#Greta thunberg approved
bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Bad News
Premee Mohamed: Submitted for the aproval for the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the not too distant future Mohamed: in a world ravaged by climate change Mohamed: and covid Mohamed: and microplastics Mohamed: and ocean acidification King: haha the future huh? King: sounds more like the present right haha King:
Mohamed: and insectpocalypse King: oh no Mohamed: and oil pipeline spills King: oh no Mohamed: and giant blood worms King: oh well at least those aren’t real Mohamed: hmm Mohamed: just wait
Mohamed: even in the midst of all that Mohamed: there’s still something that can’t die- Bogleech: cockroaches Bogleech: the answer is cockroaches Mohamed: the human spirit Bogleech: Bogleech: oh that
Mohamed: even in the darkest hours, the human spirit shines through triumphant Thomas Ligotti: what is that Mohamed: the human spirit? Mohamed: it’s, like, a beacon of hope Ligotti: i do not understand Mohamed: perserverence? in the face of adversity? Mohamed: the faith in a brighter future? Ligotti: i do not get it Ligotti: i feel like you are describing concepts
Mohamed: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the clean energy device Mohamed: so a teenage super scientist invents a machine that creates clean energy Mohamed: but Lovecraftian monster gods want to stop it Mohamed: what a bunch of dicks!
Mohamed: the green energy device releases a bunch of monster gods Dan Simmons: this is the future greta thunberg wants
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realbeijinger · 11 months
A semi-coherent rant on climate change, the value of idealism, and a criticism of TGCF (But also not really because I haven’t finished it yet and also I love MXTX…)
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I’m in the middle of Book 3 of Tian Guan Ci Fu, and it is legit making me depressed. Like really, unnecessarily sad. I know I should probably wait until the end to write up my thoughts since I don’t know how things will ultimately turn out, but I feel like I need to process. And so, here we go…
First of all, I am sooo Xie Lian. I feel like this story gets me down so much because it hits too close to home. When I was little, I was super idealistic—I used to go around telling people that love was the most important thing in the world, and that civilization was wrong, because we were destroying the environment, and so we should all go back to living in harmony with nature. I was like a crazy, radical five year old, but also somehow mature-sounding and nauseatingly sweet. Grownups loved me and assumed I would grow up to do something big. But… I haven’t really. Instead I am just a normal person and realized that the world is actually super complicated—like I said, sooo Xie Lian. Except I never became a god or saved even one person…    
Anyways, it’s not like I disagree with MXTX’s criticism of blind idealism. She hit the nail on the head—crushingly well. But I guess, like Xie Lian, I am still clinging to that last bit of hope I haven’t let go of yet.
In TGCF and Mo Dao Zu Shi, things are never black and white, and she criticizes those characters who act with a blind sense of righteousness. She believes in nuance. And yet, in our current moment, we are headed toward a climate catastrophe, and it feels like we are all just sitting back, trying to carefully weigh the ideal course of action—the pros and cons, scared of being too rash, too impulsive—while the world burns.
When I first started watching the Untamed (which is where my MXTX journey started), I was initially drawn in by this extremely beautiful man who was willing to sacrifice so much to do what was right. I loved how he refused to compromise with this screwed up society. Because, I am so frustrated with myself for always compromising. For being part of this system that’s horrible and destroying the world and personally doing very little to stop it. And I wanted to be inspired—and for a minute I was by Wei Wuxian.  
And then, of course, it turns out that the real message was the complete opposite of that, and having dogmatic, uncompromising morals is not something to be applauded. In the eyes of MXTX, it’s very dangerous.
And I mean, she’s not wrong. But I can’t help but think maybe we still need heroes like that. I really admire Greta Thunberg who refuses to fly in planes, buy anything new, doesn’t eat meat. Before anyone joined her protests, she was ditching school every day, literally sitting all by herself in front of Swedish parliament with one pathetic-looking sign. I mean that kind of commitment takes HUGE resolve. It has to come from a total sense of self-righteousness, from a complete unwillingness to compromise or back down—a refusal to listen to her parents, or her teachers, or the large numbers of people around her who were definitely telling her she was nuts. I mean, I try to go veg, and my mother-in-law hands me one homemade meat dish and I instantly fold…
In interviews, Greta often talks about how being on the autism spectrum causes her to view the world in very black and white terms—with good and evil being clearly defined. She often refers to the older generation as “evil” for their role in the climate crisis—a word MXTX would probably not approve of. Normally, I don’t think black and white thinking is good. I also believe in nuance. But when it comes to something like climate, it’s incredibly complicated but also incredibly simple. We have to stop burning fossil fuels. We have to do it now. If we want humanity to survive, we don’t have a choice. We gotta pull out all the stops. We can’t hesitate. And if we do, we’ll lose everything. Any drawbacks that may come from us not using fossil fuels are completely outweighed if the climate goes to shit. There’s no real nuance in that. And to get people to make that sort of change, you need passion. You need motivation. You need feeling. Basically, you need blind idealism. We are soooo screwed, and really, blind idealism is all we have left.     
And I want to have that. Part of me wants to get back to that idealism I lost. But like Xie Lian, I don’t know how…
I dunno. There are always reasons not to do anything. Most of us know life is complicated—our limitations are usually way too obvious. But, I think, sometimes we still should take the single log bridge into darkness. And maybe we need some dumb, cliché hero story to give us the motivation to do it…
Of course, saving the world is not easy. Especially when it comes to large scale national or international politics, the situation in Xianle demonstrates very clearly how easy it is to create unintended consequences. Everything is so complex. There are so many factors, so many competing interests to consider. I do not envy political leaders.
But most of us are not political leaders. Most of us are just ordinary people who want to make the world a little better. We have the capacity to be activists, but that’s it. We don’t have the power to make detailed policy decisions anyway. And so, to some extent, I don’t think we need to worry so much about all that. We just have to push politicians in the right direction.
Even at that high leadership level, though, I do think it’s possible to make better choices—ones that create less harm. And I do think we have an obligation to try and find those. I don’t agree with what the State Preceptor said (and what I think MXTX actually believes), that “Assigning fault is meaningless.” To me, that’s akin to giving up on morality altogether.
A lot of this is a matter of perspective. Yes, if you zoom out far enough, assigning fault is meaningless. But then, if you zoom out far enough, everything is meaningless. Everything we love and care about will one day be gone. Our battles for justice, for equality, for the people we love, will all be entirely pointless once our current society goes the way of the Aztecs, once humanity disappears, once the earth gets swallowed by the sun.
Again, if we zoom far enough out, climate change is not really a problem. According to that wise state preceptor, “In this world, fortune—good or bad—is predetermined.” MXTX believes there is only so much good fortune in the world. If we somehow manage to take too much of it, we will eventually pay the price. Balance will be restored.  
Which is exactly what is happening in this era of climate catastrophe. In the past 200 years since the industrial revolution, humanity has taken a lot of fortune. For the first time in history, we don’t worry every day about finding food. We’ve conquered a whole host of deadly diseases, have greatly reduced our need for manual labor, and can spend our days in mental pursuits, making art, or writing self-indulgent essays about Chinese web novels.
All of this, I would argue, is not really because of human ingenuity, but because we happened to find an incredibly powerful energy source—fossil fuels—which have given us the illusion of “human progress.” Let’s remember that this “progress” has only lasted for about 200 years, a small dot on the graph of human existence (300,000 years), and that for most of that time, people viewed history as a cycle, with inevitable ups and downs, rather than a continuous march upward.
In other words, in the past 200 years, we’ve taken too much fortune. But nature will correct the balance. I don’t think climate change will destroy life on earth. Even if the worst happens and humanity bites the dust, other species will most likely persist, evolving into creatures completely new—a rebirth, of sorts. Looking at it from that far-off, disinterested perspective, it’s not really a problem. It’s just what nature does. New species follow each other, one after the next—like passing seasons.
But, even if all this is true, I don’t think we can be so detached. I don’t think we can live our lives believing that morality is pointless, not trying to do the right thing, or not worrying about how our actions affect others. If we approach life with such indifference, what’s to stop us from completely giving up?
One of my favorite TV shows is this old drama called Dead Like Me, where a wise, older character (a state preceptor, of sorts), says to the main character, “If you stand too close to a painting — all you see are patches of color, if you stand too far back, you can't see any of the detail.” In other words, when it comes to life, you need to stand the right distance away. Personally, I think MXTX is standing too far back. It’s true, there is so much we can’t control. Though we may be able to make things better for a bit, we cannot alter the basic cycle of life. Life is suffering. It was true when Buddha said it, and it’s true now. And if we try to “attempt the impossible,” as the Jiang motto says, and radically change that dynamic, we will fail.
But unlike in MXTX’s universe, fate doesn’t really screw us at every turn. Every day there are small victories. I used to do social work, which really was an exercise in the futility of trying to fix deeply rooted problems with insufficient tools, but I still remember those few times when I did do something right: the old man with dementia I got to take his meds, the guy who found his family on Facebook.
Even just writing a stupid email to Biden telling him to stop the drilling… we have to value those actions. We have to be invested. Sure, the universe doesn’t care. But I think we should still care. We can’t just throw up our hands and say the world is fucked. Because if everyone did that, the world really would be fucked. Even more so than it already is.  
Again, I realize I don’t entirely know where she’s going with all this. It’s very possible there’s going to be more to it than just criticizing idealism. Despite all the depressing stuff, I see crumbs of hope in how Hua Cheng loves Xie Lian, and values his attempts to help others. The line, “Although foolish, it is brave,” just floored me. I loved it so much. Honestly, I’d probably be happy if she leaves open any hope for idealism at all.   
But also, I have to prepare myself for the possibility that I will not totally agree with what she has to say. Which should be fine. I mean, in real life, I’m pretty good at interacting with people I fundamentally disagree with. But… in the hands of an author like MXTX, I feel like my emotions are like putty. I’m completely at her mercy. And partially, I don’t want to fight that. I want to give myself to the story, and lose myself in it completely. That’s a great feeling, but also, kind of… vulnerable? And then, when so emotionally invested, to suddenly realize that what the author’s saying bothers me…
Of course, I’ll get over it. I always do. Usually I write meta or fanfic as a way to process—to get out of someone else’s story, out of their head, and back into my own.
Anyways, we’ll see. Don’t tell me what happens!! I am trusting YOU, strangers on the internet!
If that’s not blind idealism, I don’t know what is…
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1americanconservative · 6 months
China is approving the equivalent of two new coal plants every week, and emits more CO2 than the entire developed world combined.
Why don't you ever hear Bill Gates, John Kerry, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg or any of the other climate con artists mention that?
Instead they talk about ending meat consumption, shutting down agriculture, banning non-electric vehicles and forcing you to eat insects.
Because—since all human activity, including breathing, results in CO2 emissions—the "CO2 is pollution" narrative a merely a pretext to control, regulate and micromanage every intricate detail of your life.
It's not really about controlling the environment—it's about controlling YOU.
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humanrightsupdates · 4 months
UK Court Rules Anti-Protest Measures Unlawful
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In a rare piece of good news for human rights and democracy in the United Kingdom, last week the High Court ruled that anti-protest measures introduced by the government earlier this year are unlawful. The case was brought by Liberty, a UK-based civil liberties organization, who hailed the decision as a “victory for democracy.”
Last June, then Home Secretary Suella Braverman substantially increased police powers by lowering the threshold at which police could intervene in protests, from those causing “serious disruption” to causing “more than minor” disruption. As a result, hundreds of protesters have been arrested, including climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was acquitted of all charges in February.
Controversially, the House of Lords had already rejected the amendment months earlier, during the passage of the Public Order Act 2023. Rather than resubmitting it for Parliament’s reconsideration, Braverman forced the change through using so-called Henry VIII powers, controversial clauses that enable ministers to amend an Act of Parliament without needing Parliamentary approval: a move Liberty director Akiko Hart described as attempting to get “dangerous powers … sneaked through the back door.”
In its 56-page ruling, the High Court ruled that the Home Secretary did not have the power to lower the threshold. The court also ruled that the Home Office had acted unlawfully by not consulting groups likely to be impacted by the new powers, preferring to consult only what Liberty described as “a narrow group of stakeholders” in an “unfair” and “one-sided” process.
While this ruling is to be celebrated, it is a silver lining in an otherwise overcast rights landscape in the UK. The same day the judgment was delivered, severe new anti-protest measures were recommended by the government’s advisor on political violence. If adopted, these would have a dramatic impact on an already shrinking civic space.
The right to protest has been under sustained attack in the UK for several years and urgent action is required to reverse a trend that has already been disastrous for rights.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Climate activist Greta Thunberg went on trial Thursday for refusing to leave a protest that blocked the entrance to a major oil and gas industry conference in London last year.
Thunberg, 21, was among more than two dozen protesters arrested on Oct. 17 after preventing access to a hotel during the Energy Intelligence Forum, attended by some of the industry's top executives.
The Swedish environmentalist, who inspired a global youth movement demanding stronger efforts to fight climate change, and four other protesters face a two-day trial in Westminster Magistrates' Court on a charge of breaching a section of the Public Order Act that allows police to impose limits on public assemblies. She and four Fossil Free London protesters have pleaded not guilty.
Thunberg and other climate protesters have accused fossil fuel companies of deliberately slowing the global energy transition to renewables in order to make more profit. They also oppose the U.K. government's recent approval of drilling for oil in the North Sea, off the coast of Scotland.
Thunberg sat in court in a black T-shirt and black pants, taking notes as a police officer testified about efforts to disperse demonstrators who had blocked several exits and entrances for hours outside the luxury InterContinental Hotel in central London.
“It seemed like a very deliberate attempt ... to prevent access to the hotel for most delegates and the guests,” Superintendent Matthew Cox said. “People were really restricted from having access to the hotel.”
Cox said protesters were lighting colorful flares and drummers were creating a deafening din outside the hotel as some demonstrators sat on the ground. When officers began arresting people, other protesters quickly took their places, leading to a “perpetual cycle” that found police running out of officers to make arrests.
The protest had gone on for about five hours when police issued an order for demonstrators to move to an adjacent street, Cox said.
Thunberg was outside the front entrance when she was warned she would be arrested if she didn't comply, prosecutor Luke Staton said. She said she intended to stay where she was.
If convicted, the protesters could receive fines of up to 2,500 pounds ($3,170).
Outside the courthouse, protesters held signs saying “Make Polluters Pay,” and “Climate protest is not a crime.”
Thunberg rose to prominence after staging weekly protests outside the Swedish Parliament starting in 2018.
Last summer, she was fined by a Swedish court for disobeying police and blocking traffic during an environmental protest at an oil facility. She had already been fined for the same offense previously in Sweden.
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ovaruling · 7 months
love how everyone on the left championed Greta Thunberg but never actually listened to what she was saying. she was (and is) telling you how much land and water is used for animal agriculture worldwide but you didn’t want to hear that you just wanted her to be your joan of arc and do what you were too lazy to and die for you and then you get to go “wow she was so brave” while you stood by and never even heard what she was yelling, you were only approving of that fact that she was yelling at trump lol
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female-malice · 2 years
OSLO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Indigenous peoples from around the world on Wednesday urged Harvard University to abandon a project to test ways to dim sunlight as a fix for global warming, saying it posed huge risks to “Mother Earth”.
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, scientists and environmentalists opposed to “solar geoengineering” praised the bid to halt research into an artificial global sunshade, announced at an online conference by the Saami Council representing reindeer herders in the Nordic nations and Russia.
Harvard researchers are studying the feasibility of releasing tiny particles high in the atmosphere, by planes or balloons, to reflect sunlight back into space.
It would mimic how big volcanic eruptions like that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991 can temporarily cool the planet with a haze of dust.
“We do not approve legitimising development towards solar geoengineering technology, nor for it to be conducted in or above our lands, territories and skies, nor in any ecosystems anywhere,” noted a letter drafted by the Saami Council on behalf of indigenous groups, set to be sent to Harvard this week.
In March, pressure from the Saami people and environmental groups led Sweden’s space agency to call off a Harvard-led test of a high-altitude balloon that could pave the way to a later experiment to release a tiny amount of reflective material 20 km (12 miles) high in the atmosphere.
Åsa Larsson Blind, vice president of the Saami Council, said about 30 indigenous organisations from all over the world had signed the draft letter.
Solar geoengineering “goes against the respect” with which the Saami are taught to treat nature and Mother Earth, she said.
Instead of cutting emissions, the petrostates of the world want to subject us to experimental geo-engineering. They would rather make all solar panels less effective than stop their fossil fuel addiction. They're fine with jeopardizing photosynthesis, the process by which we all live and eat. Every time we explain to them that fossil fuels cause warming, they point to the sun. They say "the sun is the real problem! We just need to turn it off!" The sun is not the problem. But they'd rather poison and doom all of us than cut out fossil fuels.
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worldoffrausto · 2 years
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🚨#STOPWILLOWPROJECT The Biden administration has approved a controversial $8bn (£6bn) drilling project on Alaska’s north slope, which has drawn fierce opposition from environmentalists and some Alaska Native communities, who say it will speed up the climate breakdown and undermine food security. • The ConocoPhillips Willow project will be one of the largest of its kind on US soil, involving drilling for oil and gas at three sites for multiple decades on the 23m-acre National Petroleum Reserve which is owned by the federal government and is the largest tract of undisturbed public land in the US. It will produce an estimated 576m barrels of oil over 30 years, with a peak of 180,000 barrels of crude a day. This extraction, which ConocoPhillips has said may, ironically, involve refreezing the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest “carbon bombs” on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as many emissions than all renewable energy projects on public lands by 2030 would cut combined. • More than 1 million letters were sent to President Biden and petitions gathered more than 4 million signatures. This is a slap in the face. In fact, Biden only shaved off about 8% of the original plan proposed by ConocoPhillips. • It's 2023 and we are already on the verge of destroying Earth in a way that cannot be fixed. By approving this project, we will see an unprecedented amount of lost jobs and homes, sickness, and community displacement. • (Slide 1) #RickFraustoFineArt Greta Thunberg Portrait, 2019 #OriginalDrawing on archival paper Dimensions: 6 X 9 inches • ✍️Source: The Guardian & @genzforchange (slides 2-5) • #TomorrowIsTooLate #JustStopOil #DivestFromFossilFuels (at Teshekpuk Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvOX3Lp924/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
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—Dustin Guastella, "Anti-Social Socialism Club"
I lift this particular paragraph out of Guastella's bold left-conservative polemic because it reminds me of how I ended the essay in my last newsletter about the cultural prospects of a renewed planetary humanism. I cited the Chinese TV series Three-Body, based on Liu Cixin's celebrated science-fiction novel; the show fiercely if implicitly indicts eco-doomerism as a stalking-horse for a miserable auto-genocidal hatred of humanity.
We can trace this theme through the whole series. The anti-heroine who first invites the aliens to earth to "help" us run our civilization is a scientist seduced away from communism by a man with a copy of Silent Spring, after which she's abused for ideological dereliction during the Cultural Revolution; in turn, the largely western-led movement she helps spark to welcome the alien invaders includes a propaganda arm aimed at decreasing public support for science and the Enlightenment—all that will enable us to repel the invasion—by spreading nihilistic ecological thought. While the show does clearly reprove Mao's version of communism for compromising scientific independence, it likewise suggests that the ecological left of today will have a similarly debilitating effect.
Insofar as this is state-approved entertainment, it illuminates the way the CCP currently thinks about such matters. I am personally happy to take it as an unfriendly warning to the west: whoever adopts this type of thinking, this principled refusal to meddle in nature, will be overrun by those with no such scruple.
Philosophically, leaving realpolitik aside, it can be a difficult question. The left has historically been contra naturam in most respects, since the whole point of the left as against the right is to refuse to recognize socially imposed limitations on human capacity as natural ones, whether we're talking about Aquinas's nature or Darwin's. But when right-wingers and apolitical aristocrat-aesthetes criticized this tendency as collaborative with wanton and nihilistic technological totalitarianism—Heidegger on the "standing reserve," for example—they did have a point. Guastella recapitulates this point at the end of his essay when he arraigns sexual liberation for producing loneliness and prostitution, extending capitalist alienation into the final realm of the private life. Similarly, the statist endorsement of absolute technocracy in Three-Body, though it scores a few useful points against Greta Thunberg-type cultism, goes too far in the other direction.
There's a crucial place, then, for the preservation and appreciation of nature, of the wilderness, of all that cannot be rationalized, whether within humanity or without. We should recognize, however, that we create this place for our own purposes, rather than self-flagellating about humanity's inherently sinful trespass or imagining that nature somehow speaks to us in its own alien voice. We are part of it, it part of us, in an endless feedback loop, and need not apologize for our part in the dance: "The art itself is nature."
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speedyposts · 8 months
UK court dismisses case against Greta Thunberg over London climate protest
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Climate activist Greta Thunberg has been cleared of a public order offence over a protest outside an oil and gas conference last year, after a judge in a London court ruled she had no case to answer.
District judge John Law dismissed the case against the 21-year-old Swedish campaigner and four other activists on the second day of their trial at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Friday.
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He ruled that police had attempted to impose “unlawful” conditions during an environmental protest in the British capital last October when they were arrested.
Thunberg, who became a prominent campaigner worldwide after staging weekly protests in front of the Swedish parliament in 2018, was arrested along with dozens of others outside a London hotel where the Energy Intelligence Forum was hosting oil and gas industry leaders.
She and four others, aged between 19 and 59, were also accused of failing to comply with an order by police to move their protest to a designated area near the conference.
Thunberg had pleaded not guilty in November to breaching a public order law, alongside two protesters from the Fossil Free London (FFL) campaign group and two Greenpeace activists.
She also joined a march last weekend in southern England to protest against the expansion of Farnborough airport, which is mainly used by private jets.
In advance of Friday’s court ruling, Thunberg lamented about not being able to have a climate strike in London.
“Even though we are the ones standing here, and climate, environmental and human rights activists all over the world are being targeted for their activism, prosecuted, sometimes convicted and given legal penalties for acting in line with science,” she said in a post on the social media platform X.
“We must remember who the real enemy is,” she added.
Week 285. Today we are unable to have a climate strike. I’m one of 5 activists in a trial in London for peacefully protesting against an oil conference in October. The demonstration aimed to highlight the terrible consequence of the everyday business of fossil corporations. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/hKJmhTK2WO
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) February 2, 2024
Addressing the five defendants on Friday, Law said, “You are all found not guilty of this offence.”
In his ruling, he also highlighted that the conditions imposed on protesters were “so unclear that it is unlawful”, which meant “anyone failing to comply were actually committing no offence”.
Greenpeace UK campaigner Maja Darlington hailed Friday’s verdict as “a victory for the right to protest”.
She told the AFP news agency that “it is ridiculous that more and more climate activists are finding themselves in court for peacefully exercising their right to protest, while fossil fuel giants like Shell are allowed to reap billions in profits from selling climate-wrecking fossil fuels.”
Thunberg and her four co-defendants hugged before leaving court.
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Greta Thunberg is Now a Carnivore!
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In shocking news that has environmental activists scratching their heads, the known climate change expert Greta Thunberg has allegedly made an unexpected dietary U-turn and embraced being a carnivore! Get ready as we dive into Greta´s journey into going against her once highly advocated values. 
Rumours of Greta quitting the vegan lifestyle started after a photo of her eating a Mcdonald's Bigmac flooded the internet. Greta tried to debunk the evidence by saying it was photoshopped. Greta was however, exposed about lying about this as one Instagram user provided additional video footage that shows her ordering her Bigmac combo with an extra patty at the register. Greta then came forward about the situation on her Instagram. She posted a picture of her eating a steak dinner with the caption ¨I am no longer afraid to express who I truly am, which is a meat eater at heart. I have started a new lifestyle where I no longer live for the approval of other environmental activists, and will instead make decisions based on personal values.¨ This event was significant towards the world as it influenced many vegans to give up this lifestyle. One Twitter user shared ¨I am so glad Greta finally stepped up to say what all us vegans were thinking. I have been craving a steak for SO long. Thank you Greta, as you gave me the motivation to go get one.¨ 
Stretching the limits of reality, the stories remind us that even the most dedicated professionals can surprise us with unexpected results. So, whether Greta continues to advocate for sustainable living or embarks on a carnivore journey, one thing remains clear—her passion for creating a greener and more sustainable world is unwavering. Greta, you continue to inspire and motivate, even in reckless ways like saying you´ve always been a meat eater at heart.
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Gay Space Communism
Aubrey Wood: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the cyberpunk future Wood: [flashlight under chin] of luxury gay space communism! King: uh King: we mostly tell horror stories here Dan Simmons: [clutching pearls] gay space communism!?
Aubrey Wood: this is a cyberpunk future where everyone has pink hair Simmons: no! no! Stop!!! Simmons: this is the future greta Thunberg wants!!! George Romero: yeah! Yeah! Gay space communism!!! Romero: hell yeah!!!
Wood: in the cyberpunk future, there’s lots of queer people and transhumanist technology mods Simmons: NO! the two things I hate the most! Simmons: what a world Simmons: what a world
Wood: in the cyberpunk future, gutterpunks be using body mods to fight the system Wood: like those cybernetic eye sphincter things Romero: yeah! yeah! I want one of those Wood: sorry you gotta be trans to have a cybernetic eye sphincter thing Wood: I don’t make the rules, pal
Wood: the future is now, old man!! Romero: aw but i wanted a cybernetic eye sphincter thing Wood: sorry old man Wood: but we could outfit you with, like, a cool old man duster Romero: yeah. Yeah!
King: hey everyone i King: uh King: what’s going on here Wood: I just threepwooded George romero Romero: back off, fash, we’re gay space communists now Wood: hell yeah, the old man is catching on Wood: watch, I’m gonna show him how to do massive bong rips
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Is it Possible to Trademark your Name?
Kim Kardashian wants to trademark the name of her children North West, Chicago West and Saint West. Tom Brady and his team tried to trademark his nickname- “Tom Terrific”. CNBC reports that Donald Trump, his company, and family owns over 1000 trademarks such as “Trump Tower” and “Fifth Avenue” to name a few.
These days, it is quite common for celebrities to trademark their names and catchphrases. But before understanding the reason for this, it is important to understand what exactly a trademark is and how trademarks are a means to profit.
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A trademark is any mark such as a name, a symbol, of late catchphrases and even sounds that distinguish one product from another. The swoosh sign of Nike is an example of a trademark. A trademark offers an exclusive right to use such a name, sign, symbol, or sound. If any person or entity infringes a registered trademark, a suit may be instituted against them for claiming compensation. The purpose of trademark protection is to reward innovation and prevent unfair trade practices like sale of inferior quality products through unauthorized use of trademarks.
Trademarks are of the following types:
Generic: These are generic names of the goods. As a hypothetical example, it means when a Telephone is trademarked as “Telephone”.
Suggestive: This type of trademarks suggests a characteristic of a product. For example, Microsoft suggests software for small computers.
Descriptive: This type of trademark describes the characteristics of a product. For example, American Airlines is a descriptive trademark.
Arbitrary: This type of trademark has no relation to the product. For example, the name “Apple” has no relation to the phone the company sells.
Inventive: This type of trademark denotes a word that is newly coined. For example, “Kellogg’s” is a new word invented for the cereal brand.
For registering a trademark, an application must be made to the appropriate trademark registry. The office will check whether the applied trademark resembles an existing trademark or not and thereupon approves the registration or rejects it. If a trademark is registered, it is valid for a specific period after which it must be renewed. Even though a trademark is not registered, a dispute may be raised of trademark infringement. However, in such a case, prior use of the mark has to be proved by the party claiming infringement.
Celebrities who register trademarks do it because they can profit off their identity. When a celebrity uses their registered catchphrase on a t-shirt or on a product or as a product name, no other person can replicate and sell such a product without inviting legal action. A trademark prevents other people from using the mark without authorization. For example, Greta Thunberg sought to register her hashtag #FridaysforFuture to prevent others from using the hashtag for commercial purposes without her consent.
Application for proposed use of trademark can also be made. Kim Kardashian trying to trademark the name of her children is an example of this. Here, she intends to reserve the trademark so that if her children (or Kim herself on the kids’ behalf) start a product line, the trademark registration part is already covered. Moreover, the competitors will not have their hands over this trademark. In a way, this proposed use of mark registration gives a first mover advantage to the future brand.
However, despite there being a lot of news about celebrities applying for trademark registration, few clear the registration process. This is because the registry rejects marks if they are similar to an existing mark or if there is no actual use for the trademark registration. Donald Trump’s phrase “You’re fired” was rejected from trademark registration because it resembled the mark of the game “You’re Hired”.
The stars are however not discouraged from applying for trademark registration due to rejections from the registry. Creativity knows no bounds and we will see the stars getting much more innovative with their proposed trademarks in the future.
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wafact · 2 years
In Approving The Willow Oil Project, Biden Chooses Reality Over Posturing
WASHINGTON, DC – NOVEMBER 17: Climate activist hold a demonstration to urge President Biden to … [+] reject the Willow Project at the US Department of Interior on November 17, 2022 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for Sunrise AU) Getty Images for Sunrise AU Many of us no doubt felt schadenfreude at the story that Greta Thunberg was leading protests against a windpower…
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Dopo le grandi abbuffate a cui abbiamo partecipato nel periodo pasquale (con o senza quarantena cambia poco) non poteva mancare di certo la bastonata glicemica per concludere questo week end di fuoco.
Per preparare la torta post pasquetta ci occorrono:
- Colomba classica 450g
-Colomba al cioccolato 450g
-Crema alcolica alle fragole 100ml
-Acqua 400ml
-Panna montata 500ml
-Scagliette delle uova di cioccolato Q. B.
Step 1
Tagliamo la colomba a fette sistemandola in una terrina rettangolare dai bordi alti e bagnamo il tutto con metà della bagna preparata.
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Step 2
Iniziamo a stratificare aggiungendo metà della panna montata preparata e la stendiamo accuratamente.
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Step 3
Aggiungiamo il secondo strato di colomba, stavolta al cioccolato, e procediamo sempre prima con la bagna e poi con l'altra metà della panna.
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Step 4
Distribuiamo le scaglie di cioccolato sulla superfice e mettiamo in frigo per qualche ora.
Il gioco è fatto... Ora si che possiamo continuare ad ingrassare 😂
Con dolcezza
Qualcosa che non sapevi su questa ricetta...
La colomba ha varie legende che ne tessono le lodi, ma tutte ci conducono a Pavia.
Una di queste storie narra che nel 1176, durante la battaglia di Legnano, per dare coraggio ai soldati, venne sfornata una pagnotta di pane dalla forma insolita.
Di certo non sarà stata la colomba che adesso arriva sulle nostre tavole con mandorle, zuccherini e canditi perché questa innovazione la si deve all'azienda Milanese 'Motta', che negli anni '30 del secolo scorso mise in funzione le apparecchiature anche nel periodo primaverile per dare alla luce una 'variante' pasquale del loro panettone.
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SLYTHERIN: "For way too long, the politicians and the people in power have gotten away with not doing anything to fight the climate crisis, but we will make sure that they will not get away with it any longer. We are striking because we have done our homework and they have not." --Greta Thunberg
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