#Tuck Hanson x Reader
clairecrive · 5 years
“Cupid’s strike”- Tuck Hanson x reader [Requested]
This imagine was requested from a girl on Wattpad as a way to make up for that awful ending. Tuck is a baby and he deserves everything. This is my first time writing him but wouldn’t mind doing it more. 
As I’ve said on monday, I don’t have a lot of time but I’m doing my best and writing on different projects. Blurbs are still a thing if you’d like and in the mean time, I’d really like to know what you think about this.
Hope you’re all safe and doing well!
Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye​, @mollybegger-blog​, @br0ck-eddie​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @fandom--0verdose​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @evelynshelby​ (let me know if you wanna be added)
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"Hello, boys! Whatcha doing?" Y/n makes her entrance in her fellow agents' room. However, she doesn't get a reply, the boys were too busy staring at each other with their mouths open. Was that a new game they were playing? Not really thinking about it, knowing them and their goofiness, she just steps further into the room and from her new position, she could see what was on their computer that had made them lose their ability to speak.
"Who's that?" She then asks more intrigued. On the desktop, there was a picture of a blonde woman, charming smile, kind eyes. She seems nice enough.
"Lauren Scott?" FDR says not really talking to you but more with Tuck who by the expression on his face, knew exactly who he was talking about.
"So, let me ask again: who is that?" y/n asked again, not really liking the way her question kept going over their heads.
FDR was actually the one who explains the whole thing to you. Apparently, Tuck was looking for a partner and had registered on a dating app. That was how he met Lauren. FDR on the other hand, met Lauren in a more creepy way, as it was in his style. But, on the same day that she had first met Tuck, she had agreed to go on a date with him. Y/N didn't know Lauren but by this account alone, she decides that she doesn't like her. She knew that Tuck and FDR had a very strong and tight friendship but she also knew how the love for a woman can destroy relationships. It happens all the time and seeing the way they're looking at each other, she fears this could happen with them too.
"You know what? You date her. It's okay." FDR then says to Tuck after he's finished talking with Y/N
"Yeah well, it wouldn't be fair to you." He says shrugging his shoulders
"What do you mean? You think she would choose you?" Tuck's ego has been bruised by his friend insinuation. Y/N knew that when it came to women and their current romantic situation, the boys couldn't be more different. While FDR had a way about him that somehow managed to make every woman want to be with him, Tuck was a sweetheart and hadn't really put himself out there since his divorce. Maybe FDR was right, he would probably charm his way into Lauren's heart or piece of underwear and Tuck would be left behind. It sucks to say, but it's probably how it would go, both Tuck and FDR knew it. Hell, even Y/N knew it but thought it to be complete bullshit. She never really understood how women keep falling for FDR when he's basically playing by the book. One look at him and you would understand that he's going to break your heart. Sure, he was handsome, Y/N could see that, but so was Tuck.
For Y/N it was really a no brainer when it came to choose between the two but apparently that was not the case for Lauren. Lost in her thoughts, she came back to hear that the boys were setting some ground rules to court Lauren?
"Wait, are you actually going through with this?" She asks hoping to get a negative answer. Was she the only one that realized the foolishness of this situation?
"Yeah, we are," FDR exclaimed angrily typing on his keyboard.
"Tuck?" Y/N then turns to her favorite, hoping that he could be more reasonable than his friend.
"Yes. Yes, we are." To her dismay, came his reply along with a serious glace while he too typed angrily. Ugh, boys.
Shaking your head you were sure to manifest your dissent about their reached agreement, walking out of their room. This was not going to be nice.
Y/N always like to be right about something. That was one of the reasons why she chose to be a C.I.A. agent. She knew what was best and wanted to make things right. However, in this case, she would have much preferred to be wrong.
After that day in their office, things between the two friends became tense. They had formed two teams, men that they had personally recruited to gather as much information as they could on Lauren. And of course, to sabotage the other's dates with her. While Y/N admitted that it was kinda fun to see FDR make a total fool of himself while describing a paint, she was also worried for Tuck. It seemed like he was starting to really care for this woman and she couldn't get her head around as to why. Yes, she was attractive but there were so many good looking women out there that don't date two guys at the same time. I mean, why would any of them want to be with someone that could be so double-sided?
She refused to take part in this absurdity and mostly kept to herself. Although she had a good relationship with them, she had always been closer with Tuck. She had admitted to herself a long time ago that she had a crush on him, but with his divorce first and now Lauren, she never found the courage to let him know.
"Hey Y/N." Turning around she saw Tuck walking her way. Speaking of the devil...
"Hello, Tuck." She greeted him back, without her usual chirpiness.
"What's up?" He tries to make conversation while waiting for his coffee to be ready.
"Nothing much. What about you?"
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"Just managed to make FDR look like a complete baffoon, so I'd say pretty good." He says giving you that charming smile that made you smile back like an idiot.
"You're still on with that plan, eh?" She asked even though she knew he was.
"Absolutely. Wait- are you on FDR's team? Is that why you're not with me?" He asks suspiciously.
"As if," she scoffs at the insinuation," I'm on no one's team. This whole thing is stupid." Y/N finally speaks her mind to him.
"You think so?" He looks taken back and somehow that only managed to anger her more.
"Of course I do and I honestly don't know how you both don't see it. I mean, FDR is pretty slow I've always thought that, but you? You actually surprised me, Tuck."
"By the way you're saying it, it's not in a good way is it?"
"Why would you even be with someone that dates your best friend behind your back? She doesn't know that you two know each other so she's just playing it safe, leading both of you on until she makes up her mind. Sounds to me she's not worth the fuss you're both making." Speaking her mind had never felt so good, the only thing is that now she doesn't think she can stop.
"I mean, look at you, Tuck. You're a fucking catch! You're rather easy on the eye, you're smart, you're sweet, you're thoughtful. If she doesn't appreciate this enough to stick to you then it's her loss. You're certainly not losing anything by not ending up with her." Maybe by getting this off her chest, she has let on more than she wanted to, but she was happy nonetheless. Even if Tuck chose to keep pining after Lauren, ignoring what she said and what she implied, at least she had tried.
The awkward silence that fell between them wasn't expected and now y/n was feeling more nervous than ever under the scrutiny of those beautiful eyes. So, with a quick goodbye, she excused herself and walked away.
The next time she came across Tuck, he was whispering about something with FDR in the hall only to stop as soon as he saw her approaching. FDR turned around to see what had made him stop talking and when he saw y/n's silhouette disappearing in one of the rooms, he understood why his best friend was all about. A part of him, the selfish one, was glad that Tuck was taking a step back from this competition they had going on, the other one though, the one that cared deeply about his friend, was actually relieved to see him pining after someone that could actually return his feelings. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, but he could swear that Lauren would choose him and while it was obviously what he wanted, he wouldn't have enjoyed it if it would leave his best friend heartbroken in the process. He had known y/n almost as long as he had known and while he hadn't the same tight bond he shared with the British man, he knew that she was a kind heart and could be very sweet despite her ability to knock a guy twice her size in two seconds. In a way she was the perfect fit for Tuck, he wonders how he had never thought about it before, it was so obvious.
Well, it's never too late for Cupid to strike, right?
Pairing the two together was easier than FDR first thought. Neither of them had the littlest suspicion about the other's feelings. Well, Tuck had thought about it but by the way y/n had been avoiding him since their last conversation, he had dismissed the idea without a second thought. For FDR it was so amusing to see, two of their best agent, completely clueless about the situation they had put themselves in. Smirking at the plan that was forming in his head, he started to make all the calls necessary to arrange it. This is going to be fun.
The plan was very simple actually, just try to create the occasion where both of them would have to spend time alone so they'll be forced to talk about it at one point. Or so he thought, the success of his plan was based entirely on that. Having arranged everything, he sat in the surveillance room, from where he could see everything and everyone. As planned, y/n and Tuck were both carrying out their tasks in adjacent rooms. So that when FDR would set off the alarm, they would be the nearest agents to the room where the supposed intruders are going to be. Knowing them, as soon as they'd learn their position, they'd sprung into action and volunteer to solve the problem. And that's exactly what happened, much to FDR amusement and satisfaction.
"I'm on it." Their voice came simultaneously through the microphones of the computers he was watching them on. Tuck met her outside the incriminated room and after a nod of agreement, she kicked the door open and they entered the room covering each other's back. The room was dark, there wasn't much to see, but they were on high alert expecting someone to attack them at any moment. Back to back, they were venturing far in, when the sudden sound of the door being closed and locked startled them. Looking at each other in the dark, they quietly walked towards it only to check that it was indeed locked. Figuring that it was the intruders that had trapped them inside, they went to notify their team.
"They've trapped us in here." Tuck let FDR know, none the wiser about the fact that his friend was behind this all.
"And that's how it should be." FDR finally came clean, enjoying Tuck's confused expression and y/n clearly fed up with him one.
"What are you up to?" y/n asked putting away her gun and relaxing her stance already catching on with the fact that there probably weren't any intruders.
"You both needed a little push, so here it is mate. No need to thank me." He said mainly speaking to Tuck, who immediately grasped what his friend was hinting to. Groaning a little, he swore under his breath, frustrated at his friend antics but at the same time grateful that he had given him a little nudge in the right direction. Not that he had to know that
"What's he on about?" y/n's defeated voice snapped him out of his reverie.
Come on Tuck, now's your time. You can do it, mate.
"Oh, you know FDR. He's always on to something. This time though, I might know what he's up to." Taking his time, he strolled over where he thought she should be. Not that y/n could see him, but being nice to her made this all more intimate he thought.
"Is it something that I'd want to know?" Her voice worked as an indicator of her position and so far she was pretty close to him. An arm away, he guessed.
"I think so, yeah. I'd like to know if you'd like to come to a date with us?"
"And why would I want to be the fourth wheel? " As a matter of fact, she pointed out. She thought she had made it abundantly clear that she wasn't a fan of this situation they had put themselves in. Apparently not, she thought.
"That's not what you'd be doing, darling. I was thinking more of a double date situation. If you're okay with it, that it is."
Okay, this was something she hadn't seen coming. Was he asking her out? But then what about Lauren? Wasn't he all hellbent to conquer her heart?
"I'm not sure I'd like to go on a date with FDR. He's handsome and all but not really my type." She said playing coy, wanting to lure him out and be upfront about it. She wasn't going to let it be all mysterious and vague. Game time was over.
"I'm not sure I'd like that either," Tuck admitted letting out a small chuckle playing along, "that's why you'd be going on a date with me." He finally said.
If there was even the smallest amount of light, she was sure that Tuck would be creeped out by how big she was smiling. Y/n couldn't believe her ears. She'd been waiting to hear these words for what it felt like ages. Was she really that blessed to be asked out by such a lovely, charming man, who she knows to be loyal and kind?
"Is this a situation where silence means yes or is it more like "I'm trying to find the right words to say no"?" Apparently, she had been lost in her thoughts for too long and now Tuck was questioning himself.
"This is one of those situations where you've been waiting for something to happen for so long that when it does, you can't believe it," Y/n voice finally filled the room, relieving Tuck of any doubts and making him blush a little. Thank god it was so dark in here.
"So, I'll take that as a yes." He concluded.
"Your intuition has always been your strongest asset." She joked trying to soothe the embarrassment she was feeling. What a fool she was, thank god that Tuck was such a gentleman that he didn't mention it.
What Y/N didn't know though, was that Tuck too was lost into his little world where a miniature version of himself was jumping around doing a happy dance from finally scoring a date with the girl of his dreams.
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bubblyani · 6 years
Bold moves, No assumptions (Tuck Hanson x Reader)
Tuck Hanson One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Note: Ever since I watched “This Means War” I was quite disappointed with the ending aka Tuck not being chosen. Didn't make sense cause clearly he was the better choice. Enraged with this and his forced ending with his ex, I wrote this for anyone who shares the same frustration.Tuck Hanson, you deserved better. And here is my tribute to you <3.
P.S: Didn’t Tom Hardy looked supa fine as Tuck?
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You played safe in most situations in your life. And never dared to do something out of your comfort zone.  
But you always convinced yourself to be stronger and make some bold moves; you were just waiting for the right time to do so.
Working as a part of HR at the Agency might not be as exciting or glamorous, but you did enjoy it. You get to help people with internal matters and you took great pride in it. You’ve made friends with people within and outside of your department and some of them were simply a joy to know.
Agent Tuck Hanson was definitely the best one.
As time went by, you developed quite a soft spot for this charming gentleman of a Brit. He never failed to greet you at work and make your presence known. He would always try out your baked goods with much enthusiasm and you couldn’t help but respect his work ethic. His partner and best friend FDR, was nice too, but you could tell right away what kind of a guy he was. And you didn't really buy into that. Tuck might not be as smooth of a talker as FDR, but you appreciated his sincerity and romantic nature as a person.
When Tuck told you about this girl he found on this dating site, you were happy for him. But at the same time, you felt these feelings, which could only be described as “sour”. You kept ignoring this ‘sourness’ when it all went so well with Tuck and this girl “Lauren”.
But this became such a complicated screw up, when FDR accidentally ended up liking the SAME woman. At first, this immature fight over the same girl seemed so hilarious in your eyes. But when they started to use their power with background checks on her for interests and “sabotaging” each other’s attempts, you realized this was going WAY out of line.
“I don’t know guys, this seems a bit too much, and someone’s gonna get huuurt” you voiced your opinion with a tone of concern and a disapproving look.
And you could tell that Tuck always got embarrassed, as if he realized the insanity of their actions. But he quickly changed heart considering the competitive nature between the two friends.
You even remembered the day when the Heinrich assignment was completed. That was when Lauren finally made the choice. You found Tuck talking to Lauren when the medics arrived, and you remembered how he tried so hard to not let the rejection get to him. Even though you stood far away, you heart felt heavy and you felt bad in his place. You even questioned yourself as to why would you be THIS emotional for someone else’s loss.
That’s when you fully knew, how much you cared for Tuck Hanson.
All of this, flashed through your mind as you indulged on some nachos, looking out to the tables ahead, watching FDR and Lauren cozy up together, laughing, kissing and enjoying each other’s company at the Annual State Fair on a Thursday night.
Since the Lauren incident, Tuck enjoyed your company more often and you didn't mind it all. And when Tuck said he would be going to the fair with a date, you were more than happy to be there to rescue him if anything went sideways.
You just didn't really expect to see THEM there, at the same place, in the same time, together, rubbing it all in Tuck’s face, if he ever did see them.
Suddenly you felt frustrated and angry, but you were also bold. A part of you was surprised when you got up from your seat to walk over to the ‘happy couple’.
 “Lauren? Lauren Scott?”
“Oh hey (Y/N)! Didn't expect to see YOU here.” FDR got up happily to show off his new girlfriend. “Lauren...this is (Y/N), she works in HR at the uh…Agency”
“OMG…Hey! Nice to meet you (Y/N)!”
You and Lauren shook hands. You couldn't help but be awed by Lauren, with her golden hair and beautiful smile; she definitely exuded rays of sunshine.
No wonder Tuck fell for her, you thought.
“Yeah, you too. Um…sorry to barge in like this, but uh…I just…I just-” you took a deep breath. “I’m really happy for you guys, really. But I just gotta ask, woman to woman.  You really picked FDR over Tuck? REALLY? REALLY?” your voice grew louder by the word. And you swore your expression might have changed into something not so pleasant.
Oh no…here I go.
“REALLY? I mean…WHY?” you continued.
“Uh…(Y/N) I’m sitting right here-“ FDR interrupted.
“FDR PLEASE! Just PLEASE!” you motioned him to shut up.
“I get it, FDR is a softie underneath all that smooth, ladies man bullshit. But what about the good guys? What about people like Tuck? He is the perfect gentleman. And from what happened between you guys, all seemed to go so well right? Sorry for sounding so nosy, I know this seems over line. But seriously Lauren, I just don't understand. Yes, FDR is a lovely person and he has had a rough time growing up so yes he needs the right girl. But so does Tuck! You met HIM first, you liked HIM first. And In the end you decided to go with THIS GUY? SERIOUSLY? I just...I don't get it. There was barely anything wrong with that man, he was really in love with you, you know. You really made a HUGE MISTAKE!”
Lauren looked like she just got slapped. And FDR was pissed off big time, but trying to repress his anger. He quickly got up rushing towards you.
“Lauren I’m SO sorry, (Y/N) can be a LITTLE crazy sometimes” FDR began,
“(Y/N) maybe you should go home”
“I’m FINE! Don’t worry I’m leaving I’m leaving!” you shook his hand away from you.
“By the way, It was nice to meet you Lauren” your expression changed, you couldn't help but smile sincerely at Lauren. Cause in truth, Lauren seemed like a great gal.
“You look really pretty” you turned to walk away. For a second, you felt this huge burden leave your shoulders. 
You turned to find Tuck running up to you “Where are you off to luv?” 
“I’m going home, I’m not feeling so good” you replied with a tight smile.
He eyed you sternly, “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“Trust me, I’m fine. Sorry Tuck” your voice grew softer, patting him on the shoulder.
FDR approached Tuck, who watched you walk away with a confused expression.
“Is (Y/N) okay?” Tuck asked his friend. “Well she certainly didn't seem right in head to me” FDR replied angrily, shaking his head.
“I really don't follow” Tuck got even more confused.
“Tuck, you’re not gonna BELIEVE what just happened”
As much as you didn't want to face FDR the next day at work, you also wanted to apologize for being a jerk in front of Lauren. You came to work early as usual. As you were heading to get a pot of coffee, you stopped by Tuck’s table to check up on him.
“Good Morning Mr.Hanson…or should I say Handsome?? Hah!” you greeted him teasingly. He smiled warmly while typing some emails. “ ‘Morning Luv! You feeling better today?” he closed his laptop to look at you.
“Oh it was just a headache, a good night’s rest did the trick” you gave him thumbs up, automatically looking over to FDR’s table “What happened to FDR?”
“Oh he took the day off today so wont be coming in” Tuck replied, turning side to side on his chair.
“I see…Oh! Dude…how did the date go last night?”
Tuck opened his mouth but stopped himself to think of a better reply. Chuckling, he went “Oh…you know, didn't work out that well” he shrugged his shoulders. You didn't believe him. “What? That's insane…I saw the lucky lady and she looked hawt!” you folded your hands leaning on FDR’s table. “Yeah I guess, but we didn't really click that well in the end” he replied nonchalantly. You still didn't believe him.
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that Tuck. Maybe it didn't work out for a reason. So, have hope!” you cheered him and while walking away to get that coffee.
“I will ” Tuck whispered, watching you leave, and hoping you were right.
Few days later, you heard some colleagues talking about this dangerous mission Tuck was assigned to, and how he will be going out to the field. You rushed to look for Tuck, finding him leaving his table to get ready.
“Please…please be careful, and promise me you’ll be okay” you felt so corny, saying all these things to him. Tuck, touched by your worried reaction, reached out to hold your hand.
“Don't worry luv! I’ll be fine, I promise” he sounded sure. You nodded in acknowledgment, trying not to be distracted by the warmth of his touch.
Hours later, Tuck returned to the Agency after a successful mission, but also with a few bruises. He insisted he didn't need a cleanup. But with your persuasion, a medic came by to fix him up. When the medic left, you came in to the room and sat on a chair next to the door, facing a sitting Mr. Hanson on a chair next to the bed, looking exhausted.
“ You really didn't have to call on medic for this, luv” Tuck pointed at the several cuts and scars on his face which didn't seem so severe.
“Doesn't matter the severity, you needed cleaning up.” You crossed your legs “I heard you did a great job today, I’m REALLY proud of you, you know” you meant every word you said, smiling.
Tuck smiled back, but quickly looked down. Pursing his lips, he looked up and spoke shyly,
“FDR told me what happened at the fair.”
You felt the whole world crashing down on you as if the worse nightmare has happened. You wanted to get away from this room.
“I’m so sorry about th-“ you quickly got up
“No please! Don’t go “ Tuck said hurriedly, motioning you to stay. “Please stay” his voice got softer. You slowly sat down, afraid of what might come out of his mouth next.
“To be honest, it felt quite nice to hear that someone was speaking on behalf of me...”he continued, his blue eyes on you, begging for you to look back at him.
“But I just got to ask...why? Why would you do that (Y/N)?”
You summed the courage to look up at him, praying you won’t get your heart broken by rejection.
“You know, I’m not the one to pick a fight Tuck, I really am not” you began,
“…But that day, when I saw them together, I just couldn’t take it. Why must FDR only deserved to be happy and not you? Why must that happen when you did nothing but be a great guy. The spying thing was CRAZY, I WILL say that. But even from the beginning, Even WITHOUT the spying, you were doing SO well and you STILL didn’t get the girl. And it JUST PISSED ME OFF” the more you spoke the braver you sounded. You sat on the edge of your seat.
“And it pissed me off a hell lot cause I...I...” with eyes closed, you took a deep breath, clenching your fists.
“I have liked you for a really long time Tuck”
You maintained eye contact as you finished. 
There it was, bold move number two.
You couldn’t read Tuck’s expression, but it did look as if he wasn’t expecting that. 
“(Y/N)!-“ he let out a chuckle. “What?” You were dying of curiosity. He moved around in his seat as if to calm oneself. Was he nervous?
“You might have not known this, but when I first met you in the Agency, I thought you were quite lovely” 
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Actually, I thought you were very beautiful, and seeing you around always cheered me up” you blinked fast; you didn’t know how to react.
Am I dreaming? 
“I even went so far to assume you already had a boyfriend-“
“You what?” That escaped your lips faster than you could think. Loudly too. 
Tuck smiled, he found your reaction adorable. “ Come on (Y/N)! Was I wrong to assume that? Why would someone like you want someone like me?” 
“You CAN’T say that! That’s my line ” you protested, to which Tuck burst out laughing. You couldn’t help but chuckle. You adored the way Tuck laughed. You loved seeing him happy.
Fuck! I really like him. 
“Anyways, after a while the Lauren thing happened, and then with Katie again and, nothing seemed to fit right with me” his tone changed, and it was sad.
You just had enough of this. You just couldn’t take it. 
Standing up, you slowly walked over to him, not breaking eye contact. Tuck looked surprised as you suddenly sat on his lap. You longed for courage as your hands found his face, fingers touching his skin so softly. 
Savor this moment.
Slowly moving forward, you kissed him. 
You kissed him like it was your first and last time. 
You kissed him, trying to pour all your feelings into one kiss cause you were afraid this will be your only chance.
5 seconds, it lasted 5 seconds.
You removed your lips from his, giving him a soft smile, stroking his cheek with your thumbs looking at his fazed expression. You sighed deeply. You got up.
Frankly you really didn’t want to let this one go.
To your surprise, neither did Tuck. 
He grabbed your hand, his grip hard as steel, so strong you fell back to his lap. You looked at him with shock. 
“Tuck, what are y-“ 
“No more assuming,” he breathed, pulling you to a kiss.
Kissing Tuck was lovely. Tuck kissing you was magical. But when this was fused together, it was just fireworks. It certainly didn't seem so unfamiliar; at least not by the way Tuck was touching you. He held you up so you could straddle him. Lips were in a conversation of its own.
Where the fuck have you been?  
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you felt his hands run up and down your back, finally settling down to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. The kisses turned deeper and more passionate. The distance between the two of you got smaller, to the point of the bodies grinding against one another.
Tuck broke off the kiss reluctantly, and you suddenly returned to earth.
“(Y/N)…uh...I…” he panted, gently holding your cheek “ as much as I would like to continue THIS, I really want to do this RIGHT, you know, take you out on a date first” he spoke earnestly, looking in to your eyes.
You giggled, “Hehehe…yeah true. I’d like that too…” You felt so ecstatic you hugged him super tightly,
“Finally, I have you ALL to myself” you whispered excitedly to his ear.
“You can’t say THAT!  That’s MY line” Tuck responded teasingly, hugging you back.
Tuck WAS the better guy, and he made YOU the better girl.
With the help of a few bold moves you will never regret.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more
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fightmewiatch · 5 years
57 with tuck hansen 💕
A/N: Oh my god, I hope this is okay?! I got interrupted so many times I couldn’t figure out how to end it. Ahhhh.
57) “There is enough room for both of us.”
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        The bar wasn’t absurdly loud, but it was buzzing with voices and music and laughter as you wound your way through the crowd towards the bar. After a long day at work, you had earned your drinks, but you’d gotten distracted as you came in, nearly forgetting to even grab something to quench your thirst.
“Y/N!” You stumbled, brow furrowing, and turned towards the sound of your name. The second your eyes fell on the piercing blue ones, squinting with a grin, you laughed, shaking your head and abandoning your quest to head towards the booth.
“Here I thought I’d be able to go out without encountering you, FDR,” you chuckled, smiling. “What’s going on?”
“Ah, out celebrating the end of the week with Tuck,” he replied, tipping his glass towards the other man in the booth, before taking a drink, the amber liquid disappearing between his lips. You turned your head, curious, and found yourself immediately blushing as the soft blue eyes met yours, his pink lips curling into a smile. “Tuck, this is Y/N. Sweetheart, this is my best friend Tuck. Shit, he’s pretty much my brother.” Tuck grinned, chuckling as he looked at FDR, before looking back up at you, nodding.
“Nice to meet you,” you promised, reaching down to shake his hand as he held it up for you.
“You too, darling,” Tuck replied, the sound of his accent making you bite your lip.
       Before you could say more, FDR jumped, nearly dropping his glass before he dug into his pockets and pulled out his phone, curious.
“Ah shit…sorry, I gotta take this, I’ll be right back,” he spoke up, hopping out of the booth as he answered. His voice disappeared into the bar as he headed towards the door, leaving you lingering beside the table, lip between your teeth. Clearing his throat, Tuck shifted, motioning towards the seat FDR just vacated.
“You can sit down if you want to…there is enough room for both of us,” he teased, making you laugh as you lowered yourself beside him in the booth.
“How long have you known FDR?” you asked, pushing your hair back and grabbing the glass FDR left behind. Tuck laughed as you sniffed it, before shrugging and taking a swig. “Don’t judge me, I need a drink.”
“Not judging, darling, promise!” he laughed, holding up his hands, before shaking his head a little. “Long time. We work together.” The way he left the sentence told you he was being careful, in case FDR had given you some bullshit cover story about what he did for a living. But instead of saying anything, you just nodded, moving to push your hair off your face as you sat back in the booth. “How about you?”
“Met him…about a year ago? I was a bartender downtown at the time. Not anymore,” you admitted, relieved, before shrugging.
“What do you do now?”
“It’s so boring compared to you guys, but, I’m an accountant,” you replied, making him cock his head, curious.
“Compared to us?” You quirked a brow, silently telling him that you knew what they did, before nodding. “Ah.”
“Yeah…don’t worry, lips are sealed,” you promised, blushing as he smiled. It was such a wholesome smile, and so much different than the one you usually got from FDR. His were usually flirty, devious, accompanied with a quirk of his brow, but Tuck was smiling softly, sweetly, no sign of a motive to being nice to you.
       It didn’t mean he wasn’t flirty, but it was a very gentle flirt, and he didn’t reach out to touch you more than a light brush of his hand to your arm as he laughed. God, the sound of it made your heart skip a beat, as you ducked your head, giggling softly. His smile, and his laugh, were things you would be happy to have in your life forever, they were sweet, and contagious. 
“Plans for the weekend?” he asked, curious, as you cleared your throat.
“Uh…not really. I usually work most weekends, but I needed a few days off, so I have no idea what I’m gonna do this weekend. What about you?” Tuck made a soft sound, thinking about the answer, but the both of them jumped as FDR laughed, flopping down in the open spot in the booth.
“Know what I think?” he asked, grinning, as he reached over for Tuck’s glass. “I mean, aside from one of you buying a new round?”
“Something naughty about the bartender?” you teased, nodding towards the blonde across the room. The way his lips curled against the glass made you and Tuck both snicker as FDR shook his head.
“Yes,but no. You guys should go out this weekend.”
       The both of you glanced at each other, surprised, but you felt yourself blush again, lip pulled once more between your teeth as Tuck furrowed his brow and looked back at his friend.
“Don’t really wanna step on your toes. Done that one, not in a rush to do it again,” Tuck reminded him, as FDR laughed, grabbing the other empty glass on the table.
“Step on my toes?! Man, we’re just friends,” he insisted, pointing at you, as you snickered, shaking your head.
“He’s too much of a flirt to get in my pants,” you told Tuck, grinning as he laughed, startled. “But, he’s fun to get a drink with.”
“He is! That is true,” Tuck agreed.
“My type is…less horn-dog, more…soft and sweet and makes me laugh,” you added, biting your lip as you glanced back at Tuck, hopeful. Catching your eye, Tuck felt himself warm, and swallowed, nodding.
“Well…in that case? How…do you feel about paintball?” Tuck asked, as FDR winked at you both, excusing himself to the bar.
“We will have to go somewhere outside of the city…I…may have been banned from the places here for being too aggressive.” Tuck dropped his jaw, before laughing loudly, hand thumping against the table. “What?!” she giggled, shrugging. “Those fucking kids came outta nowhere, it’s not like it’s actually possible to curve a paintball! I was aiming for the other team, they just…sorta got in the way. Not my fault they took it to the face.”
       Tuck had to curl in, head on the table, as his body shook with laughter, before he looked up at her, grinning.
“That was your way of asking me out, right?” you teased, smiling brightly as he nodded his head.
“Even if it wasn’t, darling, it would definitely be after that story.” You giggled, shifting a little closer.
“I could get used to that.” At the quirk of his brow, you shrugged a little, resting your head on your hand, elbow against the table. “Being called darling.” Tuck slowly smiled again, this one soft but much more flirty than before.
“Then it is a good thing I like the way you blush when I call you that, isn’t it?” he murmured, reaching up to brush your hair behind your ear.
       FDR grinned to himself as he sipped his drink, turning away from the sight of the booth and winking at the bartender.
“Did it work?” she asked, chuckling as he nodded.
“Like a charm. What can I say? I’m good,” FDR replied, glancing back to see both you and Tuck leaning in close as you talked, completely unaware that he had no intention of coming back to the booth.
Buy me a KoFi?
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Tuck Hansen Masterlist
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New Girl
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lightwoodt · 6 years
Imagine: Tom Hardy looking at you like this ❤
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(credit to who made this beautiful gif)
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saberdeity · 3 years
hi 🥺 i just read your tuck hanson imagine and 😭💕 i would really love to see more tuck content pls!! omg could u do a jealous tuck x reader?? maybe he’s like a protective one who gets so jealous whenever ppl flirt or try to make a move on her and it’s about time he also tells her how he feels !! tysm 😭😭
𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 - 𝑻𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒏
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pairing - tuck hanson x fem! reader
summary - tuck can't hide his jealousy any longer
warnings - strong language
a/n - Hi! thank you so much for the request and I really hope you like it! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write this I've been so busy with college I honestly haven't had the chance 💗
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Tuck chose what emotions he wanted to show, sometimes he didn't have a choice but to show what he was feeling. He'd always been drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Your confidence, ability to defuse a situation and handle your nerve in times even he struggled to made his mind melt.
Being a CIA agent, Tuck was taught to keep cool, keep his emotions in check and never to let them get the better of him but all of his training went out the window the minute it came down to you. Let's just say he wasn't looking forward to the next mission.
The plan was simple, get into the gala, get the information they needed and simply leave but of course you all knew it wasn't going to be that simple. You all had gotten dressed up, your dress was the perfect length and perfect style, sitting on all of your gorgeous curves that made Tuck want to scream how much he loved you.
You target was sat in the VIP section of the gala and there was only one way you knew to get up there, of course FDR and Tuck were arguing about how they were going to get there.
"Guys stop! have you ever heard of the phrase never send a man to do a woman's job?" You smirk, tapping Tuck's shoulder as you made your way to the VIP section, an extra sway in your hips.
You climbed the steps, one leg on the step above as you leaned over, talking to the bouncer whilst trying to get the targets attention. You battered your eyelashes when he made eye contact with you, signalling to the bouncer to let you through.
You introduced yourself and go the conversation started ordering him drink after drink to just get him to the edge. After a while he began blabbering information you wanted at you, the flirting starting to take its effect.
Tuck couldn't bare to watch the sight, you perched on his knee as his hand gradually got lower and lower. When his hand reached its point of rest, tuck let a loud growl rise from his throat. His fingers and knuckles turning white as he grips the glass tightly. He couldn't glare anymore at the guy if he tried.
You had never been more uncomfortable in your life but you knew it was for the best. This information was going to uncover everything you'd been searching for since you could remember. You all needed this so you had to hold out. Every time you tried to leave, he wouldn't let you and you were beginning to panic.
Just as you thought everything was going wrong. You heard the familiar soft British accent approaching. He'd pushed past the bouncer when he wasn't looking making his way over.
"sorry to disturb you ladies and gentleman but this lovely lady has somewhere else to be, excuse me" He smiles, pulling you off his lap and wrapping his arm around you waist. Leaving you and everyone astonished by what just happened. You smiled as he led you out, FDR waiting just outside in the car as you quickly jumped in.
As you watched the venue dissapear you couldn't help but let out the biggest sigh of relief when it was finally out of view. You sunk into your seat, closing your eyes to steady your heart rate.
"that was stupid y/n! You could've got really hurt" Tuck stated from the front seat.
"I know it wasn't the best plan but we were running out of options and we got the information that's all that matters" You reply
"that's not what matters and you know it" Tuck replies, turning his head to look forward.
You tried to speak to him throughout the journey but you got no reply. You wondered what bothered him so much, you had been in worst situations than that but he was reacting more to this one.
You entered the CIA compound where you were stationed, FDR going a different direction as you decided to follow Tuck and finally get answer.
"Tuck! talk to me please, I don't get why this is bothering you so much" You said
"Because I love you that's why!" Tuck snapped, your eyes widening as you gasp a little.
"you, you love me" You asked, a smile creeping onto your face
"I do love you yes, I do" He replied as he began running his hands over his face, realising what he'd done. "it's okay if you don't feel the.." He was adding until you cut him off with a soft kiss to his lips
"I have waited a fucking long time for you to say that" You chuckled, resting your hand on his cheek as you looked into his icy blue eyes.
"And I've waited a fucking long time to do that" He replied, kissing you softly again as you smiled against his lips.
"Hang on were you jealous" You asked, as his cheeks blushed a deep pink
"Maybe just a little bit" he replied, a wide smile set on his face. His head dropped to your shoulder as he chuckled.
"You should get jealous more often" You wiggled your eyebrows, finally in the arms of the man you love.
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kaffeinic · 5 years
Familiar | Bang Chan
Hey dear, I have this one shot/fanfiction idea but since I can't write I thought I'd request it from you x3 I can't stop thinking about a school AU in which Chan is a basketball player/captain and falls for the new girl in his class 🥺so if requests are open and if you have time, it would be nice if you could write that or something similar, thank you 💖
- @chansdimple
Pairing: High Schooler!Reader x Basketball Player!Bang Chan
Genre: Neutral // Romance
Warnings: Fem!Reader
Preamble: Change is extremely difficult, and moving to a new city with a new school was no exception. The classes are difficult, the people are loud, and the melodramatic behaviour seemed to constantly be at a ten. You felt suffocated - until you take a chance on a night out with a new friend.
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You were conflicted, to say the least.
The idea of starting anew, in a strange place, with strange people you didn’t know, was, well, strange. Your hands were clasping the hem of your shirt, fiddling with the fabric in an attempt to calm your mind. You hated this feeling. It wasn’t something you generally chased after.
On the other hand, knowing that you were about to walk into a building in which no one knew you was almost relieving, in its own way. All of your awkward moments and incredible public mishaps were now ancient history. No one here could possibly know about that time in the second grade when you tried to pet the class turtle and somehow, someway was outpaced by it. No one would know about those times when you were so exhausted from the night before that you actually walked directly into a door.
Feeling a mix of glee and terror, you adjusted your grip on your bag’s handle and pulled open the front door. You were immediately greeted by a swarm of students, all moving simultaneously to their desired classrooms. You glanced around the foyer until you spotted the main office, briskly walking inside.
There were stark white walls on all four sides of the room, most of which were decorated with various trophies, class photos, and calendars. Six chairs were lined against two of the walls, providing seating for two rather angry students.
“Are you aware of how many times you’ve both been sent into my office this month? Nine. Nine times. I didn’t even think it was possible to piss off your teachers that much! Now, you’re both getting into fistfights before classes even start!” A middle aged man in an unbutton grey work suit fixed his tie with a huff. “If this happens one more time, you’re both getting suspended. Do I make myself clear?” He asked. The two boys sitting on the chairs adjacent to the man nodded their heads. “Get out of here.”
You cleared your throat after watching as the two boys sulked out of the office. The man’s face suddenly lit up.
“Hello, there! You must be Y/n. I’m Mr. Hanson. I trust you had a warm welcome?” He asked. You cocked your head in curiosity.
“What welcome?” You asked. “Did I miss someone?” The man peered past your shoulder through the window of the office door.
“Ah, your welcome committee is a little preoccupied.” He said. He found his way past you to open the door, waving a group of students over. “She’s over here, guys.”
You watched as four students strolled into the room, each with a very distinct aura about them. The first was a boy with red hair and serious features. He wore a pair of red jeans and a white tee, tucked in towards the front. He held out his hand to you, suddenly smiling, which changed everything about the way you had perceived him.
“I’m Felix. It’s nice to meet you.” He said. You returned the smile and shook his hand.
The second person to greet you was a girl with straight black hair, and equally dark eyes. Her clothes were viciously pink, and she sported a pair of heels with a myriad of jewelry. She immediately slapped a seemingly fake smile onto her face and waved.
“I’m Stacey.” She said, adjusting the way her bag rested against her hip.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You said. She exposed teeth, then turned to Felix, grabbing hold of his arm. First impressions said that they were dating.
The third person in line was a blond haired boy with a smile that screamed cheer. His yellow tee and blue jeans seemed to convert the same message.
“Hey! I’m Jisung. It’s very nice to meet you, Y/n.” He said, shaking your hand. You smiled at his enthusiasm. “This is Chan.” Jisung said, gesturing towards the fourth and final student.
Chan donned a pair of ripped blue jeans, a black hoodie, and a jean jacket to top it all off. His hair was dyed an almost silvery colour, and his curly bangs laid across his forehead in a stylish way. He gave you a polite smile, waving at you. You waved back, trying to avoid breaching the personal space of the five people around you. Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the last of the wandering students to hustle their way to class.
“Alright. Y/n, I’ve chosen these particular students in part because of your shared class schedules. If you stick to them, you shouldn’t get lost. I wish you luck!” Mr. Hanson said. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes, thank you.”
The five of you made your way to what seemed to be the math classroom. In every classroom you entered, the sea of students would follow you with their gaze until you sat, and even then, some curious eyes would remain glued to your figure. Jisung and Stacey seemed to always be on either side of you, with Felix on the other side of Stacey, and Chan on the other side of Jisung. The day was mostly uneventful until your last class.
You had carefully selected your elective - photography. It was simple enough - or at least that’s what you thought - but held your interest as well.
The photography class was rather small, and the only people shared the class with were Stacey and Felix. Throughout the day, she seemed to grow ever-annoyed at your mere presence. Felix waved you over to where they both sat, smiling.
“C’mon, Y/n!” He exclaimed. You smiled warmly at his invitation and obliged, sliding on his opposite side. Stacey let out a huff, rapping her fingers on her desk.
“Where are Chan and Jisung?” You asked, placing your bag on the desk in front of you. Felix began to take his camera out of the case, setting it up for whatever it was that they were about to do.
“They have basketball practice during the elective periods. Chan is the captain, and Jisung is his right hand, in a sense. They both work out plays and stuff together.” Felix paused and looked at you. “I honestly don’t know anything about basketball. I hope that made sense.” He began laughing bashfully. You laughed along with him, your eyes pinching with glee.
“Alright. I got it.” You said, glancing at Stacey. She seemed to be in a progressively worse mood as you and Felix spoke. It took you all day, but you thought you might have finally figured her out. She was jealous, which you thought was absolutely ridiculous.
A moment later, the photography teacher - who also happened to be your history teacher - walked to the front of the class.
“Alright, guys. I know I told you all about what’s going on this week, but Y/n wasn’t here, so I’ll recap.” Mr. Hanson said. “You all have one week to create a fifteen photo portfolio of the nature near and on our school premises. Each of you can have one partner.” He said. “You’ll be graded individually, not as a pair, so I suggest you both work on it.”
You peered around the classroom. It seemed as if everyone already had a partner. You stood to delve further into the lump of students, but heard your name.
“Y/n, I could partner with you.” Felix said from his seat. “It’s your first time, and I know it’s hard to work with someone you haven’t met yet.” You smiled at him thankfully.
“Uh-” Stacey immediately chimed in. “Felix, honey, we’re partners.” She said. “Plus, I have the good camera.” She grinned and pointed at the camera case that sat neatly on her desk.
“Yeah, but I think it would be nice if I helped Y/n out.” He explained. “She’s still new.” Stacey deadpanned before shaking her head.
“Yeah, but I doubt she knows anything about photography, and this is too important of a portfolio to mess up.” She explained. You looked to the ground.
“It’s alright, Felix. Thanks, but I can find someone else.” You said. Felix frowned, but nodded.
“Alright, but let me know if you need any help.” He added. You smiled and made your way over to the other students. Most of them had been given enough time to already have their partners, and were already discussing how they’d go about the project. After a few more moments of searching, you came back with no results. You let out a sigh, making your way to Mr. Hanson.
“Hey, Mr. Hanson?” You said. He turned and smiled at you.
“Hey, How’s it going? Did you get a partner yet?” He asked. You shook your head.
“No, but I think I’ll be alright working alone. I think I work best that way.” You explained. He contemplated the idea, and hummed in agreement.
“Alright, but I’ll be keeping an eye out to see if you’re struggling. Do your best.” He said.
The rest of the period was grueling as you relied solely on the paper instructions for the school’s camera. It wa nothing like you had used before. By the end of the hour, you were just about ready to throw the technology at a wall.
You shoved the last of your belongings into your bag as the final bell rang, letting out an exasperated sigh. Your body felt a little heavier than usual from such a stressful day.
As your hands flattened out on the front set of double doors, you heard footsteps coming from behind you.
“Y/n?” Chan said. You feigned happiness, not yet ready to deal with another awkward conversation.
“Hey...” You said. He cocked his head to the side as the corners of his lips tugged downward.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, jogging over. “Rough first day?” You let out a chuckle.
“Yeah, but it could’ve been worse.” You said. He grinned, looking down.
“What an optimist.” He teased. You giggled, pushing the door open. He raised his arm out to hold it for you, waiting as you slipped past the frame. He followed suit, then shoved a hand in one of his jacket pockets.
“How was your day?” You asked. He seemed to contemplate, then bobbed his head left and right.
“Not too bad. Practice was tough, but the day was otherwise good.” He said. You smiled.
“Good, good.” You said. He hopped forward.
“Do you have to be home?” He asked. You raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Not particularly. Why?”
“I know what’ll cheer you up.” He waved his arm to get you to follow him as he approached a black car. You made your way over to him, hesitant.
“Where are we going?”
“The joy is in the surprise, milady.” He made a grand gesture with his arm as he said the name, which earned a chuckle from you.
“Alright, alright. Just not too far.” You said. “I need to be home by sundown.”
“That’s as long as I need.” He grinned. “Let’s go!”
You laid your bag on the floor of the passenger seat.
“Let’s go!”
Alrighty! It’s been a while since I’ve made anything new. I really hope that you all enjoy this first chapter. Any guesses on where he’s taking her? If anyone can get it, I’ll give them a shoutout. 💞 Best of luck!
As always, I appreciate your feedback! I hope you are happy and healthy. 😊
* DISCLAIMER: I do not own any gifs/photos used in this post. I do own the written content. Do NOT repost/edit. *
🏷 @ace-marvel-chick • @hoshithehamster • @woo-for-woojin • @sparkling-studio-ghibli-water • @sshiromon • @midnatwlp • @royalhvangs • @yoongi--enthusiast • @woozi-is-164-cm • @wohoney
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thisishawkins · 5 years
Nothing Compares To You
Here’s another Billy Hargrove one-shot! I got the idea while listening to Prince’s song of the same name. I hope you enjoy it, and please leave feedback if you do! It is much appreciated!
Love - K
Trigger warnings: language (?)
= Billy feels the weight of what he lost, and so do you.
Billy's groggy gaze was focused on the stream of water before him, the early morning light bouncing off of it through the bare trees, stretching for miles.
It had been nearly two weeks since you broke it off with him, and he couldn't bring himself to feel anything else other than the pain of losing you.
In fact, he reveled in it. It's what he deserved, really.
"Do you love me?"
His face lifted up from his hands. He was perched on the edge of his bed, with you standing near the door.
He hesitated, your teary eyes boring into his own. 
"I don't know what I feel.", He told you, eyes switching between yours. He knew that you made him feel things that he had never felt before, but he didn't call it the L word. He was terrified to admit it - that'd mean he was in too deep, and admitting those feelings aloud would make promises that he was afraid that he wouldn't keep.
You couldn't take it anymore. Billy knew how you felt. Hell, you had told him one night during a heated make-out in the Camaro, after a date at the diner. Intoxicated by him and your chocolate milkshake, it came past your lips before you'd even realized it. 
You’d explained that there was no pressure, that he didn’t have to be in the same place as you, yet. But time kept on passing, and he still had not expressed anything but sweet nothings and lust-filled motives.
Your bottom lip trembled, a warm ball forming in the pit of your throat.
In the time you had been together, he barely revealed anything. You didn't expect him to make you his diary - you just wanted him to open up. How was the relationship going to survive if he didn't? 
You had opened up to him, and trusted him with your darkest of secrets. The both of you were surprised at how natural it was between you. Yet, Billy couldn't fully reciprocate.
It left you with questions. Where did he see this going? Was he just using you for a good way to pass his time in Indiana? 
Did he love anything?
"You know how I feel. But, I guess that doesn't matter.", you spoke at last, the words caught in your throat.
Billy didn't respond, and he loathed himself for it. He was without the vocabulary to express how he felt. Instead, you both just stared at each other in desperation.
It was breaking both of your hearts, his seeing that he was doing this to you, and yours at his lack of expression. 
"I c-can't do this." 
Suede jacket already in hand, you turned around without another word, hand covering your mouth to muffle the sobs that were trying to engulf you.
Billy remained sat down, shaking his head, the tips of his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
He scrunched his eyes together when he felt the burn of hot tears searing them.
You hadn't spoken to one another since, only accidentally meeting eyes when passing each other in the hallways at school.
Throwing his first cigarette of the day to the dirt, he stomped it out with his boot, then turned to grab the driver side door of the Camaro.
He hadn't slept much. Instead of laying in bed to wallow in his self-hatred, he opted to get ready for the day before the sun had risen. So, here he was, going to school on this godforsaken, freezing-to-the-bone February morning. 
Needing some air to think without his father’s oppressive presence, he escaped his house and found himself parked at the place where you first told him that you loved him.
He needed to talk to you.
Billy realized that he did not just love you. He'd realized that nothing compared to you. 
You stared intently at your reflection in the mirror at the back of your locker, fixing your bangs before adjusting the collar of your candy red turtleneck.
You were a bit frazzled this morning, plagued by another dream about him. 
Much like other trying times, you were trying your damnedest to get past this. After all, you had other things to worry about - your future after graduation, your mom’s health, the evil that dwelled in Hawkins, to name a few. 
But, you knew deep down this wasn’t something you could brush off. You kept telling yourself that you didn’t need him, or a relationship, for that matter. You were an independent woman, dammit, and you had come this far. No one was going to define you but you.
However, you wanted him. The only thing keeping you from that was him. He is so guarded, so lost, so self-destructive, so stubborn - but he was also everything but those things.
If only he saw that. Or, maybe you cared more than he ever did.
You shook your head, as if shaking your thoughts away like gnats to ripened fruit. Sighing, you grabbed your mint lip balm and watched your reflection as you applied it.
Seeing him today was going to make it even harder, just like every day since you took your love away.
Since he didn't claim his.
Billy traipsed through the doors into the buzzing hallway. 
Of course, there you were, with your sweater marking you as his target.
He held in a breath, stood frozen, watching as you tucked hair behind your ear, with your binder in your other arm.
The sunlight was cast around you like an aura of all things good and warm in the world.
No, nothing compares to you.
Shutting your locker door, you swiveled on your heels to make your way to class. Instead, you stopped dead in your tracks when your eyes met Billy's, an immediate heat peppering your cheeks.
All Billy could do was respond with a sorrow-laced smile.
I died when you went away.
It was then that Tommy Hanson and Keith Monaghan presented themselves.
"Dude, where have you been? Let's go before Coach penalizes us.", Tommy told him.
Simmering at the interruption, Billy turned to him with a glare that could've struck Tommy dead. "Fuck off, Hanson."
Tommy, appearing both frightened and downtrodden, looked away from Billy.
Billy's eyes shifted back to where you were, but found that you had retreated to class, leaving nothing behind but the ache in his chest.
You shuffled your Nikes off of your knackered feet before yanking the switch to your bedside lamp, the muted, harvest yellow resembling your mental state.
After spending your evening at Nancy's studying for an anatomy exam, which mainly consisted of testing each other's patience instead of wits, all you wanted was your bed. 
Nancy wanted to talk about him because she could clearly see that your love was wearing you down like an old belt. Still holding it all in, but too obviously worn from the strain of it.
After going through the motions of your nightly routine, and changing into a baggy nightshirt and white tube socks, you were consumed by your comforter.
You turned your back to the empty side of your bed, the reminder fueling the tears that had already been building up throughout the day, ever since you saw him.
Hawkins was by no means a sizeable town, so you were bound to see each other. But, you'd both managed not to for a handful of days. Even so, it still sent a shock through you when you laid eyes on him.
You reached behind you to grab a pillow, then hugged it to you before completely letting loose, the cool fabric relieving your flushed, damp face.
Nothing can take away these blues.
Billy sat on the edge of his bed, his leg bouncing enough to shake the mattress.
He was battling the urge to go see you.
Should he leave you be, let you move on to perhaps someone better, someone not so broken? Or, should he relent his true feelings, the one thing that you wanted from him, and possibly risk hurting you later on? 
This one time out of the countless urges he had fought since you left, he chose the latter.
Yanking himself up from his bed, he shuffled his brown leather jacket onto his shoulders, then shimmied his window open, the combination of the cold and his nerves immediately causing goosebumps to prickle at his skin.
I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard,
But I'm willing to give it another try.
Knuckles against your bedroom window startled you, having nearly succumbed to your emotional enervation from dripping the rest of your energy onto your pillow.
Sliding out of your bed, you stepped over to your window.
There he was, stinging blue eyes pleading you to let him back in.
Gazes locked onto each other, you flicked the lock up and Billy climbed his way inside, a gust of cold air swooping into the room.
You stepped back as he carefully shut your window back in place.
Turning to you, he met your glassy eyes, exhaustion glazed over them.
"Baby…" He sighed, mouth agape as you watched him intently, awaiting his next words with bated breath.
"I'm sorry it's come to this for me to finally tell you how I feel.", Billy's eyes searched yours, asking permission to go on.
After a second, you nodded.
"I'm fucked up, and everything that I touch breaks.", he began, voice trembling and steel eyes watering. 
You opened your mouth to reassure him that he was beyond that, that he was not his father, but he continued, "I would never want to do that to you. And, that terrifies me, too."
Billy took a step closer, "But, I don't want to break that promise that I've made with myself, and I don't want to promise anything that I might not be able to keep."
Your brows furrowed, and you stepped toward him, placing a finger to his lips to shush him, and opened your mouth to object.
"The truth is, I don't love you.", Billy uttered, soft lips brushing against your delicate index.
Your face pulled into an incredulous frown, fresh tears building up at the rims of your eyes once more as you quickly retracted your finger, as if his lips burned to the touch.
Had he come back just to crush you even more? To finish the job, and prove to be the monster that he believes he is?
"There's not a word to describe how I feel.", Billy began to explain, bringing his hand up to cradle your cheek. Surprisingly, you let him, pushing away the urge to either melt into his touch or push him away.
"Because the word does not compare to how I feel about you.", his voice trembled at his admission, dropping his hand.
"Y/N, nothing compares to you."
The two of you were so close that your noses nearly touched, his breath fanned over your features - hints of mint and tobacco washing away your weariness. 
You raised a hand to his cheek, caressing it and wiping away a lone tear that had escaped, which he hadn't noticed until he felt it smeared across his cheekbone.
"Oh, Billy.", you breathed. He supplied a soft smile in return, relaxing his posture.
Your lips met his with a sweet, soft fervour as your arms slid over his shoulders, and he enveloped you into a tight embrace.
You breathed life back into one another, your tender kisses healing your hearts.
"I love you so fucking much.", you mumbled against his lips. You felt him smile before you opened your eyes, his wide grin igniting something in you.
"I love you, too, babe.", his eyes glittering with a light you had never seen in them before, and a warmth spread through you, your smile growing to match his own.
The light in your awakened eyes told Billy that you thought the same of him, too.
No, nothing compares to you.
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clairecrive · 5 years
A little sneak peek of what I'm working on:
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Things I'll work on next: "The first time" part 3, Jealousy with either Tuck or modern Alfie, A three part with Tuck aaand...
I have three ideas I'm working on for an Alfie mutlichap.
So yeah, lots of things so stay tuned! oh and let me know which one of those you want to read first.
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