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[Cthulhu Mythos] : Ghroth redesign
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nephrenklamm · 6 months
The Drolatic Dream of Aurora
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i just wanted to add the extras I've made so far, that I figured NO ONE would also for
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queersrus · 10 months
Hemlo!! May I purchase some eldrich type names?? :333 like think silly eldrich horrors and cryptids HEHHE
we do so love lovecraftian works in this house (the genre and his work, not the guy himself)
Adaedu, Alithlai, Amaterasu, azethoth/azathoth, abhoth, aboleth, aperture, astagoth, aylith
byatus/byatis, basatan
Cthulhu, cthugha, cthylla
Dveahtehs, dagon, dhumin, dweller, dyga, dygra, dythalla
Eppirfon, Eyroix, elder, egnis
ghroth, galactus, ghadamon, giygas
hastur, havik, hydra
ithaqua, illithid
lord, lu-kthu/lukthu
nodens, nyarla, nyarlathotep, nestene
Orryx, Othkkartho, outer, oorn
phane, pride
rhan, rokon
shoggoth, skarlet/scarlet/scarlett, sothoth, sathla
tyy, tindalos, tegoth
xorn, xeelee
yanoth, yith
zalgo, zeele
typically names ending in "(g/th)oth", "(th)u", "id", "us", "on", "as" or just some odd/uncommon/unusual ending, can sound eldritch-esque.
theres also many names here(link) and here(link)
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blackmarketvoices · 5 months
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Faroe knows they're fighting again. It's upsetting.
Sounds like the perfect time for her new secret friend to make himself known.
Black Market Voices returns with PART NINE of Surrogate: The Director's Cut!
Fully scripted, cast-acted and with audio effects, some of the fandom has come together to continue this gargantuan undertaking, and we hope you enjoy it! Go on, give it a listen.
You won’t like what happens when I repeat myself. ;)
LISTEN HERE ...now also on your favorite platforms!
Stay tuned for future recordings! If you'd like to assist in upcoming acting or crew, contact Vmprsm on Discord or Tumblr. Follow us on our official socials for future updates!
Stay tuned for future recordings! If you'd like to assist in upcoming acting or crew, contact Vmprsm on Discord or Tumblr.
From the talents of:
- Vmprsm as the Narrator and Faroe AO3 Tumblr - Jasper as Abhoth  AO3 Tumblr - Igneous as Kayne - AO3 - CharlieGoLightly as Ghroth AO3 Tumblr - Fish as the Nameless Mist AO3 Tumblr
- SSJTrinity, Kraiva, and Somniate as Work Introduction
SSJTrinity: archiveofourown Tumblr
Kraiva: archiveofourown Tumblr
Somniate:  archiveofourown Tumblr
Follow us on our official socials for future updates!
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A Secret Friend - a Malevolent Fanfic
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Faroe knows they're fighting again. It's upsetting.
Sounds like the perfect time for her new secret friend to make himself known.
(Takes place in the Surrogate universe, after Once Upon a Dream.)
Kayne is only a little bored. It’s not dangerous yet.
Not really.
The metaphysical equivalent of floating around the party room, providing hors d'oeuvres to beings his level and somewhat greater, is entertaining enough—handing over tiny planets he's corrupted, or entire species he’s driven insane. Occasionally producing weird treasure thought up by some mortal and stolen.
But really, all of that is the prelude.
He’s got them all watching his favorite show now, which is deeply gratifying. The only challenge is keeping them watching and not interfering.
All I’m saying, spurts Abhoth, spraying ankle-height abominations with every syllable, is she might be more interesting with some cancerous growths.
“No,” Kayne says, far more patiently than he feels. “That would just ratchet everything up the wrong way, and it would make Arthur, John, and Hastur work together. See? We don’t want that. That’s dull.”
Oh, says Abhoth, who wouldn’t have thought of that.
“Subtlety of a mack truck!” Kayne chirps and moves on.
Ghroth is no fucking better. Imagine the carnage if I caused the Dreamlands to erupt.
“To erupt into what, oh Maker of the Doom of Worlds?” says Kayne, who does know how to play the game.
Ghroth considers. It takes him a while. Volcanoes, he suggests.
“Naw.” Kayne pats Ghroth's enormous eyeball self and moves on.
Down below, John and Hastur have gotten into a screaming fight while Arthur rocks, holding his head in his hands; which is dull, until Hastur’s internal alarms go off and they know Faroe is on her way in with a basket of flowers and her horrible goat-god in tow.
And it is amusing to watch them all scramble, to do the equivalent of smoothing hair back and straightening ties, and when Faroe is older, she’ll know immediately that things were hardly as peaceful as projected.
She’s not quite there yet, so she smiles, tells them a nonsense-story she made up as she hands out flowers, and skips to her room.
Everyone is sullen in her wake.
Curious, says the Nameless Mist, one of Kayne’s siblings and one of the only beings he bothers actually respecting. What do you intend to do?
“Beyond ensuring these chuckle-nuts don’t get involved? Well. I have a twist for the evening,” says Kayne, for once not sarcastic. “Call it a mid-season surprise. A guest star.”
Oh? says the Magnum Innominandum. Who would that be?
“You’re about to find out,” says Kayne. “After the ad-break.”
Faroe likes shallow baths.
She does not like deep ones. She learned to swim under grave duress at her daddy's insistence (one of the few times her tears and wails did not move him). She’s a very strong swimmer, thanks to him, but it scares her badly. She doesn’t understand why.
Shallow baths are fine. She can wash, and use her cloth, and get her hair clean under running water (but never putting her face under), and she can clean Nibbles, and focusing on her friends’ weird hooves always helps. Not that Nibbles ever seems to need a bath, but that's not the point. Bath before bed. That is the rule.
Faroe thinks water is alive. It feels bad to her.
She tried to explain that to daddy, but he couldn’t quite get what she was saying. Water is not alive, he said, trying to explain chemicoles to her, and how it wasn’t living and so could not be bad.
But it was bad. She knew it was bad.
Uncle Arthur understood, though. Somehow, he did—and like he did with everything that scared her, he turned to music for a solution.
One night, after she sniffled because she’d had to have a real bath (she’d fallen into some mud and it had gotten under her nails and in her hair and it wasn’t her fault), he played something beautiful, and it… helped.
He said it was called Claire de Lune, and was about moonlight, but he always felt it was more like moonlight on water.
He played, and he told her to think about moonlight dancing on black waves, and how it could be beautiful, and how she didn’t have to go into it, but that it wasn’t always bad.
Something happened whenever Uncle Arthur played the piano.
Passing deities stilled. Monsters calmed in the walls. Sentient plants peeked over the balconies to listen.
Even the shriek-birds (which she did not like) went quiet.
And this piece… this moon piece… she liked it very much. Even if it was one of the ones that made him cry.
He cried a lot.
She hadn’t noticed it when she was little. She does now. She’s not sure what it means; he seems to just… do it all the time.
It feels bad. She doesn’t know why.
“This is concerning,” she says, because that’s how daddy talks about his people when things aren’t right. “I don’t think he should cry so much, do you?”
Nibbles bleats.
“Yeah,” she says, deciding the goat means ‘of course, you are correct,’ and gets out of her very shallow bath.
She’s big now, and can get into bed on her own.
She settles in under her sparkling white canopy, looks out her window at the velvet-blue sky and enormous moon, and sighs.
She’s in bed, She’s being good. But she’s not sleepy.
She can hear them yelling out there.
Faroe is young, but not stupid. She knows they think she doesn’t know they always argue.
“I don’t like it when they fight,” she tells Nibbles, sniffling a little.
Nibbles bleats.
I agree, Faruffin. It’s downright rude, isn’t it?
“Hello?” Faroe says, sitting up. “Mister?”
Nibbles makes a questioning sound.
Shh. She can’t hear me, little princess. Only you can. I’m your secretest friend.
Nibbles bleats again, slightly more concerned.
You can just think, sweetheart. I'll hear you.
Oh, she thinks, and lies back down.
I’m your secret friend! Everybody gets one when they’re almost four years old.
Oh! Well, that makes sense. Oh, okay. Hi, secret friend.
Hi, Faruffin!
The name triggers a memory, though she can’t quite place it. A weird day, she remembers that—but the nickname only brings good feelings. Safe feelings. Funny ones, amusing. Did we meet before?
We sure did! We made friends before, on the day you met Uncle Arthur. Remember what a mess he was? Oooh! Poor guy. He just can’t stop crying, can he? Pretty sad, if you ask me.
She ponders this.
She has no idea what to do with this information. But you’re not secret. Everybody saw you.
Oh, no, sweet thing, they didn’t. They were talking to each other.
Her brow knits. That’s not… quite what she remembers, but then, it is fairly vague. It was a weird day, tiring, and she isn’t quite sure.
Besides, it’s a grown-up voice. She remembers he was nice. Okay.
You can call me Brother Kayne, okay? But here’s the thing—you have to keep me a secret. Every time you tell someone about me, I get pushed further away! Eventually? I could shout at the top of my lungs, and you wouldn’t hear me ever again.
Well, that sounds terrible. Faroe wipes at her eyes. There is some reason that… someone going away forever is bad.
She can’t really put it together. Okay.
Our secret?
Our secret, Brother Kayne.
The voice laughs. No, that’s… yeah, I can’t do that. Just Kayne, okay?
Okay. Grownups are strange.
Wanna learn a trick?
And Kayne teaches her a simple incantation.
She speaks it aloud—opening herself to magic the way her daddy’s been teaching her—and magic immediately happens.
The canopy overhead fills with stars.
She gasps.
The canopy is white, diaphanous, lovely; it shifts in the breeze from her window, and now, stars float through it, a lazy and lovely rotation, and she made it happen all by herself.
Nibbles bleats, then calms down. Maybe she likes stars, too.
What do we say, Faruffin?
She remembers that name, now. It’s a good name, a silly one. She liked him when they met. Thank you!
Good girl. Now, go to sleep—you have a lot of growing to do.
Faroe watches the stars, tracing them, counting, until she finally falls asleep.
Kayne bows to his audience. “Will this come up again? Will it matter? Am I a Chekhov’s gun? Stay tuned!”
I don’t get get it, Ghroth says.
“Philistine,” Kayne says almost fondly, and pats the enormous world-ending eyeball. “Go on, now. Off you go!”
Would Faroe keep the secret? He didn’t know. If she didn’t, he’d disappear. If she did… well.
There were a lot of things he could teach a boring little girl on her way to becoming interesting—things that could actually make her worth a spin-off, once this all went to hell.
“It’s all about planting seeds,” he says.
Hypnos twitches, and might or might not have comprehended what Kayne said. But probably not.
“A smart little Sheila told me that some plants need to be babied. Have to say, I agree.”
Hypnos looks blank.
Kayne sighs. “Always boring when they’re broken.” And he wanders away. There are plants to tend, after all, and victims to visit.
And safe in Hastur’s castle, Faroe sleeps through further shouts about marks and ceremonies and owning, and dreams about singing stars.
That note about plants being babied will come up again, we promise. Muahaha.
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yureipunk · 2 years
Hey there! Could we mayhap get some titles/names related to eldritch beings + octopi? Many thanks if so =3!
all under the cut! (long list!)
eldritch names:
Lu-Kthu Nath
Ryonis Tamash
Yidhra Zo-Kalar
Eldritch Titles:
The Ancient Entity
The Caller within the Fog
The Dweller between the Earth
The Eldritch Horror
The Horror of the Eldritch
The Fear from the Blackness
The Sorrow from the Unknown
The Plague of the Darkness
Octupi Names:
Octupi Titles:
The One with Eight Limbs/Tentacles
The Kraken
Cthulhu the Cosmic Entity
The Cosmic Entity
The Call of Cthulhu
The Eight Limbs/Tentacles
Entity of the Sea
The Waterborn
The Sea Dweller
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evalynnmesserli · 11 months
Get to know 9(ish) people ask game!
Tagged by: @deadlysoupy (thank you!!! <3)
Last song listened to: Wonderland by Caravan Palace
Currently reading: How to Train Your Dragon, Finn Family Moomintroll, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Lost Hero, and The Magician’s Daughter (I can’t focus on one book for too long)
Sweet/spicy/savory: savory
Obsession: Transformers, constantly shoving the two members of my only ship together, getting way into fairy tale aus, sewing
Relationship status: Single and never mingling
Last thing I googled: Is Unicron inspired by Ghroth
Current working on: Not being sick, my last stages of editing the next chapter of the Starbee arrange marriage au fic so my beta reader can destroy me emotionally, homework, buying a new sewing machine
(I don’t actually talk to people so I don’t actually have 9 people I feel comfortable tagging, but anyone else can feel free)
@archrui @blackaerin @perpetuallurkernazanin @girlwiththegreenhat
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imasouthparknerd · 2 years
Okay so uh I wanna practice drawing maid dresses....don't ask why
But which Lovecraftian God is first ...?
I could also make Lovecraft ships for this too if y'all want more Tulzscha x Ghroth BakuDeku ship 🥴
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2dkapsddr · 3 months
June 19th, 2024 - Phigros, Arcaea, PIU Phoenix, Rotaeno
read the news this morning that territory battle, in addition to being removed from its original performai games, would be removed from phigros as well in the coming update. looking to make the most of it before it's removed though, i tried to phi all its difficulties and got the HD down while half asleep, as well as giving the AT some attempts to see if i could somehow do it!! i couldn't do it consistently, but i did way better than i thought i would... hmm.... could i actually get this?
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between and after those plays, i also grinded out some more PMs in arcaea to deplete my stamina and also get in some more progress in my Quest for Perfection . got FTR PMs #99 and #101 on Lights of Muse (FTR-8+, MAX-9) and MERLIN (FTR-8+, MAX-6) respectively, but obviously i had to do something special to commemorate my 100th FTR PM. so what did i do exactly? why, i PM'ED MEDUSA (FTR-10) ON THE SPOT!!!! MAX-36 PURE MEMORY, 10 PM #2, AND FTR PM #100!!!!!!
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warmup was over after that, and it was time to go through with my day plans to meet a friend at the (other) arcade and play some pump!! a lot of pump!!! but since all i had played earlier were mobile rhythm games and i needed to warm up my legs first, i obviously started with som- naw jk LOL i went IMMEDIATELY for the 20s and claimed allll the clears i could get LMFAO (and after clearing these two in particular (86 S20 SS+ and Papasito S20 AA+), i got Advanced Lv.1 title!!! finally!!! no more intermediate bronze!!!!)
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so with my brand new, shiny silver title in hand and a bunch more 20s to clear until i reached Advanced Lv.3 to take on 21s, i pushed on and got a bunch more even cooler S20/D20 clears!!! Stager D20 (funnie) AAA+, CHAOS AGAIN S20 AA+, Utopia S20 AAA+ (peak btw), Gargoyle D20 AA+ (i can do better dw), Blazing S20 AA+ (one of my old early S19s before it was moved up!), Kasou Shinja -Short Cut- S20 AAA+, and Ghroth D20 AAA to wrap up the session! (Level 20 rating: <13,000 -> 18,975, 7,025 (10-11 more 20 clears) away from Advanced Lv.2!)
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really good session overall, buuuut it was back home after that to unwind and relax... but i also played some Rotaeno on the bus to make extra story progress and cleared Inverted World (IV Lv.13)!
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a little more arcaea progress: Ascent (FTR-9+, MAX-22) as FTR PM #102, and a hard clear on World Ender (BYD-11) on my third try (coulda been my first...) as part of Axiom of the End!!!
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ending it off with a bit more rotaeno: got an AP on Journey With You (IV Lv.11) and a really good sightread S+ on Rush E (IV Lv.12+)!!
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BONUS: footage of my Gargoyle D20 clear recorded by my friend who was there today :]
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pog-soth · 11 months
[pokerap bgm playing]
Cthugha, Mary, Ithaqua, Bokrug, Zushakon, Mnomquah, Tulzscha, Nodens, Orryx, Armandra, Sysyphyx, Lilith, Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, KzadoolRa, Tru'Nembra
Rlim Shaikorth, Gol-Goroth, Azhorra-Tha, Eihort, Kthanid, Hypnos, Vorvadoss, Bastet, Mh'ithrha, K'thun, Ghroth, Thasaidon, Red Flux, Dagon, Cthalpa, Aphoom-Zhah,
Quachil~Uttaus, Gla'aki, Abhoth, Cyäegha, Arwassa, Apocol~lothoth, Mormo, Noth-Yidik, Lythal~lia, Aza~thoth, Nyarl---
[i explode live on stage for cheating several lines and invoking too many gods]
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Nakshatra Meenu's a neat guy but this boyo's more like Pathfinder Worm of Ghroth or 9gag Leviathan. Thanks for looking however!
Alright, let me know if you find something new!
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 11 months
i like writing on walls :3
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lpbestiary · 4 years
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Ghroth is an Outer God in the Cthulhu Mythos. Also known as The Harbinger, it is a colossal, planet-like being. Its surface is a rusty red colour, and it has a craterous, liquid eye.
Ghroth remains close to Azathoth, acting almost as a satellite to the Nuclear Chaos. Should Ghroth ever draw close to a planet, that planet will invariably be destroyed.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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robbyrobinson · 4 years
Cthulhu Mythos villains: Least Evil to Most Evil
Inspired by WickedBinge. 
H. P. Lovecraft is considered one of the masters of horror being the one who introduced the world to the dreaded Great Dreamer of R'lyeh who would one day awaken and spell destruction for mankind. Lovecraft and his contemporaries crafted the Cthulhu Mythos, a shared collaborated effort. While the various gods of the Mythos are meant to be incomprehensible by human standards (and they don't fall under conventional morality), there are a few actively malicious gods that are fully aware of mankind and exert their powers over them. When ranking, it is best understood that there is a division between the gods such as the cosmic level Outer Gods, and the lower-class gods known as the Great Old Ones.
Most Evil of the gods would be the Defiler, Y'golonac. Created by Ramsey Campbell and appearing in his short story The Cold Print, Y'golonac is the god of depravity and carnal sins. He has complete knowledge over every perversion known to a sapient being and hunts out specifically those who indulge in closeted depravities by offering them forbidden literature. Oftentimes when Y'golonac's name is said aloud, it is enough to summon him. He manifests as a fat man with mouths on his hands and headless. If summoned, he would ask the summoner to be his priest; if they refuse, he eats them.
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Silver medal of evil would go to the Crawling Chaos Nyarlathotep. The son of Azathoth, Nyarlathotep is the closest thing the Mythos has to the Devil. He travels the world sewing nightmares wherever he went, manipulating people into worshiping his thousand forms and oftentimes committing mass murder and other evils. First appearing in the 1920 poem of the same name, Nyarlathotep appears out of Egypt resembling one of the pharaohs of old. He entices several people with his supernatural charms but cast them out of their city to the country and beyond when he was being heckled. Nyarlathotep enjoys bringing suffering to humans and driving them mad his ultimate goal being to release the other gods. While he could destroy the world anytime, he staves it off to further indulge in mankind's suffering.
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Bronze would go to Eihort. Once again a creation of Ramsey Campbell, Eihort is a large, oblong creature resembling a spider that lives in a world spanning labyrinth. If it were to capture a human, it would give them the option of either accepting its brood or being killed. If they accept his brood, they are killed once Eihort's brood hatch from their bodies.
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Ghroth is next. An Outer God much like Nyarlathotep, Ghroth is a floating entity that resembled a one-eyed planet that much like Nyarlathotep, is not imprisoned like the other gods. Ghroth would travel from planet to planet and sings a song known as The Music of the Spheres. The intended purpose behind this is to awaken any gods living on the planet up, culminating them in destroying all life on the planet having once done so with Planet Shaggai. 
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Ithaqua is where many people received the inspiration for the Wendigo of Algonquin mythology and the Yeti. It stalks the woods in the Arctic where if it catches a human, preferably a female, it whisks them away to its frozen world of Borea. He then uses them to bear him children that eclipse him in power so they could one day defeat the Elder Gods.
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Hastur is another addition to the Cthulhu Mythos. He goes by many names, the most prominent being the King in Yellow. Much like his eldritch brethren, Hastur's motivations are uncertain, but it can be best assumed that he wants to spread his influence on the Earth. He does so through his Yellow Sign. The half-brother of Cthulhu, many speculate he wishes to wage war with Cthulhu and his followers. He makes deals with humans known as the Unspeakable Oath where he transforms human beings into bloated, scaly abominations that he also possesses. 
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Old Whateley is an insane worshiper of the Old Gods who willfully gives his own daughter up to Yog-Sothoth resulting in the birth of the twin brothers Wilbur and the titular Dunwich Horror. There is never an explanation given as to why Old Whateley wants to free the gods, but it can be implicated that it would be bad.
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Wilbur Whateley first appears in Lovecraft's story The Dunwich Horror being a hybrid conceived from Yog-Sothoth. He was indoctrinated by his grandpa to use the Necronomicon to open the gates to allow Yog-Sothoth and the other gods to enter the physical realm. 
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Keziah Mason is an old hag of a witch who serves the Dark Man/Nyarlathotep and sacrifices children to him. 
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Least Evil. As I have said, many of the eldritch gods do not fall under our conventional terms of morality as many Great Old Ones can easily wipe out civilizations without giving much thought to it. We are ants to them. They are potentially destructive, but they are also not overtly malicious either.
Azathoth is the supreme being of the Mythos known as the Blind Idiot God. Azathoth isn't much of a character as he is utterly mindless. He goes by many names like the Daemon Sultan or the Nuclear Chaos. It is called the Blind Idiot God because he is unaware of everything that goes on outside his mind as everything is his dream. Once he awakens, he would be clueless that there was ever something else because all of existence would end.
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Yog-Sothoth would be next. He is considered the Keeper of the Gate and the All-in-One who is space-time itself. The second powerful being after Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth tends to be depicted as not being as "evil" as his brethren often taking affable forms when dealing with humans. But he is indirectly responsible for the events of the Dunwich Horror when he mated with Old Whateley's daughter.
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Yig, oftentimes the Father of the Serpents, loves snakes and considers them his children. As such, if a human were to kill a snake, Yig would send his children to either kill the human or transform them into a snake-like person as an act of retribution. 
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Glaaki is a slug-like monster from space created by Ramsey Campbell in his contributions to the mythos. Glaaki dwells in a lake and can transform people into his servants through spikes on his back. 
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The Dunwich Horror was the offspring between Yog-Sothoth and Old Whateley's daughter. Like any of the Lovecraftian horrors, the Dunwich Horror is mindlessly hostile and breaks out of the Whateley residence towards the end and devours two families whole. 
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Shub-Niggurath, or the Black Goat of the Woods, is next. She is also an incomprehensible entity who constantly births abominations dubbed her "Dark Young" whom she also eats. She is often worshiped as a fertility goddess by cults. 
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Lastly is Cthulhu himself. The octopus-headed, winged humanoid of indescribable form who is introduced in the novel "The Call of Cthulhu" by Lovecraft. The ruler of the city of R'lyeh, Cthulhu used to rule the world until being locked away and his city sunk. If he were to awaken once the stars have aligned, Cthulhu would emerge from his city to bring ruin to the world. Should the great Cthulhu ever be truly destroyed, a contingency plan is that he would be reborn through his daughter Cthylla. 
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forbidden-sorcery · 6 years
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GHROTH by Junji Ito
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