#Tuck Hanson imagine
liaromancewriter · 1 year
What Could Have Been (6/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,660
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6: Sunshine and Rainbows. A new romance leads to a surprising admission and food for thought.
A/N: Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge - using January challenge prompt "dating". I'm also using one of the flirty pick-up prompts @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills
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Cassie Valentine had forgotten what it was like to primp for a date and try out sexy outfits designed to drive a man crazy. And feel the butterflies flutter in her stomach when she really liked a guy.
She tried to remember the last time she’d been on a date. Flipping a mental calendar, she paused in surprise that it was with Nate Hanson six months ago. And now they’d come full circle.
Despite their physical intimacy, she and Ethan Ramsey had never gone on a date. And she was a woman who loved romance. So why had she settled for less?
Because being with him in whatever way she could, had filled her heart in so many other ways.
Studying her reflection in the mirror, Cassie nodded in satisfaction. Dark jeans, a black blouse that shimmered in the light, a dark red leather jacket and subtle jewelry completed the look.
She was grateful Nate had texted to say the dress code was casual. After today’s harrowing events, she wasn’t in the mood for fancy. Luckily nothing was broken or torn, and the swelling in her shoulder would die down in a few days as long as she didn’t overdo it.
Cassie absently wondered what it would be like to go on an actual date with Ethan, not just a stolen coffee catch-up at Derry’s or wine and takeout in his apartment.
In her mind, she saw a candlelit table tucked away in the corner. Ethan in a beautiful suit, her in a gorgeous dress that would make his eyes darken with desire. He would have to behave in public, but the dress never stood a chance once the door to his apartment closed behind them.
And imagining what couldn’t be was not helping her get in the mood for her very real date with a lovely man who deserved better.
When the knock came on her door, Cassie shook off the memories and reached for the sling, carefully adjusting it around her strained left shoulder before cradling her elbow.
With a final look in the mirror, she blinked away the lingering sadness and left the past behind.
“You know, when you said we’re going out for pizza, I wasn’t expecting to be whisked off to Brooklyn in a helicopter,” Cassie said a few hours later.
She hummed in pleasure as the hot, gooey cheese burnt the top of her mouth and the mouth-watering flavors exploded on her tongue.
“Best pizza in the city,” Nate grinned, carefully biting into his slice. “And I was trying to impress you even if private jets and helicopters are par the course for a Valentine.”
“It worked,” Cassie teased, lifting her glass of Chianti in a mock salute. “This pie was definitely worth the trip.”
“I make it a point to visit Lucali whenever I’m in town,” he said.
The atmosphere in the pizzeria, with the aroma of garlic and Italian spices in the air, was homey and casual. Packed with locals and tourists alike, the restaurant was loud and noisy, perfect for her mood.
“How’d you hear about this place?” Cassie asked, curious. She knew Nate lived and worked in Bethesda.
“I was visiting VCs in the area, trying to secure funding for my start-up. This was back in med school,” he told her.
“I’d already decided residency wasn’t for me and opted out of the match process. Needless to say, I was financially desperate and emotionally invested in getting the company off the ground.”
He polished off his slice before continuing the story. “Anyway, after a couple of rough meetings where I was basically laughed out of the room, I walked around the neighborhood and stumbled upon this place. I hadn’t eaten all day and practically inhaled a whole pie.”
“And you loved it so much it became your favorite?” Cassie prompted when he paused, lost in thought.
He laughed. “Not quite. I was sitting in the corner, wondering if I’d just thrown my career away on a whim, when one of the top VCs in biotech dropped in for dinner. Apparently, he’s a regular here.”
As he narrated the tale, Cassie watched Nate’s face become animated with a hint of self-deprecation she found charming and refreshing. He wasn’t afraid to share parts of himself with her.
Ethan always held himself back from everyone, only letting his guard down when she backed him into a corner.
“I figured nothing left to lose, so I walked over and pitched him the idea while he dug into his calzone. I could tell he was amused by my naïvity,” he grinned and shook his head at the memory.
“He handed me his business card and told me if I was gutsy enough to interrupt his dinner, I’d earned at least twenty minutes on his calendar. Tim’s still my biggest investor and has become a friend and mentor.”
“So, you brought me here because this place is special for you,” Cassie said, astutely connecting the dots.
“Yes,” Nate said, topping their wine glasses. ”It marked a new and auspicious professional beginning for me. I’m hoping it does the same on a personal level with you.”
Cassie sniffed in amusement and observed him over the rim of her glass. “Tim was right. You’re definitely gutsy. No wonder Fortune Magazine put you on the cover.”
Cassie appreciated that he didn’t push her for an answer, letting their conversation drift to other topics. But in the back of her mind, she kept turning over his proposition and wondered if she was ready to move on from Ethan.
It was late when they returned to Boston, and the drive from Logan Airport to her apartment didn’t take long. Cassie felt satiated from the meal and the company. And a little bit tipsy from the wine, if she was honest.
Nate escorted her up the steps of her building, and they stood facing each other in front of the street entrance door. He took her hand and moved close, angling his face, and his hazel eyes caught the light.
Anticipating a goodnight kiss, Cassie tilted her head back and wondered how his lips would feel against hers. And would they be enough to make her forget laser blue eyes and a firm mouth that had touched every part of her body and soul?
Lifting his hand, he tenderly brushed a golden lock of hair off her cheek, tucking it behind her ear.
“So,” he murmured, leaning in. “How does dinner and dancing sound for our next date?”
“Hmm. I haven’t decided if I’m going on a third date with you yet,” Cassie said, amused.
“You know, I believe that honesty is the best policy,” Nate said, his lips hovering above hers. “So, to be perfectly honest, I want to spend many more days with you.”
Cassie stilled. He was being honest with her, and she owed him the same. She stepped back, breaking the spell cast by the wine and a moonlit night.
“I need to confess something,” she said, closing her eyes briefly as she struggled to find the right words.
Nate looked confused, but he didn’t say anything.
“I was in a relationship until recently, and it ended badly,” Cassie said, rushing to get the words out before the pain that never went away caught up. “He broke my heart, but I can’t seem to get over him. I don’t want to lie to you, pretend I’m okay moving on when I don’t know if I’m ready.”
She peeked at Nate through her brows, worried that she’d hurt him or made him angry by not being honest sooner. He looked taken aback, but he pressed his lips and schooled his features neutrally.
“I’m sorry you’re hurting, Cassie,” Nate said eventually. “But I can’t be sorry that his loss is my gain.”
He put up a hand when she started to speak.
“Not many people know this, but I was engaged several years ago,” he said, shoving his hands in his pant pockets and rocking back on his heels. “She dumped me when she realized I didn’t want to become a doctor after med school. It took me a long time to get over what we were to each other, longer than it should have. So, I get it.”
“I like you,” Cassie said sincerely, tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you when I’m still mourning the loss of what could have been.”
“Dreams of what could be are the worst delusions and the hardest to wake up from,” he said softly, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Nate checked his wristwatch. “It’s late. You have work tomorrow, and I need to fly back to Maryland tonight.”
He stepped towards her and framed her face between his hands, his eyes so gentle and understanding that Cassie felt like crying.
“I like you too, Cassie, and we could be amazing together,” he said. “Selfishly, I want you to pick me because you believe that too. But I don’t want to be the fallback guy because you know he will never be an option.”
“I do believe that, but….” Cassie said, her voice drifting off when uncertainty reared its ugly head.
“Let’s do this,” he said, filling the silence. “I’m leaving on an R&D trip to Australia in a few days with a detour to Singapore. I should be back in about three weeks, four at the most. Take this time to figure out what you need and if things with him are truly over. I’ll accept your decision, whatever that is.”
He kissed her forehead, a sweet touch rife with friendship and caring, and then he was gone.
Cassie watched the red lights of his car fade into the distance and wished she could fall in love with Nate. But as things stood now, she couldn’t see herself loving anyone but Ethan.
When a Valentine meets their true love, it’s for life. But could a Ramsey believe that too?
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
The next day at school, Sarah had an epiphany. It seems she met the class pet for the first time and fell in love with its adorable little face, because she immediately wished for 20 of them. 😅
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I didn't pin this wish because she's awfully young to decide right now what she wants to do with her life forever, but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind for now. Maybe all this means is that Sarah needs a pet of her own.
The animal-related wishes soon subsided the moment the teacher corralled the kids onto the school bus because today is the day of the big class field trip!
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Naturally, as the shy kid she is, Sarah tucked herself away in a corner, within sight lines of the other kids but not interacting with them. Cricket, however, planted herself directly next to the teacher. So, Cricket is that kind of kid, huh? No slight against her goes unreported, no offense too minor to be turned into the gossip of the day. I don't blame Sarah for steering clear of her for now until she's sure she wants to get involved in whatever drama Cricket is bound to stir up.
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The entire class was thrilled when they finally arrived at the bistro.
Hanson: We get out of school and we get snacks? This is the best day ever!
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Well, except for the teacher. I've never chaperoned a field trip before, so I can only imagine how stressful it is keeping an eye on all of these kids in a restaurant kitchen surrounded by sharp objects and hot surfaces.
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He calmed down pretty quickly once he realized Sarah's interest in the knives was purely culinary, though. I imagine she quietly slipped away from the rest of the group to live out her top chef dreams on her own.
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She even gained progress towards a cooking skill point! It seems like Sarah Tonin gets a lot of serotonin from the kitchen. Will that be a lifelong passion or just a childhood interest?
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Regardless of what the future holds, Sarah brought back a cute panda bento box as a souvenir. It'd look great on her nightstand next to her bed...you know...if she had one.
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For now, the outdoor picnic table next to her sleeping bag can be her nightstand.
We have got to get this kid a bedroom of her own.
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clairecrive · 5 years
“Cupid’s strike”- Tuck Hanson x reader [Requested]
This imagine was requested from a girl on Wattpad as a way to make up for that awful ending. Tuck is a baby and he deserves everything. This is my first time writing him but wouldn’t mind doing it more. 
As I’ve said on monday, I don’t have a lot of time but I’m doing my best and writing on different projects. Blurbs are still a thing if you’d like and in the mean time, I’d really like to know what you think about this.
Hope you’re all safe and doing well!
Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye​, @mollybegger-blog​, @br0ck-eddie​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @fandom--0verdose​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @evelynshelby​ (let me know if you wanna be added)
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"Hello, boys! Whatcha doing?" Y/n makes her entrance in her fellow agents' room. However, she doesn't get a reply, the boys were too busy staring at each other with their mouths open. Was that a new game they were playing? Not really thinking about it, knowing them and their goofiness, she just steps further into the room and from her new position, she could see what was on their computer that had made them lose their ability to speak.
"Who's that?" She then asks more intrigued. On the desktop, there was a picture of a blonde woman, charming smile, kind eyes. She seems nice enough.
"Lauren Scott?" FDR says not really talking to you but more with Tuck who by the expression on his face, knew exactly who he was talking about.
"So, let me ask again: who is that?" y/n asked again, not really liking the way her question kept going over their heads.
FDR was actually the one who explains the whole thing to you. Apparently, Tuck was looking for a partner and had registered on a dating app. That was how he met Lauren. FDR on the other hand, met Lauren in a more creepy way, as it was in his style. But, on the same day that she had first met Tuck, she had agreed to go on a date with him. Y/N didn't know Lauren but by this account alone, she decides that she doesn't like her. She knew that Tuck and FDR had a very strong and tight friendship but she also knew how the love for a woman can destroy relationships. It happens all the time and seeing the way they're looking at each other, she fears this could happen with them too.
"You know what? You date her. It's okay." FDR then says to Tuck after he's finished talking with Y/N
"Yeah well, it wouldn't be fair to you." He says shrugging his shoulders
"What do you mean? You think she would choose you?" Tuck's ego has been bruised by his friend insinuation. Y/N knew that when it came to women and their current romantic situation, the boys couldn't be more different. While FDR had a way about him that somehow managed to make every woman want to be with him, Tuck was a sweetheart and hadn't really put himself out there since his divorce. Maybe FDR was right, he would probably charm his way into Lauren's heart or piece of underwear and Tuck would be left behind. It sucks to say, but it's probably how it would go, both Tuck and FDR knew it. Hell, even Y/N knew it but thought it to be complete bullshit. She never really understood how women keep falling for FDR when he's basically playing by the book. One look at him and you would understand that he's going to break your heart. Sure, he was handsome, Y/N could see that, but so was Tuck.
For Y/N it was really a no brainer when it came to choose between the two but apparently that was not the case for Lauren. Lost in her thoughts, she came back to hear that the boys were setting some ground rules to court Lauren?
"Wait, are you actually going through with this?" She asks hoping to get a negative answer. Was she the only one that realized the foolishness of this situation?
"Yeah, we are," FDR exclaimed angrily typing on his keyboard.
"Tuck?" Y/N then turns to her favorite, hoping that he could be more reasonable than his friend.
"Yes. Yes, we are." To her dismay, came his reply along with a serious glace while he too typed angrily. Ugh, boys.
Shaking your head you were sure to manifest your dissent about their reached agreement, walking out of their room. This was not going to be nice.
Y/N always like to be right about something. That was one of the reasons why she chose to be a C.I.A. agent. She knew what was best and wanted to make things right. However, in this case, she would have much preferred to be wrong.
After that day in their office, things between the two friends became tense. They had formed two teams, men that they had personally recruited to gather as much information as they could on Lauren. And of course, to sabotage the other's dates with her. While Y/N admitted that it was kinda fun to see FDR make a total fool of himself while describing a paint, she was also worried for Tuck. It seemed like he was starting to really care for this woman and she couldn't get her head around as to why. Yes, she was attractive but there were so many good looking women out there that don't date two guys at the same time. I mean, why would any of them want to be with someone that could be so double-sided?
She refused to take part in this absurdity and mostly kept to herself. Although she had a good relationship with them, she had always been closer with Tuck. She had admitted to herself a long time ago that she had a crush on him, but with his divorce first and now Lauren, she never found the courage to let him know.
"Hey Y/N." Turning around she saw Tuck walking her way. Speaking of the devil...
"Hello, Tuck." She greeted him back, without her usual chirpiness.
"What's up?" He tries to make conversation while waiting for his coffee to be ready.
"Nothing much. What about you?"
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"Just managed to make FDR look like a complete baffoon, so I'd say pretty good." He says giving you that charming smile that made you smile back like an idiot.
"You're still on with that plan, eh?" She asked even though she knew he was.
"Absolutely. Wait- are you on FDR's team? Is that why you're not with me?" He asks suspiciously.
"As if," she scoffs at the insinuation," I'm on no one's team. This whole thing is stupid." Y/N finally speaks her mind to him.
"You think so?" He looks taken back and somehow that only managed to anger her more.
"Of course I do and I honestly don't know how you both don't see it. I mean, FDR is pretty slow I've always thought that, but you? You actually surprised me, Tuck."
"By the way you're saying it, it's not in a good way is it?"
"Why would you even be with someone that dates your best friend behind your back? She doesn't know that you two know each other so she's just playing it safe, leading both of you on until she makes up her mind. Sounds to me she's not worth the fuss you're both making." Speaking her mind had never felt so good, the only thing is that now she doesn't think she can stop.
"I mean, look at you, Tuck. You're a fucking catch! You're rather easy on the eye, you're smart, you're sweet, you're thoughtful. If she doesn't appreciate this enough to stick to you then it's her loss. You're certainly not losing anything by not ending up with her." Maybe by getting this off her chest, she has let on more than she wanted to, but she was happy nonetheless. Even if Tuck chose to keep pining after Lauren, ignoring what she said and what she implied, at least she had tried.
The awkward silence that fell between them wasn't expected and now y/n was feeling more nervous than ever under the scrutiny of those beautiful eyes. So, with a quick goodbye, she excused herself and walked away.
The next time she came across Tuck, he was whispering about something with FDR in the hall only to stop as soon as he saw her approaching. FDR turned around to see what had made him stop talking and when he saw y/n's silhouette disappearing in one of the rooms, he understood why his best friend was all about. A part of him, the selfish one, was glad that Tuck was taking a step back from this competition they had going on, the other one though, the one that cared deeply about his friend, was actually relieved to see him pining after someone that could actually return his feelings. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, but he could swear that Lauren would choose him and while it was obviously what he wanted, he wouldn't have enjoyed it if it would leave his best friend heartbroken in the process. He had known y/n almost as long as he had known and while he hadn't the same tight bond he shared with the British man, he knew that she was a kind heart and could be very sweet despite her ability to knock a guy twice her size in two seconds. In a way she was the perfect fit for Tuck, he wonders how he had never thought about it before, it was so obvious.
Well, it's never too late for Cupid to strike, right?
Pairing the two together was easier than FDR first thought. Neither of them had the littlest suspicion about the other's feelings. Well, Tuck had thought about it but by the way y/n had been avoiding him since their last conversation, he had dismissed the idea without a second thought. For FDR it was so amusing to see, two of their best agent, completely clueless about the situation they had put themselves in. Smirking at the plan that was forming in his head, he started to make all the calls necessary to arrange it. This is going to be fun.
The plan was very simple actually, just try to create the occasion where both of them would have to spend time alone so they'll be forced to talk about it at one point. Or so he thought, the success of his plan was based entirely on that. Having arranged everything, he sat in the surveillance room, from where he could see everything and everyone. As planned, y/n and Tuck were both carrying out their tasks in adjacent rooms. So that when FDR would set off the alarm, they would be the nearest agents to the room where the supposed intruders are going to be. Knowing them, as soon as they'd learn their position, they'd sprung into action and volunteer to solve the problem. And that's exactly what happened, much to FDR amusement and satisfaction.
"I'm on it." Their voice came simultaneously through the microphones of the computers he was watching them on. Tuck met her outside the incriminated room and after a nod of agreement, she kicked the door open and they entered the room covering each other's back. The room was dark, there wasn't much to see, but they were on high alert expecting someone to attack them at any moment. Back to back, they were venturing far in, when the sudden sound of the door being closed and locked startled them. Looking at each other in the dark, they quietly walked towards it only to check that it was indeed locked. Figuring that it was the intruders that had trapped them inside, they went to notify their team.
"They've trapped us in here." Tuck let FDR know, none the wiser about the fact that his friend was behind this all.
"And that's how it should be." FDR finally came clean, enjoying Tuck's confused expression and y/n clearly fed up with him one.
"What are you up to?" y/n asked putting away her gun and relaxing her stance already catching on with the fact that there probably weren't any intruders.
"You both needed a little push, so here it is mate. No need to thank me." He said mainly speaking to Tuck, who immediately grasped what his friend was hinting to. Groaning a little, he swore under his breath, frustrated at his friend antics but at the same time grateful that he had given him a little nudge in the right direction. Not that he had to know that
"What's he on about?" y/n's defeated voice snapped him out of his reverie.
Come on Tuck, now's your time. You can do it, mate.
"Oh, you know FDR. He's always on to something. This time though, I might know what he's up to." Taking his time, he strolled over where he thought she should be. Not that y/n could see him, but being nice to her made this all more intimate he thought.
"Is it something that I'd want to know?" Her voice worked as an indicator of her position and so far she was pretty close to him. An arm away, he guessed.
"I think so, yeah. I'd like to know if you'd like to come to a date with us?"
"And why would I want to be the fourth wheel? " As a matter of fact, she pointed out. She thought she had made it abundantly clear that she wasn't a fan of this situation they had put themselves in. Apparently not, she thought.
"That's not what you'd be doing, darling. I was thinking more of a double date situation. If you're okay with it, that it is."
Okay, this was something she hadn't seen coming. Was he asking her out? But then what about Lauren? Wasn't he all hellbent to conquer her heart?
"I'm not sure I'd like to go on a date with FDR. He's handsome and all but not really my type." She said playing coy, wanting to lure him out and be upfront about it. She wasn't going to let it be all mysterious and vague. Game time was over.
"I'm not sure I'd like that either," Tuck admitted letting out a small chuckle playing along, "that's why you'd be going on a date with me." He finally said.
If there was even the smallest amount of light, she was sure that Tuck would be creeped out by how big she was smiling. Y/n couldn't believe her ears. She'd been waiting to hear these words for what it felt like ages. Was she really that blessed to be asked out by such a lovely, charming man, who she knows to be loyal and kind?
"Is this a situation where silence means yes or is it more like "I'm trying to find the right words to say no"?" Apparently, she had been lost in her thoughts for too long and now Tuck was questioning himself.
"This is one of those situations where you've been waiting for something to happen for so long that when it does, you can't believe it," Y/n voice finally filled the room, relieving Tuck of any doubts and making him blush a little. Thank god it was so dark in here.
"So, I'll take that as a yes." He concluded.
"Your intuition has always been your strongest asset." She joked trying to soothe the embarrassment she was feeling. What a fool she was, thank god that Tuck was such a gentleman that he didn't mention it.
What Y/N didn't know though, was that Tuck too was lost into his little world where a miniature version of himself was jumping around doing a happy dance from finally scoring a date with the girl of his dreams.
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bubblyani · 6 years
Bold moves, No assumptions (Tuck Hanson x Reader)
Tuck Hanson One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Note: Ever since I watched “This Means War” I was quite disappointed with the ending aka Tuck not being chosen. Didn't make sense cause clearly he was the better choice. Enraged with this and his forced ending with his ex, I wrote this for anyone who shares the same frustration.Tuck Hanson, you deserved better. And here is my tribute to you <3.
P.S: Didn’t Tom Hardy looked supa fine as Tuck?
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You played safe in most situations in your life. And never dared to do something out of your comfort zone.  
But you always convinced yourself to be stronger and make some bold moves; you were just waiting for the right time to do so.
Working as a part of HR at the Agency might not be as exciting or glamorous, but you did enjoy it. You get to help people with internal matters and you took great pride in it. You’ve made friends with people within and outside of your department and some of them were simply a joy to know.
Agent Tuck Hanson was definitely the best one.
As time went by, you developed quite a soft spot for this charming gentleman of a Brit. He never failed to greet you at work and make your presence known. He would always try out your baked goods with much enthusiasm and you couldn’t help but respect his work ethic. His partner and best friend FDR, was nice too, but you could tell right away what kind of a guy he was. And you didn't really buy into that. Tuck might not be as smooth of a talker as FDR, but you appreciated his sincerity and romantic nature as a person.
When Tuck told you about this girl he found on this dating site, you were happy for him. But at the same time, you felt these feelings, which could only be described as “sour”. You kept ignoring this ‘sourness’ when it all went so well with Tuck and this girl “Lauren”.
But this became such a complicated screw up, when FDR accidentally ended up liking the SAME woman. At first, this immature fight over the same girl seemed so hilarious in your eyes. But when they started to use their power with background checks on her for interests and “sabotaging” each other’s attempts, you realized this was going WAY out of line.
“I don’t know guys, this seems a bit too much, and someone’s gonna get huuurt” you voiced your opinion with a tone of concern and a disapproving look.
And you could tell that Tuck always got embarrassed, as if he realized the insanity of their actions. But he quickly changed heart considering the competitive nature between the two friends.
You even remembered the day when the Heinrich assignment was completed. That was when Lauren finally made the choice. You found Tuck talking to Lauren when the medics arrived, and you remembered how he tried so hard to not let the rejection get to him. Even though you stood far away, you heart felt heavy and you felt bad in his place. You even questioned yourself as to why would you be THIS emotional for someone else’s loss.
That’s when you fully knew, how much you cared for Tuck Hanson.
All of this, flashed through your mind as you indulged on some nachos, looking out to the tables ahead, watching FDR and Lauren cozy up together, laughing, kissing and enjoying each other’s company at the Annual State Fair on a Thursday night.
Since the Lauren incident, Tuck enjoyed your company more often and you didn't mind it all. And when Tuck said he would be going to the fair with a date, you were more than happy to be there to rescue him if anything went sideways.
You just didn't really expect to see THEM there, at the same place, in the same time, together, rubbing it all in Tuck’s face, if he ever did see them.
Suddenly you felt frustrated and angry, but you were also bold. A part of you was surprised when you got up from your seat to walk over to the ‘happy couple’.
 “Lauren? Lauren Scott?”
“Oh hey (Y/N)! Didn't expect to see YOU here.” FDR got up happily to show off his new girlfriend. “Lauren...this is (Y/N), she works in HR at the uh…Agency”
“OMG…Hey! Nice to meet you (Y/N)!”
You and Lauren shook hands. You couldn't help but be awed by Lauren, with her golden hair and beautiful smile; she definitely exuded rays of sunshine.
No wonder Tuck fell for her, you thought.
“Yeah, you too. Um…sorry to barge in like this, but uh…I just…I just-” you took a deep breath. “I’m really happy for you guys, really. But I just gotta ask, woman to woman.  You really picked FDR over Tuck? REALLY? REALLY?” your voice grew louder by the word. And you swore your expression might have changed into something not so pleasant.
Oh no…here I go.
“REALLY? I mean…WHY?” you continued.
“Uh…(Y/N) I’m sitting right here-“ FDR interrupted.
“FDR PLEASE! Just PLEASE!” you motioned him to shut up.
“I get it, FDR is a softie underneath all that smooth, ladies man bullshit. But what about the good guys? What about people like Tuck? He is the perfect gentleman. And from what happened between you guys, all seemed to go so well right? Sorry for sounding so nosy, I know this seems over line. But seriously Lauren, I just don't understand. Yes, FDR is a lovely person and he has had a rough time growing up so yes he needs the right girl. But so does Tuck! You met HIM first, you liked HIM first. And In the end you decided to go with THIS GUY? SERIOUSLY? I just...I don't get it. There was barely anything wrong with that man, he was really in love with you, you know. You really made a HUGE MISTAKE!”
Lauren looked like she just got slapped. And FDR was pissed off big time, but trying to repress his anger. He quickly got up rushing towards you.
“Lauren I’m SO sorry, (Y/N) can be a LITTLE crazy sometimes” FDR began,
“(Y/N) maybe you should go home”
“I’m FINE! Don’t worry I’m leaving I’m leaving!” you shook his hand away from you.
“By the way, It was nice to meet you Lauren” your expression changed, you couldn't help but smile sincerely at Lauren. Cause in truth, Lauren seemed like a great gal.
“You look really pretty” you turned to walk away. For a second, you felt this huge burden leave your shoulders. 
You turned to find Tuck running up to you “Where are you off to luv?” 
“I’m going home, I’m not feeling so good” you replied with a tight smile.
He eyed you sternly, “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“Trust me, I’m fine. Sorry Tuck” your voice grew softer, patting him on the shoulder.
FDR approached Tuck, who watched you walk away with a confused expression.
“Is (Y/N) okay?” Tuck asked his friend. “Well she certainly didn't seem right in head to me” FDR replied angrily, shaking his head.
“I really don't follow” Tuck got even more confused.
“Tuck, you’re not gonna BELIEVE what just happened”
As much as you didn't want to face FDR the next day at work, you also wanted to apologize for being a jerk in front of Lauren. You came to work early as usual. As you were heading to get a pot of coffee, you stopped by Tuck’s table to check up on him.
“Good Morning Mr.Hanson…or should I say Handsome?? Hah!” you greeted him teasingly. He smiled warmly while typing some emails. “ ‘Morning Luv! You feeling better today?” he closed his laptop to look at you.
“Oh it was just a headache, a good night’s rest did the trick” you gave him thumbs up, automatically looking over to FDR’s table “What happened to FDR?”
“Oh he took the day off today so wont be coming in” Tuck replied, turning side to side on his chair.
“I see…Oh! Dude…how did the date go last night?”
Tuck opened his mouth but stopped himself to think of a better reply. Chuckling, he went “Oh…you know, didn't work out that well” he shrugged his shoulders. You didn't believe him. “What? That's insane…I saw the lucky lady and she looked hawt!” you folded your hands leaning on FDR’s table. “Yeah I guess, but we didn't really click that well in the end” he replied nonchalantly. You still didn't believe him.
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that Tuck. Maybe it didn't work out for a reason. So, have hope!” you cheered him and while walking away to get that coffee.
“I will ” Tuck whispered, watching you leave, and hoping you were right.
Few days later, you heard some colleagues talking about this dangerous mission Tuck was assigned to, and how he will be going out to the field. You rushed to look for Tuck, finding him leaving his table to get ready.
“Please…please be careful, and promise me you’ll be okay” you felt so corny, saying all these things to him. Tuck, touched by your worried reaction, reached out to hold your hand.
“Don't worry luv! I’ll be fine, I promise” he sounded sure. You nodded in acknowledgment, trying not to be distracted by the warmth of his touch.
Hours later, Tuck returned to the Agency after a successful mission, but also with a few bruises. He insisted he didn't need a cleanup. But with your persuasion, a medic came by to fix him up. When the medic left, you came in to the room and sat on a chair next to the door, facing a sitting Mr. Hanson on a chair next to the bed, looking exhausted.
“ You really didn't have to call on medic for this, luv” Tuck pointed at the several cuts and scars on his face which didn't seem so severe.
“Doesn't matter the severity, you needed cleaning up.” You crossed your legs “I heard you did a great job today, I’m REALLY proud of you, you know” you meant every word you said, smiling.
Tuck smiled back, but quickly looked down. Pursing his lips, he looked up and spoke shyly,
“FDR told me what happened at the fair.”
You felt the whole world crashing down on you as if the worse nightmare has happened. You wanted to get away from this room.
“I’m so sorry about th-“ you quickly got up
“No please! Don’t go “ Tuck said hurriedly, motioning you to stay. “Please stay” his voice got softer. You slowly sat down, afraid of what might come out of his mouth next.
“To be honest, it felt quite nice to hear that someone was speaking on behalf of me...”he continued, his blue eyes on you, begging for you to look back at him.
“But I just got to ask...why? Why would you do that (Y/N)?”
You summed the courage to look up at him, praying you won’t get your heart broken by rejection.
“You know, I’m not the one to pick a fight Tuck, I really am not” you began,
“…But that day, when I saw them together, I just couldn’t take it. Why must FDR only deserved to be happy and not you? Why must that happen when you did nothing but be a great guy. The spying thing was CRAZY, I WILL say that. But even from the beginning, Even WITHOUT the spying, you were doing SO well and you STILL didn’t get the girl. And it JUST PISSED ME OFF” the more you spoke the braver you sounded. You sat on the edge of your seat.
“And it pissed me off a hell lot cause I...I...” with eyes closed, you took a deep breath, clenching your fists.
“I have liked you for a really long time Tuck”
You maintained eye contact as you finished. 
There it was, bold move number two.
You couldn’t read Tuck’s expression, but it did look as if he wasn’t expecting that. 
“(Y/N)!-“ he let out a chuckle. “What?” You were dying of curiosity. He moved around in his seat as if to calm oneself. Was he nervous?
“You might have not known this, but when I first met you in the Agency, I thought you were quite lovely” 
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Actually, I thought you were very beautiful, and seeing you around always cheered me up” you blinked fast; you didn’t know how to react.
Am I dreaming? 
“I even went so far to assume you already had a boyfriend-“
“You what?” That escaped your lips faster than you could think. Loudly too. 
Tuck smiled, he found your reaction adorable. “ Come on (Y/N)! Was I wrong to assume that? Why would someone like you want someone like me?” 
“You CAN’T say that! That’s my line ” you protested, to which Tuck burst out laughing. You couldn’t help but chuckle. You adored the way Tuck laughed. You loved seeing him happy.
Fuck! I really like him. 
“Anyways, after a while the Lauren thing happened, and then with Katie again and, nothing seemed to fit right with me” his tone changed, and it was sad.
You just had enough of this. You just couldn’t take it. 
Standing up, you slowly walked over to him, not breaking eye contact. Tuck looked surprised as you suddenly sat on his lap. You longed for courage as your hands found his face, fingers touching his skin so softly. 
Savor this moment.
Slowly moving forward, you kissed him. 
You kissed him like it was your first and last time. 
You kissed him, trying to pour all your feelings into one kiss cause you were afraid this will be your only chance.
5 seconds, it lasted 5 seconds.
You removed your lips from his, giving him a soft smile, stroking his cheek with your thumbs looking at his fazed expression. You sighed deeply. You got up.
Frankly you really didn’t want to let this one go.
To your surprise, neither did Tuck. 
He grabbed your hand, his grip hard as steel, so strong you fell back to his lap. You looked at him with shock. 
“Tuck, what are y-“ 
“No more assuming,” he breathed, pulling you to a kiss.
Kissing Tuck was lovely. Tuck kissing you was magical. But when this was fused together, it was just fireworks. It certainly didn't seem so unfamiliar; at least not by the way Tuck was touching you. He held you up so you could straddle him. Lips were in a conversation of its own.
Where the fuck have you been?  
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you felt his hands run up and down your back, finally settling down to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. The kisses turned deeper and more passionate. The distance between the two of you got smaller, to the point of the bodies grinding against one another.
Tuck broke off the kiss reluctantly, and you suddenly returned to earth.
“(Y/N)…uh...I…” he panted, gently holding your cheek “ as much as I would like to continue THIS, I really want to do this RIGHT, you know, take you out on a date first” he spoke earnestly, looking in to your eyes.
You giggled, “Hehehe…yeah true. I’d like that too…” You felt so ecstatic you hugged him super tightly,
“Finally, I have you ALL to myself” you whispered excitedly to his ear.
“You can’t say THAT!  That’s MY line” Tuck responded teasingly, hugging you back.
Tuck WAS the better guy, and he made YOU the better girl.
With the help of a few bold moves you will never regret.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Tuck Hansen Masterlist
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New Girl
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lightwoodt · 6 years
Imagine: Tom Hardy looking at you like this ❤
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(credit to who made this beautiful gif)
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saberdeity · 3 years
hi 🥺 i just read your tuck hanson imagine and 😭💕 i would really love to see more tuck content pls!! omg could u do a jealous tuck x reader?? maybe he’s like a protective one who gets so jealous whenever ppl flirt or try to make a move on her and it’s about time he also tells her how he feels !! tysm 😭😭
𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 - 𝑻𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒏
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pairing - tuck hanson x fem! reader
summary - tuck can't hide his jealousy any longer
warnings - strong language
a/n - Hi! thank you so much for the request and I really hope you like it! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write this I've been so busy with college I honestly haven't had the chance 💗
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Tuck chose what emotions he wanted to show, sometimes he didn't have a choice but to show what he was feeling. He'd always been drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Your confidence, ability to defuse a situation and handle your nerve in times even he struggled to made his mind melt.
Being a CIA agent, Tuck was taught to keep cool, keep his emotions in check and never to let them get the better of him but all of his training went out the window the minute it came down to you. Let's just say he wasn't looking forward to the next mission.
The plan was simple, get into the gala, get the information they needed and simply leave but of course you all knew it wasn't going to be that simple. You all had gotten dressed up, your dress was the perfect length and perfect style, sitting on all of your gorgeous curves that made Tuck want to scream how much he loved you.
You target was sat in the VIP section of the gala and there was only one way you knew to get up there, of course FDR and Tuck were arguing about how they were going to get there.
"Guys stop! have you ever heard of the phrase never send a man to do a woman's job?" You smirk, tapping Tuck's shoulder as you made your way to the VIP section, an extra sway in your hips.
You climbed the steps, one leg on the step above as you leaned over, talking to the bouncer whilst trying to get the targets attention. You battered your eyelashes when he made eye contact with you, signalling to the bouncer to let you through.
You introduced yourself and go the conversation started ordering him drink after drink to just get him to the edge. After a while he began blabbering information you wanted at you, the flirting starting to take its effect.
Tuck couldn't bare to watch the sight, you perched on his knee as his hand gradually got lower and lower. When his hand reached its point of rest, tuck let a loud growl rise from his throat. His fingers and knuckles turning white as he grips the glass tightly. He couldn't glare anymore at the guy if he tried.
You had never been more uncomfortable in your life but you knew it was for the best. This information was going to uncover everything you'd been searching for since you could remember. You all needed this so you had to hold out. Every time you tried to leave, he wouldn't let you and you were beginning to panic.
Just as you thought everything was going wrong. You heard the familiar soft British accent approaching. He'd pushed past the bouncer when he wasn't looking making his way over.
"sorry to disturb you ladies and gentleman but this lovely lady has somewhere else to be, excuse me" He smiles, pulling you off his lap and wrapping his arm around you waist. Leaving you and everyone astonished by what just happened. You smiled as he led you out, FDR waiting just outside in the car as you quickly jumped in.
As you watched the venue dissapear you couldn't help but let out the biggest sigh of relief when it was finally out of view. You sunk into your seat, closing your eyes to steady your heart rate.
"that was stupid y/n! You could've got really hurt" Tuck stated from the front seat.
"I know it wasn't the best plan but we were running out of options and we got the information that's all that matters" You reply
"that's not what matters and you know it" Tuck replies, turning his head to look forward.
You tried to speak to him throughout the journey but you got no reply. You wondered what bothered him so much, you had been in worst situations than that but he was reacting more to this one.
You entered the CIA compound where you were stationed, FDR going a different direction as you decided to follow Tuck and finally get answer.
"Tuck! talk to me please, I don't get why this is bothering you so much" You said
"Because I love you that's why!" Tuck snapped, your eyes widening as you gasp a little.
"you, you love me" You asked, a smile creeping onto your face
"I do love you yes, I do" He replied as he began running his hands over his face, realising what he'd done. "it's okay if you don't feel the.." He was adding until you cut him off with a soft kiss to his lips
"I have waited a fucking long time for you to say that" You chuckled, resting your hand on his cheek as you looked into his icy blue eyes.
"And I've waited a fucking long time to do that" He replied, kissing you softly again as you smiled against his lips.
"Hang on were you jealous" You asked, as his cheeks blushed a deep pink
"Maybe just a little bit" he replied, a wide smile set on his face. His head dropped to your shoulder as he chuckled.
"You should get jealous more often" You wiggled your eyebrows, finally in the arms of the man you love.
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bloodsweatandpotato · 3 years
“We have to stop meeting like this.”
Fandom: Original work
Characters: Illian (OC), Varian (OC)
Tw: Blood
Summary: OwO what’s this, self indulgent fantasy whump drabble with characters you’ll probably never see again but that I imagine endless scenarios for?
The sounds of battle, ever present, had faded behind the rushing in Illian’s ears.
Illian said nothing, simply glaring up at the human soldier currently towering over him. The human had let his sword drop to his side, smiling at the elf laying sprawled against the tree roots.
“Don’t say much, do you?”
Illian looked away, grip tightening on the dagger hidden in his cloak. He didn’t enjoy hand to hand combat, but having a melee weapon was important if he was ever in a situation where he couldn’t run or use a bow.
Like now.
“I know you can understand me.”
Illian glanced away, green eyes narrowed, before turning to swipe at the air with his dagger.
The human jumped away, bringing his sword up on instinct, but Illian didn’t see. He fell back, face twisted in pain as the wound on his side bled freely.
He shouldn’t have moved that fast, and now he had lost the element of surprise.
“Whoa! Don’t impale me! I’m trying to help, we’ve been over this before!”
The human sheathed his sword, kneeling as he reached down with an outstretched hand.
“Remember last time, I explained it all to you? I’m not going to hurt you.”
Illian flinched away, teeth bared, pointed incisors stained with his own blood.
The human ignored Illian’s obvious protests, hooking an arm underneath the elf’s good side, pulling him up with a grunt.
Illian hissed in pain, eyes squeezing shut.
The human winced in sympathy. “Sorry, we gotta get somewhere quieter. Like I’ve said before, if somebody sees me with you, I’ll never hear the end of it. And by that, I mean I’ll be in big trouble.”
They were already on the edge of the tree line, so it wasn’t too hard to get both humanoids into the trees. A few minutes in, and Illian dug in his feet, panting lightly. The human slowed, looking at the elf quizzically, but, again, Illian said nothing.
The duo stopped, and Illian dropped down, squirming out of the human’s grasp. He managed to catch himself, land unsteadily on his feet, and vault up onto the nearest branch.
The human cried out in surprise as Illian scrambled onto the branch, make to climb, but instead crumpling against the tree trunk. Illian pressed a hand onto his steadily bleeding side, and his eyes fluttered, rolling back in his head.
“Whoa! Come back down!”
The human’s panicked words were unnecessary, as Illian had already begun to list to one side, gravity taking over from there.
The human managed to catch him, easing the elf down to the ground.
“Lay still. Lay still. I need to get this bleeding stopped.”
Illian’s eyes fluttered open, and the human absently noted that Illian’s pupils were no longer slits, having dilated to circles in the dim, green tinged light of the forest. It made sense, with how dense the forest was. Not much light managed to make it through the thick, living canopy.
The human pulled away Illian’s blood soaked cloak, frowning at the large, bloody slash in the elf’s otherwise white tunic. He pulled up the fabric, revealing the deep gash.
“Okay. Okay. I can do this.” The human reached into a leather pouch on his belt, riffling around for a few seconds, before pulling out a needle and thread.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have anything for the pain, so we’ll just have to stitch this up fast, okay?”
Illian found it odd that the human looked at him as if expecting a response, as if he was talking to another human, instead of some “vile forest creature”.
Illian held up a hand in the universal sign for stop, eyes glinting as his gaze drifted across the forest floor. He found what he was looking for, and pointed with a shaking hand.
The human turned to where Illian was pointing, following his gaze to a clump of scraggly blue-green lichen.
“What, the moss?”
The elf said nothing, but continued pointing.
Taking the hint, the human grabbed a handful of the moss, handing it over to Illian uncertainly.
Illian’s hand dropped, and he weakly took the moss, grinding and kneading it in his hand, before pressing the goop against his side, lichen paste against bare skin.
An almost pleasant numbness spread over his side, and although his fingers also had begun to tingle and numb, it was a small price to pay for the relief it brought. His eyes fell closed, the pain fading from a fiery pulse to a dull, albeit constantly painful, throb.
As blood continued to soak the moss, Illian’s hand fell away, limp.
“Okay, I guess I can remove this?” The human scraped away the moss, wiping his hand on his pants leg.
He threaded the needle, curved tip reaching down to press gently against Illian’s skin.
Not waiting for an answer from the half conscious elf, the human begun the first stitch.
Illian shifted, brow creasing. The lichen may have numbed the surface skin, but the flesh underneath still had a few working nerves.
“My name’s Varian, by the way. Varian Hanson.”
“Just thought you might want to know who’s threading a needle through your skin, heh…”
“One more.”
“There we go.”
The human… Vairian tied off the last stitch, blood slick hands snapping the end of the thread, and tucking the needle black into his pouch.
Illian stared at Varian through half lidded eyes, and the human felt almost puny under the gaze.
Illian’s eyes slid shut again, and Varian pulled Illian’s cloak back up over the elf’s body. He thought for a second, before grabbing Illian’s dagger from his belt, and placing the handle into his limp hand, curling his fingers around it.
“I guess I would get going now.” Varian murmured, standing. “They probably won’t miss me, but I can’t stay here.”
He turned, scanning for danger one last time, before heading back the way he had come, leaving Illian’s unconscious form tucked beneath the tree.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
SC Chapter 24: The Final Offer
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Ever since I slept with Abby in my dream life, I haven't been able to look at Abigail without wanting to kiss her. If I stare at her for too long, my mind starts to imagine things–the kind of things that HR would have my ass for.
"Oh," I heard Abigail gasp as I bumped into her.
"Sorry," I said, not looking up from my shoes.
"Is everything alright, Zac? You've been acting weird the last couple of weeks."
I finally looked up at her, my breath getting stuck in my throat. As I stared at her, images of us together flashed through my brain. Those images changed to what we could be doing right here in my office.
When I looked at her smiling, yet worried face, the images of her in my head changed. They changed from rough, dirty, and erotic to sweet, smiling, and laughing. We were still in my apartment, but something was different.
I walked into the kitchen, a smile instantly forming when I saw her washing the dishes. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"You scared me," she giggled.
"Sorry," I whispered before pressing a kiss to her cheek.
I slowly spun her around and pulled her into my chest. I leaned down and pressed my lips to her's. I felt her giggle into the kiss as our lips moved in sync. She was the one to break the kiss.
"What has gotten into you?"
"Nothing," I shrugged. "I'm just really happy you're in my life."
"Okay, weirdo," she giggled. "Come on. We're gonna be late for work."
"I'm fine," I stuttered. "I've had this really bad migraine all day."
"Oh," Abigail gasped.
I furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head slightly as she ran to her desk. I couldn't help but laugh as she searched through her drawer. I cleared my throat and dropped my smile when she walked back in.
"Take these," she said, handing me two pills.
"What are they?"
"Migraine medication," she explained. "I have stress migraines so my doctor gave me a prescription. It works really well."
"Thanks, Abigail."
                                * * * * *
"Your Uber's here."
I looked up to see Abigail peaking her head into my office with a smirk on her face.
"What's with the look?" I asked.
"You have an imprint on your cheek," she giggled, "from the pen you've been holding in your hand."
I looked at my hand that I've been leaning my head against and finally noticed the pen.
"Right," I chuckled. I slightly rubbed my cheek as I got my stuff together. I looked up and let out another laugh when I saw her holding up my coat for me.
"Thanks," I said after she helped me put it on.
"Tomorrow," she started to go through my schedule, "you have the final meeting with Hanson and Jones about their merger at 11. After lunch Wilson and Anderson are coming to discuss the next step for their company splitting at 2, then Mr. Yardley and Ms. Lucas are coming to discuss their divorce at 4."
"Simple day then," I joked.
"Yep," she chuckled.
"I know you usually don't sit in on my meetings, but would you like to?"
She looked at me like she was studying me. She cleared her throat and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I'd enjoy that," she said shyly.
"See you tomorrow," I said with a teasing wink. The last thing I saw before heading out of the building was Abigail blushing.
I walked out of the building and instantly found the Uber Abigail called for me. When I got in the car, my heart jumped into my throat.
"You," I stuttered.
"Hello again," the Uber driver who started all of this smirked at me in the mirror.
"How did you. . ."
"How's everything going?" He asked knowingly.
"It's. . .  Confusing," I confessed. "I don't know which life I'm happier in. There are perks to being a lawyer. I mean, I can afford to really take care of her and treat her right, but as a teacher. . . We never drifted apart and are still extremely close."
"It's time to choose."
He drove through the busy streets as if he didn't mess up and fix my life at the same time a few months ago. I took a shaky breath, looking at the busy streets as I tried to decide what to do.
"I don't know," I whispered.
When we got to my apartment, I paid him and got out without another word to him. My mind bounced between the two lives as I headed up to my apartment. I walked in, kicking my shoes off and hanging my coat. I placed my briefcase on the kitchen table and headed to my room.
I closed my bedroom door behind me and leaned against it. I let out a tired sigh before kicking off the door. The second I was sitting on my bed with my back against the bed frame,  I started thinking about the different lives I've been leading.
Dream: I never left Abby. I never broke her heart. We were friends, coworkers even. And I finally gave in to my feelings for her.
Reality: I left Abigail. I stopped talking to her and pushed my feelings down. She worked for me. I acted like I didn't remember who she was. I broke her heart.
There was one common factor in the two lives; Abigail.
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Okay, who am I going to answer first...
Dear Jessy, as well as Yuvon I am dearly sorry for your loss. My relation to Matt goes the same way as with Yuvon and she already explained, so I will not repeat this story. I don't think you'd want that now.
I too, agree with everything Yuvon told you about him. Of course we can never be 100% sure about 'your' Jake. As with Yuvon, if you just want to close this, please stop reading now.
I know four Jakes now. Mine, a Jake we call TSB, Yuvons Jake and Jake of a person we call Rai.
None of those Jakes is to any extent a murderer and even less the MWAF.
You could call me Matts counterpart in this world, even though I am as well as Yuvon a girl. Your counterpart and myself aren't in a romantic relationship either. I wish [this word is completely blacked out] and I were
Two of the Jakes I talked about had personal contact with me, more than just letters. And you could say they safed my life. Or at least do everything they can.
Again, we cannot be 100% sure that the Jake of your universe didn't do it, but even though there seemingly is evidence against him, it just doesn't make any sense, right?
What would you do if an innocent person was caught now? And even more Jake, who probably gets even more problems now. [The words could be readable if you hold it in light. But probably even more if you have a bit experience with reading crossed out words] After he trusted all of you. I cannot imagine what I'd do if the same thing
It's for me the same as Yuvon, once more. Please don't ask me any questions after when you and Thomas were in Michael Hansons house.
I..I think I don't have to say more to you in the moment. Sorry if I sounded a bit rude.
You may skip this part, if you even read till here, Jessy :)
Have I been rude in my part to Jessy? I didn't intend to...Reading her letter just was like a real punch in the gut. [The writing becomes a bit shaky and the word 'imagining' is a bit smudged, as if it got wet] The thought of what might happens there right now makes me feel sick. And imagining that the same thing could happen to TSB because of me now...
But back to business. I need that now.
I already have a place chosen and Jake was so friendly to get Max and myself tickets and a place under a wrong name. I still payed though, I would feel bad if not.
It's evening now and the call happened. Same as last time, with the difference that some kind of anxiety kicked in. But luckily Jake texted me immediately afterwards :) So it wasn't too bad.
Yeah, it seems the Duskwood Detective Inc. is a real tragedy-magnet...
I feel so sorry for Matt, I mean, he's kind of our counterpart, right? Like the Jakes are counterparts.
You're right about Max, I'll do that. That sounds good. And in the end, the MWAF is a real danger, stalker, whatever. At least not friendly.
I mean, it seems that the Crow-Crew not trusting Jake is in many universes...BUT did you realise something in Jessys letter? It seems Lilly and Dan believed Jake to be innocent. Dan. Which is kinda cool and refreshing.
I also definitely wait for them to contact me!
And yeah, I packed a whole pencil case. And I'll probably steal my favourite pen from work. Just because.
Btw, Jake, I don't know what you and Jake talked about, but he seemed very excited after I sent him your answer. Thanks for that I guess? And he lets me tell you that this helped him enormly. He'll 'text' you again when he has more results about whatever it seems.
Oh, and about..what seemed to be your last question? I don't know.
So, Jake said that he wanted me to tell you no, he never had this experience. He couldn't. He has an idea what you're talking about but that doesn't fit to him. Another thing, though. But he doesn't want me to know. He'll tell you when he writes a message just for you again.
Damn, you make me curious..But I won't read what I am not supposed to. Those are Jake things.
Now I hope I didn't forget anything, if so just remind me. I'll answer that next time :)
Lis, and in some way, Jake🐾🔥
I don't think there's exactly a way to avoid being rude in a situation like this. Walking over eggshells is irritating. Being straightforward is rude. All the middle paths are irritating AND rude. I did the best I could in my letter to Jessy, but I'm pretty sure I failed miserably.
I feel really bad for basically Jessy's entire timeline. Jessy lost Matt. Matt was killed. Jake was captured. Hannah seems to still be missing, from what I can tell. Thomas lost Hannah. Cleo lost Hannah. Lilly lost Hannah AND Jake. Dan has to watch the bad end unfold and watch his friends spiral into depression. It’s basically one of the worst endings I can think of to all this.
I’m sure that TSB isn’t going through the same things now. Goldie probably gave things a nudge in the right direction in that timeline so you wouldn’t be too torn up about it.
Alright, at least things still are going chronologically. And it’s good Jake helped you get your destination all set up, and that he texted you after the call :)
Yeah, you, me, Rai, and Matt all seem to be counterparts of a sort. Not quite as closely as the Jakes are, but still.
You’re right! I missed that. Maybe Dan and Jake managed to get over their animosity in that year? Or maybe Dan saw the same weirdnesses with the crime as I did. But Dan sort of leaps to conclusions a lot, so probably not the second one.
Looks like the Jakes want to talk behind our backs XD   I’ll hand this over now.
(The handwriting changes to Jake’s.) Hello, Lis.
I am somewhat confused. If I am understanding this correctly, an alternate version of Jessica who dated an alternate Detective named Matt contacted Yuvon after Matt’s death, somehow. I believed that only entities and detectives could write letters to Yuvon in here: is that not so? If the restriction does not exist, that opens up quite a few possibilities I have never considered before.
Additionally, Matt’s version of myself was framed for his murder, if I am understanding correctly. I cannot comprehend a version of myself that would have been the kidnapper. And both Lilly and Dan both believed my counterpart to be innocent? Odd, given his recent behavior towards myself.
In any case. At least the timeline seems to be moving predictably as of yet, and your bolthole is secured.
Tragedy does seem to stalk the footsteps of you and your counterparts. It could be chance, mixed with the risk factor of being in your position, but I am becoming more and more inclined to say that even those of us who have not encountered entities are their playthings. Do you concur?
I am glad I was able to help your Jake. I am not sure what to feel about my theory being confirmed, however. On the one hand, confirmation is a comfort: I am not overly fond of the unknown. On the other, that makes me very markedly different from at least your Jake, in a way I would not usually assume would vary across universes. I wonder if there are any other Jakes like myself.
No matter. I will speak with Yuvon as you previously suggested shortly. It will likely be a long conversation, so please do not expect letters for a while.
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
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softedwin · 5 years
imagine margo as a single mum like she definitely didn't want the kid, it was more of an accident during a one night stand and she doesn't even know the father
but at the same time the idea of her being a mum kinda grew on her so she had it
the decision definitely was easier because eliot and quentin promised to be the best uncles ever and to support her unconditionally (they have a kid of their own, so they have the experience)
her best friend fen is obviously also ready to help her out whenever she can 
even during the pregnancy everyone helped her so much and even though margo pretended to be tough and like she can do this on her own, she appreciated every single bit of help
margo asked her friends for name ideas and fen suggested all these elegant, foresty, fairy names and margo was about to lose her mind because no, fen, I will not name my daughter cassiopiano
“it’s cassiopeia” “whatever, this will not be the name of my daughter”
they finally decide on eleanor penelope hanson and most people just call her ellie but eliot exclusively refers to her as el
once the child is actually here, fen basically spends all her time at margo’s apartment
the little girl grows on her so much and eleanor loves her just as much 
fen loves singing lullabies to her, especially if she’s upset or can’t sleep, and margo just stands outside the room (but so fen can't see her) and listens with the biggest smile on her face
sometimes she wipes away some tears because she can't believe how lucky she is to have fen?? she's really out here helping her raise a child that isn't hers and she does it so well too and to think that margo almost didn't accept her help at first because she wanted to be tough and do it on her own and she doesn't need anyone else to help her out (eliot was really the only exception) but she's so glad that fen kicked her ass and made her accept help because it's made life so much easier
fen is just constantly around and takes care of the baby when margo doesn't have the energy or the time and honestly?? margo doesn't deserve her although fen likes to tell her otherwise
sometimes when the baby is crying, she'll only shut up in fen's arms and margo jokingly says "should I be worried that my daughter likes you more than me?" and fen just shakes her head and smiles "you've both got the same temper and sometimes you just need a calm aura to soothe you. she's just like you" and fen hints at!! all the times!! she hugged or cuddled margo because it was the only way to calm her down because words weren't of any use either
and margo just looks at her with this pained but at the same time grateful look because fen just knows her so damn well and she has to hold back a tear or two
so she goes over and hugs fen from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder while she watches her daughter 
occasionally, margo looks up to fen and she smiles at her so fondly, like her heart is genuinely SO FULL and swells at the mere sight of fen, especially with ellie in her arms
they stand like this for a while, rocking back and forth until eleanor falls asleep and fen brings her to bed
margo watches her go and sighs quietly because she never thought she could have something like this and her heart is longing for fen, for something more than whatever they have right now but she shuts those thoughts down quickly because fen would never love her that way, right? it’s impossible
eleanor is growing up and at this point fen has moved in with margo because anything else wouldn't make any sense
she spends so much time there and margo's daughter started referring to her as mama, so??? 
when she first started doing it, everyone was very confused but didn't say anything because she called margo her mum as well, so they all just kinda?? went with it?? and no one ever corrected her??
honestly it warmed fen's heart SO MUCH because she's always wanted kids but can't have any of her own so this is the best thing to ever happen to her
it kinda makes margo's heart flutter as well because it opens up so many possibilities that she had thought about but didn't dare dig into deeper
but for now she's ignoring it and just enjoys cuddling with fen and ellie when they're watching tv or fen is reading a book to her
but when eleanor gets into kindergarten, she comes home one day and is like "why don't I see you and mama kissing like other parents?" 
margo just goes red and doesn't know how to answer and fen's there too and she's like "yeah why aren't we kissing like other parents" and margo is just ???? WHAT because it's so bold of fen and she didn't expect it?? at all?? 
honestly no one has ever seen margo this red and she's just like okay imma go and get some fresh air and she actually has to go outside because she's so overwhelmed because fen!! likes!! her too!! and she never thought it was possible (author comment: the eliot in her jumped out, fen is literally raising a kid with her and moved in with her and she's like nah she doesn't like me like that)
after a while she just gets giddy after the realisation has sunk in and fen comes outside to check on her and she's all blushy and shy now and scratches the back of her head and is like "I'm sorry if my comment was-" but she can't even finish because margo is immediately on her and kisses her with such a passion that they're both so overwhelmed again
when they break, they look at each other with the fondest smiles and margo leans her forehead against fen's and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear and just smiles so widely
for a moment they're just quiet until margo says "yeah we should definitely start kissing like other parents" and goes in for another kiss 
afterwards, nothing would really change because they’ve been living like a couple for years, the only thing that really changed is that they’re kissing now
fen marathons all disney movies with eleanor and margo (it takes 2 days for fen to stop crying about lion king) 
eleanor asks margo who her favorite princess is and margo answers “your mama” and fen blushes so hard and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear 
eleanor just giggles and turns to fen, asking “who is your favorite princess?” and fen is like “I don’t have a favorite princess, I have a favorite king, and it’s your mum”
eleanor just rolls her eyes because they haven’t fully explained to her that margo ruled fillory
margo leans in and kisses fen’s cheek and they are truly just two dorks in love 
fen teaches margo how to formally dance, in their living room, in the middle of night with only candles lit and soft music coming from the gramophone (cause fen would be fascinated with vinyls and how it works)
margo insists on leading and fen just shakes her head and is like "let me lead for once" and margo sighs but lets her anyway and in some way it just feels so good 
at some point they're slow dancing, with margo's head resting on fen's shoulder and they're lazily swinging around the living room
neither of them have ever been more content with life than in this moment
and like margo is finally peaceful, safe and with someone she can lean on and be as vulnerable as possible in front of
the calm washes over her like a wave and she breathes out and presses herself closer to fen and kisses fen’s neck 
fen just giggles cause she, too, has found her place in life and it’s beside margo and she feels just as safe
years pass by and they have their ups and downs, like any other family, but mostly they’re happy and enjoy a beautiful life together as wives with their child
when it’s fen’s birthday (eleanor is 11 years old at this point), eleanor hands her a big brown envelope and fen is confused until she opens it
tears start streaming down her face and she is so so happy and pulls eleanor into a hug and margo joins them too 
after a while they break apart and fen wipes away the last of her tears although they just keep on coming and fen looks at the two girls she loves the most in her life and asks “are you sure?”
margo just smiles and nods and says “ellie and I have talked this through and honestly? it’s about time we make this official, you just have to sign it. we already did”
ellie gives a very enthusiastic nod and smile as well
fen is still speechless and margo gives her a kiss on her forehead and rubs soft circles into her cheek and says “you’ve been here all her life, you’ve been her mum as much as I have been from the first day on. we’re even married now. you deserve this, fen hanson, and it’s a shame we haven’t done it sooner”
it truly is but they just got used to it and how they’ve lived their lives daily and fen never dared suggesting it because she felt like it wasn’t her place and she didn’t want to force herself on margo and ellie
but now fen smiles up at her through her tears and finally takes the pen to sign the adoption papers
eleanor gives her another hug immediately after she put the pen down and margo once again joins in as well
fen is officially eleanor’s mother on paper now and she has never been happier
this is truly the best birthday gift anyone has ever given her and she still doesn’t know after all those years what she has done to deserve these two girls but damn she is so glad she’s got them and she’ll spend the rest of her life making sure they’re happy
co-written with @chaoticbisexualquentin
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clairecrive · 5 years
Latest crush/obsession: Tom hardy
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Sooo, since all I can do these days is read, and watch Tom Hardy content, I was thinking of writing imagines, headcanons, fics, anything about him and/or his characters.
So, do you have any requests??
I can write about :
Alfie Solomons (peaky blinders)
Eddie brock (venom)
Eames (inception)
Tuck Hanson (this means war)
The Kray twins (legend)
James Delaney (Taboo)
you can request with a prompt, image or general idea about any of the characters of the list above! Don't be shy.
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iamkatehardy · 5 years
Part 2. You were a little speechless to say the least. When you were finally able to speak you said "Can I help you Officer?" Tuck had a small smile on his plump lips and replied "Hello, I'm Officer Hanson, may I come in?" You took a step to the side, opening the door wider to allow him in, "Please come in Officer". Tuck stepped in and removed his hat, tucking it under his arm. God, you thought this is really happening, and fuck he looks so good in that uniform, even better than you had imagined
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arazialotis · 6 years
Two Twin Arrows
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This was written for the wonderful and fabulous @atc74 Fierce Females in Fanfiction Challenge as a celebration for her amazing achievement of reaching 3000 followers!! Thanks babe for hosting this fun challenge! 
Prompt: I am Strong Because I had to be. I will take back what is mine and give nothing in return.
Word Count: Around 2600
Summary: When your twin brother goes missing, you will do everything in your power to track him down and bring him home. 
Warnings: Language
Your little brother was perhaps the single most important piece of your life; he meant everything to you. Of course, you were technically twins, but being born nine days earlier gave you an advantageous head start. You even helped your mother through his birth. And when you held him, so small and vulnerable in your arms, his laugh as bright as the sun, you vowed on that day to do everything in your power to protect him; always.
Yet when you swore that promise, you had yet to realize the gravity behind it. It was soon after that it dawned on you that you and Apollo were destined to be exact opposites. He the sun, you the moon; you chaste and pure and he… Well, to say promiscuous would be putting it lightly. You were cunning and thoughtful and he was impulsive and impetuous, proning him to all types of trouble you’d bail him from. So when he went missing, and he often did, it didn’t surprise you.
Two weeks was fine, but at three weeks you started to worry. And as the weeks turned into months you knew you had to go looking for him. The last time he went missing was for a month and a half in the roaring twenties. You tracked him down to New York City and discovered him in the middle of a bender so infamous, Dionysus himself was envious. Had mortals shown an ounce of respect for gods these days, Apollo would have at least one or two more stories to add to his repertoire.
After that, the two of you stayed in the New World, occasionally travelling here or there, for family engagements. As much as possible, you kept a low profile, and tried to convince your brother to as well. It worked, for the most part.
This time after he went missing, naturally, you started with the party towns and after hearing about a ‘miracle’ in Las Vegas where the sun didn’t set for three days time, you knew you had found the place to start. Knowing Apollo had a flair for extravagance, you started at the top, working your way down. But even the Bentel & Bentel penthouse suite at the Cosmopolitan Hotel was a but flashy, even for him.
The signs of his inhabitants were all to clear, but he had not returned even after several days. You started pursuing club surveillance, finally pinning him to the Emerald Gentlemen's Club. It was his last known whereabouts and the last place he was seen. All other traces of him had vanished. It was as if he didn’t want to be found. But on the video surveillance, two days later popped up another face. One you were all to familiar with. One Apollo had several run ins with that often lead to trouble. The trickster.
You hunted him down to the desolate wasteland of North Dakota, hiding like a fox in a hole. His private resort was carved into the side of a mountain, easily overlooked by the untrained eye. But Loki’s desire for luxury undid him. It glowed as obvious as a candle in the night, calling you in.
You lurked in the shadows for days. Watching, waiting, but Apollo never showed. You finally revealed yourself once you had enough of the cheating rat’s trickery. He was in the middle of a poker game, porn stars in barely nothing dancing around polls opposite of him. Three other men, all gruff placed bets. He lifted his his face, when you saw it. His two cards were four, all aces.
Your restraint could no longer be contained. You lifted your bow, sliding an arrow into place and without hesitation let it release. It tore right through the cards, pinning them to the table. The three gentlemen looked down at the table seeing the four cards displayed. They eyed Loki dangerously.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Fellas, those aren’t mine.” One man threw his hand down on the table, before rolling up his sleeves. But Loki paused the scene before it continued. “And neither is this.” He pried the arrow from the table, the illusion faded as he further examined it. The people, the cards, the drinks, all vanished leaving only you, him, and the furnishings. “Come out Katniss.” He goaded.
You bravely stepped out of the shadows.
“My… Athena… Haven’t you changed with the times.” He looked you up and down; your black skinny jeans tucked into dark boots., studded leather jacket over a silk red top, and your hair hanging down in curls.
“It’s Artemis, you pig.” You held you bow close.
“Ah yes.” He recalled. “All of you are so hard to keep straight. Don’t even get me started with the whole Roman thing…” He walked over to a wooden bar pouring himself a drink. “So what can I do ya for? I make a mean Sex on the Beach.” He offered before taking a sip.
You ignored the proposal. “I’m here for information. It’d be wise you answer truthfully in interest of your well being.” You paused and for a moment your curiosity got the better of you. “Is it true what they say about you?”
He wiggled his eyebrows playfully. “And what do they say about me? That I can last nights on end, that I have the endurance of a panther, that Aphrodite got half her stories from me, that Zeus wishes he had a pair like…” You squinted at him. “You dare tempt me?”
He chuckled. “Oh god no. I was just hoping that cute brother of yours was going to pop out of a shadow in a jealous rage. But it looks like I’m out of luck.”
Your hope dropped. “You’ve not seen Apollo?” Loki sighed. “Listen, I like to get wrapped up in a Greek tragedy at least once every century as much as the next guy, but when you guys start dropping in for holidays, come on, it starts to cramp my style.” You tucked your bow back into it’s satchel and turned to leave. But he grabbed your shoulder before you could. “Arty…” He cood. “What’s happened?”
You shook your head. “I’m sure nothing. You know how he is.”
“Let me suggest two things.” He held up a finger. “First, get a beeper for that kid. Second.” He pulled a card out of thin air. “Maybe it’s time to call in a favor from your patron saints…” You took the card. Eyeing it with suspicion. It was an FBI business card, with the name Agent Robert Plant and a phone number. Obviously a fake. Obviously a hunter. You looked back to Loki. “Thanks, but I got this.” You turned to leave again. “By the way. It looks like you might be molting… Gabriel.” 
And with that he was left in the room alone. He looked down to his feet where a few golden feathers had collected. “Dammit!” He cursed.
Outside a small town in Iowa, you stayed in a rundown motel off of a dying highway route. In its glory days, southern tourists bound for Mt. Rushmore must have filled it to the brim. But now, in it’s secludedness and stillness, it was the perfect place to reconvene and focus. You twirled the business card back and forth between your fingers; considering it. If these hunters had any idea who you were or half the things you’ve done, they wouldn’t hesitating putting a stake through your chest. And Apollo… well, if they caught wind of him, there’s no telling what would happen.
You had arrogance, yes, but not the arrogance of other gods that would dismiss hunters as any other ape. You had to be smart, cunning, to treat them with respect, or your fate could easily end up as any other monster on their hit list.
Finally, you worked through your hesitation and dialed the number, faking the best damsel in distress act as you could. You simply needed to keep him on the line long enough to triangulate his position, then you could go to him, gauging his usefulness, if he proved otherwise, you could easily slip away with your presence going entirely unnoticed.
“Hello.” A strong, deep voice answered.
“Uh… hello, um Agent Plant?” You stuttered, voice a few octaves higher than usual.
“Yes?” His confusion quickly grew.
“I um, I got your number from a friend, Sally Hanson, I’m not sure if you remember, she says you helped her a few years back on a case…” You fabricated, but intently kept an eye on your laptop as the tracking software was running.
There was a pause as he tried to recall. “Oh, right, of course… Sally.” Even though there was confidence in his voice, you could tell it was complete bullshit. “Well, what seems to be troubling you.”
You sighed. “You see… it’s my brother, he’s been missing near two weeks. I haven’t been able to contact him.”
“Have you filed a missing persons report?” He asked, trying to fish out details of the case.
“Of course, but the local police haven’t been too helpful… Unfortunately, my brother has a bit of a reputation around here.” Actually the story came easier than you thought.
“And uh, what makes you think he simply hasn’t started fresh somewhere else?”
“Well, that does seem like him, but we’ve always been so close. He would never leave and not tell me.” You explained, heart hurting more and more as you began to diverge the truth.
“Well…” He chewed on it. “I’m not sure it’s exactly my type of case, I got a few things lined up, but if I have any openings….”
Shit. You needed a few more minutes. “I’m just so worried about him.” You interrupted. “There’s been other missing people too. With the police not helping I’ve tried to do my own investigation you know. And I started at this old hangout of his. And it’s just like creepy you know. I know I must be imagining things but there is just this chill that comes over you as...:” Bingo. You pinned him nearby Lebanon, Kansas.
He assumed you had stopped unable to continue from sadness or fear. “Okay sweetheart, just calm down. I’ll run the details by my partner and we’ll try to be out in a couple days. Where are you at anyways.”
“Oh…” You chuckled. “This is so embarrassing. He’s uh calling me right now. I’ll give you a call back if we need anything.” And you abruptly hung up, quickly switching off your phone so he couldn’t track you.
After taking a minute to breathe, you shook of any remainder of the act, for a damsel in distress you were surely not. You pack your things and checked out of the motel, heading for Lebanon.
Lebanon. It was a extremely small town. To say it was a one-horse town would be a vast understatement. But that made your hunt all the more easy. You set up shop at the only food market in town and waited.
It was two days before he showed up. His car stood out like a sore thumb. It was old enough to be handed down through the generations, taken well care of, countless of miles put on it, and modifications to the trunk. You expected a hunter, but the man not who stepped out of the car.
Your heart dropped. Instantly recognizing him from the security footage you reviewed time and time again in Vegas. But the fear was instantly replaced by boiling anger. Apollo wasn’t dead, yet. You could feel it. He couldn’t be. And not from the hands of this hunter. As he lazily strenched, you jolted from your car catching him by surprise. You grabbed his wrist, using the force to push him up against the car. He struggled a bit but you had him pinned.
“Where is he?!” You demanded.
Dean pondered trying to catch up. “Listen, sweetheart..” He started.
You cut him off, shoving him hard against the car. “Call me that one more time.” You warmed. “Where is my brother?”
“Why don’t you just calm down and we can find him together.” Dean attempted to de-escalate your anger.
“I’m not taking your bullshit hunter.” You spat. “You were there. In Las Vegas. When he disappeared.” Tears threatened to spill over.
It took him a second, but then it clicked. “I might know where he is. How about all three of us meet up tonight…” He stopped when he felt his hands being tied together. “You will take me to him now.”
You took the keys from his pocket, opened the door and shoved him inside. You slid into the driver’s seat, next to him.
“Oh hell no.” He protested as you started up the car.
Just by briefly looking around it was easy to see the car was occupied usually by three. “Don’t bother trying to notify your partners.” You noticed he already seemed to be looking for a knife to pry out of the ropes. “The more you resist the restraints the tighter they become.” “What are you?” Dean huffed as you pulled out of the parking lot. “Witches, demons.”
You lightly chuckled but did not grant him the satisfaction of an answer.
It took a while to find his location, he not being the most helpful or willing subject. But his emotions became easier to read the more time spent with him. The subtle gritting of teeth or sighs of relief each correct or incorrect turn you made, it led you closer to the destination until you finally arrived.
You led Dean through the entrance, dagger at his back to hinder him or his partners from trying anything. The door swung open with a heavy creak leading into the hideout below. To be honest, you were impressed with the space.
“Dean?” Someone called from below. His younger brother. Taller, longer hair, but still a touch of youthfulness that Dean lacked.
“Hiya Sammy.” Dean drearily greeted.
Sam reached for the gun in his back pocket, but your second dagger buzzed threw the air dislodging it before it was even pointed at you.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked through the shock.
“She’s a lot stronger than she looks.” Dean scoffed.
“I’m strong because I had to be.” You explained as Dean felt the dagger press harder against his back. “Born into a world of vengeful and sex crazed gods, I didn’t have any other choice. Now, I will take back what is mine and give nothing in return.”
Sam still had confusion plastered across his face, attempting to work out what Dean already had. Everyone’s attention broke at the sound of a coffee mug shattering against the floor. You turned to the sound, expecting their third partner but instead finding your fool of a brother in a bathrobe.
“Arty?” He sheepishly asked.
“Apollo.” You sighed a breath of relief and released Dean, running towards him. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” You checked him over.
He rolled his eyes. “Arty you are embarrassing me.”
When all seemed right, you punched him square in the shoulder. “What the hell? You can’t just disappear on me like that.”
“Ow.” He moaned and rubbed the spot on impact. “Can you blame me? They’re cute.” He defended. “I didn’t need you up in my business ruining everything. You’re kinda a cock blocker.”
As you argued back and forth, Dean made his way slowly down the stairs and joined Sam, marvelling in wonderment.
“Turns out we’ve had a god living with us, right under our noses.” Dean commented.
Apollo’s argument sounded over them. “Besides, anytime there was a successful hunt, I burnt offerings of incense to you.”
“Like that matters!” You spat.
“For a whole month….” Sam added to his and Dean’s side conversation. “We must be losing our touch.”
Forevers:  @nanie5 @sea040561 @crushing83@mogaruke@deanwinchesterforpromqueen @ginamsmith @jotink78@blushingdean@sup3r-pott3r-lock3d @dancingalone21 @li-ssu@highonpastries @daddy-kink-confirmed @weewooweewoo1212@carryonmyswansong @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @atc74@superapplepie @coolness22 @cassieraider@winchesternco @adaliamalfoy@iwriteaboutdean @spnbaby-67 @cigsandpie @curedean @monkeymcpoopoo@adoptdontshoppets @maddiepants
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fitzwilliamburke · 6 years
     location: Eastern Squad offices, floor 66      time: 8:05am, the morning after Hattori’s retirement party           ( solo )
It’s eight in the bloody morning. Eight in the bloody morning and he’s sporting a hangover the size of Missouri from the party at Leaping Lizards the night before and suddenly, for no apparent reason whatsoever, Snow is howling his name from the door of his office, practically storming over to the desk where Fitz is just trying to get his head on straight in peace.
     ‘Yes, Chief?’
     “I’m sure you’ve noticed that something is horribly wrong,” Snow says, his face sober, sombre, as he closes the distance between them and takes a seat across from Fitz. He feels a little like a psychoanalyst, all of a sudden, sitting across from the Chief like this, with him looking like someone’s gone and murdered half his family and-- oh, Merlin, has someone gone and murdered his family? Fitz certainly hopes not, he was hoping for an easy day, at least until the hangover tonic he’s taken starts to do the trick.
     ‘Is there?’
     “What, you haven’t tried to get a coffee?”
     ‘I’m a tea man, Chief.’
     “Of course you are. Damned Brits. Right, well, thing is: someone’s stolen our damned coffee machine, Burke. The LuxBrew 3000. Do you know how much my wife spent on that? Anyway, look, I need someone to get it back and you’re not out on any cases, so I’m giving this one to you. I’m sure it’s the Central Squad, revenge for whoever set those damned doxies loose last night, but they swear up and down they spent the whole morning clearing out their offices, so we can’t rule out the others. Midge says it was still there at 4 this morning, so there’s a chance someone is storing it in their office. You get it back to me by one, you hear?”
     ‘Ah, it’s just, I’ve got all this paperwork to get through,’ he replies, gesturing one hand vaguely towards the stack of unfinished paperwork he has absolutely no plans to get through today. A convenient excuse not to go on a wild goose chase round the entire MACUSA building looking for a bloody coffee machine.
     “There’s something in it for you,” Snow says, and Fitz can already tell from the look on his face that whatever it is, he thinks it’s good. Thinks it’s something Fitz won’t be able to resist. “I’ll give you Friday off. No questions asked.”
And, well, it turns out that after all this time, Snow knows Fitz pretty damned well. 
A coffee machine, he thinks. Not a problem. A Friday off for nothing. It’s not an offer he can turn down, especially if it means he’s got a perfectly good reason not to get any real work done for the remainder of the day. 
     ‘Alright, Chief,’ he says, sitting up, taking his feet off the desk to look the other man eye to eye. ‘You’ve got yourself a deal.’
     location: Central Squad offices, floor 67      time: 8:15am
     “You know just as well as anyone else that we’ve been cleaning doxy shit off every square inch of this place since seven thirty in the fuckin’ morning,”  Kennedy Stokes sighs, one hand on her hip in the space between the lift and the Central Squad’s main office area. He can see, looking past her, that she’s probably not lying -- there’s still the unpleasant lingering scent, and he can see spots they missed on the back wall of the equally unpleasant gray-teal color of  fairy excrement. The pranksters in his own office had really outdone themselves, but Stokes and her ilk seemed to be facing the day with a rather grim sense of defeat, uncharacteristic of any auror who had a trick up their sleeve -- especially a trick like a stolen coffee machine. 
     ‘Then I’m sure you won’t mind if I take a look around,’ he replied, glancing over her shoulder. He couldn’t very well check every desk drawer, or every cabinet in their breakroom, and if they were disguising their guilt this well he imagined it’d be hidden somewhere better than just tucked away somewhere, but he’s at least got to pretend he’s trying hard, here, in case Snow starts asking around to see if he really deserves that Friday off.
He’s made plans, already, spent the last ten minutes and the lift ride up here dreaming about what he might do with a day off, imagining the possibilities, settling somewhere between seeing a show and abso-bloody-lutely nothing. An entire weekend, even, he could get out of town, if he wanted, maybe go to a quiet beach somewhere and find someone cute to--
     “You’re not gonna find anything, Fitz. But alright, sure, be my guest, I guess.”
She moves to let him pass, returns to the stack of files she has been working her way through cleaning off, charming flakes and swathes of the sticky substance off of the pages that had been left open on various desks overnight -- an unexpectedly fatal mistake. Her attitude alone is a pretty clear indicator that if the Central squad is behind this, she certainly wasn’t a part of it: she’s too quick to let him in, too resigned to the fact, and he’s known Stokes for a number of years now -- she’s not that good of an actress.
A quick sweep of the office (it does smell like doxy shit, noxious and cloying, the scent lingering even where those present have managed to scourgify most of the actual residue away, and he’d rather not linger for any longer than he needs to) mostly confirms his suspicions -- it it’s Central, he’s not going to find the evidence he needs here. No LuxBrew turns up under an upturned trashcan or in a desk drawer or anything that might make his damned job any easier.
Not a great start to his day, he thinks, and makes a note to check back in when the office is finally clean, maybe with a Bubblehead Charm to make his search a little easier. 
     location: Pacific Squad offices, floor 69      time: 8:35am
Every single auror in the Pacific Squad office is hungover.
That isn’t an exaggeration, he notes. He’s never seen so many sour looking faces, but it’s clear they all celebrated a little too hard last night, and while the rowdier of the crew might have had the wherewithal to snatch the machine before the worst of the hangover hits, his tempting offer of one of his special hangover tonics to whoever can turn the machine over turns up no results among the miserable faces before him.
There is no LuxBrew in sight.
He’s going to need to take a different approach.
     location: Department Lobby, floor 50      time: 8:45am
The gentleman behind the front desk had been easy enough to persuade to let him see the security logs. An easy smile and, when that didn’t work, the invocation of Snow’s wrath, and he’d been granted access to the book in which every out-of-hours entry into the MACUSA building was logged, which he was now combing through, looking for any familiar name between the hours of four and seven-thirty, when the night-time sign in books gets put away for the day. 
Unfortunately, a third of the people who work in the building get to work early, and so there’s not an insubstantial list of names to go through towards the latter hours listed. 
He’s got coffee on the brain, by now; he won’t drink it, ordinarily, but he’s been thinking of it so much he can almost smell the phantom scent of it as he pours over the log, running through the names one by one, cross referencing them with the list he’s made in his notebook of every auror on every squad in the building who might be under suspicion. Seriously, he can smell it, almost like it’s right under his nose--
A clink of ceramic on marble. He glances to the side, sees the chipped white coffee mug with the MACUSA logo printed on its side, filled to the brim with black coffee.
     “Morning, Burke,” says a voice, and he glances up from the security log to see a face he hasn’t seen in some time: Ishmael Hanson, an old classmate from the Academy, still as smug looking as they’d always been. Files tucked under their arm, the other elbow up on the marble countertop where Fitz is standing and working, they look amused to see Fitz standing here squinting at the visitor log. “Looking for someone?”
     ‘Working a case,’ he answers, tense, distracted. He’d much rather get this over with than chat to Hanson for any amount of time.
     “Wow, this early? That doesn’t seem like your usual work ethic. Need a hand? A coffee maybe?”
     ‘More of a tea man, Hanson,’ he says with a sigh as he turns his eyes back to the never-ending list of names. There’s one -- Aurora Powell, Pacific Squad, came in just past six, that could be a lead...
     “Well, suit yourself.”
And then he realizes, a second after Hanson is gone: he knows that smell. The stench of it on Snow’s breath every damn morning, the odor whirling through the Eastern Squad offices every morning from eight until just past noon, the way it’s seeped into the very walls of the breakroom. It’s not just coffee. It’s LuxBrew coffee.
     location: Mountain Squad offices, floor 68      time: 9:05am
They’ve barricaded themselves in, the bastards. 
They must have re-sealed the wards after the second Hanson was back inside, because for all his spells, all his ward-breaking charms, all his literal physical banging at the damned door, the thing won’t budge, and what’s worse, one of the wards sent of a flurry of sparks at his feet, scuffed his shoe up right at the toe when he’d tried kicking the door in.
Lincoln’s know for his specialty in locking charms and blocking wards, and the squad seems to have put him to good use. Locked door means they’ve got something to hide. Locked door means Hanson knows Fitz is onto him -- or that Hanson was intentionally baiting him with the coffee downstairs just to watch him squirm. 
This isn’t bloody worth it.
He’ll have to find another way in, a way to break through the wards or get into the offices another way. He’s positive the damned thing is in there, he can feel it.
He can smell it. 
     location: Evidence and Seized Property Storage, floor 52      time: 9:35am
    ‘Milly, love, it’s just a bloody piece of paper,’ he insists, leaning on the high desk at which the old house elf sits across from him. One spell -- he’d found the case number and everything, thanks to Fay, but she’d been caught up in other work, and he’d been forced to schlep his way down to floor 52 on his own, to del with the temperamental and notoriously stingy house elves who watched over the labyrinth of old evidence himself, much to his chagrin. One spell, which could allegedly unlock any door, undo any ward, and take down any magic barrier, and it was all he needed to get into the Mountain Squad’s barred offices and take a look for himself for any evidence to confirm his strong suspicion that they were the culprits here.
     “You need form 1-A-456 to remove any evidence unrelated to a current case from Evidence Storage, auror Burke,” she replied, her voice graveled with age but still with the telltale squeak that every house elf he’d ever encountered had. 
     ‘This is related to my case. It’s got a spell on it I need to use.’
     “I don’t make the rules, I just follow ‘em.”
Her voice is decisive, her gaze even, daring him to contradict her and the careful order of bureaucracy, and he withers under it. It’s clear there’s no way he can cheat his way Milly -- she takes her job far too seriously, he knows, to let him get away with it. He could fight this battle for the next two hours, eat up half the time he’s got left to find the damned machine, or he could concede to the order of things, have her help him find one piece of paper amidst the towering labyrinth of evidence storage.
     ‘Alright, alright. Have you got the bloody form?’
     location: Mountain Squad offices, floor 68      time: 11:50am
He had nearly given up. He really had. Somewhere between form 1-C-568, which he’d needed approved by three other aurors in order to even access form 1-A-456, and the fifth trip upstairs to get Snow’s signature on a newly-conjured page, he’d nearly said fuck it and decided that one day off wasn’t worth it for all of this.
But he had it now, the piece of paper tucked delicately into an evidence bag, the bag gripped in his hand. The handwriting is poor, hard to read, but he remembers the events surrounding the Scranton robbery well enough that he can make it out, still. Advanced lockpicking charm. If anything will get past Lincoln’s bolted door, it’s this. 
He stands back, a bit, not wanting his shoes to become the victim again if this goes arse-end-up, and readies his wand, glancing at the paper one more time to make sure he knows the spell. 
     ‘Sera Apertus.’
There’s a pop, then a hiss, then a few more sounds he can’t quite identify, the sounds of wards breaking and locks sliding out of place, whisper-quiet, and damn, he’s impressed that the charm worked just the way he’d hoped it would. The door stands in front of him, still closed but unlocked, now, unprotected. 
He reaches his hand out cautiously, wand still at the ready just in case the charm missed anything, any unexpected curses or jinxes lingering around the general area of the doorway, but nothing happens when his hand touches the brass of the door knob, nothing happens when he turns it except that the door clicks and swings open, letting him in -- finally -- to the Mountain squad office, and to the surprised faces of the handful of aurors inside as they turn around to see who has made it through their wards. 
Wand still at the ready, he faces them down, the culprits, the coffee thieves, the loathsome pranksters who caused him hours worth of strife, and who were now going to win him his well-earned Friday off. 
     ‘Where is it, then?’
     location: Interrogation Room 14, floor 64      time: 12:10am
He has just under an hour. Just under an hour to break Ishmael Hanson, get the coffee machine, and get back to the 66th floor. 
He sits across from them at the interrogation table, a mug of tea in front of him. It’s not very good tea, but with everyone in the Eastern Squad looking for non-coffee caffeine this morning to stunt their lingering hangovers, it’s the best he could find. He makes a mental note to remember to bring in a box from home, hide it somewhere in one of his desk drawers for occasions like this. 
Well: he has, by his calculations, thirty five minutes to break Ishmael Hanson, ten to get the LuxBrew from wherever it’s stowed, and then five to get back to Snow before the deadline’s passed and he’s missed his shot at an entirely luxurious Friday far, far away from this chaos. He’s going to need it, when all this is done. 
     ‘Where’s the coffee machine?’ he says, and across the table from him, Hanson grins.
     “What coffee machine?”
     ‘The one you stole from the Eastern Squad break room, Hanson. The one you were drinking coffee from this morning in the lobby. The one your squad mates confessed to stealing, last night, after the retirement party, before they confunded poor Midge and bribed her into telling Snow the machine was there when she cleaned. Where is it?’
     “Ah, that coffee machine.”
His grip tightens around the mug of tea in his hand. 
     “You’re the big detective here, why don’t you tell me what you think happened, where you think it is?”
     ‘I think you’re an utter prick with a death wish, goading me because you know I’m a better auror than you. I think the LuxBrew is up your bloody arse, or at least, it will be if you don’t tell me what you’ve done with it.’
Hanson presses their lips together, a silent my lips are sealed gesture, and Fitz very nearly throws the mug at them. It wouldn’t even be a waste of tea, he thinks, blithely, since it’s such bloody awful tea. 
He stops himself, though, and it brings his anger to up against a wall, his frustration escapes and leaves him exhausted thinking about the furious running up and down from floor to floor, the back and forth, the hours of unnecessary paperwork, the scuff on his shoes.
He has thirty four minutes to break Ishmael Hanson.
He can’t do it.
So he does what he’s always done, as the tension seeps out of him and leaves him hollow. He finds another way.
     ‘You’ve got to tell me, Ishmael. You’ve seen what Snow’s like when he hasn’t had his coffee. Imagine that, but in perpetuity, for the rest of my life. I won’t survive it. None of us will.’
Ishmael, finally, looks like they’re considering it for a moment.
     “What’ll you give me for it?”
     location: Eastern Squad break room, floor 66      time: 12:58pm
     “What do you want?” comes Snow’s gruff voice from behind the closed door to his office, and Fitz can’t help but think he sounds like he’s likely more hungover than the rest of them, even still, even now. 
     ‘Brought you something,’ he says through the door, and he can hear Snow behind the door rushing to get up at the sound of his voice, making his way out from behind the desk to where he can open the door and stick his head out.
     “Burke. You found it? Please tell me you found it.”
He holds out the mug of fresh, pungent, LuxBrew coffee in one hand, offering it out to the chief, letting a smug grin of self-satisfaction cross his face. Sure, it took him half the bloody day to get through it; sure, he was going to need to take his shoes in to get the leather repaired; sure, he didn’t even give a damn about coffee; but Snow had been right: he was the right man for the job.
And it only cost him a month of Hanson’s paperwork to prove it. 
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earthling-thing · 7 years
(A million) Coping Skills and Self Care Activities
“No hurry. No pause.”- Mar It is okay to go slow so long as you keep on going. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.
“This too shall pass.”
Sip some tea or coffee and admire little details about your surroundings. They may not be obvious at first but there is always something to enjoy about your surroundings.
Draw things a fairy would see in their day to day lives- berries, flowers, leaves, creatures, butterflies, etc.
Spend time with Bailey, talk to him, love him, snuggle with him, take care of him, walk him. Think of how grateful you are to have him in your life.
“Like a wildflower; she spent her days, allowing herself to grow. Not many knew of her struggles, but eventually all knew of her light.”- Nikki Rowe
Read the letter Lucy wrote me. Appreciate that she took the time to write such an incredibly sweet, thoughtful, and insightful note. Take her advice to heart. Maybe even reach out to her if you want.
Reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Let them know you miss them. If possible, make plans to see them.
“Everyone is doing the best they can at any given moment.”
Just do one thing on your to do list today. No more. No less.
Get outside. Go for a walk or hike. Frolic through the woods, jump in the leaves, feel the breeze running against your face, feel the warmth of the sun against your skin. Take it all in. Breathe in the fresh air. Let go of your worries as you exhale.
Get moving! Go or plan a time to go use my activity privileges. Enjoy moving my body and appreciate what it can do for me. Practice gratitude for my body.
Take a moment to breathe. Take a normal breath in and do a slow exhale for 4 counts.
Notice your surroundings. Look around. What do you see? Feel your feet planted firmly on the ground. Take some deep breaths. Listen to the sounds outside of the room. Transfer your attention to the sounds inside the room.
Give yourself a hug. Run your hands up and down your upper arms as you do this. Rub your thighs. Hold yourself as you would a baby. Think of a few things you love about yourself. Soak it in.
Notice if you are holding any tension in your muscles. Breathe in and with each exhale relax each muscle. Let the tension in your shoulders and jaw slip away. Relax your forehead. Let it all go.
Thought stop! Observe the thoughts tied to your anxious feelings. Use a mental stop sign. Think of your happy place. Imagine snow atop a beautiful mountain range.
Write down a negative thought you are having. Now list 1-3 alternative/ neutral/ self-affirming thoughts. Do this in your head if you can’t write it down. Ex: Thought= “I’m fat.” Alternate thought= “I don’t like my body right now and these are the things I like about myself. I care about other people, I have a good sense of humor, etc.”
Pick lemons if there are some in the backyard. Hold it in your hands and notice what it feels like. Sniff the spot where it was picked off the tree. Breathe in the scent.
Get some distance from your negative thoughts. Instead of telling yourself “I am…”, say “I am having the thought that I am…”
The Guest House by Rumi This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!… …treat each guest honorably…
The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
Light a glassy baby, play some calming music, lie on the couch under a warm blanket with Bailey snuggled up against me, read a book, and look up images of pretty places. Let the calm and cozy aesthetic fill you.
Hold a stone or a rock. Think of what wishes and values you want and put them into the stone/rock. Hold it tight and imagine those wishes coming true.
Sniff essential oils out of the bottles. Dab some on your wrists and smell it. Let the scent soothe you.
Wear a necklace with your name on it and remind yourself of the powers you are capable of.
“I treat myself like I would my daughter. I brush her hair, wash her laundry, tuck her in goodnight. Most importantly, I feed her. I do not punish her. I do not berate her, leave tears staining her face. I do not leave her alone. I know she deserves more. I know I deserve more.”- Michelle K.
Pretend you are at a spa. Drink cucumber or lemon water. Make a scrub out of olive/coconut oil and brown sugar/sea salt. Add vanilla extract if desired. Massage it on your lips and legs to exfoliate. Take a warm shower and follow up with some moisturizer.
What experiences or moments are you thankful to have? Write about them.
What skills or abilities are you thankful to have? Write about them.
“Do things with your new body you couldn’t do before when it was undernourished. Notice how warm and cozy you are now, whereas before you were always cold. Climb mountains! Do cartwheels! Read a book and notice that you can actually focus now! Stop and enjoy the little things your body can do now. I went on a crazy hike yesterday where I had to scramble up rock faces and push myself hard and I never would’ve been able to do that with an undernourished body.” Tini
“Talk to yourself like you’d talk to someone you don’t know, or better yet, someone you love deeply.” Tini
Journal. Write whatever is on your mind. Let it all out.
Write down all the colors you can think of. Next to each color write a feeling/emotion and memory that it reminds you of.
Think of something that makes you feel truly alive- go and do it. Now. Plan to do it. Soon.
Write a letter to your younger, older, or future self.
Fold a paper into thirds. In the first column, write/draw all the things you are having a hard time with. In the middle column, write/draw your strengths, skills, and what you are good at or known for. In the last column, write/draw how you would use the things in the middle column to solve or deal with the problems in the first column.
Compliment at least 3 people today. Bonus: compliment yourself too.
Close your eyes. Slowly breathe in positivity and peace and calm and slowly exhale anxiety, fear, and negativity. Repeat.
Write some negative thoughts you are having. Cross them out and write a positive, hopeful, and self-compassionate thought in response.
Write down 3 things you are proud of today.
Think about a place that makes you feel calm- close your eyes and visualize that place for 2 minutes.
Draw 3 balloons. Inside each balloon write/draw 3 things you want to let go of. Mentally practice letting go of each of these balloons.
Write a letter or card documenting all the things you wish someone told you- then, hand it to a random stranger or place it in a book at a bookstore.
Look through the quotes in the word document and the recovery and productivity folders. Write down your favorite inspirational quote and create a drawing about it.
Go out in nature and find a rock- think about what you want more of in your life and write that word on the rock. Carry it with you.
Ask yourself “What are your afraid of?”- Write your response and repeat at least 5 times.
Notice how you feel. Now, describe how you feel as a body of water. Do you feel like a rushing river, rough ocean waves, a calm lake, a warm bath? Think about someone who means a lot to you- Write this person a card or letter about much they mean to you! Send it to them!
Notice 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel/touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you are grateful for.
Notice 1 object in your current line of sight, in the present moment, that is red. orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, black, and white.
I am a good person going through a tough time.
I can handle this because I have handled tough things before.
I will get through this.
Your body is merely a temple for your soul. Accept it, nourish it, and let it thrive.
Imagine a tree.“Just like this tree, you are solid and strong, deeply rooted, can support weight or any burden and you can also shake it off whenever you want. Just like this tree, when the wind blows, you will bend but not break. You have strength through your core, in your roots, and in your branches.”- Dr. G
Write a letter to a younger person (or younger you) going through the same problem you are.
Write an inspirational quote or message and post it somewhere you can see every day.
Stick a body positive quote in a public restroom or leave it in the pocket of a pair of jeans at a store.
Write an example from each of the 5 senses (touch, hear, see, taste, smell) that makes you feel calm/ relaxed/ joyful.
Play your favorite pump up song and dance around the room. Be silly.
Where were you last year at this time? Write about it. Be grateful for the changes.
“There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask What if I fall? Oh but my darling, what if you fly?”- Erin Hanson
Reflect on your day. What was your rose (something positive, beautiful, and joyful), thorn (something difficult, painful, or protective), and bud (something you are look forward to tomorrow or in the near future).
Write a list of 5-10 things you are grateful for.
Go outside and stair at the stars in the night sky. Marvel at the vast beauty of the universe.
Thank G-d for giving you the strength to get through any struggles you are facing. Write it as a letter or have a conversation in your head.
Go to a pretty spot. Experience your senses. Feel the air against your face, the breeze blowing your hair- Whatever you notice, take it in.
Write out my top values or look at my top rated value cards. How can you reach them? If you are struggling with your eating disorder, how would restricting/ using your ED prevent you from truly living in alignment with those values? Journal about it.
“If you have to eat a plate of frogs, eat the big frog first.” Do the hardest task you’ve been putting off. Imagine how good you’ll feel after.
Go or make a plan to go somewhere new. Come up with ideas of things to do and places to go. They could be seasonal activities too. Invite a friend to go with you.
Describe your mood in terms of the weather? Are you a bright sunny day with a clear sky, a grey muggy day, the rainbow after a bout of rain?
Let your worries fall away like autumn leaves falling to the ground.
Take some deep breaths and notice how you are feeling emotionally and in your body. What are you feeling? Take any anxiety, fear, and anger and ask it to step aside so you can put it in a glass jar and get to know it better. Envision the glass jar in front of you and observe it. Think for a moment. Now picture throwing the jar of worries on the ground and letting it shatter.
Go to the library, through your pile of books, or the bookstore and find a good book to read. Dive right in and lose yourself in the story!
Plan for success. Change the narrative in your head. Instead of worrying or envisioning things going poorly or using behaviors, imagine alternatives. Think about how it is going to go well and walk yourself through what that would look like. Write the plan down if you would like.
It is hard AND you can do it!
Write down some things you want to let go of in your life. Write down some things you want to call in or have more of in your life. Practice mentally calling in what you want and letting go of what you don’t need anymore.
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”- Nelson Mandela
Take a few deep breaths and tune into your emotions. What thoughts do you want to let go of? Imagine packing each worry or thought into a snowball. Picture yourself throwing the snowball and releasing the worry/thought as the snowball flies through the air, hits the ground, and falls apart.
“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in a different form.”- Rumi (true of my ED)
Before bed (or now), write down at least three things that you are grateful for- small or big. List everything you can think of. Notice that the small things aren’t small at all. They are beautiful and make life more colorful.
Use a foam roller. Align your spine vertically on the roller and lie down. Bend your knees and put your feet on the ground with your arms out to the side. Gently roll side to side to release any tension and tightness between your shoulders.
**Again, most of these are not my own although some of them (e.g. snow ball one, plan for success, and few others) are.
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