ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 9 months
i just wanted to add the extras I've made so far, that I figured NO ONE would also for
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imasouthparknerd · 2 years
I didn't do this on purpose but Ghroth-sama and Tulzscha-chan kinda look like some kind of BakuDeku ship
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Lemme know whatcha think
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pog-soth · 8 months
[pokerap bgm playing]
Cthugha, Mary, Ithaqua, Bokrug, Zushakon, Mnomquah, Tulzscha, Nodens, Orryx, Armandra, Sysyphyx, Lilith, Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, KzadoolRa, Tru'Nembra
Rlim Shaikorth, Gol-Goroth, Azhorra-Tha, Eihort, Kthanid, Hypnos, Vorvadoss, Bastet, Mh'ithrha, K'thun, Ghroth, Thasaidon, Red Flux, Dagon, Cthalpa, Aphoom-Zhah,
Quachil~Uttaus, Gla'aki, Abhoth, Cyäegha, Arwassa, Apocol~lothoth, Mormo, Noth-Yidik, Lythal~lia, Aza~thoth, Nyarl---
[i explode live on stage for cheating several lines and invoking too many gods]
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omega-biomorph · 5 years
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Outer majoris 6/7
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Great Old Ones
Aiueb Gnshal
The Blackness from the Stars
The Cloud-Thing
The Hydra
Mlandoth and Mril Thorion
Mother of Pus
The Nameless Mist
Star Mother
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dcarsi-95 · 2 years
My Mythos
Okay, this has kinda taken me a while, but here are some of the mythos I’d thought up, and for those who aren’t yet familiar with me coming up with some mythos of my own, you can refer back to this old post.
I’ll start with what I’ve come to term as the ‘Beyonders’ in substitution for ‘External Ones’ — hope that’s a tad more original.
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First up is Urrthrall-Mothrama, basically a black cloud sprouting pincer-tipped tendrils, eyes, and a serrated beak, at least that’s how I first pictured him, but his form can have a plasticity, depending on who views him; sometimes his beak is more like the mouthparts of some monstrous insect, sometimes it’s more like what Helicoprion’s jaws were once thought to look like, sometimes it’s just a barbed tendril, and in other cases it may even resemble a tapir’s snout, but with sharp teeth at the end. He is also able to make himself resemble a spider when manifesting in a physical universe, or even as a cluster of eyeballs or beaked blobs, as shown below.
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Otherwise intended to be the kraken of the metaphysical macrocosm beyond space and time that he inhabits, I imagine him to be a rather malevolent deity with a personality similar to that of Nyarlathotep.
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Next, we have what is universally known as ‘The Green Phosphorescence’, though I’ve been thinking of also giving it an actual name like ‘Sklatumia’ or ‘Sklatumio-Rsh’. The idea for this deity sorta came to me while listening to the song ‘Colour Me Green’ by The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, but I think it also draws some inspiration from Tulzscha the Green Flame, which I believe I first learned about from this Lovecraft Mythos Bestiary I found a long time ago.
Haven’t really thought out much on this one’s personality, but I pictured that it’s the parent of the Primal Titan Zug-Ya, a crocodilian demi-god who was, for lack of a better word, “parasitized” by some of Sklatumia’s essence in prehistoric times; might also have a brother/sibling called ‘The Purple Sound’.
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Then there’s Ulloth-Shaggath. Not much to her design, I guess, besides mostly just being an ever-stretching, gelatinous, green tube lined with circular rows of skulls, but this is mostly what just popped into my head a while ago while trying to brainstorm for eldritch abominations. In terms of her character, though, I’ve kinda pictured her being time itself, or at least the temporal continuum of our universe, with each skull along her length embodying all of space itself at a certain instant in time. I’ve also pictured that the skulls on closer inspection are actually turtle-like entities that support all of space on their backs, sorta drawing inspiration from the turtle god Maturin of Stephen King’s work and from the mythological World Turtle that probably also inspired Maturin’s creation.
Alternatively, I’ve considered simply making Ulloth-Shaggath a psychopomp of sorts who collects the souls of the deceased and adds them to her own being. Personally, I’m more fond of the former option where she is the embodiment of time, but what do you guys think? What’s your opinion?
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This here is probably just another one of Urrthrall-Mothrama’s physical manifestations, or it might be one of Ulloth-Shaggath’s; not quite sure. What do you guys think?
Moving on to the Primal Titans, we have below Kalath-Koth, or Kaia-Kamang; I haven’t really decided between the two yet.
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Don’t know too much about their character yet, but you’ve probably noticed that their design draws some inspiration off some depictions of Nyarlathotep, what with the hood-obscured features and everything. Also figured that they can take the form of a mysterious hooded person when interacting with humans, or other beings of the physical world.
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Then there’s this guy, for whom I haven’t thought of a name yet, nor have figured out much on its character, but it was inspired by something I once saw in a dream, and I decided that it might make a neat character for my mythos.
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Borrowing a little inspiration from the 2019 movie Godzilla: King of the Monsters, this guy here was basically supposed to be a Lovecraftian take on King Ghidorah, but also owes some heavy inspiration design-wise from an art piece done by John Kenn; real fascinating, as well as creepy, work. I imagined it to be a colonial super-organism composed of specialized polyp zooids born from a queen polyp creature who spawns different zooids that each have their unique function and can combine in any combination of parts to produce a variety of super-organisms. As to its history, I still need to figure that out. I’ve also considered making the ‘heads’ more polyp-like, but what do you guys think?
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Next we have this sphinx-like creature, for whose design (in the case of the central one, at least) I’d borrowed some inspiration from some creations or interpretations made by Michael Bukowski, such as this “Hideous Prehistoric Beast” and his interpretation of a Saturnian cat. Flanking it are either a couple of alternative designs for it or lower castes of lesser sphinxes subordinate to it, with the one on the lefthand side inspired off of this “Dweller” and the righthand side one inspired by the bust of an unused Demigorgon concept art, but given a different body, as that was the body I had originally pictured for the aforementioned bust when I first saw it before seeing the rest of the body. Also, the yellowish disk on the central figure’s chest is supposed to be some sort of compound eye with four lenses, each one for taking in light at different wavelengths; the magenta one takes in red and blue light, the yellow one takes in red and green light, the cyan one takes green and blue light, and the black one in the center takes in all three wavelengths.
Still haven’t really planned out much yet what the sphinx-creature’s history is or where it came from, but kinda got the idea for it from H. P. Lovecraft’s short story Under the Pyramids, or Imprisoned/Entombed with the Pharaohs, as it is alternatively known as (don’t really know which version of the title is most familiar with most H. P. Lovecraft fans), and figured it’ll likely be some Cthulhu-esque deity to some group/cult/society in some short story I might write.
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Now this one here I’d gotten the idea for after having listened to the audio in this section of a video I found on YouTube; those slobbish sounds had given me an idea for a story about a flabby, bloated, frog-like monster in the dank, flooded cellar of some abandoned gothic castle, and I thus came up with this guy here. I also have a few alternative versions below.
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I think this one looks a bit more slobbish.
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This one might be a completely separate character of its own, or maybe not.
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Here I switched the positioning of the eyes and mouth(s) — the mouths even have smaller mouths inside.
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This one, of course, borrows some pretty heavy inspiration from Stephen King’s IT in that it’s basically a giant spider-like creature from outer space with malevolent intents upon humanity after having recently awoken from an eons-long dormancy, but I’ve given this one a more Cthulhu-esque take on it in that that it had come to Earth many millions of years ago in effort to colonize and people it with its legion spawn, only to fall dormant for many eons after a most cataclysmic event (which I imagine involves the continent they settled on being subducted under the Pacific coast of the North American tectonic plate), but intends to displace humanity as the dominant species on the planet and either outright completely eradicate humanity or utilize it as a food source.
Also, aside from a mostly spider-like design, I also wanted it to resemble a beached octopus, a tarantula, and—in some instances—a centipede at the same time, though I haven’t really added the centipede part ^^;, as well as throw in a bit of moth and bat into the mix; I wanted it to throw an uncanny reminiscence of ‘cute and cuddly’ while at the same time still also looking creepy and threatening — probably succeeded more on the ‘creepy and threatening’ vibe, though.
A couple of other Primal Titans whom I haven’t drawn yet are aforementioned Zug-Ya, whom I’d already mentioned earlier, being the “semi-divine” product of Sklatumio-Rsh The Green Phosphorescence and proclaimed protectorate and “Mother” of all crocodilians. She kinda draws some heavy inspiration from Yig, Father of Serpents, but the idea of her first came to me one day when imagining a story in which two treasure-hunters raid the temple of some crocodilian deity and subsequently receive a curse from it in which one of them turns into a crocodile. Haven’t made an illustration for Zug-Ya yet because I’m still trying to figure out her design, though I figured it’s obviously going to be a lovecraftified version of a crocodile — might try to take some inspiration from the Aztec deity Cipactli, which is depicted to have mouths where the joints of its limbs should be, which sounds pretty lovecraftian to me; I’ll later try to work on some design options…
Then there’s Ouroboros, a gargantuan sea dragon who rests at the bottom of the sea and encircles the entire Earth, and is probably what inspired mythological giant serpents like the World Serpent Jörmungandr of Norse mythology and Anata Shesha of Hinduism; I should also note that SCP-3000, who also goes by the name of Anatashesha, is what leant some heavy inspiration for this Primal Titan.
Ouroboros is a sea dragon “knighted” by the higher gods and thus serves as their high priest to all dragon-kind, or at least the sea dragons, but is probably still highly revered by other dragon varieties
Moving on to the ‘Many-Angled Ones’ or ‘In-Betweeners’ if the latter is less of a copyright infringement off Marvel’s Many-Angled Ones, I’ve only got a couple of ideas for now, starting with one whom I’ve had the idea for quite a while ago: Ulth-Nibagua
Now, I haven’t really made a picture for Ulth-Nibagua, but in essence, she manifests in our three-dimensional universe as a network of fleshy corridors and chambers, usually manifesting beneath cemeteries and burial grounds, and it is in these chambers that the undead make their homes upon burrowing down from their coffins, drawing nourishment from the flesh lining their living quarters. If one takes the right sort of turns through these corridors, they can also find themselves in an alternate Earth on another brane, as Ulth-Nibagua connects different branes together; please see my earlier post on branes and parallel worlds for reference.
So, basically, Ulth-Nibagua’s an inter-dimensional sarlacc who houses the undead and whom one can use as a portal to alternate Earths. I’d drawn a lot of inspiration for it off of the Mystery Flesh Pit and the “flesh interfaces” featured in the works of Mother Horse Eyes, both of which I learned about from a Youtube user by the name of azfk who posts these wacky, freaky videos on various topics which has given me some inspiration for some Creepypasta-esque stories, and I would recommend checking out these videos and subscribing to him if anyone here’s into that stuff.
Speaking of the works of Mother Horse Eyes, here a few alien designs I also came up with.
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Here’s an alternative version that I hope looks less like…well…a certain female part…
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Haven’t really figured out yet what’s the full scope of these aliens, but I’ve kinda had the idea that they may play a role similar the Elder Things from Lovecraft’s From the Mountains of Madness in that they came to ancient Earth in its early infancy and may or may not have had some sort of Promethean hand in the origin of life on it, or they may simply just be agent’s spawn of Ulloth-Shaggath; still haven’t really decided, but it’ll probably be the latter options, but I’m open to any differing suggestions any of you guys might have.
Returning to the topic of the “In-Betweeners,” here’s another one.
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Based loosely from the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, this one was intended for a story series in which a girl somehow blunders her way into an alternate Earth in some alternate dimension which is populated by creatures loosely based off of those in the book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, especially the poem Jabberwocky, and this story I will later elaborate on in a future post.
Now, this character here, being listed as an In-Betweener is hyperdimensional lifeform who often tends to manifest in three-dimensional space as a mouth, a pair of eyes, hands, feet, and sometimes even ears, and this mouth—as already stated in the diagram—can coil into any shape he chooses, and can sometimes even make a flying carpet out of his mouth. Sometimes, he even manifests as seemingly disembodied facial features, such as a grinning mouth, which can widen and curve back on itself to the point that the upper jaw can pop off from the lower one like the lid of a jar (an idea I got from this comic here by scythemantis; couldn’t locate it on his deviantart page, though), suspended at the end of a stalk, similar to the head of the Harlequin Demon from The Nightmare Before Christmas. The inside of his mouth can also serve as an inter-/transdimensional portal through which one could jump through to enter another dimension, but it’s highly suggested to close your eyes when jumping into the portal, as viewing the interdimensional nexus within could drive lower-dimensional beings mad.
I might also introduce him in other story ideas I have, but that’s all something I’ll expand more on in future posts.
So, that’s an introduction of some of my mythos, and if I come up with some more, I’ll post them in future posts. Feel free to comment your thoughts on the ones I have so far and share any ideas or suggestions you might have to expand on my mythology.
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valor-squad · 3 years
Standoff #236
Lovecraft: “Tulzscha has come for you.” 
Red Mantis: “Shouldn’t you be off destroying an entire planet or something?” 
Lovecraft: “I will extinguish every light, starting with yours!”
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lupisrising · 7 years
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Trying my hand at my first lore kids! These lovely little bogs were all raised by Graul, and are on the lookout for new clans. 
Tulzscha, Sunshine/Sanguine/Sanguine, 90kt
LuKthu, Ginger/Sanguine/Sanguine, 75kt
Ammutseba, Brown/Sanguine/Sanguine, 75kt
Gems also accepted, or mixed payment! 
Holy cow they all sold???
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 7 months
i like writing on walls :3
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imasouthparknerd · 2 years
Okay so uh I wanna practice drawing maid dresses....don't ask why
But which Lovecraftian God is first ...?
I could also make Lovecraft ships for this too if y'all want more Tulzscha x Ghroth BakuDeku ship 🥴
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 9 months
Ghorth x Tulzscha art
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Idk if I rly like the brown hair as much as the blonde-
The frosted tips r cute ig tho
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 10 months
Summary of my AU
*clears throat dramatically*
⚠️there may be some controversial takes on here plz don't kill me⚠️
Azathoth is known to be the first one to exist, but he was abandoned as a kid, since no one was there to care for him, he went into a death like sleeping state that lead him to create the entire Mythos. Nothing is real. One day Azathoth had enough and tried to find his family, but since he was abandoned at such a young age, he didn't remember having parents, so he went insane, having a mental breakdown. His powers spiraled out of control, creating his first son, Nyarlathotep. Many years later his two other sons Nameless Mist and Unnamed Darkness. One night in Azathoth's dream-dream he was told about a prophecy, where when his first born turned 13 (which I'm just realizing how young that is) he would be put in a death like sleeping, this was because outside of the dream, Azathoth started to wake up, so to prevent waking up, he was gonna sleep in his dream. 4 days before Azathoth was put to sleep, he made sure to spend as much time with his son's.
Day 1- Darkness
Day 2- Nameless Mist
Day 3- Nyarlathotep
On the 4th and final day, Azathoth introduced their new baby brother, Cxaxukluth, who served as a remembeance of him. Nyar wanted one last moment with him, but when he went to knock on the door Tru'nembra opened the door, "I'm sorry Emissary.." he broke down right at the door. Tru'nembra comforted him for a bit, then got back to putting Azathoth to sleep. Still Nyar will cause havoc and break in, doing whatever he can to wake Azathoth up.
That's kinda it for the early years, here's some little tid bits of the lore, I'll add more if I come up with more.
Idk the order of age for the gods so my order is Outer Gods, Elder Gods, and then the Great Old Ones
Nug and Yeb - we all know Nug is a boy, but Yeb...their gender is shakey..one person says they're a boy, and the other says they're a girl! And it's so confuzzling, so they're intersex, any pronouns.
I usually call Cthulhu's fam and siblings (Nug, Kthanid, Hnarqu, Kassogtha, Hastur, and Cthaeghya) the Fhtagn family. As refrence to "Hey there Cthulhu"
Fhtagn Family- I'm keeping most the lore behind Kthanid canon, his kids and mate were killed by the Great Old Ones. This all happened when Hnarqu and Cthulhu were little, 100-103 years, but Kthanid still hates him and the rest of his siblings (Hnarqu, Cthulhu, Kassogtha, and Cthaeghya) except Hastur. Kthanid used to love all his siblings before the death of his mate and kids. Hastur also loves his siblings, but Cthulhu used to scare him and try to take of his mask.
Also there's a deadly disease that's the Night Gaunts carry, but because Yog-sothoth spent so much time look at well, TIME, Hastur caught it, and is now slowly dying.
Hastur- other than the fact that he's dying from a deadly INCURABLE disease, he also hates Cthulhu, so that's kinda the main reason why him and Kthanid formed a bond. He used to wear a mask and hood, but as got older, he started to prefer just wearing a hood.
Ghroth and Tulzscha - So uh this has nothing to do with the lore, but my designs for Ghroth and Tulzscha some how ended up looking like Bakugou and Deku...SO NOW THEY'RE A SHIP! But they're not toxic, they love each other dearly
Whateley's - So after Lavinia gave birth to Wilbur and Dunwhich, she stayed with Yog-sothoth, but ended up getting killed by Dunwhich, Wilbur has PTSD from it, but tries to keep it together.
RanTep - And I ship RanTep to the max, I always thought that all the monsters that were sleeping would wake up terrified at the he fact that humans and monsters are mating. It's just hypothetical, so Azathoth didn't actually wake up.
i think that's it for now
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 9 months
Daoloth and Abhoth did literally anything possible to get Ghroth and Tulzscha together. They def don't regret it.
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