#Skylanders High Volt
cryogeniccrunchbar · 1 month
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Likely the first of many Skylander redesigns, EVERYONE LOOK AT MY BOY‼️
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lucpoch · 9 months
Things I did while I was bored
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la-noche-cae · 8 months
I think it's Extremely Relevant right now to talk about Skylanders' military propaganda [Edit].
I will not be graphic. But your further research on this... most likely will be, at least in a descriptive way.
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A. Skylanders was created by Activision, the same company that made Call of Duty. Call of Duty (among others) is a game used to reel in youth for army recruitment. Just to picture what's the typical order of business for leaders at the company.
B. The whole idea of the Academy, ranks, "Us vs Them" mentality. "Light and order" vs "Darkness and anarchy". Regardless of your opinions on Anarchy as a system, darkness often equaling Kaos' workers such as trolls (and even gyps*es), and for Skylanders meaning dark skinned creatures, is pretty clear sign of their idea of evil.
[Edit: Light=Good and Darkness=Evil is not a universal experience. Multiple cultures consider it just as sacred, an equal, instead of an opposite to Light. Symbolically and Philosophically, there's more to it, beyond the typical eurocentric imaginary.
Speaking of eurocentric imaginary: to an uncritical consumer, this could potentially reinforce their ideas of good and evil. There is little wiggle room for these ideals to be challenged. They are exceptions of Skylanders' norm.]
C. Just in Superchargers, there are references to a Border being kept between Skylands and Outlands, High Volt being this "elite guard" that protects the border. Notice he looks like a riot police, in colors and gear- one of which is a riot shield. Protesting is a right, and in these parts of the world, it is often met with unhinged police violence. Regardless of your opinions on borders, the way such a thing is enforced in the USA is extremely violent. Even here in Puerto Rico, we have border patrol and constant surveillance (mostly aimed at keeping out our Dominican neighbors).
Do not get me started on the long history of Puertorrican oppression inflicted by USA Imperialism. (Agent Orange, Forced Sterilization, Vieques Occupation).
[Edit: Just... Copaganda in My video game? No, thank you. For ME, If I portray High Volt, I'd redesign and reinterpret him. He's like, a lightbulb. Perhaps he is part of a watch tower, but for other purposes].
D. Sorry, Nightfall here goes another problematic thing about you: Nightfall is dressed like a type of Navy admiral: A long coat with yellow buttons and yellow cord epaulets. She also has a vehicle called the Sea Shadow, referencing a real-life military ship designed for surveillance.
[Edit: Not every country has a military. And those who do have the biggest budget for it are typically using it as an imperial, colonial force. This is important, more so because Skylanders' target audience is the young eurocentric USAmerican. The parent company is Activision Blizzard, stationed in USA. The way other Skylanders talk about the Superchargers is like the Air Force are talked about by others in the army- they are the more "prestigious" ones with shiny new vehicles lmao].
E. The idea is that one can be a hero through this hard, thankless fighting... in another's land, "Securing" that land from the "evil ones". Sounds like Occupation and / or a Coup to me. Goes hand in hand with the point about Borders and Light vs Darkness.
[Edit: People. I am talking about this above with Manifest Destiny in mind. I am not claiming all the Skylanders are colonizers, lol! I'm saying there's way too many references to USA military propaganda to ignore. I ask you to use your own discernment / research to make your conclusions. There are things I didn't pick up.
I simply did Not appreciate Buzz telling Stormblade to do Psychological Warfare, or calling Glumshanks an "apple-polishing troll" when the guy just wanted to help. To me, this is not funny haha. It's funny like weird!]
These are the things on top of my head I've wanted to talk about for a while, but now more than ever is pressing to bring it up and discuss with intent to move forward. Don't go "You're overreacting" Please don't tell me I don't know anything about something I experience every day. Also, don't put words in my mouth, thanks. You can visit this post if you have questions.
If you can help it, don't give Activision any more of your money, for example, buying their newer games. Buy second hand.
Avoid spending at companies like Airbnb (which not just supports settlers but directly worsens my country's housing crisis), Apple, Hp, Motorola, McDonald's, Starbucks, Coca Cola, Mars chocolate, Nestle are a few others that dont have a clean track record. Get familiar with modern-day imperialist interest around you on your own, or with friends.
👋[If your knee-jerk reaction to this is to hate me perhaps inspect why that is? I'm not a big influential blog. Why you threatened? I can't force you or bully you to do anything, I'm just making my opinions known].
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doomstonee · 2 years
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Human Superchargers lineup ‼️
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yourlocaltoad · 1 year
High Volt's lines are up!
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rosiefairlands · 2 years
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Have a Supercharged Christmas y’all. 🎉
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daringdoombringer · 11 months
“Of Flesh And Metal” Alternative Ending spoilers?
(This doesn’t actually happen in the alt ending but rather something I thought would happen after it lol)
Fiesta: The audacity you have… to take the life of my teammate and assume his face. Why?! WHY?!
High Volt?: *evil chuckling*
High Volt?: -nuh uh.
Fiesta: fuck you mean nuh uh? YOU KILLED HIGH VOLT!
Fake HV: well, it’s his fault he went to Treasure Terrace.
Fiesta: Where else would he have- YOU caused the magic flare he was sent to investigate!!
Fake HV: Again: he should’ve gone somewhere else.
Fiesta: WHERE TO?
Fake HV: I don’t FECKIN know, maybe the Cloudbreather’s Crag!
Fiesta: Why there?
Fake HV: Very cool all-knowing dragon there, right?
Fiesta: Ay dios mío, why are you like this?
Fake HV: I don’t know. Why were you appointed as a Skylander?
Fake HV: No. Shit. I’m the Grimdark antagonist here, ITS WHAT I DO!
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Spitfire: Tommorrow's garbage day. High volt: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
Bro is literally them, please
Spitfire: Tomorrow's garbage day.
High Volt: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
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skylandersandyou · 3 days
Can I request nightfall x reader
She’s stoic, but her love for you is rarely questioned as she gives words of affirmation and also cooked deep sea eldritch being for dinner
Would take you on some adventures depending on your comfort and skill, loves monster hunting with you
However she also loves returning to you with her prize catch, or if returning from a mission… someone to hold her at home and not face the horrors ™
Likes to sleep in with you, nicely and comfortably snug in her arms… until High Volt kicks her ass to get up
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turqrambles · 1 year
TIL there's a border patrol and interrogations officer - complete with riot gear - in the Skylanders roster.
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
So in hindsight this isn’t really that shameful but i FELT ashamed at the time!
so my dad is a teacher, and often when i was a kid (like 4-10yo ish) and had the day off from school but he didn’t (diff school districts) he’d ask if i wanted to come to work with him and i always loved it so my answer was always a definitive yes. like the vibe was that he taught one of those AP classes everyone who takes is really into and likes and he’s really cool, and the students always loved when i came and would ask him like “where’s ryan, when is he coming?” so anyway when i was in first grade there was this really pretty senior named ariana i who was in 2 of his classes (AP + elective) and the whole school day was like 4 periods bc this school is like one of those fancy private-esque public schools, so every time i went i basically spent the whole ass day essentially following this girl around bc i had a MAJOR crush on her. she was really sweet to me and showed me how to play lacrosse bc she was on the lacrosse team. so 7yo me was basically ready to get married at this point. and then….AND THEN! ! one time at the end of the day for some reason (they did shit like this a lot actually and i was disappointed when i got to high school and learned no one ever does this during class) a bunch of the kids in last period elective decided set up like a touch football game and invited me to play w them bc 7yo me pre-adhd diagnosis was like a fuckin caffeine singularity and i could outrun (or out-endurance) everyone except this one guy jacob but he’s not relevant to this story. so anyway we’re playing touch football and i just keep chasing down the other team’s quarterback and he can never get a chance to throw the ball bc he’s busy running away from me. but ariana was on the other team and by this point i would have punched a full grown adult in the face if she asked me to. so one of the other ppl on that team jokingly had this idea to get her to tell me that according to the rules of football i had to keep my eyes closed while chasing the other team or else it wouldn’t count when i caught them. i think they all thought i knew it was a joke but I DID NOT. so i did and i ended up running straight into a tree trunk and then everyone laughed and was like “hahahaha can’t believe you fell for that.” and that has been a core memory for my entire life ever since. some of them were like really apologetic but this one dude who i thought was really cool cause he built legos with me earlier just kept laughing and brought it up every time i went back after that. so until i got to college i was unable to let anyone find out a had a crush cause i thought they’d use it against me. jokes on lego dude tho cause he asked my dad for a letter of rec when he applied to college and my dad turned him down bc apparently he “slacked off on all his work and never got it done on time.” guess that’s why he had time to build legos with me in the middle of class
also i played this video game skylanders in like 6th grade and had a massive crush on this dragon named Cynder cause her voice was hot af. her tagline was “volts and lightning” and she breathed elcitricty instead of fireballs. but sooo hot tho
I love when yall send me memoirs
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blu3b1rd · 4 months
Wild Storm’s always been a favorite because LOOK AT THEM. they’re so cool. They have a freakin beast form and tragic backstory what’s not to love. I hc they’re a sentient thundercloud thingamajig inside the armor, living armor is one of my favorite character design tropes ever✨ fluffy void thing with a sword that doubles as a lightning railgun my beloved. It’s truly a pity they’re so expensive.
Fright Rider’s a childhood favorite, being my first Undead skylander. Especially now with all the headcanons I’ve given them, Rider seems to feed my inner horror junkie. The idea of a zombie elf being too spiteful and loving their bird too much to die. Who both got pushed off a cliff. Little dork who definitely listens to Will Wood. Ozzy is the skelebird ever.
And ofc, High Volt. Stoic klunky robots have always been favorites of mine, yet I can barely put into words how much I’ve come to love HV. That moment when you realize your headcanons for a certain character are actually self projections??? IDK how me projecting my AroAceness, determination, social awkwardness/isolation AND MORE onto this dude happened??? It just did??? He’s got dad energy, pikachu-adjacent powers, he’s awesome. I may have had to completely redesign him to be capable of drawing him, but it’s through this silly security robot that I’ve felt more in tune with myself. High Volt is the friend ever and I am very normal about him.
There’s so many other SL characters that come to mind but these are the three I would gush about for hours if I was capable of word comprehension beyond single sentences. (this took thirty minutes to type) I tend to pick favorites based on design, lore, and headcanonablity rather than gameplay so YEAH SKYLANDER BLORBOS
YOU!!! You in AoS out here being High Volts strongest soldier sjdhfbsd, I love all of this,
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lucpoch · 10 months
Pov: you are high volt when Spitfire literally has a bad plan
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hungry-skeleton · 6 hours
The top 10 cishet skylanders are Dune Bug, Rubble Rouser, Punk Shock, Crusher, Lob-star, Hood Sickle, Air Strike, Chain Reaction, High Volt, and Lightning Rod
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doomstonee · 2 years
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great costumes guys
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yourlocaltoad · 10 months
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this is from a bit with some discord besties but might as well post them here
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