#Tumblr should like. warn you if you're reblogging a post and have op blocked actually
backslashdelta · 2 years
people stop reblogging my posts if you have me blocked challenge 😀
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Tagging on tumblr: quick tips for podcast creators
Congrats on your new account. Here's some quick tips you didn't ask for.
Use spaces, eg #the far meridian
Capital letters won't affect tagging. eg #InCo and #inco will both show up in the same tag
A comma will split a tag, so just leave it out. Eg. Back Again, Back Again -> #back again back again
Tags written in the body of the post, as I've been doing here, won't show up in a search.
You probably want to add tags to any new post you make, as these can be searched for.
However! If you're reblogging, you don't actually need to add any. They won't show up in tag searches outside of your own blog. You can use them on your own blog to, a) find things again later, and b) add content warnings. I use them for organisation, mostly.
If you use content warning tags, Do Not sensor the text. It makes them harder to filter. For, say, peaches, valid options include #peaches, #cw peaches, or #tw peaches. Some people add things after, eg. #cw peaches //, which I personally find makes things more difficult to filter.
Your show has it's own tag, congratulations!! Before you tag anything else, you should add your show tag.
One content warning tag worth a specific mention: if you are including an animated image or video in your post that could set off epilepsy (ie, contains flashing lights or rapidly cycling colours) tag it with #flashing lights. Do not tag it with #epilepsy.
If the OP added a content warning tag on their post, tumblr's filtering system can still pick it up in reblogs, even if you haven't added it.
There may be variations on it. The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality has: #the mistholme museum of mystery morbidity and mortality, #the mistholme museum, #tmmmmm, #m5, and so on.
Most shows just use 2, eg #where the stars fell and #wtsf
Podcasts that may be confused with other things typically use a variant. eg. Malevolent -> #malevolent podcast, The Weird -> #join the weird
Tagging with your own show name will also help anyone looking for you to actually find you. This could be by spotting one of your posts, but tumblr search also tells you which blogs use a certain tag a lot. Search for "#audio drama" and you might find me.
Tagging irrelevant things (on a new post) is considered spam and is a better way to get blocked than noticed.
However, adding names of other shows like yours may be a handy way of promoting your own show, but to a limit. If you do it for more than the occasional promo, people will again, block you for clogging up the tags.
#audio drama, #audio fiction, and #fiction podcast can help people who are looking for new shows to notice you. They are also relevant and will not get you blocked.
Any really general tags like #scifi probably won't do anything: they're heavily used and rarely searched.
Anything past the first 20 tags (if I remember correctly) will not show up in a search. You can add up to 30 tags.
If you put quotations around text in a tag #"like this" it will show up as the first tag (minus the quotations). If you put it in the middle of a sentence the quoted bit will (bizzarely) be cut out of the sentence and show up as the first tag. Eg [#this is an "example sentence" i am using] becomes [#example sentence #this is an i am using]
The OP of a post can see anything you put in the tags, but unless what you say is uncomfortable or very good they will probably politely pretend they didn't see.
Instead of replying in a reblog directly, people on this site usually write in the tags. If someone likes it, they may add it as a reply (with your username: peer reviewed). This is also considered the polite way to say things like ''this is 100% greg and darryl in episode 5'' on posts that aren't actually about your show.
On a related note: promoting your show as a reblog of someone else's post (unless they have specifically asked or indicated this is fine) is advised against. Posting your new episode notice onto someone else's aesthetic image post, for example, will be seen as obnoxious. However, tagging that same post with #Episode 11, or #show aesthetic #y'all aren't ready for tomorrow's episode is completely acceptable.
While useful, you aren't ever obligated to use tags, either.
Just do your best, don't stress. You'll get the hang of it.
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marculees · 4 years
i really hope this isn't offensive because i really don't mean it to be, but since you're epileptic, doesn't the flashing in concert videos and gifs cause any problems? you reblogged those of han with the tags flashing but you yourself weren't affected by it? how much flashing can a medicated brain take? i really don't know how to word these questions but i have some epileptic followers and i want to know what i can and can't reblog to keep them safe on my blog
No offence taken, its actually a very good point! The ratio of the gifs themselves are quite small on my screen, compared to being at/watching a concert or fancam in full screen. If the gifs were bigger, in single or double format where they take up more space on the screen, then that would be most concerning because my eyes would be forced to focus on them. Its why stuff like television shows and movies can be hard to watch, because we often have to focus on the entire screen and we can’t just scroll past like we would on desktop or mobile. Nighttime crime scenes with lights from police cars or ambulances, action sequences with a lot of lasers or shooting effects, or animation that involves excessive use of strobes are all examples of stuff that we can’t really look away from, especially if they’re taking up a lot of space on the screen. But with small gifs, I can scroll past a lot easier and look at the next gif instead. Still good to tag because not everyone is going to be on the same device with identical screen dimensions. The speed of the flashes are also key because they’re what triggers the seizures. If its just one flash during the gif and there’s a good few seconds before it loops back, then it should be okay. Its like taking a photo with your flash on - its only once so you’re fine, but if you have paparazzi following you then you’re in trouble because its a constant influx of flashes with no time between each one. I’d look out for anything to do with red carpets because I find those gifs or videos are usually the flashiest 👍
For that gif set in particular, Hannie having his little pout close to the camera with the singular flash is usually okay. Its only one flash and there’s about 4 seconds before it loops back. A seizure is triggered by 3-15 flashes per second. The second orange gif where he is lifting his hand and then the second-last one with the colours changing rapidly in the background would fall more into that category and that was why I chose to tag it. I looked away quickly and could focus on something else in my environment because they were quite small in comparison to everything else on my screen and the room around me. It wasn’t like an EEG where I’m sat in a dark room and forced to stare at a flashing light right in front of me💀 But some people might be on their screen in the dark - bad idea in general for anyone’s eyes but I know a lot of people do it because they’ll go on their devices before bed - so I’ll still make sure to tag for them too because no one likes something flickering up in their face in that kind of situation whether they have photosensitivity or not, and they don’t have other stuff around them to look away at like I would in my brightly lit room that can take my attention away from the specific gif/video and give me time to scroll past.
Honestly, if in doubt, add a tag! Always use the word ‘flashing’ in your tags; do NOT use ‘epilepsy’ in any way, as those then show up in the epilepsy tag on tumblr where most us go to have a rant together. Most epileptics on tumblr even avoid going through that tag now because of this problem. I’ve blocked various different tags such as ‘flashing’, ‘tw flashing’, ‘tw: flashing’, ‘flashing tw’, and ‘flashing lights’. If I come across a new one on my dash somehow, I add it to the list but these seem to be the most popular. If you’re a content creator yourself, don’t be afraid to slow down gifs to give time between flashes too plus slowing down stuff is sexy so why don’t we do that more and make it a cool aesthetic trend? people are more likely to follow trends anyway rip Don’t be afraid to reblog or create stuff btw its your blog! If the gif or video is flashy and you can’t help that, just tag it, that’s all! As you pointed out, I reblog stuff myself that I would tag, but I’d later skip the post with my trusty ‘K’ key if I went through my blog to find something else if I needed to 🤡 Small tumblr gif sets are much easier to handle than a fullscreen video such as Youtube or TikTok, and Tumblr allows you to tag stuff to automatically prevent it from being seen whereas those other social media platforms don’t have this feature and its rare to see a flashing warning before the beginning of a video that you’d have to pause before it autoplays. Whoever invented that colour changing disco lights filter(?) on TikTok is a sadist istg everyone uses it and I skip as soon as I see anything in an unnatural hue because I just know what’s coming. I only downloaded the app a week ago ffs 😂
...also something interesting about that specific gif set is that it did not originally come up with a blocked tag for me but when i went to click the link i reblogged from, one of them has now been added and it censored for me...i’m going to guess op forgot to tag and then added it in quickly after posting since the notes are still low and it was one of the first things on my dash
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