#Trolls fic
finnylemon · 6 months
🌲The Neverglade Trails🧊
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More Below 🎉 Poppy meets John Dory??? Fic update as the adventure continues ✨️ EVERYONE forgets about Poppy's master manipulator skills? She knows just how to press Branchs every button and you KNOW that stuff would correlate directly onto the brothers, especially John >:3
I included a snipit from the fic of this scene >:3 enjoy!!
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Not wanting to leave the pink troll to fend for herself in the approaching storm, John Dory hesitated on inviting her onboard. Poppy tore through the contents of her bag, taking out Branch's vest she had stashed in the knapsack.
She sharply inhaled as she held back tears, her ears folding back completely against her skull. She threw the garment aside, grabbing the thick leather book she had been carrying as well. She opened Branch's journal to the page she had turned to last: John Dory. Her eyes widened as she remembered the red ink that had scribbled out the page, scrawling “Do Not Contact” in Branch’s pristine handwriting.
“He was right.” Poppy croaked out, but it was loud enough for John Dory to catch on the wind. “You abandoned him. I don't know why I expected anything else…” Her ears stayed folded, her heart swelling with emotion. She couldn't let Branch down. She couldn't fail him. She let tears spill from her face as she started to sob, clutching the book and leafy vest in her hands as she folded over herself.
“I didn't abandon him.” John Dory sounded, alerting Poppy. She jolted, not having heard him approach. The wind had picked up quite a lot more, Poppy’s hair now beginning to blow into her face. “I went back to the Troll Tree. Everyone was gone.” John Dory pulled at his shirt collar, reliving his traumatic experience with this Troll he had met only minutes prior.
Poppy stared up at the older Troll, tears colliding with raindrops as they started to spill from the sky. John Dory’s hair and tail blew against the wind, giving him a more menacing presence than Poppy was ready for.
Lighting turned the sky white behind John Dory, reflecting off of Poppy's eyes as she didn't look away from the man above her. Her face stayed trained on a stare, unwavering from eye contact with the oldest of Branch’s brothers.
“That's what he said to Floyd.” Poppy’s voice strangely held no emotion. “That you abandoned him first.”
She could see that struck a nerve with John Dory, watching his brow furrow at the Pink Troll. Poppy pressed on the nerve. “And he’ll die still believing it.”
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You can find her on AO 3 under "Finnylemon" OR "Alone Together (Floyd & Branch Trapped AU)"
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daisymintt · 6 months
Been noodling around with an angsty Trolls Fic idea I might write…
Post World Tour Branch gets stuck as a Rock Zombie, Poppy goes to his bunker in hopes of finding something that will break the spell. She finds a bunch of invitations and cards that she had given him over the years (she thought he had thrown most of them away) and behind all of them was a single beat up field journal. At the beginning the entries are very straightforward and factual with the occasional picture of some other trolls. After further investigation she realizes that the other trolls are Branches brothers who made up the band “Brozone”. After the events of the first movie the entries start to get more open emotionally. The most recent entry, dated the day they got the invite from Barb, said that Branch was going to tell Poppy that he loves her and wants to be more then friends. Poppy tears up at this and fades to a desaturated pink and her hair wilts. She hugs his journal to her chest takes a deep breath, her pink color returning as her determination to help Branch fills her. She sticks the journal in her hair and starts gathering supplies for her new adventure. She sets out on a mission to find and bring them all to Pop Village to help bring back Branch starting with John Dory and the Neverglades. Beginning of her journey parallels the first movie, she overcomes any challenges that come her way thanks to Branches survivalist training. After finding John Dory the rest of the story follows the same beats as Band Together from there. During the journey she is much more solemn than usual because she’s worried about Branch.
Back at Pop Village Tiny Diamond and her other friends are in charge of taking care of Branch who’s zombie condition is causing him to be more aggressive (think the animals affected by the night howlers in Zootopia)
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jobiesayscheese · 3 months
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𝚅𝚎𝚕’𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖
𝖲𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖾𝗋 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗍
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sweetsncandies · 8 months
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ive been wanting to draw this scene for so long, i hope i did it justice :,D
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agent-cakeshroom · 9 months
Goodnight, Sleep Tight
The little ficlet I mentioned possibly writing! I decided to stop obsessing over it being perfect, like a certain Troll we love :D
As he finished packing away the last of the board games, John Dory let the tension slide off his shoulders to the sounds of his brothers. All four of them were scattered across the furniture, asleep, and each one sounded so distinctly them that it made JD's chest tighten. Floyd and Branch were crammed together in an armchair, limbs tangled. The two youngest had always been closest, and John shot them a soft smile at the sight. 
His other two brothers had each taken an end of the couch. With Clay scrunched up save for one arm flopped over his head, and Bruce comfortably sprawled across the other half. 
They'd all grown so much. JD stepped over to one of the small cubby holes Branch dug as storage closets, and dragged out a few blankets. It was silly, being so excited over something so simple, but John Dory couldn't stop grinning. He never thought he'd miss taking care of his brothers. Twenty odd years of isolation must've scrambled his brain.
The eldest moved to the armchair first, and gently rearranged his brothers’ arms and legs into something a bit more comfortable. Aside from a huff or snuffle here and there, both boys stayed blissfully asleep. JD's heart squeezed as he covered them up and tucked them in. He could vividly remember the two of them cuddling when they were still itty bitty, and it was just as cute then.
With Floyd and Branch taken care of, John Dory grabbed up the other two blankets for Clay and Bruce. The middle child was first, and JD carefully moved his arm off his face to tuck it against his chest with his other one. Waking up with pins and needles was the worst. The blanket was next, but he didn't tuck in the edges. Clay used to have a habit of wiggling in his sleep, and JD figured it was better safe than sorry. He didn't want Clay getting tangled and falling off the couch in his sleep.
A rumbling snort brought John's attention to the second oldest of the bunch, and he had to fight off a laugh at Bruce's face. His head was tilted back at an awkward angle, squishing a cheek against the arm he had thrown over the arm of the couch, and there was a bit of drool on his chin. It was a weird thing to be comforted by, but JD was. His brother's may have grown up a lot, but they were still very much them. 
Maybe if Bruce wasn't such a light sleeper, John Dory would try and shuffle him into a more comfortable position. But with having so many kids, Bruce now fell asleep much faster and woke up easier. Instead, he settled for simply covering his brother with a blanket like the others. 
And without thinking twice about it, he leaned down and laid a kiss on Bruce's forehead, right below his hairline. 
As he realized what he just did, JD's ears lowered with embarrassment, and he quietly smacked his hands over his face. “What the hell…” He mumbled to himself. But he didn't regret it. And when he saw all his brothers still asleep as he peeked through his fingers, he figured it wouldn't hurt to finish his old routine. 
So he quickly and quietly went to his other brothers, giving each a goodnight kiss just like when they were little. They used to beg him for a hug and kiss goodnight, and would even refuse to sleep without it. As young as he was, JD used to think it was annoying and embarrassing. But now? He missed the way they needed him. The way they wanted him around. 
With the last kiss to Floyd's head, John headed for the elevator. He didn't feel like being the only one to return to his room, and he figured Rhonda would appreciate some company. 
“Where’re ya goin’?” Bruce’s groggy voice reached him from the couch, making JD pause. He turned to see Bruce half flopped over the arm of the couch with one eye cracked open, and his face squished against his shoulder. It shouldn’t be adorable with his brother being in his mid-thirties, but it wasn’t just Branch that still looked like a kid in John’s eyes. 
“Just gonna go check on Rhonda, lil brother. Go back to sleep.” He spoke softly, and couldn’t fight off a small smile. The nostalgia dragged at his lungs, making it hard to breathe for a moment. 
“Nooo…” The second oldest grumbled, flailing his free arm at John Dory. “She’s pro’ly fine. Ge’ over here, butt dory.” The slurred, half-asleep speech screamed pouty little brother, and the goofy insult caught John off guard. He snorted, and slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle a laugh. Well, he couldn’t say no to that. 
“Alright, alright. Move your feet then, dork.” He stepped back over to the couch, and nudged at Bruce’s blanket covered feet. He could probably squish in by Clay even if his brother didn’t move, but John wanted to give the third brother some much needed space. They were still working some things out. 
Already drifting back to sleep, Bruce flopped over onto his back and curled his legs up just enough for JD to drop onto the middle cushion. Then immediately, unashamedly, threw his legs over his older brother’s lap. Not that John was going to complain, he was just happy to be so close to family again. So he tucked the end of the blanket over himself and Bruce’s legs, and sunk back against the couch to catch a quick nap at least. 
He hadn’t been this content and relaxed in ages, and it felt heavenly. He loved Rhonda with his whole soul, but his brother’s held a special place in his heart that only they could fill. And as he finally slipped into sleep to the sounds of all his brothers’ surrounding him, things felt so perfectly imperfect.
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thebeebirb · 7 months
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A ✨SPOILER✨ for my fic:
“Barb knew Branch, more than she let on, and the monstrosity she had created was not her friend—her best friend.”
I drew this in like fifteen minutes, so it’s messy I know
Anyway I really wanted to give Barb more depth to her character so there’s a lot of factors driving her to do the tour, but deep down all she really wants was to do the best for those she cares about. (Trying to not get too spoil-y here)
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toon-tales · 7 months
Hiya! Have a Branch sick fic featuring Brozone AND Kismet cause I'm bored
Btw, tell me if you have any comments, I gladly accept and welcome criticism
The battling brothers
Branch may be sick, but he knew darn well the competition going on between his eight, biological and adoptive, older brothers.
He knew both groups loved him, he loved them too. Both of them. But now, as he lay sick and weak in his bed, he was starting to question whether it was a good idea to let Kismet know he was sick. It was Poppy's idea in the first place, something about all of them bonding or whatever.
"Can I have some water, please?"
"Sure, baby brother." John and Ablaze glared at each other.
"He was talking to me," the cyan troll hissed.
"As if," the other muttered. "He was clearly asking me."
Branch groaned, bracing himself for another round of bickering. "Not again…"
But his voice was drowned out by his brothers' as an argument broke out between them, again, each taking a side and spitting at the other. This wasn't the first time this has happened, and Branch was used to it by now, though it still triggered a minor panic attack whenever it did. He just wanted everyone to get along, was that too much to ask? Maybe. He was getting tired of having to cancel a hangout with a band just to make it up to the other, he was tired of the constant fighting, which often ended with them forgetting his needs.
He. Was. Sick.
"He's my baby brother!"
"He's our baby brother, actually!"
He tried to diffuse the tension. "I love both of you-"
"Stay out of this, Branch," Hype shot, willingly ignoring how stern it came out.
Floyd eyed him. "Hey! Don't talk to my brother like that!"
"Yeah, dude, he's sick," Clay stood by his brother.
"And now you suddenly care?!" Branch winced. This wasn't going to end well.
"Of course we care!"
"Twenty years too late!"
Twenty years too late. Branch had been trying to forget about that. Why did they have to reopen his wounds when he had finally almost stitched them. Don't talk like that, he forced himself. They didn't mean it, they would never hurt him. In and out through your nose, he thought, just like we practiced. But he could feel the harsh words spreading through the room, words of accusations going back and forth between the two groups, Kismet usually throwing them first.
"We were young and foolish, alright? Is that what you want to hear?"
"We want you out of-"
Silence arrived just in time. No one should know what the next words were.
The purple troll glared at Hype, giving him a warning glare before turning to the youngest. "Branch, you have to choose."
Branch's eyes widened. "What do you mean-?"
"You know what I mean, Branch."
"None of us can keep going on like this," the leader of the blood brothers chimed. "It's either us, or them."
Trickee smirked. "That won't be so hard, right, baby bro?"
But his adopted brother stayed silent, eyes darting between his and the others' set.
"Branch?" He smiled nervously, reaching out to hold Branch's hand. But Hype put a hand in front of him.
"I see how it is."
The sick troll pushed himself up, blinking as the room spun around him for a second. "Wait, no-"
"You really choose them over us?"
"That's not– please-"
"Come on, guys. Let's get outta here." A beat. "But don't come crying to us if they leave you again." And with that, the room was filled with heavy silence as Hype and his group walked out, leaving Brozone to try and keep Branch in bed.
"B, they'll be back in five minutes." Bruce scoffed. "They're just making a scene."
Branch wasn't even listening, not making a single attempt in resistance as his brothers finally tucked him in his bed.
"Now, we'll stay with you tonight-"
"I wanna be alone…" It was his turn to interrupt.
"What? We're not leaving you-"
"Please…" he begged, swallowing hard as he tried to think of what to do next, and a thought, one he had been trying to bury, was telling him he shouldn't have gotten so attached. It was his fault.
He knew this was going to happen sooner or later, the way the two groups never stayed near each other, with John, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd sleeping in Rhonda, and Hype, Ablaze, Boom, and Trickee sleeping in his room, each wrapped in his sleeping bag till the next morning. And the cycle had been repeating itself - he would ask for something, a member of each group would fight over who would get it for him, and by the time they were done, he would already be fast asleep. But this time, it had taken an unexpected turn, one he wasn't prepared for.
Which was the main reason he was now making his way to the kitchen in the middle of the night. He needed to get his mind off things, and maybe he was a bit hungry. His brothers? Absolutely not. They'll rub it in the other group's faces in the morning, and Branch wasn't in the best state to intervene this time.
He stumbled out of bed, almost falling face first onto Boom– Boom wasn't there. Hallucinating as well, add that to the list. Deep breaths. One foot in front of the other. How hard can this be? The sick troll mumbled under his breath, not sure whether he was assuring himself or trying to follow the rules to keep his balance, but either way, he was in the kitchen– he was in the kitchen? He must be more tired than he thought, but definitely not more than how hungry he felt.
But he did it. He was in the kitchen, and he didn't even know when he had put the water to boil, nor when he had prepared it in the first place, but he did it.
He did it.
That was a bad idea.
Very bad idea.
Branch was now clutching the kitchen counter, feeling as if he might collapse if he let go for a single second. He tried to look for something, anything, to lie down on, but much to his liking, there wasn't. Or maybe he was too disoriented to notice any.
Think. But he couldn't. He felt as if Branch.exe had stopped working, and he desperately tried to make sense of what was happening. Wasn't this a simple fever? He's dealt with those before, when he was alone, and this has never– okay, maybe it did happen a few times, but he had always pulled through.
Which was what he was going to do now.
Think. What do you do when you feel on the verge of passing out? Lie down. He just had to lie down till this spell passed. Lie down, slow and steady to the floor– a thud. At least he was now in a safe position, yeah. He'll just lean his head against the wall and wait.
His eyes snapped open briefly as pain shot through his skull. It wasn't supposed to hit it that hard, but it'll pass. The pain will pass.
He just had to breathe. In and out. Nice and slow through his nose. Why wasn't his body working properly? Why today, when he was by himself?
But it's okay. He'll keep his eyes open. He had to keep his eyes open. No one, and he means no one, is allowed to see him like this, not Poppy, not anyone, and definitely not his brothers - adoptive or blood.
He'll tough it out, just like he always does.
Safe position? Check. Breathing steady? He'll come to this one later. Eyes open? Definitely not check.
But he'll be okay. He'll be okay. He just had to hold on, hold on till whatever was happening passed. He'll just open his eyes– okay, that was a bad idea. The room was spinning harder, but he'll manage on his own. He's done it before, and he could do it again. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. He didn't know what to do, didn't know which rule to follow this time.
He can't do this on his own. He needed his brothers. All of them.
"Guys…" Was the last thing that left his lips before his consciousness slipped away, leaving his limp body lying slumped on the kitchen floor.
"Branch? Wake up."
"Wake up, baby brother."
"Call the others, quick."
Was all he managed to hear before he let go again.
Then someone was slapping his face.
"Branch! Branch, wake up!" A somewhat urgent voice reached his ears, a voice that, for whatever reason, made him open his eyes, albeit groggily. And sure enough, eight figures were hovering above him.
"You with me?" It was John, his hands cupping his youngest brother's face and searching for any signs of distress.
Branch nodded.
"You okay?"
He didn't know. Darkness was clouding his vision.
"Branch, focus!" He felt a sting against his cheeks from where John was trying to fully awaken him.
He let out a faint groan, sluggishly swatting at the eldest's hand.
"What happened? Can you tell us?" This was Floyd, his voice filled with concern and forced calmness.
"I was… making some soup… then everything started spinning…" he stammered, "I-I don't want to choose, Hype…"
Said troll shook his head. "It's okay, it's okay, you don't have to–"
"I love everyone–"
Boom bit his lip. "Branch, please calm down, you're stressing yourself out."
But the tears were already welling up. He wasn't in the right state of mind, they figured.
Kismet members exchanged uneasy glances. "It's our fault, just please, calm down."
"I don't want anyone to leave… not again…"
Ablaze placed a hand on Branch's forehead, feeling the heat radiating off of his brother. He looked at the others and silently shook his head.
"Branch, no one is leaving, alright?" Hype tried. "But you're making yourself sick, you have to calm down, yeah?"
Branch nodded.
"Can you stand?" Clay was already helping the glittery troll lift Branch to his feet.
Branch struggled along, even as his legs wobbled beneath him and he had to rely on his brothers to get him back to his bed. Great, they thought sarcastically. They were doing more harm than good.
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay," Floyd cooed. "Just calm down."
"Nice and slow, through your nose," the blue troll instructed, noticing how Branch's breathing became shallower with each step.
Trickee sighed. "You shouldn't have overdone it like this."
The heartthrob nodded. "Yeah, Branch."
However, Boom was more concerned about the almost-full medication on the bedside table. "Have you been taking your medicine?"
"No one gave me water…" It came out more vulnerable than he had anticipated.
"No one did…?"
The sick troll looked up, tear-filled eyes scanning his brothers before pulling the covers over his face. "No." That said, he turned around and closed his eyes, already drifting off to a restless sleep.
When Branch woke up the next morning, he was met with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Coffee. He smiled slightly, he missed that. He let out a content sigh as he made his way to the kitchen, ready to be met with scolding from Kismet, and another later from Brozone.
But the scene in front of him? That was something even him was not expecting.
They were here. All of them. Well, of course they were, after what happened yesterday, but that wasn't the case, they were together, in one room. He rubbed his eyes then looked again. This was real.
"Morning, B," Floyd greeted softly, handing Hype a cup of coffee and sitting beside him, mindful of his own.
"What are you doing out of bed, young man?" Branch really had to remember this was his brother talking to him and not his grandma.
"I-I was-"
"Back to bed." the purple-haired troll interrupted, "We'll bring you your breakfast."
Branch just nodded silently, slowly making his way back to his bed the kitchen. We?
They were talking. They were chatting, even, all together. They didn't fight over who would bring him breakfast, which was highly noticeable given the events of the last few days. But the dull troll didn't care about that now, and his lips twitched into the faintest hint of a smile. They were together.
And for once, reality seemed to be better than his imagination.
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pinkpasgetti · 6 months
New Au! It's called In The Wild
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Clay, Viva,Branch and Poppy get lost during the Bergen escape and live in the wilderness.
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King Peppy dies during the escape and John becomes the new king of the pop trolls and makes Creek his heir. Floyd comes back from his solo career and finds the new village on the way.
Im gonna so much fun with this!
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eggofthefish · 7 months
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Just Like Him ficlet/comic (tw child neglect, mild self-harm(shaving with straight razor), dissociation , grief, alcohol)
He was fifteen now, the past year and a half made him shoot up in height, outgrowing his older brother much to his sibling’s chagrin. His voice grew deeper and awkward prickly hairs filled his chin, he was a bit gangly and didn't quite fit into his own body yet, but he was delighted by the change- to see a beard cut a more mature face. It was an added bonus that jobs got easier, and he became a more active part in their hunts. Though he was pleased his brother’s mood soured further, a pinched brow seemed to become a permanent fixture on his face and the impossibility of his brother drifting away from him further became a reality. Nights in the motels they’d stay in were lonelier, the cold crept in just that little more. 
The worst thing though, was Dickory’s drinking, he hadn’t done it in years.. Not since.. Not that he was an angry drunk, though one would think that was the case due to his short temper. No no, when his brother drank he became subdued. Quiet. Like everything has been lifted off of him and left him a doll of feeling. It made Hickory’s skin crawl to see his brother like that, to see him shed of everything that made him his brother and he just couldn’t make hooves or tails of why he was relapsing. Nothing was worse than feeling that helpless, than helping his brother to bed after he came to their room and slumped against a wall. Why? Why was he tearing himself apart? He wanted to help him, but he wouldn’t let him. Why. It was one night he understood. After being helped to bed for perhaps the fourth time that week, before he had pulled away to sleep in his own bed, Dickory grabbed his arm and pulled him close. He blinked, now leaned over to look face to face, eyes wide open when he felt a hand on his cheek. His brother brushed the facial hair, thumb against the prickly growth, a reminder of the premature beard he gained. 
His brother spoke, quiet words slurred together but it felt loud.
“You look just like him.”
Hickory’s stomach plummeted, words that would normally have made him so happy felt like a blow to the gut when on his brother’s face was unmasked grief. His brother didn’t see him, he saw Papa. He was why.
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The younger reeled back, nausea rolled over him. Was this all his fault? Was this why his brother drank? His mind raced, his skin didn’t feel like his own. Hickory gripped at his face, nails picking at his scruff and scratching. He had to fix this. Breathes came short and tight, and he stumbled off into the small bathroom, leaving his slumbering brother to his dreams.
That expression, his brother’s pain felt seared in his mind. Before he knew it he was gripping on his brother’s straight razor and leaning over the sink, shaky fingers clumsily swiping on his chin- he’d never done this before. A few knicks and cuts interrupted the glide and he struggled to look himself in the eye until he finished, when he was clean shaven but sullied with blood.
Rinsed off, he grabbed tissue paper and blotted the spots, looking more like a paper mache project than a troll when he finally met his eyes and took in his face. He looked less like Papa, he thought, though the memory was hazy. In fact everything was at that moment, fuzzy hard to place, floating. He rubbed at his eyes a few times, trying to focus on himself but everything was far away. Was this even enough? Was anything he did enough? What a spit in his brother’s face, what a shame of his own to wear a dead man’s face, to remind his family of what he lost. Things had been better, he thought, but maybe they never were and the healing was skin deep. It was his fault, it had to be.
He'd ended up cleaning his mess, wiping up his hair and the droplets of red, finishing up with a polished blade tucked back in place. He didn't go to bed so much as the bed came to him, when without realizing it the flickering bathroom light was traded with his creaky bed and the cover thrown over his head. Tucked in, he closed his eyes, curled up and holding his pillow close. The desire to clutch it was strong, to hold onto something tight and not let the comfort go, but he was too tired to do anything but hold it loose limbed and gently cuddle his face into it. 
As if the pillow needed a gentle touch, as if the pillow was fragile. 
Sleep came blissfully fast.
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happyfoxx-art · 5 months
I considered not sharing this here but hey, lifes short, heres a fic i wrote
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endlesspaint · 6 months
Does anyone have any Trolls fic recommendations?? I willing to read anything (except nsfw and dead dove)
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finnylemon · 3 months
✨️Glowing Eyes - Chapter Update💐
Cover for a fic update 💕 Glowing Eyes
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The need to save your baby brother from harm 💔
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c1eck · 8 months
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Branch from @cutelittleriot fic !! I've been loving it so much I just had to doodle the silly :]
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jobiesayscheese · 5 months
“𝙸 𝚂𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚎”
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𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 “𝙸 𝚂𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚎” 𝚘𝚗 𝙰𝙾3 𝚋𝚢 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝚙𝚊𝚕 (𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕𝙶𝚊𝚢𝙰𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝙰𝙾3 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚘 𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊)
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sweetsncandies · 8 months
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@rocksibblingsau chapter 11 left me in a wreck
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eugeneplace · 3 months
I should stop making Trolls Au's, it has become a problem...
But yeah, whatever, look what I did
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Trolls Vampire Au lol
I even made a fic lol
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