#Tuck Hanson
my-own-walker · 1 year
Hi. Im a big fan of your blog so i was wondering if you are taking requests and if so, could you do one with jpm addams family style where hey send their daughter to a special school for almost killing another student. Also sorry to bother.
Where’d All The Time Go?
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note: please NEVER be sorry for bothering me. you are never bothering me even in the slightest!!
warnings: mentions of violence, dad!jpm (stepping way out of my comfort zone lol), in my version of this universe, yes, JPM is dead but somehow was able to conceive a child with a not-dead reader, reader is now dead (somehow) and lives immortally with JPM, the child is mortal.
September, 1962
'Darling?' James called from across the suite.
'Yes, dear?' I replied, reading in the front room.
'Jane's school is on the phone, would you be a dear and talk to them? I was in the middle of something...' he trailed off.
Knowing he was likely in the midst of dismembering one of the hotel waitstaff who has misbehaved at his party last night, I sighed and stood.
'Coming!' I called, smoothing the front of my black housedress, its high-neck collar sitting perfectly on my collarbones. I ashed my cigarette before rushing hastily into the bedroom. James sat perched in the velvet bedside chair, running his fingers over his mustache.
He stood upon my entrance, walking to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze on the rear. I had guessed right. His hair was tousled and his brow was sheen with sweat. He sported only his thin white collared shirt and suspenders. James had obviously been...working.
'I heard the phone from my study, I've no idea what they're calling about,' he briefed me, before retreating back into his private room.
I ran my hands over my chin-length bob and took another drag of my cigarette. I brought the receiver to my ear and spoke.
'Hello, March residence. Y/N March speaking,' I smiled.
'Ah, yes, Mrs. March,' the female voice on the other line replied in an unreadable tone. 'I'm calling from your daughter's school.'
'Yes?' I said, growing impatient. 'What is it?'
'Jane is, well, she needs to be picked up,' the woman stuttered. 'There was an incident and we need a guardian to come to the school as soon as possible.'
'My, i-is she injured?' I asked. 'I- can be there in about ten minutes, i-is that okay?'
'No, Mrs. March, Jane is quite fine,' the female voice clarified. 'I can explain more once you get here.'
I placed the phone back on the hook and hurried over to the bookshelf, pulling out a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray, and triggering the hidden door to open.
'James!' I called. 'We need someone to go to Jane's school.'
'Just a moment, dear!' he shouted back. 'I'm just about finished.' Quick footsteps came down the hall toward me, followed by James' handsome face.
'Jane's school would like someone to pick her up, they haven't told me an ounce of what's wrong,' I explained, concern in my voice. 'I told them I would come but, obviously, I can't.'
'That's quite alright, my beautiful songbird,' he cooed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 'I am sure she's fine. I will send Miss Hanson.'
Miss Hanson was the receptionist at the Hotel Cortez. She was 'me' when I couldn't be 'me.' I knew he had made a vital mistake in not homeschooling Jane. Or in not sending her to James' choice of school. It was only her first day of Kindergarten and there was already an issue.
About an hour later, Miss Hanson walked through the door with Jane in tow. Her head hung low as she crossed the lobby toward James and I. Her little black dress looked so cute paired with her matching stockings and Mary-Jane slippers. The frown on her face was a stark contrast to the cute pigtails I'd put in her soft black hair that morning. The ribbons I'd tied to the ends were gone.
'Oh, my sweet,' I exclaimed, stooping down to her level. 'My sweet rose.' Jane's little legs carried her into my outstretched arms. She crashed into me with all of the force in her tiny body.
James crouched down to meet the familial embrace. 'Whatever is the matter, dear one?' Miss Hanson cleared her throat uncomfortably. James stood to speak with her.
'Jane got into quite some...trouble...today,' the girl started. 'Jane, would you care to tell your Mama and Papa what happened?'
Jane poked her head up from my hug and rubbed her eyes with her tiny fist. 'Eddie stole my Creepy Crawler,' she mumbled.
'What was that, young lady? Speak up,' James demanded.
'E-Eddie stole m-my Creepy Crawler, my bat. S-so I...I,' Jane struggled. We had just bought her a set of toys called 'Creepy Crawlers.' They were plastic bugs, insects, basically any animal considered 'gross.' She took a liking to the plastic bat immediately.
'She punched little Eddie and pinned him to the ground. She strangled him, Mr. and Mrs. March,' Miss Hanson cut in. 'Until he was blue in the face. The teacher noticed before the poor boy was dead, but the school doesn't want her back.'
I looked over at James and saw the brightest light behind his eyes. A small smirk was on his lips. He was right, and he knew it.
'Now, Jane,' James began. 'We knew you wouldn't be like the other kids. From the moment you were born, I saw something in you. My, where'd all the time go?' He paced back and forth in the front of the room, Jane and I sitting as a captive audience to his grand monologue. The one he'd prepared years ago when the discussion of school first came up.
I ashed my cigarette on the ashtray on the coffee table and took a drag. I couldn't help but laugh under my breath at him.
'You are a special little girl. You have the power to see what others cannot,' he continued. 'You can weed out bad from good. You know who to eliminate from this existence. You can see who is utterly useless scum, and you have the power to get rid of them.'
'What Papa is trying to say, dear, is that you're too smart for regular school,' I smiled, patting her head with my free hand.
'Your mother is right. That school was no good,' James smiled.
'So, I'm not in trouble?' Jane asked in a little voice.
'Nonsense, dear one. Quite the opposite. You've found your calling,' he explained. 'So we'd like to send you to a different school. One a bit further away. One where you can truly learn the art of murder.'
'It's a sleepaway school, Jane,' I clarified. 'So, you'll have to go away for a while. But, you won't miss us a bit. It will be so much more fun for you.'
Jane took in the information and nodded. I wasn't sure that she fully understood what we meant, but it was for the best. She wasn't like other kids, and this was the fairest option for her.
James and I saw her and Miss Hanson off that afternoon. We knew we were sending her somewhere safe for kids like her.
When we arrived back at the suite, James grabbed me by the waist and spun me to face him. He pulled me in close and kissed me passionately.
'We've raised our little girl perfectly,' he interrupted, entirely too pleased with himself. 'I only wish we could make another.'
'And I'm entirely too glad we can't,' I chuckled. James swept me off the ground and carried me to the bedroom, slamming the door shut demonstratively behind him.
This was a bit less about the kid (like in Wednesday) and a bit more about the parent's side of things haha. Hope you like it!
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
What Could Have Been (6/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,660
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6: Sunshine and Rainbows. A new romance leads to a surprising admission and food for thought.
A/N: Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge - using January challenge prompt "dating". I'm also using one of the flirty pick-up prompts @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills
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Cassie Valentine had forgotten what it was like to primp for a date and try out sexy outfits designed to drive a man crazy. And feel the butterflies flutter in her stomach when she really liked a guy.
She tried to remember the last time she’d been on a date. Flipping a mental calendar, she paused in surprise that it was with Nate Hanson six months ago. And now they’d come full circle.
Despite their physical intimacy, she and Ethan Ramsey had never gone on a date. And she was a woman who loved romance. So why had she settled for less?
Because being with him in whatever way she could, had filled her heart in so many other ways.
Studying her reflection in the mirror, Cassie nodded in satisfaction. Dark jeans, a black blouse that shimmered in the light, a dark red leather jacket and subtle jewelry completed the look.
She was grateful Nate had texted to say the dress code was casual. After today’s harrowing events, she wasn’t in the mood for fancy. Luckily nothing was broken or torn, and the swelling in her shoulder would die down in a few days as long as she didn’t overdo it.
Cassie absently wondered what it would be like to go on an actual date with Ethan, not just a stolen coffee catch-up at Derry’s or wine and takeout in his apartment.
In her mind, she saw a candlelit table tucked away in the corner. Ethan in a beautiful suit, her in a gorgeous dress that would make his eyes darken with desire. He would have to behave in public, but the dress never stood a chance once the door to his apartment closed behind them.
And imagining what couldn’t be was not helping her get in the mood for her very real date with a lovely man who deserved better.
When the knock came on her door, Cassie shook off the memories and reached for the sling, carefully adjusting it around her strained left shoulder before cradling her elbow.
With a final look in the mirror, she blinked away the lingering sadness and left the past behind.
“You know, when you said we’re going out for pizza, I wasn’t expecting to be whisked off to Brooklyn in a helicopter,” Cassie said a few hours later.
She hummed in pleasure as the hot, gooey cheese burnt the top of her mouth and the mouth-watering flavors exploded on her tongue.
“Best pizza in the city,” Nate grinned, carefully biting into his slice. “And I was trying to impress you even if private jets and helicopters are par the course for a Valentine.”
“It worked,” Cassie teased, lifting her glass of Chianti in a mock salute. “This pie was definitely worth the trip.”
“I make it a point to visit Lucali whenever I’m in town,” he said.
The atmosphere in the pizzeria, with the aroma of garlic and Italian spices in the air, was homey and casual. Packed with locals and tourists alike, the restaurant was loud and noisy, perfect for her mood.
“How’d you hear about this place?” Cassie asked, curious. She knew Nate lived and worked in Bethesda.
“I was visiting VCs in the area, trying to secure funding for my start-up. This was back in med school,” he told her.
“I’d already decided residency wasn’t for me and opted out of the match process. Needless to say, I was financially desperate and emotionally invested in getting the company off the ground.”
He polished off his slice before continuing the story. “Anyway, after a couple of rough meetings where I was basically laughed out of the room, I walked around the neighborhood and stumbled upon this place. I hadn’t eaten all day and practically inhaled a whole pie.”
“And you loved it so much it became your favorite?” Cassie prompted when he paused, lost in thought.
He laughed. “Not quite. I was sitting in the corner, wondering if I’d just thrown my career away on a whim, when one of the top VCs in biotech dropped in for dinner. Apparently, he’s a regular here.”
As he narrated the tale, Cassie watched Nate’s face become animated with a hint of self-deprecation she found charming and refreshing. He wasn’t afraid to share parts of himself with her.
Ethan always held himself back from everyone, only letting his guard down when she backed him into a corner.
“I figured nothing left to lose, so I walked over and pitched him the idea while he dug into his calzone. I could tell he was amused by my naïvity,” he grinned and shook his head at the memory.
“He handed me his business card and told me if I was gutsy enough to interrupt his dinner, I’d earned at least twenty minutes on his calendar. Tim’s still my biggest investor and has become a friend and mentor.”
“So, you brought me here because this place is special for you,” Cassie said, astutely connecting the dots.
“Yes,” Nate said, topping their wine glasses. ”It marked a new and auspicious professional beginning for me. I’m hoping it does the same on a personal level with you.”
Cassie sniffed in amusement and observed him over the rim of her glass. “Tim was right. You’re definitely gutsy. No wonder Fortune Magazine put you on the cover.”
Cassie appreciated that he didn’t push her for an answer, letting their conversation drift to other topics. But in the back of her mind, she kept turning over his proposition and wondered if she was ready to move on from Ethan.
It was late when they returned to Boston, and the drive from Logan Airport to her apartment didn’t take long. Cassie felt satiated from the meal and the company. And a little bit tipsy from the wine, if she was honest.
Nate escorted her up the steps of her building, and they stood facing each other in front of the street entrance door. He took her hand and moved close, angling his face, and his hazel eyes caught the light.
Anticipating a goodnight kiss, Cassie tilted her head back and wondered how his lips would feel against hers. And would they be enough to make her forget laser blue eyes and a firm mouth that had touched every part of her body and soul?
Lifting his hand, he tenderly brushed a golden lock of hair off her cheek, tucking it behind her ear.
“So,” he murmured, leaning in. “How does dinner and dancing sound for our next date?”
“Hmm. I haven’t decided if I’m going on a third date with you yet,” Cassie said, amused.
“You know, I believe that honesty is the best policy,” Nate said, his lips hovering above hers. “So, to be perfectly honest, I want to spend many more days with you.”
Cassie stilled. He was being honest with her, and she owed him the same. She stepped back, breaking the spell cast by the wine and a moonlit night.
“I need to confess something,” she said, closing her eyes briefly as she struggled to find the right words.
Nate looked confused, but he didn’t say anything.
“I was in a relationship until recently, and it ended badly,” Cassie said, rushing to get the words out before the pain that never went away caught up. “He broke my heart, but I can’t seem to get over him. I don’t want to lie to you, pretend I’m okay moving on when I don’t know if I’m ready.”
She peeked at Nate through her brows, worried that she’d hurt him or made him angry by not being honest sooner. He looked taken aback, but he pressed his lips and schooled his features neutrally.
“I’m sorry you’re hurting, Cassie,” Nate said eventually. “But I can’t be sorry that his loss is my gain.”
He put up a hand when she started to speak.
“Not many people know this, but I was engaged several years ago,” he said, shoving his hands in his pant pockets and rocking back on his heels. “She dumped me when she realized I didn’t want to become a doctor after med school. It took me a long time to get over what we were to each other, longer than it should have. So, I get it.”
“I like you,” Cassie said sincerely, tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you when I’m still mourning the loss of what could have been.”
“Dreams of what could be are the worst delusions and the hardest to wake up from,” he said softly, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Nate checked his wristwatch. “It’s late. You have work tomorrow, and I need to fly back to Maryland tonight.”
He stepped towards her and framed her face between his hands, his eyes so gentle and understanding that Cassie felt like crying.
“I like you too, Cassie, and we could be amazing together,” he said. “Selfishly, I want you to pick me because you believe that too. But I don’t want to be the fallback guy because you know he will never be an option.”
“I do believe that, but….” Cassie said, her voice drifting off when uncertainty reared its ugly head.
“Let’s do this,” he said, filling the silence. “I’m leaving on an R&D trip to Australia in a few days with a detour to Singapore. I should be back in about three weeks, four at the most. Take this time to figure out what you need and if things with him are truly over. I’ll accept your decision, whatever that is.”
He kissed her forehead, a sweet touch rife with friendship and caring, and then he was gone.
Cassie watched the red lights of his car fade into the distance and wished she could fall in love with Nate. But as things stood now, she couldn’t see herself loving anyone but Ethan.
When a Valentine meets their true love, it’s for life. But could a Ramsey believe that too?
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
The next day at school, Sarah had an epiphany. It seems she met the class pet for the first time and fell in love with its adorable little face, because she immediately wished for 20 of them. 😅
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I didn't pin this wish because she's awfully young to decide right now what she wants to do with her life forever, but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind for now. Maybe all this means is that Sarah needs a pet of her own.
The animal-related wishes soon subsided the moment the teacher corralled the kids onto the school bus because today is the day of the big class field trip!
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Naturally, as the shy kid she is, Sarah tucked herself away in a corner, within sight lines of the other kids but not interacting with them. Cricket, however, planted herself directly next to the teacher. So, Cricket is that kind of kid, huh? No slight against her goes unreported, no offense too minor to be turned into the gossip of the day. I don't blame Sarah for steering clear of her for now until she's sure she wants to get involved in whatever drama Cricket is bound to stir up.
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The entire class was thrilled when they finally arrived at the bistro.
Hanson: We get out of school and we get snacks? This is the best day ever!
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Well, except for the teacher. I've never chaperoned a field trip before, so I can only imagine how stressful it is keeping an eye on all of these kids in a restaurant kitchen surrounded by sharp objects and hot surfaces.
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He calmed down pretty quickly once he realized Sarah's interest in the knives was purely culinary, though. I imagine she quietly slipped away from the rest of the group to live out her top chef dreams on her own.
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She even gained progress towards a cooking skill point! It seems like Sarah Tonin gets a lot of serotonin from the kitchen. Will that be a lifelong passion or just a childhood interest?
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Regardless of what the future holds, Sarah brought back a cute panda bento box as a souvenir. It'd look great on her nightstand next to her bed...you know...if she had one.
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For now, the outdoor picnic table next to her sleeping bag can be her nightstand.
We have got to get this kid a bedroom of her own.
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suzydoozy · 2 months
You said you were mine - I thought you were mine || Closed
Suzy sat in Theta, unpacking while listening to music as she went - merely for sound and to distract herself from wavering elsewhere.
She couldn't believe she was transferred... Again. Suzy Berhow, fluid to content and Greek Row, home to none. She actually hated it. It made her feel... Replaceable. Unwanted. Like an outsider. That was one of the reasons she came here in the first place - so if anything this stupid Youniversity was just making her psyche worse!
So the music was loud to keep whatever else quiet. Each box was just like clockwork, Cut the tape down the middle, unfold, and unload. Cut the tape down the middle, unfold, and unload. Over and over again. It was kind of becoming therapeutic. Until...
Her hand held her grimoire with the grip of a meek child whose toy was broken. Too broken to fix, so just barely holding onto them along with their hope. She shook her head, taking in a deep inhale. She probably made him feel like a toy. Bitch.
She grimaced, wincing her eyes shut replaying the scene. It was something she watched, every night before bed. Like an old VCR with the static, the off colors, the glitched sides. Every night since. It made her stomach turn.
Still she opened the book, turning down the music now as her hands went to the page she carefully tucked them back into when Rose found them. Right where they belonged, amongst the love sigils made with their initials into some unique rune... now they just were ruined. Blank little shapes having no meaning. She fucked that up. Like she knew she would. Like she watched herself do from the third person. An out of body, in body experience. Her own personal hell.
As the music faded to a soft buzz in the background her fingers danced across the pages.
He was there still, tracing her fingers over his handwriting, feeling the give the script gave to the page. Feeling the intent in each, beautiful, sad, detailed, simple word. Her bottom lip tucked inside now as her eyes began to flicker over the page.
She moved to her bed, sitting down now with them spread out, like a mosaic of the love he had, just in sending them alone.
She fell into the pages now, the rest of the room fading into the background. Her hands holding onto the parchment like it was his hand, caressing the edges with her thumb.
With teary eyes she read. And then reread. And read some more. Read until her eyes hurt.
It was like falling in love with him all over, then the gut wrenching blow of that probably being it. Just these papers and the memory of that night, over and over again. And how she threw them all away.
Still, for the remainder of the night she sat on her bed, next to them, as if he was there, falling asleep with them by her head. As if the cold pages filled with ink and the past could substitute the only warmth she'd ever really know, and possibly never have again.
featuring @dear-arin-hanson
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thedsgnblog · 2 years
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Identity for Frenchette Bakery by Mucca
James Beard Award-winning chefs Lee Hanson and Riad Nasr have translated their hugely popular restaurant concept into a bite-size bakery. Tucked away in Tribeca’s Merchant Square Building, the petite space offers sweet and savory pastries and breads made with house-milled regional grains.
Mucca leveraged the visual language they created for Frenchette to define the brand’s new outpost, from the custom espresso machine to the takeaway packaging.
TDB:  instagram  •  twitter  •  facebook  •  newsletter  •   pinterest
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filet-o-feelings · 2 years
Fic Origin Story
tagged by @stereopticons @smallumbrella369 and @jesuisici33
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
I'm fairly certain the first fics I read were Hanson (I remember a fic specifically with a lot of Phil Collins references???), and the first fandom I wrote for and made friends in was Good Charlotte. I have thankfully since moved on from RPF. The first non-RPF fandom I read fic for was Sherlock, briefly, but I didn't write anything.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
Uhh I don't remember and I don't want to dig through my livejournal accounts (I started new LJs constantly lol) trying to find it, but it was probably a GC Billy/Benji. I'm guessing my reason for writing it was that I wanted to make the pretty band boys kiss. The first fic I specifically remember was for The Used/Mest crossover about Quinn mysteriously showing up in town with no memory after waking up in a cave(???) and it was my first serious attempt at a chapter fic and I never finished it and that still haunts me.
What’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
Just keep writing!
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
Wayyyy back in the LJ days, I made so many friends, including a few I've met in real life and am still friends with. The comments were (and continue to be!) always so fun and encouraging.
More recently, because I feel like Schitt's Creek is the first fandom I've really immersed myself in, I think just how immediately I was accepted into the fandom despite being very late to the party. Specifically, I remember @stereopticons always including me in ask games from the start and offering to beta when I was new and had no idea what I was doing and crying out for help in tumblr. Also @treluna4 yelling with me about my fic when I was feverishly writing Further North and desperately needed to yell about it. But honestly, every kudos and comment made (and makes!) me so happy and made me want to keep writing. I will never stop screaming about how amazing and welcoming this fandom is on the whole.
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
Okay I found one of my old LJ accounts and actually came across the aforementioned amnesia fic, so here's a bit from that:
“Yeah I’m sure, and you’re not an inconvenience. Like I said before, don’t worry. We’ll talk in the morning.” Matt said sternly, making sure the blonde knew that he wasn’t in the way. He didn’t want to create any more worries for him, he surely had enough on his mind. Ironic that forgetting just about everything on one’s mind will only create seemingly more on the mind. Erased memories become worry and fear and millions of thoughts racing to fill up the empty space. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Matt added before leaving his room and closing the door behind him.
As for something newer, from Everything's Too Cold... But You're So Hot:
They round a corner and the man, after quickly checking over his shoulder, pulls him down an alley before pressing him against a wall and covering Patrick’s mouth with a hand adorned with several wide, silver rings. Patrick thinks briefly that the combination of warm skin and cool metal has no right to feel this nice against his mouth, but then the man’s face is tucked into his neck and his mouth is inches away from his ear and Patrick can’t help but shiver when the hot breath reaches his skin and he registers the words moments after they’ve been spoken: “My name is David and I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend. Please, trust me.” 
Too tired to tag. If you haven't been tagged and want to do this, please do!
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just-rogi · 1 year
Being a girl is like *cries so hard you dry heave over all the versions of yourself have been and all the ones you never will be again while listening to a playlist you made with with your old best friend before practice on an unimportant day that you don’t even remember because it was so insignificant and now you haven’t talked in years and both moved away to live in different cities and it doesn’t even matter because you aren’t friends anymore because you are a different person than the girl who made that playlist six years ago but you are visiting home for your moms wedding and your friend promised she’d be there when you were both 15 and they got engaged and it’s not fair to hold a now stranger to a promise made in high school auditorium but you aren’t in your old school tucked away in the practice room with the broken piano that no one used so you could skip lunch together, unbothered- you are at your now stepdads house sleeping in a twin sized bed in your now stepbrother’s old bedroom and he didn’t even take down the Beatles posters before he left and glow in the dark stars left a weird residue on the wall and YOUR childhood bedroom had a Taylor Swift poster not a Beatles poster so everything feels strange but it doesn’t matter because it’s not your nostalgia anyway you are just a visitor because you are 21 not 15 and it doesn’t actually matter but you did cry like a teenager when you got your period early, the morning of the wedding because your now stepsister only had tampons (which was very nice of her to offer and she’s always been very nice- you wish she was meaner so you could hate her but you just can’t bring yourself to do it) and everything feels so big and you feel so small (that was a song on the playlist your friend made- you never even saw Dear Evan Hanson you thought it was stupid) you have dog fur all over your hoodie now only it’s not your dog because your dog sleeps with your now stepbrother even though the dog was a gift to you when your mom started dating your now stepdad to get you to stop crying eleven years ago (it didn’t work- you cried for weeks that summer and it was the last summer you went to sleep away summer camp and you wish you didn’t cry the whole time because you don’t even remember that week that well except for peeing the bed on the first night) it’s a new hoodie too so you have to ask to borrow a lint roller before going home and you still have to pack your bag because you have to get on the train again tomorrow morning but nothing seems to fit in your suitcase the way they did when you packed it and that isn’t a even metaphor your shirts (strange smelling) and books (unread) aren’t fitting right and that makes you want to cry and curl up in the twin sized bed with blue sheets (yours were grey and green) and stare at the remaining stick-on plastic stars (most fell off before you ever came here) on the walls and the Beatles poster (paul is the one with no shoes. you can’t tell the others apart) and go to sleep because you’ve already borrowed laundry detergent (your clothes smell strange) and blankets from the closet (they have central air and you get cold at night) so why not borrow his nostalgia as well- if you squint you can pretend to see Taylor crossing Abby road with no shoes instead - it’s especially easy if you listen to music from 2017, even though it really wasn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of things which makes the whole situation that much more silly- and ignore your clothes on the floor because your mom (who borrowed their whole name; so you don’t feel as bad about asking for a lint roller) will come in and hug you and help you pack like she did before your week long showchoir field trip to Ohio (the first time you slept away from home since summer camp) with your best friend, when you were 15. Only you aren’t 15 and your mom won’t help you pack because you are an adult and it’s one am and you are still a stranger here and it’s all ok because you are actually generally much happier now, really! Mostly! except for when you are inconsolably and bitterly sad*
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recoiloperated · 2 years
With a psa compelte upper and a KP15 complete lower (under appreciated tbh) you can get a respectable (and pretty damn light) ar for like 450-500 before shipping, another 350 for a PA 1-6 lpvo+aero mount (im in the opinion that magnification shouldn’t be optional).
All that with a streamlight protac for 1k so lets say 1.1k ish shipped, thats a very capable rifle for most of what anyone would “need”
I think any less $ invested and people are dipping their toes into garbage territory, budget talks are fun but we should keep actually function in mind (glad you shit on bca btw ❤️👌🏻)
I have a bear creek 10.5,
It's accurate, but it's so horribly overgassed.
And their bolts are trash. Not MPI, not HPT, not mil-spec staked.
You get weird issues, they leak a lot of gas, mistimed muzzle devices, Ect.
They do some neat-ish stuff, like they have a super cheap side charger. But they have some general quality issues that make it worth it to just go get a better upper for a little bit more. Because they're so over gassed you need to swap in an adjustable gas block (+$50) and a quality bolt ($70 minimum) so you'll need to pay an extra $120 anyways. So why not just get a PSA that meets mil-spec?
Or grab a forged upper and go ham hunting deals. I can find a contract overrun mil-spec barrel for sub $100 all day. Hanson ballistic advantage is a notable one. Keep an eye on Rosco too, they occasionally run super good deals on over run barrels.
Get an MPI bolt minimum. Ideally MPI/HPT. AO precision, toolcraft, Ect. You can end up with a mil-spec minimum upper in the $300 range complete.
That said- building your own upper really gets competitive when you get into the more premium realm. My RECCE/duty/minutes man rifle upper is trying to compete with BCM and Geissele uppers. Not PSA. So I paid $650 for my upper, a BCM equivalent is about $900, and a Geissele is $1200, Ect. So for $780, (adding a PSA mil-spec complete lower) you could have a rifle with 99% the function of a rifle with a price point double to triple it's cost, and honestly, the Gucci geissele rail I bought could have been a much cheaper rail and still be every bit as good. Tucking a supremely capable rifle in under $700 no optics or light.
So 1100ish fully completed
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theuiucollegian · 2 years
From across the pond, Garrett at home on pitch for UIU
By Luke Hanson/Collegian Staff
Dexter Garrett made the 4,000-mile trip across the Atlantic Ocean from England this summer to play soccer in Fayette for Upper Iowa University. 
Garrett has had a bright start to his collegiate career, scoring his first goal in just his fifth collegiate game, and has logged the third most minutes on team through 14 games. He has played and started in 13 of the first 14 games, while playing through a broken wrist for the last five games. 
“The opportunity to play Division II soccer in the U.S.” is what brought Garrett to Fayette this summer, who was accompanied by his former club teammate Edward Stephens-Truman. Garrett and Stephens-Truman are two of five English players on the team this season, and having a couple of teammates who he can share the experience with have helped ease him into the change. 
Garrett’s favorite part about his time in the United States so far has been meeting new people and hanging out with the new friends he has made. Over 4,000 miles from home, the hardest part of the transition to the United States for Garrett has been, “leaving (his) friends and family for a long period of time.” 
Before coming to Fayette, Garrett played for seven clubs in England, among those were Fulham, Chelsea, Portsmouth, and most recently, Aldershot Town. Reflecting back on his moves across soccer clubs in England, Garrett said, “Everything happens for a reason, and if you focus on the negatives, you’ll never see how great things are.” 
Finding the right fit can be hard at some points, especially when it comes to highly competitive teams in England. Though there were many ups and downs, Garrett’s experience from playing at multiple high-level clubs in previous years is shown through his work on the pitch. 
Garrett was able to make his first start in a Division II match as a freshman, having come to a new country and a life on his own just less than three weeks prior. His motivation for coming across the pond to play collegiate soccer came from, “the chance to play the game (he) loves while getting a degree.”
“The freedom and competitiveness” were two characteristics Garrett used to describe the reason he fell in love with the sport of soccer. His own competitiveness has come to fruition this season, as after he suffered a broken wrist in a match versus Purdue-Northwest, Garrett missed just one match and has played 88 or more minutes in every match since, a staple point of the Peacocks’ backline. 
Garrett says his best quality on the pitch is his heading ability. He has backed up that statement this season, winning many aerial duels and smashing in a thunderous header off a corner kick in a rainy September match against UW-Parkside, a header that gave the Peacocks the lead early in the first half of that match. As for leading up to games, Garrett’s pre-game rituals consist of two tuck jumps just before kickoff. 
Throughout his time here as a Peacock, Garrett hopes to “continue to play every game and help the team do well in the playoffs.” While it has been a tough first season, the freshman has a bright future ahead of him and can help to turn the Peacocks back to winning ways. 
Alongside soccer aspirations here at Upper Iowa, Garrett is pursuing a major in business and has dreams of starting his own one day. Like most college students, Garrett loves spending his free time outside of soccer hanging out with his friends, or in English terms, “chilling with (his) mates.”
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clairecrive · 5 years
“Cupid’s strike”- Tuck Hanson x reader [Requested]
This imagine was requested from a girl on Wattpad as a way to make up for that awful ending. Tuck is a baby and he deserves everything. This is my first time writing him but wouldn’t mind doing it more. 
As I’ve said on monday, I don’t have a lot of time but I’m doing my best and writing on different projects. Blurbs are still a thing if you’d like and in the mean time, I’d really like to know what you think about this.
Hope you’re all safe and doing well!
Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye​, @mollybegger-blog​, @br0ck-eddie​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @fandom--0verdose​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @evelynshelby​ (let me know if you wanna be added)
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"Hello, boys! Whatcha doing?" Y/n makes her entrance in her fellow agents' room. However, she doesn't get a reply, the boys were too busy staring at each other with their mouths open. Was that a new game they were playing? Not really thinking about it, knowing them and their goofiness, she just steps further into the room and from her new position, she could see what was on their computer that had made them lose their ability to speak.
"Who's that?" She then asks more intrigued. On the desktop, there was a picture of a blonde woman, charming smile, kind eyes. She seems nice enough.
"Lauren Scott?" FDR says not really talking to you but more with Tuck who by the expression on his face, knew exactly who he was talking about.
"So, let me ask again: who is that?" y/n asked again, not really liking the way her question kept going over their heads.
FDR was actually the one who explains the whole thing to you. Apparently, Tuck was looking for a partner and had registered on a dating app. That was how he met Lauren. FDR on the other hand, met Lauren in a more creepy way, as it was in his style. But, on the same day that she had first met Tuck, she had agreed to go on a date with him. Y/N didn't know Lauren but by this account alone, she decides that she doesn't like her. She knew that Tuck and FDR had a very strong and tight friendship but she also knew how the love for a woman can destroy relationships. It happens all the time and seeing the way they're looking at each other, she fears this could happen with them too.
"You know what? You date her. It's okay." FDR then says to Tuck after he's finished talking with Y/N
"Yeah well, it wouldn't be fair to you." He says shrugging his shoulders
"What do you mean? You think she would choose you?" Tuck's ego has been bruised by his friend insinuation. Y/N knew that when it came to women and their current romantic situation, the boys couldn't be more different. While FDR had a way about him that somehow managed to make every woman want to be with him, Tuck was a sweetheart and hadn't really put himself out there since his divorce. Maybe FDR was right, he would probably charm his way into Lauren's heart or piece of underwear and Tuck would be left behind. It sucks to say, but it's probably how it would go, both Tuck and FDR knew it. Hell, even Y/N knew it but thought it to be complete bullshit. She never really understood how women keep falling for FDR when he's basically playing by the book. One look at him and you would understand that he's going to break your heart. Sure, he was handsome, Y/N could see that, but so was Tuck.
For Y/N it was really a no brainer when it came to choose between the two but apparently that was not the case for Lauren. Lost in her thoughts, she came back to hear that the boys were setting some ground rules to court Lauren?
"Wait, are you actually going through with this?" She asks hoping to get a negative answer. Was she the only one that realized the foolishness of this situation?
"Yeah, we are," FDR exclaimed angrily typing on his keyboard.
"Tuck?" Y/N then turns to her favorite, hoping that he could be more reasonable than his friend.
"Yes. Yes, we are." To her dismay, came his reply along with a serious glace while he too typed angrily. Ugh, boys.
Shaking your head you were sure to manifest your dissent about their reached agreement, walking out of their room. This was not going to be nice.
Y/N always like to be right about something. That was one of the reasons why she chose to be a C.I.A. agent. She knew what was best and wanted to make things right. However, in this case, she would have much preferred to be wrong.
After that day in their office, things between the two friends became tense. They had formed two teams, men that they had personally recruited to gather as much information as they could on Lauren. And of course, to sabotage the other's dates with her. While Y/N admitted that it was kinda fun to see FDR make a total fool of himself while describing a paint, she was also worried for Tuck. It seemed like he was starting to really care for this woman and she couldn't get her head around as to why. Yes, she was attractive but there were so many good looking women out there that don't date two guys at the same time. I mean, why would any of them want to be with someone that could be so double-sided?
She refused to take part in this absurdity and mostly kept to herself. Although she had a good relationship with them, she had always been closer with Tuck. She had admitted to herself a long time ago that she had a crush on him, but with his divorce first and now Lauren, she never found the courage to let him know.
"Hey Y/N." Turning around she saw Tuck walking her way. Speaking of the devil...
"Hello, Tuck." She greeted him back, without her usual chirpiness.
"What's up?" He tries to make conversation while waiting for his coffee to be ready.
"Nothing much. What about you?"
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"Just managed to make FDR look like a complete baffoon, so I'd say pretty good." He says giving you that charming smile that made you smile back like an idiot.
"You're still on with that plan, eh?" She asked even though she knew he was.
"Absolutely. Wait- are you on FDR's team? Is that why you're not with me?" He asks suspiciously.
"As if," she scoffs at the insinuation," I'm on no one's team. This whole thing is stupid." Y/N finally speaks her mind to him.
"You think so?" He looks taken back and somehow that only managed to anger her more.
"Of course I do and I honestly don't know how you both don't see it. I mean, FDR is pretty slow I've always thought that, but you? You actually surprised me, Tuck."
"By the way you're saying it, it's not in a good way is it?"
"Why would you even be with someone that dates your best friend behind your back? She doesn't know that you two know each other so she's just playing it safe, leading both of you on until she makes up her mind. Sounds to me she's not worth the fuss you're both making." Speaking her mind had never felt so good, the only thing is that now she doesn't think she can stop.
"I mean, look at you, Tuck. You're a fucking catch! You're rather easy on the eye, you're smart, you're sweet, you're thoughtful. If she doesn't appreciate this enough to stick to you then it's her loss. You're certainly not losing anything by not ending up with her." Maybe by getting this off her chest, she has let on more than she wanted to, but she was happy nonetheless. Even if Tuck chose to keep pining after Lauren, ignoring what she said and what she implied, at least she had tried.
The awkward silence that fell between them wasn't expected and now y/n was feeling more nervous than ever under the scrutiny of those beautiful eyes. So, with a quick goodbye, she excused herself and walked away.
The next time she came across Tuck, he was whispering about something with FDR in the hall only to stop as soon as he saw her approaching. FDR turned around to see what had made him stop talking and when he saw y/n's silhouette disappearing in one of the rooms, he understood why his best friend was all about. A part of him, the selfish one, was glad that Tuck was taking a step back from this competition they had going on, the other one though, the one that cared deeply about his friend, was actually relieved to see him pining after someone that could actually return his feelings. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, but he could swear that Lauren would choose him and while it was obviously what he wanted, he wouldn't have enjoyed it if it would leave his best friend heartbroken in the process. He had known y/n almost as long as he had known and while he hadn't the same tight bond he shared with the British man, he knew that she was a kind heart and could be very sweet despite her ability to knock a guy twice her size in two seconds. In a way she was the perfect fit for Tuck, he wonders how he had never thought about it before, it was so obvious.
Well, it's never too late for Cupid to strike, right?
Pairing the two together was easier than FDR first thought. Neither of them had the littlest suspicion about the other's feelings. Well, Tuck had thought about it but by the way y/n had been avoiding him since their last conversation, he had dismissed the idea without a second thought. For FDR it was so amusing to see, two of their best agent, completely clueless about the situation they had put themselves in. Smirking at the plan that was forming in his head, he started to make all the calls necessary to arrange it. This is going to be fun.
The plan was very simple actually, just try to create the occasion where both of them would have to spend time alone so they'll be forced to talk about it at one point. Or so he thought, the success of his plan was based entirely on that. Having arranged everything, he sat in the surveillance room, from where he could see everything and everyone. As planned, y/n and Tuck were both carrying out their tasks in adjacent rooms. So that when FDR would set off the alarm, they would be the nearest agents to the room where the supposed intruders are going to be. Knowing them, as soon as they'd learn their position, they'd sprung into action and volunteer to solve the problem. And that's exactly what happened, much to FDR amusement and satisfaction.
"I'm on it." Their voice came simultaneously through the microphones of the computers he was watching them on. Tuck met her outside the incriminated room and after a nod of agreement, she kicked the door open and they entered the room covering each other's back. The room was dark, there wasn't much to see, but they were on high alert expecting someone to attack them at any moment. Back to back, they were venturing far in, when the sudden sound of the door being closed and locked startled them. Looking at each other in the dark, they quietly walked towards it only to check that it was indeed locked. Figuring that it was the intruders that had trapped them inside, they went to notify their team.
"They've trapped us in here." Tuck let FDR know, none the wiser about the fact that his friend was behind this all.
"And that's how it should be." FDR finally came clean, enjoying Tuck's confused expression and y/n clearly fed up with him one.
"What are you up to?" y/n asked putting away her gun and relaxing her stance already catching on with the fact that there probably weren't any intruders.
"You both needed a little push, so here it is mate. No need to thank me." He said mainly speaking to Tuck, who immediately grasped what his friend was hinting to. Groaning a little, he swore under his breath, frustrated at his friend antics but at the same time grateful that he had given him a little nudge in the right direction. Not that he had to know that
"What's he on about?" y/n's defeated voice snapped him out of his reverie.
Come on Tuck, now's your time. You can do it, mate.
"Oh, you know FDR. He's always on to something. This time though, I might know what he's up to." Taking his time, he strolled over where he thought she should be. Not that y/n could see him, but being nice to her made this all more intimate he thought.
"Is it something that I'd want to know?" Her voice worked as an indicator of her position and so far she was pretty close to him. An arm away, he guessed.
"I think so, yeah. I'd like to know if you'd like to come to a date with us?"
"And why would I want to be the fourth wheel? " As a matter of fact, she pointed out. She thought she had made it abundantly clear that she wasn't a fan of this situation they had put themselves in. Apparently not, she thought.
"That's not what you'd be doing, darling. I was thinking more of a double date situation. If you're okay with it, that it is."
Okay, this was something she hadn't seen coming. Was he asking her out? But then what about Lauren? Wasn't he all hellbent to conquer her heart?
"I'm not sure I'd like to go on a date with FDR. He's handsome and all but not really my type." She said playing coy, wanting to lure him out and be upfront about it. She wasn't going to let it be all mysterious and vague. Game time was over.
"I'm not sure I'd like that either," Tuck admitted letting out a small chuckle playing along, "that's why you'd be going on a date with me." He finally said.
If there was even the smallest amount of light, she was sure that Tuck would be creeped out by how big she was smiling. Y/n couldn't believe her ears. She'd been waiting to hear these words for what it felt like ages. Was she really that blessed to be asked out by such a lovely, charming man, who she knows to be loyal and kind?
"Is this a situation where silence means yes or is it more like "I'm trying to find the right words to say no"?" Apparently, she had been lost in her thoughts for too long and now Tuck was questioning himself.
"This is one of those situations where you've been waiting for something to happen for so long that when it does, you can't believe it," Y/n voice finally filled the room, relieving Tuck of any doubts and making him blush a little. Thank god it was so dark in here.
"So, I'll take that as a yes." He concluded.
"Your intuition has always been your strongest asset." She joked trying to soothe the embarrassment she was feeling. What a fool she was, thank god that Tuck was such a gentleman that he didn't mention it.
What Y/N didn't know though, was that Tuck too was lost into his little world where a miniature version of himself was jumping around doing a happy dance from finally scoring a date with the girl of his dreams.
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fightmewiatch · 5 years
57 with tuck hansen 💕
A/N: Oh my god, I hope this is okay?! I got interrupted so many times I couldn’t figure out how to end it. Ahhhh.
57) “There is enough room for both of us.”
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        The bar wasn’t absurdly loud, but it was buzzing with voices and music and laughter as you wound your way through the crowd towards the bar. After a long day at work, you had earned your drinks, but you’d gotten distracted as you came in, nearly forgetting to even grab something to quench your thirst.
“Y/N!” You stumbled, brow furrowing, and turned towards the sound of your name. The second your eyes fell on the piercing blue ones, squinting with a grin, you laughed, shaking your head and abandoning your quest to head towards the booth.
“Here I thought I’d be able to go out without encountering you, FDR,” you chuckled, smiling. “What’s going on?”
“Ah, out celebrating the end of the week with Tuck,” he replied, tipping his glass towards the other man in the booth, before taking a drink, the amber liquid disappearing between his lips. You turned your head, curious, and found yourself immediately blushing as the soft blue eyes met yours, his pink lips curling into a smile. “Tuck, this is Y/N. Sweetheart, this is my best friend Tuck. Shit, he’s pretty much my brother.” Tuck grinned, chuckling as he looked at FDR, before looking back up at you, nodding.
“Nice to meet you,” you promised, reaching down to shake his hand as he held it up for you.
“You too, darling,” Tuck replied, the sound of his accent making you bite your lip.
       Before you could say more, FDR jumped, nearly dropping his glass before he dug into his pockets and pulled out his phone, curious.
“Ah shit…sorry, I gotta take this, I’ll be right back,” he spoke up, hopping out of the booth as he answered. His voice disappeared into the bar as he headed towards the door, leaving you lingering beside the table, lip between your teeth. Clearing his throat, Tuck shifted, motioning towards the seat FDR just vacated.
“You can sit down if you want to…there is enough room for both of us,” he teased, making you laugh as you lowered yourself beside him in the booth.
“How long have you known FDR?” you asked, pushing your hair back and grabbing the glass FDR left behind. Tuck laughed as you sniffed it, before shrugging and taking a swig. “Don’t judge me, I need a drink.”
“Not judging, darling, promise!” he laughed, holding up his hands, before shaking his head a little. “Long time. We work together.” The way he left the sentence told you he was being careful, in case FDR had given you some bullshit cover story about what he did for a living. But instead of saying anything, you just nodded, moving to push your hair off your face as you sat back in the booth. “How about you?”
“Met him…about a year ago? I was a bartender downtown at the time. Not anymore,” you admitted, relieved, before shrugging.
“What do you do now?”
“It’s so boring compared to you guys, but, I’m an accountant,” you replied, making him cock his head, curious.
“Compared to us?” You quirked a brow, silently telling him that you knew what they did, before nodding. “Ah.”
“Yeah…don’t worry, lips are sealed,” you promised, blushing as he smiled. It was such a wholesome smile, and so much different than the one you usually got from FDR. His were usually flirty, devious, accompanied with a quirk of his brow, but Tuck was smiling softly, sweetly, no sign of a motive to being nice to you.
       It didn’t mean he wasn’t flirty, but it was a very gentle flirt, and he didn’t reach out to touch you more than a light brush of his hand to your arm as he laughed. God, the sound of it made your heart skip a beat, as you ducked your head, giggling softly. His smile, and his laugh, were things you would be happy to have in your life forever, they were sweet, and contagious. 
“Plans for the weekend?” he asked, curious, as you cleared your throat.
“Uh…not really. I usually work most weekends, but I needed a few days off, so I have no idea what I’m gonna do this weekend. What about you?” Tuck made a soft sound, thinking about the answer, but the both of them jumped as FDR laughed, flopping down in the open spot in the booth.
“Know what I think?” he asked, grinning, as he reached over for Tuck’s glass. “I mean, aside from one of you buying a new round?”
“Something naughty about the bartender?” you teased, nodding towards the blonde across the room. The way his lips curled against the glass made you and Tuck both snicker as FDR shook his head.
“Yes,but no. You guys should go out this weekend.”
       The both of you glanced at each other, surprised, but you felt yourself blush again, lip pulled once more between your teeth as Tuck furrowed his brow and looked back at his friend.
“Don’t really wanna step on your toes. Done that one, not in a rush to do it again,” Tuck reminded him, as FDR laughed, grabbing the other empty glass on the table.
“Step on my toes?! Man, we’re just friends,” he insisted, pointing at you, as you snickered, shaking your head.
“He’s too much of a flirt to get in my pants,” you told Tuck, grinning as he laughed, startled. “But, he’s fun to get a drink with.”
“He is! That is true,” Tuck agreed.
“My type is…less horn-dog, more…soft and sweet and makes me laugh,” you added, biting your lip as you glanced back at Tuck, hopeful. Catching your eye, Tuck felt himself warm, and swallowed, nodding.
“Well…in that case? How…do you feel about paintball?” Tuck asked, as FDR winked at you both, excusing himself to the bar.
“We will have to go somewhere outside of the city…I…may have been banned from the places here for being too aggressive.” Tuck dropped his jaw, before laughing loudly, hand thumping against the table. “What?!” she giggled, shrugging. “Those fucking kids came outta nowhere, it’s not like it’s actually possible to curve a paintball! I was aiming for the other team, they just…sorta got in the way. Not my fault they took it to the face.”
       Tuck had to curl in, head on the table, as his body shook with laughter, before he looked up at her, grinning.
“That was your way of asking me out, right?” you teased, smiling brightly as he nodded his head.
“Even if it wasn’t, darling, it would definitely be after that story.” You giggled, shifting a little closer.
“I could get used to that.” At the quirk of his brow, you shrugged a little, resting your head on your hand, elbow against the table. “Being called darling.” Tuck slowly smiled again, this one soft but much more flirty than before.
“Then it is a good thing I like the way you blush when I call you that, isn’t it?” he murmured, reaching up to brush your hair behind your ear.
       FDR grinned to himself as he sipped his drink, turning away from the sight of the booth and winking at the bartender.
“Did it work?” she asked, chuckling as he nodded.
“Like a charm. What can I say? I’m good,” FDR replied, glancing back to see both you and Tuck leaning in close as you talked, completely unaware that he had no intention of coming back to the booth.
Buy me a KoFi?
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willowick13 · 5 years
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bubblyani · 6 years
Bold moves, No assumptions (Tuck Hanson x Reader)
Tuck Hanson One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Note: Ever since I watched “This Means War” I was quite disappointed with the ending aka Tuck not being chosen. Didn't make sense cause clearly he was the better choice. Enraged with this and his forced ending with his ex, I wrote this for anyone who shares the same frustration.Tuck Hanson, you deserved better. And here is my tribute to you <3.
P.S: Didn’t Tom Hardy looked supa fine as Tuck?
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You played safe in most situations in your life. And never dared to do something out of your comfort zone.  
But you always convinced yourself to be stronger and make some bold moves; you were just waiting for the right time to do so.
Working as a part of HR at the Agency might not be as exciting or glamorous, but you did enjoy it. You get to help people with internal matters and you took great pride in it. You’ve made friends with people within and outside of your department and some of them were simply a joy to know.
Agent Tuck Hanson was definitely the best one.
As time went by, you developed quite a soft spot for this charming gentleman of a Brit. He never failed to greet you at work and make your presence known. He would always try out your baked goods with much enthusiasm and you couldn’t help but respect his work ethic. His partner and best friend FDR, was nice too, but you could tell right away what kind of a guy he was. And you didn't really buy into that. Tuck might not be as smooth of a talker as FDR, but you appreciated his sincerity and romantic nature as a person.
When Tuck told you about this girl he found on this dating site, you were happy for him. But at the same time, you felt these feelings, which could only be described as “sour”. You kept ignoring this ‘sourness’ when it all went so well with Tuck and this girl “Lauren”.
But this became such a complicated screw up, when FDR accidentally ended up liking the SAME woman. At first, this immature fight over the same girl seemed so hilarious in your eyes. But when they started to use their power with background checks on her for interests and “sabotaging” each other’s attempts, you realized this was going WAY out of line.
“I don’t know guys, this seems a bit too much, and someone’s gonna get huuurt” you voiced your opinion with a tone of concern and a disapproving look.
And you could tell that Tuck always got embarrassed, as if he realized the insanity of their actions. But he quickly changed heart considering the competitive nature between the two friends.
You even remembered the day when the Heinrich assignment was completed. That was when Lauren finally made the choice. You found Tuck talking to Lauren when the medics arrived, and you remembered how he tried so hard to not let the rejection get to him. Even though you stood far away, you heart felt heavy and you felt bad in his place. You even questioned yourself as to why would you be THIS emotional for someone else’s loss.
That’s when you fully knew, how much you cared for Tuck Hanson.
All of this, flashed through your mind as you indulged on some nachos, looking out to the tables ahead, watching FDR and Lauren cozy up together, laughing, kissing and enjoying each other’s company at the Annual State Fair on a Thursday night.
Since the Lauren incident, Tuck enjoyed your company more often and you didn't mind it all. And when Tuck said he would be going to the fair with a date, you were more than happy to be there to rescue him if anything went sideways.
You just didn't really expect to see THEM there, at the same place, in the same time, together, rubbing it all in Tuck’s face, if he ever did see them.
Suddenly you felt frustrated and angry, but you were also bold. A part of you was surprised when you got up from your seat to walk over to the ‘happy couple’.
 “Lauren? Lauren Scott?”
“Oh hey (Y/N)! Didn't expect to see YOU here.” FDR got up happily to show off his new girlfriend. “Lauren...this is (Y/N), she works in HR at the uh…Agency”
“OMG…Hey! Nice to meet you (Y/N)!”
You and Lauren shook hands. You couldn't help but be awed by Lauren, with her golden hair and beautiful smile; she definitely exuded rays of sunshine.
No wonder Tuck fell for her, you thought.
“Yeah, you too. Um…sorry to barge in like this, but uh…I just…I just-” you took a deep breath. “I’m really happy for you guys, really. But I just gotta ask, woman to woman.  You really picked FDR over Tuck? REALLY? REALLY?” your voice grew louder by the word. And you swore your expression might have changed into something not so pleasant.
Oh no…here I go.
“REALLY? I mean…WHY?” you continued.
“Uh…(Y/N) I’m sitting right here-“ FDR interrupted.
“FDR PLEASE! Just PLEASE!” you motioned him to shut up.
“I get it, FDR is a softie underneath all that smooth, ladies man bullshit. But what about the good guys? What about people like Tuck? He is the perfect gentleman. And from what happened between you guys, all seemed to go so well right? Sorry for sounding so nosy, I know this seems over line. But seriously Lauren, I just don't understand. Yes, FDR is a lovely person and he has had a rough time growing up so yes he needs the right girl. But so does Tuck! You met HIM first, you liked HIM first. And In the end you decided to go with THIS GUY? SERIOUSLY? I just...I don't get it. There was barely anything wrong with that man, he was really in love with you, you know. You really made a HUGE MISTAKE!”
Lauren looked like she just got slapped. And FDR was pissed off big time, but trying to repress his anger. He quickly got up rushing towards you.
“Lauren I’m SO sorry, (Y/N) can be a LITTLE crazy sometimes” FDR began,
“(Y/N) maybe you should go home”
“I’m FINE! Don’t worry I’m leaving I’m leaving!” you shook his hand away from you.
“By the way, It was nice to meet you Lauren” your expression changed, you couldn't help but smile sincerely at Lauren. Cause in truth, Lauren seemed like a great gal.
“You look really pretty” you turned to walk away. For a second, you felt this huge burden leave your shoulders. 
You turned to find Tuck running up to you “Where are you off to luv?” 
“I’m going home, I’m not feeling so good” you replied with a tight smile.
He eyed you sternly, “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“Trust me, I’m fine. Sorry Tuck” your voice grew softer, patting him on the shoulder.
FDR approached Tuck, who watched you walk away with a confused expression.
“Is (Y/N) okay?” Tuck asked his friend. “Well she certainly didn't seem right in head to me” FDR replied angrily, shaking his head.
“I really don't follow” Tuck got even more confused.
“Tuck, you’re not gonna BELIEVE what just happened”
As much as you didn't want to face FDR the next day at work, you also wanted to apologize for being a jerk in front of Lauren. You came to work early as usual. As you were heading to get a pot of coffee, you stopped by Tuck’s table to check up on him.
“Good Morning Mr.Hanson…or should I say Handsome?? Hah!” you greeted him teasingly. He smiled warmly while typing some emails. “ ‘Morning Luv! You feeling better today?” he closed his laptop to look at you.
“Oh it was just a headache, a good night’s rest did the trick” you gave him thumbs up, automatically looking over to FDR’s table “What happened to FDR?”
“Oh he took the day off today so wont be coming in” Tuck replied, turning side to side on his chair.
“I see…Oh! Dude…how did the date go last night?”
Tuck opened his mouth but stopped himself to think of a better reply. Chuckling, he went “Oh…you know, didn't work out that well” he shrugged his shoulders. You didn't believe him. “What? That's insane…I saw the lucky lady and she looked hawt!” you folded your hands leaning on FDR’s table. “Yeah I guess, but we didn't really click that well in the end” he replied nonchalantly. You still didn't believe him.
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that Tuck. Maybe it didn't work out for a reason. So, have hope!” you cheered him and while walking away to get that coffee.
“I will ” Tuck whispered, watching you leave, and hoping you were right.
Few days later, you heard some colleagues talking about this dangerous mission Tuck was assigned to, and how he will be going out to the field. You rushed to look for Tuck, finding him leaving his table to get ready.
“Please…please be careful, and promise me you’ll be okay” you felt so corny, saying all these things to him. Tuck, touched by your worried reaction, reached out to hold your hand.
“Don't worry luv! I’ll be fine, I promise” he sounded sure. You nodded in acknowledgment, trying not to be distracted by the warmth of his touch.
Hours later, Tuck returned to the Agency after a successful mission, but also with a few bruises. He insisted he didn't need a cleanup. But with your persuasion, a medic came by to fix him up. When the medic left, you came in to the room and sat on a chair next to the door, facing a sitting Mr. Hanson on a chair next to the bed, looking exhausted.
“ You really didn't have to call on medic for this, luv” Tuck pointed at the several cuts and scars on his face which didn't seem so severe.
“Doesn't matter the severity, you needed cleaning up.” You crossed your legs “I heard you did a great job today, I’m REALLY proud of you, you know” you meant every word you said, smiling.
Tuck smiled back, but quickly looked down. Pursing his lips, he looked up and spoke shyly,
“FDR told me what happened at the fair.”
You felt the whole world crashing down on you as if the worse nightmare has happened. You wanted to get away from this room.
“I’m so sorry about th-“ you quickly got up
“No please! Don’t go “ Tuck said hurriedly, motioning you to stay. “Please stay” his voice got softer. You slowly sat down, afraid of what might come out of his mouth next.
“To be honest, it felt quite nice to hear that someone was speaking on behalf of me...”he continued, his blue eyes on you, begging for you to look back at him.
“But I just got to ask...why? Why would you do that (Y/N)?”
You summed the courage to look up at him, praying you won’t get your heart broken by rejection.
“You know, I’m not the one to pick a fight Tuck, I really am not” you began,
“…But that day, when I saw them together, I just couldn’t take it. Why must FDR only deserved to be happy and not you? Why must that happen when you did nothing but be a great guy. The spying thing was CRAZY, I WILL say that. But even from the beginning, Even WITHOUT the spying, you were doing SO well and you STILL didn’t get the girl. And it JUST PISSED ME OFF” the more you spoke the braver you sounded. You sat on the edge of your seat.
“And it pissed me off a hell lot cause I...I...” with eyes closed, you took a deep breath, clenching your fists.
“I have liked you for a really long time Tuck”
You maintained eye contact as you finished. 
There it was, bold move number two.
You couldn’t read Tuck’s expression, but it did look as if he wasn’t expecting that. 
“(Y/N)!-“ he let out a chuckle. “What?” You were dying of curiosity. He moved around in his seat as if to calm oneself. Was he nervous?
“You might have not known this, but when I first met you in the Agency, I thought you were quite lovely” 
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Actually, I thought you were very beautiful, and seeing you around always cheered me up” you blinked fast; you didn’t know how to react.
Am I dreaming? 
“I even went so far to assume you already had a boyfriend-“
“You what?” That escaped your lips faster than you could think. Loudly too. 
Tuck smiled, he found your reaction adorable. “ Come on (Y/N)! Was I wrong to assume that? Why would someone like you want someone like me?” 
“You CAN’T say that! That’s my line ” you protested, to which Tuck burst out laughing. You couldn’t help but chuckle. You adored the way Tuck laughed. You loved seeing him happy.
Fuck! I really like him. 
“Anyways, after a while the Lauren thing happened, and then with Katie again and, nothing seemed to fit right with me” his tone changed, and it was sad.
You just had enough of this. You just couldn’t take it. 
Standing up, you slowly walked over to him, not breaking eye contact. Tuck looked surprised as you suddenly sat on his lap. You longed for courage as your hands found his face, fingers touching his skin so softly. 
Savor this moment.
Slowly moving forward, you kissed him. 
You kissed him like it was your first and last time. 
You kissed him, trying to pour all your feelings into one kiss cause you were afraid this will be your only chance.
5 seconds, it lasted 5 seconds.
You removed your lips from his, giving him a soft smile, stroking his cheek with your thumbs looking at his fazed expression. You sighed deeply. You got up.
Frankly you really didn’t want to let this one go.
To your surprise, neither did Tuck. 
He grabbed your hand, his grip hard as steel, so strong you fell back to his lap. You looked at him with shock. 
“Tuck, what are y-“ 
“No more assuming,” he breathed, pulling you to a kiss.
Kissing Tuck was lovely. Tuck kissing you was magical. But when this was fused together, it was just fireworks. It certainly didn't seem so unfamiliar; at least not by the way Tuck was touching you. He held you up so you could straddle him. Lips were in a conversation of its own.
Where the fuck have you been?  
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you felt his hands run up and down your back, finally settling down to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. The kisses turned deeper and more passionate. The distance between the two of you got smaller, to the point of the bodies grinding against one another.
Tuck broke off the kiss reluctantly, and you suddenly returned to earth.
“(Y/N)…uh...I…” he panted, gently holding your cheek “ as much as I would like to continue THIS, I really want to do this RIGHT, you know, take you out on a date first” he spoke earnestly, looking in to your eyes.
You giggled, “Hehehe…yeah true. I’d like that too…” You felt so ecstatic you hugged him super tightly,
“Finally, I have you ALL to myself” you whispered excitedly to his ear.
“You can’t say THAT!  That’s MY line” Tuck responded teasingly, hugging you back.
Tuck WAS the better guy, and he made YOU the better girl.
With the help of a few bold moves you will never regret.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more
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marvelgirl7 · 6 years
Movies/ Shows where I would have stayed with the guy.
The Goblin King lol 
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The Phantom
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This is just the three at the top of my head lol. If anyone can think of more please add! Curious if anyone else has anymore. If you don’t agree with my choices thats fine as well :D 
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Tuck Hansen Masterlist
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New Girl
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lightwoodt · 6 years
Imagine: Tom Hardy looking at you like this ❤
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(credit to who made this beautiful gif)
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