on hiatus until August 2
Jackie Puckerman and X Scott, played by Ace - on semi-hiatus until August 3
Celebrating One Year of ACup here!
Meme Monday - Stir the Pot: One Year of ACup Edition here!
BOTB - Pamela Lansbury wins!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Breakup: Blair and Haley
Past Hookup: Dani and Serena
Coming up
SUNDAY, July 29
April’s Showers - Summer Season Game 4
Score: Win; 3-1
Goals: Jemma @itsjemmabitch 44′, Puck @puckyeah 66′, Michelle @supermickeymaker 76′
Current Record: 3-1
April’s Showers Summer Schedule
Week 1 - July 8 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 2 - July 15 - vs. Net Bandits
Week 3 - July 22 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 4 - July 29 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 5 - August 5 - vs. Net Six and Chill
Week 6 - August 12 - vs. Fighting Pickles
Week 7 - August 19 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 8 - August 26 - vs. Net Bandits
MONDAY, July 30
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, July 31
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
Sugar Motta’s birthday!
Beatrice Smith’s birthday!
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
THURSDAY, August 2
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
FRIDAY, August 3
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, August 4
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
August 8 - Chloe Anderson
August 13 - Fiona Hudson
August 18 - Aria Abrams
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s fifty-first week in review!
New Characters
Riley Lynn, played by Ash
X Scott (minor character), played by Ace
This brings us to thirty-six active main characters and two minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Wanted Characters
Nora Bardot, Ellie’s ex-best friend and former crush
Grace Fitzgerald, Quinn’s childhood best friend/first love
Brandy Weston, Rachel’s sort of ex/FWB
Charlotte Wolfe, Sookie’s best friend
Natalie, Harper’s college roommate
Tia, Jackie’s former classmate
Characters on Hiatus
Kate Hummel and Harper Clarington, played by Shannon - on semi-hiatus until July 20
Quinn Fabray, Naomi Puckerman, Maya Kane, Oliver Parker-Smith, played by Wen - on hiatus until July 21
Serena Smythe and Michelle Chang, played by M - on hiatus until July 22
Riley Lynn, played by Ash - on semi-hiatus until July 28
Meme Monday - Secret Confessions!
Battle of the Bands - Congrats to the Warblettes for their win!
Vote for the next BOTB theme here!
World Cup Brackets - Final rankings here! Congrats to @heavenlystjames for the most points earned!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
New Relationship: Sam and Dani
New Relationship: Blair and Haley
Past Hookup: Sam and Chloe
Coming up
SUNDAY, July 15
April’s Showers - Summer Season Game 2
Score: Win; 2-1
Goals: 9′ Fiona @thehudsonator, 72′ Spencer @superspence
Current Record: 2-0
April’s Showers Summer Schedule
Week 1 - July 8 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 2 - July 15 - vs. Net Bandits
Week 3 - July 22 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 4 - July 29 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 5 - August 5 - vs. Net Six and Chill
Week 6 - August 12 - vs. Fighting Pickles
Week 7 - August 19 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 8 - August 26 - vs. Net Bandits
MONDAY, July 16
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, July 17
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
Serena Smythe’s birthday!
FRIDAY, July 20
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
July 31 - Sugar Motta
July 31 - Bea Smith
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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acuppellarp · 6 years
Tumblr media
Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s fifty-fifth week in review!
New Characters
This brings us to thirty-two active main characters and seven minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Michelle Chang - inactivity 
Valentina Espinoza - inactivity
Lara James - personal reasons
Wanted Characters
Grace Fitzgerald, Quinn’s childhood best friend/first love
Brandy Weston, Rachel’s sort of ex/FWB
Zora, Serena’s coworker
Characters on Hiatus
Kitty Wilde, Evie Miller, and Bea Smith played by Dee - on hiatus until August 13
Sugar Motta and Reggie Cliffton, played by MC - on semi-hiatus until August 13
Kate Hummel and Harper Clarington, played by Shay - on hiatus until August 15
Quinn Fabray, Naomi Puckerman, Maya Kane, and Olive Smith, played by Wen - on hiatus until August 19
Tasks - 6 + 7 + 8 here!
Meme Monday - Back this week!
Battle of the Bands - Pamela Lansbury wins!
Vote for the next theme here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Coming up
SUNDAY, August 12
April’s Showers - Summer Season Game 6
Score: Loss; 2-1
Goal: Jackie @acupp-jp 27′
Current Record: 4-2
April’s Showers Summer Schedule
Week 1 - July 8 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 2 - July 15 - vs. Net Bandits
Week 3 - July 22 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 4 - July 29 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 5 - August 5 - vs. Net Six and Chill
Week 6 - August 12 - vs. Fighting Pickles
Week 7 - August 19 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 8 - August 26 - vs. Net Bandits
MONDAY, August 13
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
Fiona Hudson’s birthday!
TUESDAY, August 14
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
WEDNESDAY, August 15
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
THURSDAY, August 16
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
FRIDAY, August 17
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, August 18
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
Aria Abrams’ birthday!
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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acuppellarp · 6 years
Tumblr media
Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s fifty-fourth week in review!
New Characters
Stevie Evans, played by Kieran
Ava Sinclair, played by Lauren
This brings us to thirty-four active main characters and eight minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Ryder Lynn - personal reasons
Maddy Reyes - personal reasons
Wanted Characters
Grace Fitzgerald, Quinn’s childhood best friend/first love
Brandy Weston, Rachel’s sort of ex/FWB
Zora, Serena’s coworker
Characters on Hiatus
Quinn Fabray, Naomi Puckerman, Maya Kane, and Olive Smith, played by Wen - on semi-hiatus until August 5
Ellie Gilbert, Spencer Porter, Lara James, and Rory Davies played by Kai - on hiatus until August 6
Dani Harper, Chloe Anderson, and Valentina Espinoza, played by Ally - on hiatus until August 7
Mason McCarthy and Nora Bardot, played by Lucy - on hiatus until August 8
Sugar Motta and Reggie Cliffton, played by MC - on semi-hiatus until August 13
Celebrating One Year of ACup here!
Meme Monday - Texts with a Twist here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
New Members: Stevie Evans and Ava Sinclair
Family: Stevie + Sam + Stacie
Exes: Chloe and Ava
Coming up
SUNDAY, August 5
April’s Showers - Summer Season Game 5
Score: Win; 4-0
Goals: Fiona @thehudsonator 16′; Stevie @streetsmartstevie 46′; Evie @evielutionary 55′; Jemma @itsjemmabitch 77′
Current Record: 4-1
April’s Showers Summer Schedule
Week 1 - July 8 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 2 - July 15 - vs. Net Bandits
Week 3 - July 22 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 4 - July 29 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 5 - August 5 - vs. Net Six and Chill
Week 6 - August 12 - vs. Fighting Pickles
Week 7 - August 19 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 8 - August 26 - vs. Net Bandits
MONDAY, August 6
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, August 7
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
Chloe Anderson’s birthday!
THURSDAY, August 9
Battle of the Bands -- NON-THEMED
FRIDAY, August 10
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, August 11
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
August 13 - Fiona Hudson
August 18 - Aria Abrams
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s 113th week in review!
New Characters
Ryder Lynn, played by Joey
Sandy Owen, played by Morgan
This brings us to forty-six active main characters and three minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Mae Díaz - personal reasons 
Lou Turner - personal reasons 
Wanted Characters
Hannah, Darcy Allen’s ex-girlfriend
Willow, Lola Alvarez’s former foster sister
Characters on Hiatus
Spencer Porter and Lara James, played by Kai - on hiatus until September 24
Ari Abrams and Santana Lopez, played by Ace - on semi-hiatus until September 25
Fiona Hudson, et al, played by KT - on semi-hiatus until September 30
Haley Sterling, et al, played by Jeanne - on semi-hiatus until October 1
Reggie Cliffton and Sugar Motta, played by MC - on semi-hiatus until October 5
Ellie Gilbert and Penny Owens, played by Ellie - on semi-hiatus until October 5
Matt Solís, et al, played by Jen - on semi-hiatus until October 7
Meme Monday - Texts Edition here!
Task Tuesday - Task Roundup here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Coming up
SUNDAY, September 22
April’s Showers
Score: Win; 4-2
Goals: Puck 4′ (unassisted), Ryder 47′ (assist Sam), Matt 48′ (assist Stacey), Haley 61′ (unassisted)
@puckyeah @friendlyneighborhoodryder @samerystargaryen @acupofmatt @itsstaceyevans @haleyface
Current Record: 1-0
Fall Season Schedule
Week 1 - Sept 22 14 - vs. Game of Throw-Ins
Week 2 - Sept 29 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 3 - Oct 6 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 4 - Oct 13 - vs. Athletico Pathetico
Week 5 - Oct 20 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 6 - Oct 27 - vs. ABCDE FC
Week 7 - Nov 3 - vs. #SquadGoals
Week 8 - Nov 10 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 9 - Nov 17 - vs. Victorious Secret
Week 10 - Nov 24 - vs. Farcelona
MONDAY, September 23
Sienna Banks’s birthday!
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, September 24
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
WEDNESDAY, September 25
April’s Showers Practice
THURSDAY, September 26
Theme: TBD
FRIDAY, September 27
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, September 28
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
September 29 - Sam Evans
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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acuppellarp · 5 years
Tumblr media
Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s 114th week in review!
New Characters
This brings us to forty-one active main characters and three minor characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Fiona Hudson - personal reasons
Penny Owen - personal reasons
Sandy Owen - inactivity 
Nicola de Rocha - personal reasons
Scout Solano - personal reasons
Wanted Characters
Matt Solís’s ride or die
Hannah, Darcy Allen’s ex-girlfriend
Willow, Lola Alvarez’s former foster sister
Characters on Hiatus
Rachel Berry and DJ Jeffries, played by Em - on hiatus until September 30
Haley Sterling, et al, played by Jeanne - on semi-hiatus until October 1
Reggie Cliffton and Sugar Motta, played by MC - on semi-hiatus until October 5
Ellie Gilbert and Penny Owens, played by Ellie - on hiatus until October 5
Matt Solís, et al, played by Jen - on semi-hiatus until October 7
Kate Hummel, et al, played by Shay - on hiatus until October 10
BOTB - Warblettes win!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Coming up
SUNDAY, September 29
Sam Evans’s birthday!
Rosh Hashanah - Begins at sundown
April’s Showers
Score: Win; 3-2
Goals: Jemma 23′ (assist Ryder), Quinn 52′ (assist Jemma), Haley 63′ (unassisted)
@itsjemmabitch @friendlyneighborhoodryder @midfieldfabray @haleyface
Current Record: 2-0
Fall Season Schedule
Week 1 - Sept 22 14 - vs. Game of Throw-Ins
Week 2 - Sept 29 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 3 - Oct 6 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 4 - Oct 13 - vs. Athletico Pathetico
Week 5 - Oct 20 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 6 - Oct 27 - vs. ABCDE FC
Week 7 - Nov 3 - vs. #SquadGoals
Week 8 - Nov 10 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 9 - Nov 17 - vs. Victorious Secret
Week 10 - Nov 24 - vs. Farcelona
MONDAY, September 30
Rosh Hashanah - Schools Closed
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, October 1
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
WEDNESDAY, October 2
April’s Showers Practice
THURSDAY, October 3
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
FRIDAY, October 4
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, October 5
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
October 13 - Harper Clarington
October 22 - Evie Miller
October 30 - Lacey Mikhailov
October 30 - Jackie Puckerman
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
0 notes
acuppellarp · 6 years
Tumblr media
Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s fiftieth week in review!
New Characters
Reggie Cliffton, played by MC
This brings us to thirty-five active main characters and one minor character!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Reggie Cliffton - old mumu url
West Love - inactivity 
Peyton Lynn - inactivity 
Brittany Pierce - inactivity 
Wanted Characters
Nora Bardot, Ellie’s ex-best friend and former crush
Grace Fitzgerald, Quinn’s childhood best friend/first love
Brandy Weston, Rachel’s sort of ex/FWB
Charlotte Wolfe, Sookie’s best friend
Natalie, Harper’s college roommate
Tia, Jackie’s former classmate
Characters on Hiatus
Ellie Gilbert, Spencer Porter, and Lara James played by Kai - on semi-hiatus until July 8
Dani Harper and Chloe Anderson, played by Ally - on hiatus until July 9
Hunter Clarington, Sookie Montgomery, and Santana Lopez, played by Joey - on semi-hiatus until July 9
Matt Solís, played by Jennifer - on semi-hiatus until July 14
Kate Hummel and Harper Clarington, played by Shannon - on semi-hiatus until July 20
Meme Monday - Back this week!
World Cup Brackets - Current rankings here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Newest Addition: Reggie Cliffton
Hookups: Dani, Matt, Jackie, Harper
Coming up
SUNDAY, July 8
April’s Showers - Summer Season Game 1
Score: Win; 3-0
Goals: 3′ Quinn @midfieldfabray, 25′ Michelle @supermickeymaker, 61′ Fiona @thehudsonator
Current Record: 1-0
April’s Showers Summer Schedule
Week 1 - July 8 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 2 - July 15 - vs. Net Bandits
Week 3 - July 22 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 4 - July 29 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 5 - August 5 - vs. Net Six and Chill
Week 6 - August 12 - vs. Fighting Pickles
Week 7 - August 19 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 8 - August 26 - vs. Net Bandits
MONDAY, July 9
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, July 10
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
Spencer Porter’s birthday!
April’s Showers Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
Battle of the Bands, 8PM
FRIDAY, July 13
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
July 19 - Serena Smythe
July 31 - Sugar Motta
July 31 - Bea Smith
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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