#Turq Reads A Book
turqrambles · 2 years
I Read A Berenstain Bears Book Where They Fight Joe Camel, Make Fun of Liberal Activists, and Discuss Farmer’s Rights
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Who doesn’t love the Berenstain Bears? They’re named things like “Papa Bear”, whether they’re called Berenstain or Berenstein has been cited as a commonly found instance of the Mandela effect, and one time they ate a bunch of tasty junk food in that one book that everyone only remembers because the illustrations look cool.
Actually, I don’t love the Berenstain Bears. If I had to make a tier list of family friendly forest critters, I’d put them right at the bottom tier underneath characters like Buttons & Rusty and Yogi. I could probably take on both Brother and Sister Bear in a fight if I had to.
I do, however, know an awful lot about these horrible mammals, probably because I read weird books like this. Follow me in my journey through The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Sinister Smoke Ring, their anti-smoking PSA. It’s a journey that gets weirdly Libertarian!
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I reread this book because, by sheer happenstance, I knew two friends besides me that read this book as a kid so I had to report back and read "The Berenstain Bears Book where they fight Joe Camel" just to see if it contained any buried treasure.
At first glance, this book's contents seem easy to guess. It's a chapter book about the Berenstain Bears, and their lesson for the day is "smoking will destroy you mind body and soul". It's not a book you would read for fun, oh no. This is a book that's given to you by a parent or a teacher to teach you a hard life lesson before you ruin your tender developing lungs in a middle school bathroom after the cool kid with all the piercings dares you to.
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For the most part, the book is exactly that. We get the peer pressure from the gang of cool kids - named the Too-Tall Gang, and their clubhouse is made out of stolen car parts because they're COOL - and we even learn that Brother Bear has been hanging out with them and smoking for a bit (which, sadly, is never seen in any of the illustrations, probably to preserve the branding) and doing things like hiding his smoke-smelling clothes from his parents, all while his sister watches on in mute horror.
Later on, as the adults are telling him not to smoke, he even gets to visit a cemetery while an old grandpa bear tells him that his loved ones smoked themselves to death.
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(almost every tombstone is a bear pun)
See, that part is fine. That is a fine lesson to learn. If this book just kinda kept to that tone of storytelling - maybe have Brother Bear's health start to be negatively affected by this, maybe deal with the psychological effects that smoking does to the brain - then maybe it wouldn't be the absolutely bonkers product that I subjected myself to.
Oh no, instead this book slides off the rails by making the Bear Scouts deal with all levels of tobacco production, and the cracks really begin to show during the part in the beginning where we have to spend time with Farmer Ben, who called the police on some protesters marching on his farm because he decided to grow a bunch of tobacco plants on a completely random whim.
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(...)The scouts were in an awkward position. They knew that smoking was very bad for your health. But Farmer Ben was a friend of theirs. After all, it was Ben who let them convert his old chicken coop into a clubhouse.
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He turned to Ben. "Ben, you're right about one thing. They may not come onto your property. That's trespassing. But if they stay on the road, they can protest all they want. It's called Freedom of Speech." He turned to the protesters. "Miss Stickler, you and your protesters are right about tobacco and smoking. It causes death and disease. No question about it. But it's a legal crop, and Ben has every right to grow it if he chooses to!"
Okay. We need to slow down here.
This book, this children's book designed to tell children that smoking is bad and will kill you, felt the need to spend some time with a tobacco farmer and let everyone know that it's well within Farmer Ben's right to grow a bunch of tobacco plants because tobacco is a legal plant to grow and that golly, he sure does feels upset that these people are yelling at him. Nevermind the fact that it's established that Farmer Ben is the only farmer in Bear Country and, due to the nature of these books and how these lessons are taught, a large portion of the schoolchildren only started smoking AFTER the only farmer within the area decided to start growing it.
And before you ask "well maybe they present the moral quandary of 'just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right' using Farmer Ben as a framework?", they don't. This is the last we see of Farmer Ben. Not once does anyone talk to Farmer Ben and ask him why he decided to grow a bunch of tobacco plants in the community. Cigarettes are purely terrible death sticks but Farmer Ben is a pillar to the community even though he's making the key ingredient.
Honestly Farmer Ben should count his blessings that no one torches his crops in the middle of the night. Why don't you ask one of the parents of the Too-Tall Gang kids how they feel about this, Farmer Ben.
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Speaking of late night shady dealings, there is also a con artist bear named Ralph Ripoff (a regularly reoccurring character, and someone who would’ve been a tumblr sexyman if tumblr existed in the mid-80′s when the TV show was airing) who manages to convince several tobacco CEOs to start doing their business in Bear Country, probably on account of all those locally-grown tobacco plants that Farmer Ben helpfully planted and is within his legal right to plant.
The CEOs are named Mr. Wheeze, Mr. Tar, and Mr. McSnuff - because of course they are - and their cigarette mascot is named Moe Moose. Ralph Ripoff tells that, sure, selling cigarettes directly to children is illegal, but there's nothing illegal about making your mascot really cool and marketable to children.
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As you can tell, this book is a direct commentary of the Joe Camel controversy of the 90's, and just when you think the book has reached Peak Wacky the moment it has a high school parade dedicated to this cigarette mascot complete with someone in a moose costume blowing smoke rings while wearing stilts...
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...it goes the extra mile and Ralph Ripoff reveals a giant state-of-the-art billboard of a massive Moe Moose that can move its giant mechanical arm and smoke real smoke rings.
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Don't worry, though. Ralph Ripoff doesn't get the same gentle treatment that Farmer Ben gets, for the Bear Scouts first lightly and legally protest smoking by making a bunch of anti-smoking buttons and flyers (uh huh, seems like something normal kids would do, I'm with you so far, book) and then they get one of the protesters from Farmer Ben's farm to hack and reprogram the robotic billboard so that the massive forty foot tall Moe Moose spells out "Smoking Kills" in front of a bunch of tobacco industry representatives and seemingly nearly asphyxiate Ralph Ripoff in a cloud of black smoke in the process. (WHAT)
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Listen. I know Ralph Ripoff is named "Ralph Ripoff" but we can't apply the "what he was doing was technically legal" logic to Farmer Ben and then try to kill Mr. Ripoff for creating a dystopian robot billboard that somehow has the ability to spit out tobacco smoke. Ain't no rule says a dog can't play basketball.
Before they do this, they have to get one more dig at protestors by doing the whole “haha isn’t it wacky that this activist wants to chain herself to things”.
Bear Country has exactly one liberal living there, apparently.
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There's also a scene where Brother Bear challenges the Too-Tall Gang to a foot race and the cigarette-addicted teens are so winded and out of shape from their destructive habits that they have to be put on oxygen tanks by some nurses that are standing by. You know, great stuff.
In short, I almost can't rate this. This book trips over its own messages a couple times, and honestly, the whole tobacco industry subplot just makes this whole thing feel like a fever dream, but damn it all, it is an exhilarating read as an adult.
And remember, if you want to stop tobacco from taking over your small community of bears, maybe don't wait until there's a giant robot billboard blowing smoke into the skyline before doing something about it.
Maybe listen to HER next time.
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jq37 · 1 year
The fact Gerard's vision of a better world is 'none of that 5am bullshit, we wake up at 8 to workout', just the best. I wonder if Ylfa's still got dawg in her, or if that's not a thing in her new reality. Anyway, another great finale for the books, wrapped more satisfyingly than I expected. There were so many threads, I didn't think they would have the time. I was expecting the Top Hat Fairy to do something to help like Turquina, but *shrug*. I suppose Ylfa having that hat for the rest battle was enough help and was definitely not a waste of precious resources. *sighs* So many 20's, so many stressful Box of Doom's, on the edge of my seat the whole time, satisfying conclusions to everyone's story arcs. You can't ask for better than that.
OK this has been sitting in my inbox for a bit for two reasons. The first is I've just been majorly busy with IRL stuff. The second is that I have...let's say mixed feelings about Neverafter as a whole having seen the finale. 
Like, as a vehicle for comedy (which Dimension 20 largely is--makes sense considering the cast is all comedians who are friends. A recipe for shenanigans if I've ever heard one) the season absolutely succeeded. There were very few moments of this season where I wasn't entertained. Thinking about Ylfa saying the phrase, "honking big" will break me every time. Watching the cast lose their mind during adventuring party every week as they descended further into madness was fantastic. And Ylfa going in for the kiss w/ Pinnochio at the end had me dying. 
But as a story? And specifically, as a story ABOUT stories? 
[To be clear, I am talking about MY opinions here. To everyone who really loved how this season wrapped up, that's fantastic! I'm just talking about me and my thoughts. Even when I'm making broad statements, I'm still just talking about me. Cool? Cool.]
Just to start with the broadest thing, it is *insane* to have a finale that is nigh incomprehensible without having watched some bonus content, and honestly, only slightly more comprehensible if you have watched that bonus content. Like, was it FUNNY to see the full cast practically melting as they went feral for the Orange Fairy? Yes, obviously. But it also undercut any sense of like real stakes or weight to the entire affair. 
I'm not the biggest fan of final fights in general because it often feels like just drawn-out math, but I feel like, even factoring that in, the fight didn't feel as engaging as it could because by the second part of the fight, we were fighting characters we hadn't spent a lot of time with. Like, sure, I have thoughts about how the princesses were handled but we did spend time with them. Enough time to at least have some sort of opinion when they were taken down. And enough time for characters to have relationships with them that paid off during their fights--Red taking down La Bete for instance, or Pinnochio reaching out to Mira. With the fairies, we only really met three of them (Turq, The Evil One, and the Godmother), and we really only got a half-decent read on Turq. So it really wasn't that emotionally satisfying (outside of whatever emotion they were CLEARLY getting from their Orange Fairy Acid Trip). 
And then the Authors we know the least about! There were all these meta elements that were introduced in this season that weren't really explored much at all. So that element felt really obligatory to me. It was like, the fighting of a vague concept. Which isn't to say that can't work. They fully fight the American Dream in Unsleeping City 1. But that worked for me because (1) they had the concrete villain of Robert Moses to fight as well and (2) there was a very clear thematic reason they were fighting the American Dream. Put a pin in that, I'm coming back to it. 
The last two big elements in the fight are the Gander who didn't really do anything but by all accounts, SHOULD have been a bigger player and the Stepmother who ABSOLUTELY should have felt more satisfying to defeat because I actually think she has one of the more interesting stories in the story. Unlike the princesses (who struck me as shortsighted and selfish at worst and majorly misguided at best) and the PCs (who felt very rebel without a cause and a bit aimless for large parts of the season), I fully understand why a character who is always written to be evil would want to be like OK, screw it. Burn it all down. But then, at the last second, we get this, "No, wait, I actually wanted to free us all from the authors" thing and it just feels like it comes out of nowhere. Like, maybe giving her her name back gave her back her humanity or something, Fine. But it gave me so much whiplash. We did not spend enough time with her story threads for that to work imo. 
Going back to the Authors thing now. I'm going to skip over a bunch of my logistical questions about them (Is that one ink hand speaking for all Authors? For only some? What even is an Author in the context of this world? Is the world that exists above the Never After even really our world? Fairy Tales don't even have set authors most of the time. They're oral tradition. What does killing an ink hand do mechanically in the actual world? Did they kill the entire concept of storytelling or just give one person bad writer's block? ) and go to my thematic question which is, what is the tone that was meant to be struck here? Or I guess rather, why was this the tone struck? The idea of Authors as a malevolent force and that never really being challenged is so bizarre to me. Because storytelling as a concept exists in their world. So why would they assume malevolence rather than people who just don't understand they're playing with the lives of sentient beings? Like, I get the concept of seeing something just beyond your meagre comprehension and cracking. I really do. But that really only happened when Tim saw the ink. Everyone seemed to just jump on the "Authors Evil" bandwagon and didn't examine that further. And I guess you're not obligated to look further into the people who are controlling your life against your will (though, I really don't understand to what degree the Authors were actually doing that--add that question to the pile) but that makes for a very unsatisfying story beat. 
But even outside of that, it's a weird take on storytelling from a storyteller in a medium where you're seeing the storyteller on screen at all times along with the other six storytellers who are telling the story. It's like, an insane level of dissonance, watching someone narrate about how Authors are so cruel and uncaring while watching seven people who are so passionate about what they do, clearly having a great time in the world they created. It made that thread ring hollow to me. And I'm not trying to do some kind of pedantic gotcha like, "Oh ho. You said storytelling is bad and yet you are a storyteller. Interesting." That's not what I'm saying. If you want to tell a story about control and lack of control and agency and all that, then I can see having your players play characters who are being controlled by authors. But it wasn't explored in a way that made any kind of point other than, "Free will is good." Which...yeah. And I initially thought it was very cool that they were telling a story about character feeling like they didn't have agency in a medium where we literally have to watch the "extraplanar beings" controlling the characters' agency because I thought they were going to do something interesting with it but they never really did. Frustrating. 
There were hella loose ends that were never tied (What actually caused the Neverafter to merge? What does the Auroratory actually do? What caused the times of shadow*? What was going on in the other worlds?) but lastly, I just want to touch on the loose ends that actually *were* tied. Specifically in the epilogue. 
So the idea here is everyone gets to write their own stories. That sounds good in theory. But, in reality, people are gonna have wishes that contradict. And people are gonna have wishes that are bad. And people are gonna have wishes that control other people. Like, in this new reality Tom Thumb wakes up at 8. But that's what Ger wants. Is that what Tom wants? In this new reality Elody and Ger are divorced. Did they both want that? What if one of them didn't want that? What if multiple people want to be married to the same person? What if multiple people want to be royalty of the same place? What if multiple people want to be despotic dictators or the same place?
I'm not going to go through every epilogue, but Roz's in particular gave me pause. Not because she decided to not give herself a true love and in fact specify a cruddy dating life for herself--wouldn't have been my move but do you girl. No, it made me go "huh?" because Siobhan said that in this rewritten version, instead of avoiding spindles, she gets really good at handling spindles, and then when the witch shows up with a spindle, she knows how to handle herself. But that's just like...not how Sleeping Beauty works? Like, it's not that Auora's curse takes hold because she was bad at spindles. It happens because she was cursed to die (softened to sleep) when pricked by a spindle on that day and time! Michael Jordan could have been cursed to die via basketball on his 25th birthday and no amount of talent would have saved him because it's not about life experience. It's about magic. And like, I get that she wanted to have more agency in her story but that's just like...not Sleeping Beauty at that point. If she had been like, "So I spend my whole childhood preparing to face the evil fairy and defeat her in a battle of wits/magic/sword fighting/Uno/etc before my curse takes hold instead of letting people solve the problem for me" then that would have tracked for me. But as is? That was just bizarre. 
And then also the fact that the Stepmother AND the Gander were just like, good in this world? The stepmother, I can maybe kinda sorta buy. Like, I have questions 100%. Was this what Cinderella wanted? For her abusive stepmother to just get a clean slate to be in her life again? We're not given any indication that the Stepmother is really a nice person who is being forced to play into the villain kayfabe by her puppet masters and really in her heart just wants to be good. But that COULD happen (and I wish it had) so sure. Fine. But the Gander? The Gander, this primal force, just wants to be good and wander? First off, not the main thing here, but if I was Tim and this dude made my son turn to bones I'd be like??? No??? But also, I thought the Gander was like, a force of the universe! The opposite of the Goose! Yin and Yang type stuff! He can just be good with no cosmological consequences???
(Also, as I said, it's really kind of jarring to watch these characters like struggle for control of their stories and then just, in real time, while 6 actors put words in their mouths about what their best life is. I know that's the nature of the game but it doesn't make it not weird to watch.)
In conclusion, I found this season exceptionally funny but also not very narratively cohesive. I really wish it had come together a bit better because I really love fairy tales. My thesis project right now (which I'll probably share on here when I'm done with it)  is a fairy tale retelling and the last major writing project I worked on had a lot of fairy tale inspiration as well. I think there were a lot of potentially interesting ideas in this season! Pinocchio asking why other kids get to mess up but he can't is a great beat. Pib as an incarnation of an archetypical trickster spirit is inspired. The effects of a True Love's Kiss spell wearing off as your marriage crumbles has interesting implications. But it didn't coalesce in what I felt was a satisfying way. I admire the effort that went into this season and would love to see Brennan's notes because I'm sure there's a lot we never got to (some of which might answer some of my questions) but as is, it felt a bit overstuffed and underbaked. 
*OK, we actually did get an answer to this question, but it was so tautological as to be basically meaningless and I would like a more in-depth answer. 
PS: Oh! I got kind of carried away and didn't answer everything in your message. Let me fix that! 
-I think Ylfa is just a normal girl now. I did think Roz taking her in once she was separated from the wolf was very sweet. I have some existential questions about the splitting situation but the moment was still sweet regardless. I do like that people still draw her with the wolf ears though. Wolf ears are always fun. 
-It *is* very funny that Ger had a page to write literally whatever he wanted and that made the list. 
-I am fascinated by what would have happened if they'd failed that roll. I know Brennan said they'd have time looped back to the start and ended on a bummer note, but I mean like, what would the table's energy have been like. They've never lost like that before. Still haven't. And I didn't really *want* them to but also...my fatal flaw is curiosity so you know...
-Them fighting fully corrupted Tim would have been interesting too. What a cool what could have been. I'm sure there are so many of those. 
-That damn Top Hat. Do you think they're actually gonna sell that with the rest of the minis or keep it?
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
Charmed! Recap Day 4 (Saturday)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (you're reading it!) Part 5
I bolted upright, terrified and activated.
“It’s okay, Cammie. It’s 2023. You’re in Annapolis. It’s Charmed. You’re in a hotel room. It’s 2:30am. Everything’s okay. Go back to sleep.”
Puppet and Sleepyhead take such good care of me…
I fell back asleep. I wasn’t even certain that moment had happened, but my journal notes said “panic attack in middle of the night?” And I asked Sleepyhead, who told me her version of that event.
I woke again at 7:30am, took a test and got myself dressed for first event of the day…
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Yoga with Copper!
A presenter I had a firm connection to ran the class and it was nice to have an event with Copper. The two of us remained close during the event and did our best. I’m a bendy bitch but my reach is kind of limited.
The presenter was another person I really wanted to catch up with this weekend as we had a friendship built up from when we both lived in the same state. Alas, this was not the best time for it as I had a 9am coffee date scheduled with Daja and Nath…
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Charmed! Outfit 5: Miss Dawn's Default Attire For those who want to look exactly like their Tumblr avatar.
Which I dressed up for in my “Miss Dawn Default Attire”, which is the outfit all of the online art depicting me wears. Well. Most of it. Some of it has the red magician’s outfit I wore at Beguiled.
For the Starbucks run, Daja wanted to ensure I got to eat a proper breakfast and was eager to get some time with me and her Lady at the same time.
Unfortunately what didn’t work out with our plans was that the first Positive COVID test of the convention had been announced and it was someone both Puppet and Tigress had spent time with. Puppet, for a few minutes while masked and Tigress while eating lunch.
Though it broke her heart to do so, Puppet opted to remain in the room until 48 hours after exposure to take a PCR level test to confirm she was safe to continue enjoying the con. Good news is that I am posting this on Tumblr a week later and all of Oikos have received negative PCR tests. None of us got sick.
But I at the time I was worried about a LIFE CHANGING appointment which would not have happened if I got sick. COVID anxiety played a big part of my weekend.
The knowledge of that important appointment meant Oikos needed to discuss how to handle this. We decided that masks should remain on during demos and classes, no inviting people outside of our bubble into rooms (Daja/Turq are inside bubble) and any major play required tests before hand if possible.
Sleepyhead was booked solid for the entire day full of demos and fun. I was OVERJOYED that she was getting all of that…
Though I will write a little more about that later…
I pulled into the tail end of the hairplay demo class and sat next to Daja who cuddled me close and ensured I paid attention, even going as far as to forbid the nuzzle trigger from working for the next hour. She was interested in my reactions. The way I gasped and whimpered at the wall slams, the way I shied up at the neck nape grab. How I giggled and enjoyed one of the presenters hamming up her role and another turning himself into a wall for the demo bottom to be slammed against.
There was a Kodak moment in there. You had to be in the room. Or the online stream.
Hairplay is always a highlight for me any time I go. Daja was in Toppy space and was being playful. My reactions must have been feeding her.
“And, sweetling, when the next demo happens you’ll feel whatever happens to the demo happen to you.”
I whimper just to remember.
The presenter was showing off his D.A.N.G.L.E the most advanced hairplay tactic where the hypnotee goes limp and their whole weight is held up by the hair pull and…
In 2022 I wrote:
"Eventually Daja’s second demo came about. The Directed Angle Neutral Grip Leverage maneuver. Dangle. A tall grip where the subject goes limp in your group and is held up by their hair.
Daja later told me she went as limp as she felt safe to but she knows her body.
I know how gorgeous that looked. Outside of skill level, but I wanted that. I wanted it. I.
I wanted it."
Daja knew this and wanted me to FEEL this… and feel it I did.
Oh… *whimper*
I just
I felt it…
The class ended and we decided to go up to the room quickly before the Topping Is For Everyone class and my own Communication With Deep Self class.
I was feeling a little destabilized so told Daja that I’d be looking at my tablet, but I’d be in the room and present as she taught the class. I sat in the corner of the room because the person sitting next to me in the front row was enjoying a teaching lunch and I still had hospital stuff in the back of my mind.
It was a good class. Last time I attended it Miss Dawn was eager to learn all the ways that Daja enjoyed topping and use her own tricks against her. Those memories made me smile then as they make me smile again typing.
EnScenic reached out to me via Discord to say that she was looking to give me a gift and that we should meet up. I told her my location and she said she would stop by.
Daja spoke about how seeing Captain Marvel helped her utilize Carol Danvers energy to overcome any social programming about manifesting her power. She said that she is beyond needing that, but outright said “I have nothing to prove to you.”, which reminded me of a brat taming scene I had done with her once, and that made me smile. I love her so much when she’s bold and strong and sure of herself. I always love her. But my heavens that glow when she is firm and certain in her conviction and determined.
I am still beyond smitten.
She went over a little bit about the vampire fantasy which was going to end our weekend and how things were looking from her perspective.
I simply couldn’t wait. The way Daja went through my fantasy list and wanted to make them all a reality was just—
I cannot even begin to find words for how honored, flattered and overjoyed I am by everything from the weekend.
After the class EnScenic stopped by and handed me a hand drawn image of a Dalek yelling FRACTIONATE - FRACTIONATE!
I near died laughing when that image was posted online. Apparently EnScenic remembered my reaction because she went through the effort of bringing it to the con and hunting me down…
So many people did so many nice things for me this weekend…
I— I’m so happy to be part of this community. I’m finally home. I finally came to the party. I’ve always been welcome. I’m here. I’m happy. I’m home.
I want to hug every single person. Just squee about what they all mean to me. How humbled I am by their encouragement and acceptance. I may have cried again. I don’t know. I was all over the place.
After a quick lunch it was time for my class, Communication With The Deep Self.
Daja and Copper were in the audience as well as a Twitter community writer of whom I have great respect and admiration for and the gentleman who was being an issue on the Discord, along with a group of folks he seemed deeply engaged in conversation with, hyping up Ormund as the best hypnotist.
The Zoom coordinator hopped on and began to start the intro schpiel, it was quite loud. Loud enough that Daja plugged her ears.
It did not seem to dissuade the disruptive party from a conversation. They even seemed to be standing up and testing balance or measuring feet size. I was not certain. I was simply bewildered. I could not understand what I was seeing. The class had started. Please sit the ever living fuck down you *intruder*.
The class went okay. I feel I gave a better version of the talk a year ago, but I was discombobulated and in the wrong headspace for it. Dawn would have done a better job of it.
I recall explaining the concept of the mirror lake trance I use on Sleepyhead versus the “Ceiling Unlimited” version that I use on Daja. The concept is a complete and utter tranquil state of peacefulness. I used it on either of them to try and induce Esdaile. Succeeded in both cases.
Copper told me that I had misinterpreted the meaning of Ceiling Unlimited, but it’s okay because it likely matches the meaning of the Rush song I was pulling from.
I wish I had a better recollection of the class but it was a blur. I do not wish I had a recording for that one. Still wish I had one for the Presence class.
It proves that I need to tailor my output to be more akin to Presence.
Daja and I returned to the room and had a few quick scenes. I was still riding a bit of Top energy from the class and so did my absolute best to pounce her, pushing the “feel me” trigger as far as it could go. I was feeling fair triumphant but Daja appeared to be a loving brat and proved that she is not the only one who can stretch the “feel me” trigger.
As I pulled her in with a “Daja, Kiss Me!” And a Freeze, I enjoyed keeping her at the egde of my range. I then hypnotically bound her wrists to a surface and released her. Hung right outside of her ability to reach me.
“Feel me make you kiss me.”
And that is how Daja successfully flustered a Fae.
And then made her sweetling go deep.
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I tend to write “eclipse” as a descriptive in prose. For when someone stands above someone and engulfs their entire vision. To block out light and make the entire world a single focus that is the person commanding your attention.
Daja eclipsed me in that moment. She was delighted by how my eyes rolled up and asked for permission to take the photo above.
We paused for food and enjoyed a quick date before moving on to evening events.
With that, we prepared for the soiree. This was when the blue fire scene had been scripted to have happened, so I simply skipped the ceremony and used the forehead press to have her get dressed and pulled on my own outfit:
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Charmed! Outfit 6: The Soiree
For lovely queer ladies who are going to the ball to flirt.
As we left the hotel room there was a Moment which feels too private for me to truly intrude upon. But Daja and I got to be there for a friend. I’m glad I was there. I am glad I could be of assistance…
Once that I accompanied Daja to the Soiree room but did not have much time to enjoy the queer ambiance as Sleepyhead showed up looking for me.
She did this because she is a good Dolly.
Earlier in the day she and I had discussed hitting the vendor’s hall together. I wanted to get her a lovely birthday present. That was always on the cards. My presence with her in the vendor’s hall was no longer a request, though. It was a neccessity.
See… while I have been off attending Topping Is For Everyone, teaching Communication With The Deep Self, having coffee and subs and curry— Dolly, sweet little thing she is, had been keeping herself VERY busy. Dollification class, fractionation class, memory play class, hypno-roulette…. she had been demoing nearly constantly since 10am.
I posted this on Twitter and I find it to be the most accurate representation of how Saturday was for Sleepyhead:
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And so I hooked her arm and lead her up the stairs. I was in my most fancy outfit, wearing heels and a swooning blissed out dolly was leaning against me barely lucid enough to do more than sigh and murmur when I softly asked her to stay with me and follow along.
The vendors room was a very small part of my weekend. I doubt it lasted more than 30 minutes and yet I was able to fit in quite a number of potent memories. From bumping into a number of folks I had longed to speak to all weekend while dressed up in my best; to taking my sweet girlfriend around each stall to examine the wears while softly teasing her with little promises of what each item could be used for.
It is rare for me to get these pure dominant moments where I get to embody the style and grace of a Top in a non-scene space. She was so very sweet and tender and her passion for hypnotic trinkets was so refined. Every book on sale she owned. Literally every single one.
After a full cycle we discussed what she enjoyed and went back to look at the ones that she had her eye on. A necklace with a near Disco Ball level of sparkles surrounding it. “We’ll take it.” And I paid while she admired. Then another trinket, a sibling of the bottle I uncorked earlier that weekend.
I tipped Linny $10 extra for being responsible for my best scene of the weekend. I feel it was more than well earned.
Feeling dominant and confident, I lead Sleepyhead back to the room so she may enjoy a little more of her hypnotic reverie. Puppet, who was now taking her PCR level test, was still confined to the room. As I settled down, Puppet explained that Sleepy was intending to go stay with someone important to her and needed to prepare for that. The test pinged negative and I proved to everyone, including myself, that Bad Pain Days have incredible highs as well as lows.
See when I’m in a BPD day I am so overwhelmed by my own emotions that I cannot filter or apply appropriate levels of reaction to things. Typically this is set off by upset, paranoia or frustration.
It can also be sparked off by moments of love, moments of relief, euphoria. Even as I skipped through the day there had been several moments where I had cried and been torn asunder by raw emotion.
Puppet got the negative. Sleepyhead had the Most Perfect Day Ever.
I broke down in happy tears. Blubbering that I was so worried about Dolly.
About this time. Saturday night of Charmed! 2022, Puppet and I knelt side by side in front of our Goddess and were asked to, under no compulsions and free of any influence, give ourselves to our beloved Goddess.
That memory means the world to me. It was *special* it was *important*. But it was in the Oikos living room, in the light of a make-shift studio I created for the occasion. It was lovely. But it was not the plan.
It would have taken place in one of the classrooms. Surrounded by loved ones. Witnesses who loved Goddess. Witnesses who were overjoyed to see Puppet and I’s big moment of accepting our collars.
Omicron crushed that dream. Just 3 weeks before the event and that impacted all of us in ways we’re still not fully over, yet. When Beguiled happened, Puppet and I went rogue. We needed to be there for our sanity and mental health.
Sleepy refused to go. She couldn’t handle another dream being snatched away.
I was carrying so much worry that Sleepy’s anxiety would keep her from enjoying the con, but here she was, fractionated to oblivion and with even further evening plans. Puppet was not going to be confined any longer.
It turned out okay. It was alright. Thank heavens. It was alright.
I love them both so very much. I love them and I’m so glad they got to have this and no one can take it away from them this time.
So fucking happy.
I returned to the Soiree to finish up but it was *loud* in there. I sat on the outskirts of the room and chatted mildly with Joy but Miss Daja informed me that if I was uncomfortable, I should leave. She was proud of me for speaking up for myself earlier in the day, she wanted to ensure I was always rewarded for speaking up and seeking my comfort.
So I slipped out… around about the same time another friend from the local hypno-community did.
This person was someone I’ve not seen since March 2020. She was a member of the HYPE monthly hypnosis meet-up in Grand Rapids.
We bonded a little bit over old memories and for a brief moment I felt calm and comfortable. Like I *could* just start up conversations without shyness or feeling stupid.
After she left I confessed this feeling to Kitty Sylvie who was door dragon for the moment. 
And then I started crying again.
Because Sylv said such kind words about my presence in the community, especially online and then Psy just appeared out of nowhere backing them up and I was just left without words. Two lovely humans who I trusted and wished I were better at being open, casual and conversational with.
Perhaps in another world I would have stayed in that hallway. I would have opened up and made a connection with two people I actually *do* desire to know better. I would have channeled some of that adorable cuteness or that flashy performative charm or my level serious empathetic conversational energy.
In this reality, I let the tears win and I retreated to the room. There I ran a hot bath to activate physical extreme stimulus. Unlike some of my friends who go through this, I couldn’t be feeling rope bite tonight. Nor would I seek it.
Some music and heat will do the trick… and they did.
Daja IMed me to let me know that not only had the soiree ended pleasantly and she had met up with Tennfan. Thanks to some banter during the Topping Class she discovered that Tenn had enough training to handle drops and falls and things that Daja had assumed no one in the community was physically capable of doing with her other than the ONE PERSON SHE WOULD NEVER EVER EVER.
I was summoned to meet them after Daja had run a scene and listened to them chat a bit. Tenn is one of the 5 major asexuals in the community who I find trust and kinship with. 
Tenn and I really need to build a rapport and just get to talking. I may have to be the one to throw the first signal.
But that chat we all had was really nice. Really really nice.
Apparently the topic did not elude my devious Faelike nature because once Daja was free we snuck into my room for another scene. Puppet was enjoying post-quarantine freedom and Sleepy was away for the night.
Dawn *pounced*. To the point where Daja once again had to invoke the pact the two of us had made.
Sometimes I worry about going too far; understanding that, Daja made a promise that she would enforce our agreed upon boundaries if I do, so I can let go and enjoy the moment.
She enforced them then. I am glad she did. There is a certain level of “out of control” where I essentially hit trance state and for lack of better wording, my voice in Dawn’s actions goes away. It’s a liberating moment, especially when I think about it in her headspace, but it’s like throwing away the safety and I’m terrified of breaking something when I lose my over-controlled behaviors.
Daja is supplementing that and makes it easier to feel no fear. I am grateful to her for that.
After the scene was ended, I settled back to Camden space and cuddled her. I was still a little caught up by how INTENSE the day was and bemoaned how I hated that I cost her spoons to deal with. Spoons she needed for running classes and meeting partners and traveling.
Daja just told me I refill her spoons. She feels energized when we talk. When we play. When we’re together like this.
…what do I even say to that? I was lost for words. Well… most words. I had a few left.
“I believe you.”
Daja tucked me in again and fed me a chocolate. We had another day of fun and games. Tomorrow would be the vampire scene. Tomorrow was worth looking forward to.
Part 5
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princesscallyie · 4 years
I got this cute ask about the hopaz guppies first reaction to going to school and I must have deleted it by mistake so I’m just gonna type it out. They’re all around 4/5 years old here.
Turq: No! I don’t wanna to go to school. School is stupid! I want to learn sword fighting not all that other stuff! 😡
Hody: Watch your tone, Turq. And you’re going to your lessons and that’s final.
Topaz: Aw Turqie, I promise it won’t be that bad. Don’t you wanna be smart?
Delphine: School? Where I can be smart like Daddy? I can’t wait to go, it sounds fun! 😇
Hody: As I expected. You’ll be top of your class for sure and certainly the most well behaved.
Topaz: Yup! My baby girl is gonna blow everyone out of the water!
Phyrus: That sounds good... I hope I can read a lot of stories there. 😙
Topaz: There’s a bunch of books there. You’ll really love it.
Hody: I’m glad you’re so enthusiastic, Phyrus. You’ll do well in school.
Vander: Oh cool! Now I can be like the others and I can make new friends!! 😄
Topaz: Oh baby, it’s super fun there and you learn so many things. And you can even go out and play.
Hody: You also need to be able sit down and listen. Do you understand?
Vander: Aww...
*Topaz glares at Hody for running her baby boy’s fun*
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dragonstoravens · 4 years
Babylon Vol. 1: Thawing, Camaraderie, It Grows On You
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[ID: a blue patterned banner with text reading “BABYLON.” End ID.]
(Considering the length of chapters 2, 3, and 4 compared to 1, Kit and I have decided to post them together. They go together in terms of plot as well, so it works best this way. Enjoy!)
2. Thawing
[Unknown] Here are the blueprints for that idea I was talking about, with some existing externals for reference. Hopefully they can be of some use. T. Jericho.
That message had been sitting at the top of Trinity’s holoscreen for a couple of days now. It wasn’t as if he’d expected a response from this one-time mechanic whose friends most likely wanted him dead or maimed, but perhaps it spoke to the sad state of his social life that his work messages were overflowing with unread correspondence while his most recent personal message besides this one consisted of a single “here” from his sister a week ago. Trinity sighed, and switched over to his eyecam. Might as well get something done.
“Aw damn, missed one.” Azure glanced at her once-neglected messaging screen. Messages from Crim, Indigo, a few video links from Smalls and Perry, Turq asking about when ship-wide family dinner was so he could bake biscuits and an unusual number she hadn't seen before.  She squinted at the unfamiliar sequence of numbers, trying to think who she had given her access number to that she didn’t remember. She opened the message and found herself grateful that businessmen were so formal to start with. It was eye-dude, following up on some small talk they’d had about her ideas for external monitors for people who were weird about doctor’s visits. 
She glanced at the externals he sent and found herself typing wherever her console had space, recording a stream of consciousness. She hadn’t intended to treat his chatbox like a memo application on a personal holopad, but that’s exactly what she did. She thought out loud, drawing conclusions and asking questions all in the same long, uninterrupted paragraph, and hit send thinking it was a save button. Her thoughts were done, and she had already moved to begin work on a prototype, now that she had it all written out.
She was a little embarrassed and sent an apology a few moments later, once she realized what she’d done. 
[Azure] sorry about the essay. lots to think on, not a lot of paper this side of a spaceship. thanks for the schematics.
[Azure] have a nice day!
 She didn’t bother to sign it, seeing as he already knew who she was. He sent it first, after all.
Trinity was left with a note to self to disconnect messaging from his eye functions, technical words flickering in and out of his vision like sunspots, and a low level headache that somehow felt like a portent of things to come. One thing seemed certain, despite the little information he had to go on-- he was going to be hearing from Azure again. Often.
3. Camaraderie
Azure snickered as she sent the image off. It was a rare image of Trinity off of some trashy tabloid site, that she had edited to highlight the triangle he crook of his arm made with his body. The filename was “jericho_illuminati.img”, and she was proud of how shitty and outdated the joke was.
[Azure] So when were you going to tell me you decided the fate of galaxy politics centuries in advance?
And now it was a matter of time before his exasperated response. 
[Jericho] You know it’s not polite to make fun of my boss. 
It had only taken him a minute to answer. She’d caught him at a good time, then. Her smile widened. 
[Azure] Consider, your boss is terrible. The worst.
She thought back to calling him a ladder climber upon their first meeting, and found herself grateful he didn’t think she was an asshole for being honest. It was nice to talk to someone above the books, who wasn’t on the run for whatever reason. The ship got lonely, with how closed off people were about some things. His companionship was becoming more valuable by the day.
[Jericho] Interesting opinion. But do you know what else is the worst?
Trinity followed this message with a picture of a model from the same tabloid, one they put on the same spread as Trinity, but with what looked like cargo pants shakily drawn over the swimsuit. The hair was scribbled over in bright red. It looked ridiculous.
[Jericho] Observe.
She smirked, muttering to herself. 
[Azure] Asshole. My hair ain’t even that shade of red, and I’d never be caught dead in cargo pants.
[Jericho] It’s not as if I’ve seen you recently to confirm that. I’ll stick with the artist’s interpretation. 
There was a beat, his icon indicating that he was still typing.
[Jericho] Heh. Azzhole.
[Azure] VERY original. Did you get that one from my brother when we were eight, or are you just very creative?
She found herself giggling quietly in her lab. It was so nice to just goof off. Turq poked his head in to make sure she hadn’t lost her mind. She waved him off. 
[Azure] I gotta get back to actually working. Send me more stupid closeups from your eye, I wanna see how well the zoom extension is holding up in terms of image quality. Get real up close to something, I wanna see electrons.
[Jericho] Nerd. I will.
She was halfway through a message to call him an even bigger nerd, but decided that progress on the little pet project that his eye had become mattered a little more. 
[Azure] The more unsuspecting the subject, the funnier
[Jericho] I’ll keep it in mind. Go do your work, I’m busy.
And with that, the blip marking him as active in the chat disappeared from the screen. She stuck her tongue out at it. That was one way to force her to get back to work, but she didn’t have to like it.
4. It Grows On You
“-I’m just sayin’, I think reroutin’ the sensors through a shorter path would make the energy consumption so much lower, it’d be worth the time cost to adjust.” Azzy was leaning on one arm of her chair, one leg over the back and the other leg over the opposite arm, looking up at a screen with some soundwaves wiggling around on it. Normally she’d have moved it to a vidcall, but Trinity had said he was busy, and like hell was she going to be TOO much of a distraction. He had shit to do, and technically so did she, but what was a half hour of downtime in the grand scheme of things when you lived at work?
“Yes, but if we’re thinking on a universal manufacturing scale, that’s adjustments in every prototype that would have to be done the exact same way. In the long term, the mechanic can’t oversee everything herself. Delegating is a bigger time cost than a simple design change.” Trinity was clearly in business mode, vague typing noises audible from his end even as he spoke.
“But you’re sacrificin’ a lot of power that way on the prototype itself. I thought the whole point was to be the best around.” She laughed and sat up a little bit, headset long discarded in favor of turning on her room’s soundproofing so she could hear more clearly. He didn’t say anything for a moment, his focus clearly on whatever it was he was working on and not her attempts to goad him into banter. “You always this overly focused on whatever the hell? Or are you usin’ it as an excuse to half ignore me? Bein’ a hotshot sounds like a lotta work if it’s the first one.” The word ‘hotshot’ stuck to her for some reason, and she changed his name in her messages. No one needed to know.
Taglist (ask to be added or removed!): @glitterandstarshine @rainbowcoloreddays @the-starlight-chills @erased-in-stone @charlottedotexe
General: @elywritesbydarkness @residentofthedisc @humour-and-hyperfocus @skyfirewrites
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turqrambles · 2 years
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TRANSCRIPT: "Skylanders are back! Happy times!" The Skylanders all greet Persephone and tell her about the attack on the Mabu village.
"Oh, a terrible thing," she gasps. "I can happy dance gold into great power, for helping you on this day. You have gold, yes?"
Pop Fizz rummages in his pockets and produces a bundle of shiny objects. The other Skylanders stare at the bundle for a long, long time. "Those are teeth," says Terrafin at last. "Why d'you have a pocket full of teeth?"
Pop Fizz glances at the others, then slowly slips the teeth back into his pocket. "Out of gold," he says, and the others all seem to be short of coins too.
FUN LORE REVEAL OF THE DAY - Pop Fizz just has a bag of teeth with him at all times.
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turqrambles · 2 years
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Ever since I posted one page from the Skylanders SuperChargers Portal Master Handbook, I’ve had multiple requests for the Skylander bios from it. So, rather than make a bunch of tiny posts, I’ll just make one big post of all the Superchargers.
Some interesting things to note:
*Nightfall’s personality as stated here is way different from the one in the comics? Man they just could not figure out how to write her.
*Spitfire nearly died that one time. Eon here flat out says “yeah those trolls tried to kill him”.
*Fiesta is very slow to trust due to Count Moneybone and has a racecar bed.
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