#Tw // Oviposition
bunnis-monsters · 10 days
I have a feeling it’s because they don’t like oviposition or maybe a bug trigger. Otherwise I have no idea, because the bee hybrids are so tame and cute :(
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
I'm gonna pass out bc all the blood in my body just went to my cock. I need to have his eggs.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Aquarium- (Yandere!Merman!Chrollo x Reader) pt 2
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Warnings; part 2, continuation of story, kidnapping, theft, yandere, mer-creature yandere, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, involuntary physical change, mention of past noncon, some nsfw themes and moments, breeding kink, oviposition and mention of past oviposition, lactation kink,
You slowly awoke, feeling oddly weightless and almost like the air around you was heavy. It took a moment for you to wake up further before you realized a handful of things simultaneously. The first was that you were suspended in water, the second was that you could still breathe, and finally you realized that there were two new attachments to either side of your ribs.
Impulsively, you reached up to grab at the odd things only to see they were actually sewn into your soft skin. It was more than a bit disorienting to see the new attachments and to see the extremely swollen state of your soft stomach.
As you scratched and tried to pull at the surprisingly tender attachments, the sound of clattering rocks made you stop your wild attempts and turn to look at the source of the sound. Though the light was limited minus what seemed to be some sunlight filtering down from a few cracks in the top of the stone cavern you were in, you could see an oddly familiar man. He was at the mouth of the cavern- which seemed to be the only entrance or exit- and spoke once he saw he had your attention.
"Darling, you can't take them off. I have ensured they will remain affixed to you for the remainder of your life. Even if you did damage them somehow, I would not allow you to drown."
You scoffed angrily. Despite the fact you were clearly in some kind of liquid, you knew humans couldn't breathe beneath the water. Clearly you were under the influence of something to make you think you were in water.
"Drown? What the hell? Where am I? The fuck are these things? Why the hell do I look pregnant-?"
The raven haired man pressed a finger to your lips to silence your questions and you vaguely felt the desire to bite the finger he held against your soft flesh. You fought against the impulse as you glared at the man who seemed more amused with your anger than anything. It was the octopus-man from the aquarium- Chrollo- and quickly your memories began to return to you.
You remembered being in the aquarium late at night and you remembered the man attacking you. Beyond that, you vaguely remembered the way he forced himself onto you and made you comply with his demands. It was difficult to remember much else beyond that and you felt anger bubble up in you.
"You can drown if you remove your new gills. The... Original owner... Won't be needing them anymore. You are in one of my dens. Well, in one of the back caverns of my den, to be exact. I will be keeping you here until you adjust to your new aquatic life. As for why you appear pregnant," he paused and two of his tentacles came up to caress your stomach, the other tentacles preventing you from stopping his gentle exploration, "it is because you are pregnant. You are full of my brood and I have no intention of allowing you to get away from me. You're stuck with me."
Chrollo kissed your shoulders gently as he held you in a warm embrace, his tentacles and arms wrapped around you to keep you close. Each slow drag of his lips across your skin made you shiver slightly, your heart fluttering in your chest like the fragile wings of a butterfly. Thousands of questions rolled around in your mind, but the one that bothered you the most kept coming up.
"Why did you bring me here?"
Chrollo didn't stop the lazy way he traced his fingers and tentacles over your back, letting out a hum of contemplation. He didn't answer for a moment as his hand came to a brief pause when it reached your very swollen stomach, fingertips dancing over the delicate skin. You disliked the way he smiled and seemed to marvel at your swollen insides as if he were beyond pleased with the way you were stuffed full.
"I brought you here for the sole purpose of filling you with my eggs. My brood already grows within you and your body has adapted excellently to carrying them."
You felt dread wash over you, unable to tell if you were crying or not beneath the water. Honestly, you didn't know if you could cry anymore. Chrollo seemed to sense your sorrow all the same and nuzzled your neck, his attempt at soothing you only upsetting you further.
"Why..? Why me?"
"I have explained this to you already, Darling. You are unique and different from that which I expect from others. That and your ever intoxicating scent appeals to me in a way others do not."
The silence was heavy and seemed even heavier under the water, faint sunlight filtering into the underwater den Chrollo kept you in. Even if you tried to escape, you had no idea if you could go back to being on land for very long given the odd gills that you woke up with. They certainly seemed like a permanent attachment, meaning that he was likely to do this to you multiple times, not content with just one clutch of eggs growing within you.
"So, you... You put your eggs in me?"
"Yes, and I intend to do it countless more times after this."
"But I don't want to carry your eggs for you!"
"I don't remember ever asking what you want."
The harsh words made you recoil as best you could in his grasp, the octopus man almost seeming amused with your distressed attempts to get away from him. You barely put any space between the two of you as there seemed to be no true escape from the tentacles that held you. One adjusted its grasp and lightly dragged over your aching chest, making you unconsciously whimper and flinch in response.
"Sore breasts?"
"How- how do you..?"
"I can tell your body is preparing for our brood. It is ensuring there is enough of your warm and flavorful milk for our brood to feast on. You've been producing milk these past few days."
It was surprising to hear this as you hadn't even realized that you were lactating, let alone having been doing it for days now. You were still trying to adjust to life under the water, though your eyes were adjusted long before you opened them to your new surroundings, your mind was struggling to catch up. Of course he would know more about your body at this moment than you would, it seemed to just be another one of his unfair advantages.
"I don't know or care how you know what my... my milk tastes like, but-"
"You truly believe I wouldn't help myself while you rest?"
"I didn't want to know! Either way," you crossed your arms in an attempt to cover your chest, "I'm sure as hell not letting you have anymore-"
"It has never once been about what you want, but what I can make you do. Right now, I have a duty to take care of my mate, and your breasts are obviously sore, so let me relieve some of that pressure."
Despite the way you tried to struggle against him, Chrollo easily used his tentacles to pin your arms to your side. The vague covering he gave you to cover yourself almost instantly came untied and gave him access to your tender breasts. He didn't immediately latch his lips around your soft peak, instead he took a moment to cruelly pinch the sensitive peaks with an almost sadistic grin.
"I may not let our brood feast on your rich milk... It may have to be something for me exclusively..." He flicked your sore nipples and chuckled when you let out a squeal of discomfort, "How precious... Are they that sore, dear one? Let me help drain some of that milk that's causing your discomfort."
Before you could argue with him, he latched his mouth on your perked breast, intensely suckling as he let out soft moaning noises. You whined loudly as he gently kneaded your breast to get as much milk as possible, switching to your other breast to take an equal drink. Each intense suck made you flinch as you whimpered in response to the sensation, struggling against the tentacles until you could rest your hands on his shoulders to try and push him away.
He kept his mouth around your sensitive nipple and continued suckling, occasionally biting when you tried to remove him. It got to the point that the only thing you could do was let him do as he wished, finding the bites more painful than expected. Eventually he released your soft breast with a pop of his lips, finally giving you a rest.
"The sweetest cream..."
Chrollo seemed more than pleased with the way you had stopped struggling, a sly grin taking over his lips. He already knew you weren't going to be able to get away from him, especially since you were carrying his eggs inside of you. Besides, waiting outside of the den in the larger hollowed out volcano was the rest of the troupe.
They often shoaled together even if they would occasionally part for various reasons or purposes. This was one of the few times the entire troupe gathered together and had no immediate concerns. Chrollo knew that some of the troupe members were only present because they were curious about his new human mate.
The only other troupe member who has seen his mate was Machi and it was to check up on how your gills were healing. All of the other members were curious as Chrollo had never really had interest in others, let alone a human. Humans were food to them or interesting experiments to steal from, yet their leader- whom they all respected and adored- had taken a human as a mate.
There was little chance you would manage to get away from him with any efficiency before you were caught and returned to him.
He gently kissed your throat and two tentacles came up and caressed your swollen stomach.
"You know, I have plenty more eggs to stuff inside of you. I could keep you constantly stuffed full of my brood. Each clutch making your soft stomach bulge out..."
The slow way he stroked his hand across your skin sent chills down your body as you lay in his embrace.
"For now, as you are already stuffed to full capacity with my brood, I feel you should meet a certain group of my colleagues."
You wanted to argue against the idea of meeting any other sea creatures, seeing as your first interaction with him went so sideways. Chrollo seemed to be able to tell that you wanted to argue, his enigmatic smile never leaving his face.
"It wasn't a suggestion, Dearest."
You slowly woke to the vague sensation of a light suction on your swollen nipples, whining as you came to consciousness. The feeling of tentacles wrapped around your engorged breasts and kneading them made you look down your front. Familiar ink black hair slowly waved with the water and his motions as Chrollo contently suckled on your warm breasts, happily feeding on your nutrient rich milk.
"Do you really have to do that whenever I sleep?"
Your complaint made Chrollo look up from where he was suctioned to your aching chest. He gently released your breast and licked his lips, seeming more than pleased with himself.
"I'm an opportunist feeder, Darling, I will take almost any meal available to me, even human."
"Then... Why didn't you eat me?"
"You don't smell like food to me, you have the scent of a mate."
You felt surprise run through you, wondering just what he meant by that. He just admitted that he would eat humans, but apparently your scent was not the same as other humans, enough so that he decided to mate you instead. Part of you wondered which you would have preferred if given the choice between the two.
Chrollo took advantage of your apparent mental absence to lightly squeeze his tentacles around you, holding you close to his chest and nuzzling your neck.
"Do you know what the best part about mating you was for me?"
You refused to entertain him with an answer, knowing he was going to tell you regardless of what you said.
"Stuffing you full of my eggs and seeing your warm stomach expand with each one, feeling them push into your womb. Every single one pumped into you, giving me endless pleasure and filling you up just right."
Chrollo let out a soft sound that was akin to a low hum, the noise sending shivers down your spine. The way he spoke was low and husky against your ear and clearly he took great pleasure from making you uncomfortable with his sultry purr. As you whined softly, he gently ran his fingers over your distended stomach as if worshipping your body.
"I can hardly wait to fill you up with the next brood, just watching your stomach stay nice and swollen for me."
Some part of you realized that Chrollo didn't care if you responded to him or if you were even listening. Clearly he was pleased with reminding himself that he had you trapped and planned to stuff you full of even more eggs. He kissed your forehead and cuddled close, his arms wrapped around your body.
"Go back to resting, Darling."
"Why, so you can feed on my milk again?"
"Yes. Now rest. I want you to meet my shoal soon."
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Just wanna talk about how much I love the cow couple and Mason. Smash all 3. Ik those three definitely would be the most likely to want to /take good care of children. I lobe them all it's just these 3 have a special place in my twisted little gay heart. OvO
such wise words anon
Fun fact: did you know gators eggs are about 3 inches large, and laying up to 20-50? Imagine if mason had the ability to lay eggs inside you. The incubation period is about 65 days so he'll be incredibly overprotective of you the entire time you're carrying his brood. Watching you from the lakes surface and making mental notes to eat that certain farmhand that keeps flirting with you
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digenerate-trash · 9 months
thinking about yan Harper stuffing you with eggs to keep you in the asylum (and closer to him) and doing regular checkups on your progress
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
tw oviposition | tw ovi | tw malpractice | tw aphrodisiacs | tw dubcon AMAB Harper <3 | AFAB GN PC It's been 10 weeks of isolation. No other doctors have seen you. You eat meals alone in your room. On days when Harper can't see you, you get a little restless. He's your only contact after all. 
The meals he gives to you are measured out. Everything is very orderly including the shots and meds he gives you. You don't even know why you're here really something about stress? You're not sure it's been too long and it's not like Harper talks to you about it. 
Instead, he likes to chat with you. He asks about your day and no matter how miserable your answers he nods along and smiles and gives you compliments and tells you sweet things. It's like talking to a very affectionate wall. His touch is warm even though gloved hands and he's always gentle, even during the first couple of weeks when you resisted so much. 
But today is different. Harper holds some equipment this time. Something a bit more complicated than a needle and a bottle of pills. He sets up the items on the table beside you as he begins his usual drabble. "How are you" "How are you feeling?" "Any side effects?" 
You know he's not paying attention to gage answers so you just respond with basic answers that he won't be adverse to. Like a practiced dance that means nothing. 
It's all a bit different though when he places down a jar. It's sterile with a little label on it. Inside sit six golf ball-sized orbs tinted pinkish. They seem to squirm with their weight suspended in the jar's liquid. 
"....what's that?" You ask. They make you uncomfortable a bit as Harper seems to snap out of his haze and focus on you again. 
"These are eggs- they're interesting, right? They're going to be a part of your treatment today-" Harper smiles wide his fingers tracing the outline of the jar before he prepares another needle with the dreaded pink liquid. You are eager to stall. 
".... like to eat?" You ask again and harpers hands seze a bit putting the needle down. He forces a laugh but he's a bit disturbed 
"No- not to eat. You're going to incubate them- you're going to be their parent-" 
Now it's your turn to be disturbed. You move away from Harper and the little jar of eggs quickly not wanting to be any closer to them but Harper grabs your leg pulling you back. You don't even see the needle until it's sticking out of your thigh you only have a few moments of clarity before the haze sets in. 
He pulls you back over carefully lifting your paintent gown and showing off your lower half. You've been in this position before as Harper spreads your legs and starts to toy with you. 
The slick cactus his fingers dripping onto the sheets under you. You know this feeling is only because of the needle Harper has shoved in your veins but it still feels good as his gloved hands play with you. Spreading you open. You sigh and shutter when Harper removes his hands from you.
You stare up at the ceiling still placid a little smile on your face as you look up and enjoy yourself. Your doctor knows how to take care of you... 
That is until something presses against your entrance. It's cold silly and it makes you squirm. Harper seems happy when it finally pops in. Your body shutters with arousal this time and it doesn't feel as pure or nice as when it was just Harper. 
You squirm to get away when you feel another one being pressed up against you but Harper holds your hips down and when it pops in this time he coos and praises you for doing a good job... you like it when you do a good job... you like being good for Harper. So you relax again. A third gets inserted into you. You can feel the little lineup of eggs in your body. You're full now. but Harper presses the fourth up against you anyway. This time it hurts. Until you feel it press in. One of the eggs is deeper inside of you than it should be. And Harper seems proud as he rubs your stomach a bit. 
This process continues until he's shoved every one of the eggs into your body. And then deeper until they all rest in your womb. Every time it seemed like you were getting a little too excited he'd take a break. Making sure you calmed down before he continued. When he finished Your stomach felt heavy. A little bloated even but Harper doesn't seem to mind as he rubs his hands through the slick substance around your hole and thighs. He thinks you look perfect and he's practically drooling as he undoes his belt and presses his clean dick up between your thighs to coat it in the slimy substance. 
It's not long before he's inside you rutting against your body holding you down as he pants over you. 
"You're the perfect little test subject-" Harper pants out. You can only mewl as He holds your body closer to his. 
You can't help it this time when you get close. Harper isn't stopping either so when you cum around his cock you finally find some relief. Even with the heavy eggs inside you seem to squirm a bit. 
It's not long before Harper presses your hips to his and he climaxes as well holding you there. He's panting his glasses askew as he looks down at you. His professional facade is gone and all that's left is a madman. 
Harper pulls away from you trying to compose himself. As best he can. The haze still clouds your mind as he packs up his equipment and the now empty jar. 
"Same time tomorrow-" he insists before he heads to the door "Be well." 
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
A beautiful webbing | Minthara
[Smut, fluff, angst, oviposition, claustrophobia, aphrodisiac, egg insertion, Drider Minthara, spiders, blood and graphic descriptions, happy end, marriage, nb!Reader]
did you hear about the person who married a drider?
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The cave was bigger than any you've ever seen. Stone walls isolating a huge area of the underdark, illuminated by various plants in all shapes and sizes, from the smallest mushroom pulsing with a neon like yellow, to the biggest of trees. 
The tree definitely caught your interest, its branches curled around the entirety of the cave's dome, bright silver wood hugging the cold dark stones. Various blooms in all shades of blue were scattered alongside the branches.
A haziness filled the air, specks of blue dust floating and glittering as they left their mother tree. 
A sussur tree.
You took a cautious step forward, knowing that you forsake using all magic the closer you got to the cave's entrance. Whether it was your own birthright, a one earned with hard work and studies, or even a one granted from a more powerful being. It was all seeped from your entire being.
Even your equipment wasn't spared, all the enchanted swords and flaming shields became nothing by pieces of metal upon arrival. Magical scrolls becoming akin to overpriced napkins, at least those had a use in here.
The cave entrance was deliberately put front and center, as if taunting you and challenging all those who passed by.
No amount of skulls and scattered bones throughout the gardens of the cave would've done the numbers justice, the waves after waves of so called heros that came as a bitter home welcoming gift were well above the hundred of thousands.
Yet the scattered skulls barely surpassed the hundreds. Maybe they were buried deep just when the sussur tree took roots.
The day Minthara Baerne got called into a test of Lolth was the day the underdark held its breath in suspension.
One of the most promising princesses in line for the leadership of the oldest known noble house in all of drow history. Even petty drow fights seized for a single day as all eyes were directed towards her impending fate.
Yet no one knew what the test was about, was her loyalty called into question? Or was it a promotion from Lolth. Just what did the spider queen promise her.
If anything, the Baerne house accepted it as a blessing. They've always prided themselves on their loyalty and faithfulness, even their high wizard has passed several loyalty tests.
Instead of entering the cave just yet, you decide to stroll through its surrounding gardens. Appreciating every flower that blossomed through the butterfly effect of the great fall of a princess. 
The disgraced princess is what they called her now. Even at her worst, many still held great fear of her in their hearts, not daring to drop her honorific title that's her birthright.
The deeper you walked through the gardens, the more evidence of the calamity you could find. Piles upon piles of aged skeletons and bones being weaved through each vine of plants.
It was eerie how all the bones were still attached together, as if their bodies were left there for the plants to feast on until nothing but a skeleton remained.
Some of them had their arms wrapped against the thorn filled vines, as if struggling to free themselves from its clutches to no avail.
You kept walking, something called for you, at the opposite end of the entrance. 
Minthara's test was considered one of the largest gatherings of the noble houses. At the temple of lolth inside a massive hall, the Baerne matron sat in the front row, Minthara's father, a consort, had the right to sit next to her.
Lower priestesses of Lolth were waiting in front of the curtains that veiled where the test was taking place. Their higher sisters were inside, determining the fate of Minthara.
Her own sisters, both from full blood and half blood, were whispering amongst themselves about her possible fates. 
The youngest of them, still unaware of drow customs, suggested the idea of her failing and being turned into a drider. She was immediately hushed and berated by the other sisters as they feared her words might reach one of the priestesses, or worse the Matron herself.
This wasn't the first or last test the Baerne house goes through, countless of their males were brought into their knees in front of the spider queen herself.
Yet maybe, because it's a woman this time, its implications have put everyone on edge.
You were almost at the end of the garden, a sour smell of rot and decay suddenly invaded your senses. 
Visible plant roots withered the further in you went, the dirt on the ground stained bright red, it was more akin to mud than dirt. Your steps squelching through the gore and viscera.
While the sussur vines extended far beyond this spot, not a single stray leaf could make its way to the heart of this place. A small bubble where magic could thrive freely.
Devoid of any plants or life, only the remains of countless battles stacked against each other, pulling themselves down by the combined weight of their flesh.
Something called for you, it was getting stronger. You had to endure the pungent odour of death and decay.
In a small puddle of blood that has a sheer layer of magic reflecting off of its surface, a dark green mix of leaves intertwined in symmetry of needle sharp thorns. The bush seemed to thrive in this garden of blood.
A single rose could be seen deep inside the bush, caged by thorn covered steams. It demands a sacrifice of flesh to pluck the flower.
A common bloodrose, despite the name it was anything but common, two thirds of the population could live through ten centuries and never encounter one.
Not to mention how it managed to blossom while caged by a sussur tree, the very polar opposite of its existence. The nature of a blood rose could only thrive on an endless source of blood, agony and most importantly magic. 
Magic was the only thing that could protect its fragile petals that are overly sensitive to any temperature changes, magic encased it from the second it was a mere budding rosette.
A sussur bloom and a bloodrose co-existing in the same garden. A miracle in front of your own eyes.
The flower is thirsty, you realise, it's calling for you to feed her. 
You reach your hand towards the caged rose, the tip of your finger gets pricked against one of the sharp needles, a single drop of blood escapes from your body before your blood cells start clotting the small cut.
It's so small, you have to gently shake your hand to get the droplet to fall.
It gets caught on the edge of a petal, the flower visibly blooms more as it drinks in your blood. 
You look down and see spikey tendrils retract their hold around your ankles, you weren't even aware of it when they wrapped themselves around you.
The voice in your head vanishes, you're free to move again.
As you hurry and retreat back into the lush mushroom filled gardens, the only remaining evidence of what felt like a fever dream are the trail of blood your boots leave behind on the moss covered dirt.
You make your way back to the entrance, walking alongside the cave walls.
The news of the Baerne family scandal reached even the surface, high elves were openly discussing it amongst themselves in official councils, for a week each page printed out haf in some capacity information about the princess turned drider.
Many people wondered what the matron's face must have been like, when the one that emerged from behind the curtains was a monster instead of her beloved daughter.
Was her father killed? What of her sisters?
Part of the reason the scandal was so widespread, is the sinister intentions of the other drow nobles who celebrated this stain on Lolth's favourite house, her golden children.
Yet the scholars weren't interested in the family gossip as they described it. No, they were more interested in how Minthara, a drider, managed to survive when faced with a hall filled with various drow nobles.
In normal circumstances they exile them, but this was anything but normal circumstances.
To kill her right then and there would've been the honourable thing to do, in drow's culture at least. The Matron could've easily killed her and disowned her from the Baerne house.
Some suspected love, most human scholars argued that a mother's love extended further than the worship of a goddess could.
Others sneered at the idea, especially the surface elves, how could a drow love one another? They don't even know the meaning of that word.
But maybe, it was one scholar whose theory was the closest to the truth, a half-elf. Her suggestion was that Minthara actually passed the test, which is why she wasn't killed.
Her theory was torn to shreds and made fun of endlessly after she published it.
You're back where you started, at the entrance of the cave.
Everything looks the same, as if time is a mere illusion in these gardens. The same flowery scented air welcomes you back, silver and blue particles flowing through your legs and inhaling any traces of magic it could find.
Reaching into your backpack, you take out an unlit torch. The all consuming darkness inside the cave wasn't any normal darkness you've seen before.
Igniting the flame, you head into the abyss.
The simple torch light doesn't even reach the walls or ceiling of the cave, it's massive size scattering whatever light your flame produces. 
Step after step, you watched the floor carefully. Mostly because it was the only surface reflecting your light, but also in case of any webs you might stumble onto.
Each drider's web was personalised for their own use, harming anyone else but their own maker. A thin almost invisible line of silk was stretched impossibly thin and tensed to connect all the webs together, the slightest touch could send a growing vibrating alarm through the entirety of the cave system.
So you diligently watched your steps, it only took one lucky stray string of silk for your doom. 
Even if you somehow managed to break free, the invisible coating of venom on them would've spelled your unavoidable death.
Through the humid air, you could still see the silvery particles flowing. Although their quantity thinned more and more the deeper you went into the cave.
Back at the entrance you couldn't even make out what the walls or ceiling looked like, but now, after you've gone through several branching pathways, the cave closed in around you.
It still wasn't anything but big by any means, much larger than a mere bear cave. But it was more comprehensively big instead of the unrealistic massive size it held at the start.
At least that was the illusion that these pathways gave you.
There wasn't a sign of life, no animals, no insects, not even a single fly. Just the silence and soft echo of your steps.
Wasn't it for the various spider webs, woven every so skillfully at every corner and turn, then you would've doubted a drider resided here.
You haven't seen her yet, haven't heard a single sound or a hint of spider legs scuttering. 
Maybe she was out hunting? Maybe you got lucky and found her when she was resting?
Your flame was dying out, even if you turned back now, it won't be enough to get you back out and you'll end up lost in the darkness as you tried to navigate your way out of this maze-like cave.
There was no option but to keep going.
It was only a matter of time before the Baerne family scandal was overshadowed by some other scandal, some human wizard's attempt to ascend to divinity or something. It seemed like there's always one of them per century and they always fail, yet the public eats it up each time.
The history book you've read didn't mention what happened to him, instead jumping ahead to the other documented major news of the past century.
You didn't care much honestly, you were too preoccupied in your search for the spider princess tale origins, and that archive book was enough evidence to empower you through this tedious journey in the underdark.
History long forgotten, the Baerne family recovered and is still ruling the underdark. Sometimes something is too big to fail.
You've researched her for months, getting your hand on each and every documented work about Minthara. Even buying the overpriced drow books and papers that came out around the scandal.
With all the endless questions and theories everyone wrote about her, not a single soul mentioned the first thing that went through your mind after hearing her tale.
How lonely it must have been for her.
Drider are known for their unstable mental health, yet madness wasn't something that Lolth handed to them alongside the eight legs.
No, the madness was acquired after years of isolation, exile blurring their sense around the passing of time. One day you're surrounded by your family and loved ones, the next you're deemed a monster unfit to share society with the rest of us.
Chased out by the threat of violence, your own reflection and body altered beyond recognition at times. How cruel of a fate Lolth gifted her children.
No more walking, no more music, no more fun. You and the fate of silence for the rest of your life. 
It would drive anyway crazy, yet people had the nerve to describe driders as people with a death wish. As if it wasn't the fault of the people pointing their fingers and casting their judgement.
Fear keeps us safe, fear keeps us sane.
Driders lacked all known types of fear, much like their own sanity withered inside their brain.
Your torch went out.
Flame extinguished, darkness draped over you.
All consuming, ever cold and numbing darkness. Your brain attempts to make sense of your sudden lack of vision, swirling various shapes into the pitch black surroundings, only for them to evaporate like smoke.
Faces of loved ones, monsters and even promises of an exit. Drawn in illusions as your primal mind tried to lead your path.
You knew deep down that nothing lurked in the darkness, you've been in this cave for what felt like hours by now. You would've seen something.
It wasn't possible not to run into her by now, even a normal sized drider would've crossed your path once or twice. And she was 5 times the size of a normal drider from what you've read, why else would she claim a cave this huge as her own.
With your hand stretched to take hold of the wall, you decided to keep moving forward through the darkness. Eventually you're fated to reach some kind of end right?
Whether it be a dead end or a cave end, is up to the fates to decide.
You kept walking as time lost its meaning, even when the sound of your footsteps disappeared. A soft padding covering the floor that completely masked your steps, you couldn't see what it was in the dark.
Madness knocked on the windows of your brain, paranoia seeping through the cracked glass.
You wanted to speak, to scream, do anything just to make any sound to hear yourself. To hear any sound.
You couldn't hear your own heartbeat, alarms were going off inside your head.
Were you dead? Did that plant hold some kind of poison in its spikes and now you've stupidly signed your own death certificate.
Taking a deep breath, you feel the air rushing through your lungs, you feel the rise and fall of your chest but you still can't hear a single thing.
Stopping in your tracks, your spiral of insanity came to a halt as you spotted a vague dim light in the vast darkness.
Was your brain playing tricks on you again? 
You let go of the wall, desperately running towards the light, breath heavy and sweating and legs sore. You pushed your body as you reached towards the light.
It grew stronger, larger. The faint glow multiplied as another and another joined it the closer you got.
You could see your own hands again, the colour of your skin. Your own healthy and very much alive flesh.
It wasn't an illusion, but a very real glow. 
A cluster of bioluminescent plants attached to the upper parts of the walls and covering the ceiling, extending into a large opening leading to a big room filled with them.
There were scattered like stars hanging up in the sky, each one is of different colours and shapes. A glistening translucent web connected them together, a faint holographic sheer shining through the web in a quiet dance of rainbow lights.
Faerie lights, the silk was enchantment with faerie light.
This room was at the furthest end of the cave, at the heart where that bloodrose laid no doubt. How else could magic survive here unless it was part of the same bubble the bloodrose thrived under.
It was vastly different from the other parts of the maze-like cave you've seen so far. The air was warmer, drier with no humidity. The walls were devoid of any sharp edges, if anything they shined like marbles instead of stone.
The soft dancing faerie lights give a colourful glow to the room. It was trimmed and carved into perfection, this room was the true heart of the cave. 
Stepping fully inside, the lights reflected off of your eyes, you were almost in awe at the beauty of this place. Exploring the left side of the room, you were met with a makeshift bed, made with various soft cloths and feather filled pillows. To your surprise, the bed was more on the normal size, quite big yes but nothing beyond what most nobles had at their homes.
A lyre sat on the table next to the bed, its strings matching the ones hanging above on the ceiling.
Exploring the right side, you found…hay? Not just hay but a large cluster of various soft materials like cotton and wool, connected together in a circle of silk.
Just like any other heart, this cave's heart was brimming with life. 
Dread filled your heart as you realised the true purpose of this room, it's a nursery.
That cluster on the left, you could see various eggs through the translucent parts of the silk.
You were at the nest of the drider princess.
Yes you wanted to meet her but not like this, not an armed stranger intruding on her cluster of eggs.
Taking a step back from the fragile nest, something stinky caught your boots and you fell back against the padded flooring.
Your thud barely made a noise at all, you haven't really acknowledged the strange floor until now.
Looking down, you were met with extremely thick webs, covering the entire floor. Padding the stones with layer after layer of silk that trailed even outside of the room.
The webs you've spent so much effort avoiding, you were walking on a carpet of them all this time since your torch went out.
Terror echoed through your bones, a sense of impending doom. Minthara had been aware of you all this time
You were sure no one was around you, you swore never saw her. Where could she have been hiding?
Something cold dripped onto your head. 
Your limbs were shaking, your fight or flight instincts screaming at you.
Lifting your head, colour drained from your face as you looked up at the ceiling.
Red eyes met yours.
Long silver hair dangling from her head, crimson eyes marking you as her prey. Another set of eyes were further apart on her forehead, slightly smaller in size.
The upper body of the drow, a lean muscular build, clothed in armour that stopped just before her lower spider abdomen.
The sheer massive size of it was difficult for your brain to comprehend, it was abysmally larger than any other drider. A giant spider abdomen of pure blackness that acted as a huge dark mirror behind her figure. Eight legs sprawled from it, each one extremely long and thin. Sharp knife-like edges and jagged saw-like insides.
A single leg went from her abdomen, at the center of the vast ceiling, and trailed down the walls until its end buried under the thick layer of webs on the floor.
Like a bird cage trapping you in place, a gradient of abyssal black that faded into a rich imperial purple. 
Various gems and gold circlets decorated each leg, rubies and amethysts being the main theme. Much like the armour she wore, it had the clear holy markings of a high paladin of Lolth. Its carvings giving the illusion of wrapping around her figure and hugging it so deliciously, when in reality it no doubt had multiple thick layers of padding and metal for a proper battle attire.
"You've finally used your common sense, p'luvt." Her voice wasn't quiet like the other drows you've met so far, in fact it was full of confidence.
Crawling her body from the ceiling, she came down from the right side of the room as she shielded her nest with her large spider frame.
She wasn't immediately lunging at you, which was a win in your book. You half expected your head to be bitten off the second you attempted to look up.
"I don't mean any harm, I promise." Dropping your backpack and weapons, you made a point to stay on the floor to not give her any false ideas.
"Harm? You think a pathetic thing like you could even harm me?" Her raspy voice held a hint of amusement, as if the idea of you being a danger to her was the joke of the century.
Minthara only needed to learn her body forward to completely tower over you, "If I had wanted you dead, I would have let the poison take you out." She leaned even closer, her face directly above yours.
You didn't move as she cupped your face with her hand, satisfied with the feeling of your skin against her sharp fingers. 
Touching the back of your own head, you were surprised to be met with wetness, a sticky purple fluid. "Is that the poison?"
"No." Her thumb parted your lips, the same purplish liquid bubbled at the tip of her fang before dropping into your mouth. "That's the antidote, the walls had the venom."
Minthara seemed pleased with your obedience as you swallowed without the need for coaxing, her lips glistened with a sheer transparent layer as she pressed them against yours.
The kiss stung your lips, the feeling of an itchiness seeping into your flesh as she pushed her tongue in your mouth.
"That's a small dosage of the poison."
You let her carry you, never resisting as she wrapped her front tendrils around you.
She laid you on the bed, giving you one short kiss after another.
"Your scent is irresistible." She inhaled against your neck, "become part of something greater than your mortal life could ever achieve, become mine."
Wrapping your arms around her, the flame of desire ignited deep below your stomach as you considered her offer, becoming her mate.
You nodded, chasing after each kiss with greediness.
"Use your words." She pulled away, "swariy biu hithern d'ilr ulu uns'aa"
You considered your journey, the months of research, the length you've went to just to find her cave, the madness you've brush against back in the darkness.
Her fangs grazed your ears, "vow my ownership over you." Pulling away, her eyes held a hint of vulnerability in them as she looked at you.
Brushing a side of her soft silvery locks behind her pointy ears, you held her battle worn face so tenderly. "I vow to always belong to you." 
Leaning forward, you pressed your lips onto hers. A soft gentle kiss to seal your oath with.
Minthara took your clothes off, with each newly revealed patch of skin she'd plant a kiss on. Her hands holding your body and positioning it however she pleased on the bed. Your own arousal growing the more her kisses trailed down and down.
"Ussta 'chev" she'd whispered as spread your legs, hooking your thighs above her shoulder, face to face with your most intimate parts.
Her gaze filled with hunger, the taste of your flesh still fresh on her tongue. Leaning forward, her tongue gave a testing swipe against your heat, beforehand her whole mouth started devouring you.
The pleasure was worth the pain, the rush of heat clouding your brain and making you melt. Grinding back and pushing against her mouth with desperation, all shame left you at the feeling of her hot wet tongue.
Your fists held on to the bedding below you, pulling on it the more intense the feeling got, you were quickly stumbling towards the edge embarrassingly fast. She kept her hold on your thighs, going even deeper and deeper.
Making a moaning mess out of you, obscene screams of pleasure echoing through the cave. Her fingers joined soon and collected your wetness on them, trailing down onto your hole as they push against the opening.
That pushes you over the edge, the pressing of her fingertip inside you makes your muscles tense in a rippling orgasm. She lets you ride it out against her mouth, swallowing down all of your juicies and cum.
You taste yourself on her lips as she leans forward to give you a kiss, letting you catch your breath.
Hearing a subtle sound at back her throat, akin to a spider purring. "You were made for this" covered in your own cum, her finger push inside you, opening you up as she adds another.
She watches you with keen eyes as she pushes and prodes your inside, watches your teeth biting into your wet lips, your naked body helpless on her bed.
"Take it." Minthara adds a third finger when she's sure you're ready, "take all of me, let me have all of you." It's so deep, brushing the walls of your insides and reigniting the arousal between your legs.
You see two of her spider legs moving in the back of the room, you can't focus much on them before being guided back to looking at her eyes as you twitch and squeeze around her fingers. 
You're stretched slowly and deliberately, hole wet and hungry around her fingers. By the end of it, four of them can easily slide in and out of you.
Minthara helps your second orgasm by going back down on you, her mouth forcing your twitching body and milking it out of cum. Her fingers never stop prodding you as you shake and shiver from the intensity.
You've came twice already and she is still fully dressed in her suit of armour, holy symbols now soaked in your cum.
Pulling her fingers out, she leans away, looking at you with pride. "You handled this better than I thought you would, you're strong enough to bear my children."
Only then do you notice the three eggs she was craddling with one of her back legs, bringing them closer to you and setting them on the bed.
They were bigger than normal eggs, two almost the size of your fist. You could only fit a single one in your palm as you held it with a worried look.
"Does the size intimidate you?" Minthara encloses the hand carrying the egg with her own, her other hand rubbing the lower part of your stomach, "it will fit, i will make sure of it."
Giving your forehead a final kiss, she moved you with ease to lay on your stomach instead. Spreading your thighs and exposing your leaking hole to her, she insepcts her handwork with two fingers.
You grab into the pillow, burying your head into it as you feel a hard cold shell pressing against your entrance.
"This is your true purpose. Embrace it." She slowly pushes the egg in, her voice laced with lust as she watches it disappear inside you, "embrace having my children inside you, it's my right to breed you."
The egg stretches you out, completely different than her fingers. You feel impossibly filled as your hole keeps helplessly twitching against it, making the egg only go deeper and deeper.
You hear Minthara moan from behind you, the sight of your needy hole making her lose her senses.
Then the stinging feeling of a bite against your thigh, soft flesh marked with her fangs. Something flows into your body.
A feeling of lightness envelopes you, all the pain disappears and is replaced by a comfortable feeling of being filled to the brim, like it's what you're meant to be.
If anything…you still feel empty, heat quickly spreads through your body as you whine against the pillow. More. You need more of her inside you.
"Please…" your voice sounds desperate and strange to your own ears, "Minthara, it's not enough." 
Her fingers go inside you to push the egg deeper, an electrifying pleasure shoots through your spine and makes you arch your back. It's almost as intense as your previous orgasm, the pleasure is melting your brain.
The more she moves the egg inside you the more you leak into her bed, grinding against the mattress cover in an attemp for relief. All the nerves in your body had their sensitivity turned up and everything feels impossibly good as her venom travels through your bloodstream.
Was it even venom that she bit into you? It feels completely different.
You're beginning for the second egg, whining and crying at the deep urge inside you to be a good mate for her, to please and appease your mistress.
Minthara looks at you with love, proud of you for knowing your place, for learning how to properly address her so soon.
She grants you another egg, pushing it slowly inside as you thank her breathlessly. 
It slots snugly against its sister, filling you even more as your brain chirps with happiness at the feeling, the sense of purpose this gives you. You feel Minthara's lips against the back of your neck, whispering how good you're being, what an obedient spouse you are to your wife. 
The third orgasm hits you out of nowhere, you didn't even realise it until you were squeezing your thighs together and pushing the eggs against each other. Staining her bed with your cum and making an even more pathetic display of yourself.
She seems ever so pleased.
The same clickly purring sounding again as she teases your overstimulated areas, enjoying your squirming and shaking. Your brain barely able to take in all the pleasure she's showering you with.
The final egg is left. 
Minthara helps you sit back on the bed, her strong arms holding you up as you lean into her embrace, legs kneeling on the soft matteress with your tears stained face buried into her neck.
Running her hand softly down your back, she lets you cling to her for comfort as you adjust to the new position. Knowing how overwhelming this can be for you to take in, how fragile mortals tend to be.
The air of the room is still comfortably warm, the dancing lights ease your mind as the soft atmosphere helps you catch your breath. You feel safe.
The outside world completely forgotten and ignored "this is your true home" Minthara whispers, "this is your nest, this is where you should be."
And this egg, should be inside you.
After she made no move to press it against your entrance, simply holding it in her arm. You realise what she wants you to do.
You cling to her more, she kisses your ear. 
Leaning forward, you stay kneeling as you spread yourself with one hand, carrying the egg in the other.
Minthara watches you with a smile.
Gravity made the other two eggs press against your hole, attempting to force themselves out. You have to push your fingers inside to get them deeper, push them up until they slot in place, until they're perfectly held by your tight insides. 
Until they're pressing against where your intimate parts are, keeping you stuck in an endless cycle of pleasure.
That one spot inside you, abusing it and harshly rubbing it with every breath you take. Yet no pain or discomfort could be felt, only pleasure in it's purest forms, a mind numbing pleasure.
Your fingers go out with a pop sound, your own wetness traveling down your thighs. Minthara keeps her hold on you firm, keeping you sitting up in place.
Pushing the egg inside you, the familiar delicious stretch follows up soon. You don't think you can even close your legs fully anymore, forced to keep them open and spread so the eggs remain inside you.
When it's halfway through, is when your poor abused hole is stretched to its limits, opened fully spread so wide. Your fingers keep pushing it inside as your hole encloses around the egg, swallowing it too.
Minthara holds your hands, keeping you in the same position as you squirm while the eggs move to adjust to the new addition inside you. You can barely focus on her lips or kiss as a fourth orgasm comes crashing down on your, your vision blurring fully for a second while your brain melts.
You fall into her, she catches you. Hugging you into her body, rubbing your sore thighs where she left several grip marks.
Darkness surrounds you, exhaustion winning.
When you wake up, you're cradled against her chest, no armour to cover her soft flesh. The scent of lavender envelopes you as you realise all the grime and sweat has been wiped off of your body, you're completely clean and fresh.
Minthara is the same, the bed has new sheets and there is a soft melody in the air. The gentle strumming of the Lyre she held in her hands.
You're lulled back into another slumber, burying your face against her soft breasts.
Time passes, how much? You're not sure. You've kept track of the first few months but after the 7th, everything started becoming a blurr.
This room became your whole world, the only thing you cared for. Even when Minthara brought you back some newspapers from one of her haunts, you just used it as feed for the fire to warm you up.
The two of you fell into a complex dynamic of fragile balance. It was the most consuming and possessive kind of love you've ever felt from someone. 
She truly wanted you for her own, you very own soul even. And in return she took care of all of your needs, keeping you safe and protected as you kept her eggs safe and warm inside you.
Speaking of which, she'd replace them daily. On some days you'd carry up to 6 different eggs, on others she merely tasked you with warming one. It depended on how much moving she planned for you that day.
You've explored the rest of the cave with her, hugging her upper body from behind as belt of silk kept you safely secured to her while she showed you the various turns of the cave. Occasionally taking you to the gardens outside.
There were many intruders on most days, yet she dealed with them swiftly as their bodies were quickly disposed on into the blood garden. 
Her territory expanded after you became a part of her family, your safety was her main concern and she realised it's better to gather a good amount of soliders under her command to guard the outside territories. 
They were drows, from what she's told you, used to be drows just like her, but turned into driders. Working with them irritated her because of how unstable they tend to be, yet something about her massive sheer size made them kneel in admiration and obey her, even when she would've prefered them cowering in fear.
Yet sometimes a gaggle of paladins would slip by, Lathander's or Corellon's or any of those so called good deities that thought it was their duty to purge all evil from the world.
Minthara wasn't impressed by any of them, if the cave didn't kill, then she'd take advantage of the protection the sussur tree offers her and strike them when they're defenseless without their precious magic.
You had plenty of books and gems to waste your time with, practising on the lyre whenever Minthara was too preoccupied to retreat back to her nest.
The bond you two shared, she's described as alurlssrin, the highest form of love a drow can give to another person.
You held her tightly each night, kissed her gently the more of her vulnerability she'd reveal to you after shedding her cold exterior. Becoming her strength when she needed someone to lean on.
One curious night, as the two of you held each other in her bed, you couldn't help but wonder out loud why she still wore the armour of Lolth after all she has done to her.
"My oath still stands" she replied, "Lolth's cruelty can take many forms, this is merely one of them." 
She revealed to you what happened that night, at the test. Telling you about all the brutal trails she was put under, all the humiliation she had to endure.
"I prevailed, much to Lolth's displeasure, deep in my heart, i knew she wished for my failure." Minthara explained, "as a reward, i was bestowed with this so called gift" Minthara sneered, words like venom from her lips.
"It must have been lonely, to live like this for so long" your opinions didn't change, ever since the moment you stepped into the cave, you were still the same exact person.
"It was." She held your hand in hers, kissing your fingers. "But now, I have you. What a great distraction you are." 
After a while, the eggs were ready to hatch. As much as Minthara tried to always keep a stoic face, the excitement in her voice was unmistakable.
She wanted the both of you to witness it, all the eggs were put in their original cluster of silk and wool. A warm hearth like fire under them, completely harmless to the touch, born from the purest of magic.
Despite the strange feeling of emptiness inside you, having gotten used to carrying at least one of the eggs each day for months, you still felt great pride and a sense of achievement at seeing them all healthy and ready to hatch.
"They will be normal spiders", Minthara explained, "Lolth prohibits all driders from reproducing."
"I know you find spiders adorable" you teased her, "how come each time one gets lost in your territory, they are let go with a slap on the wrist?"
"Well they're clearly more respectful than intruders who claim they got lost, spiders are simply superior." 
She was smiling, a genuine smile, the wrinkles on her face giving her a soft glow as she admired you, the person she loves most in this world.
Her lips looked inviting, she leaned in closer to you.
But before your lips could meet each other, one of the eggs started shaking, stealing her attention away. 
There was genuine awe in her eyes as she watched the egg, it was her first ever batch of eggs. The first of several to come, as she promised you.
The two of you held your breath when a crack formed through the inner layer of the egg and travelled to the outsider, two fuzzy thin legs emerging from the silk cocoon, moving around as if cutely waving.
"This one is strong, I can feel it." Minthara whispered, holding your hand tightly. You could imagine her cheering for the spider inside.
Another crack though the egg, from the opposite side, another pair of fuzzy legs breaking through. 
After the head managed to break the top of the egg, the most adorable shiny dots for eyes looked in your direction, for a second it looked like the spider was wearing the egg like armour
A laugh escaped you at the uncanny resemblance they had to their mother, god they really are Minthara's children huh.
Blinking your tears of joy away, one second the spider was moving, the next a harsh crack could be heard as the spider laid limb.
An arrow, shot right at the egg from behind you and Minthara.
Your world stopped moving.
The clunking of heavy armour and swords being drawn could be heard, the stretching of a bow string as another arrow was being prepared.
It never got to leave the bow. Minthara was faster than all of them, bigger and stronger than all of them.
But this newborn spider wasn't.
You cradled it in your palm, the shell of the egg falling away to reveal the baby spider inside.
Yells sounded from behind you, flesh tearing and the agonised screams that suddenly got quiet as metal was ripped so shred. Whole bodies torn apart limb from limb like paper.
Minthara's rage didn't quell, not even after each of them laid dead and dismembered. Not even as she shoved their own arrows down their throats and into their lungs.
The spider wasn't bigger than your thumb, you didn't know what to do as you stared at it. 
One of the swords slid down next to you, covered in their blood, its surface so shiny it was akin to a mirror as you stared at your own eyes on it.
A voice called out to you.
A life for a life, blood for blood.
Pressing the tip of your thumb against the sharp end of the sword, it didn't take much pressure for it to get pricked. 
A single drop of blood trailed down your finger, it wasn't bigger than your thumb, you knew what to do.
You gently let it drop over the baby spider, the blood seeped into its body.
Minthara went to dispose of their bodies, scuttering quickly on the ceiling as she made her way to the end of the garden.
You couldn't take your eyes off of the spider, waiting for it to open its own eyes.
The most adorable shiny black dots for eyes met yours
Breathing a sigh of relief, you felt the little bug wash itself with your one drop of blood, slowly regaining its strength.
"Look" you said when Minthara came back, sitting next to you, "safe and healthy, it's really strong like you said."
She gently took the spider in her hand, seeing the small thing crawl around her fingers. There was a look of sadness on her face, a frown to her lips.
"I have failed you" she didn't meet your gaze, "I swore to protect you, and i have let these insects crawl freely into my house, our home."
Your hand enclosed on top of hers, "you were caught off gaurd, it's not your fault."
"No." Her brows furrowed, "I am never off gaurd. I have prepared for this day, i have tested all the webs myself."
The spider curiously went to explore the rest of the room, jumping from Minthara's hand onto the webbed grounds.
She pulled you closer to her, "I couldn't hear them in, I couldn't see them."
She was feeling weak, you knew how much she hated that feeling. For someone to best her.
"What about the sussur tree, Shouldn't it have stopped them?" You rubbed her back with your free arm, feeling one of her spider legs wrap around you.
"....I thought so too. But their magic, it was unnatural, not like anything I have seen before." 
She swallowed as she continued, "the crests on their armours, the magic books they carried, it held symbols of a god I could not recognise."
"Doesn't Mystra control all magic?" You were growing more confused by the recent events
"Apparently, not anymore." 
Your conversation was cut short as another egg began hatching. This time, Minthara blocked the room entrance with her spider abdomen to not take anymore chances. 
The rest of the batch hatched safely to your joined relief, everything went well and you had a cluster of fuzzy small spiders running around and playing with the fearie lights enchanted silk robes.
Minthara stood up, offering her arm to you as unspoken request to let her carry you. You gladly accepted.
Taking you into her arm, she moved the both of you to the other side of the room. Placing you on the bed with a soft kiss to your forehead.
"I have something that I want to show you." One of her spider legs dug through a silk cocoon buried until the webbed flooring, bringing it up and placing it into your hand.
It was different, the silk was finer and more shiny than her normal silk. The cocoon was also wooven with great care. An embroidered symbol of a flower on the outside.
"A secret egg?" You weren't sure if you wanted to ruin the beautiful embroidery of silk.
Minthara shook her head, "open it. It's for you."
Gently prying open the cocoon, something shined below in the hollow insides. Two red petals were rolled up, each one holding a golden ring with a bright clear diamond on top.
Your heart fluttered, stilling your body as your processed the two rings in front of you.
Minthara was looking at you, gauging your reaction. Her red eyes not veiling the love and vulnerability they held in them.
"Ussta 'chev" her lips trembled as she said those words, despite whispering then a thousand times over like prayers against your heated skin in endless nights of passion. My beloved.
Drows Do Not Marry. You remember reading about it over and over in a million different books, drows do not marry but only take consorts.
Yet the rings in front of you told a completely different story.
She asks for your hand.
"You're mine just as I am yours."
You give your hand to her
"And if you leave me, rest assured it would kill me."
She traces her fingers on top of yours, kissing your hand
"Take me as your wife, forever."
Minthara places the ring on your finger, admiring the jewel shining against your skin.
Putting on the other ring herself.
You intertwine your fingers, holding her hand against yours.
The happiness that goes through your body is unmatched, it's most joy you have ever felt.
Minthara gently cups your cheek, wiping your tears away. 
The taste of her venom has grown sweet and familiar by now, it tasted like home.
You lean over to give her a kiss.
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bihansthot · 4 months
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Are y’all ready?! The egg is here!! Another amazing commission from amatista_kiwi over on Twitter.
How did that even come out of me?! We’ll never be certain the important thing is the egg is here, the egg is happening eeeeeeeeeggggggggggg.
As you can tell Syzoth is very supportive and enthusiastic, he’s ready to be a dilf again.
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leseggian · 2 years
ughh imagining getting knocked up with eggs but it being slow…
i feel each and every single egg pass through my dripping cunt, pushing my walls apart and pressing up against my cervix, where it seems like ages for it to pop into my womb… all i can do is keep my legs spread open as i desperately whine for it to go faster, but there’s no relief for me, my clit throbbing and my mind completely fogged over as i pant, the sensentsrion of it all being too much for my little body..
whatever is breeding me is cooing me by petting my head and playing with my tits to give me some stimulation, but i can’t cum or that would make it only take longer for the egg to get to my womb, and i have a whole clutch i need to carry! i need to just be a good incubator and edge until i’m properly knocked up…
when an egg finally does pop through into my womb i let out a cry of relief and shake, only for another egg to come down and start the process all over again <3
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
Sneaky update Giving birth to GH's babies and them hatching
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lots of brooding later
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Aquarium - (Meroctopus!Yandere!Chrollo x Janitor!Reader) NSFW (NC)
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Warnings; yandere, NSFW, oviposition, tentacles, non-con disguised as dub-con because Chrollo is manipulative, multiple penetration,
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Honestly, you hadn't expected things to happen the way they did, let alone so fast, but he was far more intelligent than anyone gave him credit for.
You don't even know what you did to draw his attention, you weren't even one of the caretakers or scientists. When you applied to work at the Aquarium, you had figured you would be doing more janitorial work than working with the highly sensitive fish. Many of your shifts ended where you were the last person in the holding tanks at night, usually being the one to lock up.
It was one of those nights when you were getting ready to leave that you noticed a door to a restricted access room had been left open. Though you wanted to look, you also knew better than to peek in places you shouldn't be, choosing to close the door and pretend you didn't see a thing. Maybe it had been that unusual action of yours that made him focus on you.
Humans are naturally curious and he had been betting on that curiosity to allow him to 'escape' despite the fact he allowed himself to be taken and had been in captivity willingly. The plan was a simple one to lure a night-staff worker into the secured and sealed holding tank where he usually spent the evenings. Upon entering, he would attack and take the keys, setting himself free and leaving no witnesses.
But you didn't do that.
No, you chose instead to close the door and carry on with what you were doing. He couldn't believe it.
It was at that point he found another reason to stay in captivity for a little longer, and that reason was you. Truly it had been a while since a human last surprised him and he figured- if nothing else- you would be a decent meal.
You continued through your list of jobs and tried to ignore the feeling of being watched from the shadows. It was during this that he found himself more and more interested in you. He could tell what prey typically would taste like by scent, but your scent was not one of prey like the scientists. Your scent was that of a mate.  
Even among others of his kind he did not find any such appealing scents, only finding others as potential group members or food. It was interesting enough that he decided you were going to be his mate regardless of what you may do or say to try and convince him otherwise. That was the beginning of his plan to get you in his clutches, determined to know what made you so much more appealing as a mate than any other.
It was this obsession that led you to where you were at that moment, pinned up against the fortified walls that housed the reinforced tank. He had done the same trick, leaving the door cracked open just a tantalizing amount to get your attention. But this time he didn't wait for you to open or close the door, leaping when your hand brushed the surface. Catching you in his arms and tentacles was almost too easy as he pulled you into the room with him, the suction cups easily tearing your uniform from you with a quick tug.
You had never known just what it was that had stalked you and trailed after you late at night, but seeing it now did nothing to soothe you or ease any anxieties you had. The deep black tentacles complimented his deep black hair, the intricate design on his pale skin seeming to flare in color and intensity, that same design along his tentacles flaring to life as well. It was mostly unintentional on his part, his own excitement causing his body to flush blood to those points and create a colorful display.
His species tended to have extreme camouflage abilities and such a colorful display was simply a matter of standard mating behavior. Still, he was interested to see how his body responded so naturally with his close proximity to you, reacting to you like a mate he desperately needed to impress. But, the fact of the matter was that he had no need to impress or woo you, because he would be taking what he wanted regardless. He had decided you were already his and you would be staying his if the burning need inside of him persisted after mating.
Part of him wondered just why he was so interested in mating, thinking it was either just a byproduct of his biology or if you somehow meant more to him than any other. He planned to find out by indulging in breeding you. If he felt no further interest he would know he just needed to breed and randomly chose you as an outlet for that desire. If his burning interest persisted after breeding then he would know you are someone unique and he should make sure to hold onto you.
He cocked his head slightly at the soft sound of your whimpering pleads, having heard a person beg for their life before, but they had annoyed him, whereas your voice entranced him. There was such a pull inside of himself that he found his own need overflowing with a desire to hear you plead for more than just your life. Clearly you seemed to believe he couldn't understand you, trying to do anything you could to convince the monstrous creature to let you go.
"What will you give me if I release you?"
Your eyes snapped open at the smooth voice you hadn't expected, staring in awe at the beast that held you and rendered you completely defenceless. Of all the things you had been expecting after being pinned up on a wall by a humanoid creature, you hadn't been expecting that. His eyes were deep pools of stormy clouds that regarded you with such intelligence you were nearly struck dumb.
"What- what do you want?"
"What can you offer?"
"Define 'anything' because that leaves so much room for interpretation, I could do what I want with you regardless."
He was having fun poking and picking, trying to get any kind of reaction from you simply because every reaction from you was so much fun. You were fun and he could see that you hadn't even caught on to what he actually had planned for you. It was all just playing until the desired finale of getting to breed you.
"Please, just tell me what you want from me..."
"I want to mate."
"Mate- but, wouldn't you rather someone like you be your mate?"
"I want to mate with you, not someone else. You. So I either mate with you, or-" he leaned close to murmur in your ear, "I eat you. Would you rather be my mate, or my dinner?"
"I figured you would say that. Now, be a good mate and let me do what I need. If you do, I promise not to eat you afterwards."
The fear was clear in your expression, your eyes so full of horror and stress that he knew you wouldn't fight him anymore. Still, as a precaution he ensured to hold your limbs to the cold wall with his tentacles, letting the various suction cups along each limb to suck dark marks onto your soft skin. You mewled and whined at the feeling of being caressed by those tentacles, nearly yelping whenever one found its way between your legs.
"My name is Chrollo Lucilfer, I expect you to be screaming it, (y/n)."
"How- how do you know my name..?"
"You truly believe I haven't been watching you for quite some time now?"
He leaned close to your neck, taking a deep breath and reveling at your alluring scent that made his body react with ferocity and need. A part of his brain that he had been previously unaware of kicked in, flooding his body with endorphins and the intense need to mate.
Though octopi typically had a rather self destructive way of mating, octopi merfolk were a bit more practical when it came to intimacy. A near invisible seam along where his hips would be if he were human concealed the rather large cock that he intended to use to breed you. Whereas it usually took some coaxing to get the appendage to reveal itself, it already stood stiff and ready to be used on your soft body. He was aware of the way that the base of his long shaft seemed to have a knot, already knowing what his body was trying to compel him to do. That 'knot' was an egg that he fully intended to put inside of you, already feeling the building pressure its presence caused.
"I think I'll actually prepare your soft body to take me, seeing as you agreed to allow me to mate you."
He didn't wait to hear your response and instead shoved one of those tentacles into your mouth to muffle you and slowly began easing one into you in order to prepare your body to take him. The rub of the suction cups along the slick walls of your body made your entire figure twitch and shake from the extra stimulation, nearly drooling in pleasure. Each slow undulation of the tentacle pushed it further and further into you, slowly prying open your walls to accept the appendage.
Your insides were so hot and comfortable, Chrollo found himself wanting to pull the tentacle out and shove his aching length in instead.
"Fuck..! Nice and hot... Do you know what I plan on doing to you, (y/n)?"
Chrollo spoke with a dark tone as he grinned at you trapped in his tentacles and unable to respond. Even though you were muffled and whining from the tentacles, you were still acutely aware of the octopus' words. The way he looked at you told you volumes about what he wanted from you and how he intended to get it.
"I'm going to fill up your hot womb with all of my eggs and breed you until you can't walk anymore. I'm going to take you with me and keep you to myself to breed and mate every day."
Your eyes widened in fear as you took in those dangerous words, realizing now that the octopus man had no intention of letting you go. Being eaten was better than being the breeding ground of a very intelligent and homicidal octopus, so you began to struggle and try to complain despite the tentacle in your mouth. Chrollo only smirked at your behavior, watching the way your eyes widened in realization of what fate he intended for you.
He had been on the fence about keeping you or eating you, but the warmth that enveloped his tentacle made the decision for him. It wasn't hard to force a human to adapt to the oceanic lifestyle, and he already had all he needed to prepare you for that life style waiting where the rest of his troupe gathered. Chrollo had no qualms about forcing you through that transition so he could keep you as he wanted you, all to himself.
"Mmm... Your warm insides are perfect to incubate my brood. Nice and fertile, just begging to be filled..! Struggle and fight all you want, I have made my decision."
You almost wanted to bite down on the tentacle in your mouth but your teeth did no damage at all, the tentacle only thrusting deeper into your mouth. Chrollo chuckled as he felt your teeth scrape uselessly over the soft surface of his tentacle, knowing you had realized he intended to keep you and trying to fight back instead. The fire you had only served to assure Chrollo you were a good choice as a mate, likely to pass on that will to live into your offspring. Each languid undulation of his tentacle inside of you made you writhe and whine, your body doing what it could to accept the intrusion and make it easier on you.
"I'm going to breed you senseless. I have looked for a mate quite often but only found meals and disappointment, yet here you are. You have the scent of a mate, not food. I was never really going to eat you. I thought about it, sure, but figured I would mate you first, just to be certain. Now, I'm certain."
Slowly he slid his tentacle out of your clenching heat, rubbing his stiff cock up against your drenched entrance instead. The fear in your eyes was almost addictive to him, feeling his own desire to stuff you full flooding his mind until it was really all he could think about. You would make such a good mother to his brood, and your warm insides were prefect to incubate the eggs he planned to put into you.
He would deal with his fellow troupe members if and when they decided to question his motives or decisions for taking you, now he had a task to complete. Chrollo knew it was likely his hormones talking, but he wanted nothing more than to see your stomach swell up with his young and to know he is the reason. He needed to see you heavy with his young, carrying his brood and taking such excellent care of the young growing within you.
Chrollo lined up his heavy cock with your soaked pussy, sliding himself through your folds and coating his length in your juices. Once he felt he had enough lubricant, he lined himself up to sink into your warm entrance. Gravity did most of the work as he allowed you to slowly slide down onto his needy cock, letting out a deep groan of pleasure when your walls welcomed him in.
You were tense and gasping, body trying to remove the obstruction from inside of you but only managing to clamp down onto the pulsing cock within you. He only moved slightly and you squealed into the tentacle that still took residence in your mouth, Chrollo listening to your sounds and smirking as he made you whine louder. One hand trailed down your front and Chrollo's thumb met your clit, rubbing pleasure unto the bundle of nerves at your soft core.
"Mmm... Feels perfect inside you... Perfect and warm. My eggs are going to grow so well in this warm womb..."
Chrollo gave an experimental thrust of his hips and you yelped loudly, the faint burn from the stretch of your body accommodating his cock within you slightly returning, but with it came a rush of pleasure. He slowly began to pick up speed as he thrust into you, a squishing sound coming from where the two of you were connected every time he thrust into you. Your moans and whines sounded so sweet to him that he actually withdrew the tentacle that had been taking residence within your mouth, letting your sounds ring clearly within the room.
"Good girl... So good for me. I'll make you so heavy with my young... Our young... You'll be so good for me."
You barely registered what the octopus man was saying at that point as his large cock rubbed up against all of your sweet spots, your eyes slowly rolling back into your head. Every movement seemed to push you higher, a coil of pressure beginning to tighten inside of you and grow with every movement of his hips. The way you gasped and moaned in such pleasure was a clear indicator to Chrollo that he was working you up into a blissful frenzy.
"A-ah..! Please..! I- Please, I-!"
"What do you need, (y/n)? Tell me what you need from me."
"I can't-! I- fuck! It- it's too much..!"
Chrollo teasingly slowed his thrust and you nearly wailed at the loss of friction, tears gathering in your eyes as humiliation burned inside of you. You didn't want to beg this monster for anything, let alone beg for him to let you cum, but the pleasure your body felt was overriding your desire to fight back.
"Tell me what you need."
"Go on. Or do you want me to stop right now?"
"No! No, please! I- I need it..!"
"Need what?"
"I... I need you, Chrollo..!"
"What of me?"
"Please, just fuck me!"
He chuckled in response to your breathy begging, picking up his pace once more and listening to your moans with great relish. You couldn't help the way your hips moved with Chrollo's thrusts, feeling that coil of pleasure tighten to a near painful feeling. Chrollo was similarly close, his hips slightly stuttering as he forced his large cock deeper into you.
When that blissful release finally washed over you, any following thrust felt like your nerves were being far too stimulated. Despite your half-hearted struggles, Chrollo continued slamming into you, knowing he was reaching his end and keenly looking forward to filling you up with his young. He couldn't stop the way he forced his cock to press past your cervix, hearing you cry out in pain from the deep intrusion. True, he hadn't been keen on harming you, but he needed to get his cock into your soft womb if he was going to fill you up with his eggs.
As your body finally relented to his continued assault, you where whining almost pathetically from the uncomfortable feeling of having your tight cervix stretched around his cock. With only a few more thrusts he grunted, thrusting as deep as your body would allow before letting himself cum inside of you.
You could feel his hot cum coating your walls and hoped that would be the end before something larger seemed to be pushing itself up his cock into you. You vaguely realized that the octopus man had been quite serious when he said he would fill you up with his eggs. Each one feeling like a golf ball moving up his shaft and plopping into your soft womb, one after the other until your walls were stretching from being overfilled. Even when you thought you couldn't possibly take more, another egg pushed itself into you and bloated your stomach.
As Chrollo let the final few eggs push themselves into you he let out a deep and satisfied moan, resting his forehead against your shoulder. You felt so full and sore that just him removing himself from your warm insides had you flinching and whining. The strange octopus man reveled in knowing you couldn't escape from him now you were stuffed full of his young, gently pulling you with him to freedom.
The strain of stress and intense sex quickly pulled you into unconsciousness, unable to do much to prevent the man from taking you away. Chrollo knew you were his mate and he intended to keep you protected from everyone and everything, especially now that his eggs grew inside of you.
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kittiesandkillers · 3 months
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Wouldn't it be hilarious if this raised their trauma level?
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digenerate-trash · 9 months
GN Ivory Wraith | GN PC
It started a couple of months ago. You kept getting up and being led to the edge of the forest. Always before you made it too deep though you managed to shake off whatever was calling you in. It's been getting harder though. And tonight you're particularly tired...
You don't even notice you've gotten up till you're standing on a trail leading into the woods. Bare feet softly pad against the dirt and rocks as you make your way in a trance toward the lake. Everything in the woods is eerily quiet. It's just the wind. And the soft constant sound of the lake in the distance.
You're more conscious part of your mind is panicking. Scratching at the back of your head like a viscous animal. Trying to get you to wake up. Snap out of it. But the haze that surrounds the rest of you can't register it. It's like hearing screaming from down the street.
When you get to the lakeside you shiver when you wade into the water but it doesn't stop your steady pace. Soon you swim down into the ruins. The ever-present allure makes it easy to overcome any fear you might of had.
When you finally break the suffice of the water again you panting. The shock of the cold air has woken you up a bit more and you glance around the ancient temple. Dragging your body up out of the water to rest on the shore for a moment. You're starting to come back down to earth and it's causing you to panic.
Your hand slips on the smooth tiles smearing dirt and mud across your already-soaked clothes. You pull yourself up from the ground carefully cradling your hurt arm.
It's too dark to see really. There's just a soft light coming in from the water but that's about it. Your haze is almost completely gone as you rest against the wall and think about how you're supposed to get out of here.
Then you're suddenly surrounded by something warm. Like a blanket covering you you still shiver as you feel soft delicate hands trace up your stomach to your chest
Your heart practically stops as the movement keeps going like it's trying to soothe you but when you move to look at the thing that's holding you so gently you meet with something terrifying. Its face is a twisted maw of sharp teeth and wide black eyes gaze at you. Stands of silvery hair cover the more gnarled bits of its face and body naked as it is. You can see a writhing mass of fumbling ever moving limbs and tentacles attached to uts torso and a necklace that hangs around its collarbones dangling down to its pale chest, Ancient looking. The metal and string are tarnished and old. Bits of bone and jewels hang off the mangled jewelry. You're tempted...oh so tempted to take it
But when you reach out for it your eyes wide the thing grabs your arm with multiple limbs and screeches loudly. The old temple seems to shake with the noise as it wrestles you down to the ground easily. The thing is drooling over you the many limbs keeping you pinned easily. Its black eyes meet yours and there's nothing behind them...
It isn't long before it tears your clothes off sharp claws dragging against your skin ripping and tearing into every part of you until you're completely bare. All of its limbs work together to pull your legs up and pin them to your chest so hard it's difficult to breathe. Multiple tentacles slide over your hole as you squirm and try to choke out cries for help but nothing seems to stop the thing as it presses one of the larger tentacles into you ruthlessly.
Your body tenses up but the creature shutters above you. It must have been so long...
You shake off the thought trying to keep control. This thing doesn't deserve sympathy for raping you. You try and fight it off as best you can as you're fucked against the temple floor your body hurts as it continues to stuff as much of its slimy tentacle into your body
Its gaping sharp toothed mouth drools all over you as it continues to stuff you full. Tongue sliding between is teeth as it continues to hold you. Other tentacles pick up and start to fondle and grope your body coating you in slime.
It's comfortable...warm... you should just give in
You shake off that thought and try to focus again. How do you get this thing off of you?!
You start to feel a bulge at the end of the tentacle and it presses against you. Your body is on fire as you try and resist it.
Why are you resisting..?
You relax and It's not long before the bulge forces its way into you. You can feel it settling into your guts. Your body is tense when the tentacle bulges again. Dropping another slimy egg into your body. They're heavy. The thing over top of you seems so satisfied with your cooperation...
They deserve to be satisfied.
When it pulls out you've lost track of how many heavy eggs you've taken in. Your body is slick and warm still your stomach bulging out a bit.
The creature on top of you keeps licking at your delicate flesh tasting your skin and letting its hands play in the slime that coats your body.
When you finally wake up again you're surprised to find yourself still in the temple. Your stomach hurts so much as you try and leave.
But before you can You can feel someone tugging on you a bit.
And you do. The figure steps in front of you and smiles. A beautiful ghost... so pretty and soft looking. The only thing you seem to notice about it is the necklace that hangs off of them. It reaches out and places a warm hand on your stomach, the feeling sends shivers up your spine as you relax into its touch.
And you stay
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derangedfujoshi · 4 months
Inspired by the many Digimon Horny Asks about the partner/digimon shenanigans I've compiled two lists. One about the Digimon I look at and immediately think they should get used as cum dumpsters, and the other about the Digimon I look at and wish I was their personal egg-making-human-cow. Enjoy🤲
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Don't look at me don't look at me ok? How tf was I supposed to grow up NOT a monsterfucker when Digimon have been with me since the ripe age of 6yo???? Do not perceive me (⁠。>/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/<。⁠)
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bihansthot · 2 months
Ok so I know I haven’t posted about it in a while but the egg is chirping now 😳 like multiple chirps what on earth have I gotten myself into?? Syzoth is very enthusiastic and keeps saying “any day now Sunshine!” Thank goodness Sareena, Sektor and Cyrax don’t mind helping babysit!
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meepmoopmaap · 9 months
@amingethia and @firefighter-piggy-cookiejar and @cockodemon-nsfw
feel like you guys would have some words about this
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
sneaky update Almost forgot to get an ultrasound
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