#Mason the lake monster
Just wanna talk about how much I love the cow couple and Mason. Smash all 3. Ik those three definitely would be the most likely to want to /take good care of children. I lobe them all it's just these 3 have a special place in my twisted little gay heart. OvO
such wise words anon
Fun fact: did you know gators eggs are about 3 inches large, and laying up to 20-50? Imagine if mason had the ability to lay eggs inside you. The incubation period is about 65 days so he'll be incredibly overprotective of you the entire time you're carrying his brood. Watching you from the lakes surface and making mental notes to eat that certain farmhand that keeps flirting with you
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asexual-spongebob · 2 months
hi guys I’m really bored so.
wots siren lore/ fact dump!!
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• When a siren is sad, their songs sound like that of whale songs.
• Sirens are often misunderstood, most don’t intentionally lure sailors to their deaths. It just happens unfortunately.
• Sirens whimper when sad or injured, much like dogs. They also wag their tails like dogs do. They also swish their tails like cats.
• There are both salt water and fresh water sirens. Fresh water sirens aren’t as common but if you lurk in Lake Michigan long enough, you may find a siren.
• Sirens purr when happy. Much like cats. They also hiss and growl like cats and dogs.
• Sirens have webbed, scaly fingers. • The typical siren can go up to 75 miles per hour.
• Sirens sleep much like cats and dogs.
• Sirens mostly eat fish. Some prefer shellfish though.
• They have sharp, pointy vampire like fangs. • Sirens like sleeping in kelp patches. • Most sirens don’t date aliens, (unless ur Dib or Gaz that is.)
• Surprisingly, most sirens don’t like salmon. Unless you’re Dib that is. No one knows why. Dib is just different I guess.
• Somehow, Zim can pick up the Dib-siren, no one knows how or why.
• When sirens are happy, they make dolphin like noises.
• If a human is turned into a siren, (which can happen via a curse from an object, or via a specific chemical mixture.) their transformation into a siren is very painful. Growing fangs, the excruciating fusion of legs, the strange sensation of scales appearing on the hands. It’s just not very fun. (Though, being fully transformed into a siren is funner >:3)
• Wail Of The Siren takes place in a weird fictional version of Detroit where salt water beaches exist somehow.
• Fresh water sirens weren’t discovered until the 60s, when a mysterious man discovered one dead, and washed up on the shores of Lake Michigan. However, people knew the existence of Salt water sirens for much longer. There’s many tales of sailors and others encountering the scaly creatures, but none are as famous as the tale of The Detroit Beach Monster. The tale goes that in 1965, two 13 year olds named Sandy Mason and Allen Denton encountered a siren, who tried to lure them to their deaths, but failed.
• Tak built a resistance to water just for Gaz. Zim hasn’t though. He still screams “IT BURNS!!!” Any time Dib accidentally splashes him.
• Never mess with a siren when they’re angry, it will not end well.
• Sirens either eat their food like rabid animals or very neatly. Dib eats his fish like a rabid animal, while Gaz eats her’s very neatly. Sometimes a bit feral though.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x15: The Dinner Party
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"With the dying embers of the fire at Fell's Church, the scourge of the vampires had passed. And though war raged all around us, our town was safe from the demons of the night... Or so we thought. For the monsters we drove to their fiery deaths had begat new monsters."
They open with Elena reading Johnathon Gilbert's journal. He wrote about the 27 vampires they led to Fell's Church with the plan to burn them, and how they didn't expect new vampires. He's referring to the Salvatore brothers. It's through current timeline that you can see the truth of Damon in 1864. Katherine shifts to Elena.
All of their flashbacks in this episode would've taken place soon after Stefan fed on his father and forced Damon to turn. The Dinner Party literally opens with a flashback of Johnathon Gilbert with his family at the dinner table. "I saw the vampire who killed me. I recognized him. It was Stefan Salvatore." Johnathon's line is every bit Elijah and Damon. "I killed you. You were dead." Johnathon survived because of his Gilbert ring. Elijah survived because he's an Original. Stefan ate three people in this single shot: Johnathon, Thomas, and Honoria.
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It's because of Johnathon's Gilbert ring that Elena is able to read the truth about Stefan. Even though Elena is adopted, she's still a Gilbert. Her adoptive father was her blood uncle. Johnathon Gilbert was her blood. While Elena reads this journal, Stefan is out skipping stones in the lake. So much for a romantic getaway lol. I suppose Stefan is still pissed that Elena plans to self-sacrifice. The more this episode moves along, the more I laugh about it.
Damon contacts Stefan to tell him about his plan to kill Elijah. This is where things get interesting because Damon isn't stupid. He plans to visit Katherine to make sure the dagger works because the silver didn't work on Mason and the regular stake didn't work on Elijah. That's basically what the tail end of their conversation is about -making sure the dagger works on Elijah because Damon put himself at risk with both Mason and Elijah. "Yes, Stefan, I've become you. How tragic for both of us." The perfect line for their series finale.
"Men are very territorial." This is true for both the Salvatores. Elijah and Jenna are having a historical conversation. You'll understand the position Bonnie's in when they get to 8x16 just by listening to Elijah and Jenna. The Bennetts are the true founding family of Mystic Falls. Nothing like patriarchs. Can't have women in power, no siree. They burned 100 witches in Mystic Falls and dubbed themselves the founders. Elijah is trying to find out where the 100 witches burned, and he's trying to find it without anyone finding out why he wants to find it. Unfortunately for him, Damon is the only one who knows of its location. While Stefan has his extras like Johnathon Gilbert, Damon has his extras... like Emily. He knows where she burned because she's the one who told him Katherine survived. They had a deal.
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I would place Emily's death somewhere after Damon's final flashback in 1x20 and before his first flashback in 2x15. I base this on Damon's comments in 1x20 and Katherine's comments in 2x16. Because Katherine faked her death, she must've put a death trigger in place for Emily. Something similar to John's threat to Damon in 1x18, only Katherine actually carried it out. Like John, Elijah isn't ignorant to the fact that Alaric is Damon's buddy and Jenna is blind to the existence of supernatural. "You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women. It's a joke, Ric, lighten up." lol… Elijah is fun. I view him like I view Damon. They're everything I'd expect a vampire to be.
Poor Jeremy. He was hoping Bonnie thought about him as much as he thought about her. She starts talking about a spell rather than their kiss. These two witches are the entire reason they dagger Elijah just to have Elena turn around and pull the dagger out. It's absurd to me that Elena can trust Elijah's two witches to protect all of her loved ones, but she can't trust Damon and Bonnie. You'll hear me complain about this more when I re-watch Bonnie's fake death. At any rate, Luka knows Bonnie did something to him, and he's demanding to know what she did. Jeremy is insanely protective of Bonnie, so yeah... his feelings run deep.
The problem isn't so much their plans. It's their constant failure to follow through. If you're gonna dagger Elijah, keep the dagger in. If Matt plans to take Elena out of town in 3x22, best he keep driving. Altering plans midway is a good way to screw yourself. That's why Alaric daggers Elijah. He knows it's necessary to protect Elena.
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Dear Elena, here's your sign. If you can't handle reading about Stefan, you won't be able to handle dating him. Stefan and Elena are the only two at the lake house, yet Stefan startles her when he walks in.
Elena: Are you still mad? Stefan: Yeah, I'm still mad.
This moment sounds a lot like 4x2 lol
Elena: He describes you as a monster. Stefan: That's what I was. I want you to know the truth, but I want you to hear it from me.
This is where I take issue with Stefan continuing to blind Elena. He speaks as if he's no longer a vampire, as if he's no longer a monster. It's also another instance in which Stefan only gives Elena the truth because Elena had already discovered that truth for herself. He should've told Elena this story when he was painting Damon a monster back in 1x13. Instead, he basically painted Damon as the only monster in 1x13.
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"I want you to know the truth. But I want you to hear it from me." This is Stefan's way of saying his side is the only side that matters. That's why Damon twice told Elena that she doesn't have the full story. If Stefan wanted her to know the truth, she would've already known it, and she'd know the whole of it. This isn't about Stefan wanting her to know the truth, it's about Stefan cleaning up his lying mess.
They pull flashbacks to 1864 because they're gonna show how Lexi came into Stefan's life. I can already say with certainty that Elena is only getting what Stefan gives her, so she's not getting the full detail. That's why Elena should've continued reading Johnathon's journal. Better she get the whole story rather than Stefan's half story bullshit.
Stefan: I took it to the darkest place I could. Elena: I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods. I can handle it.
This shows in Stefan's own wording, as Elena assumes in 3x3 that she already saw Stefan in his darkest periods.
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Damon: We have to be more careful than this. More clever. Like Katherine was. Stefan: Look where that got her.
Damon can't stay with Stefan when he talks of Katherine this way. More so in the fact that Stefan is the entire reason she was caught. Katherine is Damon's hot button. They already made this clear with Mr. Tanner in 1x3. She's the very reason he leaves Stefan with Lexi in 1864. I'd so much as say Katherine is likely why Damon left Lexi on the rooftop in 1977. From his pov, Katherine isn't dead, she's trapped in a tomb for 145 years. The difference is the emotion he'd feel while Lexi is using Katherine to flip his humanity switch. Neither Stefan or Lexi were intelligent enough to realize the truth. Had Katherine actually died, Damon would've already moved on. He's torturing them because they're dropping Katherine's name in ignorance.
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This is a parallel they've buried in 2x15. It's the whole of 3x5, straight down to Damon offering to compel Elena. It's what happens when the truth sounds like a lie. Yes, that's how blind Stefan has Elena in the first two seasons. THIS is why Stelena is over in season 3. Elena doesn't just fall for Damon. She un-falls for Stefan.
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Damon: You sounded jealous. Sound a bit jealous? Andie: Kinda do.
Elijah and Damon both pick up on Alaric's jealousy. Well, Damon knows jealousy when he hears it… because of Stefan lol. "Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas." I love it when Damon compliments Andie. He's gonna turn her dinner party into a killing party. He heads on over to see Katherine because he doesn't wanna dagger Elijah and find out it doesn't work. That would be the quickest way for him to get killed. I mean… he already tried to kill him with a coat rack and failed lol. He did the same with Mason, tried to kill him with a silver knife and failed. This scene of Damon and Katherine is every bit what it would've looked like had Katherine been in the tomb for 145 years. Damon feeding her human blood to get her going.
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"I've come bearing gifts. I didn't have time to properly shop, but I did get a couple of things." I consider Damon a fashion savant, so I guarantee he picked out something Katherine would actually wear. "Wow, that blood did the trick. You're almost pretty again." Damon is hilarious in this scene. Unfortunately for him, Katherine is about to manipulate his ass. "Guess who's back in town? Your old friend, John Gilbert." Damon is easy to manipulate, it's just a matter of knowing his buttons. Katherine does. This scene is written opposite Delena's scene at Isobel's office. The best way to get Damon to do what you want… tell him what he's not gonna do, what he shouldn't do, or what you don't want him to do. Rebels enjoy breaking the rules. Because Katherine wants Damon to dagger Elijah, she's gonna tell him not to dagger Elijah. This manipulation is only gonna add to what Damon already knows. So when he uses Katherine to insult Elena in 2x3, yeah… this is gonna make him hate Katherine all the more. Whether Damon daggered Elijah or he had a human like Alaric dagger Elijah didn't matter, Katherine still would've gotten out of the tomb. She had no reason not to tell him. Either Katherine doesn't believe Damon is capable of human friendship, or she truly wants him to die. "And you don't have any friends. So, no more lying." Perhaps Alaric's comment in this episode explains Katherine's reason for not telling Damon about the dagger. Perhaps Katherine sees Damon as she sees herself. The woman sent 26 of her friends to burn at Fell's Church for the sake of faking her death because they weren't her friends, so Alaric's comment about Damon fits in with Katherine. I could totally see this being the reason she wouldn't tell Damon the dagger would kill him if he used it. She thinks he has no human friends to do it for him. Either way, she pretends that she had no idea John is back in town. This is part of her lie.
Damon: Well, thank you... you've told me everything I need to know. Katherine: I've told you nothing.
Damon should've taken Katherine at her word. She's telling the truth, which is the manipulation. It's what happens when the truth sounds like a lie. With the 27 vampires that were led to Fell's Church, it's easy to forget that the Battle of Willow Creek wasn't just about vampires. There was an actual war going on. Stefan tells Elena that's why he was never caught. War gave him an endless blood supply, so he didn't really have to hide his kills. It's because vampires can't sense other vampires that Stefan assumes Lexi is human. Elijah actually had to smell Elena to know that she's human. I don't hate Lexi, but I do consider her overrated. Damon is protective of Elena because he's in love with her and because she's the voice of his humanity. If Elena is going to die in the ritual, then Damon might as well die along with her. I feel that's the entire point of Elena dying, then Damon nearly dying. Damon knows exactly what he is without Elena. Probably best to imagine where Stefan would be had he never met Lexi. That's what they're doing to Damon while trying to sacrifice Elena in this ritual.
Stefan: Talking about her brings up things that I'd rather forget. Elena: Like Damon killing her?
The reason they're now trying to kill Elena. The difference between Stefan and Lexi and Damon and Elena is 145 years. Stefan always had Lexi. "Trust is the key to any relationship. I mean, I am so grateful that Damon tells me everything." This is at the top of my list of reasons to love Delena. It wouldn't take Damon an entire season to tell Elena that he killed Johnathon Gilbert. He would've told her in 1x13. Damon is more likely to hide his good qualities. That's why it takes him more than a season to tell Elena about the dream he gave to Rose in 2x12. While Andie talks to Jenna about Damon telling her everything, it's probably a good idea to remember that he told her he kills people and he likes it. Similar to Caroline's confession to Alaric in season 3 lol.
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"There's no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly executed awesome ones." It's best to keep this line in mind with every plan they have. Everyone needs to be on the same page, that's why awesome ideas are poorly executed. Elena's awesome idea to self-sacrifice will be poorly executed because Damon isn't on the same page with the rest of them. "Listen, no sneak attacks. No surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put Jenna in harm's way. Okay?" lol… Damon is still lying to Alaric. He's like Katherine in this episode. He fully believes they're all safe because he went and spoke with Katherine about the dagger.
I love this scene with Andie. Damon is grabbing the dagger out of the box and dipping it in ash. It feels just like Mason all over again, only it's Elijah. John shows up to this dinner party. "When Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games." That's honesty for you. He's there to see two vampires die in one shot. An exciting moment for him, that's how much he hates vampires. "You did like it, right?" lol... I hate the Jeremy and Bonnie ship, but Jeremy is adorable af. He wants to know if Bonnie enjoyed their kiss. "Because, you know... although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?" Elijah isn't stupid, but he has yet to see just how capable of murder Damon is. He won't see it until the Salvatore fight.
Elijah: They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire.
Damon's like… thank you for telling me you wanna know where Emily died. Now why would you wanna know that? And he's so not gonna buy "historian curiosity" while Elijah has two witches in his corner lol. Damon has need to hold onto Emily's death location because it's what makes Bonnie their secret weapon. As I've said before, he's like Katherine in the fact that information is power. That's why he won't tell Stefan that he's the reason Elena fed him her blood in 2x5. That's why he won't so much as tell Stefan that he's the one who met Elena first. Damon holds onto as much as he can, and only uses it when he feels the desire to. Such is the case when he outs Stefan for sleeping with Rebekah in 4x12 lol. It's because of this, Damon is also the kind of person you need to know how to torture for information because you're not gonna take his power. That's why, even though he didn't have the moonstone, Damon wouldn't tell Jules that Elijah had it.
"Johnathan Gilbert got crazier and crazier. I guess that's what happens when you spend your life obsessed with vampires." This is coming from the mouth of a girl that's currently dating one while being blind to the reality of him lol. Stefan is still mad at Elena for planning to self-sacrifice and keeping that a secret from him. At the same time, he knows of Damon's plan to kill Elijah and he's keeping that a secret from her. It's now 2x15, and this couple is still lying to each other. How a couple that continuously lies to each other is considered epic is beyond me. I honestly hate how they split this dagger journal because they make Elena look like an idiot.
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Elena: It must be brandished by humans alone, for it will bring death to all demons who wield it. Stefan: John's trying to get Damon killed.
The dagger is similiar to the hunter's curse, but straight-up kills. This is John's second attempt on Damon's life. 'I think I've been very clear with you, Ric. I want my ring back." This is also the second time John mentioned expecting the ring back. I suppose it's the Gilbert of it all. Damon asks Elijah why he's looking for the witch burial ground. He won't know why until Jonas dies and hands Bonnie that information. Damon will only give up the location to the witch he trusts. And he won't just tell Bonnie where it is. He'll take her there. "It's a funny thing about books. Before they existed, people actually had memories." Elijah is referring to journals, and it's a good thing Elena was reading Johnathon's or Damon would be dead.
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lol… John has no idea why he's getting this look. At this point, Elena is the only person that can stop Damon from killing him because John just tried to kill him - again.
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This right here is John's death. Everything that was possible without hate. It's sorta like Elena with her necklace and Pearl with her Gilbert device. The dagger would've been the perfect apology, but John wanted a dead Original and a dead Damon because of his hatred for vampires. There are three relevant witch spells in season 2. One shows the truth of the other. The third reveals their direction for season 3. I'll pull that collage together when I get closer to Klaus' ritual.
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"Elijah, did John tell you he's Elena's uncle-slash-father? Of course, she hates him, so there's absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list."
lol... this entire scene is funny. I also laugh when Alaric daggers Elijah because no one expected it. Andie expected Damon to do it as he planned. John didn't know just how ballsy Alaric is. Damon does, but he didn't expect the favor. "What good is talking if you and Damon are just gonna lie to me?" I can't stop smh over just how ridiculous this question is. What good is talking about the future if you're just gonna lie to Stefan about having one? I hate the level of hyprocrisy with Stefan and Elena. It's too much. "Because once you can hurt, you can love. Love, Stefan. That's the point. Everything is intensified when you're a vampire. When we hurt, we really hurt. But when we love…" This part of Lexi's intro is relevant to Delena. It is Elena's life, but she acts like she has no brother, no friends, no boyfriend. I don't think she knows the full effect of suicide. If she did, she'd fight for them... her loved ones.
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What would've been possible if only Stefan could find it in himself to love vampires. Her eyes remind me of Elena the night she first met Damon. "Lexi showed me that there was another way. And from that day forward, I started fighting for it. For my own survival." Elena fights for like two episodes and returns to her plan to self-sacrifice. Stefan didn't do shit, he simply stalled her. She'd rather die for love than fight for it, which is every bit what she will do... for Damon.
Stefan: Needed a place to crash, so I brought her home with me. Stefan: My wife is out there waiting for me to come home to her.
I can see the series finale in this episode. The 145 years Stefan spent with Lexi becomes Damon's human life with Elena. What they do with Caroline and Lexi is nuts. That's where Stefan's truth shines the brighest. Like I said… what would've been possible if only Stefan could find it in himself to love vampires. That's why he ends up with Lexi in Peace.
"Hey, I am your friend, damn it. And you don't have any friends. So, no more lying." So, the problem with Damon and Alaric… Alaric is wanting to protect Jenna and Damon is wanting to protect Elena, and the two collide on the trust issue. What Alaric doesn't understand is that a plan to kill an Original requires a certain level of comfort. He's not just any vampire Damon can approach on the street and dagger. Jenna being there is partly why it works. A reason Klaus has two women at their dinner in season 3 lol. The women are meant to act as distractions. Otherwise it's a room full of testosterone. He lied to Alaric for the same reason Katherine lied to him. He wanted to get the job done. It takes a long time for him to build the kind of trust Alaric deserves, and equally, to get him to work as a team. He wanted to get the job done - and do it on his own. He prefers being the lone ranger.
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"And as long as the dagger stays in place, the Original, for all intents and purposes, is dead." This is where the writers made Elena look like an idiot. I know that she's not used to killing, but it's not common for people to leave their murder weapons in their victims lol... so yeah, she should've already told Stefan about this part. They basically made Elena look like an idiot for the sake of selling a reason for Jonas to take Bonnie's power. "If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again." Elijah did warn them. He's now going after Elena.
Poor kids. Bonnie and Jeremy are having a romantic moment, and Jonas bursts in to take her power.
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We get this whole thing at the cabin similar to the coins with Slater and Rose and the tempered glass. Elijah will be tossing some rocks. "He'll feed me his blood to heal me, and then I'll kill myself and become a vampire just like Katherine did." I can't stop laughing at Elijah. I'm not sure whose plan this was, but it's hilarious to watch Elena threaten him while he thinks she's joking. First season, it was Damon threatening to turn Elena. Second season, Elena threatening to turn herself. Third season, Stefan threatening to turn Elena. See where this is going lol. Elena demands Elijah give her his word to build his desperation to heal her. The more desperate he is, the more likely he'll be blinded by the dagger that's coming from her directly.
The best way to see season 1 Stefan is to watch season 2 Alaric. Both Damon and Stefan have parallels with Alaric as they continue their Isobel/Katherine parallels. Alaric asks Elena permission to tell Jenna everything about him being a hunter and Isobel being a vampire so he can have an honest relationship with her. Stefan didn't need permission because it was his truth to tell, and he kept it from Elena anyway. Jenna basically dies to show the audience what would've happened to Elena had Stefan's secret remained a secret. To put it simply… Elena only survives Klaus' ritual because Damon wanted her to know she was dating a vampire (Stefan). That's why Damon is the one to get Elena to safety. I'll collage this concept once I get to Klaus' ritual. "You want it? Take it. It's yours. And after what you did to Damon… You're gonna need it more than me." This is one of my top favorite Dalaric moments. Alaric knows how dangerous Damon is. He would know because Damon killed him in self-defense...
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"Let me recap... You tried to kill me. I defended myself. You died. Then according to my brother, your ring brought you back to life. Am I leaving anything out?"
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Damon takes the moonstone from Elijah's pocket when they toss him in the cellar. Know what you see in season 3. The letter Damon puts in Elijah's pocket where the moonstone was. It's fun to watch season 3 because of the implications. "You know, you guys want me to fight, fine, I'll fight. But if we're gonna do this, you can't keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we're doing it my way." Elena can't change the game and expect Damon to play by the same rules. It doesn't work that way, so the moment she chooses to stop fighting is the moment Damon is done doing things her way. Faking Bonnie's death isn't for Elena, it's for Bonnie.
Damon: Seems like she's had a change of attitude. How did you get through to her? Stefan: I told her a little story about when I was making the wrong decisions and somebody showed me there was a better way. Damon: Lexi? Stefan: Yeah. You remember her?
A reason Elena doesn't throw Damon's past actions in his face. Guilting Damon does nothing but make Stefan feel better. More so after spending the day in his own ripper guilt. That's what this moment is about. Stefan's guilt.
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It wasn't hate, it was love that got the best of Damon. Like I sid, both Stefan and Lexi dropped Katherine's name in ignorance. Damon's truth is shown in their scene cut. That's why they cut from Damon and Lexi in 1864 to Damon and Katherine in current timeline. LOVE got the best of Damon. Every bit the reason Stefan dies to take Katherine to hell. Everything Damon goes through with Katherine… it makes him all the better for Elena. That's why Datherine's scenes are important af.
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Lexi: My God, you're a ripper. There are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts. You're the bad parts. Well...we're going to have to change that.
I still love this moment even though Stefan feels the need to guilt Damon. I love it because Damon needs to feel what he took from Stefan when he killed Lexi, and he feels it just in knowing his own relationship with Elena. Because yes, Elena is Damon's Lexi. He'll feel it even more in season 3 when Stefan goes full-blown ripper. Lexi's absence will be everything as Damon will return to his big brother role. The best way for me to explain Delena is to say that Stefan first meeting Lexi IS Damon first meeting Elena. That's literally everything you need to know.
The most important thing about this Datherine scene is the truth of "how" Katherine ruined Damon. It's the Delena/Steroline parallel.
Damon: I thought you broke my heart, so I ripped open Aaron's neck: THAT is how much control you have over me.  Elena: And I'm still here: That's how much control you have over me! 
Damon and Elena have equal control over each other because they're in love with each other.
Stefan: That's because you're a control freak who's lost control. I feel the same way when I'm around you. That's what falling for somebody is. It's being vulnerable. It's giving up control.
Similarly, Stefan and Caroline have equal control over each other because they're in love with each other.
Katherine: And I'm still here. Elena: And I'm still here:
THAT'S how Katherine ruined Damon. She had COMPLETE control, not equal control. And she had complete control because she didn't fall for Damon. That's why this scene matters. It's not just the scene cut, it's the whole of both scenes combined. THIS is the very core of Damon's character journey and the very truth of his character. Fans would feel the same way had Elena strung Stefan along for 145 years just to tell him it was always Damon. Just look at the petty shit they do bitch about. That's why the Damon hate is ridiculous. Be happy that Elena respected Stefan enough to let him go when she did because he could've had it a whole lot worse. He could've had it like Damon.
I'm just gonna end this post by saying that they're pushing Damon to a level of desperation similar to Elijah's when he watches Elena stab herself. They want him to get desperate enough to feed Elena his blood. That's why it's one thing right after another. Slater de-spelling the moonstone for Damon gets ruined by Elijah. Rose helping protect Elena for Damon gets ruined when Jules kills her with her bite. Elena will end up screwing Damon's plan to dagger Elijah when she pulls the dagger back out. Katherine will top it off, and when she does, she'll take the moonstone with her. So yeah… he will get desperate. Just remember that it's not only about love for Damon. It's about Elena's role in his life. She's his Lexi.
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moonstone-pink · 9 months
𝙂𝙚𝙢 𝙃𝙞𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙮
1. The Diamonds Autority
-White Diamond (Supreme Matriarch)
-Yellow Diamond (War Matriarch)
-Blue Diamond (Diplomatic Matriarch)
-Pink Diamond (Young Matriarch)
2. Very High
Garnet (Commanders of armies and are governors)
Emerald (Owners of important ships and personnel)
Sapphire (Its vision of the future and its extreme rarity makes it very useful and important)
3. High
Prehnite (Beetles) (They create perfect planes for missions thanks to their great knowledge, they are so fragile that they must be protected in temples)
Aquamarine (Important diamond messengers)
Morganite (Designers of installations or devices)
4. Mid to High
Jade (Responsible for inspecting that the lower gems properly clean the Homeword facilities, which is why there are many jades)
Moonstone (They become invisible in the shadows of the gems, allowing you to spy on them and know if they have appropriate behavior)
Lapis Lazuli (Very powerful terraformers)
Chrisocolla (They create potions to improve the abilities of the gems, according to yellow pearl these are prohibited in the palace)
Agate (Soldiers in charge of quartz)
5. Mid
Albite (They become huge pyramids with traps to protect high-ranking gems from possible enemies)
Nephrite (ship pilots)
Zircon (Lawyers at homeworld)
Topaz (Very strong soldiers and guards)
Spodumene (Collectors of salt, fresh, arctic waters and lava lakes)
6. Low to Mid
Peridot (Nursery engineers and others)
Lechatelierite (Glass: Desert glass) (Depending on the type of glass, they create walls and towers of sand or rock in times of war)
Apatite (Tongue monster) (When the colony is resentful and there are no portals, they are in charge of serving as messengers, they are as fast as sound)
Quartz (Big soldiers)
Aragonite (Cave gem criature) (With their legs they dig in the earth of the planets in search of useful things)
7. Low
Ruby (Low rank soldiers)
Bismuth (Homeword Masons)
Pectolite (Larimar) (Sculpture creators)
Obsidian (Trench creators)
Mica (Lepidolite: Big Bird) (Depending on the type of Mica, they carry different types of materials with the help of their large hands)
Charoite (Flower monster) (They enter the planets until they reach their core, thus determining whether it is convenient to create a colony on the celestial body)
Bixbite (They serve as metal cutters with their abilities to shape-shift their hands into sharp objects)
8. Very Low
Spinel (Diamond Fun Item)
Pearl (Homeword maids)
Pebble (Construction companies not considered gems)
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lunarcovehq · 2 months
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Dhruv Mehta is a werewolf that currently resides in Shadow Lake and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 1.5 months, playing Frankenstein… and his monster?
DATE OF BIRTH: May 28, 1989
OCCUPATION: Scientist at K Labs
SPECIES: Werewolf
Trigger Warning: Death
If you could ask God a question, what would it be?
Such a thing should not have made the boy think, facts and figures was what he knew to be true not prayers and wishes, yet hands clasped and staring at the image adorned with flowers, there were many things he wanted to ask for, wish for, though what could be granted? It was one thing to be born human and another thing entirely to feel human. 
Life had been strange in a strange sort of way, powerless yet surrounded by power, strange in a curious way, eager to know, eager to want, but that wish could not be granted no matter the prayer. A child born from a union of a human and witch had a chance of having powers, but when Dhruv did not grow into any he swore there was a sigh of relief from his mother, it was easier she said, safer, the world is dangerous for people of that kind. Questions on why ended with explanations that could not satiate the boy’s inquisitive mind, why nots were met with shrugs, and the ones that were answered did not contain the level of detail Dhruv required and thus began the journey of discovery — why were things the way they were?  
You never quite forget your first punnett square. The moment Dhruv came to what that was and how genetics influenced the way people received certain traits he ran to his parents, eyes wide thinking he had cracked the code – in a way he had, but in many other ways he had not. Not born within the miraged safety of Lunar Cove, he automatically became an outsider but also a secret keeper of sorts, an entirely different world confined and existed outside of the London he grew up in to which he was whisked away at a young age, yet it could not have been all that different could it? His cousin spoke of the same things, of friends and school, of hobbies and interests, he could relate yet those friends were magical while his weren’t, he was not being taught power control, there was no way he could understand when Mason talked about such things being hard work chances for him ever getting to experience that only squashed further and further as he aged.
Sensing Dhruv’s forlorn state after those phone calls, his father imparted a simple statement that embedded itself into his heart and soul; ‘somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known’ and it was go from there. Everything held a new-found beauty, every theorem, every subatomic particle, all the principles he studied contained a rightness and the knowledge only added to the excitement and the awe. Bright, gifted kid turned into a confident, genius man with achievements and degrees under his belt before his peers. He did not need to have eidetic memory like his father to state complex physics formulas at the drop of a hat, they took practice, yes, but paved way for a slight arrogance that developed over time with every correct answer. He was self-assured, one could try to disprove his statements but Dhruv’s mind grew to be like a spreadsheet, data accessible almost instantaneously, and he only strengthened that. Always pushing on the why, on that thirst to discover something, if not within himself then at least with the world he knew and grew up in. He may not understand magic but Science and Mathematics held answers and provided rational explanations for things,the why and how, they were constant and consistent and Dhruv knew, one day, he’d have all the answers.
Time moved and so did he. Family, friends, education, Dhruv fell into a steady flow but of course, as clever as he was known to be, he couldn’t possibly predict all things. A held gaze across the bar sparked a new kind of curiosity, a drink and a conversation later he realised he did not have all the answers yet, that there could be joy in figuring out something together. Chemistry was one of his favourite branches of science, the study of matter, but what truly mattered? What possibly existed beyond the composition and structure of elements? This. Chemistry was in the ebb and flow of easy conversation, in the sparkles of laughter mixed with soft smiles, Dhruv did not need to be a genius to figure this was something good. Numbers were exchanged and dates were set, and it continued to be good. Perhaps he had made a mistake to pray this would last, to wish for more sunsets and something more because he couldn’t have expected this. A seemingly ordinary day should not have been a cause for concern, but the note held little answers, the unanswered texts and phone calls that only grew in number were effort exerted in a futile way. He did not know what drove them away but it festered as something bitter within him. But time moved and so did he.
Lunar Cove had not been on the radar, in fact, he desire to step foot in that town had waned to a negligible thing, but his parents who had moved to the town a long while ago, wished for their son to join them, figuring with all the chances the outside world had to offer were taken and experienced it was time to come home. True home. Dhruv could’ve argued, and he had a little, there was so much more he could not be confined in that magical barrier but soon grew weary listening to their lectures and with a recent heartbreak that had yet to heal, he agreed.
Dhruv could study life down to the exact atom, life, however, as he had and would continue to soon discover could not be confined to the nucleus of a man and his strive for that something else, life weaved and danced to its own beat that could not be quantified. Song Seo-Joon’s arrival into his life was met with some hesitancy, and that reflected in Seo-Joon too, but the pair struck a chord despite nothing pointing to a friendship working out, it did. They talked about things, bonded on the feeling of not having magic, and Dhruv obviously subjected his friend to his rambles about theories and experiments. It was one such night, where he finished up on work, while Seo-Joon waited, that things in his life shifted again. Except the moments that define lives aren't always obvious, they don’t always scream wolf in the piercing of a needle into skin. But that’s what happened. A careless slip and a careful catch, their lives forever changed yet it was Dhruv’s heart that beat in quiet fear over their discovery, one that would have no choice but to mask as excitement. Everything forward and backwards read entirely new. Genetic structure altered to fit in this new form. Starting into a mirror, the silhouette reflected a similar, recognisable curious glance that a human once wore, but who was he now? A man, but not human, not entirely. What was he? A wolf? Could he claim to be one? The prodding uncovered one only thing: he was something strange and unnatural — he was an experiment.
Gravitational acceleration is a known constant, the mass of the action could be gauged, could he then use it to calculate the weight of a lost future?
They bent the truth but they had not failed, not entirely, a loss led to a breakthrough and cover-ups that followed made way for accolades and awards, still, an ache burned deep, this could've been something to celebrate, to smile and accept the congratulations and though those were done, it felt different from his expectations. He had an answer to something, yet it did not feel correct, he did not feel correct. Utterly lost even though there was more that could be studied, more that could be attained, Dhruv retreated into himself in the following weeks, mood worsening to be told by the Song family that Seo-Joon seemed to have skipped town. That wasn't like him, but not finding the man anywhere and texts being ignored there wasn’t much he could do. Life was just funny that way.
He stayed in Lunar Cove for a while with K labs taking research projects that he could, and joined the pack too, to have some sort of aid for this new form of his, but adjusting was tough, and tougher still was dealing with the Alpha. Nico, while goodhearted, did not, in his opinion, know what he was doing. There was care and acceptance but in the constant onslaught of unimaginable horrors, Nico’s attitude rubbed him wrong. It was one thing to want to protect everyone, a good trait one could possess, yet to only care for a select when the pack was supposedly family? Dhruv couldn’t see any bit of logic to that. A good man did not make a good leader. This led to many quiet disagreements, voicing some when things could not be held in for too long, which when expressed were dished with heavy scrutiny, but he withdrew before things got truly heated. He wanted so desperately to put thoughts into action, to change things despite knowing it’d be foolish, but what could he do? Who would listen? Certainly not Nico, he only cared for his own and Dhruv was not one of them. With rank being the lowest in the hierarchy, he was too weak in more than one way, heck some even outright said he was hardly a wolf to begin with. An error. Didn't matter that he shifted alongside them, pack bond linking them all, Dhruv was not born nor bit, had not taken life to set about this new being he was. But in a way, hadn’t he? Given up his own life for this, that ought to count. It should have counted. 
With no close friends to share such thoughts with and Seo-Joon still supposedly out of town, the bitterness that brew tipped the scales and in a move so utterly foolish but also somewhat thought through, he left Lunar Cove. Taking some time to explore the country before flying back to London to piece back his broken life. However, that feeling of brokenness and sense of feeling lost persisted. The news of Mason's death had him caught entirely by surprise and shocked him to the core. His cousin, happy and bright, should’ve had a long life ahead, not have it cut so short in such a way. The rush back to Lunar Cove was needed this time, for the funeral and also to somehow make sense of the untimely demise. Answers were pieced together in a blurred states of sorrow, confusion, anger and nostalgia. He had not planned to stick around long, but the sight of familiar faces, of old feelings resurfacing, Dhruv decided that perhaps staying would be more beneficial for now.
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ruleofrosethorns · 1 year
notes for kuwtm!! (since some of yall seem to really enjoy this au)
the main au takes place a few months after SH3
james is here because harry kinda just felt like visiting sh after a couple of years and lo n behold
he saved wittle old james and the rest is history
Harry DID NOT DIE because his protective bf (james) saved his sleepy ass
they decided to go on a road trip to Silent Hill and fuck around for a bit
(i might start writing a separate thing for that hehe)
anyway at some point harry got separated from the gang(tm) and went to alchemilla hospital
(oh and Maria was out and about terrorizing James like old times <3)
pretty much there's just a group of monsters who are kinda just hanging out and smoking weed
they're cool w/ the gang and through undisclosed plot developments i'm still tryna work out in my brain-
the weed-smoking sh group survives the purge of Harold Mason and move into the human world
not directly next to but in the same area as the Masons (much to their concern (except for Heather))
and thus, the mlm wlw rivalry begins /j
Heather enjoys hanging out w/ them but Harry and James are UNDERSTANDABLY conflicted
like idk bro letting our adopted daughter hang out with the manifestations of my guilt seems kinda wack...
but regardless they all love Lisa because she has never done anything wrong ever
Harry's alright(???) w/ Maria and PH?? James is mostly just annoyed by Maria and PANICKED BY PH
Harry and Lisa are honorary siblings <3 they didn't really get to know each other during SH but that all changed when Lisa moved in
Maria and Lisa are in love and sort of formed a found family with the monsters. co-workers of the otherworld ig
the monsters sort of look up to Maria and Lisa as mother figures, PH being the weird uncle that they all love bc he supplies them weed
James & Harry tend to COINCIDENCELY run into Maria & Lisa whenever they go on a date its an ongoing issue
Most of the monsters can't really go outside?? (y'know because grotesque eldritch horrors aren't "allowed" in public SMH)
So Maria, Lisa & Heather usually go on shopping sprees to get their demonic buddies things that they want
Unfortunately Lisa sometimes starts leaking blood so that's sometimes an issue
(she has to inhale & hold her breath to keep it at bay for long periods of time)
She is like a balloon
ALSO Harry is still an author!! He's moved away from murder mystery's and works on supernatural horror & non-fiction novels about certain cults...
James doesn't really have a job.
he just sort of fucks around and gets a new part time job every time the last one realizes he has been legally declared missing for 12-13 years
Heather's still in school (doing her last year), had to repeat once because of SH3 kinda resulting in her family needing a REAL vacation
Maria and Lisa don't have jobs. No one knows how they managed to rent a house. James thinks they probably killed the landlord.
Like seriously, where does their money keep coming from.
Heather asked one day and Lisa spoiled the mystery by admitting they sell random demonic items they find in the Otherworld.
SPEAKING OF HEATHER. she is a girl liker. i don't make the rules (i do)
Harry is also teaching her piano (yknow for puzzle related purposes), James "trys" to help her maths homework to various degrees of success.
James does most of the cooking, but can and will resort to eating dirt if needed.
(He doesn't cook because he's good at it or enjoys it tho. it's not like he is better than Harry at cooking-he just REALLY wants to help out around the house)
Oh also James &  Harry got married a few years before the events of SH3. It was a tough decision for them at first but Heather helped them work things out
(She also hijacked the music at the reception and played My Chemical Romance)
Maria n Lisa had thought about marriage but they're sort of stuck with each other for eternity sooOo
LEMME TALK ABOUT HARRIA REAL QUICK (yes harv i have coined that name it is TOO GOOD)
So Maria is directly, y'know, connected to James' subconscious, so she can go back and forth between the forms
Again, James fell in luv w/ Harry and SH panicked and said "FUCK MARIA CHANGE UR PFP"
At first she didn't have much control over it?? So like a year after SH2, Maria's just chilling w/ Lisa and then POOF
HARRIA. And Lisa's like "AYO :O I KNOW THAT GUY?!" So they found out about the boyfriends PRETTY early on
It took a few months, but she managed to figure out how to shapeshift at will. Turns out shes genderfluid!
But after SH3 she doesn't use it that much (yknow considering harry is RIGHT THERE) but she will shapeshift just to fuck w/ people
James is ashamed to admit he actually fell for it once (he was SLEEPY and half-awake, okay?!)
Harry was a lil bit freaked out at first but now he just thinks it's kinda cool
Heather just thinks it funny that this eldritch demonic horror from another world is basically just a yassified vers of her dad and James' ex-wife
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What's your opinion on 2006 silent hill movie? To me, I liked the visual and set design for titular town, but I hate that it take the feeling of isolation(One of key factors of silent hill) and throw it out of window by putting hundreds of people in town
Not a fan.
My biggest gripe with it is that if they wanted to have Harry Mason's story (parent goes through Silent Hill trying to find their adopted daughter who is unknowingly to said parent to be a reincarnation of Alessa Gillespie) it should have had Harry Mason as the protagonist.
I am not a fan of replacing Harry over a reason as stupid as 'It would be more believable if a woman went through hell to find her kid'.
I have nothing against the idea of having new characters we've never seen before starring in the movie, but they need their own new plot too instead of giving us what we already saw with Harry.
For an example of a 'what if' plot: Rose Da Silvia and her husband Christopher Da Silvia are going through a very rough patch in their relationship and a "friend" suggests that the two of them go to this nice little resort town by the lake: Silent Hill. When they get there, they split up to look for people only to discover that they're the only two human entities in this strange town that's crawling with monsters that seem familiar to them in the worst ways.
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strangerstilinski · 5 months
You may have received this message 3x because I typed it out the first time and RIP computer crashed then the second I clicked send and by God Tumblr crashed and so if it crashes a 3rd time you will never see this message but maybe you have it in your inbox like a bazillion times.
Basically the first part is yea I get small towns but a lot of the urban legend and crimes weren't talked about openly because a lot of churches in small towns Indiana. Also because people were superstitious as fuck and like there's a lot of Masons near my small town Indiana so you didn't want to say anything that could somehow be related to them...
Anyways more lore and infodump about Indiana because I already said some things and now my brain is itching to tell more: which also the majority of these was read in a book when I was a preteen about weird and creepy things in Indiana (and again this is the 3rd time trying to send this message so things aren't in the same order)
There's The Fox Hollow Farm murders about another SK like Eyler. I have seen podcasts do an ep on this but briefly listened and never finished.
Claypool murders. It was a hotel and in 1940s a woman got murdered never found the killer. Another woman got murdered in the 1950s, but they did find their murderer. Place may or may not have been haunted but it is torn down today. I've heard this one on a podcast somewhere idk where...
The ghost Diana at the Dunes. Dont ask me the lore because my family had more interesting urban legend. Because its common for people to go missing or fall into the dunes, well my dad told me the rumor he heard was that the dunes moved creating air pockets- but WHY did they move? And some people who "fell" into these air pockets said it felt like something grabbed them...there's something living in the dunes that causes the sand to shift.
There's 100 steps cemetery i think in southwest Indiana. There are so many different legends the one I remember is you have to count each step, or you'll die in so many days. But also you'll see a premonition of your death?
Vincennes is just a haunted town, everyone i know who isnt local who has gone there has seen or heard something especially on some of those bridges.
There's catacombs under Indy that may or may not be haunted.
Bigfoot. So many stories and legends about Bigfoot in the state park. Speaking of state parks, one is called Shades state park. I went one time because I had a goal to hit as many different state parks in Indiana...never again because there were ladders you had to climb. But it was called Shades of Death in like the 70s or 80s because of people going missing.
There's some small town that had a Wolfman. He like defected from a war or something and then got adopted by a pack of wolves and lost his humanity and became like them. I only remember reading this one because the townsfolk turned on him and locked him in the cave by blowing up the exits and left him to die and I thought that was horrific because I'm terrified of caves.
Which there is the Indiana caverns. Thats its own thing snd there are rumors im sure
One of the bigger cities near me has a lot where a murder took place and the house was insanely haunted. Like every person who lived there after saw things and went insane or got killed there. They tore the house down and rebuilt on that lot and it continued to happen. Now its just an empty lot.
Mermaids. Don't ask me how or why a landlocked state has mermaids in the few ponds and lakes it has. I say mermaids loosely because yeah there's the river creature sea serpent loch ness monster type of creature in one of the lakes but there is also the mermaids as the town called it that were a mix between actual mythology of Selkies and Sirens.
Also there's supposedly a turtle cryptid somewhere in Indiana and I just think that's funny compared to the rest
this was wild from start to finish 🤯 thank you endlessly for fighting tumblr by sending this in a third time, because this was the only version of this message that i received and i am soooo grateful (i was not joking when i said i wanted to search for creepy podcasts hehehehe)
also u easily saved the best for last bc a turtle cryptid???
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open-hearth-rpg · 8 months
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Open Hearth Video Roundup - January 19, 2024
Welcome to the weekly Open Hearth Gaming video roundup!
These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the games we play every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play in games like these, join our Playabl community and click on the "Calendar" tab to sign up for upcoming games. To browse our entire library of session videos, please visit our YouTube Playlists page.
Open Hearth Gaming Calendar
Alien Dark: Fiorina 161 (Session 2 of 2) Alun R. runs for Brandon Brylawski, Casey T, and Puckett Following the horrific conclusion to session 1 the crew of the USCSS Lake gather to say farewell to their lost crewmate. Thorn suppresses their rage at the situation; Frank mulls over what he heard the EDI Rep, Hohmann, report back to Weyland-Yutani; and Patsy, the Chief Engineer, mourns the loss of the closest thing to a friend she had onboard. Captain Mason, meanwhile, seems most concerned about a generous offer Hohmann has made, and Tethis the Science Officer is excited by what they've 'discovered'. There's a clear accusation; a decision on what to do; a motion detector and ducts. Then...a xenomorph cornered, a working pulse rifle, and acid...so much acid...
Monster of the Week: The Rockies (Session 4) Blake Ryan runs for Brandon Ungar, David Montgomery, Dom, and Grey Bozeman Beware!
Old-School Essentials: Rites of Weeping (Session 1 of 2) David S. runs for Aaron, Brandon Ungar, and Donogh Along a cold and isolated riverside, deep in the primeval forest, a small team of adventurers makes an emergency landing at a rotting and waterlogged village to repair their leaking boat. Little do they know that, deep within a nearby temple-tomb, a wretched, forgotten god-thing from centuries long past seeks to make its return amidst rituals of plague and suffering. Will our trapped adventurers defeat the god-thing once and for all, or will they too be stolen away to perform the Rites of Weeping?
Godbound: Sundered Cycles (Session 25) Lowell Francis runs for Dan Brown, Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack The pantheon digs deeper into the plans of the angels, discovering these weapons from the last war using time magics to accelerate the development of hundreds of sorcerers bound to their angelic host and possessing no ethical or moral training.
The Mecha Hack: Q'ku Riposte (Session 2) Anya Reyes runs for Lowell Francis, Marc Majcher, Matthew Arcilla, and Sherri The pilots make it to the surface by the skin of their teeth, and start gathering information about the region where they’ll be landing. They decide to go to a nearby ruin where they expect to recover some Verilian, but somebody else was just here...
Star Wars Saturday
After\\Burner Rich Rogers runs for Alun R., Cody Eastlick, Kae, and Paul Rivers Ghost Squadron patrol the skies of Abafar.
Off-Calendar Highlights
Trophy Dark: Roommates Wanted (Session 1 of 2) Madelancholy runs for Blake Ryan, Kae, Kevin M, and Mona [Content warnings: rats, tenants/landlord, body horror, PC betrayal, mention of casual sex and drug use] "Elderly recluse seeing roommates for shared costs and company..." is how the ad began. Four strangers take up a rich man's offer to try out fully-furnished rooms in his large estate - "stay for 5 days and if you don't like it, I will pay YOU $10,000 for your time" - discovering that there's a bit not to like, but finding out it's difficult to leave...
Trophy Dark: Roommates Wanted (Session 2 of 2) Madelancholy runs for Blake Ryan, Kae, and Kevin M [Content warnings: rats, tenants/landlord, body horror, PC betrayal, mention of casual sex and drug use] Just 3 more days to deal with the strangeness, the amenities...and the rats here in Mr. Maxim's house. The tenancy contract fine print hints at an even bigger payoff if there's only one left staying...only one roommate wanted...
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where the birds and fish gather
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A/n: my silly fish and bird hybrids! Few sexual references but mdni! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK ABOUT ANY OF THEM I'M DESOERATE FOR ASKS- ignore my grammar haha
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧
★ sydney the cockatoo
sydney's the most mischievous bastard out of all of them. Your watch is missing? In his nest. Your necklace? His nest aswell. Your hat? He's wearing it. You're never getting it back. He sees something shiny, it's in his little claws. Like all the avian hybrids, his arms are wings and he's covered in feathers. Having a human face with little beak like lips. His legs are bird legs. Black eyes staring at you from his nest in a tree. Be careful where you step after any surprise snow in's. He's probably burying himself in it. 5'4
★ Evangeline the peahen
The elegant, sophisticated, coy, angelic Evangeline. Gabriel's mate but she despises his guts, similar to princess, she much prefers you. Often dragging you to their nest and squabbling with Gabriel when he tried taking you away. She may not be as pretty as he is outside, but she certainly is Inside. Proudly showing off her brown little feathers. 5'6 brown straight hair, black eyes and a little pale
★ gabriel the white peacock
Egotistical bastard. He hates his wife for being so ugly, but he does think you are extraordinarily beautiful. He could definitely envision putting his clutch inside you. He'll figure a way out, don't you worry! An albino peacock male with red eyes, white feathers and extremely pale. 5'7
★ fajarah the ring necked parakeet
she's sydney's little partner in crime, but lately she's mellowed out more. Now preferring to watch the koi mers swim around and munch on some chips she stole from the main house. Tilting her head curiously at something she finds interesting. Bright green feathers and hair, black eyes and tan skin. 5'2
★ foolish the owl finch
often seen in the fields with the cows and bulls, he's quiet and prefers to watch. Hopping around quickly and pecking things that catch his eye. There's not much to say about him since he keeps to himself alot, but he does seem to like the biscuits you bring for him.
★ simon the tyto alba
Simon is deaf and mute, having been found wandering around the farm as a little chick. Now the farmers are looking for any way to help him with his hearing long term, but he seems to have adjusted to looking for any vibrations on the ground. Pale and white hair,black eyes, very pointy beak like lips
★ the koimer quintuplets
There's nothing much different between the quintuplets except their different patterns. Just that tancho is the leader and more mature, Kiko is more curious and childish, Hime is sweet and reserved, tsu is a chatterbox and humble, koromo is loud and nosy
★ mason the "lake monster" (crocodile)
Mason is like an older brother figure for the quintuplets, teaching them Little bits of English and watching you interact with them from the depths of the lake or hidden behind some underwater trees in the lake. You may not always see him, but he's always there. Silently watching. Messy grungy hair, green eyes, and has a light tan. 6'4
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rabchunter · 1 year
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Just recently a very dear friend and Masonic Brother family flew in from Chicago USA, his grandson (10) is a mad keen fisherman.
They booked me to take the boy and hmmm my chum fly fishing, as I met them at the awesome Jacklands Fishing Lakes I bumped into Pete one of my Pass It On Young Sports fishing coaches, he had already landed 2 of these magnificent Jacklands Fishing Lakes trout, he agreed to help me coach.
It was not long before young George had landed his first monster rainbow trout, the afternoon produced 5 excellent fighting and good eating fish.
They had to drag the boy away from the lake side he was hooked excuse the pun, no no no just one more cast was echoing across the lake, I think the boys smiles say it all, for when he heads back stateside he will have fond memories of Fishing with his Grandfather and The Ole Hedge Creeper.
If you want to book me for any of my services please do so through Really Wild Adventures on the website link below 👇 www.reallywildadventures.co.uk www.theolehedgecreeper.co.uk www.pass-it-on-young-sports.org.uk
#theolehedgecreeper #reallywildadventures #passiton #passitonyoungsports #chicago #USA #fishing #flyfishing #troutfishing #rainbowtrout #browntrout #jacklands #jacklandsfishinglakes #jacklandsfarmshop
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moviesandmania · 1 year
ISLAND ESCAPE (2023) Preview of sci-fi monster movie
‘Try to survive’ Island Escape is a 2023 American sci-fi horror film about a wormhole that causes time to reset and unleashes hideous monsters. Written and directed by Bruce Wemple (First Contact; Dawn of the Beast; The Retreat; Monstrous; Lake Artifact; Altered Hours). Produced by Vincent Conroy and Mason Dwinell. Executive produced by Patrick Ewald and Cole Payne. The production stars Chris…
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
Wail Of The Siren - Chapter 8: Calm Before the Storm.
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Zim and Dib headed to the beach, holding hands.
Dib could hear the sound of the ice cream truck nearby. 
“Come on! Let’s go!” Dib said, then sprinting over to the ice cream truck, dragging Zim by the hand.
“Where are we going?” Zim asked.
“The ice cream truck!” Dib answered.
Soon the two made it there, and were greeted by a young person, probably in their early twenties.
“Hey there kid, what can I get for you?” They asked, they spoke in a New Yorker accent.
“I’ll take a SpongeBob popsicle and…” Dib paused, “What do you want, Zim?” He asked, “Uh…” Zim then scanned the menu, “I’ll take a cherry screw ball.” Zim answered. 
Dib whipped out a few dollars from his pocket, “It’s fine Dibby. I’ll pay for it.” Zim insisted, Dib rose an eyebrow, “Where did you get the money from?” He questioned, 
 “dunno. Gir found it somewhere.” Zim replied. 
Zim paid for the ice cream and the two walked  to the beach.
The strong stench of salt water filled Dib’s nose as the two searched for a spot on the beach for themselves. 
Dib licked at his SpongeBob popsicle as he glanced at Zim. 
“Come on, I know just the place.” Dib proclaimed.
“Where are we going?” Zim questioned.
“You’ll see.” Dib answered.
Dib and Zim ended up near a tide pool, surrounded by rocks.
“Are you sure you’ll fine here Dib stink?” Zim asked.
“Yeah, trust me. No one goes to this side of the beach, other than me, Gaz and sometimes Keef anyway. Dib said. 
“Does Keef know that you’re a siren? Zim asked, “And why does no one come to this side of the beach other than you three?” Zim adds.
“Yeah Keef does. He was the second person to find out actually, he spotted me while on a fishing trip and he figured out that I’d accidentally stolen their fish- they were nice about it though. And the reason that almost no one comes here is because of this story about creatures who lurked here, I’ll be happy to tell you all about it.” Dib answered, then licking their SpongeBob popslice. 
“Cool. Also I’d like to hear the story! TELL MEEE!!” Zim replied.
“Alright. I’ll tell you in a moment, as soon as I get comfortable.” Dib said, climbing into the pool of salt water.
Dib let out grunts of pain as they watched their hands become green and scaly, Zim watched Dib transform, eyes filled with horror and concern.
“Are you okay Dib stink?!” Zim questioned, “I’m fine- this is normal!” Dib insisted. 
Dib soon finished transforming into a siren, “That looked painful Dib thing, are you okay?” Zim asked, kneeling down to Dib’s level. “Yeah trust me I’m fine. I should be used to this by now.” Dib insisted, then licking their popsicle.
“Now can you tell me the story?” Zim asked, Dib answered with a nod. 
“Well, the story goes that in 1965, at this very beach a 13 year old girl named Sandy Mason and her friend, Allen Denton  had came to this of the beach. “ Dib began, “The two drank their cola’s as they watched the waves lap at the tide pools. “ Dib continued. “Until they saw something strange swimming towards them. It was a strangle looking creature, half human and half fish. It had the same scaly hands that me and Gaz do, but they were blue instead of green or purple.” Dib rambled. 
“Sandy and Allen claimed that the creature had sharp, shark like teeth and a scaly, blue fish tail. And also a heavenly singing voice, which the creature tried to lure them into the water to drown them with, which failed. The monster was dubbed, “The Detroit Beach Monster.” They add.
“And a similar creature was also found on washed up on the shores of Lake Michigan, and its tail looked similar to a bass fish. People speculate that the one found washed up on Lake Michigan is a fresh water sub species.” They finished.
“Wow that’s interesting.” Zim remarked, Dib nodded in agreement with a smile. 
Dib and Zim munched on their popsicles as they watched the waves gently crash upon the shore in the distance, “I wonder what Gir is doing..” Zim remarked.
Meanwhile, Gir was doing some break dancing as some hip hop music blasted from the speakers.
No one was home, Skoodge was hanging out with Keef and Tenn at the ice cream shop and Zim was out on a date with Dib. 
Gir had given invites to any person it’d encountered while shopping for supplies, and quite a few people came. 
Mimi and Vir aggressively head banged to the sound of the music, while Sir danced on top of Zim’s table as Whoop! (There it is) blasted through the speakers.
Teenagers drank their punch as they partied hard, Zim and Skoodge were on their way home.
The sun was beginning to set, making way for the dark night. 
“How was your date with Dib?” 
“Great! He told me all about the “Detroit Beach Monster!”
“That’s nice. Me, Keef and Tenn got some ice cream and Keef told us about this musical he had seen called Rock of Ages.
Zim and Skoodge made their way home, but then stopped in their tracks.
Cans of Poop Cola and bags of chips littered the front lawn, old looking, and beaten up cars parked near it. Zim noticed a sign in the front yard that stated “GIRZ HOUSE PARTY!!!” Written on it in glitter glue.
Zim and Skoodge could hear music blasting from outside the house.
Rage boiled inside of Zim, “GIR!!!!” He shouted, then stomping to the front door, Skoodge then followed him. Zim kicked the door down, “Gir! What on irk did you do?!” Zim demanded, the party goer’s dropping their solo cups of punch and gasping. 
“AND WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! WHY ARE YOU IN MY BASE?!” Zim demanded, the party goer’s began to gathering their belongings, getting ready to leave. 
“I threw a party master!” Gir grinned, Mimi and Vir then escaped out a broken window. “NO more parties Gir.” Zim ordered.
A frown formed on Gir’s face, “B-but” it uttered, “NO “BUT’S.” Zim shouted, its eyes burning with fury. Gir then pathetically walked away with slumped shoulders, tears streaming down its face.
“GO SOUTH TO CANADA!” Gir cried, Zim let out a gasp, “YOU DO NOT INSULT ME! I AM YOUR MASTER!” Zim spat, Skoodge glanced  at Zim with a shocked look on his face, “Gir learned geography?” He uttered.
“No! Mary shouted dat while on dah phone! He told dat guy to go south to Canada!” Gir replied, his tears fading away.
“I tried to stop him from throwing the party but he didn’t listen…” Sir frowned, glancing up at Skoodge. “Thanks for trying to stop him.” Skoodge said, patting Sir on the head.
“Now time to clean up this horrible mess, and fix the broken window.” Zim grumbled, “I’ll help you.” Skoodge proclaimed, “Thanks.” Zim replied, fetching the garage can, mop and some cleaning products. 
It was later that night, around 11:30 pm. Skoodge, Sir and Gir were sitting the couch, munching on some space chips. Zim made xyr way to the front door, only wearing a hoodie and sweat pants, and not xyr typical invader uniform.
“Where are you going?” Skoodge questioned, “To go see my Dib human” Zim answered, “Oh wait… he’s not really human anymore-“ Zim remembered. 
“Wait really?” Skoodge gasped “Uh yeah. He’s a siren.” Zim replied, OH SHIT! Zim thought in a panic, realizing xe’d just dropped the bombshell. 
Skoodge’s jaw dropped, Sir spat out his drink. 
“Mary’s a fish?” Gir chimed in with a gasp.
“Pretend i didn’t say that.” Zim said, “I promise i won’t tell anyone!” Skoodge insisted, “does anyone else know?” He asked.
“Yeah but only a few people uh… Gaz knows because she’s a siren too, Gir knows now-, uh Keef knows and I do and you do to now but other then that no one else does.” Zim said. 
Skoodge didn’t know what to say, and Zim soon made xyr way to Dib’s house. 
“Daaamn Mary’s a fishy!” Gir remarked, “Hey you can’t say that!” Skoodge retorted, “Master doesn’t care if I do!” Gir retorted back, munching on some chips and slurping some soda as he watched reruns of The Scary Monkey Show.
Dib snoozed in his bed, until he heard some strange noises coming from outside.
“Huh?” He uttered, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, grabbing his glasses.
They noticed someone standing outside their window, Zim.
Surprisingly, Zim didn’t have his disguise on, he was just wearing a hoodie.
“Zim? What are you doing here so late?” Dib asked groggily, “Zim missed the Dib.” He answered, staring into Dib’s soul with his massive, magenta hued eye, his antennae flattened against his head.
Dib lethargically opened the window. 
“Come here you stupid bug.” They grumbled affectionately, picking up Zim and pulling it close, then closing the window again.
Dib cuddled Zim as he pulled the comforter over the two of them, Zim had that cute look on its face. It buried its head into Dib’s shirt, letting out purrs, Dib gently stroked its head, starching the area near xyr antennae.
“I missed you so much Dib fish.” Zim said affectionately, with a muffed voice. “I missed you too, Spaceboy.” Dib smiled softly, Zim let out cat like purrs as Dib drifted off to sleep. 
It was 5:30 am, it was still dark outside. 
Dib opened his eyes, he noticed Zim staring into his soul, they flinched. “Oh my god you scared me-“ they said.
“Zim is sorry…” Zim frowned.
“Hey it’s fine.” Dib yawned, sitting up, still cuddling Zim in their arms. 
“WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??” Zim demanded at the sight of Dib’s army of Mothman plushies, pointing a finger at them. 
“Those are my moths!” Dib answered. 
They pointed to black, fluffy and worn looking one with large red eyes and large wings, similar to that of a spear marked black moth, it had fluffy antennae. 
“That’s Mothy,” Dib began, they then grabbed another mothman plushie, it had the same shape as a Mothy, but it had different markings, like that of a giant leopard moth. 
“And that’s its wife, Felisha.” Dib adds, 
then pointing to a beaten up looking, and smaller looking mothman plushie, it had markings that resembled a black and white tiger moth. 
“And that’s Mothy and Felisha’s child, Mothy Junior, or otherwise, MJ.” Dib finished. 
They then Infodumped all about their Mothman and alien plushies, including their backstories, goals and motives. 
“That’s interesting.” Zim remarked once Dib finished rambling, Dib nodded with a smile.
“Anyway, I gotta get out of here. Skoodge messaged me saying that Gir had made a giant mess, again.” Zim began. See you later Dib fish.” Zim finished affectionately, “Okay, see you later bug.” Dib smiled, giving Zim a kiss on the forehead, Zim let out a soft purr, liking Dib’s forehead before climbing out the window with the help of xyr pak legs.
It was later that morning, at 9:30 am.
Professor Membrane glanced at his two children as they ate breakfast together.
Dib sipped his orange juice and Gaz munched on her cereal as she fiddled with the controls on her Gameslave.
“Hey kids do you want to go on a trip to the beach sometime soon? I think we’d have a great time!!!” Professor Membrane said, sipping his coffee.
Dib and Gaz glanced at each other, “How would we explain the siren thing to Dad?” Gaz questioned, whispering.
“I have no idea- let’s try and change his mind.” Dib replied, whispering.
“No.. how about we go to the pool instead? Or the lake!” Gaz suggested “Alright then! The lake a it is!” Professor Membrane smiled, then fetching something’s like a shovel and pal.
Dib and Gaz let out sighs of relief.
No I don’t have to explain the siren thing to Dad… at least not yet. Dib thought, then taking another bite of his cereal.
Dib made his way to the local convince store, spotting a duo of stray dogs nearby. 
Dib couldn’t help but feel bad for the poor dogs as they walked down the street. 
They dug around in their coat pocket, finding a piece of bread. “Want some bread?” They offered, the two dogs panted and sat patiently, begging for some. 
Dib ripped it half, “Here you go!” They smiled, giving the bread to the dogs. The dogs seemed grateful as Dib walked away, and into the store.
Dib went straight to the slushy machine, ready for a nice, refreshing Suck Monkey. Hm… cherry or blue raspberry… how about both. Dib decided, grabbing a cup from the cup holder, choosing a medium sized one and placing it under the slushy dispenser.
Dib soon got his drink and payed for it, then walking back outside.
He was about to leave, until he heard something strange coming from the back of store.
Dib rose his eyebrow, deciding to go investigate for himself.
Dib quietly made their way to the dumpster as they tiptoed to it, they then noticed to two shadowy silhouette’s of what looked to be two girls, both with short hair.
“I’m sorry about him… that’s annoying.” One of them apologized, having a British accent with a dash of Valley Girl.
Dib’s eyes widened with shock. He knew that voice. 
Tak?! Dib realized, what the hell was she doing?
“Hey don’t apologize. I’m used to Dib being an annoyance. I guess he’ll forever ever see me as a “stupid baby” that he needs to protect. Even though he knows damn well that I don’t need his protection.” The other replied.
“I hate how they always have to be all up in my business. I wish they’d leave me alone for once.” Gaz grumbled, Tak wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “I’m sorry that you have to hear me vent-“ Gaz apologized, “No, you’re fine.” Tak insisted, licking Gaz on the cheek.
Dib couldn’t believe his eyes.
Please tell me I did not see Tak lick Gaz’s cheek… please tell me this is a nightmare! He thought desperately. 
There was more to it than met eye.
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docrotten · 2 years
Upcoming Horror Movies for MARCH 2023 - SCREAM VI, 65, THE LAKE, and more...
Welcome to HORROR NEWS RADIO for February 27, 2023. JOIN US FOR movie news of the week and the 13 HORROR MOVIES IN MARCH 2023. All this, and more, coming up next…
I am your host Doc Rotten and this is HNR, the official GRUESOME MAGAZINE HORROR NEWS podcast. Back with me again are the scariest, goriest, bloodiest co-hosts on the 'Net: Dave Dreher, the lead news writer at Gruesome Magazine.
Eli Roth adds cast to his THANKSGIVING horror feature include Patrick Dempsey. Source: Hollywood Reporter, Deadline, and Hollywood Reporter. Blumhouse's THE EXORCIST (2023) reboot adds cast including Jennifer Nettles. Source: Deadline, Variety, Deadline, Deadline.
Pennywise is heading to HBOMax in new series WELCOME TO DERRY. Source: Gruesome Magazine.
First trailer for THE POPE'S EXORCIST provides first look.
03/02 Spoonful of Sugar (Shudder)
Millicent is taking a semester off from her studies to concentrate on her thesis about children with severe allergies, which makes her the perfect person to take care of little Johnny, a sickly, mute child who suffers from every allergy under the sun, from nickel to artificial fabric. His overbearing mother, Rebecca, is an accomplished author who is focused on her latest book release, while his dissatisfied father, Jacob, spends sweaty, shirtless days toiling away on a carpentry project in the backyard.
Director: Mercedes Bryce Morgan
Writer: Leah Saint Marie
Cast: Morgan Saylor, Kat Foster, Myko Olivier
03/02 The Park (XYZ Films)
After a virus kills all of the Earth's adults, rival children battle for control of an abandoned theme park.
Writer/Director: Shal Ngo
Cast; Carli McIntyre, Laura Coover, Billy Slaughter
03/03 Sound of Silence (XYZ Films)
Emma must uncover the dark secret behind a cursed radio to survive and protect her family.
Writter/Director: Alessandro Antonaci, Daniel Lascar, Stefano Mandalà, T3
Cast: Lucia Caporaso, Chiara Casolari, Daniele De Martino
03/03 Hunt Her, Kill Her (Welcome Villain)
On an otherwise peaceful evening during her first night on the job, a lone night shift janitor finds herself in an unexpected fight for survival when she becomes the target of sinister masked intruders. As their disturbing motives become clearer, she must use her crafty instincts and barbaric violence to make it through the night alive.
Directors: Greg Swinson, Ryan Thiessen
Writer: Greg Swinson
Cast: Natalie Terrazzino, JC Oakley III, Larry Bunton
03/03 Children of the Corn (2023)
The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults' irresponsibility ruins the crop and the children's future.
Writer/Director: Kurt Wimmer
Cast: Elena Kampouris, Kate Moyer, Callan Mulvey, Bruce Spence
03/07 Unseen (Paramount+)
Sam, receives a call from Emily a nearly blind woman who is running from her murderous ex in the woods. She must survive the ordeal with Sam being her eyes using video call.
Director: Yoko Okumura
Writers: Salvadore Cardoni, Brian Rawlins
Cast: Missi Pyle, Midori Francis, Jolene Purdy
03/10 Scream 6 (Theatrical)
In the next installment, the survivors of the Ghostface killings leave Woodsboro behind and start a fresh chapter in New York City.
Directors: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
Writers: James Vanderbilt, Guy Busick
Based on Characters by: Kevin Williamson
Cast: Melissa Barrera, Courtney Cox, Jenna Ortega, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Mason Gooding, Hayden Panettiere, Samara Weaving, Durmot Mulroney
03/10 65 (Theatrical)
An astronaut crash lands on a mysterious planet only to discover he's not alone.
Writers/Directors: Scott Beck, Bryan Woods
Cast: Adam Driver, Ariana Greenblatt, Chloe Coleman
03/10 The Lake (Theatrical limited)
One child brought back a strange egg, until realized that it was a monster egg. It emerged from the lake. and kill everyone in the whole town
Directors: Lee Thongkham, Aqing Xu
Writer: Lee Thongkham
Cast: Chakrit Boonkeaw, Naiyana Bumee, Wanmai Chatborirak
03/10 Unwelcome
Married couple Maya and Jamie escape their urban nightmare to the tranquility of rural Ireland only to discover malevolent and murderous goblins lurking in the gnarled, ancient wood at the foot of their new garden.
Director: Jon Wright
Writers: Mark Stay, Jon Wright
Cast: Hannah John-Kamen, Douglas Booth, Colm Meaney
03/27 Leave (Shudder)
A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling her to leave.
Director: Alex Herron
Writer: Thomas Moldestad
Cast: Alicia von Rittberg, Herman Tommeraas, Stig R. Amdam
03/31 Enys Men (Neon)
Set in 1973 on an uninhabited island off the Cornish coast, a wildlife volunteer's daily observations of a rare flower turn into a metaphysical journey that forces her as well as the viewer to question what is real and what is nightmare.
Writer/Director: Mark Jenkin
Cast: Mary Woodvine, Edward Rowe, Flo Crowe
03/31 The Unheard (Shudder)
Director: Jeffrey A. Brown
Writers: Michael Rasmussen, Shawn Rasmussen
Cast: Lachlan Watson, Michele Hicks, Nick Sandow
Chad White
Awesome show everyone. Thanks for compiling all these upcoming movies. There is a lot to look forward to. I love twist movies, so I'm hoping M.Night Shyamalan can bring the magic.
BTW…No worries Crystal; both Possession and Possessor were awesome. Thanks for the recommendation.
I really appreciate all the hard work you all do for the show.
Check out this episode!
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sbnkalny · 2 years
Our damn jobs. We're a Research Commission. Get to researching. And while we're at it, we need to achieve two things: First, those dangerous monsters need to be taken care of. I'll be sending our best teams to each area.
The tax cuts and jobs Act of two parts on opposite Sides of the lake. The research commission for forty-odd years, the numbers mason. If we can get to. While we're on board, reached it on its wings.. But...You have chosen or been chosen to relocate to one of our best yet!
0 notes
brokehorrorfan · 2 years
Tumblr media
Classic Monsters Unleashed will be published on July 12 via Black Spot Books and Crystal Lake Publishing. The 450-page horror anthology consists of 29 new stories that reimagine horror’s classic monsters.
Contributors include Joe R. Lansdale, Jonathan Maberry, Ramsey Campbell, F. Paul Wilson, Richard Christian Matheson, Dacre Stoker, Seanan McGuire, Lisa Morton, Owl Goingback, Maurice Broaddus, Linda D. Addison, Alessandro Manzetti, Tim Waggoner, John Palisano, Mercedes M. Yardley, Lucy A. Snyder, Gary A. Braunbeck, Rena Mason, Monique Snyman, and more.
Edited by Weird Tales Magazine editor James Aquilone, the book will be available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book. It features an introduction by film historian Kim Newman and artwork by Mister Sam Shearon and Colton Worley.
Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, the Bride of Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Moreau, the Headless Horseman, the Invisible Man, the Phantom of the Opera, the Wicked Witch of the West—they're all here, in this collection of horror short stories that reimagine, subvert, and pay homage to our favorite monsters and creatures.
Pre-order Classic Monsters Unleashed.
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